Love Potion Number Ten free porn video

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I had so much fun that I’m going back again,
I wonder what’ll happen with Love Potion Number Ten?
– “Love Potion Number Nine”

Saturday Night

Paul was dreaming and he knew he was dreaming. Some dreams you thought were real, but not this one; it was a definitely a dream. He was lounging on a poolside deck watching the trees in his back yard. Sun, blue sky, a few small white clouds and a cooling breeze. The pool and deck weren’t his, they belonged to Ms. Regnier, the mother of his daughter’s best friend, Antoinette. Besides being in the wrong yard, the dream deck and pool were at least twice the size of the originals.

Two voices alerted him to the arrival of his daughter, Diane, and Antoinette. Yet another sign that this was a dream. Tonight he was alone in the house as Diane was sleeping over with Antoinette. They alternated sleepovers most Saturdays; Antoinette had been here last Saturday night and would likely be here again in a week’s time.

“Hi, Mr. P,” Antoinette greeted him brightly as she made for a lounger and spread her towel. The young black woman had wonderfully smooth teenage skin, most of which she was showing off in her very skimpy yellow bikini. He’d seen her in a bikini before, but the dream version was hardly there at all.

“Hello Antoinette,” he replied. Always her full name; she had made it very clear that she didn’t want to be called Toni or anything else, always Antoinette.

A “Hi Dad,” reminded him that Diane was here as well. Her bikini was dark green and even smaller than her friend’s. In real life he’d have commented about her wearing something like that. In a dream? Well, dreams weren’t real and she was very pleasant to look at, even though she was his daughter.

Both teens were soaking up the sun with their eyes closed, so Paul took the opportunity to look over the two nineteen-year-olds. What was the point of a dream if you couldn’t misbehave a little? Antoinette had the curvier build, larger breasts which almost escaped from her tiny top and generous hips below a narrow waist. With her hourglass figure she’d never be a catwalk model. Diane was more towards the catwalk look: blonde, smallish breasts, less of a waist due to her narrower hips and long slim legs. He was careful not to ogle her in real life – a father shouldn’t do stuff like that – but in a dream...

He was staring at Diane when movement from Antoinette’s lounger caught his eye. She had produced some sun-lotion and was spreading it on her legs.

“Oh good,” Diane said. “Can I have some of that when you’ve finished?”

“Sure, but there’s not much left,” her black friend replied.

Paul watched as Antoinette spread the cream on her legs. They weren’t as long as Diane’s and her muscular thighs were definitely larger. A pleasant contrast to his daughter.

When she’d finished doing her legs she casually removed her bikini top, turning slightly towards Paul to drop it on the deck. He couldn’t help but look, this dream brought out the voyeur in him. He’d imagined she’d have large areolae like some of the black models on the net. She didn’t; small areolae and her nipples weren’t stiff like a porn model’s. She laid back and started spreading sun-cream over them. They looked good from the side, self-supporting teenage tits with hardly any sag at all.

“Here you are Diane.” Antoinette’s voice broke him out of his reverie on the appearance of nineteen-year-old women’s breasts.

“Thanks,” his daughter replied, reaching over to take the bottle.

Paul got another show as Diane spread the lotion on her long slim legs. Neither of them seemed to notice him ogling Antoinette’s boobs and they ignored him staring at his daughter. What would Diane do when she’d finished her legs? Antoinette’s top was still lying where she’d left it, so he had a nice side view of her nearer breast as she relaxed. Just as well he had his trunks to cover his growing erection.

He should have guessed, the two of them thought too much alike. Once she’d finished her legs, Diane reached behind her back and took off her green bikini top. They were beautiful, just beautiful: smallish and firm, with her nipples set in small pink areolae. They were exactly the way his wife’s breasts had looked when he’d met her. It was no criticism of Antoinette to say that he preferred Diane’s.

Feeling guilty, he checked to see if either of them had noticed him staring. They hadn’t. Antoinette was relaxing with her eyes closed and Diane was concentrating on getting the last of the lotion out of the bottle.

“Damn! It’s empty,” Diane complained. “Have you got any more, Antoinette?”

“No, that’s the last of it.”

“Don’t you have anything? If I put my top back on I’ll get tan lines, and if I leave it off I’ll go all red.”

“Yeah, I can get you something,” Antoinette replied. Looking directly at Paul, she told him, “Come over here Mr. P.”

Puzzled, he got up off his lounger, hoping his erection wasn’t too obvious. Antoinette directed him to stand by Diane. He complied, getting a closer look at his daughter’s sexy teen breasts while she smiled up at him.

Antoinette stood behind him, reached round and started rubbing his hard-on through his trunks. “You want to help Diane, don’t you, Mr. P?” She pressed her naked breasts into his back.

“But...” he protested. Suddenly the sensations from his cock changed, stopping him in mid-sentence. Antoinette wasn’t rubbing him through his trunks any more – she was rubbing him, period. His trunks had disappeared and he was naked in front of his daughter, his erection easily visible as Antoinette massaged it.

