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The doorbell rang and Jean Baldwin opened her front door and let Linda Fairbanks inside.

"Hi honey, how are you tonight?"

"Just fine Mrs. Baldwin. Are you and Dr. Baldwin going someplace special?"

"Well it's a hospital Christmas party and all my husbands' colleagues will be there, so I guess it's special."

"Well you two have fun and I'll make sure that little Mark is fed and in bed on time."

Amos Baldwin walked into the living room and saw that Linda had already arrived. "Hi Linda, how are you tonight?"

"Just fine Dr. Baldwin. You look really nice tonight." Linda's eyes bore deep into Amos Baldwin's eyes as she tried to attract his attention. She had fantasized about the doctor ever since she had started babysitting for the Baldwin's three years ago and now, at seventeen, she was now overtly teasing him.

Jean watched the teenager as she tried to be seductive around Amos and she inwardly laughed at the girl efforts, if she only knew the truth. Hell in the past Amos would have probably leapt at the chance to screw a young teenager but not anymore. No, ever since his heart attack last year he had quit making love, not slowed down or tried to be careful, he just fucking quit making love. "Well Amos we better get going or we'll be late for the party."

"Sure thing honey, let me get the car keys from the kitchen."

After the door had closed and the Baldwin's drove away Linda went upstairs to find Mark. He was playing a computer game and had a headset on and didn't hear her as she entered his room. He had just turned eight and was really into the newest games on the market. Linda tapped him on the shoulder and when he saw who it was, he paused the game, tossed off the headset and jumped up and into her arms.

"Whoopee... Hi Auntie Linda, how are you tonight? Want to play a game with me. Oh, I'm hungry can you fix me something?"

"Whoa short stuff. I'll go downstairs and get your dinner and I AM NOT your Aunt!"

"Oh I know Linda but it's nice to pretend. You're the only girl I know who lets me do what I want when you baby sit me."

Mark donned the headphones and started back on his game as Linda went downstairs and into the kitchen. Jean had left a casserole on the counter and Linda popped it into the microwave, set the timer and pushed to 'on' button. As the food turned inside the oven Linda got a glass of milk for Mark and a caffeine free soda for herself. After dinner she and Mark played a couple of games on the computer and then she got him into his pajamas and into bed. She kissed him goodnight, turned off his light and closed his door.

Once she had Mark situated she went downstairs and into the den. She turned on the TV and looked to see what was on the pay channels, something sexy she hoped. Linda pulled out her cell phone and speed dialed her current boyfriend Jason and waited to see if he answered or she got his voice mail again.


"Jason, it's Linda, can you come over?"

"Well I'm out with Markie and Pete, is this important?"

"For Christ's sakes Jason would you rather be with your friends or with me?"

"Well... no, but I... we are..."

"God damn it Jason, I'm baby sitting at the Baldwin's and I'm all A-L-O-N-E! Do you get the picture?"

"Oh. Oh sure honey, I'll be there in about... ummm... twenty minutes, OK?"

"Is that as quick as you can make it? I mean think about your choices Jason, if you're here faster than that you just might get lucky tonight."

"Lucky? Oh... oh sure Linda, I'll be right there."

Linda hung up the phone and walked into the guest bathroom. She took off her blouse then unsnapped her bra and folded it and put it into her purse. She looked at herself in the mirror; lifted her breasts and decided that tonight she would let Jason suck on her nipples, maybe even play with her pussy if he was real good. As she pulled on her nipples to make them hard she realized that, compared to the other girls in her class, she wasn't very big busted, but her 34B's weren't all that bad. She put her blouse back on and tucked it into her skirt and went back out to the den. She flipped through a number of channels before she found a Showtime series called 'The L Word' starting in about fifteen minutes. She remembered that it was a show about lesbians but it did show a lot of nudity and maybe that would get Jason started.

