Darla free porn video

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Darla's breath whistled in an out of her nose in panting, raspy gasps asshe fought an overload of conflicting sensations and emotions.

She felt the agony of many hours of bound, helpless immobility. Every muscleand joint in her body was in some way stretched, twisted, or bend into a contorted,painful position, and held that way by tight, biting cords and equally tightleather and rubber contrivances that kept her deaf, silent and sightless.

She felt the ecstasy as waves of sexual pleasure coursed through her body.Her ripe, hard nipples, both pink holes and her stiff, slippery clit were endlesslyassaulted by a variety of buzzing, pinching, throbbing, burrowing implementsof erotic torment.

Oh God, how it hurt. How wonderful it felt.

She lay naked, on her belly, on an unyielding concrete floor. She was ina small, dark room. The air was stuffy….the room, unventilated, hadbecome warm and humid. The smell in the room was strong and unmistakable….thatof an aroused woman. Her body glistened with sweat. Pungent brown fluid generateddeep in her plundered, spasming bowel oozed around the huge black rubber plugwhich stretched her aching sphincter. Slippery, musky smelling secretions gushedaround the shiny steel invader buried deep in her vagina, and welled up onthe pink inner folds before dripping slowly onto the floor. A glistening wetspot on the floor was evidence of the effect the stimulation was having onher body.

There was a thin chain around her waist, fastened by a small padlock. Itwas so tight that the chain almost disappeared into her flesh. A second chainaffixed to the waist chain passed between the crack in her ass and the foldsof her labia, eventually locking at her waist just below her navel. This chainwas tight also, and served to hold the implements of her arousal buried deeplyinside her two pink holes. Wires ran from both to a small control box. It was,of course, microprocessor controlled, and it functioned in a mindless, remorselessmanner. The computer had several options available for each buried implement.Perhaps a high frequency buzz, or maybe a deep resonant throb. It might choosea pleasant tickle of electricity, a tingle, an excruciating zap of amps, oreverything in between. Or…worst of all….nothing.

Her beautiful 36C breasts didn't escape treatment either. Her captor hadchosen rough, brown sisal cord for her bondage. Each full breast had been boundaround the based until they bulged like two balloons. Cords circled her torso.Three loops above, and below her breasts, with a cinch bringing the bands togetherbetween her breasts. This harness of ropes was the foundation for her stringentarm bondage. It was so tight that it restricted her breathing. Her large pinknipples were now an angry dark red from the pressure of the spring loaded nippleclamps. Wires from these clamps ran to the same control unit, and her nippleswere "treated" to the same range of electrical stimulation as the tender fleshbetween her legs.

Darla has beautiful, lustrous jet black hair, but the only glimpse availableof her wonderful mane is a tendril that has slipped under the snug, stiff posturecollar around her neck. Darla's head is completely enclosed in a heavy leatherpunishment helmet. Inside the hood heavy pads are strategically placed to covereach eye, and muffle each ear. There are no eyeholes, no possibility of lightinfiltrating her darkness. The hood forms to her features, with two small fittingat her nose. Each fitting has a small tube that enters her nostril on the inside.The tubes pass through the leather, and protrude a half inch outside the hood.The tubes are threaded at the end and there are attachments that marry up withthese threads. It is possible to link the wearer to a "scent casket". A varietyof unpleasant aromas or odors can be loaded in the various compartments, forcingthe wearer of the hood to endure noxious smells with each precious breath.There are also fittings to reduce the size of the opening. Each tube is normally ¼ inch,which will provide sufficient airflow to allow oxygen for even a moderate amountof struggling. Smaller openings make breathing more difficult, and force thewearer into complete inactivity with a total focus of taking deep, slow breaths.The smallest openings are little more than a mere pore, and force the wearerto struggle for survival. Darla's openings are 1/8 inch….enough air…butjust barely. The tight compression of her chest by the rope harness, the endlessorgasmic torment between her thighs and the reduced airflow of her disciplinehelmet all contribute to her erratic noisy gasping for air.

