- 3 years ago
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Hello! All ISS fans. As it seems that I have endless stories for u! Are u enjoying them or not? There is another fucking and sucking story for u. as you all are aware of me that I am Abhishek, 18 male living in east Delhi. The story is not real. It does not match to any living being present on earth. it is made by me only for your enjoyment .if anybody having any questions, comments or anything to say about the story can freely mail me on or enjoy it dudes and babes. The story starts from here. It takes a little more effort when you get to 32 to keep the body you want. I remember eating anything I wanted to a decade ago, but now that just doesn’t work. To stay in shape I swim early in the morning at my favorite beach, and then twice a week I go for a run in the evening, when the sun is going down and the air is cool. Besides keeping my stomach flat, I treasure these times most of all for the clarity they bring to my mind. When I’m in stride, it’s hard to worry about the day’s little problems.
My little adventure started at mile 3. That’s where the sidewalk loops around a hedge and merges with a path from the opposite direction. I turned the corner and was immediately faced with a sight to behold. She was jogging in a pair of tiny red running shorts that hung so low on her hips you knew she shaved part of herself. On top she was adorned with a charcoal gray athletic bra that her bosom filled out nicely. She was taller than me – maybe 5’9″ or 5’10” – and had her long black hair in a ponytail that bounced with each step. Her body was long and lean and yet curved. These were all the details I could catch as I ended up a couple steps ahead of her on the path. I kept jogging, but my sweat-induced meditation was broken, because all I was thinking of now was her. I wanted to look again, but didn’t want to blatantly turn my head and stare. I just continued running, hearing her footsteps behind mine and feeling her presence. I wondered if she was even looking at me. Was I worth looking at in my dark blue athletic shorts? Would she notice my flat stomach exposed by my short t-shirt? Or was she looking up my legs to my rear, watching it moves beneath the fabric? I knew the answer was “no”. After all, the chances of her also being a lesbian were low, and I was about 10 years older than her to boot.
I finally turned my head slowly to see her again. As I did, she looked me right in the eyes and smiled, not 3 feet behind me. I turned my head back immediately, my cheeks turning crimson. She had caught me checking her out. She was just running along, listening to the I-Pod strapped to her right arm, and she’d gotten caught behind an older woman whom she was too polite to pass and who was eyeing her. I didn’t turn my head again and decided to run a little faster. I don’t know why I sped up. Was it to get away from her? Maybe I wanted to show I could still hang with her 22 year old body. For whatever reason I did it, I could still hear her behind me. Her long legs were taking fewer steps than mine, but they didn’t seem to be getting any further away or closer. I sped up again. My legs were beginning to feel a slight burn as I lifted my knees higher, moving faster down the sidewalk. I could feel more sweat on my body being met by the cool air breezing past. My t-shirt was getting damp; my breaths were deeper, more controlled. However, my body kept up the pace, and the feeling of the surprising power tingled through me. Yeah, I still had it.
But I could still feel her footsteps. In fact, they sounded closer than before. She must be right there. Right at my hip. I sped up again. The pace was now beginning to take real effort. My mind and body began to focus. I spoke inwardly to myself. Breathe. Keep your body relaxed. Feel your feet hitting the pavement. But her footsteps echoed in my mind. I finally turned my head to find her not one pace behind me. She was just as beautiful as I was imagining her. She grinned at me and then suddenly put on a burst of speed, pulling even with me. So that’s how it was going to be?! I sped up too, keeping pace with her. We were both breathing hard. “Race you to the fountain,” she threw at me in one breath, and then took off, leaping ahead of me. Well, fuck. I wasn’t going to be outdone that easily! I shifted my body into overdrive and we were flying. I hadn’t run so fast in years. Not with such delight. And I was immediately next to her again, actually pulling ahead. She looked at me, this time not with a smile as much as shock, and sped up too, finally putting her true abilities to the test. We were running side-by-side as fast as we could down the track. Soon it was hard to tell who was ahead though, as we had to dodge people, getting around the stroller, the woman with the small dog. I was going as fast as I possibly could.
My body felt so alive. My blood rushed through my body warming me before the cool air cooled me back down. But in the back of my mind was always her. I was going to give her everything I had. Wipe that smile off her face. Oh, but what a smile it was and how beautiful she looked when she wore it. The fountain was in sight now. My lungs and heart were beginning to tire. After all, it was a mile to the fountain from her challenge and we weren’t pacing it. We came together again on the sidewalk still side by side. I stole a glance at her, and she was completely focused. I wanted to bump her, not so I could win, but so I could touch her. I got my mind quickly off of her and back on winning. There’s a time to think with your heart and a time to let your mind get what your heart wants. Everything else faded. I just saw the fountain ahead and heard her deep full breaths next to me. I concentrated on my legs and just moved them a little faster than I thought I could. The fountain was almost there. She was right by me. Faster. Just a little faster… I heard the sound of the water, the sound of her breath. Almost. . . there. . . Move it, M-Y! Slap! My hand touched the concrete of the fountain. I had won. Wow, I had won!!
“I can’t believe you beat me!” she yelled. I didn’t answer. I just walked in circles trying to get my breath back. Damn, my body was bursting. My lungs had never worked so hard, but I hadn’t felt so elated in months.
“I can’t believe you beat me!” she yelled again, trying to regain her voice between deep breaths. “You’re amazing.” Deep breaths. I knew I wasn’t supposed to, but I couldn’t help but grin.
“I’ve never run so hard,” she continued. “My body is burning up.”
“Same here,” I replied. What an idiot. My first words to this angel were “same here”?
“When you sped up the second time in front of me…” she paused for a deep breath. “I just had to race you. I was sure I was going to win.”
“Why’s that?” I asked.
“Leg length. Long legs,” she explained, kicking them out to explain. “And I run everyday.”
“I really wanted to win.” I was still walking, my lungs beginning to relax.
“I can tell.” She extended her hand and smiled again. Oh, that smiles. “Congratulations.”
“Thanks. And thanks for daring me. I haven’t run like that in years.”
She laughed. “You’re welcome. I’m just kind of competitive.”
“I’m not. Usually.”
“Why so competitive this time?”
I blushed, unable to think of an answer I dared confess. She looked even better now. Little beads of sweat covered her lean body. I wanted to watch them glide down her smooth, muscled abdomen. Oh, how the water reflected the sun on her golden skin. “I don’t know,” I said, turning redder again. She looked at me and her cheeks became pink as well. “You’re amazing,” was all she said. Was she checking me out? Her eyes seemed to wander along my legs. I couldn’t blush any harder at this point. “I’m Susana. Susana Kim,” she said.