Antoinette was talking breathily in his ear, “Diane needs more cream. You can help her. Give her the cream she needs, squirt it right on her boobs.” Her hand changed from an open-palm rub to grasping his shaft and masturbating him. “Cum for Diane, she needs it. Look at those lovely tits. You wouldn’t want them to get sunburned, would you, Mr. P? Cover them with your cream.”

Diane smiled up at him, hands cupping her breasts, offering them to him. “Yes Daddy, I need your cream on my titties. Cream me Daddy, cream me!” Her blue eyes switched between his face and his cock, spending more time on his cock.

Paul could sense the anticipatory tingle in his balls. He could feel the twin points of Antoinette’s nipples pressed into his back while she stroked him expertly. “Cum for her. Give her your cream. Spray it all over her tits.” Diane was lying below him, waiting for him to unload on her. The sensations were too much, he couldn’t delay any longer and...

He woke up as he came, soaking the pair of boxers he’d worn to bed. He was in his bedroom, alone with his cooling soggy shorts. Shit! He hadn’t had a dream like that for a long time. Maybe he needed to masturbate more often? He wasn’t at all comfortable dreaming about his daughter that way.

In the morning he remembered the dream perfectly. It still puzzled him, he wasn’t a teenager any more so he’d thought that sort of dream was behind him. He looked his age, forty-three. No gray hairs yet, but he knew that was only a matter of time.

Breakfast was Paul’s usual: coffee with a side of coffee. He thought back on his dream. He could understand lusting after Antoinette, she was young, friendly and very good looking. Too young for him in reality, but he didn’t feel too bad about fantasizing over her. Diane ... Diane was different. She was his daughter, and fathers shouldn’t think about their daughters like that. No question she was attractive and she did resemble her mother at that age, but that was not really an excuse. He resolved to spend more time on the net keeping his libido under control.

Diane arrived back from Antoinette’s about ten. She’d enjoyed herself as always, and said hello from Antoinette. She confirmed that her friend would be sleeping over next Saturday night.

The girls had met about five years ago. Diane had just lost her mother to a sudden brain hemorrhage and Antoinette was the new girl in school – Ms. Regnier had recently moved out from the city. At fourteen they both needed a friend and had taken to each other immediately. Paul was relieved that his daughter had a friend, and Antoinette’s mother could offer the female advice and help that he, as a man, could not. Ms. Regnier could see how important Diane’s friendship was to her daughter, so made sure she got on well with both Diane and Paul.

At first the girls were pressing their two single parents to get married. It was an obvious move to the two fourteen-year-olds, but the two adults were happy to stay just friends. Paul was white, thirty-eight, with a six-inch cock and he didn’t fancy being dumped after six months. Ms. Regnier liked young hung black studs who she traded in for a new model every few months. Friendship, but no more than that, was a far better option than marriage for the two adults.

Sunday Night

Paul was dreaming again. He walked into a hotel lobby, trailing his roll-on luggage behind him. The elevators were straight ahead and the reception desk off to his left with a dark-haired woman sitting behind the high counter. As he approached she looked up. She was oriental and wearing something off-the shoulder. Closer still and she was topless! She didn’t seem bothered, so he pretended to ignore her naked breasts with their dark areolae and prominent nipples. Well shaped too. No name badge, but a small sign on the counter said, “Nari”.

“Mr. Paul Parker. I have a reservation,” he told her.

She looked at her computer screen while typing on her keyboard. He took the opportunity to study her breasts more closely: bigger than Diane’s though smaller than Antoinette’s. Very nice.

“Yes sir. I’ll get your key-card.” She stood and walked to the pigeonholes in the back wall. Not topless, naked and showing off her nicely rounded ass. She turned and walked back towards him with his key-card. Neatly trimmed pussy hair with a prominent meaty mound and a lush pair of lips peeking out. She ignored his staring and handed him the card. “Your attendant will be here directly to show you to your room, sir.”

Attendant? Not just an attendant, but Antoinette. A naked Antoinette! “Hello, Mr. P. I’m your attendant during your stay with us.” Was everyone here naked? He quickly checked that he was still dressed; clothes could do strange things in dreams, like his trunks last night. Reassured that he was still in his business suit he followed Antoinette to the elevators. Her hips made a marvelous display of wonderfully curved smooth dark skin. He’d already dreamed of her breasts and now he was seeing more.

The elevator doors slid open immediately and he followed her in. She pressed the button for his floor, though he didn’t notice which one; she was much more interesting to look at than a button.

“You’re working here Antoinette?”

“I need to earn something to help pay for college, and this place is fun.”

“Fun?” he asked, puzzled. Work wasn’t usually fun.

“Yeah, it’s great. We offer a complete service to all our guests.”

