- 2 years ago
- 28
- 0
"Alexander Tipton, you are accused of assault and battery on Mrs. Debra Tiessing. How do you plead?" asked the Judge.
Before I answered, I thought back to the events leading up to me standing trial here.
Debra said to me, "Thank you for your help."
I had just helped her carry some boxes to her beat up old car. She was going to take it to the homeless shelter to give the contents to the people there. I warned her, "Be careful in the alley behind the shelter. I hear people get attacked there."
"I'll be careful, Alex," replied Debra with a smile.
I set off in my crappy old pickup towards the old docks. There might be some iron and copper laying around. With the prices these days it was lucrative to collect them and sell it to a scrap dealer. It wasn't making me rich, but it supplemented my meager salary from my part-time job. My parents, rest their souls, had been right. I should have gotten a good education. Now I had a crappy part-time job and had to scrounge old metals to get by each month.
Searching through the wreckage of ships, cars and other junk, I gradually got further away from where I had parked my car. I was about to give up and return to my car to park it closer to where I was heading, when I heard voices.
" ... last time you crossed me." A deep man's voice said.
I didn't hear the reply well enough to understand. Then the deep voice spoke again, "I'm not worried about the police. I own most of them. Besides, they are looking for a male reporter, not a homeless prostitute. I've already got the paperwork ready for you."
I looked around a corner and saw a scene of one man kneeling in front of a big, slightly fatty man. He wasn't kneeling totally on his own as a few men stood behind him and probably helped him to kneel. The kneeling man said, "What do you mean? I'm not a ... you are going to... ?"
Then the big man put something to the neck of the kneeling man and he screamed out in pain. He started to spasm and the men around him restrained him somewhat. Then he screamed again, but during his scream the sound got higher, like a string being pulled taut. Astonished, I watched him turn into what looked like a young woman before collapsing into a heap on the ground.
A while ago some company called Girls R Us had invented a way to convert a man into a woman using some secret procedure. It had inspired some other companies to try the same, but they were less successful. The first uses of the successful transformation procedures were for trans-gender persons that wanted to switch from a male body to a female body. Then the government, faced with overflowing prisons, thought that this was also a good way to punish sex offenders. They had introduced this type of punishment to rapists at first. They added murderers to this type of punishment later. The public was never told the fate of the sentenced men, at least I never knew about any convicts after a Gender Conversion.
It actually worked too, violent crimes with weapons was down and sex offenders thought twice before even thinking of committing such a crime. Sexual assaults was at an all-time low since Gender Conversion or GenCon for short was introduced. The official name for someone that was sentenced to this treatment was Genetic Gender Conversion Convict. The general public never knew where GenCon's disappeared to. There were lots of rumors, but I hadn't paid attention to those.
As I saw the woman at the feet of the big fat man, I understood that he performed identity murder on his victim. I didn't even know that people could get their hands on the technology. It was supposedly all strictly regulated by the government. Because of what I just witnessed, I carelessly stepped back to get out of sight, however doing that made me knock a loose pipe from a ledge to the ground.
With a loud rattle the pipe hit the ground and immediately all eyes were in my direction. The big fat man said, "There's someone there. Get him, you imbeciles."
Several of his men started running in my direction with guns drawn. I didn't wait, but sprinted towards my car myself. I had a good lead on them, and being in good shape, I managed to reach my car before any could get close. As I took my keys out of my pocket, I forced myself not to try unlocking and put the keys into the ignition too fast. I knew that you'd fumble and lose more time doing that. I still did it in record time and tore away with screeching tires and doused lights. In my rear view mirror I saw several flashes and bullets whizzed past my car. Fortunately none hit me or my car and I rode as fast as I could towards home.
Arriving home without incidents, I barely had time to get my heartbeat back to normal levels before someone started insistently knocking on my front door. Then a voice shouted, "Open up Mr. Tipton, CPD, we'd like to ask you some questions."
With dread I went to the door. Fearful of deception I peeked through the spy hole first. They seemed genuine police officers but that didn't mean they weren't on the payroll of that big fat man I had seen 'murdering' an enemy. One of the officers grew impatient and banged on my door again. "Open up Mr. Tipton, we know you're home. We ascertained that your car engine is still hot."
"Shit", I swore silently in myself. That could give me away. Finally I opened the door with the chain still on. "Can I see some ID first please?"
Through the gap they showed me their Identity cards and I read Officer Pete Murphy and Officer Clara Bell. I almost chuckled at the second officer's name. She must have been harassed a lot in school. Satisfied with the knowledge that they were genuine police officers, I opened the door. I did get ready to slam it shut, should they be affiliated with the big fat man.
The female officer Bell asked me, "Can you tell me your whereabouts earlier this evening? About 1 to 2 hours ago?"
I hesitated to answer, since I didn't know if they knew about the gender conversion from the fat man or not. They mistook my hesitation for something else as the other officer Pete said. "All right, Mr. Tipton. I'm asking you to come with us for questioning. You're accused of raping your neighbor, Mrs. Debra Tiessing."
I was shocked. 'Debra was raped?' "She was raped? Where? Was it in the alley behind the shelter? I warned her about that, you know."
Pete Murphy answered gruffly, "Yes, we know you warned her. That's why we're here to question you. Since you know it is dangerous there, you could easily be the perpetrator."
I was about to answer him how ridiculous that was, when I saw two men wearing overcoats looking at my car. They looked like the men I saw earlier with the big fat man, so I didn't say anything to the officers. I just went with them looking defeated.
During my questioning, I couldn't see anyone looking at me except the interrogators, due to a one way mirror in the wall. They probably had a video camera on me as well. I gave only sparingly information and asked for a lawyer to be present. When my lawyer arrived, I was surprised to see what looked like a very high priced lawyer. He asked to talk to me alone before the police resumed their questioning. I asked detective Sawyer, who had been questioning me, "Who is that lawyer. He doesn't look like a public defender to me."
