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The bar finally calmed as night slowly became dawn. The evening had been rowdy because the men had not received liberty in two weeks because of the holiday that had overtaken the city. Each legionary was to be given one day’s liberty over this weekend and Dismas and Gestas had a firm plan that involved a lot of wine and hopefully a prostitute if they could find the money.

The two Roman soldiers were auxiliaries and were not paid a soldier’s wage. They were born in neighboring Syria in the city of Tyre. Both orphans, their only hope for a better life laid in the legions and the promise of Roman citizenship at the end of decades of service.

Gestas set his elbows on the bar and buried his face in his hand, released a loud yawn, and turned to Dismas, “Come on. Let’s go find a girl and get back to the barracks. I’m tired.”

Dismas laughed; wine slurred his speech, “We can’t even afford a boy.”

Gestas belched, “Let’s go down to the tent camps outside of the walls and have our pick of whatever we want. I hear this Jewish cunny’s supposed to stay intact…”

The bartender slammed a cup down on the table, “You two will pay and you will leave now. I want no more of you two in my inn every again! I will tell your centurion -”

Gestas exploded into action like a wildcat. He jumped up and drew his short sword from the scabbard, deftly placing it under the bartender’s chin in one smooth motion, “And with what will you tell him, Jew? Your old mouth or the new one I’m going to cut in your throat?”

Dismas lurched over the bar and pointed at the floor, chortling drunkenly, “Look Ges, he’s pissing himself!” Both men laughed as a small dark puddle developed at the bartender’s feet on the earthen floor.

Defusing a possibly lethal situation, the door to the tavern suddenly opened. A dark skinned man of Semitic descent, well-dressed in a fine, black silken tunic with gold embroidery and a floor length skirt, entered the building. This bar was a frequent for off-duty legionaries and a local entering was odd enough. That such a fine-dressed local would enter such a place was unheard of. Three sets of eyes turned to the door as the official-looking man made his way into the tavern.

The bar hung deathly still for a moment as the well-dressed man quietly surveyed the scene with eyes ringed with dark make-up. His soft, ruby-colored lips slowly parted, and an airy, effeminate voice cracked the tension, “You, legionaries, are with the second torture detachment to the 12th Legion Fulminata, are you not – ?”

The sound of oiled metal rubbing against metal echoed around the common room of the tavern as Dismas released his sword, dropping his scabbard to the ground, “I think we found our entertainment for the evening. Deal with the barman quietly and I will subdue the nancy -”

The official-looking man held up a soft, smooth hand with well-manicured nails in a gesture of peace, “Hold legionaries. My people know I am here and that I search for you. My master has need of men with your unique skill set.”

Dismas scoffed, “And who is your master, nancy?”

The well-dressed man pursed his lips, “Yosef bar Kayafa, High Priest of the Temple.”

Dismas and Gestas glanced at each other quickly and nodded. Dismas bent over to pick up his scabbard, and Gestas lowered his sword and slowly backed off from the terrified innkeeper.

The Temple Ordinator tossed a small sack of coins at the legionaries’ feet, “Ten denari just to hear his offer, another twenty upon completion.”

The legionaries took the sack of coins and grabbed their kits from under their stools, sliding the mailed tunics over their heads and buckling on their sword belts. They placed their helmets on their head as Dismas grabbed two jugs of grain spirits from under the counter and Gestas grabbed as many sacks of wine as he could carry under an arm from off of the wall behind the bar.

Before following the Ordinator out the door, Gestas sneered at the bartender and grabbed the cup he had slammed down earlier; a small, flute-less, rough ceramic bowl about the size of a grown man’s hand, “A proper Roman only drinks from a proper cup, barbarian.”


The three men made their way through the meandering alleys of first century Jerusalem as dawn slowly crept over the city. The morning quiet was a welcome relief to a city that had been overburdened with travelers for weeks in preparation for the local holiday. No one paid any attention to the three men as they crept into a hidden entrance to the catacombs below the Temple Mount.


The dark, torchlight rough stone tunnels opened into a shallow cavern of sorts lit by two floor braziers at the tunnel entryway. Metal shackles adorned the ceiling of the room and two nude figures were held suspended by their arms over their heads with their toes a few inches from the ground. The first, a man, had been obviously mistreated with one eye already swollen closed, probably from resistance during his capture. The second, a woman barely more than a girl, with small budding breasts that could be cupped in a grown man’s hand and dark puffy erect nipples that glowed with recent abuse, sobbed quietly, her downcast faced stained with tears. Her long black hair fell below her waist and partially covered her stained face and only small tufts of black curls adorned her underarms and pelvic mound, providing recent evidence of her adolescence. A table at the side of the entrance was piled with all manners of wicked knives and whips, a worn whetstone and dark stains provided testament to their frequent use.

