Pass It On free porn video

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'Buses are such wonderful inventions, ' thought Sidney Q. Wickington as walked from the ticket counter toward the departure area. 'Where else do you get to spend hour upon hour with total strangers, none of whom particularly cares to know you, none of whom will even think about you after they disembark? It's absolutely perfect for me!'

Taking his small carry-on into his left hand, Sidney walked outside the depot, quickly spotting his transport. The silver bus with its blue and white sign stood empty as of yet; the driver stood smoking a cigarette, leaning easily against the side of his vehicle.

"Excuse me, sir, is this the express bus to Dallas?"

The driver flicked his cigarette away and stood up straight. "Yes, it is. Can I help you with something"

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Sidney Wickington, and I'll be riding on your silver chariot today." Sidney offered his hand to the bus driver, who accepted without qualm. "I always like to meet the person who is in charge of the driving before I board, just to make sure that I'm comfortable around them. And I can already tell that you and I are going to get along fine."

For his part, the driver could only nod. After he had accepted Sidney's hand in his own, he had lost the ability to speak, the ability to think... the ability to do anything but listen to Sidney's words and accept them as gospel.

"Now, my good man, I just want to make sure that you understand the way things are going to go. Nothing strange is going to happen on this bus. Right?"

"Nothing strange is going to happen on this bus," the driver parroted.

"Excellent. I do love a quick study. And you are going to keep your mind on your driving and your eyes on the road, and not mind whatever happens behind you."

"Eyes on the road. Nothing happening behind me."

"Superb, superb! You and I are going to get along so splendidly. Last thing," Sidney paused to look at the man's nametag, "Mr. Greene. While you should act normally around the other passengers, once the bus is started, you shouldn't listen to them if they ask you to do something. I am the only person you should listen to and obey immediately. Do you understand?"

"Listen to you. Obey you."

"Very good! Now stand there for a moment, won't you? I'll be right back."

Sidney clambered into the bus, leaving the driver staring off into nothing, his hand still extended. Minutes passed, until Sidney finally reappeared, breathing a bit heavily. He returned to where the bus driver stood, and regripped the extended hand.

"Perfect! Oh, and you shouldn't remember any of this; we were just having a nice, getting acquainted conversation prior to my getting on the bus." Sidney released the bus driver's hand. After standing completely still for a moment, the driver raised his hand to his head... and removed his hat

"Will there be anything else, sir?"

"No, my good man, that will be all for now. I know that I'm in good hands on this trip."

And with his business finished, Sidney turned around and walked back into the terminal, leaving a slightly confused bus driver who felt like he needed either a couple of Tylenol... or a stiff shot of bourbon.

Or both.

Sidney Wickington never liked to board buses until the last minute. In that way, he was able to position himself among his fellow passengers to utilize his talents to best effect.

In this instance, he was able to sit in his favorite spot, almost exactly dead center of the bus, on the aisle. Even as he reached his chosen seat, the bus lurched into motion, and he let the motion propel him heavily into place.

"Looks like this is my stop," he joked to the young woman in the seat next to him

Her only response was to roll her eyes as she continued to look out the window.

"You know, young people should be more polite," he said, tapping her on the back of the hand.

She turned to face him, her eyes and mouth full of anger. "Why should we, you old pervert?"

His finger stopped tapping and remained solidly lodged against the top of her palm.

"Because you never know when you might meet someone who can change your life... permanently."

Any response she might have made was caught in throat, as her eyes rolled up in her head and her body stiffened, her fingers gripping the armrests as if she was suddenly in intense pain.

His finger moved from her hand to her temple. "Sleep," he said softly.

She slumped, as the tension that was there only a moment before disappeared.

He shook his head sadly, murmuring to himself "Why does everyone have to be so rude anymore?"

Still, his gaze lingered on the sleeping form of the young woman. Her baggy gray sweatshirt bore the logo of a major southern university. 'Ahhhh... how I remember my own college days. Classes in the morning, parties all night. It's amazing that I ever got anywhere at all in my life!' he thought, chuckling at his own private joke.

Something inside him stirred at the thought of his own carefree college days, and suddenly one particular idea that had been mixed with the myriad memories of the past was isolated and carried to the front of his brain.

Looking over at his seatmate, Sidney grinned wolfishly. "Looks like I was right my dear," he said softly to the uncomprehending co-ed. "Never be rude to the man who can... and is... going to change your life. Permanently."

