Hoer indian porn

1 year ago
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The toys in the shoerack

Dad was a construction worker.Mom was a waitress. They married when i was 1 year old and my Brother was 3 we never knew any other DAD and he was great. Hard on us for schooling but took us on super vacations and made it to most of our games or had them taped. Mom and a friend Valeri cropped the tapes to just us kids and the prettiest vacation shots, with a tape of BLOOPERS to laugh at. We were a tight family and had nice friends like val/bert, linsy/don maggie/phil . Couples that spent weekends...

3 years ago
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New Life for a Family

My name is Mike Hoer ... and this is the first day of the rest of my life! Be careful what you ask for... I was really looking forward to my Junior year in High School, some of my tormentors had graduated last year. We had a new Principal, Ms. Black, and a new Vice Principal, Mr. Stall, and they brought hope of a better place. My first two years at Stanton HS were clouded by fear... But that is OVER! It will be great this year. Last year was complex because my little sister started as a...

4 years ago
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Die Falle

Autor: Elana Adra Thema: Forced Fem, Pony, Operation, Romantik, Bondage Rating: X Dist.: Diese Geschichte darf von jedem der es will, auf welchem Medium auch immer gelesen und vervielfaeltigt werden, solange der Inhalt inklusive dieser Erklaerung unveraendert bleibt. Diese Geschichte darf niemals als solche verkauft werden, oder andersartig kommerziell vermarktet werden ausgenommen von der Autorin selbst. Erwachsenenchecks die im Internet gebraeuchlich sind und...

3 years ago
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Die weisse Massai German

Die weisse Massaivon blumchen100Kapitel 1?Meine Herren, Sie erlauben, dass ich Ihnen dies naeher erlaeutere!? Dr. Claudia von Bergfeld strich eine Straehne ihres langen blonden Haars aus dem Gesicht und erhob sich mit einer eleganten Bewegung aus dem ledernen Sessel. Sie schritt mit grazilem Hueftschwung zum Kopfende des langen Besprechungstisches. Die Pfennigabsaetze ihrer teuren Pumps bohrten sich in den weichen Teppich. Selbstbewusst klappte die schlanke grossgewachsene Blondine ihren Laptop...

3 years ago
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Headset Part 1 of 2

Headset -- Teil 1 von Michael Binary Frauen sind wie Versicherungen, immer wollen sie Geld, und wenn man dann mal berechtigte Ansprueche stellt, verhalten sie sich so, als wuessten sie nicht, wovon man denn ueberhaupt rede. --- Michael Binary (Mai 2002) "Ich liebe die Frauen." Achtung: Die hier niedergeschriebene Erzaehlung beschreibt sexuelle Vorgaenge. Wenn Ihnen das nicht behagt, dann sollten Sie sofort mit dem Lesen dieser Geschichte aufhoeren. Ausserdem muessen sie...

2 years ago
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De Hinderlaag The Ambush in Dutch

De hinderlaag . (Ootwee) Na een inbraak in een geparkeerde auto achtervolgt de politie de vermoedelijkedaders. Dit keer zijn het echter geen "rotjongens", maar jonge prostituées,schaars en zeer uitdagend gekleed. In achtervolging van het groepje komt onze jonge agent in opleiding terechtin een louche café. De crimineeltjes vluchten in de toiletten. In zijn wil om te scoren bij zijn superieuren, wacht onze jonge leerling-agentzijn collega's niet af, maar stormt zeer naïef het toilet binnen....

3 years ago
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A High School Story

       A High School Story         by sammy_808WednesdaySamantha was practicing her dance and gymnastics by herself one dayafter school at the local gym.  She was all alone and was enjoyingherself when her friend Bianca walked in from the locker room.  Biancawas wearing only her socks, and was covering her pussy with her lefthand, while she was ssucking on her right index finger."Do you know how to waltz, Sam?" asked Biance."Of course.  That was one of the first ones I learned," replyed Sam...

4 years ago
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Seelen werfen weisse Schatten durch die Zeit

Diese Geschichte darf kopiert und kostenlos weitergegeben werden. ?nderungen, kostenpflichtiges Anbieten oder sonstige kommerzielle Nutzung sind untersagt. Michael Binary (c)2002 Seelen werfen weisse Schatten durch die Zeit (Deja Vu) By Michael Binary "Bitte verlassen sie jetzt den gef?hrdeten Bereich" Die Warnung konnte ich gut hoeren, schepperte sie doch gerade aus allen Lautsprechern des Labors. Leichter gesagt als getan. Ich wuerde es ja gerne tun. James! Wenn ich dich in d...

2 years ago
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Joe und die Neue Zeit German

Joe und die ?Neue Zeit?von blumchen100 1. Virginia?Bitte nicht, Sir, bitte nicht mehr schlagen, bitte, bitte nicht mehr. Ich verspreche, ich tue es nie mehr wieder, nie mehr! Ich werde gehorchen, gehorchen, ganz bestimmt! Ich verspreche es, ganz bestimmt!?Ein heftiger Schluchzer erschuetterte den wohlgeformten Oberkoerper der nackten Frau, wobei ihre melonengrossen festen Brueste aufregend zitterten. Sie kniete vor dem Mann und hatte ihre Haende in flehender Geste wie zum Gebet gefaltet. Dann...

3 years ago
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Auch wenn man aufpasst Romantische Version

Auch wenn man aufpasst... (Romantische Variante) Autor: Elana Adra Dist.: Diese Geschichte darf von jedem der es will, auf welchem Medium auch immer gelesen und vervielfaeltigt werden, solange der Inhalt inklusive dieser Erklaerung unveraendert bleibt. Diese Geschichte darf niemals als solche verkauft werden, oder andersartig kommerziell vermarktet werden ausgenommen von der Autorin selbst.Erwachsenenchecks die im Internet gebraeuchlich sind und ueber Kreditkarten funktionieren oder...

3 years ago
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Mijn Eerste Gangbang met Negers

Ik was nog maar net 18 maar zag er veel jonger uit toen ik op een dag in mn eentje in de duinen zat en 4 grote, gespierde negers voorbij kwamen lopen. Eentje kwam op me af en vroeg Wat doe jij hier in je eentje, weet je niet dat het hier gevaarlijk is. Nee, dat wist ik niet. Moet ik nu bang zijn voor je. Ja, zei hij en pakte me bij mijn arm beet en trok me de bosjes in. Wat doe je nou, vroeg ik ongerust toen ook zijn maten aan kwamen lopen. Shht, mondje dicht, zei hij, terwijl hij zijn broek...