There was that look again I’ve been hit on enough to catch the glances, but I knew there was no chance I had just gotten in a race with the world’s hottest lesbian. I bottled up the hopes and pushed them back down. Instead, I merely pointed at the sidewalk to indicate I wanted to keep walking with her.
“Do you jog here a lot?” she asked.
“Twice a week.”
“Four times here, but usually mid-morning. I had to change times today.”
I looked up to see the red glow of a sunset as the sun disappeared behind the mountains to the west. The surfers were packing their boards up to call it a night. I loved this time. “Isn’t it too hot then?”
“I like the sun on my skin.”
And my tongue? I wanted to ask, but kept silent. I finally got out, “Do you go to the University?”
“Graduated a couple of years ago, which was a bit early. You?”
“10 years ago.”
She seemed to stumble a little. “What? At 15?”
“Very funny.”
“No really.”
“At 22.”
“Huh. I was debating if you were 25 or 26 when I was running behind you.”
“You’re very kind,” I managed.
“Maybe you just have a great ass.”
I couldn’t help but raise my eyebrows at that. She saw my expression and giggled. “Oh well! I knew you’d be straight, but I had to test it. Don’t take offense.”
My heart started thumping. And I thought it was beating hard when I was running! That was nothing compared to this. When running, I made my mind focus on the task at hand. But now, when my angel was hitting on me, I couldn’t think clearly at all.
I lowered my head and then quietly said, “Actually, I’m not.”
She stopped in her tracks and turned to me. I just looked up at her with my hands on my knees still breathing. She seemed to be searching my eyes for something. I watched a droplet of sweat roll along the curve of her neck.
“Not what?” she asked. I don’t think she believed what I’d said.
“I’m not straight,” I told her simply, raising my hands from my knees and walking beside her.
“Huh,” she said and without a further word we started walking again.
“Does that surprise you?” I asked.
“I just don’t trust my luck,” she returned.
“We just met.”
“I know.”
“I love those red shorts, by the way,” I said and felt my eyes twinkle with mischief.
“When you were running ahead of me, I absolutely hated your shorts.”
I looked at my plain blue cotton running shorts that stopped about mid-thigh. She was right. They were kind of boring.
“Yeah, they were in the way of what I really wanted to look at,” she finished.
Oh my, I thought. This was her second mention of my cute rear already. Maybe swimming was helping me out more than I realized.
“You’re very forward,” I replied.
“I know.” She actually sounded a bit chastened. This woman was a really curious mix of self-confidence and sensitivity. “It gets me in trouble a lot.”
I took her hand in mine. “I like it.”
We walked in silence for a minute hand-in-hand. I felt drops of sweat from our arms periodically slide over our fingers and on to the sidewalk below. After a bit she quietly asked, “Are you seeing anyone?”
“No,” I answered and felt my voice break. I could sense our hands slowly caressing one another, unable to stop our bodies from touching. “You?” I asked.
We continued walking. Our blood was pumping through our bodies, heating us up. I love good exercise. Our hands began to wander more. Her hand would grasp mine as if she intended to not let it move, but then it would move beyond her control and touch the slip of stomach that my top didn’t cover. My hand also moved of its own accord along her back before I took it away again. But when the hands were together, they kept sliding up and down one another, unable to stay still.
“Where are you going now?” she asked.
“Car lot by the beach. You?”
“Oh. That’s just past, right?”
I noticed our breathing getting shallower. The tension between the two of us was becoming unbearable.
“I’m leaving the islands next week. Grad school at Berkeley.”
I closed my eyes, not letting the information overwhelm me. There goes another one, I thought.
“Unless you don’t want me to go,” she continued. I froze. In her sexual excitement, she was willing to give up Berkeley to pursue something with me, a woman she had just met. It was crazy! This was just lust, wasn’t it? It wasn’t logical for it to be anything more. I tried to calm the thoughts running through my mind. It was my job to be the older one here; to tell her what was proper. I took both her hands in mine and leaned forward to kiss her lips tenderly. Our lips brushed against one another, warm and inviting. I felt her breath on my face as I moved my head back from the soft kiss.
“I feel the same way,” I answered, “but you must go. It’s not just feelings. There’s all sort of other things in our lives we have to think about. I would be devastated to take you away from that. I am guessing it is something you have been working towards for years.” She put her head down slowly. “I won’t ask that of you,” I insisted. We started walking again. The sun was down now and fewer people were around. The heat of the day was gone, but I felt no relief at the moment, because my heart was on fire. She leaned over as we walked and kissed the side of my face. “We have a week though.”
I smiled. “Yes, we do.”
“That’s 188 hours.”
“Mmm,” I agreed. “I won’t calculate the minutes.”
“It’s a lot.”
“Yes, it is.” Almost grinning now.
“You can do a lot in a week.”
“You can do a lot in an hour with the right person.”
“I have an hour right now,” she said clutching my hand tight.
“I’ve got as many hours as you can give me,” I let her know.
“I’ve wanted you since I saw your cute little butt in front of me.” Her delightful aggressiveness was back.
“I thought you were a dream when you came around that corner.”
“I have an idea,” she said, pulling me towards the beach. I followed happily, not sure what she had in mind, but if she had any one of the thousands of ideas I had right then, then I was about to be the happiest woman on the planet. Half way there she stopped and unlaced her running shoes. I copied her and soon we were barefoot, walking, then skipping, then running hand in hand through the grass to the beach. We hit the beach laughing. I pulled her into the ocean, the cool water lapping at our ankles and then turned to her again. Our lips met and this time there was no hesitation only passion. Passion that we only had a week. Passion that we had just met. Passion that what we had hoped for on first sight was becoming reality. We held each other’s hands, as our lips tasted one another, as if we might explore the other person’s heart by exploring their bodies. After several minutes we pulled back. I wanted her more than anything, but as I looked around, there were still many tourists along the beach. My dream of making love to her on the sand would have to wait. She saw me looking at the interfering tourists and smiled. “Remember, I had an idea. Follow.”
She led me a little ways down and then began to ascend the steps of one of the orange lifeguard stations. The steps lead up to a flat second floor where the lifeguard would sit to watch the swimmers. Behind that flat area were two doors not three feet tall that closed off a small space behind it that was semi-private. It wasn’t locked and Susana pulled me into the little room.
