Maid of Honor
- 3 years ago
- 35
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"You know, Mom is going to kill you," Kaylee said.
I dropped my chin to my chest by way of acknowledgment then winced from the pain in my left wrist. I glanced down at it and marveled once again at the sight. My forearm was covered in a plaster-of-Paris cast reaching from just below my elbow to just below the knuckles of my hand. My thumb protruded from the thick white plaster but I knew it wouldn't mean much. I still had my fingers, and my thumb, but they were useless. I wouldn't be typing at the computer anytime soon, not with my left arm so crippled.
"I don't understand you sometimes, you know?" my sister said in frustration when I remained silent. "If anyone had told me you were the type of person to get in a fight yesterday, I'd have guessed they were high or something! What were you thinking?"
Having my older sister scold me like that stung. I'd done it for her, after all. I would have thought she would be thanking me. Instead she seemed angry. I shot her a look of pure, unadulterated teenage immaturity and said, "I just told you! He was making fun of you, spreading lies! Really mean lies! And he wouldn't stop!"
Kaylee rolled her big, beautiful green eyes and laughed. "So what, you hit him? Some freshman boy I don't even know talks shit about me and suddenly you're Bruce Lee? Come on, Cole! What really happened?"
That's when I realized she didn't believe me. But everything I had told her about my fight at school had been true. Zack Tanner had called my older sister, who attended the same high school as a junior, a slut. He had called my beloved sister a slut. In front of my friends. In front of everybody. He hadn't stopped at that, either. He'd gone on to say she was fucking half the Senior class, both male and female, and that she had once given eight different guys blow-jobs at a party on the same night. I couldn't let that pass.
Unfortunately for me he'd said all that during a confrontation in a stairwell. I ended up getting one good hit in before he opted to push me rather than hit me back. His push had sent me sprawling down a flight of stairs. That was why I was currently in the emergency room of the nearby hospital with a cast around my arm.
"It's what happened, I swear," I whispered. I felt cold in my paperish hospital gown, sitting in the small room. I felt naked. I would have cried except there was no way I wanted my sister to see me so emotional. I wasn't a little boy anymore. I was almost a man, almost fifteen. A freshman at Eleanor Roosevelt High. Boys my age didn't cry.
She read my expression and when she spoke again her tone had softened. "They're just words. High school is like that, Cole. There'll be rumors about you before long, just you wait. Do you expect me to sucker punch every girl who tells me tomorrow I have a psychopath for a little brother?"
Her grin was infectious. Even though I cracked a smile I refused to follow her line of logic. I said, "It's different for guys. I can't let assholes like Zack go around saying that kind of stuff about you. You wouldn't believe the things he said, Kaylee."
She rolled her eyes again. "Uhm, I've been in high school for three years now. Believe me, I know the things people say. You think I don't know what's written about me on the boys' room walls? I laugh about that stuff with my friends, Cole! I don't start fights because of them!"
This revelation stunned me. I had always assumed she had no idea what kind of messages were written about her in pencil, and sometimes marker, in the boys' rooms of the high school we both attended. I'd spent my first five months there erasing all the nasty messages about her from the walls at Eleanor Roosevelt High. Using a thick black magic marker I'd blocked out such messages as, "Kaylee Stevenson loves sucking cock!" or "Kaylee, a Junior, will do it with anyone!". Her cell phone number or AOL Instant Messenger screenname was often included with this graffiti. I'd gotten used to going to the bathroom and scanning the stalls for messages about her and then using my marker to block them out. I had thought all that was secret, stuff I could protect her from. Now she was saying she knew all along.
"Cole, listen," she said. She had an earnest expression on her pretty face. "It doesn't matter. None of that matters, okay? I don't care what people say about me. Neither should you."
She was right. In my heart, I knew she was right. But Zack had repeated those rumors and lies out loud, to my face. How could I not have retaliated? How could I not have slugged him? She was my sister, dammit!
I looked back down at my broken wrist. I didn't breathe and didn't say a word.
"You're going to be suspended," she said, her voice soft and breathy. "Five days, no classes, no make-up on homework or tests. You'd be lucky to get C's this marking period, now. What's that going to do to your grade point average, huh? Do you really think you can still get into Harvard or Yale on scholarship with substandard grades? Do you?"
I groaned audibly. "I wasn't thinking about that! You're my sister, Kay! If someone says something like that about you I can't just let it slide!"
She had been sitting in a wire-frame chair next to the door of the hospital room. Now she stood up. She had a sad look on her face as she approached me. When she reached out one of her long, slender arms to push my hair out of my eyes I didn't think of stopping her. Our eyes locked.
"Cole," she said, "you can't risk your future on account of me. Never again. Okay? You need the scholarships and you can get them. You'll ruin all that if you keep trying to be my knight in shining armor. I can take care of myself. I don't care what people say about me, okay?"
There was nothing I could do but nod my head. She always had that effect on me, an ability to remind me that she was the older sister and I was the younger brother.
The door to the room opened. A very tall man in a very long white coat was studying a chart. My sister and I were both looking at him when he said, "It's a minor fracture, nothing to be concerned about. Keep the cast on and bring him back for another evaluation in two weeks. After that..."
His voice trailed off. He'd been so entranced by the chart that he hadn't realized there were only teenagers in this room. After a soft cough he glanced back at the chart, then back at us, and he said, "I need to speak with your parents. Or parent."
Kaylee and I both grinned.
Our father died when I was 2-years-old and Kaylee was 4-years-old. Neither of us had any memories of him outside of the photographs our mom kept around the house. She had never remarried and her absence at times like these wasn't unusual for us. They always were for outsiders, though.
