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Linda Bills was excited about moving to Texas. Her husband, Spargus, had already been there several times to find them just the right land to purchase. Gus, as he was often called, was a Methodist minister, and had been appointed to build a church in Texas, near the Oklahoma border. Gus had also decided that this would be his last church to build, at forty, he was starting to feel rather old and wanted to retire to a nice little farm. Linda, who was only twenty-five, had been a school teacher prior to her marriage, and had nursed his former wife and children before they died of smallpox. Gus had told Linda about how there was a mixture of good black soil, some trees, prairie, abundant sunshine and much drier than her hometown in coastal Georgia.

"Look, Linda, the train station is coming up. Oh, some of the ladies from the church are here to meet us, Mrs. John Crane wrote me that they would meet us and take us to the parsonage. You'll like Mrs. Crane, she was a school teacher in Mobile before she met John. The train is stopping, let's get our handbags together." Gus smiled fondly at his wife as he spoke. Linda merely stared out of the window, looking at the dusty station and the small crowd that had gathered to greet the train.

They finished gathering their belongings and Gus helped Linda off the train. "Reverend Bills, is this your lovely wife?" asked Mrs. Crane.

"Yes. Darling, this is Elizabeth Crane, wife of John Crane, the general store owner. Mrs. Crane, this is my wife, Linda Bills. I'm sure that Linda will be glad to help you with the Methodist women's group. Please excuse me for a moment while I round up a porter." Rev. Bills left the group in search of the porter while the other women looked over his wife. Linda Bills was not very tall, but she had lovely golden blonde hair with just a hint of red. Her eyes were pale green and very alert. She was well proportioned, had fair skin with a dusting of freckles, a cute pug nose, and full lips. She was not beautiful, but she was pretty and lively. Mrs. Crane decided that she looked like a good helper for the pastor.

"Mrs. Bills, won't you come into the station with us? We have some lemonade and cookies ready for y'all," drawled Mrs. Crane as she tucked her hand through Linda's arm. Linda could not resist, although she had been a minister's wife for less than a year, she had experience with these types of gentle yet domineering women from her teaching days. She allowed herself to be escorted inside, where it was mercifully darker than the white hot Texas sun. The ladies pressed the cookies and lemonade on her and questioned her about herself. She replied that she had taught elementary school for four years before meeting the reverend and had been asked to help nurse his sick wife and children. Unfortunately, they died after a few months, but she became well acquainted with the good pastor and married him a year later. Yes, she knew what to expect, she had a grandfather and several uncles who were ministers, she said.

"Ladies, thank you for taking care of my wife for me," Rev. Bills said as he entered the building. "I suspect that Mrs. Bills is tired after our long journey from Georgia, so we should take our leave. I will see you all on Sunday morning. Darling, the porter is waiting." He tipped his hat to the ladies, then offered his wife his arm.

The parsonage was several hundred yards behind the church and was rather grand in Linda's opinion. Gus took her through it eagerly, showing the four bedrooms, the large parlor, the dining room, his office, a sewing room for her and the detached kitchen and laundry room. It had a long hallway down the middle of the house to take advantage of breezes, gas heat and lighting (very modern) and wonder of all wonders, an indoor toilet, right next to the bathtub. Linda grinned wider and wider as Gus took her through the house and kept squeezing his arm as they toured. The house was so new she could still catch a faint order of wallpaper paste and lemon oil. Every room had large glass windows and thick rugs as well as ample lighting. She finally stopped in the parlor and carefully sat down on the sofa. "This is grand, Gus. How did the people afford such a grand house for the pastor?"

He smiled as he sat beside her and draped his arm around her. "Well, it was supposed to be a small house with two bedrooms, a dining room and an outhouse, but Elizabeth Crane's father died last year, leaving her piles of money. Since it was 'ill-gotten gains' as she said, she donated it for the building of the parsonage and the church, not taking any for herself. Her father was a riverboat gambler and she married John when she was fairly young to get away from her father. She insisted that as a Christian woman, she could not take any of the money for herself. Besides, John doesn't do too badly with the general store." He glanced up at the clock, noting that it was nearly dinner time. "I think that the ladies stocked the kitchen pretty well. Would you like to fix dinner first or unpack first? I need to go work on my sermon for Sunday."

"I'll cook first. Those cookies didn't do much for me."

Gus laughed happily as he remarked, "Mrs. Bills, you can eat more than most men I know and never gain a pound!" He kissed her on the cheek, then went to his study. Linda looked around for a moment longer, then went to the kitchen to rustle up some dinner.

Linda and Gus quickly fell into a routine. Linda kept house and worked with some of the other ladies from church in organizing Sunday School classes while Gus preached, visited the sick and looked for a farm. Gus was secretly surprised at how passionate his wife was, his first wife (God rest her soul) had given him two beautiful boys (God rest their souls) but had been passive in bed. Linda, on the other hand, was so passionate that it sometimes took his breath away. He never dreamed that a woman could be capable of enjoying sex so much. He found himself sometimes dreaming about his wife's sturdy yet slender body during the day, the way that her abdomen was solid, the way her strong legs gripped him. Given their enjoyment, he wasn't very surprised when he noticed that her formerly flat stomach was starting to swell several months after their arrival in Texas. In due time, she gave birth to a boy, Louis James Bills.

When Louis was old enough, Linda took him to the general store to pick up supplies and so that Elizabeth, who was becoming her best friend, could ooh and aah over him. Elizabeth Crane had been to the parsonage several times, but had not seen Linda since she had left her bed. It had been a difficult delivery and Linda had nearly died in childbirth. Now, however, she felt much better.

John even had to leave the counter to croon at the baby. Elizabeth laughed at her husband, saying, "Mr. Crane, you have three young ones at home to croon over."

"Yes, but none of them have such green eyes, Mrs. Crane. Do you reckon he'll have dark hair like the reverend? It sure looks dark now."

