ConflictedChapter 10 free porn video

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I had amazing dreams that night, visions of Amanda and Kelsey sucking my cock and fucking each other over and over again as we lay in bed together. The dreams seemed extremely vivid and almost lifelike, making me extremely horny.

When I woke up, I blinked several times in confusion, unable to figure out where I was at first. It finally dawned on me that the three of us had tried to sleep in my bed last night, but we'd quickly figured out that despite the fact we loved being really cozy and close to each other, a twin bed just wasn't big enough. So we'd moved to my sister's bedroom, where we'd collapsed in her queen sized bed.

I felt something wet slather around my cock, and I lifted my head. When I saw both gorgeous girls lick and suck on my shaft, a grin sprang up on my face. Amanda currently had the tip of my cock in her mouth, and she moaned softly as she went down, swallowing inch after inch of my length.

My sister was teasing my balls with her tongue, softly licking my heavy orbs and tickling underneath my sack, slathering me in her saliva. Her tongue tickled my perineum, and a huge shiver of pleasure tore through me, causing goosebumps to appear all over my skin.

As she noticed me shudder, Kelsey looked up at me and gave me a happy smile. "''Morning, sleepy!"

"Hey baby," I said, returning her smile. My heart ached in marvel at her beauty.

Amanda's mouth slipped off my cock, and she gave me a huge smile as well. "Hi!" she said, sounding even more happy than my sister.

"Hi yourself!" I grinned. "Please don't stop what you were doing on my account!"

Amanda giggled and wiggled her eyebrows at me for a second, then bent down and sucked my cock deep into her mouth again. I growled with delight at how hot and wet her mouth was.

"I'm glad you finally woke up," my sister said. "I thought we'd fucked you into a coma or something."

"Oh? Why'd you think that?" I asked, not really comprehending.

"Well, you slept through everything we did to you throughout the night!" she giggled.

I raised my eyebrows questioningly. "What ... what all did you do?"

"Mostly we fucked each other, but we sucked you off, and you never woke up."

"You actually sucked my cock last night?" I asked, completely stunned.

"Yeah!" Kelsey giggled. "You came in Amanda's mouth. Don't you remember?"

"Fuck! I thought that had seemed a little too real to just be a dream!"

Kelsey shook her head with a grin. "You know, you missed out on a great blowjob!"

"Dammit! Did I at least cum hard?"

"Oh yeah!" Amanda interjected, taking the opportunity to come up for air. "You sprayed straight into the back of my throat, it was delicious!"

I gave her a proud grin.

"It's actually kinda cool that we were able to make you cum without you waking up," she continued. "We should do that more often, Kel."

"Hmmm, I'd love to," my sister giggled.

"Fuck, I'm really sorry I just kept on sleeping," I grumbled. "Didn't you try to wake me?"

"Yeah. we tried." Kelsey nodded. "You were just completely out of it."

I sighed deeply. I hated having missed out on what sounded like it had been a wonderful time, but I figured there'd be plenty more where that came from with these two amazing girls. In fact, it felt like right now was definitely shaping up to be a repeat performance as Amanda kept sliding her mouth lower and lower down my shaft.

"Hey, did this spot here feel good when I touched it?" my sister asked curiously, her fingertips gently touching the ultra sensitive spot between my asshole and my balls, causing another ripple of joy to shoot through me.

"Yes it did," I groaned. "That's one of a guy's most sensitive places."

"That's so cool! I didn't realize it worked the same way for boys and girls. Do you like it when I lick it?" my sister asked brightly, giving me a naughty grin.

I nodded wordlessly, my breath stuck in my throat at the touch of her fingertips while most of my cock was buried in Amanda's mouth.

My sister lowered her head, and I felt her warm breath tickle against my flesh, right before her tongue teasingly licked over it again. I couldn't help myself and shivered wildly, my legs flailing and causing Amanda to quickly take her mouth off my cock.

"Careful! I almost bit your cock in half!" Amanda gasped, breathing heavily.

"I couldn't help it, the little tease is driving me ... oh damn..." I groaned as my sister kept tonguing my suddenly favorite spot.

"That looks like fun!" Amanda laughed. Then she promptly lowered her head to join Kelsey.

"Oh fuck..." I quivered once Amanda's tongue joined my sister's in teasing me. It was an incredible feeling, though one I knew wasn't going to make me cum by itself, since it was more ticklish than anything else. Still, I imagined if the girls took turns licking that spot and riding my cock, it'd only be a matter of minutes before I dumped a load of cum in one of their tight little cunts.

Suddenly I heard a noise coming from the direction of my bedroom, and I quietly ordered the girls to stop. They both immediately complied, all three of us listening intently.

The noise repeated, and Kelsey suddenly got a bit of a scared look. "Shit, it's Mom; she's at your door! Quick, get back to your room!"

I scrambled out of my sister's bed, cursing softly as her damn duvet got tangled around my leg. I was about to rush into the bathroom when I realized that I was, of course, stark naked. "Fuck, I can't go in like this! She'll know what's up!"

"Yeah, well what am I supposed to do about it? Why didn't you bring any clothes over here?" my sister replied, a little frustrated.

"For what?!" I whispered insistently. "So you two could take them off again?"

Amanda looked at the two of us and sighed, quickly getting up and jumping over to Kelsey's closet. She rummaged around for a second, then threw me a pair of boxers. "Put those on! Hurry! I think your mom is about to enter your room!"

I stared at the pair of boxers with surprise, then glanced over at my sister. "Where the hell did these come from?" I asked suspiciously. I recognized them, of course, since it was a pair of my own boxers that had mysteriously vanished several months ago.

"Will you just go already?" Kelsey practically hissed at me.

"Damon?" Mom's voice came from my room, much more audible now. She had obviously opened my bedroom door.

"Fuck!" I growled, pulling the boxers on—not the easiest thing to do with my cock still rampantly hard. Stupid shit, I snarled at it mentally. Mom's not going to be suspicious at all when she sees me marching in from my sister's bedroom with a fucking hard-on!

As soon as I'd put my boxers on, I ran into Kelsey's bathroom and opened my bedroom door. "Mom?" I asked, sounding uncertain so I could pretend I didn't know what was going on.

