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GenCon By Shrike "Alexander Tipton, you are accused of assault and battery on Mrs. Debra Tiessing. How do you plead?" asked the Judge. Before I answered, I thought back to the events leading up to me standing trial here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debra said to me, "Thank you for your help." I had just helped her carry some boxes to her beat up old car. She was going to take it to the homeless shelter to give the contents to the people there. I warned her, "Be careful in the alley behind the shelter. I hear people get attacked there." "I'll be careful, Alex," replied Debra with a smile. I set off in my crappy old pickup towards the old docks. There might be some iron and copper laying around. With the prices these days it was lucrative to collect them and sell it to a scrap dealer. It wasn't making me rich, but it supplemented my meager salary from my part-time job. My parents, rest their souls, had been right. I should have gotten a good education. Now I had a crappy part-time job and had to scrounge old metals to get by each month. Searching through the wreckage of ships, cars and other junk, I gradually got further away from where I had parked my car. I was about to give up and return to my car to park it closer to where I was heading, when I heard voices. "... last time you crossed me," a deep man's voice said. I didn't hear the reply well enough to understand. Then the deep voice spoke again, "I'm not worried about the police. I own most of them. Besides, they are looking for a male reporter, not a homeless prostitute. I've already got the paperwork ready for you." I looked around a corner and saw a scene of one man kneeling in front of a big, slightly fatty man. He wasn't kneeling totally on his own as a few men stood behind him and probably helped him to kneel. The kneeling man said, "What do you mean? I'm not a... you are going to...?" Then the big man put something to the neck of the kneeling man and he screamed out in pain. He started to spasm and the men around him restrained him somewhat. Then he screamed again, but during his scream the sound got higher, like a string being pulled taut. Astonished, I watched him turn into what looked like a young woman before collapsing into a heap on the ground. A while ago some company called Girls R Us had invented a way to convert a man into a woman using some secret procedure. It had inspired some other companies to try the same, but they were less successful. The first uses of the successful transformation procedures were for trans-gender persons that wanted to switch from a male body to a female body. Then the government, faced with overflowing prisons, thought that this was also a good way to punish sex offenders. They had introduced this type of punishment to rapists at first. They added murderers to this type of punishment later. The public was never told the fate of the sentenced men, at least I never knew about any convicts after a Gender Conversion. It actually worked too, violent crimes with weapons was down and sex offenders thought twice before even thinking of committing such a crime. Sexual assaults was at an all-time low since Gender Conversion or GenCon for short was introduced. The official name for someone that was sentenced to this treatment was Genetic Gender Conversion Convict. The general public never knew where GenCon's disappeared to. There were lots of rumors, but I hadn't paid attention to those. As I saw the woman at the feet of the big fat man, I understood that he performed identity murder on his victim. I didn't even know that people could get their hands on the technology. It was supposedly all strictly regulated by the government. Because of what I just witnessed, I carelessly stepped back to get out of sight, however doing that made me knock a loose pipe from a ledge to the ground. With a loud rattle the pipe hit the ground and immediately all eyes were in my direction. The big fat man said, "There's someone there. Get him, you imbeciles." Several of his men started running in my direction with guns drawn. I didn't wait, but sprinted towards my car myself. I had a good lead on them, and being in good shape, I managed to reach my car before any could get close. As I took my keys out of my pocket, I forced myself not to try unlocking and put the keys into the ignition too fast. I knew that you'd fumble and lose more time doing that. I still did it in record time and tore away with screeching tires and doused lights. In my rear view mirror I saw several flashes and bullets whizzed past my car. Fortunately none hit me or my car and I rode as fast as I could towards home. Arriving home without incidents, I barely had time to get my heartbeat back to normal levels before someone started insistently knocking on my front door. Then a voice shouted, "Open up Mr. Tipton, CPD, we'd like to ask you some questions." With dread I went to the door. Fearful of deception I peeked through the spy hole first. They seemed genuine police officers but that didn't mean they weren't on the payroll of that big fat man I had seen 'murdering' an enemy. One of the officers grew impatient and banged on my door again. "Open up Mr. Tipton, we know you're home. We ascertained that your car engine is still hot." "Shit," I swore silently in myself. That could give me away. Finally I opened the door with the chain still on. "Can I see some ID first please?" Through the gap they showed me their Identity cards and I read Officer Pete Murphy and Officer Clara Bell. I almost chuckled at the second officer's name. She must have been harassed a lot in school. Satisfied with the knowledge that they were genuine police officers, I opened the door. I did get ready to slam it shut, should they be affiliated with the big fat man. The female officer Bell asked me, "Can you tell me your whereabouts earlier this evening? About 1 to 2 hours ago?" I hesitated to answer, since I didn't know if they knew about the gender conversion from the fat man or not. They mistook my hesitation for something else as the other officer Pete said. "All right, Mr. Tipton. I'm asking you to come with us for questioning. You're accused of raping your neighbor, Mrs. Debra Tiessing." I was shocked. 'Debra was raped?' "She was raped? Where? Was it in the alley behind the shelter? I warned her about that, you know." Pete Murphy answered gruffly, "Yes, we know you warned her. That's why we're here to question you. Since you know it is dangerous there, you could easily be the perpetrator." I was about to answer him how ridiculous that was, when I saw two men wearing overcoats looking at my car. They looked like the men I saw earlier with the big fat man, so I didn't say anything to the officers. I just went with them looking defeated. During my questioning, I couldn't see anyone looking at me except the interrogators, due to a one way mirror in the wall. They probably had a video camera on me as well. I gave only sparingly information and asked for a lawyer to be present. When my lawyer arrived, I was surprised to see what looked like a very high priced lawyer. He asked to talk to me alone before the police resumed their questioning. I asked detective Sawyer, who had been questioning me, "Who is that lawyer. He doesn't look like a public defender to me." Detective Sawyer answered, "That's Mr. Braktovich. Usually he works for Senators and other high up people. You should be thankful. If anyone can get you off, it'll be him." I had an idea who Mr. Braktovich was working for, my guess would be the big fat man that I had seen. Now I had two choices, I could explain where I had really been and get acquitted for the rape of Debra. In which case I could see a very short life ahead and be dead or worse within days if not hours. Or I could take the blame for the rape, which would most certainly get me a sentence of gender conversion. At least I would be alive and have a life without worrying about my fate at the hands of the big fat man. Or so I thought. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Mr. Tipton, your answer, please!" The booming voice of the judge shook me from my flashback. I tried to swallow and took a quick look at my lawyer. I couldn't refuse his aid, as that would alert the big fat man. Nor could I claim my innocence. Stammering I said softly, "G.. g... guilty." "Please speak up a bit louder, Mr. Tipton," the judge said sounding annoyed. "Guilty!" I exclaimed loudly. A loud murmur went through the court room. Nobody had expected that. Most people being tried for rape always said not guilty as they didn't want to be gender converted. Even then they pleaded insanity or something like it to get out of it. "You do know what the standard sentence in a case like this is, Mr. Tipton?" Asked the Judge. "Yes, I do your honor." "So unless you have a secret desire to be a woman, which doesn't show in your profile, why would you plead guilty? Well, it doesn't matter anyway. I'm sentencing you to the mandatory Gender Conversion and one year of service. Case closed." I was led out of the courtroom into a small waiting room. In there I got an unexpected visitor. It was my supposed victim, Debra Tiessing. She entered with a police detective, while my lawyer was saying loudly that he needed to be present in a meeting like that. He was kept out of the room thankfully, while Debra sat down in front of me. Softly she said, "I just heard you plead guilty to raping me. I couldn't identify my attacker because of the mask and darkness, but I know you Alex. You wouldn't rape me. So why would you plead guilty? What is going on? Did you kill someone or do some other heinous crime that you think this is an easy way out?" I had to look at her. I couldn't look away. "I'm sorry Debra. There is nothing else. I did it, now I have to pay the price." She kept looking at me. "I still don't believe it. Please Alex, tell the truth. What's going on?" I was almost crying, I was almost breaking, but I had to stand firm. To save my life, I had to. "Please Debra, Go." Dejectedly she got to her feet and stepped to the door, there she hesitated and said, "I still don't get it. I'll continue to be your friend, even after you know what. Come and see me some time." A little later I found myself on a transport van with three other convicts. All of them GenCon's to be, just like me. One of them asked me, "How much service time did you get?" "One year," I answered truthfully. "Only one year? What did you do? Confess?" Fortunately he didn't pursue the matter but went on to the others. "How much did you get?" A big bruiser said, "None of your business, after this we'll never know each other anymore. So shut it." The first man snorted, "I said that she was asking for it. Too bad the judge didn't see it that way. At least I got to pork that bitch one last time, maybe I even knocked her up." The big guy said dryly, "Well, soon someone will knock you up. Then you can see how it is from that end." The fourth man in the van asked, "What do you mean knocked up? And what is that about service time? They gave me two and a half years of service, but nobody explained it to me." The first guy turned to him, "After the conversion, you're sold as a slave. That's how they keep the costs down. Your new owner can have you do lots of things for the time of your service contract. And it's usually the brothels that buy the GenCons up. So you can look forward to getting screwed." This was news to me as well, involuntary I shuddered. I might have gotten myself into a life of being fucked for a living. That is till my looks ran out and I'd be out on the streets doing god knows what. The big guy asked, "How do you know this?" "I porked a GenCon once that had been a friend of mine long ago. She told me everything." "But GenCons are always kept confidential. They never give their old Identity out," said the big guy. "Yeah, but she revealed it to me after I gave her a good porking and she loved every minute of it. Afterwards she told me everything that had happened to her after she had gotten sentenced to GenCon." "How was she in bed?" asked the big guy. "The best, never had a better one or hornier one. Must be something that happens with the change, they'll do anything to get fucked," said the first guy. I shuddered again. I didn't look forward to that. Maybe I had made a mistake after all. But I couldn't go back anyhow. Once the sentence was final, there was no more appeal. The conversion was usually done the same day after sentencing. With that thought, my time to contemplate was over. We had arrived at the conversion facility. It wasn't what I expected. Sure there was some security around the place, but it wasn't a prison. We were ordered out of the van, and marched into the building. There a woman awaited us. "Hello GenCons. Welcome to Girls'R'Us. The government has outsourced the actual conversion to our company, since we already have the technology and experience with it." We were led to some cell like rooms, where we each got locked up alone in a separate room. I didn't have to wait long, soon I was taken out of the room into a chamber with several tubes. I saw that one tube held the big guy I was with in the van. But he looked a bit smaller now. I didn't have time to get a better look, as I was ordered to strip. Then after drinking a glass of cranberry juice, I was told it would be good for my system, I had to stand on a shelf inside the tube and a cap was placed over my head. As it filled up with something, I felt a moment of panic, though I could breathe normally. I started to feel sleepy and soon drifted off. I woke up on an unfamiliar bed, not knowing where I was for a moment. Sitting up I wondered only briefly why my chest was jiggling. However I felt that I needed to go to the bathroom to relieve myself. I sat down on the toilet and did my business. I wiped carefully afterwards, not thinking anything of it. As I came back into my room I looked at the clothes laid out for me. I put on the panties and the matching bra. Then I donned the short pleated light blue skirt and matching blouse. I sat down in front of the vanity and put on some make-up as if I had done it all my life. Then I brushed out my long coal black hair to straighten it out from my sleep tousled look. Only after I checked myself and declared that I was ready, I realized what I had just done. 