Menage A Trois free porn video

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I remember it all very clearly as if it had just happened yesterday. You couldn't have asked for nicer weather. Late summer, hot, no wind to speak of, an early morning shower had given way to a cloudless blue sky. The temperature would peak at ninety-five later on but none of this concerned me as I was downstairs fucking my thirteen year old cousin on the sofa in the Den. Having arrived the previous night from Montreal I had wanted Caitlin the second I laid eyes on her and could hardly wait to get us alone together.

I wouldn't say I was raping her exactly, that's an ugly word, and after all she had certainly taken her clothes off fast enough when I asked her if she wanted to screw around. But Caitlin sure was screaming, loud enough that I'm surprised the neighbors hadn't called the Police. High pitched cries begging for me to stop, tears flowing down both cheeks as I forcefully rammed my fully engorged prick between her legs and tore into her tiny little slit, ripping through Caitlin's womanly barrier and going as far into her, as close to her womb as I could go in a single long stroke, one inch at a time.

Inch by inch I pushed my way deeper and deeper along her cervix, she was just so wonderfully tight. Caitlin would continue crying, pleading, even more begging when I started to ream her pussy, pumping hard, her vaginal walls adjusting slowly, oh so slowly outward to accept what I was giving her.

Caitlin had tried to push me off, her hands underneath my chest as they were, but she didn't have enough strength. I was only two years older, approximately the same size but with my weight on top and her legs spread wide she just couldn't get the leverage.

Finally after a couple of minutes she settled down. As I had expected, or at least hoped for almost begging God myself, the crying would slowly subside, a look of general confusion on her face turning into a wide smile, her arms soon snaking around to my back as Caitlin now attempted to pull me deeper inside. Lifting her own body would help accomplish this as she began mashing her hips against mine, cries of pain now giving way to moans of pleasure, Caitlin pleading with me again but this time not to stop, and to fuck her harder.

Looking down at her gorgeous young body I couldn't get over how much she had changed in the time since I had last seen her. Caitlin was stacked, huge breasts that jiggled like overfilled water balloons while I continued to fuck her. Enormous rock hard nipples that a full grown man would have no problem sucking on poked out at me, rubbing along my naked chest. A well-toned body which she obviously took care of, good muscle definition. A perfect complexion with smooth cream like skin that made you just want to taste her. Long blonde hair that flowed with her whenever she moved, perfect lips which at the moment were open as Caitlin was obviously in deep ecstasy for the first time in her life as I continued to move inside her, slower now so I could prolong her climax and mine.

I had to stop completely for a few seconds anyway, those nipples of hers were just calling to me. Running my tongue over each of them I then moved away so I could watch them grow even bigger. Taking one, imagining I was nursing from her, it centered between my lips easily, the effect on Caitlin enormous as her back arched and I felt her body tighten beneath me, her cunt muscles actually vibrating around my now badly swollen member. I knew she was close, but then again so was I. Letting go my lips would find hers, our mouths locking together but for only a second, a single kiss as I prepared to finish Caitlin off, that is, to get her off, both of us together.

Spreading her legs even wider, practically bending Caitlin in half at the waist, her feet now sticking in the air, I began thrusting again. It was much easier now than it had been at first, her juices and my precum, more hers than mine, had mixed together to form a natural lubricant and while enough of it had stayed in her for the purpose looking down between us I could see a fair amount running down her thighs, oozing out of her newly stretched pussy to the sofa below. Luckily I had enough foresight to put down a blanket so we wouldn't make a mess, after all Caitlin wasn't the first girl I had broken in down here.

It looked like Caitlin was in pain once more with the expression she was making but I knew from previous experience that she was into what was probably her first orgasm, that is unless she masturbates at home and I would say she didn't simply by how tight she was.

Pulling me down now on top of her, whimpering yet again, Caitlin pressed her face into my neck and suddenly cried out. In fact she wouldn't stop crying as the orgasm raged inside her, moving outward through her entire body, her pussy lips clamping down on me tight giving me what I needed to cum as well.

I'm honestly surprised her young belly didn't swell up immediately as I must have pumped a quart of my seed right into her newly opened womb. Jet after surging jet, all of it thick and creamy went rocketing into her cunt, splashing over her walls. Her contracting cervix seemed to be actually sucking on my cock, drinking up as much of my fresh baby juice as it could swallow. I was beginning to fear it would never stop and almost cried out myself, biting down on my tongue hard. I had wanted Caitlin bad sure, but I didn't think it would be like this.

