Cocklust Ch. 09 free porn video

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The first week of the semester was as crazy as could be.  It wasn’t enough that I was juggling my new classes, settling into my new apartment, and all that other stuff that I’d expected to do.  Now, on top of all that, I was setting out on a new relationship— and that was the part that terrified me the most.

I still hadn’t gotten used to the word “boyfriend”.  Chad and I had only used it a few times, and only in private.  The sound of it still seemed weird to me.  That one word acknowledged we were gay, and that we had feelings for each other, and that we were having sex— none of which we wanted anyone else to know.

Oddly enough, that same word could also make my heart skip a beat.  Now that I’d admitted how I felt about Chad, I had a hard time keeping those emotions in check.  It was a lot like when I’d let myself admit I liked boys, and the way it had unlocked urges I’d never realized I had.  Now I found myself obsessing over Chad, wanting to be with him at all hours, and getting excited whenever I was about to see him.

I wish I could say I was on cloud nine, but it was never that simple.  Reality kept intruding on our little world.  One day I had a run-in with a pain-in-the-ass professor, and I worried she’d keep torturing me for the rest of the semester.  Chad and I also stressed about the Kap Eps; although we both liked those guys, we didn’t like having to cover up the truth.  Even family phone calls were tricky, since there was so much we couldn’t say.

The most complicated day of all came that weekend when Chad and I went in for our HIV tests.  We made doubly sure no one would see us: we drove to the county health department, which was on the other side of town, and we tried to time it so that no one else would be there.

The clinic was in a crappy little building, surrounded by sketchy neighborhoods on all sides.  Most of the other patients were poor, and I assumed they couldn’t afford to go anywhere else.  I felt a little guilty about that, considering we were just there for the anonymity.  But I figured the place was a public service, so there was nothing wrong with us using it too.

The most awkward part was when a crotchety nurse took me into a room, and she made me give her my sexual history.  The lady went through her checklist like a robot.  “Have you been diagnosed with any STD in the past six months?”


“How many sex partners have you had in the past year?”

“A few,” I said.  “I, well... I haven’t kept count.”

“Were any of them anonymous?”

I cringed but tried to hide it.  “Yes...”

The nurse peered over her glasses.  “Was any of that sex unprotected?”

“With my boyfriend,” I said.  The words came out so quickly, I barely realized I’d just come out to her.  The nurse didn’t seem to notice.

“When was the last time?”

“For unprotected sex?” I asked.  “Well, last night I guess—”

“So with anyone else, what kind of protection did you use?”


“And when was the last time for that?”

I didn’t want to answer, but I forced myself to say the words.  “About two weeks ago,” I said, “I-I mean, my boyfriend and I just started dating.”

“Did any of those condoms break?”

“W-well once, at least that I know of—”

“Were you the receptive partner in any of that?”

“You mean was I bottoming?” I asked.  “Yeah, I mean, sometimes....”

“Have you taken any kind of pre- or post-exposure prophylaxis, like Truvada?”

I took a deep breath.  “No.”

“Okay then,” she said, “now let me see your arm.”

I did as I was told, and she took a vial of blood.  Then the nurse left the room, and I sat there by myself.

I pulled out my phone and texted Chad.  Any news? I wrote.

Yeah, he wrote back.  Mine was negative.

I hadn’t expected anything else, but I still felt relieved.  Cool, I wrote.  Still waiting on mine.

Eventually, the nurse came back into the room.  “All right, kid,” she said, “I have good news and bad news.”

I felt a pang of anxiety.  “Okay...”

“The good news is, you tested negative.  But the bad news is, with your history, you’re at pretty high risk.  You’ll need to be tested again to be sure.”

“I— what?”

“HIV takes a while to show up on tests,” she said.  “If you were exposed two weeks ago, it’s too early to tell.  These tests really measure your immune system’s response.  If you do get infected, it takes about a month for the antibodies to show up in your blood.  Which is why you’ll need to get another test later.”

I swallowed.  I remembered learning about this stuff in health class, but I’d never thought I’d need to deal with it myself.  “W-what about that PrEP stuff?  Truvada?”

“It’s too late for that,” she said.  “It only works if you take it beforehand, otherwise it’s like putting on a condom after you finished.  There’s another treatment, basically a morning-after pill, but you have to start it within 72 hours.  So at the stage you’re at, your ship has sailed.  All you can do is wait and hope for the best.”

“Shit,” I said.  “B-but if I did get it... I mean, it’s not the 80’s anymore.  HIV isn’t deadly now, is it?”

“Humph,” she said.  “Tell that to the million people a year who still die from it.  I mean yeah, HIV is treatable now; so with good enough care, you can still live a normal life.  But it’s no joke.  You have to watch yourself each and every day, and it’s not cheap either.  Just the medications cost thousands of dollars a year.  So no: if you think it’s something to trifle with, you’ve got another thing coming.”

I tried to wrap my mind around what I’d just heard.  “Y-you’re saying I won’t know for a month?  Or more?”

“Well,” she said, “you could always try a Nucleic Acid Test.  It’s not part of our free testing, but it tests for the actual virus, which means it picks it up a lot sooner.  So if you want the peace of mind—”

“Yeah I do,” I said without thinking.  “Can I get it today?”