Paul was about to ask what she meant when she made it obvious: she dropped to her knees in front of him and unzipped his pants. Somehow he wasn’t surprised, given all the nudity here. He went with the flow and let her work.

“You’ve got a nice one, Mr. P. I’ll like sucking it.” She held his dick out of her way and began licking his balls. Soon she didn’t need to hold him as he quickly stiffened, his cock naturally standing up leaving his sac clear. Her tongue moved up his shaft, moistening it. After a few passes she sat up slightly and took the head into her mouth, her tongue playing with the sensitive tip for a few seconds. She looked up into his eyes and slowly, slowly took his entire length in. He looked down at her face, with its halo of black hair, her warm brown eyes smiling up into his and his cock disappearing into her mouth. All of his cock disappearing. As her red lips reached the root, her throat tightened around his glans. “Shit, that’s good Antoinette.”

Even in a dream she couldn’t talk with her mouth full of his cock. She pulled back and began jacking him lightly to keep him hard.

“Yeah. Mom lets me practice on her boy-toys, and she likes them big.”

“Your mother lets you suck her men?”

“I can’t fuck them, just handjobs and blowjobs. She figures that if I can keep my boyfriends happy that way, then I won’t have to fuck them if I don’t want to.” She stopped any further conversation by taking him all the way into her throat again.

Paul could feel the pressure building in his balls, it would be soon. “Do you swallow?” he asked. He remembered from his dating days, many years ago, that it was polite to ask first.

Antoinette pulled back briefly, “Of course I swallow. Like I said, complete service.” She sucked him in again and went back to work.

Soon he could feel his climax coming. He tried to delay it, managing to hang for a few seconds in that delicious moment when it was inevitable, but hadn’t arrived yet. Then he couldn’t hold it any more and...

He woke to another pair of sodden shorts. Why? He’d jerked off before going to bed so he should have been able to sleep through easily. Then he remembered that Diane was in her room. Had he wakened her? He couldn’t hear anything when he listened, so he got up quietly, dumped his shorts in the en-suite, wiped himself with some tissues and went back to bed in the clean pair he’d put out for tomorrow. At least tonight’s dream hadn’t included Diane, just Antoinette and that Chinese receptionist. He didn’t recognize her, so she was probably just a figment of his imagination. Good figure though.

Over breakfast Diane didn’t mention being wakened in the night, which was reassuring. When he asked her, she said she’d slept right through. He left first for work; Diane would leave later, driving to Antoinette’s so they could go to college together.

Monday Night

Another night, another dream. Paul wondered what was going on. One or two dreams, OK. Three dreams on three consecutive nights? That was definitely unusual. This dream looked ominous as well. He wasn’t in Antoinette’s hotel, he was having his breakfast coffee in a large luxury dream version of his own kitchen. He wasn’t hurting for money, but he didn’t have enough that he could afford an enormous house with a kitchen this big.

“Morning Dad.” Diane arrived, smiling. Damn! Diane. He really didn’t want his daughter in one of these dreams. She’d been in the first one, but back then he hadn’t realized what type of dreams they were. He wasn’t at all happy with how he suspected this one would go.

She was wearing one of her long loose tees – a white one – and, hopefully, panties. Given the way these dreams were panning out, he wasn’t at all sure about the panties.

She didn’t go for her usual fresh fruit. “Dad, can I have some cream for breakfast?”

Cream. Oh no, that got him thinking about the first dream. He was going to say ‘no’ but she moved first. She got down on her knees under the table and reached for his cock. What was it about his clothes in these dreams? They disappeared just before she wrapped her hand around him and started slowly stroking.

“Please Daddy. I want some cream.”

He felt her lips closing around the tip as she took him part way into her mouth. He looked down – the table had disappeared as well as his clothes – to see her working to get her cream. At least she still had her tee on.

She’d obviously sucked a cock before, though she wasn’t as practiced as Antoinette. No deepthroat this time. She didn’t look up either; was she as embarrassed about the situation as he was? All he could see was the top of her head with its wavy blonde hair and his cock disappearing beneath it. She used her hand on his shaft more than Antoinette; not being able to deepthroat she had more of him for her hand to work on.

He knew he shouldn’t let her do this. It was a dream, not real life, but even so he shouldn’t let his dream-daughter suck his cock. That might lead to places he didn’t want to go.

Somehow Diane seemed to know what he was thinking. “Don’t worry, Daddy. This is just a dream. Squirt your tasty cream in my mouth and you’ll wake up.” She swallowed the head of his cock again and got back to work, her tongue swirling around the head of his dick.

Paul could feel the pressure building. Best to get this over with quickly. He concentrated on the sensations he was feeling, trying to ignore who was producing them. Soon the pressure built up to maximum and...

Damn! Another pair of shorts to wash and a dream he definitely didn’t want to remember. He would though, all these strange dreams stayed perfectly clear in his memory. How would he be able to face Diane over breakfast this morning?

