Poacher's Portrait free porn video

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Hi, I'm Kim, and I'm going to tell you about a summer I had several years ago when I was hiking the Alaskan backcountry and fell across a band of nasty poachers.

I wasn't sure exactly where I was, which was fine with me; I had a GPS system if I needed help getting back to the drop point. I was working on a wild life picture spread and had brought 50 roles of film; I had already worked through 20 roles so far and had loved every minute. Just before I left the ranger station, where I had gotten all my permits, the ranger had told me to watch out for the Kodiak, which was only a smart thing to do, as well as to watch out for poachers; that the poachers had been working some of the same area that I had planned to be in. I told the ranger that if I find any traps or pits I would try to disable them or just mark them and keep records of the GPS locations and turn them in when I get back.

I had done it twice before had actually helped catch some poacher. I was well over a week into my trek when I had spotted some poachers. There were five or six of them and they had just brought down a young male black bear, I wished then that I had invested in a satellite phone but unfortunately; it came down to the phone or the trip. You can guess which one I chose.

I had thought I stayed out of sight and was planning on working my way back and away from the poachers but I guess I hadn't been as good as I thought and after a day, realized that I was being followed. Then I made one of the biggest mistakes I could have and left the trail hoping to cut cross country to get back to base camp faster. After two hours, I finally had to admit that I was lost and had to rely on my GPS unit to get me out. The second mistake was that I had not been paying enough attention to the trail that alone could get you killed and it nearly did for me. As I walked along, I had a second to realize that the ground was giving way and I was falling into a pit trap. I landed badly, I jarred my left arm and shoulder and hit my head, but that wasn't the worse, I had heard something in my right leg snap and before I could check it out, the pain in the leg was so bad, I blacked out.

I don't know how long I was out for, but the sounds of men's voices are what had awoken me. I guessed that the poachers had followed and found me. I had fallen onto my side so decided to stay right were I was. I think that I was hoping that the poachers would think I was dead and leave.

"Well what do we have here? I think we bagged us something real special." Said one of the voices, there was a nasty laugh behind his words.

"I don't know but I would sure like to find out," said another man in a whinny voice. "Is she alive do you think? I've heard of some falling into these traps and breaking their necks."

"She's alive, see she's breathing." In a louder voice, "Hey! Wake up. Hey!!"

I didn't want to move but I did. And groaned as I used my good arm and tried to sit myself up right. It was hard because I hurt all over. I didn't try anything more because I knew I would never make it to my feet.

"So what do we do now? Should we just leave her here or get her out?" asked yet another man.

"We'll get her out and take her with us. Woman's cooking is always better than mine." Said the man that had called her to wake. He seemed to be the leader at any rate.

After a moment, someone lowered a rope down into the pit. "Come on, get up and take the rope and we'll pull you up. Come on, we haven't got all day."

I couldn't move even if I had the strength to do so, nor could I have climbed out using only one hand. The leader again ordered me up and several others began calling too. Then one of the men spoke up. "I don't think she can get up. Looks like she hurt herself pretty bad. I'll go down and take a look. If she's too bad off we should just leave her. I would guess she has one of those emergency beacons with her and she can get help for herself in a day or two."

"I don't know about that. We're close to camp, someone might see it." Complained the man I deem to be the leader.

"I don't feel like lugging an injured woman all over either. I doubt you would want to. Just hold the rope and I'll go down and be back up in a few."

In moments, I heard someone coming down into the pit. I tried to move back away from who ever it was but there just wasn't enough room. He came right up to me and knelt down. In the back of her mind, she thought he was somewhat handsome if you could get him to stand under a waterfall for a time to get all the dirt off, but I was still scared out of my mind and had no idea what this man was going to do.

"Please don't hurt me. Please." I begged.

"It's all right. Just tell me where you hurt." His voice was even better up close.

"Please don't hurt me. Please." I begged again.

"I don't intend to. Come on, I just want to help, what hurts?"

I decide that there was something in the way he spoke that said he could be trusted. "My left arm and shoulder, as well as my right leg. I think it's broken." I said with a sob.

