Mary Gambles And Loses Everything Pt 2 free porn video

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Mary Hastings, the bitch was now my bitch, tied up in my gymnasium, I smiled, I could have sex just when I wanted, I rang down for breakfast, "Scrambled egg on toast for two." I requested, "I'll come down for it, can I have it on a tray to eat in the Gym?"

"Certainly Mister Stephen," Mrs Wilberforce agreed, referring to the fact she had previously worked for my father and indeed for his father before that.

The sad fact was that father fell for Francine, his P.A, she got pregnant, mother left and father was left in reduced circumstances, especially when Grandfather insisted I join the firm as de facto M.D.

Father still had the "Senior Partner," plaque on his door and allegedly came in to work on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but now home for him was a three bedroom semi on the north Circular which he shared with an embittered Francine and little Jasmine.

It seemed odd that I now had a step mother eight years younger than myself, younger indeed than my one time fiancee, as I approached my thirty fifth birthday, but time for musing was limited as I needed to get the breakfast tray to the Gymnasium while it remained hot.

I placed a cloth over the tray and hurried down the drive to the gymnasium, Perkins was just coming out ugh the door with a mop and bucket, "It's pissed itself again," he said loudly, "Disgusting!"

"How are you," I asked, but she didn't need to say, the tears flowing freely said it all, "Did Perkins fuck you?" I asked, "It's all right, I said he could." I lied.

"No, he said," she whispered," he called me 'It,' like I was nothing."

"But you are nothing my dear," I reassured her, "Here have some breakfast."

"No!" she said before she realised it was scrambled egg and coffee.

"You must eat, keep your strength up," I suggested, "Replenish those pussy juices," I leered at her, "Or shall I take my pleasure first?"

"My mother will be worried," she suggested.

"With good reason as it happens," I reassured her, "But what I thought we would do is email someone to pass a message that you are keeping a low profile for a while."

"Oh yes, sure!" she said, "In your dreams."

"Mrs Wilberforce will be along to whip you around eleven thirty," I explained, "perhaps you will change your mind then."

"Oh yes, sure she will," she said sarcastically.

"Mary," I said, "Shall I call you Mary?" I paused, "Only yesterday you insisted on being called Miss Hastings, clearly that is no longer an option, so shall we say Mary, or Bitch or It?"

"What do I care?" she said, "It's only a matter of time before someone finds me!"

"Oh I do hope not!" I explained, "But if Mrs Wilberforce is too rough, or you get an infection or something clearly we will have to dispose of you but do you know Perkins and poor old Mable loathe you even more than I do."

She tried to hit me but I had the distance calculated precisely and her leash brought her up short.

"Now my dear Mary, that was unfortunate," I said as I moved away, "So I have delicious toast and egg for your breakfast which is cooling rapidly, so Mary you may eat with your right hand but your left," I said insistently, "You must place at least three fingers of your left hand in your pussy as you eat, do you understand?"

"No!" she protested, but she eyed the toast hungrily.

"Nobody will see," I reassured her, "It's getting cold."

Her hand crept guiltily towards her crotch, the area around her nipples was darkening already anticipating her own touch and then as the first digit disappeared I went to hand her the first strip of toast, but changed my mind and suggested she, "Open wide."

She let me feed her, "Rub your other hand over your breasts as you eat." I suggested.

"No!" she refused, but she did it all the same, gently caressing herself.

"Is this the kinkiest thing you have ever done?" I asked.

She stopped instantly, "Nung," she said with her mouth full, "Last night,"

"What?" I queried.

"Last night, you know, you, me, outside." she said, "The house, the valley, the moonlight."

"You liked it?" I asked incredulously, as I poured hot coffee from the silver pot into a china cup and added sugar and milk.

"No!" she exclaimed, "Definitely not but it was hardly normal!"

"Eat your toast," I suggested.

I still fed her the strips of toast, I held the coffee cup for her and she quietly wanked herself as she ate.

She seemed delightfully soft and fluffy as she pleasured herself, a world away from the money grabbing bitch of yesterday's Tribunal, and as she drained the last dregs of coffee I gently eased her knees apart and slipped my tracksuit bottoms down.

"Condom?" she whispered.

"No!" I replied, "Spoils the moment,"

"Babies, clap," she said, "Hepatitus aids,"

"I'll risk it," I agreed.

"Ohhhh!" she squealed in frustration, but she put her arms out as I sank down and up inside her in a single motion.

