Dirty Work... Full First Chapter. free porn video

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"Honestly!" She exclaimed. "How do you expect to have anybody over and them not thinking 'what a mess'?" She pouted, starting to pick up the books and stuff she dropped and knocked over. I sighed, setting my book aside and helping her. "You should know by now," I stated, "I have no intentions having anybody in my room. You, is one thing. Anybody else, not so much." I paused, reaching over to grab a book beside her. "Having guests over in the living room or kitchen or --" Sarah's up raised hand cut me off. "Okay, I get that -- but what about boys?" She asked, adding emphasizes on 'boys'." Do you not plan to have a boy over and have a romantic evening. With candle's and wine and flowers?" Sarah said, all dream like. I looked at her a moment, raising a delicate eyebrow at her silly romantic dreams. "No, Sarah, I don't." The look on her face -- priceless. Her mouth dropped and eyes widened as if someone slapped her. Heh, I wish I had a camera.

"Cherry, out of all the girls I've met, I have to say: You. Are. Crazy."

"Because I don't care for romantic dreams?"

"No -- because I don't ever see you date or hear you say a boys cute, let alone, look at one!"

I sighed, not really caring for where this conversation is heading. Holding the books in my hands, I stood up, walking to the bookcase. "Well... what's wrong with that?" I asked, putting the books up. "Because it's not normal!" Sarah said, following me to the bookcase with her own stack of books. She glanced at me, waiting for my reply. But I didn't give any, remaining silent and shrugged. She sighed audibly putting up the books she was holding.

"Look," She said as she finished putting the books up then turning to look at me. "You're very pretty and it's obvious you and everyone knows that. A bunch of boys at school likes and/or have crushes on you." She paused, tilting her head thoughtfully. "But, yet, you treat them as you would anybody you meet for the first time or you're friends."

Putting the last book in my hand up, I looked at her.


"So... What is it? Are you scared, shy, nervous, inexperience with relationships?" I laughed out loud from the look on her face. "I'm being serious, Cherry!" She said as she followed me to gather the rest of the mess she made. "I know, I know. And that's why I'm laughing. You're so serious about this boy-romantic-love stuff."

"Of course I am, I just can't help seeing my friend not with a boy and wanting to get married and have kids and --" She stopped and looked at me slyly. I looked at her, confused. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked, not liking the mischievous glint in her eyes. "Oh, nothing. Nothing at all." She grinned, stacking some papers together. I narrowed my eyes looking at her.

"Is it that... You're a virgin?"

"Wha -- no. Of course not." I said, momentarily taken aback. Far from it, actually. But I'll keep that to myself.

"Then what is it? I know your parent's couldn't possibly have made you this way or set such an example."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean: You're parents are madly in love, everyone sees it and lots are jealous of it. Always trying to get you to meet boys and saying how they can't wait to have grandchildren. So what is it?" I sighed. "Sarah... We have had this conversation numerous times and I --" She cut me off. "Yeah, yeah, yeah -- 'I don't want to hear it'. I get it. But I know there's more to it then you're letting on. Is it because you're a tomboy and you find it awkward?"

"Why figure it's because I'm a tomboy? I never said anything like that." I shook my head, rubbing my temples. Boy this is giving me a headache. "I just don't care for dating or anything. To me: It's a waste of time." I stood up and put a stack of papers on the table. "How can you say that?" Sarah said, looking at me with such shock on her pretty face, I 'bout started to laugh. Instead, I took a deep breath, smiled, and as nice as I can, without it sounding offensive or hurtful, said, "Sarah, why worry of my love life and not yours?" She lowered her eyes at me.

"Nice try but you're not changing the subject this time. Besides, I have bad luck when it comes to love, you know that." I sighed, pushing my bangs out of my face glancing toward my window. It was ten o'clock and the moon was out. No clouds in sight so the stars could be seen perfectly. I looked at Sarah. She was very pretty. Heart shaped face, round baby blue eyes, reddish-brown hair that came an inch or two above her waist, cute freckles that danced across her nose, 5'3, and weighed about 120 pounds. So it's not so much that she 'has bad luck with love', just bad luck choosing the right guys. Asshole's who I had to kick their asses later for hurting her.

"Cherry, I hate it when you stare at me like that." She stated, between pursed lips.

"Sorry." I paused. "Look, Sarah, I know you're just worried and what-not. But I don't see what's the point of it all."

"The point is --" I held up a finger at her, cutting her off. "I know what you were about to say. That 'To be happy and loved and live happily ever after, blah blah blah'. But, like I said: I think it's a waist of time. Everything comes with a price -- even so called love. I don't want to fall in love 'cause people tend to get emotional. And you know I hate that, just by watching you, and others I care for, cry over heartache or pain." She opened her mouth to say something, but I hurried on. "Then you have to deal with, not always, but a hit and run. And the other saying 'it's not you, it's me' or 'it just wasn't working' or 'we were only having fun'. Plus, the stupid shit that happens on the side. Or some fucked up situation comes along."

"So that's it? That's why you don't date?"

"No. Because I have a job. And with that job, I can't afford to get emotionally involved. I can't let emotions take hold of me and in the way of my better judgement. I can't let jealousy drive me to madness, Sarah."

"But you, yourself, said you can't get jealous."

"No, I said I don't get jealous. And I don't think it's possible. But it doesn't mean it can't or it wont happen."