Linda looked down at her watch and estimated that Jason would be there in less than five minutes so she went upstairs and checked on Mark. He was fast asleep so she carefully closed the door so she wouldn't wake him and rushed downstairs so she would be at the door when Jason arrived. When she saw his headlights coming up the driveway she went outside and caught him just as he was parking.

"Jason... you need to park in the street, I don't want any nosy neighbors telling the Baldwin's that I have friends over while they're gone."

"OK babe, I'm sorry."

After Jason parked his car across the street Linda let him into the house. They went into the kitchen and she pulled two sodas out of the fridge. "Let's go into the den I found a great TV series."

"OK honey, what is it?"

"It's called 'The L Word. It's about a bunch of lesbians living in Hollywood, kind of their day-to-day trials and tribulations. Lots of skin though, I think you'll like it."

They sat on the couch, arms around each other watching the show. In the first scene there were two women who decided to go skinny-dipping in the pool and they took off their clothes and dove in, swam and splashed for a while then started kissing each other. When the scene started Jason noticed that you could see both women's bushes but not their actual pussy lips. They both had great looking breasts and with his arm around Linda he could feel himself getting hard. He turned and pulled her toward him and began kissing her, slowly at first then with a little more ardor. He wasn't positive but he thought that she wasn't wearing a bra and he was pretty sure it was her hard nipples that were poking into his chest.

"What time are the Baldwin's due home honey?"

"Around midnight or so."

He looked down at his watch and saw that they had a good three hours before anyone would be home and he smiled to himself as he once again pulled Linda into his arms and began kissing her. He forced open, thought there really wasn't any resistance from Linda, her lips and began playing tongue to tongue. After a while he let his arm drop down off her shoulder and he tentatively rubbed on where he though her breast would be and was rewarded by a touch of her hard nipple.

"Oh Jason, that... feels soooo nice."

Her hand dropped to his lap and she found his hardness and began stroking him through his jeans. He spread his legs allowing her easier access to his cock and as she rubbed him, he began kissing her neck. She continued to moan with pleasure and he figured it was time to see if she would let him open her blouse. His fingers found the first button and he fumbled around trying to unbutton it with just one hand but it wouldn't come undone.

Linda reached up and took a hold of his hand and moved it away from her chest. He was just about to protest when she said.

"Let me do it baby." She sat up and unbuttoned her blouse. She was a little flushed, mostly from the heavy petting they had been doing but also from the thought of letting a boy see her bare breasts for the first time. She slid the garment off her shoulders and her creamy white breasts popped into the view of a male for the first time.

Jason starred at Linda as she unbuttoned her blouse and then took it off and set it on the coffee table. When he saw her breasts he sucked in his breath, struck by the beauty that lay before him. "God Linda, they're beautiful!"

She smiled at the compliment. "You think so? I think there too small." She really didn't but thought she would get another compliment by saying that."

"Oh no baby, they're absolutely perfect."

She took his head and guided it downward until she could feel his hot breath on her nipples. "Suck them for me Jason, make me feel good."

He ran his tongue around the nipple then sucked the breast into his mouth. He was so excited he started sucking and biting, apparently too hard.

"Easy tiger, not so hard. A woman's breasts and nipples are very sensitive."

"Oh, sorry honey I didn't mean to..."

"I know you didn't, now just keep sucking." She had never had anybody suck on her breasts before and the feeling was wonderful. Linda could feel the tingling beginning from deep within her body and going directly for her clit. She let one of her hands drop down and sneak under her skirt, then push aside her panties as she began fingering herself. "Oh yes Jason, that's good. Oh baby, suck me, suck me good. I'm real near honey." She was moving her fingers in small circles on her clit and doing it faster and faster. "Come on Jason, make me cum. Oh yea that it. I'm cummmiiinngggggggggg!"

Linda fell backwards on the couch cushion and tried to catch her breath. Jason was still licking on her nipple and it felt so good. Everything felt good after an orgasm, she thought. She looked over at Jason and saw how tented his pants were and she felt sorry for him. In a spur of the moment decision she decided that she would give him a hand job. After all, he had certainly done a great job of making her cum so why not reciprocate? "Jason? Hey honey, would you like me to jack you off?"

