Gettin Muddy
- 2 years ago
- 18
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I sat at my small dinette table within a shabby apartment watching my almost one year old, Karen, toddle from one object to the next and my almost three year old son, Tom, playing with some toy cars.
This wasn't the bottom, but pretty damn close. I had enough money for food and milk for the kids. I seemed to find money just in time for books. There just wasn't enough for new clothes, car repairs or even a hair cut. The car had deteriorated so badly, I sold it to a local mechanic for parts. The G.I. bill was putting me through school, St. Louis University. But there was not any extra money to be raising a family. I received some disability, but again it wasn't enough to raise a couple of kids. I had used up all of my savings the past two years living in a small apartment near campus. Now? This.
My ex had left when Karen was three months, exactly one year after leaving Nam with a busted up foot and ankle. She took the little money we had in our checking account. Thanks goodness she couldn't get at my savings account. We had not heard from her since. The Legal aid society helped me get a divorce with full custody of the kids. But who was arguing.
I was doing pretty good physically, healing nicely, but mentally I was a mess. With the two little ones, it was necessary to keep a happy face and be cheerful as much as possible. Actually they were my life. Everything that I was doing was to make it better for them some day.
I couldn't afford an apartment close to the school any longer so I had applied for public housing. My application was accepted immediately for a third floor apartment in a living tomb that was called Pruitt-Igo. This place had been built as the panacea for low income and the poor. In just a couple of short years it had been open, it had become an instant slum, a dangerous crime ridden self-contained ghetto. I had begged the housing authority to find me something closer to school and in a better neighborhood to raise my babies. They were not helpful, just telling me that's what we have, that's what you get.
There were 800 apartments on eight floors in ten buildings that were connected by covered, suspended walk-ways between each building and each floor. It looked a little like a giant motel from the outside. One of the disconcerting things that caused me some apprehension was the race thing. This was 1969 and there was a lot of racial tension throughout the country to go along with attitudes toward Nam vets, especially limping Nam vets and the war. My family was one of five white families among eight-hundred.
So far I had not had a lot of problems with the tough guys and gang kids that wandered the parking lots. I left them alone; they left me alone. I did buy a used colt .45. The military taught me how to use it and I felt comfortable with it. I applied for a carry permit but was turned down because of my address. I went down to the local police precinct where I talked to the captain about it. He was an ex G.I. who knew how hard it was when you first get out trying to make it in civilian life. He had a solution. I had to do three weekends of training and even received a couple of bucks for the time. He made me a neighborhood watch reserve police officer. The piece made a difference in how secure I felt, when I had to go out, I put the piece in my belt at the back of my pants and felt a hell of lot more comfortable.
While I was at school, my kids stayed with an older lady next door that kept five or six little ones while their parents worked or whatever. Mrs. Williams was always helping me out, fixing me something special for a snack, always doting over my babies. Matty Williams was pretty good with hair clippers and kept my head trimmed. She was pretty good at cutting a flat-top too. She had a couple of young teenaged grandkids living with her that were trying to stay out of the bad groups at the complex. I became the tutor for helping with math or their other homework. Her fourteen-year-old boy and I were the gofers when it came to groceries or the occasional Chinese take-out. We usually went together so he wouldn't be harassed and I wouldn't be too out of place.
We were coming back from the little grocery store up the street when it happened. The elevators were broken, which was usual so we were starting up the stairs. At the landing between the first and second floor, four Afro-haired toughs had a girl down on the hard concrete landing. At first I thought it was just the some kids doing the nasty but realized the girl was in trouble when I saw one of the guys was holding her arms and two guys were holding her legs apart while the fourth guy was on his knees between her legs. She couldn't yell because she had a scarf tied across her mouth.
I yelled at the toughs while pulling my piece from the back of my pants, "Hey! Stop! Get off her. Let her go! I'm a police officer. Do it now."
The guy on his knees jerked his head around and stood while he fumbled around in his pants to come up with a pretty good sized folding knife. "I'll cut your balls off honky." He said thrusting it at me.
I brought the .45 up to point between his eyes and said, "Try it."
