Janey's May free porn video

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For some reason, I was feeling out of sorts a good part of May, and just didn't feel like writing a story. Then I had this dream...

I woke up and tried to turn my head to look around. Couldn't. Looked straight ahead. Hmmm. My left leg appeared to be in a cast, in traction. Kind of hazy, but I figured I must be in a hospital. Yellow walls with grey doors. Machinery. Could be worse, I thought. Tried to move my right arm. Couldn't. But I could move my fingers, and I felt the edge of another cast. Well, damn. It was worse. But still not as bad as it could get. Moved the fingers of my left hand. OK. Moved my left arm down--a little. It seemed to be stuck on something. I moved my left arm up to touch my face. Good; it wouldn't move down, but at least it moved up. Better than nothing. Face OK, something on my head. Thought to wiggle the toes of the leg in traction. They wiggled. I moved my right leg, lifted it off the bed and looked at it. Seemed OK. Good.

Summary: Neck problem of some sort. Right arm in a cast. Face apparently intact. Left arm moved up and a little sideways, but not down. Left leg in traction, but toes move.

Checked for pain. Nothing. Good dope, I guessed. Things still looked a little hazy, and my head kind of buzzed, steadily, but it could be worse. I decided I must have run out of dumb luck.

Now when you find yourself in the hospital all trussed up, you're going to begin to wonder just what put you there. And how soon you're going to get out.

I decided to wonder about those things. I saw a calendar on the wall dead ahead. July 12, 2010. Hadn't been here long, then. Happy birthday. Haaaapy Birth-day toooo Me! Part of me noticed I wasn't thinking at lightning speed, or making much sense.

Just then I heard a door open. I could still hear, despite the buzz. Another plus. Definitely.

A smiling face hung itself in front of me. Cute little nurse. Didn't trust smiles from a nurse.

"You're with us!" she said.

"I think so," I said. But what came out sounded more like, "Uh tink oh." So I tried again.

"I think so." Better.

"How many fingers?"

"Three. What about the rest of the guys?"

"Hey, you really are with us!" she said. "Not bad at all. They tell me you were way out ahead when you got yours. A few of 'em down the hall, kind of shook up, but nobody really hurt."

"You wouldn't lie. I've known nurses to lie."

"Cross my heart," she said, putting herself back in view. "See?" She crossed her heart. "Anyway, I'm not a nurse, I'm an intern--no little hat, right? Interns never lie."

Huh. Maybe I'd trust her a little.

She gave me a glass of water, holding it to my lips. It was good.

"You're a big hero, you know?"

"Naw. I musta made a mistake, or I wouldn't be here, and neither would they."

She poked her face right up against mine.

"Listen here," she said. "You didn't make any mistakes at all. Some asshole dropped a bomb on you. Now what can I do for you?"

I glanced at the machines. One of them had a lot of red LEDs on it.

"What's the reading, over there?" I asked.

"Temp OK, heart OK, respiration OK, and a lot of other things, all OK," she said.

"I remember now," I said. "I heard him coming in. I remember wondering where the hell the air cover was. That's all I remember."

"That's all right," the intern said. "Go to sleep. I'll look in."


I woke up later, feeling better. I looked at the calendar--the haze had gone away. Head still buzzed a little, but maybe not so bad. Can't complain, I guessed. Could have been a who-o-o-ole lot worse.

Then I remembered the whole thing.

I jumped out of the command car.

"Thanks, soldier," I said. He was off like a rocket, back to headquarters, where they didn't shoot at you. Much.

Looking around, I saw troops scattered all over the rocks, looking confused. Then I noticed a guy with a flexible terrain map. So I got down low and scuttled over to see if he might have some idea of what was going on. Fancy that! A live officer. In clean BDU's. Shaved. New boy.

"Sergeant Jane MacDonald, Sir," I said. "They sent me to help you straighten out this mess. Can you tell me what's up? Who've we got left?"

"I'm Lieutenant Ivan," he said. "I've been here an hour, and I don't know much more than you do. We've got nineteen soldiers from the First Battalion, mostly from Bravo Company. I thought they were going to send some people from Alfa Company."

"Just me," I said. "I'm all that's left. Any non-coms?"

"Two," he said. "Corporal Kim and Corporal Teresa. A couple of PFCs. I was talking to some of the guys and they told me Kim is tough. Teresa is senior--looks to me like she ought to be decorating a swimming pool, not toting a rifle."

