A Walk Amongst Equals
- 4 years ago
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I didn't realize how lucky I was at the time, but I grew up in a neighborhood full of girls. At least the kids my age were just about all girls.
So, most of my playmates and friends were girls, it really didn't seem particularly strange or different, though there were a few times where we did a little exploring between legs.
Now, don't get too excited, I'm talking about six, seven years old. Otherwise, we rode our bikes around, played the usual variety of games around each other's yards, just the normal stuff.
Like any kid, I had several friends who were closer than the others and they were girls. Even to this day, at age fifteen, several are girls.
As we became teenagers, of course, our conversations changed somewhat and began to include boys and girls and all that. Yes, the 'S-word.' Sex, like with all teenagers, was a topic.
My two best friends, Lauren and Mary Jane, of course, always were talking about various boys, most of them I knew from school. My interest, quite naturally, was girls, and sometimes Lauren and Mary Jane would fill me in on a bit of inside girl-talk. Our talk revolved about who we each liked, who we thought liked each of us, what each of us liked about the opposite sex.
We all turned fifteen the same summer and one Saturday afternoon, Lauren and Mary Jane (I called her, 'MJ, ' most of the time) came by my house as I was out back by the garage shooting hoops.
"Hi, Will, let's play some Horse," yelled Lauren as they came running back down my driveway.
We three played for quite a while, then, hot and sweaty, I asked them if they wanted to come in for something cold to drink and we went inside and I got us all cold drinks and brought them out to the screened porch.
It was warm that day and I was wearing just shorts and sneakers, Lauren was in shorts, a tank top and sneakers, while MJ had on shorts, sneakers and a tube top. The girls filled out their tops pretty well. They had blossomed as I watched them grow up, now each one had pretty nice tits, MJ's were a little bigger, she was blond in pigtails, her family Swedish with blue eyes, Lauren was German and French, she had told me, and she had blue eyes, too, and shiny long wavy, brown hair.
Both had slim waists, kind of curvy hips, firm butts and pretty legs. I also knew that their boobs were nice and firm because they were both wearing tops which didn't have anything under them and they sure didn't sag. Oh, no, not a tad.
Actually, my two friends really started growing and changing about two, almost three, years ago. Me, I really started only about a year ago, getting taller, getting some actual muscles, sprouting some hair under my arms and all around my dick. I was five-nine and one hundred-forty-five pounds standing several inches above my two friends.
We had always been pretty relaxed around each other growing up and even played nude together in our wading pool until we were six or seven. Even after, I had caught glimpses of Lauren and Mary Jane, their butts, even their little nipples as they were just beginning to grow.
It wouldn't surprise me at all if they had gotten peeks at my butt or my little boy dick at times. Well, hardly a big show, I guess.
And, lately, I can't help but see that my two best friends are now hot-looking girls and that I now had a new interest in being with them. Also our talk has gotten a bit more of an edge to it, a little more of a sexual edge.
So, we were there in our screened-in back porch, me laying back on a chaise lounge, the girls on folding chairs.
"You know, we've all been friends now for, um, gee, I guess forever," Lauren offered.
"Yeah, just about our whole lives, I guess since we were one or two, maybe," I said.
"It's been longer than most people, I guess. And, Will, you've sure gotten buff lately, I mean," said Mary Jane as she got up and sat on the chaise next to me.
"Oh, Will's toned, all right, just look," said Lauren.
"Yeah, see," as Mary Jane swept her hand across my bare chest. Then, Lauren came and sat on the other side next to me.
"Make a muscle for us, Will, come on, flex," and they both felt my biceps as I went along.
"Flex your pecs, go ahead," Lauren suggested and they both began feeling my chest, circling around my nipples which were now hard.
"Oh, look at his nipples. They're hard, Lauren, aren't they cute. So small and cute."
"Will's get hard like ours do, look, look," as Mary Jane takes one between her fingers and twists her fingers around it.
"I love your nipples, Will, they're so nice, small and nice," Lauren added as she softly pinched them.
"You like them sucked, Will?" Lauren asked, rather substantially raising the erotic level of our talk.
"I dunno, I only thought girls liked that."
"Let's find out," as Mary Jane bent down and took my left nipple in her mouth and began sucking it. I never thought it would feel good but it did. Nobody was more surprised than me.
"What's it like, Will, nice?" Lauren asked as Mary Jane sucked on, her hand rubbing along my stomach.
"Well, it's weird. It feels pretty nice. Even kinda sexy. I never would have thought that."
"Sexy, oh, he likes his boobs sucked," Lauren tittered as Mary Jane sat back up, her fingers still playing with my nipple.
"They're not boobs. Boys don't have boobs, girls have boobs."
"Gosh, Will, we just never knew that," and they both laughed but they also both kept their hands moving on my bare skin.
"Well, I remember when you didn't have any boobs at all. Now look at you both, you two are really built. Nice ones"
"Oh, he likes our boobs, Lauren. I never thought he noticed."
"Oh, look, lift your arm up, Will. Yeah, look MJ, he's got hair under his arms. Look at it all," and they both felt the hair under my arm, tracing their fingers through it, then down across my chest again to my nipples and circled them several times.
"Your muscles feel so hard, Will, but your skin is so nice and soft and smooth. Mmm, feel, Lauren, nice, huh?"
"Oooh, yeah, really nice. You like this, Will?"
This was definitely sexy. I had a raging hard-on and their soft hands running all over my bare skin was so, so sexy, just incredible.
"Yeah, feels nice."
"Well, we remember when your penis was just a tiny, little thing, just hardly bigger than a pencil stub. I think you were, maybe, eight, maybe, seven. It was so cute."
"Why don't we get a look at it now, big, muscle guy? Bet it's changed. No more pencil stub," Mary Jane giggled.
"Yeah, how about it, Will. We've seen your muscles, let's see your man-muscle," Lauren suggested, looking right down at my crotch.
"Nah, you don't really want to see that. Not much to it," I answered, kidding them back.
"Oh, come on, get it out here. Think we'll faint or something? Come on," Lauren said as she tugged on my shorts.
"I wouldn't want to spoil you girls for all the boys to come later in your lives. They could just never live up to what I've got," I joked.