"I don't know, Mr. Crane. Mr. Bills' whole family has dark hair and coloring, but my family has always produced blondes and redheads." Linda smiled, gazing lovingly at her son. "He's just wonderful, already sleeping through the night. His father is a grand help, having had two children already, God rest their souls." She started to say something else, but was distracted by the screen door squeaking as it opened.

Linda turned to see who had come in and nearly gasped in amazement. The woman who had come into the store was very tall, taller than her husband. She had piercing sky blue eyes, long black hair, tanned skin, beautiful high cheekbones and was dressed in men's clothes. She tipped her hat back and stripped off her leather work gloves as she glanced around the store. "Howdy Mr. Crane. I've come to pick up a few supplies." The woman sauntered up to the counter, pulling a list from her vest pocket and handing it to John Crane, then turned and looked at Linda and Louis. "Well, looks like a new little buckaroo. Cute little bugger, looks healthy." John quickly gathered the requested supplies in a box, then took the woman's money. "Thanks. See y'all next time!" she exclaimed as she hoisted the heavy box to her broad shoulder and left the store.

Elizabeth turned to see the puzzled stare of her friend. She quickly explained, "That's Laura Williams. Her husband George and baby Little George were killed by a band of Indians about six years ago. Since then, she took over her husband's ranch and raises cattle and horses most of the year. Most people think she is simply awful, since she wears her husband's clothes, drinks, swears and never darkens the door of any church any more. You might do well to stay far away from her."

John protested mildly, "But dear, she sells the best trained horses in these parts, not to mention the best cattle!"

Elizabeth snorted. "Husband, let's not disagree in public. Did you hear that old man Harbow proposed to her this spring and she laughed at him? She isn't natural, I tell you!"

"Dear wife, Harbow proposed to her because he was losing his farm to her over a game of poker. Some of the boys told me about it. I reckon he thought that if she married him, he would get his land back and her land. I don't blame her for refusing him, I heard that he beat his first wife."

Elizabeth glared at her husband until he amended, "Well, that was the rumor. He does attend church every Sunday and can spout almost as much scripture as the reverend. Sorry you had to hear all this, Mrs. Bills."

"Oh, don't worry, I've heard worse when I was teaching school. Sometimes little boys wag their tongues worse than little girls," Linda said soothingly. "Mr. Crane, can you have your son Doug bring my groceries and calico to my house? I'm afraid that Louis is quite a handful."

"Yes'm, I'm sure he'll be glad to. I'll see you Sunday. By the way, did we tell you that the general store is donating the candy for the church picnic?"

They chatted several more minutes, then Linda and Louis left. Linda walked along, thinking about how nice the Cranes were to herself and her family. But that Williams woman! Linda had never seen any woman so tall or so bold to wear men's clothes or look so good in them. For a moment, she let herself start to construct a story around the few facts she had heard about Laura Williams, then laughed at herself. "Still writing stories in your head, eh girl?" she thought. Louis started squirming and crying as she walked along, making his needs known. "Baby, it's just a few more blocks!" she told him, kissing his face. She walked faster to make it home before he started really tuning up...

Another month passed by, with Louis growing like a weed. Linda had seen Laura Williams around town a few more times, usually either at the general store or with her cowboys, herding cattle or horses to the stockyards for sale. Each time, Laura would wave broadly at Linda, provoking scandalous comments among the other bypassers. Did their beloved minister's wife know that awful woman? or was Laura just being her usual brazen self? Didn't Mrs. Bills know that just last year, Laura killed a fine, upstanding citizen in cold blood? Charles Tyler could have never tried to besmirch her like she claimed in court! However, the jury was too dependent on her horses and cattle and too afraid of her to convict her. There were also rumors that she allowed her cowboys to run a rustling ring, but it was never proven. Well, she couldn't allow herself to think about that, she was too busy helping Elizabeth and the other ladies plan the Fourth of July party.

In fact, the party was just a few days away now, but they had run into a snag. Many of the men (even the church going faithful!) wanted to let Lenny serve hard liquor at the picnic grounds. The ladies, especially from the churches, did not want hard liquor served. This was to be a family event, they explained to their husbands. Finally, the Reverend Spargus Bills talked to all sides and convinced the men that it would not be a good thing to serve hard liquor at a family gathering. Most of the men backed down, for they genuinely liked Rev. Bills. He usually understood them and was always willing to help with anything, including working in your fields. Some of the young bachelors who roomed in town when not working as porters and engineers for the railroad, were pretty mad about missing their hard liquor and decided to get even.

The day of the Fourth dawned bright and clear with just enough breeze to make it pleasant in the morning. It would be a scorcher by afternoon, near 100 degrees, but everyone was excited about the parade, the speakers, the food and the fireworks that night. As Linda dressed Louis, she asked her husband, "Gus, do you think that those railroad men will cause any problem? They seemed very upset with you weighing in against serving hard liquor."

Gus smiled at his lovely wife, kissing her before replying. "Oh, they're still pretty mad, but they should also realize that there is a temperance movement growing in the country. Maybe I'll move them with the Holy Spirit tonight more than other spirits could move them."

Linda groaned at his pun as she finished dressing Louis, then put him down so she could help Gus finish buttoning his shirt, not that he really needed the help. The Bills family was finally ready, with hampers of food and baby supplies. They walked down to the picnic yard near the court house and separated as Linda went to unload her hamper and Gus went to talk to the other ministers and speakers. Linda then took Louis over to the shade trees, where several young women were looking after all of the babies.

She turned to go back to the tables when she literally ran into Laura Williams. "Excuse me, Mrs. Bills," the woman drawled, "we seem to have collided."

Linda shook herself, saying, "No harm done. Now, if you will excuse me-"

Laura laughed softly, low in her throat. "Maybe, maybe not. Nice spread here today, too bad there isn't any hard liquor to wash it down with."