2 years ago
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De leugens voorbij dutch

Het was altijd leuk, samen pinten pakken..nooit vervelend?Dikwijls werden we goed zat, maar nooit werd het vervelend.Als wist ik dat Pieter een doorwinterde homo was?, nooit was dit vreemd. Nooit maakte hij avances.Pieter was het gezapige iets oudere, meegaande en levensgenietende homo type. Met zijn 46 lentes, 1m76 en 88 kilo, was hij niet metten moeders mooiste te noemen, maar dat maakte hij blijkbaar toch op een of ander manier goed, te zien aan de talrijke jonge knappe vriendjes die hij...

3 years ago
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Amazing Roomate

Bev and I would have sex even if Paul was not around, as he travelled often for research for his MA, and we would often go out and pick up another guy or girl and bring them back for some fun. One night we had gone out clubbing, and hoping to find some young soul to corrupt. Unfortunately we did not succeed and just the two of us came home quite drunk at around 3 in the morning. As we entered the house, I immediately dashed to the toilet because I was dying for a piss, and while I was...

2 years ago
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Taxi Driver

In my 15 years as a Taxi Driver I’ve seen some funny things but nothing compares to what happened in my cab last Thursday night. It had been another slow evening when I got a call to pick up a some passengers at a trendy bar in the centre of town; then take them to a country house hotel about 35 miles away. I checked my watch and decided to end my shift after I’d dropped them off as it was roughly in the same direction as my home. The street was well lit but quiet so I soon...

3 years ago
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Genomen door mijn Surinaamse Schoonmoeder

Ik zal me even voorstellen Dick is mijn naam ik ben 24 en getrouwd met Gonny en Surinaamse van ook 24. We wonen in bij mijn schoonmoeder, want die is ook alleen, haar man had zoveel buitenvrouwen, dat ze hem er uit geflikkerd heeft. Om de kosten wat te drukken, wonen we nu bij haar of zij bij ons. Mij schoon ma, is 59 jaar en vrij dik met een echte Surinaamse derriëre. Gonny is voor haar werk vaak een paar dagen weg en dan ben ik met Nanda alleen thuis. En dan verwend ze me extra met lekkere...

2 years ago
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Het verhaal dat volgt is van A tot Z verzonnen en de personen waarover het gaat bestaan dus niet in werkelijkheid. Dit verhaal en het verhaal over Eric, de detective, zijn lange tijd geleden geschreven en zijn dus mijn eerste verhalen. Zelf vind ik ze niet denderend. Maar goed, oordeel zelf maar. Men heeft geschreven dat mijn verhalen wel iets harder mogen zijn. Ook dit is iets harder. Ik heb nog wel ergens een hard verhaal, maar de meesten zijn in de loop der jaren softer geworden....

2 years ago
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De Uitdaging dutch story

De UitdagingHet was een supper drukke dag geweest op het werk , en ik haastte me naar huis, waar mijn vrouwtje Katrien waarschijnlijk al klaar stond te wachten om naar dit grote feest te gaan, waar we verwacht werden naar toe te gaan. Al ging deze grote fuif uit van mijn werk , er gingen ook veel niet-bekenden zijn, het was dan ook een volle club, ongeveer 1000 man?De moeite dus om ons voor op te kleden !Als ik de oprit opdraaide  kwam ze  begroetend in de open voordeur staan : ze zag er weer...

3 years ago
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Uitdaging verloren dutch

Uitdaging verloren Het was een supper drukke dag geweest op het werk , en ik haastte me naar huis, waar mijn vrouwtje Katrien waarschijnlijk al klaar stond te wachten om naar dit grote feest te gaan, waar we verwacht werden naar toe te gaan. Al ging deze grote fuif uit van mijn werk , er gingen ook veel niet-bekenden zijn, het was dan ook een volle club, ongeveer 1000 man?De moeite dus om ons voor op te kleden !Als ik de oprit opdraaide  kwam ze  begroetend in de open voordeur staan : ze zag...

5 years ago
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Sexy aunty

Hi readers i’m hemant from delhi. I’m going to tell u my true pleasurable incident,i think not to bore u and let me start the story. I had a neighbor named sunita. She was married and didn’t have any children. Her hubby was working in a private firm in villupuram so he comes here once or twice in a month .she used to come to my house to talk with my mom. She was a very sexy lady with figure 36d-30-38.she used to wear chudis when she was in her house. One day she was brooming her house. I...

5 years ago
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Nupurer Sexy Jeebon 03

Nupurer kotha shune Reena devi bollen, “theek ache, de magi amar mukhe moote de aar ami tor mut kheye amar pipasha ta mitiye nee. Amar bhishon testa peyeche” aar Reena devi bichanate shoeye porlen. Jei Reea devi bichanate shoeye porlen omni Nupur bichanate uthe porlo aar nijer paa duto maar mathar du pashe rekhe maar mukher oopore guud ta rekhe boshe porlo. Reena devi nijer meyer guuder shamne nijer mukhta haan kore dhorlen. Maar mukhta haan hobar songe songe Nupur aste kore guud theke moot...

3 years ago
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Cheating Eva s

Chapter 1 It was an early cold Scottish winter day. Eva was on her way to class, asshe walked across the bridge that crossed the frozen lake. She was happy knowingthat she had the answers for the exam she was about to take. Little did sheknow that Jim one the other student on her course knew she had stolen the questionsand he was waiting to see if she would use them. The exam started and Eva had cavalry canceled the answerers in the fountainpen, as she took the answers out of the pen Jim...

3 years ago
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Die Aequatortaufe Germann

Die Aequatortaufevon blumchen100PrologDie junge Frau in der schicken dunkelblauen Navyuniform kuesste ihren Begleiter beilaeufig auf die Wange. "Danke, Schatz, das war wirklich ein sehr netter Abend. Aber jetzt muss ich ins Bett. Morgen geht’s frueh los.? sagte sie mit gleichgueltigem Ton.?Aehh, ich dachte, wir koennten noch einen Drink in deinem Zimmer nehmen. Schliesslich bist du eine ganz Zeit lang weg und ich vermisse dich jetzt schon.? erwiderte der gut aussehende, dunkelhaarige junge Mann...

4 years ago
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Ich Will Aber Nicht

Titel: Ich will aber nicht Autor: 'Hansi' bzw. 'Katrin Elisabeth' Copyright (C) (abgekupfert von Debbie Sanderson): "Feel free to pass it around, archive it, repost it... Please don't alter it, or charge for it. Thanks." Auf Deutsch (quasi woertlich uebersetzt): "Nimm dir die Freiheit und reiche die Geschichte herum, speichere sie, schicke sie weiter ... Bitte aendere sie aber nicht, und verlange fuer sie auch kein Geld. Danke." Ich will aber...

