Darla free porn video

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It hadn't gone well, Darla thought, as she leafed through an old magazine. She shifted position, took her shoes off, and curled her feet up comfortably beneath her on the couch. Across the room, Michael was still typing away. They'd been working together quite well on the book, and then he'd had one of his sudden fits of inspiration and had shooed her away, irritably, because he didn't want her "looking over his shoulder." As if he hadn't looked over mine enough, she thought. And leaned on it at the same time. I wish we could get an office with two desks, two typewriters, and a brick wall between them! With a sigh, she picked up another magazine and slid farther down into the cushions that covered Michael's couch.

She'd just begun reading a fascinating article on archaeological discoveries at Tell-el-Amarna when Michael spoke. "Look, it's getting late, and I have a lot of things to do in the morning. Time for you to go home."

Darla closed her eyes for a moment. All right, she thought, if that's the way you want it... She reached down, slipped on her shoes again, tossed the magazine on the table and got up to go. Her portfolio and purse and all her papers had been left on the table by the door, and she turned that way, unwilling to look at Michael. Sometimes, she thought, I wish you hadn't talked me into this so-called collaboration. I wish you hadn't insisted that we both work here at your place. I wish you hadn't...

He came into her field of vision, surprising her out of her train of thought. He stood there in the light reflected from the desk, shirt gone, tenuous smile on his face. If you really wanted me to leave, she thought, why did you take off your shirt? A smile replaced the sullen expression on her face.

"Gee, Michael, I've seen that half of you before. Why don't you take the rest of it off?"

He looked down at himself as if to say, who, me? "Ladies first," he said. "Or is it, you show me yours and then I'll show you mine?" His tone of voice was light, slightly sarcastic. "I'm just getting ready for bed here."

Hmmm, thought Darla, I bet he thinks that'll get rid of me. By all rights, it should, but I'm tired of doing everything his way. "All right," she said softly, and without another word, she quickly unsnapped her jeans, unzipped them, let them drop to the floor and stepped out of them. "Like this?"

Dead silence in the room for a moment. Then Michael said, "Now wait a minute, put those back on. That's not what I meant, and you know it."

"No, Michael, I don't know it. I just did as you asked. We're not playing this game by your rules any more. You started it, and this time you're going to have to finish it."

Surprised at her own sudden courage, she slipped out of the large, loose overshirt she wore, and dropped that to the floor as well. Clad only in a light pink tank-top and matching panties, she stepped out of her shoes and walked closer to him. He retreated. Her eyes were fixed on his. She smiled. Moving close to him, she lightly brushed her fingertips through the soft hair on his chest. He gasped, and held her hand still in his own. She reached up with her other hand, and now held his hand in a warm embrace.

"Come on, Michael," she said, pulling him in the direction of his bedroom. For a moment, he resisted. "No," he said, "we can't do this. Let's stop it now before things get out of hand." "They're already well in hand, Michael, and you come with me now." "No," he said. "Yes," she said, and pulled him along by the hand. He tried to pull away from her, but not with any real strength, and then he followed.

She led him into the bedroom, over to the bed, then turned. "Lie down here, Michael, and I'll help you take the rest of those clothes off."

"I've been dressing and undressing myself for a few weeks now, you know," he replied, sarcastically.

"All right then, you do it. I have some things to do here."

She turned and walked away from him, opening the doors to his closet. She didn't look back at him. After a moment, soft sounds indicated that he was undressing. She found his tie rack at the back of the closet and looked it over. Hmm, which ones look the softest, the most worn? Which ones will cost least for me to have sent to the cleaners, she wondered with a smile. I'm glad he has to wear suits to work -- this is a nice large collection. Sorting through the colorful array, she selected four that looked a bit frayed around the edges. Holding the ties in her hand, she folded the closet doors shut.

Michael was sitting on the edge of the bed, pulling off his socks. He was still wearing a pair of light blue cotton bikini briefs. It was obvious that the situation was beginning to excite him. She went to the light-dimmer on the wall and reduced the illumination in the room to a soft glow.

"Lie down, Michael." "No."

She walked over to him, ties dangling from her hand, and put the other on his shoulder. Her nipples had hardened under the thin tank top, and she stood with legs slightly apart. She looked directly into his eyes.

"Yes," she said.

Silently, he lay back across the bed, his feet still on the floor.

"No, Michael, lie properly on the bed for me."