His eyes got big and one of the larger guys holding the girls legs stood up. He was [robably 6'3", close to 300 lbs., intimidating. He said, "What you gonna do, cap us all?"
"Hope I don't have to do that. Stand slowly, all of you. Drop the knife. Let the girl go. Marty, go hit the call-box quick. (They used to have little red boxes on light poles that would summon the police.)
The girl scrambled up, pulled her dress down then hurried up the stairs pulling the scarf from her mouth. She stopped on the second floor landing looking down at the scene.
"You really think I'm afraid of you?" The knife holder said to me starting to come at me.
I stepped down a step but leveling the gun at the threatening guys chest. When he lunged at me, I fired. The force of the gun blast pushed him back, dropping him instantly. The big guy roared in anger and rushed me. I had no choice, I fired three times rapidly. The first staggered him, the second stopped him, and the third knocked him down. I had to side step as the big guy rolled down the stairs. I moved the pistol back to cover the other two and told them to sit down on the stairs with their hands on their heads. Their eyes were as big around as quarters.
Marty hollered, asking me if I was okay. I answered back and told him to take the groceries up to his grandmother using another stairway.
A couple of gawkers had come to see what the commotion was. Several just looked at the big guy laying there bleeding, turned up their nose and walked away. A man had come out and was standing next to the girl that had been attacked. He was looking down at the dead tough on the landing shaking his head.
Almost a half-hour after the gun shots, a police car screeched to a stop near the stairway. A couple of uniforms ran up with guns out yelling for me to put mine down. I popped the clip while putting it down and ejected the chambered round catching it in one hand while laying my piece on the step.
I told the officers I was a neighborhood watch officer and had a badge in my pocket. One of the uniforms pointed his .38 special at me and said, "Very slowly, get it out."
Once he saw the badge he asked what had happened. I told the guy the story and was told he had to take my gun in as evidence. While one officer cuffed the two guys sitting, the other went upstairs to talk to the girl. Another couple of units came rushing up to park next to the first. A Sargent took one look at the dead guy at the base of the stairs and went back to his unit. He came back advising the other officers he had called for the coroner and a crime scene group.
The Sargent came up to me and stared at me for a few seconds. "You the kid they made a neighborhood watch officer?"
I nodded.
"Thought you left this shit back in Nam didn't ya," he said still staring at me.
Again I nodded.
"You ever do this before? See the guy you shot?"
I nodded again.
"You talk? Or just wag your head?" He said smiling gently without any confrontation in his voice.
"Let's get your statement. You got kids right? Where they at?" He asked.
I answered, "My neighbor Mrs. Williams has them. Her son and I went to the store. That's why we were out."
"That girl's lucky. These guys may be the ones who have raped and killed several other ladies and girls from the complex. You may have done the place a favor," the Sargent continued.
A bunch of people came to photograph the scene, interview people and finally haul off the corpses. They had quizzed Marty extensively. I had given my statement to the Sargent then to a homicide detective. They were shaking my hand getting ready to leave when the detective said, "You did a good thing. The two guys you left alive admitted they were part of the group that had been raping women around here. They said they didn't know about killing any though. They'll hang for it anyway."
"By the way, what in the hell are you living here for?" He asked.
"All I can afford right now. One more year in school and I'll be able to get a decent job. I'll be out of here then," I said.
"You be careful. You're gonna be popular with some of these folks but you're gonna be a target for some others. Watch yourself," he said leaving. He went to his unmarked car, opened the trunk, took something out and came back to me.
"Here, keep this till you get yours back," He said as he handed me a snub-nosed .38 special and a box of shells. "This is a piece I haven't had time to turn in yet. It should do for right now."
I thanked him as he once again turned to leave. "Thanks, I'll bring it back when I get mine back."
Wearily I climbed the stairs. The girl or as I could see now, young lady victim, thanked me for saving her. She said the toughs had told her they wouldn't kill her if she didn't fight but she felt they were going to kill her anyway. I told her that I was glad to have been able to help and started up to the third floor to go to Mrs. Williams for my kids. She followed me. I went to Mrs. Williams door and knocked. The lady was still next to me. I went inside and she came along. Spooky.