The Temple Ordinator, who had revealed himself as Yoel bar Lev during their journey through the city, lifted a lazy finger in the direction of the captive man, and his statement was accompanied by an ear-piercing wail from the young woman, “We need this man scourged and publicly crucified.”

Dismas snorted, “Are you addled? You want us to hang him on the crosses in the market? We’ll be hanging with him before the day’s out!”

Yoel waved his hand dismissively, “The temple doesn’t care where you hang him, so long as he will be seen. Do it outside of the city if you wish. The city gates open in three hours. You have plenty of time to put him on a cross and sneak away before the morning merchant traffic and the pilgrims can see him.”

Gestas frowned and crossed his arms over his chest, “If you want him crucified, then hang him from a cross yourself. Rome isn’t some lapdog to a provincial god that dishonors the Emperor.”

Yoel set a larger, second bag of coins on the edge of the table, “It must looked like Rome did it. We want to lend his heresy no more credence by martyring him.”

Dismas laughed and took a swig from one of the wine bladders, “Why would Rome give a grain of salt about Jewish blasphemy?”

Yoel slammed his dainty fist against the tunnel way and raised his nasal voice, “I don’t care! Say he tried to overthrow Herod Antipas! Hang a bloody sign from his neck proclaiming him King of the Jews! Just get it done – !”

Gestas interrupted Yoel’s rant and motioned toward the second captive, “Who’s the girl?”

“Some whore we found him coupling with in the bushes at Gethsemane,” Yoel sneered.

The captive man spoke in Aramaic through swollen lips, “She’s my wife and my favor-”

Yoel stamped his foot and shrieked at the top of his voice to drown out the captive, “NOT ACCORDING TO THE TEMPLE! SHE’S NO HONEST WOMAN AND YOU ARE NO RABBI! YOU ARE A HERETIC, AND AN ADULTERER, AND A HOMOSEXUAL -”

“ENOUGH!” roared Gestas, “Give us the girl and we’ll do the deed.”

Yoel nodded his ascent, “Fine. We don’t care about the girl, anyways. I wash my hands of this whole affair.”

“Not so fast,” Gestas grinned, “How many times do you want him scourged? Five, ten?”

Yoel’s eyes narrowed, “Forty.”

“What?!,” exclaimed Dismas, “Forty’s a death sentence by Roman law! He’ll be dead long before he hangs from the cross.”

“Thirty-nine, then!” Yoel shouted as he stormed out of the cavern.


The fiery spirit burned as Dismas poured it down his throat, “Fine Ges, you can have the girl first, but save her cunny for me. You get her ass. I’ll do the first twenty lashes and then we’ll switch.”

Gestas pulled off his mailed tunic and tossed it aside, “Agreed.”

Dismas moved over to the table of assorted implements of torture and selected a wooden-handled scourge with eight three foot long straps of leather, tied off with jagged shards of bronze in their ends. The young woman howled in terrified, broken Latin, “Why you do these things? We no harm you or your Caesar-God! Let us leave in peace or your soul be damned!”

The captive man softly mumbled in Aramaic, “Do not give them the pleasure, my love. You have been called for this purpose, and I shall suffer as you suffer. We shall leave an example for those who follow us; we who have committed no sin, nor has any deceit escaped our mouths. While being reviled, we shall not revile in return; and while suffering, we shall utter no threats. We shall entrust ourselves to God who judges righteously.”

Gestas untied the drawstring of his trousers and stroked his half-erect cock with one hand as his other hand lifted the sobbing girl’s face to his own. Her lower lip quivered in fear, but her eyes betrayed a steely resolve as Gestas brushed a soft kiss on her forehead and whispered in his native Aramaic, “We do it because we can.”

The captive man looked up at the sound of his captors’ use of his native tongue, “We are brothers. Release your rage on me, but leave your sister in peace.”

Gestas balled up his fist and slammed it into the captive man’s already abused jaw and barked in Latin, “I do this because my wife and my children will be Roman – unlike you, Rex. They will never fear rape and murder at the hands of a Syrian!”

Recovered and blinking back the pain, the captive man turned his head to the young woman and mumbled in Aramaic, “Forgive them, Mary. They know not that which they do,” as the first lash from Dismas’ scourge flung him forward against his chains and tore into his back.

“Do we deserve your mercy, Rex?!” Gestas screamed.

Dismas flogged the captive man repeatedly; each lash borne stoically by the captive man and each lash accompanied by a horrified shriek of empathy from the captive girl. Gestas continued stroking his cock as it grew harder, shouting with each lash, “Where’s your God now, Rex?!”

All four people were covered in blood and gore when Dismas stopped the beating at ten lashes to rub his sore shoulder and take off his mail. The captive man faded in and out of consciousness as his toes touched the ground for the first time in hours as his torso elongated because of his torn open, eviscerated back muscles. His whole body quivered reflexively in shock as the captive girl choked for air through her sobs.