He shifted position, bringing his feet up on the bed. She sat down beside him and took his left hand in hers. She brought it up to her mouth and traced the fingertips with her tongue. He shivered slightly. She gently opened his hand and kissed the palm. Then, she took one of the ties and tied it gently but firmly around his wrist. He watched her, but made no move. Kissing his palm again, then biting him very softly on the soft mound of flesh beneath his thumb, she laid his hand down on the bed and tied the other end of the tie to the bedpost. Then, she took both hands and caressed his arm, softly, all the way down to his shoulder, past it, over his nipple and down his side. He wiggled and gasped, but made no other sound. She got up, taking the rest of the ties with her, and walked around the end of the bed to the other side. His eyes followed her outline in the dimly lit bedroom. She sat down beside him on the other side, and traced his cheek lightly with her hand, then brushed his hair back, allowing her fingers to slip down and circle his ear, very gently. He turned his head to the side, trapping her hand between his ear and his shoulder. She smiled. Picking up his right hand, she traced the lines on the palm with a gentle finger, then her tongue. She took each of his fingers in turn into her mouth and sucked on them gently. She looked down at him, saw the very light film of sweat on his chest, and smiled. Then, she tied the tie gently around his wrist, put his hand on the bed, and tied the other end to the bedpost. Then, again, she took both hands and caressed his arm, all the way down, over the shoulder, onto his chest, circling his nipple with gentle but insistent fingertips. He wriggled, pulling against the ties, but they held him in a firm grip of their own. Her hands continued down his chest, over his belly, making the skin flutter, down his sides, down his right leg. Making circles with her fingertips, she shifted her position on the bed, caressed his leg, down to his ankle, then onto his foot. Being careful not to tickle him, she massaged the foot. Then, she took another tie, tied it firmly around his ankle, stood up, pulled his leg out a bit, and tied the tie to the footboard.

Then she got up, moved back around to the other side of the bed, and looked down at him. This time, she remained standing, running the backs of her fingernails slowly, gently, down his leg, beginning at the thigh, reaching the ankle in slow degrees. She picked up his foot and quickly tied it to the bed. Her own breathing was coming more rapidly now.

"My goodness, Michael, you didn't get completely undressed. I wonder what we'll have to do about that?" She looked at the large bulge under the briefs and smiled.

Darla looked at Michael on the bed for a long moment. Her eyes were closed slightly, and her breath was coming more quickly than before. Michael shifted on the bed, testing the strength of his bonds, and found himself held fast. Darla watched him with a smile. And then, suddenly, she turned and walked out of the room.

"Hey! What IS this??" Michael shouted. "Is this what you wanted? Leave me here like this? C'mon!" "Just be patient, Michael," came her voice from another room. "I know that's not one of your virtues, but this time you really have no choice. I'm not leaving."

He could hear the sounds of cabinet doors opening and closing. He tried to pull his hands loose, but the harder he pulled, the tighter the knot got. He was still struggling when she reappeared.

"You don't trust me much, do you, Michael? I told you I wasn't leaving. Now quit doing that before you cut off the circulation to your hand."

She set the pile of things she'd been carrying on the floor. Then, deftly, she readjusted the tie on his left arm where his hand was beginning to turn purple.

"You're going to enjoy this, I promise you, so don't fight it."

He lay back on the bed, panting, and looked at her. Even in the dim light, her own excitement was obvious. She bent down and picked up two large, slightly worn bath towels from the floor. Sitting down, she laid the folded towels on the bed beside him.

"Turn away from me for a moment and let me slip this under you."

He turned as far onto his side as the bonds would allow, and she spread the towels beneath him, smoothing them out. Her warm hand brushed against his back, as if to smooth away the tension there as well.

"All right, now roll back this way."

She walked around the bed, pulled the towels out beneath him and smoothed them across the bed. There was now a layer of warm, soft terrycloth beneath him from his neck almost to his knees. Puzzled, he watched her as she walked back to the other side of the bed.

She picked up a small, heavy ceramic bowl from the floor and set it on the bedside table. And then, standing beside the bed, she began, very slowly, to caress herself. Her hands ran, teasingly, from her collarbone over her breasts, circling from the outside toward the center. Her eyes were nearly closed. Her back arched slightly and her shoulders moved from side to side as her fingers moved inwards. She held first one nipple, then the other, and pulled them slightly outwards against the fabric of the tank top. Then her hands continued their slow, languourous travel, making their way downwards. Her fingers slid inside the waistband of her panties. Her eyes opened slightly and she watched him with a smile as she wiggled her hips, very slightly, and slid her hands farther under the fabric, but then, instead of continuing to the center, she slid her hands against her sides, stepped back a bit, and slowly, slowly pushed the panties down. As she worked the panties down, farther and farther, she stepped back a bit more from the bed so that he could see her. He strained against the ties as he lifted his head to watch.

She wiggled her hips and the panties slid the rest of the way to the floor. Quickly, she bent over and picked them up, rubbing the fabric between her hands.

"My goodness, I wonder why these are so damp? Do you want to feel it, Michael?" -- bringing the soft fabric up against his cheek as he turned his head away. "No? Ah well, no loss. Now, we need to do something about you, don't we?" And with that, she dropped the panties to the floor.