“People can see us,” I told her.
“Not if we lay on the floor,” she responded with a grin and lay back on to the wooden planks, holding her arms out for me. I looked out to see some people strolling a little ways away. I wasn’t really an exhibitionist! Then I looked down at her looking up at me hopefully, and there was no way I was passing this up. I descended to the floor on top of her and our lips met again. This time we kissed in earnest. Her mouth was wider than mine and she covered me with it. I searched for her tongue, finding it and taking it into my mouth sucking it into me. Oh what heaven. I felt her tongue moving against my lips moving from side to side. I ran my fingers through her hair as I sucked her mouth, and then our tongues met and wrestled again for victory. I quickly licked her face with my tongue, licking the sweat from her silken skin, tasting her, letting the salty feel of her linger on my tongue. I was still staring at her golden face, when she too attacked me with her mouth. We started to struggle over that would lick the other’s skin next. I wanted to giggle as our competitive spirit came alive again in this new fashion. Our hot breath mingled in the small space between us. I could feel the air from her body dallying around my mouth, nostrils, and eyes before I breathed it inside of me, taking a further piece of her into me. We grinned as we both tried to dodge the other’s tongue in order to lick our partner’s face. I went for her nose when she got me on the chin. She got her tongue on one of my eyelids and laughed at my reaction. But while her happy voice rang out, I made my move and got a tickling lick on each side of her mouth. She touched at the places I had licked with her hands, while still smiling at me. All I could see was her smile and her shining white teeth. She suddenly grabbed my head so I couldn’t move and then moved her face up to lick my forehead.
“Hey, no fair!” I complained. And then I saw her inviting neck and covered it with my mouth, licking her salty skin, still covered in sweat. She moaned lightly at this new sensation. “Never mind,” I said as I continued to run her tongue around her neck.
“Oh, I am so gonna make you orgasm first,” she claimed.
You can never hear that too much, I thought.
“Oh, really?” I said, and pulled her ear lobe between my lips, at the same time placing my hand between her thighs, rubbing lightly. She let out a squeak and then her breaths became very shallow as I continued rubbing her through those tiny red running shorts. The first sensation was the slickness of the material. The second was the feel of her outer labia through the fabric. Then after just a second, it was the slow warmth emanating from her, seeping into my hand. She was hot, steaming. I started to notice the smell in the air from her. I closed my eyes, smelling the sex, smelling her body, a body that was excited about, of all things, me. Soon, she recovered enough to say, “Uh huh, I am,” and pushed her hand down my own shorts, finding my pussy under the soaked panties. I gasped as her fingers pressed against my wet insides and said, “We shouldn’t do too much.” Both of us were breathing hard as we touched each other. “I’m very loud,” I explained. “I say things I shouldn’t.”
She started licking around my ear now, as she rubbed my panties into me. “Well, then, this time, be quiet, or we’ll have to put something in your mouth.”
I pushed away from her and sat up so that I was straddling her hips. I took the hand that had been touching me and pulled it up to my face. “Something like this?” I asked and sucked three of her fingers into my mouth. Her face took on the loveliest little pout that said, “Oh, I didn’t expect something that good” and watched me, as I licked up and down her fingers.
“Talk about hot,” she said, closing her eyes and concentrating on the warm feel of my mouth on her fingers. “That run, you, and now this.” I said nothing and only licked her palm with my tongue and then began to nibble down her arms until my body was folded over hers, our breasts touching. “C’mon here,” she said and started kissing me again.
When we started kissing, her arms were wrapped around me, holding me tight, but after a little while I felt her hands beginning to creep around my body with more purpose. They slid along my back on the exposed skin and then underneath my shirt, pushing the fabric up as they moved so that soon my entire back was exposed to the sea air. On one side of me was her warm, soft body, beckoning me closer; on the other a cool ocean breeze was trying to make my skin erupt in goose bumps. Her fingers traced along my spine and then in circles, but they weren’t satisfied yet. She slid them down my back, as we kept kissing, to my rear, slipping under my shorts and under my panties, cupping and squeezing me in both hands.
“I want you like I haven’t wanted anyone,” she exclaimed and suddenly pushed my panties and shorts down my hips so that 2/3 of my ass was in the open. Then her fingers were slipping between my cheeks. It felt so good.
“If you are gonna do that, get that bra of yours off,” I told her in response. She nodded and pushed me up and off of her. I sat in this small, public lifeguard station with my shorts bunched around the top of my thighs and my shirt over my breasts, and watched her begin to strip. She sat up and pulled the sweat-covered gray athletic bra over her head, revealing her full bosom that I had noticed at first glance. I couldn’t believe I was with someone with a body like this. My eyes walked up her long legs that reached towards me, over her curved hips, in towards her long perfectly shaped abs, up to her full breasts with dark, brown, wide nipples that were erect and waiting for me, and finally up her long neck to her soft wet lips that I had been exploring for the last while. And she was smart and playful to go with it. Damn. Of course, with a body like that she could’ve had me if she was a royal bitch. I was twice lucky, I guess I saw that she was watching me with that little naughty smile of hers. She pointed at my t-shirt. “Off.”
I quickly tossed my t-shirt and bra to the side and began crawling towards her. But she wagged her finger from side to side at me and teased, “Not yet….” Her finger moved down and pointed at the shorts hanging at the bottom of my hips. I looked at them bunched around me, my black pubes just poking out, then back at her.
“You first,” I said and then leaped forward grabbing her tiny shorts and yanking them down her body and off those long legs. She had on a pair of light pink cotton panties underneath them that were soaked through in the crotch. I stared at her for a bit, and not taking my eyes off her, pulled my shorts and panties off, pushing them away with my feet.
“You’re amazing,” she said.
“Shhh…” I replied and pointed at the open space not two feet above our heads. “That’s the third time you’ve said that today,” I whispered to her, crawling naked towards her. “I think you like me,” and as I said this I indicated her wet panties. She looked at herself and smiled again. Then she began pushing the panties down those forever legs as she said, “I’ve been that way since I saw you.”
“Oh, really?” I asked teasingly.
“Yeah. Watching your tight buns in those shorts and the muscles in those slim legs. I was moist in seconds.”
I loved talk like this. “That’s very naughty of you,” I replied.