Sarah stood there quiet a moment, staring at me. I can practically see the wheels in her head turning as she thought and knew what I said was true. She sighed and nodded slightly. "Yeah, you're right. I keep forgetting your job." Even though she smiled at me, I knew she was upset with herself. "Sarah I --"

"No, Cherry, you're right." She blinked several times to keep the water that glistened in her eyes from spilling over. "I'm just worried that you're never or ever will be happy. I want all my friends to be happy. And you like you're job. Not only like it, but good at it."

"But, Sarah, I am happy. If I wasn't, I wouldn't be here having this conversation with you. I'll be here having a different conversation about how depressed I am." I said, grinning at her. She laughed at that. "That would be a silly sight." I nodded. "Yeah, it wold." At that moment, Sarah's ringtone, Romeo and Juliet by S.O.A.P.. She grabbed her bag and took her phone out. Flipping it opened, she read the text and replied.

"I gotta get home. Mom say's Sweetie is about to have her babies." She smiled brightly at me. Sweetie's her big fluffy cat. "Congrats. I hadn't realized it was that time already." She smiled and nodded as she grabbed her jacket, bag, and car keys. "Yup, I'm so excited!" I smiled at her as I opened my bedroom door. "I'll walk with you to your car."

She walked out the room as I followed, shutting the door behind me. We talked about what the kittens would look like and rather or not who was the father as we walked down the hall and down the stairs. She even suggested I take in one of the kitten's. I told her I'd think about it as we walked up to my parents. They asked me, 'think about what' and Sarah told them the news.

They said it was cute and that they wouldn't mind having one -- or two. One for them and one for me. She said she'll let us come and pick the two out after six to eight weeks. After that, she said goodnight to my parents and we headed for the door. We walked outside as she brought up the hallowing party her cousins boyfriend is hosting in two weeks. And how her Cousin, Marla, said her boyfriend could invite us. She got in her car and rolled down the window.

"So you wanna go?"

"I'll try but I can't promise anything."

"Well, that's better than nothing."

We laughed at that. One problem with my job is having to cancel things or try to keep from making plans, since I never know what's gonna pop up and if I have go take care of something. I'm just a dog, same with anyone who does what I do, for the business. Doing their dirty work. "Say hey to your parents and give Sweetie a hug for me." I said. "Don't worry, I will. And you should come by sometime, they miss you." She replied, smiling and starting her car. She rolled up the window and waved at me as I took a step back, when she started backing out.

I watched as she pulled out of the driveway and went down the road and turned the corner. I turned and walked back up to the porch. I walked up the steps and inside shutting the door behind me. I walked over to the stairs and was about to head back to my room when mom called me.

"Honey, can you come here a minute?"

I paused at the fourth step as I turned to look at the walkway into the living room. "Ma I need to get ready for work." I called back, glancing at the clock. No, not the one I was discussing with Sarah. I work as a waitress, too. Which, I might be late for. Again.

"I know, honey, but this will only take a moment." I sighed as I stepped down and walked to the living room. When I enter, mom and dad were sitting on the couch whispering. They grew silent as I walked in, looking up at me. "What's up?" I asked, slowly, taking a seat across from them and glancing at the clock again then back to them. They seem to hesitate before either of them spoke. Finally mom took a deep breath.

"Cherry..." -Glancing at my father- "You're father and I are a bit worried."

"Oh? About what?"

"Why it is you don't date." This from my father. I suppressed a sigh and leaned forward in my seat, elbows on my knees. "But, dad, I thought you'd be happy with a daughter not obsessed with boys and dating?" I asked, hiding the sarcasm in my voice. "I am. But that's besides the point."

He paused, clearing his throat. "All girls wish to date and meet boys and fall in love. So why is it that you don't? You're eighteen and we really can't say 'no' and we never said you couldn't date. Most likely, like many girls, do it anyways, rather parent's give the 'okay' or not. Besides..." He paused as him and mom held each other. "We can't wait to be grandparents!" Ma exclaimed in a goofy-baby voice. I glanced up at the clock. I don't have time for this... I thought to myself. I looked at them a moment then said, "Where is all this coming from, anyways? Did Sarah say something?" I turned to mom as she was the one to answer this.

"No... it's just... I was walking by your room and heard Sarah talking to you about it."

"You were listening through my door?" I asked, arching a brow. She blushed, slightly, shaking her head.

"No, I just walked by and heard her, is all." This time, I did sigh. More of exhaustion then anything. This conversation tires me to my core. After a moment of awkward silence (more on their part than mine), I spoke up.

"Look, it doesn't matter why or why not. The point is: It's a waste of my time. I don't care for it. Okay?" I smiled at them as I stood up, hearing my friend's, Adam, Mercedes coming down the road. "Besides, I rather worry about my career and life before I get into a serious relationship." I paused, glancing at the clock. "Just like you mom." I added for good measure. "Awwww!" Mom said. I headed out the living room door, calling over my shoulder, "Now, I'ma get ready for work."

