- 2 years ago
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I went to Vegas to party hardy and to try and forget the latest catastrophe in my life. My two-year marriage to 'the woman of my dreams' had just cratered and I was in sore need of some spiritual uplifting. It was my third trip to Vegas in the last ten years and it was also my third trip for the very same reason. I had no idea what was wrong with me, but either I had a black cloud hovering over me whenever I fell for a woman and married her, or something about being married to me turned woman into cock crazy sluts.
I'd only been married to my first wife nine months when I came home from work early one day and found her in bed with not one, but two of my so called friends. I found out later that she had been fucking damned near all my friends starting the day we came back from our honeymoon. That little afternoon surprise was followed by a few broken heads, several severed long-tern relationships, two relatives whom I no longer send Christmas cards, a divorce and my first trip to Vegas.
For the next three years I dated a number of extremely nice ladies, any one of whom would probably have been an excellent choice for matrimony, but I was gun shy and I let them all get away. I met my second wife on a blind date that I went on as a favor to a friend. We hit it off, dated for six months and then got married. I thought I had a winner until the night of her company Christmas party when she disappeared. I went looking for her and found her pulling a train on the desk in her boss's office. It seems that it was a holiday tradition that had been going on for the last five years, something that she had neglected to mention while we were courting. Another nine-month marriage shot, a second divorce and a second trip to Vegas.
Another two years went by during which I avoided women all together. No dating, no nothing. One night my sister invited me over for dinner and when I got there I found out she was playing matchmaker and had also invited one of the girls she worked with. I tried to be good company, but as soon after dinner as politeness would allow I beat feet. My sister called me and raised hell with me the next day.
"Did you know that she has been trying to meet you for the last three months? God knows why, but even after your boorish behavior last night she is still interested in you. I told her she should take last night as an omen and get as far away from you as she could. Do you know what she said? She said that she couldn't. She just knew that you were her lifemate and that things would work out."
It was the first time in my life that a woman actually chased after me. She caught me and seven months later we were married. I crossed my fingers and prayed that we would get past the nine-month mark and at the end of the first year I actually was able to relax secure in the knowledge that I had broken the jinx.
One month short of our second anniversary we attended a birthday party for her father at her brother's house. I noticed that one of the guests spent a lot of time around my wife and I asked her brother who the man was.
"That's Harry, her ex-husband. I don't recall inviting him, but what the hell, dad liked him and he seemed fond of dad so I guess it is okay that he's here."
I suppose that it might have been okay if I hadn't seen him put his hand on my wife's ass and her make no move to push it away. Blame my suspicious nature, a nature nurtured by two cheating ex-wives, but I started keeping an eye on two. When they looked around to see if anybody was watching and then slipped outside I was right behind them. When they got in the backseat of a car and my wife's high heel clad feet all of a sudden were waving in the air I went back inside, got my coat and went on home. I got an angry call about one in the morning.
"Why did you go home and leave me here?"
"I thought that you had all ready arranged for a ride home."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Well, when I saw you get in the back seat of that car with your ex I naturally assumed that he would give you a ride home."
"Oh that. It was nothing baby. Harry and I needed a private place to talk. We had some unresolved issues from the divorce to talk over."
"I suppose it would be interesting to know what issue was resolved when your legs were spread and your feet were kicking in the air. By the way, if that is Harry's car you should tell him that the right rear shock squeaks. That's a sure sign that it is going bad."
There was silence on the other end of the line for several seconds and then, "Should I even bother rushing home?"
"I don't see any real need for it. There isn't much here for either of us anymore."
Third divorce, third trip to Vegas.
I actually considered moving to Vegas. I was unlucky as hell at love, but I did okay at the tables in Vegas. I didn't get rich, but on every trip I had made back my expenses. I had a lot of time to think as I sat at the blackjack tables and I decided that as far as women were concerned I'd be better off staying well away from them. Hookers could take care of sex, and I was a pretty decent cook. I'd done my own laundry for years so what did that leave? Just sleeping alone and a couple of cats would take care of that. Bottom line was that from then on I was going to be a confirmed bachelor.
You can say "bullshit" all you want when people talk about love at first sight and sparks passing between two people whose eyes meet across a room, but it flat happened to me. I was sitting at the blackjack table with a twenty dollar bet in front of me when the dealer dropped a nine on the five seven I was holding. I looked up and my eyes met hers, she smiled, I felt the sparks and my heart started beating rapidly. She got up from her table and seconds later she was standing behind me. I collected my chips, stood up to face her and she said, "Did you feel it?" I said yes and six hours later an Elvis look alike walked my bride down the aisle of the twenty-four hour wedding chapel. I had five days left on my trip and that was our honeymoon. The last day of it we packed all of her stuff and shipped it to Denver. Then we caught a plane, flew home, drove to my place and I carried her across the threshold.
