Desire Gone Awry free porn video

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It was 9:17 in the morning on Saturday, July 17 and I was sitting at the kitchen table sipping on my third cup of coffee and waiting for my husband to come downstairs for breakfast and I was as mad as hell. The look in my eyes would have wilted flowers and I'm positive that my blood pressure was way above the threshold of what any competent physician would call normal.

"Hi honey, what's for breakfast?"

His cheerful tone only served to irritate me even more. I was so pissed off that I didn't even bother to look up at him. "Bob, your plate is in the microwave."

"Ok, thanks."

He pulled his breakfast out of the microwave and plopped down across from me and started in on his eggs.

"Look Bob, we have to talk and this time I'm serious."

"Sure honey, what about?"

"Our marriage, that's what!"

"Oh for Christ's sakes Mary, not that again."

My blood was boiling. "Yes that again!

"Look honey, this is ridiculous. You're always bringing up our marriage and your concerns about it but I think we have a great marriage. I mean we still love each other and, well look at this beautiful house we own and we even belong to the country club. Everything seems just fine to me and I love you so much and I really don't understand what your concerns are."

"Good God Bob you equate all these material things with a good marriage? I don't give a shit about the country club or even this house; it's us I care about. For Christ's sakes we haven't made love in... what now... six, seven months? Obviously I don't think that could be called frequent by anybody and we don't go out anymore, no parties, no vacations, no anything. How do you expect me to feel? What's wrong with me, am I so terrible to look at that you don't want to make love to me anymore?

"Jesus Mary, calm down. It's not like that at all and you know it. It's just that, well, ever since my heart attack I just feel like the... ah... exertion of making love too often might be too much for my heart. It's the same thing with going to parties and on vacation; I just don't feel comfortable doing that anymore."

"I see it's the exertion of it all. Well then exactly how do you explain being able to go golfing twice a week?"

"That's different honey. I don't walk anymore I use a cart and it's really not a strenuous sport or anything."

"Christ Bob that's bullshit and you know it. What is it really, do you have someone else? It that it, some girl-toy?"

"NO I don't! Look Mary I don't want to argue about this anymore, we can talk about this when I get home."

"That's what you always say Bob, yet we never seem to have that conversation. Look at us honey, I'm 42 and your only 57 and that's not old. Your doctor told us that making love wouldn't hurt you a bit so that not a valid reason to avoid me, besides your operation was almost two years ago."

"I'm sorry Mary but I have to go, my tee time you know. I'll be home around four this afternoon. Maybe we could go out to the club for dinner tonight. Would you like that baby?"

"Sure Bob, whatever."

I watched him as he pulled out of the garage and drove down the street for his precious game of golf, Goddamn it I was so angry with him. While I cleaned up the breakfast dishes I gave a lot of thought to our failing marriage and when I finished the dishes I went upstairs and lay down on our bed and cried until I fell asleep.

After a while I woke up and realized that I had cried myself to sleep thinking about our marriage and that realization made me feel ugly and unwanted. I fluffed a pillow up and lay there thinking back about the twelve years Bob and I had been together, the good, bad and ugly as they say. I had met Bob when he was already a senior vice president of an oil firm and we dated exclusively for months and then were married the following year. Although Bob was fifteen years my senior we had a wonderful and fun filled sex life right up to his heart attack two year ago. I can still remember that day like it was yesterday. Bob and I had just finished making love on a serene Sunday afternoon when he felt a pain radiating across his chest and down his left arm and I insisted on calling an ambulance. They got Bob to the hospital just in time to have double by-pass surgery and to save his life but that was just the beginning of our problems. From the day he came home from the hospital he barely touched me and we quit almost every activity we had done as a couple, sex, the dinner parties, and the weekend vacations even time together with out friends. We had become an isolated and reclusive couple.

I glanced over at the clock/radio and saw that it was just after noon and decided that a shower was in order, so willing myself to get out of bed I walked into the bathroom and skinned out of my sweats, panties and bra. Thinking about my lack of a sex life I turned to evaluate myself in the mirror.