"Sarah Lee, are you all right honey?" Asked Mrs. Williams.
"Yes Matty, thanks to this white boy here. He saved me, he kept me from being killed," the girl Mrs. Williams called Sarah Lee said.
The girl or young lady was hugging a little boy and little girl saying how happy she was to see them.
Mrs. Williams said to me. "Sarah Lee just dropped her kids off so she could go to the store too. She didn't even get down the stairs before those ruffians caught her. Steve, you saved her, and probably saved several more ladies around here."
My kids were oblivious to the excitement. Marty's little sister, 12 year old Keesha, was playing with the kids.
Mrs. Williams said, "Sarah Lee didn't get to the store. She still needs to go. You go with her Steve, keep her safe. When you get back, I'll have something fixed for all of us.
I went into the bathroom and loaded the pistol. It was better than not having protection but I probably couldn't hit anything more than ten feet away. A little short barreled pistol like that was not very inaccurate. I tucked it in my back waistband and went out to gather Sarah Lee to go to the store.
It was only a couple of blocks to the store but it gave us some to time to visit. She said she had seen me and my kids often as Mrs. Williams kept her's too while she worked. She told me she worked at the nearby library and was taking one class a semester toward becoming a librarian. She planned on earning her degree one day and making enough to move away from the projects. She said she hated the thought of being dependant on ADC (Aid to dependant children) forever.
The walk gave me a chance to look her over as well. Sarah was five foot five or six, probably 110 to 115, pretty thin. Her hair was fairly kinky. It looked like she had started to iron it out but had not finished. Her dark brown eyes stared from a medium brown complexion. She wasn't heavy chested but she did have a remarkable backside. She had one of those rounded twin globe butts that roll deliciously when she walks making guys take a second or third look. What made her the most attractive was her positive attitude and the way she carried herself. She stood straight, proud and had an ever present very gentle smile.
When we got back, Mrs. Williams had some navy beans with pieces of pork in it and some great corn bread to sop up the bean juice. Even poor, you can eat pretty well.
That night I still had to hit the books after putting the kids down. We said our goodnights and Sarah was still thanking me. Before I left she gave me a big hug. She apologized for touching me but I told her that a hug was always welcome. I got a nice smile and hug from Mrs. Williams too.
The Saturday night following the attack, Mrs. Williams and I were talking about her church. She was extolling the values of her non-denominational church and how there was a racially mixed congregation. She really wanted my kids and I to go with her. She said her Keesha would stay with my little ones in the nursery if I wanted while we attended the service. How do you tell someone you really enjoy that you won't go to church with her.
That Sunday and every Sunday after, we went to church together. A couple of weeks after I had started to go with Mrs. Williams, Sarah Lee came with us and let Keesha help her with her kids too. We started a bit of a tradition. I bought a big roast on Saturday, Mrs. Williams would put it in her oven on Sunday morning, and when we returned from church the three families would eat Sunday dinner together. We poor folk sure knew how to eat.
Seemed like after the attack, I saw Sarah once or twice a day. Since the attack, Sarah had been giving herself a makeover. Her hair was always fixed nicely either in a round Afro or all ironed out. She even had a couple of wigs that looked nice on her. I would see her in the morning when I dropped the kids off, at night when Marty and I were going to make our store run, late evening when I was getting back from my night class, and Sunday going to church. Sarah was constantly around giving me a big smile and always a hug.
Most times Sarah would accompany Marty and I on our grocery store trips. She was cool about food stamps, never trying to buy junk food with them. She always bought the least cost items, getting the most food producing groceries including powdered milk and eggs. She helped me learn what to buy to get the most for my meager income. Like I said, we may have been pour but we all ate well.
The neighborhood gang types and toughs steered clear of me. I always nodded at whoever was standing around. I said hi when greeted but didn't try to be overly friendly. I was pretty much out of place around there. Several teens heard that I would help them with their homework so I became fairly popular with the studious group. Whenever I left or walked into the project, neighbors and acquaintances would always walk with me. They told me that if the bad guys saw us together, they might leave both of us alone.
