Turning Towards Ohio free porn video

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Hey Folks. Here's another tale of broken hearts and broken dreams. But also of getting up and getting on with it. Once again my gibberish is cleaned, polished and bejeweled by the GREAT (he claims he isn't legendary) Barney-R. This one isn't as long as the one from two weeks ago but I think it's still a good story. For any of you who speak with a Southern accent, please don't take offense to my tongue in cheek versions of it. I used it not to insult or pick fun but because women with southern accents are the sexiest things on God's green earth. Nuff said. SS06

6 a.m. The Sun was just beginning to come up as I roared down the freeway. Last night I couldn't get to sleep at all. No, I wasn't thinking about the song from Marilyn Mcoo and Billy Davis. There was a jumble of all kinds of thoughts going through my head. They were all disjointed and most of them were about all kinds of subjects.

I thought about my new Goodyear supercar tires, their grip was much better than the tires I had before. I thought about Newton's laws of physics. I thought about how my life was in limbo. My iridium spark plugs did seem to make my 2009 45th anniversary Mustang GT peppier. I wondered why there were no cops on the freeway. I wondered why I was driving 145 miles per hour which immediately made me glad I had cross drilled and slotted rotors with oversized calipers.

I stomped on the brake pedal and brought my wild pony to an abrupt stop. The only sound in my ears was the incessant thrumming of my Mustang's motor. My pony wanted to run. She hated stopping and the sound of the motor let me know that she was impatient to be on our way.

I had stopped in the middle of the freeway. Luckily for me it was deserted. It was a summer Sunday morning, so no one was going to work. If it had been a busy Monday or another weekday, stopping could have gotten me killed, or gotten me into an accident at the very least.

I was fifty yards in front of a double fork in the road. I could go in any of three directions. The road to the center would take me West towards my new job and I suppose my future. When I left the motel that morning I was sure I was going that way. The road to the right would take me south and the left path would take me off of the freeway and back home.

I'm not accustomed to being indecisive. I'm at a point in my life where I usually move quickly and make decisions just as fast, but just this once, as I sat there in my car I had no idea where to go.

I'm a manufacturing Engineer and a pretty good one at that. I'm also forty years old. Being forty is like being in limbo. At forty, you're not exactly a young man any more. Most people no longer expect you to be wet behind the ears. They expect you to know what you're doing and what you're talking about.

On the other hand, at forty, you're not exactly old either. That means that no one is going to give you any kind of senior citizen discounts or perks. They're also not going to simply take things you say as coming from a position of age or wisdom. It's kind of fucked up. You're too young to be old and too old to be young.

My name is Robert Playne. As mentioned before, I'm forty years old. I've been married to my wife, Jane, for twenty years. Our daughter, Cassandra, is in her third year of college. She's in the nursing program at Michigan State and sucking money out of me left and right. She'll be getting married soon. She's been engaged to a really nice kid for about a year now. I think they're both waiting to graduate with their degrees before they tie the big knot.

Things are different for kids these days. I guess the sensible ones want to make sure they have all of the things they need BEFORE marriage and kids. I've tried several times to explain to Sandy, that her mom and I got hitched at only twenty years old because we had to. I mean we WERE in love, but we didn't have time to wait because we wanted to be married when SHE was born.

We had a few rough times early on and had to pinch our pennies. But our life turned out great. We have a beautiful home in a nice neighborhood. We have all of the creature comforts we could ever need and money in the bank.

We've talked about retiring early, so we can travel together while we're still fit enough to do so. And then we'll settle down and spoil the shit out of our grand kids.

At least that was the way it was supposed to work out. We had puttered along on the same path for almost twenty years. I love Jane more than anything I can think of. I feel the same way about Cassandra. I have a great job, great friends, and a very rich life. My life was an object in a state of uniform motion.

I loved Jane and I was confident that she felt the same. At forty we weren't kids anymore, but we were still deeply in love. We still did all of the little things that said so.

If we could have continued on that way, I'd have gone to my grave a happy camper.

I woke up one morning last week, feeling heat in my nether region. Jane as usual had fallen asleep wrapped around me. I woke up and that heat had me thinking about wake-up sex.

I reached between us and cupped her pubic mound. The soft curls were still damp with the residue of what we'd done the night before. She was sticky and moist but still warm and I started to gently rub her down there.

"Didn't you get enough of that last night?" she asked. Her voice was scratchy and she was just coming awake.

"I don't think I could ever get enough of this," I said.

"Well you're going to have to wait," she laughed. "Both of us have to work today and one of us is on the early shift." She kissed me, unleashing the dragon of her morning breath. As much as I loved her, I had never gotten used to her breath in the morning. Although I had never said anything about it to avoid hurting her feelings, Jane's morning breath was awful. It smelled like she ate peanut butter and shit sandwiches before getting into bed and they had fermented over night.

I reached for her butt as she got out of the bed. I squeezed it and she giggled. She turned around and dangled her boobs over my head, just out of reach. As quick as a cat, I lunged for her and dragged her back into bed with me.

"You know what happens to women who tease men, right?" I asked.

"What," she asked, smiling from ear to ear?

"Sooner or later, they end up getting fucked," I said. She laughed.

"That sounds so funny when you say it," she laughed. "When you say getting fucked, it sounds like something brutal and unpleasant. It's like you're describing a punishment. But you're so gentle and so loving that when we do it, it's the most pleasurable thing I can imagine. It's more of a reward. And I promise you can reward me all you want tonight. But I have to get my ass to the office, or Hank is going to fire me."

"Hank is your uncle," I laughed. "Besides, he and everyone else there, know that you only work there to help him out. He should be paying you a lot more."

