Fifteen Minutes
- 2 years ago
- 25
- 0
I rolled out of bed and God did my head hurt. But then why wouldn't it after a weekend long drunk. As I stumbled into the bathroom I was glad that weekends like the one I'd just managed to survive were not the norm. In fact, I hadn't had one like it since my last college frat party and that was over seven years ago. I opened the medicine cabinet, found the aspirin, took four and chased them with a glass of water.
As I was putting the bottle back out of the corner of my eye I saw the brassiere hanging over the edge of the dirty clothes hamper and I felt the flash of anger again. I fought it down; why get upset over something that was over and done with. As I walked back into the bedroom I saw the bed and had to fight down the anger again. I could never have slept on those sheets if I hadn't been too drunk to know what I was doing.
I went out into the kitchen and got a couple of garbage bags. I stripped the sheets and pillow cases off the bed and stuffed then into the garbage bags and then I went through the apartment and gathered up everything of hers that I could find and consigned it all to the trash bags. I set them outside the apartment door and I'd leave them there for twenty-four hours. If she hadn't picked them up by then I'd toss them into the dumpster.
I put the coffee on to brew while I showered and dressed and then had a cup with two pieces of toast. I probably should have eaten something a little more substantial, but I was afraid I wouldn't be able to keep it down. I filled my travel mug with coffee, grabbed my briefcase and headed out the door to go to work. As soon as I hit the parking lot the day that had started out with a bad head got worse. My car was gone. For a fleeting moment I thought it had been stolen, but then I realized that it was still sitting in the parking lot at Brady's Roadhouse and Tavern. Some good Samaritan had kept me from driving and had seen to it that I got home. I'd have to find out who and thank them.
The cab showed up fairly quickly and it managed to get me to work with just minutes to spare. During the cab ride I had time to lean back, stare out the window and think about the last four days and what had led up to them.
Once every three months my company rents one of the ballrooms at the Hilton and throws a cocktail party and invites all of our customers and suppliers. The purpose of the party was basically social. The owner of the company believed that meeting socially with the people you did business with, both as buyer and seller, allowed us to have a better feel for each other and that allowed us to build easier relationships with the people we interacted with on a daily basis. It seemed to work.
These parties were an "all hands on deck" affair as far as the employees at my company were concerned. You had to be there and no excuse other than a death in the family was acceptable and even then it needed to be a very close relative.
It was at one of these cocktail parties that I met Misty. She came as the date of one of the purchasing agents for Apex Industries and when I first saw her she took my breath away. About five feet six (and most of it appeared to be legs); a hundred and twenty pounds and all of it in the right places and she had jet black hair down to the middle of her back and the greenest eyes I'd ever seen.
As far as the cocktail party was concerned I may as well have been alone in a crater on the far side of the moon. I don't recall a single word anyone said to me at that party. Outside of Misty and her date I don't even remember anyone else who was there. I spent the entire party moving around to keep Misty in sight - I just could not take my eyes off of her.
The amazing thing is that at no time during that party were we introduced and by the time the party stared breaking up we had not spoken one word to each other. I was at one of the side tables getting a cup of black coffee for the road when someone moved up beside me and I felt a slight tug on my jacket pocket. I looked over and saw Misty standing next to me and I saw her hand coming out of my pocket. She looked up at me, winked, got a cup of coffee and walked away. She rejoined her date and they left the party. I must have stood there a full minute wondering if I had really seen her wink at me and then I remembered her hand coming out of my pocket. I reached in the pocket and felt a piece of paper and I pulled it out and looked at it. It had some printing on it and I read:
"Misty - 555-1237 - after 6 PM."
The next day 6 PM couldn't come quick enough for me. At 5:59:48 on my digital watch I punched in the number she had given me and at 6:00:02 the phone was answered and a female voice said:
"Misty? This is..."
"I know who you are Mr. Big Eyes and I have a question for you. What do you want?"
"I haven't eaten yet so maybe you could take me to dinner and we can talk about why you want me and why I should give you what you want. My address is 222 Monaco, apartment 2C."
"I'm on the way."
Twenty minutes later I was ringing her doorbell and she answered the door, purse in hand. "My mother won't let me go out with strangers and I don't know you."
"My name is Rob."
"And I'm Misty so I guess we aren't strangers any more. Where are you taking me?"
"Do you like Italian?"
"As a matter of fact I do."
As we pulled out of the parking lot she asked, "So Mr. Rob Big Eyes, why didn't you introduce yourself to me last night?"
"Because you were with Jack Towers and I have to work closely with him. He would have immediately known that my reason for walking up to the two of you wasn't to talk with him and that just might have soured our working relationship."
"Jack is an old friend and I was only there with him because he needed some 'arm candy' for the event. He wouldn't have minded at all."
I took her to Mario's and we talked and got to know each other as we ate and sipped wine. She kissed me on the cheek when I took her back to her apartment and she told me to call. I did and we had three dates and at the end of the third one when I walked her to her door she gave me the most passionate kiss I'd ever received in my life and then she grabbed my tie and pulled me through the door and into her apartment.
As soon as the door was closed she turned and moved into my arms and her lips met mine. I felt her tongue flick out and I let her feel the tip of mine. She sucked my tongue into her mouth and ground her pelvis into my hard cock and she moaned:
"I want you."
Her fingers started on my shirt buttons and I picked her up and asked her which way to the bedroom and she pointed the way and I carried her there and set her down on the bed. As I stripped off my clothes she pulled the spread and the blanket out of the way and then took off her panties. She got on the bed and pulled her dress up to her waist and then pulled her knees back.
