Chain Story
- 2 years ago
- 22
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The Past.
It was one of the vivid dreams. Even when she was in it, she could tell. She could feel her heart beating faster just at how real everything around her seemed: blades of grass under bare feet, a cool breeze against her skin.
The sound of screams borne on the wind.
She looked down at her body. She was sleek, compact and well-muscled, a match for her form in real life. But she was naked. Her body was covered from neck to knees in an intricate tracery of blue tattoos. Her nipples stood to attention in the chill air. Her long hair whipped in the wind, and she caught a strand on the fingers of her left hand and looked at it: bronze-coloured, just like in life. That was how she knew this was just a dream.
But it was no comfort. This was no lucid dream, she could not control it. And it was one of the bad ones. She’d had it before. She held a rude cudgel in her right hand, caked with blood and brains. Her intricately-inked flesh was splashed with gore. Looking out on the field, she could see Queen Budugg’s mighty host scattering, broken. The merciless legions were shoving their way through great stacks of corpses, starting to advance down from the ridge to press their advantage.
She had to run. She knew it. She looked back behind her at the wagon train, drawn up to survey the battle in expectation of a victory. After all, they had outnumbered the enemy eight to one. But now, the families of the Iceni and their allies were gathering what they could, scrabbling desperately, fleeing for their lives. Already the Roman cavalry had broken through and over a dozen of the wagons were ablaze.
Queen Budugg was dead, the day lost. She didn’t know how she knew it, why she felt the raw grief of it so powerfully. But she did. She could remember her brave Queen’s face, which made up in inspiration and openness what it lacked in classical beauty. The desolation was overwhelming.
Then she saw a warrior go down in front of her, a sword in his back. It was always the same warrior in the same way, with the same terrible cry. She looked up and broke from her trance, realizing the front edge of the Roman infantry were closer than she’d thought. And she turned and fled.
In the dream she was fleet of foot as a gazelle, and her callused feet hardly felt the ground. She could nigh have flown over the fields if the exhaustion of the failed battle wasn’t on her. But it was.
She broke past one of the burning wagons and sagged to her knees as the screams of her countrymen surrounded her. This was the end of the Iceni, she felt it in every fibre. Where was there to run?
Even Roman discipline gave way before the hot rush of victory. The legionaries were hunting their enemies like foxes chasing rabbits. She felt an armoured body hammer into her from behind, knocking her wind out as her club span away from nerveless fingers. She saw stars, struggled to drew breath.
By the time she managed to suck in a lungful of air with a great, sobbing gasp, she had been forced onto her back and he was atop her. Shushing her.
She looked up, saw his face. His helmet was gone. He had short, woolly hair and a nut-brown complexion, chiseled features and striking grey eyes that looked down at her with something that almost seemed like pity. Strange eyes to see in such an hour. He didn’t look like a Roman ... but then, what did a Roman look like? Their mad Emperor had the whole world under his boot.
He held his short gladius at her throat. The blade was dark with blood. He put a finger to his lips. All around them she could hear the despairing cries of women falling into the hands of the Romans, the guttural cries ripped from their depths as they were subjected to the ultimate outrage.
Every fibre of her vibrated with the fear of that. But then the legionary said, in thickly-accented Latin: “Stay down. Stay quiet. I’ll try to spare you the worst of it, but you must be still.”
She wasn’t sure how she understood him. How she even knew he was speaking Latiin. But she held still, her screams of defiance dying in her throat.
She breathed. Watched the blade of his gladius. He pulled it back as if not wanting to menace her, his eyes still wary, a finger still at his lips. All around them she could her the cries of woman being dragged by their hair, thrown to the cold earth and taken on the spot or hoisted over armoured shoulders as booty. She heard one legionary call out to the man atop her. “See how Dracontius guards his prize!” A gale of coarse laughter. “Give her one for me, Africanus!”
There was the ring in that last of a half-mocking nickname. Dracontius looking up and giving a half-hearted smile as he held her down. Her right hand felt blindly around for a new weapon, found a stone in the turf nearby. She could strike him with it, be up and away ... but where?
This part of the dream made her want to wake. She knew what was coming next, and it confounded her, even horrified her. But she could not wake.