"Yeah," she said. "But Uncle Hank is family. And besides, I only work at the office to give me something to do. You're at work most of the day and Cassandra is away at college. Being at the office gives me something to do."

"It gives you a chance to flirt with all of those God damned salesmen," I snapped.

She laughed so hard she fell on the bed beside me. "You think it's funny," I said. "But..."

Before I could finish my sentence she covered my mouth with hers, dragon breath and all.

"I don't think it's funny at all," she said. I noticed a tear in the corner of her eye. "I think it's the sweetest, most romantic thing ever. I can't believe you still get jealous after all of this time. You still act like I'm some hot young girl and you don't want anyone else near me."

Sometimes it's best not to say anything, so I didn't. "I love you, Bob," she gushed. "Now go brush your teeth, while I shower, so your next kiss won't taste like feet." I swatted her on her substantial ass as she walked away.

Jane was no longer the svelte girl/woman that she'd been when we first got together, but after twenty years, two Mustangs, three houses, a full grown daughter and a lifetime of triumphs and tragedies, I still loved her the same as I did then.

I lay there in the bed, imagining what the next few years of our lives would be like. Now that our daughter was an adult, we could begin the next phase. There were so many places we had always wanted to see and things we'd wanted to do.

"Hey, I thought you were supposed to be getting your lazy ass up and brushing those teeth," she said. "Hurry up, I'm not kissing you goodbye until you get that taste out of your mouth. I'll be downstairs waiting for you mister."

As she said it, she grabbed her boobs and squeezed them, and then let them fall back into place. Her blouse was tight enough to outline her boobs, even though it was buttoned all the way up so that not even a hint of cleavage showed. At work she was totally professional; at home she was an outrageous tease.

I hopped up and ran into the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth and also took the time to shave. When I hurried down the stairs, Jane was on the computer. I noticed that she had her email account open and quickly closed it as I came into the room. "Just checking the list of ingredients for the special treat I'm making you for dinner tonight, Honey," she smiled.

That was it. It's often the little things, like a crack in a huge dam that let us know that a huge problem is right behind them. Jane had just lied to me. In the twenty years that we'd been married, I had never checked up on her. I had never invaded her privacy in any way. Sure she considered herself to be keeping a tight leash on me, but I trusted her. She'd never given me any reason not to. But that morning, Jane had just given me a reason. She had looked me right in the eye, smiled at me, and lied. I didn't care about her emailing her friends. There was no reason to hide it or to lie about it. Or was there?

She got up from the computer after closing her web page and quickly pulled me in for a kiss. I was too shocked to respond the way I normally did, but I guess her nervousness matched mine.

"I'll see you tonight," she said, before snatching up her purse and walking out of the door.

I quickly opened up a new tab on the Google chrome browser that Jane had left open. One thing about Chrome is that it is designed to be very user friendly. If you close a tab, but leave the browser open, you can go back to the previous sites that you were at without having to re-enter your passwords, especially when you close the tabs before actually signing out. So by going back to AOL, I was able to access Jane's email account. I saw nothing suspicious. When I looked at her bookmarks she really did have a hell of a lot of recipes saved.

I looked in her in-box and nothing suspicious leaped out at me. She had email from her mom and several from her sister. There was one from one of the men she worked with and I got angry. So I did what any husband would have done. Yeah, okay, I'm an asshole. I violated her privacy. I read her fucking email and felt like an ass.

The guy had just gotten married and wanted Jane to come over so she could meet his new wife. From reading between the lines, I got the message that the guy wanted something I had. But it wasn't Jane. Apparently the guy was seriously considering buying a Mustang and really wanted to talk to me about it. I was so relieved. I quickly went back to her in-box and marked the message "keep as new." With any luck, Jane would never know that I had read it.

Then I noticed that Jane had been so busy closing her e-mail, that she had forgotten to close another one of her tabs. I clicked on it and it opened to her Facebook page. I was shocked because I didn't even know that she had one. Since, I'm not really a Facebook user, I had to get used to the layout of the page. Jane apparently had over a hundred friends. Most of them were her family or people she worked with, but there were a few people that I didn't recognize. The hair on the back of my neck stood up

I saw the messages section near the top and noticed that she'd been having a long conversation with someone named Jason. That was when I began to get angry. Jason was a guy she had dated long before she met me. From hearing her talk about him with her mom and sister, they had been together for a long time and were really hot and heavy. Jason had apparently been Jane's first true love and they had always planned on getting married.

The way I heard it, Jason had gone off to the army and while he was away, Jane had left the area they lived in. She had met me; we fell in love, got married, and had a kid, end of story.

Over the years, I hadn't heard much about Jason, except that Jane's parents had never liked him. And since old Jason was in the past, I had never given him much thought. But here he was sending messages to Jane.

Yeah, I read the fucking messages. I started from the beginning. There were hundreds of them. They started out innocently enough. They started out like two old friends re-connecting. They talked about things they'd done when they were younger and their lives. But somewhere in the middle the guy started talking about how much he missed her and wished that they had stayed together.

It took a few messages but Jane had begun telling him that she wondered how her life would have been if they HAD stayed together. It took a few more weeks for it to come out but he told her that he still loved her. At first she didn't respond to that. She told him that she was a happily married woman and that she loved me.

A few messages later and she was telling him that she loved him too, but only as a friend. They kept reminiscing about days gone by and the things they used to do, which apparently included a lot of sex, and the next thing I knew she was telling him she loved him too.

Then he started hinting that she should come to visit. He had it all worked out. She could come to visit him on the pretense that she was visiting her parents and family in town. While she was there, she could tell her parents that she was visiting her aging aunt, Tilly. She could tell Aunt Tilly that she was visiting her parents. That way the two of them could spend their time together.