I headed up the stairs to my room. I shut the door behind me with my foot, as I took off my shirt. Next I took off my combat boots and camo pants. I walked over to my walk in closet and took out my waitress uniform. Which consisted of, a red shirt, black tie, tight black capri pants, black sneakers, and red socks. I hurried and got dress in my uniform then walked to the mirror, that sat on my vanity. Looking at myself in the mirror, reminded me of what Sarah had said. 'You're very pretty -- in fact, gorgeous -- and it's obvious you and everyone knows that.' Pushing the thought out of my head, I put my waist length, golden-brown, curly hair into a high ponytail, I smiled to myself.

My eyes are a deep hazel, I'm curvy, 5'6, and weighed about 130 pounds. So, yeah, I guess I look good. But I really didn't care. I put on some mascara, eyeliner on the top and bottom of my eyes, some red eyeshadow, and a little bit of red lip-gloss right as I heard the knock on the front door. I grabbed my back pack, threw it over my shoulder, patted my pockets to make sure I had my cigs and walked out my bedroom, shutting and locking the door behind me. I made it downstairs as mom opened the door to Scarlett.

"Hey, miss D. Is Cherry ready?" Scarlett asked, twirling one of her low pigtails around her left pointer finger. Her black, straight, shiny long hair reflected the light. Her brown eyes held that same bored look as usual. Shes mostly Indian, as to why she's 5'10' tall and her hair so black. But she's almost as pale as snow. Body and height of a model, really. "I'm pretty sure she is." Mom replied as she turned to look behind her. "Oh, Cherry, Scarlett's here to get you." She said as she spotted me walking towards them. "Thanks mom." I said, walking past her and out the door. "What time will you be getting off?" She called after me as Scarlett and I walked to the car.

"I dunno. I'll call you." I called back, over my shoulder. As soon as she shut the door, I reached into my pocket and pulled out a smoke. Lighting it as we made it to the car. "Aye, Cher, what's the prob today?" Adam asked as I got in the front seat. Adam was a pretty cool guy. Once you get past his arrogance and conceited attitude. He's a major flirt, as well, but a real good friend. He's 6'3" and works out a lot, so he's pretty well toned. Dark brown hair and light blue eyes. "What you mean?" I asked, glancing at him as I shut the door.

"You only light a smoke, right when one of your parents shut the door, when there's something annoying or stressing you." I looked at him a moment then grinned. Leaning back against the seat, my hands behind my head. "And you know this how?" I said, taking a drag off my cig, hanging from the corner of my mouth. He shrugged grinning back at me. "I know you." He said, glancing over at me from the driver seat. "Besides, I study you, like the precious art you are." He stated as he pulled out of my driveway.

Scarlett hit him in the arm as I shook my head. "Stop it!" She said. "Stop flirting." Adam laughed. "Oooh, Scarlett's jealous." Mikey Boy teased. "I am not!" She exclaimed. "I just hate how Adam thinks he can flirt with whom ever he please -- 'specially when it comes to my close friend Cherry!" Scarlett snapped, folding her arms under her breasts. "Well, Adam, if you must know." I said, taking the cigarette out of my mouth and interjecting before this turned into an argument. "Not only Sarah -- but my parents as well -- are obsessed about my date life." I shook my head. "To say 'I'm annoyed' over it, would be an understatement."

I cracked the window and flicked my ashes as everyone started to laugh.

"Again?" Adam asked. I just nodded as I hit my cig again. "Damn! That even sounds annoying!" Mikey Boy stated as he continued to laugh. "Yeah, I wouldn't be able to deal with all that!" Scarlett replied. Adam just shook his head, laughing, as we hit a stop light. Once the laughing quieted down, I put in one of Adams Tech N9ne CD's. Caribou Lou started playing as Adam started to talk again.

"Why do they care anyways?

"Yeah?" Scarlett jumped in. I shrugged as I took one last hit off my cig and threw it out the window.

"Ma and dad want grandchildren, while Sarah is worried if I'll ever be happy..." I replied, looking out the window. They all fell silent as if there was something dark over our shoulders. I'm not surprised. Sarah worries about all of us -- rather it's something she seems to find odd or not normal.

"You know..."

I looked over at Adam. Letting him know he has my attention, he continued as he glanced in his review mirror. "She seems more like our mother than our friend." He grinned. We all laughed at this. "That's so true, I never noticed it before!" Mikey Boy chimed in. Scarlett hugged Mikey, ruffling his ear-length, chestnut hair as she rubbed her cheek against his. "Awww!" She said. Mikey boy blushed slightly as he looked at her from the corner of his eye. "S-Scarlett..?" He asked, sounding quite embarrassed. "You're just so... CUTE!" She said as she continued to hug him. Which was no lie.

He was one of those boys you'd call 'pretty' if you saw him. He was really sensitive and had a sweet shy, quiet voice that always sounds like he was on the verge of tears. He starts to tear up every time someone teases or picks on him. He'll cry, depending on how mean or rude the teasing is. He's been mistaken as a girl more times than I can count. His big sis use to dress him in dresses when he was little and take pictures of him. "Aw, come on, Scarlett -- c-cut it out..." He said. "Hey, look, we're here." I said, before he really did start to cry as Adam laughed and pulled into the parking lot of the bar/restaurant, Moon Shack.

Scarlett kissed his cheek as Adam parked behind Moon Shack and turned off the car. Grabbing our stuff, we got out of the car and Mikey rubbed his eyes. We continued to talk and laugh as we walked to the back door and inside. Immediately we heard all the noise coming from the long hallway we walked into that the back door led to. It had several doors to the left and right.