This time the union was star crossed and there was no doubt that it was going to last. The stars had aligned and the fates had made sure that we were put where that spark would pass between us. After my first two divorces my trips to Vegas had taken place within days of my divorce being final. That had been the plan for the third one too, but for some reason I had changed my mind and I had put the trip off for almost a month before boarding the plane in Denver and heading off for Sin City. On the Left Coast Polly was tired of LA and wanting a change so she had a garage sale and got rid of most of her stuff and then she took the money and what she had in savings and had caught the bus for Las Vegas. It was obvious that the fates had meant for us to be together.
Polly found a job as a secretary almost immediately and we settled in to grow old together. Over the next six years Polly and I bought a house and did all the things that happily married couples did. Polly worked hard and received several promotions and she eventually became the executive secretary to the president and CEO of the company she worked for. I was glad for her, but not so glad for me. Being the boss's secretary sometimes meant late hours and once or twice a month she had to accompany him on a business trip. I hated it when she was gone because it meant that a part of me was missing when she wasn't there. I hated it when she had to work late because that cut into our snuggle time on the couch. Christ, I hated it when she went grocery shopping and left me at home. I had it bad, real bad, and it seemed as though Polly had it just as bad. In addition to always wanting to be around each other Polly and I had a killer sex life. Even after six years it was still almost every day and we did everything including oral and anal. We couldn't keep our hands off of each other. Everyone said we were the perfect couple and everybody envied us. I was so happy and so much in love that I had completely forgotten my past three disasters and the black cloud that had hovered over me.
It was a Saturday and I had been playing golf with some friends. We finished our eighteen holes, had a few beers at the clubhouse and then I had headed out to go home. Walking toward my car I saw that the right rear tire had gone flat. I got out the spare, changed the tire, and then went back into the clubhouse to wash my hands. I was at the sink cleaning up and I heard voices that I recognized coming from the other side of the bank of lockers.
"How many?"
"Six I think. We try to hold the number down. The less who know about it the better. If we are careful we can fuck her for years."
"Don't you think that Dan is going to catch on?"
"I doubt it. He thinks Polly goes out of town on business with her boss. As long as we don't get too greedy and keep the sessions down to twice a month with a late evening or two thrown in we should be all right."
"What time does Sam want us there?"
"About seven. If I know Sam he has Polly getting there at five and he'll be all fucked out by the time we get there.""
"Polly can sure do that to you, can't she?"
"Best ass I've ever had."
My heart had stopped, there was a lump in my throat and the urge to kill roared through my head. I wanted to storm around the lockers and waste the bastards. That they were talking about my Polly wasn't in any doubt. I knew Ron and Mike's circle of friends and acquaintances and Polly and I were the only Dan and Polly in that circle. I wanted to hurt them and hurt them bad, but I had learned a lesson from all the legal problems I'd had when I busted heads when I caught my first wife cheating. I'd get them, it just wouldn't be in a public place where there might be witnesses. As I drove away from the club it occurred to me that all my rage was directed at Ron and Mike. Not for one second had I thought that it wasn't 'my Polly' that they were talking about, that it must be some mistake, or that there must be some reasonable explanation. No, I had apparently just accepted that what they were saying was true and then directed all my anger at them because they were supposed to be my friends and friends did not go behind your back and fuck your wife. I wondered why I wasn't thinking really bad thoughts about Polly, about why I wasn't already making a mental list of things I needed to do to get a divorce rolling. By the time I pulled into the driveway at home I began to realize that the reason that Polly wasn't receiving the same feelings as my last three wives was because I really didn't care about what Polly was doing. Polly was mine and I knew it! I knew that she loved me and that she would never separate herself from me and that she would have a reason for whatever it was that was going on. I know it sounds weird, but I was okay with whatever Polly did, but that same feeling did not extend to the men who were messing with my wife. I would find out what was going on and then take my revenge on the bastards.
It was polly's birthday and I had been invited up to Norwich to spend the weekend with her. I arrived Saturday morning and was greeted by Polly at the front door." Hi Micky, thank you so much for spending my birthday weekend with "It's my pleasure Polly " I replied I had got too know Polly over time on xhamster, she is a gorgeous young lady with an amazing body and a wonderful sexual mind. Apart from that, I have learnt that she is also a cum slut, who loves hard cock."So what's the plan for...