"Damon?" Mom asked again, her hand slapping the wall a few times, apparently looking for the light switch.

"Here, let me get it," I said, flipping the switch on my end after walking into my bedroom and closing the door behind me. I briefly glanced down and saw—to my great relief—that my cock had gone limp enough to not be overly conspicuous.

"Where were you?" Mom asked.

"I woke up a little while ago and heard the girls talking to each other, so I went over and chatted a bit," I lied nervously. My heart was hammering in my chest, and I prayed that she wouldn't ask any further questions.

She gave me a long stare, her gaze flicking over towards the bathroom door several times. I could tell that she didn't really believe me, but hopefully she had no reason to suspect anything else might have been going on. She finally shrugged and let the matter drop. "Okay, honey. In any case, I have Mr. Hutchins from the garage on the phone. He says your car's ready."

"Yes!" I grinned happily for a second; then, I remembered my conversation with Dad, and my elatedness vanished like snow before the sun.

Still, there was always a chance that it wouldn't be too expensive, I thought to myself as I picked up the cordless handset that was on my desk, while Mom walked out of my bedroom again.

Five minutes later I sat dejectedly on my bed, feeling pretty damn miserable. 2672 dollars. Mr. Hutchins had apologized, of course, and had given me a whole list of reasons why the repair was so expensive: it was an old car and parts weren't really made for them anymore; he had to actually buy a part in Canada, and it had cost a lot in shipping; the engine had to be lifted to replace the part, and so on and so on.

Whatever the reason, the repair of my car cost around 2300 dollars more than I owned, and my parents weren't going to be able to chip in the rest. Even if I went back to my old job, probably at the cost of my shot at Nationals, it'd still be at least three months before I could get that much money together. Plus, without a car, I had no way to get to my job in the first place.

The bathroom door opened quietly, and my sister peeked through the opening. "Is Mom gone?" she asked softly.

"Yeah, come in," I said, nodding.

The door opened, and the girls came through, both of them wearing really sexy, skimpy, black panties and tight, yellow t-shirts that fit around their curves like a second skin. I could see their nipples poking through and despite being a little down, I felt my craving for them rise again. My cock staggered in my boxers at the lovely sight of those perfect bodies.

"What did she want?" Kelsey asked as they both sat down beside me on my bed. Amanda grabbed my hand and smiled at me sweetly, apparently noticing my less-than-wonderful mood.

"The guy from the garage was on the phone," I explained.

"Is your car ready?" Amanda asked hopefully.

"Yeah, but I can't afford to pay for it."

"How much is it?" she asked, her beautiful face pulled in a frown.

"Almost 2700 dollars," I said morosely.

"Oh my gosh! I take it you don't have that much money?"

"No," I sighed, shaking my head.

"I'm so sorry." She leaned over and gave me a warm hug.

"It's okay, I guess," I said, trying to put on a brave face. "I've been without a car for several weeks now, I guess I can go without it for a little while longer."

"Will Mom and Dad not help?" Kelsey asked.

"Dad said they can't afford it either right now." I shrugged.

Kelsey pulled her face into a frown and appeared lost in thought. I turned back to Amanda who gave me a sad smile. "Hey, don't be sad," I said. "Not having a car won't kill me."

"No, of course not, but it would have been nice if you could have driven me places," Amanda said with a sly grin.

I shook my head wryly at her. "You just wanted your own personal driver, huh?"

She nodded eagerly, causing me to chuckle. "Hey, I'd have rewarded you for it! I really like the idea of having more sex with you in a car," she purred.

I moaned a little at the thought of my hot, blonde girlfriend riding my cock in my car. Then again, the thought of her riding my cock was awesome anyways. Whether it was in my car, in my bed, or just about anywhere else.

"You like that, huh?" She smiled.

"I like you," I said, returning her smile.

"Awww, you're so sweet," she breathed. She leaned in close, and her mouth touched mine. She tangled her hands in my hair so she could pull my face closer, and we made out for awhile until we felt another tongue try to join in the fun. Amanda and I both grinned as we french-kissed my sister as well as each other.

My cock was a steel pole in my boxers, and I shivered as I felt a small hand, presumably Kelsey's, start to stroke it. My own hands were roaming freely, my left squeezing Amanda's breasts while my right was rubbing over Kelsey's ass, slowly slipping underneath her panties. Our tongues were wetly lashing against each other, and we were all starting to groan and pant in excitement.

"I wanna fuck," my sister moaned hotly after she pulled her head back, breaking our three-way kiss.

"Mmmm, me too," Amanda seconded.

"What time is it?" I turned around to check my alarm clock. It read 7.15am. "That's not a lot of time for fucking."

"We'd have to hurry," Amanda conceded.

"Nothing like a Wednesday morning quickie," my sister grinned.

"Wednesday? Oh shit!" I grumped.

"What?" Kelsey asked, her face looking puzzled. Amanda's expression mirrored that of my sister's.

"Seventy-two hours," I sighed.

"What does that mean?"

"I can't have an orgasm for seventy-two hours before a meet. Coach's rules."

"What?" both girls exclaimed simultaneously, obviously less than thrilled.

"I know, believe me. None of us on the team are happy about it either."

"You mean I can't fuck you for three days?" Amanda asked, her face clearly unhappy.

"Well, he can't cum," my sister grinned. "I don't think the rule prohibits actual fucking, does it?"

"Eh, I don't know." I shrugged. "He said orgasms. Erik actually asked him if he meant jacking off, too, and he said that that was exactly what he meant."

"See? It's just that he can't cum. He can still fuck us until we cum!" Kelsey said happily.

"Kelsey! You want him to fuck us for three days without being allowed to cum? That's cruel!" Amanda said, her face pulled into an expression of disbelief that my sister would even suggest something like that.

"You never have a problem with telling me I can't cum for days!" Kelsey said, somewhat indignantly.

"That's because you love getting so horny that you feel like you're about to explode," Amanda grinned. "Besides, you deserve being teased like that."

"Oh yeah? Well, I hope Damon lets you not cum for three days too!" my sister grumbled, sticking her tongue out at her best friend.

Amanda laughed, and she jumped at my sister, pouncing her almost like a cat would. Kelsey squeaked in delight and tried to scramble away, but she was unable to get enough traction on my blankets. She let out a loud whuff of air as Amanda landed on top of her.