"Please baby" she moaned, "Hurry, I need it."
I moved between her legs and started to ease my hard cock into her. She was tight, but she was wet and inch by inch I pushed in.
"Oh yes, oh yes baby, do it, push hard."
I got all of me in and I started out stroking slowly in and back and she cried:
"Oh God yes! Fuck me lover, fuck me" and I made my strokes longer and pushed in deeper as she encouraged me. She started humping up at me and I increased the tempo and started fucking her harder. The strokes were hard and deep and she was whining:
"I need it, oh God I need it. Make me cum lover, make me cum."
And then her nails bit into my back and she uttered a guttural sound as her body shook and trembled. I could feel her pussy clutching my cock and I let go what was possibly the biggest load of my life. Her arms went around my neck and she pulled me down and kissed me and then said:
"That was stupendous lover. Can we do this every night?"
I smiled at her and said that yes we could.
"Could we do it again now? Can I take my clothes off and we'll do it again?"
I smiled and said, "It might be a while. I'll need a little time to recharge."
"Oh I can help you there lover" and she shifted her body and her mouth swallowed the head of my cock. She took several sucks on it and then she took her mouth off me and said, "We taste marvelous together baby. Just let me get my clothes off and I'll get back to it."
She did get back to it twice more that night and I fell asleep in her bed.
After that I saw her every night and every night she reduced me to a smoldering ruin. After six months of basically going steady I asked her to marry me and she said:
"Maybe lover, but I don't know that I'm ready for that yet. How about we have a trial period?"
"A trial period?"
"Yes baby, why don't we try living together and see how that goes."
She moved in with me and for six months everything seemed to be going very well. Until last Thursday evening. I had been on a short business trip and was due back on Friday. I finished up sooner than expected and was able to catch the last flight out on Thursday. I didn't bother to call ahead because Misty told me she would be having dinner with her mother and sister that night and I didn't expect her to be home.
But she was home.
I noticed the trail of discarded men's and women's clothing leading from the front door to the bedroom at the same time I heard:
"Oh God yes! Harder damn you, harder, fuck me harder."
I dropped my suitcase on the floor and walked over and looked in the bedroom. Some guy I had never seen before was pounding his cock into Misty. Her legs were up on his shoulders, her hands were clutching at the sheets and her head rolled from side to side as she moaned:
"Fuck me, oh shit, fuck me."
I had always thought of myself as a calm, laid back sort of guy, someone who could handle problems and pressure, but right then I lost it. I just plain lost it. I stomped over to the bed, grabbed a handful of the guy's hair, jerked his head back and then hit him in the face as hard as I could. I pulled him off Misty and threw him against the wall. I saw his head bounce off the wall as he slid down to the floor. Misty didn't even know I was in the room until the guy's dick was jerked out of her. She whined:
"Oh no, don't stop" and then her eyes opened and she saw me and screamed as she tried to cover up. I pointed a finger at her and snarled:
"Get your fucking ass dressed and get out of here. Do it now!"
I walked over to the guy who was lying on the floor shaking his head and grabbed him by the ankles and dragged him out of the apartment. I gathered up his clothes and tossed them out the door and then went back to the bedroom. Misty had gone into the bathroom and I don't know if she locked herself in or not. I didn't trust myself to try to open the door. I leaned my head against the door and yelled:
"I'm leaving for thirty minutes. Be gone when I get back and make sure you leave your key on the kitchen table."
It was closer to an hour before I got back and she was gone. I went into work the next morning and somehow made it through the day. After work I went out to have a few drinks with some of the people I work with and ended up on a tear that lasted all weekend.
When I got to my desk I turned on my computer and clicked on the mail icon. I had forty-one messages and I started wading through them, moving the important ones into the proper folders for later perusal and deleting the junk. I came to one that was from "Little Miss Sweet Cheeks" and the subject was "For Rob's eyes only." I opened it and there was a short message and an attachment. The message said:
"You are well rid of the cheating slut. How about this for a replacement?"
The attachment was a photo of a fantastic heart shaped ass with the two cheeks split by a thong made out of a string of pearls. I looked around the office to see if anyone was looking my way. I half expected to see a grinning woman casting glances my way, but everyone else in the office was head down and busy at work and I didn't see a soul paying attention to me.
A little deductive reasoning on my part told me that the sender of the e-mail had to have been among the people at the bar Friday night when I blabbed to the world about the faithless bitch that I had been going to marry. It also told me that it was a co-worker because who else would have my office e-mail address? I tried to remember which of women I worked with were at the bar Friday, but the night was too hazy a memory. Then I had a thought. Maybe it wasn't a woman. Maybe it was one of the guys I worked with and he was having some fun pulling my chain.
I pushed the matter aside and got busy doing what they paid me to do. But when I took my coffee break I took another look at the photo and then decided to do something that for me was way out. I typed up a message and sent it off to Little Miss Sweet Cheeks.
"Nice ass Sweet Cheeks, but I'm a leg man."
After work I caught a ride over to the Roadhouse to pick up my car. I stayed for one drink and then, not really wanting to go home, I went out for a bite to eat. When I got home the garbage bags were gone and there was a note from Misty taped to my door.
"Please call me on my cell phone. I need to talk to you."
I wadded it up and tossed it away.
Tuesday at work there was another e-mail with an attachment from Little Miss Sweet Cheeks.
"I wouldn't dream of offering you less than the total package."
The attachment was a waist down photo showing as sexy a pair of legs as I had ever seen. She was wearing thigh highs and a pair of CFMs with what looked to be four inch heels. Did the legs belong to the same body that had the fantastic ass? I had no way of knowing for sure, but whoever the lady was she was wearing what appeared to be the same pearl thong.