4 years ago
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Bernhard Teil 1

Bernhard -- Teil 1 Oder : Beate Sollte Ich Heissen Autor: "Bernhard bzw. "Katrin Elisabeth" Copyright (C) (abgekupfert von Debbie Sanderson): "Feel free to pass it around, archive it, repost it... Please don't alter it, or charge for it. Thanks." Auf Deutsch (quasi woertlich uebersetzt): "Nimm dir die Freiheit und reiche die Geschichte herum, speichere sie, schicke sie weiter ... Bitte aendere sie aber nicht, und verlange fuer sie auch kein Geld....

4 years ago
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Titel: Warum? Autor(in): 'Katrin Elisabeth' Copyright (C) (abgekupfert von Debbie Sanderson): "Feel free to pass it around, archive it, repost it... Please don't alter it, or charge for it. Thanks." Auf Deutsch (quasi woertlich uebersetzt): "Nimm dir die Freiheit und reiche die Geschichte herum, speichere sie, schicke sie weiter ... Bitte aendere sie aber nicht, und verlange fuer sie auch kein Geld. Danke." Warum? ====== Warum habe ich diese Gedanken und...

3 years ago
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Entrance Into the WorldChapter 2

Shades of Innocents Lifted “Dey elected the planter out of Tennessee Andrew Jackson,” said Colonel Stockwell. Mr. Wilson look a little concern and said, “You ever heard of dat party he ran under.” The Colonel shook his head and replied, “Democratic, oh it’s some mess that man created. I just happy he has a sizeable plantation and he won’t mess with our way of life.” Mr. Wilson hung his head a said, “I have such a hard time keepin my stock. Them slave catcher always bringing by my people...

2 years ago
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Als der Wecker klingelte, dauerte es eine ganze Weile, bis Maike sich aus ihrem Traum reißen konnte. Denn wie so oft hatte sie von ihrer Leidenschaft getraumt. Maike wünschte sich nichts sehnlicher, als das dieser Traum einmal in Erfüllung gehen könnte. Aber bis jetzt war an ein Ausleben der Gefuehle nicht zu denken. Bis auf die Aktionen mit ihrer Schwester. Aber das stand auf einem anderen Blatt. Ihre Schwester provozierte sie nur, wenn ihre Gefuehle ein Ueberdruckventil brauchten. Sie wachte...

2 years ago
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Samantha and Bruce Turner

CHAPTER ONE (of two) I've not done much of anything in my fifty years; well, other than read books and work. That formula has worked for me till now but no more. I've finally decided to make a change. Oh me? My name is Bruce Turner more about me later. Working, I'd become a major success; Well, if a hundred million in liquid assets can be considered success. My job? I'm self-employed. I buy and sell foreign currencies, not an occupation for the unlettered or the faint of heart. Me, I'm...

Love Stories
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Ich Bin Ich

Title: Ich Bin Ich Authors Name: Katrin Elisabeth Text File Name: ichbinich.txt Male Name: Daniel Changed Name: Daniela Other Names: Tina Synopsis: Daniel wird von seiner juengeren Schwester dazu ermutigt, einen ihr nicht passenden Rock mal anzuprobieren. Aufgrund seiner eigenen Neigungen und mit Hilfe seiner Schwester entwickelt er den Mut, als Bub Maedchenbekleidung zu tragen. Wird er jedoch von Fremden als Maedchen wahrgenommen, so ist ihm dies auch...

3 years ago
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Wie das Leben doch so spielt

Titel: Wie das Leben doch so spielt Autorin: Karin (bzw. Katrin Elisabeth) Hauptpersonen: Bub: Herbert bzw. Karin Faltenhauser Stoffbaer: Peter bzw. Petra Vater: Papa Mutter: Mama Lehrerin: Fr. Ruth Ballettschule: Ehepaar Maierhofer Inhaltsverzeichnis: =================== HINWEIS VORWORT GESCHICHTE Einleitung Hauptteil Kataloge Veraenderungen Orthopaedenbesuch Maedchenunterwaesche Weihnachten Kinderkleidermarkt Psychologe Schlusskapitel, nein...

3 years ago
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Samantha and Bruce chapter two of two

"He's short, too damn old, damn near dickless, and very demanding when it comes to using my twat," said my wife of going on three years. "Then why did you marry the loser," said the friend seated to her left at our dinette table. There were five of them in all. I knew the visitors pretty well: they were often over for coffee or drinks or dinner or all three. Lori and Stacy were accountants. Deidre was a dance teacher from the studio. And, Rhoda was a care giver to an aged rich guy. The one...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Bernhard Part 2

Bernhard -- Teil 2 Autor: "Bernhard" bzw. "Katrin Elisabeth" Copyright (C) (abgekupfert von Debbie Sanderson): "Feel free to pass it around, archive it, repost it... Please don't alter it, or charge for it. Thanks." Auf Deutsch (quasi woertlich uebersetzt): "Nimm dir die Freiheit und reiche die Geschichte herum, speichere sie, schicke sie weiter ... Bitte aendere sie aber nicht, und verlange fuer sie auch kein Geld. Danke." WARNUNG bzw. VORWORT: Gestern sah ich mir den...

3 years ago
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Aliens sind auch nur Menschen

ASCII Pictures praesentiert: "Auch Aliens sind nur Menschen" von Mark Soul Der Sturm wurde schlimmer. Marcel bereute es bereits, sich nicht mehr beeilt zu haben, womoeglich haette er dann den Bus noch erwischt. Aber wie ueblich hatte er die Zeit vergessen, und es blieb ihm nichts anderes uebrig als zu Fu? zu gehen. Er hoffte nur, das er Zuhause ankommen wuerde bevor es anfing zu regnen. In diesem Augenblick entschied sich der Himmel, seine Schleusen zu oeffnen, und ein wahrer ...

2 years ago
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Samantha and Bruce Turner

I've not done much of anything in my fifty years; well, other than read books and work. That formula has worked for me till now, but no more. I've finally decided to make a change. Oh me? My name is Bruce Turner: more about me later. Working I'd become a major success; Well, if a hundred million in liquid assets can be considered success. My job? I'm self-employed. I buy and sell foreign currencies: not an occupation for the unlettered or the faint of heart. Me, I'm lettered as hell and...

4 years ago
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Wars das

Titel: War's das? (Original-)Dateiname: war's-das.txt Geschrieben am: 2001-10-22 (da war ich wohl nicht so gut drauf *grins*) Autor(in): 'Lisa (17)' bzw. 'Katrin Elisabeth' Copyright (abgekupfert von Debbie Sanderson): "Feel free to pass it around, archive it, repost it... Please don't alter it, or charge for it. Thanks." Auf Deutsch (quasi woertlich uebersetzt): "Nimm dir die Freiheit und reiche die Geschichte herum, speichere sie, schicke sie weiter ... Bitte aendere sie...