There is no mouth opening to the hood as the leather flows from the noseopening under the jaw, and down the neck. It is airtight. A wide strap coversthe mouth area, and buckles behind her neck. Even inside the helmet it is obviousfrom the distention of her jaw and the bulge of her cheeks that her mouth isstuffed. A large block of dense foam has been carefully carved to occupy everycranny of Darla's mouth. She opened her mouth as widely as possible and thehuge foam plug was jammed between her lips, over her teeth, and into her oralcavity. The bulk of the mass pressed against the roof of her mouth, and heldher tongue firmly captive. Foam wings off each side wedged between her upperand lower molars, making her cheeks bulge out like a chipmunk. Grooves at thetop and bottom of the mass mated with her with upper and lower front teeth,and at least an inch of sponge protruded from her mouth. When the strap wasbuckled across her lower face, this protrusion was forced back into her mouth,increasing the pressure of the gag, and pushing the mass more deeply into herthroat.

Darla's arms were bound behind her, crossed, with her hands drawn up betweenher shoulder blades in a stringent hammerlock position. The sisal digs intothe flesh of her bound wrists, chafing her skin. Her hands are tied to therope harness that tightly circles her torso, and addition ropes wrap aroundher upper arms and body, holding her elbows in tightly against her ribs, pushingher wrists even higher toward towards her neck.

Her legs are bound with her ankles crossed. This serves to keep access opento her abused pink holes, while making it impossible for the bound girl toroll over on her side. Her ankles have been linked to the harness circlingher torso just above her bound wrists. This link was tightened, bending thegirl backwards until her shoulders, chest and magnificent breasts came completelyoff the floor. The final piece of her bondage was a cord attached to a ringsewn into her discipline helmet at the top of her head. The other end was threadedthrough her torso rope harness, and pulled tight. Darla's head was pulled backuntil the poor girl's blind eyes were pointed towards the ceiling.

The tight cords on Darla's wrists and the harsh arm position are slowly impedingthe flow of blood to her hands. She flutters her fingers to maintain feelingand circulation, but slowly they are turning grey and lifeless….notto the point of danger, but certainly nearing the point where her hands willbe numb and useless. A small silver ball is clutched desperately in her lefthand. For whatever reason, the sphere seems important to the bound woman.

Clearly the woman was in a terrible situation. Stringent bondage, blinded,harshly gagged…gasping for air, her sensitive flesh under relentlesstorment.

She had nobody but herself to blame.


Two nights earlier Darla was happily in John's bed. She was tautly spreadeagled to the bedposts by thick leather cuffs and straps. Her ass was raisedby the several large pillows underneath her, and after an hour of erotic foreplayhe had plundered her dripping gash from behind with his wonderful, thick, eightinch prick. Darla's three inch ballgag only partially muffled her moans ofdelight. She laid breathing softly in the aftermath, her sweaty body relaxing.He lay beside her, stoking her back, kneading the firm, resilient ass cheeks.She was almost asleep, when he murmured in an offhand manner, "How about ifwe get married?"

No woman was ever less able to express her surprise and happiness. All shecould do was quiver in her bonds with tears of joy streaming down her cheeks. "Well?" heasked.

"Nnnnn…unnnnnnhh hunnnnhh!" she exclaimed wetly, nodding her heademphatically.


Darla was an accountant, and had met John at a Young Republicans meeting.She was attractive, but reserved in her demeanor. She had been through severalrelationships, and was sexual active, but none of them had come to anything.She felt something was missing in her life, but she didn't know what.

John had taken care of that. He was a lawyer, wealthy from an inherited fortune,with a large house on the ocean and his choice of a Porsche or Escalade todrive depending on his mood. He had his choice of women, but he too was lookingfor something, and in Darla found kindred, complimentary spirit.

For 3 months he had nurtured her budding submissiveness, and she had grownto embrace her tightly bound helplessness.

Later, she sat naked on his lap in front of the computer. Their voyage ofdiscovery had taken them to the internet, and there were several favorite siteswhere they purchased new toys, and gained inspiration for new experiences. "Thisweekend we will shop for an engagement ring," he told her, "but I have somethingI need to show you." He opened his video player, and clicked on a file. "Ifound this last week…..take a look." Darla's eyes opened wide as shelooked at the image moving on the screen. Most internet bondage was a mixtureof ropes and cheesecake. Beautiful models, with perfect hair, makeup and lipstick,wearing frilly lingerie were displayed in bondage that ranged from the sillyto moderately tight. This image was different. She could not see the face ofthe woman, because she was tightly hooded. She was naked on a dirty concretefloor. Sweat poured off the captive woman as she strained against the tightestbondage that Darla had ever seen. The camera moved behind her, and Darla couldsee that her pussy was shaved, and her two bald, wet, pink openings were distendedby huge plugs.

