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Preface: Well, I am back to writing for a season. I have returned to one of my favorite genres, the cheating wife story. As I have opined in the past, I dislike the watching wimp cuckold tale. Those stories are just not my cup of tea. I tend to write alpha-male, testosterone rich stories. I still have an uncompleted project in the second part of "The Touch"; I am almost finished with it but am just having difficulty bringing it to a close. I have a Sci-fi story that is starting to materialize that will take me in directions never before attempted.

I have enjoyed my hiatus working with two extraordinary writers, Jefferson and El Sol. Keep your eyes out for their stuff, it is superior material. El Sol is currently writing "A Master's Ring", a very good example of erotica at its best. If you haven't seen it, look it up. Well I am back and I have written this entire story in the manner of the oral narrative. There is no dialog and while I know it can be disconcerting for some it is my style.

Thanks to KK and Curious 2C for their recent contributions to the wandering wife stories. For years I have enjoyed their work.

I hope you enjoy your read. If you like what you read please, send me a note I like to hear from you. If you don't like my stuff, write me at your own risk. I am a card-carrying curmudgeon.

Part 1

Damn, my temper sure as hell could get me in a fix and I got myself in one hell of a fix a little more than twenty years ago. Life can sometimes do a fucking one-eighty when you hit a slick; I hit a slick spot. Abby had been my cornerstone for years, so when she fell, my whole world crumpled; hell it did not merely implode, the remains slid into the abyss.

Abby was my everything. But before I tell you about what happened let me tell about the life she saved me from. I grew up in the central Midwest the son of an elevator manager (grain elevator) and a high school mathematics teacher. I was born smack dab in the middle of the twentieth century. I was a borderline genius (over the years I tested between 125 and 140 on IQ tests) and I developed an aptitude for calculus and all things numeric and scientific. My mom pushed for me to be in an accelerated program before there was such a thing as gifted classrooms and teachers, so what happened was that I was passed from seventh grade directly into ninth where I started high school a year early. By my junior year, I had reached my maximum growth and I was three inches over six feet and weighed two hundred pounds. I was not your run of the mill egghead.

I was seventeen years old when I found myself a freshman at Kansas State University. Just like most freshmen before me I was required to stay in a dorm room. I spent a good deal of time in Aggieville getting shitfaced. It was back in an era when it was legal to drink at eighteen and I looked every bit of that and then some. I was rarely carded. My grades suffered and I ended up with a 2.6 GPA for the first semester. Dad called me up and read me the riot act.

I got in with some hippies that were living off campus and I discovered the joys of cannabis smoke and speed. I really got strung out and my grades went all the way down to a 2.1. I at least completed all of my classes. I got several C's and one B. Dad was not happy. He was threatening to withdraw all of his support so I outmaneuvered him by signing up for the draft. The year was 1968 and Viet Nam was in full swing. Mom and Dad were very upset with my decision to join the Army. Since I had just turned eighteen I did not need their permission. When the recruiter came around once to get me to sign more papers, they were barely civil to him.

You may have noticed that I have not discussed my sex life up to the time I joined the Army. It is real simple, up to that time I had no sex life; I had made out pretty heavily in high school even getting to third base. In college I fingered two or three girls and got a great blow job, once; that was my total experience up to that time. Hard to believe in these times, but true.

I was inducted in Kansas City where I went through the group physical. All that shit about the circle hemorrhoid checkup where the subjects face out and spread their cheeks so the medic can come around and shine a flashlight up everyone's ass is true. That is one fucking job I would never want. Well we got on a bus and were taken to Ft Leonard Wood.

I went through Basic Training in a company with about two hundred other guys. It was an eight week course that required a hell of a lot more physical conditioning than I had experienced during my one year of college. I was in great shape while in high school because I played on the football team and ran cross country. In college I gave all of that up and I was damn sorry that I had.

J.D. Dickens was the Drill Sergeant of the third platoon of Bravo Company. I can remember him saying, "If one of you slugs crosses my path, I will stomp a mud hole in your ass and walk it dry." I believed him and made a point never to cross his path. Several times when I lost my grip doing chin ups or running the monkey bars, he gave me a swift kick in the ass. By the end of eight weeks, I had lost twenty pounds and I was all muscle.

At the end of basic I won an award (no money) for showing the greatest physical improvement in eight weeks. When we ran the mile there were only four other jocks who were able to beat me in the whole company. At the end of Basic I signed up for three years to get Ranger training. When I signed up for the draft it was a two year hitch. I able to get the recommendation of my company commander and met the physical prerequisites.

Because of my desire to go airborne I was sent to Fort Benning, GA for Basic Airborne Training. Once I was physically buff and I had all the drugs out of my system I really got into the gung ho shit. The more physical and more gung ho I became, the faster the promotions came and the more I was appreciated by my sergeants and commanding officers. I went on to Ranger school and was so good on the shooting range (years of hunting pheasant and quail and competing in shooting matches) that they kept me around for sniper training. During that time I had little social time for women and as a virgin considered myself a sexual incompetent. The boys set me up and I lost my cherry to one of the camp followers just after graduating.

I made it over to Vietnam a year after the infamous Tet offensive. My mindset was changed instantly. It was much like blacksmiths temper steel by heating a tool up to a cherry almost white hot and plunging it first into cold water until the bands of the rainbow run up the piece. I was changed, hardened in twenty-four hours by being plunged into the blood; the brutal inhumanity was overwhelming. My own humanity was lost for a time.

In the second day of my first patrol, our platoon was caught up in a crossfire I was at the rear when the engagement occurred and we were at the edge of a small clearing. I climbed up a forty-foot mung ca and perched in its crotch at about twenty feet where I had a very good view of the field of combat. I readied my M-21.

The M-16 was the weapon of choice of the foot soldier, but most snipers preferred the M-14 and some of us were given the M-21 which was an M-14 in a National Match Rifle. The bore of my weapon was held to half the tolerance as the standard M-14 and was not chrome plated. The receiver was embedded in the stock via a fiberglass packing. Many of the rifle's parts were hand-machined and assembled. The selector shaft, sear release, selector lock and receiver sear had been welded and machined so that the rifle would fire only in semiautomatic mode and the rifle had an improved rear sight. I was also issued a sniper's scope. It really was a quite a piece.

It was heavy and the ammunition was heavy but I was damn glad to have it. I knocked off about six of their guys before it started getting too hot to stay in the tree. They finally figured out the general area where I was and started spraying the trees with automatic fire. I slid down the tree and on the way down I fell the last six feet and tore the palm of my left hand open. It was fairly deep and bone was showing but there was a medic handy and he stitched me up. I did a lot of fast talking and was able to stay with my platoon during the remaining five days of the encounter. A lot of the guys up front during that first firefight were grateful for the pressure I took off of them. I ended up with a Silver Star and a purple heart from my first action in battle.

Two days later in what became a moderately involved campaign, I had occasion to get separated from my unit and I came upon four gooks sitting at an RPD (7.62mm machine gun) slightly down from my position. I was 30 meters to their rear and the sound of the gun was so deafening that they were not ever aware of my presence. I braced my weapon on a fallen tree and took them out rapidly. Four more gooks came up to relieve them and I took them out also. I slit throats and removed ears. Then, I grabbed the machine gun and circled back around where I came upon two members of our platoon who were down and wounded. I dropped the gook gun and one at a time I carried each man back to the safety of our command post where a medic took over. I was under AK-47 fire the entire time.

The platoon leader of the first platoon of our company was in a heated discussion with a veteran squadron leader several meters away from the medic. They were arguing about what to do about the ambush when I approached them. When I explained that the machine gun and eight men were no longer a threat I got looks from both men that suggested that I was just a greenhorn and wouldn't know a gook if I saw one. That pissed me off so I returned once more to the machine gun, where I picked it up and returned to the command post. The platoon leader shut the fuck up when I threw the RPD at his feet and handed him eight left ears freshly severed from the heads of their owners.

From that time on I was referred to as Spook. That lieutenant along with my company commander put me in for a Medal of Honor for my attack on the machine gun and damned if I didn't get it. There was nothing about the ears in my citation. What really upset me about the killings was that I wasn't very upset about the killings. My humanity had been contaminated.