It would take time for both of us to come down from our physical and emotional highs and I wouldn't loose my erection for several minutes so I just left it in her, the blanket below us already soaked it wouldn't take the flood of juice and semen if I did pull out anyway. We would just lay there, kissing, smiling, our sweaty bodies coupled together, her arms wrapped around my shoulders while I laid my left hand openly between her breasts where I could feel her heartbeat slowly returning to normal.

"Will our Moms be home soon?"

"No, they'll be at least a couple of hours."

"Billy, thank you, I love you so much, all my friends back in Montreal have been doing it forever, most of them even have kids by now and I was beginning to think there was something wrong with me. If you had stopped, you know, at the beginning when it hurt so much, I probably never would have tried it again."

"It won't hurt like that anymore, I promise. So, living in Canada do you know much French?"

"Sure, why?"

"Why don't you show me how the girls kiss the guys back home, you know, the French way."

"Oh, oui oui."

Our lips came together and opened almost immediately to allow the other passage, our tongues linking together, almost fighting for equal opportunity in each other's mouth. We were tasting, sucking up the other's warmth and moisture, our faces soon dripping with saliva. Upon separating I looked deep into Caitlin's eyes, eyes I could learn to love quite easily I realized, if I hadn't already. I had to ask the question, just to make sure.

"Caitlin, are you on the pill?"

"I asked Mom if I could start taking it but she said no, the fucking bitch, I guess she thinks I'm too young to have sex. Mom and I have been fighting all year and, well, I sort of lied to her last month. I said I was fucking my boyfriend and when I got pregnant we were going to move away together so she would never see me again. But, as you just found out I haven't been fucking anyone, why, do you think we just made a baby together, cause if we did that would really show her. Don't get me wrong I'd love our baby of course but I'd have to blame my imaginary boyfriend or else she'd kill you. Can you get pregnant from doing it only once?"

"There's a shower in the bathroom down here next to the room you'll be sleeping in, you should go clean yourself out if you don't want to get pregnant, it almost sounds like you do though."

"Would you hate me if I said yes to that, after watching my friends with their babies I've wanted one for so long now, even two or three, is it alright if I have your baby, please, oh please, I promise I'll never tell it's yours I swear. I can come back next summer and you can knock me up again, okay, please, I'll suck your dick, I'll swallow, I'll do anything, please?"

"Caitlin I would love to give you a baby, or two or three, but I wouldn't want you to feel like you're alone, raising kids can be hard, I would love to be our baby's father, that is if you'd let me."

"Oh Billy, I really am falling in love with you, I'll go wash up for now, Mom and I are here for two weeks and my cycle just started the other day so there's plenty of time, I can hardly wait to grow fat with your baby inside me. I'm not sure where Mom is sleeping, will you be able to sneak downstairs tonight so we can fuck some more?"

"Sure, no problem, your Mom is in the spare room upstairs so she won't see or hear us, as long as you can keep it down this time."

"I will, funny though I didn't know there was a spare room upstairs."

I extricated myself from Caitlin at this point by lifting up and pulling back and out with a slight suctioning sound, a flood of Caitlin's juice washed over her thigh in the process.

"Oh my God, did all that come out of you Billy?"

"No most of that is your's, didn't you know about female cum?"

"I didn't think it would be like that, it's so thick and... wait what are you... ?"

Caitlin didn't get to finish because after running two of my fingers through the creamy mixture I stuck them in her mouth before she could protest. Her eyes went wide at what I had done, her hands reaching for mine and she started to scream before quickly finding the taste to her liking. Soon she would use her own fingers to go back for more, spreading her pussy lips apart and exploring her own body for the first time, probing deep into her well oiled cunt, seeking as much of her sweet juice as possible. The look on Caitlin's face was priceless as she now realized she could stimulate herself, and anytime she wanted.

"My God that's incredible, is this normal, I mean, should I be doing this?"

"Yes, all women taste like that, it's almost delicious isn't it?"

"I'll say, really, all women, so how many have you been with?"

"A few, I have a girlfriend right now."

"Girlfriend, you're cheating on her with me, not that I care, don't you love her?"

"Yes, she's a great lover."

"Do you love me?"

"So much it hurts Caitlin, now go take that shower."