At that moment I wanted to find that motherfucker and choke the life out of him. Jane of course said, "NO," it would never happen. But I was sure that if he kept trying to persuade her, eventually he would get his way. There I was standing there in my home office, angry as hell at the woman who only an hour before I had been sure that I would love forever.

I was also late for work. I quickly called the plant and explained that I'd had car trouble and would be in. I called a colleague of mine who worked in IT and owed me a favor. I got him to come over to the house right then.

Rick was happily married, like I thought I was. He got there and by the look on my face he could tell I was pissed.

I swore him to secrecy, which was easy as hell and the reason I had picked Rick out of all the guys I knew in IT. Although Rick was happily married, he entertained fantasies of being a spy or a PI. He was one of the best computer guys I know, but he dreamed of being 007.

"Rick, can you..." I began.

"Steal the whore's passwords for you and rig it so that the computer explodes if she ever emails that guy again?" he blurted out. He had an excited look on his face. "How big do you want the explosion to be? I can probably rig it so that HIS computer fries its hard drive, but without getting into his house, I can't get you an explosion on his end. And it's really..."

"Rick," I said calmly. "I was hoping to put the reins on him before he got away from me. If she changes her password or notices that I've been in her account, I'd be out of luck. Can you just rig it so that copies ... copies mind you, of her emails and Facebook messages get sent to my account?"

"Piece of cake," he said. "I'm just wondering why she didn't have all of this stuff sent to her account at work."

"For the same reason that I don't want you to send it to my email account at work," I said. "Because guys like you, get paid to snoop through people's accounts to find evidence of them doing things they shouldn't be doing at work."

"That makes sense," he said. He set me up a completely separate Yahoo email account and sent copies of all of Jane's email and Facebook messages to that account. Then both of us went to the plant to work, the difference was Rick went back so charged up that he could barely function. To him it had been a dream come true. He was wrapped up finally in the world of secrets, lies and counterespionage, albeit on a smaller scale that he had always dreamed of.

For me it was a much different feeling. I felt as if I had been punched in the gut repeatedly. My entire world had changed. My life was no longer an object at a steady rate of motion.


I had nearly gotten caught that morning. It was stupid. I was stupid. But after passing forty, I'd begun to just feel like life was passing me by. At first I thought it was just empty nest syndrome, with Cassandra going off to college. But once I started working in my Uncle Hank's office, it got worse. All day long I listened to the other women there, talking about all the things they did and I was jealous.

I wasn't jealous that they were single. I love being married to Bob. He is the kindest, most loving man I know. I guess what I missed was the excitement we had when we were younger. Excitement isn't really the word for it. I think what I'm missing is that sense of desperation; the thrill of living on the edge. They say that youth is wasted on the young. I understand that now.

That feeling of not knowing what is going to happen to you next, or just taking what life throws at you and winning your way through by the skin of your teeth is so exhilarating.

A few months ago I got on Facebook because everyone else at the office did it. I occasionally got messages and friend requests from people I hadn't heard from in years. One of them was my old boyfriend. I'd been sure that I was going to marry Jason. The fact that my parents hated him only made things better between us. I guess that's that idea of living on the edge again.

Jason and I never really broke up. We just went in different directions by mutual agreement. Out of the blue, I got a call from him and he told me that he had decided to join the military and he'd be gone for a few years. I was shocked to say the least. He had never mentioned enlisting before. In fact, Jason was about the most undisciplined man I knew. He hated the idea of being told what to do. I guess to be truthful, Jason was lazy.

But signing up, was a very mature step and I swore to him that I would wait for him and remain faithful. Strangely enough, he told me that it wouldn't be necessary. He would be traveling to far off places and he wanted to experience everything life could throw at him. Being tied into such a severe promise while we were only twenty years old wasn't fair to either of us. So Jason joined up and I moved to Michigan to help care for my Uncle Hank's wife, Aunt Kate. I met Bob and fell in love with him and we've been together ever since.

But hearing from Jason was like re-igniting a flame that had been allowed to die. It took a while, but I found myself telling him things that I shouldn't have. I also found myself comparing him to Bob. And lately, in my comparisons, I've begun to realize that Bob probably wasn't the better man between the two of them.

When I was with Jason, I felt freer and more alive. It seemed like every new day brought new experiences and new challenges. The air seemed to smell better, the grass was greener, and the sex was far more thrilling. It was just ... BETTER. I found myself dreaming about what my life could have been like with Jason. But I was an old married woman. It was too late to find out. I should probably just chalk it up to what should have been. I was stuck in a rut, with no way out.

Lately, Jason has been more insistent. He kept begging and pleading with me to come and visit him. And from the tone of his messages, I know that he doesn't want me to visit so we can play cards. For my part, I'm very tempted. His idea to pretend that I'm visiting my parents seems like a good one. The problem is that if I go there and have a few days of excitement and mind blowing sex, I probably wouldn't want to come back. Bob would be lost without me and my daughter would hate me for abandoning her daddy.


It was very hard for me to even look at Jane, when I got home that night. I hadn't gotten much work done at the office. I had rolled the situation over in my mind at least a hundred times.

The first thing that went through my mind was that I felt so betrayed and so hurt that I wanted to lash out and hurt Jane back. I wanted her out of my life forever. On the other hand, Jane hadn't actually done anything. She hadn't fucked the guy. She hadn't even kissed him. All she was actually guilty of was writing some messages to an old flame. No, it was worse than that. How did Jimmy Carter say it?

Jane had lust in her heart. That made it just as bad as if she had actually done something. She was having an emotional affair with some clown from her past. She was spending time and effort on her relationship with him that could have been spent on us.