He settled himself comfortably into his own seat, his right hand encircling her left wrist.

And then he closed his eyes.

The sign by the side of the road said "Thank you for your stay in ATLANTA, GA. Come back and see us soon."

Having seen it many times before, Mr. Greene paid no attention. His mind was on his driving, his eyes on the road. In the lengthening shadows, he switched on the bus lights, anticipating the coming of night.

What happened behind him didn't matter to him at all.

'Express service... shit! 14 hours of hell, that's what it is!"

Denise Burcham hated buses. 'No, that's not quite right, ' she corrected herself. 'I hate traveling, period! Cars, trains, planes... they're all bad enough. But buses have to be the worst!'

However, expediency and funding had come together to force Denise to take the quickest form of transport she could afford. Had she boarded one of the regular, stops-in-every-other-city buses, she would've been 12 hours late for her sister's elopement. As it was, she might just make it to the courthouse to stop what Denise knew would be a regrettable error on her sister's part. Which was why she was on the all-night express bus to Dallas.

'In the fucking shitter, no less, ' she cursed mentally. 'Damn my weak bladder!'

Still, she had to admit it was a cleaner toilet than most she had encountered on buses in the past. It didn't smell like chemicals, or old piss. It smelled... sweeter, somehow. It was almost enough to make the need to use the little closet bearable.


As she stood up, she rammed her elbow into the side of the metal box that served as a sink, and again was reminded that people of her size were not necessarily the models used when such bathrooms were designed. 'Thank God this bus is half-empty! I don't know what I'd do if I had to sit beside somebody and try to squeeze into what the bus company thinks is a suitable seat!'

She stood for a moment, her pants around her ankles, caught between the momentary pain of her elbow and the constant rage she felt at being large. Nothing ever seemed to fit her; nothing ever seemed to be made just for her; no one ever seemed to look at her and think nice things. Their faces mostly reflected disgust, or pity. Looking into the metal rectangle that passed for a mirror, Denise whispered softly, "Fuck me."

Still, there was something... distracting... about the smell floating around the bathroom. She took a piece of toilet paper from the roll next to the toilet and blotted her crotch absently, trying to identify what it was about the scent that so captured her imagination. Her mind was so wrapped up in the thought that she didn't notice when the wad of toilet paper fell from her hand... or when she began rubbing her finger over the mound that hid her clit.

Lost in thought, she remained standing, gazing into her own reflection, her finger's motion quickening as her own juices lessened the friction over her clit. Sliding back and forth... back and forth... mmmmmmmmmmm...

At that moment, the bus hit a pothole, throwing Denise back into the door of the small toilet.

"What the hell am I doing?' she whispered angrily, pulling her hand away from her clit. "Fingering myself in a fucking toilet, for God's sake! I must be out of my mind! Thank God the door didn't pop open when I fell against it!"

She trembled at the mental picture of her, naked from the waist down, falling out into the aisle of the bus, her hand still buried in her pussy. She again pulled some toilet paper from the roll and blotted herself, then flushed it down the toilet.

Beside the sink stood a small bottle of what looked like anti-bacterial soap. As she squirted some into her hand, the scent she had been so keen on just a bit earlier hit her full in the face again.

'Oh, it's the soap that's making that smell.' She brought her hand closer to her face. 'Damn, that's some good stuff.' She took another deep whiff, closing her eyes. 'I wonder where I can get some of thisssss... '

Lost in the scent, Denise Burcham's mind simply hung on that last word, the pearly liquid in her palm held mere inches from her nose.

Had she been able, she might have been more than a bit startled by what happened next.

The 'soap' in her hand began to move.

It slid slowly across her palm, until it rested just below her nostrils. Then, like a dog rearing on its haunches begging for a treat, it started to rise, shaping itself into tendril no larger in diameter than a drinking straw. It continued to rise, reaching the woman's left nostril. Pushing itself deeper. Then, apparently stretched to its limit, the movement stopped, but only for a moment.

Finding purchase somewhere inside the nostril, the creature started pulling the rest of itself up, away from the hand in which it was resting. Slowly, like white mucous flowing in reverse, it packed itself into the nasal cavity. Then, probing, sliding, and shaping itself as needed, it burrowed through the soft tissue behind the nose and into the cranium, using its tail to seal its passage.

At which point, Denise Burcham had a massive orgasm. Then, like a puppet with its strings cut, she slid down the wall into the floor, unconscious.

And, reclining in his seat with his eyes closed, Sidney Wickington smiled.