It was in her eyes, confusion, she clearly hated the fact she was enjoying me as much as I was enjoying fucking her, she felt so right, so soft and pink and it was a real job deciding where she ended and I began, I kissed her mouth, she tasted of Egg and coffee and I realised she had actually eaten my breakfast as well as her own, but it didn't matter, a small price to pay for a glorious early morning ride.

"My back, the floors too hard," she moaned quietly at one stage.

"Hush, it's nothing," I reassured her, "Mrs Wilberforce will whip you later and that will hurt so much you'll have to lie on your tummy."

"Oh great!" she replied but somehow she seemed to grip me tighter, her breathing became more rasping and my balls started that crinkling feeling that precedes ejaculation.

"Pull out, please," she requested nicely enough but the first spurt of creamy cum was well on its way and I wasn't going to waste it.

Her eyes were wide with the force of my cum as it invaded all her hidden secret places, "Oh no we mustn't," she said despairingly and then she squeezed me some more as my balls emptied.

"Can I have a tissue" she asked as I stood up.

"No." I said simply, "You can't but I have work to do,"

I looked around the gymnasium, the Gym as I called it, , the rowing machine, the treadmill and of course the swimming pool which took up the whole of the northern half of the building, twenty first century technology and seventeenth century architecture blended seamlessly, or so Jessica said, actually I thought stainless steel and Limestone rather jarred but what did I know.

The Gym had some nice touches, although the computer system we had fitted was now far from state of the art but still one could work with the wireless keyboard and use the Plasma TV screen as a monitor, so I retrieved the mouse and keyboard, switched the power on and sat down to write.

"Dear Mother," I wrote, "Do you call her Mother." I asked.

"What, oh yes," Mary replied, "But she doesn't do email."

"What about a father?" I asked.

"Yes,Mother and Father," she slowly.

"Good, so," I suggested, "Had to go to ground for a while, the Williams will try to have me declared bankrupt if their process servers find me so until I've got a plan please just be assured that I'm fine, your loving daughter Mary."

"They'll know that wasn't from me," she said triumphantly, "Just be assured," she sneered "it's my mum not a client."

She looked at the screen.

"Hi,"it said "The Tribunal was rigged, I'm going to chill for a while, think it through, be in touch when I get back." "M" she read, "PS can you let Mummy know."

"You Bastard." she said.

"What's your password," I asked.

"Not saying!" she muttered. and then "How the hell!" she exclaimed as her email account appeared on screen.

"I'll use the Yahoo account then, not Hushmail." I suggested.

It took a while to scroll through old messages and then I found a Facebook confirmation, password, the lot, and suddenly the whole thing was much easier.

Some of the things she called me on Facebook were definitely libellous, but I uploaded the message sent it to a number of her friends and even before I finished Mrs Wilberforce was ringing the doorbell.

I let her in and she brought some Ham sandwiches and a carton of orange juice for me and then stood around waiting.

"Don't mind me Mable," I suggested as she stood waiting in her cheap nylon smock with her grey hair in rollers under a headscarf and looking every one of her sixty eight years.

"I works best on me own Mr Stephen sir," she said, "I likes to take me coat off see." she suggested.

"So take your coat off, but get on with it," I said authoritatively.

"Very good sir." she said.

Never in my worst nightmares had I thought she would venture out without at least a vest under her smock but suddenly as the nylon fluttered to the floor two huge unsupported Tits flopped out over the most elaborate black leather corset I ever want to see, it must have had twenty or more stout leather straps pulling her in like firm young muscles to quote the wrong advertisement, and then there were the leather shorts and the thigh boots, and of course the whips which she had brought with her.

She looked like some nightmare caricature from a dodgy German language porn film.

I would have laughed but Mary just screamed, "No." and put up her arms to protect herself.

This would not do, so I found some soft rope and tied Mary's hands together on the far sid of the handrail giving Mrs Wilberforce a clear target of Mary's back.

"That's better Mr Stephen sir," she said, "I'll make that little bitch wish she never crossed you sir, that I will."

I watched her select the longest whip, her bare shoulders rippled as she got her range and aim and after about four gentle swats she laid into Mary and started counting. "One!"

"Ah, no, Stephen, for pity's, ah, sake," Mary squealed, "I thought you liked, ah, me."

The red marks were faint to begin with but as blow rained on blow a beautiful criss cross pattern started to emerge, I sat and watched as I ate my sandwiches, "Have a rest Mrs Wilberforce don't overdo it," I suggested as she counted to forty eight.

"Stop, please stop!" Mary added.

"I'm only concerned about you Mable," I reassured her, "would you like a nice cup of tea before you continue?"

