- 4 years ago
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Darla's breath whistled in an out of her nose in panting, raspy gasps asshe fought an overload of conflicting sensations and emotions.
She felt the agony of many hours of bound, helpless immobility. Every muscleand joint in her body was in some way stretched, twisted, or bend into a contorted,painful position, and held that way by tight, biting cords and equally tightleather and rubber contrivances that kept her deaf, silent and sightless.
She felt the ecstasy as waves of sexual pleasure coursed through her body.Her ripe, hard nipples, both pink holes and her stiff, slippery clit were endlesslyassaulted by a variety of buzzing, pinching, throbbing, burrowing implementsof erotic torment.
Oh God, how it hurt. How wonderful it felt.
She lay naked, on her belly, on an unyielding concrete floor. She was ina small, dark room. The air was stuffy….the room, unventilated, hadbecome warm and humid. The smell in the room was strong and unmistakable….thatof an aroused woman. Her body glistened with sweat. Pungent brown fluid generateddeep in her plundered, spasming bowel oozed around the huge black rubber plugwhich stretched her aching sphincter. Slippery, musky smelling secretions gushedaround the shiny steel invader buried deep in her vagina, and welled up onthe pink inner folds before dripping slowly onto the floor. A glistening wetspot on the floor was evidence of the effect the stimulation was having onher body.
There was a thin chain around her waist, fastened by a small padlock. Itwas so tight that the chain almost disappeared into her flesh. A second chainaffixed to the waist chain passed between the crack in her ass and the foldsof her labia, eventually locking at her waist just below her navel. This chainwas tight also, and served to hold the implements of her arousal buried deeplyinside her two pink holes. Wires ran from both to a small control box. It was,of course, microprocessor controlled, and it functioned in a mindless, remorselessmanner. The computer had several options available for each buried implement.Perhaps a high frequency buzz, or maybe a deep resonant throb. It might choosea pleasant tickle of electricity, a tingle, an excruciating zap of amps, oreverything in between. Or…worst of all….nothing.
Her beautiful 36C breasts didn't escape treatment either. Her captor hadchosen rough, brown sisal cord for her bondage. Each full breast had been boundaround the based until they bulged like two balloons. Cords circled her torso.Three loops above, and below her breasts, with a cinch bringing the bands togetherbetween her breasts. This harness of ropes was the foundation for her stringentarm bondage. It was so tight that it restricted her breathing. Her large pinknipples were now an angry dark red from the pressure of the spring loaded nippleclamps. Wires from these clamps ran to the same control unit, and her nippleswere "treated" to the same range of electrical stimulation as the tender fleshbetween her legs.
Darla has beautiful, lustrous jet black hair, but the only glimpse availableof her wonderful mane is a tendril that has slipped under the snug, stiff posturecollar around her neck. Darla's head is completely enclosed in a heavy leatherpunishment helmet. Inside the hood heavy pads are strategically placed to covereach eye, and muffle each ear. There are no eyeholes, no possibility of lightinfiltrating her darkness. The hood forms to her features, with two small fittingat her nose. Each fitting has a small tube that enters her nostril on the inside.The tubes pass through the leather, and protrude a half inch outside the hood.The tubes are threaded at the end and there are attachments that marry up withthese threads. It is possible to link the wearer to a "scent casket". A varietyof unpleasant aromas or odors can be loaded in the various compartments, forcingthe wearer of the hood to endure noxious smells with each precious breath.There are also fittings to reduce the size of the opening. Each tube is normally ¼ inch,which will provide sufficient airflow to allow oxygen for even a moderate amountof struggling. Smaller openings make breathing more difficult, and force thewearer into complete inactivity with a total focus of taking deep, slow breaths.The smallest openings are little more than a mere pore, and force the wearerto struggle for survival. Darla's openings are 1/8 inch….enough air…butjust barely. The tight compression of her chest by the rope harness, the endlessorgasmic torment between her thighs and the reduced airflow of her disciplinehelmet all contribute to her erratic noisy gasping for air.
There is no mouth opening to the hood as the leather flows from the noseopening under the jaw, and down the neck. It is airtight. A wide strap coversthe mouth area, and buckles behind her neck. Even inside the helmet it is obviousfrom the distention of her jaw and the bulge of her cheeks that her mouth isstuffed. A large block of dense foam has been carefully carved to occupy everycranny of Darla's mouth. She opened her mouth as widely as possible and thehuge foam plug was jammed between her lips, over her teeth, and into her oralcavity. The bulk of the mass pressed against the roof of her mouth, and heldher tongue firmly captive. Foam wings off each side wedged between her upperand lower molars, making her cheeks bulge out like a chipmunk. Grooves at thetop and bottom of the mass mated with her with upper and lower front teeth,and at least an inch of sponge protruded from her mouth. When the strap wasbuckled across her lower face, this protrusion was forced back into her mouth,increasing the pressure of the gag, and pushing the mass more deeply into herthroat.