"Oh, just try us out, come on, get it out here. Maybe it's still a pencil stub, is that it?"
"You two really want to see it?" so I reached down, unsnapped the waistband, dragged the zipper down, then raised my hips as I started to work them down. Mary Jane leaned over, grabbed them and pulled them right down to my ankles, then yanked off my sneakers along with my shorts.
I lay there in my tighty-whitey briefs with the front bulging from something obviously larger than a pencil stub. Without my shorts holding everything down, my cock had risen up some making the bulge all that much more pronounced.
"Oh, I don't think that's a pencil stub, MJ, oh, no. Well, Will?"
"Okay, girls, you asked for it, now you get it," and I started to raise up the waistband so it would clear the tip end of my dick as Mary Jane pulled the waistband down about halfway along my hips exposing the upper half of my cock.
"Oh, wow," said Mary Jane and pulled them down, then off.
They both sat there looking. Just looking.
My cock was standing up some, kind of at an angle aiming over my head, I guess, and it was moving a bit as they watched.
"God, it moves on its own, look, Lauren," Mary Jane giggled, pointing.
"Oh, look under. It's his balls, his testicles. Wow, look, they just moved on their own. So did his, um, his penis. Look."
"Well, what do you think, girls?"
"Will, it's huge. I can't believe how big it is. It used to be such a tiny little thing. I still remember when it would get all stiff and point out. But, wow, this is something else," Lauren admired.
"Yeah, not like I used to be. Not at all."
Then, MJ put her hand on my thigh, just three or four inches below their current object of interest. It was followed by Lauren's hand on my other thigh. They both began to rub my leg up and down, going a bit higher each time until their hands were grazing my pubic hair.
Then, Lauren slid her hand up under my balls and lifted them up getting a sense of their size and weight.
"Mary Jane, feel here, feel these," she said as she gently felt each testicle, then felt over my sack, "They're like little pigeon eggs inside, but kind of soft. And really warm. Feel."
Mary Jane now felt my nuts and lifted my ball sack up, feeling what was inside.
"They really are soft. Cool. I love how they feel."
Lauren now slid her hand right up over my cock and wrapped her fingers lightly around it.
"Wow, it's like it's alive. All warm and hard, really hard. Oh, and the end is really soft. Like silk. Here, feel, MJ," and Mary Jane ran the tip of her finger over the head of my dick as Lauren held it. It jumped some when she did it.
"Oh, you made it jump when you rubbed it on top, Lauren. Do it again," and she rubbed around the tip in a circle, round and round.
"Oh, look at Will, that must feel good, huh," Mary Jane asked.
"Keep it up and you'll be wearing my cum all over you."
"Does it hurt when it gets this hard?" Mary Jane asked as Lauren kept rubbing the tip of my cock.
"No, not hurt or anything, feels nice, in a way."
"You really like this don't you? What happens when you get an orgasm?" Lauren asked me as she continued rubbing around my cock head.
"It really feels good, you really are going to make me shoot my cum, if you keep doing that. That's what happens when I have an orgasm, cum shoots out the end of my dick. And you're gonna make it do just that if you keep that up."
"Promise?" she says smiling at me as she rubs around and around.
Well, maybe they just didn't know that much about the male anatomy. But, soon, I was breathing noticeably harder, panting, really, panting pretty hard and every circle she made around my cock just made it tingle even more. It was just a matter of time.
"Look, he's squirming. Must be good," said Lauren.
"Are you getting close? We want to see it shoot."
"Well, that sure feels good. Let's just see what happens," I said knowing that I was ready anytime to cum. Then...
Chapter 2My legs froze, my hips jerked up, and arcs of cum spurted up out of my cock which Lauren was still holding.
"WOW. Look, look, it's all over the place. Look at it all. It's everywhere. It really shoots out," MJ said after she pulled her finger back from rubbing.
"It's everywhere, look," as they ran their fingers through the globs of cum on my belly and chest.
"It's real slippery, see," Lauren said dragging her fingers through it.
"Was this the way you get yourself off, when you masturbate? You know, by rubbing the tip like I did?" Mary Jane asked.
Lauren was still holding my dick, I guess she liked holding it, I sure did, and I showed her by going up and down.
"I used to look at Playboy pictures, but now I think about girls while I do it, you know, girls that I think are pretty hot. Get's me off good."
I should have thought ahead when I said that as Lauren asked, "Do you think of MJ or me when you do it?"
"Well, yeah. I think of you both. Quite a bit."
"Oh, Will thinks we're hot, Mary Jane. He does his thing while he dreams about us."
"Do you think about us naked, Will? Come on, tell us? Naked?" Mary Jane asks, giggling.
"Well, yeah, sure. I'm a guy, you know."
"Do you think about doing it to us, sex, you know, fucking us, Will?"
"Geez, why do you want to know all this stuff?"
"Well, do you?"
"Yeah, sometimes. Well, you know..."
"Are we good in bed, Will? Are we really hot?"
"Aw, come on. Yeah, yes, you're hot. Okay?"
"Which one of us is hotter, WIll? Come on, Mary Jane or me?" asked Lauren, still holding my cock.
Knowing my life could depend on my answer, I replied, "You are both the hottest. Mega-hot."
"How long have you been doing it, Will, you know, jacking yourself?"
"Oh, I guess since I was about twelve."
"Twelve. You started late. I was doing it when I was ten. What about you, Lauren?"
"Nine or ten, something like that, yeah."
"Well, maybe boys mature slower, I'm always hearing that. But, you saw yourself what I can do now."
"Oh, did we, it shot all over the place. That was fun to watch. And it all came out of this little opening right here," Mary Jane said as she rubbed her index finger over the end. "The little slit right there, cool."
Lauren was still holding it as she noted, "It's gotten softer after you shot your cum out. That's what happens, right?"
"Yeah, but if you start playing with it or making it more excited, it'll get hard again."
"Make it excited, like how? Oh, never mind, I know. Like suck on it, right? Boys just love that."
"Well, the truth is, this boy has never had it done to him."
"Is that a hint, Will?" Lauren asked coyly.
"Well, you both seem interested in how it works and all, well..."