He tried to act normally when she came into the kitchen. It was difficult because she was wearing exactly what she’d been wearing in the dream – a long white tee. Strangely, she seemed a little nervous herself this morning.

“Are you all right, Diane?” he asked.

“We’ve got a test this afternoon and I’m not sure I’ve revised enough. I’ll hit the library before lunch.”

Was that right, or was she nervous about last night’s dream? Stupid. How the hell could she know anything about his dream?

“I’m sure you’ll do well,” he reassured her. She probably would. She was a good solid student, in the top third of her classes. Except for history; she never seemed to do so well in history.

Tuesday Night

To Paul’s relief tonight’s dream was back in the hotel. He was following Antoinette down a corridor and watching the delicious sway of her naked ass. By now he was resigned to having these dreams every night; he hadn’t even bothered to jerk off before going to bed. He had a pair of shorts on of course, no point in messing the sheets.

Antoinette stopped at the door to his room – number Sixty-nine, inevitably. He had the key-card, so he let them both in. He parked his luggage while Antoinette sat on the edge of the bed. “You’ve had my mouth, Mr. P. Do you want my pussy or my ass next?” She leaned back on her elbows, parting her legs, giving him a good view of the two choices she was offering. She obviously took the hotel’s promise of complete service to guests very seriously.

She had a small trimmed triangle above her pussy, short like a well-groomed beard, with the rest waxed away. Her labia were already a little shiny with her lubrication. She looked at him from between her breasts, “Well?”

“Could we talk for a bit?”

“First pick a hole and put it in, then we can talk.”

“OK, pussy then.” He tried to undo his suit jacket, but it had already disappeared along with his other clothes. Antoinette giggled at his confusion. He knelt by the bed and gradually slid his cock into her. He looked down as the head of his dick slowly parted her slick pussy lips. She wasn’t his daughter so he felt nowhere near as guilty as he had with Diane in last night’s dream. Antoinette was nineteen and could make her own choices, even in his dreams. Besides, why turn down a free offer of dream pussy? Very nice smooth tight dream pussy too.

“Mmmm, that’s good. Just fuck me slowly while we talk,” she said, smiling up at him.

She was snug and silky around his cock. He moved gently in and out of her channel, not putting any great effort into it. “Are you and Diane alternating nights?” Paul asked. “I dreamed about her last night and you the night before.”

“You noticed,” she said, smiling. “We take turns, except on Saturday nights of course. We share those.”

“So I’ll dream about Diane tomorrow night and you again on Thursday?”


“Could I put in a request for Thursday night?” he asked.

“Sure, what?”

“Could we have a threesome with the Chinese receptionist?”

Antoinette laughed. “Nari isn’t Chinese, her parents are Korean. You can stick it in her, but you can’t cum in her. You wake up when you cum, so you have to cum in me.”

“You know Nari? Why is she in my dream if I don’t know her?”

“Yeah, I know her. She works in the library at college and I based the receptionist on her.”

He was still fucking her slowly. “So you set up these dreams for me?”

“Shit! You weren’t meant to know that.” She looked a little worried that he’d found out.

“Why? What are these dreams for?” he asked.

“Talk to Diane, they’re mostly her idea.” She obviously didn’t want to talk about it.

That disturbed Paul. With all the sex in these dreams, if they were Diane’s idea then the thought of where this could be leading worried him. A lot.

“So you and Diane remember these dreams, just like I do?”

Antoinette ignored his question, and tried to distract him, “Enough talk, more fucking. You’re falling down on the job, Mr. P. I can’t satisfy a guest properly if he doesn’t cooperate.”

Realizing that he wasn’t going to get anything more out of her tonight, he did as she’d asked and concentrated more on the fucking. “I’ve always wanted more teenage pussy. I didn’t get enough when I was a teenager myself, and Heidi was twenty when we married.”

“Well this teenage pussy is happy to be of service to a guest,” Antoinette smiled.

The slow build-up had him near his peak already, so he didn’t last as long as he’d expected. He rammed his last few strokes into her hard, meeting her own hips thrusting back and...

He woke to another pair of wet shorts. He might want to run a pre-soak before the main wash this week to get things properly clean.

He needed to talk to Diane about these dreams. If they were her idea, as Antoinette had said, then perhaps she would explain. Talking to his daughter in real life might be dangerous, what if they were just dreams? No, if the alternating pattern continued he’d be able to talk to her during tonight’s dream.

That was probably the right decision, but it meant that he was almost useless at work that day. He wasn’t able to concentrate on anything except what he was going to say to dream-Diane.

Wednesday Night

The dream pattern held, Paul was in a larger copy of Diane’s bedroom, lying on her bed. She clearly liked setting her dreams in an enlarged version of their house. He had his shorts on, though it was anyone’s guess how long they would last.

Diane came in, dressed in a long tee – blue tonight. She looked worried, the same as Paul felt.