“Mmm. Maybe you should come a little closer and see what I do when I really like someone.”
I crawled to her and slid my body up the length of hers, our two wet sweaty bodies sliding with ease against one another. I stopped when my lips were just an inch from hers.
“Don’t move,” she whispered. Then she started to wiggle down my body underneath me on my hands and knees until my right breast dangled above her mouth. “Don’t you ever move,” she said again and her tongue came out. She began circling my breast, licking around it over and over, then spiraling up to my nipple. My nipples were harder than I had seen them in a long, long time, and she took advantage of the fact. Her little tongue came out and started licking back and forth across it. What a woman I was with. Her tongue flicked back and forth along each nipple and she ran her fingernails along my sides. I let out a moan before I could stop myself.
“Shhh,” she reminded me, then suddenly sucked my breast into her mouth. I closed my eyes and just concentrated on the feel of her mouth on my breast. It became harder and harder to be quiet with every move of her tongue. She bit lightly on the other nipple before sucking it in to her delicious mouth as well. Then she was kissing down my stomach. Her tongue entered my navel, exploring each part of me. This has always turned me on, and I could feel the wetness in my pussy growing and growing.
“I am gonna make you feel soooo good, Susana,” I moaned as she inched further down, kissing the soft black hairs.
“I know, M-Y,” she said, matter of factly.
“No, you don’t,” I replied. “10 Minutes. Gonna show you some spots on your body that you’ve never dreamed of. You’ve never wanted to scream from someone licking your hip. 10 minutes from now.”
Did I hear her gulp?
But she just said, “Is that so?” and pushed my thighs wider apart.
“Uh-huh,” was all I could get out.
“That’s very” and here she kissed my labia once then twice and continued, “intriguing, M-Y.”
“Oh wow,” I moaned and my head collapsed on the floor so that only my ass was high in the air, straddling this goddess’s face.
“You like that,” she said and slipped her tongue inside my lips, licking back and forth slowly. I let out a moan again.
“Shhhh,” she said and pulled my pussy lips apart with her hand. A single wet finger started to trace around the inner and outer lips.
“You are such a tease,” I told her.
“No, I’m not,” she said. “Cause I am so gonna eat you out.”
I almost came as soon as she said it. The muscles in my thighs began quivering and I think I whimpered.
“Oh, M-Y,” she moaned up to me, seeing how close I was, how hot she had made me barely touching me. “I really hope you are multi-orgasmic,” and as soon as she said this, she pulled me hard onto her face and her tongue pushed into me. I cried out before I could stop myself. I knew I had to be quieter, so I pushed my forearm into my mouth, trying not to bite myself. She didn’t “shhhh” me this time. Her full concentration was on making me scream. In and out, her tongue moved, the top of her face and her nose sliding against my clit in a perfect rhythm. I rubbed myself against her, totally out of control. She seemed to be alternating between fucking me with her tongue all bunched up and licking up and down my folds. It was so hard to tell what she was doing, I only know how it felt, and all I can say is that she won this competition. I was gonna cum first. With a muffled cry into my arm I was cumming and cumming hard. The muscles in my body were all contracting at once, while my legs collapsed under me. I could feel the muscles around my pussy squeezing again and again. It was like electricity was shooting from my clitoris throughout my body, rendering me helpless. But as my body lost control, I felt her trying to prop me up, get my knees under me again, pushing my body to a position she needed it in. “Hold on, M-Y, I’m not done yet.”
I wanted to cry. I didn’t know if I could handle more of the best thing I had ever experienced. I felt her lips sucking one of my labia, pulling it into her mouth. I think that’s what it was. I wish I could see her. And then it was the other lip. I took my arm from my mouth to see if I had teeth marks from trying to contain myself. I did, but I hadn’t broken my skin. Suddenly, her mouth broke contact with me. I heard another “shhhh” from between my thighs. “People outside are close,” she whispered up to me. I listened without moving and did hear a couple voices. Sounded like a couple. Were they walking past, as I hoped, or lingering? How close were they? It seemed they were talking about their flight over. Bumpy. But as I listened to them, Susana started again. Her tongue was licking up and down the length of my pussy, from my clit down to my ass and back, again and again. I was being eaten out while people discussed their in-flight movie near me. What had I gotten myself into? Susana’s lips curled around my clit, sucking it, and I didn’t care anymore. I immediately muffled myself in my arm again and did everything I could not to make a peep. Was I gonna cum again while some woman I had never seen complained about the layover at LAX? Would she hear the floorboards squeaking as Susana worked under me? Would this woman hear the laps of Susana’s tongue on my soaking pussy? The sloppy, slashing sounds of our sex? Susana didn’t seem to care.
I cared, but I couldn’t stop. I didn’t want this to ever stop. I was close, and just in time the voices started fading, passing away from our stand. Susana was sucking my clit now. Constant, repeated, gentle pleasures that mounted on one another inside me. The woman knew what she was up to. Again. Again. More and more. Her long arms were wrapped around my ass, holding me down. Her warm mouth between my legs. Her soft lips on my little nub. She was so beautiful. So beautiful. Oh god. Oh god. I didn’t deserve. Fuck. Fuck. Oh. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. More. More. Let me speak, I wanted to cry out. I wanted. I wanted. Fuckkkk!! My body flew over the edge twice as hard as before. My pussy walls were clenching; my thighs quivered. I fell hard into the floor, losing control of my body, collapsing on my angel. I heard an almost animal groan coming from my mouth into my arm as I came and came. My mound was soaking wet. Oh wow I rolled over on to the floor, my eyes closed, and my mouth still biting on to my forearm. Aftershocks kept hitting me and my hips would pulse upwards. I felt her hand tracing my stomach and without looking or opening my eyes, I shook my head, taking my arm from my mouth. “Please” I struggled to breathe. “Let me” Breath. “Come back to earth.”
Ohhhhhh. What had she done to me? Eventually, my heart slowed. I hadn’t opened my eyes, but I could feel her lying next to me, not touching me as I had asked.
“Thank you,” I said still out of breath.
She didn’t say anything for a second. Then she quietly whispered, “You’re welcome.” I smiled. What else do you say? Did she think I was a freak, coming like that? I slowly opened my eyes and saw something I will never forget. Her head was next to mine raised up by her elbow on the ground. She was looking at me with an emotion in her eyes I had never seen in another, but I had felt it before. It’s how I used to look at my old partner before she left, when I thought the world had stopped for me. There was a tear rolling down her cheek, rolling through all the wetness on her face that I knew came from inside my body. I looked at her. Could I honor this emotion? Was I strong enough? Had Susana’s heart chosen wisely? Where was she coming from that she could feel like this so quickly? About me?