Gestas approached the rear of the flogged man and rubbed his erect penis in the ichor that just a few moments before was the captive man’s lateral dorsal muscles. Gestas grabbed the quasi-conscious man by the back of the hair and whispered in his ear in Aramaic, “Lube. For courtesy. Romans are always polite.”

Gestas turned to the terrified, suspended girl. She wriggled, trying to back away, and her legs kicked feebly in the air searching for purchase on the ground below. Gestas wrapped his burly arms, toned and muscled by countless hours of training in sword-and-shield-play and spear-throwing, around her delicate waist that was just blossoming into the curves of womanhood. The captive girl’s body was lean and toned, as if accustomed to frequent exercise, but it wasn’t hardened as if to suggest she regularly engaged in common labor. Her smooth, Mediterranean-colored skin still had the silkiness of a child and suggested that this young woman enjoyed a healthy diet and that she knew little of want.

She clenched her lips tightly closed as Gestas leaned forward and brushed his rough, wind and wine dried lips against her soft, tensed lips. Gestas thought he could taste a hint of olives, suggesting how the loving couple had spent their final evening together.

Gestas heard Dismas laugh and quickly run over to the side of the room for some unknown reason. He turned to see his friend running back to the unconscious, suspended man with the cup they had taken from the bar in his hands. The captive man had released his bowels and a steady flow of urine dribbled from his penis. Dismas placed the cup on the ground under the stream of urine laughing hysterically, “We made two people piss themselves today!”

Gestas joined in the laughter as Dismas picked up the cup overflowing with urine and walked over to the suspended girl. Holding the cup with one hand, he instructed Gestas to hold her legs steady, and plugged her nose with his other hand. After a few moments, as the girl’s face started to turn blue, she rapidly gulped for air with her mouth and Dismas tossed the mix of urine and blood into her oxygen-starved mouth. The restrained girl choked and gagged on the foul mix as Dismas slapped her open-handedly across the face, “If my friend wants to kiss you, you kiss him back – understand?”

Gestas nodded his thanks to his friend and returned his attention to the girl choking on her dying lover’s bodily fluids.

Gestas turned the girl on her rotating manacles to face her beaten, dying lover. Gestas grabbed the base of his bloody, ichor-covered cock and placed the head at the entrance to her rectum before instructing Dismas to continue with the flogging. Gestas wrapped his other hand around on her stomach and violently invaded her anus in a single thrust in time with the first renewed lash from his compatriot’s scourge.

Gestas placed his face next to hers and barked in her ear, “Open your eyes and watch or we’ll stop and I’ll cut off your eyelids.”

The shackled girl moaned piteously and continuously, choking for air through her pained wailing, as she was forced to watch her husband be beaten to death by Dismas and his wicked scourge as Gestas savagely plowed her ass with his hard, throbbing cock.

“That’s twenty. Your turn. Finish him off,” Dismas mumbled quietly as he lowered his whip and rubbed his sore shoulder again.

“Ahhhh. Come on, Dis,” moaned Gestas, “I’m not done yet.”

Dismas dropped the whip to the ground and surveyed his handiwork on the unconscious man. The violent twitching had mostly subsided, and the captive man was clearly never going to regain consciousness naturally. Broken rib bones and pieces of his spine stood exposed. Dismas walked over to the stash of liquor and grabbed a sack of wine, finishing the whole bladder in almost a single drink.

Gestas withdrew his filthy penis from the girl’s gaping, abused anus and reached up and unhooked the manacles from the ceiling chain, allowing the girl to fall unceremoniously to the floor. Her hands were still shackled above her head, but the relief to her swollen, dislocated shoulders was palpable in the first, mildly pleasant, sigh she had uttered in hours.

Gestas walked over to Dismas, grabbed his own wine-sack and took a heavy drought, “It’s no fun beating a corpse, Dis.”

Dismas smirked, “What can I say? I’m a professional.”

Gestas grinned and let his eyes roam over the table. He found a bronze circlet and tossed it into one of the coal braziers before rejoining his friend for another skin of wine.

Dismas finished his second bladder and said, “I think I’m going to go to the quartermaster and see if I can get the wood, the hammer, and the nails we’ll need. You bring the body and let’s meet up in that shady grove near the hill of Calvary outside the walls.”

Gestas frowned, “Oh come on! You made me pull out of the tightest ass I’ve ever had and you’re not even gonna get a piece of that cunny? I’ll bet it’ll choke the life out of your cock!”

Dismas chortled and held up the empty wine skin, “I think Dionysus has already cursed my cock today. There’ll be plenty left of her when we get back.”

Gestas picked up a set of tongs from the table and shook his head, “Alright, but I can’t promise you’ll get first chance at it, brother.”

Dismas smiled, “Fair enough,” as he left the cavern. Gestas picked up the red-hot circlet from the brazier and walked over to the unconscious, suspended man. He placed the burning crown onto his head and the unconscious, dying man was ripped violently awake to issue a blank stare into the face of his tormentor, “Welcome back, Rex.”