"Yes sir, I'll get it." she said as she pulled the whip back once more.

"No, you sit down I'll do it, tea for you as well Mary." I asked.

"You are deranged," she said "Ah," Mable swatted her again, "Completely unhinged."

"Two sugars Mary?" I asked as I went to the tiny kitchen through the doorway into what had been a lean to stable before we converted the barn to find the jug and teapot.

"No, I'm on a diet." she said and she started crying again.

It took a few minutes to make the Tea, and when I returned Mrs Wilberforce was sitting beside Mary resting, "Mr Williams was a lovely man, of course I was young then," Mrs Wilberforce was saying, "Just out of school, see, six months pregnant with our Joseph and he gives me a job with a flat."

"My Grandfather is a very good man but he did have particular tastes," I added as I brought the tray, "Particularly mother's milk."

"I think that's what growed me tits," Mable admitted, "I reckon Joseph was four before they dried up."

"That's old Mr Williams?" Mary asked, "My God!"

"Oh yes, he whipped me once, we used to play when the "Misses" was out and I grabbed the whip and whipped him and he liked it, like you do."

"Don't be ridiculous!" Mary insisted.

"He did as well," Mable insisted, "his little thingy went all stiff, it used to curl up like a little mouse and then after a bit it stuck out like a bit of broom handle."

"I meant suggesting I like being assaulted." Mary snapped.

"So why are your nipples all extended," I asked," and the area round all dark, and why are you sweating and damp between the legs?"

"It's warm in here?" she suggested, "anyway I'm not." she insisted, but Mrs Wilberforce took the spare whip and eased it between Mary's bruised and pounting cunt lips, "No stop that, thats not fair!"

"All right?" I asked and Mrs Wilberforce just let the whip flails fall between Mary's thighs and left the Whip handle deep inside her.

"It's not the whipping!" she protested.

"I think she's got a thing for you Mister Stephen," Mable observed, "She'd look nice in a ball gown." she said, "Like your Mother."

"Eh?" Mary queried.

"I couldn't never wear a ball gown, not sensibly," Mrs Wilberforce explained, "me tits was too heavy but she got nice medium ones like your mum."

"Mother is somewhat notorious on the swingers scene in Hendon," I explained, "she loves wearing a hideously expensive ball gown, diamonds, pearls and a smile."

"So the whole family are perverts?" she asked.

"Well," I explained, "Father obviously got the idea you were too or you would never have got the job." I paused, "Have some tea, three sugars, keep your strength up."

"I can't drink like this," Mary said, and as she knelt there naked but for her collar and the rope round her wrists with a whip thrust deep inside her vagina you had to admit she had a point.

I put the cup in front of her, she put it to her lips an drank, "Uggh, I don't like tea." she complained.

"You should have said," I sympathised, "I could have warmed some beer."

"Ok, ok, I'll drink it." she agreed.

"Just put the cup down carefully when you finish and Mrs Wilberforce can finish up, and I'll be back soon, just got to drop your clothes off at the Jumble sale in the Village." I suggested.

I was sure she didn't believe me but that's exactly what I did, everything clean, except some of the underwear which I burned, and a little black dress, I put in bin liners and threw them in the Range Rover and took them the three miles to the Village hall.

The ladies of the Womens Institute were as pleased to receive the clothes as they were annoyed at my lateness only ten minutes before the doors opened for the sale, but they quickly distributed the garments and I in turn photographed them on my little camera phone to show Mary her things had gone to a good cause.

She was sobbing when I walked into the Gym, Perkins was just leaving with the bucket and mop, "It pissed itself again," he said, "It was wanking itself with a whip handle earlier."

"Hello," I said brightly as I saw her crouching there, her back a mass of red weals some bloodied some just bruised.

"I want to go home!" she wailed, "Please!" she said, "I hurt so much,"

"Then why is there a whip handle rammed in your sex?" I asked.

"It takes my mind off the pain!" she said reasonably.

"I gave your clothes to the WI jumble sale look," I said and showed her the camera, she snorted and cried even louder.

"I thought you would be pleased." I explained.

"You're horrible!" she said, "Totally vile and despicable, and." her whip handle hit the floor with a plop.

"You really fancy me don't you," I accused her, "Just like Mrs Wilberforce said,"

"Oh no, no way," she lied.

"So you don't want to spend the afternoon in my nice soft bed watching snooker on TV?" I suggested, "You would rather stay here?"