2 years ago
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Drei Freunde I

Drei Freunde I Ein magisches Rollenspiel von Ricky Zimmermann Schliesslich spuert auch Rob die Muedigkeit und den Hunger und folgt Carlos und Steve, die durch die unverschlossene Tuere in die Halle treten, obwohl ihr Klopfen kein Erscheinen eines eventuellen Butlers oder sonst eines Hausbewohners bewirkt hat. Irgendwie scheint das Gemaeuer bewohnt, denn eine schwach leuchtende Lampe erhellt den Raum, der von dem Duft einer koestlichen Mahlzeit erfuellt ist. Sie folgen nun...

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Das erotische Experiment

Hallo Freunde von Fictionmania und Transgendered Stories, hier meine zweite Geschichte die wie ihr Name ein Experiment ist. Alle Personen berichten aus ihre Sicht den Fortlauf der Geschichte. Die Geschichte konzentriert sich darauf, den Leser die Moeglichkeit zu geben in die Rolle jeder der drei Personen zu schluepfen. Was fuehlt mein Gegenueber gerade ? Was denkt er gerade ueber mich ? Wer hat sich das nicht schon mal gefragt ? Ein Experiment, wie bereits erwaehnt. Ich...

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Der dreissigjaehrige Krieg

Wir schreiben das Jahr des Herren 1625. Es ist ein diesiger Morgen im September. Die Bewohner des kleinen Bauernhofes liegen noch schlafend auf ihren Strohsaecken. 30 Paar Augen starren gierig durch die Daemmerung. Sie sind 3 Tage am Stück maschiert und haben keine Beute machen koennen. Ihre Vorraete sind fast vollständig verbraucht. Aus dem Stall hoeren sie das Muhen einer Kuh, Schweine sind ebnfalls zu hoeren. Hungrig werden sie hier nicht weg gehen. Noch ahnen von all dem der 40 jährige...

2 years ago
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Naakt zonnen

Het was al heerlijk warm weer en ik vond het tijd om heerlijk bloot te gaan zonnen om mijn kleurtje op zomers bruin te krijgen.Op het naaktstrandje aangekomen, bleek het er niet druk te zijn.Ik zocht een heerlijk plekje in de zon en al snel lag ik heerlijk bloot te genieten en mn nog witte huid voelde heerlijk warm.Door het pilletje xtc wat ik had genomen was ik mega relaxt en kreeg al snel stoute gedachten.Omdat ik een beetje was weggedroomd had ik niet door dat ik door een leuke kerel werd...

3 years ago
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How I Fucked My Crush In Apartment Lift And Her Bedroom

Hello all ISS readers. I am Rihan Rai from Delhi here to tell you my story. Any girl or lady from Delhi if you want to get fucked please mail me at , and don’t worry about your privacy I will take care of it. It was the year 2011 jab maine its engg college me admission liya tha B.Tech me. Amission ko bohot din ho gaye the but maine abi tak college me apne college dress ki measurement nai di thi. Jab notice aaya k last date h measurement ki to mai and mera roommate gaye measurement k liye. Ham...

4 years ago
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Was darf es denn sein junge Frau

Was darf es denn sein junge Frau? 0Elli war auf einem Wanderurlaub mit ihrer Freundin, die draussen wartete, und beide hatte Appetit auf etwas Leckeres. aeh, eigentlich wollte ich nur ein paar Frikadellen haben. Aber sie haben so leckere Sachen hier. Elli deutete auf zwei Schweinehaelften die an einem Haken an der Wand hingen. Alles von Tieren aus der Umgebung hier? Der Metzger laechelte. Natuerlich. Alles was hier verkauft wird stammt aus der Gegend und wird selbstverstaendlich auch hier...

2 years ago
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Will s new old home Part 11

now let us return to our story..... Will and Brook remained in the shower, cuddling up against each other, while kissing and caressing their naked bodies under the hot steamy water. Almost ten minutes had passed, when the couple heard the noise of shattering glass over the sound of the running water. Will, quickly, turned off the water and jumped from the shower. However, as he did, fate seemed to catch up to him, for as he sprang from the shower, the slippery tile, combined with Will’s...

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Wills new old home Part 11

Introduction: Rachels past is revealed, Haley learns something terrible about her parents, Lynn finds Wills pubes, Sam breaks in, and what will happen to Amy Lewis? All things and more int his weeks installment of Wills New Old Home!! Sorry…I know its a cheesy opening HEY READERS!! this one is less erotic, so i you want to wait till the next chapter to read a super erotic story, then first go bust a nut, and then read this one! Or read it anyway, its whatever. Also! A revised series of the...

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Meine Schwester

Als meine Eltern zu meinen Grosseltern gefahren waren blieben meine Schwester Sandra und ich alleine zuhause. Ich war damals 18 Jahre alt und meine Schwester war 20. Wir spielten in meinem Zimmer an meinem PC. Meine Schwester bekam gar nicht genug und wollte gar nicht mehr aufhoeren. Nachdem ich keine Luste mehr hatte, meinte ich zu ihr, dass wir jetzt aufhoeren solltne. Aber meine Schwester wollte unbedingt noch etwas weiter spielen. Nach langem hin und her meinte ich zu ihr: "Ich mache Dir...

4 years ago
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Choose your fetish wisely

“What delightful housework is my sweet cuckold doing on his day off work?” Mary said, surveying the mess of clothes spread across the children's beds. “Packing the kid's stuff.” “What for?” “I’m taking them to Disney.” “Come again?” “You’re seeing Leonard, so I thought I’d take the kids to Disney.” “That’s crazy. There’s no point in going there and back in a day.” “We’re going for the week.” “What?” This time there was an edge of anxiety in her voice; the mocking curiosity had gone. ...

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Die Sissy mit den Schwefelhoelzchen

Titel: "Die kleine Sissy mit den Schwefelhoelzchen" Autorin: Katrin --- Copyright (abgekupfert von Debbie Sanderson): "Feel free to pass it around, archive it, repost it... Please don't alter it, or charge for it. Thanks." Auf Deutsch (quasi woertlich uebersetzt): "Nimm dir die Freiheit und reiche die Geschichte herum, speichere sie, schicke sie weiter ... Bitte aendere sie aber nicht, und verlange fuer sie auch kein Geld. Danke." HINWEIS: Das nun folgende...