I turned this way and then that way and thought that for 42 I still looked pretty good. I was a statuesque 5' 8", had a long, lithe and trim body with nice legs, actually great legs, legs that most women would kill for. I reached up and cupped my 36C breasts and saw that although there was just a bit of sag too them I still felt that I could go topless on any beach and turn men's heads. I pulled and tugged on my nipples and they responded appropriately, standing out about a half an inch from my breasts in the middle of my light brown areolas. I looked over my shoulder into the mirror and saw that my butt showed no signs of any sag — and I silently thanked the spa workout Gods for helping me there. I moved to the mirror and studied my face closely. My natural blonde hair fell just past my shoulders and framed my oval face nicely and made a nice contrast for my blue eyes. There were hardly any signs of wrinkles around my eyes or my neck, and I actually thought that I could easily pass for 32 instead of 42.

I started for the shower but playing with my nipples had made me wet and horny so, still naked, I trotted back into the bedroom, grabbed my vibrator form the dresser drawer and went across the hall and into the computer room. I turned on our Toshiba and while it powered up I sat down and waited. When the screen finally opened up I clicked on 'my favorites' and scrolled down until I found the site I wanted. It was a porno pay site that had video clips of MILF's. The site theme was, in general, about young men seducing mothers and this was the site that I used most often to satisfy myself. I looked around for a new video and finally found one titled, 'Seducing my Best Friend's Mother' and opened it up.

The video came on the screen and showed a young man, I guess he was suppose to be a teenager but I'm sure that with the current laws he was over 18, helping an older woman in the kitchen. As they talked it became apparent that this was her son's best friend and that they were alone. Cutting to the chase, he began seducing her and in no time they were in her bed and he was shoving his hard man-boy cock in and out of her pussy. Me? Well I had been rubbing little circles around my clit until I felt myself getting wet then I carefully inserted the vibrator into my vagina, bumpy side up. Oh yes, I wanted those beautiful little bumps to caress my G-spot while I played with my clit. It didn't take long; the boy was now squirting his cum onto the woman's face and breasts when my third orgasm hit me. "Ohhhhh yessssssssssssssss" I screamed out loud as wave after wave of pleasure shuddered through my pussy.

I relaxed and took in deep breaths. I finally felt that I was back to a semblance of normal so I closed down the computer and walked back across the hall and into the bathroom. I cleaned the vibrator and set in on the countertop then stepped into the shower and cleaned up. After drying off I went back in my bedroom and pulled out a clean pair of panties and a matching bra and put them on and then looked for a pair of shorts and a blouse. Once I was dressed I walked downstairs and into the kitchen where I poured myself a cold glass of Chardonnay. I was sipping on my wine and thinking about my sex life or rather the lack of it when I heard the lawn mower start up. I looked out the kitchen window I saw Paul, the neighborhood youngster that Bob had hired to do our lawn every week was just starting on our backyard. Paul was pushing the mower and wearing a short sleeved sports shirt opened up to his waist and a pair of light khaki shorts with tennis shoes, sans socks, and that was all. As he mowed up and down our yard I starred out the kitchen window at his well tanned, muscular body and wondered what it would actually be like to have a teenager in my bed.

As that thought coursed through my mind, I thought that in the vernacular of most males, that this boy was actually jail bait! He couldn't be more than seventeen but Jesus what a body. He was tall, at maybe 6' 2" or so and... what... maybe a 175 pounds? It crossed my mind to just go outside and ask him if he would like to fuck a mature older lady but I figured that approach would probably scare him half to death.

I stood there at the window watching him and the more I thought about bedding him the more it seemed like a good idea. How would he react? What would I say to him? Thinking about how to seduce him I left the kitchen and went upstairs to my bedroom and stripped off my clothes. I found a scoop-necked blouse and put it on — without a bra. I looked in the mirror and made sure that I could see my nipples pushing out the front of my blouse. Then I bent over and looked in the mirror to make sure that if I did that to him he could see my breasts then I changed from my shorts to a short tennis type of skirt and went back to the kitchen. Now, exactly how was I going to seduce the boy?

I was pushing the mower across the Wilson's back yard and was wearing an old sport shirt; open to the waist, and a pair of khaki running shorts and my sneakers. It was hot day and I figured that I would stay cooler with just a pair of running shorts and an open shirt. The sweat was rolling down my face and dripping onto my chest and the more I mowed the damper my shorts became until I was positive that you could see the outline of my cock. I stopped mowing for a moment and pulled up my shirt and wiped my brow, then looking around and seeing no one, I reached inside my shorts and straightened my cock, then, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a movement inside the Wilson house. I looked at the kitchen window and saw that it was Mrs. Wilson starring out at me. Embarrassed by the thought that she had seen me with my hand inside my shorts, I turned away from the window and began mowing the yard again. That's when it happened. I turned away from the window and back to what I was doing and ran the mower into a small stump by the garden and the handle of the mower caught me smack in the middle of my stomach and I fell to the ground and tried to catch my breath. I heard the backdoor open and saw Mrs. Wilson was running over to me

"Paul — are you alright?"