Darla's arms were bound behind her, crossed, with her hands drawn up betweenher shoulder blades in a stringent hammerlock position. The sisal digs intothe flesh of her bound wrists, chafing her skin. Her hands are tied to therope harness that tightly circles her torso, and addition ropes wrap aroundher upper arms and body, holding her elbows in tightly against her ribs, pushingher wrists even higher toward towards her neck.
Her legs are bound with her ankles crossed. This serves to keep access opento her abused pink holes, while making it impossible for the bound girl toroll over on her side. Her ankles have been linked to the harness circlingher torso just above her bound wrists. This link was tightened, bending thegirl backwards until her shoulders, chest and magnificent breasts came completelyoff the floor. The final piece of her bondage was a cord attached to a ringsewn into her discipline helmet at the top of her head. The other end was threadedthrough her torso rope harness, and pulled tight. Darla's head was pulled backuntil the poor girl's blind eyes were pointed towards the ceiling.
The tight cords on Darla's wrists and the harsh arm position are slowly impedingthe flow of blood to her hands. She flutters her fingers to maintain feelingand circulation, but slowly they are turning grey and lifeless….notto the point of danger, but certainly nearing the point where her hands willbe numb and useless. A small silver ball is clutched desperately in her lefthand. For whatever reason, the sphere seems important to the bound woman.
Clearly the woman was in a terrible situation. Stringent bondage, blinded,harshly gagged…gasping for air, her sensitive flesh under relentlesstorment.
She had nobody but herself to blame.
Two nights earlier Darla was happily in John's bed. She was tautly spreadeagled to the bedposts by thick leather cuffs and straps. Her ass was raisedby the several large pillows underneath her, and after an hour of erotic foreplayhe had plundered her dripping gash from behind with his wonderful, thick, eightinch prick. Darla's three inch ballgag only partially muffled her moans ofdelight. She laid breathing softly in the aftermath, her sweaty body relaxing.He lay beside her, stoking her back, kneading the firm, resilient ass cheeks.She was almost asleep, when he murmured in an offhand manner, "How about ifwe get married?"
No woman was ever less able to express her surprise and happiness. All shecould do was quiver in her bonds with tears of joy streaming down her cheeks. "Well?" heasked.
"Nnnnn…unnnnnnhh hunnnnhh!" she exclaimed wetly, nodding her heademphatically.
Darla was an accountant, and had met John at a Young Republicans meeting.She was attractive, but reserved in her demeanor. She had been through severalrelationships, and was sexual active, but none of them had come to anything.She felt something was missing in her life, but she didn't know what.
John had taken care of that. He was a lawyer, wealthy from an inherited fortune,with a large house on the ocean and his choice of a Porsche or Escalade todrive depending on his mood. He had his choice of women, but he too was lookingfor something, and in Darla found kindred, complimentary spirit.
For 3 months he had nurtured her budding submissiveness, and she had grownto embrace her tightly bound helplessness.
Later, she sat naked on his lap in front of the computer. Their voyage ofdiscovery had taken them to the internet, and there were several favorite siteswhere they purchased new toys, and gained inspiration for new experiences. "Thisweekend we will shop for an engagement ring," he told her, "but I have somethingI need to show you." He opened his video player, and clicked on a file. "Ifound this last week…..take a look." Darla's eyes opened wide as shelooked at the image moving on the screen. Most internet bondage was a mixtureof ropes and cheesecake. Beautiful models, with perfect hair, makeup and lipstick,wearing frilly lingerie were displayed in bondage that ranged from the sillyto moderately tight. This image was different. She could not see the face ofthe woman, because she was tightly hooded. She was naked on a dirty concretefloor. Sweat poured off the captive woman as she strained against the tightestbondage that Darla had ever seen. The camera moved behind her, and Darla couldsee that her pussy was shaved, and her two bald, wet, pink openings were distendedby huge plugs.
"Golly John", exclaimed Darla. "That really looks hard on the girl." Johnsmiled, and looked his future bride in the eye. "It is hard on her….andit will be very hard on you," he grinned mischievously. "There will, however,be a reward." "Huh? What do you mean? What kind of reward?" she questioned.
"Every hour you stay in bondage is worth ¼ carat on the diamond onyour engagement ring."
