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"Give it a rest, Jim," Madeline Massey said. "I went out with the guy one time. It's not like I'm dating him or anything."

"Ah, but, Maddy, even one date with Phil Anderson shows me how far your standards have sunk over the years," I teased. Phil works for me and I know what a sleaze ball he is.

"It's not that my standards have dropped," Maddy said. "I had to go to that damned dinner. I'd have been the only one there without a date and you were out of town. I'd have probably been a lot better off going by myself though. Phil made a real ass of himself."

"Oh, really? I hadn't heard anything except that you had gone with him. What did he do?"

"I probably shouldn't even tell you, Jim. It'll just give you more ammunition for giving me a bad time," Maddy smiled.

"You know it's just in fun, Maddy. Is it something I'm going to have to have a talk with Phil about?"

"No, It's just something I'd like to put behind me. Okay, here are the sordid details. When we got to the restaurant, Phil started bragging about himself to Mike and Louise. He knew Mike is my boss and I don't know if he was trying to make an impression on him or what."

"I think Mike's level headed enough he's not going to hold that against you," I said.

"That's not what bothers me the most," Maddy said sheepishly. "I had a chance to talk to Louise in the lady's room later and I told her I was embarrassed by him. I explained that I had never gone out with Phil, but that I needed someone to go to the dinner with me and he was available."

"I'm sure she could understand that."

"Yes, she could. That wasn't the worst of it though. She told me that Phil had been fondling her leg under the table. She said he probably had bruised ribs from her elbow."

I couldn't help it. I cracked up. Maddy and I are thirty-one years old. Phil is a year or two younger. Louise has to be well into her mid forties. "If the bastard was going to fondle someone, I'd have thought it would have been you," I managed to get out between fits of laughter.

"Oh, he did that too. I grabbed the middle finger on his left hand and bent it back nearly to his wrist. Then I quietly told him that if he touched me again, I'd break his fucking finger off and shove it up his ass."

Now we both cracked up. Maddy and I had always been comfortable together. At least for the last twenty years we had. We even tried dating for a while in high school, but it just hadn't worked out.

I'm Jim Silvers, by the way. Maddy and I both work for the same company, but in different departments. She's in sales and I'm in engineering. The dinner we were talking about was her department's annual management dinner.

Theoretically, the dinner was to go over the last year and to plan for the following year. In actuality, it was a time to pass out kudos and condemnations. It was also the time for upper management to make threats about the consequences of repeating past mistakes. Maddy was good. She didn't have to worry about the condemnations or the threats.

"Ah, Maddy, always the lady," I teased.

"Yeah, right. You're as bad as I am, Jim. I hear you had a confrontation with the VP of engineering last week."

"I don't know if I'd call it a confrontation," I told her with a rueful smile. "I did have a discussion about the merits of using substandard components to maximize company profits."

"Oh, shit! Not again! That bastard is going to cause the company to go belly up if he doesn't lay off."

"Yeah, that's pretty much what I told him. I know the company he's pushing makes cheaper programmable controllers than the ones we are using, but they don't last even half as long as our standard ones and they won't do half as much."

"If you keep bumping heads with him, Jim, he's going to eventually get rid of you and find someone who'll do it his way," Maddy warned.

"Yeah, maybe he'll put Phil in charge of Controls Engineering. I'm sure Phil would do just what he wanted."

"Phil would definitely do what Tom Jenkins wanted him to do. He'd probably bend over and take it up the butt if Tom asked him to," Maddy said.

"As I said, always the lady," I laughed.

Maddy grinned, but asked, "What would you do if Jenkins did fire you, Jim?"

"I've been thinking about that for a long time, Maddy. I think I'd start my own consulting company. I've got good contacts with all of our suppliers. I also have good relationships with all of the contractors who do our installations. I have enough money put aside so I could make it for a while if things didn't start off with a bang."

Maddy looked very thoughtful. "You know, I think you could pull it off, Jim. Our company turns down most jobs if they are less than a million dollars. You could make a lot of money just going after the smaller jobs. I could even feed you the names of the jobs we turned down."

"You could get into a lot of trouble for that, Maddy. I wouldn't want you to jeopardize your own job to supply me with information."

"I wouldn't have to, Jim. All I'd have to do is e-mail you a company name every time we turned one down because it was too small. That type of information would be common knowledge in the industry eventually anyway."

"Well, right now it's a moot point. If I ever have to get out on my own, I may take you up on it."

I had graduated from college when I was twenty-two with dual degrees in electronics and computer science. I had gone to work for Allied Systems shortly thereafter. I had eventually worked my way up and was now the manager of the Controls Engineering department. I'll have to admit I had enjoyed my work a lot more when I was a Project Engineer.

I had met Mitsy Green in my senior year in college. We had fallen immediately in lust with each other. Of course, we thought it was love and not lust. We were married about six months after I started work at Allied.

I know I put in a lot of hours at work over the first couple of years I was there and I also traveled a lot. Maybe that's what caused things to turn out the way they did. I had been with the company about two years and I was on an out of town job. There was a major flood in the area while I was there and it wiped out electrical power for the area. They were saying it might be as much as a week before the power was restored, so I came home.

I found out that day that Mitsy had a lot more lust than I had realized and that it wasn't all directed at me. To make a long story short, I caught her in bed with another guy. Later, during the divorce proceedings when she was trying to hurt me as badly as possible, she confessed to me that she had been with twenty-six other guys during the year and a half we had been married.

I immediately had myself tested for AIDS and any other STDs my doctor could think of. Luckily I was clean.

Surprisingly, the divorce didn't bother me nearly as much as I'd thought it would. I guess that's when I realized I'd never really been in love with her.