There was a time when I went hunting back home that I actually felt bad killing a doe. And yet, taking the lives of fourteen men in three days didn't faze me very much. In view of our losses which were light when compared to other units, I viewed what I did as self preservation. I had to take them out before they took me. I was flown to Washington DC where I joined up with my parents and the President presented me with the Medal of Honor. I was asked to take a publicity tour but when I begged off and asked to be returned to my unit they compromised. I had a five city tour and eight speech and then was returned to my unit.

I lived a charmed life over there. I had reached a point where life, including my own, didn't mean much. I actually relished the opportunity to kill enemy soldiers. There were atrocities that Charlie committed that made me want to take them all out. I managed to construct a personal code of ethics that allowed my hatred of the Vietnamese to extend only to the enemy. Once, a Vietnamese girl, probably twelve or thirteen years old, came around the corner of a hut with an AK-47 in the ready position. I took her out with no remorse.

I became fast friends with Bao Ming, my Vietnamese counterpart. Bao was one crazy fucker and ruthless as a crocodile. I saw him slice up Charlie several times to only get a little information. I had two Rapala fillet knives sent over along with some fishing gear in a CARE package and there was never a question of what I wanted the knives for. I gave one to Bao and kept one. He treasured that knife as if it were a ten-carat diamond. You can only guess what I did with my knife. There is a lot of stuff I just won't talk about.

It was Bao who introduced me to the pleasures of sex. As soon as he discovered that I was totally inexperienced with women, he took it upon himself to become my tutor. Many nights and days out on the path we would talk about women and how to give them pleasure. When we drove into Da Nang, he introduced me to his "cousin" a very cute and very young teen named Kim Cuc. We met at her house on the edge of town so I concluded that she was legitimate. I was later to discover that her family was close friends with Bao's family and there was a distant kinship. The monetary gifts that I gave Bao for Kim went directly to Kim's family for her services.

Kim was nineteen years old but she seemed much younger. She had spent time in the brothels of Da Nang and made some good money for her family. She had tired of the bar life and had retired after bringing in a small fortune that was protected by her brothers. Kim loved sex and I spent many of my free nights in her bed. She had been well trained and spoke passable English albeit broken English. She pleasured me and taught me to pleasure her and other women. She had been with US servicemen as well as Vietnamese. She taught me different styles and approaches. On several special occasions she recruited one or two girlfriends to help in my education. We smoked cannabis laced with hashish, which along with a little cocaine kept me erect for hours. I could eat pussy with the best of them.

When my first year in Vietnam was up, I returned to Ft. Benning as a jump instructor for six months. Because of my decorations and track record, I was promoted to Chief Warrant Officer. I became a jump officer where I oversaw the packing of the chutes and coordinated the air transports of the troops. I then returned to Vietnam as an advisor where I was able to get some time in the field but not nearly as much as in the first tour. The second tour was kind of a let down. Along with the reduced combat time, my sex education suffered. Kim had married a South Vietnamese Major who was well connected and that left me primarily to the bar girls and prostitutes for my sexual outlets. It was just not the same.

When my three years were up, I returned to the Midwest. The decorations I brought home included the Medal of Honor, a DSC with one oak cluster, a DSM, a Silver Star with three oak clusters, a Legion of Merit with a single oak cluster, an ACM and a Purple Heart with three oak clusters. There were several unit citations and expert badges. If you know anything about medals you could conclude that I have left an awful lot out about my military service; I have.

There were neither tickertape parades nor any fanfare beyond the joy of my family. At one of the airports a hippy type called me a baby killer, but I noticed he was gone before I could beat his ass. I decided to go back to school and take advantage of the GI bill. At the time, I did not feel particularly proud of the killing involved in winning my medals, so I eschewed any publicity as well as the monthly stipend available to holders of the MOH.

I did bring back with me the habit of smoking grass, especially the kind laced with hash. I had almost a duffle bag full of the stuff that I brought back. As a decorated officer no one dared to question whether or not I had contraband and that shit lasted me a long time. When I got back I made sure that my family knew that I wanted no big deal made of my military service. When the mayor of our town decided that we needed a Terrance Cannely Day to honor the city's only Medal of Honor winner, I told him to be sure and let me know when it was so I could be gone. He got the message. Our friends circled the wagons round and virtually kept reporters, curiosity seekers and dumb fuck well wishers away.

When I went back to K-State I looked up some of my old hippie friends and renewed some acquaintances. Many had graduated college and taken jobs several states away. I managed to maintain a 3.5 GPA in the business courses, exercise daily and still get buzzed every night. I discovered that the girls liked the new me. I was a lean mean son-of-a-bitch and a bad boy. It had required a lot of effort and sacrifice on my part to get into shape and I was resolved to never let my physical condition go downhill.

At the drop of a hat I would pick a fight just to get the adrenalin pumping. Girls loved bad boys so I never had trouble getting girls, especially bad girls. I had a decent-sized cock and I knew how to use it. Smoked up on the Cambo and with a little cocaine ointment on the dick, I could fuck all night. There was many a pussy that I wore out in marathon sex. In a short span I had gained a reputation as a real cock hound.

In the second semester of my sophomore year, I walked into a roadhouse on the outskirts of Manhattan (Kansas) and sat at the bar as I had done on occasion in the past. I was looking for some quiet time. It didn't happen. I heard a commotion over at the tables and I noticed that a couple of bikers were picking on a rather nerdish type guy. I wasn't in the mood so I went over to ask them to stop making a nuisance of themselves.

They took exception to my butting in, even if I was ever so polite. The fat one picked up a beer bottle and in the manner of the cliché, broke the end of the bottle off and came at me. Continuing the cliché, I took a cue stick off of the table behind me and whacked him across the face. I swung through on a pirouette and caught his skinny buddy on the wrist with the club; I heard bones break.

Fat boy was getting ready to try a second attack when I rammed the handle end of the stick into his breastbone. The fucker dropped. Slim was trying to get up when I whacked him on the top of his head. He also headed south. Cornelius Harrison Brown III was very pleased to make my acquaintance. He came exploring without any of his frat buddies to see how the rough-set lived. I guess he got his glimpse. Neil was a junior and therefore was a year ahead of me in college. He was taking business courses and was going for an MBA.

Neil was to become my first, last and only best (male) friend. I had several good friends in high school but never one with whom I was really close. Neil basically attached himself to me and wouldn't let go. I talked him into enrolling in a martial arts class off campus. He found a karate dojo that met his needs and trained there every week for the remainder of his time in Manhattan. He became very proficient over a few years and kind of scary in his own right.

For the summer he took me home with him to Mission, an elite suburb of Kansas City. His father, Harry, the name derived from his middle name, was the third generation CEO of a large family-owned conglomerate that specialized in commodities, produce and groceries. We spent the summer working at a grocery distribution center that trucked canned goods and produce to the small independent grocery stores in a four state area. We assisted in the accounting department that handled the invoices from the suppliers, the accounts payable. The company was run by an uncle who was ready to retire and planned turn it over to Neil.

That summer I toned it down and did just a little partying. It was a real son of a bitch to work with figures after a stoned all-nighter. On a few Saturday nights Neil and I went bar hopping and we usually ended up in a brawl. I picked up some stray pussy but because I was staying in the mansion in Mission, I just was not able to take it home with me. That year I became a part of the family.

Neil's younger sister, Abigail, had just graduated from Shawnee-Mission High School; she also was slated for K-State. It seems that even though KU was where all of the society types went to school in the state, the Brown family members traditionally attended college in Manhattan. The agribusiness emphasis of the school complimented the agribusiness nature of the family corporation. Abigail was a cute girl, while she was not gorgeous she was definitely attractive, the girl-next-door. Abby had nutmeg brown hair, a straight medium sized nose and brown eyes that wouldn't quit. She reminded me a lot of Mary Lou Retton. I did not form an immediate attraction to her because she was Neil's sister, she had a steady preppy boyfriend and that summer we just ran in different circles.