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Titel: Maria Autor(in): 'Maria' bzw. 'Katrin Elisabeth' Copyright (c) (abgekupfert von Debbie Sanderson): "Feel free to pass it around, archive it, repost it... Please don't alter it, or charge for it. Thanks." Auf Deutsch (quasi woertlich uebersetzt): "Nimm dir die Freiheit und reiche die Geschichte herum, speichere sie, schicke sie weiter ... Bitte aendere sie aber nicht, und verlange fuer sie auch kein Geld. Danke." Maria ===== Heute ist der 18.08.2000. Meine Eltern...

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eines Abends in der Wirtschaft

Eines Abends in der Wirtschaft Von Ricky Zimmermann Peter Grassky hatte sich den Verlauf des Abends nicht ganz so einschneidend fuer sein weiteres Leben vorgestellt. Prof sitzt fuer seine Verhaeltnisse eigentlich schon ziemlich lange mit seinen Dienern Wilhelm und Ernst in der Wirtschaft. Ab und zu steht einer von Ihnen auf und kaempft sich durch Mief und Dunst. Entweder an der Bar oder auf dem Weg zur Toilette werden mit irgendwelchen Leuten Sprueche geklopft. In der ganzen Kneipe...

2 years ago
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Drei Freunde II

Drei Freunde II Ricky Zimmermann "So koennen wir nicht nach Hause!" entscheidet Steve. Sie setzen sich zur Beratung vor das Zelt und beginnen zuerst mit einer Dreiviertelstunde des Schweigens, dass nur von wiederholtem Seufzen unterbrochen wurde. Carlos nestelt verstoert an seinem Pullover herum, der die aeusserste von all den Kleidungsschichten darstellt, mit denen er sich nach dem Schock bedeckt hat. Natuerlich nuetzt alles nichts. Obwohl man jetzt bei ihm nichts weibliches ausser...

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The Greener Mile

The Greener Mile - Part 1 By Goldie Hunter Please note: This story is very loosely based on the movie the Green Mile. It uses suppositions that somewhat requires the suspension of belief in that the things used here just might work with the right sort of influence, supernatural or mutation. As such, Steven King is the original author of The Green Mile in print form and I am not writing this with his permission. All characters depicted here are in no means representative of any person...

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The Greener Mile Part 2

The Greener Mile - Part 2 By Goldie Hunter Chapter 7 I was up bright and early the next morning getting myself ready. Knowing that I was going to have to make a quick side trip to a clothing store, I dressed as lightly as I could. Needless to say, that was the easy part, since I didn't really have any clothes that would fit me very well. I was probably going to have to do a lot more shopping later but I felt the need to get just a couple sets of clothes so that I could have...

3 years ago
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Apni Girlfriend Priya Ko Hotel Main Choda

Main apna 12th pass karna ka baad Dhanbad ka ek collage ma admission la liya.collage jana ma hamain 10 sa 15 min ka time lagta. Mera colony ka pass he bus stand tha main aur mera dost wanhi sa bus sa collage jaatain tha. Usi bus stand sa kafi sara boy and girl school jaya karta tha,us bhir ma mujha ek larki kafi pasand thi.Main usa uin he dakhta raha per koi response nahi.Ek saal ka baad usna response dena suru kiya.us ka colony ka larko sa meri dosti hue to mujha uska naam pata chala.Mera...

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SkatabendIch habe mir 4 meiner Meister zu einem sadistischem Skatabend eingeladen. Wir haben solche Abende bereits haeufiger gehabt, und alle beteiligten kennen den ungefaehren Ablauf, sowie die Regeln, welche gelten:1.        Jeder bringt eine kleine Sauerei zu meiner Folter mit.2.        Ich habe bedingungslos zu gehorchen.3.        ich darf nicht mitspielen, bin aber Gastgeberin, Bedienung und Experimentierobjekt4.        Der Gewinner verfuegt den Rest der Nacht ueber michEs wird 8 Uhr, und...

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Naked Day part 29 Eight Years Later

Events had gone close to the plan, there were many high points, some lows, one notable. Cindy was the face of major products. Men and women wanted to know, 'who it that girl?". Fresh faced, brilliant smile, sweet with a hint of sex. Then she landed a spot on a situation comedy that lasted several seasons. Nikki and Peter had negotiated well for her. When the show went into reruns we would get checks for years. Sandy had completed college and moved out to join us. She was working in...

3 years ago
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Naked Day part 25 Back to Cali

"Tim, I'm so excited. But nervous. I wish you could be there for support. You're like my rock. I'll call every day." "You'll do great. Nikki will be there for you. Enjoy yourself. It seems there's a bit of work. Not all glamour." "Will you be ok here by yourself? I'll be at least until next weekend. Maybe a couple days longer, depending on the TV guys." "I'll be fine. I have your photos if I get lonely." "I was talking to Sandy. I might have mentioned that I'm ok if she...

4 years ago
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Turning Amanda Part 4

Monday morning. This three day weekend seemed to go by faster than any other in my life. Having Amanda around coupled with all the lovemaking made it all seem like a lovely blur. Neither of us woke in the middle of the night or had trouble falling asleep. I think we were both worn out along with being very comfortable with each other.We hadn't discussed much regarding her continuation of exploring sex with women. In my mind, she enjoyed it too much not to take it further. The thing I wondered...

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my father s misstres

“what the hell are you doing, why are you even telling me this" I could see my dad standing in the living room, in a suit and tie taking it all in. "I just had to" he whimpered and walks out up the stairs. My mom stood there for a second in rage, and walk out the front door without even acknowledging me. I didn’t understand what had happen, when I tried to talk to my dad he told me to "leave it alone". How could I do that, I mean come on. My mom didn’t come home until the next day, and...

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Bathing With Mike

Sue Wharton was depressed. She would have said a curt and tearful: ‘Of course I’m depressed. I’ve lost them all.’ She would be speaking of course of Dan, her husband, gone these 5 years or so and now, now, everlastingly now Kenny, dead of a roadside bomb in Iraq! It was a phrase that she couldn’t stand to have repeated but was aways in her heart, in her consciousness, in the back of her mind, never truly and fully going away, just always there! She felt at age 38 that the world had ended and...

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Black Friday Sale

The two of them had just “finished” shopping on Black Friday and headed out to the car. Beth Ann, the slightly pudgy younger sister who was Tiffany Rae’s best friend located her SUV. She unlocked the doors and the two of the early 30 year olds climbed into the automobile and promptly buckled their seatbelts. Beth Ann started the SUV and pulled out and got drove on to the main road and located the expressway. Within minutes they were speeding along at somewhere around 70 to 75 mph. Beth Ann was...

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Meeting a friend

Arriving in my hotel after the long flight from Europe, I suddenly found myself feeling very horny. I needed some relief. Maybe a shower would help, I thought to myself as I stripped away my traveling outfit. My skirt slipped down my legs and pooled at my feet. I stepped free, my already bare feet slipping carelessly away from the skirt. I took a few steps toward the bathroom as I unbuttoned the white, just almost see-through blouse. It was on the floor just in front of the door to the...

