Mermaid and Chill Or The summer I fucked a fish
- 3 years ago
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Angel Taylor always knew her relationship with Don was unlike any other in her clan. To begin with, the way she met Don was legendary, not to mention how he behaved during that difficult period of trial when his ex-wife Amy returned to cause trouble. Angel was becoming somewhat of a legend with her clan and as the younger mermaids were maturing and preparing for their time to meet the man for them, they would ask her about how she met Don and how she knew he was so different. Often, Angel was busy with her daughter Joy and couldn’t spare the time to share her stories. She also hated to be away from Don more than a couple of days and always returned home before anyone else.
As it happens from time to time, word of another single man coming to Cala de Sirena reached the clan and they must decide who is ready and willing. There were a few mermaids eligible and before they venture on this trek, they are required to spend time with those who have had both good and bad experiences. Angel knew this time she couldn’t avoid her role in this process and knew it was time to share with the younger mermaids. She also knew this would require her to stay away from Don longer than she wanted, but it was unavoidable due to the strength and longevity of their relationship.
During breakfast, Angel shared with Don that she must go, and may be gone a few days longer than normal, but not as long as the last extended absence. As Don prepared for work, Angel and Joy prepare for their journey. Angel took two pieces of jewelry with her, a necklace Don gave her the night she gave him her virginity, and the wedding ring she never takes off. The three of them walk out to the beach and as Don gets his wave runner ready, Angel and Joy go the fishing shed and hide their clothes.
“Daddy, throw me in!” yelled Joy as she comes running to him naked.
Don scooped her up in his arms, kissed her face, and waded out waist deep into the surf, then tossed his daughter into the water. She surfaced quickly, her rainbow tail fully formed as she splashed around. Angel came running in and dove into the water just as her tail began to form. Don mounted his wave runner as the two swam toward him.
“I’m going to miss you two,” said Don.
“We’re going to miss you too,” said Angel. “But this is something I must be a part of.”
“What is it?” asked Don.
“I’ll explain upon my return,” said Angel.
“Daddy,” said Joy. “Why is your tail still broken?”
Don smiled down at her and said, “Because baby, boys are born with broken tails. You momma’s a wonderful woman, but even she can’t fix Daddy’s broken tail.”
Angel smiled, then said, “We’d better get going. Are you going to have beer and samplers with Jason?”
“Yeah,” said Don. “It makes it hurt less when you’re gone.”
Don leaned down, kissed Angel softly on the lips and said, “I love you Angel.”
“I love you too Don.”
“And I love you Miss Joy!” exclaimed Don as he picked up his daughter and kissed her face.
“I love you too Daddy,” she replied.
Don tossed her back into the water as Angel swam away from the craft, and he started the wave runner. He rode out of the cove, as Angel and Joy swam alongside him. Once in the open waters, Angel and Joy waved one last goodbye and dove under the water. Their journey to their underwater home takes several hours and often they enjoy playing with assorted sea creatures along the way. Before long, Grace and Star join them, and the four swim toward their destination.
As they arrived, other mermaids were already there, as a handful were also swimming from other islands. Soon, the entire mermaid clan had gathered and was happily sharing stories. Star took Joy to be with the other mermaid children, while Angel and Grace met with the other adults about what the events that was to transpire. There were four girls who were of age for the man coming and they needed to be fully debriefed before the final selection was to be made. This was to ensure they understood what was expected of them, what they could expect when they meet the man, and what they are to do when the time comes for her to reveal herself to him.
The four mermaid girls, Roro, Nixie, Odine, and Ravana, were all over twenty human years of age and except for Ravana, had been through this process before. Though, for Angel, it was the first time she was asked to share her unique story, as it was now possible that a human man could love a mermaid unconditionally. The elders decided Angel would share the night before the selection would be made, thus requiring that she stay through the entire selection process, something she hadn’t done since her own selection process. Angel’s only comfort was Grace would also be sharing her story of heartbreak and forgiveness as well.
Grace, Angel, Star, and Joy all shared a room during this extended stay, knowing they couldn’t even visit or send a message to their men to inform them of the extended nature of their stay. This wasn’t an issue with Grace and Star as they never hurried home to Jason, but they weren’t staying away as long as they had before. It was huge for Angel and Joy who had only had one extended absence from Don and that was during Don’s trial. While Joy and Star were off playing with their cousins, Angel and Grace prepared their room.
“I hate being stuck here,” grumbled Angel.
“You knew it would happen eventually,” said Grace. “Being the longest married mermaid makes you a celebrity.”
“Doesn’t that seem wrong though, that I’m the longest married mermaid?”
“Only in the sense that we’ve had two deaths. Humans are wonderful creatures, but their too damn fragile.”
“I worry about Don in that aspect, he wasn’t young when we met.”
“Yes, but I know you’ve been slowing his aging process, haven’t you?”
“Of course. I’ll be damned if Joy’s going to grow up without her daddy.”
“Then you will be the longest married mermaid for a very long time my dear.”
Angel sighed. She knew that ten years wasn’t too long a time, but it seemed like a lifetime to many. Don was now 55, and had only aged a couple of years, and that was due to her absences. She looked over at her cousin and smiled that at least she’s back with the man she loves. “You realize Star will be starting this process in the next cycle or two.”
“I know,” sighed Grace. “I’m not looking forward to telling Jason about it, even though he knows it’s coming. He fears she’ll get a man like himself, or worse.”
“I fear Joy will get a bastard like my sister had.”
“Have you ever told Don about her?”
“Yes. But only because of what we had to do to Amy.”
“She was a bad woman.”
“She was a deadly woman. I’m glad Don never told her about Joy as I’m sure she would have tried to harm her.”
“Did you ever find out why she came back?”
“No, I just knew I had to get rid of her, one way or another. The Elder Council agreed that she failed to heed my warning and that her presence at my home, uninvited and unannounced, was enough of a threat to warrant what we did.”