He reached out and starting from neck, he felt his way down my arm. It didn't feel broken but it sure brought tears to my eye it hurt so much. Then he moved to check out my leg. He started just above the knee and worked his way down. He was half way down the calf when he gave a curse and said, "Leg's broke. However it's not too badly out of alignment. I can but it back but you won't be able to walk for sometime. The shoulder and arm are just jarred and will be good to go in a few days."

He turned his head up and raised his voice to tell the others up above. "What can you do about it?" The leader man replied.

"I can set the leg but she can't walk on it for several weeks. We should just leave her here and let her get help for herself."

"No, set the leg and we'll take her with us. Make sure to bring her pack and things with you when you come up."

"Max, in my pack, in the outer pocket, are some strips of cloth. Toss them down to me with some arm length sticks." Then he turned back to me. "Take a deep breath and hold still."

I yelled when he set the bone and almost passed out again, but then some of the pain did stop. Just then, someone tossed down some fabric and the sticks that he wanted. He bound the leg up tight and I hoped that it would hold. I also hoped that this man could convince the others to just leave me, I had a bad feeling about the leader and if something happened, there would be nothing I could do to stop it.

"Please just leave me. You don't have to take me with you. I can get help, please."

"It's not up to me and if Paul says your coming with us, he means it. Just behave and nothing will happen."

He helped me to a standing position then tied the rope around me. Within moments, I was up and out of the pit. The helpful man came up just after. I took a moment to look around as two of the men were still holding me up and found that there were only five of them. Then the leader came up to me. "So what were you doing out in the forest? And why were you following us?"

"I wasn't following you. I was following some tracks and just happened across you." Damn, I hadn't met to say that, "I'm a photographer; I'm out here taking pictures of animals. Please just let me go and I'll not say anything. I swear, please."

"You already know too much. Mark throw her over your shoulder and bring her along."

Another man came forward, he was huge, and nearly seven feet tall at least; he picked me up like I didn't even weigh anything, and then he was off following the others. After a short time, I, thankfully, blacked out again because being carried the way I was causing a lot of pain.

I woke as the big man was putting me down on some blankets in a tent. The leader was standing at the opening of the tent with a strange look on his face. Before the big man left, he looked at me and asked if I needed anything. I tried to make it sound like a joke but I asked if any one had any painkillers, and was surprised when he pulled out a bottle of Darviset. I took a few tablets out of the bottle and handed it back to him then he handed me a canteen. I broke the tablet in half and took it, then the big man left. I put the rest of the pills in my pocket and just waited for the pill I took to take some of the pain away.

The leader was still standing at the opening of the tent. "Well what are we going to do with you now. I thought of having you do all the camp chores but with a busted leg, you can't even get out of this tent without help."

"You should have just left me at the pit. Please just take me back there and I can get the rangers to come and get me. I don't even know where we are so you don't have to worry about me telling anyone."

"Like I believe that. Believe it or not, I do know who you are. I saw you a few years ago when you were here taking picture. I even got a hold of a magazine that had some of your pictures in it. You really are a good photographer. I also know that you've been charting the locations of traps you find and turning that over to the rangers. If you need anything just yell for Mark or John." And with that, he left. I was so scared I felt like I was going to throw up but I had the feeling that the leader wouldn't like that. Slowly the pain eased put I still felt on the verge. I tried to lie down but got even sicker and I wished I had my pack with me to lean on. I don't know if it was the pain or the painkillers on an empty stomach but I had to get out of the tent and soon so, I called out. "Mark, John, Please, any one I need to get out of the tent. I'm going to be sick."

Mark was there in moments and very gently helped me to my feet and carried me outside. We just made it to the side of the tent when I had to stop him and turned away from him, went down on my hand and good knee, then lost everything in my stomach. When the spasms stopped, Mark handed me a canteen and told me to take small sips. After I rinsed my mouth out, I did just that but that to didn't stay down long, either. It was strange that I could feel his growing concern and then he called for John. Just before John got to us, I decided not to put anything else down and just waited. "Mark what is it?"

"John, I think you should have another look at her, she can't seem to stop throwing up, even a mouthful or two of water won't stay down."

"That's not good. Ma'am did you hit your head when you fell into the pit? Or is it just from too much pain. Mark did she take any of your painkillers?"

"She took half of one. If she didn't have enough in her stomach that could be why she started but once it was out, she should have calmed down."

