What This Night May Bring free porn video

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“It’s lonely up here, when the tricks have been played.
And the spotlight has faded, and the plans that we made
have fallen apart. It’s lonely as hell.
And there’s no magic spell for a broken heart.”
-Warren Zevon, “For My Next Trick, I’ll Need a Volunteer“
NOTE: This story takes place about two months after “So Night Follows Day.” I’m planning a little break when that story finishes, however, I’m aware that I owe everyone a “Festival of Cupid” story, so thought I’d bring it to you in time for Valentine’s Day first.

La Contessa’s face filled the screens of every TV in San Finzione. She started making goofy faces at the camera, before suddenly being whacked over the head with a rubber chicken. Rita Delvecchio, in her La Contessa makeup, pretended to have been knocked silly and collapsed beneath the camera’s view. The real Contessa Helena de San Finzione stepped in and took her place, letting the rubber chicken slip from her hand onto the floor.

“Good Morning, San Finzione!” She cheered in Italian, as stagehands pretended to drag Rita off camera. Another collected the rubber chicken. The main government television channel showed subtitles in English, with a notice that subtitles in the other two official languages of San Finzione; Spanish, and French, were available on other State channels. “I don’t usually come on the air and address you like this, but it’s a very silly and very special day, so I thought I’d explain what will be happening today. On this, San Finzione’s first annual Festival of Cupid!”

Although she didn’t have an audience present in Castle Finzione’s studio, the crew cheered well enough.

“Of course, you’ve all seen the signs and commercials about how it’s going to work.” She said with a grand smile. “But since today’s the day, I thought I’d refresh everyone. To help me explain, here is San Finzione’s Minister of Science, Dr. Miguel Rocco, live from the Ministry’s Loveology Labs.”

The camera cut to a man in a lab coat with a clipboard. In the background behind him, people poured various liquids together to turn them red. A pair of men in lab coats pondered an elaborate equation with a lot of hearts and arrows in the formula.

“Gracias, Contessa.” Dr. Rocco said, being more used to panel discussions on television than this sort of thing. “As you’re aware, top ... er ... Loveologists at the Ministry have been working closely with Señor Cupid for many months; analyzing the letters that the People of San Finzione and touristas visiting our lovely nation from around the world on this day, have sent to him this past year.”

He walked as he spoke, past a man and a woman behind him, who distilled a strange fluid into a bottle marked “Attrazione.”

“Of course, although San Finzione is not a large nation, as we all know, Señor Cupid has very tiny wings; and so, we cannot possibly expect him to reach every lonely heart in San Finzione in a single day by himself. That is why science has come to his aid with this!”

Dr. Rocco approached a supercomputer that someone had stuck a big, heart-shaped sign onto that said “Agapetron 3000.”

“Behold, the Agapetron 3000! Capable of calculating over two hundred billion possible romantic scenarios per second. For months, it has been analyzing your letters to Signor Cupid to find the most ideal matches possible.” He turned to the computer. “Good morning, Agapetron 3000!” He said to the computer in French.

“Bonjour, Doctor.” A mechanical-sounding woman’s voice said from a speaker behind the sign, which lit up a heart-shaped light in time with her voice. “Je t’aime.”

“French, of course,” he turned to explain to the camera. “Is the optimal language in which to program a Love Computer.” He turned back to the Agapetron. “I love you too, Agapetron 3000. Have you calculated which lucky citizens or visitors are going to receive a surprise visit? Are you ready to send the lists to Señor Cupid’s helpers?”

“Oui, Mon Cheri.” The speaker in the computer responded. “Sending them now.”

There was a mix of whirring, spinning, old-timey computer sound effects for several seconds, which culminated in a “Ding!” at the end. Dr. Rocco blushed a little as he patted the computer and the French woman’s voice cooed from the speaker. The camera cut back to La Contessa.

