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' WARNING: Your vessel has entered a restricted area. You must... '

The automated message was only one of a dozen warning signals that were bombarding the control room of the survey craft Dawkins. Cali Moore shut that particular warning signal out of her head. She couldn't think about it right now. She had to focus on finding an emergency landing site. The vessel wouldn't last long in open space.

"Where the hell are we?" Cali demanded of her co-pilot, Klayne.

"It doesn't make any sense ... it's like we've been going the wrong direction for days. We're nowhere near a station or colony."

"Improvise. Find me a landing site, NOW!"

Another automated message pumped into the control room.

' WARNING: Power system failure is imminent. Commencing emergency protocol..."

Fuck, Cali swore to herself. It didn't make any sense at all. These systems shouldn't be failing.

Klayne scrolled through the navigation displays at a blinding speed.

"Here's one..." he froze the display on a scan of a nearby planet. " Damn, we're right on top of it."

Cali wasn't waiting for a second choice. According to the control panel, the systems of the Dawkins were shutting down, one by one. Without delay, she barked out the voice-commands that would land the vessel onto the surface of the planet. The computer acknowledged her orders. She only hoped that the computer would remain on-line long enough to carry out the commands.

The landing was actually perfect. A little too perfect for a vessel with so many problem, Cali thought briefly, but she wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Besides, there were more pressing matters.

"Cali, " the voice of Sonya came in through her headset. She was the second shift pilot, and had been trying to track the source of the system problems while Cali piloted the craft. " Sensors are reporting a dangerous hot-spot on the outer hull. I'm suited up. I need to get out there and cool it down before it becomes critical."

Fuck. One more problem.

"Understood Sonya, go ahead."

A light flashed on the panel, showing that Sonya had opened an access port to the outside. It was one of several warning lights that were still blinking relentlessly on the display. Not a moment later the computer churned out yet another automated message.

' WARNING: Intruder alert. Unidentified personnel have boarded the vessel. '

Cali's training took over.

"Lock down all systems. Send a distress..."

The blade was at her throat.

Ann/R/K felt the Dawkins come to rest on the remote planet, and allowed herself to relax for the first time in days. Whatever else they built these survey vessels for, it left little room for comfort. Her back ached from the cramped position she took on the edge of her bunk while accessing her console. Now that the ship was down, she allowed the her fingers to drift away from the keypad.

Her moment of rest was short lived. The man who burst into her room gave no sympathy for her aching muscles. The man was huge, nearly naked, and covered in a foul smelling mud paint. He grabbed her by the arm, and led her, at knife point, out to the small clearing surrounding the Dawkins. The smell of the damp jungle air filled her nostrils.

The crew members were here too, she noted. There were Cali and Klayne from the control room, the secondary flight crew, Sonya and Beth, and herself. Sonya was wearing a portion of what used to be an environmental protection suit, now dismantled by their captors.

Surrounding the occupants of the Dawkins ware the dark, thick walls of the jungle which covered the surface of this planet. On the edges of the clearing there was a large group of men who seemed to fit in very well with the jungle setting. It wasn't easy to know how many of the men were around them. Wearing full body paints of green, brown and black on their bare skins, they blended into the edges of their jungle home.

"Who here is with McPhail?" A tall man stood forward from the edge of the clearing. His accent was Scottish, but the war paints did nothing to confirm his ethnic origin.

"That's me, " responded Ann/R/K. She could see the looks of confusion passing among the other captives. She produced a small metal pin from her pocket. It identified her as an agent of the McPhail corporation. Ann held it out to the man she knew to be called BlackWatch. He inspected the pin briefly.

"What's your name?"


"Good. You've done well. I'll see that you are rewarded for your efforts."

His voice rose in volume to address the entire crew of the Dawkins.

"As for the rest of you, it's important that we come to an understanding quickly. BlackWatch is my name, and make no mistake, your lives are in my hands. Perhaps my colleague, Ann/R/K can shed some light on your recent difficulties."