'I just got ready to go out as a woman. But I'm not a woman. Yet I am a woman.' Then I remembered, I was a GenCon. I had been made into a woman and now had lots of female instincts. As I thought this, the door of my room opened. A mature woman entered, "Hello Sabrina, I'm your councilor Maria." I looked around out of habit, though I knew that I was alone in here. "Who is Sabrina?" I asked and was startled hearing the nice soprano voice I said it in. Maria smiled at me, "You're name is now Sabrina Bishop. I'm here to get you trained and ready for your auction next week." 'My auction?' I thought. 'Oh, right. They said that we were sold as slaves for the duration of our service contract. My contract was only for one year. I really hope I don't have to work as a prostitute.' "What are you thinking, Sabrina? You're awfully quiet." Said Maria. "I really hope I don't have to work on my back as a hooker. Do you think my contract will be bought be a brothel?" 'Oh no, I sound like a whining teeny bopper.' Maria smiled again at me, "Have you seen your looks? You're almost Miss Universe material. Usually girls with your looks get bought by escort services. Escort girls are not required to have sex with their customers, but most do anyway. It boosts their income a lot." I did look very pretty, I hoped I wouldn't have to work as a prostitute. Maybe being an escort girl wouldn't be so bad. If only I could hold off on the sex part. 'Why am I so set against having sex as a girl? I thought that all GenCons were horny as hell.' "Uhm, Maria? I heard from a fellow convict that GenCon's are very horny and want to have sex a lot. Is that true? Because I don't feel it, and don't look forward to having sex as a woman." "Well, it's true that most GenCon women have a high libido, that is how we tweak it. But it may also take some time to kick in. Some are horny straight away, but others take days to get to that. Of course every woman has a different libido, and because someone spoke on your behalf, we did lower yours to be less than we normally do. So, you may have a normal life to look forward to." 'Yeah right, a normal life as a GenCon. I'll always be a woman with a man's mind.' Or so I thought. The whole week Maria drilled me in adjusting to my new female body. How to care for my hair, my skin, how to deal with periods, how to walk, talk, sit, and many more things. By the end of the week I was indistinguishable from a regular born woman. I walked in high heels as if I had done for a long time. I acted and reacted as a woman and had mannerisms like a woman. Maria was very pleased with my progress and the end result. At our final talk she said, "I've never had a GenCon who picked it up as fast as you did. Most convicts fight the transition and even loathe their new body. Some of them are even bad enough with it that their body atrophies and they die a horrible death. I can tell that you're different. I know that you pleaded guilty to your crime. Why did you to that?" I felt ashamed and cast my eyes down, "I don't want to talk about it, please don't make me." "You don't have to if you don't want to, but there is something different about you. Well, this is it then. You'll be going to the auction center soon." I shuddered thinking about it, what would it be like being sold into servitude? I had read books about the days of slavery in the distant past. Would it be that bad? These days there were laws in place to protect servitude slaves from being exploited, raped and sold at random. Still, there was a lot of leeway to the owners as well. Climbing up to the stage I was shaking like a leaf from fear. I stood there for the crowd to see me as a young woman. They knew I was a GenCon, but they didn't know my crime or my past identity. I waited for the auctioneer to start his talk and felt like I was going to throw up any moment. "Ladies and Gentleman, number 83 on the lot who has been sentenced for a year of servitude. She's a young woman with diverse skill sets and she's good for cleaning, entertaining and a lot of other things. Cute and lovely Ms. Bishop, bidding starts at 1000. Do I have a bid?" An old hag of a woman started the bidding with 700, but quickly a man raised. Several people raised the bid on me till a woman in the back offered 2500. There was a little more bidding and my price rose to 3400 before the auctioneer called, "Going once, going twice, sold to Mrs. Santone." I was taken of stage by a handler and just like that, I was sold to a woman for a year as a slave. I just hoped that she wasn't from an escort agency or worse, a brothel. Waiting for being picked up by my new owner was nerve-racking. I was fidgeting the whole time and felt sick about what was waiting for me. 'I really hope I don't have to fuck people every day for the next year. I don't even want to think about having sex with a man. Maybe I'm a lesbian now? What am I going to do if I have to...?' I didn't even complete the thought as I shuddered imagining being a prostitute for a year. A good looking woman entered the waiting room. She looked around the girls waiting to be picked up and then walked up to me. "Ms. Bishop?" I nodded and lowered my eyes, I couldn't look at her. She lifted my head, so I had to look up at her. "Hello, I'm Isabel Santone. Please follow me, we need to get home and get you squared away." Her voice was soft and nice, it didn't seem like she was angry or businesslike. She sounded just like a mother taking a wayward daughter home. I got up and picked up my purse. 'Odd, a few days ago I wouldn't even think about taking a purse anywhere. Now it was as if I had always had one and knew to take it with me everywhere.' I didn't have any clothes except what was on me, so I traveled very light. As I was following the woman out the door I was burning with desire to know what I was expected to do for her. The woman walked up to a limo and motioned for me to get in. I quickly did, amazed that I did it in such a feminine way. I sat down with my legs together and swung both inside, so I wouldn't flash anyone with my panties. Mrs. Santone got in right after me and the driver closed the door before going around to get in himself. "I know you're wondering what work you'll have to do for me. Let me ease your mind, I'm not from an escort service or any such business. I needed a new maid and my husband said that I should look here. In fact he specifically asked me to have a look at you. I guess he looked at the pre-auction flyers and picked you." I swallowed, 'What did this mean?' "So what am I bought for? What work do you want me to do?" Mrs. Santone smiled, "You'll be a maid, you'll clean, do household chores, watch the children and help with cooking and serving." I sighed from relief, I could do that, I might have to learn some things, but I knew how to clean and such. I didn't know much about watching children, but I'd learn and I wouldn't be all alone with them for long times anyway. We arrived at a big mansion, where Mrs. Santone showed me around. A nice small room all for myself was waiting for me and already the maid uniforms and some casual clothes all in my size, were hanging in the closet. She told me, "Now dear, unless otherwise specified, you'll be expected to wear a uniform at all times during working hours. The other clothes are for your off hours. You'll be doing the laundry and I'll expect you to keep your uniforms clean and crisp at all times." "Yes, I understand Mrs. Santone." "Good." She was about to say more, but some kind of ruckus sounded from the front door. "Ah good, the children are home. I'll introduce you and let you get acquainted with everyone." The children turned out to be a handful, but not too naughty. Mrs. Santone had them well drilled and she warned them that they couldn't take advantage from me. I couldn't punish them directly, but I could walk away if they asked something that I clearly felt wasn't correct or went against other orders. The oldest one, a boy of 7 years old went by the name of Cary. The 6 year old girl was called Faith. They gave me a few hours to get settled, and I changed into the uniform. The skirt was a bit too short for my taste, but it was adequate. Fortunately I didn't show too much cleavage. The heels were not too high, but I still felt like I was walking on stilts the whole time. Due to my practice I didn't have a problem with it though. As I was serving the soup at the dinner table, Mr. Santone walked in. He gently said hello to his children and his wife before assessing me. As soon as I saw him, I froze for a moment. It was him, the man that was the reason I was in this predicament. 'He performed the identity murder on that reporter and had his men chase after me. He must know who I really am.' I forced myself to move again and act like I hadn't recognized him. It wasn't easy, and maybe they'd seen me freeze up. I sincerely wished that no one did. My hopes were squashed as Mrs. Santone said to me, "Sabrina? Is everything all right?" "Yes, Mrs. Santone. I just realized that there might not be enough soup left for Mr. Santone." I tried to explain myself with a lame excuse. Mr. Santone sat down and said, "That's okay, I'm not that hungry. So, Sabrina? You're our new maid? I hope you're better than the old one. She was lazy and very preoccupied with her failing looks." "Now, now." Mrs. Santone said quasi embarrassed. "She wasn't that bad. Please do remember that Sabrina is new at this and that she needs to learn several things." Mr. Santone grumbled something, while I made a hasty retreat from the room. Back in the kitchen I sighed from relief, that was a close one. Then I realized, Mrs. Santone had said that her husband had asked for me specifically. 