“Does Don know what we did?”
“Yes,” said Angel. “I told him the same night I told him about my sister. He said Jason was there when she told him to leave, and was scared shitless. Why do you think Jason has worked so hard to be good to you and Star?”
“I never thought about it. I just figured it was the example you and Don set.”
“It was in part, but in part it was because he didn’t want to know what we did to that man.”
“He was no man Angel, he was a monster,” said Ginger as she swam into their room.
“Hello Mother,” said Angel.
“Hello Aunt Ginger.”
“Girls, I know you’re a bit nervous about the next few days, and I want to assure you that we need you two to be open and honest with these girls. Just as the Elder Council moved the age of selection up a few years after what happened to your poor sister. I wish we could have found a man for her like you found in Don.”
“I know Mother.”
“So, please make the best of this time. Don and Jason asked me to send you both their love. I wish I could tell them more than just you’re all alright, but you both know I’ve shared enough with them already. Besides, we’ll need them to meet with the next man when the time comes. Jason is already working on the rings and necklace and I see your influence Grace. He still makes them for you.”
“Yes, I know,” said Grace.
“Jason does love you. In the ten years you two were separated, I watched him hurt. I assure you, he will never hurt you again. Don has been a great influence on him and I think you know that.”
Grace smiled. “I remember when we met Don’s human family, and how he dove into the water just to greet us. It was the first time I’d ever felt like Jason truly loved me.”
“He was so excited to see you two and poor Don had to dock the wave runners,” said Angel
“When we finally got home, we made love for hours over several days.”
“Jason does love you and Star, just as Don loves Joy and me.”
“And both you girls are here for just that exact reason,” said Ginger. “Our girls need to know it’s possible to forgive and heal. Our girls need to know it’s possible to be loved by a good man from day one. Now, your daughters will be here soon. Grace, I’d like to see Star with the group, but as she’s only 20, you can ask the Elder Council to delay her entry in the selection process. Just know, she will be partaking soon.”
“When must I inform the Elder Council?”
“Sunrise on Cala.”
“Will she be selected?”
“Doubtful as what happened with ... with ... her.” Ginger still couldn’t bring herself to say her daughter’s name.
“I understand. I’ll speak with Star and let her make the choice. Should she be told about ... her?”
“No,” said Ginger. “That is my story to tell unfortunately. And I must be able to speak her name by tomorrow as it’s one of the first stories we now share. We’ve decided to share the worst first, and the best last.”
Angel looked up and said, “I see the girls coming.”
“I will make my presentation before the council either way tomorrow,” said Grace.
“Thank you Grace. Goodnight girls.”
“Goodnight Mother.”
“Goodnight Aunt Ginger.”
As Ginger swam out, she hugged Star and Joy, holding Joy and motioning for Angel to swim out as Star swam into the room. “Where are you going Auntie Angel?”
“I need to have a word with my mother, as yours needs one with you child.”
Angel swam to her mother as Ginger said, “I can’t believe she’s eight. It seems like yesterday since you first brought her here for the Elder Council’s blessing.”
“I know Mother.”
“Grandma Ginger,” said Joy. “When can I go to selection?”
“Oh Joy, it depends on many things. But you know, when you are selected you won’t be with Mommy and Daddy anymore.”
“Then I don’t want to ever go to selection.”
Ginger and Angel laughed. “Oh Joy, one day you will change your mind,” said Angel. “I know I did.”
Grace appeared at their doorway and motioned for them to return. “Well Mother, we’ll see you tomorrow. What do I do with Joy?”
“The cousins will be by early for her and they will keep her entertained. They look forward to hearing Joy share her stories about her and Don.”
“They always ask me about Daddy,” said Joy.
“And what do you tell them?” asked Angel.
“That his tail is still broken and you can’t fix it.”
Ginger laughs. “Baby girl, we mermaids can fix a lot of things, but your daddy’s tail is beyond even the power of the Elder Council.”
Joy frowned and said, “So Daddy can never come here and meet everyone?”
“Maybe one day we will come to your cove and meet him,” said Ginger, “but now it’s time for you to get some rest little fish. Tomorrow you will be busy with your cousins.”
“Yes Grandma,” said Joy.
Ginger kissed Joy and sent her to the room, then turned to Angel and said, “Remember, whatever they have decided, you must support.”
Angel sighs, “Are you sure she won’t be selected?”
“No, I’m not.”
“She’s too young Mother.”
“She’s your sister’s age.”
“Exactly. She needs more time with Jason. She needs what we didn’t have.”
Ginger grabbed Angel’s arms. “That wasn’t my fault. I loved your father and if I didn’t have you girls, I would have died with him.”
“I never said it was Mother. You did. Now I must get some rest.”
Angel swam off into the room and swam to Joy who was starting drift off to sleep. “Momma?”
“Yes Joy.”
“When can I see Daddy?”
“Soon baby. After the selection has been made.”
“Okay,” Joy said sleepily. “Goodnight.”
Angel kissed Joy’s head and said, “Goodnight baby.”
As Joy drifted off to sleep, Angel swam over to Grace and Star. “Well?”
Grace looked very unhappy as Star said, “I’ve chosen to partake in the selection.”
“That is your choice Star. Though I wish you would have waited.”
“Mother says it is my choice. She also says it’s unlikely that I will be selected.”
“And what if you are Star?” asked Angel. “What then? What do we tell Jason?”
“The truth,” said Star.
“You will break his heart Star,” said Angel.
“Then we will be even. He broke my mother’s heart.”
Angel resisted the urge to slap Star for her cold words, but instead swam to her sleeping daughter and attempted to rest. However, neither Angel nor Grace were able to sleep as they both knew what could happen if Star was selected. The next morning, the cousins took Joy off to play and Angel and Grace escorted Star to the Elder Council. There were the most senior mermaids including Ginger. Melpomene, the oldest of the mermaids, raised her hand and said, “Why have you come before us child?”