2 years ago
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my fathers misstres

Introduction: Today I am a slave of a beautiful and perfect mistress Denise Reina. Women of power (over people), beauty, and a sadistic mind capable of making anyone into a well trained dog on a leash. She took me in when I felt no love, and allowed me the honor to serve her for the rest of my life (or until she gets rid of me). My servitude started when I was 17 years old. I came home one day from school, and heard the yelling of my parents. My mom was yelling so laude they didnt hear me come...

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Black Friday Sale

The two of them had just “finished” shopping on Black Friday and headed out to the car. Beth Ann, the slightly pudgy younger sister who was Tiffany Rae’s best friend located her SUV. She unlocked the doors and the two of the early 30 year olds climbed into the automobile and promptly buckled their seatbelts. Beth Ann started the SUV and pulled out and got drove on to the main road and located the expressway. Within minutes they were speeding along at somewhere around 70 to 75 mph. Beth Ann was...

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Een onverwachte ontmoeting

Omdat je er nooit meer bent als ik toevallig in de buurt ben en jij er was als ik net weg was schrijf ik je nu maar een avontuurtje die we jammer genoeg niet samen hebben kunnen vieren....... Kusssssssssssssssssssssss Ik mis je enorm grote zus en zeker afgelopen donderdag. De opkomende zon schijnt altijd op mijn slaapkamerraam die ik donker houd met een verduisteringsgordijn en donderdagochtend voelde ik al aan de temperatuur in bed dat het een mooie ochtend was. Nog half slaperig onder mijn...

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Hallo! Ich bin Mybel und dies ist die Geschichte von meiner Wandlung von einer zuechtigen Frau zu einer brutalen Zuhaelterin. Aber fangen wir doch einfach ganz vorne an... 15 Jahre frueher: Ich bin von meinen Eltern sehr streng erzogen worden und so war es mir auch untersagt, vor meinem 18. Geburtstag ueberhaupt einen Freund zu haben oder mal zur Disko zu fahren. Aber ich hatte es akzeptiert und wenn ich an so manchen Kerl in der Schule denke, dann war mir das auch nur recht. Meistens kam nicht...

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Jasmin hasste ihr Schwester Chantal. Und das aus tiefstem Herzen und mit gutem Grund wie sie fand. Chantal war Jasmins aeltere Schwester und ihr nicht nur zwei Jahre, sondern stets auch die beruehmte Nasenspitze voraus. Sie war besser in der Schule, bei allen weitaus beliebter als Jasmin. Kurzum, Jasmin platze vor Eifersucht gegenueber ihrer Schwester. Und jetzt auch noch das: Ihre gutaussehende und immer perfekt im Businesslook gestylte 20 Jahre alte Schwester stand kurz vor ihrer Heirat. Es...

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Enge Stieftoechter

"...Hallo! Aufwachen!..."reisst eine Stimme Julia aus dem Schlaf. Als sie durch ihre verschlafenen Augen schaut, erkennt sie ihre Mutter "Peter faehrtt mich jetzt zum Bahnhof. Du haelst die Stellung! Ich komme in 2 Wochen wieder heim. Peter holt mich dann am Montag wieder ab. Pass auf deine Schwestern auf," sagte sie, bevor sie ihrer Tochter Julia ein Kuesschen auf die Backe drueckte. Dann verliess sie das Zimmer und kurz drauf hoerte man die Haustuer. So das hiess also, dass Julia (gerade 19...

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Watching Mom Dancing 2

Desmond uncle had let us in a back door, took us to a storage area behind the bar told get on top shelf and be quiet. When we had climbed up, saw there was a long opening in wall covered by what looked like chicken wire, we were above lights so bad to look down at mom. She was squatted down showing her pussy to 3 men in business suits, 1 reached and slid a finger in her and when he pulled it out could see it was wet, showed to his friends and they laughed, tossed a couple of bills between her...

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Geilen op cam en in het echt

Gay date Chatten doen ik graag, heel erg graag en ofschoon ik bi ben vindt ik het best wel es opwindend om op een gay chat te komen en daar een beetje homo te geilen. In combinatie met een webcam wordt het nog spannender. Ik had contact met iemand en het werd al snel een opwindend gesprek, hij heette Jan. “Zeg es Jan, heb je een cam?….” “Ja hoor…. zullen we samen een beetje op de cam geilen, maar dan gewoon de cam gericht op onze pikken okee?….” “Dat is goed..” zei ik en richtte de cam op mijn...

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Zwoele avond

Het was een heerlijke zwoele vrijdagavond en ik besloot om er een wap avondje van te gaan maken.Ik reed richting de Groene Ster in Leeuwarden en nam onderweg een xtc en een kamagra, zodat ik heerlijk lang kon relaxen en toch als het nodig mocht zijn een goeie harde neukpik zou krijgen.Aangekomen ging ik eerst op het "rietveldje" kijken of daar iets geils te doen was, maar het was daar rustig.....dus even rond gelopen en kwam daar een leuke knul op de fiets tegen die me heel vriendelijk groette...

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Mijn Fantasie met jou

Eindelijk jou grote pik weer voelenHet was erg lang geleden dat ik voor het laatst jou gevoeld en ontmoet heb. Ik heb daar hele fijne herinneringen aan. Het was een van de lekkerste ervaringen ever. Jou Lichaam, Jou stem, Jou Pik. Eindelijk was de dag dat we elkaar weer zouden zien. Ik heb hier heel erg naar uit gekeken. Het was al langer mijn wens om je nog eens in mij te voelen, en gelukkig dacht jij er ook zo over. We spraken af in een hotel, ik was er eerder dan jij en ging alvast naar de...

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Meeting a friend

Arriving in my hotel after the long flight from Europe, I suddenly found myself feeling very horny. I needed some relief. Maybe a shower would help, I thought to myself as I stripped away my traveling outfit. My skirt slipped down my legs and pooled at my feet. I stepped free, my already bare feet slipping carelessly away from the skirt. I took a few steps toward the bathroom as I unbuttoned the white, just almost see-through blouse. It was on the floor just in front of the door to the...

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Hot Black Wifes Fucks Big Moroccan Cock

Shirley is a woman of 45 years and living in Amsterdam. She is 20 years happily married to Jermaine. Jermaine has been working at the tax office while Shirley works at an accounting firm. They have two c***dren, a daughter aged 17 and a son of 15. Shirley is a woman who loves sex and is similar to that area insatiable. Jermaine can not keep her often and is happy if the sex is over quickly. Shirley for her age a good figure. She is chubby but everything is still tight. She has big boobs, double...

