10 Minutes free porn video

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Hello! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for u! Are u enjoying them or not? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. as you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. it is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts from here. It takes a little more effort when you get to 32 to keep the body you want. I remember eating anything I wanted to a decade ago, but now that just doesn’t work. To stay in shape I swim early in the morning at my favorite beach, and then twice a week I go for a run in the evening, when the sun is going down and the air is cool. Besides keeping my stomach flat, I treasure these times most of all for the clarity they bring to my mind. When I’m in stride, it’s hard to worry about the day’s little problems.

My little adventure started at mile 3. That’s where the sidewalk loops around a hedge and merges with a path from the opposite direction. I turned the corner and was immediately faced with a sight to behold. She was jogging in a pair of tiny red running shorts that hung so low on her hips you knew she shaved part of herself. On top she was adorned with a charcoal gray athletic bra that her bosom filled out nicely. She was taller than me – maybe 5’9″ or 5’10” – and had her long black hair in a ponytail that bounced with each step. Her body was long and lean and yet curved. These were all the details I could catch as I ended up a couple steps ahead of her on the path. I kept jogging, but my sweat-induced meditation was broken, because all I was thinking of now was her. I wanted to look again, but didn’t want to blatantly turn my head and stare. I just continued running, hearing her footsteps behind mine and feeling her presence. I wondered if she was even looking at me. Was I worth looking at in my dark blue athletic shorts? Would she notice my flat stomach exposed by my short t-shirt? Or was she looking up my legs to my rear, watching it moves beneath the fabric? I knew the answer was “no”. After all, the chances of her also being a lesbian were low, and I was about 10 years older than her to boot.

I finally turned my head slowly to see her again. As I did, she looked me right in the eyes and smiled, not 3 feet behind me. I turned my head back immediately, my cheeks turning crimson. She had caught me checking her out. She was just running along, listening to the I-Pod strapped to her right arm, and she’d gotten caught behind an older woman whom she was too polite to pass and who was eyeing her. I didn’t turn my head again and decided to run a little faster. I don’t know why I sped up. Was it to get away from her? Maybe I wanted to show I could still hang with her 22 year old body. For whatever reason I did it, I could still hear her behind me. Her long legs were taking fewer steps than mine, but they didn’t seem to be getting any further away or closer. I sped up again. My legs were beginning to feel a slight burn as I lifted my knees higher, moving faster down the sidewalk. I could feel more sweat on my body being met by the cool air breezing past. My t-shirt was getting damp; my breaths were deeper, more controlled. However, my body kept up the pace, and the feeling of the surprising power tingled through me. Yeah, I still had it.

But I could still feel her footsteps. In fact, they sounded closer than before. She must be right there. Right at my hip. I sped up again. The pace was now beginning to take real effort. My mind and body began to focus. I spoke inwardly to myself. Breathe. Keep your body relaxed. Feel your feet hitting the pavement. But her footsteps echoed in my mind. I finally turned my head to find her not one pace behind me. She was just as beautiful as I was imagining her. She grinned at me and then suddenly put on a burst of speed, pulling even with me. So that’s how it was going to be?! I sped up too, keeping pace with her. We were both breathing hard. “Race you to the fountain,” she threw at me in one breath, and then took off, leaping ahead of me. Well, fuck. I wasn’t going to be outdone that easily! I shifted my body into overdrive and we were flying. I hadn’t run so fast in years. Not with such delight. And I was immediately next to her again, actually pulling ahead. She looked at me, this time not with a smile as much as shock, and sped up too, finally putting her true abilities to the test. We were running side-by-side as fast as we could down the track. Soon it was hard to tell who was ahead though, as we had to dodge people, getting around the stroller, the woman with the small dog. I was going as fast as I possibly could.

My body felt so alive. My blood rushed through my body warming me before the cool air cooled me back down. But in the back of my mind was always her. I was going to give her everything I had. Wipe that smile off her face. Oh, but what a smile it was and how beautiful she looked when she wore it. The fountain was in sight now. My lungs and heart were beginning to tire. After all, it was a mile to the fountain from her challenge and we weren’t pacing it. We came together again on the sidewalk still side by side. I stole a glance at her, and she was completely focused. I wanted to bump her, not so I could win, but so I could touch her. I got my mind quickly off of her and back on winning. There’s a time to think with your heart and a time to let your mind get what your heart wants. Everything else faded. I just saw the fountain ahead and heard her deep full breaths next to me. I concentrated on my legs and just moved them a little faster than I thought I could. The fountain was almost there. She was right by me. Faster. Just a little faster… I heard the sound of the water, the sound of her breath. Almost. . . there. . . Move it, M-Y! Slap! My hand touched the concrete of the fountain. I had won. Wow, I had won!!

“I can’t believe you beat me!” she yelled. I didn’t answer. I just walked in circles trying to get my breath back. Damn, my body was bursting. My lungs had never worked so hard, but I hadn’t felt so elated in months.

“I can’t believe you beat me!” she yelled again, trying to regain her voice between deep breaths. “You’re amazing.” Deep breaths. I knew I wasn’t supposed to, but I couldn’t help but grin.

“I’ve never run so hard,” she continued. “My body is burning up.”

“Same here,” I replied. What an idiot. My first words to this angel were “same here”?

“When you sped up the second time in front of me…” she paused for a deep breath. “I just had to race you. I was sure I was going to win.”

“Why’s that?” I asked.

“Leg length. Long legs,” she explained, kicking them out to explain. “And I run everyday.”

“I really wanted to win.” I was still walking, my lungs beginning to relax.

“I can tell.” She extended her hand and smiled again. Oh, that smiles. “Congratulations.”

“Thanks. And thanks for daring me. I haven’t run like that in years.”

She laughed. “You’re welcome. I’m just kind of competitive.”

“I’m not. Usually.”

“Why so competitive this time?”

I blushed, unable to think of an answer I dared confess. She looked even better now. Little beads of sweat covered her lean body. I wanted to watch them glide down her smooth, muscled abdomen. Oh, how the water reflected the sun on her golden skin. “I don’t know,” I said, turning redder again. She looked at me and her cheeks became pink as well. “You’re amazing,” was all she said. Was she checking me out? Her eyes seemed to wander along my legs. I couldn’t blush any harder at this point. “I’m Susana. Susana Kim,” she said.