“Thank you, Doctor.” La Contessa said back in the studio. “Now, of course, some have asked if there will be another ... heh...” Helen chuckled to herself. “‘Gathering in the park’ like last year. Now, the Government of San Finzione cannot condone such activities. However, as a precaution for the sake of ... er, enthusiastic revelers, St. Francis de Sales park will be closed to minors from 1800 hours tonight until 0600 tomorrow. La Policia will, of course, be making regular patrols if any citizens should require assistance; and respecting the privacy of any masked couples who do not request it.”

A page emerged from offstage and handed La Contessa a thick envelope.

“Oh!” She said to the audience in mock surprise. “It appears my own list from the Agapetron 3000 is here. Yes, I, too, will be out there amongst you, assisting my dear friend Cupid today! As will three of his other helpers in the special red Zorro masks, whom you may also see walking around San Finzione today and tonight. Please do not interrupt them with other business or attempt to remove their masks, as they will be on official business for Signor Cupid and may be secretly watched over by both him and soldiers of La Squadra de Ultimados as they perform their duties. We will not be able to get to every letter sent, and of course, there are bound to be some who have asked more than Signor Cupid’s tiny hands can deliver. But who knows? It might be me knocking on your door tonight, your letter in hand, to speak to you about your special request for my friend. I hope to see you out there today, San Finzione! And if we don’t meet today? You don’t need to wait for me or Cupid to come knocking. Get out and see what San Finzione has to offer you, too. And however this day ends for you, know that you already have La Contessa’s love. Ciao!”

Troy Equals walked back into the taverna where, a year and a few days prior, he’d performed Dean Martin’s “Mambo Italiano“ on the stage. The bartender recognized him, went to turn on the stage light, and asked “Mambo Italiano?” Troy shook his head no and ordered a Greek coffee. It was too early in the day to sample the Raki he’d had when he and Julie came here before; however, he might be a while. The bartender remembered that sexy wife of Troy’s and asked where she was. Troy told him they had plans for later. He also made a display of not noticing the emerald-green iPad that Troy carried under his arm, and told him the drink was on the house, welcoming Troy back to San Finzione.

Contessa Helena de San Finzione was known for giving gift baskets to her overnight guests, and the quality of the company and the evening was reflected in the quality of the items in the gift baskets. Her very best gift baskets contained iPads colored Emerald Green, the royal color of San Finzione. It was, therefore, common knowledge that any attractive man or woman walking around San Finzione with an emerald-green iPad was a “special friend of La Contessa’s,” and because Troy and his wife and girlfriend all owned them, the occasional complimentary drink, special discount, or “express line” opened up to them when they carried them in public in the city.

He took a table where he could see the door, fished the red Zorro mask from his pocket, and put it on. Troy turned on his iPad and re-read the letter that had been scanned into it. A letter to Signor Cupid from a customer named Giacomo, who was smitten with the waitress. He’d longed to say something to her for ages and hoped Signor Cupid might be able to have a word with Ramona on his behalf.

There weren’t many customers at this hour, and only one waitress. He drank his coffee and waited patiently for her to come by his table. The waitress took note of the mask that Troy wore and made her way to him.

“Something I can get for you, Signor?” The young woman asked in Italian, with barely-contained glee; the way she might have if Troy had been someone from television or the movies walking in and sitting at one of her tables “like it was nothing,” and she was fighting everything inside her to keep from blurting out his most famous character’s big catchphrase that everyone came up and said to him when they recognized him on the street. Troy wasn’t anyone famous, though his wife had been in the news back in the States recently.

“I’m fine, thanks.” Troy responded, also in Italian. “However, if you are Ramona, there may be something I can get for you.”

Ramona fought a squeal as Troy gestured to the seat next to him, offering it to her. Her glee made Troy smile, too.

“I must say, Ramona.” He said, standing to hold the chair for her. “I wasn’t sure what sort of reaction to expect. I mean, you’re a beautiful woman, working in a place like this, you get told as much a hundred times a day by a hundred men.”

“Oh, si.” Ramona said with a smile, as Troy sat back down and opened up his iPad. “I hear this all day. That’s why it is so flattering to know someone is sincere enough to write to Signor Cupid about me.”