"Golly John", exclaimed Darla. "That really looks hard on the girl." Johnsmiled, and looked his future bride in the eye. "It is hard on her….andit will be very hard on you," he grinned mischievously. "There will, however,be a reward." "Huh? What do you mean? What kind of reward?" she questioned.

"Every hour you stay in bondage is worth ¼ carat on the diamond onyour engagement ring."

Darla's eye grew wide. "In that position?" she asked.

"Yes. That one…or maybe a little worse."

"So….if I spend 4 hours in bondage I get a one carat ring?

"Yes. If you can last 4 hours." He responded. "I hope you do…or longer.It's all up to you Honey….….I've got plenty of money."


Darla bit down on the huge foam plug in her mouth, and snorted noisily throughher nose.

The balance between pain and pleasure was tormenting her. One minute thevibrating demons buried inside her flesh would bring her to a wonderful, crashingclimax, and she would briefly forget about the harshness of her bondage. Shortlythereafter her senses would be fixed solely on the pain in her neck causedby her stringently pulled back head. At that moment nothing could hurt worsethan that….nothing was more important….except the silver ballclutched feverishly in the numb fingers of her left hand.

Darla had no idea how long she had been bound.

It was no longer about her body.

She had all the orgasms she was going to have, and the vibrators were nowmerely annoying. She had adapted to a dark, sweaty world. He jaw ached, butwasn't getting any worse, and the various pains caused by tight ropes and wrackedjoints had merged into an all encompassing agony.

It was all about her mind.

All she had to do was drop the little silver ball, and it would all be over.Being able to stretch her muscles. A drink of water. Food. A nice hot bath.The loving arms of her fiancé. All these things waited for her…allshe had to do was drop the damn ball.

A diamond ring! Every girl's dream. How big would it be? One carat? Two?Every hour it became bigger. All she had to do was hang onto that little silverball!

In the end, the spirit was willing, but the flesh was weak. Her fingers becamecold, numb sausages that she could no longer control. She didn't feel the ballslip out of her grasp, but she could hear the sound of the metal ball bouncingoff the concrete floor. In the quiet of the dark, damp room it sounded likea gunshot.

John was beside her almost immediately. She couldn't have known it, but hehad been nearby the entire time, watching on camera, and listening via hiddenmicrophones.

Quickly he untied the cord holding her head back. She groaned with reliefas her head fell forward and hung limp. He unbuckled the gag strap, and thenbegan unlacing the hood. Cool air! How wonderful! She blinked at the suddenlight, the sweat stinging her eyes as he pulled the hood away. She grimacedas the fittings pulled free from her nostrils. Her hair was a damp, tangledmess and her face was creased with pressure lines from the seams of the hood.The foam plug was still inside her mouth, and her stretched lips were dry andcracked. She moaned softly as John grasped the foam and wiggled and tuggeduntil it popped from between her teeth. The gag was dropped on the floor besidethem with a wet plop.

To his amazement, she twisted in his direction and smiled at him. "Hello,Master." She croaked.

"Hello my love." He answered softly. "You have done beautifully."

Darla took a couple of deep breaths, and stretched her muscled to the limitsof their confinement. Her fingers wiggled feebly, helpless between her shoulderblades. "How long, Master?" she asked.

"Twenty three hours and forty six minutes….round it to twenty fourhours," he said.

"Ummm….how big is that?" she asked. "I'm a little tired to do themath!"

"Eight carats," he answered. "You are going to be wearing about $600 thousandon your finger, give or take a few thousand."

Carla pursed her lips, and he could tell she was thinking about something.Then she spoke.


"Yes my dear?"

"I have a wonderful gift…but I haven't given you anything."

"On the contrary," he answered softly. "You gave me yourself."

"No," she responded. "The past 24 hours was for me……the next24 will be for you."

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Put my gag and hood back on me, and leave me here for another day," sheanswered.

"Don't be crazy," he said, reaching for the ropes binding her wrists. "Youhave done more than enough."

"NO!" she exclaimed fiercely. "Don't you dare untie me!" She looked directlyat him. "I didn't do this for the ring," she explained. "I did it for you,because I love you so much."