Oh, great. Another sex-mad lieutenant. Where did they get these guys?

"Look, Lieutenant, I guess you haven't been out here too long?"

"You got it," he said. "I graduated from OCS last week and they flew me across."

"Well, I know Kim. I'm surprised she's still with us--figured she'd get fragged for shooting off her mouth. But she's tough, all right. I don't know Teresa, so I'll withhold judgment on that."

"Yeah," he said, smirking. "The guys told me Kim's famous for doing weird things with bottles."

"Only in her spare time, Lieutenant. You have any idea what we're supposed to do once we get organized?"

"Well, what I was told was that we have to take a strong point up high on the side of this hill we're sitting on. A lot of mortars and maybe a two platoons of infantry. Some staff guy told me the colonel wants us to march right up and do it."

"Show me the map, Sir." He handed me the electronic display and I fiddled with it a couple of minutes until I could see the situation.

"That's a very bad idea, Lieutenant. Why don't you get on the phone and explain what we have here? Try to get 'em to give us a little leeway."

"Sure, Sergeant, if you want." He smiled. "I may be dumb, but at least I know I don't know what's going on."

He took the field phone out of its case, and I moved across toward the troops.

"Corporal Teresa?" I said, raising my voice.

"Right here, Sergeant." Cute little thing. I saw what the elltee meant, but that didn't get him promoted up from asshole.

"OK. Get the troops together, will you?"

"Fuckin' A, Sergeant," she said. She put her fingers in her mouth and whistled. I winced. Good soldier, I suspected, but a little rambunctious. Probably just young.

I watched the soldiers shambling over. Sorry-looking lot. Oh, well, you get what you pay for, and Uncle Sam didn't pay for high quality soldiers these days. Besides, I did have to admit they'd had a rough forty-eight hours. I knew several of them. They gathered around.

"OK," I said. "Most of you don't know me. I'm Sergeant Jane MacDonald, second platoon, Alfa Company. What you are, I regret to say, is the First Battalion, all of nineteen strong. Every one of you either has good skills or a lot of dumb luck or you wouldn't be here. Maybe some of you have both, I don't know. But we have the dubious honor of being alive and, I guess you could say, well."

A shout from the rear. "We know you, Sarge!" Private Losgud. Heard he's thinking of getting out. Must talk to him--can't lose good soldiers. If we come out of this talking.

"Shut up, Losgud," I said.

I continued the little speech.

"The U.S. Army hasn't been clobbered this bad since Kasserine Pass. But we'll recover."

I heard somebody in the rear saying, "What the fuck is Kasserine Pass, Bear?"

"Hell, I don't know, DG," Pvt. Bear answered. "You always expect me to know what's going on. It's probably someplace in Mexico that somebody shot up a couple of hundred years ago. I've served with her before--always acts like she's got a military history book shoved up her ass. Crazy broad. But you better not fuck with her. She'll tear you apart."

I decided to ignore this nonsense.

"Meanwhile, we have a little problem," I said. "But Lt. Ivan is over there talking to Colonel Celeste about it. You see up this little hill we're standing on?" I faced uphill and they turned to see where I was looking. "Well, you probably can't see anything, but there's a mortar position sitting up there overlooking the Second Battalion. The Second is still in pretty good shape, but they can't move an inch until the mortars are gone. So the colonel told the elltee to lead us right up the hill to take that position."

"Sheee-it," said Teresa. "They'll shoot our asses off!"

"I can see that you have the makings of a great tactician, Corporal, but the colonel, unfortunately, doesn't seem to agree with you. Or possibly she doesn't value your ass quite as much as you do. Most likely she doesn't know what the situation is, since she's not generally considered to be stupid, even if she does occasionally pull a howler.

"But the elltee decided to have a little talk with the colonel to see if he can't get things changed a little."

"The elltee doesn't know his ass from second base!" said Private first class Proust. "He just got out of OCS last week. He's a fucking ninety-day wonder!"

"Well," I said, "I think the elltee is pretty smart. He decided to listen to me."

I could hear murmuring in the ranks.

