- 3 years ago
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I woke when a thin strip of sunlight, filtered through hastily closed curtains, touched the side of my face.
For a moment or two, I had no idea where I was. Then I felt them, and it all came back to me.
The party was loud. I wasn't opposed to that idea, but after a few beers I really needed to get away from the noise for a little while. Alcohol enables you to find the strangest things. In this case it was a little old sofa in a small room. It didn't seem to be there for any specific reason, but I didn't care. I dropped in the middle of it, and watched the wall in the dim light. Busy old wallpaper patterns seemed to move with the combination of the music and the booze.
I must have dozed off, the bottle still in my hand, and then woke suddenly as two people sat either side of me on the sofa. Beer makes for quick friends, and besides they were both very pretty. I turned to my left and clicked my bottle against hers, and the dark girl grinned and took a swig, raising her eyebrows in confirmation without saying anything.
Turning to my right I discovered another smile. This one from a redhead, with a strip of freckles across the bridge of her nose. She'd tried to tie her wild hair back, but it was escaping, and the ginger mess was haloed in the light from the doorway. Bottle-clinking was repeated again, and just before I spoke, the voice on my left started.
"I'm Belinda."
"Or Billie. You can call me Billie if you like."
"I do like. Billie it is. Is your skin really that colour, or is it the light in here?"
"What light? You've been sitting here too long. It's fuckin' near black in here."
"I fell asleep, I think."
"Yeah." She smiled again. "I guess we shouldn't have woken you."
"Oh, I don't mind."
"No? That's Jude."
I swung my head back to my right. Jude sat, staring at the wall. "Hey Jude."
The response came from Billie. "She's heard that before. Anyway she's a little drunk."
"Yeah, looks a bit that way."
"When Jude drinks, she gets quiet."
"Yeah." Billie looked me in the eyes, and continued. "Horny."
It was my turn to raise my eyebrows. "Beg your pardon?"
"Horny. She gets quiet. And horny."
"Oh." I looked at Jude again. "She seems to be more one than the other."
"Yeah, I guess. You got a name?"
"Oh, sorry. Vic." I stuck my hand out.
Billy extracted her own hand from her lap, and shook mine. "Vic?"
"Yeah. Short for Victor."
"'Kay. Listen, so how do you fit in here, Victor? Friend of the birthday boy?"
"Sort of. His sister is friends with mine. Someone said 'free beer' so I showed up."
She nodded. "Similar thing." She laughed a little before continuing, and waved her beer bottle towards the light. "I live next door. They invited me so I wouldn't call the cops about the noise."
"Self preservation. Danny's nothing if not thorough." I glanced back at the other girl for a moment, realised she was taking no notice of us; just staring at the wall, sipping her beer. "And Jude?"
"She was staying at my place. It's my parents' place really, but they are away, trying to relive their early years. In Europe, somewhere."
"Okay. You two are friends, then?"
"No, you know. I mean girlfriends."
I'd obviously had too many beers. "Huh?"
"She's my girlfriend."
"Yeah. Disappointed?"
I looked at her. All olive skin and grin. She was wearing a thin dark blue dress, and it didn't extend too far down her legs. Her eyes sparkled in the light from the door. Of course I was. "Um ... yeah, actually."
She leaned over, lifted herself, and kissed me on the cheek. "We'll just have to be friends then, won't we."
"And you know what the first thing friends do is, right?"
"Ah, no?"
Jude jumped, and I looked over. She was smiling at me. "Who said swim?"
"Billie did."
Jude peered around me. "Oh, hey. Who is this?"
Billie smiled at the redhead. "Vic. Short for Vicky."
"He's my new friend."
Jude looked up a little at me then. "Friend, huh?"
I shrugged my shoulders, and smiled.
Jude looked back at Billie. She was smiling too. "Tramp."
"Am not!"
Jude waved her finger at me. "You can swim, right?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I can swim."
She pushed against me to lift her drunken body from the sofa, and started pulling at Billie's hands. "Come on, then." She stood there in a short denim skirt and a black t-shirt, shaky on her feet.