"Let's see if you still have such a big mouth now!" Amanda giggled, pulling my sister's panties off her ass, then slapping Kelsey's curvy rump hard.

I smiled happily at the sight of Amanda's hand beating down on my sister's ass in staccato. My cock was rampantly hard, and I cursed my fool coach for his dumbass rule; I really wanted to mount my sister and fuck the living hell out of her pussy while she was face down like that.

Amanda seemed to have much the same thought as she looked over at me, her eyes blazing. "I want you to fuck her, Damon."

"I want to fuck her too, but..."

"This abstinence of yours, what is it actually for?" she interrupted.

"I guess to prevent us from getting tired or something."

"Does it even work that way?" she asked, slapping my sister's ass to prevent Kelsey from sneaking out from underneath her.

I shrugged. "I don't know. I doubt it, really. I mean, as long as I don't cum a few hours before the race, I would imagine I'd be fine. Erik has admitted to us he fucks girls anyway, and he basically never loses a meet, so..."

"Kelsey licked me to four orgasms once, about fifteen minutes before one of our competitions. It didn't bother me any either."

"No, but you were sure giggly during the Scorpion when you made a huge wet spot in your bloomers!" Kelsey said, trying to contain her laughter.

"Hush you!" Amanda grinned, swatting my sister's ass again.

"Yes Amanda." Kelsey's tone left no doubt that she had no intention of being quiet.

I smiled at both of them. I loved their continuous teasing; it was such clear evidence of how much they meant to each other.

"So, then," Amanda purred, "How about you put that big, hard cock in this little brat's pussy and fuck her until she screams?" She teasingly rubbed her hands over my sister's ass, scraping her nails along Kelsey's delectable curves which caused my sister to moan.

I hesitated for a few moments, watching Amanda rub her hand across my sister's wet slit and teasingly curl her middle finger inside for a second. When she pulled it out again, it was glistening with my sister's pussy juice. My cock felt like it was about ready to explode, and I agonized over the decision. It didn't seem like it could possibly hurt any to fuck, but our coach had been adamant on his decision, and he did have nearly thirty years experience in training some of the U.S.'s most elite swimmers.

Finally my raging hormones won out over my sense of responsibility, and I practically tore my boxers off, causing my cock to eagerly bounce up and down.

"Yeah!" Amanda grinned as she saw me give in. She slapped my sister's butt a few more times, Kelsey's ass cheeks turning a nice pink, then Amanda pulled them apart as far as she could. "Fuck that pussy!"

I knelt right behind my sister, my knees on either side of her legs and aimed my cock towards her dripping slit. I pushed forward slightly, just the edge of the my shaft pushing in between her lips. "Are you ready for it, Kel?" I asked, my voice catching.

"Yes! Give it to me already, fuck me!" my sister pleaded.

I drew in a deep breath and made ready to sink my cock to the hilt in her wonderful cunt. Amanda grinned at me expectantly, seemingly wanting nothing more than to watch me fuck my own sister.

"Are you kids ready yet?" Mom's voice suddenly came from downstairs, quite loudly. "I have to pick up supplies for the clinic after I drop you off at school, so we need to leave early!"

Kelsey groaned desperately. "She's gotta be kidding. I want to get fucked so badly I'm soaked!"

"Can you be quick?" Amanda asked me. Her face was flushed from excitement.

I nodded and plowed forward, my shaft sinking deeply inside my sister. Kelsey squealed from the brutal penetration, and she bit down on my pillow as inch after inch of my cock pierced her cunt. From this angle she was twice as tight as she had been when she rode me in the shower, and the feelings coursing through my cock bordered on actual physical bliss. Relentlessly I plunged on until I felt myself bottom out with about an inch of my cock remaining.

"Oh fuck!" Kelsey growled in her pillow. Her fantastic body was trembling underneath me.

"Fuck her, Damon! Fucking nail that little cunt!" Amanda hissed, scratching her fingernails across my back.

I leaned forward, placing my arms on either side of Kelsey's body, then began to pound. I had to grit my teeth against the excruciating feelings that radiated through my shaft, but I plowed on regardless, going faster and faster until it seemed I was ramming my entire length in and out of my sister's cunt at a thousand strokes a minute.

"Oh ... my ... God!" Kelsey mewled, her whole body spasming because of the force of my fucking. Over and over I rampantly savaged her slit, my pace so frantic my entire bed was shaking. I briefly wondered how I wasn't stripping the skin off my cock in my sister's incredibly tight cunt.

Amanda leaned against me, her firm tits pressing against my arm, and she roughly bit my earlobe. "Cum inside her. Shoot your own sister full of your cum, you dirty perv!" she whispered hotly.

"Perv?" I gave her a wry grin.

"Yeah, what else would you call someone who fucks his own sister? With his slutty girlfriend watching?" Amanda giggled, licking her lips as she looked at the two of us go.

I smiled and leaned in to kiss her deeply. Both of us moaned against each other, our tongues practically fighting a war as I kept up my Olympic pace in hammering my sister's cunt.

"Oh, Jesus, I'm going to..." Kelsey moaned, not finishing her sentence. My furious assault on her little pussy made it almost impossible for her to draw a breath. No sooner had she said it when I felt her cunt spasm against me, impossibly becoming even tighter as her juice erupted all over my cock. The hot, sticky feeling of her cum made me nearly delirious, and I felt my own orgasm rise up from deep within.

"Kids!" Mom yelled from downstairs.

"We're cumming!" I roared at her. Fireworks exploded in my head, and I jammed the whole length of my shaft into Kelsey's cunt, which was still twitching and spasming wildly from her own orgasm. I felt my cock erupt, spraying wave after wave of my cum inside my own sister.

The feel of my hot seed inside her seemed to set Kelsey off again, and she began a fresh set of convulsions, more of her juice spraying around my shaft and squirting out of her to soak my balls and my blanket.

As I dumped more cum into my sister's milking cunt, I lost all my strength and collapsed on top of her. My shaft twitched several more times, firing what felt like a gallon of my cum into that hottest of all pussies before I finally emptied myself out with a deep groan.