'Is he on to me? But he can't know my real identity, can he?' Those files were sealed and could only be accessed by the highest law enforcement authority. Then again someone like Mr. Santone shouldn't be able to have his hands on gender conversion equipment, nor have police men on his payroll. So, it might be possible that he had access to my file and knew who I used to be. I was getting frightened all over again. I needed to get a grip, if I showed anything out of order, he would be even more suspicious. I breathed slowly in and out to get my nerves back in order, when the cook Svenson called out to me, "Didn't you hear me, girl? The second course is ready, get it out there." The rest of dinner was rather plain, Mr. Santone didn't show anything indicating that he knew something. The other family members were too busy with the food themselves. After dinner I cleaned up the table and put everything in the washer before sitting down with Svenson for our own meal. He was quite a likeable guy, mostly quiet but forceful of food and his kitchen. I liked him, but kept my distance mentally. I was in no hurry to look for male companions and besides he was married. The next day I didn't see much of Mr. Santone. He was away on business and I only had to deal with Mrs. Santone and the children. They treated me well enough, and I picked up my duties fast and well enough. Mrs. Santone even praised me on my work that evening. The next day I felt a little off in the morning and it only got worse as the day progressed. My breasts felt a bit fuller and I felt moist between my legs. It worsened to the point that I had an itch that I couldn't scratch in public. I tried my best not to let anyone know how I felt, but I think Mrs. Santone found out. Just after noon she called me to talk in private and said to me, "I think I know what you're feeling. I want you to go to your room and unpack the box in the left bottom drawer of your vanity. Take your time and come back down when you're done. Don't forget to clean the thing before you come down though." I was a bit puzzled with what she meant, but I wasted no time into getting to my room. It took only moments to find the box she talked about and when I opened it, I was stunned. There was a dildo inside it. I didn't even undress, but hiked up my short skirt and threw my panties off in a hurry. I inserted the dildo into my sopping wet pussy and started shoving it in and out. As I was doing this, I noticed a button on the bottom and pressed it. The damn thing started vibrating and sort of rotating inside me. I almost squealed out from pleasure but nipped it in the bud. A few times my clit got titillated and it drove me wild. Moments later I exploded in an orgasm like I never had before. Well, any orgasm I ever had as a man I mean. This was a lot different, because as a man that would be the spewing end of it. Now I felt a giant wave crash all over my body and subside very slowly. Before I could recover, the vibrating dildo brought me to a new height and I surged into another orgasm. I pulled the fake cock out of me this time and came down from my very first exciting double orgasm as a woman. I couldn't believe I liked sex from this angle so much. Maybe the change had made me much more into a sexual animal than I had even feared. Several minutes later I managed to compose myself. After cleaning the dildo and myself, I dressed myself in a clean uniform and returned to my duties as a maid. Mrs. Santone just smiled at me and only when we were alone later she whispered to me, "I hope you enjoyed that, don't be alarmed. I had been expecting it." I just smiled slightly to her and kept quiet. The rest of the day I didn't have any problems, nor the days after that. Well, the next five days anyway, the sixth day it started again, but this time I recognized the signs and before the itch started, I pleasured myself into an orgasm and not even Mrs. Santone noticed anything about me later on. As my days as a slave maid turned into regular working days, I found that I got horny every 5 to 7 days and needed some sexual relief before the feeling got to a level that I would almost do anything to get screwed. I still hadn't found the courage to fuck with a real live man, though I could have. Mrs. Santone trusted me enough that she sent me out on errands every now and then. She had no reason to worry because a GenCon that ran before the contract was out, would have been hunted down and sold again, usually to a brothel with low standards. I've been living as a woman for almost a year now and didn't think much about my previous life. I was a woman now and had to live like one for the rest of my life. In fact I was even happy about being a woman now, though some things I really hated. The monthly visitor wasn't something I didn't looked forward to and occasionally I missed peeing standing up, as it was so much faster and easier. Things almost went bad near the end of my servitude contract though. In my last week I got called into the office of Mr. Santone. This was unusual, since he ignored me almost always. Just a few times I had to serve food or drinks, like when he hosted a party or had a business meeting with some people. I knocked on his door and heard him say, "Enter!" "You asked to see me Mr. Santone?" I timidly asked. "Please shut the door and have a seat." Mr. Santone said in his gruff voice, while continuing to do something with some papers on his desk. I didn't like where this was going, and didn't want to close the door. 'Why does he want me to close the door? Is he going to do something to me?' I decided to be on the cautious side and closed the door not totally but left it slightly ajar. Then I proceeded to a vacant chair not too close to his desk and sat down in my now totally engrained feminine way. I didn't have to wait long, Mr. Santone looked up at me and said bluntly, "So, Mr. Tipton how did you enjoy your stay at our house." I had been Sabrina for so long now that I didn't even react to my old name. It was good that I didn't too, or I would have given myself away right there. Now I had a little time to think and answered, "I'm sorry, my name is Sabrina Bishop, not Tipton. I did like my stay here well enough though, thank you." "So you're claiming that your former name wasn't Alexander Tipton? I know for a fact that you were." Mr. Santone growled at me, rising out of his chair. I shook my pretty little head, "I'm sorry, I don't know who this Tipton guy is. I don't much remember who I used to be. They erased most of my past memories I think." I was lying my ass off of course, but I needed him to think that it was what they did during conversion. Mr. Santone came around his desk, "Don't play coy with me, little tramp. I know a lot more than you can imagine. I also know that you GenCons are always horny. So get over here and blow me." I had to restrain myself from obeying his command, I was already in my 6th day after my previous release and started to feel horny again. I did manage to control my urges and stayed seated. "I have no such inclination to do so and you can't order me to do it. It is forbidden by the laws under which GenCons are sold into service. Only if we choose so or when the work demands it, are we compelled to perform sexual acts." Mr. Santone was visibly taken back by my response. "Why, you little whore! Come here right now or I'll destroy your whole life. You may have copped out of my wrath before by confessing to rape. This time I'll make sure you don't get a chance to expose me." I was shaking like a leaf inside now. He knew who I had been and why I was a GenCon. If only I could have taped this conversation. He just admitted that I had seen him and that he was going to hurt me no matter what. Outward I showed only fear of him being a big man trying to goad a girl into performing sexual acts. "I'll report this to the GenCon oversight committee. When they find out what you want me to do, they'll make you see things from my side." Mr. Santone was about to step closer and hit me, saying loudly, "I'll show you who is boss around here. Nobody will ever want to look at you again, if you manage to stay alive that is." I was about to run for my life, when the door slammed open and Mrs. Santone was there. "I'm the boss around here and don't you forget it Marcello. You can pack a bag and stay away for a few weeks. If I ever hear that you bothered this nice young woman again, I'll make sure that Papa Bellucci has your head presented on a platter." Then to me she said softly, "Come, my dear. It is over now, you're safe." I looked at Mr. Santone, he had a frightened look on his face, which was very red from anger. I had recognized the name Mrs. Santone said. Bellucci was the biggest crime boss around and nobody messed with him. 'So, Mrs. Santone is the daughter of Bellucci?' I didn't believe I was safe however. Mr. Santone could easily hire a hitman to have me killed. I just had to hope that the doubt that I really was the former Alex Tipton was great enough for him not to risk it and that the threat of Mrs. Santone carried enough weight to keep me safe. She told me to go to my room and put on some street clothes. She picked me up from my room about ten minutes later with, "Come on Sabrina, we're going shopping." I was really surprised by this and it showed on my face. Mrs. Santone said, "Before I let you go from service, I want you to have at least a wardrobe. I don't want you to go out on the streets without decent clothes." I was even more stunned. She was going to buy me clothes and release me from service? It was true that I only had a few days left, but she was letting me go early. Shopping was a very pleasant experience, Mrs. Santone really had good taste and bought some quality clothes for me, that weren't too expensive and chiq, but weren't too shabby either. It made me look like a normal young woman that had a good job and good life. Now only if I could get a good job and a good life, things would be perfect. However, I was worried that I would be out on the streets soon without money and a job and was forced to prostitute myself to get enough money to sustain myself. I didn't show any of my worries to Mrs. Santone though. I just smiled and laughed with her as we continued shopping. After we got home, I was ordered to pack my new belongings into the suitcases that she also bought for me and soon after a car drove up to the house with a woman inside. She announced herself as Mrs. Whittaker and told me that she was here to sign off on my release. She would take me to the office to handle the paperwork and then she would take me to where ever I wanted to go. The paperwork only took a short while and soon I was released from service and a free woman. Mrs. Whittaker had asked Mrs. Santone why she released me early and had been told that I had done such a good job that she wanted to give me this as a going away present. She hadn't said anything about the incident with Mr. Santone, and neither would I. Mrs. Whittaker was satisfied with the explanation and after signing off on me, drove me to Bus-station where I got on a bus towards Cedar Rapids. It was the first place I noticed and was far enough from Chicago, but close enough for easy travel. It took quite some time on the bus to get to the city I wanted to live now, away from all the problems I had in the past. Here no one knew me and hopefully I could start a new life for myself. Well, nobody would know me anyway, since only Mr. Santone and the Gender Conversion authorities knew who I had been. Still I wanted to get away from Santone and everything that reminded me of my past. Hours later I was walking on the streets, looking for a place to work and sleep. I had already seen several job agencies, but every time they asked for references or my past I had to tell I was a GenCon, which was a sure way to get shown to the door, or to lie about it which was even worse. I was getting frantic as I feared to be forced to sleep on the streets and soon be forced to prostitute myself for money. It was worsened by my horniness. I was already on my seventh day after relieving the buildup pressure to have sexual relief. I was almost ready to jump the first good looking man to get satisfied. My only inhibition was the fact that I had never done it with a real live male, and it was freaking me out to start now. Walking past a restaurant and looking in, I started salivating seeing the customers eating. My stomach was rumbling and I knew I had better get something to eat soon. However my monetary funds were low and I would have to watch my expenses. Then my eye was attracted to the sign in the window, it said: 'Help wanted'. Upon entering the foyer, I put my suitcases in a corner and asked to see the manager. She quickly came over and asked, "Yes Miss? How can I help you?" "Hello, I'm Sabrina Bishop and I want to ask if the opening for help is still open." I said with a wary but firm smile on my face. The woman looked at me before asking, "What are your qualifications? Do you have any references?" My face fell, I was sure that I wouldn't get a job again and I was desperately trying to hold back my tears that were already forming in eyes. The woman looked at me and said comfortingly, "Oh dear, please come with me." She took me to a small office next to the kitchen and sat me down on a chair opposite her desk. She sat down in front of me and asked, "So, tell me; what is the matter? Had a hard day today?" I nodded and blurted, "I've been looking for a job all day and it always comes down to my past or lack there off." "Let me introduce myself, I'm Alesia Hardaway. Please tell me what happened." I started, "I just had a job for a year as a maid and I was good with serving, cleaning and even watching the kids. My employer was even very satisfied with me, but I can't give her as reference without telling the story how I got the job." Alesia patted my arm, "Tell me, I won't judge people in general. I've done things in my past that I'm not proud of. It did give me good judgment of character though." I looked at her and decided to tell her the truth. "I'm a