Maddy had gone to a different college than I had, then she had moved out of town for a job when she graduated. I hadn't seen her except on holidays for almost six years when she moved back into town and went to work for Allied. Our friendship seemed to pick right back up where it had left off. Maddy had never even met Mitsy, but when I started telling her tales about Mitsy, she started referring to her as "The Receptacle."

Maddy had never married, but she had been in a long term relationship with a guy. When he had lost his job for not showing up for work (he didn't tell her that was the reason of course), Maddy had supported him for six months while he laid on the sofa and claimed he was looking for work. When I found out why she'd left him, I started referring to him as "Lazy Boy."

It was on the Friday following my conversation with Maddy that Tom Jenkins called me into his office. "Sit down, Jim," he said. When I had taken a seat, he went on. "I don't suppose there's any chance you'll change your mind about using Mitsotushi programmable controllers is there?"

"No, Tom, I think I've made my position on that very clear. They cost less than the ones we are currently using, but they are of inferior quality. I think they'll cost the company more in the long run than the more expensive ones."

"Well, Jim, upper management doesn't agree with you. We feel that to be able to stay competitive we need to use Mitsotushi products. Since you're making such a big fuss over this, I'm afraid we're going to have to let you go."

"I kind of suspected something like that was going to happen, Tom. I hate to see a company like Allied go under, but with the policies you are instituting, I don't see how it can be helped."

"That's your opinion, Jim, and you're welcome to it. Since we're not giving you any notice on this, the company president has advised me to give you three months salary in lieu of notice. If you could please remove any personal items from your desk, I'll see that payroll has a check made out for you before you leave."

I cleaned out my desk and Julie from payroll brought around a check for me. I had two weeks I hadn't been paid for plus three weeks of vacation. Add that to the three months of severance pay and I had a check for a little over four months of work.

Maddy stopped by the house just after work. "I hear the bastard fired you," was the first thing out of her mouth.

"Yeah, I guess I'm on my own now. I talked with an electrical and a mechanical contractor this afternoon and both of them are willing to work with me if I can get a consulting business going. Both of them said they could split their crews for small jobs, even if they're doing something for Allied at the time."

"Well, that's good anyway. You're not down about this are you?"

"No, surprisingly not. Besides, I figure if you could support Lazy Boy for six months, I should be able to con you into doing it for me too."

"Yeah, right. That's not going to happen again, buster. The next guy I live with is going to support me."

"Well, anyway, I don't think I'm going to have to worry about being supported. I figure I have enough put away to last me for a year if I'm frugal. I just need to get out there and beat the streets to drum up some business."

"Funny you should mention that," Maddy grinned. "It just so happens we turned down a small job for Albertmans Grocers this week. They want to add a conveyor spur and a two to one merge in their distribution center. I was told the project would have only cost Albertmans about a quarter of a million."

"I wonder how much of that would have been profit," I mused.

"Allied usually marks up anywhere from ten to twenty-five percent over our cost. They use a smaller markup on bigger jobs and a larger markup on smaller jobs."

"So, you're saying there could have been as much as sixty thousand in profits on the job. I could live with that."

"Yeah, so could I. Do you know anyone over at Albertmans?"

"Yes, Jim Driscal is their maintenance manager. He and I got along really well while I was doing their original installation. I'll give him a call first thing on Monday. Thanks, Maddy. This is a start in the right direction."

"How long do you think it will take you to do a job like that?" Maddy asked.

"Jeez, Maddy. It won't take much time at all. Part of it depends on how fast the merging conveyors are running, and the throughput through the merge. I have half a dozen merge programs I've already written. All I have to do is pick one that'll work for what they want. Ordering the conveyor sections won't take over a day."

"How long to install it?"

"Maybe a week."

"So, for two weeks work, you could make as much as sixty thousand. Pretty damned good," Maddy observed.

"There's no way I'd put that big of a markup on it, Maddy. If they'll let me bid on it, I'll go with ten percent over cost. If there was a lot more engineering time I might consider a higher percentage, but for this, no way."

We kicked around the project for a while longer, and then Maddy decided it was time for her to leave. After she had gone, I spent some time setting up my home office. Now, I was kind of glad I had been living by myself for a few years. I had a state of the art computer system and all of the software I would need for doing anything up to and including a major project. I even had most of the controllers and I/O I'd need to test any software I wrote. Some of the controllers I had purchased myself and others had been given to me as samples by the supplier.

I set everything up so I could easily switch between the different controllers. I also organized my software so I could access whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Okay, now I had two days to kill before I could contact Jim Driscal.

Maddy came over on Saturday morning and we washed both of our cars. Then we fixed some lunch and hung out on the patio for a while. This wasn't anything new. We always spent a lot of time together, especially on weekends.

We were sipping on some iced tea when Maddy said, "Hey, I've got a date next Friday, Jim."

"Good for you, Maddy. Is it someone from work?"

"No. He's and engineer for Racer Auto Parts. His name is Frank Dwyer."

"Uh... Maddy, did he just get a divorce or something?" I asked.

"No, he isn't married, Jim. From what he told me, he is divorced and has been for quite a few years."

"I hate to tell you this, Mad, but I had dinner with him, his wife, and their six year old daughter about a month ago," I told her.

"You've got to be kidding me. That son-of-a-bitch! I'll get even with him for that. He told me he had only been married for a short time and that they hadn't had any kids."

"Shit, Maddy, I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault, Jim. I'm just glad you told me."

We sat there for a few minutes then Maddy let out a big sigh and asked, "Did you ever wonder why some people have it so lucky when it comes to finding their soul mate and others like us never do?"

"Yeah, sometimes I think the Presbyterians are right about everything being predestined and that God had it in for us when he set it up."

"I don't know about that, Jim," Maddy said. "If I believed that, I think I'd just shoot myself."

"Well, maybe it's just that we're predestined to find our soul mates later in life. We'll never know what our destiny is until we live through it."