“I am Star. Daughter of Grace and Jason Blackwell and I wish to be considered in the selection.”
Melpomene looked at Star and said, “Didn’t your mother forgive your father so you may know him?”
“She did.”
“Does your mother approve?”
“I do,” said Grace in a shaky voice.
“Does the council have any objections?”
“I wish to remind the council what happened the last time we had such a young one selected,” said Ginger.
“Yes Ginger, we have not forgotten,” said Calliope. “Just as we are all aware this is your niece.”
“She is your granddaughter Calliope,” snapped Ginger.
“Star is of age,” said Melpomene, raising her hand to silence Calliope and Ginger, “and has the option to choose. She has chosen to partake. You do understand there are four others, and only one is like you.”
“I do,” said Star.
“Then I call for a vote from the Elder Council. Do we allow Star to partake in selection?”
“Yes,” replied the entire Elder Council.
Grace gasped, but otherwise, remained silent. Angel put her arm around Grace and held her tight as Calliope led Star from the chamber. Angel and Grace waited until the other Elders left until only Ginger was left. “Grace I’m—”
“Don’t!” snapped Grace. “Even my own mother wouldn’t help, why should I listen to you?”
Ginger’s face showed the pain she felt. “Because I’ll be damned to see Star end up like Helena!”
Angel gasped as Ginger swam off. Grace wept in Angel’s arms when Calliope swam into the chamber and said, “You need to stop crying Grace.”
“Why Mother?” sobbed Grace. “Am I embarrassing you before the Elder Council?”
“Star has made her choice,” said Calliope.
“She is still angry with Jason,” said Grace. “She’s doing this to punish him.”
“There is a one in five chance she will be selected.”
“Is that what you told my sister?” asked Angel.
“Watch your tongue!” snapped Calliope. “You are only here because you got lucky.”
“So now that’s a crime?”
“Be lucky your daughter isn’t old enough for selection yet Angel. Her time will come soon enough.”
“Don’t threaten me Calliope,” snapped Angel. “I’ve killed once to protect my child and I will do it again.”
“Do you think for one second you scare me?” asked Calliope. “I’m not a weak human female. I am your aunt, and your elder.”
“And I will do what I must to protect my child,” said Angel.
“A child you wouldn’t have if it were not for the Elder Council,” said Calliope. “Or have you already forgotten how you begged us to give you the potion to cure your human lover. Only you would pick a man who couldn’t give you a child.”
Angel, Grace, and Calliope turned to see Melpomene in the doorway. “Angel, take Grace to your room. Calliope, we have lessons we must present to our selections.”
“Yes my queen,” said Calliope.
Calliope swam out and Melpomene looked at Angel and Grace, then said, “Cry it out Grace, then prepare for your session with the girls. And before either of you leave to return to your men, I wish to speak to each of you, alone.”
“Yes my queen,” they replied.
Angel took Grace back to their room, where Grace wept for several hours. At the first meal, Star sat with those in the selection, Joy sat with her cousins, Angel and Grace sat with the Elders. The meal was tense for Angel and Grace, but they worked through it. After the meal, Grace and Angel were sent to the room of lessons, where the elders and the selections were sent to be taught what they could expect. Melpomene told of the history of the mermaids, how they must take on human form to mate with a human male. Calliope told of how mermaids mate for life, so they must be careful with the human they select. She told them to expect heartbreak when their human mate learns of their secret. Grace sat quietly with Angel holding her hand.
That night in their room, Grace and Star barely spoke. Joy chattered on about what she and the cousins did that day to Angel and anyone who would listen. Angel and Grace barely slept again, consumed with fear and worry for Star. In the morning, after the cousins collected Joy, Angel pulled Star aside and said, “Please, please listen to the stories today. Especially the one about my sister.”
Star gasped, but said nothing as the Elders collected her. Angel and Grace followed Star to the lesson room. Today was the day of stories. It started with each of the Elders telling about the human men they loved and how they broke their hearts upon learning their secrets. Only Melpomone, Calliope, and Ginger told of the good men they loved, and how their deaths broke their hearts. Then came the story Angel dreaded the most, the reason the Elder Council had stopped selecting such young mermaids.
Ginger squared her shoulders, and said, “My daughter, Helena, is not here today to share her story. She, like so many of you here, grew up without her human father. However, unlike you, it wasn’t because he rejected me, it was because he was killed in a freak accident that killed many on the island of Cala de Sirena. Helena, and her sister, who is now called Angel, grew up hearing stories of this wonderful man who proudly held his twin baby girls and swam with them in the coves of Cala de Sirena. Upon her selection, she took her place in the caves during the storm and met her human mate.
“During their time together, Helena fell deeply in love with this male, but even mermaid magic has its limits. Yes, Helena became pregnant, but she shared with this male all her secrets, including the fact she was a mermaid. As you have been taught, the Lee family is not to be trusted. While Helena swam home to share her joy with the Elder Council, her so-called mate was working with the Lee family to provide them the one thing they desired most, a mermaid.
“When she returned to her mate, tragedy struck. What none of us knew was the level of evil within this male. Upon learning of Helena’s condition, he attacked her and beat her until he successfully killed their child. Helena came to the Elder Council begging to be freed from her mate, only to be told, he would have to leave the island. She went to meet him, to tell him to leave. Her face still bore the scars and bruises from his brutal attack. She told him to leave Cala de Sirena and never return or face the consequences. His response was to threaten her again. I remember thinking how much we made a mistake and how this child didn’t have the power to prevent his rage. That night, Helena took her life.”