His hand no longer held the wrist of the entranced co-ed next to him, but instead rested on her denim-covered crotch. Pressing down in one spot.

A spot that was now sporting a dark-colored stain.

"WELCOME TO ALABAMA" read the newest sign the bus passed in the night.

Mr. Greene never took his eyes from the road.

Denise Burcham awoke to frantic knocking at the door of the bathroom.

"Hey, lady! Are you going to be in there all night? I've got to use the bathroom!"

"uhhhhhh..." She couldn't remember much. Fragments of memory spun. Fingering herself. Orgasming. The smell of that wonderful soap.

"Are you alright in there? Do you need some help?"

"NO! I'll be right out!" She didn't want any more embarrassment. She'd already done something so seedy, so completely unlike her...

'But you enjoyed it, ' the thought came, unbidden, into her head.

As she slowly pulled herself up off the floor, she acknowledged that she had never cum like that before, either with anyone else or by herself.

'You'd love to do it again, too.' Again, the thought came floating across her mind as if in someone else's voice.

Pulling up her pants, she thought that, at the right time, in the right place...

'No. Soon. Here.'

And with that thought, Denise froze. 'Something is very wrong here, ' she had time to think...

The pounding at the door began again. "Lady, I'm going to get the driver if you don't come out of there!"

Not wanting that, Denise cracked the door.

"Really, I'm okay. I think I hit my head on door when we hit a pothole, but I'm okay. Just let me wash my face, and I'll be right out."

The red-faced man standing outside the door looked at her doubtfully, but, spurred by his bladder, nodded and mumbled something about "just hurry up" before quickly averting his eyes.

Her pants were still unfastened, and she flashed a bit of her panties through the door as he watched.

A fact that did not seem to bother Denise Burcham one bit.

Reluctantly, she did fasten her pants, and bent quickly to retrieve the bottle of soap she had knocked to the floor when she fell.

Holding it in her hand, she relived the intense sensations the smell of the soap had given her. Looking at the bottle, she wondered...

'Take it. No one will notice, ' said the voice in her head.

She slid the bottle into her front pocket, careful to remind herself to remove once she got back to her seat.

Then, smiling happily, she left the bathroom and walked back up the aisle.

Roger Cord watched the fat woman waddle back down the aisle to her seat, wondering what she seemed so happy about.

'If she really did hit her head, maybe she addled her brains so much, she doesn't realize she's been locked in the damn toilet for two hours! Stupid cunt!'

Cord eased cautiously into the toilet, expecting to find a mess. Finding only the normal metal fixtures typical of such things, he was at least grateful that he didn't have to wade into someone else's leavings.

'The fat cow was even considerate enough to leave the toilet seat up for me.'

Unzipping, Cord pulled out his cock and waited a moment for the piss to work its way up the length. 'Been holding it in so long, now it doesn't want to come out!' In the meantime, he began to sniff the air.

'Huh. This is the nicest smelling bus toilet I've ever been in. Wonder what they use to keep it smelling so good?' Occupied with that question, he barely noticed when his urine began streaming into the bottom of the metal bowl.

He continued inhaling the scent of the bathroom, his eyes looking up at the ceiling without really seeing it. As his bladder finally emptied, Cord stood, his dick in his hand, unmoving.

Until he finally began moving his hand slowly down the length of his penis.

And back up again.

Squeezing slightly, with his thumb and forefinger in an 'O' around the base.

Until he was hard as rock.

It was only when his ministrations actually began to hurt that he looked down at what he was doing. 'Sonofabitch! What the hell I am doing?'

Of course, by then, it was much too late for him to stop.

Denise Burcham made sure that, when she returned to her seat, she unfolded the blanket she had brought with her. After carefully removing the 'soap' she had stolen from the bathroom and placing it in her purse, she sat down in the middle of the two seats she had to herself, and leaned them both back, covering herself in the blanket once she was comfortable.

She had been grateful that the bus was nearly empty, since it meant she didn't have to share her seats with someone else. Now, she was grateful because no one was sitting across the aisle from her. So that, when she eased open her pants and reached her hand under her panties, no one observed her movements. No one saw the rhythmic motion of her fingers between her already slick pussy lips. No one watched as her head thrashed back and forth, as her body jerked as if being intermittently shocked by electric current.

While he could not see her directly, Sidney Wickington didn't need to. Lying quiescent in his seat, he could sense every time the core of her being was assailed by the constant battering of orgasm after orgasm. Until it finally collapsed under the assault.