We were both silent then, thinking about what had been said. Finally, Maddy spoke up. "So, what you're saying is that although it may be predestined for us to live a solitary existence for the rest of our lives, we could also be predestined to meet our soul mate tomorrow?"

"Yes, if the Presbyterians are right. I've always thought that was just an excuse for doing anything you wanted to do. Ah, so I robbed a grocery store. It wasn't my fault because I was predestined to do it."

Maddy had to laugh at that one. "Well, I guess life isn't too bad anyway. If it wasn't for not having a sex life and not having someone to snuggle up to at night, It'd actually be pretty good."

"You know, we could fix the night cuddling and the sex life," I teased.

"In your dreams," Maddy laughed.

Jim Driscal was very happy to hear from me when I called him Monday morning. I told him I was on my own now as a private contractor and that I'd like to bid on their job. He was very receptive and asked me if I could come right in and talk with him about it.

I arrived at Albertmans just before 10:00 AM and a secretary showed me into Jim's office. We said our hellos and Jim wanted to know what had happened with me and Allied.

"Jim, I'm just not comfortable talking about it," I told him.

"Well, I heard from an unidentified source that you had been bumping heads with Tom Jenkins. They said Tom wanted to start using inferior quality equipment and that you refused," Driscal said.

"I don't really feel it would be ethical for me to comment on it, Jim. I will say you have a pretty good source in Allied."

Driscal burst out laughing. "Okay, it is duly noted that you refused to comment. So, what's this about you consulting on your own?"

"Well, right now, it's just me doing the engineering; Bob Arens doing the electrical installation; and Fred James doing the mechanical. We're starting small and limiting ourselves to jobs of less than a million dollars to begin with."

"Bob and Fred are good installers. They've done almost all of the installation for this center. I also know you are a good engineer. I guess you heard that Allied refused to bid on something we want done because it was too small for them to be interested. Is a million dollars the low end cutoff for Allied?"

"To the best of my knowledge it is," I told him.

"So, you're not going to be in direct competition with them. That's smart, Jim," Driscal said.

"Well, I know they could bury me in an instant, so I don't mind starting small. If things go badly for them over the next few years, maybe I can grow. So what's this project they turned down?"

Driscal pulled out a folder and we went over the specifications for the next half hour. Then we put on hard hats and went out into the distribution center to look at the physical location. It was really very straight forward. All of the support beams for the conveyor were already in place as this was something they knew they'd be adding when the original installation was done.

We went back into Driscal's office and he asked me what I thought.

"It doesn't look bad, Jim. Depending on the availability of the conveyors we need, we could be starting the installation within a couple of weeks. I'll work up a quote for you this afternoon and find out about the availability of the conveyors. I'll drop the quote off in the morning if that's okay."

"That would be great," Driscal said. "I wouldn't normally give out this information, but we do have two other quotes. One is for $243,000 and the other is for $261,000. Neither place can get to the job for two to three months. I really want to see you get started, so if you can come in anywhere close, the job is yours."

"Thanks, Jim, I really appreciate this," I told him. We shook hands and I started home to get busy on the estimate.

The first thing I did when I got home was count the number of conveyor sections we were going to need. There would be straight sections, accumulation sections, one curved section and one merge. I then called the conveyor company and had them give me a quote on what I needed.

I called Fred James and let him know how many conveyor sections and of what kind we were going to be installing and informed him we'd be removing one section of existing conveyor and replacing it with a merge. He told me he'd have a mechanical installation estimate within a couple of hours.

"Fred, why don't you do this as a sub-contractor?" I asked. "That way, if you can bring it in under what you estimate, you get to keep the difference. You do have the risk that if it ran over what you estimate, you would have to eat the loss."

Fred thought about it for a minute then said, "You know, I think I'd like that. I tried to talk Allied into doing that a while back, but they flatly refused."

After hanging up with Fred. I called Bob Arens and offered him the same deal I'd offered Fred. He was all for it and said he'd get right back with me.

While I waited for the installers to call me back, I made up a list of the electrical equipment we'd need for the job and called it in to an electrical supplier for a quote. Now all I had to do was wait.

I agonized over what to include in the quote for engineering. True, I wasn't going to be doing any new programming, or at least not much. Maybe a couple of hours at most to show the wiring connections and a couple of days for commissioning. However, I had spent the time at some point to do the programming. I decided to just wait and see how everything else came out.

The calls started coming in and my excitement was building. When everything was in, excluding only the engineering costs, the total came to $143,000. Oh shit! I went into my agonizing mode again. I was completely at a loss as to what to do, so I called Maddy and asked her to come over after she got off from work.

When Maddy got to the house I explained my dilemma to her. "So, you see," I concluded. "If I added $10,000 for engineering and a ten percent profit, I'd still only come up with a quote of $168,300. If I used a twenty-five percent profit, I'd have a quote of $191,250. The lowest quote they had before was $240,000."

"I don't see this as a big problem, Jim. If you had to do the programming of the merge, it would have added quite a bit to your quote. As it is, that's gravy. If you want to do Albertmans a favor, give them a quote for $220,000 or $230,000. They'll be happy; Driscal will look like a champ; and you'll make out like a bandit."

"It just doesn't feel right, Maddy."

"But it is right, Jim. Okay, so you come out well on this one. The next one you might lose your shirt. It will all average out in the long run."

"Okay, I guess that makes sense. Thank you for your good judgement, Mad."

"Oh, you're not going to get off with just a thank you," Maddy laughed. "You're going to take me out to dinner. Besides, I have something else for you. I've been working on a program to facilitate making quotes. I've been doing it on my own time and I haven't presented it to Allied as yet, so they have no claim on it. It kind of steps you through the quote process and when you have all of the information entered, it asks you what kind of mark-up you want, does the calculations, and prints out a quote for the customer."