John came even closer and lifted my head slowly so that he could look into my eyes then felt all over my head. He managed to find a really nice sized bump on the back of my head. Even in my distressed state, I could see he had beautiful green eyes but it was obvious by his reaction that he knew what was wrong. "She's got a concussion, I think. Mix that with fear and pain and you've got a good recipe for throwing up your toenails. The only thing that we can do is to make her comfortable and let her rest. I'll get her pack, she can use that as a back rest and let's hope she doesn't get any worse."

The two men helped me back to the tent, and then John left but returned shortly with my pack. He set it beside me after thinking of the best way to have me positioned. Mark left then too but returned with a bucket, subtle but it might be needed. That's also when the leader came back looking irritated, "What's this I hear about her being sick?"

"Concussion, pain, fear, meds, take your pick, any one can cause this reaction but she's got at lease three of the four and you have a fool proof recipe for needing to throw up. I'll watch her more closely, if she gets worse, she'll need to go to a hospital. Wish I had some Compozeen to give her, that would at least calm her stomach."

"I don't need this. Let me know if she gets worse and we'll take it from there." He turned and walked out.

After a few minutes I was able to talk, I needed to know a few things. "Why are you being so nice to me? Are you some kind of medic or something?"

"I was a medic in the golf and when I got out of the military I couldn't get work and I couldn't handle being near a lot of people. Paul is the leader here and my cousin Pete works for him. I don't like what he does sometimes but I stay to keep all of them patched up. As to being nice, well it's a down fall of mine that's all."

"What's going to happen to me?" Like I didn't already know.

"That I don't know. Behave yourself and do as your told and I don't think anything will happen to you."

"With you and Mark I can believe that but with that other man. He's just waiting till I'm not going to throw up on him. And I would guess he won't be gentle either."

It took him a few minutes to get the meaning of what I had said. "Your showing up is just an inconvenience to him, that's all. He's got an order to fill and we're having trouble filling it. Don't worry he's hardly in camp anyway."

I leaned on my pack and could think of nothing more, so I decided to try to rest. John stayed just outside the tent and checked on me frequently asking if I wanted anything to drink or eat. By evening, I was able to keep down water and then someone thought to bring out some kind of alcohol; it at least helped with the pain. I didn't sleep through the night, I had to get up and use the bushes once; trying to go to the bathroom in the bushes with a bad arm and a busted leg, is not what I call fun. In the morning, I found that someone had made a seat over a hole so that I could take care of things easier and I was grateful for it. Noon came and I decided I needed to try to eat something, both because I needed energy to heal and I might have a need to run for it too.

As promised, the leader left with several people, leaving John with me. I can tell you I felt much better then. By noon I had the chance to go through my pack and found that yes, my gun had been taken and the bullets; my knives too were gone. My camera equipment had been placed on the other side of the tent but my PGS unit and the emergency beacon were nowhere in sight. I did have some secrets that I was happy to keep; like the fact that I had a dead man beacon sewn into the lining of my pack. It was one of those devices that if they're not moved every so often they send out a mayday. It would take a few days before it would go off because I had the thing set for five days but since I didn't move the pack it would go off and help would be on it's way, I hoped.

Two days later, the leader and his group came back. John was out doing something and I was just sitting reading a book I had gently pulled out of my pack when the leader came into the tent, tossed his pack down then began to take of his shirt. He had gotten it off and turned around and saw me.

"Damn, I forgot you were in here. I need to find you a different place to rest so I can have my tent back." he paused and got that look on his face again. "Then again, you're not bad to look at, and I can think of many things for the two of us to do."

I tried to move back as he came forward but I still wasn't in good shape and I was so scared. I just barely was able to grab the bucket before I was sick. The man cursed and left the tent. I put the bucket aside and put my head down on my pack. That was just to close. I heard John then and he was talking to the leader. "Has she been throwing up this whole time?"

"No, she stopped yesterday. I'll have Mark help me move her to my tent so you can have yours back."

"No, I have plans for her when she's better."

"Paul, That's probably why she threw up. She fully believes that you intent to rape her. I'm just as human as you are and she's really good looking and it's been awhile for me too. Please let me move her or take her back to the pit and let her get help.

"And when she tells them where we are and how to get here. Do you think the rangers are going to miss our camp? All of us have twenty years waiting for us in prison if we're caught. I would rather have her willing but I don't mind using force. I won't wait forever for her to get over the willies. However let her know that from this moment on she belongs to me."

