Mijn Fantasie Met Jou free porn video

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Eindelijk jou grote pik weer voelen
Het was erg lang geleden dat ik voor het laatst jou gevoeld en ontmoet heb.
Ik heb daar hele fijne herinneringen aan. Het was een van de lekkerste ervaringen ever. Jou Lichaam, Jou stem, Jou Pik.

Eindelijk was de dag dat we elkaar weer zouden zien.
Ik heb hier heel erg naar uit gekeken.
Het was al langer mijn wens om je nog eens in mij te voelen, en gelukkig dacht jij er ook zo over.
We spraken af in een hotel, ik was er eerder dan jij en ging alvast naar de kamer, ik pakte mijn tas uit.
Ik had een aantal pikante dingen bij mij waarvan je zei dat je daar onwijs geil van werd,
en ook omdat ik zei dat ik lekker gedomineerd wilde worden door jou,
je was daar gelijk erg enthousiast over, dus ik had dat bij mij.
Het was een mooie kamer, met een 2 persoon bed en een mooi uitzicht.
Ik kleedde mij uit en ging naakt voor het raam staan, hopend dat iemand mij zou zien en mijn lichaam zou bewonderen,
wat een geil idee is dat. Ik trok een sexy lingerie setje aan en deed een laagje make up op.
Zo sletterig en hoerig mogelijk wou je het, nou dat kan je krijgen ook lieve schat,
Even later werd er op de deur geklopt,
Ik werd een beetje nat van beneden omdat ik wist dat jij het was.

Ik deed de deur open en daar stond je. Mijn heerlijke fuckbuddy, Ik kreeg het gelijk warm en overal kriebels.
Je kwam binnen en trok je jas uit, Ik ging op bed zitten en we hadden oogcontact,
er waren geen woorden, we praten met onze ogen,
en mijn ogen die vroegen erom, en jou ogen wouden het mij geven, hard, diep en lang.
Je kwam bij me op bed en streelde mijn lichaam, je kuste mij, ik proefde jou lippen,
Ohh wat had ik dit gemist. Ik trok jou kleding uit,
Je ging voor mij staan en liet je broek en je boxer zakken,
daar kwam die heerlijke geile zwarte neukstaaf te voorschijn, stijf hard en nat van het voorvocht.
Ik gaf een likje en begon te kussen en toen liet ik hem in mijn mondje glijden,
jij pakte mijn haar en stootte langzaam en steeds sneller.
Hmmm wat smaakte dat toch lekker.
Jij hijgde en af en toe een kreun,
Op een gegeven moment duwde je mij naar achter,
je trok mijn slipje uit en je ging met je vingers langs mijn lipjes en in mijn kutje, hmmmmmm jaaaaa,
ik deed mijn ogen dicht van genot.
En opeens voelde ik je dikke staaf bij mijn kutje,
je gleed langzaam naar binnen,
oeeehhhh hij vult mij helemaal, Hmmmm wat heerlijk dit,
Je pakte mij vast, keek mij strak aan en begon te stoten,
eerst langzaam maar steeds sneller.
Ik zag hoe zweetdruppeltjes over jou lichaam verschenen en ik zat onder jou zweet,
maar dat maakt niet uit. Ik kreunde van genot en zei 'Ja neuk me, Harder Dieper, en jij stootte harder,
ik voelde dat je bijna kwam dus ik pakte jou pik en begon lekker te zuigen,
Je pakte mijn hoofd en stootte 1 2 3 keer hard en toen spoot je lekker je geile warme mannensap over mij heen.
Jij kreunde als een geile beer, een beetje grommen was het.
Ik genoot er van, ik proefde jou warme zaad en likte het van je pik af,
ik haalde het van mijn gezicht en likte alles van mijn vinger.
Je kwam naast mij liggen als een tijger die net een jacht had gedaan,
ik kwam in jou armen liggen.. en jij kuste mijn hoofd..