Detective Sawyer answered, "That's Mr. Braktovich. Usually he works for Senators and other high up people. You should be thankful. If anyone can get you off, it'll be him."
I had an idea who Mr. Braktovich was working for, my guess would be the big fat man that I had seen. Now I had two choices, I could explain where I had really been and get acquitted for the rape of Debra. In which case I could see a very short life ahead and be dead or worse within days if not hours. Or I could take the blame for the rape, which would most certainly get me a sentence of gender conversion. At least I would be alive and have a life without worrying about my fate at the hands of the big fat man. Or so I thought.
"Mr. Tipton, your answer, please!" The booming voice of the judge shook me from my flashback.
I tried to swallow and took a quick look at my lawyer. I couldn't refuse his aid, as that would alert the big fat man. Nor could I claim my innocence. Stammering I said softly, "G ... g ... guilty."
"Please speak up a bit louder, Mr. Tipton," the judge said sounding annoyed.
"Guilty!" I exclaimed loudly.
A loud murmur went through the court room. Nobody had expected that. Most people being tried for rape always said not guilty as they didn't want to be gender converted. Even then they pleaded insanity or something like it to get out of it.
"You do know what the standard sentence in a case like this is, Mr. Tipton?" Asked the Judge.
"Yes, I do your honor."
"So unless you have a secret desire to be a woman, which doesn't show in your profile, why would you plead guilty? Well, it doesn't matter anyway. I'm sentencing you to the mandatory Gender Conversion and one year of service. Case closed."
I was led out of the courtroom into a small waiting room. In there I got an unexpected visitor. It was my supposed victim, Debra Tiessing. She entered with a police detective, while my lawyer was saying loudly that he needed to be present in a meeting like that. He was kept out of the room thankfully, while Debra sat down in front of me. Softly she said, "I just heard you plead guilty to raping me. I couldn't identify my attacker because of the mask and darkness, but I know you Alex. You wouldn't rape me. So why would you plead guilty? What is going on? Did you kill someone or do some other heinous crime that you think this is an easy way out?"
I had to look at her. I couldn't look away. "I'm sorry Debra. There is nothing else. I did it, now I have to pay the price."
She kept looking at me. "I still don't believe it. Please Alex, tell the truth. What's going on?"
I was almost crying, I was almost breaking, but I had to stand firm. To save my life, I had to. "Please Debra, Go."
Dejectedly she got to her feet and stepped to the door, there she hesitated and said, "I still don't get it. I'll continue to be your friend, even after you know what. Come and see me some time."
A little later I found myself on a transport van with three other convicts. All of them GenCon's to be, just like me. One of them asked me, "How much service time did you get?"
"One year," I answered truthfully.
"Only one year? What did you do? Confess?" Fortunately he didn't pursue the matter but went on to the others. "How much did you get?"
A big bruiser said, "None of your business, after this we'll never know each other anymore. So shut it."
The first man snorted, "I said that she was asking for it. Too bad the judge didn't see it that way. At least I got to pork that bitch one last time, maybe I even knocked her up."
The big guy said dryly, "Well, soon someone will knock you up. Then you can see how it is from that end."
The fourth man in the van asked, "What do you mean knocked up? And what is that about service time? They gave me two and a half years of service, but nobody explained it to me."
The first guy turned to him, "After the conversion, you're sold as a slave. That's how they keep the costs down. Your new owner can have you do lots of things for the time of your service contract. And it's usually the brothels that buy the GenCons up. So you can look forward to getting screwed."
This was news to me as well, involuntary I shuddered. I might have gotten myself into a life of being fucked for a living. That is till my looks ran out and I'd be out on the streets doing god knows what. The big guy asked, "How do you know this?"
"I porked a GenCon once that had been a friend of mine long ago. She told me everything."
"But GenCons are always kept confidential. They never give their old Identity out." Said the big guy.
"Yeah, but she revealed it to me after I gave her a good porking and she loved every minute of it. Afterwards she told me everything that had happened to her after she had gotten sentenced to GenCon."
"How was she in bed?" asked the big guy.
"The best, never had a better one or hornier one. Must be something that happens with the change, they'll do anything to get fucked," said the first guy.
I shuddered again. I didn't look forward to that. Maybe I had made a mistake after all. But I couldn't go back anyhow. Once the sentence was final, there was no more appeal. The conversion was usually done the same day after sentencing.
With that thought, my time to contemplate was over. We had arrived at the conversion facility. It wasn't what I expected. Sure there was some security around the place, but it wasn't a prison.
We were ordered out of the van, and marched into the building. There a woman awaited us. "Hello GenCons. Welcome to Girls'R'Us. The government has outsourced the actual conversion to our company, since we already have the technology and experience with it."
We were led to some cell like rooms, where we each got locked up alone in a separate room. I didn't have to wait long, soon I was taken out of the room into a chamber with several tubes. I saw that one tube held the big guy I was with in the van. But he looked a bit smaller now. I didn't have time to get a better look, as I was ordered to strip. Then after drinking a glass of cranberry juice, I was told it would be good for my system, I had to stand on a shelf inside the tube and a cap was placed over my head. As it filled up with something, I felt a moment of panic, though I could breathe normally. I started to feel sleepy and soon drifted off.
I woke up on an unfamiliar bed, not knowing where I was for a moment. Sitting up I wondered only briefly why my chest was jiggling. However I felt that I needed to go to the bathroom to relieve myself. I sat down on the toilet and did my business. I wiped carefully afterwards, not thinking anything of it. As I came back into my room I looked at the clothes laid out for me. I put on the panties and the matching bra. Then I donned the short pleated light blue skirt and matching blouse. I sat down in front of the vanity and put on some make-up as if I had done it all my life. Then I brushed out my long coal black hair to straighten it out from my sleep tousled look. Only after I checked myself and declared that I was ready, I realized what I had just done.