I don't know what happened then but John came in a short time later with a grim look on his face. He came over and took the bucket and left again. Mark was the one who brought it back with a small plate of food. He didn't even look at me. "Please, Mark you have to help me. That leader of yours, his going to... to... Please help me get away from here."

"I can't and none of the others will help you either, even John can't. Paul has ways of making us all suffer if we don't take his orders. If he comes for you, take all the pills you have and try to forget." He still wasn't looking at me.

"Then leave me your bottle and lets hope it's enough to kill me by overdosing."

"Now don't talk like that. He's just frustrated that the game hasn't been good and he's thinking were going to have to move before he can fill his latest order. Don't fight him if he comes to you. He likes it that way and you're the one that will be worse off for it." He got up and left quickly.

There was many noises in the camp and as always, I was curious to see what was going on. John came in just as the sun was going down with a bowl of something but I couldn't eat. He also brought some of the hooch that was in the camp. I couldn't eat or drink, if I did I would be throwing it back up in no time and that would just make things worse. I did try to beg John to help me but he just looked away, picked up the plate and the bowl and left.

Mark came back about an hour later and helped me to the bushes. Stupid me thought that I could get away and even tried. I hadn't taken more than four steps when a big hand grabbed me by the shoulder, turned me around, and with a shake of his head told me I would never make it then picked me up to take me back to the tent.

I was just falling asleep when the leader, I couldn't use his name even though I had heard it, came into the tent.

"Well you certainly have John and Mark upset. Both men have told me to at lease be gentle with you. Like they could stop me from doing whatever I wanted, however I want to. You see, if they get me to upset with them all I have to do is make a call and one of a half dozen of their relatives has an accident. Your not worth it to them to risk that." He started walking over to me, removing his clothing as he did. "If you don't want to have me cut the clothing off you I would suggest that you start removing them."

I tried to move back and way from him but my left arm was still not very strong. "Please don't do this. Please don't do this to me." I begged. Still trying to get away from him.

He grabbed my good leg and pulled me back to him then started to try to remove my top. I started screaming and thrashing around which didn't help me any and as it made him even happier. He had managed to tare the shirt down the front, before I was able to make contact with his chin. He howled and raised his hand to strike me back. "Paul, you don't have to be that rough with her." Mark was standing in the tent opening.

"Well so you came to help her. If she would just do what I asked and stop fighting, she might even like it."

"She's just scared and hurt, you just don't need to be rough with her."

"Well if she wasn't fighting me I would be more inclined not to be too rough with her." He paused with an evil grin to his face, "I know, why don't you come and hold her hands down, so I can get her pants off without hurting her bad leg. I wouldn't want it to get broken again now would I?"

To my horror, Mark walked over to me, taking my hands and raising them above my head, holding them there with just one hand of his. The other, he placed on my chest to keep me from thrashing around too much. Without my hands, I had no way of defending myself and when my pants came off, I had to take whatever was to happen. I was begging and crying in turn but nothing I did made it stop, until he was done.

That was not the end of his fun though. "That made it much easier, thank you Mark. And as a reward, I think you should have a go. Go on I'll even hold her hand for you."

Mark unfortunately had gone for sometime without it too and was not able to resist the temptation placed in front of him. However, as he took Paul's place he showed he didn't need to have the leader hold me down. Big was a good way to describe him and his dick matched the rest of him but at least he was gentle, I only cried out when he started. By the time he finished, I just wished I'd pass out; I wasn't to be so lucky. When Mark moved away Paul the leader was back. I started to struggle again and Mark came around and held my down again.

"Thank you again Mark. You can go now. I won't be needing her until morning." Mark got up and left, "As you can see I have everything and everyone well in hand. I will admit that it was exciting to have another man in here while I was having you. And Mark definitely liked it. I think if I gave him the chance he could go all night with you."

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Lesbian Sex Encounter With Office Colleague

By : Lovesilver2010 Hi,my name’s Abhay and I’ve posted many of my sexual advetntures on this forum.I’ve been getting a terrific response.Thank you all for that.My girlfriend’s a bisexual and on popular demand,especially from girls who have contacted me, I’m going to post one of her sexual adventures in her own words. My girlfriend attendted a conference to Goa with her office-colleagues.All of them were young girls between 21-24 years of age. Her company had booked their rooms in a hotel,...