"No of course not." she replied in annoyance, "And you have no intention of taking me to your," she paused as she noticed I was carrying something in a carrier bag, "Bed."

I showed her the little back dress.

"Shall we?" I suggested.

"Who's playing" she asked.

"Graham Dott and Ali Carter." I explained.

"I like Stephen Hendry," she said.

"Bed then?" I asked.

"Yes," she agreed, "Anything is better than this."

It took barely a moment to release her but she needed a shower and her back was a real mess, so it was nearly three when she slipped her dress on and I carried her to the Range rover and drove her to my home.

I carried her indoors too, and upstairs to my room and gently set her down on the bed, where I lifted her black dress over head leaving her deliciously naked.

"I'm afraid the bed is more for sleeping than sex," I apologised, "Oh an the door operates on palm prints so hard luck, and the en suite is through there so no pissing in the corner."

She scowled at me, her back looked painful so I took the bottle of lotion Mrs Wilberforce had supplied and started to rub it into her back., "I'll credit you a pound a lash so a hundred a day thats seven hundred pounds a week."

"Oh god no," she exclaimed, "no I can't stand it, can't we just have sex, four, five times a day."

"I suppose I might," I agreed, "But why?"

"To pay you back of course." she replied.

"Why the hurry, don't you like it here?" I asked and I gestured towards the window with the magnificent views across the vale.

"I want my life back." she said.

"As a lying little lesbian tart," I suggested. "Oh no dear girl I think not, no consort, concubine, my little ready use prostitute that's what I have planned for you, if you're agreeable."

"No, never." she said, "I want my life back."

"With your little Lesbian friend, I'm not sure that's a good idea," I suggested, "And bankruptcy will ruin your career," I suggested, "No I think a year of regular whippings and regular sex and living like an animal will do you a power of good."

"No, you can't" she protested, "Ok sex, yes sex no problem, but for gods sake look at my back."

"It's delightful," I assured her.

"But it hurts!" she said, "And I hate it in that Gymnasium."

She lay there petulantly, "Shall we say one hundred lashes every Saturday, and regular sex," I thought about it, "No, make that sex on demand, mouth, vagina, anus, everywhere in fact, what do you say?"

"For gods sake!" she said.

"And we'll do a deal on your debt," I suggested, "You pay it off we keep you out of the bankruptcy courts."

"And the other days?" she asked, "Whipping on Saturdays."

"Yes, and Sundays if you want to pay me off quicker, a pound a lash, fifty pounds a fuck."

"And where do I live?" she asked.

"In the Gym except when you are required for sex." I said icily.

"How often is that?" she asked,

"Twenty four seven if you like, perhaps you could work in the post room or canteen or as a cleaner at the office in case I need you?" I suggested, then I felt the urge returning. "Roll on your back, I want you." I said, perhaps not the most romantic proposal but then I added, "And I'll want you again in the morning so don't run away."

"Bastard!" she muttered.

"I want that filthy mouth of yours this time," I added as I rolled over on top of her,"You won't mind if I explore your tonsils with my tongue will you?"

She thought I meant a blow job, but when I held her cheeks she knew, she knew it was something far more intimate, "Whore's usually like to keep this special, so it's a real bonus if I can practice on you." I explained.

"It's all right," she whispered, "Any thing's better than last night." and so we kissed and as we kissed I eased myself gently into her.

"Mmmmm, nice," she commented, and that was it almost no foreplay and I was gloriously sheathed in her, she seemed agitated somehow, or confused, or.

"Don't hold back," I insisted, "If you want to scream at me just do it, it's soundproof."I suggested, "Tell me you hate me, scream at me if you like."

"I don't, it shouldn't feel so good, it's not fair." she said, "Why can't you be nice to me, pretend you love me or something?"

"Because you tried to destroy me or course," I explained, "Now shut up and enjoy your fuck."

Morning arrived deliciously, I looked down and saw the top of her head as she gently sucked my cock to life.

"Who told you you could suck my cock?" I asked.

"I want you to make love to me," she answered with a mischievous look in her eye.

"You're trying to avoid a whipping." I accused.

"Yes," she admitted, "Look if I'm the best lover you ever ever had would you let me off?"

"Yes, if your the best lover ever." I agreed, "Tell me you love me then."

"I love you then," she said without hesitation.

"Hey, Mary," I exclaimed, "Miss Hastings, you sounded like you meant it, it's only a game."

"For you maybe but not for me, it's my only hope, isn't it?" she asked.

"There's no need to get emotional." I explained, "Is there?"