Billie laughed again and allowed Jude to haul her to her feet. "Get up and come with us, Vic. Don't tell anyone though. Last thing I want is a pool party."
I stood between the two of them, realising they were both about the same height, just a little shorter than me. Just about the right height. They each put an arm around my waist. It looked like friendship. It felt more like a purchase.
Just as we were leaving the room, Billie stopped us one more time. "That wall. It's moving. It is, isn't it?"
We had to walk through Billie's house to get to the pool. She and Jude knew exactly what they were doing, and obviously saw no need to turn the lights on. I walked between them again, and they steered me around any obstacles, both giggling as I tried to walk into walls and windows.
A sliding door led to a wooden deck that surrounded the pool. I still couldn't really see a whole lot until Billie left us for moment, and turned on some blue lights under the water.
I could see clearly now, but the colours were all wrong. It didn't matter though. I was mesmerised. As soon as the lights were on, Jude had let go of my hand, stepped out of her shoes, and was lifting her shirt over her head. She didn't hesitate to unclip her bra either, and released two sizeable breasts. They couldn't possibly be as pale as they looked in this weird light.
This sure was a change from the quiet girl that had been sitting on the sofa with me. She grinned, knowing I was staring, and unzipped her skirt, allowing it to fall to the wooden floor. Two thumbs wriggled her white panties down off her hips. She bent over, pulled them off her legs, crumpled them in her hand, pulled my arm towards her, and placed them in my palm, laughing all the while.
Totally unconcerned, she turned and ran for the edge of the pool, dived expertly, and swam underwater to the other side.
I was distracted finally by Billie. She was standing across the pool, laughing. "You really should see the look on your face, Vic."
"What the hell just happened?"
"Jude happened. She's got a thing for water."
"My God!"
"Yeah. You might get used to it if you hang about long enough. So ... coming for a swim?"
"Uh huh."
"Good." She kicked her shoes off in the direction of the fence, and gracefully lifted her blue dress up and over her head. What can I say? The colour of her skin wasn't due to sunbathing, unless she never wore anything. Speaking of that, she had nothing at all on under that dress. Her breasts were small, and though it was hard to tell in this light, it looked as though the thatch of hair between her legs matched the dark hair on her head. Billie turned towards me, as shameless as Jude. "Well?"
I finally moved. Sitting on a nearby seat for a moment, I pushed my shoes off with my feet while unbuttoning my shirt as fast as possible. Jeans fell to the deck, and I pushed my boxers down to meet them, then looked up to find both girls staring at me.
Jude had surfaced and looked a little different with her hair wet. Billie was still standing on the edge of the pool.
Billie spoke first. "Hmmm ... not bad."
"For a party pick-up, anyway."
"Seems to have a hint of ... what, Jude?"
"Mediterranean, somehow."
"What the hell is this?" I answered. "I didn't realise it was an audition."
"We're just being appreciative."
"Yeah. Friends should do that."
That was enough for me. I jumped into the water, and swam over to where Jude was. That seemed to trigger Billie, and she dove in beside Jude. We proceeded to behave just like little kids for a while, splashing and ducking each other.
I noticed though that neither of them hesitated to touch me anywhere, so I did the same. If I was grabbing hold of Jude, and her breasts were in the wrong spot, well I grabbed them anyway.
At some point it seemed we crossed a line, and these accidental caresses became intentional. I slid my hands down Billie's back and across her buttocks. She shivered. Jude discovered that I had something of an erection. Who wouldn't? But instead of ignoring it she slid her hand along the length of it, and then reported in to Billie, who decided she needed to have a stroke as well. I squeezed her nipples in return.
I'm not sure if what they say about sex in cold water is true or not. The situation was a little strange. It was late. We'd all had a few beers. Billie and Jude, if I hadn't misunderstood, were lovers. I was confused. In any case, it never went further than a little random groping. Very nice groping, you understand.
Eventually the ladies claimed that they were getting a little chilly in the water. I suggested that the state of their nipples had nothing to do with the temperature, and Billie pressed hers against my chest for a while to check. In the end she agreed that I might be right, but nonetheless they wanted to get out.