“I lied to you,” I said.
Her breath seemed to catch. Her cheeks turned crimson. I wondered what she thought I was going to say. Had her eyes gone to my hand looking for a ring?
“I told you 10 minutes.”
“10 minutes?” she asked.
“I said in 10 minutes I’d show you spots you never knew you had.”
“I remember.”
I kissed her forehead, looked at her, and then kissed her cheek, a cheek covered in sweat and tears and the moisture that came from inside me.
“It’s gonna take a lot more time.”
Man Dating Chapter 10 "They should be down in a few minutes, I am sure," Mr. Getty said taking another sip from his glass. "Mrs. Getty likes perfection and sometimes that takes a little longer." Jake and Mr. Getty sat in the deep and comfortable leather chairs still sipping on the smooth liquor, the bottle of McCallan having lightened considerably over the past hour. "Ms. Debra Sanster has arrived Sir and is seated in the living room," Mark said opening the door to the library and...
Authors' note: This is my 1st sequel. I got so many nice comment about the first story, I decided to try it again. I'm not sure if this is a unique enough subject or deep enough, to justify its own universe. If any readers have an opinion on that, please write a review or send me an e-mail. Thanks to all the readers who have written any review for my stories or those of other author's. An honest review that points out problems in a story is just as welcome a one that...
Karmen and I were ex-lovers turned friends and she had since gotten married. We were planning a shopping outing, and seeing as the particular mall was quite a drive away, we decided to make a day of it. Losing track of time, we were faced with a choice: drive home in the dark, or find a hotel and drive back in the morning? ‘No baby, I don’t want to drive home in the dark either. I promise we’ll leave straight after breakfast. Love you too.’ Hanging up the phone, Karmen was quick to answer the...
After the broadcast, Paula asked everyone to head to Marsh’s for a celebration. ‘It’s taken seven years for Steve to pop the question and we’re going to make sure he knows how pleased we all are!’ Ted took the floor of the private room once family and friends were all gathered. ‘Steve asked me a few days back for permission to ask Gwen to marry him. I told him at the time that Paula and I couldn’t be happier. I’m not fooling myself about who the head of this family is. I appreciate that you...
I guess I should introduce myself first. My name is Adrian, I'm 16, currently 5'9" and 150 lbs. My orginal hair colour was brown, but I dyed it black because I like it that way. However, my greatest feature is my crystal blue eyes. All the girls seem to be mesmerized by my eyes. The truth is, they actually are mesmerized under my control as they stare deeply into my eyes and I pick one of them to be my next victim. The power I possess to control the female mind is something I...
While most teachers, students and other school staff were enjoying the last day before classes started, I, teacher Philip Caan, was waiting in my classroom to speak with a student I had met at the end of last term. Harper Stone was a seventeen-year-old soon to be senior who, as of the end of last term, was a shy, slightly awkward girl with a lot of issues fitting in with her peers. I met with her and her parents at the end of the previous school year and promised them I would speak with Harper...
TeenThe weather after Christmas continued wet, cold and miserable. There wasn’t even a decent storm we could watch crash on to the beach from the cliffs, listening to the roar of the shingle as the retreating waves sucked the pebbles back down the beach. It was dark until about 8 o’clock in the morning and was dark again by 4 o’clock in the afternoon. Col and I spent much time reading to each other from the same book, snuggled under blankets. Mutti Frida somehow acquired a copy of a slim book of...
My wife, Tania, is the eldest of 6 girls and at 30 years old, is 13 years older than Sissy, being the youngest. My wife is a good woman, who never had any other man but me. I had several other girls until I met Tania, but she became the love of my life. Tania and I have been married now for 9 years, with 3 children, 1 girl and 2 boys. We live not far from Tania’s parents and usually we visit them every so often. Now chuck and Mary are both good hard working parents, who provided for all...
The Guy Next Door - Chapter 1 “You‘re just fucking great you are, you come home from work, eat the food I put in front of you, and then you declare that your off to the fucking pub! Well fuck you…” shouted Jane loudly as Bill was about to leave through the front door. “What about me eh! For fucks sake Bill!” she exclaimed, “Why can‘t you just stay home one night and just fuck me!” Bill stopped in the doorway, he glanced back at Jane and sighed. He looked at the floor for what seemed like ages....
NovelsHey guys I m arshu, yeh meri dusri story hai, ki maine kaise meri mom ko sir se chudwake exam mai pass hua, meri pehli story toh aapne padi he hogi, ki kaise maine meri baju wali aunty ki apni rakhel banaya, “Seema ko banaya apni randi rakhel”. Mai time waste na krte hua sidhe story p aata hu. Meri mom sana age 35 figure 38-32-38, gora color aur dekh k kisi ka bhi lund khada hojye aisa figure h meri mom ka. Toh yeh tab ki baat h jab mai 9th mai tha, mai exam mai lagatar fail hote jaa raha tha...
September 2011. He was in my dreams again. Always the same muscular body, lightly glistening as he towered over my naked form. Appraising me? Wordlessly judging me? Wanting me? It was hard to tell. His poise and the self-congratulatory manner in which he tugged my bonds implied satisfaction, despite the breath catching in his throat when his fingers brushed my yearning flesh. I squirmed. The sharp tang of his cologne mixed with faint traces of heated exertion and the distinctive undercurrent of...
VoyeurMcCock listened while donning his skinsuit to Hugh Avers tale of woe with regard to the Navy's decision not to accept the past six month's production of UVAs and Keys giving as their reason that they wanted to concentrate on the newer missile pods and at present they claimed there were sufficient tractored missile controllers in inventory to cover needs for twelve months; Navy was pushing very hard to get as many HAC CV hulls into operation as they could. "I spoke to Admiral Rowan two...
Recap: I met Jen online, we started off friends but it turned into a sex partnership. I fucked her right outside my door, while the wife was sleeping. We got caught by Sarah, the neighbor. In turn for her silence, we set up a fuck date. We just got done fucking around when James Sarah ex popped up for a visit. As Sarah sucked off James, Jen kept on looking, licking her lips. I whispered to her to go join in. Jen crawled over to James. She got on the side of Sarah, and started to suck Jame's...