"I'm a woman not a bloody robot," she said suddenly serious, "You make love to me and say its just a fuck, who are you trying to fool Mr Williams, because you don't fool me."

"I'll have Perkins fuck you then." I suggested.

"No you wont." she said, "You want me all for yourself, you wanted me in that courtroom."

"Yes, I wanted to tear your clothes off and fuck you right then and there," I agreed, "You looked so,"

"Sexy?" she asked.

"Like the old pictures of my mother," I explained, "Do you see?"

"No." she said.

"Suck me off then there's a good slut." I said but she didn't she swung round over me and grabbed my erect tool and sank down on it until her pussy engulfed me, "My turn to fuck you lover!" she exclaimed and she bounced up and down several times before I rolled her over and started to hump her energetically.

"Yes, that's it fuck me harder you bastard," she said and suddenly it was all about her, exciting her pleasuring her and I wanted her to have the best time and then with a rush it was over.

I held her, I wanted to tell everything was all right, she didn't have to worry, that I had forgiven her but I couldn't. I just told her I loved her.

"I know," she said, "I know, now rest and we'll do it again after breakfast."

But she was not getting away with her treachery and lies that easily I decided, one good whipping was hardly enough, no she would have to work for it if she wanted to be mine.

Pt 3


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The rest of the gang was near the steps of the school just talking, like Andre Harris, beck Oliver, and cat valentine. Tori just had the second to hear what there was talking about. "Hey, tori!" Greeted Andre. "Hey...uhm, what are you guys talking about!?" She asked, sitting beside Andre, i guess who she was the closest too in the group, they usually love to make beautiful music together. "Oh, tori, you wouldn't believe this!" Said jade. "I lost my virginity last night" she said. Tori,...

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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...

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Island of Hernando Rodriguez

He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...

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Andrea On Her Own Part 3 of Andreas Stand

Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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Swami Ghoshal 8211 Anand Ka 8220Santansukh Garbha Mandir8221

Sant Ghoshal-Anand Goswami ‘pahunche huye’ siddh purush ya mahatma hn.Sundar Van ke ghane jungle me Aadiwasi basti se sata unka ‘Slddhashram’ h.swami ji vese to Raam Bhakti ki rasik shakha Sakhi Sampraday ke bhakt hn lekin vo Shiv Bhagvan ke nagn rup ke upasak bhi hn.Isi liye unke Ashram me ghuste hi ek sundar Shiva Ling sthaapit milta h. kaha jata h ki yeh ”Swaymbhu Lingam” h, arthat iska nirman kisi kaarigar ne nahin kiya, ye to uska apne aap bana prakritik rup nitya ling h. Swami ji ke...

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Mandys sickest stories Mandy reloaded

Mandy's sickest stories - Mandy reloadedAuthor: SickoChickMandyAuthor's email: mandydarkfantasies [at] gmail [dot] comTags: F/f, torture, snuff, feet, nc, cannibalismProofread by EmmaPNote, that English is not my native language, so my writing will surely have many grammatical and syntax errors just as improper usage of expressions. I can only hope someone will still find it exciting. Be aware, this is graphic, brutal and extreme. I read it after writing and scared of myself.DisclaimerThis...

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Andrew Running Part 1 of Andreas Stand

Andrew Running (part 1 of Andrea's Stand) Chapter 1: Running I called my Aunt Clara from the bus station. She didn't seem that surprised to hear from me and when I explained why I was there she told me to walk a couple of blocks to the local diner and get myself a cup of coffee. She'd pick me up in about half an hour. I sat and sipped chocolate milk and tried to eat a pastry while I glanced nervously out of the window waiting for my father to show up and force me into his...

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Candys Dandy

by Millie Dynamite Jaden and I meet a few weeks after he transferred to the Naval base just outside of town. I sat on a bar stool sipping my Pappy Van Winkle when this tall African-American man in full dress uniform sat next to me. He whore captain’s bars. He possessed an air of authority. I nodded to him when perched on the next stool. He returned my nod with his own acknowledgment, in a deep voice he said, “Yo.” He spoke without looking at me. “I’ll have bourbon, make it a shot of Evan...

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Sissy Outed Brandon to Brandy

This is a story about seduction and transformation that’s written about a real-life sissy named Brandon Hippel, Brandon’s a cute little limp-wristed sissy-faggot from Abington Pennsylvania that loves to be humiliated and exposed online. She loves feminization, crossdressing, being exposed online, humiliation, anal play, degradation, being captioned, taking pictures, and talking to new people, so feel free to contact her through these various social media; Her kik is; HumiliationSlut2Her email...