When Christmas came around, I scrounged up decorations from a big department store where I had a part time seasonal job. I brought all the scrap and previous year's decorations home to divide up between the families that lived around us. That included Sarah Lee of course. Our little apartments looked pretty festive. My part time job was a real bonus as it gave me some money for gifts plus it allowed me to buy stuff at a discount, even including on-sale and clearance items. In early December my manager said he needed another temporary person. I got Sarah Lee to come in and she was hired for the final few weeks. She was ecstatic to have the chance to earn a couple ofextra dollars. It was nice to have someone for company riding the bus home with at night.
Two days before Christmas, a policeman came to the apartment door and told me to come down to his car. I told him I had to take the kids next door but he said to bring them along. His partner was standing next to the car on that cold afternoon with fog coming from his exhaust. He opened his trunk and pointed. They had a giant turkey, a large grocery bag full of canned and boxed goods plus a shopping bag full of presents.
The officer handed me the turkey. "Here Steve, we thought you guys could use a big turkey. Have Mrs. Williams cook it up for all of you. Look, there are presents for you and your two kids, Mrs. Williams and her two, plus some for that girl who was attacked and her kids. Spread them out for us okay?"
Men don't cry right? I had a tear, that's for sure. Since I had my kids with me, they helped carry the stuff up to the apartment. I thanked the officers profusely wishing them a Merry Christmas.
As soon as they were gone, I hauled the kids next door and told Mrs. Williams to wait a second as I had a surprise. I went to my apartment and pulled out the presents for my kids and Sarah Lee and her kids then picked up the turkey, the big grocery bag plus the presents for the Williams clan, and carried them next door. Mrs. Williams couldn't believe the size of the turkey. She went through the stuff in the bag and kept exclaiming, "Oh Santa is being good to us this year."
She was still putting things away when Sarah Lee knocked on the door to get her kids. I told Sarah to wait a second and went next door for her presents. I found another bag and put the presents into it and carried them back next door. Sarah was almost crying. Neither one of the ladies could believe the police had given us so much.
Mrs. Williams said that all of us should come to her house on Christmas morning so we could open our presents together and we would all fix a big Christmas dinner.
Christmas was fun. I had lots of presents for my kids plus I had been able to get something for Mrs. Williams and her two plus something for Sarah Lee and her two. Mrs. Williams and Sarah Lee had both handmade something for my kids and me. I really treasured the scarf Sarah had knitted for me. We ate a ton but before we ate, Mrs. Williams had Sarah and I running to several other apartments with big plates of turkey and dressing. That one turkey fed everyone on our floor that day. The looks of thanks from the people who accepted the plates of food was startlingly grateful. We did eat well.
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Diverting her attention momentarily from the road, Tamsin smiled at me . I had seen that smile before, it was full of comfort and reassurance. Not that I needed to be reassured but life with Tamsin was full of surprises and it had become increasingly obvious to me that she felt she always needed to prepare me for the next one.The last one had come the night before, at the close of our remarkable evening at Creatrice. She had informed me that we were to visit her grandmother at her home in the...
Diverting her attention momentarily from the road, Tamsin smiled at me . I had seen that smile before; it was full of comfort and reassurance. Not that I needed to be reassured but life with Tamsin was full of surprises and it had become increasingly obvious to me that she felt she always needed to prepare me for the next one.The last one had come the night before, at the close of our remarkable evening at Creatrice. She had informed me that we were to visit her grandmother at her home in the...
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My little Arab buttercup, Aisha, had been married to me for over a year now. I found work with a civilian contractor for the military. My technical and computer training in the army gave me the knowledge and experience they needed there in Silicon Valley. We were living about thirty minutes away from my job. Aisha preferred to be called Annie now. She was completely westernized in every way. She always spoke English, and had become fluent. She was so fluent that she had started writing in...
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Ma put down the telephone receiver and smiled a hard, cruel, smile. Her two sons, Patrick and Spike, looked up hopefully from where they sat slumped over the kitchen table. It was early morning, an hour before dawn. They had been awake all night. Ever since Katrina Outhwaite had escaped from the room with the big brass bed, they had been frantically searching the roads north and south of the Butcher's pig-farm, without success. "That was the, Sheriff Bud Jansen," she said. "The kid made...