“Nope,” she said.  “You’ll need to set a follow-up appointment.  In your situation, I’d say come back in ten days.”  She got up, stuffed her chart notes under her arm, and fiddled with her glasses.  “And do yourself a favor, kid: stay safe from here on out.”

I didn’t say a word as she sent me on my way.  Ten days still seemed like a long time, but I thought I could live with it.  At least it was better than the alternative.

The drive home, though, felt like it would never end.  Chad and I spent most of it in silence.  I was so queasy that I wanted to throw up.  I kept imagining the worst, and I thought of all the ways this could fuck up my life.

The ironic part was that I’d started to understand why I’d slept around.  When Chad and I were apart, I’d kept trying to get what I needed from somebody else.  But no matter how hard I’d tried, none of my hookups could’ve really hit the spot.  The result was that I’d now put Chad at risk, and I hated myself for that.

“I dunno,” Chad finally said, “I’m hoping she just laid it on too thick.  I mean, it can’t really be that bad, can it?”

I sighed.  “Hell if I know,” I said.  “I mean, if I got myself infected, that’d be my fault, not yours.  It’s just... I guess with the barebacking we’ve been doing—”

“Don’t blame yourself,” he said.  “You warned me and everything, and you were going to wear a condom, and I was the one who said no—”

“I just don’t want anything to happen to you.”

Chad turned to me for a second, then looked back at the road.  “Listen,” he said, “I know I said I didn’t want details— about this summer, I mean— but I think I changed my mind.”

Oh shit, I thought.  I braced myself for what might come next.

“Just tell me what happened.”

My voice caught in my throat.  I couldn’t tell if I’d gone white with fear, or red with embarrassment, or an unholy combination of both.  “W-well,” I said, “I made a few trips to Boystown... and I was on Grindr.”

“Grindr?” he asked.  “Like the hookup app?”

“I mean, there’s more to it than that—”

“How does that even work?”

I frowned.  That wasn’t the reaction I expected.  “What?”

“I don’t know the first thing about that shit,” he said.  “I mean, Marcos taught me a lot, but not that.”

“W-well you gotta understand, I’ve deleted it now—”


“Because I didn’t need it anymore,” I said, “or even want it.  Not after you said you’d be my boyfriend.”

Chad pulled up to my apartment, and he put his car in park.  He chewed his lip for a second, then looked over at me.  “Look,” he said, “I never expected you to be perfect.  At least not like that.  I-I mean, I guess it’s partly my doing.  If it hadn’t been for my bullshit this summer—”

“You don’t need to make excuses for me.”

“I’m not,” he said.  “I never said I was happy about it.  But you didn’t kill me for what I did... and I guess, well, it goes both ways.”  He took a deep breath.  “What I’m trying to say is: I don’t know how I feel about this.  I guess I probably won’t know for a while.  But I do want to know everything about you.  I want to see all the parts of you that nobody else gets to see.”


“You scare the shit out of me, Scott.  You always have.  But not in the usual way.  It’s more like you’re turning my life upside down, and I don’t know what the fuck to do about it.  Why do you think I freaked out on you that one time?”

I didn’t know how to respond to that.  I just blinked.

“And the fact that I couldn’t walk away from you, or even stop thinking about you, even after months of trying... well, if I can’t fight it, then I at least need to know what I’m in for.”

I tried to come up with an answer, but I couldn’t.  “I-I don’t really know either,” I said.

“Well,” he said, “you can start by showing me what you were up to this summer.”

I really didn’t want to go there.  I was so confused and conflicted that I didn’t know what to do.  But I knew I’d have to find a way.  “Okay,” I finally said, “if you really want to see, come inside.”

With that, Chad followed me into my apartment.  My phone took a few minutes to re-install Grindr, and once it was done, I handed it to Chad.

“Okay,” I said.  “So this screen here is the grid.  All these guys show up based on how far away they are.  If you want to see details, just tap on their picture.  If you want to see their full profile, swipe up.  Then you can message them if you want.”

Chad frowned.  He scrolled through the grid, and he looked at some of the profiles.  “That’s a lot of dudes,” he said.

“And that’s just the tip of the iceberg,” I said.  “This is just the free version.  The pay version apparently lets you see more, although it’s not like we need it—”

“I recognize this guy,” he said as he swiped up.  “I’ve seen him on campus.”

The profile showed a curly-haired guy, who called himself O’Mac.  He’d apparently been online 50 minutes before, and he was 1200 feet away.  He said he was looking for relationships and friendship.

“That’s cool,” I said.  “Do you think he’s hot?”

Chad seemed about to say yes, but then he stopped himself.  “He’s not bad looking,” he said.

“Anyway, here’s the chat screen,” I said.  I tapped on the icon, but it just took me to a blank screen.  “Shit....”


“Apparently my old chats got deleted.”  I swallowed hard.  “I’d totally show you if I could....”

Suddenly a message came through.  It came from someone called DTF, and it was just a single word: Hey!

Chad snorted.  “Somebody wants you.”

“You know I’m not interested.”