"Wha... what? Would you do that?"

"Uh sure, get off your jeans and underwear."

Jason reached down and untied his shoes and kicked them off then he stood up and unzipped his jeans and pulled them down and off his legs. His cock was as hard as it had ever been and it pushed out his Jockey shorts, straight out from his body. He put his fingers inside the waist band of his shorts and pushed them down over his hips and stepped out of them and looked down at Linda.

It was the first time that Linda had ever seen a real penis. Jason's looked to be huge but she didn't have a clue what a 'normal' penis looked like. He was circumcised and you could see the prominent ridge line made by the surgeons' knife. His penis, no his cock she thought, looked to be around seven or eight inches long and was so big around she didn't know how her hand would fit around it, then she wondered how something as big as that ever fit inside a pussy. "Wow Jason, you're so big!"

"Thanks honey, that's a nice compliment."

"Can I touch it?"

"Sure, just be gently like you told me earlier."

Linda reached out and touched her first cock. It was strangely warm and even though the skin was tight, it was soft. There was a fluid leaking out of his pee hole and she guessed that was what they called pre-cum. She touched the cum with her finger and it was sticky. When she finally gathered some on her finger she lifted it up to her nose and smelled, but there was no particular aroma so she stuck her finger into her mouth and tasted it. It was thick and a little bit salty but other than that there wasn't any real taste to it.

While Linda played with Jason's cock he reached over and began playing with her nipples. He was really hoping that if he did a good job with her nipples maybe she would give him a blow job. They were both so involved in playing with each other that they didn't hear Jean Baldwin enter the house.

When Jean opened the door from the garage to the kitchen she did hear anything at first, then there was the droning on of the television in the den. It ws just after ten and she figured that Linda already had Mark in his bed and was probably spread out on the couch watching TV... she hoped that she hadn't fallen asleep, that would never do, someone had to be awake to make sure that Mark was alright. Her feet ached from standing so long at the party so she slipped off her heels and walked out to the den. She was just about to call out Linda's name when she heard someone moaning and she knew it wasn't from pain, no this was a pleasurable moan.

Jean peeked around the corned into the den and what she saw shocked her senses at first then she watched in amazement as Linda took the boy's cock into her hand and began stroking him. He was a nice looking boy, maybe 17 or 18, tall, blonde hair and what a gorgeous cock! It had to be eight inches and was it ever thick. Just watching Linda stroking him sent shivers down Jeans back and she could feel her panties getting wet. It had been well over a year since she and Amos had sex and she was horny as hell. Watching the boy playing with Linda's breasts only moved Jean to put her hand under her dress and touch herself — she was wet and her panties damp. She took her hand from beneath her dress and stepped into the den then said; "What the HELL is going on here?"

The two children jumped at her words. Linda tried to cover herself up but couldn't reach her blouse and Jason dropped his hands down and tried to cover himself.

"Mrs. Baldwin... wha... what are you doing home so early? I thought you wouldn't be home until after midnight." Linda stuttered out.

"Well Linda, Dr. Baldwin got a page and had to go back to the hospital for an emergency case and I don't expect him home until morning so I thought I would come home early and look what I found."

"Uh... Mrs. Baldwin... I'm sorry... I... I... I need to go home." And Jason reached down for his shorts and pants.

"WAIT! Don't you move a muscle young man; you're not going anywhere until I say so. As for you Linda, I though you were much better than this."

"I'm really sorry Mrs. Baldwin, I've never done anything like this before and I guess I just didn't use good judgment."

"You certainly did not, now what is your name young man?"

"Jason, Mrs. Baldwin. Jason Richards."

"Richards? Hummm, You're not the son of Judge Walter Richards are you?"

"Ahhh, yes ma'am, I am."

"Now what do you suppose the Judge is going to say about all of this? And you Linda, what is your mother going to think of you?"