There were at least eighty women scattered between the five floors of our building and while I had never met all of them I would have thought for sure, being the leg man that I am, I would have noticed legs like that. Unless the lady always wore slacks I should have noticed them entering or leaving the building, walking the halls, in the cafeteria or waiting in the lobby for the elevator. Those thoughts brought me back to the idea that one of the guys I worked with was pulling my leg.
Several times during the morning I went back and looked at the photos of Sweet Cheeks. At lunch I looked closely at every woman in the cafeteria trying to find a hint that one of them could be LMSC, but I came up with nothing. I did see a dozen or so ladies I would have liked to take home with me for some further investigation, but none I could match to the photos on my computer.
Just before quitting time I composed an e-mail to Sweet Cheeks. "Do we work for the same company? If so I can't believe I don't recognize those legs."
I left my desk ten minutes early and loitered in the lobby to check out the ladies as they left the building to go home. I saw dozens that I would have loved to take off to the side and ask them to strip and show me their butts and legs, but not one that I could say for sure was Little Miss Sweet Cheeks. The more I thought about it the more I came to believe that I was the butt of some practical joke.
I hit Safeway on the way home and picked up a small steak and the fixings for a salad. I planned on a quiet evening with a book, but when I pulled into the parking lot at the apartments I saw Misty's red Mustang parked there so I did a quick u-turn and went and found a restaurant where I ate dinner. Then I went to a sports bar and nursed a couple of beers while watching a ball game on TV. I went home around mid-night and Misty's car was gone.
In the thirty-six e-mails waiting for me the next morning was one from Sweet Cheeks.
"I've been there all along, just waiting for you to notice me."
Attached was a waist down photo from behind of that fantastic ass, those gorgeous legs and the ever present pearl thong. Her e-mail address wasn't an in-house one and, if she were real, I wondered if she accessed it from work during the day. One way to find out I thought and I fired off an e-mail to her.
"If you are waiting for me to notice then you should know you've got my attention. Obviously I don't know who you are so you have to make the next move."
I kept checking my e-mail during that day, but nothing came in from Sweet Cheeks.
Misty's Mustang was in the parking lot at the apartments so I spent another evening eating out, drinking in a sports bar and watching ballgames on TV.
The next morning there was a response from Sweet Cheeks.
"I've been lusting after you since the first time I saw you in the cafeteria. You won't believe some of the fantasies I've had of us. You sitting on a stool in the men's room while I straddle you and take you deep in me. On the large table in the conference room with my legs up on your broad shoulders as you push your hard cock into me. In the copier room, bent forward over the copy machine, skirt up around my waist, panties down around my ankles as you thrust your hard cock into me.
I stood behind you in the elevator last week and just looking at your strong back and thinking of what you could do to me had my pussy so wet that my panties were soaked."
The attached photo was of a very wet pussy and underneath were the words, "See what you do to me?"
I stared at the photo and then sent off a quick reply. "That is nothing compared to what you are doing to me. When are you going to step forward so we can take this to the next level?"
Since I'd received no response during the day to other e-mails I'd sent I assumed that she didn't check her messages until she got home so I didn't expect to hear from her until the next day so I was surprised when there was an e-mail from her at three that afternoon.
"That you want to meet me has my heart pounding and my pussy is wet at just the thought. In fact, the knowledge that you want to meet with me had me so hot I had to sneak off to the ladies room. I took a stall and locked the door. I slid my panties down and removed them and then I attacked my wet pussy. I rubbed my clit with my left hand while working a finger from my right inside. My pussy was hot and wet and I'm so glad I was alone in the room so that my moans weren't heard. Soon I had three fingers plunging into me as far as they would go and as I fingered myself in my mind I saw myself bent over your desk as you thrust your rock hard cock hard and deep into me.
After I put my panties back on I debated walking past your desk, but I was afraid you would smell the desire on me and I don't know if I am ready yet for you to know who I am."
I considered that for the rest of the afternoon and then just before I went home I sent:
"If you aren't ready why did you even start this?"
When I got home I scoped out the parking lot and didn't see Misty's car so for the first night that week I didn't have to eat out. I had just finished washing my dinner dishes when the phone rang. I wiped my hands off with the dish towel and answered it.
"What do you want Misty?"
"You had me Misty, but apparently I wasn't enough."
"That isn't true Rob. I need to talk to you. Can I come over?"
"No Misty, you can't come over. I can't see that we have anything that needs discussing."
"Please Rob, just give me fifteen minutes."
"I don't think so Misty, goodbye."
As I hung up the phone I wondered what she could possibly have wanted to say, but not enough to listen.
Friday's e-mail from Sweet Cheeks said, "I'm ready. I'm just not sure that you are. Are you totally over the slut yet? I want you, but I don't want to catch you on the re-bound where you are just looking for someone so you can prove to yourself that you are still a desirable guy."
I leaned back in my chair and thought about that. I hadn't given that any conscience thought, but did I feel that I was lacking in something? Was Misty's betrayal because I was somehow inadequate? Did I need to prove that I was still a desirable guy? I didn't think so, but then what guy with a normal ego would? Maybe I did need to have that talk with Misty.
The other thought that Sweet Cheek's e-mail provoked was that the e-mail sure didn't sound like something a guy would write. Could I be wrong in thinking that it was a guy I worked with pulling my leg? Was there really a Sweet Cheeks?
I spent a quiet evening at home and went to bed early. When I woke up in the morning I laid in bed staring up at the ceiling and wondering what to do with my two days off. Discounting the prior weekend when I had gone off on my tear I'd not had a weekend alone in almost a ten months.