There was that look again I’ve been hit on enough to catch the glances, but I knew there was no chance I had just gotten in a race with the world’s hottest lesbian. I bottled up the hopes and pushed them back down. Instead, I merely pointed at the sidewalk to indicate I wanted to keep walking with her.

“Do you jog here a lot?” she asked.

“Twice a week.”

“Four times here, but usually mid-morning. I had to change times today.”

I looked up to see the red glow of a sunset as the sun disappeared behind the mountains to the west. The surfers were packing their boards up to call it a night. I loved this time. “Isn’t it too hot then?”

“I like the sun on my skin.”

And my tongue? I wanted to ask, but kept silent. I finally got out, “Do you go to the University?”

“Graduated a couple of years ago, which was a bit early. You?”

“10 years ago.”

She seemed to stumble a little. “What? At 15?”

“Very funny.”

“No really.”

“At 22.”

“Huh. I was debating if you were 25 or 26 when I was running behind you.”

“You’re very kind,” I managed.

“Maybe you just have a great ass.”

I couldn’t help but raise my eyebrows at that. She saw my expression and giggled. “Oh well! I knew you’d be straight, but I had to test it. Don’t take offense.”

My heart started thumping. And I thought it was beating hard when I was running! That was nothing compared to this. When running, I made my mind focus on the task at hand. But now, when my angel was hitting on me, I couldn’t think clearly at all.

I lowered my head and then quietly said, “Actually, I’m not.”

She stopped in her tracks and turned to me. I just looked up at her with my hands on my knees still breathing. She seemed to be searching my eyes for something. I watched a droplet of sweat roll along the curve of her neck.

“Not what?” she asked. I don’t think she believed what I’d said.

“I’m not straight,” I told her simply, raising my hands from my knees and walking beside her.

“Huh,” she said and without a further word we started walking again.

“Does that surprise you?” I asked.

“I just don’t trust my luck,” she returned.

“We just met.”

“I know.”

“I love those red shorts, by the way,” I said and felt my eyes twinkle with mischief.



“When you were running ahead of me, I absolutely hated your shorts.”

I looked at my plain blue cotton running shorts that stopped about mid-thigh. She was right. They were kind of boring.

“Yeah, they were in the way of what I really wanted to look at,” she finished.

Oh my, I thought. This was her second mention of my cute rear already. Maybe swimming was helping me out more than I realized.

“You’re very forward,” I replied.

“I know.” She actually sounded a bit chastened. This woman was a really curious mix of self-confidence and sensitivity. “It gets me in trouble a lot.”

I took her hand in mine. “I like it.”

We walked in silence for a minute hand-in-hand. I felt drops of sweat from our arms periodically slide over our fingers and on to the sidewalk below. After a bit she quietly asked, “Are you seeing anyone?”

“No,” I answered and felt my voice break. I could sense our hands slowly caressing one another, unable to stop our bodies from touching. “You?” I asked.


We continued walking. Our blood was pumping through our bodies, heating us up. I love good exercise. Our hands began to wander more. Her hand would grasp mine as if she intended to not let it move, but then it would move beyond her control and touch the slip of stomach that my top didn’t cover. My hand also moved of its own accord along her back before I took it away again. But when the hands were together, they kept sliding up and down one another, unable to stay still.

“Where are you going now?” she asked.

“Car lot by the beach. You?”


“Oh. That’s just past, right?”


I noticed our breathing getting shallower. The tension between the two of us was becoming unbearable.



“I’m leaving the islands next week. Grad school at Berkeley.”

I closed my eyes, not letting the information overwhelm me. There goes another one, I thought.

“Unless you don’t want me to go,” she continued. I froze. In her sexual excitement, she was willing to give up Berkeley to pursue something with me, a woman she had just met. It was crazy! This was just lust, wasn’t it? It wasn’t logical for it to be anything more. I tried to calm the thoughts running through my mind. It was my job to be the older one here; to tell her what was proper. I took both her hands in mine and leaned forward to kiss her lips tenderly. Our lips brushed against one another, warm and inviting. I felt her breath on my face as I moved my head back from the soft kiss.

“I feel the same way,” I answered, “but you must go. It’s not just feelings. There’s all sort of other things in our lives we have to think about. I would be devastated to take you away from that. I am guessing it is something you have been working towards for years.” She put her head down slowly. “I won’t ask that of you,” I insisted. We started walking again. The sun was down now and fewer people were around. The heat of the day was gone, but I felt no relief at the moment, because my heart was on fire. She leaned over as we walked and kissed the side of my face. “We have a week though.”

I smiled. “Yes, we do.”

“That’s 188 hours.”

“Mmm,” I agreed. “I won’t calculate the minutes.”

“It’s a lot.”

“Yes, it is.” Almost grinning now.

“You can do a lot in a week.”

“You can do a lot in an hour with the right person.”

“I have an hour right now,” she said clutching my hand tight.

“I’ve got as many hours as you can give me,” I let her know.

“I’ve wanted you since I saw your cute little butt in front of me.” Her delightful aggressiveness was back.

“I thought you were a dream when you came around that corner.”

“I have an idea,” she said, pulling me towards the beach. I followed happily, not sure what she had in mind, but if she had any one of the thousands of ideas I had right then, then I was about to be the happiest woman on the planet. Half way there she stopped and unlaced her running shoes. I copied her and soon we were barefoot, walking, then skipping, then running hand in hand through the grass to the beach. We hit the beach laughing. I pulled her into the ocean, the cool water lapping at our ankles and then turned to her again. Our lips met and this time there was no hesitation only passion. Passion that we only had a week. Passion that we had just met. Passion that what we had hoped for on first sight was becoming reality. We held each other’s hands, as our lips tasted one another, as if we might explore the other person’s heart by exploring their bodies. After several minutes we pulled back. I wanted her more than anything, but as I looked around, there were still many tourists along the beach. My dream of making love to her on the sand would have to wait. She saw me looking at the interfering tourists and smiled. “Remember, I had an idea. Follow.”

She led me a little ways down and then began to ascend the steps of one of the orange lifeguard stations. The steps lead up to a flat second floor where the lifeguard would sit to watch the swimmers. Behind that flat area were two doors not three feet tall that closed off a small space behind it that was semi-private. It wasn’t locked and Susana pulled me into the little room.

“People can see us,” I told her.