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The Comet Changed Everything Ch 01

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Rectal thermometer suppository story

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Comet Q

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A Modern Metamorphosis

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One More Reason Geometry Sucks

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The Voice Within The Meteorite

I wrote this story as a serial on several clubs over a period of a few months, originally calling it the Meteorite, though I decided to change the name to something more appropriate. Or at least to a name that had a little more to do with the main story. As I wrote this story, I had no real direction planned but did use suggestions and comments from some of the readers. The Voice Within (previously the Meteorite) By Morpheus Part 1 It was after dark and the moonlight gleamed...

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Dominated By A Lady Met In Kolkata Metro

Hey guys, this is Nikhil from Kolkata and I am back with a new story. First of all, let me thank you for your heavy response to my last few stories. Also please don’t ping me with your plots to write a story on it. That will no longer be entertained. Coming to the story. It was a Saturday night and we were returning from a pub in Park Street. Park Street is the usual chill place for people in Kolkata and hence is crowded on weekends. It was around 9-10 pm. I booked cabs as I was the only one in...

4 years ago
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Sex With A Stranger Whom I Met In The Metro

Hi guys. I am new on this forum and have written about my sexual fantasy that became true just recently. Hope you enjoy and would love to read your feedbacks as well. I am Mehak Sharma. I am 21 years old with a very fair skin tone. I have long black hair. My body stats are 38- 30-36. My boobs are very huge with and slight brown in shade. I think my biggest asset is my boobs. I am a very sexually active person. I think about sex all the time. I get horny even with the word sex. I love to...

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The Meteor Shower

********************* Our family is as normal as normal can be for a farmer, except for the animals. Our parents have a thing for unusual animals. Two headed cows, three legged goats, along with other things. The one I find most unusual are the horses. There are five of them all from the same mother. There all male, and they each have two dicks that are three feet long, unaroused. It was getting late and my sister and I, did I mention her name is Daniela; we were sitting on top of the...

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injection appointment doctor mf thermometer i

I entered the doctors office with anticipation. The doctor was very handsome and smiled as I came in. "So, Katie, you're here for your immunizations and it says here you're frightened of injections?" "Yes doctor, I'm terrified""Well, no need to worry, I'll be very gentle. Why don't you put down your bag and sit on the table while I prepare your shots."I nervously headed towards the examining table, my heart was racing at the thought of him sticking needles in me and I was very tense.I watched...

2 years ago
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The Veil of Amethyst Chapter 01

[Synopsis: The Veil of Amethyst is a space opera starring a swashbuckling captain in the Galactic Space Force who has risen to fame for being the best combat pilot of manned ships and remote controlled drones. His craft employ a cutting-edge dual operation mode, with a subpilot (or "sub") who responds to physical cues from the pilot and brings the senses of another human body to respond to events and effect complicated maneuvers in space battle. Facing a challenge by an alien culture obsessed...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Slaves of the Amethyst part thirteen

Tuesday passed into Wednesday quickly. In the upstairs of the Hall Rebecca, Alice, Robin and Daniel spent a day of consolidation. On the Tuesday afternoon Lady Mathom requested that Alice play for her for an hour and Alice had nervously complied. Her new level of inspiration had saved her however and Lady Mathom had expressed genuine delight in her piano playing. Daniel spent much of the time closeted with either Robin or Mr Coleman, forging plans for his future career as a self-employed...

3 years ago
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Rape In A Cemetery

What a day to be going to the cemetery, thought pretty Marie Bogle, as the windshield wipers moved slowly back and forth. It was a bleak day. A gray sheet obscured the sky. Rain drizzled. She could have waited until a better day, but she wanted to have pictures of John Blackthorne’s grave site to show her students on Monday. That was when she was going to introduce them to the poetry of that obscure, eighteenth century American poet. She felt her introduction would be more interesting...