Kaylee said, "Our mother is in Florida, sir. I'll be bringing Cole home. He's my brother and he's in my care."
The doctor eyed us for a moment. Finally he checked his watch and glanced at me. "I'm prescribing two aspirin, twice a day, for the pain. I don't think anything stronger is warranted. And you need to be back for a check-up two weeks from now, April 26th."
"How long will I have the cast?" I blurted.
He looked at my sister, who looked stunning in her short-sleeved blouse and flowing skirt. He said, "We'll know more after the follow-up. Make sure he's here, though, okay?"
She said, "We'll be here."
The old, overweight doctor who was too tall to be normal, nodded at her, smiled at me, then left the room. I stared at her. She seemed happy when she said, "Okay, good! Only a few weeks. You should be happy!"
She left the room to let me dress. It was weird and difficult to do so, not having the use of my left hand. After I was clothed I exited the room and followed her to her 2005 Volvo. She'd received it as a present for her 16th birthday the previous July and even though it was almost a year old now it was in perfect condition. Like everything else in her life my sister took great care of her car.
"So," I said, "when's Mom going to be home?"
Kaylee peeled her car out onto the street before saying, "Tomorrow morning. She's cutting her trip short."
"She's going to kill me, isn't she?" I said, using her own words.
"Tell you what," she said, "I can help you with that. But you have to promise me you won't do something this stupid ever again. Deal?"
I thought about this most of the ride home. I had no doubt she would be a great asset in placating our mom. At the same time I couldn't imagine not confronting someone who would say nasty things about my sister. She was, and had always been, my favorite person in the world. The idea of standing idly by while someone spread lies and rumors about her made me so angry I could hardly breathe.
"Cole? Come on... ," she said, urging me to promise.
"I don't think so," I said in a whisper. "You can't understand. I'm not going to let people say stuff like that about you. I can't."
Neither of us spoke for a while. Just before she turned the car into our driveway she mumbled, "You should have been my older brother."
"Older or younger it would be the same," I snapped. "Assholes like Zack shouldn't be allowed to say such bullshit about you! I'm sorry, Kay, but that's it. That's just it."
She smiled sadly as she put the car in park.
What you need to understand about the nature of my relationship with Kaylee is that she was more like a friend than a sister. I'd always looked up to her, ever since I was old enough to crawl, and she'd never given me a reason not to. She was the sweetest, most loyal, and kindest person I ever knew. Even when she hit puberty and started acting bitchy to my mother from time to time, she never did that with me. And now, at the age of 16, I had more reason than ever to love her and want to protect her.
She was simply the most accomplished, self-driven, and generous person in the entire school. Smart as a whip, Kay maintained a 4.0 GPA and had already taken her SATs and scored in the top tenth percentile. In the Fall she had been co-captain of the cheer-leading squad and now that it was Spring she was a leading player on the girl's volleyball team. And as though all that weren't enough she often spent time with the local chapter of PETA (People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals; and yes, she was a vegetarian), attending meetings in the city and rallies in the valley. Another extra-curricular activity was the drama club and she'd had leading roles in every production since her Sophomore year, my favorite of which being her role as Abigail in The Crucible.
It seemed to me that no other girl in high school came close to her level of character. All the girls I knew (and I didn't know many) were obsessed with dating boys, gossiping, and spending money at the mall. The most popular girl in my grade made it a point not to associate with anyone too far down from her on the social ladder, but my sister wasn't like that at all.
Everyone liked Kaylee, and she liked almost everyone back. She had dozens of close friends but she wasn't a snob. She was just as likely to befriend one of the burn-outs who only ever passed classes that involved hammers and nails as befriend one of the stuck up members of the cheer-leading squad. I didn't know anyone more well liked or well respected at our school. I guess that's why all the nasty rumors bothered me so much. Maybe no one deserved to have such ugly lies spread around about them but if anyone did, it certainly wasn't Kaylee. She'd never harmed a soul or said a mean thing about anyone as far as I knew.
Another thing about my sister was that she was simply beautiful. As her brother it was weird to acknowledge this fact but it was unavoidable. She was so beautiful she could have been a model, I thought, and I'd even told her that once. She'd replied in a typical manner: a soft laugh, a thank you, and then a self-depreciating joke (in this case she joked she would have to hit another growth spurt since she was too short).
Describing her is difficult because she was not quite a woman yet, but not quite a girl anymore, either. She was coming up on her 17th birthday but her teenage freshness was still far from its expiration date, I guess you could say. At 5'8" tall she might have been too short to be a model but she was definitely tall enough to be an amazing volleyball player. She had long, toned legs, impressive c-cup breasts, and gorgeous copper-colored hair that fell down to her shoulders. Again, unlike most teenage girls, she wasn't obsessed with makeup and thankfully for her she didn't need it. She had a wonderful, unpretentious smile and the most amazing green eyes with naturally long lashes. When she laughed it was a genuine and happy sound that made anyone who heard it smile. When she cried I think anyone would do just about anything to make her stop. When she was nervous she tended to suck in her lower lip and gnaw on it, and when she was angry, which was rare, she furrowed her brow and her eyes turned into ice.
Before you start to think I'm in anyway embellishing her raw, natural beauty, allow me to point something out. From the time she first went to Middle School she had been courted by dozens of guys. The number of friends she had on her MySpace page was always around the 500 mark, most of whom were guys who constantly posted comments like, "You are so hot!" or "What's going on, cutie?". I remember when I was still in Elementary School and was having problems with a group of neighborhood bullies, five 7th graders who wanted to impress Kaylee showed up to scare off the 5th graders who had planned on jumping me. Unfortunately for them, while she never turned away an offer of friendship, she'd never had a boyfriend, either.