Kelsey was still cumming against me, but after a few more small squirts she relaxed as well. I gently kissed her cheek, nuzzling against her. She purred in satisfaction as we both came down from our high.

Amanda leaned down beside us and gave us both a kiss. "That was hot!" she grinned.

"Sorry we don't have time to do anything for you," my sister whispered, sounding a little sad.

"That's okay, I more than enjoyed just watching you two fuck. It's so hot, brother and sister fucking each other's brains out!" Amanda said heatedly.

"Mmmm, I love you, Amanda." Kelsey raised her head a little bit, sharing a kiss with her friend.

"I love you too, baby," Amanda replied. She looked over at me and smiled lewdly. "Maybe we can fool around in the school bathroom again?"

"I'm up for it if you are," I grinned.

"Damon," Kelsey complained, struggling underneath me. "I can't breathe."

"Shit, sorry!" I hurriedly lifted my weight up off my sister. She sighed deeply, drawing in several large gasps of air, then moaned a little as my rapidly softening cock slipped from her creamy pussy.

Happily grinning, I looked down at her slit to see a thick, syrupy mix of our cum slowly oozing out of her. Amanda hissed at the sight of it and buried her face between my sister's legs, moaning as she drank our combined juices right out of Kelsey's cunt.

"If you're not down here in two minutes, you can damn well walk to school!" Mom practically shrieked from downstairs, sounding royally pissed off.

"I think she means it," I said.

"I think so too," Amanda giggled. She quickly got up and leaned over to give me a kiss; I moaned at the taste of cum in her mouth. We made out for a few seconds, then she quickly ran towards Kelsey's room, presumably to get dressed.

Kelsey got up more gingerly, her body still shaking. I reached out and gave her a hand, helping her stand up. "Are you okay, sis?"

She smiled at me prettily. "Yes, I'm fine. I just didn't think it was possible to get fucked this hard! Thank you!"

"Don't mention it, sweetheart. Thank you too."

She gave me a kiss on my cheek. "You're so welcome. Don't worry about your car, okay? I'll take care of it."

"What?" I said, frowning. "How on earth are you going to..."

"Shhhh." She put her finger over my lips. "I'll take care of it, I promise."


She shook her head and walked into the bathroom without another word. I stared after her for a few moments, then Tasmanian Devil'ed myself into a state marginally ready for school.

School was a drag, as it was most days, even without the worry about my car. I didn't have any classes with the girls at all, so I hardly got to see them, and Amanda texted me after third hour saying the construction guys had apparently moved to another part of the building and were now working very close to the bathroom in the new annex. It would be too dangerous to try to fool around there.

I also didn't see the girls during lunch because they had cheer practice, which made me even more bummed out. If it hadn't been for fucking my sister senseless and blowing a huge load of cum in her wonderfully tight slit earlier, the entire day would have been a gigantic suckfest.

As the final bell of the day rang and all the kids were let free to cause chaos in the real world again, I saw the five cheerleaders at the end of one of the hallways. They were all dressed in one of their training outfits: navy-colored Nike sweatpants and figure-hugging white sweaters. With my mouth watering I let my gaze roam over the five pairs of tits on display, from Mikaela's huge knockers to Carynne's smallish breasts. Of course, my eyes lingered extra on my sister's and Amanda's chests.

"Hey girls!" I said, walking up with a smile.

"Mmmm, hey boy toy!" Amanda grinned. She quickly pressed herself against me, then got up on her tippy toes to give me a long, delicious kiss. I took the opportunity to cop a feel of her ass which was tightly enveloped in her sweats.

The other girls whooped and cheered, causing Amanda to blush and me to grin happily. "Are you guys going to keep doing that every time we kiss each other?" Amanda asked her friends a bit petulantly

"We will as long as it keeps making you blush like crazy," Stacey said, giving her a wink.

I wrapped my arm around a giggling Amanda's shoulder. "Hey, stop teasing my girlfriend like that," I sternly admonished the other girls. Or at least I tried to be stern; my stupid grin probably spoiled the effect to a large degree.

"Will you spank us if we don't?" Carynne asked eagerly.

"You're just as bad as Kelsey!" I laughed.

"Oh, believe me, I'm much worse," the petite beauty said. "Who do you think taught your sister to like it so much?"

"Pffft, whatever!" Kelsey snorted. "You didn't teach me crap, and you know it!"

"Oh yeah? Want to go into the bathroom so I can teach you some more?" Carynne challenged, a big smile on her face. I fervently hoped my sister would say yes and that they'd let me watch!

"Okay, you two, behave, or the real teacher is going to get involved," Stacey interjected before anyone could say anything else. "And I'm still pissed off about Roger this morning, so I've got a real desire to spank some tight asses raw!"

"You all right, Stacey?" I asked.

She gave me a bright smile and nodded. "I'm fine, thank you. Roger can be a bit of a jerk sometimes, and we just got into a bit of a spat. I'm sure you and Kelsey have those little arguments all the time, too, right?"

I glanced over at my sister, who was grinning naughtily. The last spat we'd had was when my cock spat cum in her cunt before school, and I was hoping to repeat those kinds of arguments many, many more times. My sister and I never really argued much at all. "Yeah, I guess we do, but then again she's a real brat, so that can't really be helped, right?" I chuckled.

"Hey!" my sister squawked indignantly.

Carynne walked over to Kelsey and slapped my sister's ass hard. "You are a brat, and you know it!" the brunette said matter-of-factly.

Kelsey eyes glowed with lust as she stared at her small friend. "I am going to fuck you to shreds if you keep this up!" she threatened.

Carynne's grin got positively dirty, and she spanked my sister's ass again. The other girls giggled as they watched the two hellcats tease each other. "Yeah? Let's go then," Carynne said eagerly.

Kelsey growled hotly and grabbed her friend's arm, starting to pull her towards the bathroom. Stacey, however, quickly grabbed both of them and pulled them back. "No, we have to go buy those new outfits, and I'm not waiting around for hours while the two of you have another one of those marathon fuck sessions!"

"Awww, Stacey!" Carynne pouted.

"No!" the tall blonde repeated, more firmly. "The two of you can fuck in the fitting room later for all I care, but we're leaving now."