She felt a wild urge rising inside her. Perhaps fuelled by the proximity of death all around, the rising need to live, to feel something of life amidst the reeking miasma of the realm of Thanatos. She heard herself say the words, somehow in Latin: “You must do something.”
“What?” The legionary looked back at her, quizzical. “What do you mean?”
“Your comrades won’t let us just lie here until they go away.” Her voice, speaking a terrible truth that could lead to only one thing. “You have to at least look like you’re one of them. Like you’re taking your pleasure.”
He looked back at her in surprise. She could feel his manhood stirring under his leather kilt, the lust rising even as he said: “I ... told myself I would not do that.”
“You’ve already helped to murder my people,” she said matter of factly. “Their blood stains your sword even now. What does the rest matter? You think your hands will be clean if you don’t cross this final boundary?” Heard the barb in her tone as she added: “Or maybe you don’t prefer girls?”
As always, there was disbelief at these words passing her lips, at the strange rush of desire – desperate, animal desire, a yearning for escape from the awfulness of their defeat – rising in her. Her waking-world self recoiled from it ... but the dream went on, implacable, and in her dream body she was only a passenger.
The legionary regarded her for a long moment and then said: “To kill a man in battle is one thing. But this ... I can’t. I can’t do a thing that you do not wish. That you cannot wish.”
“A fine philosopher in soldier’s garb.” She struggled now, spat at him with contempt, goaded him: “All you’re missing is the beard. Will it make you feel cleaner if I ask you, philosopher? Will it make you feel righteous if I beg? Will you be more of a man and less of a murderer?”
He gave a wry smile that only provoked her further. “You’re a fierce one, aren’t you?”
“What difference is it to you?” She felt an edge of hysteria in her laughter, but she laughed all the same. “Hear that? Your comrades can. They hear me laughing at you. One of them will do it if you’re too much of a hypocrite. We will never have this opportunity again.”
“And what opportunity is that?”
“You know.” She held his gaze defiantly. “We’re in the eye of the storm. My gods have abandoned me and cursed me with some madness in their going. The mad idea that I could have some last touch of life before you Romans sell me into slavery and living death. You know. The question is, do you have the courage to act on what you know, philosopher?”
Dracontius’ breathing grew heavier. His hardness pressed against her through his leather kilt. He looked like a man waiting to wake from a dream, the irony of which was not lost on her. His voice was thick with desire as he finally said: “What is it you want of me?”
Her disbelieving mind heard the words come like something pronounced by a dark goddess of lust. “I want you to touch me. Like a lover touches a lover. Give me that last mercy before I’m thrown to the dogs.”
As the words came, the tingling between her thighs testified to their truth. His sword point wavering slightly, the legionary watched her like a man in a trance as he worked his free hand down between their bodies. Down between her trembling thighs.
The conqueror touched her there, found her hot and wet, the blandishments of Eros trying to drive out the curse of Thanatos that she breathed in from the battlefield. His touch was knowing, he was no amateur with women. He found the sensitive nubbin above her slick sex, caressed ever-so-gently it in a slow circular motion, and made her moan, her spine arching as she shut her eyes and tried to shut out the dying screams of her countrymen.
Suddenly there were just the two of them in all the world, two bodies carving out a little island of clinging passion among the ravished and the slain. Her arms went around his armoured torso as he stroked, drawing out the honeyed dew from her petals as she ground against his clever, callused fingers.
“Is that it, my wanton little warrior?” he was panting now. “Is that what you wanted?”
“It ... it will do, philosopher,” she whispered. “For a beginning.”
His fingers slipped into her clasping channel. He began to fuck her with those long, knowing digits. She felt the tide of passion rushing in, gave herself to it like nothing she had ever felt in life, her hips writhing sinuously as she canted them to invite him deeper, deeper, his palm slapping against her swollen nubbin as he claimed her lips in a rough kiss, making her mewl into his mouth as he brought her closer.
The ultimate moment crashed in on her and she was creaming all over her conqueror’s fingers, biting his lower lip as her cunny exploded all over him in spasmodic waves of release, her whole body going rigid with pleasure as she lost herself in her strange lover’s touch and came, and came, and—
The Now (May 4th, 1961).
Delwen Jones jolted to wakefulness in a cold sweat.