The weather was good so after breakfast I grabbed my golf clubs and headed for the municipal golf course to see if I could hook up with someone looking to fill out a foursome. I got lucky and managed to play a decent eighteen and the guys I hooked up with said they played every Saturday and Sunday and asked me if I would care to join them and I said I'd love to.
I stopped on the way home and did my grocery shopping for the coming week. When I got to the apartment I saw Misty's Mustang parked there, but this time I couldn't do a u-turn and take off because I had frozen food, including two half gallons of ice cream, that I had to get into the apartment and into the icebox. I parked and started to get the groceries out of my car. I kept one eye on Misty's car expecting her to get out and come over to me. She just sat there. It took me two trips to get everything into the apartment, but Misty never left her car.
I put everything away and then went to the front window and pulled the curtain aside and looked out. Misty was still sitting there. I fixed myself a sandwich for dinner and then sat down in front of the TV and jumped channels for maybe twenty minutes, but I just couldn't get into anything. I got up and went back to the window and looked out to see that Misty was still sitting there in her car.
I went back to the couch and picked up the book I'd been reading, but I couldn't get into it. Every fifteen or twenty minutes I was back at the window looking out and every time the red Mustang was still sitting there. Half a dozen times I had my hand on the door knob, ready to go out there and ask Misty just what the hell was going on, but I knew that is what she wanted so each time I pulled back. I checked one last time before going to bed and she was still there.
In the morning Misty was gone and after fixing myself some breakfast I grabbed my clubs and headed out to meet the guys I had played with on Saturday. Misty was in the parking lot when I got home, but I ignored her and walked right by her car on my way to the apartment. I took a shower, dressed and then called around to see if anything was going on that I would be interested in. My friend Brad steered me to a party at Phil's place and I left the apartment and headed for Phil's.
There were a dozen people there that I knew and I was having a good time. It got better when Betty Jean pulled me into a bedroom, locked the door behind us and then lifted her skirt and took off her thong. I was a little hesitant because she was the girlfriend of a guy I knew. She saw the look on my face and said:
"We both need this Rob. I caught Steve fucking Marsha Meers and you caught Misty. We need to burn the two of them out of our systems even if it is only for one night."
"You are still wearing his engagement ring."
"I'll give it back to him when I tell him I got even with him." She saw the look on my face and quickly said, "I'm not going to tell him with who."
"I love it from behind Robbie" she said as she lifted her skirt and pulled off her panties. She leaned forward over the bed and braced herself with her hands.
"Do me Robbie; do me hard. Fuck me Robbie; fuck me hard and burn the memory of Steve right out of me."
I'd like to say that we did indeed burn our ex's out of our systems, but as hot a fuck as Betty Jean was and as much as I enjoyed it, I couldn't help but think that she didn't even come close to being as good as Misty.
Who was still sitting in my parking lot when I got home at midnight.
I gave up the fight. I walked over to her car and she rolled the window down. "What the hell are you doing Misty?"
"I want to talk to you Rob. I figure if I hang around sooner or later you will give me fifteen minutes of your time."
"Not likely Misty. You know that this could be considered stalking right? I could get a restraining order and if you kept it up I could have you arrested."
"Oh come on Rob. You would have to hire a lawyer, pay court costs for things like filing fees and you would have to waste half a day doing it. You would go to all that trouble just to keep from giving me fifteen minutes?"
"Give it up Misty. By your choice it is over."
I walked away, but an hour later I looked just before I went to bed and she was still there.
There were fifty-one e-mails waiting for me Monday morning when I got to work, but I ignored fifty of them and went straight to the one that said From: Little Miss Sweet Cheeks, Subject: Weekend.
"Did you think about me this weekend? I thought about you - a lot! So much so that I almost wore my poor fingers to the bone."
There was an attached photo of a very wet looking pussy (have I mentioned that Sweet Cheeks is shaved?) and underneath it were the words:
"This is what I look like after a session of thinking of you."
I immediately typed and sent, "I'm ready! Hell, I'm more than ready. Stop tormenting me and let's do it!"
I was about half way through the other fifty e-mails when the little box popped up on the lower right corner of my screen.
"New message in your MSN mailbox from Little Miss Sweet Cheeks Re: Okay."
I clicked on it and read the one word message, "Okay." I thought about sending the reply, "Okay what?" but then decided to just wait and see what Sweet Cheeks would do next. The day flew by as I buried myself in my latest project and at quitting time I joined the exodus toward the elevator. I wasn't paying attention to who was waiting for the elevator when it got there we all crowded in. As it started down I felt a hand on my ass and I turned and saw Brenda Thomas smiling at me. The elevator was too crowded to say anything so I turned to face forward and as I did Brenda gave my butt cheek a little squeeze.
My God! Brenda Thomas! No way I would have even remotely thought of her being Little Miss Sweet Cheeks. But then why would I? I had never seen her in anything but a pants suit and I couldn't ever recall seeing her in a pair of heels and (a dark cloud suddenly appeared as I remembered) she was married!
A hundred thoughts banged around in my head as the elevator slowly descended toward the lobby. Chief among them were the thoughts of why was a married woman lusting after me? Was her husband one of those guys who got off on his wife being with another man? Was he the one who took the photos? Was Brenda one of those women who ran around behind her husbands back? The bottom line was "Did I want to have an affair with a married woman?" and the answer was "No."
As soon as the door opened out onto the lobby I stepped out of the elevator and moved to one side to get out of the way of everyone heading for the front door. Brenda moved next to me and said:
"Very. Tell me, what does a married lady want with me?"