Blood and bile oozed from the dying man’s mouth as his childish lover tried to scramble to her feet to protect him. Gestas slammed his meaty fist into her face and knocked her to the floor. His heavy iron boots rained punishment as she tried feebly to protect her coiled abdomen. The high-pitched sounds of cracking ribs augmented the piteous, pain-filled shrieks from her mouth.

Having subdued the woman, Gestas returned quickly to his original quarry, worried that the captive man had already returned to unconsciousness, “Oh no! Not so fast, Rex!”

Gestas scurried behind him and grabbed the base of his still throbbing cock. The copious blood dripping from the remains of the dying man’s back made insertion easy as Gestas drove his cock into his anus. Ichor clung to Gestas’s chest hair as he rubbed his chiseled chest against the remains of the dying man’s back. Gestas reached around and fondled the captive man’s genitals and nibbled on his earlobe as he plowed viciously into the man’s ass. The smell of burning flesh and hair was intoxicating.

The dying man showed one last surge of life as his heart burst; he gurgled in Aramaic, “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit…”

Gestas roared with ecstasy as he climaxed and filled the dead man’s anus with his seed.


Dismas struggled under the weight of two heavy wooden beams, a shovel, and a sack full of tools.

“Blasted…,” Dismas dropped his burden and motioned to a nearby man, “You. Jew. What’s your name?”

The bystander nervously replied, “Simon, sir.”

“Great. Simon,” Dismas reached into the coin sack and tossed a denarius at the man, “Carry one of these beams with me.”

“Yessir. Thank you, sir.”


“Keep digging,” growled Gestas.

Simon had dug a hole about two feet deep while Gestas and Dismas had bound the corpse’s arms with rope to the crosspiece and nailed the wrists securely to the beam.

Dismas walked over and inspected the hole, “That should be enough. Thank you, Simon. You may go.”

Simon nodded his thanks to both men as he brushed the dirt from his trousers. Gestas leapt forward and plunged his sword into the Jew’s throat, “No witnesses.”

Dismas nodded solemnly as he fished his denarius out of the man’s belt pouch. Gestas set the gibbet, a 6 foot vertical piece of wood with an indentation at the top, into the hole Simon had dug.

The two men grunted as they lifted the crossbeam with the corpse nailed to it and dragged it over to the gibbet. They put the beam on their shoulders and lifted it unto the top of gibbet and they secured it with a nail. They came down and nailed the corpse’s heels to the sides of the gibbet.

“Now, the sign,” said Dismas, “What did the girl say his name was?”

“Ah, Pluto’s thorny cock,” exclaimed Gestas, “I forgot to ask.”

Dismas’ eyes widened as he picked up the small board and the charcoal, “Well, what do we put then?”

Gestas grinned, “Just put Rex.”

Dismas frowned, “Rex of what? We already have the silver. I don’t want Rome getting blamed for this.”

Gestas nodded, “Blame Herod. Put ‘In the name of the King of Judea’.”

Dismas shook his head, “There’s not enough room!”

Gestas grimaced, “Abbreviate!”


The men stood back to admire their handiwork momentarily before slinking off into the early dawn shadows.

Dismas sighed heavily and put his hand on his friend’s shoulder, “Brother. I have this odd feeling that we really screwed up today.”

As he said this, the familiar stomp of a cohort of iron boots marching in formation came from the road. Gestas hung his head, “Gods below, I should know better than to hang out with a guy named Dis.”

The pair turned to see a centurion accompanied by a host of legionaries and a couple dozen locals who had gathered to see why troops were on the move so early in the morning. Standing next to the centurion was a very familiar and very pissed-off young Jewish girl, dressed in rags, and clutching her side as she limped along trying to keep up with the marching troops, “There they are! That’s them!”

“Where are your kits, auxiliaries?” barked the angry centurion.

Mary shook her finger at the two men, “I told you! They left them in that dungeon!”

The centurion waved his hand to silence the angry girl, “Auxiliaries, is what she saying the truth? Will we find your kits in a catacomb under the temple?”

The two men looked quickly at each other, and Gestas suddenly grabbed a pilum from a surprised legionary flanking the centurion and plunged it into the crucified corpse’s side, “See! We didn’t do anything! He was already dead when we found him!”

The centurion roared in anger, “Seize them!” and pointed at the legionary who had had his spear stolen, “You! Go to the quartermaster and get two more crosses!”

Gestas and Dismas were quickly restrained by the other soldiers and Dismas cried out, “Wait! We’re soldiers! I want to appeal to our Prefect!”

“Silence!” bellowed the centurion, “Auxiliary troops don’t have the right to appeal. Besides, the closest Prefect is in Damascus with the rest of your legion! We aren’t waiting a season for him to pass through on inspection.”