"Uh, I think so. I'm... I'm trying to catch my breath."

"Here let me help you."

"OK." She reached down and helped me up and we walked over to the patio and I sat down in a lawn chair.

"OK honey, you sit right there and I'll get you some water."

She went inside the house and in no time she was back with a cold bottle of water. She handed it to me then got down on her haunches and looked up at me. I was soaking wet from the sun and I really didn't feel too good at all. I think she could sense that I was still hurting a little.

"Are you sure you're alright Paul?"

"Yes ma'am, I think I'm fine."

"Well what about that scratch? Does it hurt?"

I looked down and noticed a long scratch on my stomach that must have been caused by the metal throttle handle of the mower when I ran into it. It ran across my stomach to just below the waistline of my shorts and was oozing blood. "Oh, I didn't notice that."

"Well let me help with that. I'll get some water to clean it up and the first aid kit and we'll have you fixed up in no time."

Mrs. Wilson went back into her house and came back outside with a bowl of water, a washcloth, a roll of paper towels and a first aid kit. She dipped the washcloth in the water and bent over and started cleaning the scratch. When she was helping me across the lawn to the chair I thought that she wasn't wearing a bra because I was pretty sure it was her soft breast that was pressed into my arm as we walked. Now when she bent over I could see down the front of her blouse and I was rewarded with an eyeful of her creamy white breasts. I tried not to stare so I closed my eyes and tried to think of anything but her breasts but it wasn't doing any good and I could feel my cock hardening inside my shorts.

As my cock grew it was pressing up onto my stomach and I was sure that she could see it and I was positive that I was turning bright red with embarrassment. When she finally stopped cleaning the scratch she dried it with the paper towels then turned to open the first aid kit and I took that opportunity to straighten out my cock so it wasn't so apparently hard. Mrs. Wilson turned back and started applying the ointment and her forearm was rubbing across the top of my cock as she worked. Things weren't getting any better, not at all.

"Oh my, did I cause that?" She said pointing to my obvious hard on.

"Look Mrs. Wilson, I'm sorry, really I am. I didn't know anyone was home or I would have dressed better and, well you're not wearing a bra and I saw your..."

"Breasts Paul, is that what you saw?"

"Un huh."

"Did you like looking at them? Did you?"

As she asked these questions she was lightly running a finger up and down on the front of my shorts, caressing my cock and making it almost impossible to think. The feeling was electric and I could feel pre-cum leaking out of my cock. "Yes, yes ma'am I did."

"Look Paul, please call me Mary, alright?"

"Uh, sure Mary."

"That's good, now would you like to really see them, even touch them?"

I nodded my head yes and watched as she sat back on her haunches and began to slowly unbutton her blouse. Button after button until she was done then she shucked it off her shoulder and there, right before my eyes, was the first set of real breasts I had ever seen. I knew that I was starring and I was probably drooling too as I looked at her.

"Is this your first time?"

"First time?"

"The first time you've ever see a pair of tits!"

"Uh yea, it is."

"No girlfriend? Come on Paul, you've never touched your girlfriends' tits?"

"Well once. We were kissing at the movies and she let me put my hand under her sweater and feel her but she was wearing a bra and her ti... breasts weren't half as big and nice as yours."

"I see. Come with me Paul."

She took me by the hand and led me inside the house, through the kitchen and upstairs. "Where are we going?"

"To take a shower silly. I can't have you in my bed all sweaty and dirty."

She led me into her bedroom and reached behind her and unzipped her skirt and let it fall around her feet then stepped out of it. She was wearing a pair of high cut panties and she slid them down her legs and off and I had my first view of a real pussy. She didn't shave her hair but I guess because she was a blonde her pubic hair was so light that I could actually see her pussy lips.

"Come on honey; let's get you out of your clothes too."