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My naive Classmate SG

This is my true experience,decided to share it as to keep my memory fresh on her .During a period of my life.i was going through a tough patch.My girlfriend left me for a douchebag,taking along my broken heart,my soul and my wasted cash.I could not get into any courses i wanted to,without any directions,i wanted to join the army till a particular "JC" decided to take my poor ass in.Without much hesitation i went in.well,a lil background on me,i am not exactly a very studious person,or rather...

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my dads lover my mistress

Today I am a slave of a beautiful and perfect mistress Denise Reina. Women of power (over people), beauty, and a sadistic mind capable of making anyone into a well trained dog on a leash. She took me in when I felt no love, and allowed me the honor to serve her for the rest of my life (or until she gets rid of me). My servitude started when I was 18 years old. I came home one day from school, and heard the yelling of my parents. My mom was yelling so laude they didn’t hear me come in. “what the...

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my Fathers lover my mistress

Today I am a slave of a beautiful and perfect mistress Denise Reina. Women of power (over people), beauty, and a sadistic mind capable of making anyone into a well trained dog on a leash. She took me in when I felt no love, and allowed me the honor to serve her for the rest of my life (or until she gets rid of me). My servitude started when I was 17 years old. I came home one day from school, and heard the yelling of my parents. My mom was yelling so laude they didn’t hear me come in. “what the...

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i hate people like this

[12:24:21] love life: Hi debbie mcclure, I'd like to add you as a contact.[12:24:43] *** debbie mcclure has shared contact details with love life. ***[12:24:48] love life: i'm a normal mature sexy and expert and smart mature boy 25 years old and i'm good with girls[12:25:00] love life: hello nice to meet you debbie[12:25:09] debbie mcclure: erm[12:25:10] debbie mcclure: hi[12:25:19] love life: how are you[12:26:13] love life: how old are you?[12:26:40] love life: by the way you look so sexy and...

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Gloria Is Always Ready For Me

I had been busy at work, and in a mood where I wanted to take a break from the women I had been involved with. My plan to "lay low" had been working quite well until one evening when Dara - my "Aunt Lorene's" sister called to see how I was. We talked on the phone for almost two hours, and she encouraged me to fly to her home in Texas for a visit. As we spoke, she told me it had been very hot, and that she could hardly wait to come home from work and change into comfortable clothes. In what I...

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Black Friday Sale

The two of them had just “finished” shopping on Black Friday and headed out to the car. Beth Ann, the slightly pudgy younger sister who was Tiffany Rae’s best friend located her SUV. She unlocked the doors and the two of the early 30 year olds climbed into the automobile and promptly buckled their seatbelts. Beth Ann started the SUV and pulled out and got drove on to the main road and located the expressway. Within minutes they were speeding along at somewhere around 70 to 75 mph. Beth Ann was...

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Black Friday Sale

The two of them had just “finished” shopping on Black Friday and headed out to the car. Beth Ann, the slightly pudgy younger sister who was Tiffany Rae’s best friend located her SUV. She unlocked the doors and the two of the early 30 year olds climbed into the automobile and promptly buckled their seatbelts. Beth Ann started the SUV and pulled out and got drove on to the main road and located the expressway. Within minutes they were speeding along at somewhere around 70 to 75 mph. Beth Ann was...

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such a whore

I finnaly made this happen a few days ago !i have been crossdressing for as long as i can remember.I still remember when i snathed a pair of my cousins panties when i was young i dont know theres is just something about womens clothes that just intrigies me . Any way growing up i always masterbated wearing panties and lingere and watching porn ,I always consider my self differnt han other people but i didnt know why , which ended up me turning in to a loner , never really enjoying sex with...

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Friend Ki Mom Ki Chudai

To mere ghar ke side ek larki rahati thi oska naam tha khushi vo or mai bohot aache dost the hum same school me hi parte the or jyada tar time ek sath hi spend krte the mere oske ghar pe roz aana jana laga rahata tha khushi ki mom ka naam tha rekha or kahane ko onki age oss time 46 thi aap bhi soch rhe hoge ki kya buddhi ki story suna rha hai par aap yakken nahi karoge ki vo 46 ke hone ke baad bhi aagar aap bhi dekho to aap kahoge ki iski age 32-33 se zyada nahi hogi vo bohot hi zyada sexy the...

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Magic Finger Tips

The Magic Finger Tips By Lion_Winston Nach einem wunderschoenen Abendessen sassen Chris und Lea noch bei einem Glas Wein zusammen. Sie hatten sich vor ein paar Tagen auf der Geburtstagsfeier von Chris' Freund kennengelernt und waren sich dort schnell naeher gekommen. Nun sassen sie sich in Chris' Esszimmer gegenueber und Chris genoss Lea's Anblick. Sie hatte wunderschoene lange blonde Haare, grosse blaue Augen, eine kleine Nase und ihr Schmollmund hatte Lippen, die jeden Mann zum...

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Paser Barir Boudi Ke Chudlam

Ami guwahati te thaki. Boyosh 25. Nam Rishab ..Nick name arko…Kichhudin holo chakri te join korechhi.Ekta 1bhk flat bhara niye achi Amae dekhte besh bhaloi. Tobe oshadharon kichhu noi. Cheharao besh shadharon.. Ebar ashol golpe asha jaak. Ghoton na ta jokhon ghotlo tokhon amar maa baba esechilo guwahati te aamr sathe koyekdin thakbe bole…Amar flat er pasher barite ek boudi thhake. Naam titli. Boyosh ei 29-30 hobe. Besh sundori. Forsha.. Kalo frame er choshma pore.. Barite haat kata maxi porei...

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Maayer Gud Aar Pod Marano

Amar naam raju ami ekti sarkari eng college B tech karchi amar boyesh 21 bachor barite ami amar bhai ama baba ebong amar maa thake amra kharagpure thaki Amar baba ekjon sarkari karmochariebong maa house wife amar bhai schoole pare ebong hostele thake ei ghatonata praye 3-4 maas agekar ghatona age jake niye galpo tar biboran ta diye die. Amar mayer naam bharati bayosh 46 ekjon sadharon grihobadhu.amar dekhte khub ekta bhalonaye abar gaayer rango ektu kalo tabe jeta sabcheye akorsonio seta halo...

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Sucked Into Incest 8211 Part XXI

Sorry friends for having delayed posting this episode and I will promise to post further episodes as early as I can again apologize to readers who mailed me expressing disappointment for being late. It was about 6 in the morning and I was still drowsy with lack of sleep throughout the entire last night, being witness to bride being fucked by her brother in law then Vanaja sister playing with me on bed followed by me almost smooching. My Mom’s well rounded boobs after some of her friends...