One was the boss's office, one was the locker room for that separated for the girls and guys if needed to change and keep our stuff. One was a closet where we kept extra chairs and tables and cleaning supplies. One was for the kitchen. Two were for the Men and Women's restrooms. There was a door that said 'Faculty Only' for when we wanted to take a break. No smoking in the Faculty room or inside period, cause some people might have asthma, so you had to smoke outside. And straight down the hall was a door that led to where all the noise was coming from.

As soon as Adam shut the back door and we headed to the locker room, the boss's door swung open. We paused to see what was up and out stormed Carlie. She's goes to school with us and is one of the waitresses. Pissed off as usual... I thought to myself. She was grumbling to herself when she saw us. Carlie stopped and looked at us. "Uh... Hello, Carlie.." Mikey said.

She looked at him. "Don't talk to me!" She snapped and Mikey flinched. "W-what I say..?" He said, tearing up again. Scarlett stepped in front of him. "Hey, step off! All he said was 'hey' and you gotta be a bitch!" Carlie scoffed. "Whatever! What a bunch of losers." She said as she turned on her heal and walked past us out the back door. "Damn I hate that bitch..." Scarlett said threw gritted teeth. Mikey bowed his head as he sniffled. " D-did I piss her off..?" (This is an example of what happens when Mikey gets hurt, like there's a dark cloud over him that is almost visible.) Adam patted his head. "Don't worry about it." He laughed. "Yeah, she's not worth it." I replied. We walked into the locker room putting our stuff away. "Still... Wonder what pissed her off this time." Scarlett smiled, all happy again.

"That would've been might fault."

We all looked to the door and saw our boss, Roman, standing in the door. He was tall, about 6'4, black hair that came to right above his shoulders, worn in a ponytail, and green eyes. He was pretty much a laid back type of guy. Like Adam, though he never hesitated to piss someone off. He gets his kicks out of pretty much every thing. He's rarely ever serious and when he is, it gives you chills. Scarlett's mood went from happy to pissed off again. "I should've known it was you!" She snapped as she got in his face.

"Why the hell do you keep pissing her off, right when we get here?!" She demanded. "S-Scarlett... Be nice --" Mikey started but she turned and shot daggers at him. He gulped as he flinched and leaned back into the locker. Adam grinned as I sighed and shook my head. "Here we go again." I mumbled, putting my bag in my locker. Roman laughed. "Now, now, I wasn't meaning to piss her off. This time."

Scarlett slapped him in the arm. "Uh-huh. Sure you didn't." She said sarcastically.

"Seriously. She came to me asking for a raise and I told her no."

Adam started laughing as if he knew something we didn't. We were stuck between him and Roman as they both were laughing. Scarlett held up her right hand as she clenched it and closed her eyes and with a not-so-happy smile on her face said, through gritted teeth. "Mind telling us what the Hell you two find so funny." It wasn't a request. I took two pieces of gum out of my locker and handed one to Mikey. "Oh, uh, Thank you." He said.

"No prob."

Finally the two stopped laughing and started to catch their breath. Scarlett about looked ready to knock them both out. Mikey and I shared a glance. Roman finally cleared his throat and started to speak while Adam kept trying not to laugh again. "Well, you see, Adam and I made a bet."

"Which I won." Adam laughed. Scarlett glared at both of them while me and Mikey kept quiet, just to see where this was going. I kinda had a hunch.

"A bet?" Scarlett gritted out. Roman nodded.

"Yeah, I bet boss man here, that Carlie would ask him for a raise and if he refused her, she'd keep pushing the matter 'til she got what she wanted. No matter what."

By this point, Scarlett and Mikey hadn't picked up the hint. Which, I confirmed, my hunch was right.

"So, I don't get it... Why is it so funny?" Mikey asked. Adam came up and laid his arm on his shoulder.

"Well, Mikey Boy, lets find out." Adam said and looked at Roman. Scarlett, Mikey, and Adam all looked to Roman as I just yawned and waited for the bomb shell.

"She offered to have sex in an exchange for a raise." Roman smiled, like it wasn't a big deal. Apparently, Scarlett and Mikey thought otherwise. Scarlett's mouth dropped and her eyes widened in complete and total shock. Mikey had a look of horror on his face as he started to tear up again. Adam started laughing again as I just patted Mikey's shoulder, trying not to laugh at him. "T-that's so w-wrong!" Mikey stammered out.

"Oh, that slut! I knew she was low, but damn..." Scarlett mumbled, shaking her head, looking like she was gonna puke. Roman laughed at her. "Now, I'm not that ugly, am I?" He joked. Scarlett punched him in the arm. "Shut it!"

"S-Scarlett!" Mikey exclaimed. "You can't hit your boss!"

I sighed as I grabbed my apron and tied it around my waste, putting my smokes, notepad, two pens, and two pencils in the pockets. I started to walk to the door, walking past Roman and Scarlett. "I'm going to work." I said. They grabbed their aprons, following my lead. Roman nodded. "Y'all should. Running a bit behind as it is." He stated. "Gee, thanks, mister obvious." Scarlett grumbled. I stopped beside him, looking at him from the corner of my eye. "Since you told her 'no', you got her pissed, which made Mikey cry." I said, looking at him. "And?" He smiled.

"Apologize. It's your fault."

"And if I don't?" He asked with the same smile on his face. I gave him a sweet, cold smile.