Neil and I helped her move into the dorm that summer. During the move Abby and I literally bumped heads as we reached for the same desk lamp. It was both comical and painful and I was forced to take a close look at the girl. That was the first moment of attraction for me. When she smiled her whole face lit up and at the time she was blushing from the contact. It was somewhat of an intimate moment. We went on about our business and I remember thinking that she was just too good for the likes of me.

I also moved; I went from dorm to fraternity. Neil was president of Pi Kappa Phi for his senior year and he made sure that I went through an abbreviated pledge process. This made more attractive women available and created some infamy regarding my bad boy status. For the first time ever I hooked up with Gerry Crandall, a sorority girl from Olathe mid semester and we started going steady. We really seemed to have something going and even started to talk about a future together. I started to clean up my act even more and over the break, went home and met her parents. I gave her a promise ring as a Christmas present and we were very happy.

One night in February, I found myself alone at an Aggieville watering hole because Gerry had begged off saying she was not feeling well. Gerry's roommate Sandy, came in with a group and she got a very strange look on her face when she saw me. It was one of panic or terror. I had never given Sandy a reason to be afraid of me so I knew something was up. I went over to her booth and literally coerced the information I was seeking out of her. It turned out that Gerry had met a stud who lived in their dorm and she was spending the night with him. Sandy eventually gave me the room number but made me promise not to do anything violent, fat chance.

When I got to the room, I didn't bother knocking. I kicked the door in and found them in his bed naked, humping away. I was really pissed and it took all I could not to kill them. I ended up slapping her face and knocking him out. I came very close to being expelled but with intervention from Neil's father, a sympathetic dean and promises to clean up my act, I was let off the hook. The fact that the dean had recently divorced an unfaithful wife did not hurt my cause. Gerry and her new boyfriend did not want any publicity so it was all swept under the carpet.

Two days later we had a Valentine's party at the Frat House and I was still quite pissed. As a matter of fact I really got so stoned that I was unable to have sex with the two females whom I took to my room and who were expecting more than they got. I passed out somewhat quickly once I made it to the room. From that time forward I worked my ass off to drink, smoke and fuck myself to death. I was able to keep my GPA well above 3.0 even though I often went to class with no sleep the previous night. By the end of March, I was a walking shell.

Part 2

One Sunday morning in April, I awoke to a major earthquake. Abby was literally shaking the hell out of me. I think Neil had called her over to try to resuscitate me. I had been out on a two night bender and was really fucked up. I was lying on the floor of my room naked in a pool of piss and vomit; there was dried cum on my dick and in my pubes. My face looked like a buzzard had puked on it and my hair was a matted mess. I had a hangover that would make a migraine look mild. Abby gave me a couple of Excedrin and made me take a shower. She told me that I was taking her to brunch so I had better get my shit together; she looked very pissed. I put on a blue chambray buttoned down sport shirt and khaki pants.

For most of her first year at K-State, I operated outside of Abby's social circle. We had different friends and different interests and rarely saw each other. I never really thought of Abby in sexual terms. She was Neil's sister and was just unobtainable. I got a big surprise at our first date that late Sunday morning at the Holiday Inn.

At brunch, Abby explained that she had her eye on me from the moment that she met me in Kansas City. She was going to marry me and we were going to have kids and live together forever. She couldn't have me screwing up my life and her future. I was going to clean up my act and we were going to start going out on a steady basis. When I asked her if I got a say in it she said that I did and that the word would be "yes".

I explained that we didn't love each other and love was the basis of a lifelong commitment. She told me that she loved me and that I loved her. Either I didn't realize it or was in extreme denial. We were sitting in one of those horseshoe type booths. She scooted over next to me and gave me a kiss that curled my toes. I had never been kissed like that. When I realized how special she was, I was confronted with the suspicion that I did love her and my heart had just not communicated with my brain. I told her I thought that there was a good chance that we had a future together.

Abby reminded me that Gerry was on her third boyfriend after me and that she was just not capable of a long term relationship. My first attempt at long term had been a catastrophe. I had never really given monogamy a serious chance with the right person. She wanted me to start thinking with my head instead of my dick. She promised me that my dick had nothing to worry about because she was hot blooded and she would take care of all of my sexual needs once a waiting period had gone by. I asked her what she was talking about in terms of waiting. She said that she didn't know yet. I agreed to give it a chance.

We went back to my room where she helped me clean it up and put new sheets on the bed. She took all of my liquor and grass from me. She told me I would have no other women in my bedroom from now on. When I told her that I was not used to taking orders from a woman, Abby told me that she would eventually work things so that I would take ownership of her wishes and that I would just perceive that they were mine from the start. I would be the head of the household and she would stand by her man and work the controls.

From that moment on I underwent a metamorphosis from party boy to preppy. I only went to bars, night spots and frat parties with Abby on my arm. If she was not available, I stayed home. I started wearing pressed clothes and stopped wearing jeans on weekdays. Eventually we would attend cultural events and actually enjoy them.

There was not much of the school year left. I sailed through my finals. The Browns came to Manhattan to attend Neil's graduation ceremony. He was going on to graduate school, but this was a major turning point in his education. We went out to dinner the night they arrived and Abby made it very apparent that I was with her. She had been keeping her mother apprized of her progress in my seduction. When I took Harry aside in the men's lounge and explained how our courtship came about he put his head back and just roared. He told me that Renee, his wife, had done virtually the same thing to him many years ago.

He said that Renee was an expert of making him think all of her ideas were his. She played him like a fine instrument and made him feel that he was indeed the king of his domain. I told him that Abby had already informed me that we were getting married, no questions asked. Harry laughed that laugh all over again. I then told him I didn't think I would be asking for Abby's hand in marriage. Abby and Renee would just give us the details on the nuptials when they felt we needed to know, there would be no asking on the part of the women. All we would have to do is show up. He was still howling when I exited the lounge. The rest of the evening Renee shot Harry daggers when he would erupt in laughter for no apparent reason. I know what he was thinking, "pussy whipped". The problem was, I hadn't even had a whisper of that stuff.

I went home for a couple of weeks to see my parents and then flew over to Kansas City where I spent my summer that year. On the Fourth of July while the rest of the family was over at Cornelius', the grandfather's, house, Abby and I enjoyed our first sexual encounter. She took me to her room where we made love well into the night. Her sexual appetite was voracious. Mrs. Brown caught me out in the hallway as I was returning to my room. She didn't say a word; she just flashed one of those knowing smiles. I was hooked and was officially pussy whipped.

Harry purchased a nice two story house in Manhattan for the three of us. It was a four bedroom house, but Abby slept with me. I still attended some of the fraternity shindigs but came home to Abby. I was completely faithful to her and she was faithful to me. We were the perfect picture of domestic tranquility. My grade-point for that school year was a 3.8. With my history of sitting back at the oars, I was glad to have a 3.1 at the end of four years since a 3.0 is required to enter graduate school. I had no trouble taking the GRE's.

The next May it was my turn to graduate with a bachelor's degree and Neil graduated with his Master's. Neil went on to take over the vice presidency of the grocery distribution warehouse. It was planned that he would run the business within five years; it only took him three. That summer Abby and I married and we had an extravagant wedding in Kansas City. It was a blowout of a ceremony and it was held in Cornelius' backyard, an acreage in the middle of Metro Kansas City. Abby's parents paid for our honeymoon in Jamaica.

Damn, my temper sure as hell could get me in a fix and I got myself in one hell of a fix a little more than twenty years ago. Life can sometimes do a fucking one-eighty when you hit a slick; I hit a slick spot. Abby had been my cornerstone for years, so when she fell, my whole world crumpled; hell it did not merely implode, the remains slid into the abyss.

Abby was my everything. But before I tell you about what happened let me tell about the life she saved me from. I grew up in the central Midwest the son of an elevator manager (grain elevator) and a high school mathematics teacher. I was born smack dab in the middle of the twentieth century. I was a borderline genius (over the years I tested between 125 and 140 on IQ tests) and I developed an aptitude for calculus and all things numeric and scientific. My mom pushed for me to be in an accelerated program before there was such a thing as gifted classrooms and teachers, so what happened was that I was passed from seventh grade directly into ninth where I started high school a year early. By my junior year, I had reached my maximum growth and I was three inches over six feet and weighed two hundred pounds. I was not your run of the mill egghead.