"That sounds fantastic, Maddy. Maybe we should get all spiffed up and go to a really nice restaurant."

"That sounds like a plan. By the way, I made you up a logo and a letterhead and a template for the quote program. I hope they suit you. I didn't know what you were going to call your business, so I decided on Silvers Automation Consulting."

"That sounds good, Mad. That reminds me, I need to get a business license under that name and I'll need to open a bank account for the business also. Is there anything else you can think of that I'll need to do?"

"Well, if it were me, I think I'd like to get a web site going for the company and get an e-mail address set up for it. I'd also want to get a company phone line installed."

"Okay, that makes sense. Shit, I guess I'll have to learn HTML programming. I can't afford to hire someone to do a web site for me."

"Not to worry, Jim. I'll program a web site for you in my spare time. I'll also get you a domain name and find a host for you if you'd like."

"Sure, Maddy. Knock yourself out. Maybe I should just hire you to help me with this."

"You couldn't afford me, dear," Maddy smirked.

"No, I probably couldn't. Why don't you get your butt home and get dressed for dinner. I'll make reservations and pick you up in an hour and a half."

"Sounds good. See you later."

I managed to get reservations for the best restaurant in town. When I arrived at Maddy's house, she was ready to go, which is something I've always liked about her.

We had a really nice meal and decided we'd really step out of character and go into their lounge and do a little dancing before we called it a night. We had managed to avoid talking about my new business during dinner, but when we got on the dance floor, there was something I had to bring up.

"Maddy, I was teasing a while ago about hiring you, but not entirely. If this business takes off, I'm not going to be able to handle the paperwork and the engineering too. If that happens, would you consider going in partners with me on this?"

"I'm not sure, Jim. I'd have to give it some thought. They're not paying me what I think I'm worth at Allied, but there are some good benefits. It would be a gamble."

"Yes, it would be a gamble. We could go months at a time without making a dime, but we could also make $90,000 profit off of a couple of weeks work. I'll bet that half of that is nearly a years pay for you."

"Too true," Maddy said. "How much money would you want from me to buy in?"

"Nothing, nada, zero, zilch. All I would want is your expertise. You could even do it part time for a while to see if it would work."

"That might work. It doesn't seem fair though. You're the one who is risking everything," she said.

"Not really. If I set the business up as a partnership then you are responsible for half of the liabilities of the company. As long as things go well and we don't have any problems with any of the jobs, then you're home free. If I screw up on a bid and we lose our shirts, you'll have to help me cover our losses."

"What if we set it up as a corporation and we each put twenty thousand into it. We wouldn't be personally responsible for anything then would we?"

"I never thought of that, Maddy. It makes a lot of sense. I'll talk to my lawyer about it in the morning. I'll find out what it costs to incorporate and how long it would take. That might be the best all around solution even if you don't decide to come into it with me."

I don't know how many songs we had danced to while we were talking, but the band decided to take a break. Since it was almost 10:00 PM and Maddy had to be at work in the morning, we decided to call it a night.

I called my lawyer's office the next at 9:00 AM. Normally I would have had a hard time reaching him, but evidently someone had cancelled this morning and his new secretary put me right through.

Maddy and I had gone to high school with Harold Fannin. I won't say we had been friends, but at least we had been friendly. Harold had been in practice, on his own for about four years now and he had handled my divorce.

I explained to him what I wanted to do and he assured me it wouldn't be a problem. He said I should go ahead and get a business license as a soul proprietorship and that when the incorporation was completed we could just let the license expire.

He wanted to know the name of the corporation, so I told him I'd have to get back with him. I wanted Maddy's input. He said he'd get the papers filled out without the proposed name and I could let him know when I came in this afternoon to sign the papers.

I called Maddy and we kicked around different names for a while. Finally, she said, "Why don't we just call it Best Automation Inc.? We're best friends, so it would be appropriate."

That sounded good to me, so that's what we agreed on.

I dropped my quote off to Jim Driscal and he gave me an immediate approval. He said he'd send me a written confirmation and that we could immediately start buying parts.

That afternoon, I got to meet Harold's new secretary. Bonnie Roach was a beauty. I'd say she was in her mid twenties and as pretty as a picture. She had honey blonde hair with blue eyes and a figure that would stop traffic. I was smitten.

I talked with her for a few minutes while I waited to get in to see Harold and she was witty and charming as well as being beautiful.

When I came back out from signing papers and writing a healthy check to Harold, I asked her out to dinner on Friday. She seemed a little hesitant, but then graciously accepted. I was in heaven.

I went over to Maddy's after I knew she'd be home from work and hung out for a while. I told her about Albertmans and about getting the papers signed to get BA (Best Automation) going. Then I told her about meeting Bonnie.

I guess I must have gone on a little too much about Bonnie's good points because Maddy finally broke in and said, "You're going to have to introduce me to this Wonder Woman. Your description is making me feel like an old hag."

"I'm sorry, Maddy. You know I think you're one of the most beautiful women I've ever met. I guess I just got a little carried away."

"It's okay, Jim. I'm happy for you. While you're out running around on business, see if you can find me a hunky, smart, sensitive guy while you're at it. I'm almost to the point I'm ready to ask Phil out again."

We got a big laugh out of that, but I was worried a little about her.

The week went quickly. All of our parts were shipped into a staging area Driscal had set up for us. By Friday everything was set, so we decided to start the mechanical installation on Monday. Fred met with me on Friday afternoon, and we went over everything that had to be done. He said he'd need two days to get the conveyor sections all in place and that he thought we should replace the existing conveyor section with the merge bed over the weekend. I agreed and I told him I'd meet them there on Sunday morning in case they had any questions.

Bob Arens came in right after Fred and I told him mechanical should be done by Tuesday, so he agreed to get started on Wednesday. He said he didn't see the electrical installation taking more than a day and a half as they already had the motor starters in the cabinet and the wire ways run.