Tears rolled down Ginger’s cheeks as she continued. “The Elder Council, and all mermaids within the area, harnessed a storm that nearly leveled Cala de Sirena. We grabbed this evil man and beat him with the same savagery he showed to my daughter. Every mermaid of selection age and older aided in this attack. The Elder Council considered banning any mermaid from ever visiting Cala de Sirena, but chose to wait a few years to see if perhaps he had just been a fluke and not a trend. Fortunately for all, the next man to arrive at Cala de Sirena was a better man than any here had ever seen, even me. That man, was a better man than my own Alex.”
Angel was weeping quietly and Grace held her as she listened to her mother tell this story. “This is why I don’t like the two youngest selections being here, as we lost one mermaid who was no older than they are now. However, I will honor whatever choice the Elder Council decides.”
Melpomene moved to the center of the room and said, “Tomorrow we will hear from the two in a successful, mermaid-human relationship.”
Star, Grace, and Angel returned to their room in silence. None of them spoke. Mata, one of Joy’s many cousins came by and asked if Joy could stay with them for the night as they were having such a fun time. Angel said it was fine and for the first time, she noticed Star seemed to miss these activities. That night, Angel’s sleep was interrupted by nightmares of her sister and seeing Amy kissing Don, but not seeing him push her away like he had. Angel was ready to return home when the Elder Council escorted the three to the learning room. Grace had agreed to tell her story first, and Angel was so relieved she had time before she was required to share her story.
Grace took her place before the selections and began, “Like so many before me, I was taken to the cove of the man I was to meet and mate with by a storm. I hid in the Siren Cave until the sun rose, then stepped out. I saw him there on the beach, clearing branches and driftwood. When he saw me, it was clear he found me desirable as we made love on the beach almost immediately. Over the course of the next two weeks, it was rare we weren’t enjoying each other’s bodies. I took him to the Siren Cave and showed him the cave drawings, but he didn’t understand until our last day. I tried to keep him from leaving, but he insisted he had to go, so I dove into the surf and showed him my mermaid form. His reaction was like that of so many before him, he rejected me, and I was heartbroken.
“After a months of punishing nightmares for us both, I sought him out and met with him to let him know of our child. He swore to me there he’d never leave the island and do whatever it took to get me to forgive him and come back. Now, as most of you know, we don’t forgive easily. For over ten years, I raised my precious Star and occasionally I would see Jason. I wouldn’t speak to him, but we would just stare at one another until I would leave. Occasionally I would take Star with me, so she could see and know her father.
“Now, I know you’re wondering why I did finally forgive Jason. Well, I’ll tell you it wasn’t easy, but it was because of my dear cousin here. When Angel met, fell in love, and married Don, she would tell me how wonderful life was and how much Jason wanted a second chance. Don and Jason had become friends and Don would tell Angel about Jason’s regrets with what happened. During Angel’s pregnancy with Joy, she convinced me to meet Don. He was like no man I had ever met or heard of before. He was gentle, kind, and made a considerable effort to not look at my nakedness, but only my face. I saw how he was with Angel, the love and care he felt for her and I knew, that all human males were not complete monsters.
“I finally made the decision to speak with Jason. I went to his home and we talked for hours, ultimately ending with us making love. It would take a year of talks and occasional love making sessions before I’d bring Star around. Jason and I now spend about two and a half weeks together, and I know he regrets the time he lost with both me and Star, especially Star.”
Grace looked directly at her daughter with tears in her eyes. “It’s my fault she doesn’t know her father better. We almost never give our men a second chance. Perhaps we hold our anger too long for our own good.”
Grace returned to her place with Angel, and looked at the faces of the selections as they absorbed her words and wiped away tears. Then Melpomene said, “Angel, please share your story with us.”
Angel went to where Grace had been and began her story. “I am a rare mermaid. I once had a twin sister, Helena. We grew up hearing stories of a great man who died when we were still very young, and try as we might, neither of us had any memory of our father. Now, as many of you know, Angel is not the name I was given as a child, but the name my now husband gave me. I’ll explain that in a moment. I wish to talk first about my sister. Her and I were both in selection together, but I was having nightmares that if one of us were to be selected, it would be very bad. Helena never had the nightmares and though I was being foolish. But those of you who have had the dreams know they are very real. I begged Helena to withdraw from selection, but she wouldn’t hear of it. She was convinced we’d each find a man like Father and that the Elder Council knew best. I mean no disrespect to the Elder Council, but my nightmares were very real.
“On the day Helena was selected, she was overjoyed, as you should be, but I was miserable. I feared for my sister and hoped I was wrong. Once the storm set Helena on the beach, I watched from afar, to make sure she was safe. Grace tells about how Jason loved her on the beach and they worshiped each other’s bodies. This wasn’t the case for Helena. Her mate was mean, violent, and abusive. I saw him be rough with my sister and a couple of times he hit her. As I had only the stories of my father and the other men who had abandoned their mermaids, I just thought this was the norm. But when I asked, no one ever said they were hit, or abused. Helena seemed to accept it as normal human male behavior. Of course, she was pregnant by the end of their initial time and she returned to the Elder Council.
“Once it was clear she was pregnant, she sought out her lover. It took almost three months for her to find him again and we had gotten word that he had been meeting with Mr. Lee. I begged her not to go see him and to just leave him alone, but she loved him. Helena was about three or four months along when she met with him to share the news of their child. How Helena survived his brutal attack, I will never know. He beat her for hours and wouldn’t stop until their daughter was dead.
“Helena returned to the Elder Council for advice, and asked about what she could do. As our way is to mate for life and she would never love another, her only hope was to banish him. She went to the bar and confronted him with Grace’s Jason as a witness, but as we already heard, he ignored her requests and sent her away heartbroken. I found her lifeless body after she killed herself and I felt my heart shatter. I’ve never know a pain like that. As we know, the Elder Council demanded Cala be destroyed and the man killed. However, Cala survived, as Jason was there and Grace begged the Elder Council to keep him safe. The man who murdered my sister and niece was dealt with.