I am extreemly tall for my age standing at 6'4. im not the skinniest but not in anyway fat, lets just say i am more of a stronger build. i am one of the strongest in my class along with a boy called Max, Max is one of my bestest friends. Max is beautiful. He is about 5'10 with dark brown hair that curled at the front which i found verry attractive. He has a strong build of a body just like me. Another thing that i find verry attractive about max is that he has a reasonably large ammount...
You wake up from an erotic dream. A dream that you didn't want to end. You feel your cock, hard and wet with precum. A usual morning wood you think. So comes the time to rub it out. The plan is to remember that dream you just had. You take a deep breath, take a seat in your sofa, close your eyes, and slowly start stroking. Several minutes go by, but you just can't get that dream back into your mind. Not one scene comes back. Frustrated, you stop masturbating. You sit there in quiet for a time,...
We moved everything to the kitchen. The Angels put their outfits back on and Juicy adjusted all his straps. "Juicy, you're plugged, right?" I confirmed. "Yeah, Papa." "Good. You tape this. Nosey, come here." He hesitated. "But I only wanted to..." "I want you, Nosey. Come here." I pat the counter beside the sink. "I want a snack." "Ja, is good to watch Nosey." "He watches everything else. Das voyeur." The Angels had the handhelds again and were helping to coax Nosey...
Introduction: Mark returns from 6 months in Thailand and begins turning his wife into his sex toy. Tattoos and piercings are a big part of his new fetish, Chapter 01 – First Tattoos and The Biker Bar Kerrie tugged at the bottom of her tiny white half-top, trying to keep it from riding up any higher than it had to. It was no use. Mark insisted she buy it two sizes too small and she was lucky it covered as much of her as it did. Mark opened the front door of the bar. The loud music and...
Note from the author: I would like to thank michchick98 as well as l8bloom for their patience with me during the writing and editing of this story. You guys are great! Thanks! I hope you enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Happy Holidays and don’t forget to vote! ~~~~ Josh and Megan have been married nearly fifteen years. Both are well established in their dream careers and financially content. They have more friends than either could ever ask for. But something was...
Eva ist gereizt. An diesem heißen Sommernachmittag war es in der Wachstube wieder mal schrecklich öde, kein Einsatz, kein Verbrecher zu stellen, grad mal ein paar Verlustanzeigen.. da sie außerdem wohl grad Eisprung hat und jedenfalls den ganzen Tag schon sexuelle Fantasien in ihrem Kopf rumspringen, hat sie - der Dienststellenleiter drückt da öfters beide Augen zu - sich einen Streifenwagen genommen, die Tasche mit ihren Spezialutensilien eingepackt und sich auf den Weg gemacht zu ihrem...
“Happy birthday, my Lady Annette,” I said as I pinned the corsage on her dress. She was so beautiful. “You remembered! Wait, how did you even know?” “Um ... you know that Fay and I aren’t banned from talking to each other since Thanksgiving. We talk a couple of times a week and she let it slip.” “I’m going to get her back for that. We talk a couple of times a week, too. I told her that I didn’t want to tell you when my birthday was because I didn’t want you to feel like you needed to do...
Mary Hastings, the bitch was now my bitch, tied up in my gymnasium, I smiled, I could have sex just when I wanted, I rang down for breakfast, "Scrambled egg on toast for two." I requested, "I'll come down for it, can I have it on a tray to eat in the Gym?" "Certainly Mister Stephen," Mrs Wilberforce agreed, referring to the fact she had previously worked for my father and indeed for his father before that. The sad fact was that father fell for Francine, his P.A, she got pregnant,...
You get home after a long hard day of work, bad traffic too. You just want to have a beverage & tune out. Alina Belle, your pretty new stepdaughter is there waiting for you. She tells you that you’ve been good to her and her mom and that she knows how stressed out you’ve been. You know you can’t cross that line but she proposes something different – it’s still wrong. She uses her hands to get you hard & then tugs & jerks you. She takes out her fat teen...
xmoviesforyou"Richard! Richard! Daddy was on the touchline and he came up to me as we ran off. What do I do?" "Where are you, Tig?" he asked trying to keep his voice normal. "In the pavilion by the hockey pitch." "Is Louise there?" "Yes." "Good! What about Miss Thompson, your coach?" "She's here too." "OK, sweetheart. Tell her what happened. She knows that your father isn't allowed anywhere near you. I want the three of you to stay in the changing room until I ring you back in the...
I pulled into the lot, parked, and killed the engine. It felt good to be back. I climbed out and grabbed my backpack from behind the seat. 'This ought to surprise Robbie and Tami, ' I thought, grinning to myself. Surprising Monster Girl was never easy and almost worth a week of suspension if I could. I walked in the front door and stopped in the main hallway. I was kinda surprised that it didn't feel different. The hall was mostly deserted. I glanced at my watch. Second period had started...
After dinner they were all tired again, and only Claude was allowed in the bar, so they were all retiring to their rooms. Grace had wondered about inviting the others to watch TV in their room, but Mia wasn’t showing any sign of doing that, so she didn’t. She suspected Mia would be wanting her to try on her new pyjamas, since she’d actually said how she was looking forward to it! They were shorts and a short-sleeved jacket; plain sky blue, but in a faux silk that was very thin and soft. On a...
I was drunk.A typical Saturday night. Barely got back from a friends apartment, not even sure if I had closed my door on the way in. Nobody was back in the apartment yet, either still out or not coming back at all. I stumbled in my bedroom and collapsed on the bed. *vibrate* *vibrate* *vibrate*My ex texting me. FUCK. I know I shouldn't even look at it, I know exactly what happens when I do. Pull out my phone and open my messages. And there was a selfie of her, well just her tits.... Big DD, her...
For someone who had not been to sea before the feeling of the room going from side to side is an unusual one and guaranteed to wake anyone from their concussed state. There was little light coming into the room, but it was apparent almost immediately that I was not at the bottom of a flight of steps any more, but instead a curled up in room of no more than six foot by eight foot with just a hard wooden floor. There were no windows, and just one sturdy looking door which I assumed was well...
Johnny's office was located at the northern end of the marina, a brisk walk in the cool morning air. As he passed by, Matthew was heartened to see a hive of activity around Ryder Tower so early in the day. The vast plastic cover removed, the orange-brown brickwork shone like a beacon, making an imposing sight. It would be some landmark in the coming years and not a bad pension plan either! But for now he had other matters to concentrate upon. Only too happy to dedicate time to a young man...