Used Wife***Wife is used and gangbanged for the first time by a group of workmen in a bar. When hubby realizes what is happening, he is turned on. (M+/F, wife, gb, cuck, cream-pie)***The bar was packed out, well it was Saturday night. My wife Polly, a stunning petite redhead of 18 summers, and I pushed our way through the crowd. We had popped in for a drink before going to see a show. As we where passing a booth full of construction workers a guy tapped my arm and said. 'If you need a seat you...
Paul, now Polly, sat pushing food around his dinner plate. He couldn't bring himself to eat a bite. The one forkful he had eaten had felt like a sponge in his dry mouth, and his stomach was in a knot. Everytime he started to relax, he would catch sight of one of his pigtails out of the corner of his eye, or glance down at his hairless porcelain thighs, and immediately would be reminded of this crazy situation. Everyone else at the table seemed fine. They all chatted away about this and...
Names have been changed in case my wife's kid sister's new husband sees it. My wife Sherry and I married about a year and a half ago and are still very much in love. She was my second wife and she was married before as well. I knew she came from a large family in Texas but hadn’t seen any of them since the wedding. Without my wife telling me her youngest sister Polly was with her one evening when I came home from work. She was about twenty-eight and nearly as cute as my wife. ...
Licking Lizard is sort of an "out of the way" place halfway between the desert floor and the rising slopes of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. It is not really what you would call a foothills community because the heightened elevations are much too gentle for serious consideration as a hill of any description. In recent years, for some unknown reason, the population of Licking Lizard has been declining at a pace that would mean eventual removal from the State list of recognized towns. In fact,...
Non FictionI was working a construction site doing some HVAC work. The general contractor was a golfing buddy and this was the first time we worked together.He was doing an addition to a farm house and Polly was the owner. She is very outspoken and to the point. Jack told me in the time he was working there she expressed more than a business interest in him and he kept telling her he was happily married. Knowing his wife as I did, she would have done a Lorraine Bobbick on him in a heart beat...
Angela Martin and her son Paul were on a train to the leafy suburbs. They had been travelling for over two hours already, including changing trains twice, and they still had about an hour to go. Paul was looking aimlessly out the window, not very interested in his surroundings, as usual. Angela, on the other hand was fidgety and distracted. "I'm looking forward to meeting Samantha again after all these years, so I want you to behave yourself please, darling." Paul looked almost hurt....
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"What should I say ?" I wonder. I'm in Copenhagen, about to leave the airport transition zone. Out there, Emma's waiting... I hope. She made me come here. We wanted to see each other. Hardest decision in my life. I thought of De Niro in heat (Michael Mann, 1995).Then I see her. I knew I'd think she is beautiful. Still, it's a shock. Her face is a combination of mature features and teeny mischief. She's put just the right amount of make up, discreet yet sexy. Her hair is put up like THAT time....
Well, this was going to suck. It was going to be her first Valentine's Day since high school that she didn't have a boyfriend to celebrate with. No romantic dinner. No flowers. No late night love. And no prospects.She knew that she could pick up some guy at a local bar, but that wasn't how she did things. A one night stand would just make her feel worse. Besides, she'd never done that before. She'd always found a guy that she was attracted to and dated him for a while to see if it felt right....
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I spotted her as she slipped into the third pew during the opening song. Her dark short hair highlighted sparkling eyes. She moved with the graceful power of an athlete and she joined the singing immediately. I could not take my eyes off of her. Being the pastor of this growing congregation, I always welcomed any newcomer. Yet I felt strangely nervous as I greeted her after worship. She looked me straight in the face and said, ‘Good Morning, Pastor Tim. I truly enjoyed your sermon. I...
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I am just another twenty something girl living her life in Portsmouth. Life here is probably typical of most places its always who you hang with that matters. I have lots of friends and am usually busy most nights hanging at the pub with my mates, enjoying a glass or two just passing the time as best as we can. On those nights when I stay at home I tend to end up getting to know myself a bit more. I have to admit that even on nights coming in late from the pub I tend to take some time with...
Im the one who started to confess i like to suck on cockI went in , detailing how we hide in the wood near my place and suck on a cock he ask me if i let the other boy fuck me''no no i dont want to , i dont know i just wanted to suck on his bigger cock''''im so sorry , i shoudnt have''''well , its normal for boys to discover , its forbidden to have sex tho''''you like to suck on big cocks, it feels good when you do?''''yes i like the feeling of it in my mouth''''you ever sucked a black cock...