The crowd had grown and gathered closer and wanted to see what was happening, so the centurion stepped forward and addressed the crowd, “By the order of the Praefectus Legionis of Legio XII Fulminata, these men have been lawfully convicted of high treason against Augustus Caesar and the Senate and People of Rome. They shall be crucified unto death… uhhh… out here… on this hill… ummmmm… so that ALL may bear witness to the wrath of Caesar!”

The centurion was relieved as the crowd seemed mollified. Mary whispered in his ear, “Very good, sir. With your permission may I take the body of my husband down for proper burial? I wouldn’t want him thrown in a common grave…”

The centurion blinked, “Of course. Mighty Caesar expresses regret for the inconvenience.”

“Get those two up on crosses and get back to barracks,” ordered the centurion as he stalked off to return to his breakfast.

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Tom first noticed Lori Philips when he began working at his new job in the same building where she was located. She was in her middle 20s and a very pretty young woman. He quickly found out that she was married when he dropped by her office and just "accidentally" struck up a conversation as she sat there working on her computer. He could see her wedding rings on her left hand as he glanced at her face and could also see down her sweater and noticed the sexy lace bra she was wearing. Lori...

2 years ago
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Journey to the Past unabridgedChapter 10 Recovery

It seems that women were always deciding my position in bed; I was once again between two lovely ladies cuddled up to me. Hild had hold of my head and was showering kisses all over my face, with tears running down her cheeks, mixing with the saliva from her mouth and also mixing with my tears. We must have looked a sorry sight. I had to pull myself together, and said to them both, "I will never forget Jane, but we must get on with our lives, my mourning is over. I still have one wife by my...

2 years ago
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I'm sitting here throbbing with need. You have been texting all morning, and you turn me on so effortlessly. I'm so wet, my jeans are getting dark.My nipples are hard under my shirt as I sit in my truck, moaning under my breath.You are only half playing with my mind, as you are working. I haven't told you that I was able to slip away from work... I have been refraining from playing with myself as you keep teasing. I want more than teasing.. and maybe some pay back.. I am sitting in the lot...

4 years ago
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Till Death Do Us Part

"Till Death Do Us Part" By Heather Caroline "Acknowledgements" I wish to acknowledge and thank Ms Vickie Tern for being my inspiration and encouragement to write this story idea that has been rattling around in my blonde brain for a very long time. I just couldn't get motivated to get started nor believe enough in myself to write a good and entertaining story. Vickie's writing style encouraged me and then she gave me the push to start. Everything she told...

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Swapping wives with Chacha

Hello Everyone, My name is Ani, I came across this site a week ago and would like to share my life story with you. Except for the names, the story is 100% true. I’m writing the story from my point of view, but 3 others are reminding me all the details. So let’s start…. I’m 27 and my wife Reena is 22, we’ve been married for 2 years. We live in Delhi with my Chacha (my dad’s cousin) and his wife. My Chacha is 38 and Chachi is 30. We don’t plan on having any kids for few years yet as we want to...

3 years ago
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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 26

Clara was indeed pissed off with me when I showed up at the enclosure with the injured man, but then she got over it. In truth, Clara was just happy I’d come back alive. Gabby was happy as well. I ended up giving them both hugs and comfort, before Clara got down to work treating Carlos, the injured man. I’d driven one of the ATVs back to the enclosure, bringing Carlos and Cora with me. They were brother and sister and Cora had no intentions of letting her brother out of her sight. She told...

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Dirty Slut Teacher Sex

"Hi Sam," she said when she saw me. " How can I help you?" "Hi Ms. Briggs. I was wondering if I could ask you something." she put her stuff down and sat her ass on the edge of her desk. "Sure. What's up?" "Are you wearing any underwear right now?" I asked with a smirk on my face. Ms. Briggs went rigid. "Excuse me? That is a completely inappropriate question!" "That's true. But it's still far more appropriate than what I saw you doing on your desk five minutes...

2 years ago
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FUN to the MAX Daddy

This story is 100 percent fictionThat day was an exciting day for me. I was excited because it was my 18th B-Day party and my Daddy had a super, secretive surprise for me. He said it was something only I could do once in my life and he wanted it to be as special as possible. My Daddy was drop dead beautiful. He was 6ft 2, 224 pounds and went to the gym every day. Because of his workouts, he had a tasty six pack I would have loved to put some chocolate on top of so I could lick it off and oh,...

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Nipple Twister

Fbailey storyNipple TwisterWhen my little sister was about eleven years old she started having her periods. She had cramps, she had an upset tummy, and she ran fevers…every twenty-eight days…just like clockwork.She got to miss a lot of school because of it too.Then just after she turned thirteen she came into my bedroom and said, “Twist my nipples just as hard as you can. Mom said that you had too.”Well fuck that shit. I wasn’t about to fall for that. I just got off being grounded and I wasn’t...