“Not if we lay on the floor,” she responded with a grin and lay back on to the wooden planks, holding her arms out for me. I looked out to see some people strolling a little ways away. I wasn’t really an exhibitionist! Then I looked down at her looking up at me hopefully, and there was no way I was passing this up. I descended to the floor on top of her and our lips met again. This time we kissed in earnest. Her mouth was wider than mine and she covered me with it. I searched for her tongue, finding it and taking it into my mouth sucking it into me. Oh what heaven. I felt her tongue moving against my lips moving from side to side. I ran my fingers through her hair as I sucked her mouth, and then our tongues met and wrestled again for victory. I quickly licked her face with my tongue, licking the sweat from her silken skin, tasting her, letting the salty feel of her linger on my tongue. I was still staring at her golden face, when she too attacked me with her mouth. We started to struggle over that would lick the other’s skin next. I wanted to giggle as our competitive spirit came alive again in this new fashion. Our hot breath mingled in the small space between us. I could feel the air from her body dallying around my mouth, nostrils, and eyes before I breathed it inside of me, taking a further piece of her into me. We grinned as we both tried to dodge the other’s tongue in order to lick our partner’s face. I went for her nose when she got me on the chin. She got her tongue on one of my eyelids and laughed at my reaction. But while her happy voice rang out, I made my move and got a tickling lick on each side of her mouth. She touched at the places I had licked with her hands, while still smiling at me. All I could see was her smile and her shining white teeth. She suddenly grabbed my head so I couldn’t move and then moved her face up to lick my forehead.

“Hey, no fair!” I complained. And then I saw her inviting neck and covered it with my mouth, licking her salty skin, still covered in sweat. She moaned lightly at this new sensation. “Never mind,” I said as I continued to run her tongue around her neck.

“Oh, I am so gonna make you orgasm first,” she claimed.

You can never hear that too much, I thought.

“Oh, really?” I said, and pulled her ear lobe between my lips, at the same time placing my hand between her thighs, rubbing lightly. She let out a squeak and then her breaths became very shallow as I continued rubbing her through those tiny red running shorts. The first sensation was the slickness of the material. The second was the feel of her outer labia through the fabric. Then after just a second, it was the slow warmth emanating from her, seeping into my hand. She was hot, steaming. I started to notice the smell in the air from her. I closed my eyes, smelling the sex, smelling her body, a body that was excited about, of all things, me. Soon, she recovered enough to say, “Uh huh, I am,” and pushed her hand down my own shorts, finding my pussy under the soaked panties. I gasped as her fingers pressed against my wet insides and said, “We shouldn’t do too much.” Both of us were breathing hard as we touched each other. “I’m very loud,” I explained. “I say things I shouldn’t.”

She started licking around my ear now, as she rubbed my panties into me. “Well, then, this time, be quiet, or we’ll have to put something in your mouth.”

I pushed away from her and sat up so that I was straddling her hips. I took the hand that had been touching me and pulled it up to my face. “Something like this?” I asked and sucked three of her fingers into my mouth. Her face took on the loveliest little pout that said, “Oh, I didn’t expect something that good” and watched me, as I licked up and down her fingers.

“Talk about hot,” she said, closing her eyes and concentrating on the warm feel of my mouth on her fingers. “That run, you, and now this.” I said nothing and only licked her palm with my tongue and then began to nibble down her arms until my body was folded over hers, our breasts touching. “C’mon here,” she said and started kissing me again.

When we started kissing, her arms were wrapped around me, holding me tight, but after a little while I felt her hands beginning to creep around my body with more purpose. They slid along my back on the exposed skin and then underneath my shirt, pushing the fabric up as they moved so that soon my entire back was exposed to the sea air. On one side of me was her warm, soft body, beckoning me closer; on the other a cool ocean breeze was trying to make my skin erupt in goose bumps. Her fingers traced along my spine and then in circles, but they weren’t satisfied yet. She slid them down my back, as we kept kissing, to my rear, slipping under my shorts and under my panties, cupping and squeezing me in both hands.

“I want you like I haven’t wanted anyone,” she exclaimed and suddenly pushed my panties and shorts down my hips so that 2/3 of my ass was in the open. Then her fingers were slipping between my cheeks. It felt so good.

“If you are gonna do that, get that bra of yours off,” I told her in response. She nodded and pushed me up and off of her. I sat in this small, public lifeguard station with my shorts bunched around the top of my thighs and my shirt over my breasts, and watched her begin to strip. She sat up and pulled the sweat-covered gray athletic bra over her head, revealing her full bosom that I had noticed at first glance. I couldn’t believe I was with someone with a body like this. My eyes walked up her long legs that reached towards me, over her curved hips, in towards her long perfectly shaped abs, up to her full breasts with dark, brown, wide nipples that were erect and waiting for me, and finally up her long neck to her soft wet lips that I had been exploring for the last while. And she was smart and playful to go with it. Damn. Of course, with a body like that she could’ve had me if she was a royal bitch. I was twice lucky, I guess I saw that she was watching me with that little naughty smile of hers. She pointed at my t-shirt. “Off.”

I quickly tossed my t-shirt and bra to the side and began crawling towards her. But she wagged her finger from side to side at me and teased, “Not yet….” Her finger moved down and pointed at the shorts hanging at the bottom of my hips. I looked at them bunched around me, my black pubes just poking out, then back at her.

“You first,” I said and then leaped forward grabbing her tiny shorts and yanking them down her body and off those long legs. She had on a pair of light pink cotton panties underneath them that were soaked through in the crotch. I stared at her for a bit, and not taking my eyes off her, pulled my shorts and panties off, pushing them away with my feet.

“You’re amazing,” she said.

“Shhh…” I replied and pointed at the open space not two feet above our heads. “That’s the third time you’ve said that today,” I whispered to her, crawling naked towards her. “I think you like me,” and as I said this I indicated her wet panties. She looked at herself and smiled again. Then she began pushing the panties down those forever legs as she said, “I’ve been that way since I saw you.”

“Oh, really?” I asked teasingly.

“Yeah. Watching your tight buns in those shorts and the muscles in those slim legs. I was moist in seconds.”

I loved talk like this. “That’s very naughty of you,” I replied.

“Mmm. Maybe you should come a little closer and see what I do when I really like someone.”

I crawled to her and slid my body up the length of hers, our two wet sweaty bodies sliding with ease against one another. I stopped when my lips were just an inch from hers.

“Don’t move,” she whispered. Then she started to wiggle down my body underneath me on my hands and knees until my right breast dangled above her mouth. “Don’t you ever move,” she said again and her tongue came out. She began circling my breast, licking around it over and over, then spiraling up to my nipple. My nipples were harder than I had seen them in a long, long time, and she took advantage of the fact. Her little tongue came out and started licking back and forth across it. What a woman I was with. Her tongue flicked back and forth along each nipple and she ran her fingernails along my sides. I let out a moan before I could stop myself.