"I know that."

"Then let me do this. For you. Another full day."

John sighed. "OK, I give up."

He gave her a playful slap on the rump as he reached for the gag.

The foam plug was soaked with cold saliva which dripped down his wrist andonto the floor. "It would serve you right if I left you for two moredays," he said.

"How about forever?" she said, opening her mouth to accept the gag.

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The one complication here is that my mother - Julie – is a seriously attractive woman. Clever (PA to a shit hot barrister), funny, outgoing and best of all curvy in all the right places. She’s a 38DD (is there any guy that doesn’t check out his mom’s bra size?). She came to terms with her divorce and started dating again, some men lasting longer than others but no one that looked like a long-term prospect. I’m sure there were times when she just wanted sex. That may seem presumptuous but...

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Meri Chacheri Bahan

Jaise ki aap sab jaan te hi hai ki main rubal from haryana siwan . Main apni story aage likhta hu. Fir usne kaha ki tum jao varna main sab ko bata du gi.maine ussko kamar se pakad kar apne or kareeb kheench liya or vo shootne ke yatan karne lagi or main sirf yahi bolta raha ki roop main tumse bahut pyar karta hu.or maine usko kaha main sach me mar jau ga agar tumne kisi se kuchh kaha to.usne kaha tum to pagal ho gaye ho.or mujhse shoot kar kitchen me chali gayi or sabaji laa kar mujhe di or...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Kira Queen Irina Cage Shy Guy Fucks Slutty Colleagues Kira Queen and Irina Cage at the Office

It’s Thursday afternoon at the office and Vince, a relatively new employee, is trying to get a bit of work done when his boos Kira Queen comes into the office and starts cozying up to him. Being the shy, anxious guy that he is, he removes himself from the situation and goes to grab a cup of coffee so as to recompose himself. When he returns he’s surprised to find Kira and his colleague Irina Cage pleasuring each other. Although he tries to continue working as if nothing has happened, the two...

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Staying late with Mr Neely

18 year-old Scott Brennan was walking down the hall his toward the gym on an average friday. School had just ended, and it seemed like he was the only one staying late. His best friend, Brandon, was coming with him to the gym. They often stayed late to hang out in the gym. Shoot some hoops. Or maybe play some soccer. Scott seemed to be a typical teen to most, but those who had seen him play soccer or basketball knew that he was way above average. He was star player on their basketball team and...

2 years ago
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Elaine Rides Again Part 2

On arriving at the lakeshore. Elaine finally spoke. “P, there’s something I have to tell you,” she said.I had a feeling where this might be going. Having recently taken a job in the city, she was probably thinking about the distance between us and how much we’d get to see each other. How she’d struggle to be alone for a week or two at a time. Had she quit her job? Or was she going to ask me to pack my things and move there with her?She was five-feet-ten and slim. She had a pretty face and nice...

2 years ago
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Please dont walk away 4

Then we both just laid down for a few minutes and wondered about what our dad just told us. Was he really OK now? “Well, I know the woman that might be carrying my baby looks good,” Steve said. “Well, you wanna sex again already?” I asked. “Well, I was talking about how beautiful you are. I mean over the years I guess I've really noticed how beautiful you have become over the years. Your boobs have gotten a lot bigger too,” Steve replied. “Wait, are you implying my boobs don't make me...

1 year ago
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Jo blows the pimp

In the condominium complex where lovely JoAnne had lived since she was a young girl, there was one woman whom she always had admired. A single mother now of two teens, one boy and one girl, Tiffany somehow always had managed to work out daily, maintain a spectacularly trim and fit figure, and otherwise look so amazing all the time. Even now, in her late thirties and with a daughter age nineteen and a son of seventeen, she could pass for early to mid twenties. Jo once remarked, years ago, that...

Group Sex
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SweetSinner Lacy Lennon Sibling Seductions Part 4

Tyler discovers that his new step sister Lacy has been making a documentary about step siblings who start dating. When he confronts her, she claims it was just because she found the topic interesting. They both know the truth is more complex than that. She was so fascinated by these stories of sibling seduction because she had such a strong connection to her own step brother. He feels it too and insists that they at least kiss to satisfy their curiosity. The kiss is not enough. It only makes...