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Amy Growing Up

Amy was a typical teenage she and I (her mother) had the same arguments about clothes, boys, curfew and friends that most mosther and daughters have. Amy's father died when Amy was three. She never knew him. I could not find another man that I wanted to share everything with. I knew however the I would be dating so I set a rule; no dates at my house when Amy was there. No one dating me would meet my daughter. Amy would not know about her mother's private life. Those were the rules and...

2 years ago
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The Agency

It's a hot day in L.A and you're sat in your office with nothing to do. You're a new agent in town and you don't have many contacts just yet but a friend of yours says he's working on the set of a new blockbuster and he'll try and hand your card around. If only the phone would ring. The phone suddenly rings.

3 years ago
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Crime PunishmentChapter 11

(I’d like to thank Ken for a final proof of this.) It took two weeks, but Lynda was ready. The first thing that Monday morning she did exactly as Steven had asked, she made an appointment to see the US Attorney for just after five that afternoon. “I’m going to need time to set things up. When you speak to her just tell her what I asked you to, no more and no less,” he said. “What if she asks me questions?” “You shrug. You have no idea. I was being very secretive. Remember less is more in...

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First College Cock Again With Kelly

It was October of 1978. It had been over a month since I had seen Kelly. She had started college in Milwaukee. She’d let me know that there had been a house party that had turned pretty wild and that there was much more to tell. I was still living with my folks and with our only telephone hanging in the kitchen, and two sisters hanging around, Kelly never got into juicy details over the phone.The house party had worked. The ice had been broken and Wayne and Artie, along with John, Brian and...

College Sex
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Dost Ke Papa Aur Meri Mummy Ka Nazayaz Sambandh 8211 Part 1

Hi friendS, mera naam vicky hai.Aaj mai aap sabko ek sachi kahani batane jaa raha hu ye kahani vaise aaj se kuch sal pahle ki hai.Kahani padhne ke bad mujhe mail kajiye taki mai aage ki baat aap sab se share kar saku .Kahani suru karne se pahle mai aap sabko apne family ke bare me bata du meri family me 4 log hai mai mere papa meri mummy aur meri didi meri didi b.Tech kar rahi hai dusre city me.Mere papa ek software company me kaam karte hai aur maximum offshore rahte hai depend karta hai...

2 years ago
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Serial Sex

Hai this is shailendra again. Now I would like to explain u about my affair with gayathri bhabi. If u feel to reply mail me at We all had dinner . 2 new companies to be started . Father was asking gayathri bhabhi about the design and bhabhi said that an outline of the design was ready if he okays it she could finalise it . He said that he will see it later. We finished dinner , it was about 8.30 pm .Mother went to her room ,shalini bhabi went to her room father was reading newpaper gayathti...

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Gifts of the Future Ch 06

The summer of 1979 had most of the ‘chosen ones’ on the paths that they were destined to follow. Robbie Seldon and Crystal North were dating and realized there was something building between them as they started college that summer. Brad Seldon and Jay Hanson were starting their jet fighter training at Edwards Air Force base… and both their wives were pregnant and due on the same date! Cadet Karen Moss had returned to the Air Force Academy in Colorado for her senior year and she and Rickie...

1 year ago
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Close shave

"Michael Rinker rose to his feet and with a tapping of the rim of his wine glass got the attention of all ten couples who had attended the black tie dinner party that he and his wife, Reanne had hosted!!! "My lovely wife and I would like to thank every one for coming this evening, it has truly been a wonderful party, however the night is still young and we have an unexpected surprise for you!!!" Of course most of you know our live in servant, Priscilla, who has been with us for three years...

Group Sex
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A Daughter's Special DiscoverybyThomX©I think all girls have a secret desire to make love to their father. I knew I was one. My mother died when I was very young. (I would tell you how she died, but, since that's still a very sensitive subject for me, I won't.) Overnight, my father became a single parent, and I became his whole world and he mine. I couldn't have asked for a more loving and attentive father. I never went without as he would sometimes work two and three jobs just so I wouldn't go...