"Life's too short for that," she explained to me once, referring to boyfriends.
That always confused me. From the time I hit puberty I'd been dying for a girlfriend. Unfortunately for me, I wasn't a natural in social-situations the way my sister was. Also, I wasn't exactly the best looking guy. I had an awkwardly shaped nose I'd inherited from my father, a scrawny body, and eyes my sister once said looked like they belonged to a 50-year-old homicide detective rather than an awkward, 14-year-old boy.
I had managed to go on one date right at the start of Freshman year a few months earlier. It had happened mostly by accident when I asked a cute red-head in my class if she knew of any good movies playing. She assumed I was asking her on a date, but I wasn't. Thankfully for me she smiled and said she'd loved to go.
The date had great at first. When I put my arm around her at the theater (the hardest thing I ever did in my life) she didn't recoil. When I tried to kiss her the way a friend had suggested, she hadn't pulled away. We kissed like that in the dark movie theater for nearly fifteen minutes until I blew everything by trying to cop a feel. A friend of mine had assured me that if a girl kisses you for more than ten minutes it means she'll let you touch her breasts. He'd been wrong.
While I lacked anything close to a girlfriend I did have a small group of loyal friends. Mostly they were all Math geeks like me. For fun we would hook up together on X-Box Live and battle together on a variety of games. Whenever we hung out it real life it was usually to play card games like Magic: The Gathering or to snack on chips and watch movies.
Unlike Kaylee I didn't do much in the way of extra-curricular activities. I was a member of the chess club and the math club but that was about it. My plan was to apply to MIT when I became a senior, but even with my great grades it was a long shot. Like Kaylee had mentioned the day I broke my arm, I would need a scholarship to get into any top-tier school. My mom made good money but she wasn't rich. I liked to joke that we were "lower-upper-middle-class". We lived in a very nice area and attended well funded public schools but my mother couldn't afford to send us to private schools. My fall back college, if MIT didn't happen, was Harvard because I was a legacy (my dad and grandfather had both attended) and I'd be more likely to land posh scholarships there. That is, if I kept my grades up.
But all of that was in the future. In the present I had a fractured arm, a disappointed sister, and a suspension to deal with. Not to mention the certain wrath of my mom when she got back home from her business trip.
I had a hard time sleeping that night. Thankfully I didn't have to worry about getting up early the next morning. I wasn't going to school, after all.
As it turned out my mom didn't do much other than to deny me my X-Box during the length of my suspension, and that wasn't much of a punishment seeing as I couldn't play it anyway with my casted arm. It seems my sister had decided to help me out despite the fact I hadn't promised her I would never behave so stupidly again. She'd made my case for me while driving our mom home from the airport and by the time she got to my bedroom to confront me she wasn't the terror I had feared. Instead, she was just a concerned mother.
My mom was a hard-as-nails, no-nonsense type of woman in her forties. She worked for one of the top movie studios in LA as a casting agent and her name was listed in the credits of several academy award winning movies. The money paid well enough that she had been able to hire a nanny for me and Kaylee when we were much younger. It had been necessary since her job entailed frequent business trips and long hours in the city. When Kay turned 14 and I was 12 nannies were no longer needed, but her hours never changed.
I think that's part of the reason Kaylee and I were so close. From our earliest years it was often just me, her, and one strange nanny after another. Especially during our single-digit years we leaned on each other for support and comfort during our mother's absences. It kept us, I think, from turning into bickering siblings the way so many other brothers and sisters do.
Our mom was an attractive woman from whom Kaylee had definitely inherited many of her looks. Even so, she rarely dated. Once in a while she would have a boyfriend but Kaylee and I rarely met them. There had been two or three we had met, though, all of whom I'd been certain my mom would marry. After that third one (who I really liked) I even asked her why she didn't make him my step-dad.
"I'm not in the marrying-business, not anymore," she just said. And that was that.
Her reaction to my fight and subsequent suspension and broken arm went along the same lines. "Well," she said in her dry voice, "at least you've managed to teach your sister a valuable lesson about men. Let me take a look..." After inspecting my cast she went back downstairs to prepare dinner. I was more relieved than you can know.
My five day suspension crawled by slowly. The day after the fight was a Thursday so I wouldn't be returning to school until the following Friday. I spent most of my time indoors, which was normal for me, reading Star Wars novels and browsing computer and math web-sites on the Internet. Also, like any healthy 14-year-old boy, I browsed for porn.
My feelings about porn were complicated at the time. On the one hand I had no problem hacking into pay sites and downloading a variety of hard-core movies, but on the other hand I often felt guilty about doing so after masturbating. The guilt didn't stem from the fact I was stealing the movies, of course. The guilt was a sort of teenage embarrassment about having to masturbate at all. One of my friends was already having sex on a regular basis and that made me feel insecure. I kept telling myself that he was older than me, and that by the time I was his age I'd be getting lucky, too, but I didn't really believe it. After all, I couldn't even get a girl to let me feel her up.
After the suspension I was excited to return to school. I know that may sound unusual but frankly, I liked high school. I was in a bunch of accelerated Math and Science classes and I was anxious to catch up.
My first day back I made the usual rounds of the bathroom stalls and was happy to find that the graffiti about my sister had stopped. That confirmed to me that it had been Zack who had been doing it. Since he'd been suspended, too, he hadn't been able to spread his stupid lies. Either that or I'd scared everyone tempted to bad-mouth Kaylee. I liked that idea but doubted anyone was scared of me.