Pvt. Thrope was lecturing some poor bastard from Bravo Company--named Watcher, I thought. "All right, she has lousy taste in men, but she takes good care of her troops, so you better just fuck off!" The guy looked like she'd hit him with an axe. Not a really sweet woman, but I agreed with at least two of her sentiments, so what the hell. Besides, I'd heard she was a hell of a warrior. The word was that they had to transfer a guy named Feldspar out of the battalion to keep her from killing him.

Then I heard Pvt.Watcher whispering to Pvt. Twassel about self-absorbed women. If they didn't shape up soon they'd be doing KP the rest of their lives.

I looked over toward the lieutenant, twenty meters away. He gave me a thumbs up.

"All right, boys and girls," I said, raising my voice to stifle the murmurs. "The elltee has found somebody to give us permission to do it another way. Cpl. Teresa, you'll be pleased to know your prayers are answered. Instead of all of us just walking up there into their guns, you, Corporal, are going to take four soldiers with you, go around the hill to the left, climb up and hit the bastards from the right flank. Teresa, give us a flare when the shooting starts. Naismith, take three others, go up to where you can see the fuckers and hide out. When the flare goes up, just start throwing in everything you can to draw fire. The rest of us will circle around the hill, come up from behind and save your asses. Kim, you stay with me, guard our rear. Any questions?"

Just then I saw a burly major headed my way. I called the troops to attention and saluted him.

"Sgt. MacDonald, Sir, acting exec of the First Battalion," I said.

"I only heard the last part of your op plan, Sergeant," the major said. "Did I understand you to say you were going to send a patrol of only five soldiers to attack from the flank, and four to draw fire?"

"Yessir," I answered. "That seemed to be the best way to handle the problem."

"Well," he said, "it damned well isn't the best way. Don't you read the field manuals? You'll send at least two three-man fire teams on each patrol, like the book says."

"Begging your pardon, Sir, could you tell me who you are?"

"I'm Major M1ke Hunt of the Regimental staff, Sergeant," he replied.

"Yes, Sir, I've heard of you somewhere. Not around here lately, though. Anyhow, I'm afraid I must respectfully refuse your order. You're not in the chain of command as far as I'm concerned, so I think the lieutenant's decision will stand."

"Sergeant, you're under arrest," he said, his eyes narrowing. He turned to Teresa. "Corporal, put the sergeant under arrest. You know who's got the authority here. Me! I'll arrange for a court martial later."

Teresa looked at the major for a moment then spat a wad of ersatz tobacco on the ground about four inches from his left toe. Obviously, I thought, the lieutenant was wrong--this woman liked to fight. But I was going to have to give her a course in self-control if we survived this fiasco.

"I don't think I'll do that, Major," she said. "Maybe after we take the hill. Will that do, sir?"

"We'll see about that," the major said. "I'll find somebody to put you all under arrest." He strode off down the hill, muttering something about "uppity women" and "this man's Army."

"Fuck you, Major," came from the rear ranks. Sounded like Pvt. Nick--I didn't even know he could get mad; he was always trying to pacify things.

"At ease," I shouted. "If I want to be stupid, that's fine. But nobody under my command is going to be stupid, you get me?"

"Suuuure, Sarge," I heard. I couldn't have this. Then I heard, "Oof!" LeAnna--I thought that was her name--must have poked him in the ribs. Much better. I just hate to have to break people's arms to get their attention.

"OK, Teresa," I said. "We're depending on you. Move out."

She snapped to attention and saluted like she was at West Point. "Yes, Ma'am," she said.

"When you get back, remind me to confine you to quarters, Teresa," I said.

She grinned. "OK, come on you guys, we're outta here." She motioned to Twassel and he lurched after her, trying to say something about not understanding. Then a soldier I hadn't met, some kind of Slavic name and the cleanest, neatest guy I'd seen since the shit hit the fan, came swaggering over. He was followed by Private Sandman and Private EZ.

"OK, Naismith, you, Kristen, Delta and Kitty move out, fast. That's full speed ahead, to you."

"Aye, aye, Sergeant," he said, and he and the rest started scrambling up the hill. Crazy bastard claimed he used to be in the Navy. If he was, I bet he was your typical sea lawyer. But he'd fight.

That left twelve of us, counting me and the elltee.

"We got maybe half an hour to kill," I told them. "Might as well take it easy." It was hot. I sat down where I was and wrestled my canteen out of its shell. Got in the habit of filling it with red wine when we were fighting the Frogs. Tough bastards, and they sure knew their wine. Anyhow, being a little lit at this point was going to be a definite asset. We were just going to take a strong point with nineteen raggedy-ass, worn out losers, that's all. The lieutenant came over and sat down by me.