After we wrapped things up, I called Maddy and let her know everything was a go. "That's great, Jim," she said. "Good luck on your date with Wonder Woman tonight."

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Reddit XSmallGirls, aka r/XSmallGirls! I feel like such a pervert just checking out this sub. Yo, fuck that, these petite girls had it coming, and I’m about to be cumming to their nude pics for as long as I want! That’s right, today we’re talking about the /r/xsmallgirls community where small babes reign supreme as opposed to other subs where you usually see busty sluts with huge jugs. Here, as the community eloquently states in the description of /r/xsmallgirls, it’s a place where you can see...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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Starting life on his own

Starting a life on his own. ?Submissive male student, 18, looking for room, boarding and sexual slavery in Amsterdam? As of September this year, I hope to start at the university, and I am looking for a place to stay. I dream about bdsm, and I would love to rent a room from a dominant couple. I have no experience but I will do anything. Preferably 24/7? Can anyone help me make my dreams come true??Mail: [email protected] sat behind his computer, his hart pounding, his balls tingling with...

4 years ago
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Starting Anew Part 1

Chapter 1 Amy Lee looked over her classroom with jealousy. She was considered by all of classmates to be as one person pointed out "a bitch." Her classmates shied away from her, giggling and pointing whenever she walked by. Amy was an outcast. She didn't want to be but she was the victim of her own creation., one that she created to keep her darkest secret safe from others. Her mother had high hopes for Amy. She believed that she would grow up to be a famous model, actress, singer,...

2 years ago
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Starting fisting

Starting Fist 1 STARTING FIST I've always been proud of my body. At 38 I'm 5'8", 156 pounds and have always been thin. It seemed most of my weight was centered in my breasts. I once tried to weigh my boobs and figured they were about 14 pounds each. They are the only out of kilter part of my body. I do love having huge tits but wish they weren't so long. They hang to a few inches above my crotch and should be broader for their length. I suppose that as the rest of me is on the...

3 years ago
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Starting Over

STARTING OVER Dirk Robinson sat on the couch in front of his TV, watching some inane sitcom and realizing for the thousandth time that his life was a failure. It had started out well, but due to his own choices, it had spiraled out of control over the last few decades. He ruminated on those choices, wishing he could go back and unmake some of them. His grades in his New Jersey High School had been overall passing, but not spectacular, because of his own lack of motivation. He had...

2 years ago
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Starting Anew Part 3

Chapter 8 In the morning Stephanie and Trina were the talk of school. Ruby, Polly, and Megan tried to spread a bunch of rumors as retaliation for the humiliation the day before. They thought they were going to make Trina into a pariah or force the other girls away form her, instead they got caught by Mr. Williams who then told the girls, "You know that I was there and know exactly what happened." Both Ruby's and Polly's 7th grade class and Megan's 8th grade classes burst into laughter....

3 years ago
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Starting Anew Part 2

Chapter 5 Over in the dining room Gabby and Olivia sat down where Richard was sitting and waited for him to tell them the news. Richard composed himself and told Gabby, "We have received Amy's and Donald's records and what we see is troubling. Their former doctor was blocked from filing complaints by an administrator who was a friend of their father. He had everything documented including her weight loss and several questionable injuries to Donald. His accusations were outright ignored...

3 years ago
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Starting Over

I couldn't tell you what day it was, or even the month with any certainty. All I know is tonight seemed a lot colder than it had been. I pulled the blanket tighter around my body, and put another log on the campfire. Shit. I only had a couple logs left, and it felt like the night had just started. I'm going to have to go search for some more firewood soon. The only problem is once that chill gets into your bones, it's so much harder to get motivated to do anything, especially anything that...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Starting Anew Part 4

Chapter 12 Mike and George left after the game ended, telling them they would be in the morning for the trip to the courthouse. Ricardo excused himself to call Katie while Alex got ready for bed. Raul and Donald made themselves comfortable in the living room while Eric got their things to sleep in the larger living room area. Once Ricardo and Alex were in their room with the door firmly closed the trio got to talking. Eric asked what was happening at the Lawrence home and wanted the...

1 year ago
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Starting Anew Part 5 Finale

Chapter 15 Amy felt a little left out with Al and Stephanie busy helping Kyle get adjusted to his new home and Trina out at ballet practice. Gabby had to assure her that they would not let her feel bad for missing out when what she needed to do was more important than anything they were doing. She reluctantly agreed but still felt bad at missing out on seeing Kyle and Oscar trying to better the girls. Donald had it easy that day. Ben, John, and all of the teachers were in the midst...

2 years ago
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Starting Work at a New Company with Kelly Part 5

It was around noon on Saturday when Deb woke me up. I didn’t see Kelly or Jack. Deb and I scrounged for some food. I found out that she was thirty-seven years old and that Jack was forty-eight. Deb could have passed for ten-years-younger without question. I came up behind Deb and she leaned onto the counter as I fucked her from behind. I brought her to orgasm and then dumped a load into her. It felt so great to cum a nice decent size load. She turned around and we embraced and kissed. Deb's...

Office Sex
4 years ago
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Starting Over

The road whipped by as she drove her small Honda Civic to the local community college. Not a day would pass when she would look out the window at the lake as she passed over it and dreams of travelling would consume her. She would imagine that instead of the lake next to the college, it was a lake somewhere in the South West where she was starting her life over with no ties, no friends, nothing but her and her thoughts.Today was different though, the person sitting beside her was the last tie...

4 years ago
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Starting with Castration

Starting with Castration By Jillian It's never easy to know one's future, even in spite of all the plans a person might make. I am one of those people who has had their life's path altered by unforeseen circumstances and who is still struggling to deal with the changes. It all began about two years ago when I was in an accident at work. I was, at the time, employed by a large manufacturing company as a forklift operator moving both raw materials and finished product around...