Denise Burcham was no longer unhappy with herself. None of it mattered to her anymore. She lay reclined in her seat, her fingers finally stilled, a smile on her face.

The same smile that was on the face of Sidney Wickington.

Roger Cord's face had gone from its customary red to near purple.

He had lost track of how long he had been running his hand over his cock, of how long he had stood on the edge of orgasm. All he really felt was that something was missing, something that would allow him to finish, and that he needed it desperately.

It was desperation that finally lead him to open the cabinet below the sink, to find several dispenser bottles of what the label identified as antibacterial soap. Grabbing one, Roger was distracted for a moment by the scent... but only for a moment.

Placing the dispenser bottle on the counter, he quickly pumped out a handful of the pearly-white cream, and began running it over his erection.

Almost immediately, he felt an easing in the pressure in his penis. A sense of relief, a sense of peace flooded through his body as he massaged the gooey substance over his shaft. As he pumped faster, the 'soap' ran down his crotch and onto his ball sac. Somewhere in what was left of his consciousness, Cord thought 'It feels like someone is squeezing my balls!' A thought that was followed more or less immediately by 'uuuuuuhhhHHHHHHH!!!' as he came like a fountain in the toilet.

His knees giving way from the intensity of his relief, Cord found himself prostrate on the floor in front of the toilet bowl. Leaning against the metal lip of the basin, he could not see what was happening around his dick. Perhaps it was a small blessing that he couldn't.

The 'soap' that he had used to bring himself off was slowly pooling, moving from individual strands into a mass around the base of his penis. From there, small tendrils were extending up his cock, moving quickly toward the head. Even as Cord started realizing that something felt wrong down there, the first of the tendrils reached the opening at the top.

Startled, Cord jerked his head up and stared down at his crotch. Just in time to see the first of the tendrils bury itself in his penis. Followed by a second, and a third.

Any further thoughts, such as trying to stop the invasion of his cock, were swamped by the incredible pain of a biological entity forcing itself up the tube so recently evacuated by his jism. As his body went rigid in pain, the last thought Cord had before passing out was 'OHHHH SSSSSHHHHHIIIIIITTTTtttttt... '

In his seat, Sidney continued to grin. His hand had slipped inside the waistband of the young co-ed, and, as he stroked her, she moaned and shook in her forced slumber.

The sign by the side of the road this time read "WELCOME TO MISSISSIPPI."

Mr. Greene only had eyes for the road ahead.

Samantha Cord timidly approached the door of the bus toilet.

She had been sleeping fitfully since the bus had left Atlanta, and when she awoke, Roger was not in the seat next to her. After waiting for more than hour for him to return, she had finally gotten up herself.

At Roger's insistence, they had sat in the second row of seats from the front, away from the rest of the bus' passengers. Not that there were that many to begin with.

As Sam walked back toward the door of the restroom, she passed a large woman covered by a blanket, apparently dreaming of something nice, as she was smiling in her sleep. A few rows back from her, an older man was also asleep, also smiling. Beside him, a girl that could be his daughter turned restlessly, her face covered in sweat.

Beyond that there were several rows of empty seats. The only other passengers on the bus sat in the next-to-last row: a young Hispanic couple, both asleep, the young woman with her head in the man's lap, her legs curled up into her chest. A few more steps, and she stood in front of the door of the only place left that Roger could be.

She raised her hand to knock... and then hesitated.

When Sam and Roger had gotten married five years earlier, he had been a caring and romantic person, always bringing her flowers, calling on the phone, taking her away for weekends in the country where they would rarely leave the bed.

The last few years, though... they had seen a deterioration in their relationship. As the economy had tightened and money had gotten scarce, Roger had changed. No more flowers. No more weekend trips. Fewer and fewer phone calls. Their sex life had dwindled to once a week, if he was in the mood.

Through it all, Samantha had held on to her belief that things would get better. Even as he ignored her, she kept trying to show him how much she loved him. Keeping house. Cooking. Kissing him, touching him.

And then he had hit her.

She had only wanted to remind him that his mother was coming by for dinner; she had walked into the den and walked in front of the television, saying his name...

She explained the bruise on her face to his mother as a misadventure in the shower.

It had happened a few times since, and each time he had gotten down on his knees and begged her forgiveness, promising it would never happen again. And each time, she forgave. Wondering about when the next time would come.

So she hesitated, knowing that the next time could come any time.