“You better not be,” he said as put my phone down, and he moved in to kiss me.  We made out for a minute; then he turned and whispered in my ear: “I just want you to be with me.  And nobody else.”

I was caught a little off guard since I hadn’t expected him to talk to me that way.  But I had to admit it was music to my ears.  “Same here,” was all I could say.

“So do I need to kick that guy’s ass?”


He pointed at my phone, where a few more messages had come through.  “I don’t want anyone making eyes at my man.”

By now we were both hard, and we were fumbling around on the bed.  Chad kissed my neck and made his way up to my earlobe.  My nerves started going crazy.  “I want to have sex with you so bad,” I said.  “I-I mean, I know we probably shouldn’t, not till the other tests come back or whatever—”

“Sh,” he said as he wrapped his arms around me.

“W-well, I don’t want to risk anything, I mean any more than I already have—”

“You don’t need to,” he said.  “We’ll just need to get creative.”

“What do you mean?”

“I have an idea.”


“Wait here,” he said as he pulled away from me.  Then he turned and headed outside.

I frowned as I tried to figure out what he was doing.  I looked outside and saw Chad closing the trunk of his car.  He held a plain brown box in his hands.  He hurried back inside and closed the door behind him.

“I was going to give you this anyway,” he said, “now that we’re officially together.”

I didn’t know what to say to that.  “What?”

“If you want, you can call it a surprise for our one-week anniversary.”

I took the box in my hands.  I couldn’t help feeling a little embarrassed.  I wasn’t expecting any surprise— though I knew that was the point— and I’d never thought to get Chad anything.  I was very much still getting the hang of this relationship stuff.  “Now you don’t need to get sentimental on me—”

“I don’t think you’ll call it sentimental,” he said, “not when you see what it is.”

Those words had me intrigued.  I frowned, pulled off the tape, and opened the box.  Inside was a vibrator complete with a remote control.

“It’s supposed to feel really good,” he said.  “So if you’re craving something inside you—”

“It’s awesome,” I said, and I gave him another kiss.  I felt like I was being drawn to him by an irresistible force; the more shit I went through, the more I felt like I needed him.

Chad responded in kind: he started fumbling with my clothes, and he stripped off my shirt.  I tossed his sunglasses aside, but before I could do any more, he yanked down my shorts and my underwear.  “If you’re going to be a slut, you’d better be my slut,” he said.  “Now bend over.”

I followed his orders as quickly as I could, though I wasn’t sure what to expect.

“I’m not going to fuck you,” he said, “not tonight at least.  But I’m gonna get you nice and ready for what you’re about to get.”

“Okay,” was all I could say.

Chad dove between my legs, and I felt his lips on my taint.  He flicked his tongue against my skin, just enough to tease me, and he made his way toward my boyhole.  Then he smacked my butt cheeks.  “You’ve got the perfect ass,” he said.  “Such a tight juicy ass....”

“Fucking eat it,” I said.  “Have your way with it.”

Chad shoved his face in my crack, and he started eating away.  I couldn’t tell what he was doing with his lips, exactly, or his tongue.  All I knew was that it felt great in my crack.

I just closed my eyes and arched my neck.  “Oh fuck,” I said, “yeah, keep doing that....”

Chad had his mouth full, so he didn’t answer.  He just kept servicing me as if his life depended on it.

I lowered my voice to a whisper.  “How does it taste?”

Chad moved his face about an inch from my ass.  “It tastes like you, baby,” he said, “and I love it.”  Then he went back to ravaging me.

I gasped and closed my eyes.  “Oh shit,” was all I could say.

Chad kept rimming me for another minute or two, then stepped back and stripped off his shirt.  He grabbed our lube bottle, then leaned back over me.

I felt something hard against me.  At first, I assumed it was Chad’s dick, but then I felt it go inside me, and I realized it was thinner than what I was used to.  I glanced between my legs, and I saw he was fingering my ass.

Chad fucked me with his pointer finger, then pulled it out partway.  Then he added his middle finger.   He used his free hand to spread my ass open as wide as it would go.

I pressed my body back against him, and I felt his fingers go deeper inside me.  “Oh yeah,” I said, “go in all the way.”

Chad’s hand kept sliding further in, and he started exploring the inside of my ass.  It only took him a few seconds to find my prostate and start playing with it.  My nerves went wild, and feelings of ecstasy rippled through my body.  It was the first time my gland had been pleasured like that, and I loved every second of it.

I didn’t want to cum too soon, so I pulled away and rolled onto my back.  “I want to kiss you,” I said.

Chad didn’t waste a second.  He leaned down, and we started sucking face.  I couldn’t get enough of the taste of his lips or the smell of his breath.  I wanted him more than I’d ever thought possible.  I gripped his face with my hands, while Chad pressed the rest of his body against mine.

“Let’s get these shorts off you,” I finally said.

Chad stepped back, and I undid his fly.  I pulled out his cock and gave it a quick suck.  It felt like it had been ages since I’d had him in my mouth.  I was so ravenous that I had to force myself not to blow him to completion.

After a few seconds, I pulled back and gave him a few tugs.  Then I pulled down his shorts and undies the rest of the way.  His naked body was so gorgeous, I still couldn’t quite believe it was real.