3 years ago
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Starting a new family realtionship Chapter 1

I was so glad to get home, being a Friday we were hit hard and I was tired from being on my feet all day. I walked up the steps and walked through the front door kicking my shoes off as passed the threshold. I sighed in relief and headed straight for the couch; I propped my feet on the small glass table in front of me and turned on the TV. The news was on, and they were talking about the same old stuff they always do, someone killed somebody somewhere and the President had said something...

3 years ago
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Starting Over Ch 01

Starting Over, Chapter 1. This story will take a little time to build up with the background required, but it’s been bouncing around in my head for a while. It’s a more serious story with some romance in it. Bear with me…. I have all 5 chapters drafted and I’ll post each one in as the previous one is posted so I can finish editing. Main Characters: LTC (Retired) John Jackson, 5’11’, 180, 46 years old. Marie Jackson, John’s widow, 5’8′, 140, 44 years old. Angelica Jackson, John and Marie’s...

2 years ago
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Starting Another Year Of Marriage

The time was 3:15, and the last guest just left our anniversary party. Although the place is a mess, we’re very happy because the party went so well. Also, we know that now we have our own personal celebration to look forward to. After all, we have to start off another year of marriage right! I take you by the hand into the bedroom, our shadows dancing in the candle’s glow. We sit down on the edge of the bed, next to the ice bucket & champagne I strategically placed earlier in the evening. I...

2 years ago
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Starting of Hritika8217s Affair

My name is Hritika Saxena and I am from Delhi India.I am 23 age,and married,I got married when I was 21,just 2 years ago,I live with my husband and his parents in my home,have no kids yet. My husband is a businessman earns good money but don’t have time for home,mostly on business trips so that’s why we lived three people at home.My in laws keeps themselves busy with each other mostly. So in a way I left alone,so I always try to keep myself busy. I am 5”6 in height and have exquisite features,I...

1 year ago
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Mr Small

Suzy's teacher, Mr. Small, walked down the classroom aisle dropping each student's graded quiz on his or her respective desk. She turned her paper over and paled. It was another "F". She barely answered over fifty percent of the questions correctly on yesterday's quiz. She only got 11 out of 20. She just couldn't seem to wrap her brain around World History and Geography. She started the semester bad and with each weekly quiz and one major test already completed her grade kept getting...

3 years ago
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Making A Problem Small

Dr. Lynn Kook, at the age of just 42 years old the lovely dark haired brunettestands at 5ft3 and just tips the scales at a simple 135lbs. With a firm welltoned body of a 20 year-old college girl that most guys would love to haveas there girlfriend. Lynn is a Genetics DNA research scientist that has beenworking for years on a cure for several of the worst diseases known to mansuch as Aids. She also has been working on other types of cures as well. Whileworking on a new study a few weeks ago she...

3 years ago
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Every now and then in the summer, rather than go to the local beach near the city I’ll hop in my car and drive the hundred kilometres or so over the mountains and spend the day on the beach of a large lake by a small out-of-the-way village. It’s just a change of pace. Something that, for all of us, is occasionally needed in life to help recharge the batteries. There are a few small beaches, all of them sandy, near the village and unless it’s a long weekend they’re usually pretty empty and this...

4 years ago
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Every now and then in the summer, rather than go to the local beach near the city I’ll hop in my car and drive the hundred kilometres or so over the mountains and spend the day on the beach of a large lake by a small out-of-the-way village. It’s just a change of pace. Something that, for all of us, is occasionally needed in life to help recharge the batteries. There are a few small beaches, all of them sandy, near the village and unless it’s a long weekend they’re usually pretty empty and this...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Starting A Secret Life As Cute Priya 8211 Part 2

That entire incident that happens to me in the previous story changed me mentally a lot. Sometimes I behave like girl even in public, I start loving to wear beautiful ladies dress, love to wear tight bra and panty, love to wear high heels. Even my public profile tries to resist all those things, my internal mind start to dream about living as a girl and I become addicted to sissy training and hypnotic videos on xvideo web site. All night I start searching porn sites with text like sissy slut,...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Starting With Mom 8211 Part 2

I already told you guys how i approach mom to fuck her and how she resisted but now I am gonna tell you how i convince her. Today i reached home after 3 weeks and dad is busy in his work so he is on his business tour so its me and mom alone at home. When i reached home mom was looking bit tensed so i asked her what happened then she told me that she is bored at home and she has nothing to do alone at home then i asked her to make trip to shimla Then we asked dad for permission and he allowed us...

2 years ago
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Starting Work At A New Company With Kelly Part 1

It was the fall of 1982. Kelly, who was now twenty-two, had recently started working for a new company. The thing she thought was a little odd about this new company, was that on any given day maybe half of the women in the office were braless. And it wasn’t hard to tell. Hard nipples. Big boobs swaying. It seemed like everyone had big boobs?Occasionally someone would wear something sheer. She had already clearly seen three sets of areolae in her short time working there. Boobs seemed to be a...

Office Sex
2 years ago
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Starting Over

Starting OverBy: Londebaaz ChohanDuring my school days; I must have enjoyed at least 10 different pussies. I was a true jock, horny as hell and equipped with a blessed, not only big but also a very healthy cock and productive balls to convince any girl to be mine for the fun time fucking. I would not blame anyone else, but I hated to use the condoms and made 2 girls pregnant. My father was a high level law enforcement officer, so it was not very difficult to get me off the hook without...

2 years ago
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Starting Over After Divorce

Hi I am Sarah and this is my story of starting over.Also to show that some time is the very best time. My next door neighbor and best friend and co-worker is Lynn. She is very slim and sexy woman that has full breasts that are all natural, she is like me in height as we are both 5'81/2" where I tip the scales at 145-150 pounds. But also like Lynn I did have full breasts as well. I too am divorced with 2 c***dren both away at college so now I am empty nester at 39 but I looked younger mostly...