“Three years later, I started having dreams of a kind and loving man coming to Cala to heal the pain of my sister’s death. When the next selection came around, I actually shared my dreams with the Elder Council. I shared that the man I was destined to love was coming for me. When this man came, we set the storm to hit his first night. The storm took me to the beach, but in the chaos, a piece of driftwood struck me in the head, rendering me unconscious. I would be found after sunrise, buried under palm branches by Don. He carried me into his hut, clothed me, and put a cool cloth on my head. When I woke, I was confused and frightened. I couldn’t remember who or what I was. I was wearing clothing I didn’t recognize, I had human legs and there was a man there speaking to me in a soothing tone.
“He was gentle and kind, speaking to me, and eating fruit and bread. Then he began to share his food with me. The more he spoke, the more I began to understand. Once the fruit and bread were gone, he re-wet my compress, but when he tried to leave, I got scared and held his hand. He understood and sat with me, sharing his story. It was during this time he kept calling me ‘Angel’. I liked the sound so much and I since couldn’t remember my name, or what I was, and I would smile when he’d call me that, so the name stuck.
“Then, there came the dreaded knock at the door. I could sense the danger, though I didn’t know why. Don went to see who was there, and I went to hide. Now, I was still disorientated and confused from my injury, and I couldn’t remember how to walk, so I crawled to the bedroom and hid in a corner. I heard Mr. Lee’s voice and listened to him and Don talking. I was sure he’d find me, though I couldn’t remember why I was so scared. After Mr. Lee left, Don searched the hut for me. When he found me hiding, he took me into his arms and held me until I stopped crying. We walked along the beach, and even though he tried to get me into the water, I refused. He figured it was because of my injury so we stayed on the beach and he fixed us dinner. Afterward I fell asleep on the couch.
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The first thing that struck me about Anya was the tail. She worked with Jane at the local co-op, and I met her on a summer afternoon, stopping by to whisper something naughty in Jane’s ear. I asked Anya where Jane was, and as she went to get her, I saw the tattoo of a fish tail between her shoulder blades, just above her tank top. That first impression was otherwise vague; I remember wavy bright blonde hair, wide vivid eyes, and the sway of her full hips as she walked away from me. That...
The Selection Story: #11 Copyright 2005 Written: January 04 2005 A story By: KaosAngel & Anonymous friend Proofed by: PiasaBird2004 Please send any comments about this story to([email protected]) ********************************************************************* Jessica stood on the corner of the downtown street thinking Damn why did I have to be the one to be laid off, what am I going to do?, I was there for five years that bitch Heather should have been the one laid off!. She waited...
Marty Adrianopolis was leaving me. It wasn’t as tragic as it sounded. He was a great Chief of Staff, and I trusted him implicitly, but he had a fatal flaw. Marty was a firm believer in married bliss. He had proved this twice before. Now he was seeing a good-looking blonde about ten years younger who worked in Steny Hoyer’s office (it was our own little version of James Carville and Mary Matalin, only reversed.) Marty needed to make more money than he could make on a government...
CHASTE SISSY SELECTIONS"What's the matter, lover boy?" Tanya asked with an amused expression onher pretty face. "You're the one who wanted to be locked up in thattight little chastity tube, Billy. I mean, sure, you thought it wouldjust be for an hour or so, and that I would let you out so we could havewild sex. But I did warn you that I can be very mean, didn't I? Whenwe started two weeks ago?" She laughed breathily, a soft and sinistersound. "So now you're stuck. I've got the key and...
CHASTE SISSY SELECTIONS by Throne "What's the matter, lover boy?" Tanya asked with an amused expression on her pretty face. "You're the one who wanted to be locked up in that tight little chastity tube, Billy. I mean, sure, you thought it would just be for an hour or so, and that I would let you out so we could have wild sex. But I did warn you that I can be very mean, didn't I? When we started two weeks ago?" She laughed breathily, a soft and sinister sound. "So now you're...
From the group I chose a bass player, two guitarists, a singer, and a guy with no talent to speak of but with a promising tongue and HUGE cock. He seemed to have the location everyone could easily access so I included him based on his availability and talents. So the day comes for the audition I was nervous but excited. My husband of twenty years has wanted to get back into drumming and I want to support that. It was with him in mind that I got ready and was there early. I did not tell him...
This is madman I am 27 yrs, tall and slim, living in Hyderabad. Reading all your stories, I am excited to post my true story which happened 2 years ago. I had a close friend of mine, his name was Ankit, he wanted to purchase a new flat or house near my area as it is a village type area. So I decided to help him. After a few days I heard of a lady who wanted to sell her flat, as her husband was abroad and they wanted to settle there. Her name was Rajni and she also had a six year old daughter....
Sunday breakfast was later than usual. Everyone seemed to have trouble getting out of bed. People kept wandering from the cushion corner to look at something on the wall. Finally, Mary and Alex settled down to work on the statistics exam. The rest of us went back to sit on the bed. "Will, this is wonderful stuff." "Seems to have achieved my goal of being exciting, anyway." Anne giggled. "I'll say. Look at you. And you're the artist." "Hey, I do it because I enjoy it. Turns me on...
Welcome to Honey Select, the premiere 3D sex simulator where you build your ultimate girl from scratch, and then have her in all kinds of sex positions where she’ll do anything you want.In Honey Select, you get one of the most detailed character creation kits I’ve seen in all of gaming. From basic things like her outfit and hair, to details such as her pubic hair and fingernails, every inch of her body can be constructed for maximum boner action.The game isn’t limited to girls either. Honey...