Troy smiled at that.

“Well, thanks for making my first one of the day easy for me, Ramona. Now, Cupid has sent me on behalf of Giacomo. Do you know him?”

Ramona wrinkled her forehead a bit. Troy brought up a picture on his iPad and turned it to show her. Ramona recognized him but appeared to have just now learned his name.

“Him? He comes in often. He is polite, very quiet. Sometimes, he brings in a flower and just sits with it until closing time.”

“He’s been trying to work up the nerve to give them to you.” Troy said, tapping a note. “We talked last night; Cupid wanted to make certain he was a good guy before I approached you, so he sent me to meet Giacomo. He was nice, answered my questions truthfully. He said some lovely things about you, he just gets nervous when you’re actually around. I had a talk with him about that; he’s feeling better now.” He turned the picture back to Ramona, then looked at her with an intense gaze.

“However, Ramona, I need to ask you a few things too before I can sign off with Mr. Cupid on this, so it’s important that you answer me truthfully, like Giacomo did last night.” She nodded, understanding the importance deeply. “Good. Let’s start with the most important question first: Are you already married and/or seeing anyone?” Ramona shook her head no. “Ok, good. The other questions aren’t very important without that one. Or this next one, I guess. Would you like to get to know Giacomo better? Study the photo, take your time.”

Ramona took a good few seconds looking at his photo, remembering her interactions with the man, before nodding in agreement.

“Ok, very good. Mr. Cupid will be quite happy to hear that. Now, Giacomo’s going to be coming into the taverna in about half an hour, and I think it’d be a nice surprise if you took the initiative and asked him out, Ramona. Don’t be nervous, I’ll stick around for a while, just watch from here; make sure my impressions about him last night were right before leaving you two alone. For the most part, you’ll be able to pretend I’m not here.” Troy thought a second, then changed his statement. “Unless I need a drink or something, you know. Still watch for that.”

Ramona smiled and nodded again, and they both laughed.

Susan Bailey knocked on the apartment door. She reached out and squeezed the hand of the woman she was escorting for moral support before the door opened.

“Si?” The woman answered, confused by the sight of her dear friend whom she wasn’t expecting to stop by, but more so by the red-masked woman accompanying her.

“Hi, my name’s ... er ... Cupid’s Helper. Are you Angelique?” Susan asked in Italian. She nodded. Susan turned back to the woman she’d approached the door with, a look from behind the mask asking her “Is this the right Angelique?” Her companion nodded, and Susan turned back to Angelique. “I’m sorry, I only speak English, Italian, and Klingon, not French. That won’t be a problem, will it?

“No, I know English.” Angelique responded in that language. Most of the people of San Finzione spoke at least two of the four official languages of the country. Susan exhaled a sigh of relief.

“Ok, that’s going to make this much better for me, anyway.” She responded in English. “I’m guessing you know Emilia?” Angelique nodded. “Well, Emilia has had some things she’s wanted to tell you for some time, Angelique. Badly enough to write to Cupid about it, and he sent me along to help. If this isn’t a bad time, we’d like to come in and have a word. Well, Emilia would, anyway. It’s nothing to worry about; she’ll tell you what’s been on her mind, you’ll listen, and I’m just going to be here to make sure that whatever comes of it, everyone’s still friends afterwards. That won’t be a problem, will it.”

Susan stated it as a fact, rather than asking it as a question. Angelique felt the need to listen to whatever it was that Emilia needed to tell her, and she knew that whatever it was, even if she didn’t like it, everything would still be good between them.

Angelique invited Susan and Emilia in. They followed her inside.

La Contessa’s helicopter descended onto Fort Ernesto, San Finzione’s Armed Forces headquarters, and home base of La Squadra de Ultimados; San Finzione’s elite Special Forces unit, and personal guard of Contessa Helena and Lady Maria de San Finzione.