"I'll kill you." He continued to smile at me. "Though I'm not much scared of your threat, I do enjoy having y'all as friends." And with that he turned to Mikey. "Sorry, for making you cry Mikey. It was my fault since I did tell her no." He said, giving him a kind smile. Mikey blushed slightly. "I-It's okay. It happens." Roman nodded.

"We'll, since you all seem to be ready," He said, "Get to work."

Everyone nodded and headed out the room. "Have fun." He said as we walked down the hall. We all looked back at him and shot him a glare. 'Have fun' means 'good luck'. Tonight was going to be one hell of a night. But he just flashed us a grin, showing fang, as he walked back to his office. Did I forget to mention our dear boss, Roman, was a Vampire?


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Transition to Vikki part five reworked

Transition to Vikki, part five (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.Continuing the story of Steve, Gina and Valerie's sexual adventures after his first encounter. This is the next reworked chapter in the story. Altered, edited and amended to remove typos, grammar errors and story cock ups. This follows the previous parts one to four amended editions.As I've seen from other people's...

2 years ago
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Transition to Vikki part three reworked

Transition to Vikki, part three (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.Next part of how Steven Jennings became Vikki. A new playmate is encountered and life stories of the main characters begin to be told. Following after the two newer rewrites, this one has also been updated. Typos have been corrected, grammar put straight and plot errors sorted out. Some parts have been added,...

3 years ago
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Transition to Vikki part two reworked

Transition to Vikki, part two (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.Continuing the story of Steven Jennings, Gina and his transformation to Vikki. This is part two of the reworked original story. All original scripts have been rewritten to this new format. Changes have been made to streamline the story where I thought it was needed. Typos corrected, grammar put right and story plot...

4 years ago
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Transition to Vikki part one reworked

Transition to Vikki, part one (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.The full story of Steven Jennings and how he left his previous life behind for someone new.This story takes numerous chapters to tell. After most of the original drafts were written well over a year ago, I thought it was high time to take them back to the laptop and look at them again. There they were read through,...

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215 Wendy and Andrew reworked

215 Wendy and Andrew reworked This story has been reworked due to hubby sending me his version of his involvement!They were living in Norfolk it was a nice house, not new but very well appointed, it had a long and secluded garden at its rear fenced to 6ft on all sides. A neighbouring house was the only other home in range so the pretty 38year-old Wendy always sunbathed nude. Her husband Andrew and she being the only ones around except as I said the one next-door neighbour, she tended to throw...

2 years ago
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Patchwork People Chapter II The Good Man Hard to Find

II. The good man hard to find. Marcia was soaping the morning coffee carafes in the back room when she heard the jangle of the bells and Walt's cheery "hello." She smiled as she continued to scrub away at the indestructible orange ring at the bottom of the pot, listening to the flirtatious interplay between Walt and Grace, as regular and satisfying as a ritual. At last, Marcia dried her hands on the dish towel. She poked her head around the corner to say "hi." "Hey there," Walt...

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JacquelineChapter 2 Laura and the workman

"BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG!" Laura Poultney-Davis woke to the sound of loud hammering and rending of timber. "Oh what now! As if that row last night wasn't bad enough I have to be woken up by bloody workmen." She thought back to the argument that had raged the previous evening. She didn't want to marry that peasant from Birchtree Farm. "How can they expect me to even try to seduce such an uncouth slob?" she asked herself. But of course her parents insisted that it would be to her benefit...

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Dirty Sex

The refrigerator was a simple fix after all. It turned out that the water line to the icemaker was blocked with algae and once I blew it out, the device worked like a boss. Who was next on the schedule?I stared incredulously at the contact that popped up on my tablet: Mrs. Claire Blaylock, 10011 Windy Wood Lane. It seemed that the pilot on Mrs. Blaylock’s gas water heater would not stay lit.Oh, I’d heard about Mrs. Blaylock, alright. According to the stories, she called for a technician every...

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Dirty Tricks Chapter 9

Previously in "Dirty Tricks" While attending Alexa Grey's, the retiring mayor’s extravagant birthday party, an unknown photographer captures political opponents and electoral candidates, Heather Anderson, and Sean McCarthy, during an adulterous rendezvous. After being sent ominous instructions with photographic evidence of their indiscretion, they meet to discuss their predicament, only to have sex yet again.During the party, Bob Anderson is seduced by Alexa. She lures him to her office and...

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Dirty Tricks Chapter 9

Previously in "Dirty Tricks" While attending Alexa Grey's, the retiring mayor’s extravagant birthday party, an unknown photographer captures political opponents and electoral candidates, Heather Anderson, and Sean McCarthy, during an adulterous rendezvous. After being sent ominous instructions with photographic evidence of their indiscretion, they meet to discuss their predicament, only to have sex yet again.During the party, Bob Anderson is seduced by Alexa. She lures him to her office and...

3 years ago
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Dirty bbw younger dirty anal at dentist

Mandy, as it turns out, used to weigh a lot more before her experience with gwen and her naughty boy. It was maybe 4 years beforehand, and she was still in dental training and only an assistant at the time. Mandy saw working with a younger dentist, maybe in his thirties with tall muscular features. Mandy thought that weighing over 400lbs, she would never be able to get a guy as nice as doctor Steven's, but she sure wanted him. One time in the bathroom and she could swear dr Steven's had poked...