Caitlin stood up only to look down at her naked belly, running her hands over where our baby would soon be growing. Smiling at me she soon skipped off to the bathroom while I bundled my clothes under my arm and went upstairs.

With Caitlin's cum all over my lower body I couldn't get dressed until I got cleaned up. Nobody was home to see me walking down the hall, quite naked, or so I had at least thought.

On entering my room I stopped dead in my tracks, even jumping backwards, surprised to find Nicole sitting on my bed. She smiled at my reaction to finding her here, startled as I obviously was. Nicole must have heard Caitlin's screams downstairs, depending on how long she had been in the house. Looking down at my naked body, my limp dick and thighs dripping wet with juice, Nicole made no comment. But soon she stood up and moved towards me, my heart racing as I wondered what she would do.

Standing before me now Nicole looked hard into my eyes and I did the same, trying to read her thoughts but found that I could not. Slowly she dropped to her knees in front of me before parting her lips and taking my dick inside which had been steadily growing in size for the last minute or so. Sucking away, her tongue licking feverishly, I could tell right away that she was swallowing what she found covering me, finding the taste of female cum to her liking.

I knew she would of course, I mean God knows I certainly fed her own back to her enough times ever since we were small children sleeping in the same bed. Nicole after all was my girlfriend, my lover, and yes, she was my sister.

Three years older than myself, Nicole was a vision to behold, one of absolute grace and beauty. Very tall, shapely long legs that went on and on. Beautifully formed breasts, while not any where near as big as our cousin's they were certainly more than a mouthful. Lips that were very full and absolutely luscious, they went well with her defined facial features to make her absolutely stunning.

Letting go of my dick just before I reached orgasm, Nicole smiled up at me, mischievously and yet one of love and affection the way it always has been between us. Her smile always took my breath away, it's how I fell in love with her, that or when she first sucked me off when I was eleven. Standing now she kissed me on the lips.

"I thought you were out shopping?"

"I was lonely without you, so how did things go downstairs?"

"Caitlin was a virgin, emphasis on was."

"You're fucking kidding, oh my God, do we tell Aunt Kathy?"

"No, definitely not, she may not have been having sex yet like she had told her mother but she would have soon, Caitlin is desperate for a baby, at least this way she won't be able to run off with her boyfriend, imaginary or not who cares, her Mom will still be able to see her daughter and help raise her granddaughter, no, we'll stick to Aunt Kathy's plan."

"Caitlin actually said she's desperate?"

"She begged me to knock her up, I'm pretty sure I did to, we'll have a new arrival in the spring, plan on it."

"Oh Billy, I love you so much, I just wish, I wish..."

"I do too my love, but don't worry, everything will work out, you'll see."

Nicole and I knew the risks if we were to try and have a baby together, that's why she was on the Pill, always had been ever since we started fucking years before. Mom got us the prescription, she had always been pretty cool about my sister and I noticing early on, before we even noticed, that we were in love. Always together, even preferring to sleep in the same bed, we just couldn't be separated. Mom walked in on us when we were nine. Sitting together, naked, kissing passionately, one of my fingers inside Nicole's pussy, her hand surrounding my limp penis as I was yet unable to get an erection, and she would simply leave us be. I thought we were dead but Mom only said curiosity was a healthy thing.

As Nicole matured and developed breasts I would openly touch her in front of Mom, and as I began to have erections Nicole and I would first masturbate together before quickly learning how to jerk each other off. Oral sex seemed the next logical step, Mom again walking in on us one time, my face buried between my sister's legs while I was pumping hard with two fingers and licking her pussy furiously. Nicole had just climaxed so her juice was running down her thighs and over my face making both quite shiny. Mom apologized for walking in on us so less than a week later, when Nicole and I had agreed we were ready, we both went to Mom and asked her as politely as possible if we could fuck one another. Mom loved the two of us very much and was thrilled that we had come to her for permission.

Yes she would say, but we had to use protection. Only then would Mom tell us why she had been so understanding. Ever since she was a little girl, not that long ago since Mom was only thirty two, she had been having a sexual relationship with her sister, Caitlin's Mom. She didn't say anything before now so not to pressure us into having sex, it had to occur naturally. Their relationship ended as they grew older and eventually married, pressure from their own parents, Aunt Kathy then moving to Montreal. But now both of them were living single again and had decided to renew their love. In fact Caitlin didn't yet know it but they weren't here on a vacation, no, they were moving in. There was no spare room upstairs, Aunt Kathy would be sleeping with our Mom.