“Antoinette said you’d want to talk, Dad.”

“Yes, I do. Can you explain what these dreams are about? Antoinette said that they were your idea.”

She sat on the edge of the bed by his thigh, then paused, obviously thinking. “You won’t like it,” she told him.

“I suspect not, but I’d prefer to know what’s coming rather than going in blind.”

“OK. It really starts with teenage boys.” Paul cocked an eyebrow to encourage her to continue. “They’re self-obsessed and don’t last more than thirty seconds. As soon as they’ve finished they’re off doing something else with their friends and bragging about what a big stud they are. They’re all assholes.”

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Bimbo Potion Revenge Ch 04

"Ames!" Val shouted, running over and throwing her arms around Amy in a crushing hug. The novel feeling of her large tits mashed up against Val's even larger ones gave Amy a small thrill as she explored the contours of Val's soft, sensual body with her arms. Amy could see why guys liked touching her; she was surprisingly difficult to let go of. She briefly wished that her own curves were that irresistible, before reminding herself that if she wasn't more careful with the potion in the future,...

Mind Control
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Harry Potter and the Passion Potion

“Where am I?” Harry thought to himself as he picked up his school uniform and began to get dressed. As Harry continued to think, he realized that his last thoughts were from his 6th period potions with Professor Snape, the greasy-haired head of Slytherine, who hated him more than anyone at Hogwarts. As Harry began to think more, looking very puzzled as he scratched his messy brown hair, “Something had to have happened in potions class…” As Harry thought more and more he reached down to...

3 years ago
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Potion Mix Up

If you read this story and find that you do not like it, please, write a review. If you read this story and find that you do like it, please, write a review. I am trying to figure out if I might have any skill or talent for writing. Should I pursue something in writing or just continue to write for myself and a few others. Be honest, be respectful, but mostly be honest. Thank you, and I hope that you enjoy. Potion Mix Up By Gypsy "You think this is easy?!?" Daniel...

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Blame it on the Potion

Blame it on the Potion By Deputy Duffy The light coming from the laboratory flooded into the darkened hallway. Aleggy blonde stood in the shadows, watching the lone figure intently. "Workinglate again Fran?" Fran heard the question and the teasing way the beautiful blonde asked it,but she didn't respond, as was her way of late. (She knew that she would indeedbe working late, in the laboratory, once again. It had been nearly six monthssince she came to work for Dr. Winker and she had seemingly...

3 years ago
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Polyjuice Potion and the squib part 4 Sarah 3

Introduction: Squib tries to produce some polyjuice potion for interesting experiments… Part 4 of the series so far. Please read previous chapters for background. Enjoy. ******************************************************************** *****Polyjuice Potion and the squib chapter 4 Sarah 3******* ******************************************************************** I was watching one of the tapes I had made of Sarah the next day when I heard a knock at the door. It was my aunty and Sarah...

1 year ago
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SRU Magic Potion

SRU ? Magic Potion By Byron Here's the story...pretty short I was walking around in the mall one day when I found a strange shop that I had never seen before. I was curious as to what it was so I headed on over. As I got to the door it opened up and two beautiful women walked out. I quickly sucked in my gut. I was a good-looking guy, but at 250 pounds I wasn't the skinniest man in the world. I was 6 foot 1, and I carried my weight well, but I always felt very self-conscious ...

4 years ago
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Wendy and the Purple Potion

"Don't touch that!" I shouted, running toward her as fast as I could. Thankfully, it's a very tiny room, and I was beside her in a second or two. She immediately put her hands at her sides and turned to face me wearing a very guilty expression. "I wasn't going to touch anything. Matt," she lied brazenly. I simply shook my head. Wendy was a clever woman. When it came to mathematics, no one could touch her. But the woman couldn't lie to save her life. "Well, the vial you weren't...

3 years ago
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Polyjuice Potion and the squib part 4 Sarah 3

******************************************************************** *****Polyjuice Potion and the squib chapter 4 Sarah 3******* ******************************************************************** I was watching one of the tapes I had made of Sarah the next day when I heard a knock at the door. It was my aunty and Sarah again. She told me they were in the area and decided to pop in. It was a hot day so I asked them in and offered them a drink. Sarah was wearing a pretty green sundress...

2 years ago
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Bimbo Potion Revenge Ch 02

Bimbo Potion: Revenge by Fidget Chapter 2 Thursday night - Valerie When Val got home, she changed out of her work clothes and went to the bathroom to freshen up. Coming back out, she noticed the gift basket sitting on her living room table, and gave herself a small squirt of hand sanitizer before plopping down on the couch to spend a few minutes on social media. Not too long though - I have to go get ready for my workout. She prided herself on her slim, athletic body, which she had kept in...