At the same time, maybe it was just a harmless fantasy. Everyone had a right to their dreams. Her relationship with Jason hadn't hurt us much until I found out about it. Jane like everyone else had a right to the sanctity of her dreams. The thing that bothered me the most though, was the way she had begun talking about me, as if I was responsible for her life being boring. She made it seem like our life sucked. Her fondest wish was to spend a few days with Jason. And as much as the idea terrified me; I decided to give her the chance.

As I walked into my formerly happy home, it was difficult to pretend that nothing was different. As a matter of fact, I sucked at it. Jane knew almost instantly that something was wrong.

"Are you okay, Honey?" she asked. "Does something hurt?"

"No, I'm fine," I said. She kept looking at me and coming over to me while she cooked dinner.

"Bob, there's something wrong. I can tell," she said. "What is it?"

"It's my tail lights," I said in frustration.

"What?" she asked, looking at me as if I was crazy?

"I bought those Raxion gen 5 tail lights to upgrade my car. My car is black," I said.

"I know that sweetheart," she replied.

"I hated those old and dated looking red tail lights," I continued. "So I bought the Raxions from American Muscle. The directions on the web site made it look simple to install them. They were supposedly plug and play. But when I looked at my car's wiring harness, I knew that they lied. I'm a God damned engineer and I have no clue about all of that wiring."

"Honey, you're a manufacturing engineer," she said softly.

"Exactly!" I said. "I could probably make those fucking tail lights, but I can't install them. Now I have to go to an automotive electrical shop to have them put in. They should have instructions for every year of Mustangs that the lights fit, and every model too. The GT premiums have a different wiring configuration with a lot more wires and..."

She just walked over and put her arms around me. "Honey, you don't have to do all of the work on your car yourself. We can afford to have it done," she said. She was almost laughing as she looked at me.

I was sure that she believed it, for two reasons. The first was because I was always doing something to my car. Cassandra actually called the car her sister because I treated it like it was my second child.

The second reason was because it really was true. Those fucking tail lights were driving me crazy. But I had found a shop out on Gratiot Avenue that could put them in for me. The owner had been sure they could do it.

I had dodged a bullet, but I needed to be far more careful. A couple of hours later, I was lying in bed when Jane came in. Since Cassandra had gone away to school and was only home on alternate weekends, Jane had given up all pretense of modesty.

She stepped out of the shower and dried off and walked through the house completely naked looking for me. I had one eye cracked as she walked into our bedroom. Her large breasts swayed from side to side as she looked around. Normally, I'd have one of them in my mouth as soon as I saw her.

"Bob," she gushed. "I've got something for you."

I don't know what was going through my mind. It was the same pussy that I'd been trying to get that morning. The same pussy that I'd worshipped for the past twenty years. I was relatively sure that no one except me had been in it during those same twenty years. But all of a sudden, the thought of sticking my dick in her made me sick to my stomach.

Maybe it was because in my mind, Jane was no longer mine alone. I had loved her and supported her for twenty years, just so some clown from her home town could reclaim her as soon as he found her. The thing that galled me the most was how quickly she had forgotten everything we'd gone through together. All the years of being there and taking care of her when she was sick, apparently meant nothing

Fuck her, they deserved each other.

She shook me trying to get me to wake up. I rolled over and looked at her, still feigning sleep.

"Oh ... G' night, Honey," I said. "I forgot to tell you. I have to go out of town next week. I'll be gone for four days. I leave Monday. I'll be back by Friday night. That way I won't miss Sandy's visit."

She didn't say anything about the trip. "But Honey, aren't we going to... ?" she asked. Then she lay down beside me. She wrapped one arm around me and spooned against me. I think she was frustrated because she would have normally been the one in front. But with me turning my back towards her, she tried to get as much contact as she could.

Even having her arm around me was almost painful for me. I think that I was already trying to distance myself from her emotionally. Call it a survival mechanism or just plain anger, but in my mind, I wasn't even going to try to fight for her. I had already conceded her to Jason. As far as I was concerned, she was his now and I didn't like her touching me.

I felt as if I had wasted twenty years of my life. The only thing I had to show for it was Cassandra. My daughter was the only good thing to come from twenty years of wasted love and wasted emotion.

Next week would tell me everything I had to know. It was a test that I was very sure she would fail and our life together would be over. Even if she came back, which I seriously doubted I would have no place for her in my heart or my life.

Maybe it was the cave man in me, but MY wife, had to be MY wife alone. The whole sharing is caring thing didn't work for me. Of course to protect myself when things went bad and we ended up in court, I would need evidence. Even as we lay there, she wiggled against me trying to interest me in what she had to offer. I on the other hand began planning my exit strategy.

I needed a good lawyer. I had no idea where to find anyone who handled that kind of thing. I also didn't really feel comfortable discussing my failure with anyone I knew.

When it all came down to it that was the way I felt. I felt as if I had failed. I had failed to keep my wife interested in me. Obviously I was so boring or so unappealing that my wife needed to start up a relationship with a past lover. Or maybe our entire time together was a lie. Perhaps I was just a place holder in her life until he retired from the military and came back to claim her.

She had probably been comparing us all along and found that I came out second in all of the most important categories. So now that G.I. Jason had returned, I was cast aside.

I believe in romance. I believe in true love and all of that other bullshit, but more than anything else, I believe in fairness. And it was damned unfair of Jane to keep me on a string while she had her relationship on the side with the man she really wanted to be with. If she wanted to be with Jason, the least she could do is tell me.

She should allow me to walk away with my dignity intact and move on with my life. I had the right to find someone who loved me enough to be with me alone.

I fell asleep making plans. Throughout the night I dreamed of my marriage and I came up with hundreds of ways that I had failed Jane. By the time I awoke the next morning I was exhausted from my emotional dreams. And I was even more convinced that Jane and I no longer belonged together. But I had to get out of it with my pride intact. I needed to get out on my terms.