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Strange RelationshipsChapter 10 Armand Mixes in the Hernandezs Affairs

Armand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...

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My Wife Mandy loses a bet

It had been almost six months since Mandy and I had played strip pool with our friend Nick. He had started seeing a girl, and she definitely was not the type to even consider getting involved in anything like that. Of course, either would Mandy unless she had been drinking. Anyway, Nick called us up one day and said that his girl would be out of town for a week so he was having a little get together with old friends that he didn’t really get to hang out with when she was around. He asked if we...

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by Oediplex 8==3~ The sweetest mom discovers her boy is both convenient and delightful. [She also recounts when her dad fucked her at nineteen!] Like the name of Madame DeVille's moniker, Cruella, some names fit the personality they are bestowed upon. Disney came up with that evil woman's apropos handle. My mother's folks named their only child, a daughter, Candy. This was shortly before the infamous 1968 movie was out. Though there were aspects of mom that paralleled the...

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Marys Christmas

Introduction: The magic of Christmas is in the giving For reasons of my own, I no longer allow comments, nor do I make them. If you would like to offer a critique, please send me a pm. I can only improve with your very valuable input. This is my entry to Calling All Writers, Chapter 9. Please join our website and go to the Sex Stories Forum to enjoy more stories, and to vote. Mary pulled up next to the barn at Nicks Christmas Tree Farm, the first Saturday of November. The farm opened for...

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Mary Lost the Use of Her Hands

"How is my favourite Daughter today?""A bit better than yesterday."I always call her my favourite even though she is my only c***d. Normally it makes her smile, but not today. I guess she is in too much pain."Have the Doctors said anymore about your hands?""Only that they are not as badly burnt as they first thought, and that given time they will heal OK.""That's great news, I was really worried.""Me too, but this pain is a bitch, though it is easing off. They have given me stronger...

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Mary and Chris May September Roamnce

My name’s Chris Coleman, I’m a college student and it’s the summer break between my junior and senior year. I’d really like to be able to take on a full time summer job but I’m carrying classes during the summer quarter so part-time work is all I can handle. I want to graduate in December and get a job. Although I do intend to pursue a post-grad degree it will have to be something I can accomplish while I’m working. I’m a scholarship student so, between that and student loans I make do,...

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From Candace to CandyChapter 7

Well, now it's time for school. Candace and I go to a small high school, not private, but because we are so rich, it is not exactly public either. The students have been screened by my fathers' security teams; they are all exceptionally bright, well mannered, not prone to causing trouble, and to add ice cream to the pie, all are very good looking. There are 40 students, 20 boys and 20 girls. When the school was larger it had state champion quality teams in boys basketball, girls volleyball...

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Marys Unexpected Journey

Introduction: This story was originally written for a competition on the XNXX Stories forum and is a relatively short story at 12,000 words. I hope you enjoy it. Authors note: This is a story, and the author is aware that it is not 100% historically accurate, although efforts have been made to ensure some degree of realism. It is a work of fiction, however, and intended to be no more than that. Marys Unexpected Journey MORE ALE, WENCH, MORE ALE! the man cried, slamming his empty tankard on...

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Mary A Desired Older Woman

(Could the mature, attractive wife be tempted)But I do love him, Bert. We have a comfortable life, lovely c***dren, a nice home and I know he works hard, but........!' and Mary tailed off from what she was really wanting to say.Mary was 49 and had spent her whole life living in the little village in Hampshire, down a tiny, leafy lane that led to a small bay by the sea. She had been married for nearly 30 years, and had inherited the little bungalow from her parents when they had died, so she had...

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Mary mary quite contrary

I walked into The Flamingo Lounge on the Block. I was bored at work, so I took the afternoon off last Friday to see the dancers. Hell, to touch and fondle the dancers. It was early June, and warm, over 90 degrees, so the street was quiet. I hurried to get from my car in the parking garage to the coolness of the basement bar. The Flamingo Lounge, like most of the clubs on the Block, was a nude club. You could go in and just watch the ladies dance, if you wanted. The ladies come by and talk to...

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Mary and Carl

This story was written for the enjoyment of adults only.  Please send your comments on my humble work to [email protected].  I love hearing from you.  This story is more of control and humiliation than blatant sex.  It takes some background information to make the implausible situation seem real.  I feel it is one of my best stories and am eager to receive feedback from my readers/                                     Mary and Carl                                  Chapter 1Mary     I was born...