"I'll do it," and Lauren bent down, opened her mouth and closed her lips around it and began sucking up and down. Oh, wow, this beat jacking-off by a million. I lay my head back and closed my eyes.
"Oh, Lauren, he's loving this. You should see him," and Lauren did turn her head just enough to look up at me then started sucking harder.
This was heavenly. I had never been sucked before and now I knew why guys talked so much about it.
"It looks so cool, Lauren, let me try," Mary Jane asked and Lauren pulled up off me, leaving my dick hard and glistening with her saliva as Mary Jane bent down to take her place.
Her wet mouth slid down my shaft and the feeling was luscious. Then she began to suck up and down, stopping at the top to suck just the tip as she ran her tongue around the end, oh, I think Mary Jane may have done this before to another boy. Lucky guy, whoever he might be. Or lucky guys, even, maybe.
"Mmm, mmm, oh, Mary Jane, oh, that's gonna make me cum. You'll get it in your mouth if you keep... ," then that glorious feeling engulfed me as I began spurting my cum into MJ's mouth, "Uuh, uh, uh, oh, wow, that is so wonderful. Oh, Mary Jane."
She just kept sucking, never slowed down, yes, I think she's done this before. Good for Mary Jane. Boy can she suck good. What a girl to have as a best friend.
"Omigod, Mary Jane, he shot in your mouth. And you swallowed it all. All his cum. Wow, girl, you're something else," raved Lauren.
MJ raised up off me, smiling, as she opened her mouth, demonstrating the strings of my cum to the amazement of Lauren and me. She is some girl, Mary Jane Is.
"Here," she said as she bent down and kissed me swirling my own cum into my mouth, "You get some back," she said with a big grin.
"Oh, look at it now," Lauren said, pointing at my drooping cock.
"Well, you girls have killed it," I kidded.
"We really killed it? Dead? Can we suck it back to life?" Lauren chuckled as she bent over and took it in her mouth and began sucking. In a minute or two, I was pretty hard again, I am fifteen, after all, and Lauren raised up off me, holding it in her hand, "Look, see, I brought it back to life. This is so much fun."
"Well, you've seen what I've got, girls, when do I get to see what you've got?"
"Oh, you wanna see our tits, don't you, Will. Then you'll really have something to dream about when you get yourself off," said Mary Jane. "Well, you've been imagining what we look like, tell me this, are my nipples small or large? Brown or pink? How about Lauren's?"
"Well, let's see, um, Lauren's are big and brown, your's are small and pink."
"Wrong. You're wrong. Mine are pink and real puffy. Lauren's are small and brown."
"And just how do I know that's the truth?"
"You just want to see our boobs."
"Yes, I do. You've see my dick. You're still looking at it. Lauren's still playing with it. Come on, fair's fair."
They looked at each other, shrugged and Mary Jane pulled up her tube top over her head and tossed it on a chair next to the door. Oh, they were pink and puffy. They looked like maybe they had been sucked on for hours, all swollen. And they were perfect, standing straight out, a little off to each side, just perfect.
Then off comes Lauren's tank top. She's perfect too. Also perfectly-formed, round, topped with small, dark nipples that looked very hard.
"Oh, you two are perfect. Four of the most beautiful boobs I've ever seen, even in Playboy or Penthouse."
"Really, even in Playboy?"
"Oh, yeah, perfect. Can I touch them?"
"It's nice of you to ask, Will, that's why we like you, you are such a gentleman. Yes, you can certainly touch mine," Lauren assented.
"Yes, you are a gentleman, Will. Mine are all yours."
Both of them are letting me play with their boobs. I pat the space next to me on each side of the chaise and they both move up next to me. I reach out with both hands and touch them both, running my finger around their nipples and giving them soft pinches.
Their breasts are so nice and soft, this is really keeping my dick hard, that, along with MJ squeezing it in her hand.
Lauren leans over toward me moving her breast to my lips as I open and she places her nipple in my mouth. It feels so wonderful as I begin to suck it and Mary Jane begins moving her hand up and down along my shaft. Oh, I am in heaven, for sure.
"Mmm, that feels nice, Will. I like you doing this, you look so sweet and happy."
Well, I sure was happy. How could I not be happy? I thought as I sucked my best friend's pretty nipple as I felt my other best friend's warm, firm breasts.
"Oh, Mary Jane, let him suck your's, you'll love it, it feels so good, really sexy. Every suck goes right to my, um, you know, down there," as she nodded downward.
She reached down and pulled her nipple out of my mouth and whispered, "Suck MJ's now, Will," as my other topless best friend leaned over and I took her pretty, puffy, pink nipple between my lips and began to suck as she continued moving her hand up and down my cock.
I sucked MJ's nipple and rubbed her other breast as Lauren rubbed her hands along my thighs and stomach while I lay there thinking about this sudden turn of events and just how lucky I am. I had tried to suppress sexual thoughts about these two girls, they were my best friends, after all, I really didn't want to look at them that way, and now, they're changing the rules of the game, I guess, and here I am laying here naked with both of them rubbing their hands all over me as I suck one's nipples. Wow, fifteen can be a happy age, for sure.
"Oh, Lauren, it really does feel good. And right into your, um, oh, I am so wet," Mary Jane said as I looked up at her to see if she was sweating a lot just as I realized what she really meant. I put my hand on her thigh and rubbed along the divide where her legs were together, just an inch or two below where her legs came together, right along the lower edge of her shorts.
I felt her legs part just a bit as I sucked and she rubbed me up and down. Then, I dipped my hand down between her legs where it was warm and slowly rubbed, moving slightly toward her leg's intersection each time.
"Mmm," I heard her moan as I approached her most secret, intimate place hiding just inside her shorts and panties. I think she was getting a little scared of where all this was leading and she pulled back, popping her nipple out of my mouth as she said, "Oh, it's really getting late. When do your parents get home, Will?"
"Oh about five-thirty or so. Yeah, geez, it's after five. Good thing you thought of it, I'd hate to have them popping in on us like this."
"Oh, how do you think we feel about that," said Lauren as she was pulling on her tank top and Mary Jane was slipping her tube top down over her head and arms. I stood up and quickly got dressed and the girls were soon on their way home as I was left sitting there with a very blissful, but very rigid cock full of happy memories.