Her hand traced a path up his left leg, caressing him, gradually working upwards. When she reached the elastic on the leg of his briefs, she slid two gentle fingertips underneath it, tracing the path of the elastic across his leg, feeling the coarser hair beneath, teasing him, coming close to where his bulge began, but never quite touching it. He turned slightly towards her and made a soft sound. Her fingers slid a bit farther beneath the fabric, then withdrew. She drew the backs of her fingernails across his belly, very gently, and watched the skin flutter and his back arch involuntarily at her touch. Again and again, till he was writhing on the bed.

"Stop it!" he gasped. "All right," she said, and moved back away from the bed, walking around to the foot of it, never taking her eyes off him. She climbed up on the bed, to kneel between his legs. Watching him, again, she began to caress herself, her hands following the same path, but lingering longer on her breasts, pulling the nipples out again and again. Then her hands moved downwards, up under the tank top, and she drew it up and over her head and tossed it to the floor. The soft light revealed a light film of sweat.

Then she leaned forward a bit and reached up toward where his left hand was tied. With both hands, she caressed his arm, slowly working her way downwards, using fingertips and fingernails in gentle concert. She traced her way down over his collarbone, his nipple (circling until he writhed again) and again over his belly, making him twist under her hands. This time, she approached the waistband of his briefs and slid her fingers beneath, sliding them down ever so slightly, releasing him a bit. Breathing faster but still smiling, she ran a gentle fingertip around the ridge on his cock, only once. His back arched again and he pressed against her hand, his body wanting more.

But her hands moved upwards to his other hand and arm, and again, she repeated the slow downward massage. By the time she reached his cock, he was gasping.

"Oh God, please..." "Please what, Michael? What would you like?" "what... oh... in your mouth, please..." "Ah, but I can't do that while you have those on. You should have gotten undressed, you know? What shall I do now?"

Her fingertips pushed the waistband down a bit more, teasing him by tracing a path through his hair.

Darla knelt on the bed and considered the situation. Then, lightly, she began to trace the outlines of Michael's cock through the fabric of his briefs. Around, down, up, back, her hands made a path over the light blue material, but they did not again touch bare skin. He began to move his hips in rythym with her fingers, wiggling whenever she moved upwards in an attempt to pull her hands where he wanted them to be. Her fingers moved down between his legs, teasingly, slipping inside the elastic now and again to caress him.

She bent closer to him, watching his reaction. Her mouth opened slightly, she bent her head down by her hands. He moved his hips upward, seeking her mouth. Shaking her head, then, she brushed her hair over his stomach, lightly over the head of his cock, and then straightened up. He flopped back on the bed in disappointment and looked at her.

"Bitch," he said through clenched teeth. "Yes, Michael, all that and more."

She looked down at him through hooded eyes. And then, slowly, she put her index finger in her mouth and sucked on it, moving it in and out of her mouth. Then two fingers. He pulled against the ties that bound his hands. They held him fast. Angry now, he struggled, trying to break free, but she made no move, kept sucking her fingers and watching him. At last, exhausted, he gave up. She took two wet fingers out of her mouth and traced them around the head of his cock.

"Is that what you want? Is it?" No answer. "I'll give you what you want, Michael, but you have to give me what I want, too."

Her fingers moved faster, feeling how slippery his skin had become, spreading the fluids around in wider circles.

"Yes," he said, pressing up against her hand. "Yes." "Good," she said.

Moving one leg over his, then the other, she slipped off the bed to stand beside it. Her hands slipped down inside the briefs, sliding them down. She reached around him; he arched his back to help her pull them down.

"Now, Michael, you have to do as I tell you, or I'll leave you here like this and go home. Understood?" "Yes..."

Her fingers trailed down his left leg, making circles with the backs of her fingernails. He lifted his head to watch her. She untied the tie from the foot of the bed, and he wiggled his foot, unsure of what she wanted him to do. She reached up to slide the briefs down to knee level and he bent his knee, allowing her to stretch the fabric over his knee and then down and off his leg. He put his foot flat on the bed, knee still bent, and she ran her hand down the back of his leg slowly, circling, still standing beside the bed, finally reaching beneath him, probing, making him curl his leg up against his chest to give her easier access. She pressed the leg back down again gently, withdrew her hand, and re-tied the tie.

"Now, Michael, we both get what we want."