"I'm not married anymore and as far as what do I want from you? How about my chimes rung loud and often. Your place or a motel?"
"Why not your place?"
"The marriage might be over but the kids remain and I don't want to do anything nasty with them and the sitter in the house."
"Are you sure about this?"
"You've seen the photos and read the e-mails so what do you think?"
"You want to ride with me and come back for your car later or are you going to follow me?"
"No need to follow you honey, I know where you live. Come on; race you."
The red Mustang was sitting there when I pulled in and parked. I sat in my car and looked at Misty parked there as I waited for Brenda. When the Expedition pulled in and parked next to me I got out and then holding hands with Brenda I walked by the Mustang and into the apartment. As soon as the door closed Brenda turned to me and gave me a passionate kiss and then she said:
"You have no idea how much I want this. How about no talk for now, just get me into your bedroom. We can talk later."
In the bedroom we both quickly stripped. I was naked first and I stepped forward and started pulling her panties down as she was unhooking her bra. Her panties were soaking wet and I brought them to my nose and sniffed them. The aroma lit my fire and I picked her up and laid her down on the bed. I dove between her legs and pressed my mouth against her dripping pussy. I sucked and licked and shoved my tongue inside her and she pushed her hips up at my face and had an orgasm.
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I'm Teddy Nelsen, currently 29 years old, about 20% legally disabled, married, but not for much longer, and unemployed. Before all this happened, I was a policeman in Harlan, a middle-sized West Virginia town. I was also in the Army Reserves as a Tank Gunner. Like most people during 2002 I read the papers and watched the news at night, so it was no big surprise when my unit got activated during the run-up to the second Gulf war. The orders came down and we were scheduled to leave for a...
Mo spent the bus ride to school trying to work out what was going wrong. There were hardly any Muslims in Luxembourg, for one thing, and most of them weren’t from Pakistan either. The place was FULL of racist unbelievers! Why had his father brought them here? His mother hardly had anyone to talk to either, even after his father had given her permission to go out whenever she liked. It was a bit weird going into school on a Saturday, too, just to meet a pair of white girls and a white guy,...
“Hi,” Mohammad greeted Paul as he arrived in the car park, at just before four o’clock the next day - Tuesday. Mia had texted the plan, after Grace had finally replied “OK” to his fifth apology late last night. The gang would ride out to the junction, then Grace and Paul would go left while Mo and Mia went right, and wait at the first and third junctions each way. Mo knew Mia was keeping him away from Grace. Grace was just bound to have told Mother Hen all about it! Anyway he’d got his new...
Paul had been half afraid of something like this: Mia was flirting with them. Them, plural. Mo and him. “They’re with me,” Mia was even seeing off a girl who’d been dancing a bit close. “See?” she grinned at him and Mo, as the girl moved away to safer territory, “you’re the hottest guys around.” She’d had a few drinks and was looking a bit wild. That would also be why she was calling him hot, he could only guess. She’d got them into a licensed restaurant and now into this club, and was...
Strawberry pancakes and maple syrup! What a thing to have for breakfast! Epic. It was incredibly serious why they were here, but Grace couldn’t help being excited. San Francisco. America. This huge hotel with all glass and so much space, including a huge swimming pool that she’d had a swim in already with Mia. It was true: everything WAS bigger over here. She was looking forward to driving down to Mountain View in their dark red ‘rental’. She played with pronouncing it ‘rennle’ in her head....
There was one big problem of course. “Can you drive?” Mia asked Paul. “Not really,” he gave a little grimace. “But you know about lanes and signs and lights and everything like that? Where we’re supposed to go?” “Yeah I guess so.” “Okay,” Mia was more decisive than ever as the tension rose. “We’ll do it between us. Grace you’re driving, as long as the seat goes forward enough for you. You just work out the controls. It’s an automatic at least. Paul you go in the passenger seat telling...
Grace could only shake her head mutely. How was she supposed to know where she was? Somewhere in Cuba, for some reason. “You’re in Penny Lane,” sneered Boris. He didn’t seem to mind losing his sleep. Grace stared at the box. She had no idea where Penny Lane was, though obviously this wasn’t a lane. “First of all there was Strawberry Fields,” he smirked, “because it was Forever. Forever as in: you never leave. Now there’s Penny Lane, which is kinda down a lane, and luxury believe me, by...
As the door locked behind her Grace turned on the light and burst into tears. Those people! They just had no feelings at all. She could cry, that was okay. Anyone would, after that. In fact it was weird how she hadn’t felt like crying while it was going on ... well Xenia wouldn’t have cared and Boris would’ve got off on it. But she had to not be a victim. Well, she could be a victim, as long as she worked at stopping being a victim. And she wasn’t here as a victim anyway: she was here as a...
Grace turned off the Trackimo, after another five-minute burst, that Mia would see. She’d be in Florida perhaps, looking for a boat. Time to make breakfast. While she ate she went back to watching the TV, with its nice people out there in the ordinary world, who didn’t know what was happening in this secret world, that might change everybody’s lives forever. What could she do? What should she be focusing on? There wasn’t any point focusing on Xenia and Boris, just because they were...
David had been running all his life, about two centuries and a half. He was one of the few immortals who walked the earth. At least he was the only one he knew of, but he had heard stories of others. David had stop aging at the age of 15, his arms and legs had stopped sprouting, and his facial hairs never grew into his baby face. The men chasing him through the alley were government agents. David knew if they captured him he’d awake on a gurney in a secret location where the government would...