Linda, who had started to walk off, stopped in her tracks and turned back to the tall woman. "Do you drink hard liquor, Mrs. Williams?" she gasped in astonishment.

Laura grinned, saying, "Sometimes I do, but never in public. I drink with my hired hands, but not much. I can't afford to get drunk, there's too many thieves and Indians around. You know, you could call me Laura."

Linda was torn, mesmerized by the woman's lively blue eyes and deep, musical voice. She would die if Elizabeth or Gus caught her talking to Laura, yet there was something fascinating about her... "But we haven't been properly introduced."

Laura lifted her hat, running her hand through her hair, then re-settled her hat. "I'd get John Crane to introduce us, but he's too afraid of what his dear wife would say. Yes, I know that Elizabeth is your friend, she was mine at one time until I dared to continue living life after George and little George were killed. She thinks I should have gone around in mourning for several years, but I had to eat and make money to pay the cowboys." They started walking back towards the tables as Laura talked. They reached the tables and Laura waved gaily at Elizabeth, then turned back to Linda. "Mrs. Bills, I'd better bid you farewell before I completely ruin your reputation. Just remember this: I am not Pandora." She grinned again as she sauntered off, lighting a small cigar.

As Linda stared after Laura, Elizabeth walked up. "Dear, what was that woman saying to you. Who is Pandora?"

Linda answered abstractedly, "Pandora was the girl in Greek mythology who opened the box that let all the evil into the world. She managed to close it up, leaving only hope in the box. Didn't you learn any mythology as a child?"

"No, Linda, I only learned practical subjects. Where did you learn about such pagan stories?"

"My uncle Charles. He was a theology professor at Harvard University and often taught the classics courses as well as theology. I wonder where she learned them?"

Elizabeth sighed in exasperation. "Linda, the only stories you should be concerned with are Bible stories!" Before she could say anything else, the first group of hungry people arrived, waiting to be served.

The rest of the day passed uneventfully until time for the fireworks. A group of the young railroad employees who had complained earlier of the lack of hard liquor showed up, rolling several barrels of hard liquor with them. The sheriff met them at the edge of the lawn, asking them to turn around and go home. They refused; they were already drunk and planned to get drunker, they told him. Linda grew uneasy and turned to her husband, asking, "Gus, should I get Louis and go home? This looks ugly."

"Yes, dear, you should. I'm going to back up the sheriff and try to get these boys to take their hard liquor and go home. I'll be home soon." He hesitated, then quickly kissed her cheek and walked off.

"A public display of affection between husband and wife! How positively scandalous!" a voice said behind Linda. She turned to see Laura lounging in the shadows, watching her. Before she could retort, Laura held up her hand to silence her, suddenly watching intently. She turned back to Linda and said quietly, "Get your baby and come back here. I'll make sure you get home safely." Linda just nodded, then ran off to retrieve Louis.

As Linda came back, she heard voices screaming and turned to see what was happening. Her husband and several other men were hacking the hard liquor barrels with axes and fireworks were going off. The young men were starting to fight with the other men to save their hard liquor. She saw an errant streak of flame heading for the fight, then the hard liquor whooshed in a ball of flame, encompassing many of the men nearby. "Spargus!" she screamed, starting to run towards him. She was caught by a strong pair of arms and turned away from the deadly scene. For several moments, she was only dimly aware that she was being held carefully, so as to keep her from watching but so as not to crush her baby. She nearly fainted, but managed to hold on to consciousness, finally swimming back. She became aware of rough cloth against her face, hearing the soothing rumble of a woman's voice in her ear, saying something that she didn't quite make out, smelling the scents of tobacco, horses and leather. She stood there numbly until she stopped shaking so hard, then finally pulled away, looking up into Laura's concerned face. "Will you be okay?" Laura asked quietly.

"No, but I have to be," Linda answered. She turned back to the fire, watching as the fire brigad swung into action, dashing water on the flames, slapping wet sacks over the flames, trying to keep the dry grass around from igniting. She watched for a few minutes, then saw her friend Elizabeth start beating one of the men, only to be viciously attacked in return. When she saw the knife slashing across Elizabeth's chest, the world blacked out.

Linda Bills drifted between sleep and waking for some days, waking only when necessary to feed Louis or take care of her own needs. She vaguely remembered people talking to her about the funeral and the disposition of Gus's estate. Through everything, Laura Williams sat next to her, making sure that no one took advantage of Linda in her state.

The funeral was awful. Linda had to make decisions about it. The body was too badly burned to be recognized as anything but a skeleton, so it was a closed casket funeral. The only thing she remembered from the funeral was Laura sitting beside her in a clean suit, glaring at anyone who dared whisper about her comportment or lack thereof. Linda did not cry at the funeral of either her husband or her best friend, Elizabeth. She was still in too much shock to realize exactly what had happened. One thing that did penetrate her fog was that she would have to find a new place to live. The church was sending another minister soon and she could not live in the parsonage. Laura helped her pack, then moved Linda and Louis to her house, much to the chagrin of the congregation.

Linda and Louis moved into a spare bedroom at the surprisingly elegant house on Laura's land. The house had five bedrooms, a large kitchen, two bathrooms, a study, an formal parlor, a dining room and an informal den. Laura commented wryly that her husband had expected to fill it with many children. Linda indicated that her new room would be fine. It was large, airy, had a closet, a large bed, chest of drawers, a water pitcher stand, a large rocking chair and a large warm rug on the floor. An older man with one leg off at the knee tended the household. Laura told Linda that he was a veteran of the War Between the States and was perfectly harmless, but a wonderful cook.

The second night that she was there marked the first nightmare for Linda. She was sleeping soundly until she saw the events played out again, hearing the agonized screams, smelling the burnt flesh, watching the fire brigade trying to keep the fire from spreading. Linda had no idea that she screamed out loud until Laura came rushing into the room and picked her up from the bed, taking her to the rocking chair to soothe her. Laura cradled Linda like a baby, rocking her, asking, "What is it? Are you having nightmares?"