3 years ago
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First Anal

I want to tell you about getting my new toy and the fun I’ve had with it! My favourite way to masturbate has always been to rub my clit with a finger or old lipstick tube in my arse. This always gets me off! I’ve fantasised about having a cock up my arse, but always been too scared to try it and my husband hadn’t really made any moves in that direction. Last week I read about Tristam Taormino’s Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women. I was instantly hooked. I felt too embarrassed to do anything...

2 years ago
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My Birthday Present

My birthday present.It was my birthday in 1979. It was two years after I picked up Chuck at a bar in a restaurant on the bay. And I had to flip with my sister to see who was going to take the empty seat next to him. He had moved in with me about a month ago.I found out that this wonderful unselfish man. The man that would take care of my kids as though they were his. The man that would take me to dinner and dance the night away. And most importantly, he was the dominant man that showed me I was...

Wife Lovers
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Missing Cats and Found KittensChapter 8

It was an empty courtroom. The only people in it were myself, Suzy, and Steve. On the other side was Randy Clausen, the DA. The only other person was the court clerk. He was a burly guy. An obvious weight lifter type. He was wearing a pale blue short-sleeve button-up shirt. The arms of which were being seriously strength tested. When the light over the judge’s door flashed, he called out. “All rise, district court for Idaho county is in session. The honorable judge Porter Eskelson...

1 year ago
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Hi it’s me Ashu back again with another story. This is about Pooja’s elder sister Kalyani who is 30 yrs old, 38-32-38, 5 ft 5, and a mother of 2 lovely kids. After fucking Pooja I became a very good friend of hers and was invited to her house many times by her family. She used to call me sometimes when she was alone in her house and I used to go to her house to fuck her. Once we were in her balcony, on the 12th floor, I was standing and she was kneeling down sucking my cock. Suddenly the...

4 years ago
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“You know me well enough to know I would. What about you, are you comfortable with me having my way with them? Or are we going to share?” I took the two boys aside before we showered the next day and explained Sarah loves having an extra man, or two, around once a month. “She loves being licked and teased before she blows her man of the moment. And she is good, very good. Would you like to see some pics of her in action?” The two boys were rapt as I showed them some pics of me licking her...

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The crew had a layover scheduled, so as we started walking toward the pick-up spot for the hotel shuttle, I hung back and waited for the pilot, Alan, to leave the cockpit. As he joined me, we changed course and headed to the taxi stand together. Since I started working with Alan about three years ago, we’ve always paired up during our layovers, unless one of us had other arrangements, or unless Alan’s wife was flying with us. On that particular day we were both flying solo, so we grabbed a...

3 years ago
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Seducing Him

I have a close friend that that i have always been suspicious of that was bi, he is a bit of a yogi but the typical tall dark and handsome.We started becoming close last year, i enjoyed listening to all his conquests of women and we got along well in general. On new years he invited me over with some other friends where we drinked and smoked like usual. After getting pretty wasted he suggests we go downstairs to the sauna to sweat it out, as he lives in a condo with a gym. No one else comes but...

2 years ago
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Desert DreamChapter 2

Slowly John returned to his senses. He must still be alive then, he thought stoically to himself. He seemed to be laying on sand. Must have washed to shore, he thought wearily, content to rest where he was. Eventually his subconcious caught up with his rational mind, and he noticed something that had been bothering him on some level, or rather the absence of several things that had been causing him to tense up, as if waiting for the other shoe to drop, or the next ploink of the dripping...

1 year ago
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Mike and MeganTuesday

Well, we made it back to my place and got cleaned up. I remember putting our clothes in the drier and saying it would be a half hour or so, then putting on a movie, and watching a bit of the movie... then I must have fallen asleep. The next thing I remember is Lisa screaming "What the hell!" "Don't you ever knock?" I said, half asleep "No... you two had a good night, I see" Lisa said I remember thinking what? Then I realized there was an arm, across my chest... a female arm. I...

1 year ago
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Elementary My Dear WatsonChapter 2 Mud Bowl Offside Tackle

That night, Emma Watson and her parents watched the news excitedly. Normally Emma didn't care much for the news, but normally Emma's own class wasn't a part of the leading domestic news story. Billy and Emma's families got together for a dinner of barbecued burgers in the back yard. Taking advantage of the new bylaw, Billy's parents escorted him to Emma's in the nude. After dinner, the two 11-year-olds played catch until sundown, with Billy trying to imitate the pitchers he...