Another good thing that first day back was the sight of Zack himself. He was in one of my English classes so our meeting was unavoidable. When I first spotted him I smiled from ear-to-ear at the sight of his left eye. A week had gone by but he still had a big, ugly black eye from where I'd struck him. It made me proud.
My friends, meanwhile, sort of treated me like a hero. Me, one of the geeks, had gotten into a fight. Not only that, but I hadn't lost the fight. I found out that almost everyone thought Zack's pushing me down the stairs was a cheap move, so even though I sustained the greater injury he was considered the loser.
The days went by more or less normally after that. Since I couldn't join my friends on X-Box Live we spent more time than ever just hanging out. Meanwhile my sister maintained her typically hectic lifestyle, our mom worked and went on business trips, and life just seemed normal. Except for the cast.
That came off, finally, a full week early on May 3rd. It was just over a week until my birthday, my grades hadn't suffered as badly as I'd feared, and I had my left hand back. I was so happy that for the next few days I threw myself into everything I did whether it involved cards with my friends, tinkering with my computer, or practicing on the X-Box so I wouldn't embarrass myself the next time I played with my friends.
That happy-streak, such as it was, ended a week later. And it ended in a horribly embarrassing way.
Normally on Wednesdays I stayed after school to meet with my Math club. But because we wouldn't be going to any more tournaments for the rest of the year (yes, we competed in "Math-a-thons" against other schools) we had decided the week before not to bother with anymore meetings. Instead I walked home right after school, promising one of my friends that I'd be on X-Box Live when we had to part ways near our houses.
When I got to the house I threw open the door, dropped my book bag, and ran up the stairs. I didn't expect anyone to be home so I didn't bother announcing myself. I bolted down the hall to the upstairs bathroom because I really had to pee. When I got to the door it was closed, but only sunlight filtered out beneath it. I pushed the door open, stepped inside, and saw my sister, dripping wet, completely naked, drying her hair with a towel.
I was stunned. I couldn't believe it. What was she doing there? She was supposed to be at volleyball practice! It hadn't occurred to me that with the school year winding down perhaps her extra-curricular activity had ended just as mine had.
I was also stunned, of course, because she was naked. My sister. In the nude. Without any conscious effort my eyes gazed over her body, soaking in its delights. Her breasts were more magnificent than any I had ever seen on any Internet porno-site. They were full, round, and capped with little pink nipples the size of rose petals. Her waist curved in from her torso and flared out subtly at her hips. And between her legs, oh my fucking God, there it was. Her vagina. Her pussy. I could see the top of her pink slit, the carefully trimmed patch of coppery-colored pubic hair above it.
She was staring straight at me, having probably been looking at herself in the mirror that hung on the back of the door when I burst in.
Remember when I mentioned before that I'm not good in social situations? It's how I'm wired, I guess. Because sure, she was gorgeous and sure, she was naked and sure, I was a hormone-addled 14-year-old boy. Still, this was my sister. The correct reaction in this kind of situation was to close my eyes, stammer an apology, and then run like hell. But I didn't. I couldn't move, couldn't think. All I could do was stare at my naked sister, her hands bunched in a towel above her head, drying her hair.
Or, rather, a towel that had been drying her hair. She wasn't doing anything now. She seemed as frozen as I was.
My sister's reaction wasn't the "correct" one, either, I guess. Most sisters would have screamed, called me a pervert, and demanded I leave. On the other hand, if this was one of those erotica stories I often read on the Internet, she would have smiled and asked me if I liked what I saw (I tried not to read incest stories, thinking them gross, but sometimes I accidentally started them ... and no, I never finished them).
But all she did was stare back at me. She was as frozen as I was. When my eyes finally returned to her face the expression there wasn't one of outrage, nor could it be confused with any kind of "come hither" look. Instead she just seemed curious. Her left eyebrow was slightly raised, her lips were slightly parted, and her head was tilted slightly to one side. Her eyes themselves revealed nothing. Not anger, not surprise, nothing.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, she said, "What, we don't knock anymore?"
That's when my face finally flushed red and I snapped out of my catatonic state. Spinning around in place I stammered, "Light's not on, thought you were at volleyball, Jesus I'm sorry, oh my God, Jesus!"
Then I ran faster than anyone on my school's track team to my bedroom.
When I got there I slammed the door shut and started to pace around the room, trying to think. I froze, though, when I realized something. I had grown the biggest erection of my life and it was sticking straight out from my boxers, making a fine little denim-covered tent of my jeans.
If it was possible to do so I must have blushed an even deeper shade of red. I'd gotten a hard-on looking at my sister! I suddenly felt more guilty and disgusted with myself than I ever had before. About anything. Ever. I felt like the lowest, most vile life form in existence. I honestly thought I might throw up.
What the fuck was wrong with me? I began to storm around my bedroom more than pace while squeezing my hands together in front of me. I felt horribly ashamed. Had my sister seen the erection? Maybe it had formed after I'd run off or she hadn't noticed it. But that was impossible, she must have seen it! Jesus Christ, my beloved sister, my sweet older sister, probably thought I was the most perverted, fucked up person she'd ever met, now. Suddenly I was re-imagining the expression that had been on her face and instead of curiosity I remembered revulsion in her eyes. I began to tremble as the memory became more and more real.
Thankfully my fear and self-loathing made the hard-on go away, because after a couple more minutes of pacing around my bedroom my bedroom door opened. I spun in place and saw her there, dressed this time, her towel wrapped in her hair the way women do. I began to stammer something, afraid she was going to yell at me, but she surprised me when she spoke first.