A brass band was playing the national anthem of San Finzione on the edge of the helipad below, losing the sound battle to the helicopter’s engines; and Generalissimo Hernando Ramirez, supreme commander of San Finzione’s Armed Forces, stood in his parade uniform, next to Capitan Gregorio Ortega, commanding officer of La Squadra de Ultimados. Behind them, on the surrounding field, every available soldier was in attendance. As she landed, and the engines died, the band started up again. Ramirez and Ortega ran up to assist La Contessa out of her vehicle.

“This wasn’t supposed to be anything official, Hernando.” Contessa Helena de San Finzione told the Generalissimo as she accepted his hand out of the vehicle.

“La Contessa does not make official visits to the base.” Ramirez replied, under his breath. “The troops wanted to show their support on her special day.”

Helen allowed herself a tiny smile as they walked toward an awaiting Jeep.

“It’s not my special day, it’s theirs. And yours. You and Violeta have something planned?” She asked Ramirez, debating lighting a cigarette, then deciding to wait until the Jeep had reached its destination, rather than try to smoke in an open-air vehicle.

“We have a sitter for the Niños tonight. I’ll try to be on time for dinner for once.”

“Well,” Helen replied, as they got in. “Tell her I’ll do everything I can to keep some psycho from blowing up the world tonight without you.”

Ortega remained silent but nodded sternly, as if his Contessa had just given him that order. The Generalissimo smiled and responded.

“I will tell her this.” His tone changed to a slightly more serious one. “And what are La Contessa’s plans for the evening?”

“Probably the same thing I was doing all morning before coming here.” Helen replied. “Going out there, finding people who look like they’d make cute couples, and telling them ‘Don’t move. Are you seeing anybody right now? Well, what do you think of her?’”

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The Skimpy Cafe Mays Flower

It did until she got on the bus and sat down and had a moment to scan for anyone else. And there he was. The drunkard from a few nights ago. The one who assaulted her at the Inn. He was asleep in the back and she suppressed a squeak as she hurried to the front of the bus, as close as she could to the driver. May practically held her breath the entire forty minute ride to the print shop and just as she stood to leave the drunkard’s eyes fluttered open. His expression grew dark as he...

2 years ago
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Mayhem in a PillChapter 43 Everything Changes Tonight

Sitting through class and waiting to tell the news of what happened last night after she dropped him off at home was sheer torture. With a couple of minutes left in his English class, Tim pulled up the website on his laptop and got it ready to show his teacher. He had thought it over all night before he went to bed and again during morning practices and other classes. Tim decided to give her the information and let her decide what she wanted to do. If necessary, he could tell her what he did...

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“Why you studying all the time, Keaton?” my alcoholic friend asked me as he intruded into my room. “I don’t know,” I replied, looking up from my reading material. “Call me crazy but there’s something about paying thirty thousand dollars a year in tuition that keeps me motivated to earn credits. You know, getting a degree and all that shit. I figured that I should get something in return for my money instead of just a hangover.” “Fuck that, man,” Camel said,...

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Nicoles MayDay Party

Nicole's MayDay Party Nicole has some friends over and Larry gets out of hand again. Nicole and her friends give Larry some lessons on behavior. May had arrived in Salem. May is the time for planting and for people to start looking for things to do in the warm weather. Nicole always had a MayDay party. She planned it for the first Saturday in May. She did that so her and friends didn't have to worry about getting the time off from their jobs. When she was younger, school. This year...

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Kimbra Mayes and her son Jonty Mayes Chapter 1

36 year old Kimbra Mayes and her 50 year old husband, Talon, have been fighting for the last couple of months, and their 10 year old son, Jonty, is scared out of his wits. Kimbra feels sorry and decides to take stand and file divorce papers. When it comes through, Kimbra gets her young son all to herself. Kimbra is overjoyed, but then she starts feeling sexual attracted to her son. Claimer: I own these characters, no one else does. Chapter 1 Kimbra "Hey, you know what?!" my husband, Talon,...