"Later then," my sister whispered sultrily to the petite brunette, squeezing Carynne's tight little ass. Carynne just grinned widely and nodded, her face showing how much she liked the idea of fucking my sister in a fitting room.

"Can I come watch?" I asked, my voice breaking.

"It's a girls-only fitting room, Damon," Stacey said, shaking her head with a wry grin.


The girls all laughed at me, then started walking off. My sister blew me a hand kiss and waved before joining her friends.

"I'll tell you all about it later, okay?" Amanda said. She leaned in for another kiss, and I moaned as her tongue slipped into my mouth for a few seconds. The kiss ended again much too quickly for my taste.

"Will I see you later?" I asked hopefully.

"I promised my mom I'd be home tonight, but if you get your car somehow, you and Kelsey can come over?"

I sighed. I had no idea how I was going to get my car, but I nodded at her anyways. "If we can get there, then gladly. But I'm still grounded, so it'd have to be a short visit."

"A short visit is better than no visit," Amanda whispered sultrily. "I really want you to fuck me in my own bed. Maybe you can give me a quickie like you did your sister this morning!" She licked her lips with a wicked little smile, and I groaned as I felt my cock rise rapidly in my jeans.

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Ghorbash Orkul, second son of the great chief Nargol of the Orkul tribe. You were, for a time, content in your position as the chief's brother. It was a prestigious position, and you were to act as a second in command to your brother, as running an entire tribe was too much for just one orc. However, you soon came to resent your place. You weren't treated as an advisor, but someone for your brother to dump all the responsibilities on as he fucked his way through the women of the tribe. His...

3 years ago
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Ashok Uncle 8211 Part 5 Kinky passion on the kitchen floor

This is a continuation of my previous story about Ashok’s uncle, my hot, hairy and hungry older neighbour. I wrote part 1 on a whim, but thanks to all your encouragement, we’re now on Part 6! We lay there on the kitchen floor for a while. My slender body on top of his hot hairy musky nude form. My lips refused to let him go even for an instant. I kissed, moaned and sucked his tongue non-stop. “You’re insatiable,” he said as I broke away to catch my breath. I nibbled his chin and said, “It’s...

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Homeschooled Synopsis: When his mother pulls Mickey out of high school and enrolls him in a home schoolers group, he develops close bonds with, and identifies with the other seven members of the group - except that most of them are girls and that leads to Mickey being feminized and then ultimately to regressing to an infant. 8th Grade - The year I was in eighth grade in middle school was the worst year of my life. That was the year that my father died. In four months he went from...

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Jr Prom 3

In the morning, I got up early and was so happy, I couldn't believe it. Ihad sucked cock and been fucked like a girl. Not only that, I was so goodat it, my dad was proud of me.I had a big smile as I walked into the kitchen wearing nothing but my nightgown. My dad was sitting at the table drinking coffee."Good Morning... How are you today?" I asked as I lifted my gown andflashed him some pussy.He just smiled. "I'm 38 years old and last night I fucked the hottest 16year old in town. Not only...

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Susan and Stevenaked in SchoolChapter 3

Wednesday Steve I awoke to the 6:00 am alarm, and gave Susan her favorite wake-up call. I slid into her, and she just purred. As I picked up the pace, she arched her back, and met me stroke for stroke. When we came, she screamed. "You've got to learn not to scream your orgasms, honey", I told her. "The neighbors are apt to call the cops, telling them someone is getting murdered." She laughed and hit me playfully. "Come on; let's get a shower." We took a quick shower, and picked out...

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FiremenPart 4 Fire Trucks

It had been two weeks since the firehouse barbeque, and Michelle was starting to have withdrawal symptoms. When she walked out of the station that afternoon, she had been completely satisfied. She had been fully fucked by six firemen, in ways she had only dreamed of before. Now, after two weeks of being too busy to do anything but work, eat, and sleep, she was in desperate need of some down time. As of late, Michelle's favorite down time activity involved firemen. All she could think about...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Kenna James Serene Siren Working Remotely

Serene Siren and her secretary, Kenna James, have been having a secret affair in their office for months. Siren is the CEO of a powerful company and a successful independent lesbian. Kenna is shy, conservative, and leading a double life with an unknowing husband at home. But now their company has shifted to virtual working and this has left the lovers in a real bind. Serene expects to still have her needs met, even if they cannot physically touch, whereas Kenna is torn between extreme horniness...

1 year ago
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Slutty Sarah is back

I didn’t think I’d hear from Sarah the Slut again, after this blog caused her to break up with her boyfriend, but last week she rang me and said she needed someone to talk to. She came over to my place and obviously wanted to talk about something, but couldn’t find a way of starting the subject. I gave her a few drinks and she started to talk. She’d been up to her slutty ways again. She said…..‘I just have to talk to someone. I must tell someone, I just must. I’ve been so, so bad and I can’t...

2 years ago
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Gold Silver and Thongs

It was the last but one day of competition and Jake sat on the bench on the walkway that led between the stadium and the athlete’s village. He felt dejected and deflated, his elbows propped up on his knees and his head in his hands. Fourth place was worse than coming last. He was the nearly man. Four years of blood, sweat and tears destroyed by one hundredth of a second. As he picked up his bottle of water Talinka and Trynka approached on their way to celebrate their gold and silver...

3 years ago
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SharonChapter 7

Sharon drove out into the lane and pulled into the same gateway as the previous week.She switched off the engine. She was not shaking this time. Instead, her entire being was elated and invigorated. For the first time in her life she had been treated with respect and affection. She had also experienced being made love to and not used as a receptacle for sperm. She was blissfully happy and, for the first time in her life, felt fulfilled. Then her heart sank. In less than two hours Richard had...

4 years ago
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After Moving Motherinlaw in chapter 3

After Moving Mother-in-law in chapter 3The next morning when Magee and I woke up we only had time for a quickie before we got up to eat breakfast and dressed and off to work which is what we did with Magee having to leave first as usual.At noon when I got to stop work long enough to eat dinner I gave my mother-in-law Magee a call since it is the time she usually got time to eat her dinner where she works at, “Hello.”“Hello, may I speak to Magee Henderson please?”“Speaking.”“How is it going...