Ann was pleased that BlackWatch deferred to her about the technical details. Like every hacker, she enjoyed taking bragging rights to her work, and this job was a thing of beauty. She turned and smiled at her astonished ship-mates.

"There's absolutely nothing wrong with the systems of the Dawkins, " she explained. " My job was to force you into this star system, and to land on this remote planet. It wasn't easy, I'll tell you. After two full days of trying to crack the command system, and take control of the Dawkins, I had to give up. The command system is fool-proof. It will accept only voice commands from the crew."

"I checked the system for other weak links. Finally, I found one that I could exploit. With the help of some very sophisticated hardware, provided by my generous benefactors at the McPhail corporation, I was able to insert myself as a link in the sensors, and feed false data to the control room."

"First it was little things. I shifted the star charts a bit. Predictably, you adjusted your course. By small degrees, I had you change the course of our travels to bring you to this system. Once we were within range, I began to feed system error messages to the main computer. I knew that if you thought the Dawkins was close to failure, that you would be forced to land. Lastly, I fooled the ship's sensors into thinking that these co-ordinates were the only safe landing site."

As she spoke, she could see the crew shaking their heads in disbelief. Their sole passenger had hijacked the Dawkins without so much as brandishing a weapon, or even leaving her quarters. Ann/R/K was in her glory.

"But, why?" The captain of the Dawkins asked quietly.

BlackWatch was the one to answer Cali's question.

"Because of me, " he said, in his thick Scottish accent. " If you haven't figured it out yet, your vessel has landed you on Penal Facility 7, your government's final solution for criminals who are beyond hope of correction. You are participating in the first escape attempt in the history of this penal colony."

Ann/R/K had heard stories about the penal colony long before she was 'recruited' by the McPhail corporation for this mission. Everyone had heard the stories, but no one knew how true they were, because no one ever came back. No one even knew where the colony was.

After she was briefed on the mission, Ann could understand why no one had ever escaped. The location of the planet was a closely guarded secret. Nestled among some of the more remote star systems, it was a virtual needle in a haystack. Dropped here without any technology, in the middle of the savage wilderness of the jungles, the convict was lucky to survive, much less consider building means of escape.

What means of escape? The convict was left her without even the basic foundations of technology, on an inhospitable planet, amongst the worst criminal deviants that human society has ever produced, and light years away from the nearest outpost. No, the justice system had very little worry of an escape attempt.

Until, of course, a high level covert agent for the McPhail corporation was imprisoned here; namely BlackWatch.

Hiroshi Nagato, McPhail Corp's top technician, was the one who had found the location of the colony, with the aid of technical gadgetry that frankly made Ann/R/K drool. The more Ann learned about the power and influence of the McPhail Corporation, the more impressed she was.

BlackWatch was impatient to continue.

"If I understand Ann/R/K correctly, only a member of your crew can reactivate the Dawkins, and navigate us away from this hell. She was able to fool you into landing here, but it is a method that cannot succeed again, and so I now must convince one of you to co-operate with me."

This was going to be tricky, Ann knew. The standing policy of the pilots, no matter the circumstances, was to refuse to negotiate with hijackers or terrorists. The policy was held sacred amongst the union of pilots. If any of these crew members violated the ordinance, they would never fly again. It was a policy that had virtually eliminated hijacking attempts over the last three decades.

"Now then, which one of you will it be?"

Darkness was descending on the planet. Cali cursed herself again and again for being fooled by the clever hacker. If she had only been more alert. She remembered how routinely she had made the course corrections, without bothering to double check the sensors. She should have know that something was wrong. She could have saved the lives of the crew.

"Don't blame yourself, " Klayne tried to reassure her. " We were all fooled. The second shift made as many course corrections as we did."

He was a good friend, but his words rang hollow.

"But the Dawkins is my command, Klayne. I should have been more vigilant. Now we'll never leave this planet alive. Look at these men ... they're savages."

"We have to be strong, Cali. As much as we fear these men, we can't allow the Dawkins to fall into his hands. I swear to you, he will not break me."