She was panting. Looked down at herself, felt the sensitivity between her legs, lifted up her hand and gave her sticky-wet fingers a rueful grimace. It was the third time this week that the old dream had visited her, had roiled her sleeping form with lust. It happened the most when she was under stress.
She climbed out of the miserable little bed, whisked away its sweat-soaked sheets. She tossed them in the corner of the little room, made her way to the bog. She climbed into the shower, shuddered with the vivid memories of the dream as she let the lukewarm water sluice over her skin.
Out of the shower, she looked at herself in the mirror, wiping away the fog with a washcloth. A little foundation would take care of the dark circles under her eyes, and she made applying it her first order of business, hiding the hints of the constant strain that dogged her. Otherwise her old self was still there, and she took heart in that fact. The bouffant flip in her hair was as fashionable as red-light Birmingham would allow, her creamy skin was still flawless, her green eyes still clear and full of resolve. She would see the assignment through. No other outcome was thinkable.
She went back to the bedroom, pulled on the clothes of her counterfeit self: White stockings, a tight green mini-dress and matching shoes. Cheap costume-jewellery earrings and necklace. Returning to the bathroom, she applied the mascara and eyeshadow and lip gloss that completed her look, the look of a fallen woman fit for the wickedest street in Britain.
The doorbell rang just as she put on the finishing touches. She took a breath, centred herself. Went to the door and opened it. Smiled brightly for the expected guest. “Alright, Bill.”
“Alright, bab.” The man on the stoop was big, shambolic and pock-faced, with an endearingly hangdog look about him and a day’s growth of stubble on his jowls. He smiled at her, showing yellowed teeth. Proffered a scrunched-up copy of the Evening Mail in one hand and a paper cup full of tea in the other. “Thought you could do with some news and a kipper tie.”
“Ta, love.” She took the offerings and nodded him in. “Come on, then.”
D.I. Bill Watling strolled into the tiny flat with an air of abstracted bonhomie that she was convinced he had perfected with long practice over the years. For all his unprepossessing appearance, he was the tip of the spear in a vice unit that as yet called only a few men among its core members. The unit that had seconded Del for a most unusual sort of operation that had never been tried in Birmingham before. She saw him size up the surroundings with an acuity that belied his absent-minded air. Reminded herself that Watling was not the sort of bloke you should underestimate or try to dissemble with.
She closed the door behind him, glanced at the headline on the Mail. Another town wearing Birmingham’s name was on the front page, some group of civil rights activists called the “Freedom Riders” featuring prominently. She set it aside, took a sip of the steaming cup of tea. It was double cream, double sugar, just as she liked it. She savoured it, admired his attention to detail.
Watling took a seat on the broken-springed settee in the living room, the sheer mass of him occupying most of it. She sank into the armchair across from him, crossing her legs primly and giving him a smile.
“Worried, Bill?” she asked him.
He shrugged. “Don’t reckon so. Just here to see how you’re gettin’ on. If you need anythin’.”
“Not a bit of it, solid as a rock.”
“Nobody’s solid as a rock, Del.” His smile was nonchalant but his eyes were keen, appraising. “First mistake we make in this business, thinking we’re made of stone. I’m sure you know that.”
“‘Course. Just my way of talking, like. Care for a fag?”
“Wife says I oughtn’t.” His smile was self-deprecating. “But truth to tell, I could murder one.”
She fished in the purse hanging off the armchair, produced her pack of cigarattes and a lighter. Sparked up a pair of cigarettes and handed him one. As he pulled on it with clear satisfaction, she said: “Tonight’s the night, then. We’re sure he’ll turn up.”
“Always does.” Bill nodded. “He keeps his schedule more faithful than a vicar. I just wish I had men to send with you.”
“Last thing I need is men, “ she chuckled. “I can handle him.”
“I know you can.”
He was doing his best to reassure, but he didn’t sound so certain, despite the words. They were taking a risk on her, she knew it: a rookie Women’s Constable being thrown in at the deep end of things, on account of brilliant potential and the fact that she was just the type of bird the target fancied, to boot. Birmingham’s vice squad had never staged an undercover sting quite like this one. Heads would surely roll if it failed.
Bill’s eyes lingered on her small, shapely body, the oval shape of her pretty features, the touch of bouffant flip in her shoulder-length bronze, the striking green of her eyes. And not least at the firm nubs of her breasts pressing against the polyester fabric. It wasn’t a lecherous look, though; he wasn’t that sort, thank God. It was more like professional appraisal, reassuring himself she was the right bait for their particular fish.