I lay next to my wife of 15 years, and admire her beauty as she rests peacefully next to me. I caress her silky smooth hair, and breathe in her intoxicating aroma. I love her deeply, and I thank God for the day I met her. I can still remember that day like it was yesterday. It was a lazy Saturday afternoon, and I was sitting on a field right in my old stomping grounds of College. The sun was out, but it was cloudy enough so that it wasn’t too hot. I was reading a book and halfway through the...
I was driving cross country and had pulled off Interstate-80 in search of something more satisfying than a chain-restaurant meal. I really can’t recall much about Rick’s Café in New Paris, Indiana. But I will never forget the woman I met there. ‘I hate eating alone,’ she said. ‘Don’t you?’ ‘Why not join me?’ I asked, gesturing to the empty chair. Rachel was in her mid-20s. She had pale green eyes, an unruly mane of auburn hair, and a lithe, dancer’s body that turned half the heads in the room...
It has been 15 years since Laura and I married. In that time we have changed careers a number of times but have been consistently lucky in that we never have really wanted for anything. We have also been blessed with both a handsome son and a beautiful daughter. In this time Laura and I have had our ups and downs but we have remained faithful to each other and have somehow remained rather happy in our lives together. Our sex life has remained truly amazing considering the fact that we have...
I was driving cross country and had pulled off Interstate-80 in search of something more satisfying than a chain-restaurant meal. I really can't recall much about Rick's Café in New Paris, Indiana. But I will never forget the woman I met there."I hate eating alone," she said. "Don't you?""Why not join me?" I asked, gesturing to the empty chair. Rachel was in her mid-20s. She had pale green eyes, an unruly mane of auburn hair, and a lithe, dancer's body that turned half the heads in the room as...
Love StoriesIt has been 15 years since Laura and I married. In that time we have changed careers a number of times but have been consistently lucky in that we never have really wanted for anything. We have also been blessed with both a handsome son and a beautiful daughter. In this time Laura and I have had our ups and downs but we have remained faithful to each other and have somehow remained rather happy in our lives together. Our sex life has remained truly amazing considering the fact that we have...
Group SexGrace couldn’t stop thinking about her mum’s terrible fake laugh. She and her mum had been really close since her mum had kicked her dad out. Now it was the two of them, together in the world. Grace’s one remaining parent was her only rock amidst the shifting sands of different countries and homes and schools: her mum’s job was so specialised they just had to go where it took them. Now there was this secret coming between them, and Grace didn’t like it. It was making her feel lonely and...
Mo watched Grace approach, looking excited. ‘Cute’ would be a massive understatement. “What is it?” the little beauty gasped breathlessly, “what have you found out?” “I had to do a bit of burglary,” a touch of exaggeration wouldn’t hurt, to keep that rapt expression fixed on him, “then I used Call History, and the time I overheard him, to track it down. And the guy was in his Contacts so I’ve got his name and even his email. No address though, it wasn’t there.” “So who is he? Where does he...
Mo rode in a fury through the car park after Grace. It was just typical of that brazen Italian bitch hoe that she’d tricked him into saying he already had a bike, so that he’d be the only one on a mountain bike, with its huge, slow knobbly tyres, while everyone else had a road-racing bike. He didn’t even have cleats on his shoes, so he could only push the pedals on the downstroke while the girls could power the upstroke too. They’d pulled that trick on Paul as well, he could see. Well ......
The four members of the gang each rode into school the next morning with different things on their minds. Mo nearly didn’t go into school at all. In fact he nearly didn’t even get out of bed, he felt so bad. But he had to get up or his mother would tell everybody and that would make everything even worse. He kept replaying his imam’s words in his head: ‘Learn from being used’; ‘Why did she do it’? Being used was certainly the worst feeling ever. It made him feel like ... worthless. But what...
“Hello,” the alien replied! It wasn’t a helmet: she had bright pink hair, or red almost, that glittered metallically. It was woven into six tendril-like plaits, shoulder length, three each side. “You speak English!” Grace was shocked. The alien thought a moment before replying slowly: “We learn,” she said, “come in.” She stood back and waved Grace into the little grey house. “Hello,” smiled Grace to the two other aliens - the front door had opened straight into the living room. These...
“Wow you have a big room,” Mo looked round. All kinds of girlie scents flooded his senses, presumably emanating from that big dresser with tiny bottles and makeup things all over it. It was all luxurious. “Well mum and dad both work, you know, and they’re both quite senior I think, so...” “Your mom and dad seemed pretty cool about you having guys in here,” Paul was looking at the bed. Maybe it was left over from previous owners or something? Otherwise what kind of parents would get their...
The next afternoon, Thursday, they were all back in the gloomy, secret little stone house with the aliens, and this time Grace’s mum was there too along with their erstwhile quarry Claude Simon. Grace knew the story, the basics anyway, and was waiting to see what Mia made of it and to hear it from the aliens themselves. Dr Simon had smiled at them, with his longish hair and little beard, and told them to call him ‘Claude’. He was obviously a kind person. He’d said it was rather clever how...
After dinner they were all tired again, and only Claude was allowed in the bar, so they were all retiring to their rooms. Grace had wondered about inviting the others to watch TV in their room, but Mia wasn’t showing any sign of doing that, so she didn’t. She suspected Mia would be wanting her to try on her new pyjamas, since she’d actually said how she was looking forward to it! They were shorts and a short-sleeved jacket; plain sky blue, but in a faux silk that was very thin and soft. On a...
By dinner time Claude had sent Cyan the login, and it was mission accomplished: Cyan would be installing her space-age virus and stopping the transmission that might have been guiding the bad guys to Earth. The meal was a celebration. Later on though, lying cuddling on the bed with Mia, Grace found herself replaying the meal, and wondering if Claude had been quite as joyful as the rest of them. “Do you think it’s really the end?” she asked. “I don’t know. Probably, why not?” Mia was...