3 years ago
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Bimbo Potion Revenge Ch 03

by Fidget Chapter 3 Amy had a meeting scheduled with her boss after lunch, and she wasn't sure whether she was dreading it or looking forward to it. In the meantime, she noticed how cute all of the guys in her office looked today, and with the attention her increasingly extroverted boobs were enjoying from their glances, she knew it wouldn't be long before her frisky pussy would begin enticing them with a barrage of new, powerful pheromones. Her meeting with Phil arrived just in time to...

3 years ago
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Bimbo Potion Revenge Ch 01

Bimbo Potion: Revenge by Fidget Chapter 1 Amy dreaded going to work. She loved her job, but the other women in her office drove her absolutely insane. Linda was nosy and a relentless gossip, and Valerie was a know-it-all who belittled her every chance she got. Sam, however, was the worst, not because she was particularly annoying, but because she was constantly hitting on the boss in the hopes of turning an affair into a promotion, and that directly threatened Amy's own career aspirations....

4 years ago
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Bimbo Potion Revenge Ch 02

Thursday night — ValerieWhen Val got home, she changed out of her work clothes and went to the bathroom to freshen up. Coming back out, she noticed the gift basket sitting on her living room table, and gave herself a small squirt of hand sanitizer before plopping down on the couch to spend a few minutes on social media. Not too long though—I have to go get ready for my workout. She prided herself on her slim, athletic body, which she had kept in top shape since her competitive gymnastics days...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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Bimbo Potion Revenge Ch 03

Amy had a meeting scheduled with her boss after lunch, and she wasn't sure whether she was dreading it or looking forward to it. In the meantime, she noticed how cute all of the guys in her office looked today, and with the attention her increasingly extroverted boobs were enjoying from their glances, she knew it wouldn't be long before her frisky pussy would begin enticing them with a barrage of new, powerful pheromones.Her meeting with Phil arrived just in time to escape her admirers, who...

Mind Control
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Potion After Taste

After some debate I decided that the story that would go between chapter one and two was not going to go between but just integrate it into chapter two. I hope everyone is fine with that. Again, as with all my stories please- write a review, I am trying to learn how to be a writer on some level. Spelling and grammar is my downfall... or so I have been told. If you missed chapter one, please, stop right here and read that one first, this is not a standalone story. This story starts...

2 years ago
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Bimbo Potion Revenge Ch 01

Amy dreaded going to work. She loved her job, but the other women in her office drove her absolutely insane. Linda was nosy and a relentless gossip, and Valerie was a know-it-all who belittled her every chance she got. Sam, however, was the worst, not because she was particularly annoying, but because she was constantly hitting on the boss in the hopes of turning an affair into a promotion, and that directly threatened Amy’s own career aspirations. Not that she would sleep her way to the top...

Mind Control
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Uncle Rons Potion

Uncle Ron's Potion by Elrod W Chris sat in his chair, drinking a beer and brooding. His classes for the day were over, and it was Friday. He hated Fridays, unlike his roommate Larry. Chris was not exactly an outgoing guy; tall, average build, with short brown hair, Chris knew he didn't have movie-star looks, and being reserved, he was not popular with the ladies. In fact, Chris was still a virgin at twenty- one, a secret he closely guarded. Whenever he got around girls, Chris was...

1 year ago
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Polyjuice Potion and the squib part 2 Sarah

Introduction: Squib tries to produce some polyjuice potion for interesting experiments… Part 2 of the series so far. Please read chapter one for background. Enjoy. ****************************************************************** *****Polyjuice Potion and the squib chapter 2 Sarah******* ****************************************************************** I still had some time before my parents came home. I was aware of the complexities of sex from my research on the internet. A man had a...

4 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Aging Potion

“Was this done right,” Ginny asks, looking at the vial of the stone cold red potion in her hands with some concern. It was the class project of the fifth and sixth year Potions class to produce an Aging Solution – to be completed outside of class time. Harry’s group included Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Pansy Parkinson, Parvati Patil, Neville Longbottom, and Hannah Abbott. Hermione sniffed the almost non-existent fumes of the potion and nodded, “Of course. We followed the directions to the letter! How...

3 years ago
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Polyjuice Potion and the squib part 2 Sarah

****************************************************************** *****Polyjuice Potion and the squib chapter 2 Sarah******* ****************************************************************** I still had some time before my parents came home. I was aware of the complexities of sex from my research on the internet. A man had a penis and the woman had a vagina (or pussy). I was aware that some lubrication was needed and that the penis was inserted into the vagina. I had seen some pictures...

4 years ago
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The Potion

Here it is: I hold in my hand the potion that can make me invisible. I have created an antidote so I can regain form but invisibility will allow me to gain access I once thought impossible. It has been my dream to meet these women. Being a red-blooded male, urges often clouded my thinking but after some work I have created a potion that will make me invisible to the human eye. Jerking off to images of these women would no longer do the trick. I needed to go behind-the-scenes to get an up close...