He started when she arched a questioning eyebrow at him. And the actually blushed, which amused her. “Sorry, bab, I don’t mean to stare. Just, ah...”
“Trying to see me through his eyes?” she asked. He nodded. “Been practising my presentation, you know. Fancy a look, my old mucker?”
Bill swallowed audibly. He might not be a lecher, but he was surely not immune to the charms of the fairer sax. There was professional cause, though. His nod was a trifle jerky.
Del just smiled. She uncrossed her legs playfully, knowing she was flashing her panties in the process. Stood up and walked to the flat’s front window, making sure to impart a sway to her stride. The hem of the dress was daringly high, showing off the tops of her garters. It had to be; she had to stand out, to draw the target’s eye just the same way the previous occupant of this flat had done.
The windowsill was large enough to sit on, padded with cushions. She took up a place there. Opened the curtains to look out on the bleak expanse of Varna Road. In the daylight it practically looked a ghost town; the night would be another story.
Del had already caught the eye of a few punters on the pavement out there in her last three nights of practising. She had acquired the trick of arching her back, batting her lashes coquettishly, pushing out her shapely rump or her pert little breasts and biting her lip in a way that mixed innocence with lust. She looked back over her shoulder and gave Bill a taste of it, letting a little heat into her eyes and chuckling as she saw sweat begin to bead his brow.
“You see?” she told him. “He won’t be able to pass me up, now will he?”
“You’re right enough there, no doubt about it.” Bill gave a rueful shake of his head, lurching up off the settee. “Now show us some mercy.”
She laughed. It felt good to laugh; some of the lingering strangeness of the dream seemed to slough away, leaving her lighter. She pulled the curtains shut and went back to her armchair as Bill busied himself with checking the transistor mikes and recorders hidden in their recess behind the cheap landscape print on the wall. She wondered how long that painting had been there; it seemed partly discoloured by cigarette smoke.
“It’ll be different tonight from letting in one of our ringers,” he said. He was referring to the vice squad’s assortment of paid informants whom she’d pretended to accept as customers on the previous nights—dodgy-looking fellows all but surprisingly polite, they had mostly passed the time playing cards save for one particularly witty one who had brought her to tears of laughter as he jumped about on the bed and produced counterfeit howls of passion for the neighbours’ benefit. Bill tapped the microphone receiver with a fingertip as he went on: “You mind the word to say if you need us to come riding to the rescue, aye?”
“Periwinkle.” She nodded. “‘Course I remember. Really, Bill, you’re like a mother hen.”
He grunted with satisfaction, finding the surveillance gear in working order and slipping the painting back into place. Gave her an apologetic grimace: “Sorry, Del. Not trying to make you nervous, likes. You’ll be brilliant, I know it. Tonight we land our fish and it’s all over.”
He finished his fag and gave her a fatherly hug and a “Ta-ra” on his way out. As the door closed behind him, Del composed herself and sipped at her tea, knowing the day would feel like a week as she waited for the main event to begin. Right. Tonight we land our fish. She resisted the temptation to retrieve the target’s file from its hiding place in her closet, to look at his picture again. She tried to forget the dreams, and almost succeeded.
It was gone nine o’clock by the time the sun set that evening. Del took up her station as the sun dwindled. She could see girls in the windows of other flats across the road, some of them watching the “new” girl curiously. She’d spied a few of them in the shops when she’d popped out for supplies; but though they shared knowing glances of a sisterhood with a common secret, they never spoke. It were just as well.
Varna Road was coming alive. It didn’t look so bleak in the night time. Cars were beginning to cruise the pitted pavement—mostly Anglias or Morris eleven-hundreds—and groups of lads could be seen walking the streets: either going to or coming from the Kashmir down the way, or pretending to. Del watched them, her heart racing, alert for a certain someone.
She sighted him at nine-thirty on the dot, just as D.I. Watling had said she would. He pulled up in a red Daimler, the flashest car on the street, parked it a few doors down. Also as Bill had predicted.