Like most guys my age I had always fantasised about being with an older woman and I wasn't exactly having the best of luck finding a willing woman in day to day life, so I decided to join a dating site.After weeks and weeks of messing about I finally found a woman who seemed to be willing. We began talking online with the usual small talk, and me, being quite a straight shooter expressed my desire to be with an older woman. We continued talking until, one night, out of the blue she invited me...
I am ajay from delhi. This is a real story. Ye 1 saal pehle ki baat hai. My age was 19 then. Mere ek bahut achche dost ki mummy hai jo bahut sexy dikhti hai lekin thodi moti hai.mai uske ghar aata jaata rehta tha. Uski mummy ke mome bahut hi bade hai aur gaand bhi. Vo zyada saree hi pehenti hai. Ek baar mai unke ghar me tha jab mera dost gym mei jaane se pehle apna supporter dhundh raha tha. Supporter dhundte dhundte vo 1st floor pe chala gaya. Tabhi uski mummy naha le bahar aayi aur unhone...
December 1813 “Good morning, Sir Thomas! It’s past four bells, wind nor’easterly, ship’s still hove-to under double reefed tops’ls, flagship in sight to South!” That was Bartleby, waking his captain with a short report, freshly gathered on the quarterdeck, as had been his custom for the past four years. Thomas forced himself awake, acutely aware of the cold that permeated his sleeping cabin, made even worse by the damp bedding. It was a miserable and wet winter in the Mediterranean, and...
I've been blind since birth, and it didn't seem to matter too much as I was growing up, but on the day of my eighteenth birthday I was still a virgin and it got me thinking. My name is Grale, by the way. I know, funny name, but my folks were into old cultures and I guess it dates back to some ancient dead time. I got some kidding at school, but as I matured into a 5 foot 7 inch, blond, woman with a well-defined waist, 38C breasts and hips to match, I could almost 'hear' the appreciative looks I...
First TimeOn the Monday of the week after the party, Chris appeared at the door to Section 2 and asked to visit David. Security refused to allow him in to the building because he was not cleared to know what was done there. “I can telephone him from here and tell him you are here,” said the guard on duty, “but I’ll only do that because I know what happened last weekend.” Then he picked up the desk ‘phone and pressed one button. When he got an answer he said, “Sorry to trouble you sir, but I have Mr....
This story is fictional. My name is Dean and at the age of 18 I live alone with my sister - who is 1 year older than me - in a small semi detached house. Normally I don’t go into my sister’s room, but she had borrowed my CD and hadn’t given it back, so I ventured into her room when she went out. Moving round her door and quickly over to her CD player, I passed her bed, and as I did the open wardrobe caught my attention. On the floor in the wardrobe was a porno magazine and far more surprisingly...
Incest"Come here you dirty little slut!" I didn't think I'd been beckoned in a worse way, and though the vile manner in which I was spoken to, caused a rush of juices to pool inside my lower lips, my arousal was still a secret. "Fuck you!" I said and turned my head back to my laptop. In my head, my wise voice, the one who always gets an opinion, but rarely makes any real difference, spoke the words. "What a cunt! Don't you dare give him a thing!" "I already said 'fuck you!' I silently respond. "I...
Straight SexCharlotte got up after a while to change the movie. The credits had run themselves out and there was some FBI warning lighting up the room in blue. "What'd ya wanna watch now? Let's watch-" She stopped when she saw me standing there at the top of the basement stairs. I was just leaning up against the door frame, staring at the way her hair wiggled above her ass as she stepped up to the TV. I snapped out of it though, when she saw me, and straightened up my posture a bit, hoping to look...
Patty McRae sat beside me in history class. I was in love with her. For fifty minutes each day, I’d watch her out of the corner of my eye. I’d see the profile of her beautiful face, watch the gentle rise and fall of her breasts, see the sunlight halo her golden hair. I wanted to touch her, to feel the smooth softness of her pale skin. I ached to have her look at me with those twinkling soft blue eyes. I wanted her to walk toward me with that inviting, sexy sway, the way she walked...
Friday afternoon my one friend phoned me up, he told me that the local wine cellars would be recruiting help the next week for the harvesting season. I spent the weekend updating my CV and Monday morning the moment the offices for the cellars opened; I was there to hand in my documents. About two weeks later I got a call to come in for an interview, first off I was told that I was over-qualified for anything they had, then they started asking questions about my home, the hours I’m willing to...
Randy and Sam were conflicted, something not unusual for young people their age. They loved school, and the adventure of being off on their own. But they were missing out on life back home. True, they got almost daily email updates from Mallory, who also kept her Face Book page up to date with pictures and posts. But it wasn’t the same as being there, and they felt like they were losing something. At the same time, the freedom to be lovers under conditions that seemed secret was also...
It had been a long cold day. Mom had had to turn the heating down this winter to save money, ever since my father had cut her off she’d been showing signs of slight desperation. The heating was yet another sign. I tried to help out where I could always silently cursing my father, who could more than afford to keep us in the, well no I won’t call it luxury but comfort is a good enough description, that we’d become accustomed to. I mowed lawns on the weekends or washed cars, earning a...
Melody looked around for something to hit. A whole team taken? By the idiot FBI? Didn't they know that that Hartnet bitch was gunning for them? Why couldn't they be ineffective as usual this time, too? Then Hartnet would have been at the bottom of the bay already... They must have had inside access. Or they could read her encoded emails. Nobody was supposed to be able to break that code quickly. FUCK! My emails are not reliable. Maybe I can use that... She picked up her phone and...
The ancient female Ghoul was quite content in Debbie's pretty young body. She had already enjoyed depraved sexual relations with Debbie's married boss who was overly obsessed with female posteriors. It had come as a shock to her that the shy passive girl was into such sordid activities. Even the spirit world often underestimates the capacity of humans to delve into such dark and disgusting nocturnal dirty deeds. She had already found the collection of dildos and the condom boxes in...