She reached into the ceramic bowl on the bedside table and brought her hands back out, shiny with oil. She rubbed her hands together, then caressed her breasts again, and again, sliding the oil over her skin until she shone softly in the dim light. More oil, and her hands moved downwards. More oil, and she reached to caress him as well. Her hands moved over his chest, his shoulders, down over his stomach. Dipping her hands into the oil again, she placed them on his chest and climbed back up to kneel between his legs. She moved both hands down, tracing a circle on his stomach, moving down between his legs. Then her hands slid gently upwards again, upwards, but this time, she shifted her position so she was leaning close to him. The higher her hands reached, the closer she came, until by the time her hands reached nearly to his wrists, her nipples were brushing against him. Oiled skin against oiled skin, she slid down, the pressure light but the contact unbroken, until his cock was between her breasts. She shifted from side to side, rubbing him in gentle circles. His back arched, and she allowed him to press more firmly against her for a moment.

Then she began to slide her hands gently upwards along his skin again, raised herself up a bit. Panting, he looked at her, trying to guess what she would do next. She smiled. Then she sat up, straddling his legs, and wiggled her hips until he could feel her, warm, wet, soft cunt brushing against him. She reached down to hold his cock against her and began moving her hips slowly, rocking back and forth. He pushed up against her, moving in rhythm, hoping that soon, she would slide him inside her, pulling against the ties on his arms as he kept pace with her motions.

As his breathing began coming in ragged gasps, she realized how very aroused he was, and stopped her motion.

"No, Michael, not yet. I'm not ready yet. Wait for me."

She sat back a little bit, settling down against his thighs, and began to caress her breasts with both hands. Her fingers made rapid circles on the lightly oiled skin, moving inwards to the nipples, pulling them out, rolling them between her fingers, releasing them, circling outwards again. Soon, one hand moved down her stomach, circling, brushing through her short, curly pubic hair, sliding in between her lips. In the darkened room, tied on the bed as he was, Michael could not really see her hand, but he could tell by the motion of her body that she was moving it faster, sliding it down between the lips, caressing herself as far back as she could reach. She moaned softly and brought the hand forward again, teasing herself, circling, never quite touching the center of her desire.

He watched as her hands moved in rhythm, one up, one down, and she began to rock back and forth, panting, making small soft sounds of desire.

Suddenly, she wrapped both arms around herself.

"Michael, are you ready?" "Yes," he whispered. "Yes," she echoed, and moved forward a bit.

She reached to caress his cock with both hands, feeling how wet it was, sliding her fingers over it to spread the lubrication around, the wetness from her hands adding to his. And then she rose on her knees, moved forward, holding him with both hands, and slowly, slowly, brought him into position and settled down against him just a bit. He slid inside her, just a little, the slick warm skin sliding easily. They both gasped as he slid inside.

She kept her hands in place as she settled farther down, slowly, slowly allowing him to slide farther inside. He pushed up against her, but she was tight with desire and he could not make himself slide in any faster. Deeper and deeper, until finally, he was all the way inside her. She stopped for a moment, and he could feel her muscles tighten against him still more.

And then she began to move. Slowly at first, she began to rock her hips, sitting up but leaning slightly forward, rising up so that he slid almost all the way out, sliding him back within her again. The lubrication increased and they moved faster against each other. Her hands went back to her breasts, pulling the nipples out in rhythm with her hips. Faster and faster she rocked, up and down, back and forth, her hands in constant motion. She seemed to want to draw him deeper and deeper inside her. And then her breathing changed... the rhythm changed... he could feel the ripples inside her as her climax rocked her again and again. It was too much for him. He pushed up against her, again and again, making her move with him, faster and faster. She went with him, willingly, reaching down to hold him against her as his body twisted in climax as well.

And then, she relaxed against him, nestling against his chest, straightening her legs out so that she lay on top of him. They were panting, making soft sounds. He was still inside her, but growing softer, sliding out. She chuckled, and tightened up all her muscles, trying to squeeze him farther out. He pushed up against her, but weakly, and finally slid out, feeling the wetness between them.

"Did you get what you wanted?" he asked. "Yes," she said, and reached up to untie his hand.

The End

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Sex Life With Girlfriend

Hi tiz is Gautam hailing from Hyderabad age 22, m gonna narrate a true incident which has taken place when i was in my engineering… It was when i was in my engineering 1st year and obviously in that age we r desperate about gals n all, so i got a call from a friend (gal) who asked me to bunk.. N tiz is my 1st bunk in my life, and it’s obvious that we would nod our heads as a gal asks for hand(guys don’t be serious as it is a true even we know).So my friend introduced her gang & i found a gal...

4 years ago
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My mom my best friendphilosopher and guide

I have read many of the articles and stories on the net on incest and found most of them are based on fantasies or myths.I hope my real life experience may enrich the readers on the incestuous relationship. I am 23yrs , working and staying with my divorced mom of 45yrs.also working.My dad left my mom almost 7yrs.ago when I was 16yrs in my intermediate college.My mom was highly depressed and lonely. Her sadness made me closer to her, and began to spend more time with my mom.It was all done with...