I got out of bed an hour early leaving Jane asleep. She mumbled in her sleep as I left the room. I showered and dressed and left the house without saying a word to her.

I had breakfast alone, in a diner near the plant I worked in. I handled my assignments that day as if I was in a fog. Normally I'd have been visited by a large number of friends and colleagues who were wondering what I was doing and what my latest research was on. But unlike the comics or the internet romance stories, no one came to visit me.

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I was tempted to hum "Back in the Saddle Again". That really wouldn't have been classy, even though the charming young woman bent over my workbench couldn't have heard it over her moans and squeals, much less the slapping sounds of my body hitting against her full round ass. And when did I start worrying about being "Classy"? This was obviously all Nan's fault. She wasn't here, hell she wasn't even in the city, being on tour with the Symphony and she was still driving me up walls. I...

4 years ago
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Swimming Towards the Secretarial Pool

Swimming Towards the Secretarial Pool Belladonna [Authors Note: This story is loosely based on a caption made for me over at Rachel's Haven by the great Dee Mentia of Dee'lusions of Grandeur at http://deelusionsofgrandeur.blogspot.com/. I was looking to write something out of my comfort zone and her caption provided me with an angle I do not typically use]. A triumphant smile crept across Geoff Niekro's face while he stared at the open bedroom door. He rubbed his hands...

2 years ago
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Towards a Surrender Act III

Towards a Surrender Act III By MadQuill Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. The following story is the second of four parts of a tale that explores the theme of transformation. I hope that the larger narrative arc is interesting to all. I suggest you may enjoy reading the first portion, Act One & Two. I continue to work on better editing and someone has been most helpful. Thank you for your comments Act III Is there love...

3 years ago
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Turning Japanese

Turning Japanese "This is not going well," I thought to myself as I untucked my blouse from my skirt and began unbuttoning the buttons. My middle school uniform consisted of a white cotton blouse and a pleated navy skirt that hung to about mid-thigh. The uniform blouse, like many seifuku in Japan, had a nautical look with its navy sailor's collar and navy cuff's on the cap sleeves. This look was reinforced by a red kerchief looped around the neck and beneath the collar and...

4 years ago
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Turning it around

Turning it around Pooja and Ranjit were a happily married couple, based out of Mumbai. From the outside the couple was what they call a 'normal' couple. One day while watching TV, they happened to chance a song from an old Hindi movie, Kismat. The song had Biswajeet dressing up as a woman and Babita as a male Pathan. Pooja found it very interesting, while Ranjit claimed there was nothing much to it. "Why do you say that?" enquired Pooja. "Even I have played female in plays in school...

3 years ago
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Secret Crush Towards My Body Best Friend Turn Into True Love

This is a long back story were I had a secret crush on my close friend. She was cute thin with nice small melons which would fit exactly in palm. And about me I am little clumsy ,fat but bubbly.I used to always sit behind her in second bench. We used to chat in class times we were good friend. One day when we had lab we were out chatting ,( its pants and shirt for girls too for labs) suddenly water fell over her chest while she was trying to dry it but made her shirt to stick to her body and...

1 year ago
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Towards a Surrender

Towards a Surrender By MadQuill Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. The following story is the first of four parts of a tale that explores the theme of transformation. It is thematically similar others that I have submitted but has a larger narrative arc. I hope you enjoy reading the first portion, Act One & Two I continue to work on better editing and someone has been most helpful. Thank you for your comments Towards a...

2 years ago
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Turning Me Over His Story

Turning Me Over: His Story by suki A sequel to the story "Turning Him Over" I stand on the corner where I stand every night. It's a really lousy part of town but its where girls like me go to get picked up and turn a trick. Its chilly and a light rain is falling so we all huddle under the awning of an abandoned building. We come out when we see headlights turn the corner and come down the street. We strut in our high high heels and hope that whoever is behind the wheel...

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Turning Straight Men Gay for BBC

I was in a bar in the big city an hour from where I taught. One of my favorite eighties bands was playing and although my wife didn't want to come, I wasn't missing it for the world. I wasn't in the bar five minutes when I heard my name being called out, "Mr. James, Mr. James!" I turned around and saw two of my ex-students and former players from a couple of years ago coming towards me. "Mr. James, what are you doing here?" asked Matt, the quarterback on my old team. "Came to see Blonde...

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Rohith8217s Journey Towards Cuckolding

Disclaimer: It is a long post but a necessity to describe it as it happened. Read it with some time to immerse yourself and enjoy. Hello everybody, myself Sumith from Kodagu, a hill station in Karnataka. I am 32 years old and a happy go, lucky man. I believe that nobody dies a virgin, life fucks all. Hence the only way out is to enjoy life is to enjoy when whichever the way it fucks. In general, sex is a very good way to enjoy the high hormone feeling and get relieved with some amazing physical...

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Luck And Lust Towards My Maushi

Hi friends m ranveer from kanpur uttar pradesh first of all I will like to tell you something about me..M 24 year old guy.. With Good looks and attractive body m 5″9 by height with good physique and having a good length and thickness around 7.5 inches in length and 3″ in thickness in my pants. This is the story of my 12 th class how I had my first experience with my maushi. As everybody claim his story real one, but I left the decision of real and fantasy on you guys. From my side it’s the real...

4 years ago
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Turning Amanda Part 2

We woke around nine when Amanda's phone rang in the guest bedroom. We laid looking at each other, knowing it was probably her mother.Amanda snuggled closer to me, wedging her leg between mine.“Should I answer it?”“Of course, she wants to know you're safe, babygirl. She's your mom.”"I know. Am I safe?"."Not really, I'm going to devour you sometime today, my sweet one."She giggled, “I like the sound of that.”"Yes, go tell mom you're safe. You snuck a few extras champagnes when I wasn't...