She helped me off with my shirt and then knelt down and pulled my shorts and down my lets. My cock popped into view and she just looked at it for a minute then she reached out and touched it with a finger. I twitched to her touch and thought for just a second that I was going to cum on the spot. She pulled my shorts off over my tennis shoes and I sat on the edge of the bed and took off my sneakers.

"Come on baby, come with me."

Mary grabbed my arm and pulled me off the bed and led me into the shower stall which was huge. She turned on the water and made sure it was warm then we stepped into the shower.

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Desirees Star Ch 05

Desiree only cried harder when she heard a car in the driveway start, thinking that Gabriel was driving Jessica home. In her mind she could picture them fucking everywhere, in the car, at every stoplight, in Jessica’s room. She had totally forgotten that Jessica had driven her own car back to Desiree’s house. She sat on the floor with her head in her hands trying to figure out what the hell was happening to her. Things between her and Gabriel were going from bad to worse, and now they just...

3 years ago
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Desiree Wants Sex AND Love

Desiree Baxter walked out of her fourth relationship in eight years on the eve of her 28th birthday fed up, determined to enter a convent although she wasn’t sure they accepted agnostics. The problem was men only wanted to fuck her, she wanted them to also love her. Was that too much to ask? Apparently. Oh, each one of those four men – and some others in between the gaps – had been great a fucking but they tended to only love their moms, their cars and themselves. Desiree loved to fuck...

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Desiree and Her Daddy

This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance to real life people is strictly coincidental as all characters in this story are of my imagination. Enjoy reading and please, don't try this at home. "Desiree, please hurry up. We don't have all day. Your hair should have been done at least an hour ago. C'mon now, you're going to make us late," Adam yelled up the stairs to his daughter. Desiree, just about to turn 18, was exercising her usual tardiness. "Just one more minute, dad!" She snapped...

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She sashayed in the room with intent. The young woman named Desiree felt eyes when she walked in. The boys said, “Daaaaamn!"As she walked into science class. Let’s not pretend. She knew what she had. She knew her butt was big. She knew she had curves. However, what she didn’t know as class went on was a young man noticing her for more than her curves. Honestly, it turned him on. But while others look at her like animals, after all, we were all mammals. Desiree knew something was different about...

Oral Sex
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She sashayed in the room with intent. The young woman named Desiree felt eyes when she walked in. The boys said, “Daaaaamn!"As she walked into science class. Let’s not pretend. She knew what she had. She knew her butt was big. She knew she had curves. However, what she didn’t know as class went on was a young man noticing her for more than her curves. Honestly, it turned him on. But while others look at her like animals, after all, we were all mammals. Desiree knew something was different about...

Oral Sex
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At the time of this story Desiree’s husband was in the middle of a two week training course 1,000 miles away. I along with my wife and a few friends were helping Desiree move the last few loads into their new house. They had bought a nice house in suburbia with a half acre of ground and a nice in-ground pool surrounded by a privacy fence. John’s mother had the kids for the weekend so that Desiree could finish moving in. We were packing their shoes into boxes when I notice that they...

2 years ago
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Desiree and Peyton

Think of all the ways it might be possible to be incompatible with someone, and my wife and I are the poster children of such a list. Harken! I'm five-six, and she's five-ten—and by the way she loves to wear high heels. Of late she's become a party animal, and I remain the prototypical bookworm. She, also of late, has become a dance aficionado while I'm more the organ-grinder's monkey. She likes TV and I hate the box. She's a beautiful woman, and I'm an average Joe in grave danger of...

3 years ago
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Desirees Star

This is my first shot at writing, so please feel free to leave comments and let me know what you think. Thanks. ~*~ Chapter 1 ‘Ma, I’ll be right back!’ Desiree yelled into the kitchen as she grabbed her keys off the hallway table. ‘Where are you going?’ Her mother emerged from the kitchen wiping her hands on the dishtowel. ‘You’re not leaving like that are you?’ her mother said with a sigh. Desiree glared at her mother. ‘There is nothing wrong with sweatpants and a t-shirt.’ ‘You look...

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I was walking around the local mall just doing some casual wandering shopping, not really looking for anything including what I found. I rounded the corner and there stood this amazing creature with long brown hair, deep blue eyes and the fullest lips I have seen in some time.She was a fuller figured beauty and I was very intrigued with what I saw since she was very sultry and definitely sexy. I followed her into a couple of normal stores when she led me into a store I was apparently not paying...