"I figured I didn't have to knock, seeing as you don't," she said. But it wasn't her words that surprised me, it was the way she said them, as though making a joke. And this was confirmed when her face broke out into one of those infectious grins of hers.
I couldn't smile, though. I was too stunned, too ashamed, too ... everything. I said, "Kaylee, I swear, the light wasn't on or I would have knocked..."
"I know," she said as she walked into my room. Her eyes darted around a moment and settled on my bed. As always it was made, a chore my mom had instilled in both of us since we were six. She took a seat, then patted on the spot next to her. She said, "Let's chat."
I looked at her blankly for a moment. She was so relaxed, so casual, that it was actually calming me down. This wasn't the first time we'd had conversations together in my bedroom and the way she was acting made everything feel normal, like she was there to offer advice about a hair cut or to ask me for help with her computer.
It took me a moment or two but finally I sat on the bed, too, though purposefully far away from her. When I was sitting I said, "What are we ... uhm, chatting about?"
She laughed lightly. "What do you think?"
I closed my eyes. "Look, I'm so sorry, Kay. I really, really am. It was a total accident, I swear."
"Freud says there are no accidents," she teased.
My face grew red again, this time with anger. "Freud is fucking outdated, and you know it! Jesus Christ, I was..."
"Sorry, sorry," she said, laughing. "Look, I shouldn't be teasing you. I know you must be, like ... I don't even know how you feel! That look on your face before you ran off, that was so ... that was so ... classic!"
She started to laugh again, this time uncontrollably. For a moment I was stunned but finally I couldn't resist anymore. I began to laugh, too. After a minute I was laying back on my bed with tears streaming down my face. A moment before I wouldn't have been able to imagine how this situation could possibly be funny, but now I couldn't stop laughing.
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Gary felt great. School was out after today and he had aced all of his classes. Grades much better than he'd expected to get. It was hard as hell, especially with a full load of sports and a busy social life. But he'd managed it. Even with the added job his Dad had saddled him with this year. The job of making sure that Risa, an exchange student from Japan, didn't become 'sullied', as dad called it, during her stay in the US. His Junior year was finally complete though, with only one more...
October – Year 1 We drove back to the hotel and made love to the wafting aroma of White Castle. After a great night’s sleep we rose, made love, showered, made love, showered, made love, blew off another shower and went to the lobby for breakfast. “Waffles and apple juice make a very nice simple breakfast. I tried the milk, but it tastes funny.” “You mean it tastes like cow’s milk and not the milk you are used to?” “Uh-huh! I guess that is more accurate.” I chuckled. We finished up and...
Wearing our Legion Armor with the special undergarments was much better, as Grandpa Dave and Uncle Con had suggested. I was used to calling them that already. It hadn't needed the meditation session, or that amazing refining my mind got during Grandpa Dave's joining with ours. They made it so easy for me to feel like family. What did Sid think of me in nothing but the Legion undergarments? He said I was the sort of vision around which legends are written. He wasn't just trying to get me...
Jeff awoke in the morning happy, for the second morning in a row surrounded by the naked bodies of the people he loved. This time, he found Allison and Crystal curled up in his arms, slumbering peacefully. Next to him, Kari lay on her back with her arms wrapped around Brit, who lay on top of her, her head on Kari's chest. Jeff couldn't help but smile at the peaceful and serene look on his little sister's face as she cuddled with his girlfriend. Across the room, his father and Rachael lay...
I have several stories about Karma DeTorres, the sweet faced Latina with the volley ball boobs and perfectly sculpted butt. This is one of my favorites... ********************* Jenny Weston had never had a sip of alcohol before her wedding day. That must be understood. Otherwise you would not believe how quickly the several toasts of champagne (all on an empty stomach, mind you) affected her. And how, despite her mother's whispered admonitions, she persisted in quaffing glass after glass of the...
Group SexKelvin Watson sat in the front row of chairs arranged in one of the conference rooms at Langley. There were just under forty company employees present at the private C.I.A. ceremony. The deputy director of the National Clandestine Service stood and walked to the podium. The Caucasian, middle-aged man began, ‘Two weeks ago, one of our own assisted the United States Army Special f***es, or Green Berets as manay of us know them, in a mission to rescue three American hostages from...
Kelvin Watson sat in the front row of chairs arranged in one of the conference rooms at Langley. There were just under forty company employees present at the private C.I.A. ceremony. The deputy director of the National Clandestine Service stood and walked to the podium. The Caucasian, middle-aged man began, "Two weeks ago, one of our own assisted the United States Army Special forces, or Green Berets as manay of us know them, in a mission to rescue three American hostages from Syria.The...
Ghorbash Orkul, second son of the great chief Nargol of the Orkul tribe. You were, for a time, content in your position as the chief's brother. It was a prestigious position, and you were to act as a second in command to your brother, as running an entire tribe was too much for just one orc. However, you soon came to resent your place. You weren't treated as an advisor, but someone for your brother to dump all the responsibilities on as he fucked his way through the women of the tribe. His...
FantasyAshley knocked on the door of her friend's house and stood there waiting for Sandra to answer her. The window on the door was covered. Why? Ashley didn't know. When she heard the door opening, she looked up and saw Sandra stepping outside to greet her. Sandra gave her a quick hug and stepped back to look at her, her hands grasping each arm. "Thanks for coming over, Ashley. It's good to see you," Sandra said as she gave Ashley a hug. "It's good to see you, too, Sandra. I thought it would be...