Two men climbed out of the car. One was big and husky, a Yardie with an ebony complexion and an air of restrained violence about him. He reclined casually against the car, guarding it as his mate came down the road. The second man, her “fish,” was tall and well-muscled but not hulking, neatly turned out in a dark suit and spats with a pork-pie hat and a narrow tie. His stride was confident and measured.
Del bit her lip, batted her eyelashes, pushed out her breasts as he came fully into view. The girl, Sandy, who’d worked in this flat before the squad had rousted her had been more buxom. Women’s Constable Jones would have to make the most of her assets if she was going to hook the target anywhere near as thoroughly.
She saw him stop. Turn toward the window and look at her. His eyes were obscured by the brim of his hat, his features in shadow. She gave him her prettiest smile.
He stood still for a long time. Her heart whumped in her chest as she waited for him to move.
And then, finally, he took off his hat and stepped forward, into the wan light cast by a nearby streetlamp. She caught her breath.
In person, it was even more disquieting than the pictures in the file. He looked exactly like the man in the dreams. The same short, woolly hair, the same nut-brown skin and chiseled features. The same grey eyes, soulful and uncanny.
It was more than just the likeness of him, though. He was staring at Del transfixed, as if she’d stepped out of a vision. His face was incredulous, his eyes shifting as if trying to fully believe what he was seeing. The connection between his gaze and hers was electric, and she couldn’t keep a hand from flying to her mouth as the realized what his expression meant.
He recognized her.
Impossible, she would have said a few days ago. But there was no mistaking it. The target was looking at her face, her body, with the air of a man experiencing the most powerful deja vu of his life. He ran a hand through his hair, and she could see it was shaking.
They watched each other for a long moment. And then, abruptly, the target put his hat back on, turned on his heel and walked away, back to his Daimler. Giving a curt nod to his clearly surprised driver, he climbed in, the roadster’s powerful engine fired up and just like that, he was gone. And Del was encased in shock as she watched him go.
The Past.
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Chained to the wall, tied hand and foot, Peggy felt everything was unreal. This couldn’t be happening. It was a dream, a bad dream, and she wanted to wake up. Tommy was twisting his ass into their mother’s face, and Joan was licking so hungrily. With her legs high in the air, her cunt showing, Joan twisted her hips as best she could, and Peggy saw her mother’s cunt getting very, very wet. She could actually see the pink glistening pussy lips pulsating, see her mother’s clit swelling. She...
Debbie had to get herself together. She tried to brush out some of the dirt from her hair, but failed. Crying bitterly, she made her way to the locker room. Never had she felt so used, so humiliated. The only consolation was the fact that Bradford hadn't done all this to her in full sight of the team. She didn't know if she could bear the thought of anyone witnessing such utter degradation. Forced to suck off the general manager! She shivered in reaction to the thought. She wanted this...
Chapter 2 The Medical Center was nestled in a grove of Eucalyptus trees on the west side of the hill, separating the hospital from the research center and classrooms that were s**ttered over the hills. Everything on ‘Pill Hill,’ as the doctors, professors, and research students called it affectionately, was painted white and now, in the late morning sun, the hill had a magical feeling to it. Buzzing with activity, students rushed to and from classes, eyes glued to the sidewalk in worry …...
A Shower with my Secret Desire I check my watch, I know I am late, bloody trains, then the traffic. I know you’re going to be getting ready, and I wanted to see your transformation with my own eyes. From tracksuit to queen, ready to walk confidently on my arm. I get to the door and I know where you keep your spare key, so I simply get it and open the door. Once inside I can hear the shower running and your music playing. “Bugger!” I think. With that I hear you walking around. “Oh I’m not to...
A Shower with my Secret Desire I check my watch, I know I am late, bloody trains, then the traffic. I know you’re going to be getting ready, and I wanted to see your transformation with my own eyes. From tracksuit to queen, ready to walk confidently on my arm. I get to the door and I know where you keep your spare key, so I simply get it and open the door. Once inside I can hear the shower running and your music playing. “Bugger!” I think. With that I hear you walking around. “Oh I’m not to...
Straight SexChapter 2The Medical Center was nestled in a grove of Eucalyptus trees on the west side of the hill, separating the hospital from the research center and classrooms that were s**ttered over the hills. Everything on "Pill Hill," as the doctors, professors, and research students called it affectionately, was painted white and now, in the late morning sun, the hill had a magical feeling to it. Buzzing with activity, students rushed to and from classes, eyes glued to the sidewalk in worry ......