Chad picked up the vibrator.  “Are you ready for this?”

“Hell yeah,” I said as I leaned back and spread my legs.

Chad pressed the vibrator against my taint; then he ran it in circles around my pucker.  I couldn’t stand any more teasing, so I reached down and guided it inside me.  I felt the head pop in, and then the shaft slid in inch by inch.

The vibrator wasn’t as warm as Chad’s cock— or as satisfying, for that matter— but I still loved the feeling of it going up my ass.  It seemed to fill me up, and it definitely stretched out my sphincter, which was really what I needed.

“Go ahead,” Chad said.  “I want to watch you fucking yourself.”

I looked down at Chad’s dick, then glanced over at his hand.  He was still holding the vibrator’s remote control.  “Don’t you want to turn it on?” I asked.

“I will eventually,” he said.  “I promise.”

I gazed into Chad’s eyes, then started sliding the vibrator in and out of me.  The more I did it, the better it started to feel.

“Yeah baby,” he said.  “That’s it.”

I wanted to say something back, but somehow I couldn’t.  I just stared at him while I fucked myself.

“You like that, don’t you?”

“Yeah,” I said, “but I wish you were the one fucking me—”

“Me too,” he said as he leaned in and gave me a kiss.  “There’ll be plenty of time for that later.”

We made out for a minute or two, all while I kept pleasuring my ass.  The vibrator’s shaft was just a little bit ribbed, so I felt each of the ridges pop past my fuckring.

Then, without any warning, Chad flipped the switch.  I felt the vibrator shake against my prostate, and a jolt of electricity shot through me.  “Oh shit!” was all I could say.  My whole body started going into spasms.  I could barely help myself as I flopped all over the bed.

“Yeah,” Chad said.  “That’s so fucking hot....”

“Oh God,” I said as I tried to control my body.  The waves of pleasure were too much; I just couldn’t resist what my muscles were doing.

“Okay baby,” Chad said as he turned the vibrator off.  “If you don’t want it on, we don’t need it.”

“I didn’t say that,” I replied.  I let out a deep breath.  “That was so fucking good—”

“Are you saying you want more?”

“Baby,” I said, “I want more than you can ever imagine.”

He flipped the switch again, and the vibrator came back on.  My thighs convulsed, and my legs flew into the air.  I got a grip on most of my body, but my ass kept quivering, and I couldn’t get it to stop.

“Fuck!” I yelled.  I kept waiting for the shaking to stop, but Chad wouldn’t turn it off.

“That’s so hot,” he said as he started stroking himself.

The vibrator felt incredible, but the spectacle in front of me was even better.  I couldn’t get over the sight of Chad jacking off, despite all the times I’d seen it before.  He still looked indescribably hot, with his practically flawless body, his rock-hard cock, and the look of desire on his face.  He beat himself faster and faster, while I soaked in the view.  Finally I couldn’t take it anymore.  “Oh shit!” I yelled as I busted my nut.

Chad didn’t miss a beat.  “Oh yeah....”

I was still trying to catch my breath.  I hadn’t touched myself the whole time.  “Don’t bust yet,” I whispered.


I reached for his remote.  I turned the vibrator off, then pulled it out of my ass.  “I want to watch you ride this,” I said.

“Are you sure?”

“Trust me,” I said, “you won’t regret it.”  I applied some fresh lube, then made Chad get up.  Then I pointed the vibrator straight up, and slowly but surely, Chad lowered himself onto it.

“Oh shit,” he said.  “That does feel good....”

“I want to do to you what you did to me.”  I started kissing him, and I guided his hand toward his hole.  “Go ahead: start fucking your ass.”

Chad did as he was told.  The vibrator had already disappeared inside him, but he pulled it back out.  He teased his own hole for a second, then slid the vibrator back in, and the cycle repeated itself a couple more times.

I could’ve watched him all day.  I’d never seen Chad violate his own ass like that, but it was so fucking sexy, I couldn’t take my eyes off it.  I gripped the remote, and I waited for just the right moment till I suddenly flipped the switch.

“Omigod!” he yelled as he fell flat on the bed, and his body went into contortions.  He gripped the headboard and tried to control himself.

“Take it, baby,” I said as I leaned in to kiss him.  Chad could barely reciprocate.  He just laid there with his jaw open, while I ran my tongue around his mouth.  Then I nibbled on his lower lip, till finally, we started making out.

Chad let out a loud groan, and before I could react, I felt his warm jizz hit my face.  At least two shots splashed against my cheek; then I looked down and saw the rest of his cum splattered on his stomach.

“That didn’t take you long,” I said as I turned the vibrator off.

“Oh fuck yeah,” he said.  “I can’t feel my legs...”

“Isn’t that the idea?”

Chad just laughed.  He pulled the vibrator out, then tossed it aside.  Finally, he put his arms around me and pulled me as close as he could.  “Well,” he said, “if we can keep doing that for ten days, it’ll sure make that time go by faster.”

I licked my lips.  “Well,” I said, “I guess that’s a present for both of us.”


To be continued...