Linda looked up at the concerned face, blue eyes gently boring into her own eyes. She swallowed several times before she could speak, finally whispering, "I saw it again, Laura. I watched Gus and Elizabeth dying, burned in the fire as if a sacrifice to the gods." She shuddered at the memory but went on. "It was awful, the smell, the screams, the feeling of helplessness. Laura, why did God take away my best friend and my husband?"

Laura reached up her free hand to stroke the red gold hair, tentatively, remembering for a moment how it was to comfort her baby when he had nightmares. She brought herself back to the present, answering softly, "I don't know, Linda. I stopped believing in God when my husband and child were killed by Indians. The minister at the church before your husband claimed that I needed to only believe in God, that he would provide everything. God didn't provide anything but vultures, human vultures who tried to swoop down and take away my land and livelihood. I stopped going to church, started wearing George's clothes and stopped caring what anyone thought of me." She kept stroking Linda's hair, mesmerized by its exquisite silky texture, then concluded, "So, now the 'good people' of the town think I am some horrible creature because I dare to be myself and to make money. I think what makes most of them so angry is that my ranch is more profitable than most of the ranches and farms around here." She chuckled at the thought, then abruptly changed the subject. "So, what can you do besides be the perfect minister's wife?"

Linda shifted slightly in Laura's arms, settling more comfortably before answering, "I taught school for several years before I met Spargus, but most places won't let a married woman teach anymore. Or, I guess a widow teach. To tell you the truth, I have no idea what to do. Gus was planning to buy a farm, but he never had the chance. I have no home, don't want to go back to my parents' house and I have a baby to bring up. Women aren't allowed to do much."

Laura snorted in disgust. "Women can do anything they damn well please, pardon my language. However, you and Louis can stay here as long as you need to. I'm sure that Peter would love the help in the kitchen. You can also teach some of the cowboys here--some are not that old, not properly men even, but never finished their schooling." She thought a moment, then suddenly switched subjects again. "You did catch the reference to Pandora. I am pleased."

Linda smiled. "Yes, I did. My Uncle Charles taught at Harvard and came to visit us in Georgia every summer. He taught me Greek and Latin, as well as Greek mythology, saying that it was too bad that I couldn't be a classics professor at Harvard. He taught mostly theology, but also taught the classics as well."

"Ah, he taught you well. In that case, feel free to browse my library, my husband was a collector of all sorts of books. George, my husband, traveled all over Europe before we married and managed to purchase many rare books, mostly from nobles and royalty down on their luck. That man could sniff out a bargain anywhere! Sometimes I miss him tremendously, but then again..." Laura's voice trailed off. A silence descended for several minutes, then Laura yawned. "I'd better get back to bed, morning comes pretty early around here. Will you be okay now?"

"Yes, I think so. I'll try not to have any nightmares from here on out." Linda climbed out of Laura's lap and back into her own bed. "Thank you, Laura."

"You're welcome, Linda. Good night." Laura stood up, stretched, then left the room. Linda watched her leave, then pulled the sheet back up over her and promptly fell asleep.

The next morning, Linda finished unpacking her few clothes and Louis's clothes, storing them in the chest of drawers. She changed his diapers and was in the middle of feeding him when she heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?" she asked.

"Laura. May I come in?"

Linda pulled Louis's blanket higher, then answered, "Yes, come in."

Laura sauntered into the room, looking around. "Looks like you unpacked. I meant what I said last night, you can stay here as long as you wish." She looked at Linda, a picture of serenity and maternity, calmly feeding her son. The blanket started slipping and fell to the floor before Linda could grab it. "I'll get it for you," Laura said as she strode across the room, sweeping the blanket off the floor and giving it back to the young mother. She caught a brief glimpse of Linda's breast and pink nipple before Louis took it back in his mouth. For some reason, the picture caused a jolt of excitement in her gut, which she promptly ignored. "I've already had breakfast and must go check on some of the cattle today. Peter is doing laundry today, so if you need anything washed, you might give it to him pretty soon. He left some breakfast for you on the stove along with a pot of coffee."

"Thank you. Louis and I appreciate your kindness. I do have a favor to ask; if anyone goes to town soon, may I give them money to buy a new cradle? I forgot to pick up Louis's cradle when we packed and I'd hate to ask the church for it back."

"Sure, I'm going tomorrow. But why don't you just use little George's cradle? I still have it and it's in good condition. I'll have Peter bring it in for you, if you'd rather."

"That would work, do you mind terribly?"

"Not at all, Linda. Well, I'm off to work." Laura paused by the door for a moment, wishing she could stay longer. Since most women in town avoided her, she was sometimes hungry to talk to another woman. "Remember, make yourself at home." She couldn't avoid it any longer, she had to go to work.

Soon after Laura left, Louis finished his breakfast and Linda dressed him for the day. She picked him and and went to the kitchen, where she was greeted by Peter. "Mornin' ma'am. Miz Laura said that y'all would be along any time now. Let me git yore breakfast here." Peter swung, pivoting on his good leg, deftly assembling her breakfast on a plate, then limped over to set it on the table. "Could I hold the litter feller? He's so cute, Miz Bills."

Linda nodded, handing over the baby. Peter settled him in his arms, making silly noises and faces as Linda got down the business of eating her breakfast. When she had finished most of her meal, she asked, "Do you usually take to babies so well? Not many men are that comfortable with babies."

"Oh, I had a whole passel of younger brothers and sisters, Miz Bills. I was the oldest of fourteen, ten of which lived past their childhood. My mama was pretty sick most of the time, so I learned to diaper and feed babies. My paw thought it was unmanly, but he was so busy trying to keep the farm going that he didn't have much time to say so. I shore miss my brothers and sisters, though. I joined the Confederate Army when I was but a lad of seventeen and promptly got my laig shot off. Miz Linda's husband, George, took me into his command and appointed me the cook. When he and the missus moved to Texas, they toted me along. I cooked and helped Miz Bills with little George." He cooed at Louis, then turned back to Linda. "He's quite a good baby, I haven't hardly heard him cry since Miz Laura brung y'all to the house."