I was seventeen years old when I found myself a freshman at Kansas State University. Just like most freshmen before me I was required to stay in a dorm room. I spent a good deal of time in Aggieville getting shitfaced. It was back in an era when it was legal to drink at eighteen and I looked every bit of that and then some. I was rarely carded. My grades suffered and I ended up with a 2.6 GPA for the first semester. Dad called me up and read me the riot act.

I got in with some hippies that were living off campus and I discovered the joys of cannabis smoke and speed. I really got strung out and my grades went all the way down to a 2.1. I at least completed all of my classes. I got several C's and one B. Dad was not happy. He was threatening to withdraw all of his support so I outmaneuvered him by signing up for the draft. The year was 1968 and Viet Nam was in full swing. Mom and Dad were very upset with my decision to join the Army. Since I had just turned eighteen I did not need their permission. When the recruiter came around once to get me to sign more papers, they were barely civil to him.

You may have noticed that I have not discussed my sex life up to the time I joined the Army. It is real simple, up to that time I had no sex life; I had made out pretty heavily in high school even getting to third base. In college I fingered two or three girls and got a great blow job, once; that was my total experience up to that time. Hard to believe in these times, but true.

I was inducted in Kansas City where I went through the group physical. All that shit about the circle hemorrhoid checkup where the subjects face out and spread their cheeks so the medic can come around and shine a flashlight up everyone's ass is true. That is one fucking job I would never want. Well we got on a bus and were taken to Ft Leonard Wood.

I went through Basic Training in a company with about two hundred other guys. It was an eight week course that required a hell of a lot more physical conditioning than I had experienced during my one year of college. I was in great shape while in high school because I played on the football team and ran cross country. In college I gave all of that up and I was damn sorry that I had.

J.D. Dickens was the Drill Sergeant of the third platoon of Bravo Company. I can remember him saying, "If one of you slugs crosses my path, I will stomp a mud hole in your ass and walk it dry." I believed him and made a point never to cross his path. Several times when I lost my grip doing chin ups or running the monkey bars, he gave me a swift kick in the ass. By the end of eight weeks, I had lost twenty pounds and I was all muscle.

At the end of basic I won an award (no money) for showing the greatest physical improvement in eight weeks. When we ran the mile there were only four other jocks who were able to beat me in the whole company. At the end of Basic I signed up for three years to get Ranger training. When I signed up for the draft it was a two year hitch. I able to get the recommendation of my company commander and met the physical prerequisites.

Because of my desire to go airborne I was sent to Fort Benning, GA for Basic Airborne Training. Once I was physically buff and I had all the drugs out of my system I really got into the gung ho shit. The more physical and more gung ho I became, the faster the promotions came and the more I was appreciated by my sergeants and commanding officers. I went on to Ranger school and was so good on the shooting range (years of hunting pheasant and quail and competing in shooting matches) that they kept me around for sniper training. During that time I had little social time for women and as a virgin considered myself a sexual incompetent. The boys set me up and I lost my cherry to one of the camp followers just after graduating.

I made it over to Vietnam a year after the infamous Tet offensive. My mindset was changed instantly. It was much like blacksmiths temper steel by heating a tool up to a cherry almost white hot and plunging it first into cold water until the bands of the rainbow run up the piece. I was changed, hardened in twenty-four hours by being plunged into the blood; the brutal inhumanity was overwhelming. My own humanity was lost for a time.

In the second day of my first patrol, our platoon was caught up in a crossfire I was at the rear when the engagement occurred and we were at the edge of a small clearing. I climbed up a forty-foot mung ca and perched in its crotch at about twenty feet where I had a very good view of the field of combat. I readied my M-21.

The M-16 was the weapon of choice of the foot soldier, but most snipers preferred the M-14 and some of us were given the M-21 which was an M-14 in a National Match Rifle. The bore of my weapon was held to half the tolerance as the standard M-14 and was not chrome plated. The receiver was embedded in the stock via a fiberglass packing. Many of the rifle's parts were hand-machined and assembled. The selector shaft, sear release, selector lock and receiver sear had been welded and machined so that the rifle would fire only in semiautomatic mode and the rifle had an improved rear sight. I was also issued a sniper's scope. It really was a quite a piece.

It was heavy and the ammunition was heavy but I was damn glad to have it. I knocked off about six of their guys before it started getting too hot to stay in the tree. They finally figured out the general area where I was and started spraying the trees with automatic fire. I slid down the tree and on the way down I fell the last six feet and tore the palm of my left hand open. It was fairly deep and bone was showing but there was a medic handy and he stitched me up. I did a lot of fast talking and was able to stay with my platoon during the remaining five days of the encounter. A lot of the guys up front during that first firefight were grateful for the pressure I took off of them. I ended up with a Silver Star and a purple heart from my first action in battle.

Two days later in what became a moderately involved campaign, I had occasion to get separated from my unit and I came upon four gooks sitting at an RPD (7.62mm machine gun) slightly down from my position. I was 30 meters to their rear and the sound of the gun was so deafening that they were not ever aware of my presence. I braced my weapon on a fallen tree and took them out rapidly. Four more gooks came up to relieve them and I took them out also. I slit throats and removed ears. Then, I grabbed the machine gun and circled back around where I came upon two members of our platoon who were down and wounded. I dropped the gook gun and one at a time I carried each man back to the safety of our command post where a medic took over. I was under AK-47 fire the entire time.

The platoon leader of the first platoon of our company was in a heated discussion with a veteran squadron leader several meters away from the medic. They were arguing about what to do about the ambush when I approached them. When I explained that the machine gun and eight men were no longer a threat I got looks from both men that suggested that I was just a greenhorn and wouldn't know a gook if I saw one. That pissed me off so I returned once more to the machine gun, where I picked it up and returned to the command post. The platoon leader shut the fuck up when I threw the RPD at his feet and handed him eight left ears freshly severed from the heads of their owners.

From that time on I was referred to as Spook. That lieutenant along with my company commander put me in for a Medal of Honor for my attack on the machine gun and damned if I didn't get it. There was nothing about the ears in my citation. What really upset me about the killings was that I wasn't very upset about the killings. My humanity had been contaminated.

There was a time when I went hunting back home that I actually felt bad killing a doe. And yet, taking the lives of fourteen men in three days didn't faze me very much. In view of our losses which were light when compared to other units, I viewed what I did as self preservation. I had to take them out before they took me. I was flown to Washington DC where I joined up with my parents and the President presented me with the Medal of Honor. I was asked to take a publicity tour but when I begged off and asked to be returned to my unit they compromised. I had a five city tour and eight speech and then was returned to my unit.

I lived a charmed life over there. I had reached a point where life, including my own, didn't mean much. I actually relished the opportunity to kill enemy soldiers. There were atrocities that Charlie committed that made me want to take them all out. I managed to construct a personal code of ethics that allowed my hatred of the Vietnamese to extend only to the enemy. Once, a Vietnamese girl, probably twelve or thirteen years old, came around the corner of a hut with an AK-47 in the ready position. I took her out with no remorse.

I became fast friends with Bao Ming, my Vietnamese counterpart. Bao was one crazy fucker and ruthless as a crocodile. I saw him slice up Charlie several times to only get a little information. I had two Rapala fillet knives sent over along with some fishing gear in a CARE package and there was never a question of what I wanted the knives for. I gave one to Bao and kept one. He treasured that knife as if it were a ten-carat diamond. You can only guess what I did with my knife. There is a lot of stuff I just won't talk about.

It was Bao who introduced me to the pleasures of sex. As soon as he discovered that I was totally inexperienced with women, he took it upon himself to become my tutor. Many nights and days out on the path we would talk about women and how to give them pleasure. When we drove into Da Nang, he introduced me to his "cousin" a very cute and very young teen named Kim Cuc. We met at her house on the edge of town so I concluded that she was legitimate. I was later to discover that her family was close friends with Bao's family and there was a distant kinship. The monetary gifts that I gave Bao for Kim went directly to Kim's family for her services.