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My New Princess

     Ever since puberty I have been enamored with beautiful Dominant Women.  Most of the fantasies I have ever had revolved around being at the feet of, and wrapped around the finger of a statuesque Femme Fatale.  Throughout my entire life I have sought these types of Women but have never found one that really shared my desires.  Sure I have met my share of demanding Women but it usually turned out that they were demanding and controlling in a vanilla way and when I told them of my fantasies...

2 years ago
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Her Apple PieChapter 5 Relapse

Five days later, Cliff was doing the second shift, 2 p.m. to 10 p.m., his favorite. It meant that he had his parents' house to himself all morning. He could get out the Stratocaster, hook it up to the amp and just play for the heck of it. He knew he had improved vastly since high school and he had to admit to himself that he loved to play. This morning he had tried his hands on a few soli by Clapton, way back in time from his years with The Cream. Okay, he would never be confused with The...

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Weekend Cook

LUNCH It started out simply enough; and as these things do, it went awry. Or was it perfectly? I guess that depends on your point of view. But let me digress to the beginning... Corinne and I went to a well-known pizza joint to have lunch with the kids, Dominique and her kids, Holly and her kids, on a bright wintry Sunday afternoon. Corinne was telling Dominique and Holly about a house we sometimes borrow buried in the deep woods in a very scenic part of the state. The next thing I...

1 year ago
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THE UNINVITED The Nanci Report Chapter 52

The UninvitedThe Nanci Report - a fine line between reality and fantasy Chapter 5 Part 2Sunday was a nightmare for Nanci; the day before she had reached home rather early. It was fortunate that her girlfriend was still upset at her for making her come home alone from the party, so when Nanci opened the door she hadn't even looked at her when she walked into the room.It was good, for now... she rapidly turned into the hallway leading to the washroom and disappeared from viewShe took all of her...

4 years ago
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Twitter Follower 2

by teeboneThe whole next day at work was a blur. I finished up some client work early, got in an extra hard workout, and headed home. We had dinner, not mentioning the tension in the room we both felt, cleaned up and showered. When I came into the living room after my shower, Hanna had set up candles and opened a bottle of wine. She was wearing a black see through chemise and had her legs curled under her on the couch. I thought how beautiful she was and I was about to make the decision to let...

3 years ago
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Municipal BlondesChapter 2 It takes a thief

DAG NEEDS INFORMATION. That amazing brain of his put together a puzzle. Angel and Simon had tattoos with part of the security key. Dag says Bradley Keane had the missing set of numbers. He asked me to go find Bradley’s body and copy down the characters on the tattoo. I can’t handle the truth of why I went on this foolish errand tonight. Dag asked me to. That’s all I can handle and by God, I’m determined to do what he asked. Term life insurance I left the hospital and went to the office....

4 years ago
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diary pt4

The next morning, I woke up with a silly grin on my face. I stretched lightly and searched for my companion. Deep down I dreaded the morning after, knowing things wouldn't be as simple as they were last night, but I was ready and willing to face the new day head on, whatever it may bring. I couldn't even imagine how wrong I could possibly be. Jeanie, whom I had spent the night making glorious love to, was standing at the end of the bed holding her diary in her left hand, pointing it accusingly...

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Nowhere Man Book OneChapter 19

John and Maranga appeared at the door of the Chief’s Hut, fully dressed, but with wide smiles on their faces. Numa opened her arms to Maranga, saying, “Welcome to the family, sister!” Maranga hugged Numa and whispered, “Is it always that good? That is twice.” Numa told her, “Not always, for it depends on how the people involved are feeling at the time, but with John, it is pretty good as a rule. And he seems to be a potent male, based on how many of us are already pregnant.” “Yes. I am...

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How I became a dirty anal cumslut

Looking back it's pretty obvious how I became such a good dirty cum slut.Ever since that day at school when the principal called me into his office I have obsessed over cock. It was late in the year, close to graduation, and it already felt like summer. It gets so hot here. That day I had worn a short dress to school. It was an older one of mine, but a favorite, so I didn't mind that it was getting a bit small on me. And it was so hot that the short length felt good on my legs and ass, letting...

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CHAPTER 22B: OUR SECOND/FIRST HONEYMOON, PART 2The next morning they awoke early in the morning and were on the beachside porch, naked and their feet up on the railing looking out over the morning ocean when Nancy arrived with coffee and fresh cut fruit. She announced herself and Tim called for her to bring it out to the porch. She set the tray on a table and poured coffee for each, “How are you guys doing this morning? You all look more refreshed than yesterday morning.”Barb chuckled, “Well,...

1 year ago
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HindsightChapter 7

Saturday evening was pleasant enough but Mary Ellen was very nervous. The four of them went to their favorite restaurant downtown. Mary Ellen could hardly eat. She was excited and worried. Excited about initiating sex with Richard and worried that he would reject her. In all their years of marriage she had never been the aggressive one. Her eyes constantly met Dana's, looking for support. In the ladies room, Dana said, "It seems to be going okay huh?" "I don't know. I'm so nervous, I...

2 years ago
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Another Love Part 4

My body overheating forced me awake the next morning. The reason for overheating was the two girls snuggled up to me on either side.Both girls would more than likely have sore heads when they awoke, we had all drunk more than we planned. I lay there and smiled, remembering how the events of the evening had unfolded after we had got back from the party games.-----We almost crashed through the door to Jade’s student accommodation having staggered the fifty or so metres from the party flat. Both...