1 year ago
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Confessions Karlee Grey Love That Pizza Delivery

Karlee Grey has a confession to make. She loves eating pizza but the real reward for her is getting the pizza delivery guy all to herself. No matter how many times she orders a pizza all she is really thinking about is that pizza guys personal pepperoni roll hiding in his pants! These pizza guys always come back to the shop late and soon the Manager has to make a delivery himself; and don’t we know it, he gives Karlee Grey the Managers special fucking that tight pussy of hers. All this...

2 years ago
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The Millionaire Next DoorChapter 63

“How’s my favorite Pookie-bear?” Linda asked as she crawled onto Eric’s lap. “Pookie-bear?” Dan asked incredulous. “I’m just fine, Love Muffin,” Eric answered just before giving her a kiss. “Love Muffin,” Dan repeated closing his eyes. “Can I get a little snuggle from my Pookie-Wookie?” Linda asked rubbing her nose against Eric’s. “Oh, God, they’re going to start at it again,” Dan said putting his hands over his ears. He hoped that this little exchange of romantic small talk didn’t last...

3 years ago
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The True Story Of How I Took My Friends Virginity

Jewel and I have been friends since high school. We met in math class and quickly became friends because of our love of anime, manga, and the Japanese culture. We could always talk to each other about anything, from classwork to relationships. One day as we were chatting on yahoo messenger, she started talking about her boyfriend. Jewel: I really really love him Terry: thats wonderful. im glad u have someone. being single sucks Jewel: sorry Terry: no dont be. I mean it gets hard sometimes,...

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The story of Carol and Charlie

Introduction: A short story, with no sequel, of young love. Enjoy My name is Charlie. Im a 65 year old widower, living in an assisted care facility. I have lived here ever since I suffered a stroke, and now have only three months or so to live. They found I had lung cancer about a month ago. I had let it go for so long that, by the time they discovered it, it has spread throughout my body, causing my stroke, and leaving me an invalid in this house. So they said to make any arrangements I needed...

1 year ago
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Off on a TechnicalityChapter 7

Gambling was not a big deal in Sola Vista, what with Las Vegas being so nearby, but there were some slot machines and poker parlors in operation. As expected, the Carnoli family took a piece from the pie. I think that it was not a big deal for them—more of the principle of the thing. Nevertheless, such places were illegal, so the cops were supposed to take notice of them. The point of my remarks was visible standing under a streetlight. Wherever there is gambling, there must be prostitution...

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PornMegaLoad Abby Paradise You Can8217t Teach Abby8217s Skills

Lives: Akron, Ohio; Occupation: Waitress; Age: 19; Born: August 10; Ht: 5’7″; Wt: 135 pounds; Bras: 34B; Panties: Boyshorts; Anal: Bring it! BJs: Love to swallow; Diddle: Not much. Hey, do you like hot teenage schoolgirls? Okay, that’s a stupid question. Well, we were talking to Abby Paradise, one of our favorite submitters, and she was telling us about a cute professor she has. He’s a lot older than her, but she can’t concentrate on anything he’s saying...

4 years ago
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Take It You Faggot Fuck

One of the hottest times I had in a booth at an adult bookstore was when I had really the only true "leather" type guy I had ever been with. I had been going to this one bookstore that was open 24/7. I worked nights and it was one of the few places open when I got off work. The place was not really good for getting cock. There were no glory holes and they were strict about watching for 2 people in a booth. They did have some viewing windows in a few of the booths though so you could see the...

2 years ago
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Was I Turning Gay PT4

I have been having a rather frantic month or two recently. Progressing from a bi-curious older male who never had the nerve to chase my fantasies, I now have experienced some of the most fulfilling adventures I could ever imagine. After sucking my first cock, I realized that this was what was missing in my life and it was now up to me to make up for lost time. Although still a novice, I have been fortunate enough to meet two kind and sexual men who have taught me the ropes and helped me reach...

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BellesaHouse Lexi Luna Something That Gives Back

Lexi is super excited to link up with John because they’ve never “really” worked together – not the way they’d have liked. They give us the lowdown on what it’s like filming VR porn, including all the rules about how performers can (and can’t) interact, which leaves a lot to be desired in the way of actual human connection. After Lexi tugs ALL of our heartstrings about why she’s so happy to be on set at Bellesa House – we’re not...

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The Jeff and Ellie Archives Episodes 5 6

So Ellie is 14 and starting to discover sex. She and her brother have been starting to fool around but for now, she wasn’t ready to go all the way with him. All these things are new to her and she finds it very exciting. In fact, it’s pretty much all she can think about. Ellie is about 5 foot 2, she has blonde hair and blue eyes and is about 95 lbs. For the past few weeks, she has started to be more aware of her body and has found pleasure in touching herself and fantasizing about everything...

1 year ago
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Analized JoJo Kiss Loves To Smell The Men Who Fuck Her Ass

Jojo Kiss is a petite, young anal whore with a secret. She likes to sneak into her roommate’s room when he’s not home and masturbate while smelling his clothes. Just the hint of his scent makes her fucking crazy. Her pussy drips and her asshole twitches. If only she could have his cock! Lucky for Jojo, her dream is about to cum true. Her roommate, James, returns home early from work. He hears the sound of Jojo’s moans and her fingers slick against her cunt. “What are you...

4 years ago
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Im not man enough

"And now I'll show you your group partners for your next assignment." said the professor at the front of the lecture theatre. From the corner of my eye I saw Brad turn to his football teammates, they were all huddled together. "Man, I hope I get a nerd so they can do all the fucking work, I didn't come here to read books." said Brad. Calvin tunred to him with a confused look. "What?" Calvin said "I'm hoping for a girl whith a tight ass, my dad will look after my grades man. I'll just tell her...

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Prissy Poodle 2

PRISSY POODLE 2 by Throne Sunday morning I awoke to find Regina setting up a dog crate at the foot of the bed. She also had a bag from the pet store, which was sitting on her vanity chair. I got off my dog bed but stayed on all fours without being told to. She muttered a distracted 'good girl' while finishing the set-up of the cage. Then she spread a blanket across its floor and pointed at the open door. "Come on, good girl. Go into your cage and Mommy will give you some nice...