3 years ago
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Mom After Mom Season 2 Part 7 Journey Towards Intimacy

I slowly moved towards the room and she was already in. I hesitated to enter the room initially but entered after a few minutes. I slowly went to my bed and she was sitting on her bed, resting her back on the wall, holding her mobile. She looked at me. Our looks were not the same as earlier, after what happened. Our conversation earlier changed everything. The intimacy increased. There was this weird shyness inside both of us. Me – “Do you need light on?” Di – “No. You can switch it off.” I...

2 years ago
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Attraction Towards Didi

Hi friends I’m big fan of ISS, Special Incest, Where brothers makes love with their hot sister. I’m raj age 28, 5.9 tall, well built, I’m attracted towards my sister anjali. She is dam hot and sexy women in age of 31, she is bold women, very friendly in nature, she mostly wear western outfits. she is 5.7, toned body her figure is 36 -30 -38, fair skin. She putted mass after her giving birth to a cute baby, but still she maintained to look sexy by regularly going to the gym. She is sex...

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I finally did it.This is a true account of how I finally turned my wife into an out of control whore for black cocks. I recorded the events on my computer which allowed me recreate the event in writing. I tried to be as specific and detailed as possible hoping that it may help you turn your wife. First, I must say that in the beginning I really didn’t believe that I could turn my wife into a slut nor did I believe that most white woman could be turned either despite what you read on the...

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Turning the Tables

Turning the Tables by Richard-to-Rachel This story contains forced unconsenting sex so please do not read it if you are offended by such material. It's every woman's worst nightmare. You're out late, walking back from a club down dark, deserted alleyways. Suddenly your sexy, revealing clubwear makes you feel horribly naked and exposed. And then you hear it, footsteps in the road behind you. You turn a corner and they're still there, still following your every move. You...

1 year ago
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Turning Summer

Turning Summer by Monika Ikon I remember holding up that first tiny pair of swim trunks in disbelief. "You want me to wear this?" I said. "Outside?" "Of course silly," Kathy said. "Don't you just love it?" The bathing suit consisted of two tiny triangles of white nylon that hardly looked big enough to cover what by law had to be covered. I was used to my oversized blue boxer-style swim trunks. The little garment dangling from my fingers seemed like some kind of practical...

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Turning Summer 2

TURNING SUMMER 2 - by Monika Ikon It was the week before the 4th of July and summer had officially begun. Two months before my wife Kathy had given me my first bikini. She said she wanted to put some new life into our relationship and I wanted to do whatever I could to make her happy. My appearance had changed a lot since then but it didn't occur to me that anything was out of the ordinary. My wife's explanations for the changes that she wanted me to make always seemed...

4 years ago
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Turning Handstands

TURNING HANDSTANDS 1. CRASH! Ian Bradford paused at his computer, glancing up at the ceiling in growing irritation. What the hell was Aggie up to now? He had two papers due next Monday and she'd been bumping around upstairs all afternoon. The constant pounding was wreaking havoc with his concentration; he'd just written the same paragraph four times. God, he wished he'd headed down to the library this morning. His life had descended into chaos since his precocious young cousin...

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Turning My Roommate into a Sissy Slut Chapter 2

I walked over to the bed to look at my sissy. There was dried drool coming from his mouth and dried tears in the corners of his eyes. I guess I should wake him up. "Hey, wakey wakey!" I slapped him lightly on the face. His eyes slowly opened. At first, he seemed to have no idea where he was or what happened to him. I stepped back a bit as thrashed about trying to get out of his restraints. "What the fuck is going on?" He yelled at me, then remembered what had happened last night. His...

2 years ago
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Turning to Another Vampire Pt 3

Chapter 03: Meeting AnotherThe hardest was the first few months after I had disposed of my Maker, mostly because I knew nothing of our vampire culture. I started out on my own making it to another city and becoming a whore there. I would walk the street early on in the night enjoying my freedom from serving others, ironically dressed as I was, I did it for me. Depending on my mood I would kill on the street going down a back alley and coming out alone; or I would bring them back to my...

3 years ago
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Turning Point

The Turning Point Janet L. Stickney [email protected] When I was dragged into the office, I knew that I had gone too far, one time too many. Both my mom and dad were there, as were the two teachers involved, the principal, and the school security guard. None of them were smiling as I was forced into a chair facing a circle of very angry adults. "You are in so much trouble," my dad said, "young man that I'm ready to let them simply prosecute you! Maybe we should let them toss...

1 year ago
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Turning point

Note : This story is completely fictional! I am Thomas, Thomas Jefferson. I am 23 and got married last month. I live in Denmark and work in a software company as a consultant. My mother Daniela and my wife rose were so close to me after my father’s demise three years since. My wife was 22 and my was 44. But she has a gorgeous body in comparison to my wife’s. We lived in our farm house. We were rich and surplus with money but me craving for more sexual pleasure from my wife. Days passed as I...

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The Journey Towards Ecstasy

(Keri’s Adventures) Keri opened her eyes to a new day. Unfortunately, that new day was the same old shit that made her hate her life. She knew that she would have the same chores to do today that she had done every other day for the past four years-ever since she was fourteen. Her parents didn’t allow her to have boyfriends and rarely allowed her to leave the house. She was home-schooled, which meant that she never got to socialize with kids her age. She knew how the world was because she...