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I’ve had an incredibly long day at work and when I get home all I can think of is getting into a nice hot bath and relaxing my body. I start to run the water into the large porcelain tub and pour scented bubble bath into the water. I light candles all around the bathroom and turn off the lights so I am in partial darkness. I play soft, relaxing music, most likely Sarah McLachlan and Marvin Gaye and slowly start to remove my clothing. I go back into the bedroom and remove my shoes and panty hose...

4 years ago
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Talk Dirty To Me Part 2

So it took a few years of coaching and finally getting my wife pregnant to get her to use “dirty” language when we had a fuck. To me it was basic language in my American family as even my parents liked to tell filthy jokes and they never minced words, but it wasn,t the done thing in my wife,s family though I found Sarah,s mum quite a “do as I say do” rather than a do as I do type of woman. Once Sarah realised there was no harm when it was just the two of us and okay later when we started taking...

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Nirvana on FireChapter 4

"I'm sorry, Mandy," Tommy Jamieson said as they headed back to his car. "Doc Mayfield is very dedicated. I?ve got to go back to work. You want a ride?" "Thanks, Tommy," she replied, "I think I'll try to find Doc and worm some more info out of him." "Okay. Nice meeting you, Mandy," Jamieson smiled as he shook Mandy's hand. Mandy smiled back and shook his hand warmly. "Thanks for helping, Tommy. I owe you one." Tommy smiled and winked as he pushed through the doors and out to...

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And Along Came A Spider

Meg was weeding the flower beds when she heard the truck pull into the drive. She glanced over her shoulder and waved to the two guys inside. William, her husband, had sent them over to help her out around the house; as today was Saturday and he was fishing. Meg dusted the dirt off her hands and walked over to them as they got out of the truck. “Hi Ben, Matt… thanks for coming out here and helping," said Meg. Ben had been out to the house before, helping out and Meg knew Matt from the team....

Group Sex
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Locked Inside

As the eighties wore on my friend Rich’s telephone business began to prosper. I stayed along for the ride and eventually became his partner. I had gone back to school nights at Rutgers to complete my degree in electrical engineering. After a while I suggested to Rich that we expand our core business to include sophisticated alarm systems. There was a growing need for more and better security systems and we had the know how to service that need. Installing and maintaining alarm systems was not a...

3 years ago
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train sex

Hi friends I am Raj! (Name changed) I live in Karnataka. Now in final year of B tech had to use a fake name cause this story is about my first sexual encounter with my friend’s hot sister! Since my friend does log in to this site, I have used the fake name as I don want him to have even the slightest clue about it. Well I am a great fan of this site. is has such a juicy stories which just gives me a hard on when I read them few stories r fake n few r just fantasies but the real ones are too...

4 years ago
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SeniorChapter 7 Getting Even

An unexpected telephone call from Kelley made me late getting to the airport to pick up Wanda. She'd only had to wait ten minutes, but to Wanda, it was like an hour. "You look smashing!" I exclaimed. "You're late," she retorted. "Are you going to be in a bad mood all weekend?" Wanda batted her eyes, grinning flirtatiously. "No." "Kelley called at the last minute. She was upset about something, and I had to settle her down." "I know. She was afraid I'd tell you. I'm sure...

1 year ago
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Sex With Maid

Hi guys I am ovel (name changed) from bangalore. I am a fair guy, 5’8” with a good athletic physique. The story I am going to narrate is about one of our maids. This is a true incident which goes back about 3 years when I was newly joined for degree. Just after a few months from my joining date, my parents had to go to my native place to be with my grand parents. There was some function and I was not interested to go for that function in my native place. Everybody had to go to the function so I...

2 years ago
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Wish Shift Pebble

Wish Shift: Chapter Fourteen Pebble Year 1 A.S. Day 85 Kirby's little shop sat off to the side of an old drive-in that had been built here when this was the edge of town some fifty years before. Surprisingly to Jenny the sign out in front of the old drive-in said that they were still in business on the weekends. She looked at it casually out of the truck window as she drove past and considered going there sometime, if it was really still in business. The posts holding...

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My Maid Caught

Hi, guys, I’m matsingh and this story is about my maid Babita. She was in her mid-30s and mother of two children. I was 16 at the time when this story happened. She was an average looking brunette with wrinkles on her face and has huge boobs 36-d. She had a curvy ass. I was in class 10 at that time. Now the story begins. It was Monday morning and I was on a leave. We had a big house and I lived on 1 floor. She cleaned my floor at 10 am. At that day I saw an opportunity and I went to washroom...

2 years ago
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Job Hunt

The Job-Hunt by Suzi (Johnson) Thomas It was a really tough job market out there - I had recently graduated college, and going on as many interviews as I could schedule, without success. My girlfriend hadn't had nearly as much trouble, and had landed a well-paying job at an advertising firm. And since we were living together at least I had a roof over my head. I had paid my way through school with a combination of scholarships, loans and part-time jobs, but I just couldn't find...