'I just got ready to go out as a woman. But I'm not a woman. Yet I am a woman.'
Then I remembered, I was a GenCon. I had been made into a woman and now had lots of female instincts. As I thought this, the door of my room opened. A mature woman entered, "Hello Sabrina, I'm your councilor Maria."
I looked around out of habit, though I knew that I was alone in here. "Who is Sabrina?" I asked and was startled hearing the nice soprano voice I said it in.
Maria smiled at me, "You're name is now Sabrina Bishop. I'm here to get you trained and ready for your auction next week."
'My auction?' I thought. 'Oh, right. They said that we were sold as slaves for the duration of our service contract. My contract was only for one year. I really hope I don't have to work as a prostitute.'
"What are you thinking, Sabrina? You're awfully quiet." Said Maria.
"I really hope I don't have to work on my back as a hooker. Do you think my contract will be bought be a brothel?" 'Oh no, I sound like a whining teeny bopper.'
Maria smiled again at me, "Have you seen your looks? You're almost Miss Universe material. Usually girls with your looks get bought by escort services. Escort girls are not required to have sex with their customers, but most do anyway. It boosts their income a lot."
I did look very pretty, I hoped I wouldn't have to work as a prostitute. Maybe being an escort girl wouldn't be so bad. If only I could hold off on the sex part. 'Why am I so set against having sex as a girl? I thought that all GenCons were horny as hell.'
"Uhm, Maria? I heard from a fellow convict that GenCon's are very horny and want to have sex a lot. Is that true? Because I don't feel it, and don't look forward to having sex as a woman."
"Well, it's true that most GenCon women have a high libido, that is how we tweak it. But it may also take some time to kick in. Some are horny straight away, but others take days to get to that. Of course every woman has a different libido, and because someone spoke on your behalf, we did lower yours to be less than we normally do. So, you may have a normal life to look forward to."
'Yeah right, a normal life as a GenCon. I'll always be a woman with a man's mind.' Or so I thought.
The whole week Maria drilled me in adjusting to my new female body. How to care for my hair, my skin, how to deal with periods, how to walk, talk, sit, and many more things. By the end of the week I was indistinguishable from a regular born woman. I walked in high heels as if I had done for a long time. I acted and reacted as a woman and had mannerisms like a woman. Maria was very pleased with my progress and the end result. At our final talk she said, "I've never had a GenCon who picked it up as fast as you did. Most convicts fight the transition and even loathe their new body. Some of them are even bad enough with it that their body atrophies and they die a horrible death. I can tell that you're different. I know that you pleaded guilty to your crime. Why did you to that?"
I felt ashamed and cast my eyes down, "I don't want to talk about it, please don't make me."
"You don't have to if you don't want to, but there is something different about you. Well, this is it then. You'll be going to the auction center soon."
I shuddered thinking about it, what would it be like being sold into servitude? I had read books about the days of slavery in the distant past. Would it be that bad? These days there were laws in place to protect servitude slaves from being exploited, raped and sold at random. Still, there was a lot of leeway to the owners as well.
Climbing up to the stage I was shaking like a leaf from fear. I stood there for the crowd to see me as a young woman. They knew I was a GenCon, but they didn't know my crime or my past identity. I waited for the auctioneer to start his talk and felt like I was going to throw up any moment.
"Ladies and Gentleman, number 83 on the lot who has been sentenced for a year of servitude. She's a young woman with diverse skill sets and she's good for cleaning, entertaining and a lot of other things. Cute and lovely Ms. Bishop, bidding starts at 1000. Do I have a bid?"
An old hag of a woman started the bidding with 700, but quickly a man raised. Several people raised the bid on me till a woman in the back offered 2500. There was a little more bidding and my price rose to 3400 before the auctioneer called, "Going once, going twice, sold to Mrs. Santone."
I was taken of stage by a handler and just like that, I was sold to a woman for a year as a slave. I just hoped that she wasn't from an escort agency or worse, a brothel.
Waiting for being picked up by my new owner was nerve-racking. I was fidgeting the whole time and felt sick about what was waiting for me. 'I really hope I don't have to fuck people every day for the next year. I don't even want to think about having sex with a man. Maybe I'm a lesbian now? What am I going to do if I have to... ?' I didn't even complete the thought as I shuddered imagining being a prostitute for a year.
A good looking woman entered the waiting room. She looked around the girls waiting to be picked up and then walked up to me. "Ms. Bishop?"
I nodded and lowered my eyes, I couldn't look at her. She lifted my head, so I had to look up at her. "Hello, I'm Isabel Santone. Please follow me, we need to get home and get you squared away."
Her voice was soft and nice, it didn't seem like she was angry or businesslike. She sounded just like a mother taking a wayward daughter home.
I got up and picked up my purse. 'Odd, a few days ago I wouldn't even think about taking a purse anywhere. Now it was as if I had always had one and knew to take it with me everywhere.' I didn't have any clothes except what was on me, so I traveled very light. As I was following the woman out the door I was burning with desire to know what I was expected to do for her.
The woman walked up to a limo and motioned for me to get in. I quickly did, amazed that I did it in such a feminine way. I sat down with my legs together and swung both inside, so I wouldn't flash anyone with my panties. Mrs. Santone got in right after me and the driver closed the door before going around to get in himself.
"I know you're wondering what work you'll have to do for me. Let me ease your mind, I'm not from an escort service or any such business. I needed a new maid and my husband said that I should look here. In fact he specifically asked me to have a look at you. I guess he looked at the pre-auction flyers and picked you."