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Son8217s Desire Towards His Mother

Hello, friends.This is my first sex story so pardon me if there are any mistakes. Coming to the sex story. My name is Charan. My mom’s name is Kajal and my fathers are Shiv.Our family consists of 3 members as mentioned above. So this sex story is basically about how reading incest stories changed my life n my desire towards my mom. My father is a teacher, so he goes to work from morning 8 to the evening 5.My mom is a housewife and I am studying engineering. Let me describe myself, I’m the...

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My Flight Towards Heaven

Hello, everyone, this story is about my first international flight. Anyone wish to comment can do it on my mail id It was a very exciting day for me as I was preparing to leave my country India for higher studies to the USA. The flight was in the night from Madras on Singapore Airlines. I was flying to San Francisco and then to my university from there. I was waiting in the airport when a beautiful lady along with an old man came walking towards me and my parents. Apparently, they were...

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Love And Respect Towards Her

Hello readers. I am back after couple of months with a drastically change. And due to this change I have got a pretty lady for sex. Except name and number I am introducing myself. I am 21 years old handsome guy and living at Rajkot. If you like my story and want to give feedback or if you want to chat with me then you can mail me on “”. Of course you all will like my story but you all won’t give feedback. And this is all about decency and if you are seeking ooohhhh aaahh and such all creepy...

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The Lust Towards Mom And Sister

Hi guys this is romeo with my first story is about the lust towards my mom and sister so about my family members they are me 18,my brother , my sister, my mom 45, my dad 51 about my family we are living in chennai at triplicane some guys who r living there please help me to buy Viagra pills who r living please contact me in I started this account on my brother age because he also wants to join me so please help me with buying pills I will pay you money or I will send you some pics after...

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Journey Towards Sex With Mom 8211 Part 3

I left my story with the incident when my mom jerked me off with her own hands two times, and each time the cum went on her cleavage part. I also lip kissed her, now the story moves ahead, that too on a Sunday. Next day was a Sunday, and I was home all day. I could tell her to jerk me off and she would obviously jerk me, but I wanted more. My mind was running in all directions to just fuck my mom, but till now the slow approach had benefited me, so I thought I will continue taking it slow. I...

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Attracted Towards My Maid

Hi guys & ladies……………………… It’s very nice to read the stories in ISS site. Now I will start telling my story which happened 7 years ago. I’m Justin from Chennai completed my degree and working in private company. This story is about my secret relationship with my maid meena. This incident happen while I completed 12th STD and waiting for my exam results. My father working in Central Government Company & my mom is school teacher. My elder brother got married and settled in UK. So I use to be in...

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Im Dreaming of a Gray ChristmasChapter 2 Towards Christmas Eve

The next morning was spent pottering about the house. They had agreed that they would drive to the mall in the afternoon, catch lunch and then do their shopping for Christmas presents. Zoe was very excited once more as she had been on MSN Messenger with Alison and had confirmed that her friend would be coming to stay for Christmas. Alison's Aunt believed that this would be a welcome break for the young girl, something familiar for her, something that would help make her first Christmas...

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Turning Into an Alien

I was human and hated it, I was an albino and could not even go out into the light of day. I was extremely smart and on Gavin that mattered. I watched many races and the one I wished I had been born into would have killed me at birth. That did not stop me from watching and dreaming. I studied many things, only one mattered to my plans. My dad had been an engineer and my mother a bio gene engineer. I had spider spies in dozens of Kaire clan homes. One was a extremely large clan that was...

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turning poing ch 3

Life went on as usual for the next two and a half weeks. I would do my chores spend as much time as I could at the lake. The fishing was so good Dad was giving some of the fish to his buddies at work. I was trying everything I could think of sexually. Some time I would pump my cock and finger my ass until I was about to cum. Then I would stop pumping, roll myself over until my cock was over my mouth then I would push my fingers up my ass until I touched that little spot. Then I would...

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Turning Straight Guys Gay

I think my latest conquest might be my favorite yet. I just can't seem to let go of the straight guys, y'know? It was a revelation when I realized guys kept sneaking glances at me that weren't so innocent. I can't really blame 'em either. Without sounding too narcissistic, I'm pretty as fuck. High cheek bones, thin and well defined lips, bigger eyes and a metabolism that made people hate me. Hell, I barely ever had to shave either, I was virtually hairless, even my eyebrows are just naturally...

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Turning Poing Ch 9

Robert is about to reach another turning point in his life and he has no idea that it is about to happen. I woke up early Thursday with a raging hard on. I was up and out taking card of my chores. When I finished I went back to the house for a shower. I was in no big hurry this morning, I knew Mary was not home and I would go to the lake later. When I got to he bathroom I really had to piss but I held it until I got the water adjusted in the shower. I stripped, stepped in the shower...

2 years ago
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Turning Tia out

Dedicated to all of the BBC lovers, both gay and straight. This is my FIRST draft, so please concrit! I personally admit to myself that I did not understand the fascination of black men and their cocks. Perhaps my view was skewed by the numerous porn videos of young, slender fair-skinned girls squealing at the sight of darkened flesh in their face. Or how a group of close friends gossiped and catcalled when one of their own bragged about their first black dick. It could be that well-coined...

3 years ago
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Turning Point Ch 5

In chapter five Robert finely lost his cherry and much more. He is looking forward to time with Mary and the things he can experience and learn from her. He only sees a bright shinny time ahead with her. He has no way of knowing all the turning points that lay ahead of him. ********* When I arrived home his Dad was setting at the kitchen table drinking some home make wine. He looked mad as usual and ask me, where the fuck is my fish, I told him they were right here in the bucket,...

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Turning Paige

"Oopsie," Paige giggled as she tripped on the threshold and grabbed for the doorknob, the wall, anything to keep from falling, again. She couldn't remember when she'd had this much to drink and it was hitting her hard. She was trying to be quiet so as not to wake Dale, her husband, but knew she was being WAY too loud. Something caught her and hauled her upright, holding her as she swayed. Her high heels dangled from one hand and her keys from another as she blinked the haze from her eyes...