2 years ago
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Starting Over

Very little sex in this story. Thanks goes to 'Techsan' for editing this story. I just got through reading an erotic story on line about a double standard. It was about a man who cheated on his wife but wanted her to forgive him. But when the tables were turned and she had an affair he couldn't forgive her. Damn, I wonder how many guys felt that way? I started thinking about my views and how I felt. Here I was twenty seven years old, single, considered good looking according to my past...

2 years ago
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Starting Over Ch 04

In this chapter I will try some new things for me, so I hope you enjoy it. I only have one more chapter planned right now. Main Characters: LTC (Retired) John Jackson, 5’11’, 180, 45 years old. Marie Jackson, John’s dead wife, 5’8′, 140, 44 years old. Angelica Jackson, John and Marie’s daughter, 5’5′, 125, 19 years old. Mary Bradford, bartender, 5’5′, 120, 34 years old. Margaret (Maggie) Bradford, Mary’s sister, 5’6′, 115, 36 years old. Madeleine (Maddie) Bradford, Maggie’s daughter, 6...

3 years ago
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Starting My Sex Life And HairCutter

Hello guys, this story is about myself and with my mom. At first I will tell you that I am an incest lover and a haircut lover. This happened few years ago and after that my life changed. My dad lives in Dubai. Working there. And he barely come to home because he don’t get much vacation. So I and mom live here… At first I am going to tell about my mom. She is a beautiful woman, with normal size boobs and ass. From childhood I am in love with her. I always wanted her to be my sex partner. And...

2 years ago
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Starting A Secret Life As Cute Priya 8211 Part 1

Hi friends this is my real story and I dont have much experience in writing stories so there may be mistakes basically I am a software engineer from Kerala kochi, this story is about my secret cross dressing and gay desire. This all started when I was studying in +2, once during a bus journey to my school some one sitting near me massage my cock no one the the bus found that as my bag in on my lap I got really scared and start shivering as this was my first experience at last he open my zip and...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Starting Over Ch 05

To all who have written me about this story. My original intention was to end it with this chapter and I have resolved this initial story line. I have had requests to continue it since people seem to find these characters enjoyable. I’ll see if I can come up with some ideas on how to continue it. I can’t say for sure. It took me about 4-5 months to get this story out because of the intrusion of real life. But I appreciate everyone who has taken the time to read, comment, and send me a message...

2 years ago
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Starting Early My Story

Starting EarlySex is suppose to be a part of our everyday normal life but some people love to try and tell you how to run your own life and then look down on you when you don’t live up to those standards they set for you. My mother has never been a follower instead she taught her k**s that you control your own life and any decisions we make impact your life forever and do what ever makes you happy and to hell with the world thinks .This is my story My mother Crystal plays the organ for our...

3 years ago
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Starting To Love My Retirement

Well one month into my retirement and I’m starting to love it. Since I have retired I’m have been seeing more of my neighbours. Before I retired I would see one or two neighbours briefly on the weekends for some chit chat while cleaning the yard or driveway. Now I see many of my neighbours everyday while outside. This past weekend my neighbour living behind my house was just taking a morning walk and stoped to talk to me.He asked my why I was not at work I told hime I am now retired. He...

2 years ago
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Starting To Love My Retirement

Well one month into my retirement and I’m starting to love it. Since I have retired I’m have been seeing more of my neighbours. Before I retired I would see one or two neighbours briefly on the weekends for some chit chat while cleaning the yard or driveway. Now I see many of my neighbours everyday while outside. This past weekend my neighbour living behind my house was just taking a morning walk and stoped to talk to me.He asked my why I was not at work I told hime I am now retired. He...

2 years ago
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Starting OverChapter 9 The Shopping Trip

"Morning, sweet, sleep well?" Mark greeted the sleeping figure lying next to him. "It's morning, already? Do I have to get up?" Trisha groused, trying to snuggle deeper into Mark's side. Under other circumstances, Trisha enjoyed getting up early and starting her day. However, she was comfortable and too wrapped up in her memories of last night to want to plunge into the present. "The family should be here shortly, so, yes, we need to get up or take the chance on giving someone a...

2 years ago
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Starting Over A Love Story

Very little sex in this story. Thanks goes to ‘Techsan’ for editing this story. * I just got through reading an erotic story on line about a double standard. It was about a man who cheated on his wife but wanted her to forgive him. But when the tables were turned and she had an affair he couldn’t forgive her. Damn, I wonder how many guys felt that way? I started thinking about my views and how I felt. Here I was twenty seven years old, single, considered good looking according to my past...

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Starting College Right

You wake up squinting as the light pours in from a nearby window. You lay in bed as you try to sort out your surroundings. You're in your new dorm room. You're starting your freshman year at college. It's Saturday morning. You arrived here last night in order to attend the freshman orientation weekend before classes start on Monday. You're not really interested in the orientation activities, but you're hoping you can meet some other guys and maybe even get laid. You're still relatively...

3 years ago
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Starting with a memory of a Honry Chick Next too

As i lay in my bed looking up, dazying off, thinking off what had happened today when i was heading too school taking the bus cause i dont have money for a 2 hour (drive because of traffic) every day from "Mon-Thu" (ill rather spend it on the weekend!). So as i was standing next to some black chick because the bus always gets full at the same time i always take it. And each bustop the bus stops more people get in, and the more it got full, the closer i got next to the black chick. She had a...