Ten days after Katrina's abortive attempt at escape, the Outhwaites were beginning to accept their fate. They were becoming resigned to being drudges by day and sex-slaves by night and, for that matter, any other time Ma Butcher or her sons wanted to satisfy some sexual whim. Their diet of oatmeal and water, occasionally supplemented by scraps from the heavily laden plates of the Butcher's had much to do with the steady decline in the Outhwaites' morale. The real "killer", however, was...
Reddit ButtPlug, aka r/ButtPlug! I don’t know about you horny mother fuckers, but I could stare at hot chicks with butt plugs up their asses all fucking day. Seeing a little plug up a female’s asshole, imaging how tight it is, and how much tighter it would be if my cock were inside the little brown hole is enough to make my dick get fully erect and jack off right here, right now. Do you think I’m goddamn crazy? Then you’ve never fucked an asshole before!That’s why when I came across...
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Drinks with the lads was great; a weekly rite of relaxation and male bonding. But all good things should come to an end. Not that the employees of the respected law firm of Marmaduke, Daintree and Partners ever let their Friday drinking get out of hand, but the time inevitably came to call it a day and to say good night. After the lads had bid me goodbye, I stepped out into the street and headed home. The evening was calm and mild by London standards and I dropped into Lou Lou’s quaint...
Gina Makes Her Debut By Janis Elizabeth Chapter 1 It was right after the end of Gene and Julie's junior year at college that my little brother's (sister's) fianc?e approached me with a unique request. It seems that every year, the club where her parents are members sponsors a gala ball where the daughters of the members and other sponsored guests make their formal debut to society. The original intent of this presentation was to signify that these young ladies were now actively ...
Disclaimer The characters, locations, mannerisms, descriptions, expressions, and identity manifests in this story are the property of Hasborough and It's affiliated companies; with the exception of OCs and other original content: the 'owner' of the story, other contributors, and the website on which it is hosted make no claim or challenge, express or implied, to that status. This is a work of derivative fiction intended purely for the enjoyment of the visitors to this website and it's...
Butch's Bar Slut @2019 by Brenda Goodwin I love this bar, Butch thought to himself as he finished another beer. And why shouldn't he. It had everything a Leather Bear could want. Plenty of hot men in leather, and some women as well. A bunch of trans girls and some sissy boys. Loud music and a nice dance floor. And that great private backroom for dungeon play. With the loud music in the main room no one would ever hear your cries in there. Yeah, I'm Butch. Some know me as Rob, but...
If you've read any of my stories, you'll know that since I've been divorced, I've been pretty much 100% gay, and for me that means. 100% submissive to real men.I've been humiliated and embarrassed both privately and publicly, and although it can be truly awful at the time, I keep on going back for moreHowever, for all the dominant men that have used me, and many have been on a regular basis, none of them have ever left me with a buttplug inserted.This is something I have desired for sometime...
“Are you busy sweetie? Do you have time for another cum tribute?” I gave her a smile which said, ‘I am always ready.’ “Good, I have something I would like to try out, maybe make your tribute even better.” She gave me a naughty smile before revealing what she had behind her back. She had a bag in one hand and her smartphone in the other. My mom placed the bag down on my bed, then she tapped away at her phone, my tablet buzzed, so I knew she just sent me another photo that she wanted me to...
Laden with bottles of wine, empty cups, and snacks, the rough wooden tray thumped down heavily on the tavern table. One of the cups bounced, balanced precariously on its edge a second, then toppled. Prince M'hul cast a reproachful look at the harried Innkeeper, but the busy man was off waiting on another table. "The quality of the service personnel in the Kingdom leaves a lot to be desired!" the Prince boomed, loudly enough to be heard several tables away. The second man at the table...
At every meeting, my wife’s steady lover Butch brings two or three new men, and one young, sixteen-year-old virgin boy. They always allow this boy to have at her first after they’ve warmed her up. It’s a thrill to watch a naked young boy crawl all over her and get his first fuck, but sometimes the boy is shy and can’t perform in front of the group of other men.On those occasions, she takes him by the hand and leads him into an adjacent room. She sucks his cock to get him hard and then helps him...