"I got headquarters," he said, "and I could have sworn some major named Cyrhh was ordering us to charge right up the hill, but they were breaking up so much I couldn't really make out what she said. I think she must have been telling us to do it the best way we could."

"You did good, Lieutenant," I said. "Who taught you to follow the rules so carefully?"

"Oh, there was this old Sergeant Sven--funny name for an Irishman--he taught us tactics at OCS. Said most of the time you have to figure it out for yourself. So I thought if you said this was the way to do it, and he said sometimes you're on your own, this was no time to screw around."

"Well," I said, "sometimes it's better to do it first, then ask permission."

Thirty minutes went by fast. I struggled to my feet, batting forty pounds of equipment into place.

"On your feet, troops," I said. "I'll take the point. The rest of you follow along, and keep an eye on the lieutenant. I don't want anything at all to happen to him, and if it does I'll have your asses. You in particular, See-El, you take care of him. Understand?"

I headed up the hill, to my left. The lieutenant stayed back with the troops, the way he was supposed to. I remember thinking he might do all right after I got him trained. There was enough of a trail to make it an easy walk around, but I figured I'd better avoid that, so I veered about fifteen meters to the left. The rest of the guys let me get about twenty meters ahead, then straggled along after me.

We were about halfway around the hill when I heard the jet coming in. I wondered where the fucking flyboys were this time.

"Down, you assholes," I shouted. Then there was this flash of white light. Next thing I know I'm lying in this fucking bed. Bad scene.

Here came the intern again.

"Hello, sweetie," she said, "how you doin'?"

"Nobody called me sweetie in a hell of a long time," I said. "What's your name, Lieutenant?"

"I'm Lieutenant Taria," she said. "I came to see if you needed anything."

"Yes, Ma'am, I do," I said. "Do you know what happened out there after I got zapped?"

"Skip the Ma'am stuff, Sergeant," she said. "Just call me Taria. OK. The way I understand it you were supposed to get rid of some mortars, right? Well, after you got hit, Cpl. Kim took over and Pvt. Crossgrove picked you up and carried you the rest of the way up the hill. I told him you are NOT the heaviest woman in the universe, you're just right for your height. Anyhow, the attack went off just the way you planned.

"Cpl. Teresa had the place pretty well cleaned out by the time the rest of your troops got there. She's going to get a medal, and naturally Lt. Ivan will get the Silver Star, because he was in charge. Somebody said the colonel's going to get a medal, too, but I don't know that for sure. You're getting a Purple Heart, of course, but I don't know what else. Maybe Dr. Hayden will know. He'll be around pretty soon."

"He any good?" I asked. I had already wondered how I was going to stay on the battalion swimming team with a game leg.

"He's an absolutely great surgeon," she said, "but watch out! He flirts with every female patient we get. He'll take a bullet out of your ass at midnight and in the morning he's around to examine your boobs. Can't trust the man at all. He thinks politically correct is to vote Democratic. He's got this real nice grin, and half the women fall for him. Then he's off to the next, of course."

"Sounds like my kind of guy," I said.

"If he gives you any trouble, let me know, and I'll go straight to Gen. Bronwen. When the guys get in trouble with her, they come out of her office looking like they'd been dragged through a knothole, but they're nice as pie for a couple of weeks. They cringe when anybody mentions sex. I don't quite know how she does it. Anyhow, she'll cool him off." She grinned. "One way or another."

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Janey makes some money

I had been writing and posting stories on a web site where I could tell of my adventures in life. I got my start with sex by fucking my dog. It turned out to be a great time in my life. To this day, I still would rather have sex with a big cocked dog that any man. I had a few wonderful years living with a great bi-sexual named Teri. I have written about her. She loves to dog fuck also. The years with her was a non stop fuck fest. The most enjoyable thing we did was for us to be in the 69...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 10 Hold the Mayo

October 16, 1993, Chicago, Illinois Mitsuko arrived at our house at 6:30am for our drive to Springfield. We’d participate in the Aikido class, then have lunch with Sensei Daniel and two other students, as we had the last time. We got into the car and headed out right away. “Are you going to see your sister?” I asked. “No,” Mitsuko replied. “I didn’t even tell her I was coming home because you need to be back before dinner so the girls can go out.” “Are you enjoying being with them?” I...