LesbianHi, this is annuap (My duplicate name) I am leaving at Aurangabad. I read some of stories from this site. I would like to tell all of you one which had happened to me 3 years back. My house was under construction. Hence many men and women were working at my site. One day, one beautiful woman came to my site to clear my slab. I was astonished to see her. She was the owner of big, tight and beautiful boobs. I was looking and looking and looking at her. She also came to know that I am looking at...
Copyright © 2002, Phil Phantom Bonnie walked in on a dream and a nightmare, hard to tell, for lying nude on her dining table was her very sexy sixteen-year-old daughter - naked, wearing Sony Walkman head phones, grooving while Bonnie's brand new husband sat in a chair and ate a beaver like a famished beaver hunter with beaver thighs clamped to his ears, out hunting beaver with no clothes on. Looked like a dream, but this was her worst nightmare. Neither could hear her nor see her. Debbie...
Ashley Pays a Price "Johnny, Johnny, Johnny. You made a promise, pal. You made a promise, and now it's time to deliver." The man talking to John was big, very big indeed. Although he was nicely dressed in a two piece silk suit, it was obvious that he would be far more comfortable dressed in leather and scuffling in an ally someplace in the inner city. The two other men with him, looked far less reputable. Ashley couldn't imagine ever meeting people like these and yet here they were...
I felt a bit giddy the next morning. Jacqueline spotted me coming into the office and rushed over to chat with me. We talked a little about Felicity and Rose. She asked if I had any update, but I hadn’t heard from Felicity since the night before. Then Jackie smiled wickedly at me. “Someone got laid last night.” “You know,” I began, pouring milk into my coffee, “I always hated that expression.” “Whatever.” She rolled her eyes. “Things are good with the artist?” I couldn’t help the...
Everything hurt. Lying face down on the rough canvas of the old camp bed her bruised breasts were sending jolts of pain. Her jaws were sore after hours of oral abuse. Her vagina felt raw, but worst was her anus, even now plugged with some giant plastic penis. Whenever she twitched pain shot through her and she felt moisture – blood for sure – running down her crack and over her raw pussy. Deirdre had completely lost her feeling of time. She was not sure if they had raped her for hours, for...
Unlike the quick blinks I was accustomed to when I shared memories, this time I felt like I had slowly closed my eyes and reopened them. There was that much information. The Mind Magi, a society made up of seemingly several tens of thousands of members throughout the world, had lasted longer than any other human society. They had existed since before the birth of the Roman Empire. Even those of Asian decent conceded that their long recorded history hadn't really begun until a few hundred...
She had thought it was good news, not even sure how she ended up in this position Family RitualsCopyright 2006Co-Written by Powerone and SummerElizabeth8 M+/F, incest, oral, anal, mast Chapter 1The Marriage Proposal She had thought it was good news, and wasn?t even sure how she ended up in this position.?? Her parents had always been strict, not strict in the same sense that others used it, but strict in the sense of corporal punishment.? And it wasn?t just her, but also her mother,...
The kids were told to put away their things and get ready for lunch. Both were unsure what to do as the two didn't want to go into the wrong room especially as the twins were going to move in over the weekend. Paige led them up to the rooms and told them either of the smaller rooms was fine. Anne chose the room off front porch while Hugh chose the one overlooking the backyard, she liked the early morning sunlight while he liked the trees and shade. As they were putting away their...
Family First By: Light Clark Synopsis: Adam had always known his family was unlucky. Since before he was even born, it seemed like misfortune was just drawn to them. Now a grown man and off in the army, he'd thought that string of bad luck had finally come to an end, but apparently, life had one more curveball to throw his way. Warning: This story takes place in my Tannen universe and contains spoilers for events in Trials of Tannen 04: The Sword That Was Lost. It is not necessary...
Paige and Bryan went to bed with an ominous feeling as Valerie Finn didn't mince words when things are getting serious. They had to cancel their plans to visit some of the children's activities but it wasn't catastrophic to their week. The girls would be fine riding horses and playing with Lucy while helping Chef Paine with some of the meal preparations, something that Elise had always enjoyed but never let anyone else know. If they were lucky, Hamish Paine may come by to see them and...
Chapter 1 The week before school vacation is always a tough week, but for the large Finn Family this 2nd week of February was the toughest. It started with a wedding but quickly turned into fear and anxiety as two members of the family went into premature labor. Marcus Quentin Sylvester, the elder by one minute, was alright but Brent Louis Jones, the younger of the two, was in very real danger. Brent had trouble breathing and was on the small side for babies at his state of...
In the morning, the girls were tough to awaken as they were a bundle of nerves and fearful of what the kids would do. They showered and ate breakfast, then dressed in silence while Paige gathered her work before heading to the school. All seven were going to the school so there was no denying they were all a family and may get some of the biggest jerks to eat crow about Elise being a bastard or unwanted. The drive was short but it felt like hours to the girls. They were scared but...
Late September, 2037 It has been over 22 years since the "Finn Family" was established as the family knew it. Over that time, the family saw their youngest members born then grow into kids and teens and finally find their roles in life. Some were still finding their way but had the family to help them along their paths in life. Not everyone in the famly had it easy. There usual were bouts of illness, the unfortunate passing of four elders of the family, and fighting typical bigotry...
My Family's Legacy By Jennifer Allison For the first thirteen years of my life I lived the normal life of a boy of a middle class family. Except my family had one very strange quirk. The men in my family would have a men's-only outing at least once a month. You could count on them being at these outings for every three day weekend. My Dad would disappear for these weekends by himself until my seventeen-year-old brother John reached his thirteenth birthday. After that, John...