Desire, Fictionmania Contest Entry By Angela J. These are my final thoughts. I've downloaded this to a disk so that you will know that I was more than what you thought. In realizing that you have murdered me, I hope that you will find some remorse for your actions. It was really by accident that I discovered my ability to read and write thoughts. I suppose it started with desire. How fascinating? I knew that there were others before me. They, the creators, did not keep...
Don’t speak to me about desire. I know more of that word than most know about their own heartbeats. I have desired many things, some of which I have actually managed to grasp. I know desire. I know it well. I desire her with a part of me so ancient that it is nothing more than the spawn of patience. I look at her and wonder what it would be like to know her touch on my skin. Soft? Harsh? Dominating? Submissive? This part of me, an elder of mankind be eons, does not wonder… it waits. It waits...
Unchained By Swishy CHAPTER 1 When I think about that fateful moment I don't remember much. I was at the lowest point in my life, fully prepared for the fate I knew was coming. I cringed a little thinking about my future. I didn't deserve it and I doubted that any of the others that came before me deserved such a fate. I would have run away if I could but there was no chance. I was chained to the wall and escape was even impossible to contemplate. I looked at the prisoner on the...
conversation. This will be your last bit of normal activity you will experience tonight, in the way you act and the way you dress. Once we are in the car heading to my house I hand you a three inch wide leather collar with D rings on each side and and a pad lock to put on. You look at me and lower your eyes and say “MASTER..., please will you place the collar on me”? Your already have good manners, this wish is granted, I place it on you and lock it. Once we arrive you are told to...
They had me chained to the roof by my wrists, my feet dangling freely. I was completely naked and a cool breeze played across my erect nipples. They captured me last week when they invaded Earth. They looked exactly like us, but had more advance technology, and had more knowledge in the sex department. Those, like me, who had been captured were taken deep into outer space and were chained up. My feet hadn’t touched the ground since. They had only touched me once, giving me great pain and...
Joan now hung by her arms and legs from the ceiling. Her arms were chained and her legs were chained. She was bent double, with her face almost in her own cunt. Her legs were spread, her cunt and ass exposed and vulnerable. Peggy had been forced to squat on two wide boards, lifted about a foot and a half from the floor. Her ankles were secured to the boards by ropes, her hands tied behind her back. Her head was held upright by some sort of collar and tied to the wall behind her. This drew...
Rick had a burning desire. It was a desire that literally reared its large head up every time he saw a pretty girl. This burning desire struck anytime Rick thought of sex. This was often and not unusual or unexpected for a young ninteen-year old freshman boy attending college in sunny Florida. Rick was a boy and not a man because he was still a virgin, a very easily stimulated and horny one at that. It was Saturday and only the second week of his freshman year and he was off to the beach to...
First TimeMark is the chief scientists in a lab that is working on a drug that allows the subject to loose total control of her sexual desires. A drug that would create such a sexual desire that morals would go right out the window. The only thing important to the subject would be to feed her lust and quench her desires. However, this kind of drug wasn't easy to create, he and his team worked on this for over twelve years, without success. He and his company knew that if they succeeded the discovery...
All Lovers' Desires So it had happened that Steve, upset that his fiancee, attractive and willfull, had been unwilling to incorporate "power tools" into their love making. That she in fact had discouraged every hint of experimentation or kink in their play, and coming home from work one day, Steve had chanced to stop at an out of the way store because of a detour. "Young man, I can see that you are troubled but I believe I can help you." The shopkeeper saw Steve start to interrupt...
Half awake, desire slowly infuses my soul, the realisation of your warm nakedness nestled into me drives the urge. My cock, stirring feels the heat of your ass, the smoothness of your skin, as I slowly harden and awaken. Desire turns to need as the realisation of you fills me. I draw closer as I start the slow seduction of your desire.I kiss the back of your neck, softly, almost invisibly and your breathing alters, I watch in the dark as your body arouses slowly. More kisses to your neck,...
Straight SexHalf awake, desire slowly infuses my soul, the realisation of your warm nakedness nestled into me drives the urge. My cock, stirring feels the heat of your ass, the smoothness of your skin, as I slowly harden and awaken. Desire turns to need as the realisation of you fills me. I draw closer as I start the slow seduction of your desire.I kiss the back of your neck, softly, almost invisibly and your breathing alters, I watch in the dark as your body arouses slowly. More kisses to your neck,...