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Horny Maya

Hi, once again to all iss reader, prince here bringing you an experience with my neighbor’s maid. First I wanna thank u 4 huge responses & sorry I didn’t tell u bout myself in my last story, m 5’8 fair looking with average body from Bangalore…. So now here’s what u want…………… I had a neighbor whose house was situated two houses from mine. They were husband and wife. The husband was working in the gulf and the wife was working in a government firm. Her name was veena, aged around 33 yrs. Infact,...

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Janey needs some sex slaves

Janey had taken all she could. She was so horny and with her homely looks, she was not about to get some good lovin. She finally said, enough is enough. She had gone to a local flea market and was able to get all the items she thought she would need. Firstly she bought two cheap stun guns. At another booth she bought two pair of handcuffs. In a booth that an old lady was running, that did sewing's and knitting, she bought two blind folds for night sleeping. The horny ass bitch bought these...

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Janey Part 2

Basking in the afterglow of a first-class blowjob, I watched in awe as my little sister Janey slowly stripped. First, she exposed her breasts, and fine specimens they were. B cups. Proportionate to her slender figure. Cone-shaped with puffy nipples. I felt myself harden as I imagined how they would feel in my mouth."I'll bet your not too concerned about the fact that these belong to your little sister," she said leaning over and dangling them in front of my face. I shook my head, 'no' and...

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The Office Sex Forum Maya

Hi, my name is Maya and I want to tell you about the office where I work at. The office where I work at is part of the IIA. The International Insurance Association. Every day deal with the company’s costumers and try to sell them the most expensive insurance possible. Most of the time, it is insurance that they don’t even need.  But anyway, that is beside the point. The office where I work at is special. Just like any other office, there is a strong divide between the low level white collar...

Office Sex
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My Wife8217s Friend Maya

By : Jshnmn Hi Friends, This is Mann. Since a long time I wanted to write stories about my some personal experiences. So here I am sharing one of my experiences. My name is Mann, and I am a married guy, with a beautiful wife. Though my wife is too beautiful, but I could not control on my emotions for other beautiful and hot girls around me. Currently I am in USA, but I am going to tell you the story, when I was in India. It was just one year of my marriage, but I was not satisfied with my wife,...

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Birth of Mayhem

Birth of Mayhem Megan Roman "Doubt me if you want, but hand to God, she's one of them," Ron whispered to Tim before he took a sip of beer. "I was out with Lana last night. 'Round midnight, I found 20 horny-lookin' goons surrounding three college girls in an alley. All of a sudden, bam!" Ron took another sip of his drink and pointed to the far side of the swimming pool in the middle of his back yard. "There's Morgan, beating the crap out of all 20!" Tim still doubted it. ...

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Janey Part 1

It was a Friday night and I was home, in my room, watching my favorite Nicky Huntsman porn clip. You know the one, where her 'father' comes to her room complaining that mom's being a bitch and would she do 'that thing' and they end up fucking. My boxers were at half staff and my sisters' panties were wrapped around my shaft, when, who should appear, but my little sister Janey."Hey Robby, wanna watch a mov...Oh shit! Sorry! " she said as she rounded the corner and stepped into my room....

2 years ago
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Owning the Mayor

Miranda sat alone in a bustling coffee shop.  In front of her on the table was a thin stack of photographs.  She picked them up and began flicking through them.  They pleased her greatly and she grinned widely.  One man appeared in all of them, he looked conservative and well-groomed, his suits always smart and respectable, but the positions he was in were far from respectable.  Meeting with some very unscrupulous looking men,  exchanging briefcases and brown envelopes.  She knew she had him...

4 years ago
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Lady May

Lady May sprawled languidly across her four post bed. The rumpled black silk blankets still glistened with moisture from her exertions. Her long blonde hair splayed out wetly across the pillow and she reached out for a cigarette. "Carson!" she cried, "My cigarettes!" Carson waited at his station beside the stairwell as was his wont when Madame was entertaining, ready to welcome guests or serve his employers with equal facility as befits a butler, so swiftly grasping a small pack of...