Free Sex GamesToday is the first day I was to be a part of the daily selection process. Kelly, with the biggest boobs, was chosen first. Ralph greeted her with a quick kiss on her lips and longer kisses on her boobs. Walt picked next selecting me. He kissed and hugged me and I led him about 15 meters away from where everybody was standing. I told Walt he had veto power, but I would like to spend a little time before lunch with Kimi and Mike. Finally, Mike got his turn and selected Kimi. She and I...
Vous êtes en deuxième année, vous êtes enfin en bonne condition pour rentrer dans le club "amical", un club qui a une énorme influence, des personnes célèbres sont passés par ce club, Pour le bien de votre avenir et de votre situation financière il sera vital d'y rentrer. Vous vous tenez devant un petit batiment qui a été attribué a ce club.
Chrysaor looked at the door. There was a quaint little plate on it. "Employees only", it read. A throwback to the Earth all lesser demons came from. It was just for the theatrics, really, given the big-ass sigil carved into the wood. You don't protect the succubi's private cuddling nest on the honour system.They are the whores of hell. Demonesses forced all-reaching masculine desires have to be nothing but sex and all the assorted bollocks. As well as to like every sodding bit of it. Still, as...
Just what is Tokyo Motion? Is it a viral dance taking TikTok by storm, or is it a reference to the roughly 1,500 earthquakes that happen in Japan every year? Well, if you’re really wondering, I guess you aren’t a regular visitor here at ThePornDude. Like every other website I’m writing up, this is one designed to help you bust a fat nut into a tissue or an old gym sock. The theme today – as you’ve probably guessed – is Asian porn.I’m not talking just about any Asian porn, though, as you...
Asian Porn Sites“Mark! I hope to God you haven’t just been loafing around the whole day.” She said, her voice sounding slightly agitated but mostly exhausted. “Common mom, can I at least get a decent greeting before you start busting my balls?” He said in his usual moaning voice that she had grown quite sick of over the past few years. “Look son.” She began as she walked into the room and sat on his bed before continuing. “I know you feel like you have just finished high school recently but it...
It was five minutes to opening time and Dan had just finished making a batch of pizza dough. The store was ready to open and he had just taken a seat at the table to organize the papers for the accountant. He had a checklist of what he needed to provide the man who did his taxes, and wanted to check it before they got busy. Dan looked up when the bell over the door rang. He was surprised to see Kevin limp into the pizzeria. The place wasn’t even open yet and he wasn’t scheduled to work until...
Confrontation "I think we need to talk." Liz said bluntly. "I wasn't happy about things during the session with Sir Geoffery and I feel we have got some things that we need to sort out between ourselves." Liz was surprised with herself. She wasn't usually this up-front, especially about personal relationships, even with her husband. Somehow, though, this was different. She had discovered this extraordinary new aspect to her life and she was determined not to let her enjoyment be...
im a 20year old boy residing in bangalore next to my house there were couples who had a 5 year old daughter..the aunty was 38 yrs very sexy seducing i had a horny feeling on her her name was sangeetha days passed on she was staring at me i also didnt take it seriously as days went she became a good family day she slipped and sprained her hips..i went to visit her to ask how was she feeling..she invited me to come in she was a perfect structured aunty i was always seeing...
Saturday afternoon Anita and I were chatting at the back yard and having some drinks. This time Peter was there with us.He was my wife’s last date; a black stud that she had met a week before during shopping at the local mall. The bastard had fucked my sexy wife there in a filthy bathroom, sending Ana back home with a salty cream pie in her swollen pussy lips.We were there talking, until the subject about anal sex came up.The black guy was surprised that a smoking hot wife like Ana could have...
Some days ago I had let Brandt, my good neighbor Shelley nice Lab dog, fuck me in a very hard way as I accidentally bent over close to him.He had fuck me so good, better than my own hubby or my nasty toys…My poor cunt was sore for a couple days after Brandt used me at his will. But a horny pussy like mine needs to be filled and it was not long until I felt better and worked up enough nerve to take his huge dog cock once again. Since the first night he had fuck me, I had left him outside my...
There’s been very little playing in my life lately and I can’t believe it’s taken this long for something to happen that I feel is worth writing about.I’ve been to only one swinger’s party with my husband in a month and a half. We’ve done normal vanilla stuff, which is fine, but I haven't even been in the mood for that and, on top of it all, the Covid vaccine kicked my ass. Just when I thought it couldn't get worse, I heard from Jackie. She’s featured in a few of my journal entries and she’s...
CheatingWhen you get to be my age, birthdays come and go. Except when you live with a very sexy, wild, and much younger woman. I have been fortunate to be quite well off, and probably that's why my girlfriend, Candy, is even with me. That’s a story for another day. When one is rich, people flock to you. I love to spoil women and they like to spoil me. It's a win-win situation.I met up with Candy when I was at a convention in Atlantic City. I was staying at the Golden Nugget. Candy was at a blackjack...
MatureVesta's Hearth Chapter 21 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright© Frances Penwiddy 2012 Vesta's Hearth is a work of fiction, the characters and the Caf? are fictitious and any resemblance to places or persons living or dead is coincidental. Vesta's Hearth is not considered suitable reading matter for minors In the final chapter of Volume 1, Helen goes home to the Caf?, buys a case of champagne, dances with Adam and buys a nest. 21 I was so alive on the way back, I heard every b...
Vern rang very excited. Apparently his gamble of starting up a bestiality website was going off the charts. The money was rolling in. The little show with Marie and Angela saw sub***********ions explode. “Please tell me you are available again Sunday” he was practically begging. He didn’t really have to as Marie was now a fully committed dog slut. “Oh course Vern” she said “always happy to help out”. I laughed. “Try to stop her” I thought. “Oh yes” he added “one of our viewers has offered...
XXII Harriett’s travels around the world through her work meant that she knew hardly at all how life was at home at the flat. The long and detailed letters she received from Emma and less often from Charlotte were always several weeks late and usually forwarded from the last location she’d worked at. For instance, she might send a postcard home from her current location which could be Kabul or Phnom Penh, and then receive a letter from Emma which might have been posted to her last or her last...