Do you ever see a happy family eating out at a restaurant and ever stop to think to yourself, ‘gee, I bet the reason they are so happy is because they are fucking each other.’ Then you start to fantasize about the grandfather eating out his granddaughter’s tight college-age pussy while the grandmother watches and sucks off her son-in-law. All the while their daughter eats out the asshole of her dad.Be real with yourself: it would not be the first time that you have had these fantasies after...
Premium Gangbang Porn SitesFamily Abused in KenyaBy Shabbadew2002Contact me @ [email protected] Gatamaiyo Forest Nature Preserve. This is where Abigail discovered the baby leopard tortoise. It was so cute, that when she saw it she had to have it. So, she picked it up and popped it in her purse. She didn’t even tell her brother, Heath, about it until much later. Actually, back at the hotel, Heath saw some movement in her purse, jumped up and said, ?hey, there’s something in your purse.?He reached for a shoe to beat...
"Kneel down and unzip my fly," Glenn said in a hoarse voice. Her green eyes widened with shock. She couldn't have been more than twenty-one or two, and they'd met just twenty minutes before, but it wasn't her age that bothered Glenn. What he really craved was a lush, blonde like his on beautifully curved daughter, Becky. Glenn quickly tried to push that thought aside as too dangerous. But it clung fiercely like a burning obsession. "Go ahead," Glenn said harshly to the...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My wife Pari, her younger sister (by one year), Ara, and their Mother, Mae. 3 Ladies – and me, man of the house so-to-speak, our Family. Quite an exhausting role it has become. Where we live in Asia, I am a foreigner, being born way down-under. But I have lived in Asia a long time now, and understand how important Family is. In the case of my wife’s family, her Father died (of smoking and drinking-related illnesses) over 18 years ago; since then, the 3...
IncestI remember the sound of my knee breaking. The crisp snap of dry wood, and an unbearable pain that tore straight up my spine. Blood dripped from a gash across my left cheek, and my right eye had already swelled closed. I don’t remember why I left the safety of the motel room, and I wish that I had stayed in bed. There was a good chance that I was never going to see my sister again. Jake was responsible for most of the damage. Two of his fellow teammates took pleasure in holding my arms, and...
My wife Pari, her younger sister (by one year), Ara, and their Mother, Mae. 3 Ladies – and me, man of the house so-to-speak, our Family. Quite an exhausting role it has become. Where we live in Asia, I am a foreigner, being born way down-under. But I have lived in Asia a long time now, and understand how important Family is. In the case of my wife’s family, her Father died (of smoking and drinking-related illnesses) over 15 years ago; since then, the 3 Ladies have been together, hiccups...
Chapter 9 That very afternoon, as I was cleaning the house, my phone rang and saw it was Rob. He just wanted to see how I was doing, and asked if I had any second thoughts about last night, or going out. I assured him I had no second thoughts, except for having him in my bed right now, which I did not tell him on the phone. I did ask him to call me later that night, when he got home. It was a little past 10pm, and I just crawled into bed. I usually wear a t-shirt to bed, but lately, I have...
The Family Feud IV Chapter OneSlut GamesSTAR COUNT:WENDY: 43Get out of jail cards: 1WHORE: 1,3,0,0,0JAMIE: 51Get out of jail cards: 1WHORE: 4,3,0,0,0?Yes Sir, actually I?d prefer to clean your house in the nude.? Jamie smiled at the old man as he ate up her playful fibs. She had just finished mowing, trimming and edging his yard in the skimpy bikini her mother wore to the pool party last night. She stepped completely out of it and thought she might give him a heart attack as he looked her naked...
I want to be more like my Dad. He was a man of great confidence, and he was fast to make friends. The star quarterback of the football team, and the dream date for many of the cheerleaders. Including his own sister. Dad knew exactly what he wanted out of life, and he wasn’t afraid to take action. I hope to live up to his memory. The longest journey begins with a single step. Aunt Jane drove to the hospital to see Cassie and the new baby, and Mom was home long enough to get ready for work. I...
I’ve learned to respect my Dad. He loved beautiful women, and he surrounded himself with as many as he could find. He embraced the future, and he wasn’t afraid to take chances. More than anything Dad understood the importance of family, and he did all that he could to protect the ones he held dear. A way of life that has been passed down to me. It’s Halloween. My sisters demand their share of candy, and they are looking forward to an evening of fun. I don’t care about the treats, and I hope...
FamilySwap! Have you ever wondered what would happen if you had to swap families for a day? It would probably be fucked up. Living in a new home, family members that are looking at you like you’re a fucking outcast, and all of those new fart smells you’re not used to sniffing. It would be a real pain in the ass. But that is unless everyone in your new temporary home looked as sexy as fucking porn stars!That’s the concept behind Nubiles’ porn series Family Swap. Well, it’s unclear why families...
Premium Incest Porn SitesFamily Randi (Bitch) Family Randi (Whore) M+/f, incest, humiliation, non-consentMy mother wasn?t the prettiest but wasn?t bad looking either. Simple and traditional are two words that fit her nicely. At 40 her figure wasn?t bad either. 38-28-38. Ok, so it wasn?t great either. As I said she was moderately fine. A perfect housewife. Traditional Indian dresses was all that she wore. Daily poojas (prayers) was part of her routine. Not once did I see any skin on her other than her arms and...