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The Mayflower

The Mayflower I had worked for two summers on my uncle’s farm to save up enough money for my first car and my insurance too. She wasn’t much but I loved her. She was a 1966 Ford Mustang. There was lots of rust and the seats were worn badly but she was all mine. With four on the floor, bucket seats, and enough power to get up and go, I was in heaven. The engine was in the best shape of anything else in the car. I named her “The Mayflower.” I figured that with my own car I could start...

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Ivrei and Mayja

He dismissed yet another of the nobles, not interested momentarily in their petty concerns. True, Ivrei was a man of renowned power, and that power had become extraordinarily useful in accomplishing tasks. He crossed the grand hall, or visitor’s lounge, of his castle and up a set of spiral stairs at the back and right corner of the room. Most of the place was decorated with smooth white leather and golden banisters and wall hangings, with the lighting magically dimmed to allow for perfect sight...

2 years ago
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The sight of Candy lying on a sunlounger by the pool was driving me crazy. It always amazes me that there is not more sexual activity on beaches and poolsides, because everybody’s out there almost naked. You wouldn’t sit in a room with a woman in just your underpants and she in just a bra and knickers – or if you did, you would be expecting to get lucky very soon. And yet in sunbathing mode we are expected to behave “like adults”, which, in that case, means not getting excited, or even not...

Straight Sex
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Vitress Tamayo

I've always considered myself straight but I had come across the likes of Vitress Tamayo on xhamster and I had jerked off to her a couple of times. There was just something about her that I really liked and I thought that she was super hot. To my surprise I had found out that she was being photographed at a studio near me. I had managed to get there and I had saw her as she entered the studio. I don't know what came over me but I thought that I'd go for a coffee at a nearby coffee shop and...

2 years ago
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Teacherai Mayakinen

Vanakam enathu peyar santhosh naan kalluriyil padithu mudithuvittu irunthen. Ennudaya vayathu 25, naan oru naal enathu kalluriyil function nadathugiraargal endru ennku azhaipu vanthathu piragu unavum tharugiraargal endru sonnargal. Naan kalluriyil padithu mudithu 2 varudangal aagugirathu appozhuthu nan paarpathrku sumarana paiyan than. Aanal ippozhuthu paarpatharku azhagaga irupen pinbu enathu maarbu matrum thudaigal annithum konjam perithaga irunthathu. Intha vayathil ennai annaivarum ooka...

3 years ago
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Friends With Benefits With Mayuri

Hello guys..After a long break ek bar fir me apke samne apni nayi aur sachi kahani leke aaya hu..Pahle me apko apne bareme bata du mera nam rohan he me nagpur mh ka rehne wala hu meri age 24 he aur dikhneme thoda handsome hu se search krk you can read my earlier stories..Ye chudai story h meri or mere ek friend ki girlfrnd ki..Uska nam mayuri he..Age 25 figure sexy matlb 36d-28-34 height bhi achi he u know what I meant.. To ab story pe ate he ghatna thodi badi he islye shuru se padhoge to hi...

3 years ago
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Kurnool Abbay Hyderabad Ammay

I am Kalyan from kurnool living in Hyderabad now. Naku kathalu rayatam kothha hope you all will enjoy after reading this. I am regular reader of Indian sex stories and telugu ISS which is for only telugu stories, part of ISS. Chala baguntay stories andarvi In my view a girll feel more happy when her feelings can be shared with some1 who can understand, respect her. Anduke ipudu nenu kathalo chepaboye amai tho kuda thana feelings thagatlu chesa Meeku na story nachite please send your comments...

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Mona Bhabhi Ek Mayajaal

This is my new story which I happend upto april 2016. First let me describe myself my name is aryan from delhi. A psychology student age 20 years. Mai delhi me ek room par rhta hu. My owners are very good and rich family. Mr and mrs. Sharma. Meri psychology kaafi achi hai. I can do face reading easily. So many students and friends love and respect me very much.Ye kahani shuru hoti hai december 2015 on my birthday. Mera birthday tha…To mai apni girlfriend ke saath delhi me ghuma khoob maje kiye...

3 years ago
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Badale Aur Pyar Ka Mayajal

Mera naam Neha hai, aur me 32 year ki hun,  housewife hun,  me paheli bar yanah apani bat aur mere sath huve ajeeb sex experiences ko share karan chahti hun. Par me batana chahati hun ki ye ek aesi story nahi jo ki AAM hao.. 6 sal pahele ke ye bat hai,  jab mene paheli bar sex ka anubhav kiya tha. Ye ajeeb lagega par mene college me bhi sex nahi kiya tha aur bad me bhi me chahati thi ki pahela sex mere pati ke sath ki suhagrat me karu. Sex shuahag rat ko to huva par pati ke sath nahi.. aur yehi...