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Amy and the group of guys made a clean break for it and slipped into another corridor when no one was looking. She took them around to a dim and quiet are and begged to give them all head. At first they were reluctant. They spat on her and called her a disgusting worthless cum guzzler but she wimpered and begged pathetically telling the tallest guy how hot she thought his enormous balls were. They eventually let up when she offered to pay them each ten dollars. She was such a cumslut that...
Introduction: amy has a cum filled mishap at the meat packing plant The feild trip to the meat packing plant was boring. Amy was growing restless. She wasnt interested in how burgers were packaged up or how they were made. She was thirsty, horny and was craving cum so badly. As her class toured through the plant she kept looking around for an easy escape. She saw an open door and the teacher was distracted so she whispered to five of the guys in her class to follow her. She had been sucking...
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In this day and age with hordes of young people, hippy and otherwise, warring against the establishment politically, socially, morally and sexually, there is a great urge among them to try anything at all that's taboo, just for the sake of rebellion. And if the opportunity for a "new kick" presents itself--a kick that's way way out on the deep end of sex experience--a kick that is an absolute no-no to the square world, not only unlawful but unthinkable--that makes it a kick well worth...
My wife can go months without an orgasm, I keep my balls full, never know when she may want sex or four-play, some times she likes her cunt sucked off, I can just fill my pants full of cum without touching..I was bursting for a cum last month and she was not interested, my load was ready to blast out of me, it's ok for her to walk around the house in tee-shirt and knix, or just a tee-shirt that don't cover her bold cunt, could see right up her crack, she just stood there talking to me, my cock...
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Meanwhile back in the stone age... What? “What about the penthouse?” you say? Jeez, talk about a one-track mind. Look, I know you’re all ... eager to find out how Majestic Woman responded to her first “Discipline” session. Believe me, I was too. But there are a few more things you’ll have to know about me before the rest of all this will finally start making sense. Okay? I swear we’ll go back to the penthouse soon. Well ... before the end of the chapter at least. So where was I? Oh yes!...
I am an old man whose eyes have seen much. As with many of us who reach their sixty-fifth year, I live in the past, in ways that perhaps you cannot imagine. This is my story. If ever there was a man who went through life nostalgic for a place that he has never called home, it was I. Having grown up in California, I eventually become an executive at Bio-Rad, a company that markets research equipment. But my heart lay elsewhere. My grandmother Vera, who lived in Merced, was the one who set me...
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Ghosts of Trysts PastI was just finishing up my shower after tonight’s conquest. Marty or Martha (I couldn’t remember which, so I settled on Marty) had been an adequate lover. I’d seen her at the bar. 5’4?, dirty blonde hair past her shoulders, perhaps 25 lbs overweight. Still, she had a nice rack and a pleasant enough face. It was clear that she’d had a head start on libations and was more than just a bit tipsy. Tipsy and horny, a favorable combination. Once she...
"Hello sweetheart long time no see" the sound of that voice turned my blood to ice ... I felt sick ... very sick ... it was a voice I never thought I'd hear again or want to hear again ... a voice from the past. I turned around slowly reluctant to face the person behind the voice. He held his arms out to me like some long lost loved one..."Well my love aren't you going to give me a big hug" he said a sickly smile on his face. It wasn't that it was an ugly face ... just the opposite,...
A TEACHER'S PAST - CHAPTER ONE(FMM,nc,bkml,reluc,mc)By Dawn1958Please email me with your comments and suggestions. This is a repost of a story I wrote for a reader who sent me some fantasies. I hope this erotic tale does justice to their fantasy and that other readers enjoy the story.Email [email protected] TEACHER'S PAST - Kerri Is BlackmailedAt 28, Kerri was satisfied with her life and she valued the fact that she was single. Her job as a professor at the college was a reward for...
Shilah crouched. One boot planted firmly on the ground with her leather-clad ass cheek balanced steadily on the heel of her opposite foot. Lithe fingers wrapped tensely around the shaft of a spear but her breathing was controlled; slow and steady. Regulated and practiced. The surrounding forest air was spongy and humid, not a lick of breeze, which was cloaking her from detection. Rivulets of sweat cut lines through the grime that coated her ivory cleavage. The stagnant warmth didn’t bother her,...