At the same time both teens began to plead, tears in their eyes, with Jean not to tell their parents about what she had seen.

"Please Mrs. Baldwin," Jason pleaded, "You can't tell my dad; he'll kill me for fooling around with Linda."

"Look Mrs. Baldwin," Linda said, "Please don't tell my parents I'll baby sit for free or do anything else you want me to. Clean your house, anything."

"Me too Mrs. Baldwin, I'll do anything but please don't tell the Judge."

I thought about it for a couple of minutes then made a decision. "OK this is the way it's going to be, you two have volunteered for 'anything' I want, is that an accurate statement?"

"Yes." They both said in unison.

"Good, Jason, help me move this coffee table out of the way." He wasn't too happy about showing me his naked body but he reluctantly reached down and grabbed one edge of the coffee table as I grabbed the other and we moved it about six feet away from the couch. "Thanks. That's good Jason, now go over and stand next to Linda."

As he moved over to the couch Linda spoke up. "Can't I put my blouse back on?"

"Yea," Jason seconded, "Can I get dressed too?"

"No. No you can't Jason. And as for you Linda, I want you to remove your skirt and panties that is if you're wearing any panties."

"You can't be serious Mrs. Baldwin. I mean I haven't ever..."

"OK that it. You two said you would do anything I asked but I guess you weren't serious." I walked over to the end table and picked up the phone. "Which of your parents do you want me to call first?" I held out the phone and waited to see what they would decide. Jason was the first to speak up.

"OK, OK... for Christ's sake Linda, take off your damn skirt. I can't have her calling my father."

"Easy for you to say Jason, you're already naked. I've never been naked in front of anyone at least not since I was about seven."

"Well..." Jean queried them.

Linda looked more defiant that Jason and she asked. "Why do we have to be naked? I mean what do you want from us anyway?"

Now was the perfect time to spring my surprise. "I am going to let you both play your little adult sex games, just like you were when I caught you only I this time am not only going to watch you, I am going to participate."

Jason's mouth hung open and he just starred at the older woman, and his eyes grew to the size of saucers. Linda sucked in a huge breath. "You can't be serious Mrs. Baldwin." Linda said.

"Oh but I am, very serious dear. I haven't had any sex since Amos had his heart attack over a year ago and now I have the perfect opportunity. So what will it be - sex with me or I call your parents?"

Jason hung his head down and sputtered out, "I'll do what ever you want."

"This is wrong Mrs. Baldwin, really wrong," Linda said, "but you have me at a disadvantage so I'll go along with you." She reached behind her and unbuttoned the top button on her skirt, unzipped it and let it fall to the floor. She put her fingers inside the waistband of her panties and lowered them over her hips and pushed them down to her ankles where she kicked them off.

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Terror On Planet Alpha IV

This is for a female friend on X-Hamster who wanted me to write a story about her. This is what she wanted....The U.S.S. Frontier was just three days from reaching a newly discovered planet called Alpha IV. The World Space Center's interstellar's telescope, the Star Searcher, had discovered this planet 12 years ago. 5 years after, the WSC, launched space probes to investigate this new planet. The data that came back from these probes, was a promising sign that life could, and may possibly exist...

2 years ago
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Terror in Tenerife

The long flight from England was over and we had cleared customs after landing at Tenerife. I had been struck by how unfriendly the customs people were here. Not that they are all that friendly anywhere else. We had been warned that the police and government officials here did not pander to tourists. If you had something to say to them, you had best be able to get by in Spanish, because they did not speak English and had no patience with tourists.We were received much more cordially by the...

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Terror at Umbelleaf Lake Part 1

She took out her small duffel bag from her closet and packed some clothes, lingeries and nightgowns to go with it, and a bit of bikinis to swim in the lakes. She also took a blanket to pack in her bag all set ready to go on her adventure, she made sure everything was set to go, she took her keys to her car aftee departing from her home to the airport where her lovely adventure begins. She found her charter plane waiting for the last passengers arriving, as she found her seat next to the...