But he had been gone so long...

She knocked.


Then again.

"Roger? Are you in there? Are you okay?"

Unlike Denise Burcham, Roger Cord felt no pleasure after his body was invaded.

His body was on fire, each nerve flooded with severe pain.

If Cord were aware enough to reason, he might have understood that the creature had used his cock as a convenient gateway, but that its true target was his brain. And, with the shortest distance between two points being a straight line, his spinal cord provided the most perfect pathway from his nether regions to his spongy control center.

And so, Roger Cord was simply a mass of quivering flesh, writhing in pain on the floor of the toilet, when his wife knocked on the door.

"Roger? Are you in there? Are you okay?"

Roger Cord, the man, was in no position to answer that question.

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I walk quietly into your bedroom early in the morning.You're still asleep, lying on your side with just a sheet covering you from the waist down. Your hair is partially hiding your face and I can hear you breathing.I study your shoulder so softly rounded. Your back smooth and beautiful. My eyes follow your spine down into the top of your tempting ass. God I love to look at your ass.I'm standing naked beside your bed, my erection hardening as I watch you sleeping.I look at your creamy breasts...

Straight Sex
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How much longer he wondered, how much longer he would be locked up like a savage animal for a crime he didn’t commit. But the prosecutor made sure to get him out of way; it was just as well he had been in a short unhappy marriage. When he first met Patricia it was all fun and life was good but not too soon after Patricia’s darker side appeared. Jay knew there was something amiss when Patricia slowly withdrew and stopped being intimate with him. The weird phone calls and how it got setup to make...

Love Stories
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This vacation was turning out to be a disaster, no, that wasn't quite right, more like a big disappointment, but however you described it, Melinda was wishing that she was back home in the states rather than being alone in even such an location as Naples!!! The food was great, the sights were even better, but she was just so damned lonely she could hardly stand it, because after having lived with Josh for the past three years, their break up had almost crushed her spirit!!! Her best friend...

3 years ago
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Copyright© 2006 J-God Lynn and I had a most wonderful weekend recently. A friend of ours stopped over and we all had a night that we would never forget. Marie is a long-time friend of mine. She is short, voluptuous and very bi. She and I have flirted for ages and she always thought Lynn was cute as well. Over the years, they grew closer as friends and both commented on how pretty the other was (have I mentioned that Lynn was bi too?). Well, Marie called me up and said she wanted to come over...

4 years ago
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How much longer he wondered, how much longer he would be locked up like a savage animal for a crime he didn’t commit. But the prosecutor made sure to get him out of way, it was just as well he had been in a short unhappy marriage. When he first met Patricia it was all fun and life was good but not too soon after Patricia’s darker side appeared. Jay knew there was something amiss when Patricia slowly withdrew and stopped being intimate with him. The weird phone calls and how it got setup to make...

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I walk quietly into your bedroom early in the morning. You’re still asleep, lying on your side with just a sheet covering you from the waist down. Your hair is partially hiding your face and I can hear you breathing. I study your shoulder so softly rounded. Your back smooth and beautiful. My eyes follow your spine down into the top of your tempting ass. God I love to look at your ass. I’m standing naked beside your bed, my erection hardening as I watch you sleeping. I look at your creamy...

3 years ago
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I lay on the bed, hands tied to the posts above my head making my large round breasts stand out from my chest. My ankles tied to the posts at the foot of the bed, one either side spreading my legs exposing my most secret intimate parts to the cool evening air. Blindfolded my other senses becoming more acute picking up the moment when the door quietly opened and he entered the room.I could hear his breathing quicken at the sight of me laying on the bed totally at his mercy. My own breath caught...

4 years ago
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Do you want to know what is really happening in college toilets, girls are going crazy, caressing and rubbing each others’ pussies, read and get really hot and wet!Diana likes the taste and smell of an excited woman. Maybe it sounds dirty but that’s the truth. Why lie to yourself?.. We all get aroused from such things.Diana is exceptionally skillful in sex. Tender lips, a hot mouth and a teasing tongue. As no one else in the world she knows how responsive the scarlet nub between girl’s thighs...

2 years ago
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Right now I just wanna lay on my bed and, Feel him kissing his way down my body, Feeling his hands as they slide down my sides and down my legs. Then as he slides them up my legs slowly spreading my legs as he kisses up my legs......Feeling his warm breathe as he finds my wet dripping center. Slowly with his hand he opens my swollen pussy and begins licking,sucking and nibbling at my clit. He begins to insert with fingers while never removing his mouth from my clit, he begins fingering me...