3 years ago
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My First Encounter With Madam Part 8211 2

Incident 2. This happened on a week end afternoon. Madam was along at home. As asked by madam I went to near by grocery shop and brought some vegetables for Madam. Then I went for washing my dress and was planning for a bath. I also applied coconut oil also on my body in preparation for bath, and was wearing only a towel and no undie. Suddenly I heard a cry from inside home and madam was calling for help.. I thought some thing really wrong and rushed to the home. Luckily the front door was...

3 years ago
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Sis and I Chapter 2 It runs in the family

“Last Night was fucking amazing George I’m going out to buy some things for later. I’ll have a surprise in store too. P.S I left you a little tease for tonight (turn this not around) and the pill is a pill that will make your dick grow by 2 inches in 5 hours I got it off eBay I use it on all my men.” When I turned the note I saw a picture of my sister nude with a sexy face on holding a dildo in between her massive tits and my name written right above her pussy. I immediately got a huge...

2 years ago
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Bridget Grows Up

Bridget stood there, looking down at the engine. She had to laugh, {well it's still there ... that's what I know about cars!... } She had been on the way home and her car just stopped. She was reaching for her cell phone when a car pulled up. "Hi, thought I recognized you. Troubles?" She vaguely recognized the young man, he had helped her with her groceries one day. He joined her and they both stared at the engine, the boy wiggled some wires and tried to restart it, no luck. "Well that's...

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KlutzChapter 7

Bill and Susan stepped into the hallway smiling. Susan's smile disappeared as she saw a man and woman walking toward them. Susan stepped to the side as she tried to walk around them but the woman stepped into her path. "Well good morning Suzie-Q," the man said. It was nearly the same words that Ruth had used but there was mockery in the words that Bill didn't like. "Hi Klutz," the woman said. "Who's your friend?" The woman was looking at Bill as if he was fresh baked bread and...

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A Great Trip With a Young Guy

It was a Sunday, I was on business travel in a medium size mid-west town. I was driving on the interstate, near the edge of town, had to go to pick up a couple of things that were waiting for me on-hold at a FedEx-Kinkos near the airport, but didn't have anything to do the rest of that afternoon. Just as I started over the overpass, I saw him -- young guy probably 20 to 22 or so with two backpacks and a bag. He had his thumb out, and I made a quick decision to pull over on the shoulder of the...

3 years ago
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A Little Roughhousing

The party was one week ago now; where you met Ashley. As someone who doesn't find himself invited to many collegiate festivities, it was surprising you were there at all, and even more surprising that you had the luck to get close with such a pretty girl. Actually, luck doesn't even begin to describe it. Slender, pretty girls who go to State always seem to be obsessed with the same stuff; drinking, partying, looking good, and getting with the most attractive guys. Your first glimpse at her left...

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SnowboundChapter 2

Bob explained to the girls that they would stay the night in the motel and try to leave for home the next morning. He also explained that the room had only one double bed in it, which was okay because he assumed that there would be a sofa and he thought he could sleep on it. When they opened the door to the room, they were sadly surprised. The only furniture in the room was one double bed with one side pushed against the wall, a thirty inch wide dresser and a straight backed chair similar to...

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Ricks RevengeChapter 19

Friday night arrived with Lisa and me preparing for her Christmas Party. Donna made sure I was freshly shaved and showered. Once again, my efforts to get Donna and Lisa into the shower with me laughed away. “You look so sexy and handsome in your dark suit,” Donna complimented, smoothing my lapel. “Lisa won’t be able to keep her hands off you,” she smiled, smelling my cologne. “I think it’ll be a quiet night for us. I know we’ve done some good flirting from time to time and she’d been quite...

4 years ago
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The Amulet part 2

As Drew became more familiar with the power of his new toy, he came to receive a perverse pleasure in humiliating people he thought to be, shall we say a bit pompous. One morning on the way to work, a mean spirited woman verbally abused a young boy who had accidentally stepped on her toe. After listening to her upbraid the lad for at least two minutes, Drew gave her a suggestion, and to the delight of the men and the shock of the women, the old biddy lifted her dress and masturbated to orgasm...

4 years ago
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Mare finally cucks Jim

Delayed over a week. Today worked. Jim has a weeks business in London. Left out of JFK this afternoon. Plan was for Mary Ellen to come over after dropping him off. Downpour most of the day. Instead of being back by 9, more like 11.Great afternoon/early evening. I'm writing from great room looking in at 3 sleeping bodies, my bff a cum sponge and loving every drop.Started with k**s out of state (thank the lord!). I came out of the shower with nothing on but water. Went to spare room,...

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Cleaning Up

We were on holiday some years ago and having a really sexy time fucking regularly on quiet and not so quiet beaches on the balcony at night and several daytime fucks, one evening prior to going out were having some oral fun when my wife asked me to cum in her then lick her clean, so I said I would prefer it if you went out and fuck and bring back a load to me. You wouldn’t like it if I was fucked by someone else without being there, try me I replied. I wouldn’t know where to pick anyone up or...