4 years ago
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It Started With a Blow Job

We were in the Caribbean initially for a wedding but we decided to go early and have a few days vacation. We had booked a private cottage with a its own beach which was protected, privacy wise, with trees and bushes so nobody could watch you. It was out of the way and when we needed to get to the hotel or take a trip we called for transportation and someone would come and pick us up with a golf cart. We also had a cottage "butler", ours was called Pierre and was about 30, light brown and very...

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Making It WorkDay 102

I woke with a smile and a stretch. My body had the delicious ache that came after a night of passion. I hopped out of bed, leaving John snoring quietly and shut myself in the bathroom to get ready for the day. I thought about Jules' mental health hearing as I showered. They would be going before the judge in just a few hours. Jules didn't have to be present, but Deborah and Doctor Valverde would be there to represent her interests. Her parents and whatever legal and mental health experts...

2 years ago
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Be gentle with Hanna folks

This is her very first time. “I’ve never been in a nude magazine layout before,” the statuesque beauty discloses. “I hope the readers like me.” With her country-girl looks and winning smile (not to mention legs that don’t quit and a pair of massive mammaries), she’s sure to be a HUSTLER favorite. Speaking of Hanna’s hills, are they real? “They sure are,” the newcomer insists. “I swear. I guess things just grow bigger in Indiana.” Now that she has an explicit spread under her belt, Hanna is...

3 years ago
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Twenty Questions

Dear Rob, On my flight out to DC last week, it got kind of interesting, and I think you'll enjoy the details. I had an aisle seat, in the very back row, and after I was seated, the person in the middle seat showed up so I stood to let her in. I didn't catch on at first that the man and young boy coming along behind her were husband and son, who seated themselves in the same row but on the other side of the aisle. Once she and he started talking across the aisle, and she passed a sweatshirt...

1 year ago
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Tabathas Betrayal

Tabatha lay back on the silk sheets, basking in the attention the younger man gave to her body with his lips, her red hair fanning about her head and shoulders in a fiery halo as she moaned in passion. "Yesssss, Randyyyyy, yesssss" Crystal blue eyes looked up from his position over her mound and a smile shined in then before dipping back to her passion filled crevice that he was satisfying. Tabatha's full breasts swayed in gentle motion as she again bucked her hips and gripped the man's full...

3 years ago
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Hotel Horny

My wife and recently I spent an evening at a five-star hotel. Over dinner and a few drinks we talked about some of the adventurous sexual encounters we’d in the past. Reminiscing about those good times got us both a bit excited. I could see my wife’s nipples perking up in the halter top of her sexy dress and I certainly had a stiff erection. Looking at me seductively, she said, “You know, we’ve never fooled around in an elevator.” She got up to excuse herself to the bathroom and my eyes...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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A Hot Wife In The Making Part Four

Anne slept for almost a day after having her foursome.  Jacob made sure she was okay and continually checked on her.  He loved his wife and hoped when she did wake up that she would be more inclined to let him watch her while she made love.His cock was too small to give her pleasure.  Her body made Jacob hard all the time.  She would let him make love to her but always would read or do her nails.  She never paid attention and never kissed him while they did it.Jacob knew this his dick was not...

Wife Lovers
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Cherry HuntersChapter 7The Group

One afternoon Kiran, Rita and chachu were resting after fucking. Chachu lay in the centre flanked by the two girls. Chachu had his fingers in their cunts while they played with his limp cock. Chachi, who was also naked, entered the room carrying a tray with freshly brewed tea and cookies. "Come on everybody tea and cookie time," she said placing the tray on the bedside table. Chachu and the girls pulled themselves to sitting position. When everyone had served themselves, chachi said,...

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HOME VISITThe phone rang late on Friday night “hello I said “ is that John came a unfamiliar voice, Yes I replied , Its Mina from the other night, I recalled in vivid detail the BJ she had given me in my car , (the night I helped her daughter in the pissing rain and sleet). How her tongue on my hard cock was to much to take and when she swallowed all my hot CUM down her mouth I memory I thought would never happen again.What Can I do for you Mina I asked, she replied she and her daughter would...