In Private Blockbuster, The Sexy Side of Fashion, photographer Dean Van Damme knows all the right things to say to get a sexy model like Lili Charmelle to work with him, but there’s more than just a photoshoot in store for this hot newcomer! That’s right, Lili will get shown much more than just her portfolio, she’ll also get shown why Private is the best as she gets taken home to have her juicy pussy eaten before offering up her beautiful body for a spectacular fuck that has her...
xmoviesforyouHi all, this is hertb2 almost 6ft with the good fit body and looks good (comments were given by many girls) and light brown in color from Chennai, currently studying in a reputed b-school from South India. Any girls who like having sex, phone sex, friends with benefits, virtual relationship, chatting, etc. can contact me through Privacy is guaranteed 100%. You can share your views and comments at Coming into the story. This story is the continuation of sex with my ex in my home where we had a...
Everything was going great on the inside. I was fucking this gay bitch every week just to satisfy my sexual urges, i really had no complaints. But of course, that wouldn't last long as i was unexpectedly called by another guard for a little chat in the shower room. I walked in there and it was just me and him as he asked me how i was doing. I responded and told him i was good and asked him the same. He quickly asked me about the inmate i had been fucking and right away i knew that he also knew...
Leigh was high on adrenaline, waiting for Michael to open the door to his apartment. She felt bad for having to leave Nick and Jayne but she was craving some intimate one on one time, knowing they would likely be enjoying the same. Watching him turn the key, she bit her lip as she looked around to check that nobody she knew was passing by. The pleasing click of the lock, Michael gestured to her to enter before closing behind them. Although she was a good twenty years older than him, the last...
IncestThe four of them sat down to their evening meal that night and Izzy sat facing Daniel and next to Richard as usual; and as they ate their first two courses, Richard and Daniel discussed the factory. They were mulling over several problems and Izzy was fascinated as she listened in to their discussions. As she listened she found herself wanting to ask questions and on a couple of occasions actually had her mouth open to speak. She would then remember where she was, and who these people were...
Décor had remembered that Shirley Wood's ancestor has been the Laboratory Manager who had kept her logs in Décor's storage. Derrin confirmed that the entries were the day to day records of the laboratory; what research was being undertaken and by whom; staff injuries and accident reports; purchases and replacement of equipment and the abrupt cessation of entries. Dry as dust. Except for a small summary of a seminar held at the Geatland Campus on genetically engineered mutants'...
Note : This story is completely fictional! It had been a rough day at work and my head was killing me. I decided I would take the rest of the day off and head home to get some rest. I figured I would have the house to myself and could relax a little. When I pulled into the driveway, I noticed my niece’s car was there. She was normally at work at this time. Perhaps she was just running late and would pass me in the hall on her way out. I probably should explain a few things. My wife got custody...
IncestHe was a French boy who spoke great English. He was called Gaspard and had a great look about him. He seemed to have a large package down below... As time grew on, I found he would shower in the bathroom with one shower. My room was conveniently near by, and I could watch him strip and shower through a crack in the door which was never fixed. It was big enough to see into, small enough to be discrete. I would look as his clothes came off, revealing his beautifully golden tanned body, short...
While I waited in the hotel lobby to meet her, I reflected on what had drawn me to this. I fully understood that I would be one of a small number of men Catherine would choose for her pleasure. Within perhaps an hour of first setting eyes on her, I would become intimate with her. I thrilled to the recklessness of the situation, and her. It was always about the woman. Knowing that this woman would be enjoying a group of us was the irresistible force. Yet I knew in my heart that it was my own...
Julie Kay and Maya Kendrick are playing basketball with their dads. The are trying to coach their daughters, hoping that they will get good enough to earn some scholarship money. The girls have been playing basketball at school, allegedly, but they really suck! They shoot and miss a hundred times, and their dads get frustrated. When they ask what the hell is wrong, the girls inform them that they actually dont know how to play, and they really just slept with their coach to get an A in gym...
xmoviesforyouAnastasia Brokelyn is the ideal housemaid who not only cleans the dirty spots around the house, but she’s also happy to get down and dirty on that dick. The wickedly hot temptress has got the hots for her boss, John Price that handsome Italian man with the huge cock. And today the temptress makes it clear that she’d be happy to hoover his member and suck it down deep into her throat for no added wages. Don’t miss a second of this Spanish beauty as she gorges on his shaft,...
xmoviesforyouHi readers. Ma rishabh ambala se. Ma pehli baar apne life ki ek sexy c story likh rha hun. Meri age 24 hai or ma ek ece engineer ki study kr rha hun. Meri hight 5.9 f. Hai. Or average body ka hun.Pls give me your feedback.. () meri family ma 4 member hain mom dad sis or ma. To story ye hai friends ki mere tau g ke ldke ki shadi hui thi. Us time meri age 19 ki thi. Ma hmesha hi bhabhi ka diwana tha. Or esa ho bhi kyon na. Wo boht sunder or lchile badan ki malkin thi. Or hmeha salwar suit ya...
Beep, beep, beep, beep. My phone alarm was loud enough to get me going. I was smiling as I did my bathroom stuff and began waking the women. They both wanted to cuddle more, but finally got up, dressed in workout clothing, and went to the basement gym with me. Jules asked, "Can I really go with you next week?" as we set into our pace on the treadmill. I told her, "Dan has to give me the okay, but it's a good idea to have all the ears and eyes I can get. Just do any market stuff you...
"Have some more wine," Lilli said and poured another glass for her friend Jona. They had been working together and both quit their job on the same day, and tonight they had been out celebrating their last day of work. They were lounging on the sofa, giggling. "I think I'm getting drunk," Jona laughed. "Don't worry," Lilli replied, "you know you can stay here for the night, my bed's big enough." They laughed again and knowingly smiled at each other. Last time Jona was staying for the night they...