1 year ago
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I knew I had already made you wait too long at the door, so with a sigh, I unlatched the hook and turned the long handle with a click. As you came into view my eyes widened. Until now I’d only seen you in pictures. I had always thought you were very attractive based on your photos, but seeing you here and now in person, not only your handsome features were present but also a very strong sense of masculinity. I pulled the door open further and stepped back, allowing you the room to pass...

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AdamDesire 2 Marinas Art

AdamDesire 2 - Marina's Art Introduction: Welcome to the world of "AdamDesire" for a story based on an experience that I actually lived. You might want to first read "AdamDesire 1- Meet Miss Lulu", to get to know Adam and Jodi and to share their first cross-dressing experience together. The English word "tableau", plural "tableaux", comes from the French term "tableau vivant", literally meaning a living picture. --- "It must be him. It must be him." sings the lovely and alluring...

1 year ago
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Undesired Consquences

You wake up on a scorching summer morning as the heatwave which has gone on for all of July never seems to end, you can feel the sweat that's covering your entire body as you jerk your around in bed, unsure if you actually want to get out. Eventually your job and responsibilities dawns on you and you groggily make your way to the bathroom so you can wash off all this sweat. When you enter the bathroom you are confronted by your own reflection in the mirror; you're of average build and stature...

3 years ago
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Desirees New FriendChapter 2

Desiree told Richard about her new friend that night as they ate dinner. She told him everything about how they'd met, why they'd kept in communication with each other after that first meeting, how they'd come to meet at Sundollars that morning, and her wishes for him to get her bike into operational status so she could join Peggy for a ride on the bike trail. The only thing she left out was the fact that her new friend was a lesbian and had assumed that she, Desiree, was one as well. She...

2 years ago
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Forgone Skies Online

In the shadowed depths of a dense jungle, a lone ray of yellow light shines down on the face of a man. With neatly combed back grey hair, and piercing eyes of matching color, the stern-faced man gives off an aura of severity. His dull white robes flutter in a light wind, revealing the layers of cloth covering his form underneath, all one shade of grey or another. Standing just ten feet in front of him, partially obscured by the dense foliage, is a massive wolf. Its dark, ashen fur blends into...

1 year ago
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Desire, Fictionmania Contest Entry By Angela J. These are my final thoughts. I've downloaded this to a disk so that you will know that I was more than what you thought. In realizing that you have murdered me, I hope that you will find some remorse for your actions. It was really by accident that I discovered my ability to read and write thoughts. I suppose it started with desire. How fascinating? I knew that there were others before me. They, the creators, did not keep...

3 years ago
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Desire and Compulsion

Desire and Compulsion From my seat near the server's station, I could hear the beautiful young waitresses giggling together. It was a vivacious musical sound, and I felt a stirring of desire--not that I expected to be able to act on it. My days of picking up beautiful women had all but passed, just like my hair. I was dining alone, as had become my habit. In the booth across the aisle from me, there was a slightly sagging woman who was obviously dying her hair, and probably had been...

2 years ago
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Desire for sister

My name is Anil, engineering graduate and working in abroad. I am from middle class family. My parents are working as teachers in the high school. I have only one sister Amutha who is younger than me. I have completed my 5 years contract from my company and returned for a long vocation to my village. Last 5 years I never visited my village and parents. When I entered my home I wondered about my little sister. She has got very voluptuous structure. Her baby lemons of bosom got enough flesh and...

1 year ago
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Desire Fulfilled

"Yin... Are you sure of this?" Brushing my brown hair from my face, he whispers, looking straight into my eyes. I simply make an eye contact with his charming brown eyes, and nod, saying nothing at all. That is all it takes to forget and let go of whatever reasons for his restraint he may have had. He pulls me straight into a hot and passionate kiss with our moist lips locked together as tightly as it can ever be. It all seems to last forever. I have never dreamt that I can ever feel like I...

3 years ago
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Desire For My Randi Sister

My name is Rahul. I am 23 years and from pune, my id is and I have a sister, Vasanthi, who is 26 now. She is a very pretty looking girl with a nice shapely figure. When I was 17, I slept in her bed just once and I woke up to see her standing topless in front of her mirror. She was changing her dress and she was unaware I had awaken. I sort of saw her pretty looking bare breasts for few seconds and as I was afraid she might turn and catch me looking, I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep....