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The Field Trip

Every year, the Sewaren High School freshman class takes a field trip to Washington, DC. This year was my turn. I was sharing a room with Austin Foley and Cameron Hanson. As there were only two beds, we had to decide who double-bunked. "You two should share a bed," Cameron said, "since you're both gay." "He's gay?" I asked. This was the first I'd ever heard of it. "Yeah," Austin replied, "I came out last week." "Oh, cool." I looked him over, he was a bit shorter than me, with...

4 years ago
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Josh and Gail

Josh lay beside Gail acutely aware of the warmth emanating from her body, the heavy bedroom curtains filtering out virtually all the moonlight from outside and making the realisation of her being beside him, all the more comforting. He was unsure if she had fallen asleep yet, but she hadn't moved in the last fifteen minutes or so and her rhythmic breathing suggested she probably had succumbed. Josh loved Gail with every fibre in his body, and together with Cassie, their daughter, his...

1 year ago
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Getting lucky with Cheerleader Slut Part 1

Mark was the captain of the college football team. He recently sprained his ankle in semi finals of the college championship and had been freaking M.I.A. for a month. It didnt bother him much though: it was a change to sit and watch the matches in the stands, trying to sneak a peek under the cheerleader's skirts like the other boys. This day, Mark's school had a finals match against an other team. He sat in the stands and he couldnt watch worth a damn so he decided to get his keys and go home....

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Claim my Anal Hole Sweetheart Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

Andy knew me like no one else. My likes dislikes he knew everything. No wonder I was smitten with him. We were dating and going strong now for 6 months. Our sex life was explosive and we couldn’t get enough of one another. However, he hadn’t touched me anally. He hadn’t gone there and fucked my ass. So I decided to surprise him. I wanted him to claim me in every way. I was planning for a session so he can claim my anal hole and fill me up. I waited for him to finish the Sunday breakfast. I was...

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SexyLaurie on Display

The room was still cloaked in gloom despite the shard of bright afternoon sunlight that poured in where the edges of the heavy d****s failed to meet. The gloom was soft with sounds of slumber, a muffled sigh, and the silken rasp of chiffon sliding across satin. Slowly, the occupants of the oversized bed drifted from their dreams through the layers of sleep and into the gentle awareness of waking. No shrilling sound of an alarm or piercing ray of light dragged them abruptly from sleep.Carolyn...

3 years ago
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Love For Public Sex Part 8211 2

Hi guys. This is your swathii back again with another public experience. This is the continuation of my first part. Do read it. ;) After that session, both of us badly wanted more . We couldn’t wait for it. I badly wanted his hands all over my body. I dint care about the place. Guys I have to tell you, you gotta try public sex atleast once in your life. The thrill about doing it without getting caught is the best. It will make you want more of public sex knowingly or unknowingly. Coming to my...

4 years ago
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internet love part one

I am not an attractive man. Man that is always a good kick off. But on a serious note, I have never really considered myself attractive. About 5'9, 225 pounds, glasses, decent shape, buzz cut, and to top it off, I'm black. They say black guys are suppose to be well endowed. Well that I cant really complain about. An adequate length of 8 inches makes me happy at least. And I don't know how my luck changed so drastically. It all started in a chat room. Normally I avoid these things like the...

3 years ago
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the horny daddy of my friend

It seriously made me feel like he was doing it to have me in it and watch me all day in the pale blueu bottom bikini of his girlhis daughter was my friend since highschooland i was often going to take a dip in them pool when it was too hot outsideshe was away with her friend when i got to the backyard , greeted by her dad , a tall black daddy in his 50she let me go inside the yard cabin to put on my swimsuit he always left there for me but i coudnt see itall there was , is the pale bikini of my...

1 year ago
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My new life as a Black Cock Whore

I was a young married housewife that had an over active imagination, along with an incredible sex drive. I had mixed feelings about a number of perverse fantasy's ever since I was a young girl! My interest in dark sexual encounters was so overpowering that public morals, perception and my own conscious, as to what was acceptable, along with the arrangement I was about to enter into allowed me to easily brush all of these concerns aside. My husband had taken me to an all black bar...

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I Am A Fan Of My Colleague

This is Pradeep connecting with you all to share one of the happiest experience in my life. I am a 30 year old tall south Indian guy with light brownish skin and attractive brown eyes. I have a high sex drive like most of the other guys and I grew up in a conservative southern town where the chances of getting laid before/outside marriage is almost close to zero. But the god of fortune was in my side and I had some experiences like this. Let me share one of it without any further delay. Please...