1 year ago
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The bar finally calmed as night slowly became dawn. The evening had been rowdy because the men had not received liberty in two weeks because of the holiday that had overtaken the city. Each legionary was to be given one day’s liberty over this weekend and Dismas and Gestas had a firm plan that involved a lot of wine and hopefully a prostitute if they could find the money. The two Roman soldiers were auxiliaries and were not paid a soldier’s wage. They were born in neighboring Syria...

3 years ago
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Maddie was 21 and still a virgin, it wasn't that there was something wrong with her, she just hadn't met the right guy yet and so she had waited. She had cum many times at her own hands, but had never been deflowered as yet, that was until she met Jeff, a friend of a friend. Rumor had it that he was still a virgin also and he was a year older than her, so she thought she would be pretty safe hanging out with him. They had dates and did a little kissing and once, in his car outside of her...

2 years ago
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Fun at the Bar with Strangers ndash Another True

So I told you about the fun I had with the taxi driver, on my way home from a night out with friends (it’s called ‘Fun with a Mature Taxi Driver – a True Story’), well, as I said at the end, I wanted more that night, so I went to a local late bar.The bar is hidden away in the basement. It’s dark and a place where people go, mostly older men, to drink and try and get a hook up. The women there are few but those who go are like me, horny and after some anonymous fun.I’ve cleaned the taxi driver’s...

3 years ago
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Katies Weekend at Uncle Jeffs

“Mom, it’s not like this is the first time you’ve ever done this. I’ll be fine, I know what to do.” She gave me a hug I didn’t return. “You’re a good girl Katie,” she whispered in my ear. I rolled my eyes. I stood looking out the door as she drove away, leaving me standing there with a small suitcase in the home of a man I’d never met before this day. “Katie, you want to come and get comfortable? We can get to know each other...” I could hear him pat the seat beside him on the couch. I...

2 years ago
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Tyler Part 1 Cleaning Up

Tyler... a friends daughter is a very sexy 17yr old, (and she knows it!) with short dyed blonde hair, lovely looks and a gorgeous body. With sparkling blue eyes and full lips, she's developing nicely!Tyler helps to clean our house sometimes. It was on such a day , with the rest of the family out and me working from home that she came round to do the cleaning.As usual Tyler just walked straight in to the house shouting "Hiya" as she closed the door. One of these days that sort of abrupt entry is...

Quickie Sex
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Incredible ChangesChapter 69 Field Trip Continues

Just as directed, we headed to one of the shuttle bus stops and waited with the mystery woman. It was only a few minutes before a shuttle stopped and it was loaded with kids wearing the same color t-shirts as us. Crystal, Annie, and I got on the bus while the woman joined the group of kids heading back toward the National Mall. I had to give it to Annie and Crystal, they were completely cool and calm as they continued to scan around us for any threats. They were more than sufficiently...

1 year ago
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Do you want to share your sex tape on The Cuckold, pervert? Looking to get laid tonight? No? Well, how about watching your wife get fucked by some stud with a much bigger dick than yours? I figured that might be up your alley. You’re in luck, because today I’m taking a look at The claims to be The Biggest Community for Cuckold Couples. Every sex website is full of similar claims about being the biggest and the best, though, and I’m not sure yet what they’re offering. They...

Amateur Porn Sites
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A For Effort

The Clean Genie was about seven inches long and two inches thick. It had a hemispherical head and a spherical reservoir at its base, and was covered in soft latex with a skin-like texture. The shaft was dotted with pinprick-size orifices. The head sported several more of the tiny openings around its rim, and a larger one at its tip. It emitted a faint but delightful scent, at once fresh and delicately musky. Morgana regarded it soberly. ‘Why a woman would want to stick that into herself is...

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I Love My Hairy MomChapter 2

I can't believe what just happened. I just had sex with my mother! This has to be the most incredible thing that's ever happened to my sex life. Before my mom and I talked more about her shaving situation, I came back into my room to clean up. Now, I'm just lying in my bed thinking about what had just transpired between my own mother and I. She looked so amazing with the water dripping from her thick black curly hairy bush. Her ass was so big and the thick hair that went up her crack felt...