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Changes Abound Maya s Journey Part 2

Changes Abound: Maya's Journey Part 2 A Cross-Dressing story by Maria Ski Why was Susan Hawke smiling? Was the meeting with Julia an accident? Is Maya a pawn in a larger game? Well, let us continue with the tale of Maya's journey and maybe, just maybe we'll get some answers to those questions. So let's find out from someone we met in part 1. I watched as Maya walked towards me. She looked amazing, skin tight jeans, a T-shirt with the phrase 'I'm not perfect. But parts of me...

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Kakima Bhojalo Sujoger Babohar

Kichu jinish thik time-e naa bhujte parle jibone aonek samoy onek loss hoye jai. Aaj ami bhabi ekdin erakom-e loss kore felechilam jodi naa thik samoye bhujte naa partam. Ghatona ta suru hoy aaj theke 2 bachor aage. Amar takon kolkatar nammi MNC te cagri kori. Roz sokal balai otha r rate fhire asha, eei toh jibon. Jodio soni r robi bar chuti thakto, tobe sei duto din adda mere r ghumiye-a kete jeto. Ami hrick, age 27 height 5’7”, handsome cool looking. Ami thaktam ekta 2bhk flat niye puor...

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Sucked Into Incest 8211 Part XVI

Sorry folks especially some friends who are mailing me that I am taking long time to post further episodes. This is happening since I am extremely busy but will promise to post at the shortest time possible between episodes. The rains were pouring , the tower bolt less windows swayed in the response to the wind , the sirens around me (my Mom friends were sleeping across the stacked paddy sacks from me , I could feel the chill of the rain but it was offset by the excitement that I was possessed...

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Sucked Into Incest 8211 Part XV

By Incest Veteran. To be honest with you folks ,missed out on u for a long time , with our host having technical problems , hoping it never occur again. My true sex story continues into next episode XV. Readers if really interested to know how a young guy can be initiated into incest can follow from episode I . My queen INDRU, lay as said before closing her face partly with folded right arm covering her face unable to face her two friends ,that is LAKSHMI & RUKMINI, , and now they had...

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Boudi R Didider Mai Tepa O Dorson

Ami rohan.chotobelar kichu kotha sharekorbo apnader sathe. ami tkhn class 2 te pori.amar babar sathe jethuder somorko valo chilo na.kintu dadu hotat mara jabae amader jethur bari jete holo.jethur 2to me.gie dekhi 2to didi khub sundor dekhte.oder nam rini r mini.rini di 19 bochorer.1st yr e pore.r mini di 16.o 10 e pore.ami oder dudh gulo dekhlam.khub sundor dekhte chilo.rini didir ta besi boro chilo r mini didir ta ektu choto holeo upor theke dekhte khub valo chilo. Minidi amae bollo cholo...

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Suporna Boudi O Taar Meye Rima

Hello ISS Reader,I am Sonai from Bengal, this is my story. And this is a real incident. I am telling this story in Bengali.Prothomei amar pasher barir boudir samparke boli. Boudir naam holo suporna. Dada bank-e chakri kore. Dui meye. Naam Rima r sima. Rimar boyos 25 and simar boyos 20. Boudir boyos pray 40. Kintu dekhe mone hobe jeno 34 ki 35. Buk gulo jeno thele berie aashe. Ektu jhola kintu je kono loker bara khara korar pokhhe jathestho. Komor ta ektu soru r pachata jeno kumro. Jaai hok eber...

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Pyari Bahu

“Apni ghar ki izzat ko sambhalo Badri, agar bahu kahin behak gayi to hum kahin ke nahin rahenge. Maine tujhe kaha nahin tha ki ki Sunil ko videsh mat bhejo aur agar bhejna hi ahi to bahu ko saath bhejo. Ab bhugto apni galti ki saza. Bahu jawan hai, khubsurat hai aur fir usska bhi kia dosh hai, jawani mein choot lund mangti hi hai. Main 40 saal ki hoon to bhi mujhe agar lund na mile to tadapti rehti hoon. Aurat khane ke bina reh sakti hai chudwaye bina nahin reh sakti. Main to kehti hoon ki tum...

2 years ago
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Losing Evan Discovering Emma Parts 2 and 3

Losing Evan, Discovering Emma. Parts 2 and 3. By Tanya H. Part 2 - Surviving. Next morning I woke early with only the faintest remnants of a hangover and the notion of an early morning run along the seafront. While attempting a sleepy scratch of the belly and almost dragging out the jewel from my tummy button I remembered there wasn't in the flat any running kit to fit me. Under my distorted t-shirt I was curves and softness I hardly dared touch. Kirsty slept on, spreadeagled and...

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Mamar Bari Bhari Moja 01

Amar naam Partho Sengupta hochhe aar amar boyesh 24 bachor cholche. Ami amar choto mamar barite theke porashona korechee aar ekhon ami choto mamar barite te theke chakree koree. Choto mamar naam hochhe, Poresh Sen aar mamar bari ekhon praye khali karon barite ekhon khali mama, mami (Seema Sen) aar ami thaki. Choto mama amar theke parye 12 bachorer boro aar mamir boyesh praye praye 30-30 bachor. Mamar ekta boro meye, Papiya mane amar mamato bon, amar theke matro 6 masher boro, didi ache tobe tar...

2 years ago
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Fido s Californian Vacation

'Fido's Californian Vacation: Part One' SUNDAY I left the airport at noon local time, but on my body-clock it was 8 pm, andI was tired, hungry, and thirsty. My Lady, of course, would not deign to meetme on the main concourse; instead She had sent me a map of the Airport carpark,indicating that She would park in a discreet spot in a deserted portion reservedfor long-stay parking. Unused to the enormous scale of American carparks, andin the direct glare of a noon Californian sun, I was soon hot...

2 years ago
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me getting a big Atrikan BBC

It was summer and I just gotten back to Germanyfrom a short vacation in SpainI noticed I had nothing to eat so I decided to do some shoppig..I took a shoer and put on a Dress that was just right for the hot weather it was a bit longer then the minis I usally wear I drove in to the cityFirst I went andgot somethings to drinh Case of beer,case of coca cola case of water tgen drove to the other stoe looked for a parking spot close to the stort found on not as close as I wanted but then it was...

2 years ago
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Scene idea three girls orgy in a bar

This is a description of a filmed scene I would like have liked to see, but that nobody ever produced (or never produced with all these elements I like). I'll write this in the present simple, somewhat like a movie script. This thing will be pure porn-logic just like basically every hardcore movie out there, don't expect a realistic plot! I hope you enjoy it!So... We are at night, inside a bar located on the outskirts of a major town. It's a pretty modest place, where truckers and bikers stop...

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