Linda finished her coffee, then asked seriously, "Peter, what happened to Laura's husband and child?"

He settled in his chair more comfortably, then replied, "Well, when we first settled here ten years ago, they had just married. Little George was born here just after the house was finished. About six years ago, a renegade tribe of Indians came through, trying to rustle the cattle and horses. Mr. George came flyin' out of the house, it was night you see, and was shootin' at them and hollerin' fer them to git away. They shot him full of arrows, then came in the house and carted away most of the food. They killed little George in his bed, his regular bed, he had growed out of his cradle, then went and raped Miz Laura. She managed to fight some of them off and I wasn't much help, for they busted my wood laig. Sorry if my tale is upsettin', that's just the facts 'round here. I nursed her back to health and she swore that a band of Indians wouldn't keep her down, that if she could survive that, she could survive anything. She became a hard woman, livin' more like a man. I've tried to help her every way I could, but I couldn't heal her inside, you see." Louis started whimpering and Peter started jiggling him until he settled back down.

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“Paul, it’s Allen. We have a problem.” My blood chilled. The fact it was Allen calling and not a watch officer told me it was serious. “Talk to me,” I said as I turned away from Jer and headed toward a quiet corner of the gallery. “Mars-One performed it’s mid-flight turn over and cannot re-start engines. No immediate danger, but we’ve got a problem.” I tried to think through the failure modes of the engines on an Orion. “Connectivity checks are good?” I asked. It was the first...

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Cheries Little Problem

Cherie's Little Problem by suki Oh its really something to see. Come in here dear. You can finish the dishes later. And bring your silver plate. You can't imagine the effect the hormones have had on him. I mean the surgery is obvious. But its really the hormones that have changed him. So gentle now, so compliant. Ah darling there you are. Did you bring your little plate? Good. I was just telling the girls all about you and your little problem. There's no need to be...

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Internet Its Your Problem

Copyright, [email protected] Another story by Pagan. The Internet, that's her problem."Don't hog the mirror," the tanned blond girl pouted towards theglass for the benefit of the watching girls, "You're in no need of it you,you ugly four eyed pig."Another girl joined in giggling, "With a face like yours you'llbreak it."The blond haired girl grabbed at the plats and swung the bespectacledgirl away from the basins making her fall in to the side of the first toiletcubical.A dark haired girl...

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Adeles Problem

I looked down at the pile on the table in front of me and wondered just where the habit had come from and how I'd gotten started doing it. I always peel the labels off of my beer bottles. I had been sitting there for over an hour and a half waiting for my stepmother to show and the pile had grown. Adele had called me at work and had asked me to meet her for a drink. She said that she had something important that she needed to talk to me about and so far she had called me twice on her cell to...

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My Problem

Copyright© 2000 Norm DePloom. ALL Rights Reserved Hi, my name is Todd and I hate to say this, but I have a problem. It's my size. No, I don't mean my height, or my weight, I mean my penis. SHE says I can't call it a cock, I have to call it a 'weewee' or at best a penis. I don't have any problem getting hard, it just doesn't get big when it gets hard. I read porno stories about guys with eight or nine inch cocks fucking the brains out of women, and when I have a hard on its even...

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Fixing Glorias plumbing problem

I was in the plumbing section at Home Depot looking at some faucets for my kitchen. There was a couple there also looking at faucets. The man was trying to fit some plumbing parts together. He looked confused so I asked him what he wanted to do. They explained their situation and I chose what supplies they needed. They thanked me and headed for the cash registers. I picked up what I needed and headed there too. Standing in the check-out line, the woman asked me if I did house repairs. I told...

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A slight problem

This is a story that is both part fiction and part truth.You see, the thing is, I am something of a masochist. I like pain. Now, I'm not into the hardcore stuff like taking jumper cables to the sack or being stomped on by stiletto heels. I just like the light stuff, maybe some smacking around, hair pulling, and some of that. I might even be able to be talked into being whipped. I won't be tied though. The desperate urge to be able to defend myself should (God forbid) halfway through my bondage...

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Our Little Problem

OUR LITTLE PROBLEM BY FELICIA RENE Description This is fiction so literary license allows for the omission of condoms, but our reality doesn't. Enjoy Rick and his boyfriend were on the downlow and are discovered by their wives. They are forced to accept a deal to keep from going through a messy costly divorce and financial ruin. One of the conditions that their gay husbands must attend counseling sessions with a hypno therapist that their wives selected. We have got a...

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Nikkis Medical Problem

Are more of this kind of story (med exam) wanted?? The Doctor's Surgery 'Mummy, Daddy, I'm home!' shouted Nikki. 'Hi darling. Good to have you back.' Nikki had been away a few weeks on holiday in the country with her grandparents. However, she was very glad to be back home because she really missed her family and friends. The weekend flew by and then it was back to normal life and school. Nikki was in grade nine at the local high school. She was a bright, intelligent girl, and very...