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Kellys Passion Ch 7

Kelly walked along the shore, listening to sound of the waves as they crashed upon the sand. It was growing late in the afternoon and the beach was now almost completely deserted as the days revelers moved off to prepare for whatever entertainment awaited them on a Friday night during the California summer. The mournful cry of a lone seagull carried over the pulsing waves and the young woman looked up to watch the white bird as it circled gracefully overhead. It, too, felt the shadows creep...

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The Ring

I was met with silence as I walked into my favorite bar. Normally I’d get a shout out like the guy from Cheers, but I think the shock of seeing me was too much for them. You see, just a few weeks ago I was beaten so badly I wasn’t expected to live through the day. I was found several hours after my assault stuffed behind some bushes along side the park’s running trail. I frequently used the trail at night to calm myself and lately I’ve used it an awful lot. An elderly couple found me and...

3 years ago
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StockingsChapter 8 Pegging is Fun

MOM AND I were lounging around one afternoon a couple of weeks later after she’d made Danny come when she asked me if I wanted to help her give him and Dad a treat. “What’s that, Mom?” She smiled. “Give them a little taste of how it is for us. Danny knows what it’s like to wear stockings and the rest of it, and this will show him a little more about what it’s like to be a girl.” “How?” “Be right back.” When Mom returned she carried a strappy thing with a cock. I knew what a dildo was,...

1 year ago
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Sabrina Tabitha Teen WitchesPart 3

I. Tabitha fumed as she paced her mansion. Despite having spent the entire night trying to track them, she failed. Now, she feared she might be dealing with forces even greater than her own. Tabitha walked down the hallway to where she had left Salem and glared at him. Salem stood there - stark naked - a stone statue. "Damn you," she shouted at him, blaming him for this mess. Then she snapped her fingers and brought him back to life. "Tabitha, please, this isn't my fault ... let me...

2 years ago
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Equal Shares Ch 33

At The Firm, a couple of days later, Anne sat at her desk, leaning back, eyes unfocussed, forehead scrunched up, deep in thought. It was a pose that everyone in her area knew, but in this case they’d have been surprised at what she was thinking of. Anne was still unsure about Denise and Stan. ‘Just how would I react if Stan and Denise wanted some private time together? No, erase that. If Stan and Denise had sex together? Made love together? How would I feel?’ What Anne was imagining was Stan...

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Cassies LoveChapter 12

“So, Grandma, what do you think of our home?” Trevor asked Jordan suddenly at the dinner table, breaking the deadly silence of this somber family meal. “It’s amazing, I must say. Your mother did very well with her life, no thanks to me. I have never been so torn between guilt, shame, sorrow, pride, and joy in my life. Guilt, because I did such a God awful thing. Shame, because it was a truly horrible secret that I kept for so damn long! Sorrow, because I didn’t see any of this happen in time...

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Doc Ch 19

Smallpox! Just the sound of the word sent chills up my spine. Remembering the history of Deadwood from my past gave a real feeling of dread. From what I remembered, Deadwood lost almost half its people due to the smallpox epidemic in August of 1876. This was something that sent fear all through my mind as to what I could do about it. I wasn’t worried about myself, since I had been vaccinated as a child. However, I was very worried about my family. Turning to the young man I told him. ‘I...

1 year ago
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MomPOV Livia Sexy Country Cougar Trying Porn

– 59yrs old cougar MILF – Is an old fashioned country living type of woman – Never thought she would do porn but figured why not – She is married and her husband is fully supportive of this – He wished her good luck on the way out the door – They have been married for 20yrs and have tried swinging – She is very sexually active for her age – She likes all men, younger and older – Loves anal sex, took it in her ass this shoot – Very sexy with a body, nice big boobs and a great ass – She spread...

2 years ago
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I Know Hes A KingChapter 3

"I'm going to change the laws when I become a king!" "To what? What is wrong with them now?" I asked Lex. "You know what's wrong. Like this you know. You're my best friend, but actually we are not allowed to see each other. I could change that." "Oh really? You do not get it do you? Even though you write the new law, there will still be walls to break down." "What walls?" Sigh. "Long time no see, pretty girl." "It's you!" I yelled. "Be quiet", he whispered and...

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Bisexual Q and A

Everyone keeps asking me about how a bisexual woman like me can be compatible with a full-on lesbian like Susan. What’s up with that? Yes, I feel very lucky to have a friend-companion-soul mate like her who understands my bisexuality even though it sometimes gets in the way. She lets me have my adventures with men because she always knows I’ll be back and be with her. I get so many questions about my sex life, and I really didn’t intend this to be a sex blog but I don’t mind answering them. I...

1 year ago
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A New PastChapter 6 April Showers

I pulled open the door of the machine shed and stepped back from the bright sunlight and climbed into the Beast. It was time for an unofficial test drive. No one would mistake the car for a Roadrunner any longer. Instead of the muscular angles of the original body, it now had sleek curves over the wheels with a reversed teardrop body. The car hood tapered inward and had a slight reverse chamfer with a chromed grill radiator. I had kept it a two door with a pretty roomy back seat. All of the...