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Mary Plays and Mary Pays

I stood there looking in the window at my life crashing down. I listened to my wife as she made a mockery of the seven years of our marriage and our eleven year relationship. Eleven years of me being a blind, stupid fool.Mary and I met in the eighth grade, started going steady in the tenth and by the middle of our senior year in high school we were making plans for the rest of our lives. We would get college out of the way before we got married and then build our careers for ten years or so...

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Mary Jane sets a trap

Mary Jane sets a trap (humiliation version)By lilguy [email protected] Jane finds out Black cat sleeping with Peter and sets a trap for a catfight Author note- This was a commission I did for someone else (aka Black Cat) sleeked through the roof tops in a skin tight catsuit. It was tight and leather hugging natrualy and tightly to her body. It had little mini pockets to hide all her gear. The pants hugged to her butt showing the...

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Mary Deannas Anniversary Fuck part 1

PrologueLike many husbands I have had a long time fantasy of watching my lovely wife, Mary Deanna, being fucked by a Black man. For about as long as I can remember I had dreamed of her sucking and fucking a big Black Cock while I watched her and maybe even photographed or videotaped her with her Black lover. I never expected her to actually ever let any man fuck her other than myself, but one has his dreams. In fact, I had only rarely broached the subject of sex with another man with her, as...

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Mary and Tracy missed spring break

Mary and Tracy were spoiled sisters. They were pretty young blond girls who were sluts in college fucking anyone and everyone who made a pass at them. Their mother knew that. She had caught them with the red headed paper boy when they were twelve and thirteen. Tracy had her blouse off and her panties were down around her ankles. The paper boy was sucking her little breasts and Mary was undressed masturbating her pussy watching. She did not scold the girls. She took them to the doctor and put...

Group Sex
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Marys Secret

Introduction: The second chapter in this story is already halfway done, so tell me if you like it and I might post Authors note: This is actually the first erotic story I have ever written, and I have no idea how to do it. This is only the first chapter in a story that I am in the middle of writing. The plot gets better in other chapters. I was walking home one night, when I started to think about my life. I work as a secretary at Briggs and Jefferson Law Corporation. It sounds great on paper,...

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Mary And Lucy Discuss A Mutual Interest

The public caning that sixty-year-old Lucy Hogarth had been a twofold success in her view because it raised funds for the local Women's Institute and it brought Lucy sexual pleasure. It had also caused sexual excitement for some other ladies present, one of whom was Mary Littleton. Prior to the evening Mary, who was some three years younger than Lucy, had never had any serious sexual thoughts regarding the application of corporal punishment but she had found the occasion hugely erotic, so much...

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Mary Christmas Everybody

Introduction: This is my entry for a Xmas pantomime story competition. Its in the form of a play, and is intended to simply be a spoof adult play, on a Xmas theme. If youre looking for a sexually stimulating text, please look elsewhere, but if you want something that will make you smile then (I hope) this one is for you. MARY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY A pantomime play in three Acts. Cast (In no particular order): Narrator (The easiest part of all), Mary Christmas (An attractive woman in her early...

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Mary Christmas Everybody

A pantomime play in three Acts. Cast (In no particular order): Narrator (The easiest part of all), Mary Christmas (An attractive woman in her early 30’s), Carole (a young trainee), Rudy The Red Knobbed Reindeer (a reindeer), Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Comet, Cupid, Vixen, Donner and Blitzen (more reindeers), Foo-Kin Thin (a small box of electronics from Japan), Santa Claus (a red faced obese old inebriate wanted for questioning by police forces in 92 different countries on suspicion of...

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They broke out of prison, the four of them, all dangerous men willing to do anything not to go back. Their stolen car ran out of gas a few miles away from the next city, nothing around for miles. They had been travelling for two days, trying to put as many miles as they could between the police and them. A storm was coming, nothing would be moving for days, the snow out here making the roads impassable. The lights of the house were inviting, the family living there believing they were...

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Marys fantasy

We want to be used!Mary had confessed to me her affair; use is a better word, with her “master”. I had followed her on her last meeting with him and seen her used by a dozen men in humiliating and depraved sex and I had found it so sexually stimulating I longed to see her used again. Her Master had dismissed her, she showed me the e mail telling her she was now used goods and he had enjoyed turning her into the slut she had become. This left us with the realisation that Mary wanted more...

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Mary has been intrigued by bestiality

Mary is 42 years old, stands about 5’2″, average looks, and a nice body. She does yoga several times a week and is reasonably fit. She is not Hollywood slim; the catty women at work call her ‘curvy’ behind her back. Then again, the men at work call her curvy too, but they’re not being mean… Mary has never married. She’s had a few boyfriends, but just never seemed to find the right guy. Her neighbor Bob is a nice man with a big black great Dane named...