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Random Lady in Delhi Metro 8211 Part 1

Hey guys! Thank you for such overwhelming feedback that you gave me for . Your precious feedback just compelled me to write another story. Those who don’t know me, I will tell you about me. My name is Rocky, and I am 23 years old. I am living in Delhi. I have a 6’1″ height, lean athletic body, toned abs, and a monstrous 7.5-inch cock. Get your cocks out, put your hands inside your panties, and I wish you a happy orgasm. I am sharing the experience of how I fucked a random lady that I met inside...

3 years ago
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Geometric Projection A Painful Lesson

Understanding Geometric Projections: A Painful LessonBy BareFootAmateurThe judge stood and the audience became silent. “The sentence is a harsh spanking on the bare to be administered daily at 10 a.m. for the next 10 days. That, however, will be only Monday through Friday because our dispensers of discipline are closed on Saturday and Sunday. So you will have the weekend off. [actually you may have a Weak End by then anyway.] “The objective of this sentence is to make sure your backside is...

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Reverse Groping On A Metro Journey

So we’ve all heard stories of women being groped by men, women liking groping or hating it and etc. etc. Now this is a story of the Reverse happening to me (real story no BS). One particular day I took the subway to reach my usual stop at Park Street, around 15 mins away. The train was not particularly crowded but as there were no seats I had to stand. At the next stop 3 married women got in. They were all middle aged and in sarees, must have been between 30-35 I guess. Since there was nothing...

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The Meteor PART 1


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Meteor Love

For John, a prayer * The following is a true story, but with most names changed to protect the innocent and guilty alike. You know who you are anyway. I am cursed to fall in love under the stars- or at least under shooting stars, meteors, Spanish meteoros- however you say it, an inadequate word for a phenomenon as otherworldly as love itself. These fleeting, disintegrating fragments of wonder from broken comets and, literally, star dust and detritus, seem inextricably and inexplicably bound...

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Meteor Phenomenon

Copyright© 2002-2003 And earnest young woman in Thrace Said, "Darling, that's not the right place!" So he gave her a thwack, And did on her back, What he couldn't have done face to face. The event had been advertised in all the local papers for the last week - it caused only casual, sporadic, interest in the normally quiet suburb street on the outskirts of a western Canadian city. It would take a riot to cause any widespread interest - a riot in their own street that is. The...

3 years ago
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The Metro Experience

Andrew was going for his school, he usually took the metro and today was no different. It took him 45mins only to reach his station. But it seemed very long when compared to rush that happens every other day. But today was a mother of rush that too early in the morning.Andrew's eyes wide opened when he saw the metro coming, the number of people astounded him. He pushed his way into the crowed as the metro stopped and doors opened. He pushed himself towards his usual corner.He was a 3rd year...

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The metro experience

Andrew's eyes wide opened when he saw the metro coming, the number of people astounded him. He pushed his way into the crowed as the metro stopped and doors opened. He pushed himself towards his usual corner. He was a 3rd year high school student. With average height, average looks, he may look like a geek with nerd glasses but he was average in school as well and usually carried his saddle bag. Lack of life goal held him from achieving his potential. And he always tried things half...

5 years ago
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comet again

After we chatted Comet and I went to the basement to play. He seems to havebetter control if his paws are able to grip something, his back paws Imean....his front paws are wrapped tightly around my waist ;) , so I usuallyplay in the k**s basement playroom. It has an area rug in it. But rightnow it is full of boxes and stuff while I redo daughters room. Anyway....So I took him into my workshop area.Hmmmm... what to do about the hard floor. Grabbed a painting dropcloth froma shelf, canvas...

3 years ago
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Demetrius Ch 03

Chapter 3 When he returned to his apartment he found a package awaiting him. Unlocking the door he studied the package for clues as to who sent it. Pulling the key from the door and pushing it closed with a foot he set the package on the kitchen table before going to the bathroom. As a youngster he took great joy in getting presents, he was no different to this day. He jiggled hurriedly flushed and washed his hands. Undoing one side of the band-aid, seeing the swelling had lessened around...

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