2 years ago
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Twist Of The Knife ch 7 Part Un

Fall 2016. I've been watching the colorful fall leaves change hue from the small window in my room as the sun sets. I don’t like to leave my room unless I have to, the son of a bitch never comes into my room, but enough about him. Damn, that Nurse Betty was really something, and two days in a row, that was a first. I knew Lori was really getting into characters, and things had been getting pretty wild, but I had no idea how wild things would get, I was about to find out! It will be lights out...

3 years ago
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61 Saal Ki Aunty Ko Choda 8211 Part 3

Hello indian sex stories dot net dosto mai jayn . Sorry dosto mujahe next story likne mai thoda time laga. In fact jaise meri life chal rahi hai us hisab se likhna jaruri thaa. Ab mai jayada bore na karte hue sidhe story pai aata hu. Jaise ke aap logo ok pata hai ke mai aur aunty goa na ke aye 8 days ke liye. Ane ke bad bhi mai daily college jane ke baad ghar laut te samay aunty ke ghar jaya karta tha . Ab hamare bich only sex he nahi aur bhi masti hoti thi ,jaise ke mai unke ghar jate hai unke...

1 year ago
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CadeChapter 9 A Little Discipline

The house was livable now and they didn't have to work on it all the time, so they had some free time on their hands. Callie wanted sex every night, but Cade still wasn't interested. She became angry about his rejection and in retaliation she stopped doing the housework and cooking. If he was going to be cold and indifferent to her, then she didn't see why she needed to be his slave. "What's going on Callie?" Cade asked in annoyance. It had been a few days since their meeting with...

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Chance Encounter in Georgia Part II

It was late morning when we woke up. Adam and I laid there in bed, still tangled in the sheets, just smiling at each other. We broke the silence at the same time when we said, "Good morning," which was followed by laughter since we said it at the same time.We let time stand still as we looked into each other's eyes, smiling. The room was silent as we laid there. Adam broke the silence by saying, "Stay here and get dressed. I'll be back in about an hour and a half. I have a surprise in store for...

Love Stories
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Spreading Genes in Tight SpacesChapter 4

"Good morning, are you feeling rested, Jason?" asked Dr. Watkins. "Better now." He had worked off his post-thawing horniness with Sally, wasting precious semen to preserve and strengthen the partnership that anchored his emotional life. "We debated about whether to tell you this, but we ultimately thought we ought to. We realized that treating you with extra testosterone and not telling you about it was at the least disrespectful." "I agree," he said, memories coming back to him...

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High School Part 2 My Sophomore Year

High School Part 2 - My Sophomore Year [In which Shaun learns to cope with the aftereffects of his surgery, notices a few changes occurring in his body, and confides in his mother and Jeff.] While I'd been wearing panties and sanitary napkins during the summer, that didn't work for me when it was time to go back to school. My problem was that while I could control the flow of urine, when I had to pee I had to go, like, RIGHT AWAY, and I only had a minute or so to get to...

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Futa Naked In School 03 Futa MVPs Reward Chapter 2 Futas Taboo Decision

Chapter Two: Futa's Taboo Decision By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Charisma Lacy's Week, Tuesday I felt numb as I sat naked in Coach Musil's office. My little sister was beside me, equally as nude as me. We were both chosen to attend classes sans clothing thanks to the Program. Being naked wasn't why I was numb. After two months of the Program running at our college, I'd grown used to seeing naked girls and wild sex around campus. I'd even made love to my sister before our mythology...

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Kate Catherine and Big Black Cocks Chapter 6

Introduction: Catherines Excellent Adventure Kate, Catherine and Big Black Cocks! Chapter 6 Catherines excellent adventure Catherine wanted to leave the parking lot right now, worried that her boss might see her with these two black men!. Her boss was an older successful business man of some sort of mixed ethnic South African race. But to look at him you would never know it. He was rumored to have made a small fortune and had been involved in the illicit diamond an ivory trade of the black...

3 years ago
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Birthday Gift

It was nearly a year ago today that I was given the best gift I’d ever received. The day started off like any other day. I woke up, got dressed, ate breakfast and went to school. Today was my birthday, eighteenth to be exact, but I didn’t feel different at all. When I got to school my best friend, Travis, came over to me, swung his arm around my shoulder, and started yelling, “Make way for the birthday boy!” I felt a little embarrassed but I still laughed at Travis’s stupidity. Travis was...

Gay Male
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Truth Or Dare With Mom

Truth Or Dare With Mom Terri came bursting into my bedroom completely unannounced and said, “You have to come down to the family room and play Truth or Dare with us.” I asked, “Why should I?” Terri said, “Because Stacy talked Mom into playing with us.” I asked, “Do you think that is a good idea?” Terri said, “She came home half in the bag. Her office party was a smash and she is horny as all get out. You just might get lucky with her. Stacy and I will help. Maybe we will...