Jude offered to get towels so we didn't all have to run around and get cold, and Billie and I both whistled as she climbed the ladder to get out of the pool and we got more than a glimpse of her ass. She wiggled her buttocks and ran off, laughing.
Billie turned to me.
"Listen, Vic, is this all too weird for you?"
"Me? Hell, no. I'm always going for drunk swims with gorgeous women."
She kissed me then, and not on the cheek. Her mouth was still against mine when Jude reappeared, still naked, but with an armload of fluffy towels. She dropped the stack on a chair before speaking.
"See, Vic? I told you she was a tramp."
"It was my fault."
Billie grinned. "Was not! Jude, he called us gorgeous."
"Did he? Right." She picked up one of the towels. "You first then, Vic. Hurry up. The towel is hot."
Billie objected as I climbed out. "Typical. Doesn't our relationship mean anything to you, Jude?"
"Not now, dear. I have a man here, in a towel."
"Yeah, yeah. Ready?"
Jude grabbed the next towel. "Come on then. Move that ass, instead of just shaking it at the boy."
"It was my tits I was shaking."
Eventually we were all on the deck, each wrapped in a large white fluffy towel. The evening sure wasn't going the way I had expected. We started to walk back to the house. I stopped. "Hey, what about our clothes?"
"Later, boy." Billie slapped my ass through the towel.
Inside it felt a lot warmer. Both of the girls had their towels wrapped over their breasts and under their arms. I've always felt that required some sort of magic, but it looked very attractive. My towel was wound around my waist.
Jude was still playing the part of the hostess. "Beer?"
Billie held up two fingers.
"Don't be greedy. I'll get you another one later."
This is a story I wrote years ago, no idea why I never posted it…. But I guess no better time than the present. Enjoy! Jerome swirled the champagne in his glass in a relaxed twirl of his hands…. watching the woman across the room toss back her sheen of black hair as she laughed at something her companion said. He could tell it wasn’t anything truly amusing, he had always been able to read her that way. Besides, her companion didn’t look like the sort who could really make her laugh....
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Dear ISS readers; I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for reading my last anecdote Fever of Passion in the ‘maid’ section and appreciating it. Motivated by your kind words I thought of sharing one more incident which happened quite some time back. The reason I am penning these incidents down so that I can tell you all that unlike other writers of ISS and I am just an ordinary guy. I am no hunk, not very tall, I don’t go to any gym and I am just like you guys a regular next door...
As the next Mortal Kombat tournament approaches, all the best fighters in the realms prepare to join the martial arts tournament to decide the fate of their respective realms. And much like the olympics, these muscular, pumped up super-athletes are as horny as they are bloodthirsty. You will on the role of a lowly servant on Shang Tsung’s island, who is there to serve drinks, light torches, and occasionally clean up blood and guts after a fight. There’s something about watching the magical and...
As soon as the doors closed, Leanne pushed me against the side-wall of the lift. She kissed me passionately and pushed her tongue inside my mouth. I reached out and pushed the stop button on the lift, but missed and pressed the top floor. As Leanne pushed her tongue around mine, which was now set in auto mode, I forgot about the lift buttons. As she pushed her hand onto my bulging cock, I took her hands and pushed her back against the other side of the lift, raising her arms up above her head....
Straight SexGirl-worship has been my life, from the very first hard-on. Mostly I’d cum thinking about them, using the entries in my little black book recording what they’d worn that day, things they said and did. Occasionally I’d be lucky enough to get ‘lucky views’ as I call them, seeing a bulging jumper or even knickers. It was rare back then that I got the opportunity to spunk seeing them for real, but as I looked out my window every day after school, I was treated once or twice to the joy of seeing one...
Well this is more of a confession than a story, I've never uttered a word of this to anyone I know as it involves the only time I have been unfaithful to my wife; not something I'm particularly proud of but strangely one I have no regrets over either. OK so the title says the first four days but this actually started about two months earlier in Liverpool.I had left home to go to university as a mature student in an attempt to make up for a wasted youth. The course was great but I was hating...