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Amber Chapter 1 Turning Amber Red

The first time she did it, I thought it was an accident.I looked, of course I looked, but my excitement then was at catching a glimpse of something forbidden. Amber was her name – I knew that because I’d overheard her talking to her friends on the bus. Her school friends, all wearing the same uniform of blue blazers, white blouses and pleated grey skirts; short grey socks and flat black shoes. The difference with Amber was that I knew she was wearing a pair of white knickers – not the ones with...

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SeeHimFuck Chloe Temple Valerica Steele See HIM Pegged8230And Then Some

2020 XBIZ Gay Performer of the Year ? Pierce Paris makes his long awaited See H?️M Fuck debut this week, and we teamed HIM up with both Chloe Temple and Valerica Steele ?‍? for an update that caused us to add at least 5 new categories ? The scene starts as usual, with our talented director Johnny ?? Robins helping us get to know a little about the stud from Montana ??‍♀️?? Pierce then stands so Chloe and Valerica can assist HIM in removing his sharp black suit ?️ The girls pause to admire...

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Summer ProjectChapter 18

Michelle's orgasm had left her happily drained and she smiled around her red ballgag when Jeff eased her over onto the couch. The oriental girl was still a bit shocked when Jeff had used the riding crop on Stephanie, but she imagined that it was all part of the fantasy Stephanie and Jeff were living out. The metallic voice thing was scary as well, but she thought that it probably just fuelled the fires of the blonde's imagination as well, making her captivity that much more exciting. In...

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Back to the Farm Ch 05

Okay, Chapter 5 at last. Sorry for the long wait – and thank you so much for having patience with me. I know I’m going to get things thrown at me now, but I’m afraid I’ve got another exam coming up on May 13 so there’ll be a slight delay before Chapter 6 appears I’m afraid. I promise faithfully that the moment the exam’s done, I’ll get back to the story! * ‘Always look on the bright side of life’ – written by Eric Idle, originally featured in the film ‘Monty Python’s Life of Brian’ (1979) ...

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House Fucking Part 2 New Listings

House Fucking- Part 2- New Listings Dedicated to someone I am incredibly smitten with at the moment. Two days later, Hong called informing me of new home listings in my desired neighborhood. After that wonderful showing the first time, how could I not want to see more? I agreed to meet him at his realty office so we could make some new (home) discoveries. It took every bit of restraint on my part not to unzip his pants and suck his cock in the car as he programmed his GPS for the first...

1 year ago
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10 May 2009Chapter 2

Dan heard the front doorbell chime and noted it didn’t disturb the babies. He hurried to the bedroom, slipped on his lounger pants, and grabbed his shirt. He pulled his shirt down as he opened the door. Sarg and Major were waiting at the door to inspect anyone wanting in. “Hi, Dan, I hope you don’t mind if we’re early.” “No, not at all,” he said letting Lisa, Hanna, and Jenny in. “Hi, honey,” Lisa smiled kissing him. “Hi, Daddy,” Hanna followed, also kissing him. “Hi, Daddy,” Jenny added...

4 years ago
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Best Friends ForeverChapter 12

“Yes, I met with him, sandbagged him really. The good part was that he listened to me. The bad part was that in the end it didn’t make any difference. He still sent me packing,” she said. He shook his head slowly. “I guess we could have predicted the last part. But, maybe him talking to you at all means that some of his anger, despair, what all is fading just a little,” said Rodney. “Maybe, it was like he wanted me to give him an excuse to come in out of the cold. But, in the end, like I...

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Aunty Jothe Part 8211 2

Hello yellarigu namaskara nanna modalane story ista aagide antha andkondidini eega naan ee story ya second part helabeku antha idini. Beri linda hodudre artha aagola modalane part hodi amele ee part na hodi thumba ista aagvodu nimgalige. Naanu belige heddu avala message ge wait maadtha idde hogli naane ondu message maadirona antha heli Good Morning antha wish maadide yeste othu adru nan msg nodirlilla avalu amele 10’o clock aage nodidlu aadru rply madirlilla nange swalpa bejaragtittu nodudru...

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The Magical Life of Jenny

Jenny lived an ordinary life. She lived alone in a small apartment, worked at a boring day job, and drove a bland car. She even looked like she was nothing special. Average body, not too heavy, but not too trim either. Brunette hair, brown eyes, and average height. Jenny's whole life just screamed ordinary. She was not unique in any way, shape, or form. Jenny came home from her job one night, tired as usual. She was on her way to the kitchen to pick out a TV dinner from the freezer. She sighed...

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An Angie Story 2 Angie Goes on Patrol

Copyright© 2006 Edited by pairadice Angie's tale continues with the assignment of a new boss to take the place of the retired Captain Durocher. Needless to say, Angie's days as a human breathalyzer are over. What will she do now? Ordered to report to Lieutenant Frost, Angie was nervous. She had heard stories about the up-and-coming leader and was not looking forward to working under her. As Angie walked through the parking lot on her way to see her new boss, she shrugged. Oh well,...