I swallowed, 'What did this mean?' "So what am I bought for? What work do you want me to do?"
Mrs. Santone smiled, "You'll be a maid, you'll clean, do household chores, watch the children and help with cooking and serving."
I sighed from relief, I could do that, I might have to learn some things, but I knew how to clean and such. I didn't know much about watching children, but I'd learn and I wouldn't be all alone with them for long times anyway.
We arrived at a big mansion, where Mrs. Santone showed me around. A nice small room all for myself was waiting for me and already the maid uniforms and some casual clothes all in my size, were hanging in the closet. She told me, "Now dear, unless otherwise specified, you'll be expected to wear a uniform at all times during working hours. The other clothes are for your off hours. You'll be doing the laundry and I'll expect you to keep your uniforms clean and crisp at all times."
"Yes, I understand Mrs. Santone."
"Good." She was about to say more, but some kind of ruckus sounded from the front door. "Ah good, the children are home. I'll introduce you and let you get acquainted with everyone."
The children turned out to be a handful, but not too naughty. Mrs. Santone had them well drilled and she warned them that they couldn't take advantage from me. I couldn't punish them directly, but I could walk away if they asked something that I clearly felt wasn't correct or went against other orders. The oldest one, a boy of 7 years old went by the name of Cary. The 6 year old girl was called Faith.
They gave me a few hours to get settled, and I changed into the uniform. The skirt was a bit too short for my taste, but it was adequate. Fortunately I didn't show too much cleavage. The heels were not too high, but I still felt like I was walking on stilts the whole time. Due to my practice I didn't have a problem with it though.
As I was serving the soup at the dinner table, Mr. Santone walked in. He gently said hello to his children and his wife before assessing me. As soon as I saw him, I froze for a moment. It was him, the man that was the reason I was in this predicament. 'He performed the identity murder on that reporter and had his men chase after me. He must know who I really am.'
I forced myself to move again and act like I hadn't recognized him. It wasn't easy, and maybe they'd seen me freeze up. I sincerely wished that no one did. My hopes were squashed as Mrs. Santone said to me, "Sabrina? Is everything all right?"
"Yes, Mrs. Santone. I just realized that there might not be enough soup left for Mr. Santone." I tried to explain myself with a lame excuse.
Mr. Santone sat down and said, "That's okay, I'm not that hungry. So, Sabrina? You're our new maid? I hope you're better than the old one. She was lazy and very preoccupied with her failing looks."
"Now, now." Mrs. Santone said quasi embarrassed. "She wasn't that bad. Please do remember that Sabrina is new at this and that she needs to learn several things."
Mr. Santone grumbled something, while I made a hasty retreat from the room. Back in the kitchen I sighed from relief, that was a close one. Then I realized, Mrs. Santone had said that her husband had asked for me specifically. 'Is he on to me? But he can't know my real identity, can he?' Those files were sealed and could only be accessed by the highest law enforcement authority. Then again someone like Mr. Santone shouldn't be able to have his hands on gender conversion equipment, nor have police men on his payroll. So, it might be possible that he had access to my file and knew who I used to be. I was getting frightened all over again. I needed to get a grip, if I showed anything out of order, he would be even more suspicious. I breathed slowly in and out to get my nerves back in order, when the cook Svenson called out to me, "Didn't you hear me, girl? The second course is ready, get it out there."
The rest of dinner was rather plain, Mr. Santone didn't show anything indicating that he knew something. The other family members were too busy with the food themselves.
After dinner I cleaned up the table and put everything in the washer before sitting down with Svenson for our own meal. He was quite a likeable guy, mostly quiet but forceful of food and his kitchen. I liked him, but kept my distance mentally. I was in no hurry to look for male companions and besides he was married.
The next day I didn't see much of Mr. Santone. He was away on business and I only had to deal with Mrs. Santone and the children. They treated me well enough, and I picked up my duties fast and well enough. Mrs. Santone even praised me on my work that evening.
The next day I felt a little off in the morning and it only got worse as the day progressed. My breasts felt a bit fuller and I felt moist between my legs. It worsened to the point that I had an itch that I couldn't scratch in public. I tried my best not to let anyone know how I felt, but I think Mrs. Santone found out.
Just after noon she called me to talk in private and said to me, "I think I know what you're feeling. I want you to go to your room and unpack the box in the left bottom drawer of your vanity. Take your time and come back down when you're done. Don't forget to clean the thing before you come down though."
I was a bit puzzled with what she meant, but I wasted no time into getting to my room. It took only moments to find the box she talked about and when I opened it, I was stunned. There was a dildo inside it.
I didn't even undress, but hiked up my short skirt and threw my panties off in a hurry. I inserted the dildo into my sopping wet pussy and started shoving it in and out. As I was doing this, I noticed a button on the bottom and pressed it.
The damn thing started vibrating and sort of rotating inside me. I almost squealed out from pleasure but nipped it in the bud. A few times my clit got titillated and it drove me wild. Moments later I exploded in an orgasm like I never had before. Well, any orgasm I ever had as a man I mean. This was a lot different, because as a man that would be the spewing end of it. Now I felt a giant wave crash all over my body and subside very slowly. Before I could recover, the vibrating dildo brought me to a new height and I surged into another orgasm.
I pulled the fake cock out of me this time and came down from my very first exciting double orgasm as a woman. I couldn't believe I liked sex from this angle so much. Maybe the change had made me much more into a sexual animal than I had even feared.
Several minutes later I managed to compose myself. After cleaning the dildo and myself, I dressed myself in a clean uniform and returned to my duties as a maid. Mrs. Santone just smiled at me and only when we were alone later she whispered to me, "I hope you enjoyed that, don't be alarmed. I had been expecting it."