4 years ago
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Massaging an Athlete

Hello readers, this is Rahul (name changed for secrecy), I am a software engineer in a giant MNC and was working in Pune. Now I had been shifted to Bangalore. Basically I’m from Mumbai. You must have read my previous Story “Virgin chat friend fucked”, “Hot virgin BPO trainer gal”, “Fucking Virgin College girl” in Virgin Category of ISS. My id is changed to due to tech reasons. I am narrating one of my story in Pune. It was with an athlete. Please do mail me your feedback at FYI.. I am 5’9”...

2 years ago
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Rider Ch 0105

Chapter 1 Mandy Because I had been under so much pressure in the city I used the death of my favourite aunt as an excuse to take a sudden, but well earned holiday and decided to spend a couple of weeks in the country town where she had lived for over half her life and I had spent many happy times with her as a young boy. Driving into town and seeing horses grazing in almost every paddock reminded me that she’d always said that the place had more of them than it did people. Having left as...

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A Cinderella Story Part 1

Just a little information about this story. It was inspired by the characters in Cinderella. It will more then likely be a series. So just because I do not want to get in trouble for using any names. I am going to change the name of the characters. (Cinderella will be called Camille, Anastasia will called Ashleigh, Drizella will be called Daphne. Prince Charming will be called Cooper.) Sorry for all the changes, but I felt they needed to be made. PART ONE : INTRODUCTION OF CHARACTERS Camille...

4 years ago
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One ShotTwo Birds

I’m an Engineer in profession, working at a MNC. I got the opportunity to travel near about half of the world for my profession. When I get time I try to go through some of the stories narrated here. I would like to share few of my stories here and I’m sure you will enjoy them. It was a shiny afternoon in 2004. I was coming back from my office and using lift to reach at ground floor. It was a high-rise building with more than 15 floors. I saw a beautiful lady of about 28 years old was waiting...

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Strip Club Fantasy

You and I finally have a night to hang out. I texted you to see if you wanted to grab a few drinks. You've been busy and a little stressed. I want you to relax and have a good time. I’m thinking you need a night of no worries. To be honest, I don’t really care about the drinks, I just want to spend time with you. We meet up at a bar and order a pair of 'Jack and Coke's. It’s cool outside, but not cold, so we’re sitting on a patio. I've got you smiling and relaxed, I’m feeling good. It’s a good...

2 years ago
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"You did it you smooth talking Yankee son-of-a-bitch. You nailed her didn't you?" Sam Harding chortled as his friend and fellow attorney, James Austin, sat down at the smalltable in the noisy club. Austin scanned the crowded bar before answering the question with a brief nod. His eyes locked with those of a striking brunette standing alone at the bar. She was clad in a tight red mini, her full breasts spilling over the top ofthe low cut neckline. A smile curved her lips as he moved his...

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Story of myself torture

Note: this was my first story about my journey into being a pain slut. I posted it on my e-mail account with my ex husband. I have now moved it over to my new E mail account. That is why it looks familiar to many of you. -My name is Debbie and I'm a 49-year-old white divorcee. I am 5 foot 7, 148 lbs. I have green eyes, shoulder length brown hair. My measurements for those who want to know is 38C -29- 38. I used to trim my pubic hair but now I shave completely clean. I've had a few...

1 year ago
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Using Up Lloret

Introduction: A work of total fiction, purely fantasy for 18+ Only I sit in the hotel room patiently awaiting her arrival. I just fixed myself another line of cocaine, powdered courage. Adrenaline is making my body shiver from anticipation as if the room is too cold. Theres a light knock at the door. In one swig I finish the remainder of my whiskey and walk to the door. Two deep breaths and then I open the door up revealing my girlfriends mother, Lloret, early fifties, sad sleep deprived...

2 years ago
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Taking That First Step Part 5

Lana began to protest at being pulled toward the bed; she felt she had been punished enough. Her ass was on fire due to the spanking she had just received. Her protests were ignored.Lana was pushed face down on the bed and she felt Cassandra sit on her back before she could attempt to rise. She felt Cassandra attach something to her wrists. Lana opened her eyes and saw restraints. These were not the restraints made of nylons that had been used in the back of the shop; these were made of...

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MommysGirl Mercedes Carrera Alina Lopez Christie Stevens Green Card Mom

Alina Lopez is on her bed texting. When her mom, Mercedes Carrera, knocks on the door, she tells her to come in. Mercedes introduces her friend, Christie Stevens, to her daughter and sits on the bed. Mercedes has some trouble speaking, so Alina raises her voice, rudely asking her what she wants. Mercedes blurts out that she married Christie and that she’ll be staying with them temporarily. Shocked, Alina asks her mother if she’s a lesbian. She explains that she did it to help...