Straight SexWhat’s your Digital Desire? Well, personally, I’ve got a few, but certain elements bring them all together. For one thing, I didn’t start a whole website to discuss my desire for good food or fast cars. But then, pretty girls without their clothes on figure into all of my main interests, so you can kind of guess where my heart lies on this particular topic. And well, based on the fact that you’re reading this on ThePornDude rather than any of the SFW internet media outlets, I’m guessing you’ve...
Premium Porn Pictures SitesChapter One: Dr. Rita's Futa Desire By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 It had been a month since that fateful morning when I learned something impossible. Something amazing. Something that had my pussy wet almost every morning when I sank in to sleep through the day. Yes, the day. I worked the night shift St. Claire's Hospital. A month ago, I had been pulled over by the futa-cop, Officer Cindy. Just thinking of that domineering futa made my pussy so wet. I shuddered in my scrubs, my...
Ashley Fulfills Hubby's Desirebycrax1976© Ashley and Andrew have been together for ten years. Though married for five, they have no k**s, preferring their freedom. When Ashley and Andrew met sparks flew. They have spent as much time together as possible considering their opposite hours and are still deeply in love today. Ashley works at the neigborhood pub, while Andrew is a chartered accountant and works from home.Andrew was spending a Sunday evening in the pub watching football. A shy quiet...
Disclaimer: This story is for adult entertainment! So, ensure you are 18 years of age. Author's Note: Once again, I've delved into the Spells R Us is my third story with this setting. (Lust Potion '69' & Womanizer, and now Lover's Desire) Anyway, this is a fantasy, and contains a lot of female-female......Enjoy! Oh Yeah: My new e-mail address (lower case): [email protected] "Lover's Desire" by J.R. Parz I. Jess Parker was browsing...
I lay back on the bed with my hands behind my head, wearing only my boxers, gazing at my wife through the open bathroom door and feeling generally content. Watching Cindy is always a pleasure, even when she's performing such mundane tasks as brushing her teeth. The way the muscles in her long, tanned legs flex as she rises up on her toes to reach the toothpaste, the way she casually tucks her dark, shiny hair behind an elegant pink ear as she leans over the sink, even the little spitting...
Chapter One: Cassandra's MILF Desire By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 “Oh, my god, Cassandra, check out what Deidre posted on her Facebook page,” Lana, my best friend, said. “It's a pic of her and her sister with their cheeks pressed together, looking so happy. Oh, god, it's so corny. 'Closest sisters in the world,' it says.” “Really?” I said with a giggle, reaching for my phone beside me to check out the post. Deidre had gotten real weird the last few weeks of school, spending all...
The number of cars clustered in the parking lot is a little surprising. Sure I knew there would be a few volunteers who'd answer the request for assistance at the library, but I didn't expect quite this many. It's an impressive turnout for a weekday morning, and before 8:00 a.m. to boot.With my husband Roger being away for the first week of a two week business trip, the novelty of solo shopping and doing whatever I please has worn a bit thin. I'm feeling just a little proud that I'm actually...
Hello Love It’s a little after midnight and I have just finished talking to you on the phone. As usual, we have laughed and joked and made a few sexual innuendoes. Again, talking about our trip to Las Vegas. I have walked away from my computer thinking about how special and important you have become — an important part of my life. As I think back over the past few weeks it’s hard to believe what has happened. I never would have thought I would meet someone so beautiful, caring, and loving....
the first touch, the discreet touches, the lust increasing, the desire, the wanton, 2 very different people wanting one very same thing.How they had managed it is anyone's guess, but here they were, abroad in the beautiful sunshine, a villa in a remote village, not accessible to passer bys.They were finally alone, full of years of desire, wanton. Stripping off as they entered the villa they had wild erotic sex by the door, the first sexual penetration they had managed.Cum dripping from her...
Demon's Desire Written by Princess Kay Warning: This is erotica, meant only for those 18 or older. Only those who have reached the age of consent, in the country where they reside, should proceed. If you are not at least eighteen, please exit this page, immediately. Content Warning: While this is one of my sweeter tales, when all is said and told, it *does* involved an initially unwilling TG Michael shook the salt canister, trying to shake every last granule from its...