I just smiled slightly to her and kept quiet. The rest of the day I didn't have any problems, nor the days after that. Well, the next five days anyway, the sixth day it started again, but this time I recognized the signs and before the itch started, I pleasured myself into an orgasm and not even Mrs. Santone noticed anything about me later on.
As my days as a slave maid turned into regular working days, I found that I got horny every 5 to 7 days and needed some sexual relief before the feeling got to a level that I would almost do anything to get screwed. I still hadn't found the courage to fuck with a real live man, though I could have. Mrs. Santone trusted me enough that she sent me out on errands every now and then. She had no reason to worry because a GenCon that ran before the contract was out, would have been hunted down and sold again, usually to a brothel with low standards.
I've been living as a woman for almost a year now and didn't think much about my previous life. I was a woman now and had to live like one for the rest of my life. In fact I was even happy about being a woman now, though some things I really hated. The monthly visitor wasn't something I didn't looked forward to and occasionally I missed peeing standing up, as it was so much faster and easier.
Things almost went bad near the end of my servitude contract though. In my last week I got called into the office of Mr. Santone. This was unusual, since he ignored me almost always. Just a few times I had to serve food or drinks, like when he hosted a party or had a business meeting with some people.
Dessie and Phillip at The Waterfall Campsite Dessie forgot to set her watch alarm, and overslept for the first time since her husband had been injured. After her morning constitutional, she cleaned Phillip and gave him some weak coffee that was barely warm. For obvious reasons, she dared not give him hot coffee. He seemed to appreciate it anyway. Maybe he’s getting better, she told herself wistfully. She had no idea how long it would be before he could walk. She had to face the possibility...
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As it happened, Sunday was not a good day for Rachel. After that early, felicitous start, her mood became somber, and she suffered bouts of sobbing. She was wracked with guilt and missed her dead husband. Cathleen and I took turns holding her on our laps, cuddling her, and offering what consolation we could. It was truly a sight watching my tall, dark lady cuddled lovingly in the arms of her smaller, pale companion, her chin resting on top of Cathleen's red head. We managed to get hot tea...
Somewhere along the path of our new life we had invited a guy over to join us. When we met him at the door there was a bravado he tried to carry with him. Kind of a "I've seen it all and I'm an Alpha" kind of attitude. We invited him in and enjoyed a drink, although "enjoyed" is a term I use liberally.As usual the conversation turned to our experiences and sure enough he wanted us to know he was the top dog. I smiled and stared at him. Her returned my stare for a moment or two before breaking...
The next morning I woke up Asha. After having tea, we got ready for a flash tease. Asha wore a short backless dress with good 1/3 boobs popping out. After some time, Hari reached our room. Asha opened the door and invited Hari inside. Asha, “Ok, tell me, where we are going today?” Hari, “Vebinad lake, ma’am.” In the meanwhile, Farooq and Adi also arrived with food. Adi kept the food and left. Farooq served the food. Asha, “Hari, don’t call me ma’am. It feels like I am your boss. Am I behaving...
I was in my early twenties. I was also a country boy, living on a farm in northern England, at least a mile and a half's walk to the nearest village, and the thick end of 10 miles away from anything that resembled civilisation. Once a week, every Saturday, I would catch a bus into the nearest town, and spend my wages on luxuries like music and video games. It was at this point in my life that I realised that I needed my own form of transport if I wasn't to be left behind in the back of beyond....
The two dejected Rangers slumped as they walked to their horses. "Now, what?" asked Sean. "I don't know. Let's cross the river an' head back to the marshal's office in Eagle Pass. Maybe we kin think of sumpthin' on the way," answered Ezra. They were less than a mile south of Eagle Pass when they heard gunfire. "What the hell? Let's check it out," exclaimed Sean as he urged his horse toward the noise. They rounded a bend in the road and came upon a young woman standing beside a...
I’m Rohit (name changed). For the first time I’m writing a story. Please feel free to post suggestions, positive criticism and comments.Email me @ Years back, I traveled to a metro city for official work. I always dream of having sex with mature women but it was all in vain until 2009. It was a rainy gloomy evening as our plane landed in an airport with a great deal of difficulty. Then I took a taxi to reach a star rated hotel. It is still raining heavily… so I rushed inside the hotel main...
The question was posed, "if the whole Mayan 2012 end of the world thing were real, how would you live out your final days?" What would people do if they knew they were almost out of time? I never really gave it much thought before; usually put it as a "that's not for man to know. It's God's territory" kind of situation. But... what would I do if I knew the end was coming?The obvious choice is carpe diem. Seize the day and all that. For example, I don't want to die a virgin! That's right, folks....
First TimeEPISODE 8: "Battle on the Football Field! Now I'm the Team's Target?" "And now for the latest developments in Bensonville, Debbie Woods." "Thanks, Richard. I'm here just outside Bensonville, where the Army is setting up a Forward Operating Base they are calling Artemis. Here with me is the base commanding officer, General Alvarez, to tell us about it. General, what is the purpose of this base, and why now? "Debbie, the U.S. Military has been monitoring the situation in...
The next morning came much too soon, after a night filled with dungeons and disasters. If this was what these high stakes games did to people, she understood why the noises coming from her parents' bedroom at night had not always been those of passion. As the electric bell faded into the morning air, she got up and hurriedly made her bed. She noticed the other girls doing the same. None of them were getting dressed, so she thought that they would be walking to the pool naked. She blushed at...
I guess the best place to start any story is at the beginning. I meet my wife Jan when I was only sixteen and still a virgin. She was a year younger than me but despite her tender age she was already well experienced sexually, having lost her cherry two years before while only aged fourteen. So by the time we meet she had already had taken quite a few cocks up her In the early days I used to be very jealous of these earlier lovers… later I was to learn to love hearing all the juicy...