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Hyperactive AlexChapter 8 Rites of Spring

Alex had been working on speeding up compression of data files. There were plenty of good algorithms, but they took a long time, especially compared to modern and future speeds of communication. An obvious way to speed that up was to throw more hardware at it — many parallel processors. This was good up to a point, but certain parts of compression were not easily parallelized. And some algorithms worked better with specific types of input files. Alex was getting good at finding ways to...

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My Own Rape Fantasy

I guess that's all I should say about that day. I had so much on my mind I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings. I was thinking about college, my family, and me growing up and all that shit. What no one knew though, was I had one more thing on my mind: My Master. We had been together for a few weeks, but I already felt a connection with him. I had Masters before but none had stole my heart like he had. Thankfully, he was in the next state so it wouldn't be that hard to...

1 year ago
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Health Class

Gosh, another class on a boring Monday morning. I was getting so sick of these stupid college courses I had to take just to get my degree. I thought after you graduated high school, you finally got to study the subjects you were interested in. I mean here I am, studying to be a journalist but now I have to take a boring health class just to fulfill credits for my degree. What a waste of money and what a waste of time. This afternoon I actually arrived for class twenty minutes early and decided...

Straight Sex
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Maa Beta ka Divine love aur Cosmic Sex 8211 Part 4

Pehle part 1,2,3, ko padhe. Usse aapko sequence or samajhne mein asani hogi. Nahito kuch samajh nahi ayega. Aur aap bhatak jayenge. Continuation of Story– Fir maa uthi, maine unke dono aakho ko deep kiss kiya. Unhone mere galo ko hatho se sehlaya. Yaha ek baat gour karne jaisi hai. Jab bhi main porn dekhta tha ya fir masturbation karta tha, ek samay ke baad mujhe yeh sab bohut bore karne lagta tha. Humne kal puri raat sirf kiss karte rahe, bohut deeply, pagal kutto jaise nahi ki ek dusre ke...

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Velamma Comics

Velamma comics? Indian sex comics are a pretty niche genre, even by my weird fucking standards. But it’s out there. And this stuff is actually kind of hot. Now, these kinds of comics usually aren’t my speed. The drawing style is a weird blend of western comics and a comic book-y look that isn’t it for me. Not like that matters though. I don’t like getting shit or pissed on, but that doesn’t stop the leagues of crazy bastards out there who do. Don’t worry, I’ll still give you all the juicy...

Premium Porn Comic Sites
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UniversityChapter 4

"Pat?" "Hmm?" "Can I spend some money?" "Sure." "No. I mean a lot of money?" "How much is a lot?" "About $2500. Maybe a bit more." "What for?" "Opera subscriptions. Here's the brochure. They're doing wonderful stuff: Mozart and Verdi and Puccini and..." "No problem. Let's look at it at the table." "Got a calendar for the full year?" In a few minutes we'd put together a list of seven operas and an alternate date for each. "Are you home in the...

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The horny neighbor A surprise Orgy Part B

..Continued from Part A.Sunday morning has arrived - Ram and his family woke early and I told them and Casper i’ll stay and study “For what test” Casper asked - “I have special assignment for Jerroti, i’m volunteering for the education center” - Capster nodded - “yea you sure love to stay up late with him” Yea if only he knew, actually he probably knew I was fucking him regularly and now maybe Ram suspected also, but my guess he probably knew I was whoring around. As long as he got his dick...

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Wrong NumberChapter 9

Thursday and Friday night, we had phone sex again. Our fantasies grew more vivid and graphic. I conjured up a fantasy lover being careful not to use any of John’s physical attributes as I described this apparition to my son. I told him how I wanted my lover to fuck me on the beach. John got me off when he said he would like to jerk off while watching me have sex. Friday night I told John how I liked oral sex, and if I had my fantasy lover in my bed, I would suck his cock. He told me he wanted...

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Kristen To Take On Role Of Mentor

The day before a holiday, we work half days. I had reports to close out. I pulled out my top drawer to get a pen and saw the red thong Nina left. My thoughts shifted from work to her. She wore short skirts or slit dresses which emphasized her legs.Nina had an exceeding gorgeous physical appearance, attractive and eye-catching. She would cause you to turn your head as she walked by. She had the sweetest smile and always wore red lipstick. I could feel myself getting moist between my legs. She...

Office Sex
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A Normal Family Chapter 1

As i started walking towards the room i thought i heard her moaning, i was right. I peeked around the door to see what was wrong, what i saw i was not ready for. She was lay there, naked on the bed with 2 fingers buried in her pussy. My sister is 15 and about 5'4 with reasonable sized tits, at least a D cup. I had never really thought of my innocent younger sister as the type of girl who masturbates when she has free time, obviously this came as a big shock to me when i turned around the...