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Mary Sims

There should be a genre of Historical Fiction. This story explains why my great grandparents had a black slave. The lieutenant had been greeted at the door by a large black woman and asked to wait in the reception room when he had asked to see Mr. Sims. “George Claiborne Sims is the name,” the well dressed man announced himself as he entered his own reception room. “Lieutenant Henry Justus. You are the one I was looking for,” said the lieutenant in the US Army uniform. “And what can I do...

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Mary had a Hot Ram

Introduction:Another b**st storyMary Had a Hot Ram ChapterGEnre- Dark Fantasy, b********y, Bi-sexual, First Time, Lesbian, Masturbation, Virginity---------------------------------------------------Chapter 1Mary Wilson had a little lamb.His fleece was white as snow and he followed her to school and all that shit, but the nursery rhyme stuff stopped there -- because the little lamb grew up to be a horny ram.The ram was a powerful creature with swept-back horns, mighty shoulders and piledriver...

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Mary sexual education part 2

 Mary sat on a bench while reading a letter that Brad had left for her on his cabin door. She already read it once before but was rereading it to make some sense out of it. What Mary had read in the letter left her shock and with some uncertainty about how to handle it. He wrote that she deserved to know the truth about him and why he did the things he did with her. The reason for him coming to the lake was for one last trip with the guys before he got married. He never intended to lie to her...

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Mary had a Hot Ram

by David Crane --------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 Mary Wilson had a little lamb. His fleece was white as snow and he followed her to school and all that shit, but the nursery rhyme stuff stopped there -- because the little lamb grew up to be a horny ram. The ram was a powerful creature with swept-back horns, mighty shoulders and piledriver haunches. He remained white except for a black face and black rings around his legs just above the nimble cloven...

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Who Loses Wins

I was readying myself to jump out of the shower, when Celine wandered into my bathroom. “Ah, just in time. Pass me a towel, will you? I forgot to grab one before getting in," I asked her. “Good thing I’m here as usual or you’d be parading around butt naked, dripping water all over the place,” she retorted, whilst nonetheless wiggling her firm little cheeks over to the cupboard where I keep my towels. “Here, wipe your church doors with this!” then, “Shame, I wouldn’t have minded drying them...

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Marys First Black Cock

Mary was a very attractive but shy 18 year old who was born and raised in Iowa. Mary was about 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighted in at about 100 pounds even. She had wavy blonde hair and beautiful light blue eyes. She had had a sheltered life and she knew it. In her high school graduation class there were only 6 black students. Mary was always raised to be friends with everyone, but only close friends with people like herself. It would have been a scandal in her family if she would have ever...

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Mary gets automated in the horse barn

So Mary hired James to design and set up the new system, that when done could run itself. first was to install new system of automated gates that would open and close letting each horse thought a number of set of new alleys and gates leading them to the breeding dummy room and back the their own stall. After a bit of time each horse learned the when the gate opened and they breed the dummy and food would be there back in there stall. Slowly the system was coming together for Mary each...

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Mary the Teenaged Slut

Mary the Teenaged Slut - Part One Mary Havens hurries home on a frigid Thursday afternoon. The pretty littleteen with blonde braids is late because mean old Mr Hunter, her Grade 10 Geographyteacher, gave her a detention. Her heart hammers in her chest as much fromfear as exertion. The slender fourteen-year-old knows her parents will punishher for coming home late – the later she is, the more severe the punishment.Her small, firm breasts jiggle a little as she runs. The cool air has hardenedher...

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Andee Loses a Bet and Her Panties

The whole matter began shortly after Andee’s 38th birthday. She had made one of the biggest decisions of her life and cropped her long brown hair into a cute “pixie” cut. It was a drastic change in her mind, and not long after she began to feel that she wasn’t being “noticed” as much as she had been when her hair was long. “Men prefer long hair,” she complained to her husband one night, not long after she made the dramatic transformation. But despite his constant reassurances, she still felt...

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mary and son

After my father-in-law died, my wife's mother Dorothy came to live with us while she got her affairs sorted out. She stayed with us for almost two years during which she and I had a sexual affair which fulfilled her needs and all my fantasies. After she moved out into her own flat, she and I continued to see each other but she of course had other relationships as well. After Dorothy had lived in her flat for about a year she decided to change around some bedroom furniture, and my wife Caroline...

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