Fantasy & Sci-FiMatt- Spiked black and purple hair that falls into his bright green eyes, perfect teeth, about 5'9", and 130 pounds. Lip ring on the left side of his lip. Tattoos on his back, neck, chest, arms, and stomach. But not too many. Sonny- Shoulder length black hair, dark brown eyes, very skinny, stands about 5 feet 3 inches tall. Snake-bite lip rings. No tattoos. I snuck up behind him and placed my hands over his eyes. “Guess who?" I whispered in his ear. “Mattie!" I uncovered his eyes and spun him...
Gay***Propped up on one elbow her smile undulating on her lips, on her mouth, on her face, the pleasure of touching herself sweeping through her in little waves, shy but turned on, Daddy watching, Lily nodded, his question alone making her draw in her breath in heated, lovely excitement.Her eyes half closed dreamily, her knees wide apart, her fingers slowly, softly touching between her legs, her satiny soft pussy glistening under her fingers delicately drawing circles over and through her...
My gorgeous wife and I have been happily married for fifteen years. We are the perfect match. We have three darling kids. Michelle just turned 40, but she doesn’t look a day over 30. She works out and takes care of her body. If you saw her, you would say she’s smoking hot.She’s petite, five feet one, with long blonde hair. She has an unbelievable figure that stops traffic. Her curves are eye-popping. She has a very shapely ass. And as excellent as her butt is, the show-stopper are her big tits....
Wife LoversSins of the past Holly Disclaimer time. First, I was not the typical victim here. I have a better than average understanding and experience in the BDSM scene and FemDom in particular so I should have known better. Before I got married, I had played in the scene with a pair of lesbian dommes. In the process I learned a great deal about myself and in the learning, I became more focused on my desires. With my two Mistresses I was treated to every delight imaginable with several...
Copyright© 2007 by Stultus Synopsis: A kind hearted rancher discovers that his unfaithful wife and her biker lovers have tried to poison him and he turns the tables on them unexpectedly, and finds new love in a quite different pasture. Technically not really a Lovett County story, but features characters that will appear there later. No overt sex. Sex contents: A bit of Sex Genre: Romantic Revenge Codes: MF, Cheat Originally Posted at SOL: 2007-07-16 Revised: 2010-04-15 ****** Thanks to...
I finished drying my hands as she put the last dish on the drying rack. She put her hand on my upper arm and said, “Let’s have a glass of wine and chat.” I smiled back at her smile, pleasantly surprised at the contact, which she had studiously avoided during the last two weeks. As we walked past the table, she said, “Thank you for helping me wash up.”“Thank you for the dinner. It was very good.”She nodded, “Of course.”I held the kitchen door open for her and watched her as she walked gracefully...
InterracialBookstores were a place of refuge to Andy, a place where the cares of the world dissolved, and all that was left was the pleasant, yet musty, smell of books. He liked used bookstores the best, since the smell was stronger in them. The feel of old paper on his fingers as he paged through them, the excitement at finding something he'd been looking for for years, and the even greater joy at finding something he didn't even know he wanted until he picked it up were all great attractions found only...
Jean's Past I'm kneeling at the door hands clasped behind my back, eyescast down just the way Master expects me to be when he gets home. As soon as Master walks in the door, I could tell that somethingwas on his mind. Normally when Master comes home he greets me tenderly, buttoday he just impatiently ordered, ?Follow.? Starting to get worried, I followwith a shaky ?Yes Master.? I follow him into our bedroom where he has me kneel at thefoot of the bed. With me kneeling obediently, he walks...
It was the last day of our track building marathon, everyone had packed up and I had decided that on the final evening we would bring everyone down to Newsham for a fish and chip supper. We loaded all the workers, their bikes and tents onto our train and took them back. Everyone had worked hard, even the captives, and I asked Sid if we could give them a fish supper as well. "Fine by me," he said, "they're showing signs of being trustworthy. Chain them in pairs." I asked about Vin, the...
The count departed with a sad heart from the house in which he had left Mercedes, probably never to behold her again. Since the death of little Edward a great change had taken place in Monte Cristo. Having reached the summit of his vengeance by a long and tortuous path, he saw an abyss of doubt yawning before him. More than this, the conversation which had just taken place between Mercedes and himself had awakened so many recollections in his heart that he felt it necessary to combat with...
I always knew ever since I tried on my first pair of tights and leotard that I wanted to wear this outfit for another man, that I wanted to be with a man who wore tights and skintight Lycra and leotards. Whenever I saw a girl in tights, pantyhose, leggings, spandex and leotards all I could think was how good I would look and feel in them and how much I wanted to dress this way for another man, how much I wanted to see another man dressed like this for me, not caring if they were fat or slim,...