Kim was nineteen years old but she seemed much younger. She had spent time in the brothels of Da Nang and made some good money for her family. She had tired of the bar life and had retired after bringing in a small fortune that was protected by her brothers. Kim loved sex and I spent many of my free nights in her bed. She had been well trained and spoke passable English albeit broken English. She pleasured me and taught me to pleasure her and other women. She had been with US servicemen as well as Vietnamese. She taught me different styles and approaches. On several special occasions she recruited one or two girlfriends to help in my education. We smoked cannabis laced with hashish, which along with a little cocaine kept me erect for hours. I could eat pussy with the best of them.

When my first year in Vietnam was up, I returned to Ft. Benning as a jump instructor for six months. Because of my decorations and track record, I was promoted to Chief Warrant Officer. I became a jump officer where I oversaw the packing of the chutes and coordinated the air transports of the troops. I then returned to Vietnam as an advisor where I was able to get some time in the field but not nearly as much as in the first tour. The second tour was kind of a let down. Along with the reduced combat time, my sex education suffered. Kim had married a South Vietnamese Major who was well connected and that left me primarily to the bar girls and prostitutes for my sexual outlets. It was just not the same.

When my three years were up, I returned to the Midwest. The decorations I brought home included the Medal of Honor, a DSC with one oak cluster, a DSM, a Silver Star with three oak clusters, a Legion of Merit with a single oak cluster, an ACM and a Purple Heart with three oak clusters. There were several unit citations and expert badges. If you know anything about medals you could conclude that I have left an awful lot out about my military service; I have.

There were neither tickertape parades nor any fanfare beyond the joy of my family. At one of the airports a hippy type called me a baby killer, but I noticed he was gone before I could beat his ass. I decided to go back to school and take advantage of the GI bill. At the time, I did not feel particularly proud of the killing involved in winning my medals, so I eschewed any publicity as well as the monthly stipend available to holders of the MOH.

I did bring back with me the habit of smoking grass, especially the kind laced with hash. I had almost a duffle bag full of the stuff that I brought back. As a decorated officer no one dared to question whether or not I had contraband and that shit lasted me a long time. When I got back I made sure that my family knew that I wanted no big deal made of my military service. When the mayor of our town decided that we needed a Terrance Cannely Day to honor the city's only Medal of Honor winner, I told him to be sure and let me know when it was so I could be gone. He got the message. Our friends circled the wagons round and virtually kept reporters, curiosity seekers and dumb fuck well wishers away.

When I went back to K-State I looked up some of my old hippie friends and renewed some acquaintances. Many had graduated college and taken jobs several states away. I managed to maintain a 3.5 GPA in the business courses, exercise daily and still get buzzed every night. I discovered that the girls liked the new me. I was a lean mean son-of-a-bitch and a bad boy. It had required a lot of effort and sacrifice on my part to get into shape and I was resolved to never let my physical condition go downhill.

At the drop of a hat I would pick a fight just to get the adrenalin pumping. Girls loved bad boys so I never had trouble getting girls, especially bad girls. I had a decent-sized cock and I knew how to use it. Smoked up on the Cambo and with a little cocaine ointment on the dick, I could fuck all night. There was many a pussy that I wore out in marathon sex. In a short span I had gained a reputation as a real cock hound.

In the second semester of my sophomore year, I walked into a roadhouse on the outskirts of Manhattan (Kansas) and sat at the bar as I had done on occasion in the past. I was looking for some quiet time. It didn't happen. I heard a commotion over at the tables and I noticed that a couple of bikers were picking on a rather nerdish type guy. I wasn't in the mood so I went over to ask them to stop making a nuisance of themselves.

They took exception to my butting in, even if I was ever so polite. The fat one picked up a beer bottle and in the manner of the cliché, broke the end of the bottle off and came at me. Continuing the cliché, I took a cue stick off of the table behind me and whacked him across the face. I swung through on a pirouette and caught his skinny buddy on the wrist with the club; I heard bones break.

Fat boy was getting ready to try a second attack when I rammed the handle end of the stick into his breastbone. The fucker dropped. Slim was trying to get up when I whacked him on the top of his head. He also headed south. Cornelius Harrison Brown III was very pleased to make my acquaintance. He came exploring without any of his frat buddies to see how the rough-set lived. I guess he got his glimpse. Neil was a junior and therefore was a year ahead of me in college. He was taking business courses and was going for an MBA.

Neil was to become my first, last and only best (male) friend. I had several good friends in high school but never one with whom I was really close. Neil basically attached himself to me and wouldn't let go. I talked him into enrolling in a martial arts class off campus. He found a karate dojo that met his needs and trained there every week for the remainder of his time in Manhattan. He became very proficient over a few years and kind of scary in his own right.

For the summer he took me home with him to Mission, an elite suburb of Kansas City. His father, Harry, the name derived from his middle name, was the third generation CEO of a large family-owned conglomerate that specialized in commodities, produce and groceries. We spent the summer working at a grocery distribution center that trucked canned goods and produce to the small independent grocery stores in a four state area. We assisted in the accounting department that handled the invoices from the suppliers, the accounts payable. The company was run by an uncle who was ready to retire and planned turn it over to Neil.

That summer I toned it down and did just a little partying. It was a real son of a bitch to work with figures after a stoned all-nighter. On a few Saturday nights Neil and I went bar hopping and we usually ended up in a brawl. I picked up some stray pussy but because I was staying in the mansion in Mission, I just was not able to take it home with me. That year I became a part of the family.

Neil's younger sister, Abigail, had just graduated from Shawnee-Mission High School; she also was slated for K-State. It seems that even though KU was where all of the society types went to school in the state, the Brown family members traditionally attended college in Manhattan. The agribusiness emphasis of the school complimented the agribusiness nature of the family corporation. Abigail was a cute girl, while she was not gorgeous she was definitely attractive, the girl-next-door. Abby had nutmeg brown hair, a straight medium sized nose and brown eyes that wouldn't quit. She reminded me a lot of Mary Lou Retton. I did not form an immediate attraction to her because she was Neil's sister, she had a steady preppy boyfriend and that summer we just ran in different circles.

Neil and I helped her move into the dorm that summer. During the move Abby and I literally bumped heads as we reached for the same desk lamp. It was both comical and painful and I was forced to take a close look at the girl. That was the first moment of attraction for me. When she smiled her whole face lit up and at the time she was blushing from the contact. It was somewhat of an intimate moment. We went on about our business and I remember thinking that she was just too good for the likes of me.

I also moved; I went from dorm to fraternity. Neil was president of Pi Kappa Phi for his senior year and he made sure that I went through an abbreviated pledge process. This made more attractive women available and created some infamy regarding my bad boy status. For the first time ever I hooked up with Gerry Crandall, a sorority girl from Olathe mid semester and we started going steady. We really seemed to have something going and even started to talk about a future together. I started to clean up my act even more and over the break, went home and met her parents. I gave her a promise ring as a Christmas present and we were very happy.

One night in February, I found myself alone at an Aggieville watering hole because Gerry had begged off saying she was not feeling well. Gerry's roommate Sandy, came in with a group and she got a very strange look on her face when she saw me. It was one of panic or terror. I had never given Sandy a reason to be afraid of me so I knew something was up. I went over to her booth and literally coerced the information I was seeking out of her. It turned out that Gerry had met a stud who lived in their dorm and she was spending the night with him. Sandy eventually gave me the room number but made me promise not to do anything violent, fat chance.

When I got to the room, I didn't bother knocking. I kicked the door in and found them in his bed naked, humping away. I was really pissed and it took all I could not to kill them. I ended up slapping her face and knocking him out. I came very close to being expelled but with intervention from Neil's father, a sympathetic dean and promises to clean up my act, I was let off the hook. The fact that the dean had recently divorced an unfaithful wife did not hurt my cause. Gerry and her new boyfriend did not want any publicity so it was all swept under the carpet.