In the final installation of Spring Break at Lake Powell, Gina Valentina and Haley Reed get to really shine! We start with the blonde trio of Haley, Piper Perri, and Kenzie Reeves enjoying a lesbian threesome while Damon Dice and Gina dance on the boat. Then the girls shake things up as they continue to enjoy some fun in the sun with different partners. When Bambino finds himself in the bedroom with his dick standing hard and proud thanks to Gina and Haley, he can’t believe his luck. The...
xmoviesforyouTo Dear Readers,I have been reading this section for a long time .Its wonderful how people share their experiences. Today I am going to share one of my experiences ,rather I should say my wife,s experience.We are happily married for last 4 years and enjoy our sexual life but for many months now it was rather getting boring,So I thought we need to spice up our life.To let you know about us. I am Ram and aged 31 years and my wife shivani is 29 .I am moderately built .My wife ,I wont call her slim...
Hi frnds m back with new story . Meri pehli stories internet se pyaar married women aur pyaar divorcee aurat ke sath..Ko kafi acha response mila.. Hope meri ye story bhi aapko pasand aayegi..Aur jisne nhi padi hai vo ise pade aur meri new story ko bhi like kare… Baat ek month phle ki hai… Mai office se ghar ja rha tha.. Ek aurat se meri nazar mili.. Bahut sexy aur hot lag rhi thi.. Mai bike chalate waqt use dekh rha tha… Uski nazar mujhse mili.. Aur maine smile pass ki to usne bhi kr di.....
The Drug Mule LAX. The world’s busiest origin and destination airport, it was built in a mid-century modern architectural style in 1928. It wasn’t the prettiest of airports, but that didn’t matter to me. I’d studied this airport, had pocketed all its secrets and had learned how to get around without being spotted by airport security. In the early days, I’d traveled by the private terminal, my organization paying over two thousand per flight, and an annual membership fee of four thousand...
Gay Pig Transformation - Part 1-----------------------------------------------It was dark when I woke, and I had a splitting headache. Where the hell was I? I was groggy but tried to look around the room, some kind of workshop apparently. I lay there confused, trying to remember how I ended up here and where 'here' was. My head was still swimming as I tried to sit up, only to have a shooting pain in my ass that almost made me want to throw up. I tried to roll over but found my hands and feet...
What is the nature of demons? Are they the demons case down by god, the spawn of Satan, as humans tend to believe? Do they come from a different world? What are they? Demons come from all over the worlds. They are dimension travelers, but most specifically, they are beings that feed off of life. They are parasites. There are few that know the true origin of demons, most of them being the first demons. Some of them are still alive. Stories claim that the demons came originally from a harsh...
CanCan Girl Janet L. Stickney [email protected] The petticoats held the skirt way out, leaving a fringe of lace showing below the hem. The well tapered skirt made my waist, already compressed by the waist nipper, look smaller than it was, and with the modestly tight corset making my waist smaller while pulling my chest together making breasts, I had a great figure. As mom tied the blue ribbon in my hair, I glanced in the mirror and saw myself. Unless you looked closely, you...
The next morning Robert lay naked in bed slowly stroking his cock, all he could think of was his mother and how they had ravished each other in the bathroom while his father was watching television. Just as he was ready to get out of bed his naked mother came into his room. Robert had time to admire his mother's smooth shaved pussy. Her long legs and pert up turned tits. Robert loved her flat hard belly. She came in his room and crawled into bed with him. She lifted the covers at his feet and...
Hi Readers. I am Rahul Singh, a 30 years old lawyer by profession from Mumbai. I thank you all for your comments and compliments for my previous stories ‘Busty Conservative Housewife’ and ‘Busty Woman Got Satisfied’ and now this is a very recent experience that I am sharing with you all which happened only because of my previous story published on ISS. My email id is ‘’ and I would appreciate your response after reading my experience in the present story. I was invited to a wedding of a very...
BARBARA'S MAKEOVER by Barbara I sat in the car absolutely terrified. I had parked alongside the road only a few blocks from my destination and was afraid to go any further. I kept asking myself, "Why was I doing this?" My wife and children had left earlier that Friday to visit her parents for a week. I had stayed at home because of my work schedule. At least that was the reason I gave everyone. My real reason was that her absence gave me an opportunity to...
Tuesday, June 29, 1971 The knock on my door woke me. I opened the door to find Ileana, Nicky, and Adriana with a Blair House staffer pushing a cart with my hanging clothes for this evening. I could see that they had been pressed since arriving from New York. Ileana was also carrying a leather bound case, slightly bigger than a breadbox. They immediately began laying out my clothes for the evening as Nicky ran her hand over my chin. "I don't think he'll need to shave again," she told...
Debra Oakman had stopped crying but only because her eyes could produce no more tears. She was terrified. Where was Mama? Where was Papa? And Conk? She knew some bad men had taken her, like before but not just one man, a whole bunch of them. Bad women, too. Bad peoples. They didn't do bad things with her, not like the other bad man. They didn't hurt her between her legs, but they put a metal ring around her wrist and connected another ring to the bed, so she couldn't get out of bed. The...
As I close my eyes for a second, I flash back to an extremely lucid vision from my past. Maryam is kneeling naked in front of me. Her huge, beautiful dark eyes are in piercing, mischievous contact with mine. Half of my rapidly re-hardening cock is inside her full, soft lips. She is sucking it clean of the remnants of cum from our recent fuck, as her soft right hand fondles my balls. The sweet aroma of sex floods the bedroom…. Blissful memories indeed. The beginning: I first set my eyes upon...
Alicia's Cheating WaysI have always trusted my wife, not because I thought she would never fool around. I believe that nearly all men and women will stray at some point. I've never been the jealous type. For me trust is about knowing that the other person in your life really loves you, and I've always known how Alicia feels about me. Of course, these thoughts had formulated in my mind at a time when I never even considered the possibility that my wife might be unfaithful. It was not until an...
STEVE – Day 11 part #3 - Thursday I think that John Truant and Juanita were the only people in the airpark to get a decent sleep last night. Juanita and Mercy traded duties, so that Mercy could catch up on her sleep in the RV during the morning, after staying up with me. The rest of us sat around the table in the large conference room below the tower control room. All night, there was continuous movement both on the apron and on the runway, with C-17s constantly landing and taking...
Testing Helena´s last purchaseMy nasty girlfriend Helena called me that evening, after I came home from office. She was very excited, telling me she had tested a new sex toy her loving husband had purchased for her.“You have to try it!! It made me have the most intense orgasm of my life”. She cried on the phone, inviting me to test her new device…I was so curious, because Helena and I during last years had both tried huge dildos, huge strap-on and… huge black cocks indeed…Then I was so fucking...