2 years ago
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At Your Service

I've always been very curious, ever since I was a little boy. I'd always ask my parents and older sisters annoying questions, always want to know why people were doing what they were doing, never satisfied with a throw-away answer. Nothing escaped my curious mind, which I suppose is what led to me, at the age of 10, trying on a pair of my sister's panties. I'm not really sure what my question was when I picked a pair of silky red panties out of her drawer and slid them up my legs, but...

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Sister Marthas splinter1

The sun was setting over the western hills bathing the valley side in a golden glow. I looked up from my books and decided to take a walk before darkness fell. Our house stood some way above the village and I decided to walk down to sample a pint or two of ale before supper. “I’m going for a walk I may be some time,” I informed the housekeeper before I strode off in search of refreshment. I had not gone many yards before I came across a Nun hurrying towards the village. “Good evening,” I...

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The Rolls and the Pipe Ch 03

The Rolls and the Pipe: Chapter 3 Chapter 3 of The Rolls and the Pipe is here. It’s a dual perspective piece, and therefore will be a bit longer than the other two chapters. Things might get a bit steamier in this chapter than the other two, but as I write this, I don’t know. Words flow from me and onto my keyboard, resulting in text on the computer monitor, so I can’t guarantee what’s coming. Other than that, remember the usual schtick: 18 years of age or older only please. Mucho feedback...

3 years ago
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Ranch Cherro

Ms. Cherro owns the ranch down the road from mine. Actually, it’s my father's ranch not mine, but my dad is looking to retire soon and he made it clear he wants me to take over when he does. He would always remind me to see Ms. Cherro every spring and help her once in a while, especially to fix the water shed. It ran between our ranches and we would alternate watering days. We had this agreement with her that I, or my dad, would maintain it.There’s this little secluded spring back there. I used...

Straight Sex
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The Girl With the Golden Pussy

Amanda Clark was considered by all her friends and even her enemies to be one of those girls who didn't "put out" except maybe the odd bit of oral sex here and there. It was the Spring Dance that changed all that for pretty little Amanda. She was like way past her 16th birthday when she was asked by Tyrone Johnson to the dance. The pretty dark brunette, with unusually large breasts for a schoolgirl in the junior class; did not hesitate for a second and agreed with the less than subdued...

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Diploma Pickup Pt III Last Nights Sexcap

Cortez awoke at five twenty-seven in the morning. He had drank more cognac after his wife’s hairdresser let him fuck that badonkadonk and had fallen asleep downstairs on the living room couch. His loins ached with arousal and betrayed him with his hefty shaft pitching a tent in his boxer briefs. He rubbed his eyes, removing the sleep from them. He felt around on the floor for his cell phone. There. Cortez picked it up and held it in front of his face to unlock it. He squinted to get his focus...

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Teddys WorldChapter 34

Tonight after dinner was pregnant lady night I spooned with Pam slowly fucking her pussy the way she most enjoyed it. "I still can't believe that you're my lover Teddy. You should know that I have always been a woman who is hard to handle. So those who have known me all my life are very curious about this new man that has gotten me pregnant. I am constantly being questioned about you. But it is not just me alone. It all of us widow's, as well as the other grown women you are currently...

1 year ago
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Girl From the VillageChapter 5

Marie reached out, pulled Ginger's face to hers, and began to French kiss her, an ardent intensity on her part surfacing for the first time. He didn't realize that Marie had been watching him all the while she was making love to Ginger. Just then Marie made a momentous decision. Bruno watched their red, flushed bodies squirming on the bed from the chair. His cock pointed at the ceiling, although not quite straight up, for his cock was shaped like a banana. His clothes lay strewn around his...

2 years ago
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Playing Truant 2

It seems very strange to mr now but with all the scent of sex pungent upon the air, the men and Mary all stopped for a cup of tea! I sat watching them as I wiped my mouth with a tissue, Dave moved to my side giving my boobs a squeeze, " You ready for some fun now then baby? " I simply nodded as I looked at Mary who was slowly wanking her husband's recovering cock , " Did you like his cock inside you? Bet that you've never had a bigger one?" Mary asked me, a sense of pride in her voice. "Oh...

3 years ago
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Shes My WingmanChapter 4

Lisa and I had Keri and her family over. We were playing "Apples to Apples" when Sara walks in, "Hey Jerry. When you're mom and I go for our training next week, how would you like to go along? I scored an extra ticket to the playoffs? How cool is that." "Oh God yea. Of course I'll go." He looked to his mom. "I can go, right?" "I don't know. You would miss at least two days of school." "But it's the playoffs. I can take my books with me and have all my work caught up before...