I don’t often wake up alone. The bed feels cold, and the house is very quiet. Emma’s cell phone remains on the night table, and I assume that she hasn’t gone far. My sister loves to cuddle, and she doesn’t usually get out of bed before me. I’m still waiting to wake up from this dream, and to come back to a very different reality. A world where I haven’t bred with my Mom, and I’m not sleeping with every girl in my sex crazed family. A life that was conceived long ago. Emma woke me up early...
Family Issues Chapter 1 - Innocence and Acquiescence Your life is a story, a narrative pieced together over time, expanding, evolving. It is the only thing that is truly yours, the very essence of what it is to be you. It is not however, your only story. Each decision that you have made throughout your life, from the most mundane, to the grandest, has taken you down a path, branching away from what could have otherwise been. This is where the full scope of your life becomes...
I have much greater respect for my Dad. He had the world on his shoulders, and family always came first. Dad never backed down from a fight, and he knew what path to take. I didn’t expect to take his place, and I hope that I’m up to the challenge. We are very different people, and yet we share the same beliefs. Family is everything. I didn’t expect the last fifteen years to pass by so quickly. My sisters and I are about to turn thirty, and Mom wants to have a huge kick-ass party. A...
FamilyStrokes! Staged taboo porn or family sex has seen a massive spike in popularity over the past few years. More specifically, faux incest porn has become one of the most commonplace genres in the adult industry. What started as a small, niche market kink has quickly skyrocketed in demand to become as popular as any other genre in the mainstream porn market.Thanks to sites like Family Strokes, Dad Crush, Sis Loves Me, Bratty Sis, and Step Siblings Caught, every dirty old pervert who has ever...
Top Premium Porn SitesTwo families and their children explore nudism, family sex and learn a few family secrets. This story takes up after Chapter 26 of BSC07 the First Lifestyle Nudist (also found on SOL). I have the author Murray Wilson’s permission to post this chapter. I have imagined a course of events for the families. The story is not canon to his universe. He has reviewed a draft. Any errors are mine alone. The following is all fantasy the characters and situations are all imagined. No relation to...
This is the story of an Indian managing director who went to Thailand with his family for a vacation. There he met a car accident. The driver was killed & his man organ had been crashed in the accident. The doctors suggested him to go for SRS to live the rest of the life normally. He reluctantly accepted his fate & took the identity of the missing daughter of the dead driver & subsequently married his son. Family Transition: Transformation from a father to...
Introduction: This fictional story is sick and twisted but is legal due to my constitutionally given freedom of speech. If you dont like it, you can take my first amendment and shove it up your ass… if your not into grown ups and young ones, or incest, or rape then dont read it. If you do read it then we both know that you like it… regardless of how many negative reviews you give to it after you bust your nut and feel guilty. Dont be a hypocrite or a dick, its only a story: other than that…...
FAMILY FUN(by Eros)Part 1. Tina opened the door to find her older brother standing on the front doorstep, surrounded by a pile of suitcases. "Ray!", she beamed affectionately, "Hi! How are you?" "Fine, Tina! Real fine!" smiled Ray, giving his sister a big friendly hug. He lifted her bodily off the ground, wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her strongly against his powerful, muscular body. Tina marvelled at the strength of her brother's grip. He had always been the athletic type, and...
Family Values By Alebeard Family Values Prolog Our government estimates that 17,500 people are trafficked into the United States for the purposes of slavery every year. Other estimates are even higher. The vast majority end up working in the fields, the garment industry, warehouses, restaurants or brothels. Some end up being sold to private individuals and households. Of those sold to households, most become servants. Still, there are a percent, a small percent. ?Between four and five percent...
When their children went upstairs, Steve and Cindy went to their bedroom and stripped each other. They began kissing while running their hands over one another’s naked bodies. Then, dropping to her knees, Cindy took her husband’s cock into her mouth. She cast her eyes up at his as she began bobbing her head. Steve tangled his fingers in his wife’s hair, guiding her sucking mouth on his dick. Cindy engulfed his cock, cupped his balls, and rubbed them against her chin.“I wonder if our...
Incest"Are you looking forward to tonight Joe?" my girlfriend, Jenny, asked me. "Absolutely," I replied, "I've been looking forwards to it for ages!" "It'll take a while to get there," replied Jenny's father, driving the car we were in, "It's about forty-miles." "Bet you've got a hard on Joe," Jenny's mother, Susan, commented. "I sure have," I replied, "I've not cum all day. I've been saving it up." I was sitting in the back of the car, sandwiched between Jenny and her...
Carrie was hopeful that she was making the right impression. She had worn the most matronly clothes she owned, a conservative deep blue two piece suit. As she stood at the head of the table, she tried to surmise the effects of the speech she had just made. The members of her family sat quietly enough, and she felt that she had won them over. At the beginning of the lunch in the spacious private dining-room of the big house, both her son and daughter had declared their intentions of leaving...
My Chapter 17 Wendy was awakened by her husband telling her it was time to get moving to start the day. She was really wanting to stay in bed all day and just do nothing, but she knew that wasn't a possibility. Last night had been an interesting one in many ways, and the ending of the night with the ceremony for stars and her sister being there were only part of it. She had went to bed with her husband. That wasn't so unusual in itself. She had been doing so all week, but this time it...
Truth is the daughter of time. Saint Lisbon has a very long history, and an uncertain future. The people keep to themselves, and they hold many secrets. Families hide behind lies, and breed their own version of the truth. My family isn’t any different. It’s Saturday morning at the mayor’s house. My sisters don’t have school, and we don’t have any plans for the day. I hope to sleep until noon, and I look forward to a good morning kiss from Emma, Amber and Payton. The four of us remain quite...