That night, I called Lauren and we talked for quite a while. There was still a strong suggestion of sex in the talk between us, just a bit of teasing, so I asked her to come over tomorrow, just by herself, she pretty much had to figure out just what was on my mind. Then, I walked three blocks to the drug store and bought a box of condoms.
Chapter 3When Lauren rang the bell, she was standing there in a halter top and very short shorts. My dick instantly hardened.
"Hi, beautiful, oh, Lauren, are you hot-looking today," as I held the door open. "Come on back," I said over my shoulder as I walked back to my room which I had carefully cleaned earlier.
I sat on my bed and patted the spot next to me where she sat down.
"I bet you had fun yesterday, Will. That was a bit unexpected, huh."
"Oh, I did have fun, you two made sure of that. Hope you had some fun, too."
"Yeah, it was kinda nice. So, should I ask what you'd like to do today or can I just guess you might be wanting to continue where we left off. I know how guys are."
"Well, this guy would like to kiss you, Lauren, if that's okay?" and she leaned toward me with her head raised and we reached around one another, embraced and kissed, our mouths open, our tongues searching the other.
As we kissed, we both slowly sank downward and were soon prone on the bed, me over Lauren some as we kissed on.
As we kissed I worked my hand up under her halter and onto her wonderful breasts. She pulled her head back from our kiss, said, "Here, this'll be better," leaned around and took her top off, then lay back down again, smiling up at me as I bent over and took a nipple on my mouth. Her hand raised to stroke my face as I sucked on and on.
"That's nice, Will, really nice. Look, why don't we take everything off, so we can just get to know each other better. Okay?" and we both stood up and in seconds, our remaining clothes were strewn around us as we fell back on the bed and into each other's arms.
I soon was back down sucking her nipples as she stroked me, then I started kissing my way down her body and as I got below her navel, she spread her legs wide urging me to her love box.
As I kissed further, she raised her hips off the mattress. I knew then that she wanted what I wanted and put my head down between her legs and licked up and down her slit.
"Oh, Will. Oh, Will, oh, that feels wonderful. So good. I can't believe how wonderful your tongue feels. Mmm, do it more, it's wonderful, mmm," and I felt her wet lips surround my cock and begin to suck.
Oh, man, this is sex. This is really sex. I pushed my tongue into her slit and wiggled it around, then reached up and gently pulled her lips apart and poked my tongue up in her which got a moan and a shiver out of her. Her mouth was gliding up and down on me with the most delicious feeling imaginable. Oh, I could do this the rest of my life.
Lauren was moving under me as I tongued her, then I felt her jerk, moan loudly and tremble as I tongued her in and out. She was having an orgasm and I was giving it to her. My first ever. I loved doing this. Then I was overcome by a wonderful sense of happiness as the tingling in the head of my cock radiated out all over me as I felt my cum being released into Lauren's mouth.
We didn't stop right away, I kept licking Lauren's pussy and she kept sucking my cock. Then, finally, I got up and turned around so we could kiss and make out for a while, nice and naked, the way that I now preferred. She played with my cock like it was her favorite new toy which, I guess, it was, while I fingered her.
"You know what I want, right, Will?"
"A kiss?"
"No, stupid. Something we haven't done yet."
"Sex? Um, intercourse?"
"Yes, dummy. I want us to do it. I want you to fuck me, is that clear enough?"
"That's pretty clear, yeah. Um, you're not on the pill, right?"
"No, but I brought a condom."
"Well, I'm not so far behind you, Lauren," as I reached under my bed and brought out the box of condoms.
"Well, it's nice to see that this is something you wanted, too."
"Oh, do I ever. Have you ever done it before?"
"No, this is my first. With my best friend. Hmm, soon, my deepest friend," she said with a grin.
"Should I get you wet with my tongue?"
"That, Will, I will never, ever turn down," and I lowered myself, she was already wet but I made sure she was even wetter, then I got up, knelt in front of her waiting pussy, rolled on the condom and pushed it against her opening.
I gave a shove with my hips and saw that the tip had gone in. Well, that's some, anyway.
"Mmm, try some more, it's okay," and I pushed again and saw that I was about half way in.
"Oh, it feels really big, doesn't hurt, I'm just filled-up like. Want to push some more? You're not all the way in, right?"
So, I pushed in more and we were soon pressing our pubic mounds together, fully and deeply coupled together.
As I began moving in and out, Lauren closed her eyes, and whispered, "Oh, Will, this is so wonderful, I've wanted this for so long."
I thought we were best friends. That we were just 'buds.' And now she tells me she's wanted to fuck me for a long time. Well, at least we are now. And, did it feel good.
I was up on my knees between her legs, going in and out of her, my hands on her sexy breasts rubbing them, just memorizing them in my mind so I would always remember their beauty and lushness.
"Mmm. Lauren, oh, I can't believe how good this is, just wonderful. You are so beautiful, just perfect."
Every push in, every pull out, sent waves of ecstasy across my body, I just never thought anything could feel this good. It was heaven.
"Oh, Will, when you went in hard just now, it felt so good. Do it some more, just push in real hard, real deep. Just hold it there, I'll move around. Oh, yes, oh, oh, that feels so good, its it good to you?"
"Oh, better than good, how about wonderful, really wonderful, I can'r believe we're doing this."
"Are you glad we are?" Lauren asked.
"So glad, oh, man, I can't believe that we haven't done this before. It's so great, you are so pretty and are you sexy. I mean, I've seen you grow up and all, it's just that this is so, um, I don't know exactly, just wonderful. Kind of changes our friendship some, doesn't it?"
"Mmm, well, it's become deeper, you've sure become deeper," Lauren giggled as she shook her hips obviously meaning deeper in a different way. And, yes, I was deep, deeper than I'd ever been. And it felt wonderful.
"I'm glad it's you, Will, that I gave my virginity to. I'll always remember this day, the rest of my life," and she kissed me over and over as I moved in and out of her.
"Oh, Lauren, this is just so good, you feel incredible inside. This is so good."
"I knew it would be wonderful, Will, and it's even better than I'd hoped."