Darla's eye grew wide. "In that position?" she asked.
"Yes. That one…or maybe a little worse."
"So….if I spend 4 hours in bondage I get a one carat ring?
"Yes. If you can last 4 hours." He responded. "I hope you do…or longer.It's all up to you Honey….….I've got plenty of money."
Darla bit down on the huge foam plug in her mouth, and snorted noisily throughher nose.
The balance between pain and pleasure was tormenting her. One minute thevibrating demons buried inside her flesh would bring her to a wonderful, crashingclimax, and she would briefly forget about the harshness of her bondage. Shortlythereafter her senses would be fixed solely on the pain in her neck causedby her stringently pulled back head. At that moment nothing could hurt worsethan that….nothing was more important….except the silver ballclutched feverishly in the numb fingers of her left hand.
Darla had no idea how long she had been bound.
It was no longer about her body.
She had all the orgasms she was going to have, and the vibrators were nowmerely annoying. She had adapted to a dark, sweaty world. He jaw ached, butwasn't getting any worse, and the various pains caused by tight ropes and wrackedjoints had merged into an all encompassing agony.
It was all about her mind.
All she had to do was drop the little silver ball, and it would all be over.Being able to stretch her muscles. A drink of water. Food. A nice hot bath.The loving arms of her fiancé. All these things waited for her…allshe had to do was drop the damn ball.
A diamond ring! Every girl's dream. How big would it be? One carat? Two?Every hour it became bigger. All she had to do was hang onto that little silverball!
In the end, the spirit was willing, but the flesh was weak. Her fingers becamecold, numb sausages that she could no longer control. She didn't feel the ballslip out of her grasp, but she could hear the sound of the metal ball bouncingoff the concrete floor. In the quiet of the dark, damp room it sounded likea gunshot.
John was beside her almost immediately. She couldn't have known it, but hehad been nearby the entire time, watching on camera, and listening via hiddenmicrophones.
Quickly he untied the cord holding her head back. She groaned with reliefas her head fell forward and hung limp. He unbuckled the gag strap, and thenbegan unlacing the hood. Cool air! How wonderful! She blinked at the suddenlight, the sweat stinging her eyes as he pulled the hood away. She grimacedas the fittings pulled free from her nostrils. Her hair was a damp, tangledmess and her face was creased with pressure lines from the seams of the hood.The foam plug was still inside her mouth, and her stretched lips were dry andcracked. She moaned softly as John grasped the foam and wiggled and tuggeduntil it popped from between her teeth. The gag was dropped on the floor besidethem with a wet plop.
To his amazement, she twisted in his direction and smiled at him. "Hello,Master." She croaked.
"Hello my love." He answered softly. "You have done beautifully."
Darla took a couple of deep breaths, and stretched her muscled to the limitsof their confinement. Her fingers wiggled feebly, helpless between her shoulderblades. "How long, Master?" she asked.
"Twenty three hours and forty six minutes….round it to twenty fourhours," he said.
"Ummm….how big is that?" she asked. "I'm a little tired to do themath!"
"Eight carats," he answered. "You are going to be wearing about $600 thousandon your finger, give or take a few thousand."
Carla pursed her lips, and he could tell she was thinking about something.Then she spoke.
"Yes my dear?"
"I have a wonderful gift…but I haven't given you anything."
"On the contrary," he answered softly. "You gave me yourself."
"No," she responded. "The past 24 hours was for me……the next24 will be for you."
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"Put my gag and hood back on me, and leave me here for another day," sheanswered.
"Don't be crazy," he said, reaching for the ropes binding her wrists. "Youhave done more than enough."
"NO!" she exclaimed fiercely. "Don't you dare untie me!" She looked directlyat him. "I didn't do this for the ring," she explained. "I did it for you,because I love you so much."
"I know that."
"Then let me do this. For you. Another full day."
John sighed. "OK, I give up."
He gave her a playful slap on the rump as he reached for the gag.
The foam plug was soaked with cold saliva which dripped down his wrist andonto the floor. "It would serve you right if I left you for two moredays," he said.
"How about forever?" she said, opening her mouth to accept the gag.
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FantasyI only met Aaron once before today. A mutual friend of ours wanted to hang out- the three of us, but she ended up bailing. So now Aaron is at my house just the two of us and I barely know her. I must admit though, she’s quite sexy. Her firm,toned arms exposed in a black tank top. I could see the shape of her breast and figured she wasn’t wearing a bra. The outline of her nipples poked throughthe front. She had on a black pair of jogging pants that gripped her tight ass. When she leaned...