2 years ago
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Mayo The Wop

MAYO THE WOPPart OneIn a dark street somewhere in the twisty depths of London, the light of a torch bounced off the walls, flickering amongst the wet stones. It caught a rag on the ground, a dark lump of body. The torch bearer ran forwards to see better, shining the torch straight into the face. A hand reached out trying to block the flare, but the men grabbed it and dragged the body upright onto his feet revealing the tender complexion of a fifteen year old boy with black fine curls and the...

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A Nightmare on Elm Street invades Hollywood Freddy Kruegers Sexual Nightmares of female celebrities

Freddy was real there was never no movie, He was restless he hated that he had thought that revenge would feel better once he did so, but it did little to ease his wicked mind, however the dream demons had told him that the Elm Street sign was going to be planted in Hollywood, and that he could invaded the dreams of any eighteen year old and older celebrity in Hollywood, however Freddy was not allowed to kill any female celebrity, and also that his premiere purpose was to sexual own Any female...

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A Night With Knight

A night with Knight by Ronde To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Our chat last night I enjoyed our chat last night. Think the other guys did too, if their comments were any basis to judge by. Bet you got a lot of offers after I left the room, but hope I’m the only one who got your email address. Sorry that your husband doesn’t have much time for you anymore. You sound like a beautiful lady, and beautiful ladies should never be ignored. Wish I could do something to make you...

4 years ago
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Godar Bara Mayer Gude

Amar naam Hobu.Tokhon amar boyosh baro ki tero.Ami ar amar Ma tokhon bhara thaktam Bhalo Didar barite.Bhalo didar ek chele,Goda Kaku.Mayer boyosh tokhon matro 29.Aporup shundor dekhte,golapi gayer rong,patla shorir,tight bhora buk,gol nitol pacha,gaye ekta misti madhurjo ache.Amar Baba chilo ekta matal lompot.Ma ke khub mardhor korto.Ek din Goda Kaku Baba ke dhore besh thengalo are baba shedin raat ei gelo paliye. Bhalo dida ma ke bollo,Sona Ma amar,tomar kono chinta nei.Tumi amar baritei...

1 year ago
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John and Mays outdoor adventure

Another mundaneday at college. John had maths followed by double science and ending with media studies, this was his favourite lesson of the day because he sat opposite a stunning red head called May. She always wore nicely fitting clothes showing off her curves and figure which was one of pure delight, she also spotted a few tattoos which were only ever partially visible but John was none the less very fond of what he could see. He got to the lesson just in time but to notice there was only...

3 years ago
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Getting Maya Fucked

I guess that is a more common fantasy than I ever realized for men to envision their wives being fucked by other men, particularly old friends of the husband. I had often fantasized about such an encounter with my wife, Maya; however, whenever I brought up the matter of a threesome and bringing another man into our sexual adventures, my wife was firmly against it.This was rather curious since we were hardly prudes. We had an ongoing swapping relationship with another couple for quite some time....

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Girl Meets World Mayas MadDog

Takes Place During: Girl Meets the RulesIt was a normal afternoon in John Quincy Adams Middle School, school's out for some of the students except for a few students that got into some mischief this morning. And that class was Cory's class. Cory gave his daughter Riley, Maya, Lucas, Farkle and the rest of the class detention because Maya wasn't following the rules. During detention, the class was divided into separate mini-colonies. Riley's was Rileytown, a land of goodness and rainbows where...

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> > > Thirteen year old Maya had already been fucked by her brother when she came downstairs to breakfast. Sometimes she only had to give him a suckjob, like if he was late for school, or not in the mood to fuck, or had just fucked his girlfriend the night before. But on this morning, he has wanted to pound her little pussy really hard. As always, he tried to hurt her when he fucked her. Like Father like Son. Maya had learned to than k her brother for his big fat wonderful dick. She...