2 years ago
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First Time with Jenna

First a little about myself; I’m 16 years old, 5’6”, and although I seem pretty wild to others I’ve always been very protective when it comes to sexual activity – my only experiences being with my fingers and my pillow late at night. I’ve got dark green eyes and long black hair which reaches just below my waistline – which is quite small, enhancing my 32D breasts and tight ass. Jenna is pretty similar to me, apart from her hair being shoulder length and dark brown, and her eyes are light blue....

4 years ago
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Who needs gods anyway

You wake up feeling particularly refreshed. like you'd slept as much as you needed for the rest of your life. you were 19, male, and not particularly handsome or fit. a bit pudgy if you were being honest. at least you had a big dick, 8 inches full mast. you'd measured once. despite your large member you hadn't actually had sex with anyone, since you not only lacked a fine body but also most of the social skills necessary to navigate the modern sexual world. You are bisexual but mostly lean...

2 years ago
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The Tales From The Tavern She Saw Me Kissing Her Dad

It was a calm night. Only a handful of customers had found their way into big ol' Tom's tavern; just a few people sharing some short episodes of their lives while having a beer or two. That was until a young woman in her mid twenties appeared. Her shaky feet gave away her insecurity. Hesitantly, she was slowly heading for the bar. “This is the bar. So that makes you big ol' Tom?” she hastily asked, her voice trembling. The elderly man looked up while filling a pint for one of his customers....

Straight Sex
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3 Days In Chithi8217s House

Hi, readers hope you have read my previous stories ( sex with chithi ( one ), ( two) ), this story is a continuity of that stories. As I got permission from my dad, mom and chithappa’s permission to stay in chithi’s house. First day – I woke up early put on a simple casual dress without taking a bath ( as I was hoping I could take bath with chithi ) went to their home carrying my project papers and some books, when I went there and rang the bell chithi opened the door, she was wearing a nightie...

3 years ago
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Stella Maris SM 7 Cunning Confession 1

Stella Maris scores triple A at the intimate inspection of her bodily beauties. Next her experiences.She starts at teen times. Her father first hero. Next one her blonde ballroom beau. Too shy or gay?She has her first friend, who demands some sex. So she learns to jack him off. Is messy enough!Stella blossoms from first days at Amsterdam University. Same year as Marina. Not yet her friend.Stella Maris falls for the charms of the guy, who leads her dozen during first week's 'Introduction'.She is...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 84

This group is compliments of dorsetmike‎ Disappointed - but not overly surprised - to see that the origami world championships are only available to watch on paper view TV... A Japanese couple is having an argument over ways of performing highly erotic sex: Husband: Sukitaki. Wife replies: Kowanini! Husband says: Toka a anji rodi roumi yakoo! Wife on her knees literally begging: Mimi nakoundinda tinkouji! Husband replies angrily: Na miaou kina Tim kouji! I can’t believe you just...

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An unexpected fantasy

I'd been chatting to a friend on here for a while and I've been following his instructions to the letter I've fingered myself to orgasm, I've pushed my whole fist inside my hot wet pussy, I've used my rabbit on my pussy and arse I've even fucked myself with a huge cucumber as he has wanked himself off finally posting me a pic of his cock still hard but drained, his spunk covering a pic of me he'd printed out I was about to post some pics just for him when my friend pulled up on my drive I...

1 year ago
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Lois Pt 3

Introduction: Lois comes to a picnic Driving home from Loiss my mind was racing. I got a blow job from one of my wifes best friends. I fingered her sweet little pussy till she came on my hand. We would have went farther if we had time. I could smell her pussy on my fingers reminding me it really happened. Cindy was in the bedroom changing when I got home. Hi honey, Cathy called and wants us to come over. Jim is doing some burgers on the grill. She want to talk about our girl weekend at the...

2 years ago
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BoGo Crossdresser's wife tells the story of her efforts to buy clothing for her herself and her husband entirely through "buy one, get one" promotions. Husband does not cooperate, and suffers severe consequences. My husband told me about his crossdressing early on in our relationship. I was confused at first, but I eventually came to terms with it. His desire simply was a part of him, and I loved him, "quirk" or not. He only liked dressing up as a part of lovemaking, so no one...

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