"I just never thought we would be like this, doing this. But, oh, am I glad we are."
"Mmm, me, too, oh, it feels like I'm, oh, yes, yes, UUH, UUH, UUH, MMM, mmm, oh, Will, oh, Will, don't stop, Will, just don't stop," which I had no inclination to stop or even to slow down, it just felt so good. Then, I could feel my own climax mounting.
"Oh, Lauren, oh, OOH, ooh, oh, wow, it feels so good, oh," and I dropped down over her as my cum gushed out into my best friend, thankfully contained inside the condom, and we kissed and kissed as she locked her legs up around my back pulling me into her tightly. Oh, this was wonderful.
We lay there snuggled tightly together, dreamily drifting in a loving trance, happy and peaceful in each other's arms. Sex was so wonderful, sex with your best friend.
It was only about noon, thankfully, we had the whole rest of the afternoon ahead of us and I suggested we get a little lunch and then come back up to my room after.
"Good idea, Will, I'm hungry. We've had a busy morning," and she leaned over and kissed me. How could I be any happier.
We went down and made some lunch, having a little naked fun while we did it, then ate while we played with each other at the table. I sat there in rather a daze thinking about how wonderful all this sex is when just two days ago, I was a virgin and had never even felt a girl's naked breast. How life changes.
THE EQUALS I don't know why we decided upon Latin America. It just seemed to be one of the few things Julia and I agreed upon of late. I'm sure it was the mystique of the continent that appealed to both of us - the undeveloped feel of the place, the hills and wide open spaces; and the time difference that wrenched us out of reach of the instant demands of European business culture simply seemed to seal the deal. As soon as I saw the package I called Julia to check her thoughts,...
THE EQUALS - PART II Thanks for the kind comments, this has pushed me on to the next chapter. Any more comments e-mail me at [email protected] Tell me how you feel? Well my darling Julia, where do you want me to start? Firstly I feel about four inches shorter than usual, I feel daintier, I feel soft, curvy, bouncy and beautiful, plus I feel disgusted by the fact that my darling wife, who I might add is also short, dainty, curvy, bouncy and beautiful,...
Pathfinder: The Trio: Two plus one equals... Author's note; Guess my muse wasnt quite done with this yet... The next morning, Goruza, Emerald, and their new friend Milah had a bite of breakfast, then searched the cave more. While they looked around Milah told them about how the axe beaks had come into the cave through a tunnel that came out in the fields nearby. "Whoever made this place was pretty busy. I didn't get a chance to do any exploring, but i saw several tunnels while I...
“Here’s to the babies in a brand-new world, here’s to the beauty of the stars. Here’s to the travelers on the open road, here’s to the dreamers in the bars. Here’s to the teachers in the crowded rooms, here’s to the workers in the fields. Here’s to the preachers of the sacred words, here’s to the drivers at the wheel. Here’s to you, my little loves, with blessings from above. Now let the day begin. Here’s to you, my little loves, with blessings from above. Now let the day begin. Let the day...
“Ooh, I’ve been wandering round. But I still come back to you. (Still come back to you.) In rain or shine, you’ve stood by me, girl. I’m happy at home. (Happy at home.) You’re my best friend.” -Queen, “You’re My Best Friend” (This chapter takes place in the morning hours on the day of “A Conversation Amongst Equals.”) “TROY!” Julie shouted as she emerged out of the gantry from the plane and into the terminal of Ted Stevens International Airport. The bleariness of the redeye flight cleared...
“I was born to love you with every single beat of my heart. Yes, I was born to take care of you every single day of my life.” -Queen, “I Was Born to Love You” (This chapter takes place the afternoon and evening leading up to “A Conversation Amongst Equals.”) A few hours later, Troy and Julie sat on Propappou’s bed, going through almost a century’s worth of clothing and tossing it into one of four boxes marked “keep,” “donate,” “trash,” and “Helen.” Troy picked up a bright red smoking jacket...
I have a side business in flipping foreclosures which is great because it gives me a place to play. One day in getting a home ready I had a refrigerator delivered. I told the men I would take care of disposing of the box. I wanted to use the box as a makeshift glory hole. I put a hole in one side, a small stool inside and hung my ipad so I could watch porn. I had my own little porn arcade booth. I put an add up and had a few quick responses to which I gave the guys an address with...
WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...
Who ever said that size doesn't matter ?! "Damn!" thought Brit. She'd got too wrapped up in her assignment and had lost track of time while working in the quietness of the computer lab at Uni. The last late-night bus had just left and whereas normally she'd just call her boyfriend to pick her up, a stabbing feeling in her gut reminded her that he'd broken up with her two weeks ago. "It's not you, it's me", was his lame excuse.She still couldn't fathom why he'd left; he hadn't given any better...
StraightAs always, I can’t thank Lireal enough for her help. On more than one occasion have I had an ‘iffy’ idea, ran it by her, and she’s helped me come up with a better one. This story would have been completely different if I hadn’t consulted with her first, and probably not very good. ‘Deepening shadows gather splendor as day is done. Fingers of night shall soon surrender the setting sun. I count the moments, darling, til you’re here with me. Together, at last, at twilight time.’ -The Platters,...
‘Troy?’ ‘Julie?’ ‘What are we doing?’ ‘Playing one of our games.’ ‘I know that, but something feels different.’ ‘It is, however, it will make sense soon. Go deeper and don’t worry.’ ‘Mmm…thank you, Master. I wasn’t worried, it was just unusual.’ ‘It is, a little, isn’t it?’ ‘Well, yes. Not like the games we’ve played all our lives.’ ‘Are you having fun?’ ‘Always. I’ve loved this since we first started playing. Go deeper and remember.’ ‘Ooh…thank you, Mistress. I remember watching...
It seems pretty rare these days when a house in our neighborhood sells quickly once it’s put on the market. My husband an I have even seen some homes, priced at what seems to us very reasonable prices, hang around for months and months and months with no offers and little activity. Then, the home next to us went on the market. It was priced a little high, we thought, for what the market currently holds, yet we saw a sold sign added to the top of the sign after about a month on the market. Evan...