We're at an interesting stage, are we not? Our Natalie has recognised that she has a problem and is making positive moves to tackle it; but that is going to take time. She's got a new job, which is looking good (but what about her boss?) and that is going to help her confidence. She knows Stephanie, now, and that she isn't a threat, but she doesn't know about Alison. Charles is now rather distracted by Alison. Actually, make that very distracted. Alison may or may not see him as a...
She was gorgeous and so ready to spread her legs for me!A few days ago, I was backing my car out of my Target parking spot when I felt a car hit mine. I was only halfway out, so I didn't see the car until I got out. That's when I saw the red BMW that had hit me.The driver, a pretty blonde, was getting out of her BMW, saying, "I am so sorry, sir! I was fiddling with my radio and didn't see you! I'm so sorry! My insurance will fix your car."The young teenager was about eighteen, blonde, and had...
The prom was going on without them, the entire class and all the staff looking around confused as they announced the prom king and queen, and neither Diago nor Brittany were there to accept the honor. *** Diago tried for over 20 minutes to reach his cousin Jake, it was the only safe place he knew. Jake’s mansion was in the middle of nowhere, he had no neighbors for miles, they would never be found there and if by some chance they were, he knew with out a doubt, Jake had his back. Jake was...
Chapter Seven:Husband must hear 'fantasy'.Monday night wasn't right; she couldn't get past her own nervousness of what she was suppose to do. And things didn't quite feel right with the way the evening was going, so she chose to not even attempt what she was suppose to do.Tuesday night was different though. I'd been aroused, and in the mood to be with my wife, my mind all worked up from what she'd done with me over the weekend. Anna saw that things were going to go in a sexual direction, and...
This one is compliments of smokeyjoe Young man who lived in a village where everybody seemed to know what everyone else was doing was about to get married to a local lass. Due to the fact that any hanky panky would not only been know about, it was also frowned on. He knew absolutely nothing about what to do on his wedding night. After a bit of careful thought, he went to the local pub and found ‘Old Tom’ and after buying him a pint of his favourite beer said to him. “Tom, you know I’m...
Conversation had been awkward to say the least, so when the laxatives kicked in, I , for one, was relieved. We were in the midst of talking about my wedding when a sudden gush of diarrhoea broke the tension. Immediately, my mother began to scoop it up and drink it like chocolate from a fountain. She rubbed it into her boobs and gargled it, sicked it up onto the floor and then began to poop herself. Hers came out in long, sausage-like logs. She threw one at me and we both laughed and rolled...
This is a fantasy about my wife.First Meeting:I'd been thinking about this for many months and finally I was going to get around to arranging something. I loved posting pictures of my wife. I loved the comments I got from all sorts of people, young and old, and I loved the horny chat sessions that occurred. It was from these chat sessions that the idea originated - wouldn't it be really to hot to meet up with one the guys who I knew had been wanking over pictures of my Mrs. And to not only meet...
“Hi Olivia. Great to see you again. I was so sorry to hear about your show getting cancelled but it is really nice to have you home again. I know the boys will be happy to see you. They missed their favorite babysitter.” Olivia Holt smiled and came into the house. “Thanks Mr. Stevens. It is good to be back in the old neighborhood. LA can be such a drag.” George Stevens eyed the blonde beauty and couldn’t believe how much she had changed from the skinny 14 year old that used to earn extra cash...
Anissa isn’t impressed with what her stepson, Oliver Faze has chosen to wear for his date. She tells him they’re going to go to his room and she’ll help him choose something for his date. Anissa starts going through Oliver’s drawers to pull clothes out. She chooses a new shirt and shorts for him, then tells him to take his hat off. When she sees Oliver’s hair, Anissa insists he go to the bathroom so she can fix that, too. Once Anissa has finally finished with...
xmoviesforyouIt’ll sound weird, but I always liked airports. Something about the energy in them, I think, appeals to me. The comings and goings and the dynamic to and fro of humanity gives me a tingle. It’s like some of the excitement from all those adventures, even little ones that only matter to the people caught up in them, rubs off and accumulates, there. Or, maybe it was just because I loved to travel, and at the time, I was stuck there. So, playing piano in the tiny airport bar was as close as I was...
Jack Allen, the governor's press secretary, had informed the news media that a warning would be given. When we arrived, he said, "The animals aren't friendly today. I've already heard some push back because NOAA hasn't said anything. Expect to be questioned on that." I nodded. "That's okay. Tracey will go over her report and prediction. I will then step up and take the heat." Jack said, "You are Tracey?" "Yes, I'm Tracey Morgan." "Okay, Miss Morgan. The governor told me to...
John rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, but the scene outside the window still refused to change. There was, in fact, fresh snow outside. It was at least an inch deep. "Damn," he muttered out loud. "Wha?" Clarissa muttered, startled out of sleep. "Nothing, Dear. Go back to sleep," John told his wife. John looked at his wife. She had sharp ears, even in her sleep. He didn't try to be quiet when he left the room, as that would have woken his wife fully. Normal noises seemed to settle...
She lived alone and had for year worn ear plugs to help her sleep. Her friends had said how unsafe it was but she had never had any issues and thought nothing of it. When wearing these plugs you can hear really loud noises or close by noises. What u couldn’t hear as she was about to find out was the glass cutter cutting through the window at the back of her property. 4 guys waited patiently whilst one worked away at getting them entry into a property they had been watching for a month or...
Even though Ellen had invited me to come back the next day I avoided even walking by Ellen’s house for three days. I jumped and held my breath every time the phone rang. When Mrs. Farrow and the police did not show up at our doorstep I started to think I had gotten away with it. Of course, the thought of Ellen being my girlfriend constantly preyed on my mind. I finally had the nerve to walk down the street in the direction of Ellen’s house. When I didn’t see anyone on the porch I have to...
Hai guys, This is santosh from pune working in a mnc company as a team leader living in a flat since 2012 with my mother, my father death was happen on 2008 I am the only son of my parents so mother is living with me. My side flat was one couple is living since 2012 he is working in a mnc company as a service engineer, she is house wife, I was never talk to them but one day my mother told that he goes outside of pune for office work most of the days in a month, then it was 2014 june I am...
For the rest of the week, Olivia refused to get off. These thoughts were starting to get out of hand. When she’d been comparing the strange men she was hooking up with to her brother ... well, she’d just been using him as a baseline. She may as well have been comparing the man to a randomly-selected New Zealander, or co-worker. But what had happened when she’d played with herself ... It made her uncomfortable. And so for the next few days, Olivia tried very hard not to think about sex. It...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I'm a 48 year old divorced man who has lived alone with an occasion one night stand to take the edge off every so often. I was suprized when Sharon ,my 24 year old step daughter called and said she needed someplace to stay for awhile .Her idiot boyfriend had thrown her out when she confonted him about his drug use.She was very upset and I told her that her room was basically the same as it was when she left and she could stay as long as she needed....
IncestTalált történetSötét volt, rémisztően sötét, remegő lábakkal sétáltam végig az annyira jól ismert utcán, de most mégis olyan idegennek, és elhagyatottnak tűnt. Már csak két ház, és otthon vagyok – gondoltam magamban, és megszaporáztam a lépteimet, közben a zsebembe csúsztattam a kezem, és megszorítottam a lakáskulcsot. Elhaladva a Haris ház mellett, ott ahol Ő lakott, akibe már kiskorom óta szerelmes vagyok, reménytelenül, és viszonzatlanul. Ben Haris, a legmenőbb, leghelyesebb és legszexisebb...
Leslie sat in the chair and looked at the video screen. She watched in fascination as inch after inch of cock disappeared into her pussy. The lighting was absolutely perfect. You could see every detail, every nuance of the scene. She switched to a different section of the playback and saw the same thing. Shelly had managed to capture the lurid image of Rita impaling herself on a huge cock with vivid clarity. "This is really good stuff," Leslie said, glancing up at Rebecca. "I told...
Linda and Jim ate the lunch they had ordered, finished a couple of relaxing drinks and talked. They talked about family, jobs, the government, the economy, religion - anything but sex. Linda was so nervous that she ordered her third drink without even a thought. Usually two was her limit, and that was more than enough to loosen her up. She always thought of herself as a 'friendly' drinker: more likely to flirt, tease, dance - activities that were very hard for her when she was totally...
When I first landed in London, my brother Scott’s friends let me doss on their couch while I got myself sorted with a job and shit. Like all newcomers and tourists I wanted to see the sites and soak up the atmosphere, so Madame Tussauds was to be my first port of call.I was at Madame Tussauds, dressed in my All Blacks shirt (choice eh!) and with a red carnation thing wrapped in tin foil, that some lady outside had pinned on my chest for the grand sum of two pounds – while I was in happy,...
Straight SexAlmost every day I get something nice in the mail; stories from my many readers. Here are just a few: Big And Black I'm just 16 with a 36EE-26-36 figure and still a virgin although I don't expect I'll shall stay one for much longer. I'm very shy about my big body but my older brother Billy says that I'm very attractive and that all his friends are lusting after my big breasts. It feels very weird when he talks about me like that for he is my brother after all and I don't think he...