4 years ago
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Payar Hi Payar

Hello sislover fir se hazir hai ek nayi bhadakati hui kahani le kar. Ummeed hai mere bhai issko padh kar pani behno ko chodne ki scheme banayenge aur meri behne apne iss behnchod bhai se pyar ka izhaar karengi. Apne bhai logon ke lund ke liye shubh kamna aur behno ke liye apna lund samarpit karte huye ye kahani apni latest behn/friend Mona yani Fareeha ko bhent kar raha hoon. Apne comments mujeh par likhna mat bhulen. Aapka behnchod bhai, Man. Ab kahani par aata hoon. Mera naam Rishu hai aur...

3 years ago
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Fuckwinds In Bangalore

Hey Hi naughty readers, Wishing you very Happy, Healthy, Wealthy & Prosperous new year ahead. I am Jason great fan of ISS from past 3 years. I had read many stories from this side and I was so enjoyed. So readers I am back to sharing again my 2nd real encounter with you. I hope you will enjoying this encounter. By the way thanks a lot to ISS. Coz after joined on this side I makes many cool and naughty friends and I hope after this story I will making more friends. Thanks my friends for...

4 years ago
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Fairy StoryChapter 2

She woke up and stretched, feeling life and vigour course through her veins. It was already warm and the sky showed clear in an azure blue that darkened at the horizon. Che was nowhere to be seen, but the ground where he had lain was still warm. She could just faintly smell his equine odour. Susan sat up and surveyed her surroundings. The fall of water terminated in the clear lagoon. Strangely, it caused no ripples or disturbance to the crystal clear water. It did however, remind Susan that...

1 year ago
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Pantyhose By Ricky It was an unusually warm Saturday evening in fall and my boyfriend and I were strolling through the park at twilight, enjoying the last red rays of the sun as they brought out the color on the trees. We sat on a secluded bench as the darkness fell, touching each other gently and kissing. In the silence of the woods the kisses turned passionate and soon Mike's hand was sliding under my skirt and tracing the outline of my bush through my pantyhose. His other...

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New House Part Two

As if on cue she sits up.  Stretches her arms above her head and stands up.  I can see that she is wearing a very short dress.  Once again she stretches her arms above her head and I watch the dress rise along her thighs exposing her perfectly formed cheeks.  No leggings!!! No undies!!!  Looking over her shoulder she glances towards my window.  I know she cannot see me because my light is off and I barely have the blind slat raised.  Did she really look my way?  I caught myself holding my...

2 years ago
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A Growing Family Part Two

GROWING TOGETHER – THE BUNTING FAMILY -  PART TWOPart Two (Chapters 3 and 4) Chapter Three – Liz confesses to her Daddy. After their frenzied coupling Doug and Liz had taken showers, changed their cum stained swimming costumes and had gone down to the pool. Laura and Charles were still there, now respectably back in their costumes, stretched out on loungers by the poolside. They were all four sated with the passion of their lovemaking and her Mum had a calm, replete look of content about her. ...

2 years ago
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A New World Part 1

It is a shocking experience, recalling moments from your distant past and realizing very little remains of the person you were then. It happened to me recently, I stumbled upon an old photograph, long forgotten, at the bottom of a seldom used drawer. A real photograph, from the days before everyone had a camera in their pocket everywhere they went. Before people photographed every meal they ate, back when photos recorded special occasions and important events. This photo, found at the bottom of...

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Molly Curt Naked In SchoolChapter 2

"Come on, I'll go with you. The women are all here right now." At the entrance to the kitchen, Bert backed away, and Molly had to talk hard to him. She was losing, but Erma, the cook, just happened to come out where they were. It was questionable who was the most shocked, but they got through the explanation, and the fifty-year-old Erma was able to joke around and tease Bert in her usual fashion, calming him a little. Erma was a wonderful cook and had been with them for twelve years. She...

3 years ago
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Weekend fuck for my dirty wife part 2

Weekend fuck for my dirty wife part 2Continuing the story of my wife Karen and her lust for cock!Stephen didn't have to be asked twice. Moving over to Karen with his cock now fully erect again he began to slowly inch up her soaking wet hole.“Faster boy, fuck me like it’s your first time, hard and fast” He took his orders and started to speed up. Fucking her deep, he then started to slap that big arse of hers. Harder he slapped till red marks were showing on her cheeks. “You dirty bastard, like...

3 years ago
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Planet Mansrulia

Planet MansruliaBy Master Bjorn[Disclaimer:  This is an entirely fantasy world (obviously).  The author does not condone any illegal or violent behavior in any way in the real world.  The author does not condone sex with minors, nor sex slavery in real life.  Once again, this is entirely FANTASY]Backdrop:  Welcome to Planet Mansrulia, a planet very similar in geography to our planet Earth, located in a galaxy far, far away.  On this planet, Men are few in number while lowly females are...

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