Cali wished that she could be so confident in her own will to resist. Through the final hours of the day, BlackWatch had left his captives alone. The savage jungle of this world took on a whole new countenance in the increasing shadows of the evening. A chill ran up and down her spine as she heard the call of some massive predator in the distance.

Even more than the perils of this wild land, Cali feared these savage men. They were congregating here now, hundreds of them, in and around the clearing where BlackWatch kept his prisoners. These were the worst that human society had to offer. Much like the creature she could still hear howling in the distance, these men were predators. Serial killers. Sexual sadists. Hit men. Men too dangerous to be confined to any other penal facility.

They circled the captives, their eyes full of lust. How long had it been for some of these men since they had seen a woman? Cali could feel their eyes all over her body. Sonya and Beth were terrified too, she could tell just by looking at them. The traitor of the ship, Ann/R/K walked without fear beside the man known as BlackWatch.

"Light a fire, " BlackWatch commanded a group of the men. His body was pure muscle, and he spoke with the confidence of a born leader. His mastery over this population of criminals was impressive. The men began to gather dry wood from the surrounding area.

He drew close to the crew now. The four captives were standing, but were tied by their hands and feet by leather straps. Even if they could free themselves, where could they hope to escape to?

"We will resolve our impasse before this evening ends, " the Scotsman told the crew. " I've waited for nightfall because I want you to see how fearsome this place becomes at night. There are creatures in this land that confound the imagination. This will be your new home if you choose to defy me."

"Now I come to my proposition. It is the fairest that I can offer, given the circumstances. When this vessel leaves, it will carry eight people. That is the maximum that the Dawkins can support in order to reach the nearest colony. To secure the help of my fellow convicts, I have promised to bring five of them along on this escape. That leaves only room for myself, my colleague Ann/R/K, and for one member of your crew."

He smiled. It was the first time Cali had seen him do so.

"Which one of you will it be? Cast aside your moral beliefs. They will not help you here. This is your reality. Whichever one of you chooses to help me will return home safely, and those left behind will live and die here on this planet."

He came closer to Klayne now. He was the only male crew member of the Dawkins. The two men stood face to face. Klayne scowled into the painted face of BlackWatch.

"How long will you last here, Klayne? None of these men will protect you. They would kill you for sport right now if I allowed them. You will be alone in the jungle, on a night much like this one. Something will catch your scent, but you won't be able to see it. You can try to run. Or maybe you're fool enough to stand and fight. No matter. The beasties will get you in the end."

No answer came from the burly navigator. His eyes burned with hate. Cali silently admired the inner strength of her shipmate. He would never relent.

BlackWatch shook his head.

"Stubborn, aren't we? Perhaps I'll do better with the women."

The glow of the fire began to illuminate the small clearing. Surrounding the edges of the clearing, Cali could see the glow the fire reflected in the eyes of the convicts. They were everywhere, and they all watched the spectacle with hungry eyes. BlackWatch turned to the women now.

"Let me tell you about the men who live on this planet, ladies, " his voice was calm as always, " They are not like me. They are barely human. The horrible crimes that they committed before coming here were mere hints of the animal savagery that this planet has nurtured in them. Their souls are every bit as black as the night beyond the edges of this clearing."

"Their basic drives, their lusts, their sexual appetites have been denied for so long. Many have been here for decades, without hope that they would ever see a living woman again. Look in their eyes now. Do you see their lust burning?"

He stepped up to Beth, the youngest of the three women. Taken directly from her quarters, she was wearing only a T-shirt and shorts. The Scotsman reached out his hand and took hold of the cloth of Beth's T-shirt. She tried to struggle, but her hands were lashed behind her back.

With one vicious tug, he tore the material from her youthful body. The reaction from the surrounding men was immediate and frightening. The men howled their excitement from every direction. The cumulative sound resembled nothing human.