4 years ago
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The Future of Miss PowersChapter 17

Danny was walking to his Physics class with his head down in thought about his art project. He knew that he was kind of becoming obsessed with it. The thing was, he could almost see it working, in his head. There were just a few niggling details like, how to install windows and doors. Or how to paint the interior. There were lots of different little niggling things that were tough to solve, and could make it a virtually impossible task. He mumbled, “Every noble work is at first impossible....

2 years ago
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An Interesting Day

My name is Robert, but my friends call me Bobby. I just finished up my first year of college at the University of Alaska. At this point, I think I’ll be a business major, but I really don’t need to know which way I’ll go yet. I still have three more years to decide what I'll major in. I really enjoyed my first year. I made a lot of friends. There were lots of crazy parties with women who wanted to have sex. I hooked up with a bunch of them. I’m not dating anybody seriously. I really just want...

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The Old West

© Copyright 2003 Jake Miller sat tall in his saddle. He was a very towering and huge man. He stood well over 6 foot tall, and weighed over 200 pounds. The last five years of hard ranch work, plus his time in the Confederate Army made him a strong, hard man. It was a intense, hot day in the canyon. Jake had unbuttoned his shirt in hopes of cooling off. His massive, hairy chest was in full view to his 20 year daughter, Missy. Many times she had seen her father near nude, and he had the...

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Thats a Good Slut

You look at yourself in the hotel mirror, hardly believing that you’ve been able to arrange a night in the big city sans your husband, but here you are, dressed in your slinkiest lingerie, wet to the extent that you're about to leak. He's going to be at the door any minute and you haven’t even laid eyes on him yet; the cop. Sure, you’ve seen a picture, but they never tell the whole story. You’ve talked on-line and on the phone, his voice is sexy as hell, so is what he said he was going to do....

Straight Sex
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The Creature chapter eighteen

CHAPTER EIGHTEEN I slowly came to. By now, I was somewhat used to that helpless, groggy sensation, and while part of me fought hard to wake up, another part of me wished I could stay in that limbo state a little longer. As my senses returned to me, I noticed that I was lying on my bed. Randy was covering my lower body with a small towel - from waist to mid-thighs. After he covered my like that, he sat beside me on my bed and stroked my hair until I was fully awake. Looking down, I could see...

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(Kathy crosses boundaries while on vacation)The sun, its warmth, the sound of ocean waves, the sand and the breeze all let me know I was nowhere near home. As I laid out in the heat and let my skin feel alive once again, I kept my eyes closed and thought about how much I needed this vacation. It was overdue and I mentally made a note not to let it happen again. I had let myself get so deep into work and career that I had come close to burning out.My life at forty was going well by some...

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TJ MorgChapter 67

"Why didn't you take command?" John Dahlgren asked Clare. They were relaxing in Clare's office in anticipation of translating the Junction to Settlement, the day after the action. Dahlgren had attended the debrief and had requested a further debrief by Clare, as he put it, "One commander to an ex commander" It had taken about a minute and a half for Dahlgren to get out of the Link trainer with MCWO Miller's assistance and dash up to the bridge. He found Clare donning her hardsuit...

1 year ago
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Chloes Sex Lessons Ch 17

When Chloe & Randy got to their wedding night room, Chloe sighed as she reflected on how far she had progressed in her life. She grew up on a farm, leading a very simple life. When she arrived at Minneapolis to attend the University of Minnesota, just a scant two years prior, not only was she a virgin, but she had never even been out on a date with a boy. She was so unsophisticated that she did not know how to flirt or interact appropriately with the opposite sex. All she really knew was that...

2 years ago
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My Best Friend

This is my first story, please be kind to me! About a month ago, I caught my boyfriend in our bed, with another girl. She was tied up and he was whipping her, screaming “You like that don’t you”. It was the most horrifying thing I have ever seen. But what made it worse, he was doing a better job on her, than he ever did with me. I always thought he knew nothing about turning on a woman, I was always longing to be touched by him, slowly running his fingers down my body, teasing me. But no, with...

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A Night For Two

I decided then to take all leads. Talking with these two earlier made me realize that Diogo was, in fact, the big brother. During the conversation he often cut off Pedro or finished his sentences for him. I thought, at first, perhaps because Pedro’s English was not as strong. But when I would see his face as Diogo talked I wondered differently. There was more of a shyness to him. More of a vulnerability. More of a frustration. More of a resentment? Whatever it was, I knew for sure Diogo had...

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Paris Trip Part 2

Samantha and I arrived into our truly magnificent hotel and were checked in and unpacking before midday Paris time. It was a large mini suite comprising a small sitting area with desk and two seat sofa, two double beds side by side and large bathroom with free standing bath and a shower and circular curtain rail over one end. My experience the night before and all the talk on the train seemed to have heightened my awareness of how we were going to deal with changing and dressing. Samantha was...

1 year ago
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Captain Cosmic Pt 1

“Uh, yeah… I” Before I can even spit out words, she walks up to me and puts her finger against my lips. “Shhh… No excuses. I’m going to have to punish you,” she says, winking at me. “Now put your hands against the counter, babe. I’m going to have to strip search you.” “Uhhh…” She doesn’t even give me a chance to reply before she whirls me around and pins me against the countertop, holding my hand behind my back. Suddenly her hands are tugging at my belt and before I know it, they’re...

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