GenCon. I was bought by my employer as a maid." Alesia smiled, "I already thought so, a pretty young woman like you not getting a job? Can you tell me anything about your past?" "I dare not, I was convicted but with a lenient sentence. I am fearful of someone that I can't mention nor talk about. I'm afraid I'll have to go out on the streets and pleasure men to get some money to survive." I was almost crying again. "Listen Sabrina, you don't have to go out there. I think you'll do just fine working here. I'll be watching you for a few days and if you can handle it, you have the job. Now, I also have a small apartment not too far from here that you can rent from me. My son was living there, but he had a fatal accident last year. I've never seen fit to sell it. I just kept it for some reason." I was astonished, here was a solution to all my problems handed to me on a platter. I gushed, "Thank you Mrs. Hardaway, you're a lifesaver. How can I ever repay you for what you're offering?" She smiled again, "Just work hard and show me that my judge of character is still spot on. I believe that you can do this. But you have to start calling me Alesia. Can you start right away tonight? I'm desperate for some help." Before I had a chance to answer her, my stomach rumbled and Alesia hurried to say, "Well, first you need to eat something. Can't have you start working on an empty stomach." I thanked her again and after a quick bite I changed into a uniform of the restaurant and started waiting on tables. That evening Alesia escorted me over to the apartment and as soon as she left I crashed on the bed feeling exhausted. Well, I didn't go to sleep immediately, first I used a going away present from Mrs. Santone to pleasure myself to soaring heights and relieved my sexual stress so I could live like a normal woman again. The work at the restaurant was nice and pleasant and soon I had shown Alesia that I was good at it. She gave me a contract for an indefinite period of time and introduced me to a friend of hers. Her friend, by the name of Linda Sommers, ran a daycare center and she was looking for some extra help in the mornings. As I didn't start working till afternoon at the restaurant, I got hired and suddenly I had two jobs, one part time and the other one full. Things were looking up for me, I had jobs, money and a place to live. Well, the apartment was very small and cramped, but it was enough and I didn't need much space anyway. I did my best to help out at the restaurant, since Alesia had been so kind to give me a chance. She even raised my salary as I was doing such a great job, that more customers started to book reservations and most times the restaurant was so packed, Alesia had to disappoint people who wanted to get in. One slow night I was bussing a table and walked back to kitchen when a young good looking man bumped into me and made me drop some dishes. As I shrieked from the shock, he apologized, "I'm sorry, I hadn't seen you there." I knelt down to pick up the pieces and he knelt down next to me. "I'll pay for the damages, it's the least I can do." I looked at him and my heart started fluttering. He was so handsome and I wanted him. I wanted him to kiss me and ravage me. 'Oh shit, I'm so horny again. I should've relieved my sexual stress last night, but I was too tired.' If I didn't hold myself in check I would have jumped his bones right there and then. He continued speaking and I almost didn't hear what he said. "I should have noticed a beautiful woman like you, I can't understand why I haven't. Please accept my apologies and allow me to pay for the damages." Alesia had seen it and approached. "There's no need for that young man. It was an accident and damages like these are calculated. You just be more careful next time." She went back to her station and I still hadn't said anything. Nor could I move an inch from my spot. My eyes were riveted on him. He looked at me and said, "Miss, Are you okay? Can you tell me your name?" In a husky voice I said, "Sabrina, I get off at eleven." Immediately I could kick myself. 'Why in the hell did I say that? I don't want him to get any ideas. Or do I?' He whispered to me, "I'll pick you up at eleven then, Sabrina." In a daze I took the pieces and undamaged dirty things to the kitchen. I was still flabbergasted at what just happened. Alesia came up to me, "What was that all about Sabrina? Are you picking up men now here?" "I'm sorry, Alesia. I don't know what came over me. Well, there is one little thing I haven't told you. Every week I get so horny and worked up that I need to release my sexual tension. I'm already peaking right now, which is why I misbehaved in there." Alesia smiled at me, "You didn't misbehave, and I already know that you feel sexually frustrated once a week. I've seen women before with that itch that you can't scratch in public. But there is something else isn't there?" I whispered to her, "I'm afraid, I've never been with a man before." "Just be yourself, don't fret about it, it will all work out." I still wasn't sure about what I was going to do and how to proceed, but I stopped thinking about it and concentrated on my job. Just after eleven that night I went out the backdoor and found the handsome man waiting for me. For a moment I startled, though my heart was fluttering again in excitement. He walked up to me and said, "Hello again Sabrina, my name is Harvey Kearns." "Sabrina Bishop, nice to meet you Mr. Kearns." I breathed huskily. "Mr. Kearns is my father, call me Harvey. So, where can I take you tonight? Have you eaten already?" Harvey lightly responded. I always had dinner in the kitchen at the restaurant, so I told him, "I had some dinner here, how about a drink somewhere?" "Fine with me, do you have a place in mind? A favorite bar or club to go dancing?" I had never been to a bar or a club, not even when I was still Alex Tipton, so I was a bit hesitant to answer. He asked me again and this time I breathed huskily, "How about your place." 'Shit, if I could I would kick myself. Why do I want to go to his place? My answer came from my over stimulated sex drive, I want to jump him and fuck both our brains out.' Harvey blinked, before cocking his head. "Well, if that is what you want. I'm fine with it, right this way please." He led the way to a sports-car and opened the door for me. I was in shock at what I had proposed. 'I'm so screwed, or at least I will be if I keep this up.' I was frightened, but exhilarated at the same time. I was going on automatic, like a zombie without a free will to do anything about it. Harvey drove me to a nice house in a good neighborhood and I wondered what he did for a living. As he helped me out of his car, I looked around, taking in the scenery. I hoped it would take my mind of the fact that I was very moist in my panties and that my nipples were very hard and trying to poke through my bra. As he led me into the house I noticed that it was sparsely but tasteful furnished. He showed me into the living room with a nice big sofa and went to a cabinet. "So, what would you like to drink, Sabrina?" Quickly I sauntered up to him and said while putting my arms around him, "How about you," and started to kiss him. He responded directly and French kissed me for a while till he broke off, "Wait a moment, this isn't like you. Are you drunk or on some kind of stimulant? You're behaving not like yourself, Sabrina." Alarm-bells started to go off in my head, "What do you mean, this is not how I usually behave? We just met, how can you know how I normally behave? I think you need to explain yourself or call me a cab." My arousal had dissipated somewhat as I started to rethink about what I was doing here. Harvey sagged down in a chair, "Okay, I confess. I have been watching you a few times in the restaurant. I wanted to approach you, but didn't know how. That's why I bumped into you on purpose. I didn't mean for you to drop and break the dinnerware. I was afraid that you would laugh at me, if I just walked up to you and asked you out." I fell down on the sofa, "Why would I laugh at you?" "Oh come on, a beautiful girl like you? You'll probably have men asking you out all the time. How many dates did you have just last month?" I felt my cheeks reddening, "I haven't had any dates. I don't go out with men. In fact you're the first man I have kissed in my life." "You could have fooled me, in fact I don't believe a word what you're saying. How can you have never kissed a man before?" Harvey asked me, getting suspicious. I desperately wanted to change the subject and feeling hot from the embarrassment, I had an idea. "Is it just me or is it hot in here." I pulled my sweater off and forgot that my nipples were still very hard and very visible despite my bra and camisole. Harvey couldn't take his eyes of my encased breasts and just sat there almost drooling like a fool. My arousal spiked again from the attention to me and I started to feel my panties getting soaked. I hoped that it wouldn't seep into my capris. I did have clean panties in my purse, but no clean pants. Finally Harvey broke out of the spell and asked hoarsely, "Why are you acting like this Sabrina?" "Because I'm so very horny, I just want to be fucked by you now." 'OMG, did I just say that out loud to him. Kill me now and be done with it.' He licked his lips, judging from the bulge in his pants he really wanted to fuck me. I admired his restraints though. It just meant that I needed to take the initiative. I beckoned him with my finger and after a little hesitation he got up from the chair into my waiting arms. We kissed slowly and after we broke for air, I said to him, "Please be gentle, it's my first time." He kissed me gently again and pulled the camisole upwards. As it was pulled with a whispering sound over my head, he whispered to me, "Trust me Sabrina, I'll treat you like a queen." We rose from the sofa and made our way to his bedroom, while losing my pants and bra along the way. He lost his shirt and pants and socks the whole way towards his bed. As we stood kissing in front of his bed, I pushed against him and he fell backwards onto his bed. He was about to protest, but I slithered on top of him and smothered his protest in kisses. My mouth left his mouth and went down to his hairy chest and even more down till I reached the top of his boxers. I freed the monster he hid in there and realized that indeed it was a monster cock. It was the biggest I had ever seen, well maybe that was because I was just a small female now and had never seen a cock from this angle. I started stroking it a little with my whole hand and it rose up even bigger and harder. I felt myself attracted to it and knew what I had to do. My mouth took in the head and went a little further down and soon I was bobbing up and down on his cock making it even harder than it already was. I was sopping wet now, and my panties were so soaked that when I took them off, it landed with a wet splat on the floor. I didn't pay attention to my discarded clothing though, I was too busy taking in as much of that delicious cock as I could. Suddenly Harvey touched my head and said, "Please stop for a moment, Sabrina." Surprised I stopped what I was doing and asked him, "Am I doing it wrong? Is it hurting?" Grinning like the Cheshire car he responded, "No, no. You're doing it too well. If you keep this up I will shoot it all into your mouth. After that I can't do much for a few hours and that won't be fair to you." I grinned, "We can't have that now, can we." So I left his cock alone for now and slithered back up to his face where we kissed for a while. As we were doing that I suddenly felt a hand feeling its way near my pussy and then a finger was inserted into my snatch. I gasped from the feeling and kissed him so fiercely that he was taken by surprise and forgot to move his finger in and out of my wet pussy. I pulled his hand back up and positioned it on my breast. He didn't waste time and started kneading it with circular motions. I moaned my pleasure as it felt so good. But I had other plans. Carefully I positioned myself that my pussy lips were teasing the cock just below it and the friction of the head against my lips were enough to get me going again. I was feeling so many emotions at the same time, I was exhilarated, frightened, aroused, dreaded what I was about to do and lots more. As I teased him more and more with my lips, he continued to knead my breasts with both hands on both breasts. Just as I thought I was going too far and the head was opening my lips slightly, he bucked up hard and buried half his cock inside my pussy. The sharp pain of my hymen breaking, made me cry out for a moment, but then it subsided and I sank down willingly into his lap. His