In the morning Grace came down for breakfast, with Mia, having talked it over and cooled down a bit. Her mum shouldn’t have to have her permission to start dating again, should she? It was understandable she was nervous about telling her and had put it off. And she herself liked Claude too, so it was quite natural from that point of view and it wasn’t for her to be jealous and spoil it. She’d ask her mum about it and her mum would explain and it would all be okay. And having a dad again could...
“Okay,” Mia indicated the agents. “Let’s get their guns and wallets and radios, and dump them at the top.” “They might die,” Grace objected, as she struggled into her robe. She was afraid one of them was dead already, at least. She was trying not to think about it. Mia was hunting through the pockets of the one who’d shot Mo. She pulled out something from his ear. “Okay we’ll use one of their radios to tell them. They must know it’s gone wrong already.” They took the lift to the top,...
“Why do you want a tracker?” asked Mia. “We can’t find my mum by looking, can we?” “But we can’t plant a tracker on the agents,” Paul pointed out, “they’d notice even if we could get close enough somehow.” “I don’t like the look of that,” Mia was looking at a big off-roader that had come up on their left side. Grace made herself not look. “What is it?” “Big SUV,” said Paul, “Ford Explorer. Gray. Two guys in it, same type as in the lift - big, open shirts, and looking a bit serious....
They were parked outside Radio Shack in Vacaville, with three freshly purchased Trackimos, all on charge in the nice modern rental’s USB ports. Mia was searching for a ‘clinic’... “Okay, this looks perfect: ‘Vacaville Urgent Care. Special pricing for cash-paying customers. New patients can register quickly and conveniently.’ We have to ring, but then we can go straight there.” Half an hour later Grace had a new backpack with some essentials in. Her gun was in the backpack, with one tracker,...
“How are you feeling?” Grace asked Mo, over their second coffee. It was the third time she’d asked. “Okay thanks,” Mo smiled. “Thanks to you.” “I didn’t do anything.” “I know what you did.” “I helped get you shot, and now I’m helping you get captured. Are you sure you won’t go back and be with the others?” “I’m not going to leave you on your own.” “Okay. Thanks.” Grace smiled into his eyes and gave his hand a squeeze. “Perhaps we should go out and walk a bit? They might not want to come...
After a few minutes the joggling ride became rougher and the jeep slowed down. In another three or four minutes it stopped, started again, and stopped. The driver switched off the engine and it went quiet. Lights came on outside. Boris got out, opened the back door, grabbed Grace and hauled her out by her elbow, so roughly that she’d have fallen except that he held her up. For a couple of seconds she dangled completely off the ground, at an angle, while Boris showed off his strength and...
The next day Grace woke to the sound of boots scrunching past on the path. She slipped her robe on and got to the window in time to see Cyan and Emerald being taken along past her cottage towards the interrogation building. They looked tiny and scared, next to the burly soldiers, in orange overalls that were far too big, with the sleeves and legs rolled up. She had breakfast and her shower, before settling on the bed to watch for the aliens being brought back. But when they were, at almost...
Paul turned the wheel hard towards the cigarette boat and opened the throttles, doing a U turn as though he’d forgotten something. The powerboat whipped round in a tight semicircle. He didn’t see Mia being thrown off the left side of the cockpit surround behind him, where she’d been sitting. Claude was next to him, and didn’t see either. Mia crashed into the water upside down. It took her a few seconds to get upright, and by that time the boat was 30 or 40 metres away with the engines...
Claude hadn’t realised it would be so violent. It had been impossible to be below or even think straight, while they’d been crashing up and down at eighty miles an hour into the swell and wind, with the engines bellowing. And for ten hours, nearly! The kids had thought it was great of course, even with half of it being in the dark - rocketing into pitch black relying on the radar, and gambling there wouldn’t be a rogue wave. Luckily the sea had been a little calmer than forecast. The one...
Grace gave her mum a big squeeze, before freeing herself so she could focus. “Mia is coming,” she told her, “and Paul and Claude, to get us out. We need to be ready, with a plan. An escape plan. She mustn’t come and find us not ready.” “How do you know she’s coming? ... Oh! Grace! You didn’t seriously get yourself captured on purpose? And go through that...” “It was the only way. And I had three trackers, I kept one secret, so Mia won’t go to the others wherever they are, she’ll come...
Rose had understood Google Maps straight away - in fact she probably thought it was quite primitive - so luckily Grace had been able to just drive the humvee and go where Rose pointed. It could probably go literally anywhere, by the feel of it, but there were dusty tracks to follow, that were just about wide enough. So now they were at the little cove between Blind Beach and Blue Beach, where hopefully Mia and the others were going to pick them up, probably the following night. It wasn’t that...
Shit! Grace watched a yacht deciding to come and sail almost into their cove. A big catamaran with white sails. Were they allowed to? Grace had been assuming the US military would be keeping everyone away; but perhaps not, or not straight away? She’d better get dressed anyway, though her orange overalls weren’t exactly the best camouflage and they probably made her look exactly like an escaped prisoner! She stepped into her panties, left her bra to save time, slipped on her tee and struggled...
Late night, middle of nowhere on a deserted back road. Todd is late on delivery with a pizza and getting really tired. It has been storming pretty for more than an hour. After driving a little longer, he finally sees a place and sure enough it looks like it. It's a pretty big place with three stories and an electric fence surrounding everything. It's obvious as he looks around, that the owner, a woman by the name of Chrissie, is very wealthy. Todd gets out and rings the communication buzzer and...