The change in address had been moved up a couple of months with Caitlin's threats to move out with her boyfriend. Aunt Kathy realized the perfect solution was to get her daughter pregnant by someone just a bit closer, in other words me. She already knew I was fucking my sister Nicole and that we wanted a baby to help raise, well this way you actually solved two problems. But Aunt Kathy had been very specific when first going over her plans for Caitlin, the final decision to have a baby had to be up to her daughter, we couldn't force her. Of course she had no idea her daughter was lying and in fact was still a virgin, or at least was, but, Ce la vie, That's life.

"So how was she?"

"Oh sis she's hot, it took a minute or two but Caitlin got the hang of it, she's in the shower downstairs."

"Caitlin does have nice breasts doesn't she?"

"Really, I hadn't noticed."

"Liar, I'll bet you went straight for them, I know I would have."

"Wait till you see her nipples, they're huge, I can hardly wait to taste her milk."

"Do you think she'll like me?"

"I don't know yet it's too soon. She got a taste of herself though and she really liked it, I'm sure she'll love your cum too."

"I hope so, I know I like hers, and it's been so long since I've had a woman between my legs, God I'm starting to itch, remember Joanna?"

"How could I forget, nice little three way we had going, I was fucking her on the sofa downstairs, you know it was her first time right?"

"I know."

"You were snuggled up close to her and I don't know what happened."

"Well first we were kissing and she seemed to be enjoying that, but when I lifted up her shirt and put my mouth over one of her nipples she went ballistic and ran out on us."

"Poor girl was confused, first time with a woman I'd bet money on it, well Aunt Kathy knows your preference for girls and you heard her yourself, if you want to have sex with Caitlin then okay, but you can't force her. Now I don't know if all girls in this family are Lesbians, maybe it's in the genes I wonder if I can research that, but in any case we'll work Caitlin up slowly, can't scare her off after all or we're both out of luck. Oh, and Nicole."


"Speaking of jeans, why don't you take yours off."

"I don't know I was going to take a shower... nah, let's fuck."

Quickly undressing Nicole soon pushed me onto my back, rather aggressively too, before lifting her legs over and straddling me at the waist. Raising up on her knees she guided my swollen penis to her pussy, slightly open with her legs on either side of me. Easily I slid all the way into her, like putting on a glove, her insides adjusted to my custom size, perfect for reaming and still very tight. I just laid there and enjoyed the show as my sister moved up and down on my shaft, her breasts moving over my face while she fucked me.

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I had met Brenda on AOL in a Chat Room I had created. She was mid 50s with a body that wasa lot younger. She had these incredible tits that sure seemedreal and I could find no hints of scars. We chatted on lineand eventually she invited be her condo. I arrived and was quite impressed with her stunning beauty.We chatted awkwardly at first but soon sat together at hercomputer and surfed porn. She had accounts for all sortsof sites. Shortly that led us in her bed room. I hadbeen chatting and then...

2 years ago
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The GovernorChapter 19 Meacutenage agrave trois

It had been an idle threat made under pressure, that's all. "If you move your hands," he'd mocked her, so long ago that now seemed. "I'll bend you over, spread your cheeks and stick ten inches of cock up your ass, and then, when I've had what I want of your body, I'll put a noose round your neck and I'll hang you! So don't you dare move an inch... not an inch..." It had been an idle threat that one makes without thought to the consequence, a promise made in a moment of madness,...

1 year ago
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A Darker UniverseChapter 11 Mnage trois

Paul led his two charges into the hall. Jennifer asked him what class was next and he told them it was math. Betty made another face. She hated math. Paul told them that after math they had lunch and then study hall. He intended to take care of Betty's spanking by Jennifer in study hall but she didn't have to know that yet. He wondered what her parents would say when they found out. The three of them headed off for the next class. Jennifer let Paul take lead, lost in his thoughts of all...

2 years ago
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MenagerieChapter 2

I walked Shelly from her cabin down to the courtyard and found the rest of my pets already stripped out of their outfits. Not that nudity was an issue when they were just lying on the beach or frolicking in the warm ocean water. I only expected them to wear their outfits in the public areas. The outfits didn’t make any real effort to cover their bodies, but it identified them to anyone who may be visiting the island as the pets in my menagerie. It was an important distinction as we only had...