wonderful big cock was filling me up so well that it felt so good. I wanted this moment to last forever. His hands left my breasts and I was about to protest, when they reappeared on my thighs and he started to lift me up slightly. It was enough to have him slide that wonderful cock out and then back in as he lowered me. It felt even better than before and I took my breasts in my own hands and arched my back from pleasure. We continued this pleasure ride for I don't know how long, but it seemed like ages to me. Then Harvey sped up the motions and I knew that he was about to cum inside me. I wasn't ready yet and tried to clamp down on his cock with my muscles. It did work as he grunted, "What are you doing? I was almost there." I bent down to his face and kissed him, "Not yet lover, we're going to make this one count." I lifted up from his cock and though it felt like a loss to me that his cock wasn't filling me up anymore I was still high on arousal. "Are you willing to get me into the mood more?" I asked him. He grinned, but didn't say anything. He flipped me over on my back and started to go down with his head towards my pussy. Soon he was licking me with his tong and inserted a finger as well. It didn't take me long to squeal from orgasmic bliss. The wave rolled through me and made me feel so very good. This was way better than pleasuring myself with a dildo, even if it was vibrating. In my throws of the orgasm I didn't even notice Harvey moving up again. But I did feel it when he plunged his thick wonderful cock back into my gushing snatch. Immediately I was stuffed again but I didn't mind at all. I even welcomed it, it made me feel so wonderful full again. He started to slide in and out again, when his cock touched my clit and I exploded in orgasm again. I was like quivering Jello beneath my lover and just underwent the fucking of my life as he rammed his cock home harder and faster till he tensed and grunted. I felt something splatter inside me and knew that he had cum. I didn't think too much of it at the time, but I had a nagging feeling that I had forgotten something. Harvey fell down partially on top of me and cuddled with me as he pulled his deflating cock out of me. He mumbled something that I didn't quite caught and then he fell asleep. I tried to stay awake, but fell into a slumber as well. Waking up with something heavy on top of me, was unusual and for a moment I wondered what had happened. Then I remembered and smiled as I realized that my lover was still sleeping soundly. He even snored lightly and I quietly and gently tried to get out from under him. As I slid from the bed I realized that my pussy was covered it dried jism and I smelled sweaty. Going around naked wasn't my idea of fun, but I had no choice and after some tiptoeing around, I found the shower in Harvey's home. Waiting for the water to warm up, I suddenly startled from my pleasant memories and realized that I willingly had sex with a man. I had even loved it and instigated it mostly. I started shaking from realizing that I had been acting like a wanton slut and wanted to clean myself from the vile excretions of the man. 'Not a man, his name is Harvey and he was gentle and loving and... Shit, now I?m thinking that he?s such a nice man and great lover. Oh no, I did it again, thinking that he?s a great lover. How am I ever going to live this down?? Unwanted my mind started daydreaming of becoming his lover, wife and mother of his children. ?Oh shit, that?s what I forgot! He didn?t use any protection! What if I?m pregnant? I don't want to be pregnant, I don't even know if I can carry a baby inside me let alone take care of a child. Hell, I don't know anything about babies. I only cared for some little children at the daycare. What am I going to do?' Frantic now I stepped into the shower and scrubbed myself raw to get all the yucky stuff of me. I kept thinking horrid thoughts of being pregnant and ballooning my belly to a very large size. Then I started thinking about him in the next room. What if he wakes up and wants to do it again. I don't want to do it again. 'It was nice though making love with him.' My thoughts kept going back and forth on how I hated having sex and how wonderful it had felt. Finally I felt a bit clean and dried myself off. My skin was all red and rough from the furious scrubbing that I'd done and I didn't have a stitch of clothing with me in the bathroom. 'Oh no, I have to tiptoe naked through the house again to find my clothes. What if Harvey wakes up and sees me naked? What if there are other people living here?' My mind started working overtime now and I was starting to get more and more into a panic. I scrambled to the living room where I found my purse with clean panties inside. Quickly I donned it and found all my other clothes on the way back to the bedroom. My old panties were still soaked with dried pussy fluids and I found it disgusting. I threw it into the garbage and after getting fully dressed I quietly exited the house. I took a cab back to my place and as soon as I was safely in my home, the shivering and shaking started. Soon I was crying full out and didn't stop till I ran out of tears hours later. As I picked myself up from the floor that I had been sitting on while crying, I noticed the time. I would never be ready in time for my shift, not with the red and puffy eyes I had now. Hastily I called Alesia and told her that I wasn't feeling well. She asked me if I was all right or if I needed to go to a doctor. I declined her offer and told her that I just wasn't feeling well in my stomach. I made some soup for myself and climbed into bed where I curled up into fetal position and wept a little more till I fell asleep. An insistent ringing of the doorbell woke me up and I chose to ignore it. However moments later I heard a key turning the lock, which made me get up in a hurry. 'Who can this be? Is someone going to come in to steal whatever few things I have?' I was frightened out of my wits as the door opened and sighed from relief as I recognized Alesia. 'Of course she has a key, she's the owner of the apartment.' "Sabrina? How are you feeling? What is wrong? You look like a mess, have you been crying?" I wilted under her barrage of questions. "I'm fine, I just don't feel like going anywhere right now." "It's because of the date with that young man isn't it? Did he hurt you, or treat you badly? He came by the restaurant today asking for you. I told him that you're home sick." Alesia rambled on. "Oh, it's not him. It's all my fault," I quickly said to her. "He was wonderful and great and... and..." Suddenly I was a loss for words again. "Then what is it? Please Sabrina, talk to me. You can tell me everything." I looked at her, "Why are you so nice to me all the time. I'm a stranger that came into your life a few months ago and you're acting like you're my mom or something." Alesia gave me a look with guilt written all over it, "You're right, I kind of consider you like my daughter. She died when she was 2 years old. I always wanted to have a daughter to care for and nurture, but it wasn't to be. Then you came along and in many ways you resemble her. I'm sorry that I substituted you for my daughter." I smiled a little, "That's okay, but you could've told me earlier." "So, care to tell me why you feel so miserable?" I told Alesia about my fears and thoughts and my fear of being pregnant. She was so understanding and helpful that I poured my heart out and finally felt like my normal self. Alesia had brought some food with her and I shared it with her. We agreed that I would return to work the next day and that we wouldn't tell anyone about this. I had a good working day the next day. The day after however, when I was clearing a table, I suddenly heard behind me, "Sabrina? Are you well again?" I almost dropped the dinnerware again, as I recognized the voice of Harvey. I was conflicted in my emotions again as I didn't know what to say or do. I really wanted to be with him, but I was also scared of repeating my performance from last time. At least I didn't have the horny sex drive pushing me into his arms this time. I turned around, "Hi Harvey, yes I'm fine now." "Was it something I did? I really hope not. In fact I want to ask you out again if you don't mind." 'Oh shit, here we go again, should I accept? I mean I did like having sex with him. But I still feel upset about what I did. Not to mention that I might be pregnant. Should I tell him about my fears? Better not, a guy would drop a girl in a heartbeat if she was like that, right?' "Sabrina? Are you sure you're all right? It was something I did, wasn't it." I couldn't quite find the words, so I started stammering, "Uh, I.. uh I'm not sure. I mean..." Harvey had a sad puppy look on his face, "You don't like me, I get it. I'll leave you alone then." Hurriedly I said, "No, no. That's not it at all. I like you, it's just that I'm not sure about myself at the moment. I'd like to go out with you again, but I have too much work today." Harvey smiled, "How about day after tomorrow then, we can go somewhere nice and just talk. That isn't too much to ask is it?" I agreed with him and like that I had set another date with Harvey. Alesia pulled me aside later and asked me if I knew what I was doing. I was really conflicted about the whole dating a man thing. But I assured her that I wasn't going to let it make me into the mess I was before. The day of our date I was walking to my work and there was a disturbance on the streets. I saw several police cars and ribbons cordoning off the entry to a house. I was curious and walked up to the ribbon where a few other were watching. A woman next to me said, "There was a shooting here, I heard it's a real massacre in there." I didn't know what to answer, so I kept quiet. I was just about to leave, when I saw Harvey coming out of the building. He was wearing a gold badge on his belt and looked straight at me as he walked down the stairs. He started to say, "Sabrina, hi. I can't talk right now, but..." I didn't hear the rest of it as I turned and ran from the scene. I didn't stop till I was at the restaurant. I tried not to show anything, but Alesia still noticed. I confessed to her that Harvey was a cop and that I ran away from him today. I really didn't think I should go on a date with him that night. Later that evening Harvey came in to eat dinner and I avoided him, asking a colleague to take over that table from me. I knew he would want to talk with me, but I really didn't want to see him anymore. After work he was waiting for me at the back door and started, "Sabrina? What is it? Why are you so erratic in your behavior with me? I don't understand. Please come with me and we'll have a quiet cup of coffee somewhere. I really want to talk this out with you." I was almost in tears, "I... I can't. You're a cop, why didn't you tell me you are a cop." Harvey was really confused now. "Why does it matter what I do for a living?" Tears were streaming from my eyes, "Because I'm a GenCon. I can't be with you, ever." With that I ran past him and left him standing there in confusion. I ran all the way home and cried my eyes out again. I had just told him the truth about me and now I was sure that he wouldn't want anything to do with me. I was happy to end my budding relationship with a cop, but I was sad that I wouldn't see that wonderful man anymore. Harvey Kearns could only stand in the alley behind the restaurant and watch as the crying girl he liked ran away from him. 'She is a GenCon? But she's so much a regular girl. Oh, is that the reason she behaved like a sex starved girl last week? But she usually isn't like that. I thought GenCons were all hookers or something like that.' Harvey vowed to find out more about Sabrina's past and why she was so at odds all the time. Back at the station, he combed the records with a search query and soon found that Sabrina had been sold to a Mrs. Santone for a year's service in Chicago. He knew that Mr. Santone was a big time gangster and that the woman herself was the daughter of an even bigger crime boss. It was suspect, but not unheard of. Harvey knew that the records of GenCons were sealed, so that they could have a chance of a somewhat normal life after their punishment. It just meant that he had to use deeper and maybe illegal means of searching to find out more about her. After gathering the records of all the men that were sentenced to one year of service after their conversion, Harvey discarded all records more than a month before and all after Sabrina had been sold. It left him with two possibilities. One man by the name of Bobby Lee Unger was sentenced to only one year for molesting an older woman. The other man by the