She MalesThe story I’m about to share was such an incredible experience and it actually happened to me and my wife about four months ago. We have been married for over twenty years. She is forty-two and still looks absolutely amazing. She is five-feet-three-inches tall, a thin-framed brunette, about one hundred and twenty pounds, with an amazing ass, always shaved pussy and small perky tits. Even at forty-two, her body is like a twenty-year-old. Lately, we’ve been trying a few things that we...
TrueI really didn't get it. In fact, I figured I must be abnormal in some way. I'd cried Sunday night out in the hayloft after I'd watched and waved as Joanne left for the airport. In fact, I cried most of the night. In the morning I took Joanne's blanket into the house with me and moved back into my room. Monday morning, Rhonda showed up for breakfast at 6:30 after delivering her papers and I realized how much I loved that crazy girl. But there was nothing sexual about it. I realized the...
Bianca always asks for that extra ten minutes to get ready to go out. Give me ten minutes with my love and... You know she takes forever to get ready. “Give me ten minutes okay,” you heard Bianca say and that was twenty minutes ago. She always looks sensational, smells good enough to eat before you get out the door. You have hooked into her in party room toilets because you just couldn’t wait to get her back home. She is so goddamn tempting in any sultry, slinky, fashionable,...
LoveTrue story of a Stag and Vixen couple decide to pursue a shared interracial fantasy of wife and BBC encounter. Both discover that stamina is more important than size. It happens more often than some people think. A young white couple’s fantasy of a well endowed black man joining them in bed. Most leave it as fantasy, but some pursue it to reality. That’s what we did. Mandy and I had been together for two years. Our sex life was on fire. Incredible sex, often twice a day. Neither of...
InterracialMany thanks to Dennis for editing this story. Six minutes is a short time in most matters. Though nothing at all happened to me during these six minutes between two trains at a train station those six minutes was time enough to turn my happy marriage to a real hullabaloo. At least I thought that it was a happy marriage, as my lovely wife had never told me any different. ; I thought that both of us could agree about that, but how wrong I was. My pretty wife Ann-Christine's twin sister lived...
Hello! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for u! Are u enjoying them or not? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. as you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. it is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts from...
LesbianPart 7 - “Thirty Minutes” If you want more chapters, vote and comment. I am heavily influenced by what readers think of my stories and how they should follow. This is a fictional dark fantasy story that contains romance and some vanilla parts to it, but mainly consists of blackmail, rape, violence, and it has extreme contents. I don't condone or partake in any of the actions portrayed here. ***THIS STORY CONTAINS FICTIONAL RAPE, BLACKMAIL, VIOLENCE, AND EXTREME CONTENTS. READ...
My girlfriends best friend Gaby invited us to her parents Super Bowl party. It had been a real good first half an actual game worth watching for once. Her friends parents couldn't have been nicer a very nice Italian family, and from what I could see her friends mom Antonia couldn't have been hotter. Even in her late 40s she still managed to look ten times sexier than her daughter. She even dressed young and looked good in it. She had on a red and black jersey styled shirt that showed off...
4 cocks sucked in 22 minutes.Dogging Texas style. We have been meeting with guys and gals at a park near Three Rivers Texas. The last time we were there at the park we noticed the local Sheriff was coming around about every 20 minutes or so at dusk checking the east end of the park where we had been meeting.We have been betting on the baseball games and I lost so my husband bet me that I could not suck of 4 cocks in 20 minutes at the park without getting caught by the Sheriff. My husband...
This one is a quickie (for me). After last week's stinker where I had the audacity to put two fictional characters back together, I wanted to do something safe. It also gave me time to start on next week's long weird Halloween story. Thanks as usual to Mikothebaby for her editing prowess. Without her this story would probably be all commas.SS06 I wish I could say that I work hard at my job. Well ... I can, but I don't like lying. I'm a CNC programmer and a good one. I can go anywhere in...
Captain Crowley simply congratulated me on making it through SWAT and then told me that I needed to call CBS in New York. He gave me a phone number and told me to let him know what was going on. For my mind, I was basically done with publicity. The Army had mustered me out a second time, so they couldn’t order me back to New York, and if 60 Minutes wanted to do something on the MPD, they had to come to us in any case. The call went smoothly. Now that I was home from the Academy, CBS felt...
Sunday, September 23, 2018 We had a quiet Labor Day weekend. The weather had been warm, dry, and sunny the entire weekend and we spent it goofing off with the kids and taking them out on the pontoon boat. My parents put their boat in the water and came over as well. The amusing part was that rather than go home at night, they just tied up to the dock and slept on the boat a couple of nights. Well, if the boat is rocking, don’t come knocking. Kelly and I had been known to do the same sort of...
This is another true story from my three-month affair. I am at work and I get a text.... "I am picking you up at your office in 10 minutes to suck on your beautiful cock." I respond back, "I am in a meeting. Can't." Her response, "9 minutes. Make it work." I fake a phone call to get out of the meeting and send a text to my boss, telling him that my alarm went off at home and the police have been called. I am downstairs and in her car in 10 minutes. We drive to a secluded park nearby. She...
Quickie SexTen days to 10 minutes. This stag & vixen couple discover that sometimes size doesn’t matter, but STAMINA most certainly does! It happens more often than some people think. A young white couple’s fantasy of a well endowed black man joining them in bed. Most leave it as fantasy, but some pursue it to reality. That’s what we did. Mandy and I had been together for two years. Our sex life was on fire. Incredible sex, often twice a day. Neither of us could get enough of the other. Since...