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At a PriceChapter 12 The Problem

Marty sat there for several minutes. He was trying to work out what had just happened. ‘Bonded? What the fuck did she mean?’ he thought. He had too many questions and no answers. He got up and walked to her room. He knocked gently. “Mary, we need to talk,” he said to the closed door. “Go away. Go home,” Mary yelled back at Marty through the door. He could hear her muffled sobs. “Fuck!” he swore. He paced outside her door, drilling his fingers through his hair as he went over and over what...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 15 Like the Application of Extreme Violence NOT Solving a Problem

"How long?" I asked before opening my eyes. "Three days," Mr. Valence replied. "Too long!" I sat up and looked at him. "You've only got a tiny scar left. Doctor Larson's new favorite word is impossible," he told me. "I'm guessing the scar won't be around for much longer so it's sort of a complete victory for you." "Not yet," I replied. "They're still alive, right?" "The woman was dead when we got to her. You didn't look like you needed us to bug you, so John-John...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 19 Real Problems

September 1980, Milford, Ohio At school on Monday, Erin came to find me at my locker. “You didn’t ask me out, Steve!” “I’m sorry,” I said, closing my locker. “I’ve been really busy. But we could go out for dinner and ice cream on Tuesday or Thursday?” “Thursday is fine! I do have to be home by 9:00pm.” “I’ll pick you up around 5:00pm.” In Miss Barkhurst’s class, we had our first dissection — earthworms. I got a kick out of who had problems with handling them and who didn’t. The funniest...

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Altered Fates Lord Peters Problem

Lord's Peter's Problem By Pyrite modified by Eric Part 1 "Drastic means call for drastic measures," thought Peter DeVries. It was 'Lord' Peter DeVries actually, an Englishman living in LA. He had to admit the climate Waa better. But then almost any climate was better than England's. Peter smiled wryly, The French to this day swear the reason England cologized and conquered most of the wotrld was that Englishmen couldn't wait to get away from England and Frenchmen hated to leave...

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MRS HENDERSON'S PROBLEM? 2NO PROBLEM.!Harriet, Claire and Simon all moved to a wonderful house out in the country. It was large and secluded with quite a large area of land. Their nearest neighbours were 11 miles away (About 18KM) So they had plenty of privacy, which they made full use of. Sex was now an outdoor activity as well as indoor. (When the weather allowed of course.)They made some alterations to the house. The main one was the addition of the swimming pool and the outdoor hot tub.So...

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My Little Problem

Copyright© 2003 There was a young lady of Kent, Who admitted she knew what it meant When men asked her to dine, And plied her with wine, She knew, oh she knew -- but she went! I have this little problem! Its really my own fault - of course - and I can not admit that I regret the path that lay to where I now find myself in. Yet I feel so dirty, so naughty and so vulgar and do you want to know something - I love it! Every minute of the day I think about it - all the times that I...

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Junior Year Part IIIChapter 22 Houston We Have a Problem

I found myself in another meeting about my companies. This was getting old, but Dad insisted that I had to learn this stuff. He’d threatened to step down as CEO (Chief Executive Officer—top dog) if I didn’t participate as the owner. Caryn was already COO (Chief Operating Officer—handled the day-to-day), but Dad wouldn’t allow her to hold both positions. In an ideal world, Caryn would run the business until we grew to the point where we needed more management she could delegate to. At that...

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Little problem turned into a big problem

First I felt that I had a small problem and then it change to a big problem.I had recently hit puberty, I was a late bloomer and already 15 years old with a very boyish penis. It was so small that I was the joke of all my schoolmates. I felt sick to my stomach when I had to change after gym class. The other guys were so mean and hurtful.It got better when I hit puberty and my penis grew. Soon I had the normal sized penis, but the nickname Tiny had already been attached to me. I never got any...

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The Problem

The Problem Janet L. Stickney Being raised in a middle class family I had access to a computer and parents that were fairly open minded. Dad worked as an electrician and mom as a registered nurse, so money was almost never a problem for us. My sister Jennifer had been my closest friend for a long time, the one I confided in and trusted the most, because she found out my secret, and rather than try to hurt me with it, she helped me. She is the one that helped transform me...

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Just A Small Family Problem

I have managed to get myself into a situation that I don't know how to get out of, at least get out of and still keep peace in the family. Actually, it's all my wife's fault, but I can't tell her what she did, and I can only pray that she doesn't find out what I'm doing. My wife and I have a great marriage. We have been together for almost thirty years and we still fuck like honeymooners; four times a week on the average and usually, with foreplay, it lasts for better than half an hour....

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 35 The Root of the Problem

December 16, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “I have some analysis for you, if you’d like to hear it,” Doctor Mercer said. “I’m all ears.” “I think we can trace all of this, in fact, practically all of your interior life, back to your mother and your sister. In what I would call a distortion of the traditional archetypes, your mother is equated to bad, cold, and anti-sex, while your sister is equated to loving, understanding, and sexy. This means, I think, that for you, at least subconsciously,...

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Ambassadors DelightsChapter 1 A Problem

His Magnificence Mahmoud Abdullah, may he live for ever, had been on the throne of Kobekistan for twenty-one years and Mr. Ambassador George K. Armstead, Ambassador to the Court of the Triple Palace of the United States of American was enjoying himself. He had rented a house well away from the embassy to use for unofficial pleasures. He had also purchased a local girl in a slave auction and was whipping her unmercifully. Fortunately for her, he was fat, unfit and unskilled in such matters, so...

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Mom Helps With a Problem

100% fiction! My mother is young and at the risk of sounding cliché, she was and still is very attractive. I remember knowing that my mom was attractive and understanding why she got so much attention. My mother even did some modeling when she was younger. We had a very open and trusting relationship and we could talk about anything. So when the time came that I had to ask my mother to take me to the doctor I had no problem telling her why. My testicles were swollen and hurt I also felt...

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The Problem

I am a 50 year old engineer for an aerospace firm located in one of the Northern plains states. My name is Chuck Everett. Due to various physical problems, including arthritis, I can’t get out to exercise much. As such I am not physically trim and fit. Face it, I’m a bit pudgy and love to cook. I lost my wife of thirty years to cancer five years ago. Our one child has moved to the West coast and might as well live on the moon for all I hear from her. I work with a team of others designing...

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Not Very Nice People Chapter 711 Outstanding Problems

NOT VERY NICE PEOPLE by Crazy Baron Chapter 7: Outstanding Problems Synopsis: The forces of darkness are putting their plans in motion, and Mike Caldwell is caught in the middle. Meanwhile, his mind itself is becoming a battlefield between two personalities, his own and that of his character-- and the odds don't look very promising for him in either conflict. ***** I can think of no better testament to the extent that either reality or my perception of it had warped than the...