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dr who clara and amy

The Doctor had said to stay in the TARDIS, and for once neither Clara nor Amy had objected. He had intended to bring the two of them along for a casual visit to the famed Planet of the Ood and its breathtaking snow-peaked landscapes, but as usual, he had quickly detected danger among the tentacled aliens and had run out of the TARDIS to save the day. For the entire journey, Amy had been standing on the glass floor of the TARDIS, and Clara, feigning an interest in the Doctor's tinkering under...

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Miss Jayne and Mistress Elaine High priestesses o

“Oh, God, I’m late!”I almost tripped over my high heels as I ran towards my cherry red Lamborghini, my hobble skirt hitched over my thighs, blonde wig askew. I fumbled in my Dior purse for my car keys.“Phew!” I was so relieved; I couldn’t imagine how much trouble I’d be in if I got to work too late. Thankfully, the Lambo responded instantly to my high heel on the gas and I roared out into the morning traffic. There was only one set of traffic lights at which I was able to tidy up my makeup.Soon...

4 years ago
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HEPİNİZE merhabalar. Benim Topkapı’da gazete ve dergi satan bir bayim var. Adım Kamil. Yaşım yirmiyedi. Ta babamın çalıştığı zamanlardan beri buraya gelirdim. O zamanlar bayi çok kalabalık olurdu ve herkes bir şeyler alırdı. Şimdi ise artık ben yalnız olarak çalışıyorum. Gel de çalışma!.. Hayat giderek zorlaşmaya başladı. Artık eskisi gibi insanlar para verip değil dergi, neredeyse gazete bile almaz oldular. Bu da benim çapımda insanları ister istemez etkiliyor. Evliyim ve iki oğlum var,...

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Colin and ColleenChapter 3 Colin and Colleen The Mother In Law Charlie for now

We went dancing the weekend after that dinner. What a miserable dinner that was. I’ll never forget it. The meal was excellent. My ex-wife could cook. We never really knew that, because she never put herself out there before. She just needed to try. The table conversation sucked, though. We found out that my father-in-law was drugging my wife at my brother’s behest, for money, causing our divorce, me marrying her sister, her marrying my dipstick brother, then me killing him for trying to kill...

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Vixen Remonstrates

If you had asked him, Jim Morris would have admitted he was eager, eager to get this camp set up, eager to wolf down some food and then eager to get into the young student he had brought to the beach with him. Vixen was reasonably well aware of the last item on his list. She could smell lust and was seldom wrong. They had talked of school and sports on the way down the Jersey Turnpike and had been surprisingly relaxed with each other despite the fact that he was a teacher and she was one of...

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Dilemma Continued Ch 03

This chapter does not stand alone, and should not be read without reading the preceding chapters including Dilemma and Dilemma Lorelei’s story by Joesephus. In keeping with the original story, there is no active sex, it just deals with the wrong done to Lorelei and Chris. Chris and Lorelei Meet Again By going through Cindy’s address book, I found Lorelei’s address (another Cindy secret), I mailed the letter. Of course Sandy who had been a rock since Cindy died, had to go back to her own...

4 years ago
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The Other Gamer

This story tells of someone who discovers they possess abilities akin to videogames. Originally I was going to have you follow one character, Jacob Jenkins, but then I got to creating Olivia Olsen and found that she worked just as well as a main character so I decided to have you select between multiple characters. All characters are at least 18 years old.

2 years ago
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My Rakhi Sister Swati

“Ya I found it. Fuck! There is no light in the stairs, dude!” “Arre come upstairs, wahi hai.” “But I’m scared! You know how scared I am of the dark!” “Hehe, come upstairs! I’m waiting at the door”. “Be naked!” “Shut up! I have neighbours! Come home, I’ll be naked the entire weekend!” “No!” I said, petulantly. “I’ll go back right now if you aren’t naked when I reach your place!” “Don’t be like this na! Their door is also open! What if they see me!” Swati sounded annoyed. “Dekhne do! I’m...

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My Nieces High School GraduationChapter 20

I went to the kitchen and got some sausages going in a frying pan and then got the coffeemaker loaded up. Man, a nice hot coffee was gonna hit the spot right about now. While it started to make some noise, I found the pancake mix in a cupboard and started mixing up a batch. I also pulled out a bag of chocolate chips that I’d sprinkle over Emma’s. The idea didn’t appeal to me at all. As I smelled the grilling sausages, my stomach started grumbling. It was almost as if it could smell the...

1 year ago
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Tanja by Tanja I would like to read comments via the review system. I'm not a native speaker (in English at least). Bang! My parents had died in a horrible car crash returning home from Vienna where my stepfather had some business talk. He was the director of a large powerplant and went there often. That unlucky time my mother was with him as Aida was actually on the schedule at the state opera. In the meanwhile I stayed with my step-grandmother as usual, as she was my...

1 year ago
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Principles and ground rules for the slave

Principles and ground rules for the slaveA slave is:obedient;respectful;humble;submissive;well-presented;punctual, and;productive.Ground Rules1. Know your place. Your Owner, other Dominant men, and all men less submissive than you, are your superiors. Even if you dislike them personally or disagree with what they say, you will acknowledge their superiority at all times.This does not mean doing anything you are told by anyone, but it does mean raising any objections in a respectful way; check...

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SLUT 11Over the next 2 weeks, Erica stayed with Jason. She was able to get some of her things, and would get the rest when she found another place. Randy wanted nothing to do with her. Of course, staying with Jason and his black roommate Mike meant a hell of a lot more sex!A couple of things about Erica, though: One, more sex didn't mean she had enough sex. Two, she seemed to have an aura about her that let every guy she met know that she was easy. When she became single...when Randy took that...

4 years ago
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From Stranger To Sex Mate

Hi Indian sex stories readers, this is my second experience. I thank you all for your feedbacks and reviews on my previous sex story. I’m 23 years old with average body and fair looking. It all started one month back, I was waiting for my office cab at morning 6 am and I saw a woman in her early 30’s waiting at the same stop. She was very attractive and had very perfect structure. She got on to her cab and went on mine. This continued as a routine for someday and I was so attracted to her and...