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Wifes holiday weekend

For months we had discussed the thought of my wife being shared. In fact we had even contacted strangers on the internet but for one reason or another they never seemed to work out. While I was certainly the one pushing for a threesome if always amazed me how wet she would get when we discussed it and just how horny she could get when pushed. Given that nothing had worked out previously and we never seemed to have enough alone time to find and arrange time with another partner, I came up with...

Wife Lovers
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Suffering From Sanity Ch 2

Introduction: When you are crazy, you go to a psych ward. Youre locked away and you become something that is no longer human. You are a specimen of sorts, and doctors study you and run tests on you, and inject you with numerous chemicals. But what happens when your crazy with sanity? What happens when its reality you suffer from, and the crimes you committed were in bouts of sanity? What happens when reality is so real, it drives you to insanity? Chapter Two It had been three weeks since she...

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Return to Darleen By Blueheatt __Things always change in life, but not my thoughts about Darleen. The wife and I went splitsville, and she moved out. My immediate thought was Darleen. I drove to where I remembered where the dirt road was. There was the house. On the porch were two people. As I got closer&hellip,it was an old man and a girl sitting together in a porch swing. The girl held her hand over her eyes to shade the sun. The old man reached for a rifle. The girl stood up and started...

3 years ago
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Sarah left me 8

Introduction: Lilly changes her name to Slut This is the sequel to Sarah left me 1 to 7. You will understand better if you read them first. Next morning I woke up with Lilly still pressed against my body. Sarah and Angie were in the bed with us. Since it was a work day for all of us, there was no time for sex. We all four crowded into the shower together. It was very crowded in there, but still quite fun. Sarah suggested, Phil? Do you think we could find a way to have a bigger shower stall,...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 611 Bhawna Daal Rahi Hai Daana Neetu Ke Naam

Narrated by Bhawna Hi, main Bhawna, pichle baar mein aap logo ne Neetu ki kartooto ko to dekha hi. Kaise woh Akash ko blackmail kar apne hisaab se nachane lagi. Lekin aaj ka kissa main bataungi jab Akash ne mujhe sab kuch bata diya uske baad se. To fir chaliye batati hun. Jab Akash ne mujhe Neetu ki harkato ke bare mein bataya to sach kahoon to mujhe gussa to aayi kafi. Par sath hi darr ki agar Neetu chahegi to meri zindgi sachme barbaad kar degi. Lekin main thande dimag se...

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HandymanChapter 8

I wouldn’t like you to think that getting down to breakfast was a rapid procedure, because it wasn’t. I was in no great hurry to let go of Wendy and she seemed in no hurry to let go of me. When our bladders forced us to get up we took a shower together for the first time. That was fun. Would you believe I’d never done that before? Well, you can believe it wasn’t long before it became a regular event. Breakfast was healthy. Fortunately I quite like muesli (as long as it’s not from the...

4 years ago
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First Try For A Big Guy

You can’t know what it’s like unless you’ve experienced it. Imagine like your whole world has narrowed to pinpoint clarity and that for a moment you can forget everything and know everything at the same time. Maybe it’s like what enlightenment is supposed to feel like, or perhaps what Eve felt when she first bit into the apple. Like Eve’s, my downfall was also delivered to me by a snake. Fat sixteen-inch snake that dwelled in the jock pouch of Aaron Black. And I wanted nothing more then to...

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Anger Ch 01

Chapter 1 – They Meet Authors Note: There is no sex in this chapter. As of this posting, chapter 2 hasn’t been written. I want to hear from you, my goal is to become a better writer. Help Me! Specifics are great, you liked this passage or I lost you in that passage etc. I hope you enjoy the story. The sun touches the horizon setting a flattering rosy glow on the swim-suited beach crowd as they fold chairs, shake towels and prepare to leave with the sun. Sitting atop my surfboard, I rise...

2 years ago
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The cocky vs the Cucky

Two years ago, me and my girlfriend were in Egypt for holiday. In the early days, we spent time together; swimming, eating, drinking shopping etc... It was all same and boring and we had still two weeks to stay. So we started look for something different, different activities. Luckily we realized some groups of young people get together on the beach at nights. Then we decided to meet with them and be friends. And in our fourth night we went down to the beach and get close to them and say "hi"....

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