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Turning My Best Friend GayPART 4

One afternoon we found ourselves fishing a little stream just outside of town, but in an area where I seldom saw anyway. Fuck, he was so hot that day, his shirt off enjoying the sun, his tan, sweaty chest glistening in the sun. I wanted him then and there, but typical me not wanting to push things and make it weird I said nothing. After all, was he thinking the same thing? Did he worry about getting caught in the daylight like I also dreaded? Once back in the truck and bouncing down the road...

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Turning the Tables

About me, I’m Anil Birju. 22 years of age, based in Mumbai. I live with my parents, but i have a fantastic sex life without their knowledge. I’ve had affairs with many older married women who are probably unsatisfied with their marriages. they make love to me on the condition that i guard their secrecy. I escort women purely for the pleasures of it. For my call boy service contact me at We have women purely for lesbian sex only. This story is fiction, enjoy it. Petra let her tongue slide...

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Turning Point Ch 8

Turning point ch. # 8 Robert has experienced many new sexual things in the past few days and looks forward to many such times. He has no idea of the changes the lay ahead for him but is about to be hit with one problem. **************** I had mixed emotions as I left Mary’s and headed home. I smiled as I could still feel the tenderness of my cock and asshole. I also had an aftertaste of our little treat. After all the combination of cum, piss, spit and a little touch of wind does...

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Turning Angela Into A Slut

Angela was the one who had helped me get the job at the hotel in Flagstaff, Arizona. She lived only a couple of houses away from my husband and me.After work, she and I would use the hotel’s spa amenities. The locker room in there had an open style, so when you changed, you did it in front of everyone who might be in the room with you.Angela and I would change into our bikinis; one of hers was light blue. It fit her like a glove, and when it was wet, you could see all of her attributes. I...

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Turning Point 1

All through life we encounter situations that causes our lives to take a different direction. A turning point that changes our life and set us off in a different direction that we never expected. These stories are all fiction but much is them are taken from true facts about real people. Starting at the beginning of a young boy’s life who started out very limited socially and sexually. Therefore the sexual thrills that most readers look for will come about a little slower that most of the...

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Turning into a Whore

I wait for the car to startup and drive away before finally getting in bed. No parents for the entire week!. I quickly take off my clothes and sit on my bed. I love being tied down. This was the first time i was trying it alone. Tying my hands and legs. I get my big machine out. It is a standing machine which had a vibrating dildo going in and out of my pussy. I spread my legs and tie them both to the bedpost. I position the machine between my legs and tie my hands together. Tight. Before...

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Turning into a Whore

I wait for the car to startup and drive away before finally getting in bed. No parents for the entire week!. I quickly take off my clothes and sit on my bed. I love being tied down. This was the first time i was trying it alone. Tying my hands and legs. I get my big machine out. It is a standing machine which had a vibrating dildo going in and out of my pussy. I spread my legs and tie them both to the bedpost. I position the machine between my legs and tie my hands together. Tight. Before...

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Turning into Cherry

The started as any other, she woke up went to work, was her usual efficient self, came home, fed her cat, cooked dinner and went to bed. No sense of foreboding came to her, none of the famous ?female intuition? nothing out of the ordinary in fact. It was just another day to strike off the gray calendar of her life. But that night was not gray, it was black, black as the rose she found in the morning. She lived alone with just a black cat for company, the cat was the only sign that she actually...

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Turning 40

Fred Wilson was sat on his front porch thinking about life, well, his life in particular. He was turning 40 tomorrow. What an age, he thought to himself as he sat in his favorite rocking chair, when did I get so damn old? Fred remembered when he was nineteen with thick black hair that was constantly gelled back, tight jeans, and his most prided possession; a studded leather jacket. He still had the black hair, even though he had tell-tale grey spots, and the jeans and jacket were probably in...

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Turning A Lesbian Straight

Hi myself kryptn94, Right now in Chennai doing my job as a Marketing and operations executive. This is a sex story between me and my childhood friend who was a lesbian, until I made her explore the real SEX. Read and enjoy. Well it all began that night when she gave me a call saying that. ” I need your help” Usually I don’t get such calls from her. She, Nandani (Name changed) is one of the different kind of girls I have met. How different? Well back when she joined her college( a girls only...

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Turning to Darkness P21

TURNING TO DARKNESS PART 21( by popular demand, one last chapter in this story )Rachel spent three more nights at the hillside hotel undergoing the transformation ritual. Glorious sex with the shadow prince, that pushed her to her limits and more tender passions with the small princess. Unlike some common fiction, a person does not simply become a vampire if bitten once. If that was the case the world would soon be converted and the human race would cease to exist. The vampires would then...

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Turning JapaneseChapter 3

We took our leave of Mistress Kami's BDSM shop and walked several blocks through the busy streets of Shibuya. It was sometime around nine o'clock and most of the larger retail stores were closed, but we passed a great many small bars and restaurants which would be open until well after midnight. There were a lot of people around, a large number of men who would stop for a drink or a bowl of ramen before going home after a long day at the office. They openly stared at Mistress Atsumi and I...

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Turning Out another Girl Lesbian

I caught her eyes at a newly opened club I had gone to with my then boyfriend and two of his friends to celebrate my 19th birthday. Taking advantage of the fact that my boyfriend was stuck in a long queue for the restroom, she approached me with a confident and assertive demeanour that commanded attention."Hi, what's your name baby?" she said.I was a bit bemused by this approach and it took me a while to realize she was a woman. She was about as tall as me, with deep brown eyes and short brown...

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