I never thought of myself as sexually-adventuresome, actually. Well, until recently, I didn’t. My sexual history is pretty standard, the uneasy gropings in high school trying to figure out how to give a proper handjob, not as easy as most boys think it is. Just ask us girls. Then the gropings turned more into eager exploration and, yes, couplings. I was fucking by the time I was a senior, on the pill, doing it every afternoon after school with a steady boyfriend. Two years of college saw...
My wife and I were lying in bed a week ago, snuggling in together, talking sex. We were discussing sex in general terms, sex in relation to male/female desires, and about our fantasies and desires for the future. We were becoming very horny and inevitably we began to caress, kiss and become even hornier.I started to lick Jean's soft mature breasts, to press my tongue into the velvet softness, gently kneading them. Slowly I circled the breast, moving stealthily towards her hard inviting nipples....
It seems pretty rare these days when a house in our neighborhood sells quickly once it's put on the market. My husband an I have even seen some homes, priced at what seems to us very reasonable prices, hang around for months and months and months with no offers and little activity. Then, the home next to us went on the market. It was priced a little high, we thought, for what the market currently holds, yet we saw a sold sign added to the top of the sign after about a month on the market. Evan...
Wife LoversI never thought of myself as sexually-adventuresome, actually. Well, until recently, I didn't. My sexual history is pretty standard, the uneasy gropings in high school trying to figure out how to give a proper handjob, not as easy as most boys think it is. Just ask us girls. Then the gropings turned more into eager exploration and, yes, couplings. I was fucking by the time I was a senior, on the pill, doing it every afternoon after school with a steady boyfriend. Two years of college saw...
Group SexFirst of all, thanks for Indian sex stories creators, implement this type of site is impossible. I started to read sex stories in my engg days. I thought Indian sex stories are fake, when I started to read, I realize that they are not fake. Please be patient, I am going to tell my real story. My name is raj (pen name), my height 5 feet 6 inches and my boy size is 7 inches which can satisfy any lady. Today I am going to explain my real sex story which was happened in 1 one week back. And the...
Como siempre, para mi mama. (Like always, for my mother.) I did not want to be there, especially with the guitar weighing me down. The crowd made me uncomfortable as soon as I opened the door. I had made a decision though; my discomfort meant nothing. I looked around the off-campus hangout; it was surprisingly large for a non-franchise coffeehouse. Every seat was full, so people lined the walls or sat on the floor between tables. The faces were mostly Latin because the Images House sponsored...
“Troy?” “Julie?” “What are we doing?” “Playing one of our games.” “I know that, but something feels different.” “It is, however, it will make sense soon. Go deeper and relax.” “Mmm ... thank you, Master. I wasn’t worried, it was just unusual.” “It is, a little, isn’t it?” “Well, yes. Not like the games we’ve played all our lives.” “Are you having fun?” “Always. I’ve loved this since we first started playing. Go deeper and remember.” “Ooh ... thank you, Mistress. I remember watching...
As always, I can’t thank Lireal enough for her help. On more than one occasion have I had an “iffy” idea, ran it by her, and she’s helped me come up with a better one. This story would have been completely different if I hadn’t consulted with her first, and probably not very good. [i]”Deepening shadows gather splendor as day is done. Fingers of night shall soon surrender the setting sun. I count the moments, darling, til you’re here with me. Together, at last, at twilight time.”[/i] -The...
It seems pretty rare these days when a house in a neighborhood sells quickly once it's put on the market. We've even seen some homes, priced at what seems to us, very reasonable prices, hang around for months and months and months with no offers and little activity. Then, the one next to us went on the market. It was priced a little high, we thought, for what the market currently holds, yet we saw a sold sign added to the top of the sign about a month on the market. Evan and I had several...
I found Treeya first. She was standing guard near one of the smaller traveling huts keeping an eye on the top of the rise I had descended earlier that day. Roya or Sheel must have given her a jumpsuit because it was clearly visible under her furs. She was also wearing the new moccasins and the leather belt with knife and pouch tied around her slim waist. As I approached she smiled brightly, and this time she did not lower her eyes when she said, "Oh, thank you so much for all these...
"What about my sword? It cuts through everything and it glows." "If you say so, My Lord, but your sword doesn't glow. It is you that glows," Chandra responded. She thought for a second and then continued, "Does your sword cut through everything or do you enhance your strength to cut through your target?" I thought about that. She was probably right on that one she knew more about magic than I did. I enhanced my strength whenever I fought. Come to think of it, I enhanced my stamina...
"Tim, you never did tell me when she is." "It's kind of strange," Tim admitted. "She's having to stay on the east side so she doesn't meet people who know she's on the west side. She's at both places and it's just a little unusual." "I'll bet," Wendy said. "We never tried to be in the same time together ... well, except for that time when we came back from Watching it on the lake. That was different ... we blended." "She's only got to be one and one for another couple of...
(in Low-Planet Orbit above the planet Dromes VI) Tomas Kendrick stared sightlessly at the control pad, as he waited for the numbers to count down. Once the numbers hit 0, the universe would change. Hopefully for the better, he thought, for his own soul’s sake at least. But he privately held his doubts. If he could back out at this, the very last moment, there was not a single iota of doubt in his mind he would do so and gratefully at that. But there was no chance of that. The other people on...
It all started one late night. I was up late working and finally finished up. When I entered into our bedroom, my wife, Michelle, quickly changed the channel on the tv. We had just gotten satellite tv with all the HBO channels, etc. I was wondering what she was watching. After getting ready for bed, my wife got REALLY cuddly...more than usual. She asked if I wanted to take a shower with her and have some fun. Then I was REALLY wondering what she had been watching. Of course I took her up on her...
First TimeNote : This story is completely fictional! Hi I’m 19 years old and I have had the biggest crush on my step aunty since I met her I have known her my whole life so we can say she is my real aunty but one night on my 18th fantasy’s with her true. My birthday in on December 31st so when we met for it it’s jus ends up being a party so I was an adult now so I could party with the adults I had a good time. My aunty was with her boyfriend of 5 months and she was looking sexy in her little dress and...