Breathing hard, as if just having gone through a training program, she couldn’t believe it. He did that, honestly? Max and I honestly, truly fucked like we did, she asked herself. He didn’t know better. This was his first time. He hoped, and it looked like that on his face, that he’d done okay. He wore that simpleton’s expression on his face, the one in which said to others did I do it right? “Wow Max” and she took another deep breath of air, “and you’ve…you’ve never had,” and she did it again....
Oral SexSolaris Prodigious Seven is a colossal planet that sets just perfectly from its sun. Water covers ninety-four percent of its surface with a low saline content, making it almost drinkable for humans. The atmosphere is overly rich with oxygen as if coming straight out of an oxygen tank. The planet is darted with atolls and islands of various sizes, some long stretches of beaches. It serves as a tourist stop primarily catering to surfers. It is also Rayna’s favorite place to surf. And since...
"I see you decided to show up after all." I'd been standing and talking to Coach Calloway and Doug Mendenhall. Doug was the plate umpire for today's game and the senior umpire for this part of the state. The base umpire was pretty senior too. I guess Wasay wasn't taking any chances. I turned and saw Coach Rich standing just inside the backstop. I looked back at Coach Calloway. "Coach, if I call a teacher a fat-assed neanderthal idiot will I get in trouble? Especially since he isn't...
My name is John. things haven't been going well in my life recently, and my job hasn't really gone anywhere. Then, one day, while I was talking to my boss about the razor-cat incident, she came into the store. She asked me, "Where is the nearest sub tunnel to the second chamber?" This question was odd, because she did Not look like one of the lavatechs. "Why would you want to go to the thermal-rooms?", I asked, suspicious. She held out a piece of paper, and said, "My orders are to report there...
Non-EroticThe sounds of the extremely sloppy blowjob is such a turn on and hearing her gagging on the cock entering her throat is driving me absolutely wild. I am rock hard and know that an explosion will be coming along very soon. “Yip! Yip! Yip!” the noise startles me. “Bloody dog!” It brings me back down to earth and to the disappointment that I am just watching porn to get off, yet again! I pull on a dressing gown and head outside to see what has set next door’s dog off this time. Unfortunately,...
The bad news as far as Karen and Steven were concerned was that their new friends were on the last night of their holiday as they were both practising attorneys and had to return due to impending cases! Karen found the relationship between the two fascinating, although it quickly became obvious to her that Pat was very dominant and Frank submissive, it was also obvious that they were totally in love and Frank really enjoyed his role. Karen suggested that as this looked like being a one off...
Ray’s phone lights up. He grabs it off his desk and swipes. I’m sorry, Daddy. Ray texts back. I’m sorry too. Your mother says you should be home this weekend. The message comes back quickly. Can’t this weekend. Got something to do. Next weekend for sure. Ray frowns, typing. Is this something with Yesenia? She isn’t corrupting you, is she? She’s already done that. To which Ray’s frown deepens. We’re going to a party at one of the more upscale frat houses. Ray gets a cramp in the pit of...
The sheet billowed out towards Steve's cock and it was seized in the folds of fabric and tugged, "Well that has to be one of the delight's of youth," hornylady commented, "A quick recovery to such a lovely state of rigidity!" The sheet inched up from the bottom and soon Steve's cock was again poking through the other side. He felt it engulfed again within her mouth and this time it seemed that she was determined not to stop until he came. He felt his cock sucked and teased by her tongue and...
Today’s Hands on Hardcore episode by DDF Network is a must-see! Top model Tina Kay poses for star photographer Marc Rose and shows us her sizzling hot curvy body in some sexy lingerie. The brunette babe with seductive green eyes and wonderful natural tits shakes her tight peach-like butt in front of his lenses, seducing that man in a highly flirtatious way. Soon, she lets him lick her silken skin and feels his strong hands all over her crotch. Tina Kay takes his big hard dick out of those...
xmoviesforyouRael still wasn’t sure he was making the right choice. He was torn between feeling he was abandoning his duty and honor, and the certainty that remaining here at the war camp meant it was only a matter of time before another assassination attempt came. He was no coward, to run from death. Yet at the same time, neither was he a fool. The unusual methods taken against him left him certain that he was dealing with no ordinary assassins, and that his chances of surviving another attempt were grim...
My son married a sexy little gal named Andi. She is five foot five and weighs an even hundred pounds. She has small breast and fantastic legs. I knew she had a little wild side but she has always been classy. I know she can tell I love looking at her body and when ever possible she "accidentally" shows me something. Like one year we all took a trip to Panama city. On the third day we were on the beach when I decided to go get my small cooler. I got the key card from my wife and said I was...
There was one source of extra income available Khedra mentioned that Ana had no difficulty in contemplating, and that was to escort prisoners on the privileged day release they were deemed to have earned. So it was that Ana found herself on Sunday morning escorting Ferhana to the Cathedral of Blad, a privilege readily granted in recognition of her positive attitude and good behaviour. It seemed to Ana a fairly pleasant way to earn extra pay at time and a quarter. She met Ferhana in the foyer...
Bikini Beach: The Reward Drabble By Ellie Dauber (c) 2001 The shower engulfed the old man in its pinkish steam. Scant seconds later, a pretty, young woman stood in his place. "Why, thank you, Anya." She took the offered bikini top and put it on as if she had always worn such things. "A most salubrious effect." She bowed to the Old Woman and left the lockers. "Grandmother, when he saved me from that car accident, he could hardly speak 4th grade English. Now..." "Now,...
You struggled, confused and afraid, as the black bag was roughly pulled off your head and your eyes tried to adjust to the dark room. A pale, angry looking girl stood before you - that's when you noticed you were tied down to a chair, bolted down to the concrete floor. "Who the fuck are you," you spat, outraged. "What am I doing here?!" She smirked, "You are at Marineel's Arena and you are to be our newest fighter." "What? What the hell are you talking about, who's Marineel," you question...