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The Taking of Troi

"Computer, estimate time to arrival at Rigas 7?" "Estimated time to Rigas 7 is 12 hours, 13 minutes, 37 seconds at current speed and heading." Wonderful, sighed Deanna Troi, twelve more hours of boredom alone in a scuttlecraft, and then I begin the ultimate in boredom, A Star Fleet counselors' professional development conference. She grimaced and spoke again, "Computer list available..." Suddenly Troi stopped speaking; she felt something, a telepathic tingling of growing intensity....

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MenagerieChapter 5

I walked over to the trainer’s cabin and left a note on the board that Katherine and Mandy would be spending the night together in Mandy’s cabin. The pets would frequently spend the night in each other’s cabins and were free to do so, but two of the trainers had to stay in the pens overnight just in case one of the pets happened to wake up and needed assistance. They also had to know where the pets were sleeping. The trainers did a bed check around nine, so they knew who was in what cabin in...

1 year ago
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MenagerieChapter 8

I looked over at them as they watched me intently. “Why would you think that?” I took a minute to admire them as they looked at each other again. Strait brown hair just past their shoulders, big crystal blue eyes, and faces that landed them a modeling job at ten. With tight lean bodies and perky B-cups that looked on the verge of becoming a C, they were almost identical except Hope had a small circular birthmark on the top slope of her right breast. “We first started to think about it on...

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MenagerieChapter 16

“You said that Dawn told you about her first time, why are you shocked?” “I guess I didn’t really think about it, Master. I never even thought of my ass as an erogenous zone until you started playing with it,” Faith said. Hope added, “How would it even fit, we’re so small. I’m not even sure why you would want to. We don’t have sexy asses like Dawn or the other pets, ours are just flat.” “First, Dawn thought it wouldn’t fit, or that it would be painful and she would hate it. Ask her how she...

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MenagerieChapter 21

We entered the dining hall to find an extensive buffet of finger foods laid out. As I looked over the table, the twins were mobbed by the rest of the pets rushing to hug them and make sure they were not injured from the trip. “Okay my pets, everyone get your food and sit down so I can explain what is going on. They are both fine and you can all talk with them after.” They all looked up sheepishly as they got their food and sat down. Once everyone had their seats, I addressed the group. “I...

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MenagerieChapter 23

Addison stood up with gleam in her eye. “We’re not surprised, Master. He has been telling us he’s going to buy us every single visit for the past six months. I can answer for myself right now though, and it’s the same answer I’ve been giving him for months. That’s not going to happen. I came here to be your pet, Master, and I won’t leave you.” “I’ve been telling him that would be your answer, but he was sure he could change your mind,” I smirked. “Since Addison was so sure, does anyone else...

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MenagerieChapter 30

“That just makes you sound more paranoid,” Adrian sneered. “I really didn’t intend to take any more time with you than necessary, but I’ll take a few minutes to satisfy your curiosity,” I replied. “The first attempt on my life happened when I was nine, but father had them going back as far as grandfather’s death. It always looked like a random attack, but he was attacked every other trip he made off the island. He noticed a pattern in the attacks and Jacques’s habit of making abnormally...

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MenagerieChapter 34

I woke up feeling energized again. Of course, waking up with two perfect asses pressed into your hips, and a handful of E-cup on each side probably helped. I kissed my pets on their heads before I carefully extracted myself from between them. Julia grumbled a bit then rolled over to spoon with Cadence as I pulled the cover back over them. I slipped my running gear on and headed out for my morning run around the island. I just had a small change of plans for today, as Mandy was going to come...

3 years ago
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MenagerieChapter 35

As we left Faith’s cabin, I realized it was almost time for lunch so walked with Faith down to the dining hall. We walked inside to find Julia and Samantha setting out lunch. I noticed Samantha giving Faith’s awkward steps an envious stare as I walked her to her seat, so I went over to Samantha. I wrapped my arms around her and whispered in her ear, “Don’t worry my pet. I have a desire to fuck two sexy redheaded teenagers at the same time this Friday night, so you will get to spend time with...

2 years ago
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MenagerieChapter 38

As I laid with Sarah in my arms, there was a knock at the door. “Excuse me Master, I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” Anna said as she walked in and saw us on the divan. “Oh good, I didn’t hear Sarah’s moans, so I thought you might be finished. Steven is back and would like to talk to you for a minute.” “No problem my pet, have him come in,” I replied. “It’s not like he hasn’t seen all of us naked on more than one occasion.” Anna nodded and left, then came back a moment later with...