2 years ago
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Polyjuice Potion and the squib part 3 Sarah 2

Introduction: Squib tries to produce some polyjuice potion for interesting experiments… Part 3 of the series so far. Please read previous chapters for background. Enjoy. ****************************************************************** *****Polyjuice Potion and the squib chapter 3 Sarah 2******* ****************************************************************** I was surprised at how intense it was for a girl to get off. As a boy all I got was a few seconds of bliss as I shot cum out of my...

4 years ago
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Wendy and the Purple Potion

I knew it was going to be an awkward day the moment I stepped in my lab. Okay, calling it a lab is a bit of a stretch. I have a small chemical set on a shelf beside my bed. That and a desk. Yeah, it isn't much, but thanks to college tuition, my ass is on the ramen noodle diet. Anyway, when I walked into my "lab", I saw my friend Wendy there waiting for me. In classic Wendy fashion, she was making a beeline for the single most dangerous thing I posessed. "For the love of God, don't touch that!"...

3 years ago
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The Potion

The Potion It was Saturday morning. I groaned loudly as I woke up from bed, my head still aching from yesterday's hangover. I wanted to throw up. Then, I noticed that something was wrong. My body felt different. My feet were touching the end of the bed and was that hair I felt tickling my neck? I rubbed my eyes and looked down. What I saw wasn't right. It wasn't right at all. I had breasts! They were small, A cups at most, but they were breasts none the less. I was supposed to be man and as...

3 years ago
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The Potion

My sex life is vanilla at best. I’ve been married to my husband for ten years now, and the sex hasn’t changed. It always feels like the same thing night in, and night out. Even when the kids are gone, he’ll ask me to try something different, but I always panic and stop him.Mike is a wonderful man, tall, fit, with blond hair, and a cock that had me addicted the first time he fucked me. He’s been the one man that I’ve only wanted in me since that first night. But my fears have always kept me from...

Mind Control
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The Potion

To the shadowy players, the fields and forests of Tarag are a convenient board on which to play an occasional game. More than once, though, it has become a stage where crucial battles have been waged. "Yes, I did promise that you might have the black pieces this time," the First Player concedes. "But since I won last time, you must still take the first move." "To cure all the ills of man or beast. Only one tiny bottle of this magical elixir and health and happiness shall be...

4 years ago
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Sister Love Potion Shannon

Sometimes life throws you curves and sometimes a slow pitch. You can hit a home run. I was online in a yahoo chat room and was just lurking, some guys were talking about a love potion; one had bought it and he claimed it worked! When he gave the web address I was like damn and copied it down. I have a problem, my sister is gay, but that is not my problem, my problem is the burning lust in my heart for sis. Shannon is a lipstick lesbian and hotter than shit, she is 5'9", slim, blonde and very...

1 year ago
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Love Potion Sister Lust

Note : This story is completely fictional! Well. Today was the day. After all my fantasy stories of making love to my sister Jacquee I was now ready to make my move; to turn my fantasies a reality. I was visiting a friend of mine in Alabama and was introduced to an old mountain woman who was known for her powers of healing and magic potions. If the little backwoods lady was right, my life was about to change forever. And she had better be right; I paid a ridiculous sum for this “love potion.”...

3 years ago
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Professor Raskins Magic Potion

During the second term of my freshman year at City College in New York – this was the spring of 1974 – I had an unusual professor for one of my English courses. His name was Gordon Raskin, he was a specialist in Medieval Literature, and he was thirty-six-years-old at the time.One of his courses was  “The Vampire: Certain Ideas of Evil in Western Thought and Art.” Dracula, of course, was on the reading list, but so were works like Dante’s Inferno. Two books by the Marquis de Sade, Justine and...

Mind Control
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Love Potion Just in Time

Let's start with her feet. They are just the right size, delicate, with very smooth lines. Her toes are perfectly shaped morsels, just right for nibbling. Her toenails are always trimmed and nicely colored. Her ankles are delicate, definitely a woman's ankles. Her legs are long, with some muscle, but not enough to make them look unfeminine. Her thighs are smooth and well formed. Her hips are nice, with just the slightest amount of curve to give them that sexy appeal. Her waist is slim and...

3 years ago
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Polyjuice Potion and the squib part 3 Sarah 2

****************************************************************** *****Polyjuice Potion and the squib chapter 3 Sarah 2******* ****************************************************************** I was surprised at how intense it was for a girl to get off. As a boy all I got was a few seconds of bliss as I shot cum out of my dick. And I hadn't even done it with a girl yet. I reviewed the tape. It was even better from my point of view as I knew the person that starred in it. The girl...