“Shhh,” she reminded me, then suddenly sucked my breast into her mouth. I closed my eyes and just concentrated on the feel of her mouth on my breast. It became harder and harder to be quiet with every move of her tongue. She bit lightly on the other nipple before sucking it in to her delicious mouth as well. Then she was kissing down my stomach. Her tongue entered my navel, exploring each part of me. This has always turned me on, and I could feel the wetness in my pussy growing and growing.

“I am gonna make you feel soooo good, Susana,” I moaned as she inched further down, kissing the soft black hairs.

“I know, M-Y,” she said, matter of factly.

“No, you don’t,” I replied. “10 Minutes. Gonna show you some spots on your body that you’ve never dreamed of. You’ve never wanted to scream from someone licking your hip. 10 minutes from now.”

Did I hear her gulp?

But she just said, “Is that so?” and pushed my thighs wider apart.

“Uh-huh,” was all I could get out.

“That’s very” and here she kissed my labia once then twice and continued, “intriguing, M-Y.”

“Oh wow,” I moaned and my head collapsed on the floor so that only my ass was high in the air, straddling this goddess’s face.

“You like that,” she said and slipped her tongue inside my lips, licking back and forth slowly. I let out a moan again.

“Shhhh,” she said and pulled my pussy lips apart with her hand. A single wet finger started to trace around the inner and outer lips.

“You are such a tease,” I told her.

“No, I’m not,” she said. “Cause I am so gonna eat you out.”

I almost came as soon as she said it. The muscles in my thighs began quivering and I think I whimpered.

“Oh, M-Y,” she moaned up to me, seeing how close I was, how hot she had made me barely touching me. “I really hope you are multi-orgasmic,” and as soon as she said this, she pulled me hard onto her face and her tongue pushed into me. I cried out before I could stop myself. I knew I had to be quieter, so I pushed my forearm into my mouth, trying not to bite myself. She didn’t “shhhh” me this time. Her full concentration was on making me scream. In and out, her tongue moved, the top of her face and her nose sliding against my clit in a perfect rhythm. I rubbed myself against her, totally out of control. She seemed to be alternating between fucking me with her tongue all bunched up and licking up and down my folds. It was so hard to tell what she was doing, I only know how it felt, and all I can say is that she won this competition. I was gonna cum first. With a muffled cry into my arm I was cumming and cumming hard. The muscles in my body were all contracting at once, while my legs collapsed under me. I could feel the muscles around my pussy squeezing again and again. It was like electricity was shooting from my clitoris throughout my body, rendering me helpless. But as my body lost control, I felt her trying to prop me up, get my knees under me again, pushing my body to a position she needed it in. “Hold on, M-Y, I’m not done yet.”

I wanted to cry. I didn’t know if I could handle more of the best thing I had ever experienced. I felt her lips sucking one of my labia, pulling it into her mouth. I think that’s what it was. I wish I could see her. And then it was the other lip. I took my arm from my mouth to see if I had teeth marks from trying to contain myself. I did, but I hadn’t broken my skin. Suddenly, her mouth broke contact with me. I heard another “shhhh” from between my thighs. “People outside are close,” she whispered up to me. I listened without moving and did hear a couple voices. Sounded like a couple. Were they walking past, as I hoped, or lingering? How close were they? It seemed they were talking about their flight over. Bumpy. But as I listened to them, Susana started again. Her tongue was licking up and down the length of my pussy, from my clit down to my ass and back, again and again. I was being eaten out while people discussed their in-flight movie near me. What had I gotten myself into? Susana’s lips curled around my clit, sucking it, and I didn’t care anymore. I immediately muffled myself in my arm again and did everything I could not to make a peep. Was I gonna cum again while some woman I had never seen complained about the layover at LAX? Would she hear the floorboards squeaking as Susana worked under me? Would this woman hear the laps of Susana’s tongue on my soaking pussy? The sloppy, slashing sounds of our sex? Susana didn’t seem to care.

I cared, but I couldn’t stop. I didn’t want this to ever stop. I was close, and just in time the voices started fading, passing away from our stand. Susana was sucking my clit now. Constant, repeated, gentle pleasures that mounted on one another inside me. The woman knew what she was up to. Again. Again. More and more. Her long arms were wrapped around my ass, holding me down. Her warm mouth between my legs. Her soft lips on my little nub. She was so beautiful. So beautiful. Oh god. Oh god. I didn’t deserve. Fuck. Fuck. Oh. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. More. More. Let me speak, I wanted to cry out. I wanted. I wanted. Fuckkkk!! My body flew over the edge twice as hard as before. My pussy walls were clenching; my thighs quivered. I fell hard into the floor, losing control of my body, collapsing on my angel. I heard an almost animal groan coming from my mouth into my arm as I came and came. My mound was soaking wet. Oh wow I rolled over on to the floor, my eyes closed, and my mouth still biting on to my forearm. Aftershocks kept hitting me and my hips would pulse upwards. I felt her hand tracing my stomach and without looking or opening my eyes, I shook my head, taking my arm from my mouth. “Please” I struggled to breathe. “Let me” Breath. “Come back to earth.”

Ohhhhhh. What had she done to me? Eventually, my heart slowed. I hadn’t opened my eyes, but I could feel her lying next to me, not touching me as I had asked.

“Thank you,” I said still out of breath.

She didn’t say anything for a second. Then she quietly whispered, “You’re welcome.” I smiled. What else do you say? Did she think I was a freak, coming like that? I slowly opened my eyes and saw something I will never forget. Her head was next to mine raised up by her elbow on the ground. She was looking at me with an emotion in her eyes I had never seen in another, but I had felt it before. It’s how I used to look at my old partner before she left, when I thought the world had stopped for me. There was a tear rolling down her cheek, rolling through all the wetness on her face that I knew came from inside my body. I looked at her. Could I honor this emotion? Was I strong enough? Had Susana’s heart chosen wisely? Where was she coming from that she could feel like this so quickly? About me?

“I lied to you,” I said.

Her breath seemed to catch. Her cheeks turned crimson. I wondered what she thought I was going to say. Had her eyes gone to my hand looking for a ring?

“I told you 10 minutes.”

“10 minutes?” she asked.