3 years ago
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Just Another Day

It was just another standard evening on shift; quiet boring on the whole, town was dead and unable to do any more patrols due to the nature of the services. I headed home to play on my puter to kill about 4 hours as per usual. Being half asleep from boredom I decided to have a shower to awaken a little, just as I stepped out the phone rang, was a mate chasing a lift home, perfect excuse to kill some time I thought. I pulled into the local 24 hour to pick her up noticing she had an extra with...

2 years ago
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Pfand XChapter 22

Carl stopped at the vat, opened the lid, and peered in at the pickles. The aroma of vinegar and spices tickled his nose. Some people didn't like the smell, but to him it conveyed a lot of information. He could tell just how far along in the pickling process a batch was, just by the smell. He could tell if it was a good batch or had gone bad. This batch smelled good. Using a pair of sampling tongs, he pulled out a medium sized pickle. The texture was firm and there wasn't a hint of...

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A Wifes Gift to her Husband

Bill looks around trying to spot his wife. He is very nervous and becomes much stressed when he doesn’t see her. The poorly lit bar was very crowded with the after work happy hour in full swing. He decides to walk through the place to see if he could find her. Just then his cell phone rings. “Hello”, he answers. “Hey Honey, I am at the far end of the bar.” Brenda, his wife, says to him. “OK, I will be right over.” He answers as he hangs up his phone. He makes his way through...

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Couple shops for more than clothes

As we drove towards town, the sun was shining blissfully. Despite the fact that it was only 10am, it was already hot and the day promised to be a scorcher. My wife, Helen, had persuaded me to give up my Saturday off and take her shopping. I moaned, but knew that when Helen had set her mind on something, there was little that was going to stop her doing what she wanted. I had disappointed her last night, I knew. Another f******n hour day at the office had left me exhausted and when I eventually...

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I awoke early the next morning with the sensation of my cock being sucked. I opened my sleep fogged eyes and saw Matthew's bobbing head slowly coming into focus. I exhaled a deep sigh. He was a great cocksucker. Standing nearby was Kayla looking a little less forelorn than last night. Her fingers were absentmindedly stroking her little pink slit. She smiiled down at me before settling down on my face. The sweet perfume of her cunt overwhelmed me as she began to ride my face. I eagerly licked...

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The Locker Room

OK, I'm a bit of a pervert, I admit it. I am a High School Physical Education teacher, and the assistant coach of the men's basketball team. I am 45 years old, and have been working at this school for about 18 years. While I have never had an improper relationship with a female student here, I admit to be an addicted peeping tom.My office has a common wall with the girl's locker room. Many years ago, I set up a peep hole that allowed me to see the girls as they exited the shower. With modern...

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A New PastChapter 56 Seductions

“What are you doing here so early? I was planning on meeting you in an hour.” Chrissy was wearing a fashionable white dress with a deeply scooped neckline and a demure hemline just above her knees, protected by a totally unfashionable apron. Her hair was pulled back and I noticed her feet were bare, but a pair of heels were sitting by the back door. “We finished early, but don’t you think I should be the one asking the questions?” “No,” she said as she walked around the counter and stopped...

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Eden on the RailsChapter 12

"Perfectly right, darling. Just as you did with me, only I was too drunk to feel the pain. Penny gets the whole shebang, lucky girl." "You wanted this to happen, the pair of you?" "Yes, dear", said Gloria; "Yes, dear," said Penny. Gloria added, "I made sure Penny got protection, as she is not ready for a baby, so you can give her the works, John." "You really want this, Penny? Sex with this old man?" Gloria was incensed. "Old man? You are younger than my mother, John, and she...

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Pauls Promotion

Paul's Promotion by Heather Alexander Edited by Donnatella839 Paul came out of the bedroom wearing his Monarch Hotel receptionist's uniform, (a midnight blue skirt suit worn over a powder blue silk blouse with a small red ribbon bow set under the collar). He wore light grey tights, black court shoes with a three-inch heel and his ears were decorated with two pairs of earrings, fancy silver danglers in the lower piercing and half-inch sapphire and zirconium clusters in the...

1 year ago
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Transformation in Reno Part 3

Transformation in Reno, Part 3 - By: DeeWet John and Nina led me out of the main bar area. I could still taste the cum from the waiter and my diaper smelled. As we left the bar area I didn't look up because I didn't want to know who had just watched me as I had knelt and sucked another cock. What a strange thing. Before this vacation, I never thought about being gay and now I'm a cocksucker. Even stranger and surprising was that I liked the felling of a cock filling my mouth and...

1 year ago
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Fucking On Hot Teacher Chat

Hello friends, this story from rocky delhi is about me and my teacher Sudha Madam. Let me tell you about myself I used to study in college, a few days ago a madam joined my class and and as I said, her name is Sudha. His figure is cool and his ass is raised as I like. Their boobs is also cool and big. Whenever she teaches in class, I keep an eye on her boobs and ass and she has seen me doing this many times but did not say anything. He will be around 35 years old. Then I found out that he was...

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Horny Cousins

Now, at 17, my cousin Helen was turning into quite a hottie, even though she was a little bit overweight. With shiny blond hair, ice blue eyes, and perfect skin, she could almost pass for a model. She was often the imagined figure behind my jack off sessions, especially that time when we were both 11 and i dared her to do jumping jacks in front of me completely naked, then she dared me to do the same thing. 'And tonight,' I thought, 'Will be the night I make another advance.' ...

4 years ago
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Dinner turned into fantasy meeting

She has always fantasized about a perfect encounter with an on-line lover, completely unplanned, so when this happened Leslee was completely taken by her good fortune.She was on vacation with her husband, him having a business trip to Phoenix, and every night they would choose a different restaurant to eat and unwind at. This night it was the Hilton, with its revolving restaurant on top. Being a 5 star restaurant, Leslee wore a blue strapless silk sheath, matching heals and silk nude thigh-high...

3 years ago
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I Learnt A Lot From Stopping With My Granny

I had to go and live with my gran for a few weeks before school broke up for the summer holidays. Mom’s job as a business adviser for failing businesses had taking her to the other end of the country for at least the next two months.Gran was 66 years old and widowed for the last three years, standing at 5 feet three, I towered over her slightly plumper body, it was hard to tell what size she really was as she always wore big loose dresses, but she did have a nice set of breasts to look at. She...