CuckoldRetribution 2: Nanotechnology and The XY Wars By Po Prologue... The crazy plan of Wels Wright is initiated again as the Retribution facility rounds up more helpless victims again. This time their technology and methods are more advanced, which speeds up the transformation process. Out of 100 transformees, 90 were eliminated by measuring of skill. Fredrick, the last main character, survived and went on to live his dream while his first best friend, Nick, was turned into a very...
"Are you almost done? I'm leaving soon if you still want to go." Debbie stood in her son's bedroom door smoking a cigarette while he lay on his bed jacking off. A loud porno was playing on his TV, some girl was getting gangbanged. She was a chubby brunette covered in tattoos, and caked in cum."Yeah...yeah...almost." David's cock was drooling precum as he continued jacking off. Long strands of stickiness had spilled over and dried on his hand. He was close to cumming though, he just needed...
My friends are constantly bugging me to send them her hot modeling photos or better yet, trying to get a photo of her naked. I never tried getting a nude photo of her, and as for sharing her modeling photos well, my opinion was that was my spank bank material. I just never told them that as I was afraid, that one of them would let it slip my incest fantasies about my mother. Besides, I know they have taken sneaky photos of her when they can. I was in my room, laying on my bed jerking off...
[Caution: contains scenes of rape] Butch and Stacy This was it. Liz had sworn that if mom did not deal with my issues tonight, Liz herself would take the bull by the horns and tell me what I needed to hear, the deep dark secret she and mom had been keeping from everybody. So, one way or the other, things would be out in the open and Zoe would be free to expose my imposture. I quickly ran to the bath to splash some cold water on my face, to be more alert, and who knows...
Honestly, it was becoming quite a struggle for me. On the one hand, I wanted to keep this a secret and keep my mom and my cum tributes our dirty secret but on the other side, the thought of a friend or two or three joining in and giving my hot my cum tributes as well. I did notice that my mom increased her cock teasing when my friends would come over. She would walk around in her tight leggings, changing into them if she needed to, or she would wear low cut tops and engage in a lot of...
Amazon - Part 4: Debutante By Itinerant Edited by Amelia_R Biographer's Note: This is Nicole's story. It covers those events and people she finds notable in her life and chooses to share. If you have problems with it, take it up with her. I'm just a glorified stenographer. DEBUTANTE: a young woman making her formal entrance into society. ******** Thursday, January 4, 2001 The cabin Nicole shook her hair out as she came down the stairs from her bedroom. She had just cleaned...
Black Man's White SissyOne day when my mom was at work, I was laying in her bed, masturbating. I got up and rummaged through her underwear drawer. The drawer smelled like perfume and the odor made my dick stiffen. Some of her panties had stains - I think they were cum stains - on the crotch. Anyway, I don't know why, but something prompted me to try on a pair of her silky nylon hose. The material felt so good on my legs! Next I stepped into a pair of her red french cut panties. Then I caught a...
Butch and Stacy Synopsis: I always insisted on being called Butch and avoided my given name of Stacy. It did not fit the rough and tough macho image I wanted to project. But lately things have happened that make me not so sure; is it time to accept my true name, and what goes with it? "Heya, Butch! Over here!" I recognized that voice, and the name it was calling out so loudly. I scanned the airport waiting area and soon located him, my best friend Matt waving his hands wildly...
Chapter 10: A Discovery in the attic and a letter We dashed upstairs to change into clothes appropriate for a Sunday morning. Paige removed the short robe and reached for her panties, but I was too quick for her. ‘Brian, we can’t.’ I rubbed her warm tummy from behind, letting her feel my cock poke through the front of my shorts. ‘You excite me.’ ‘Brian, there’s no lock on the door. They’ll walk in on us.’ ‘They wouldn’t dare,’ I said, feeling a breast in one hand and cupping her pussy...