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Rekha And Maya 8211 Part 4 A Widow Fucked And Satisfied

Khan Chacha went into Rekha’s room to sleep. Vinod was lying on the ground helpless with Rekha’s panty stuffed in his mouth. And Ali slowly started moving to his prize, Rekha. Akhtar walked towards Maya’s bedroom, and Maya followed him. Akhtar was 45 years old muscular, and very well built 6’2” tall Muslim goon. Maya was a 35-year-old lady whose husband died 2 years ago. Ever since then, she had not had any man touch her. Losing her husband so early didn’t do any good to...

1 year ago
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Girl Meets World Fun with Maya and Uncle Josh

Girl Meets World - Fun with Maya and Uncle JoshRiley Matthews arrived home after hanging out with Lucas and Farkle at Topanga's Café for smoothies. They were the only three there when Maya didn't go with Riley to hang out with them. Riley's parents and her little brother Auggie were out of town to visit Cory's parents, so Josh was there to keep an eye on Riley and make sure that she doesn't mess the apartment up. When she looked around for Josh, she didn't see him in the apartment. Riley began...

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Riley Maya

Riley & Maya By: James Stryker [For me to do this story, I cannot write about Riley and Maya having lesbian sex at the age they are in the show because it's just not right. So I am going to age them up to 18. In this story, Riley and Maya decided to have a little experimentation to see what it's like to have lesbian sex.]"Come on, Riley. It'll be fun." Maya said to her best friend."I don't know about this." Riley said looking shy.The two best friends were now 18 years old and they were in...

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Mayas Birthday Surprise

Girl Meets World - Maya's Birthday SurpriseToday was going to be the greatest day of Maya Penelope Hart's life. Today, she is turning 18-years-old. Her mother and her stepfather Shawn surprised her with birthday pancakes that they both made for her. Shawn also surprised Maya by taking her to the art museum to look at some of the paintings. This is going to be the best day ever. Later that day, Riley has planned something special for Maya. Maya has picked out the perfect outfit to wear: she wore...

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Tale Story Of Maya

Hello Readers. This is the story of Suchit and Maya. They both were classmates and college mates. They both love each other and are married. Maya doesn’t have any world, she thinks about Suchit all the time. Suchit is also a gentleman and never touched any other girl. They both used to have sex before marriage also. Maya never says ‘no’ to Suchit on the bed. Due to financial drawbacks, they didn’t plan for the child. Both parents opposed their marriage. One fine day Suchit met with an accident....

3 years ago
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The Rape of Maya chapter 4

Introduction: An older married woman follows her quest for kinky sex The Rape of Maya Chapter four The result of this almost unexplainable and terrifying very forceful orgasm along with her shrill noise had frightened and sent the little critters scurrying , in several directions and back to where ever they had came from!… When she finally woke up later that evening , Maya thought at first it was only some wild and bazaar dream. But slowly started to realize that her previously unfulfilled...

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The Rape of Maya chapter 4

Chapter four The result of this almost unexplainable and terrifying very forceful orgasm along with her shrill noise had frightened and sent the little critter's scurrying , in several directions and back to where ever they had came from!... When she finally woke up later that evening , Maya thought at first it was only some wild and bazaar dream. But slowly started to realize that her previously unfulfilled sexual desire to be orgasmed had been satisfied far past any wild sexual degree...

2 years ago
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Maya 8211 Cousin Love 8211 Part 6 Surprising Her

I kept a pillow on my lap to cover my nudity. Maya was wearing at-shirt. It covered only her thighs. Maya asked me about dinner. I left the choice to her. She said either we can order it at home, or we can go out. We decided to go to her favorite restaurant for dinner. We completed the formalities of calling our respective families. Maya got ready. She was wearing a red-colored open shoulder top and a short black skirt. She looked radiant spicy hot in that attire. We booked a cab to the...

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Maya Loves Boys Part 1 of 2

-= Part 1 of 2 =-About us, most of you who have read some of my other stories, know about my cum loving, Maya. Me Sam, 35, married for 21 years to Maya. its been ten yrs now, since she now has passed away. we made a fine, if sextordinary couple. If you like guys and girls next door types, not too overweight, not too short, nice faces then that's us. Middling jobs too. I was in Newspaper editing and still am. Maya was a stay at home mom, we had 4 k**s, that are all grown up, and we had other...