3 years ago
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Desire Dating

Abigail winced as the artist went to work - her newest ink, she knew, would be her masterpiece. She'd been nervous about getting such a large tattoo, but as soon as the idea popped into her head, she couldn't resist... She couldn't resist. This would be the piece that truly got her the attention she so desperately craved. The piece that finally put her above the rest of those sluts. This would, finally, make her stand out more than anyone and everyone else. This tattoo would complete...

4 years ago
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Desire Amongst the Stacks

I walk into the library wearing a long winter jacket, brown wool with faux fur cuffs and neck line. Auburn curls tossed and wild from the cold winter wind that blows viciously through the narrow city streets. Shaking with gratitude to be lost amongst the steamy warmth of house of fantasies, fact and myth, I walk to the fourth floor slowly opening my jacket as the heat reaches my body. I sensed I am being watched, stopping to look around, I see no one. Smiling to myself, I continue and find...

4 years ago
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Desire 8211 Part 1 The Origin Of Desire

Hi friends, My name is Pooja. This true story is about how I was brought up and till I got married to a stranger (my loving husband ). We had a family of 4 ppl i.e. My dad, mom, me n my younger sis (pet name -laddu). I and my mom didn’t had strong bonding, but I had good bonding with my laddu my little sister. I had a boy friend in school, he use to talk with me like we where just friends as such friends that are boys where not allowed at my house due to my introverted nature of my mom, and I...

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Desiree Lesbian Angel

Hello there, My name is Desiree, and yes I know how corny it is that my name is just desire with another E. That's not the point of this story. I have existed in this world forever, since before the days of civilization. I currently live in the American Midwest, working at a university as a professor of women's studies. I am an Angel of Lust, and it might surprise you to know that there are many of us living on the planet. We are also partially to blame for all the infidelities and divorces...

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The Dragoness

It was only a little while ago that you emerged from an obsidian shell and took your first real breaths. A few months, maybe. You stared with curiosity at your scaled siblings with leathery wings just as yours—some blue, some purple, some crimson red. You, on the other hand, inherited the same reddish-pink hue as your mother. Your father, an elder dragon of massive size and power, smiled at you. "This one will make another drake very happy some day," he said with a grin, examining your scales....

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my love story begone

My name is Mimior that the name of my secret lifeI am a167cm tall, 55 kg, and 28y old …. Really I don’t what is my gender any moreI have a male body But I have a feminine soul, and desire...Desire of being pretty, sexy and wanted from menI love to be treated as girl Maybe Coues I been raised with 4 sistersAnd I was the youngest They always treated me as I was a girl like themDress me up like a girl and do my hair and call me Barbie girl When I become 6years old I was listening for them talking...

1 year ago
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rgonewild Ch 01 Story TF TG Multiple

"I think your brother looks really cute," Hannah said, her eyes twinkling as she bounced her legs off the side of Emily's bed. "Ugh, no," Emily told her, rolling her eyes. She ran her fingers through her short, black hair and leaned back against the wall. To her left was an older poster of Justin Timberlake and to her right, a new poster Ariana Grande. "He's such an asshole." Music played in the large room, the artist P!nk singing about the world trying to bring her down. ...

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rgonewild Ch 02

Mikela smiled shyly as she slid her small hands along her sides and belly, slowly working her slim hips back and forth. She glanced quickly at her chat window and her smile deepened at the large list of users and the fast scrolling conversation window. Looking away again, she moaned, pulling at her shirt and skirt. The young woman pressed the heel of her palm down against her sore lower stomach and she gasped at the sensation. The small pink bump above her mound was hot and smooth...

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rgonewild Ch 03

"What?" Mikela said, squinting her eyes again. The numbers wavered but continued to scroll. She saw "$200,000" just before all the lines broken apart into meaningless nothing. "That's. Wrong, isn't it?" Looking down, the young woman blinked slowly at her belly. She blinked again, staring at the pink bulge below her belly button. Mikela touched the skin and was surprised when she felt her finger against the protruding udder. The skin was hard but smooth and warm to the touch and...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 31 The Dragonessrsquos Hung Son

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Azuliana – Azkobez Hold, The Otsal Mountains It had been a long, long time since I had been anything but a human woman. A busty one at that. Now I was a halfling...

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