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MenagerieChapter 4

Having dealt with Sharice’s punishment, I turned the cart around and headed back down towards the pens. I knew this would be far more difficult for her to deal with than any physical punishment I could have dealt out. She didn’t have the penchant for pain that some pets did, but she didn’t fear the pain as even some girls who were excited by it did. She simply accepted it as part of her training and lived with it. However, like all of our pets, she was accustomed to climaxing freely multiple...

4 years ago
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Menagerie estate

Chapter one: Your new home It was a average day in August, the air was hot and humid and made your clothes sticky with sweat. You, John Doe sat in the back seat of a grey coloured taxi car "Where to boss man?" Asked the driver as he came to a fork in the dirt road which pointed north east and north west "north east" you said in monotone, you were not really paying attention to him because your mind was busy deciphering how you found yourself in this situation. You were a loser, not because you...

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MenagerieChapter 9

“If anyone is interested, we’re at the first buoy. We actually have been for a few minutes, but I didn’t want to interrupt the lesson,” Elizabeth told the group. “But now that the insanely hot vision of Scarlett playing with that beautiful teenagers tight little body as she learned to give Master a tit-fuck is over, would anyone like to do some snorkeling?” The pets laughed as they got up and started pulling out the snorkeling gear. “Remember to stay in groups,” I called over, slightly...

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MenagerieChapter 10

My pets had all been sitting quietly, enjoying the sunset, so they all heard Faith’s announcement. The silence was almost deafening for a few seconds, followed by cheering from the rest of the pets. Shelly’s squeal of excitement was deafening as she threw herself at the twins and embraced them. My pets were always excited to have new sisters join, but having the twins openly declare their readiness so soon was like throwing gas on a fire. Dawn stepped up next to me and quietly asked why...

1 year ago
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MenagerieChapter 11

We walked into the dining hall and Dawn stopped suddenly and gasped. I glanced over and saw her standing with her mouth open and eyes wide in shock. Seeing my pets all dressed up was an awe-inspiring sight, even if you weren’t sexually attracted to women. “Don’t they look awesome?” Faith exclaimed as the twins jumped up and ran over to us. “Isabella promised me that we would have our own by Monday,” Hope added. “Katherine said they would have all Master’s pets properly outfitted by...

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MenagerieChapter 12

I woke the next morning with the twins still sleeping between my legs. They had moved in the night, and Hope was now curled around Faith as they had slid down and turned more sideways on the bed. Thankfully, it was a California king size bed, so they had plenty of room to move around, even starting half-way down it. I carefully got out of the bed so as not to wake them and grabbed my shorts and shoes for my morning run. When I got back, I found the twins sitting naked on my bed talking. They...

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MenagerieChapter 13

I woke up from my nap half an hour later and gently shook Dawn. “Time to wake up my pet, we need to get you cleaned up,” I told her as I sat up on the edge of the bed. “MMMMM, Not quite yet Master, there is one more thing I need to do first,” she said. “I know you said it was William’s job to teach me, but I really want to try this.” She quickly got up, and then dropped to her knees between my legs. She reached for my cock and gave me an eager look. “Please Master? I promise to practice...

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MenagerieChapter 14

I awoke to a very pleasant sensation the next morning as the sun was coming up. I was usually the first one awake, so being awoken by a blowjob was a rare occurrence. I looked down to find Mandy kneeling between my legs with her eyes closed as she slowly but steadily worked my cock with her mouth. I moaned and reached down to run my fingers through her hair. She looked up and pulled off for a moment to say, “I hope you don’t mind Master, but you were hard, and I really wanted to practice some...

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MenagerieChapter 15

I stood and took their hands as we started toward the door. With a final glance back, I saw Dawn and Shelly still hugging and bouncing with excitement. I didn’t think they would notice we were gone anytime soon. Stepping outside the twins snuggled into me as I put my arms around them. Running my hands along the soft tiger’s fur I ask, “How do you like your new outfits?” Hope smiled. “I love it Master. It is very comfortable and gives enough support that I don’t have to worry about not having...

4 years ago
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MenagerieChapter 17

--Dawn’s Cabin 10:30 pm-- I lied awake listening to the quiet sound of Dawn’s breathing. She fell asleep about half an hour ago and I had been laying here going over my plan to keep myself awake. I carefully slipped off the bed and tapped Faith on the shoulder, letting her know it was time to move. I crept into the bathroom, retrieved the hastily written notes and set them on the pillow I had been using. I felt bad leaving like this, Dawn has been a good friend, but I had to take care of my...