“I said in 10 minutes I’d show you spots you never knew you had.”

“I remember.”

I kissed her forehead, looked at her, and then kissed her cheek, a cheek covered in sweat and tears and the moisture that came from inside me.

“It’s gonna take a lot more time.”

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Introduction: A depraved midget blackmails his neighbor into giving up his new bride. PART I Im going to be completely honest and tell the whole story, even though Im ashamed to admit any of it… It started about a year and a half ago, when Kelly and I had been living in our new house for only a few months. Everything was pretty great up until that point. Wed bought the place because we were thinking it was time to settle down and maybe have some kids. Kelly, by the way, was my wife. She was a...

1 year ago
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The pussycat the tiger and the bag of tricks

My name is Jack. I am 49 years old and work in the security industry. I have close cropped hair and sport a closely cropped beard that is starting to turn grey. I am reasonably fit although I have been told recently to stop smoking; drop 10 kilograms and eat better. So what’s new you might ask? If you want to know if I am handsome I can’t tell you this. But what I can tell you is I have not had difficulty with the opposite sex all my life. I am reasonably fit and if I find the time, I like to...

1 year ago
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Me My Swati Bhabhi 8211 Part III

Hi friends I am Raj Arora again. I am 21 years old thanks for your email today I am writing my experience with my cousin Bhabhi her name is Swati. I will describe her during start of story any bhabhi or women can contact me on my email id or we can chat also. My email id is and contacts me. Let us start the story this is story of last month since my vacation is going on so my cousin had come at my place from Gujarat to enjoy over for 1 week my cousin name is Rahul (Software Eng), his wife...

2 years ago
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Mother and Daughter part 11

"Have fun," Janet said as her young friend headed out of the flat's front door. "Again!" "Thanks," Ellie replied, already looking forward to the Friday ahead of her- but moreso the Saturday after that. For the prior four days, Ellie and her friends had been relaxing and enjoying a well-earned half term break. However, what had the girls- especially Ellie- most excited was the Saturday at the end of the half term break, as it marked exactly eighteen years to the day since Ellie was...

1 year ago
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Sex With Train TT

Hi this is Rajesh. For those who don't know me, I am 30years old from Bangalore city 5'10'' tall good built and if not good looking, very decent looking guy with a 6" performing tool. I am basically a bisexual. This incident is real one which happens to me recently in shatabdi express moving from Chennai to Bangalore. It was an evening train which starts from Chennai at 05.30 in evening and reaches Bangalore around 10.30. I had been lucky in this train when I found pinky, a north Indian aunty...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Reunion Sex Of My Parents

Hi all. I live in Mumbai. I am a handsome young boy of 18 yrs. This story narrates the reunion and sex of my divorced parents. My mom is a young and sexy woman of 41 years. My dad is a handsome man and a very rich and successful doctor. They fell in love quite early in their age and married when dad was 22 and mom was 20. My elder sister was born just after 6 months of their marriage. So it is clear that they had sex before marriage too. But after 5 years of their marriage, I don’t know what...

4 years ago
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Friends with Benefits part 2

Grandma had the kids, Julie wasn’t home, and I’d just found our camcorder bag. Home alone with four cam tapes — god only knows what’s recorded — I closed the blinds and locked the doors.Plugging the camcorder into the television, my cock twitched and grew in anticipation of what I was about to view.  The screen flickered blue then up popped naked Julie, walking toward the camera, before the view swivelled around and onto the dressing table mirror. Julie’s big tits and hairy minge on screen...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Hot Sex With An ISS Reader In A Hotel

Hi again to all the ISS readers. This is RK from Chennai with another great sex experience with an ISS reader. For feedbacks and secret sex, mail me at (privacy guaranteed) Now coming to the story… a week earlier I was checking my inbox for feedbacks and found a mail of a girl named priya (name changed). In the mail she mentioned about herself and asked me my phone number. I was a bit excited after reading her mail. After conforming her identity I kindly replied her my phone number. Then the...

4 years ago
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Attempt for Xhamster Friend Part 1

It started when I headed out to the clubs with my date. My date’s name was Jenny and she was a decent match. We matched on Tinder and unlike majority of guys who settle with the Netflix and Chill, I am a little more old fashioned. After talking with Jenny a little and her teasing me with some sexy dress pictures, we agree to head out to a nice dinner and see where the night can take us. A little bit about Jenny. She is a very sexy 24 year old fresh out of college, just graduated about 3 months...

3 years ago
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Learning The Ropes Arrival

The day finally arrived. I was excited and a little stressed. Early in the morning when I checked my email as instructed, I was informed to get ankle and wrist restraints from the local adult toy shop. I had to make sure I could take this detour without being late. I knew lateness would not be tolerated. Fortunately the location I needed to be at was less than an hour away even with the extra stop.Fortunately everything went smoothly at the store. In casual conversation the clerk asked, “Who...

1 year ago
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Mommas Boy1

Fridays at my house usually meant 2 things, I’d be on my own for the best part of 8 hours and mum and dad would come home extraordinarily drunk, which of course meant they would have sex rather loudly in their room. Which didn’t help my sleeping pattern at all since my door was directly facing theirs, and there’s only so much noise an iPod can block out. The only difference this time was working away, he was a manager of a very large company, he has told me dozens of times what he does, but I...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Aunt8217s BF

Hello everyone, I am Dr. Sheetal (Sex Specialist), 4m Hyderabad back again with Shruti’s another story. I would like to thanks to ISS readers that they had liked my all stories and responded me well. Dear ladies, I am a doctor so if you have any problems regarding sex you can mail me, every doubts will be clarified and if you are not satisfied with your husband’s and hungry for another men, I can help in that matter also because some ladies of Hyderabad knows that my boys are very good in...

1 year ago
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Good Therapy

"You want me to see a shrink?" My husband of less than six months looked surprised. "Not you," I replied, smiling at him in the darkness. "Both of us." "Okay," he said. "Are you going to tell me why?" "I was thinking it would be nice if, well..." I took a deep breath. "If you could stop cheating on me all the time." "Oh, Janey," he sighed, putting his hand on my swollen tummy. "You know I want to be a good, faithful husband, especially now." "You've got the good part...

2 years ago
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The Photographer Always Looks Twice

It was early afternoon in May in an English seaside town. They, the three of them were lying on an exquisitely ornate upholstered bed. The shuttered room was bathed in warm sunshine. They’d been lucky with their choice of rendezvous. Nothing unusual to the casual observer, perhaps. But, if the casual observer had looked around the room a tad more he would have seen that all three were butt naked. Excepting maybe Speedy who had a pair of black hold up stockings on. God, she knew exactly how to...