4 years ago
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Sexy Mom Sumaya

By: Avinav I’m male of 18 years old and my mom is Sumaya 34 years old and still hot. She is 5’8 and 60 kgs. My dad is an investment banker andhe is a workaholic and stays at office very late and on weekends. He comes home only to sleep we stay in Mumbai it was after my 12 exams. I had nothing to do but to stay with my laptop and chat with friends. My mom came to me and asked me if I can teach her some computer stuff I agreed. Now she used to wear sarees at that time in the house so I could...

2 years ago
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Sex Guru Riya Ammayi

SEX GURU RIYA AMMAYI (1): By Jesolal (). Hello suhuruthukkale, Idivettu Gracey yude sponchy main switch ninghale aavolam on/off aakki aaswaadhichu kaanum yennu viswaasikkunnu… yippol ninghalumayi panghu vaikkuvaan pokunnadh yente best friend Jos inte anubhavam yennodu vivarichadh, avante vaakkukal yente sailiyil ningalkk ishttamaayekkaam yenna viswasathil thudanghunnu… Oru avadhikaalam Amma veettil poyappol undaaya anubhavamaanu yente jeevidhathe aake uzhuthu marichadh; njaghal...

4 years ago
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Sara din kajer par rate nijer bara niye Ram babu aaj kal khoob muskil a parechhen…age jekhane saptahe bou ke pray 4/5 bar chudten..aar akhon 10 mas na chude achhen,pray ratei bara khara haye jay..aar aai bayase handle marte kahatok aar bhalo lage… Chehara kharab hate suru karechhe…bybsa r kaj o dekhte mon chay na…sara khan bhaben akta gud pele mon khule bara dhukiye jadi aktu chudte parten tahole shanti peten…kintu se aar pachhen kothay..sabai to aar Sonagachhi/harkata gali te jete pare na ba...

2 years ago
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As the wife of an arranged marriage, Mayla had always been told, especially by her mother, how lucky she was to have such a good husband; he always kept food in the house (and what a house), he always gave her nice things to wear, he helped support her aging parents, what more could she want? ‘Fidelity for one thing;’ Mayla thought having already gone to the doctors twice to treat cases of V.D., ‘an orgasm by him, even if only once in a while; safety would be nice;’ she added to the list...

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Sexy Soothai Paarthu Mayanginen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil sexyaaga soothu vaithu irukum pennai paarthu mayangi avalai usar seithu sex seithen. En peyar Arul, vayathu 28 aagugirathu, intha vayathil enaku innum thirumanam seithu vaikamal thaan irukiraargal. Athanaal naan thinamum kama kathai matume padithukondu irupen. Enaku kai adikavilai endraal oru naal kuda enaku thukame varathu, jollyaga sight adipen. Pengalin soothai paarpathu enaku pidikum, pengal soothai paarthu rasipathe oru thani vithamaana sugam endru...

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© 1998 This story is a fantasy based not too loosely on fact. Like the lives of most of its readers, it contains no sexual acts. When the story stops, you are allowed to carry on thinking. If you are incapable of thought, go and find some pictures of women with computer-aided tits. 1998 It was late afternoon when I rang the doorbell of Naismith's period cottage in Sussex. His battered and dusty four-wheel drive vehicle was outside, negligently parked with one wheel run up on to the rockery....

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Beverly Hillbillies Elly May Jethro Maynt

Even as Miss Hathaway's convertible was slipping through traffic, Elly May was still trying to argue herself out of the trip. "I don't need no more clothes," she told the secretary, who looked like a broomstick with a shriveled up old apple on the top. "I got plenty." "Hmm, yes," Miss Hathaway said, keeping her eyes on the road. "But there are a few gaps in your wardrobe." Elly May looked down at herself. Her abundant breasts were corralled by a white men's shirt, with the ends...