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Dirty Tricks

To say that Reed Pena had a complicated life was a huge understatement. He was from a branch of one of the most powerful families in Massachusetts, if not the entire United States, and was rubbing elbows with people who had more money in their bank accounts than 99.999% of the United States would earn in their entire lifetime. Money didn't matter to him, he had grown to not care about it or what it bought. Born the unwanted and unloved third son of Kevin and Penelope Clarence, he was...

1 year ago
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Dirty feet domination

It was my second year in college and my foot fetish got stronger. Now I wanted to worship dirty feet and be dominated by them. My chemistry teacher who we will call ms Roberts was one of the hottest teachers at the college. Most importantly she had the nicest feet I've ever seen. She always wore open toed shoes to show off her pedicures. But she had a bitchy side and wasn't too find of me. I always fantasized about her dominating me and making me her foot slave but what were the chances of...

4 years ago
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Clockwork Caroline

Steam was King! Steam was clean, the cheap power to the masses. From the end of the nineteenth century to the end of the twentieth century, steam drove everything. And in that time, inventions were all powered by steam.Big and small, steam was there, the driving force of all industry. And along with steam came the fashions of the time, heavy calico shirts, and dresses, corsets, and trusses for the bodies, hobnail boots, and woollen stockings, all were there. And controlling it all was the vast...

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Dirty bbw threesome has dirty anal at dentist

So this girl I found out was named mandy and I tried to report her, but she cleaned up so well, no one believed such a ridiculous story. I assumed however that she knew I had reported her and was trying to figure out a way to get her revenge as she had said she would. I was driving home from work the day after I reported her and I had gotten pulled over. The cop looks like an even bigger woman than mandy and maybe 10 years older. She came up to my window and before I knew it, she had a rag over...

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This storey relates to me and a time when my life was so good, that I thought o would put pen to paper and tell you good folks about an incident that happened to me back when I was being used by dirty old men for there gratification.Ive told you all before about the 2 dirty old men that used me in various positions and the like over a 3 year period that I would never change in my life and is something im quite thankful for, well this incident is a follow on from them stories and involves the...

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Dirty Bengali Story8230

andromeda_stain: hello shalini yaa tomar ekta pic send koro na plz yaa tui dirty sex like koro tai to > amio khuub rog roge chat bhalobashi tomar bhetor e ki pore acho ? bf4: bra andromeda_stain: r ? niche ? bf4: kichuna andromeda_stain: mmm……..tomake niye ektu ektu kore masti korbo tomar ta taste kortey ychhe korche bf4: konta???????? andromeda_stain: tomar ghore eshe room lock kore tomar ghare ami chumu khabo soob kichu bf4: dirty sex korbe??????? andromeda_stain: yessssss tobe dirty sex ektu...

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GENTLEMEN’S CLUB RENDEVOUZNOT BASED ON A TRUE STORY IT IS FICTIONOne day, I woke up from a sexy dream and said to myself there is something that I want to do out the ordinary that no one would have never thought that I would never do. That fantasy is to visit a high-end gentlemen’s club in mid-downtown DC‘s business district. I have always been this ‘good girl’ always expect to do the right thing and follow the rules. Some say that I am somewhat prudish and on a conservative side. I want to...

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Vanessa and the workmen

The three workmen were slaving away in the back garden, in the hot sun. Vanessa watched them from the upstairs bedroom window, getting more excited by the second. Under her robe she was wearing a beautiful red basque with a red g-string, black stockings and five inch heels. This was topped off with the tiniest lycra red halterneck dress which barely concealed her ass or bulge. She undid her robe and looked at herself in the mirror. Her long blond hair and heavily made up face looked as good as...

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Dirty Tricks Chapter 6

‘Damn it!’Trish scowled at the night. She was frustrated and couldn't sleep. Each time she closed her eyes that morning's fortuitous rendezvous with Heather replayed in steamy detail. Fingers, scents, and wet pussies. Lips, tastes, and tongues. Instead of relaxed and sleepy, Trish was hot and bothered, and she now had to deal with it.She reached for her laptop and drafted a message to Dylan, her private club's manager. He'd understand. Even though Trish didn't provide him with much detail, only...

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Dirty Little Secrets 1 Performing For Two

I know he’s there, even if he isn’t.What I mean is that I can never know if he’s there, but he’s so real in my mind that he’s always there when I perform.Oh dear, I’m not explaining this very well, am I?It’s like this. My husband, John, spends every other working week abroad. I’ve never had any reason to imagine that he’s been anything other than completely faithful to me, but at the same time I’m a realist. I know that things can happen, that temptation can ensnare. Where does that line come...

Wife Lovers
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Dirty Laundry Day

19 year old Jason Leary crouched at the open hamper in the laundry room that his mother had just brought in minutes ago before she had left for work. His 18 year old sister Denise had left for class earlier and there was no one at home to keep him from rooting in the week's worth of dirty clothes his mother and sister had deposited in there. He wore a rose patterned nylon Vanity Fare brief of his mother's that he had slipped into because they were on top and the first pair he had gotten a hold...