1 year ago
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A Day at the Print House

Andrew was a jerk! But it seemed Neeley was the only one that thought so. Everyone from the high-ups to the floor workers worshipped their new foreman. She didn’t get it! He was demanding, egotistical and disrespectful all rolled into one. In his mid-forties, he wasn’t bad on the eyes, yet, he was such a dick, the notion of finding him attractive in the same way as those barely-legal, simple-minded twerps he had hired as copy runners, triggered Neeley’s ad nauseam! What had they called him,...

Quickie Sex
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The Medallion Chapter 4

Jack awoke in his bed early Sunday morning. "What the fuck", he said as he sat up and looked around. He could have sworn he fell asleep in Emily's bed. But he just shook it off and got up. He had a few hours to burn before work, so he decided to take a shower and go for a walk. As the hot water poured down on him, he felt a sudden pain in his arm. He looked down and saw a long scratch on his forearm. "When did that happen", he wondered. "Emily must have scratched me and I didn't notice...

1 year ago
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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 4

When Cheryl and Joe got home to their Upper Westside townhouse, he knew where he needed to go immediately. Top floor. The floor for their offices. To Moe. Who stewed in her anger. Probably had been for a while. “He’s fucking here, Joe,” she said. He opened his arms. She filled them. “What’s he doing here?” she asked. “I don’t know. I’ll find out.” “He wants another chance to fuck all your women.” “I hope not. But I don’t think so.” “Then why?” “Maybe he needs a friend.” “But he hates...

4 years ago
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Jane and the Belly Dancer

Jane and the Belly DancerWe resumed fucking and for the first time in my life I began to feel sick to mystomach while having sex. It was time to resume my self coaching."This is how I'm gonna someday make THE BIG BUCKS! Just a few more minutes.Oh shit look at those tits bounce! The way she's moving her legs. OMG OMG OMG!***********************************************************************I gazed into the full length mirror inside the dressing room and admired my new makeover. There was...

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Cooking With Mom

This story happened when I was 17 and through my parents divorce and the shuffling of k**s I wound up living with my Mom, just her and me. Her boyfriend had moved out a few months before. And even though Mom went through a wild phase right after the divorce she didnt seem to date much now. Of course, I had the normal teen fantasies about her but never really acted on them, I had a long time buddy that lived downstairs in our apartment complex with his Dad, also divorced. His Dad, Bill, had a...

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I describe my method, as I have removed my frenulum. Everyone must of course even know what he wants.The frenulum prepuce (frenulectomy) Remove I can only recommend. The advantages are:First The foreskin can be pulled further back, thus enabling greater stroke during masturbation possible and the foreskin is moving.Second The penis looks better because the foreskin can be pulled back almost unwrinkled.Third The penis can be kept clean much better.I have the frenulum with three interventions...

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wifes surprise

Wifes surprise I would like to spare with you all a fantasy that I always had about my wife. It all began when my wife and I, would fantasies while we had our carnal way with each other. Our sex life has never been routine and most days I would have my wicked way with her, however to enhance, our sexual relationship I like the thought of my wife being fucked by someone else, male or female, just the thought as I write this would makes my cock so hard it feels as if it was going to burst...

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For The Common GoodChapter 8

The three days went by way too fast. They made love in the morning, explored the city and countryside or lazed on the beach. Bob took her to the best restaurants for dinner each night and they made love before they fell asleep. As they were packing to get ready to leave, he noticed that she had tears in her eyes. She saw him looking at her and turned so that he couldn't see her face. He walked over to her and took her in his arms. "What's wrong?" "Oh, I'm just being silly. I wish...

1 year ago
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Dungeons and Dungeons

Your friend Eric had convinced you. Your other friends Mark and Will had gone along with it. The plan was simple, score some drugs, play some Dungeon and Dragon, maybe do some more drugs, and then sleep. The plan had gone all wrong when Eric convinced you all to rob his mother's panty drawer. You were already all high when it happened, and no one expected quiet Will to slip his pants off and then slip Eric's mother's black lace panties on. They fit almost too well, other than his cock hanging...

2 years ago
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Toman of the Cherokee 3

  I heard Pops in my head. Pops told me.   I was almost shouting at him in my mind.    Just then I heard more movement down the trail. Moving back I soon saw several younger males moving toward the village. One in particular drew my attention, Malak with his one arm in a sling. Moving past only a few gave me a heated look, though Malak's could have melted metal.   Stopping before me he growled, "You will regret not killing me outsider! Your days here are numbered I shall make...

4 years ago
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Wrong Haunted House

Two fourteen year old girls, Amy and Kelly, over heard some older boys talking about a haunted house they had gone to that sounded fun. Unfortunately for the girls, they were too young to get in. After talking about it at lunch, decided they would sneak in after school on Friday. They would tell their parents that they were going to each other’s house, but instead would go to the haunted house. They knew the name of the place was Haunted Hill House or something like that. They walked around...

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A Soldiers Boy

A re-posting of a good old British classic.--------------------------------------------------------A Soldier's pete ([email protected])***A young boy's first sexual experience encourages him to find his real sexuality. (Mb, 1st-gay-expr, oral, mast)***With acknowledgements to ‘RafSarge’Chapter 1I let out a stifled moan and took a man's cock into my wet mouth, in one single graceful movement of pure lust, for the first time in my life. I didn't even gag! I must have been born a natural...

2 years ago
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High TidesChapter 32 Cool Frugal Conscience

Carla? Of course, Carla! She’s mine again. Alive again. I missed her so much. I gave Kathy’s reanimated dispossessed body to my murdered wife Carla. Holding her n my arms again, kissing her, is a joy. Carla clings just as tightly to me. Why give her Kathy’s body? Same size and very similar around her eyes as the original Carla. Carla wasn’t blond of course, but she can dye her hair if she wants. Carla’s skin was light brown. Kathy’s lost her suntan, her present pallor is frozen turkey pale....

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Tryst or Trust Another Cheating Wife StoryChapter 4

I had another weekend off, and the boys had a Scout camp out scheduled. I had been a Scout, I enjoyed being outdoors, and Annie, well, her idea of “roughing it” was a Holiday Inn without a hot tub. I packed up, supervised the boys packing, and off we went Friday after school. It was a Scout campout. Adolescent boys cooking for themselves, over fires that they had lit, after collecting the wood, splitting it, laying the fire, and setting the tinder. Then, assembling the meals, from menus that...

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Lets Try Again

She hadn’t known how much I cared for her. I had never told how much I needed her. She didn’t find out until last late how much I longed her. She has been my best friend, the one person I ran to after so many horrible heart breaks. I never thought I’d have the courage to tell her because I was worried about the conflict it could bring if it didn’t work. We’re both so scared of ourselves; we’d never know what to do with one another. We did everything together. There was nothing we didn’t know...

4 years ago
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Diane Kris Coffee Morning

It was Wednesday morning and Kris Nickelsen was being picked up by her mother Diane Pollock in her car. They were going to a woman's coffee morning meeting for other local ladies. It was a very special woman's group. By invitation only. Kris was being taken by her mother for the first time to this kind of coffee morning meeting. Her mother Diane had made sure that Kris was dressed appropriately with her new outfit bought by specifically for the other ladies to admire and approve of. Kris was...

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Luke and Me Part 3

As I lay on my bed, dreading the possibility I might be pregnant, I heard the doorbell ring. "I'll get it!" shouted Luke, running into the house from the pool. I grabbed a pair of shorts from my cupboard, and a top, and put them on, deciding to walk downstairs and see who was at the door. I saw that Luke and Jake were both at the door, inviting their friends in, just as I reached the hall landing. "Hey Soph!" said Luke's friend Josh. "Hey Josh," I said, looking at him as he looked me up and...

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Dark Days Darkest Before the DawnChapter 7

It took three days before we found out what happened almost twenty miles off the coast, in the Gulf of Mexico. The US Coast Guard, with the help of the US Navy at Naval Air Station Key West and the US Army’s Special Forces Underwater Operations school in Key West, captured a Panamanian registry, one-hundred-and-seventy-foot mega yacht carrying kidnapped children for sale. It was the largest bust in decades of a sex slavery ring and probably the largest ever in US history where the potential...

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Heaven Sent Adoption Agency

This story starts with four very good looking guys. They were smart beyond their time. The first one is named Michael. Michael came from a very high end family. His father owns over half of the banks in the U.S. So his background was perfect. Never been in any kind of trouble his entire young life, family always around (so lots of love), and he is a very well-mannered son. He was turning 25 and a sophomore in college (I won’t name the college, for other reasons, but it was something like...

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Neighbor lady lll

Frozen I could only watch as Mrs Scott slowly walked towards me. She reached out and took my hand. Pulling me to her, she reached up with her other hand. Gently placing it on the back of my neck, pulled me froward and down. Pressing my face between her tits, I inhaled deeply taking in her sent. Mind racing and heart pounded, I started kissing her chest. Guiding me, she pushed my head to one tit then the other kissing them softly. Pushing my head downward I was soon over her now stiff nipple....

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Marian The Librarian Part 2

Having just eaten Marian to orgasm, I crawled up and cuddled with her, my head resting on her breast. "You've got nice boobs," I said between licks on her nipple.She picked up my head and said, " These are breasts! You can call them tits if breasts is too formal. Not hooters, boobs, or fun bags. It's good to find out what a woman prefers before jumping to conclusions, okay?" She pressed my face into the soft tissue of her chest, smiling as she did so. "Now get back to work! That feels so...