Fetish"Damn you!" I shouted, "You are not going to spoil this holiday for me just because you cannot do what you want to!" I grabbed my cardigan and handbag and stormed out, slamming the front door behind me. I'd had enough of him for one morning. My husband, Philip had health problems which meant that sometimes he did not have the strength to walk far due to his extreme fatigue and difficulty in breathing and, as a result, he also had mood swings when the weariness got the better of him. Today was...
LesbianMy senior year history class had one final project. I was paired up with Jake, he is your typical jock. Six foot two, 210 lbs of muscle. The football teams quarterback. I am your typical nerd five foot seven, 145 lbs soaking wet. We were never close friends but never had any issues with each other. We are now partnered for a project on the war of 1812. A few days later Jake invites me to his place to work on our project Jake lives only a couple streets down from me so when he texted me saying...
Kenzie Reeves is on her phone on the couch in her living room. When Chloe Foster joins her, she asks what she’s up to. When Kenzie tells her she’s ordering flowers, Chloe wonders if it’s for their step-mother. When Kenzie confesses that she’s playing a trick on their step-dad and their new step-mom, Chloe can’t help but relish in the mischief. When their step-dad walks in the room, he introduces them to their new step-mom, Nina Elle. When their step-dad tells them...
xmoviesforyouLeliana had been concerned about the brooding, dark-haired noble. At first, she’d worried Aedan, enraged, would put the man out of his misery, and then she’d worried that the smelly, injured, traumatised, damaged man they’d rescued would save Aedan the trouble and get himself killed by his father’s guards. He could barely walk – several badly healing broken bones had been set and mended by Anders, not to mention the dehydration, malnourishment, scrapes, bruises, and contusions his ruined...
The tacos were just great. Tim was still not doing anything to jeopardize the loss of the twice-a-week breakfast tacos treats. George was still bringing in the savory, artery-clogging breakfast tacos from everyone's favorite family restaurant. In fact, George was now adding an extra taco, since he understood the body's instant response once it smelled one of Yolanda's tacos. Whether breakfast tacos dripping in the grease of the Mexican sausage and fluffy egg combination, or the...
If you have read any of my other stories you know that they have no explicit sex scenes, this story is no exception. Constructive comments or critiques are solicited and welcome. If you like or even dislike the story please take the time to comment on it or send me an email. It would be nice if you could rate or vote on the story too. Your comments and ratings help me to learn and grow as a writer. Thanks for taking the time to read my story and please enjoy. There are some people who say...
Hi friends this is anu,,mein kafi din baad is site pe koi ghatna likne ja rahi hu.ek mnc mein kaam milne ke wajese mein nhi likh payi iske liye sorry..umid hai ap sab ko yeh ghatna pasand ayegi.yaad dilane ke liye mein anupama hu,meri umar 34 hai,58kgs.5.3, gori hu,meri baal just strap ke niche tak ate hai,black eyes, figure 36b-30-36 ki hai,mein regularly wax bhi karti hu..yeh ghatna train mein huyi thi aj se ek week pehle. mein Mumbai gayi thi office kaam se .aur mujhe fortunately contract...
Introduction: Part 20: The Final Chapter Prostitutes continued to disappear from cities in several states surrounding West Virginia. Not a single one was from West Virginia, however, for Drake Atherton wasnt stupid, and neither was his son, Samil, nor his grandson, Abaddon. They knew that the closer to home they hunted, the greater the chance of getting caught. All three were priests of Chernobog, although Ahriman was the high priest, and all three had been involved in at least some of the...
Alex Blake and Harley Jameson have had a long night of shaking their tits and asses at a rave. Now that they’re home, they can slow things down a bit as they indulge in long kisses while running their hands over each other’s tight teen bodies. Taking turns suckling each other’s small tits and hard nipples, they slowly relieve one another of the most important clothes until they can reach the bare skin they both crave. Settling between Alex’s thighs, Harley samples the...
xmoviesforyouBill Wilson, a short, stocky bespectacled man with close-cropped dark hair arrived at the apartment he shared with Melissa Flannigan a little before three a.m. and was surprised to find his fiancée still up. ‘How come you’re still up, honey?’ he asked Melissa after he gave her a hug and a kiss. ‘Ann and I have been talking for hours,’ she said. Bill looked puzzled. ‘Ann?’ he asked. ‘The lady Dad brought up to stay with us,’ his fiancé explained. ‘Oh,’ Bill said, ‘I forgot about her. What’s...
I collected myself after reducing my staff and thought. I reached out, and tried to contact 'Arch Angel, ' or Michael as he was now known. I was still a little unsure of why he considered me his father. Oh sure, I had created the original program, but it was the goddess, Ishla, who had done that, giving him a real body. Still, I was glad he thought of me the way he did, unnerving as it was. I finally felt a return contact to my questing thought for Michael. I expressed a desire for him to...
Hi to all ISS readers this is Varun back with another experience and I thank you all your response for my last sex story. For those who don’t know me I am Varun 24 years old guy from Chennai with average body 6 feet height with a 6 inch tool. All readers can contact me through This is experience of trying threesome with Jaya and a roadside prostitute. I always had a fantasy of fucking women in roadside and this I my experience of fucking a road side woman with jaya. To all the readers who had...
I woke late, which is not my usual, but I was feeling a bit rough. I swallowed 3 ibuprofen and sat in a hot, hot shower for a bit, allowing the scalding water to pound on my aching head. This always makes me feel better. Also, not having to work today helped my mood. I had arranged several days off in the row to spend time with Mom. Mom. She flashed into my fuzzy head and my body began to respond in its usual manner. That full, heavy feeling in my cock began at once. I sat there idly diddling...