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Terror on Mokey Neko Part 1

Few years later aboard the Scarlight ship, leader Dingleberry, big man 6'8 355; crew mates Minerva Jain, petite woman, 5 ft; Brianna Alvarez, thin woman , 5'1 36H, huge hips and huge ass, and Dickenberg, tiny man 3'5, 190 lbs, each at their own stations doing their job, picking up transmitting message from the downed ship wherever it is. "Sir we've received a message from one of our ship that was down," Dickenberg says tracking the ship on an unknown planet called Mokey Neko, info they...

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Terror In The Mountains

Marilyn Hopkins rolled over and turned off the screeching alarm clock, getting up at 6 A.M. was not her usual routine since her divorce. Her husband had done well and she had managed to get quite an alimony settlement, not to mention a hefty child support for their daughter, Joy. Joy had been bitter about the divorce, feeling that her mom had taken advantage of the situation and had given Marilyn lots of trouble. There had been the staying out late, the suspicion of drug use and worst of all,...

3 years ago
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Terror Vacation

"Tell me this is real," said Tanya, reclining lazily in the van's passenger seat. "It's been so long." "It's really happening, Babe," replied her husband, Greg. "Our first vacation together in three years." "Nothing but you, me, mother nature and lots and lots of sex," she added with a smile. Greg glanced over at the pretty, long-legged brunet and then stared as she began to unbutton her shirt. Beneath was a lacy white bra that contained her luscious breasts, yet barely covered...

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Terror On Elm Street

Miriam Smith was just finishing up some shopping at an older mall near the Birmingham airport. These stores were certainly not the premier stores that had recently opened in a new mall near their beautiful home in Mountain Brook. The pretty blonde wife was doing more window-shopping than buying as she was waiting patiently for her husband to call notifying her of his delayed arrival at the airport. He was flying back this evening from a business conference in San Francisco and his plane should...

2 years ago
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Terror in TenerifeChapter 1

The long flight from England was over. We had cleared customs after landing at Tenerife. I had been struck by how unfriendly the customs people were here. Not that they are all that friendly everywhere else. We had been warned that the police and government officials here did not pander to tourists. If you had something to say to them, you had best be able to get by in Spanish. For the most part they did not speak English and had no patience with tourists. We were received much more...

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Terror in TenerifeChapter 2

We were pulled out of the van then. But even as traumatized as we both were after what had just happened we got the shock of our lives when instead of walking into the house as we expected, we were led down the street and around the corner to a house that had been converted into a small, neighborhood café with outdoor seating. Jenny was still naked! All conversation stopped as we walked through the gate and Harold and his two friends took a seat in the small, fenced yard. There were about...

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Terror in TenerifeChapter 3

I could tell that we were expected as soon as we walked in. The man behind the counter nodded at Harold and looked Jenny over quickly. He came out from behind the counter. He walked around us, examining Jenny closely as he did. He closed and locked the door and put up a closed sign. We followed him into a back room that had several small sets prepared. The one that was already lit up and ready to go was a replica of a small bedroom. Why wasn't I surprised?! Harold took Jenny onto the set....

4 years ago
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Field of Yellow

The sun was shining on the field of yellow flowers, whose type lay unknown to him. The wind rushed up behind and embraced his face as he turned around, waiting patiently for her to catch up. She was breathing heavily as she ran. He smiled and laughed as she made her way toward him. So slow…, he thought with a smile. ‘Hurry up would you? I don’t have all day!’ he shouted. She puffed out her cheeks and pouted. ‘You’re so mean Aoron-chan!’ Aoron laughed out loud. He loved it when she pouted...

1 year ago
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BFFS Izzy Lush Samantha Hayes Avery Moon Hiking With Hotties

Izzy Lush, Samantha Hayes, and Avery Moon are incredibly adventurous young women with a thirst for knowledge. Today, they go out camping with a survival guide who is chock full of useful information on how to make it in the wilderness. Little does he know, all the knowledge he is dropping is turning these horny girls on. When they finally get their chance, the babes ambush the nature boy, showing him what a gang of horny girls can do to a dick in the wild. They take turns swallowing his...