3 years ago
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Average and Regular

"You marry me. I have money." The hot tight bodied female asking for my hand in matrimony was holding out a tight roll of American currency in her hand. Now having girls giving me money and asking for marriage is not something I have happen a lot. This brings up the big question-Why? Was her plea for us to be wed in married bliss due to my stunning good looks? Hardly-sure I was fit and trim at a little over 5 foot 6 inches, but at best my looks could be described as "ordinary or...

1 year ago
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Serena turned me gay

I met this girl, Serena, at speed dating. I was getting a couple of different vibes from her. First, she was probably crazy in some way. And second, she was this brilliant ball of sexual energy. We matched up and I gave her a call. We decided to go out to a Mexican restaurant. With lots more time than at speed dating, I was able to confirm both vibes during dinner: she was definitely on the bizarre side. She also had such a tomboyish look about her, that if it weren't for the sexual energy I...

2 years ago
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Ed BiggersChapter 16

Ed shoveled the last of the concrete into the hole. Wiping the sweat off his brow, he looked over the fence posts that he had just installed. Each post was braced and embedded in concrete. An entire day had been spent digging holes, bracing the posts, mixing the concrete, and setting the fence posts. The concrete needed to dry overnight, but it would be next weekend before he could finish the fence. At least the concrete would be well cured. Kelly had been begging for a privacy fence ever...

3 years ago
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Prison Slave Whores

Everyone knows that when you are incarcerated you lose your freedom, your rights. That's just part of being a criminal. And most people have some kind of understanding that prisoners are often subject to physical and sexual assault behind bars. Most of the time it makes us uneasy, because of the fact that the sexual attacks are homosexual in nature. So we joke about it - stuff like, "Don't drop the soap - lol!" But prison sexual assault is not funny to the victims. Some of these sexual...

2 years ago
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DriveIn Seduction Chapter 14 Dedication

Two and a half years later, a soldier drove down the empty dirt road alongside the river in an old, familiar pickup truck. It had been cold for days, and the wind had just started whipping around earlier that morning. Now, as he drove alongside the river, the snow was just starting to fall, in bursts of snow squalls. Suddenly, he spotted the large boulder in the middle of the river. He pulled into the open space surrounded by bare trees and climbed out of the pickup. He limped to the water’s...

First Time
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Ecstasy Upon the Seventh Scaffold

Ursula’s cunt tingled wildly, her clitoris poking its beak-like protrusion hard against the rub of her fingers, as she savoured the delightful magnitude of what her dominance was to reward him with, and her anticipation of his reaction to absolute defeat when he faced what he’d earned. In a spiteful tease to deceive him initially, the cart had set out on a route in the opposite direction to that which it now headed, but now, having taken a circular route, the cruel pleasure of his mistress...

2 years ago
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Dee models for Amateur Photography Club again Part

I left for work on Monday morning. Dee had got up early saying she couldn’t sleep and gone to shower and get ready for the photo session to follow. I asked her to send me a photo of what she was wearing before she left.I got into work and set things up for our team meeting. It was hard to concentrate and thoughts went through my head thinking about calling a sicky. Just before the meeting started my phone bleeped and anxiously I went to my text messages. It was from Dee and the photo blew me...

1 year ago
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Truly Important

Beth Huntly broke up with her boyfriend of two years, Tony Poffo, when he told her about he was a crossdresser. This revelation was Tony's most guarded secret. Tony was a crossdresser. Her ex was honest and explained he was a non-practicing crossdresser. That he has not worn a piece of women clothing in the last 10 years, but still thought about doing almost so everyday. Tony swore he would never wear a dress when he was with a woman. He believed that would be wrong. Women wanted to date...

2 years ago
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The Sister

I didn’t know what time of night it was when my fingers slipped between my legs. It was so easy, I hardly felt a touch of guilt. My fingers and soft folds were like lovers sharing a secret. My pussy craved my touch and the sticky sounds of my masturbation echoed in the empty basement of a stranger’s house. I reflected on my strange evening as I rubbed my clit. I had been invited over to a nudist party by an amazingly hot girl who looked like Nastassja Kinski, and ended up almost getting it on...

3 years ago
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My WIfe 2

Introduction: How it got started How it got started Cindy tells Chris She explained that it started one night when Tom and I where out town and Julies invited her over for dinner. They had eaten and where cleaning up when Julie spilt something downs her and changed her clothes. She thought nothing of it when Julie came back with a robe on. It wouldnt be until later she would find out that was all she had on. We made coffee and went to the living room. After chatting for a while we turned on the...

3 years ago
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Married Into Petticoats Chapter 5 of 5

Married Into Petticoats - Chapter 5 of 5 a story by Prim The story so far: It is Simon Barber's wedding day, but instead of spending it with his bride, Monica, he finds himself under the orders of his new Mother-In-Law, Veronica. She bosses him into submission, to the amusement of Monica and her daughters, Shannon and Sophia in their late teens. Veronica's friend, Doctor Catherine Del Mar, reduces his resistance with medications, as well as stimulating his nipples and genitals. By...

3 years ago
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The Internet Porn PimpChapter 2

Tyrone Jones was a 35 year old 5 ft. 9 in, 160 lb. Black IT employee for an internet porn site called Pro Porn. He was an IT wizard and there wasn’t anything he couldn’t do with computers. However, his racist white bosses didn’t properly reward his skills. He did OK but believed his superior skills deserved more. After all, he kept the web site working! He did understand that the porn industry was in a depression. It used to be that people had to pay money to watch porn and men and boys...

1 year ago
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Silkie n Paris Part2015 From No Anesthetic

This continues from the most recent story. Silkie Greene is singing in a nightclub vin Paris, twenty years after her near death experiences in Seattle. She and her sister Rachel have been lovers for their entire lives. Denis, friend and lover to both of them, is with these two women at the club "The Beetles Wing"The crowd had been enjoying themselves, and now they are taking the party out onto the street, the way it is done in Paris. Silkie, Rachel and Denis have started their love and sex...

3 years ago
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Swamp by Waldo Warning - The following story contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult or reading descriptions sex stories upset you, do not read any further. Swampwater Chapter 1 - The Canoe Vacation I was enjoying the adventure of my lifetime. Canoeing through the Everglades by myself for two weeks. No work imposed deadlines. No schedules to keep except to find shelter before nightfall. No blaring music. No ex-wife chasing me for more money. Just...