"Do you have any idea what life will be like for you in this place?" BlackWatch asked loudly, through the noise. " More than four thousand men have been abandoned in these jungles, and you will be owned by strongest and most brutal of these men. Every day for the rest of your lives will be spent serving these men sexually. Day after day, you will be raped and tortured. You will likely change hands many times. Perhaps you will be shared freely amongst some of the tribal groups that have formed."

"Unlike Klayne here, you will never be allowed to fall victim to the creatures of the jungle. Instead, they will keep you alive to serve their darkest desires, and to bear their children."

Cali shuddered involuntarily. The thought of being impregnated by any of the beasts was almost too much to bear. BlackWatch noticed her reaction, and turned his attention to the captain of the Dawkins. He reached his hand under the shirt of Cali's uniform, and rested his hand on her abdomen.

"Oh yes, these men will want you to bear children. You will carry the sons and daughters of these felons, these deviants. I shudder to think about the lifetime of abuse your little daughters will endure at the hands of these savages. They will be born to a lifetime of rape an abuse, and they will be the mothers of new victims for generations to come. How many children do you think that you can bear before your body is spent? Ten, ... maybe fifteen?"

He looked at each of the women in turn.

"Which one of you will be spared?"

Ann/R/K shook her head in disbelief. Even after listening to BlackWatch, the women of the Dawkins wouldn't relent. If Ann were in the same position, there would be no debate. She would sell out her crew mates in a heartbeat to escape this place. Morality was an alien word to her. It was a large part of the reason that she was on this mission in the first place.

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Journal entry #1 It's been years since I slept after the sun goes down. Nobody knows where they came from but they feed on sleepers at night. You sleep during the day. You work at night. Farmers have the worst of it, but a lot can be done by the headlights of a tractor. I'm Karl. Karl Green. I've always been good with mechanical things and I capitalized on it. I'm a machinist, and I've a fair hand at MIG welding too. I live in Sidney, Iowa. It's in the far south west corner of the...

2 years ago
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Flights of ConsciousnessChapter 4

Carol soaked in water as hot as she could stand. The fragrances from the bath oils she'd used filled the air, and candles provided the only light in the room. She leaned her head back and tried to relax. Before going to her room, she'd stopped and knocked on her son's door and asked him to honor her privacy tonight. She needed to think, and she didn't want to deal with wondering if he were hovering where he could see her or touch her. He'd promised to respect her privacy. Memories...

1 year ago
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Mami Ki Gand Mari

Hi readers I’m Nazir I’m 18 years old from Chennai mene aaj tuk sex nahi kiya tha mein ek baar apne mama ke ghar gaya my mami maam ki wife kali as im bengali haiek dum kali ekdum kali asshole chut bushy bhi or hot body ek dum oily chikni bahut thi unke 2 bache mein phir mama ke ghar gaya maam ko out of station janatha office ke kam se phir ek din mama ko 2 din Honge gaye hue mami ke bete mena mere cousin aaye schol se mamai ne unko tyaar kiya or khana khiladiya mein upn cousin ke saath hi sota...

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The Hunt

The Hunt My wife Jenny is a tall slender blond with tight breasts about the size ofsmall apples and long sexy legs. I have marveled ever since we met that sucha beautiful woman would have interest in plain old me. When we met we had bothbeen virgin and had remained such until after we had been engaged for six months.Even after marriage our sex life was so conservative that we normally madelove in the man on top position with the light off. She rarely allowed me tosee her naked and wouldn't ever...

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hot mom

Jodie Adams took one last glance in the mirror before leaving for her date. The petite schoolteacher smiled at her reflection, liking what she saw. She looked ten years younger than her real age, which was in the mid-thirties.She had long flame-colored hair, big blue eyes, and a nice figure, all the curves in the right places, her ripe tits riding high. She knew her appearance would turn her date on. She just hoped it finally turned him on enough.The doorbell rang, and Jodie went to answer it....