4 years ago
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Patchwork People XIX First draft people

XIX. First draft people. An occasional bat flickered across the stars overhead. The gardenias and hibiscus had long drawn in their petal- awnings. Across the lawn, the hunched bushes looked like a queue of black-robed monks marching back to their monastery. And in the middle distance, fireflies marked a secondary night-sky of transitory constellations in what might have been an even more unpredictable universe than the one we find ourselves inhabiting, one that blinks in an out of...

2 years ago
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Handwork To Bedwork With Sister

All stories goes on a different path while mines also the same… Sex with girls u have been lusting for years and when u get to fuck her in which ever way you want with a bonus that she asks you to fuck her…. Just amazingggg… Same is my story.. About me I’m Darren from Mumbai,wheatish in colour with medium built and a cock with 7 inch n width of 3 inch rare combination. And my fucking partner my sis her name is radika(name change) fair skin sexy figure her description is in the story… Coming...

3 years ago
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Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP Chapter Five Day One of the Sissy Maid Workshop Comes to an End

Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP, Chapter Five: Day One of the Sissy Maid Workshop Comes to an End After lunch the ladies and their sissy candidates assemble in break-out groups where the candidates are stripped, shaved and locked in chastity as each of the pathetic males experiences new levels of shame and humiliation as they are displayed publicly and most for the first time. As the sissy graduates helped herd the male candidates into the appropriate classroom I...

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Dirty Kelly 1

She didn’t want to do this. She really didn’t. Maybe, her big, black, two year old Beemer had a mind of its own, and it really wasn’t her, driving towards this one place, this one place, she had vowed never to return to. The five storey block of flats, grew bigger and bigger the closer she got. It had started to snow, and she would have to run to get to the entrance lobby before she was soaking and cold. She wasn’t dressed for winter. The carpark was near empty, but still she parked as far...

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So after returning from Brighton I settled down at home just the normal things really, work seeing friends and the like, I still very annoyed with Ken talking about my mother but dismissed it really on the count that he was just horny and couldn't wait to get home and watch the video of Alf and his friends fucking my sister, still in was in the back of my mind to watch out for my mother who at 51 had kept herself in pretty good shape and she was at a low point that my father had walked out on...

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Dirty And Hot Sex With My Ex Girlfriend In Delhi

Hi readers of ISS. I am Samir from Delhi with my new story here telling you about my sexperiences. Thank you for the response to my last stories on ISS. For new readers, I am single, hot and horny guy and I love dirty and oral sex a lot. Today im going to narrate you my one of the dirtiest sexperience with my ex girlfriend. My girlfriend was also from Delhi and we enjoyed some real good moments and even after breakup we do cherish such moments. So we often used to discus about sex and one day...

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Dirty Love Taboo Tales of the Springfield Three

A sign on the side of a building reads, “Welcome to the Pink Poodle, Springfield’s Finest Gentlemen’s Club”… And then we’re inside. It’s a cheesy, dark, noisy – BUSY – dive. Plenty of ‘gentlemen’ enjoying a drink whilst mostly naked woman dance (or writhe) on the stage and in a couple of cases, on the businessmen themselves.We watch one woman in particular, spinning around a pole, upside down, legs spread wide with a g-string barely covering her crotch. Under the harsh flashing lights we can...

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Dirty old guy

My name is Michelle, I’m 35, and my husband would consider me prim and prudish and so would nearly everyone who knows me. I consider myself very conservative and a bit of a goody two shoes, when it comes to the opposite sex, very reserved and shy, but until recently, fairly innocent. Mike, my husband, had begun mentioning the idea of me having sex with another man, but it really wasn’t for me, I was much too proper for that sort of thing. But I would play along with him in bed,...

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Dirty Work

My screenplay for the non-existant film ‘Dirty Work’ from my story ‘Star ch 1’. Emily stepped into the office of the waste collection manager a little timidly. Although she was fairly self-confidant, starting a new job was always worrying. And this job was something few women ever considered, actually working on a refuse collection round. The manager greeted her warmly, shaking her hand and asking her to sit. ‘Emily, I asked you to wait after your induction this afternoon so you could meet...

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Patchwork Knight

Author’s Notes: ‘Patchwork Knight’ is set in the Sweet Dreams universe, but is otherwise a standalone story. *** ‘Patchwork Knight’ *** Does everyone remember their first crush with such clarity? Forgetting his is impossible, and if he were honest with himself, he would acknowledge that she is the standard by which every other woman that he has admired or dated is judged, and has found them lacking. He knew that he was not the only one who fell in love with her in those glory days of high...

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In the hands of my workmates

In the hands of my workmates After moving to L.A. I got a nice new job and of course, new workmates. One of them, a nice guy from my office called Thomas, suggested that we might like to go to a club on Friday evening, in order to meet other coworkers. He said it was a nice place with a small dance floor. Victor agreed, I decided to wear something conservative as I really did not know what the form would be. I dressed in a long flowing skirt zipped up the back, a white blouse, nylon hose and...

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I live with a very handsome guy who works the night shift from 10pm to 6am at a local factory, he leaves for work at 9pm so i am on my own from the time he leaves. He left to go to work one night last week as usual so before he left i was dressed in a sexy g string panty lace bra and i was looking real hot so he could think about me all night at work. About ten minutes after he left i heard a knock on the door so i thought he had forgot something so i opened it without thinking that it was his...