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CutRate Fertility Clinic

I never thought I’d get pregnant. I’d been trying with my husband for almost three years when new neighbors moved in across the street and we invited them over that fateful evening. John and Kristine were your average looking couple, he was nice enough looking that — in my mind’s eye — I had him undressed and in bed with me. I know my husband Andy was imagining guy things about Kristine. But what really changed things for Andy and me that evening was that Kristine...

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Alexis slumber party part 20

Chris grabbed a cup of coffee and sat down at the kitchen table when everything was finished. He noticed he had a text message from Alexis. He opened it up and to his surprise it was a picture of Alexis asleep. She was completely naked and the message with it just said "you wore her out last night" he smiled looking at it. He was amazed at seeing her whole body on display. Her breasts were prefect. They stood perky and round with small pink circles in the middle displaying her nipples. His...

4 years ago
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Yearning for Urination Ch 01

Gigi’s eyes watered as she waddled along the tree-lined path. Her short steps weren’t granting her much progress, but she didn't dare spread her thighs and release the pressure. Gigi had to pee, badly. Right then, she really regretted that second glass of wine she downed before leaving her friend's apartment. She noted the landmarks of the familiar path and deduced she was still fifteen minutes from her place. She wasn’t going to make it. The party girl that she was, she wasn't a stranger to...

4 years ago
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Who Mea Wizard IX

Fang was very up set he kept reaching his hand or paw to feel of what was no longer there. He was silently screaming “My nuts … he cut off my Nuts..” Fang decided he would get revenge he decided he was no longer the Familiar of the Green..... The Green was his enemy. Cut off my balls will he. The three guards that had been caught in the backwash of the spell directed at Fang were starting to come around. All were nauseated and their heads hurt. They were completely oblivious to the fact...

3 years ago
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Gray Jedi Ch 4

“There it is,” Malik said, pointing at the star map.  “I’ll program our route to the Dagobah system.” “Excellent,” Serra replied.  “Oh, incoming transmission from Alderaan, encoded.” “I’d bet that it’s Bail Organa.  Put it on screen.”  As his face appeared on the monitor, Malik said, “Senator, I apologize for our abrupt departure.” “Think nothing of it, Malik.  I had anticipated something like this might happen.  I’m just glad you two made it out without issue.” “Thank you for...

2 years ago
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My Wife Fucked By Big Black Cocks 8211 Part 1

Hi, I will be narrating our honeymoon to the Maldives with my lovely wife. After dating for 5 years, we got married. Sex was nothing new for us as we did everything before marriage from foreplay to role-playing to sex slave. Only a very few positions were left which we didn’t try. My wife has a 36-32-36 figure and fair skin. Her big booty was to die for any man. After marriage, we planned to go to the Maldives. On our way inside the flight and while making out under the quilt, I asked her if...

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Arranged Marriage 8211 Part 2

Hello friends this is a continuation of my previous story arranged marriage-part 1. As you all know that I was being married without my interest. That’s why I started ignoring my so called wife priya. Now enjoy the next part. We both were just lost in each others arm and the time was like just stopped as it is. Then suddenly my phone started ringing. Due to phone we both came into our senses and separated. I just answered the phone it was my assistant he was having some troubles related to work...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 47 ERIC

I had followed a direction light to an Auto Dresser. Centron the ships AI said. “It is all set as per special instructions. Please step inside.” I did and the system went through the whole hygiene cycle and as I stepped out I checked myself in a mirror field. The machine had dressed me in the Class A Formal dress, reserved usually for flag officers, with shiny black boots, black pants and high collared uniform jacket. The left side of my chest was filled with ribbons and actual medals, not...