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Tonights the Night1

If it turns out that my words suit your palette, then do leave a comment; letting me know if I should continue, this sordid little fantasy. _ _ _ He arrived to discover her front door just slightly ajar, exactly as how she had told him it would be on this particular night. His instincts told him ever still, to knock, call out, but he pushed the thought away, and ever so quietly through the door he went. Once inside, closing it behind him and securing the lock in place. Now it...

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Tonights the Night0

If it turns out that my words suit your palette, then do leave a comment; letting me know if I should continue, this sordid little fantasy. _ _ _ He arrived to discover her front door just slightly ajar, exactly as how she had told him it would be on this particular night. His instincts told him ever still, to knock, call out, but he pushed the thought away, and ever so quietly through the door he went. Once inside, closing it behind him and securing the lock in place. Now it...

4 years ago
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Maya my housekeeper

For over the last two decades, I've had many housekeepers and cleaning ladies. Most of them working either part-time every day or just a couple of hours a week. My (now ex-) wife has never been aware of my mindset regarding the ladies. She'd even recruit them, most of the time. Not that I didn't want to be part of the selection process but I just wanted to let odds decide, in a way. Did I treat the ladies wrong? Never. Did I pay them well? Always above market standards. But I did play a game...

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maya gropes a groupie

Although she was only a back-up singer, Maya was feeling rather worn-out after the concert. She scanned the backstage area hoping to find a decent-looking guy to spend the night with. ‘Wonderful,’ she thought. ‘Not a single male groupie.’ Disappointed, she got a beer out of the cooler and sat down on a nearby loveseat. She gazed jealously as she saw every other band member (all guys of course) chatting up some dumb-looking chicks. As she put the bottle to her full, painted, lips, she made...

2 years ago
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maya gropes a groupie

Although she was only a back-up singer, Maya was feeling rather worn-out after the concert. She scanned the backstage area hoping to find a decent-looking guy to spend the night with. "Wonderful," she thought. "Not a single male groupie."Disappointed, she got a beer out of the cooler and sat down on a nearby loveseat. She gazed jealously as she saw every other band member (all guys of course) chatting up some dumb-looking chicks. As she put the bottle to her full, painted, lips; she made eye...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 30 Friday Night Lights on a Saturday

The congratulatory pats on the back and raucous shaking from the freshman football team still in the locker room were easily heard outside the locker room where many parents and fans were waiting for the player-of-the-game to come out. Tim finished transferring his stuff from the freshman locker area into the JV locker room. Johnnie and the rest of Tim’s friends were sitting around waiting for him so they could make an appearance at the Sombrero Rosa’s across the street where many of the...

4 years ago
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Maya 8211 Kalo Urvashi

Kotoi ba bayas hobe Mayar. Maximum 16 ba 17. Amar basai kaj korte esechilo bachar khanek age. Gayer rong beshi farsa noi. Kalor dikei. Pratham din thekei or upor chokh porechilo. Ektu roga. Chokh mukh prachando kamuk. Kintu pratham din thekei jeta chokhe pore chilo – seta holo or mai duto r pachata. Duto khara khara dasa pearar moto mai r serokom duto uchu pacha. Hatbar somoi besh pacha duliye hatto r amar barata ton ton korto. Oke chesta kortam hath korar. Kichudiner madhyei bujhte parlam...

1 year ago
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Maya 8211 Cousin Love 8211 Part 3 Our First Fuck

Maya got better at her emotions as she held my dick to rub it gently on her thirsty pussy. She positioned my dick on her fuck hole. She looked at me. I could see the lusty hunger in her eyes. Without wasting a second, I pushed my dick in her pussy. Her pussy was tight. I could feel my dick skin being peeled as it entered her hot pussy. Maya closed her eyes as again I thrust my dick inside her. Her hot body moved back with the force of a hard insertion. I could feel the heat of her pussy on my...


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