3 years ago
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Shazia A tale of transformation From a Muslim girl to cock addict slut part 4

When at home, Puja locked the door and held me in her arms kissing me passionately. “Shazia you are my Bhabi (sister in law). You were hiding this great news from me”. Said Puja. I was completely stunned. I never expected Manesh to tell his sister about what went between us. Puja smiled and said, “Shazia you just a novice in sex. When I came home last evening, my room smelled your sex”. She pulled down my trouser and licked my pussy for a minute or two and asked me to inhale her mouth. I did...

1 year ago
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Caveworms 2 Things Get Even Weirder

I lay there for a while in a daze, hoping, but not quite believing that what had happened to me yesterday was just a dream. The summer heat had started early again today, and I started to feel myself overheat under my covers, which were soaked in my sweat. With a groan I finally forced myself to stir, pulling off my sheets and sitting on the edge of my bed. I felt even heavier than before, and I was pretty sure my stomach had gotten bigger. I sat there with it resting on my legs, absent...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Dawn 04272017

Sure, technically 19 year old Dawn is still a teen. But let’s face it, this girl has been around the block a time or two (and got herself some permanent skin painting while she was at it). This will become evident to you the longer you listen to Dawn and how she already knows men more than she should. And when you watch her fuck, there will be no doubts that this teen has been around a cock or 30. Besides, we always get a little suspicious in regards to a girl’s innocence when she...

4 years ago
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The Mistaken One

The Mistaken One Miranda and Melissa Katdare are identical twins of Hindu descent, at least physically they are. The 16-year-olds both had the same dark skin pigmentation that their heritage gave them, both were petite at 5'2", and both have long raven hair which they both styled in the same way, letting it cascade over their shoulder. And though their tits were only 34s, their petite bodies made them look humongous. Many a times one would be confused for the other, even by their closest...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Molly Mae Drink You In

It’s the morning after a night of passion, but Logan Long and Molly Mae still find that they can’t keep their hands off one another. Wearing just a robe that gapes open to show off her flat belly and her large breasts, Molly stares out the window as Logan approaches her from behind. He makes his case for another round of sensual fun with kisses to Molly’s neck and his hands cupped beneath her boobs, and quickly learns that she is putty in his hands. Dropping to his knees,...

2 years ago
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Making A Slut Wife

This story starts on a cold winter night. My friend Jack was home to visit for the weekend. As always all the buddy’s got together to drink beer and reminisce. Most of us were married now, so the wives were along for the fun also. We all spent the night eating, drinking and talking. Around midnight most everyone left Bob’s to go home for the night. Leaving Bob, his wife, Jack, my wife Beth and myself. We sat around drinking some more when Jack suggested we start a game of strip poker. We all...

2 years ago
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I Love You Mommy

Hi all of indian sex stories dot net! You guys can call me ace.My cock size is 6 inches, I like to have your emails to encourage me to write more stories so please mail me at I especially wanted to have some emails from female readers so that I come to know the desires of the women, if interested we can skype or chat. I am 2nd pu now studying in a reputed college.Excuse me if there are any mistakes as it’s my first story.I just love girls and like to talk to them.I college I made more female...

2 years ago
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Free Universal Carnal KnowledgeChapter 45

The ideal career The next morning for some inexplicable reason I felt quite sleepy and I stayed in bed (entertained by visitors, of course) until nearly eleven. Then I showered and asked Wendy to come and see me. This could, I thought, be a difficult discussion. Not a bit of it: never underestimate the power of FUCK. It turns the world upside down. Things that used to be easy, like taking a tube ride without seducing some gorgeous girl, get very tricky; and things that one would expect to...

2 years ago
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Pebble BeachChapter 13

We stripped off and stood under the shower heads. When we built the ablution block we decided on communal showers, this put four shower heads in both the male and female blocks. The water was nice and hot, the pressure was good and there was plenty of it. Rosie took to it like a duck takes to water, she stood under the spray and gave that satisfied shiver all down her back. "This is great Jim, the pressure is better here than the shower up at the house." "And we have endless hot water...

4 years ago
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Meri Bhen Aur Jaalim Dunia

Hello friends mera naam Arjun Singh hai aur mein NCR me rehta hu. Mein ek engg ka student hu aur last year me hu aaj mein aap logo ke samne apne jiwan ki ek sacchi ghatna batane ja raha hu. Meri umar 21 year hai aur mein NCR me hi rehta hu aur parents ke roop me mere mama mami mera aur meri bhen ka khayal rakhte hai. Mere parents ki accident me death ho gayi thi tab se hamari parvarish mama mami dekhte hai paise ki koi kami ni hai isliye kabhi unpe boj bhi ni bunte. Ha g aapne shai suna mein...

2 years ago
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My First4

When I was around the age of 13 I began watching porno’s, I couldn’t get enough of them, id wake up watch a porno and wank, id wank at a porno hours later, and again and again and once more before I went to sleep, I absolutely loved porn. But as time progressed it became harder and harder to for me to ejaculate quickly at normal porn, and I would end up racking off for almost an hour and only a drop of semen would exit my penis, I didn’t know what to do until a friend of mine sent me a link...

1 year ago
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Sweet College girl Sensuous Love

This is a story that developed a few days ago, I met my wife's cousin shruti after six years. We were in different cities all this while and never got a chance to interact. My memory of her was of a naughty school kid who loves to play prank, this time when i met her she was wearing a sleeveless top and skin tight jeans, she is very thin and has features similar to my wife, she was still looking small but has grown to an adult in these years, her 21st birthday has just gone past. as i was...

4 years ago
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A Different World

Year: 2026 CE (Common Era) The white-coat laboratory technician barely spoke a word as she strapped you down into a pod shaped sleeping unit, apparently designed to hold your body in perfect stasis for up to one full year. At least, that's what the techs told you. You almost don't care, when the military came to you and offered you a way off the streets you didn't hesitate - you and your daughter have lived off the scraps of the big corporations and petty elite for far too long. Anise... She's...

1 year ago
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My Grandson and his friends

100% fiction! My grandson always came over, at least once a week, to visit me. Sometimes, he would bring one of his friends from school with him. They would hang around and have a soda, and then leave. It happened with such a frequency, that soon I noticed something. My grandson, Tim, and his best buddy, Chuck, were always staring at me, and then exchanging secretive glances. I wondered about that for a while. It made me feel strange, to think that they were staring at my body. I'm no great...