2 years ago
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Just another fantasy involving Jillhellip

I want Jill to visit unexpectedly. I would have front and back doors open. I would be standing just outside the back door having a smoke, wearing nothing but a wet nappy. Finishing my smoke, I turn around to come back inside when I look up and see Jill at the front door, only 20 feet away, staring at me open mouthed.“Jill!! Shit! Where did you come from?”“I just dropped in for a quick coffee. Are you….are you wearing…a nappy!?”“Fuck, Jill! Can you turn around so I can go and get dressed...

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Becoming A Bad Girlfriend

As the sun set, small lanterns and scattered tiki torches softly bloomed across the party. A stereo speaker blasted music but she hardly felt like dancing or singing along. Rather than joining the people laughing and smiling around the bonfire, she chose to stand just out of view, alone with her thoughts. Friday night gatherings should be fun and exciting but this one left her feeling inexplicably bored.‘Perhaps if he were here,’ Sara wondered, imagining Ben’s warm body wrapped around hers....

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The Black Mans Wife

I worked for a water company some years ago, and I got to meet quite a widevariety of people. I am bisexual, 28, and can appreciate beauty in allforms. Most of the people I got called out to were, as you would say normal,but a few had extremely interesting tastes including one with a fullyfunctional dungeon hidden away in one of their bedrooms!But I digress. The particular place I would like to tell you about was inCroydon in late 1999. The boiler had broken, and it was up to me to see thatthe...

3 years ago
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Pleasure Of A Different Kind

By : Dhilu Hi guys, this is Mani from Coimbatore. In short I am 23, 6 feet, Muscles chiseled in gym and a software developer earning handsomely. I have seen lot of gays in the local toilet. They just lure adolescent boys and fuck their holes. Their shabby looks and dirty dresses always distanced me from them. Now to the incident that changed my sexual life. My uncle and his son Muthu came to our home for business dealings. My uncle is a jovial guy while his son is of shy type. Muthu just...

Gay Male
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Freshman hookup turns into a surprise facial finis

I was a freshman (1st year) student at my university, and I noticed a cute girl in my psychology class. I wouldn’t call her hot or gorgeous, but she had a cute innocence about her. She had brown hair and blue eyes, she was 5'3, had a nice curvy body that she was almost trying to hide, but I could tell she had something special there. She also had the cutest pair of librarian glasses, and topped it off with braces on her teeth. The first few times I sat near her in class, she looked over and...

2 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 5 Paying the PiperChapter 19 Getting to Know You

I had been working in Pro and Pubs for nearly seven months, and making the switch had really paid off. At first I found my role difficult, with many new concepts to grasp, and when bidding for a contract we worked all hours. However, I soon began to reap the rewards of an enhanced salary, and going out and about meeting clients, 'schmoozing' as it was known in the department. I discovered I had a flair for 'schmoozing, ' especially with females, although nothing sexual came of it as we...

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Im Annie and I oriental and want to fuck my best friends guy

Hi my name is Ann, I'm oriental, 18 years old, and I have a secret and I want, no make that, have to tell someone or I'm going to go . About 3 months ago my best friend Jane introduced me to her lover Larry. I have never had a man make love to me. After weeks of my complaining and Jane's talking to me, she convinced me into having sex with her guy, Larry. He was 22 and extremely good looking with a really good build and extremely gentle and sexual touch. She had already talked to him about my...

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Andy Handcuffs The beggining

It was 8 AM when Andy woke up. He looked exhausted, probably due to the all-night-long sex that he had been doing with Adam. Andy was a tall 21 year-old man, brown hair and beautiful green eyes with the most defined six-pack in all Britain. Adam was a boyish 18 year-old boy, tall with blue eyes, hair and a bubble-butt to die for. He didn’t know very much about Adam. Actually they just met the night before. But at least it had been a good fuck, that’s all it mattered. Andy got up, dressed...