Two days later we had a Valentine's party at the Frat House and I was still quite pissed. As a matter of fact I really got so stoned that I was unable to have sex with the two females whom I took to my room and who were expecting more than they got. I passed out somewhat quickly once I made it to the room. From that time forward I worked my ass off to drink, smoke and fuck myself to death. I was able to keep my GPA well above 3.0 even though I often went to class with no sleep the previous night. By the end of March, I was a walking shell.

Part 2

One Sunday morning in April, I awoke to a major earthquake. Abby was literally shaking the hell out of me. I think Neil had called her over to try to resuscitate me. I had been out on a two night bender and was really fucked up. I was lying on the floor of my room naked in a pool of piss and vomit; there was dried cum on my dick and in my pubes. My face looked like a buzzard had puked on it and my hair was a matted mess. I had a hangover that would make a migraine look mild. Abby gave me a couple of Excedrin and made me take a shower. She told me that I was taking her to brunch so I had better get my shit together; she looked very pissed. I put on a blue chambray buttoned down sport shirt and khaki pants.

For most of her first year at K-State, I operated outside of Abby's social circle. We had different friends and different interests and rarely saw each other. I never really thought of Abby in sexual terms. She was Neil's sister and was just unobtainable. I got a big surprise at our first date that late Sunday morning at the Holiday Inn.

At brunch, Abby explained that she had her eye on me from the moment that she met me in Kansas City. She was going to marry me and we were going to have kids and live together forever. She couldn't have me screwing up my life and her future. I was going to clean up my act and we were going to start going out on a steady basis. When I asked her if I got a say in it she said that I did and that the word would be "yes".

I explained that we didn't love each other and love was the basis of a lifelong commitment. She told me that she loved me and that I loved her. Either I didn't realize it or was in extreme denial. We were sitting in one of those horseshoe type booths. She scooted over next to me and gave me a kiss that curled my toes. I had never been kissed like that. When I realized how special she was, I was confronted with the suspicion that I did love her and my heart had just not communicated with my brain. I told her I thought that there was a good chance that we had a future together.

Abby reminded me that Gerry was on her third boyfriend after me and that she was just not capable of a long term relationship. My first attempt at long term had been a catastrophe. I had never really given monogamy a serious chance with the right person. She wanted me to start thinking with my head instead of my dick. She promised me that my dick had nothing to worry about because she was hot blooded and she would take care of all of my sexual needs once a waiting period had gone by. I asked her what she was talking about in terms of waiting. She said that she didn't know yet. I agreed to give it a chance.

We went back to my room where she helped me clean it up and put new sheets on the bed. She took all of my liquor and grass from me. She told me I would have no other women in my bedroom from now on. When I told her that I was not used to taking orders from a woman, Abby told me that she would eventually work things so that I would take ownership of her wishes and that I would just perceive that they were mine from the start. I would be the head of the household and she would stand by her man and work the controls.

From that moment on I underwent a metamorphosis from party boy to preppy. I only went to bars, night spots and frat parties with Abby on my arm. If she was not available, I stayed home. I started wearing pressed clothes and stopped wearing jeans on weekdays. Eventually we would attend cultural events and actually enjoy them.

There was not much of the school year left. I sailed through my finals. The Browns came to Manhattan to attend Neil's graduation ceremony. He was going on to graduate school, but this was a major turning point in his education. We went out to dinner the night they arrived and Abby made it very apparent that I was with her. She had been keeping her mother apprized of her progress in my seduction. When I took Harry aside in the men's lounge and explained how our courtship came about he put his head back and just roared. He told me that Renee, his wife, had done virtually the same thing to him many years ago.

He said that Renee was an expert of making him think all of her ideas were his. She played him like a fine instrument and made him feel that he was indeed the king of his domain. I told him that Abby had already informed me that we were getting married, no questions asked. Harry laughed that laugh all over again. I then told him I didn't think I would be asking for Abby's hand in marriage. Abby and Renee would just give us the details on the nuptials when they felt we needed to know, there would be no asking on the part of the women. All we would have to do is show up. He was still howling when I exited the lounge. The rest of the evening Renee shot Harry daggers when he would erupt in laughter for no apparent reason. I know what he was thinking, "pussy whipped". The problem was, I hadn't even had a whisper of that stuff.

I went home for a couple of weeks to see my parents and then flew over to Kansas City where I spent my summer that year. On the Fourth of July while the rest of the family was over at Cornelius', the grandfather's, house, Abby and I enjoyed our first sexual encounter. She took me to her room where we made love well into the night. Her sexual appetite was voracious. Mrs. Brown caught me out in the hallway as I was returning to my room. She didn't say a word; she just flashed one of those knowing smiles. I was hooked and was officially pussy whipped.

Harry purchased a nice two story house in Manhattan for the three of us. It was a four bedroom house, but Abby slept with me. I still attended some of the fraternity shindigs but came home to Abby. I was completely faithful to her and she was faithful to me. We were the perfect picture of domestic tranquility. My grade-point for that school year was a 3.8. With my history of sitting back at the oars, I was glad to have a 3.1 at the end of four years since a 3.0 is required to enter graduate school. I had no trouble taking the GRE's.

The next May it was my turn to graduate with a bachelor's degree and Neil graduated with his Master's. Neil went on to take over the vice presidency of the grocery distribution warehouse. It was planned that he would run the business within five years; it only took him three. That summer Abby and I married and we had an extravagant wedding in Kansas City. It was a blowout of a ceremony and it was held in Cornelius' backyard, an acreage in the middle of Metro Kansas City. Abby's parents paid for our honeymoon in Jamaica.


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The Stepford Children

Once upon a time.... All my life I had always feared God. Growing up I thought he personally stared down at from Heaven watching my every move, listening to my every thought. It was this fear that has always kept me on the straight and narrow and given me my morale courage. My only sorrow is that I was unable to pass this fear down to my children and from this, there will be no retribution. I am surely damned as if I had spent a lifetime of murder and greed. With this knowledge I don't...

3 years ago
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Stepford Meat Swap

Introduction: Jessaica and her father take a road trip to the small california town Stepford to try a special kind of exotic meat, Bassed on a fictional town (Stepford) in the game SecondLife. Stepford Meat Swap Story: #47 Copyright 2010 Written: October 02 2010 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************* ~~!! NOTE !!~~ This story is bassed on a fictional town within the...

2 years ago
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SammyBoy Forum aka SBFSG! Well, you must agree with me that there aren’t many forums focusing on Asian babes. However, Sammy Boy forum (SBF) is among the few forums that capture the real vibe in the Asian porn culture. There are actually loads of active forums featuring a diversity of hot erotic topics including sharing of erotic images of nude Asian babes showcasing their lean, sultry bodies in all states of undress. Visit the site to enjoy this and more!StatisticsSammy Boy Forum (SBFSG.net)...

Escort Sites
4 years ago
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The Chelmsford Stalker

The man sat at a corner table in the coffee shop surreptitiously eyeing off the woman sitting on a stool at bar. She was dressed in a navy blue suit; her jacket was open, revealing well-formed breasts swelling her white satin blouse, which opened to the second button so that a hint of lace bra was displayed. Her legs were crossed and her skirt had ridden up revealing most of her well-formed thighs atop long legs encased in sheer flesh-toned hose. He thought he could make out a subtle seam...

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Stepford Meat Swap

Story: #47 Copyright ©2010 Written: October 02 2010 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************* ~~!! NOTE !!~~ This story is bassed on a fictional town within the game Second Life called Stepford, I would like to thank Ariana RoeCastle, Emilie Muggins & Jerrol Jarvinen of Stepford for thier approval of this...

3 years ago
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TwinsChapter 8 The Quest for Clifford

Clifford sat up in bed feeling the warm body lying next to him. He looked down at the shape in the near darkness. Janet. Christ, why did it have to be this way? He had loved Tracy, he still did. So why was he in Janet's bed? Why did he have sex with her? Four times? Not one of them was anything like the times he had been with Tracy, and yet... He got out of bed and made his way to the window, padding in his bare feet across the carpet. He slowly pulled open the curtains and looked out at...