4 years ago
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Camp Out Surprise 1

Every summer I take the second week of July off and head out camping. About five years ago I found a remote spot on a large lake. It's a decent hike out to this spot and I've never found evidence of anyone else camping there. I set up camp right on the water in a cove and can watch the beautiful water. I can see people out on their boats and on distant beaches, but pretty much fell like I'm in my own little bubble. Each night after a long day of fishing, swimming and trying to...

2 years ago
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Divorce or Cuckold Your Choice

My story goes back about 10 years, when at the time I was married to my wife Barbara for about 8 years. We were post high school sweethearts, dated for 4 years and then got married. We always clicked, had many of the same interests and were both young and inexperienced sexually. We did not have intercourse until our wedding night (actually a few nights later due to her time of the month) and enjoyed a very happy and robust sexual honeymoon. As I think back, our sex life post honeymoon was never...

3 years ago
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The Wager Part 4

The early morning sun poured in through a small gap in the curtains. Mandy blinked as her eyes grew accustomed to the bright light. For a moment she was disorientated, unsure of her surroundings. As she woke, she realised John was lying close to her, she felt the heat radiate from his body and luxuriated in it. She lay watching him as his big chest rose and fell with every breath. Mandy leant over and kissed him softly on the cheek. The events of the previous evening came vividly into her...

2 years ago
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Lost EmpireChapter 55

0001 - Tempro 0003 - Conner 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) - Derrick 0125 - Lars 0200 - Ellen 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0667 - Marco - Brown 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0908 - Tara - Mara 0999 - Zan 1000 - Sherry - Lucie (for the moment) Risen’s evil smile was covering his face as he started the generators to this hidden stronghold. Let the bastard come this time! He had more than enough weapons and shields here to hold out a hell of a lot...

1 year ago
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AlbionChapter 9

When Prince Andrew and the now not-so-small group accompanying him stepped from the transporter terminus into the receiving hold of the colony ship Boudicca they were nearly deafened by the racket. The Marines and Fleet Auxiliary crew were losing the battle to maintain control and tempers were fraying as a result. Andrew looked at the Captain who’d appeared just behind him and shouted, “Is it normally like this?” The Captain shook his head and guessed that it was because of the number of...

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University Challenge Part 1 Nickys Near Miss

It was November 1983 and I was in my final year of school – the year we call the ‘Upper Sixth’. England was a world without internet, mobile phones, personal computers, e-mails or text messages. Like most of Europe, it was a country with dirty, badly lit phone boxes that ate your money then disconnected you, letters that got lost for weeks, a poor motorway network and very few students with cars. Sex was much less casual though AIDS was almost unknown - condoms were made only by Durex and were...

1 year ago
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Holy Glory Holes

I was on my way home from work and thought I would stop by the Adult Bookstore and buy a new video to add to my collection. I have a large collection of some hot sexy videos but a new one always turns me on, especially the first time you watch it. I usually go into one of the video boothes and check out a few of the new ones to see which one I would like to buy. I got to the store about 11pm and it stays open til 2am so I had plenty of time to watch some videos. As soon as I entered the store I...

2 years ago
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Kates transformation Part 1

Kate's cell phone vibrates on the waist-high drawer before her. On the caller-display of her iPhone, the number of her boyfriend Max appears, but she does not answer. She couldn't, even if she wanted to. For one thing, she has her panties stuffed in her mouth. Her arms are also tied down in a Velcro arm strap, to which a leash is attached, with the other end secured to the handle of the drawer upon which the phone is resting. She's restrained, with her face directly over the phone, so she can't...

3 years ago
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Getting There Ch 04

The sound of lounge music filled the air, accompanied by the deep murmur of voices, and the occasional boom of laughter. Sam’s promotion party was well under way, and the wine was flowing. Phoebe was running around doing her best to fulfill all her duties as hostess, meanwhile Gemma was basking in the attention of all Sam’s single lawyer friends. And a few of the married ones. She looked stunning in a fuschia dress that framed her body perfectly it was fitted around her waist and then opened...

3 years ago
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Humiliation of JaneChapter 5

"OK, Jane. It's time to get even. You've heard that payback's a bitch? Well, that doesn't BEGIN to describe how I'm going to pay you back for all the shitty things you've done to me over the years!" Dennis grinned from ear to ear. This was fantastic, even better than his wildest fantasy! He had just finished hearing Jane describe her incredible tale, complete with all the delicious details of her treatment at the hands of the Dean and the Security Chief. It had all started...

2 years ago
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“The secret of life is to appreciate the pleasure of being terribly deceived” - Oscar Wilde Nadine sat on the edge of the bed putting on a pair of dark, thigh-high, hold-up stockings. Her only other clothing was a deep red, very low-cut lacy bra that pushed her breasts high, partially exposing her nipples over the finely-webbed edge. When she was finished, she stood and walked over to a full-length mirror and, turning slowly from side to side, admired how she looked. The seams running up the...

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Mrs Cranes Fountain of Youth 10

Mrs. Crane’s Fountain of Youth By Don Abdul ©2011 CHAPTER TEN: A Private Party (Delicious Desserts) Loraine’s squirted juices trailed down over Jamal’s balls, and she felt his nuts and caressed them rubbing her juices into his sac. “Mmmm…” she let out a soft moan and then shivered as she replayed the moment when his load of hot cum shot up her vagina. She had squeezed his cock and choked his shaft with her tight cunt muscles and held his hot seed inside her body. She was determined to...

1 year ago
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I want you

This is just the first chapter of the story. I want to know what you all think before I post it allIt was so fucking stupid. That’s all Kelly could think about as she trudged through the knee deep snow on her way home from another pointless job interview. She hated being cold, and hated snow even more. She figured that’s why her mom and dad decided to move from California up to Washington. She figured they wanted her to move out on her own but would not kick her out. “So they are going to...

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The Long Road Back Ch 04

‘When I awoke the next morning, I was disoriented. The sun was coming in the wrong window and my bed felt different. Opening my eyes, I looked around the hotel room. Marie was sitting on her bed reading some papers dressed once again in that same brown tweed suit. It was then that the day before came back to me and I choked back a sob. Marie must have heard me because she looked up at me and smiled. ‘Well good morning. Are you hungry?’ I thought about that for a minute until my stomach gave...

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