SISTER IN LAW FULFILLING MY BURING DESIRE Hi Readers, By now you may have read my earlier two stories under the title of HOW MY WIFE ENJOYED WITH HER FRIEND 1 and 2. At the time of writing this episode life has changed a lot for me. But coming back to the past, I was already seething with anger and also frustrated for not getting a job and was sitting at home thinking about my future. In between I got an offer from a company in the Gulf and I wanted to go off for work but some how could not...
IncestSteffani thrashed in her bed, and sweat littered her brow as she slept fitfully. The rain pounded the roof of her home, and her body tossed and turned in rest that was not restful at all. “Honey.” She heard his voice but couldn’t reach him. Her naked body responded to his touch, the feel of his hard yet gentle hands as they roamed along the curve of her breast felt sublime. Even in her sleep she moaned and ached with desire. Her mouth sought his as he leaned over her for a passionate kiss. In a...
Love Stories26th Jan 2013, the 64th Republic day parade was on in the TV channel a rest day for everyone, but being in security field I was in office after finishing the national flag hoisting in a company at Podanur in Coimbatore. The office is empty except for me and my junior staff are in the field, cool afternoon stacked away from the hustle of the city in Goundapalayam I thought it was a perfect time to pen down a story which is purely an imagination and thus came out the below scribbling. Take a deep...
The four sisters jumped into Linda's Jeep, with Zoë giving a hand to Jeannie. Her weakness was still apparent. The beach would do her good, Linda figured. Jeannie continued to feel pain in her shoulder and upper chest from time to time but she was looking better. Dad's surgeon had done a good job. Only a small disfigurement on Jeannie's left shoulder betrayed the fact that she had been hit by shotgun pellets. Why that lunatic had run after them and shot Jeannie never became clear. The...
It is well over a quarter of a century now since first got to know Frank. He and his wife Jenny were very kind to us when we moved in next door with a young family, and Jenny would often babysit for us if we wanted to go out for the evening. Sadly, Jenny died five years ago after a long illness just ten months before Frank’s seventy fifth birthday; however, Frank felt that she would still want him to continue with the planned celebration, although it became more a memorial of their fifty years...
"Sherry? Did you call the AC guy yet?" I shouted. "Yes Sir! I called him twice and left a message each time." She responded uneasily. Sherry knew I could not stand the heat and neither could she. To make matters worse, I no longer had my submissive Fuck Toy, Jenny. Jenny had to move away because money was tight and she had found a job half way across the country. She adored my hobby of making toy furniture. But I didn't just make any toy furniture....these pieces were for adults only!...
Ewan stood, still and mesmerized, beneath the castle window. It was the darkening hour, around midnight, when his longing was greatest. Not the longing to feed, no. He had satisfied that some hours before, from his stash of blood red vials he kept in the cellar beneath the expansive orchards of this vast abode. The hunger and longing which brought him to this very window each night at the same hour was caused by Elysia, a princess in Sir Douglas’s castle, and the fairest maid ever to set foot...
First TimeKelly was fairly new to the neighborhood. She divorced her husband and moved across the country to be closer to her family. Working fulltime meant she had to juggle having a profession with raising a child, but Kelly didn't mind because her little girl meant everything to her. Relocating was scary at first, but Kelly got lucky by moving into a very friendly area of the city. The first family she met lived right next door. She instantly liked the older family and their teenager children,...
True Story!!"Thank you! Come again!" I said as two of my prized costumers walked out the door of my sex shop, a woman came in. She had large breasts, and straight blonde hair."Hi welcome to Simply Sinful! How can i serve you today?" I said"Hmm... I'm just looking." She said, with voice like silk."Okay! Let me give you a little tour! What's your name?" I stared at her breasts, and started to get wet. "My name is Payton."I walked around showing her everything from lingerie to dildos. Her eyes...
This is the second story I have written here. This is a fiction and is not based on any true events. Let me tell you about myself first; I am 21, straight male, Kinky and a master. This story is based on BDSM. I hope that my imagination impresses you. I have written it in third person and you may assume that a female slave is narrating this story to her master as he demanded for it. It was late at night and I was chained to the wall and you came in and you smiled at me then you let me down. I...