5. Finale I stood in my shower one week later studying the ring-shaped bruise around the base of my cock. It was fainter, but still visible, no longer tender to the touch or when erect. I had just finished my workout and was preparing for Lizvette's guitar lesson on a pleasant autumn Saturday evening.As I stood before the mirror drying myself, Lois entered. "You know what I'm craving?" I covered my bruised shaft with the towel. I had been hiding my cock from her all week. "Pizza! Why don't you...
4. (Largo continued) Lizvette walked to the closet, near the entry at the far end of the room. I watched her little round ass swish under her gown and became aware that my cock was dripping in my slacks. I wanted her to see how ready I was for her, how hard and eager my cock was for her body. I stood and unbuckled my belt and let my slacks fall to my feet. Lizvette stood before the open sliding door of the closet, reaching upward to the gift wrapped box on the shelf. The light from the...
4. LargoLizvette was silent as we drove from the hotel to the chapel. For most of the trip, she held my right hand clasped between hers in her lap, freeing it only when I needed to turn. I enjoyed the feel of her firm thighs under the snug white cotton leggings she wore. Her gaze, serene and contented, alternated between the road, the unfamiliar sights, and me. At one point she smiled and lifted my hand to kiss it, when I sang along with Frank Sinatra on the radio, "And someday I'll knowthat...
3. Presto"I'm in!" Lizvette sat across from me in our booth at The Prime Steakhouse in the Bellagio. In front of her was a plate piled high with mashed potatoes (a double order, to the chef's delight, I was sure) and a steaming steak buried in mushrooms. She was looking at her phone and the private website operated by Secret Hearts. "Candy's pictures are already up! Look there I am helping her with her headband! And helping her put on my blue garter!""That was your garter, baby?""She's so nice,...
For almost two years now, I've had a very unusual hobby: murder. Well, not so unusual, really—lots of people hunt for recreation. They just haven't found out the most thrilling game to hunt; or don’t have the nerve to try.It’s one thing to outsmart a wild animal out in the woods. Yes, its senses are sharper than a man's, true. I don't mean to discount the smarts and care it takes to track, stalk, and shoot a game animal. But that's just it; it’s a sport pitting abstract human thought against...
After vacation I was starting home from an errand. I had a small pee signal in the store, but I had plenty of time to make it home. Unfortunately, there was an accident and a long traffic jam. Soon I needed to pee, and my map program estimated my home arrival at 30 minutes, so there might be a problem. I bore down and tried to hold it. I hoped I could make it and kept squeezing. 20 minutes to home: I moved a bit and there was just a spurt of pee. It was stimulating to my dick, but the small...
Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Kora Falk “Oh, yes, princess,” I moaned, lying on my back in our camp at the forest’s edge. I shuddered, humping my pussy against the rosy lips of Ava’s proxy, the stone tongue lapping through my folds. “Mmm, I wish you could taste how hot you make me.” “Me, too,” Princess Ava moaned, the flecks of crystal in her eyes gleaming in the setting sun. “But once you reach my father’s secret and stop his army, then we can be together for real.” “You’ll...
This could have been one of those normal mornings for us – my girlfriend, Stella, and myself; lying on a king-size bed with the sheets draped royally over our half-naked bodies, feeling the pleasant light and warmth of the morning sun filtering through the curtains and falling upon us, showering our faces, and the sheets and the mattress, with a golden-yellow glow, commanding us to get ourselves out of bed, but our bodies too close and too tempting to be ignored, wanting to experience the...
PROLOGUE ‘Shel, wait up!’ a young woman with golden hair and bright blue eyes turned towards the sound. It was her surrogate brother Jason and their mutual friend Dex and they were making a bee line from the parking lot. ‘What happened?’ Jason asked, noticing her red, puffy eyes. ‘They’re doing it again,’ she whispered. ‘Doing what? And don’t think about lying to me Shella Lynn,’ Jason warned. ‘Taunting me. Calling me the ice princess and telling me that I’m going to be alone forever.’ ...
Redoing My Sexual Past __My boyfriend and I were laying in bed watching a porn video about a time machine. This girl went back in time to her first sexual experiences. He turned to me and said: If you could redo your sex life in the past, what would you do? That triggered a life long fantasy of mine. To go back in time and change my past sex life to how I wanted it to be. I had thought this through many times. I had never told anyone my fantasy. I smiled at him with this golden opportunity...