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The Omega TouchChapter 16 Three Mustards and Five Mayonnaises

Thursday, July 16, 2009, 10:00 PM “What the fuck happened here?” Captain Smithfield sipped his coffee as he surveyed the scene of destruction. Eight members of Mara Salcatrucha in various states of injury were being attended to by EMTs. Trenches were ripped up in the ground in long skid marks. A destroyed picnic table lay in shattered ruins. Lieutenant Reid consulted his notes. “They say it was a rival gang fight. We’ve got broken bones, a couple with dislocated shoulders, concussions,...

2 years ago
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Song of ThanksChapter 9 This Pain Will Turn to Good By and ByMay96

this pain will turn to good by and by. (Ovid) - May, 1996 Athens, Greece Early Evening "At Athens, wise men propose, and fools dispose." Alcuin James and Darryl planned to take full advantage of an overnight stop in Athens, before going on to the alcohol-free and more restrictive environment of the Moslem countries. Used to the local custom, they both took naps in their rooms until 9:00 PM. They dressed casually and headed out to a taverna that James had frequented for many years for...

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My affair with maya

Hey every body . I am Subash again I am in Bangalore. Before that was in tamilnadu. I have gone to village in tamilnadu. The age was really a stage of exploring things in all matters, and like everyone else had a good interest in exploring females, but did not have the guts to do it. I was living with my grandma and mum with some relatives in the neighborhood as it was joint family split and living close by. Lucky enough my father was working far away and will turn up only once or twice in a...

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An Ordinary College Sex Life 3Chapter 27 Seis de Mayo

-- SATURDAY, MAY 6, 2006, SENIOR YEAR -- 12:39 AM "You're serious?" "Deadly serious," Amber replied gravely. "The clock is ticking and the first opportunity is tomorrow night." "And that's the best idea you've got?" "It's the best I can come up with right now. If you have any better ideas, I'm all ears." I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. Despite pissing out as much as I could at the Tri-Delt House, I still had a LOT of alcohol running through my bloodstream. My...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 9 A Battery of Tests aka Dont Hold the Mayo

October 9, 1993, Chicago, Illinois On Saturday morning, Kara, Michelle, and I were sitting in the ‘Indian’ room. Kara had come down, as we’d agreed, to continue our conversation from the previous night. We’d decided to stay in and talk, and we had, before I had gone with Michelle to her room to spend our scheduled Friday night together. “Michelle, do you remember our conversation about my relationship with Steve?” Kara asked. “Which one? We’ve had so many!” Kara smiled, “True! I was...

4 years ago
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Isharo Isharo Me Bengoli Bhabhi Ko Ghumaya

Hello dosto. Mera name arnab hai . Or me rourkela ka rehne wala hun. Mera height 5’9″hai . Or dikh ne me main handsom hun. Me har din zim jata hun. Jada apne bare na batate hue direct story pe aata hun. Ye bat un dino ki hai jab me bbsr me +2kar raha tha. Hum 5friends ek room rent pe leke rehte the joki ground floor pe tha. Muje uwaqt rasoi karna nhi aata tha to mere ko room ka saf safai or bartan manjne ka kam dia gaya tha. Har roj mera yahi kam tha. Ek bar sube jaldi uth ke me bartan saf kar...

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Fucked My Younger Sister Maya

Hi, my name is bhargav. I am from Gujarat, and currently living in thane (mumbai), 5’8” with above average looks, good body and 7.5” tool I am 21 years of age. This story is about me and my sister – Maya(name changed). Her pet name was Pallo. She is 24 right now and she was just going to get married. I had a serious passion on females. I am a very frustrated person. My sister has a very sexy figure. She has a sexy body with huge boobs and great tits. She has a tight ass too. I must have...

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My Servant Maya

One of my last true stories was with our servant Maya. She stayed with us for about a year & then got married. After she was gone, we employed another maid named Sumitra. She was not particularly beautiful, she was dark thin & short. Nobody would possibly give her a second glance. But there was something I was interested. I have never had sex with such diminutive size women. She was hardly 4′10″ tall & it took me quite some time to seduce her. First I brought small gifts for her children, then...

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Harry Potter and the Legacy of Hogwarts Part 7 Morning Mayhem

Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: mf, mf, mf, mmf, cream pie, exhib, inc, hand job, hp, grope, magic, oral, unif, voy Harry Potter: Harry Potter And The Legacy Of Hogwarts Part 7 – Morning Mayhem by Avatrek ([email protected]) Ron Weasleys dreams were strange, filled with time-travel and perversion, they were the oddest of his life. When...

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