1 year ago
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Craig HillChapter 8

There was a knock on Mark's door at half past seven the following morning. "See you at ten," said Anthony Collins's voice. "Breakfast when you're ready." "Thank you, Sir," called Mark who was already wide-awake but wondering when he should put in an appearance. He padded down the passage to the bathroom and did his morning duties presenting himself in the kitchen just before eight. Frances was there. "Good morning, Mark," she said. "Did you sleep well?" "Like a log," he...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Hot Divorcee Assistant Again After Four Years

Hello everyone..my name is Harman and I am from Dehradun..I am 32 years old married man…I am a big fan of ISS and have been reading ISS for last 4 years now…have submitted few of my experiences also and have received some really good feedbacks and was able to hook up with two ladies also who were also desperate like me…I am narrating my experience after a long time as it happened few days back only… I had sexual fling with one of my assistant when I was working in Delhi…title of the story is...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Rosalyn Sphinx Give In To Me

Rosalyn Sphinx has been working for Jake Adams as his assistant for a while and she has him firmly in her sights as a sexual conquest. It turns out she has her work cut out for her, though. She brings Jake a lease agreement to sign while striking poses that are designed to catch his attention, but it’s all to no avail. When she needs him to do one last signature, Rosalyn leans forward so he can see her boobs down the front of her shirt. Nothing. As a last-ditch effort, she drops her pen...

2 years ago
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Maine Apni Moti Chachi Ko Choda

Hiii dosto mera naam pushp hai… Mai ek 20 saal ka ldka hu… Me punjab ke amritsar shehr me rehta hu… Maine aaj tk bohot saari ldkiyo aur bhabhio ko choda h… Mera lund 8′ lamba aur 2.5′ mota h… Ab sb ko bor na krte hue apni story pe aata hu… Story se pehle me apko apni chachi k baare bta du… Dost wo ek aisa maal h jise dekh kr aapka khada ho jayega aur dil krega k whi use chod du… Unki age 32 years h aur kaafi bdi gaand wali h… Unka size 34-38-36 h… Unka name anu hai Ye tb ki baat hai jb me 11th...

3 years ago
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Another Kind of Blood Magic

“Just drain it!” Pelleas yelled down toward his incredibly erect member.“It’s not that easy!” Hek hissed back, her panicked, accusatory eyes glancing up at him. She was on her knees, but not for any reason somebody in front of an erect penis would usually be. She ran her eyes up and down his shaft. Letting out a sigh, her breath just barely grazed Palleas’ uncovered skin. “I’m sorry.”“Just get rid of it!”“I’m sorry!”“I know, I know! Just fucking get rid of it, gods!” Pelleas tone was hurried,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Club lovin

I go to this club a few days a week. Is a bit boring but I met a couple (3) proper fine boys there they were Toni (18 years), Liam R (18 years) and Liam C (14 1/4 yrs). I have seen Toni and one of the Liams naked before when we went on this two-week activities camp. There was us four in this large room with two other boys. The two Liam’s and me were just sitting on Tony’s bed when Toni decided to get un-dressed in front of us. Liam R sprang up and decided to do the same. I was going to laugh at...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 460

Thank Telephoneman for this one!! An ordinary, non-religious, guy dies and goes to heaven. As he’s being shown around, he notices that most people are in groups. He also can’t help but see a long and high wall covering one side. When asked, his guide says, “The groups all congregate according to their religious beliefs.” He points out Baptists, Methodists, even Muslims and atheists. “What about the wall?” “Oh, that’s for the Catholics, they like to believe they’re the only ones here.”

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Staceys Ass

So it was another night and I was dropping the k**s off for a sleep over at Staceys house. Stacey, for the newbies to my stories, is my wifes older sister. We were down in the basement helping the k**s clean up before bed and I couldnt stop staring at Staceys ass. Everytime she bent over he thong would be sticking out, and if she bent over facing me, I got a clear look right down her shirt. She still had her bra on, but it was still sexy looking down her jiggling boob cleavage. One of the last...

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My Cuckold Life

My wife and I had embarked on a cuckold life style several years ago and have recently taken it a step further. She had worked as a loan officer at a bank for some time, but prior to that she had worked as a legal secretary for a large law firm that is active in civil litigation. After our son and daughter married and moved out she left the bank and went back to work at the law firm. She had quit originally because the hours were long and she was not spending the time she wanted to with the...