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Sexy Sushmita Aunty Ki Chudai

My name is Siddhartha and I am from city of love agra and currently staying in Delhi and my story is about how I fuck my aunty and any aunty bhabhi from Delhi and Agra mail me at Ab mai aapko bore na karte hue story par aata hoon yeh baat kuch 1 month pehle ki hai or meri aunty ke baare mai btata hoon unka naam sushmita hai woh 38 yrs ki hai par lagti 30 ki hai aur unke gol gol boobs and unki badi badi gaand kisi ko bhi muth maarne mai majboor kar de aur mera loda unhone apne aap ko kaafi...

1 year ago
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Double TimeChapter 56

“Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.” —Haruki Murakami, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running 18 AUGUST 2019 What a weird day. All my girlfriends had their own quirky little needs. There was Joan eating Rachel to an orgasm while the two lay on my lap. Then Brittany using my finger to trace her nipple and down between her legs, then suggesting that the two of us should do her aunt this winter. And my surprising little Beca who just crawled into my lap and went to sleep...

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WildOnCam Aaliyah Hadid Vanna Bardot Scissor

Sexy hot babes Aaliyah Hadid and Vanna Bardot are ready to go at it and can not wait to strip off that lingerie and get down to some hot pussy eating! The girls take turns licking that pussy before getting out the double dildo to suck on it simultaneously. We can deep throat it the most?!? Vanna loves making Aaliyah quiver under her grasp when she gets close to that wet pussy with her hitachi. All she wants to do is make Aaliyah cum! The girls finish off the show with some scissoring while...

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The Gift Book IIChapter 18

I pondered what I should do, as I ran my morning three miles. While running might be good for your heart and circulatory system, it doesn't really take a lot of concentration. That left me with a lot of time for thinking. For the last couple of years, I had watched the US taking a large and active roll in world events, mostly concerning the Middle East. I shook my head over the terrorist situation. It was now 2005, and I was trying to decide if I should take a more active roll in...

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An Incestous Family

This is a story of me, my mother and my sister .I am 23 yrs old, 6 3 inches and 11 inches mom is 39 yrs old and is still very hot. She has 36DD boobs, blond hairs and her height is 5`4`` . My sister is only 18 years old but she is hot. She has 36B and long legs. my mom gave birth to my sister when she was 30 yrs old. Mom was pregnant with me at the age of 16.Our father died after my sister was born. My life changed when I was caught by my mother masturbating thinking about her and...

3 years ago
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A Break From Work

It was getting close to lunch time and I was already restless. I was staring into the terminal of my workstation, not concentrating on what I needed to do, but thinking of wild sexual encounters involving myself and my latest lust. There was a light tap at the door behind me, taking me out of my reverie. I turned to see the part-timer, Alicia, looking around the door as she opened it.She had started the previous day. She was doing a report for the boss and I had been assigned to answer any...

4 years ago
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Kathy AgainChapter 9

I dozed awhile, eventually awakening to the curvaceous beauty beneath my hands, and whispering next to me. It developed that my wife and my daughter were having some sort of conference, and, as I cleared the cobwebs from my brain, it became clear that they were discussing the finer points of being buttfucked. My vision cleared, and Brent was demonstrating the wisdom of knowing when to shut up, wide eyed as he took in the conversation. Kathy was in preceptor mode, describing how she relaxed...

4 years ago
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31 December 2006Chapter 2

Dan and Karen, newly married, walked down the aisle passed everyone to smiles and extended applause. They entered the outer area and were mobbed, receiving more congratulations. Karen motioned to Dan, who immediately took Wendy’s hand in his. “Finally, we are a real family!” Brad exclaimed, hugging his parents. Diane and Brenda did the same. “I’ll make several copies of your marriage licence and completed application to change my last name to Hayward,” Brad offered. “And our applications to...

2 years ago
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The Choice Sequel

As soon as I came through the door, Mary ran up to me, threw her arms around me and gave me a deep kiss. "What took you so long?" she purred. "I got tied up at the delivery point. I'm sorry." It was the first real lie I ever told her, and I felt horribly guilty as soon as the words left my mouth. "That's okay; I forgive you." That was followed by a tight hug and another deep kiss. "You're back now, and that's all that counts. Just don't ever leave me like that again. I missed you...

4 years ago
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it was true. She had an okay face, big brown eyes with too much mascara. light brown skin, long mexican hair with those ugly fake streaks in them, pear shaped body with a little acne.. she was attractive enough to fuck, and ugly enough to not feel guilty when i finished her off. "Did you ever think about getting braces to fix that shit?" she didnt answer. i looked down at her, you could tell she was becoming aware how bad tonight would turn out. I looked around for something blunt...

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