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Aggybook 2Chapter 30

McCock was enjoying a post prandial relaxation time in the office attached to the sleeping quarters of the Admiral's Quarters with his Aide, Evan Evans and discussing the visits to the orbital warehouses and the dirtside warehouses and factories associated with GmBH on the morrow. The ladies had arrived and Sally had departed after dinner to see to their meal and to get them quartered; their plan for the morrow was to inspect several properties on the outskirts of Gorgiepest for their...

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The Grantham ClinicChapter 24

Penrose fought to stifle his gut reaction, one of absolute horror. He'd spent many hours discussing Amanda with her parents, and almost felt he knew her in a limited fashion. He recalled the description of a shy, innocent teenager that struggled to integrate with her peers. Seeing the girl displayed in such a depraved manner caused the bile to rise in his stomach. "Feel the softness of her skin," the Baron suggested, running his hand over her flesh. His fingers teased her erect nipples...

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Weekend with my New Aunt

My aunt and uncle are one of those people that most people envy. They have the money, the house, the cars, and pretty much go where ever they want. My uncle was a very smart guy and very business savvy. I always dream of being just like him when I was a k**. He drives a new car every two years and married a beautiful trophy wife two years ago. He is in his late fifties and my aunt Angie is in her late twenties. They met at an event hosted by my uncle and was introduced by mutual friends. Aunt...

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The Model

It was my first semester at art school and I was loving it. To be able to go to school and draw, paint, and create, and eventually get paid for it was my dream. But today would change everything. I was taking a figure drawing class and this was my first class observing drawing a nude model. As I set up my supplies the models, both male and female, walked into the room. I had never seen so many beautiful people in one room. Each student was assigned a model, and fortunately I was assigned a...

Straight Sex
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Gloryhole with Jo part 2

……………………… I got up and went and knelt in front of the wall took a cock in each hand, my heart was pounding so fast now I thought it would explode out of my chest, I leant forward and licked the head of this strangers cock as Jo had done it twitched as I did this, then I licked the head of the cock in my other hand and slowly sank my lips over it and started to suck and then back to the other one to do the same, I moved along to the next two which were both new ones and both softish, I took them...

2 years ago
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Maisie Williams and the Perils of Partner Swapping

She did not take it well at all, and it nearly caused our relationship to crash and burn. It survived, but I didn’t stop trying to convince her. She stayed hesitant but I made sure she knew that we would have a set of rules. We’d be honest with each other and could veto anyone we didn’t like. It took months of this cajoling and convincing before Maisie - very - reluctantly agreed. I made sure she knew that I loved her more than anyone in the world and there wouldn’t be anything romantic in...

1 year ago
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An Accident The Internet A Hotel

100% fiction! It happened on a weekend, when I went to visit my son Mark at college. He lived a little less than an hour away, not making it unusual for me to spend the night there, rather than drive home. Sometimes I’d visit for the day and other times to spend an evening, depending on our respective schedules. But regardless what we did or for how long, I was there simply to visit him. We had a wonderful relationship, and he was never a source of worry or problematic, when he lived at home....

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Eternal Toilet SlaveChapter 8 Week 5

No one mentioned the prospective housemates in front of me during the following week. Except for the time that Darcie got sick, the week passed as usual. Darcie, of course, rushed in one evening and rooted through that cabinet where they keep that leather strap. Shit! Why is she going to punish me for now? She looked ill, and I knew something was wrong the way she frantically pulled stuff out. She grabbed a large funnel and shoved the small end into my mouth. No sooner than she did that,...

3 years ago
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River 10

CHAPTER 10 So far: Shortly after a traditional religious ceremony at the river had been a huge success, River and Wayne are running full tilt through the reservation towards the highway, where Moonie's chicken hatchery stands. Two shotgun blasts had been heard, and one squeal from a wounded wolf. River was a few dozen yards behind Wayne as he veered away from the river, running at full speed. Even so, she nearly caught up with him as they neared the hatchery, where they saw an old...

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TouchChapter 20

Lena Lena was angry at Tim and Emma for taking Lisa's side. She sat in a booth at the Yellow Orchid working on her third Singapore Sling. She looked up to see Shasta staring at her. 'Shasta, what a stupid name, ' she thought, sourly. 'That's the name of a mountain, not for a girl.' Lena had to admit that Shasta was quite attractive. Long raven hair, black eyes, pretty face, nice figure, nice legs. One thing that Lena could get was she had to have three inch nails on each hand in...

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