4 years ago
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Starting OverChapter 11 Merry Christmas Eve

The Christmas holiday came quickly, and soon it was December 23rd. As planned, everyone met at Mark's house at the appointed time. Dinner was delivered and quickly eaten. After enjoying some Christmas fun, the four teenagers were sent to bed in the basement family room with strict instructions to go to sleep and not stay up playing pool or talking. Shortly thereafter, the gifts were rescued from their confinement and placed under the tree. Trisha noticed that there seemed to be many more...

2 years ago
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Katies dress is too small

Katies nipples were not cooperating. The 14-year-old looked at herself in her bedroom mirror. She had been trying to keep her nipples from being so obvious in her new dress, but it was no use. The lacy bra that matched the party dress didnt keep her twin nubbins from showing through the red gown. Katie had just gone through some weird growth spurt, and her breasts were now much bigger than before. Her nipples seemed to have grown, too. They stayed erect all the time, like small pink pencil...

1 year ago
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Starting Of Married Life With Wife

My 1st Wedding Night: ================== I sat along side her and talked sweet things.Then i kissed her lips.I kept on seeing her face , reading her expressions.My cock was already hard and with tears on but very hard and determined to fuck her that same night. I told sweet nothing in her ear and touched her hand with my trembling hands. I then touched her face, her chicks, her lips, kissed all over her face.I smelled her breath which was smelling with nice fragrance. I then touched her...

1 year ago
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Starting Over

 Continuous pulses rippled through the oozing folds of my hungry quim. The Sybian2400’s pleasure waves, on my favourite intermittent setting, had already wracked my body and wrecked my g-spot.Greedily going for more; the dildo hunted and corralled another round of delicious cums. My morning ritual, an hour-long cum-fest, now made extraordinary by the newly released, ‘dildo for the twenty-fifth millennium.’Lying back having temporarily satiated that needy quim, I ‘heard’ a silent word image in...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Starting OverChapter 8 The Visit

Mark spent a good portion of Friday with his family. The adults were commenting on what a good couple he and Trisha made. Even though he was busy, Mark was thinking about Trisha and wondering why she hadn't called him. When the rest of his family went out for dinner, he declined, wanting to stay home in case Trisha called. By 8:00, Mark became concerned, but still didn't call Trisha. He wanted to let her call him when she was ready. He was afraid that he had pushed her too fast to meet his...

3 years ago
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Starting OverChapter 5

After the meal we sat on the couch finishing the bottle of wine, laughing about the day's events, and kissing every now and again whenever it seemed right. After an hour or so when we were rested and slightly drunk Abby said, "It's time for your present. Wait here, I'll call you when it's ready." I sat waiting and wondering what she was doing and what my surprise would be. A delicious feeling of excitement made my cock twitch. I heard the bathroom door click shut, and decided to do the...

3 years ago
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Asses Fine Asses Two Big One Small

As I walked across the quad I noticed a girl ahead of me. I couldn’t see her face but, then again, I didn’t need to. There’s no denying that I’m an ass man and hers was beyond spectacular. Maybe not everyone’s cup of tea but I like big bottoms. Hers was like two luscious ripe cantaloupes beautifully wrapped in tight white shorts. Mesmerized, I followed her like a stalker. As it turned out she was aiming for the cafeteria, I followed her in. She got a tuna salad sandwich and a diet...

1 year ago
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Petra the Small

[This is the first part of a much larger work. It is not a sex story, although there is sex in it and more as it goes along. This part has oral sex, fondling, woman-with-woman, and coitus. This part has the characters looking at the nature of their beliefs, what drives their actions and the possibility that life doesn’t need to be the way it has been. I would appreciate feedback on what works for you, the reader, as well as what doesn’t.] * She was tiny. When the other kids hit puberty they...

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The Journey of Mrs Small

You could have heard a pin drop as he stepped through the church hall doorway. One moment there was the almost deafening sounds of the hustle and bustle of the busy parish summer bring and buy sale and the next moment complete silence. People stopped in their tracks and turned and stared at him; it was almost as if Old Nick himself had entered the room, desecrating holy ground. But it wasn’t him. Jack Hardy was no devil. Jack Hardy owned the only sex shop within a radius of thirty miles. He...

3 years ago
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My first time teasing a guy for being small

My First Time Teasing And The Begnning of a FetishGrowing up, I never knew there were so many guys that loved being teased for having tiny cocks. I'm so glad I decided to google one of my favorite fetishes months ago when I was super horny one day! Now I get to imagine more than just my own experiences. There are so many great stories out there and I'm getting new ideas too and want to humiliate my boyfriend's tiny cock even more now. (not really small, but he enjoys my teasing anyway).I've...

2 years ago
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Too Small

Too Small By Margaret Jeanette Sam Markham was making love to his wife of two months, ridng her and enjoying every minute of it. He didn't realize she wasn't reacting but just lying there. Trudy, his wife, was wondering why they even bothered, since she couldn't feel him doing anything. Then she felt the spurt. "I know you got somethig out of this but I didn't. You are too small for me. I think it's time to do somthing drastic." She got up and got a pair of her lacy panties...

2 years ago
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Its Too Small

It seems to have happened with almost all my friends, their parents have divorced, many remarried. That's my story, when I was twelve, they split, I went with my mother, she married George, a widower, about a year later. George has a son, Mark, two years younger than me, thirteen. We do get along fine, I think he does look up to me like a big sister sometimes and, he is cute. Not sexy-cute, just boy-cute. I would help him with his homework, if he needed it and he was nice to me, too. In the...

3 years ago
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Tales From Mist WorldChapter 23 Tributes Large and Small

Jake and Catherine were awoken by Rebecka thirty minutes before the Pride was due back. They showered and dressed quickly. Catherine insisted he wear his dress uniform. While she wore one of her standard ships uniforms. When he asked why. She said, “For the tribute you need to shine brighter than I do. I’ll change into a regular dress before we leave the ship. Go check on the ship and reassure yourself everything has been done. I’ll make sure everything is ready for your family. Then double...

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