Questions for Miss Butler Copyright (c) 2002 by Nom de Plume SYDNEY: Private memorial services were conducted today for Eric Trice, the flamboyant tycoon who perished in the terrorist attack in Bali on 12 October. Mr. Trice, who at one time presided over a vast business empire including media outlets and real estate holdings, was being pursued by New South Wales authorities for securities and bank fraud at the time of his death. Mr. Trice left no immediate family, and only a...
Bunny Boy, Betsy Boss, and the Butch and Bitch Bistro By Pamela ([email protected]) It's pretty funny but my three best friends, who I've grown up with since childhood are named Tom, Dick, and Harry. We've had a lot of laughs over the years because of that. A funny coincidence. The four of us are now in our twenties, still single, still living in the same town and we're getting on with our lives. My name is Blake and I share a two-bedroom apartment with Harry while Tom and...
--Monday, 24th May, 1999-- I grimaced as I pulled my sword free of a monster’s body, the four-legged, spiny creature – like the progeny of a rat and porcupine – still twitching as it died on the cold stone floor of the Tristram cathedral. I was already tired, and I hadn’t even found level two yet. I stared around the dark room, the only light coming from a single torch on a nearby wall and several standing candle racks. The dark blood on my blade glinted wetly in the dim light. The torches...
The old butler and his rich bitches. Part 1 Los Angeles, California….. Hammond residence. “Edgar I have a business partner meeting me here for lunch. Make us a spread of food would you.” “Yes sir” a short old man of sixty years old replied, putting on his fake smile as he walked slowly to the house he was INS kitchen. This old man was none other than Edgar Johnson. This man stood at the short height of five foot six, weighed at least sixteen stone. His belly stuck out quite far, he had...
With all the pix and the fantasies my husband and I have, I decided to post some pix of me once again on Xhamster. I posted a batch of pix as "Please Tribute". Then I spent a good part of a day trying to get men to print my pix, and jerk off all over my pictures and post them on their profile with my picture, their cock on my picture and their Spunk gobbed thickly on my picture! Mmmmm I thought, what a turn on!!! Of course there were the normal bunch who promised too by "Monday" which hadn't...
It was another dreary disagreeable day. I stood quietly by the sitting room door in my smart butler’s uniform black coat, and grey waistcoat and black trousers with a single stripe awaiting instruction. My employer, or at least, my employer’s mother the dowager Lady H, was her usual disagreeable self. The Dowager or Lady Margaret. She must have been in her forties though she would have passed for sixty with ease in her dowdy black widows attire. She was still in mourning for her late husband...
10:00 pm So there we both were on the London Underground; our faces luridly painted, our bodies clad in black satin and lace, in leather and tartan, in silver and steel. I had never looked like that in my life but since having met Tamsin, my life had changed. I had learned to live for the moment, to dwell in the present, to savour its possibilities and to delight in the full range of sensations that constitute being alive. I looked at her now as the train sped through the seemingly endless...
Group SexI am spending the summer at the home of my best friend, Matt. Due to a mixup, the friends of his kid sister caught me swimming in her padded swimsuit and since I'm short and skinny with long hair and not much body hair, they thought I was a girl. On top of that, my folks had named me Stacy after a tv detective, but nicknamed me Butch which was what I always went by. But when they found out my real name, the girls thought I was one of them and befriended me and persuaded me to let my...
We dashed upstairs to change into clothes appropriate for a Sunday morning. Paige removed the short robe and reached for her panties, but I was too quick for her. "Brian, we can't." I rubbed her warm tummy from behind, letting her feel my cock poke through the front of my shorts. "You excite me." "Brian, there's no lock on the door. They'll walk in on us." "They wouldn't dare," I said, feeling a breast in one hand and cupping her pussy with the other one. "Oh, Brian," she...
As a women I may give few advices I get quite a lot of tribute and I can give you very few technicals tips to really improve your tribute set up in simple wayPoint of wiew : Top wiew is a « male point of wiew », As a women I really prefer to watch a side angle with quite wide frame for having a complete wiew of each squirts : u can really better feel strongness and thickness of each squirt. Some guys send double point of wiew it’s maybe the better solution. Front wiew is also something nice to...