IncestStudy come on study Nika kept telling herself, but the information would not still in her mine. Nika had to pass it was her last exam and if she got it she would work in the real world and earn real money, be independent and have no more worries, but why she asked herself. Why the fuck won't this information just stay in her head. Nika a hot, sexy and attrctive 21 year old girl was a dream to desire. Her boobs went right around and were the right size for any man. Her ass was smooth tight and...
EroticThis story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen."Oh, Mr. Wankles! You just don't understand." The little fat fairy plonked herself down onto the dandelion pouffe, causing her skirt to fly up and reveal her rather substantial knickers."Ooo, purple lace today, Daisy," leered Mr. Wankles."Certainly is, young-fella-me-lad," she sighed."And what sort of a problem cannot be solved by purple lace knickers?" The gnome sat back in his cumbersome velour...
SupernaturalThe nature all around us is wonderful ! It is so full of life, so full of gifts just laying there for you to pick ! Every forests, every lakes, every mountains can sustain your needs, if you know where to look ! It was Sara's case. The 25 years old blonde loved to walk and hike in the surrounding forests and hills of her hometown. By now, she could identified almost every birds, trees, flowers living there. She also had a very good knowledge about mushrooms, growing a lot between the logs and...
Mind ControlBen and Amy are twins. They aren’t identical by any means but both have light brown hair; Amy’s long and curly while Ben’s is short and straight, and both have deep blue eyes. They have always been close and always went everywhere together, until recently. Ever since their sixteenth birthday Ben has been growing distant from Amy, spending more time with his friends and never sticking around to talk to her much. They still did things with the family but never really spent any time alone together...
IncestThis story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between the people and events in this story and any actual person, living or dead, or event is coincidental. The story contains mature subject matter. It may contain adult situations and/or language. If you're not old enough to legally read this (and you know who you are), then get out of here before it's too late. You've been warned. I'd love to hear from any readers with comments. Email me at...
Fuck A Cheerleader Fundraiser Let’s have a “Fuck A Cheerleader Fundraiser.” It was a ridiculous idea to say the least but it certainly got everyone’s attention when I said it during the meeting. The ladies on the committee were appalled and called me a sexist pig…and that was the most polite thing that I had heard. The men laughed but I knew that they all wanted to fuck one of those amazing young ladies as much as I did. Anyway the meeting was a shamble after that and it broke up with...
Naked Unequals. Two Strangers, About to Get Intimate. A short story.Page 1. 'Take off your shorts.' Her legs were thin like rails, like sticks, the way a younger girl's nervous ones would be. But they were long and her knees knobby and her crotch was a wide one. Three fingers wide. It didn't form a V. Still, only victory there, for me. 'No. No. No. No. No.' She shook her head accordingly. 'No, what?' 'No, I won't do it. I...
The F4F Fundraiser Our university has a preschool on campus for the children of our older students and our younger professors. The annual “F4F” Fundraiser covers the expenses and there is no cost for the parents of those children. The “F4F” Fundraiser was started by our Sororities with the financial help of our Fraternities. “F4F” stands for “Fuck For Five.” The full name of the fundraiser is: “Fuck the Sorority Girl, Student, or Professor of your dreams for five hundred dollars…all...
Fifteen Minutes Ends a Marriage. I am sitting on the side of my bed crying. Reflecting on what fifteen minutes of stupidity cost me. My story. My name is Harriet. I worked as an analyst for a big marketing firm in town at the time. I was married to a general contractor named Jim, we had no children. A new department head was transferred from another branch of the firm. His name was Marty. He was also married, with two young sons. He was cute, funny, social and he liked to flirt. I did too...
Wife LoversThe fallout from the discovery of the blossoming affair between then forty-seven-year-old Amala Gupta and her son's seventeen-year-old friend Patrick Lawton was far-reaching.Firstly Patrick was devastated at the enforced break up and his feelings lasted throughout the school summer holiday and into his important final year at school, affecting his schoolwork. It also cost him his friendship with Amala's son Sunil and whilst some at school had admiration for him bedding a much older woman others...
InterracialI rolled out of bed and God did my head hurt. But then why wouldn't it after a weekend long drunk. As I stumbled into the bathroom I was glad that weekends like the one I'd just managed to survive were not the norm. In fact, I hadn't had one like it since my last college frat party and that was over seven years ago. I opened the medicine cabinet, found the aspirin, took four and chased them with a glass of water. As I was putting the bottle back out of the corner of my eye I saw the...
School Fundraiser by Le Chat Author's note: This story was inspired by the drawings of Splyf ("Visitto the Restaurant", "Dolcett Palace", "Westworld",and others). The story was written around Splyf's favourite charactersand was submitted here with his approval. "Welcome to Merle's Bar and Grill! A table for four?" The Malcolmfamily was greeted at the door by a nude waitress. She looked very youngbut, as Brent didn't fail to notice, her slender frame was adorned with a pairof fairly...
?GOOD AFTERNOON, LADIES,? began Sarah Nilsson, speaking with the measured tone of the career politician she wanted to be. The light chit-chat amongst the Student Council representatives subdued into silence, as a dozen pairs of eyes focused on the Council President, ?We have one issue and only one issue today: the pool.? The handful of girls who hadn’t been giving Sarah their full attention immediately did so. ?I have just been informed by Headmaster McGregor that, effective May 15,...
DISCLAIMED - READThis is a work of fiction. None of the events depicted in this story should ever be attempted or recreated in real life, in any degree, for any reason. The legal council stated in this document may not be accurate, and should not be taken for fact. Replication of any of these events may result in fines and/or imprisonment. This work is copywrited by the author, Samsara. Any similarities to any person, place, organization and/or event are purely...
Technology Malfunction A Short Story By Maryanne Peters "Just because technology allows you to do it, doesn't mean you should do it." It was not the first time that Ashton had said the words to his friend Cody, but it seemed like it might just be the last time. He was on the gurney now. The surgery was less than an hour away, and Cody would soon be unconscious as the drugs took effect. "You don't understand," said Cody. "This is what I want. What I've always wanted. To be...