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Getting 18YR Old Rachels Panties

I had been waking up with a sore back for the last month or so, and finally decided to get a new bed. I had my old one for almost 10 years, and it had seen more then it's fair share of hookers and drunken bbw's! Once the new one arrived, I decided I didn't want to be bothered trying to sell the old one, and thought giving it away free would be a lot easier. It was, and surprisingly I ended up with a nice little perk that I thought I'd share with you fellow xhamster members! (plus it's been so...

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two sister

The Sweet Young sisters in UniformIt was a great fall day and I was home working on the yard as everyone had gone away that weekend. It was a great Friday morning and I was busy getting the grass cut. I had seen the new young girl across the street a few times since they moved in last month. I had enjoyed watching them do their early morning jog and of course now that they were off to the local catholic high school enjoyed the school uniform that they wore. The short kilts and white button up...

2 years ago
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Trish and Jerry

It was raining cats and dogs, but I didn't give a good goddamn! Herdin' a semi down the road was better than watchin' them damn soaps. Retirement-reshmirement, it sucked. Being retired ain't nuthin' but waitin' to die. Not me, not anymore, I'm workin' again. I pulled the big rig into the diner and parked for easy egress later on. I only had a couple of hours more road time, but I was hungry. The construction project would have to get along without its rebar till I filled my belly. So...

3 years ago
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Curse of the Goddess

‘Men are pigs,’ Jessica said to her friend Lily, who had just been left by her boyfriend. ‘And women are over-emotional. No offense, Tam.’ Lily shook her head, but was crying too much to say ‘none taken.’ Jessica gave her friend a hug. ‘There, there, sweetie. It’s going to be alright. Jonas was an idiot to leave you. Especially for that shallow, bitchy, unimaginative, foreign slut Katerina.’ Lily leaned on her, sobbing. Jessica looked over at the replica painting of the Birth of Venus. I will...

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The maids knickers part four

I couldn't help noticing that Chi-chi's one night out on a Saturday was getting longer and longer. She always used to be back by ten or eleven in her virginal days, but then it got to midnight before I would hear her entering the house, quietly going into her quarters - and then sometimes it got to be even two o'clock or after before she'd get back. I'd stay awake, waiting for her return: sometimes walking back to our house or sometimes on the back of a motorbike. I knew then, of course, that...

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Desi Daddy Dedication

Desi Daddy DedicationI guess I will have to start at the beginning so I don’t lose anyone along the way. My path in the gay scene has been a long one. If you have kept up with my writings you have a feel for my beginnings and some of the bumps and curves along the way. I try to detail some of my quirks for you so you get a sense of where I have been and what led me to my current life. So in the beginning, in high school, my oral and anal cherries were taken by two older boys. You know that from...

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Ana describes a gangbang

I had flown to a big city in the south.The conference meeting would last just two days this time.My sweet Ana was feeling a bit down, because during my own absence, her Black Master was going busy with his own wife and her new Latino bull Ramon had suffered a street accident; so this second bastard either would not be available for her…Naughty Anita had planned a good fucking meeting during the whole weekend I would spend outside of town; but now all had changed.But on Saturday afternoon, as I...

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All my stories are true. I joined a famous sex site to fuck on the side, and only got response from men!This guy advertised sucking anyone dry no reciprocation, but you must wore a speedo since he got very hot sucking guys dressed like that.It was December, and my company was closed that day. My wife went to work, and I went to the gym. At my late 30's, 5'9", and a solid 185lbs, with a 6" hard cock, I was pre cumming just thinking about getting sucked off while showering in the gym. I put a red...

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Buttons and beaus

Hello!! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for u! Are u enjoying them or not??? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. as you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. it is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts from...

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A gay summer Holiday Part 15

Index: 15Dirty pool...That Tuesday the weather was horrible. It had started raining, and the forecast showed that it may stay raining for a couple of days. So Jelmer and Chris decided that it would be best to leave the work outside alone for now. Together with some volunteers, they set out to work inside the barn. To make the privacy fences out of the second-hand shelving units. The frames were stripped of the rotten shelves. And all the legs and...

3 years ago
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Becoming a School SlutChapter 28

Mistress was driving toward her house and decided she was hungry. She asked, "Are you hungry cunt? I sure am. Coming up with all these nasty things for you to do can sure build up and appetite." I said, "A little Mistress, can you wait until we get to your house. I'll fix us some sandwiches." She gets hungry coming up with things to humiliate me? I'm the one that has to do them. I'm the one that has to do every single perverted thing she can think of. But of course I didn't say...

3 years ago
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Shocked By Wife Part 1

I had been asking my wife to fulfill my fantasy of her fucking another guy for years but to no avail. All the usual excuses were cast up, from it wasn't normal to it will break up the marriage, she had expressed them all. So it came as a major shock as one night while getting a sloppy slow blow job and I had said once again that I would love to see her being taken right there and then by another guy. She lifted her head briefly to say, "Yeah a big strong hard cock pounding me hard." I...

Wife Lovers
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Its a Full Moon Tonight

I was beginning to ache a little, but glad for the weekend, so glad to have the coming night and the heat of warm bodies shaking to a common rhythm surrounding me. It had been such a long time since I'd been out, spending so much time wading my way through files and accounts. Working my fingers to the bone to get ahead at work and in such need of some time outside of my head, some time to just enjoy the sensation of my own skin. Across the room, something changed. I could feel the attention of...

4 years ago
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Ass fucking my fiance

I was out all day, had a great day, grabbed supper on my way home and I knew she was getting all slutty for me by the time I got home, we had talked about it before because she didn't have sex with me since I got back from out of town earlier this week. We had been busy and she asked me what I'd wanted before. So I told her that I want what I want every time rancid slut level 12.. and I have to say that's what I got when I got home! She was dressed up, blue teddy style lingerie, black high...

2 years ago
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Always on GuardChapter 7

For the next several days, life at the training complex was repetitive. Jorgarn was awakened before sunrise for his morning meal that consisted of oatmeal and bread with warm mead. Shortly after he arose he found himself on the practice field participating in stretching and strengthening exercises. A lengthy endurance run followed the calisthenics. After a quick dip in a stream, the trainees would be allowed time for a brief snack or nap, as the case may be before the lessons would begin in...

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