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The Doctor Fixed My Mothers Problem

By: 4everhorny Hi, this incident is about my mother which happened about two months ago. We are only the two of us in the house with me being average built 6ft height and 34yrs old and my mother is about 5-9” 52 years with an average figure of 38C-30-38 which I got from her undergarments and she had maintained it very well also by taking good care of herself. She is extremely fair and a regular to the beauty parlors to ensure she always looked good. My father passed away about 20 years back...

1 year ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 303 The Painters Union has a Leak Problem

Saturday, May 6, 2006 One of the advantages I hoped a small video camera had was in not appearing on radar, as I didn't want the Air Force to think San Francisco had fired a missile across the country at Washington DC. Its being detected would be particularly possible when I neared my destination, because the address I'd obtained for the Eclipse Project was VERY close to the White House. I kept my sight blob looking all around for trouble and I flew fairly low - about five hundred feet...

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I do my best to solve my sister8217s ugly problem

Since I was home from school on the semester break, I took my sister to a nice restaurant on the night before her 16th birthday. “How’s your love life?” I asked her with a smile as we studied the big menus. She shook her lovely head. “I have none. Boys are disgusting.” “Your pardon, miss? All of them?” “Present company excepted. You’re hardly a ‘boy’.” “What caused this?” She sniffed and raised her menu....

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Casey Has An Interesting Problem

Casey Willis is a teenage girl.  She is in her last year of high school.  She’s moody and spends too much time on her cellphone.  But, Casey wasn’t like most girls.  She had a very unique situation.  After puberty, she developed a medical condition.  Casey was diagnosed with Galactorrhea.   Galactorrhea happens to about twenty-five percent of women, but can also happen to men.  Galactorrhea’s main symptom is excessive producing of milk.  This condition can happen due to hormone imbalances due...

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The Rent Problem

"You have such a beautiful girlfriend," my landlord always said.It was many years ago when I was with her. When we met she was still seventeen years old, but she was already eighteen when our relationship became more serious and we moved in together. I was six years older than her, and much more experienced than she was.She was a gothic Lolita and it fit to her, because she was very small girl. She looked like a doll. A gothic doll, to be precise. But don't get me wrong while she was short and...

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He encourages his old friendrsquos leaking problem

First, this is a fantasy story focused on pissing and water-sports.Ever since I can remember I have been a devotee of old ladies and sometimes really old ones. At the age of 25 I was introduced to the delights of piss sex when I found that my 65-year-old playmate at the time, called Doreen, loved squirting piss during sex. It really made me horny. Now, a lot, I would say the majority, of old ladies, have problem of leaking bladders and feel ashamed of it. They are forever going to the toilet...

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Mothers Problem

Patricia was admiring her body. The mirror reflected a bombshell beauty. She was thirty-eight, but she still had it where it counted. At five feet and six inches, Patricia was a woman who had taken care of her body. After only one c***d, she still had perky and bouncy breasts, tight abs and an incredible ass that had been sculpted even more by the squat routine she did every morning and right before bed. The total package was completed by lovely smooth skin, which was pale. There weren't any...

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A plumbing problem

The portable buzzed in Christopher’s pocket. It was a message from Ike. Christopher frowned upon reading: “Please come over asap, I got a plumbing problem”. When he sent a message back asking to explain what he meant by that, Ike texted: “My boyfriend’s balls need to be drained tonight”. The blue alien chuckled, that was Ike all over. His ears fluffed, they always did when he was horny. “We definitely need to meet after work; this horniness is killing me” he thought.The whole of the day...

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Karens drinking problem

My girlfriend Karen had a drinking problem but I didn't mind. She liked to drink to the point of passing out almost every night of the week. None of her coworkers or family knew this of her because she only did it when we were home alone.I didn't mind because she kept our home clean, usually cooked a decent meal for us and liked to have vigorous sex just before passing out for the night. She was a great lay and had no objections to trying new things. We had tried everything we could imagine...

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Mom helps with a problem

My mother had me very young and at the risk of sounding cliché, she was and still is very attractive. I remember knowing that my mom was attractive and understanding why she got so much attention. My mother even did some modeling when she was younger. We had a very open and trusting relationship and we could talk about anything. So when the time came that I had to ask my mother to take me to the doctor I had no problem telling her why, my testicles were swollen and hurt a lot, I also felt like...

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Richards Little Problem

“Did you finish the agency report Jack? I want a simple yes-or-no answer.” asked the old man angrily, looking at the handsome young intern through his bifocals.“No sir, but –” stuttered Jack knowing that he had really screwed up this time, and the boss was not going to let him off lightly.“So you sat at your desk doing nothing all week knowing fully well that I needed that agency report this morning. I am at a loss of words at your lackadaisical attitude Jack!” the old man was shaking with...

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Satisfied Fuck And Solved Financial Problem

Satisfied fuck and solved financial problem… Girish was in finance problem and Sushma was in need of sex…. Who all not read my first story you can go through this link.. Https://www.Indiansexstories.Net/couple/suma-sunil-gave-wonderful-experience-bed/… Hi guys this is Kiran again back with another story first I like to thanks all who have replied to my previous story once again I tell you please don’t ask again & again that the story is real or imaginary because always I share my real story...

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Daddys Problem

Daddy has this problem. He drinks a lot sometimes. I have a problem,too. I've always wanted to touch his dick. I don't know why, but since Iwas about 7 or so I've watched to touch it. I've been able to check it outsometimes, like when he comes out of the shower, or we change together atthe pool. As I've gotten older (I'm 10 now) I've also wondered what itmight taste like. I've looked up stuff on the Internet, and it's only madewe want to do it more. In fact, just last night I was looking for...