4 years ago
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Cindy shopped on Wednesday afternoons since that was her day off from answering phones and scheduling appointments for Dr. Weiner, a local dentist. The routine was the same every week; gas up the Chrysler, visit her ninety-three year old mother at the assisted living facility for an hour, meet her old friend Jennifer for lunch, then grocery shop before returning home to prepare dinner for her husband Matt. It rarely changed. There were few surprises or variations, and almost none that were...

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My Fall To Grace Chapter 11

Chapter Eleven - Dinner With Grace Once I assembled everything I needed from my house, I departed for Grace's apartment. Luckily, I was driving against the grain of the evening D.C. traffic, so it didn't take long to make the trip. Walter greeted me as I entered the lobby. "Good evening Danni," he called out cheerfully. "Ms. Andrews said you'd be by tonight. I'll take you up." We walked together across the lobby toward the elevator bank. "You and Ms. Andrews are spending a...

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Footprints In The Sea

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 1 & 2 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints In The Sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X Shipwrecked on an island in the South Pacific and more than one thousand miles from the nearest habited land and located between New Zealand and South America, Charlie Broughton explores what he...

3 years ago
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Introduction: 5 Friends, 5 Slaves and a poker game that the slaves are just dieing to play. END GAME Story: #13 Copyright 2005 Written: January 09 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: PiasaBird2004 Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** The door slid open with a powerful crash as the light of day forced its way in to the dark metallic closet that was Jessicas resting place, when her master Jason...

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Slutty Behaviour

It's the 6th of September 2004 at the moment, and I am writing a short story about something that happened about four years ago. I must have been 21 years old at that time and I was still living at my parents house at then. Actually, I stayed longer than I expected in my parents house. I was almost 23 years old when I left them to live with my current partner Edwin in our own comfortable house. No mommy anymore to do my laundry, clean up my room. No more daddy who always was there for me when...

2 years ago
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A Key To Unlock All Fantasies

It was late April and the weather matched our somber mood, dark and overcast with a smattering of rain, we sat in the front room tired and bored, Kerry would have loved to be out in the garden, therapy she calls it, but the weather was too bad and I, well I was tired having just worked six straight days and nights, I had a whole stack of jobs that needed doing but summoning up the enthusiasm let alone the energy was nigh on impossible.We supped another cup of tea and gazed restlessly at the...

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ManuelFerrara Savannah Bond Big Tit Slut Gets Fucked Raw In POV

Australian blonde Savannah Bond and her huge curves drive Manuel Ferrara to beg in the first scene from “Raw #36”. When Savannah arrives at his room, Ferrara and Bond quickly form one, as they kiss and confess how badly they’ve been wanting to fuck one another. Savannah unloads her immeasurable mammaries to the delight of Manuel. He quickly grabs what he can and ushers her onto the bed. From here we get a wonderful view of the wackable weapons Miss Bond possesses. Savannah is...

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Ill make it a Date Part Three

(As ever, thanks a million for the comments and suggestions. Your time and attention in reading my stories means more to me than I can say. The reviews have really knocked me out, and I hope to improve as I go along. Now, hoping the eyeballs won't "fsail" me again, I'll start Part Three. I may cut it short just a bit early so that I can find out - hopefully - from readers, how sexy the sex portions are. If they're good enough, much more intimacy will follow.) ...

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Eagle in the Sunset 2019Chapter 8 Miguel and Sharon

October 5th, 1995, 5:30 PM CT, Side of the road, Near Palmer, TX Sharon Roberts cursed in frustration. She was driving back to I-30 when this happened. Chex had the “day tank” option that was really common on Checker Taxi cabs but was something of a rarity on the consumer-oriented Marathon. But then, the four-cylinder Perkins diesel was a rarity on the Taxi and unheard of practically on the Marathon. The “day tank” was a 35 gallon fuel tank that allowed the car to to go about 450 miles on a...

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Two Go Wild in Benidorm Once More

Dappled shafts of afternoon sunshine light up the woodland glade where two women lie sleeping naked on a towel. Doreen – dark-haired and gamine – wakes first. She rises and quietly packs the remains of their picnic into a large cold box. Then she returns to the sleeping figure of Barbara, stoops down and gently kisses one shoulder. ‘Taxi will be here in 20 minutes, Babs.’ They dress and pack their remaining belongings, then saunter hand-in-hand down the gravel path which winds through the sand...

4 years ago
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ebony used

Ebony black girl abused by white guyAfter many hours at work I had finally finished and it was time for home it was late. I put on my coat left the building and got in my car it was 3am and the roads were quite. Driving through the quite city streets I notice a young black girl walking down the centre of the road I slow down and drive slowly along side her. I wind down the window and ask if she is ok to which she replies yes I'm just a lil dk can u give me a lift home. The girl is hot with a...

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The War of 2020Chapter 8 Retaliation

Morgan rolled around on the plush bed like an outstretched cat, enjoying the soft cotton against her bare skin. It took her a moment to realize she was actually in bed alone for once. Her halo of brown curls were more of a bird’s nest this morning, probably from the drug induced chaos she experienced last night. All she wanted to do was jump into the shower and wash her body using the hottest water she could tolerate. “My fucking head... , “ she whispered, squeezing her eyes closed. Her...

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We are heading back to the wonderful world of chicks with dicks at Trans 500. That’s right, tranny, transsexual, shemale, traps, whatever it’s called these days. Does it even fucking matter? They’re chicks, they have dicks, and they are fucking, getting fucked, and doing every kinky act in-between. So, don’t be fucking shy if you love this shit. Some of the hottest porn out there has shemales in it. And talk about variety. These sluts will do anything. Anal, blowbangs, BDSM, and so much more....

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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Juliersquos Awakening

Julie’s AwakeningIt was another hot Texas summer day. The temperature and humidity were high, making breathing a little tougher than normal. Dan’s phone rang and it was his fifteen year old daughter Julie. She and her twin brother Alex had just got home from school and the house was really hot inside. She told her dad that she checked the thermostat and it was reading 92 degrees in the house and yes, the air conditioning was supposed to be on. When Dan had the air conditioning serviced a couple...

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Your Wish COme True revised Chapter 13 School Days

Your Wish Come True by Pol Roger Chapter 13 School Days Making friends MANDY was up early for a run up to Hyde Park, across to the other side of the Serpentine, and back for her bath and breakfast. She said hello to both the night and day porters who were changing over shifts when she got back. A different porter came on duty at three o'clock in the afternoon and worked till...

2 years ago
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The best class session

I was late for a class that I didn't really wanted to be in first place. Slowly I opened the classroom door and slid in. The professor stopped his lecture to stare at me and make me uncomfortable as I was walking to the end of the class to find an empty sit. Jane pointed at the free sit next to her so I hurried and to take my sit. We knew each other for years now, but never talked about anything else then school. She was a great looking girl, but not really my type. I don't know what exactly is...

3 years ago
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HomebodiesChapter 3

It was during Gath’s third week at CVS that he finally got a taste of why everyone hated the homeland and the homebodies so much. Up to this point, his outlook on his job and his colleagues had been steadily improving and he was actually starting to like being there. Though everyone was still calling him “groundie” or “ting” or “the TNG”, it was generally not quite as venomous or contemptuous as it had been in those first days. Indeed, among his peers—Medics Bong, Sax, and Zen—he was starting...

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An Alien Abduction Part 2

Introduction: Rebeccas already resigned herself to letting these aliens try to breed her…but things are about to get a whole lot more interesting She had been living in this gray prison cell for days now…maybe longer. She had no idea what time it was ever. Sometimes when the creatures came for her it seemed like it was the same day…sometimes it felt like it had been days. The human man who had come to see her had come again, but he hadnt explained much at all. For some reason she hated him...

2 years ago
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Angel Anjali 8211 Touching After A Break 8211 Part 1

Hi guys. Raj Rambo back with a new story to please you all. Noticed that there are too many writers named ‘Raj’ here. So will be using my full pen name. Raj Rambo. Also, moving forward, I will try to keep the titles of stories consistent. The word ‘Angel’ is followed by the name of the heroine in the story. I chose the word angel because I feel every woman on this earth is an angel. Beautiful in their own ways irrespective of age, size, or color. These beautiful angels deserve to be treated...

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To the bed

To the bed. As she looks up at him she bites and sucks him on his right thigh giving him a love bite. ‘ That fucking hurts, you will pay for that ”. He grabs her savagely by her hair and drags her to his nearby bed, he throws her onto her back. He forces her legs open and holds her knee’s in his hands. They stare into each others eyes. As his dick gets closer to her waiting pussy he can feel her wet thighs welcome him in. She tries to sit up. Half heartedly then tries push him back, he lets go...

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Longest Night With First Time Unknown Sex

Hi ISS readers, I am new in writing story on ISS. But as an older reader of ISS, I had an urge to write my story from long time. Please comment and email me if you like my story Without wasting time. Starting story in hinglish (hindi + english). Plz mail me at Mein apne bare mein bta du mein sunder sudol body ka malik hu. Mein college mein padta hu and vahi hostel mein rehta hu. Ye bat kuch 1 yr purani ha jab mein college ke dusre saal mein tha. Mera ladkiyon mein bhut kam intrest tha par ik...

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Erins New Toy

  Erin’s New Toy “Are you ready yet?” Erin asked me. She was waiting by the door with her car keys. Erin was my roommate during college. “Yep, I hope it’s not too hot,” I answered her. Erin and I were going for a run to try and stay in shape. We were both being pretty lazy that summer. Our apathy was understandable considering our last semester would be in a couple of weeks. I for one was looking forward to graduating. I knew that this would probably be the last summer I spent with Erin. ...

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