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"You sent for me?" she asked from the doorway.I chuckled, not even looking up from the monitor. "Harriet, Harriet," I said, "is that the way I've taught you to behave?" I glanced over to find Harriet Mosley, Vice President of Human Resources standing on the spot flushed and squirming. There was an agonized look on her pretty face, a conflicted look, one that told me that she was finding it hard reconciling the aggressive, domineering career woman she had been with the slave she had...

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KarlaChapter 16

Not expecting to find nourishment at home, I had a pleasant and sumptuous lunch along the way. Fresh crumbed trout baked to perfection and eaten in the shade of huge chestnut trees, a couple of glasses of tart white wine, no dessert. Gluttony wasn't on my mind. Kamilla was right, we had to bring Karla back by concentrating on the simple things. If the weather held up, Alfred should take her on walks through the fields and forests in the mornings. Let her decide when to talk and when to...

1 year ago
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Their Summer With Amie

It was the beginning of summer break. Shawn and Sara were excited about their trip to stay with their older sister, Amie for a few weeks. Shawn and Sara were 16-year-old twins, and had just finished their sophomore year of high school. Amie was a 24-year-old fitness instructor and amateur model. The twins had not seen their older sister since she had left home a year earlier to start her modeling career in San Diego.The airport did not seem crowded as they kissed their parents goodbye at the...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 44

Laura was dejected for weeks. The gloom of her separation, apparently final, from Yvette wouldn't go away. And whenever she ran into Yvette at work, both nearly broke into tears. They had to avoid each other, which was even more painful. She couldn't even bear to see Chanitra, who would remind her of Yvette, and her loss. And the thought of having an interlude with Karen, though it crossed her mind, seemed too dangerous. She was so numb with loss that she knew she might commit the most...

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Youre My Christmas PresentChapter 19

By the time we headed upstairs, our parents must’ve worn each other out, there wasn’t a peep coming from their room. I couldn’t talk my sister out of her giving me a blow job, so I suffered through it. Filling her mouth with a nice load that she showed me, swallowing, then showing me that she had gulped it all down. We fell asleep in each other’s arms. At breakfast, I told Dad our plan for the day, including that I might not get into the office, after I get her from school. It would depend...

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The Things We Do at Home part 1

All names and details described were given to me by Jessica, and I am already working hard on the next installment based on her story and ongoing updates I am receiving. Whether this riveting sexual tale is true or not, though I strongly believe at least some of it is, I cannot safely say and will let each reader decide. As always, comments are appreciated, along with questions either to me, or ones that i will forwarded to Jessica. Wishing you health and all the best in these difficult...

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Claire at the Adult Bookstore

My husband had taken me to the bookstore booths a few times and I had a great time sucking his cock and a few others. The store we frequented attracted a lot of black clientele, which I loved. One afternoon, when I was really horny, I pulled in to the parking lot of the store. I told myself I’d just watch a few pornos, maybe watch a few guys jerk off, maybe play with my cunt, but that was it. Ha! I got a bunch of tokens and sat in a booth with a big glory hole. I was wearing a white...

2 years ago
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Carla Meets Mister Theobald

Karl Baxter was an unmarried man aged forty who spent a lot of his time as attractive thirty-something Carla Baker. Throughout his twenties and early thirties, Karl had had sexual liaisons with both females and males but if he were to express a preference at that time it would have been for cock rather than cunt. At about the age of thirty-five, Karl had started to dress, from time to time, as a female although in the early weeks and months of doing it he never ventured outside. As confidence...

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Between The HeartbeatsChapter 4B

Sunday, 29 June 03 1530 EDT Chegwidden Residence McLean, VA Jules slowly came awake, snuggled in the bed with the sheets nearly mummifying her. She buried her face further into the comfy pillow and reached out for AJ. Finding the bed next to her empty and cold, she sat up, holding the sheets to her chest. As she was ready to call out for AJ he came in from the adjoining bathroom. Seeing her awake, AJ murmured, "Sleeping Beauty." He strolled from the bathroom, naked and freshly...

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