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MenagerieChapter 18

We had been underway for about an hour when Kayla came up and laid a hand on my shoulder. “Master, I have a bit of a problem.” I turned and looked up at her. “What’s wrong, my pet?” “We’re out in the middle of the ocean and I really have to go to the bathroom. I’ve been trying to hold it so I wouldn’t have to hang out over the edge of the boat. I can’t hold it much longer,” she said as an embarrassed blush crept up her cheeks. I burst out laughing at her statement. “Did you really think...

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MenagerieChapter 19

I stood up and led her inside the cabin. Once we were inside I closed the door and pointed to the mounting block across the room. Faith nodded and crossed the room, quickly laying herself across it. “Do I need to be bound Master?” she asked quietly. “Yes my pet, you do need to be bound for this. This punishment won’t be like your first one,” I told her as I ran my hand down her back. “It will be far more painful, and I don’t want you to get hurt if you try to pull away from the pain. I know...

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MenagerieChapter 20

I walked out of the twin’s cabin to find Dawn waiting. “I know they need time alone, Master, and Katherine told me about the situation, so I won’t keep you. I was just hoping I could walk with you for a minute and talk.” “Of course my pet, Katherine knows I get aroused while giving a spanking but I can control it,” I told her. “It’s no different from the control I needed to not hurt you when I took your virginity. I can always find a minute if you are concerned. Tell me what’s on your mind,”...

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MenagerieChapter 22

Ryan was standing by the stairs and took my hand to help me on board the plane. “Dale is going to be our pilot for the first leg, but I’m sure you knew that. He insists on being in the cockpit every time we fly this plane. Once I button up back here, and make sure your seat belt is secured, I’ll let him know. We will be in the air in about five minutes.” I smiled and kissed his cheek before taking my seat in back next to Faith. I fastened my seat belt as Ryan closed and secured the door. As...

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MenagerieChapter 24

“Sweetie, it’s time to wake up.” “Just five more minutes’ sis,” I muttered as I tried to bury my face in the pillow. I snapped awake as I realized that wasn’t Hope’s voice. I jumped up, hit my head against something soft, and saw Scarlett falling back into the other seat as I remembered I was on the plane. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry Scarlett! Are you okay?” “Well your head hit my breast and knocked me off balance, but they’re soft enough that I doubt we did any damage,” she said with a grin....

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MenagerieChapter 26

“I do have one condition though,” I told Antonio. “Some of the pets are leaving soon, and I want Anna to visit before they go. I’m sure Shelly barely got to eat breakfast, with all the questions about Anna.” “It wasn’t that bad Master. Anna went with us to the lagoon last month, so we were all able to see her. They’re all going to be happy to see you every weekend though,” Kayla told Anna. “I get to see you and chat during the week, but we all miss you.” “I can do that Julien. Antonio told...

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MenagerieChapter 28

When I woke up the next morning, Isabella and Katherine were still asleep on my chest. I gently woke them and slipped out of bed before kissing them and telling them to go back to sleep for a little while. They snuggled up together as I pulled the blanket back up over them then leaned down to kiss them. I got my gear on and headed out for my morning run with a smile on my face. --Jacques’s Cabin-- “I’m telling you, Adrian will go for it. My sources at the bank and Fletcher and Farley...

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MenagerieChapter 29

“How does this work again,” I asked, looking over at Pierre who was trying to beg for mercy over Jacques’s screams. “Push button, pull back and then forward again, and it’s ready, quite simple really.” His screams joined Jacques’s as I put the next dart in his stomach. “And very quiet when you shoot someone with it.” I chambered the next dart and walked over to Adrian. “It’s a deadly neurotoxin. They planned to use it to kill me after I disposed of you for challenging me. I’ve heard the...

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MenagerieChapter 32

I heard several of my pets snicker. “I’ve never had a daddy before, but everyone else calls you Master, so I decided I would call you Daddy-Master. Um, if that’s okay with you,” she asked, suddenly turning shy. “That will be fine little one,” I told her, and was unsurprised when she started bouncing in my arms again. “Before you start asking all the questions bouncing around in that cute little head of yours, let’s get everyone back on the trolley and I can tell you what is going to happen....

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