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The Real Stepford Wives

The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies by Sarah Barndt I was once a normal, heterosexual male. That is, I was until I happened upon the town of Stepford. I was spending a few weeks there, installing some equipment at Stepford Pharmeceutical Labs, for the company I worked for. I had recently broken up with my fiancee and was glad to be back on the road as a working engineer. I enjoyed it, but Stepford was odd. All of the men wanted to ask me about my sex life when I...

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Apni Badi Didi Ki Help Ke Badle Chudaai

Mein Delhi mein rehta hoon, aur mere ghar main mere mummy papa, teen bhai aur 2 behne hai, meri didi sabse badi hai aur ek behan sabse chhoti hai, meri didi ki umar 40 saal ki hai meri umar 28 ki hai. Meri didi ki shaadi hue 14 saal ho gaye hain unka ek beta aur ek beti hai. Meri didi ka figure aaj bhi bahut hi attractive hai, wo sanwali hain lekin chehre pe bahut sex apeal hai. Jab mein kuch samajhdaar hua to mujhe pata chal chuka thaki meri didi sex ki bahut bhukhi hai, aur kai logon se uske...

3 years ago
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The Stepford Children

All my life I had always feared God. Growing up I thought he personally stared down at from Heaven watching my every move, listening to my every thought. It was this fear that has always kept me on the straight and narrow and given me my morale courage. My only sorrow is that I was unable to pass this fear down to my children and from this, there will be no retribution. I am surely damned as if I had spent a lifetime of murder and greed. With this knowledge I don't feel fear anymore, just...

3 years ago
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Another month passed since Steve got his promotion and we had any time away from the k**s. That previous night alone was another memorable one in which I bought him a nice black pair of thigh highs and a black lacy garter belt that matched his black satin bikini panties. He was so aroused he came in his panties as I rubbed his crotch on the drive home from dinner. The rest of the night was memorable as well because Steve had described different panties and pieces of lingerie that he had...

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The Real Stepford WivesBrown Sugar

The Real Stepford Wives Brown Sugar by Sarah Barndt I was once a normal, heterosexual male. That is, I was until I happened upon the town of Stepford. I was spending a few weeks there, installing some equipment at Stepford Pharmaceutical Labs, for the company I worked for. I had recently broken up with my fiancee and was glad to be back on the road as a working engineer. I enjoyed it, but Stepford was odd. All of the men wanted to ask me about my sex life when I visited 'the...

1 year ago
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Erin Ashford

Reddit Erin Ashford, aka r/ErinAshford! Erin Ashford is not a pornstar from a bygone age, nor is she a famous modern-day pornstar. She’s also not a semi-famous Twitch streamer gone nude, not an Instagram model that promotes flat tummy tea, and definitely not a XXX cam model. So who is she exactly, and why should you care about her? Truth be told, she isn’t really known outside of Reddit - she made her XXX debut on /r/GoneWild after posting a large selection of XXX pictures (and some videos) on...

Reddit NSFW List
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Mr Boyd

My first day at my new job was coming to an end when my boss called me into his luxurious office to have a word with me. I didn’t know what it was about, but I felt confident that I had gotten off to a good start with all my responsibilities.“Hey, I just wanted a quick word with you,” he said, looking up at me with his handsome smile from his chair.“Sure,” I said, sitting down in one of the two chairs in front of his desk.He slightly raised his right hand off the desk and said, “Carol, I know...

4 years ago
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Peggy Sanford a Worldly Woman Ch 05

Author’s note: I had planned to take a break from writing and submitting stories to Literotica when I reached 300 submissions. I know I said that when I reached 100 and again when I reached 200 submissions but many of you loyal readers asked me to continue. Many of you also sent me story lines and topics to write about, some more detailed than others. Recently I received an e-mail from Peggy Sanford who has written several stories for Literotica and if you have a Literotica log-in and...

1 year ago
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Hello LadyBoy

How many of you get off to fucking ladyboys? Well, if you know what I’m talking about, then you know precisely the kind of sexy people I’m referring to. But for those whose brains are melting at the term of ladyboys, let’s keep it simple for them. A ladyboy is an Asian transsexual. But then again, if you didn’t know that, you probably are not into this kind of porn in the first place!On the other hand, if you are or are curious, allow me to invite you to Hello Ladyboy. This series has been a...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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Stepford Brothers Change to Sisters

Stepford brothers (change to sisters!) By bojok71 Author's notes: this story serves to plug a hole, in my view, of the credibility of the Stepford stories. What if someone came looking for a lost relative? The answer is simple, and forms part of this story. Story notes: this story is very close, for obvious reasons, to the original Stepford story. However, it's new enough to be considered a new read. It's as sexual and interesting as my other stories. Thanks again to Sarah Barndt for...

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Moms bad boy

Note: ——I am NOT the author!Well here I am at my mothers funeral. Im now forty-two, been married for 10years and have 3 beautiful c***dren. As I stand in the cold January wind, Ithink of growing up with mom.My first remberance of my sexual cravings was when I was 7 years old. I waslate for the school bus and had to get into the bathroom to brush my teeth.The door was closed, I knew mom was in there, so I screamed, "mom if you don'tget out of there now I'll miss the bus.""Serves you right for...

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Badi Behen Ko Diya Bada Lund

I am Karan from Ludhiana, meri age 23 hai, main ek accha good looking Punjabi munda hu, generally mujjhe bhabiya bahut pasand hai. So yeh baat 6 months pehle ki hai, jab meri badi sister ke liye rishta aaya.. Meri badu behen ek dum model lagti hai super-duper hot figure.. But hai kafi seedhi..Hum log bahut modern family hai. Mere ghar mein mom dad me and badi sister rehte hai, meri azar hamesha se badi behen pe thi,jab vo mini skirt pehenti thi uuuuffff kyaaa lagti thi…Gori gori...

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Students from Islamabad

My two students from Islamabad From Sulaimaan Khan Two and a half years ago I came to Islamabad from Peshawar, looking for job. For nearly two months I kept walking on the wide, tree lines avenues of Islamabad, seeking and applying for job in government or private sector. I had taken my master degree in English literature and also had a flair for Philosophy. It was quest for knowledge, which held a strong old over my mind, at the same time I was sexually depraved and perverse, sometime...

2 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 31 Italy Sinbad the Sailor

Towards the beginning of the year 1838, two young men belonging to the first society of Paris, the Vicomte Albert de Morcerf and the Baron Franz d'Epinay, were at Florence. They had agreed to see the Carnival at Rome that year, and that Franz, who for the last three or four years had inhabited Italy, should act as cicerone to Albert. As it is no inconsiderable affair to spend the Carnival at Rome, especially when you have no great desire to sleep on the Piazza del Popolo, or the Campo...

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When I was a busboy

This happened many years ago. I got a job working as a busboy.This was a very classy restaurant and I was almost getting used to talking to customers. Some customers were kind of snippy, but some were also very nice. This story is about what happened on a week night. The place was kind of busy but not slammed like it would be on a Friday or Saturday.I had just watered the tables (poured water into empty or mostly empty glasses). I had had left, after watering a table with an older couple...

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Forrest Part 2 Chapter 3

The next morning Forrest woke up at about 10 and woke me with a kiss on the lips. I surprised him by throwing my arms around him and deepening the kiss. I reached down under the covers and grabbed his balls. I played with them as I felt his dick start to harden. He did the same to me, squeezing my balls and moving them around in my loose sack, causing my dick to harden. Without a word, I grabbed my cloths and beckoned for him to do the same. After checking that his sister was still...

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We waved bye to Forrest’s and my parents as they drove off. It was summer break and they would be gone for several days. My friend Forrest and his 9 year old sister, Scout, were staying at my house for the time they were gone. None of our parents wanted us to be home alone, but they were fine if we were together. I was 15 and Forrest was 14, but he looks 10 or 11. I live in the middle of nowhere, but we found plenty of things to do during the day, but my favorite time was at night. My...

5 years ago
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The Quest for the Black QipaoChapter 2 Harry The Houseboy

Harry’s life as a Phyllis’s houseboy had turned out to be better than the situation of many of his contemporaries. A sponsored male in New Order Britain wasn’t under the sort of constant surveillance, harassment, and suspicion of subversion that un-sponsored males had to put up with. And besides, Phyllis had turned out to be a reasonable sponsor. The dream at school had been to be picked out as some girl’s life-partner but, realistically, that didn’t happen to more than a handful of men....