2 years ago
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I Gave My Bully A Love Potion But

"Here you are! I made you your favorite brownies again!" Despite the circumstances, I couldn't help but give an uneasy smile as I stared at the girl in my seat. "T-Thanks..." Even though her smile seemed joyful enough already, that one single word being uttered out of my mouth was enough to get her beaming with uncontainable happiness. It was like she just won the lottery of the century. "I hope you like them! I made them with extra L-O-V-E just for youuu~!" She did a cute tilt of her head and...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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Naruto Love Potion

It was a typical day in Konoha but for Naruto, this was his last day before he'd leave for training with Jiraiya, and while he was more than ready to head out on that adventure, there was still one last thing he wanted to do before he left. Sakura had been the apple of his eye for as long as he could remember and now before he'd be going away for a long time he wanted to try one last time to win her over. And today he felt especially confident. The previous week when he had been walking home he...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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The Potion by loyalsock

While Mr. Duncan's senior world history lecture droned on and on, it was all Tommy Farrell could do to keep his eyes open. "Why did the most boring subjects always have to be in the last period," he thought to himself, "it made every day seem like an eternity!" Tommy didn't think it was possible, but old man Duncan was making World War II seem as dry as burnt toast! Here he was yammering on about the Nazis and Hitler, but never really getting to any point, just a bunch of loose ends with no...

2 years ago
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Love Potion

Blitz house, Somewhere in Enddinhton I just Got there and it was only Me Blitz and Fox. We were going to Set some stuff up and then Smoke some pot till the Others came. "SQUIRREL!" Fox screamed from down stairs, "Once sec, Gran!" I told Blitz's Grandfather as I dashed down stairs "What, Do you want to suck my dick, or just hand over the Jeany?" Jeany was the Bowl Fox one that week at a game of poker with a few of the dealer here in parchment. "No, I got a girl that...

2 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 31 Remedial Potions

Chapter Thirty-One – Remedial Potions Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: Mf, x-mast, ncon, reluc, cream pie, magic, unif, voy Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry had become a breeding ground for sex, scandal and teenage pregnancy as the month of April rolled around. Harry, Ron and Hermione were at the center of the controversy, and although the fourth year...

2 years ago
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SRU The Power of Potions

Spells-R-Us: The Power of Potions Jackie looked at her reflection in the mirror and wasn't particularly happy with what she saw. Then she glanced down at the phial in her hand filled with a clear liquid. With a sigh she decided it was time to see if the wizard had been telling the truth. She pulled the cork from the phial and sniffed at the potion. As far as she could tell it had no scent. Jackie thought about the wizards instructions and looked over at her husband, Eric's, side...

2 years ago
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Short with Potions

Foreword: Thanks everyone for the reviews and comments. I make no guarantees about how prolific I will be, but I've got more than a few drabbles in various states of being finished. Hopefully I will find time to finish them. If it seems like my stories peter out in the end it's because focus is hard :( Anyways this is a short simple one. Enjoy. STORY TIME! "Wine?" Relgar asked, looking at the three dark green bottles on the table. "No, potions! From Ventan's shop!"...

4 years ago
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Potion 2

Wednesday, she came to school wearing a skirt that was at least a couple of years old, it still fit her tiny waste, but was way shorter then a girl of her age should be seen in, at least in public. It was a plain number, but she made it look amazing. She wore no panties again, and whenever I sat at my desk in front, she would open her legs and show me her best parts. I hadn't used any of my potion on her after the first time, but it just seemed to fire her up on an almost constant basis....

3 years ago
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Magic Potion AZ

James is an average 5'9", 20 year old male with brown hair and brown eyes. His build is unremarkable and a pair of circle wire rim glasses sit low on his nose. His hair is basic and considering his insecurities regarding his stocky and average build he is often wearing simple clothes, like a hoodie and jeans. James wanders down a side street of Galla, Virginia. The day is overcast and dull and so abandoned he wouldn't be surprised to see a tumbleweed cross his path. He was on his way to Florida...

4 years ago
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Sister Love Potion

Things were bad at our house, and it was all Mandy's fault. Mandy is in High School and a royal pain in the ass. Mandy is a black haired, blue eyed girl 5'7" and weighing 118 pounds with a deadly figure and killer looks. I never developed a normal brother sister relationship with her. Our parents divorced when I was 8, he got custody and then dad died when I was 12. I had never had a real relationship with Mandy, just tension between us. I was an unwanted brother and an impediment to her...

1 year ago
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The potion

While Mr. Duncan's senior world history lecture droned on and on, it was all Tommy Farrell could do to keep his eyes open. "Why did the most boring subjects always have to be in the last period," he thought to himself, "it made every day seem like an eternity!" Tommy didn't think it was possible, but old man Duncan was making World War II seem as dry as burnt toast! Here he was yammering on about the Nazis and Hitler, but never really getting to any point, just a bunch of loose ends with no...

3 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 16 Potions Master

Chapter Sixteen – Potions Master Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: bf, Mf, x-mast, ncon, reluc, cream pie, exhib, grope, magic, spank, unif, voy It had been nearly three weeks since Harry was named as Hogwarts Champion and basically vilified in front of the entire school as a glory grabbing prat, who only cared about getting his name into as many books as...

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