Chapter One Cinderella’s Seduction Startled, Cindy looked up from her seat as the inner door opened and an incredibly beautiful young woman emerged. The girl looked miserably sad, shaking visibly, her lower lip trembling. She also looked … perfect, her blonde hair long and flowing, her eyes large and round and evenly spaced on her ideal face, her nose pert, her lips full and red. She had the figure of a supermodel, with firm bosom and hips framing an almost impossibly slender waist. The girl...
Hi, my name is kabir. I know most of people do not belv the stories written here and most of the will be a fantasy or a fiction.But trust me this is real, and its still happening in my life.Here i want to introduce you two more people.One is my first sibling karan and my second sister kannika, and i’m the last kid of the family kabir. Karan is very intelligent and is working as a software engg in a top Mnc of bangalore he is 24 yrs old and also kannika who just finished her engg and joined work...
IncestAll my trysts with sex have been ravenous. Its like once you are initiated into the world of sex, especially sexcapades, there is no turning back. It’s a hunger that never gets satisfied. The more you have sex the more you want it. And by any means, you would try your luck at it. That’s how I almost became a regular visitor at my grandparent’s home. There were many workers over there to satisfy my hunger, different types of tastes, sizes and of course methods too. After my time at the tank with...
The hands pulled her shirt over her head. Who was this? She still could not see, but she did not stop the hands as they unfastened her bra and gently pulled it off her. The hands came under her arms and fingertips stroked at the tenderness of her breasts so lightly that it gave her a chill. She looked down and watched as the hands fondled her. It felt so good. She had to know who was doing this to her. She turned around slowly as the hands held her close and her body was pressed into this...
Chapter 1 Saturday visits to my house had become very special occasions for Sophie. It was summer and my house was set back from the road with a large lawn spread out in front. I had hired a teen age boy to mow the lawn. And although I got more than I bargained for, so did he. Brian was 18, just finishing his senior year at the local high school. He was a very handsome kid with wavy blond hair. He stood about 6'2" and weighed about 185 — not quite fully filled out yet. He had broad shoulders...
The started as any other, she woke up went to work, was her usual efficient self, came home, fed her cat, cooked dinner and went to bed. No sense of foreboding came to her, none of the famous ?female intuition? nothing out of the ordinary in fact. It was just another day to strike off the gray calendar of her life. But that night was not gray, it was black, black as the rose she found in the morning. She lived alone with just a black cat for company, the cat was the only sign that she actually...
Nia Nacci has made a great discovery! Instead of using “hook up” apps in order to get her fill of white boys, Nia uses one of those apps where you rent a room out in your home! And she only rents to dudes! White dudes, in particular! Then, while they’re at Nia’s home, she’ll walk about in her undies and a little t-shirt…or leave her bedroom door open as she masturbates! It’s great! She’s battin’ a thousand since she started doing this! And...
xmoviesforyouI was glad no-one was home, so I could once again look at the videos I had copied off the DVD mom had hidden in the bookshelf with her chemistry books.Although she was a professor, she was surprisingly bad with computers. She still used DVDs instead of memory cards and she did not seem to know how to protect files with passwords.The videos showed young men between 18 and 20 years of age losing their virginity to their own mothers. Most of the women were my own mother's closest friends, which...
IncestFor the last four years my sex lift has sucked. I keep complaining to my wife, Lisa, that whenever I want to make love to her she is either in bed asleep or she says that she's too tired. I remind her how much she used to enjoy sex and that now we make love about once every two or three weeks. Lisa always puts the blame back on me saying "If you would come to bed at a decent hour instead of watching ball games or movies every night till after 11:00. It is not my fault if I get bored and fall...
I myself! I called a neighbor, thirty rake, unctuous voice and invited guests. And that? I am a woman free. I visited him occasionally. Especially yesterday drove the c***d to the mother. Hastily opolosnuvshis, he corrected makeup and began to gather. I put on socks and climbed into the shoes kabluchischah. Stockings and high heels woman's most powerful weapon! Guys just thrilled by this. Wrapped in your favorite bathrobe and everything. I knew, after all, why go. Apartments next door. On call...
Trial Run "So what you're telling me is that this flat would be the perfect place to live with a hot little slut who wanted to grind her juicy round arse into my crotch on the dance floor, before following me home for a fuck on the balcony, and who would then wake up early to bring me breakfast in bed?" Pete stood, stunned into silence at this extraordinary interpretation of his own words. As far as he was concerned he was just showing a potential buyer around his flat. He couldn't...
When Adriana Checkik guides Megan Rain through a steamy hot yoga class, beads of sweat on Adriana’s porcelain skin is making Megan thirsty. Megan asks for a drink of water, but Adriana just opened the studio and doesn’t have water yet. When Megan insists on wetting her mouth, she licks the sweat off Adriana’s neck. Not sure what’s cum over her student, Adriana lets it go and guides her through more poses. When it happens again, Adriana asks Megan what’s wrong with...
xmoviesforyouMy best friend was scared shitless. He had been calling her off and on all day, threatening to kill her boyfriend, today and as soon as he got home from work. He started calling out of the blue that morning. She said he had a deep yet squirrelly creepy voice and she was naturally scared. So instead of calling the police she convinced her best friend to come over. As she paced, fidgeted and replaying verbally what he had said to her, I was curled up in my favorite chair, ironically calm with a...
Hi all, I am new here.Used to read stories from here and finally wanted to see how you all feel about my personal experience. She was 45 years old.Her name sounds like nimmi. We used to meet each other at our gym and us really never spoke until the climax of this story. About me I am stone 27 years old working guy.Have a love for fitness and I love football.Even though it is embarrassing I am gonna say this I used to love woman older to me.Had always been extra nice to my female teachers,...