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Further Tales of Peggy Sanford Ch 12

Peggy Sanford stepped out of the elevator and into the lobby of the Roosevelt New Orleans Hotel. As she walked across the lobby she noticed several males obviously checking her out. She smiled to herself as she walked across the long spacious lobby. It always pleased Peggy that she could still attract such attention. Not that she should be surprised, for a married mother of two in her late forties, Peggy was still a very beautiful woman. Her long brown hair framed a face that belied her age,...

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Mrs Sanford

It was the summer before my second year of high school when I got a call from Darci Smith asking me to meet her at the high school the next day to help her clean out the costume room. Now Darci is the drama club teacher and the art teacher. Every guy in the school wants to fuck her and masterbates to her. Darci is in her early thirties, married, and looks like she is still twenty one. She has nice mid size tits, a fine ass, big blue eyes and blonde hair. She has a pert little hard body and...

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Mr Forrester

"There's a man here to see you, Mr. Forrester; he says he's a detective from the Denver Police Force." Oh-oh, thought John. "Ok, send him in, Angela." "Hello, Mr Forrester; my name is Paul Donohue, I'm a detective from the Denver Police Force." "What can I do for you, Detective Donohue?" as I pressed the intercom so Angela could listen in discreetly out at her desk. "Well, Mr. Forrester, sometime last year I was handed a case in Denver that has us all baffled. It seems that two...

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Stepford Househusbands Chapters 13

Chapter 1 Stephen sighed as he watched the world go by. "I still don't see why we have to move," he told his wife as he turned to look at her. "Because honey, the company is opening a new store in Stepford and they asked me to run it," Emily replied, not taking her eyes off the road. "Besides, the offer was too good to turn down and the house came as part of the job," Emily continued. "I'd thought that you'd be proud of me," she added. "And I am. Really," Stephen added as his wife...

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Behen Ke Bad Behen Ki Badi Nanad

Hi App ne meri pichli kahani padi hogi(). Mere badi behan ke saural me unki 2 nand hai. Ek badi sadi suda hai lagbag 34-35 sal ki hogi aur dusri 25-26 ki hai. Is kahani me aap ko bataunga ki kaise main un dono behano ko choda. Aap logo to ko bata du ki meri badi behan aur meri beech sarik saband han. Jo ki kamer bachpan se start hua aur abhi tak chal raha hai. Is liye meri behan mere se baut si sex ki baati sare karti rehti hai. Usne mujhe bataya ki uski badi nanad ke pati ka kisi dusri aurat...

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Tyrones Crossdressing White Pussyboy

Submissive whiteboi becomes a sissy faggot pussyboy for his nigger master.It was to be a night of romance. My Nigger lover, Tyrone, gruntedas he pulled his glistening cock from my aching, cum filled asscunt. Hehad just shot a massive load of man slop into my steamy, grippingentrails. Our lovemaking had been a brutal affair, as it always is, which is just the way I like it. I am a subjugated fuck slave, nothing but a sissy faggot sperm receptacle for my dominant nigger lover.Tyrone is the envy...

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Huma and Me islamabad

My name is rehan, I m 21 year old, my star is scorpio..16 November. I m doing ACCA from skans. I live in islamabad, Pakistan. Now I wud like to start my story.agar kor larki/aunty nere sath sex karna chahtin hain ya kisi tarah ka bi relation rakhna chati hain mukamal raazdari k sath islamabad ,rawalpindi ya nearby places mein … to kisi b waqt muje mail kareen at relation ki mukamal raazdari hogi.aur jab tak ap ko tasali na ho…hum sex nahi karenge.. take care For those readers who cant...

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Islamabad Se Peshawar Tak

Hello every buddy!I m rehan from islamabad.my age is 23 .my id is Today am going to share a true incident which happened to me. This is my third story. Today on the request of two of my very good friends (two sisters) from Islamabad Ill narrate my true incident in Urdu & English, which I already mailed them but they said its hot and very sexy one, so it should be online for everyone coz it will really make every one hot. So here it is just for you all sex lovers, on my friends request. Tu...

1 year ago
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The Foremans Foreskin

I had been working in the construction industry a week when the foreman called me to his office. As I made my way over I wondered what I could have done wrong. As it had gone clocking off time I was annoyed that the meeting would be eating in to my free time. 'Aah, come in.' he said as I stepped through the door. 'Have a seat.' His office was much neater than I thought it would be. As I looked around the room I noticed that there were no girlie pictures like I had seen plastered up everywhere...

3 years ago
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Bad Boy

BAD BOYBY DOROTHY STRANGELOVE'Somewhere between fact and possibility lies wishful thinking' (D.Strangelove.)I took another glance at the man across the table and I smiled. As he smiled back I crossed my legs and gave my thighs a good squeeze. Not too hard, any harder and my juice would have spilled out like my cunt was an orange swirling around impaled on a glass squeezer - which would have been a disaster for my skirt, and probably the chair beneath me. I was leaning forward, just a little, I...

2 years ago
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Helena and Anita alone at Barbados

That evening after dinner Ana smiled and asked me if I would mind if she and her girlfriend Helena would take a vacation together.I said not at all, knowing I could not take a single vacation day for the next three months. So, my sweet wife had the right to enjoy some days for herself, even in the company of that slutty bitch…But the worst thing was to know that they were planning to go to Barbados. It would be just five nights there; but I knew Helena could fuck a dozen well hung black guys in...

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The Making of a Houseboy

Hilde patted the edges of her mouth with the linen napkin. Looking to her husband, he smiled and placed his cutlery in a perfect line on his empty plate.“Very good, you have certainly passed this aspect of the interview with flying colours.”Graciously, I nodded my head, “You are welcome, I like cooking, even more so for other people.”Noticing their wine glasses were a quarter full, I scuttled around the table to charge them. I topped up their water glasses too.“Would you like the cheese board...

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The Houseboy

If I had been told on my sixteenth birthday, that I would end up working as a houseboy, I would’ve advised the forecaster of that statement to sign up for some psychological evaluation. That, however, is exactly what happened by the time I had turned seventeen-years-old.To fully explain how this came about, I am afraid that I now have to embark on a two-part history lesson:Firstly, after my mother had left my dad and me when I was eight-years-old, my father continued to be employed as a foreman...

Gay Male
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Bad Boy

Bad Boy by Vickie Tern i. I'd been listening patiently forever, it seemed like forever, as my Mom laid out the proposal with my Dad mostly listening but occasionally interjecting things like, "Well, what did you expect?" and "You brought it on yourself!" and sometimes angrily, "Don't interrupt your mother, just listen, young man!" Finally she stopped talking, and we all three sat silent for a while. I finally...

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Denise Femboy

Brief story summary: Mummy feminises son Denis(e) from birth. She, Denise, was born with a penis but in spite of that, she has always been a little girl like her two slightly older sisters. Mummy was/is a great believer in Strict/Extreme Corporal Punishment in Disciplining her c***dren and does so on a regular basis with the help of her pharmacist friend Mrs Nugent. All punishments however are lovingly although not sparingly applied and are implemented solely for the c***dren’s own good. That...

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Denise Femboy

Brief story summary: Mummy feminises son Denis(e) from birth. She, Denise, was born with a penis but in spite of that, she has always been a little girl like her two slightly older sisters. Mummy was/is a great believer in Strict/Extreme Corporal Punishment in Disciplining her c***dren and does so on a regular basis with the help of her pharmacist friend Mrs Nugent. All punishments however are lovingly although not sparingly applied and are implemented solely for the c***dren’s own good. That...

5 years ago
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Meeting at Bedford Mills

Meeting at Bedford MillsI had often thought about my friend Simone in the years since we had been at school together. After I graduated, I had moved to New York to pursue my career and with a husband and children, I had lost touch with Simone, but I knew that she had married a rich man whom she had met at college, and that they lived in Greenwich, Connecticut, but they had no children. I had also heard from other former classmates who had met her, that she had a glamorous lifestyle, with...

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