Fifteen minutes late, April thought. Great. Fifteen more and she’d be free to go.A friendly waiter approached. “Are you ready to order, ma’am?”She stirred her water glass. “Maybe just the drinks menu?”He nodded, “Right away, ma’am.” And briskly walked away.Wow, she thought. So we’re really in the “ma’am” days now, huh? At thirty-nine years old, she’d hoped she had a few months left in her before people would catch a whiff of her rotting eggs.It was infuriating. No one, not one person had called...
Love StoriesPart fifteen. Our marriage was scheduled to be dissolved in four weeks and she had agreed to allow me to share her bed for one last night. The conditions were that I had to wear my boxer shorts and shorts, she was to wear her underwear, teeshirt and shorts and it was purely to sleep! The Friday had arrived and I was excited about sharing her bed for one last time. The wine flowed throughout the evening and it was after midnight before we all decided to head for bed. It was strange when she...
CuckoldAs my eyes opened, I immediately felt a dull throbbing in the back of my head. The light in the room hurt my eyes so I squinted them as much as I could. It took me a few seconds to realize that I was in a hospital room. I slowly moved my head to the right and saw the entry wall was plate glass that looked over the nurse’s station. One young nurse was standing behind the counter with a clip board in her hand. A few seconds later, she looked up and I raised my right hand to acknowledge her. She...
When my best friend, Craig, discovered his parent's stash of sex stuff, Playboy and Penthouse magazines, vibrators, and, what we have since learned are called, dildos, he immediately called me and told me all about it. We were both eleven and super-curious about all things sexual. The first chance we got to go through all their stuff was a few days later and we had a Playboy spread out examining the foldout in microscopic detail. "Wow, would you love to be the guy they paid to take the...
Reddit Porn In Fifteen Seconds, aka r/PornInFifteenSeconds! How does a site that speeds up your fapping by presenting to you only short videos that last for about fifteen minutes sound to you? Awesome, right? The varieties on this site are superb and of quality more than you can bargain for. Visit r/porninfifteenseconds and enjoy a wide range of videos with the best of the best short scenes only.Before you load up the homepage, you will have to confirm that you are 18 years and above which...
Reddit NSFW ListAmong the usual bills and mailshot letters one envelope caught my attention. My name and address on the front side, handmade paper and instead of a sender just the words “Come and enjoy”. I sought for my paper knife. Tearing such an expensive envelope open would be an act of barbarism. Golden letters in fancy type read: “Are you looking for high class entertainment? Are you fed up with the impersonal and boring services of the run-of-the-mill night clubs? Mr. Martin B. is cordially invited to...
Group SexWE attended two funeral services together, Mary and I, one low key in terms of attendance but deeply emotional, on one morning and followed that by another higher profile one the following afternoon, that was more for public show than anything else. Mary insisted I attend by her side for both funerals. How could I deny her my full support at them both? To be honest, I wanted to spend every moment of our shrinking allotment of time we had together. Mary wore the same black outfit for both...
Fifteen Minutes Ends a Marriage. I am sitting on the side of my bed crying. Reflecting on what fifteen minutes of stupidity cost me. My story. My name is Harriet. I worked as an analyst for a big marketing firm in town at the time. I was married to a general contractor named Jim, we had no children. A new department head was transferred from another branch of the firm. His name was Marty. He was also married, with two young sons. He was cute, funny, social and he liked to flirt. I did...
I woke at eight o’clock the following morning and I went to the kitchen; Kevin was already up and had the coffee brewing. He poured me a cup and we chatted for about fifteen minutes.“It was a marvelous Christmas day, wasn’t it?” Kevin said.“Sure was bud, thanks for letting me stay over.”“No problem, like Christy, said, we are family, Steve.”He went to Greg’s room and returned to me about three minutes later.“They want coffee,” Kevin said as he poured two more cups of joe.“Do you want to take...
ExhibitionismThis true story happened about thirty years ago, a time when boys could do something like this without everybody getting their panties in a wad and crying sex offender. A time when men were men and women wanted to fuck. My buddy, Jason, had just got a Polaroid camera and wanted to use it. It was the kind of camera that shoots the photo out when you click the button and then the picture develops right away. We decided that some nude pictures would be good and thought of this stupid plan to...
I Was Fifteen When It All Began By Loki It all began when I was fifteen and on the wrestling team. I was a skinny ninety-eight pound kid, a late bloomer and really shy. I barely made the team and had a poor win/loss record on a team of very skilled athletes. As a result, I took a lot of teasing, both for my record and my absent advancement into puberty. I was teased mercilessly for having a small penis and no pubic hair - they all told me I looked like I had a shaved pussy...
I Was Fifteen - When It All Began II ? by: Loki Jennifer grabbed my hand and commanded me to follow her. My skirts bouncing as I walked barely covering my pantied bottom, pigtails a twitter and an entirely girly pace as she led me faster than I usually walk causing a slight hop in my step. "You're a good little cheerleader Chrissy. But Sean made a phone call and we think we've found something for which you are much more well suited," Jennifer said as we met up with Samantha...
Author's Name: Lee Anne Montgomery ([email protected]) Story Title: Woman Partner (Chapter 15, Heading South) This work is copyrighted to the author © 2003. Please do not remove the author information or make any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to, and hope that I receive, your feedback....
Right from the Start: Chapter Fifteen - by: Beverly Taff Simon: The main character; Dorie Lou: The girl next Door who has now married Simone; Mrs Jane Benson: Dorie Lou's mother; Sandra: Simone & Dorie Lou's lesbian friends; Mary: The 'bi' while her spouse Sandra is lesbian; Toni and Paula: Their Italian lesbian friends; Mrs Webster: Their old form Teacher Doctor Wendy: Simone's Endocrinologist Doctor Julie: Simone's Psychiatrist. Sophia & Alicia: Mary and...
Sissy Farm - Chapter 15 By: Beverly Taff List of Characters: Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy; Janice: My Younger sister; Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister; Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy; Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist; Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant; Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop; Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle, (Aunty Bev's...
THE GAMES PART FIFTEEN By Nancy Rose If you haven't read the previous parts, you really should! Part One is here... https://fictionmania.tv/searchdisplay/authordisplay.html?word=1473 If you have read this far, then thank you! I hope you have enjoyed yourself. I appreciate your time very much. Could I ask one small favor? Please leave a review, just a line or so will do. Thank you!...