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Solve My Net And Sex Problem

Hi, readers, its me Raju again. I am getting overwhelming response from all readers. This time I will tell you how A young girl was fucked by me. There is A family living in our neighborhood in bhopal, they have two daughters naming ritu and komal, her mother works in A school and father is in bank out of Bhopal. Both girls are very cute and I was interested more in komal. One day komal come to me in noon saying that she is facing some problem in opening the orkut on net. I told her let me see...

2 years ago
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A Stitch In Time Chapter 1 The Problem

Mark Severn could only be described as a brilliant polymath who also easily learned various European languages. He was more annoyingly friends said, rather handsome and well built. He was also one of the few people out and about. For almost two hundred years the human race had been fighting against seemingly endless variants of a virus that first appeared in the early 21st century. Now the fight appeared to be over. Doctors at the government's underground research laboratory had determined...

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We Have a Problem

“We have a problem.” I was a step into the kitchen and my wife was at it again. “Oh. Now what?” “Actually - you have a problem.” “Uhhh...” “Like sitting in your boxers when you’re at the desk in your office.” I opened the cupboard and scanned what was left of the cereal boxes. “What’s wrong with that? It’s my room.” “Your granddaughter. Amy.” “Why not ‘ours’? Didn’t you have a hand in making her mother?” My wife put down her coffee. “Yours - when she’s bad.” I thought back to six...

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Small Problem

I have this small problem; well it's not that small actually, it's this thing I have with drink. It doesn't happen very often and most time my husband is there to protect me mostly from myself. Even with him there, I've been known to shed a garment or two before he stops me and takes me home. The problem is that he's not always there. Christmas office parties were the worst, I rarely go these days, I had to leave so many jobs, not being able to return and face my work colleagues in the new...

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Harry the Hippopotamus Has a Problem

Harry the hippopotamus had a problem that was keeping him from sleeping at night. He had already asked all the other hippopotamuses for their opinions and it looked like a fairly even split with half of them favoring the use of hippopotamuses and the other half certain that hippopotami was the correct plural for their species of animal life in Africa. He was a little confused about using hippopotamuses or hippopotami but he was quite sure that they were in Africa because his mama told him...

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Bobs Your Uncle or a Modern Adult Fairy TaleChapter 5 Hes in Two Minds About the Problem

It's 2012, mid tourist season, and life has been quiet. The Old Bag has been deceased for six years and sometimes Bob really missed the solitude of a vacant mind, which doesn't criticize everything he does, thinks or says. "Search and rescue calling Garrigeld Island, Search and rescue calling Bob Fischer, come in Garrigeld Island, over" "Fischer here, Alfred, how can I help you on this fine day? Over" "You have a rather large craft coming in your direction. I don't know of its...

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Weight Loss ProgramChapter 16 Confronting the Problem

Jim was hard when he got into bed. I think his excitement was due to his surprise at seeing Wendy naked in our house unexpectedly, but when we made love that night, Wendy wasn't there at all. He was gentle and loving--in short, the wonderful person that he always was. When he kissed me, I knew he wasn't thinking of my naked friend sleeping on top of the covers in the next room. He was thinking about me. I thought it kind of cute, actually. Jim probably saw Wendy naked a dozen times or...

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Stacys Problem

Stacy had a problem, a BIG problem: her son. When she and her late husband, Chad (God rest his soul), found out that the baby rapidly growing in her ever-expanding belly was a boy, they had both been filled with such hope. What a handsome, strong man he would inevitably grow up to be, they thought! And virile too, though neither would dare say that part aloud (that would just be crude, of course). But then Chad died in a car accident, and Stacy was forced to raise their child, named...

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A Different Sort of LifestyleChapter 24 Dealing With Problems

“What’s the matter?” Greg had just dropped off the second from the last carpooler and he was alone in the car with Jim. Coming to a stop at the sign, Greg glanced over at his passenger and answered, “Things kind of fell apart at home last night.” Jim Green looked concerned and asked, “What happened?” “I don’t really understand what happened. The kids were in a bad mood and that seemed to infect all of us. Everything just fell apart. All of the work we’ve done to fix the marriage was going...

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Girl Problems

Girl Problems By Justin Felder "I still don't understand why it takes you so long," Justin shouted from outside Miranda's dorm. "If you won't accept it just does, then there's nothing to tell you," Miranda shouted back, finishing her mascara. "But you haven't told me anything. Maybe if I had an answer, I wouldn't seem so impatient." "Seem? You are impatient." "I am not impatient! You take too long! Evan do you think I'm impatient?" Evan Masters...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 9 Policy Problems

August 7, 1987, Chicago, Illinois “This is a short staff meeting to let you know about a proposed addition to the employee handbook,” Julia said. “It’s a potentially touchy subject, and we wanted to get your feedback on it before we put it in place. The short version is that on the advice of Jamie Ferguson, we want to add a provision about dating, or other relationships, between managers and staff. An important caveat is that the Board has already acknowledged the relationship between Steve...

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Jasons TaleChapter 7 Dealing with all the Problems

I took another couple of days off before doing anything important. I’d only been gone a week, but Millie looked better and got some good personal attention that afternoon. I stole some of little Jay-Jay’s dinner and Millie tried to fuck me to death. Ceecee looked pregnanter if that was possible and acted needy instead of her usual ‘happy to please’ when she got her turn that evening, but she was simply too big for her to be on her back. We had to do it doggy-style. Around here they called...

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The Futa Fairy Futas Hot MILF Wish Chapter 2 Cassandras Futa Problem

Chapter Two: Cassandra's Futa Problem By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Tears fell down my cheeks as I stared at my new cock sprouting from where my clit used, the folds of my pussy wrapped about its base. It was still wet and shiny with Mrs. Teller's hot pussy. The MILF, mother of my best friend, had rode me so hard, so eager to cum on my dick. I thought, finally, that I had her. After lusting after her for years, I had the MILF in my arms. Yes, I didn't imagine I would grow a cock at...

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