Mr Millar smiled to himself when he saw thirty year old Jenny Williamson stepping out from her rear porch. His mood had not been good that morning. For over three weeks the heat-wave had rolled on and Millar had been cursing it each and every day. Outside was desperately humid and inside even worse. It reminded the old man of his time in Korea were every menial task was of the up-most effort. Already Millar was resigned to drinking beer in his garden and listening to his old portable radio. Yet...
'If she doesn't hurry up and put her fingers inside me, I'm going to scream! What is she waiting for? I know she wants me, so why doesn't she just take me already?' So there I was, shouting inside my head. Completely naked, I lay facedown on a queen-sized bed. Katherine and I were alone on stage, and the touch of her teasing fingertips exploring my bare, writhing bottom was driving me insane. Earlier, after she had sent the rest of the cast and crew home for the evening following our...
Friday Today is the technical last day of my winter break and with tomorrow being the arrival of the elusive grandson Elijah, I plan on going out with my girls for a night on the town. I was still doing my best to ignore the idea of Elijah coming into town to stay for a while. My mind wandered to my best friend and our upcoming graduation. My best friend Dawn and I have the same major, Anthropology, and we are extremely excited to be graduating in the spring! We’ve been through every...
Hello friends, My name is Aarav Dixit and I am a resident of Mumbai city, aged 25 and this is a very recent true incident that has probably, made me lose the best friend any person could ever have and possibly, made me loose her forever. Noopur & I have been friends for 9 years and our friendship was truly deep & pure. We never eyed each other in a lusty way and kept the line between friendship & sex, clear and distinct. However, Noopur is a very appealing girl to notice with long straight hair...
Now of some experiences with someone... it was after 35 days my holidays started. We followed our usual routine. By about 10:30, we were both ready and sitting in the drawing room watching TV. Suddenly, the door bell rang. I went and opened the door. My mouth dropped!!! I was speechless. My mom called from inside and asked who it was. Mom's son had come! Very unexpected! He was a bit surprised seeing a new girl at home but I was sure he didn't recognize me! I gave way for him and he came...
As always, your votes, comments and private feedback mean a lot to me. Thanks go out to my copy editor estragon, my plot editor KatieTay and my beta readers SamanthaYvonne, GoodyGoodyTwoShoes and persorosa. * ‘J-J-Jake. Are you still there?’ ‘Yes! I’m on my way. The ambulance is on its way as well. Hold on.’ Drivers in New York are especially reckless, but Jake was one notch higher. Holding the phone tightly to his ear, he careened through traffic at breakneck speed, violating at least a...
My stepson, Jake, must have overheard my phone conversation with my best friend when I complained about the lack of sex with my husband. Particularly, the lack of foot sex which is pretty much the only way I can achieve an orgasm. I came home from work one afternoon with my feet killing me because of the heels I was wearing. Jake was already back from school. I sat next to him on the couch and put my legs upon the coffee table complaining about my feet and telling him how good it is to relax my...
xmoviesforyouWe got back home late Sunday afternoon. It was the first day of January. A new year. New challenges. New friends. And about fifty phone messages. Mom started writing them down and then hung up the phone. "Brian, it sounds like these messages are all for you. You write them down and let us know if there are any for us, okay honeybunch? Dad and I are going out for a while. In fact, we probably won't be back until tomorrow sometime. Don't even ask to go along. Jennifer and Courtney are with...
Chapter 10 -- Family Reunion Family matters Saturday was going to be a busy day. Mandy had to go shopping for a few more things she needed for school, and she was also expecting someone from a company called 'Telestellar' to visit and show her how to work and program the automated devices in the apartment. Emma was tied up until afternoon, when she was going to pop in for a coffee. They might have dinner or go out later she had said, but they had made no firm plans. Mandy...
So, I suppose most girls would be a little wary of talking to their moms about sex. If you've read what went before, you know my family's a bit unusual. Mom and Dad are kind of hippyish, and they had brought us up believing that sex was natural, a thing body did. Without the weight of social shame burdening the concept, it also lost some of that illicit shine that made it so tempting. My mother had encouraged me in my decision not only to hold on to my virginity until I found someone who would...