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In the hands of my workmates

In the hands of my workmatesAfter moving to L.A. I got a nice new job and of course, new workmates. One of them, a nice guy from my office called Thomas, suggested that we might like to go to a club on Friday evening, in order to meet other coworkers. He said it was a nice place with a small dance floor. Victor agreed; I decided to wear something conservative as I really did not know what the form would be. I dressed in a long flowing skirt zipped up the back, a white blouse, nylon hose and low...

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I fucked workmates wife and her friend over Blacks

I fucked workmates wife and her friend over Blacksmiths AnvilThis is an individual story but might be easier to understand after reading Workmates Wife Fucked over Blacksmiths AnvilThe next week Julia came in to the quarry for the coal with the car and stopped me in the carpark “I’ve been talking to a friend about daydreams, the one we had last week, she wants the same one”“What with me”“Yes but it has to be two weeks today”“That’s very precise,” I Said“Yes it is, do you want to do...

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Workmates Wife Fucked over Blacksmiths Anvil

Workmates Wife Fucked over Blacksmiths AnvilThis happened way back in the very late eighties, I worked one season for the silage contractor before getting a full time job in a quarry. I worked my way up to being a mobile plant fitter. The only time the quarry was quite was a Saturday lunch time when the men that was working the full day got together and we had our bait together, we would have a laugh and take the piss out of each other.One Saturday I told the men about a dream I had about one...

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Night of Many Firsts Part 3

Night of Many Firsts 3Don Abdul ©Eddie is still caressing her tits, and rubbing his way up and down her torso when he feels her gentle movement, as she sways her hips opening up her ass to take in more of his cock. When he reaches in between her legs and rubs her clit, her rhythm changes and he begins to fuck her ass more actively. They continue to move together in blissful harmony and in enjoyment of their shared anal dance. The thought, and the pleasure of his cock live and breathing deep...

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Sex Survey Females Firsts 3

I invite all my fine female dear readers to respond to this sweet sexy survey of their number #1 erotic experience. I invite you to write me the best possible sex you dream to have in the future, or maybe it better stays only fantasy?I invite you to tell us as much as you like about the ideal circumstances needed and the sexy scenario you long for.I invite you to share your feelings about your favourite fantasy. Why is it so special? A secret? A taboo? A fetish?I invite you all to check as well...

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Night of Many Firsts Part 3

Night of Many Firsts 3Don Abdul ©Eddie is still caressing her tits, and rubbing his way up and down her torso when he feels her gentle movement, as she sways her hips opening up her ass to take in more of his cock. When he reaches in between her legs and rubs her clit, her rhythm changes and he begins to fuck her ass more actively. They continue to move together in blissful harmony and in enjoyment of their shared anal dance. The thought, and the pleasure of his cock live and breathing deep...

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Dirty unwashed festival fun true story

As it's festival season I can't help but be jealous of all the people off having fun right now. I used to go to Download festival, I was lucky though and the times when I went it was lovely weather, not like the monsoon it seems to usually be nowadays. Festivals are brilliant for my unwashed fetish, as it's days on end of no washing, getting hot and sweaty in crowds, and just generally letting yourself go. I thought I'd share with you all one of my favourite festival experiences:It was 2006 and...

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Dirty Laundry Alternate Chapter 2

Stacey and I decided to take this story in two different directions. Stacey has already posted her own version of Chapter 2. I hope you enjoy both of our stories. Dirty Laundry Erica's Version of Chapter 2 Characters and situation inspired by Stacey Wilson Written by Erica Wright Peter slid the pink panties up his smooth legs. He tucked his semi-hard cock between his legs and pulled the spandex panty-girdle tight. He looped the lacey garter belt around his waist and clipped the two...

4 years ago
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Dirty Horny Family

Huma presents a new hot story of a dirty family. Hope all my kinky readers will love it. I am 26 years old photographer, married to a sexbomb named Sarita who loves sex. I have been fucking her in all positions and at all places, like, bathroom, kitchen, in the lawn and soemtimes in bed too. I live with my mother Sunita who is a gorgeous looking woman of 46. She has a few male friends who used to be my dad’s friends before my dad died two years ago. My wife tells me she fucks them like a whore....

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Dirty Porn 303000

@_Dirtyporn! Porn is one of the top sources of joy to modern man. It is a cold world for men as they work their asses off for the benefit of their family.I know feminists with would argue that both men and women work hard for the sake of society and their loved ones. They often point out that they have fought for equal opportunities for both sexes. Yet, you don't see them advocating to work at mines, construction sites, and other jobs that keep our civilization running.Men have little to no...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Dirty conversation heard at work

Some time ago, approx 2012, I was working in small supermarket as one of two P/T jobs I did during the week. I did five evenings a week so only worked with certain people certain nights. There was a wide cross section of people, both young and old. One in charge was a right pain in the arse, so Tuesdays were the least fun day. But Monday was okay as was Friday. Anyway, there was one of our supervisors I started off on the wrong foot with at the beginning, but then I used to get stressed about...

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Dirty Old Dog 1

“Why did you take it?” Mike asked, “All you had to do was ask.” And that was the problem really. I was pretty sure if I had asked to borrow the money he would have let me but instead I just took it. Anything I said from here would just sound like an excuse. I was just so disgusted with myself. Mike was in his late sixties and vulnerable and I had robbed him “I’m sorry Mike, “ I said “Really. I am. I can only say that I panicked when the bank threatened to take my house off me. It’s been hard...

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