It was a scent, a taste that floated through the air and across my senses. One moment I was there, the next, lost in a sea of emotion and memory…. I remember his hands, the first time we met, strong and soft against mine as we informally shook hands. He was with another girl that night, and I was flirting my way into free drinks at the bar, so our paths separated, and very little more was thought of it. It wasn’t until the third time that we met that any thoughts of something more began to...
My name is Melissa, I'm 34, 103 pounds, reddish brown hair, and a c cup to go with that. Men sometimes give me looks like they are interested, but I show them my wedding ring and they retreat to look for someone else. I'm not sure why I show my ring anymore, maybe I should just let things go and see what happens. Of course I know what will happen, I'll have a few drinks with one of them and then I'll get a little horny and then fuck him dry. So I am going to see what Jeff is working on...
I had amazing dreams that night, visions of Amanda and Kelsey sucking my cock and fucking each other over and over again as we lay in bed together. The dreams seemed extremely vivid and almost lifelike, making me extremely horny. When I woke up, I blinked several times in confusion, unable to figure out where I was at first. It finally dawned on me that the three of us had tried to sleep in my bed last night, but we'd quickly figured out that despite the fact we loved being really cozy and...
Introduction: Naturist kid falls in love with cute girl. Hero baseball coach: be my dad, he [b]39 R & R GOES FAR The Tigers are back. The Cubs remember and respect the Tigers. Michael and Karim return. Karim, I dont want you pitching today. Lets be safe and wait til next game for that&hellip,. Jose, I want you to coach today. All right! Ive been wondering if youd give me a chance. Without Karim pitching, Michael pitches three innings and then you the last three. Sean spends time with each...
When I was in my teens I had a friend whom I spent alot of time with. We were both kind of geeky. Over the course of time we had slept at each others houses and had seen each other naked. No big deal. I used to love sleeping at his house since his sister was hot and I wanted to stroke my cock everytime I saw her. Anyway, not having much luck with the girls we would look at porno mags and jerk off. One night we slept out in a tent in the yard. After lights out I heard him moaning softly...
My arms were behind my head, my dick flaccid on my thigh. A drop of cum rolled on my leg. Joe was in front of me, looking out the window as he pulled up his jeans after our rough morning. His well built body was showing in the low morning light. "I'm gonna make us some breakfast, are you coming?" "I'll be right there" I replied, turning over. I could almost feel his gaze on my two exposed buttocks. I could still feel his cock in between those cheeks, and his weight on me. I got out of bed once...
Gay Male***** We all sat around the dark corner booth, talking and laughing. Michele and Gloria, a sweet lesbian couple we met at the bar were sitting to my left, my wife Amy directly to my right, and Steph, a sexy new friend my wife met at a swimsuit shop this morning on the outside. The round booth was in the corner of the club, just off the dance floor opposite the bar. The table had a few empty beer bottles on it, some glasses of melting ice from some mixed drinks, and now a handful of...
At 354 Hanover Lane, they were received by the lady of the house, Mrs. Warner. The house belonged to Mr. Albert Warner, a grain trader of obvious means. Jim introduced himself and Ned. "Madam, I am Major James Tremayne, and this is Mr. Ned Thrush. We call on you to ask whether Alison O'Hare is in your employ." Mrs. Warner was alarmed. "Yes, indeed. She is a good girl." "I shall never doubt your word on that, Madam. The reason we came, is that with your permission, we'd like to...
The Public Toilet Orgy. Part 1.The year was coming to an end and the office Christmas party was all arranged by Sharon. She decided to really splash out this year as the company had a good turnover.Being the boss of a dress designing company and now owning three stores gave her a staff of mainly women. She only had two men on her books that were in charge of deliveries. They went to last year’s party and decided never to go again because some of the women got a bit too flirty with them once...
Chapter XVI: JB and the Argument. I ran all the way down the hall, went clear to the other side of Marnie's bed and got down on the floor. I could hear all the ladies talking but I couldn't tell what they were saying. Then I heard someone yell. I figured it was Dr Spinner because neither Nora nor Marnie had yelled before, and the principal at my old school did a lot. But then I heard a different voice yell too. I walked up the hall very slowly. The ladies were in the living room...
He was an expert cocksucker, and enthusiastic too. He began by letting his tongue trace the edge of Steve's big cockhead, concentrating on the area round the retracted foreskin and making little darting movements with his tongue which made Steve squirm with pleasure. Then he moved down the whole length of the dick, keeping his teeth out of the way and making maximum use of his lips, tongue and throat to add to his mate's delight. Steve had ten inches, thick too, but Dave took the whole lot...
My Son, Jon, was never one to be outdone. He found the story of my weekend away with Alex and her friend Cora such a turn on. When I first told him what went on he nearly shot his load in his pants, before I could help out! I knew he was going to start planning an event of his own. I just had no idea where, when or who it would be with. I had guesses, of course, but it turns out this old lady doesn't know her son that well, he surprised me and he got me good!I thought it was going to be just a...
IncestHis eyes scanned the cafe, after many weeks of turning up at this cafe he pretty much knew which girls he could pull. He wasn't bad looking at all and prided himself in keeping his style updated so he rarely found it a problem to find someone to take back to his apartment. Just then, a girl caught his eye and he couldn't help but stare. The girl looked as if she had some far Western parentage and there are beautiful freckles on her face , and her tits were large enough to make a big...
After Dallas, all Scott wanted was a quiet day or two to relax. Janie insisted on grocery shopping the next morning. Her plans to cook a big meal also necessitated a quick trip to the mall for a pasta strainer and other utensils he didn't have. Working in the kitchen together felt right. Janie had him chopping vegetables. The sounds of life filled the building and it was strange to open the refrigerator and find it full. They ate at the kitchen island with a stack of Aston Martin...