Wife Lovers
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Getting Over ItChapter 2

"Well, it's been damned exciting so far. Lots more than my growing up. All that stuff I was taught that now I'm trying to get over. With Tyler's patient help, of course. So tell us more about your cozy group." They both filled us in on how often they all got together and how they were taken into the group. It was just two couples at first and they were invited the first time to just watch if that's all the wanted to do, just see what it was like. But they got into it that first night...

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Unimaginable Sex With Husband8217s Friend

Some girls are game for sex, because they want physical gratification. Some girls are game for sex because of lack of money. Some girls just want to experience it first hand to come to conclusion. In my case, I wanted to have sex to conceive and have a baby. My name is Varsha. I’m a qualified interior designer. I’m married to Arun, who too is an interior designer. We studied college together and had courted for 3 years before marriage. We indulged in foreplay and sex before getting married. It...

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What is done

Darkness above and around as you stare at the ceiling. Clearly it is not morning yet, though you are awake. You reach over to tap on your phone and see that you only slept for a few hours, it was almost one when you stopped watching your show on your phone. Squinting at the light the you read it twice and internally groan. 3:27A.M. As the screen begins to dim you turn your head and look beside you, the lump of comforter moderately showing a humanoid shape with your wife's head jutted out upon a...

1 year ago
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The Whistle BlowersChapter 8

There was a look of dread and fear on the faces of the Wheaton’s when their faced their friends and their children naked for the first time. Since they had already seen the films and the sick, perverted acts their friends had performed on each other, they were wracked with terror and alarm at the idea of having to do the same despicable things. To keep it interesting, Sam gave the Wheaton family very few instructions. When they tried to protest and reason with him, they were told if they...

4 years ago
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Chaos Calls 03 the Dragon DilemmaChapter 03

Most of the gear is still packed from yesterday. So we’ve a quick breakfast, cross the river, and go on our way to Two Sheaf. Three days later we arrive at an area just north of Two Sheaf where I wish to build new farms. The land to the east of the road is light forest from the road to the mountain cliffs. This is unclaimed land that we’re about to claim it by clearing it. Using axes we cut down the first of the trees to mark the northern limit of the farm area we’ll be creating. While we...

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Bhai Se Choadwa Khud Ko N Maa Ko

Hi dosto I am archana pandey from Faizabad UP se is time mai lucknow mai hu dr.rajendra prasad memorial g collge se b.com kar rhi hu. mai ek kunwari ladaki thi mai apani ek real story likhane jaa rahi hun if u like send send me ur coments I am ISS reader, now let’s topic, mere ghar me meri mom(45) mera bhai(26) aur mai archna (20), mai dikhane me thikthak hun, aur meri body thikhai 32-28/-34 hai, mere papa mai chhoti thi tabhi transefer ho gya tha. bhai ha nam nakli hia . Ek baar mere ghar meri...

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IHaveAWife Kenzie Love 31759

Kenzie Love is working out at her apartment’s gym when Danny walks in. What a surprise? Danny is one of Kenzie’s college ex’s and he just moved into the complex with his wife. There’s something about that ring on Danny’s finger that gets Kenzie wet and she just needs to have Danny right there and then. Danny is a little hesitant, but Kenzie assures him that no one else ever uses that gym. Well assured, Danny grabs on Kenzie’s big natural tits and starts...

3 years ago
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Breaking FreeChapter 6 Time together

The filming lasted about eight weeks; finally a day dawned when Bobby awoke spooned against Jessie. He smiled realising that today was their own, the filming was finished and they could relax. He lay behind Jessie his morning erection pressed between the cheeks of her arse; his left arm was wrapped around her, his hand resting on her left breast, held there by Jessie's arm. Gently he nuzzled his face into her hair, smelling the fresh fragrance of her hair; he kissed her neck before lifting...

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