Tandem free porn video

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I'd gotten caught late at the office. By the time I got home, I was exhausted. I was ready to just drop into my chair, skip dinner, pretend to watch t.v. as my eyelids fluttered closed, and wait for my wife Dana to nudge me awake a few hours later and tell me I should just go to bed.

The scenario didn't happen a lot, but often enough I could read the map for this particular evening.

When I got in the house, Dana came up and gave me a kiss, and then apologized. "I'm sorry, but the kids got hungry, so we had dinner without you." It was late enough on a school night they were both safe in their beds, long asleep.

I'd called a few hours earlier with my own apologies, and told her not to wait dinner on me. Finally back home, I waved at her, "No, no, no, it's okay. Blame corporate America. I'm too tired to be hungry anyway. I'll just make a sandwich and be fine."

Dana gave me the glare. "No, you're not doing the chair thing again tonight, mister. You need a decent meal. I've got a plate for you to warm up. You go get out of that monkey suit, give the kids a kiss goodnight, and then get your butt back in the kitchen. My job is to feed you proper."

Well, that wasn't really her job. We had a modern marriage. Dana's job involved teaching kids all day long. But if she wanted to spoil me for the evening, I wasn't about to complain.

When I sat down at the kitchen table, I was treated to a plate of her special lasagna--which only got even better through reheating--and some garlic bread, a fresh salad, and a very full glass of wine. Dana sat down and joined me, enjoying only a smile and a full glass herself.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," I exclaimed as I ate.

"My pleasure, my dear."

Finally I used my napkin, and pushed my chair back from the table. "Hon, that was delicious. Sorry I wasn't here for the original unveiling. Did I miss anything else while I was taking it up the ass for the man?"

Dana chittered her lovely little laugh. "Not really." Then she perked up. "Well, your sister did call."

"Oh yea?" I played my best poker face. "What did she have to say?"

"Well, apparently she's booked a week or so at some investment condo your aunt down in Florida owns on Anna Marie island. She was inviting us all down to stay with her. I had to decline, of course."

"Really? How come? Not that we can afford it anyway."

"It was the same time as when we're going up to the Cape for my family thing."

"Oh well, shame about that."

I took a long draught of wine, savoring the woody redness in my mouth before swallowing in the ensuing silence.

"The thing is," Dana began, "well, I think you should go."

I cocked an eyebrow.

Dana shrugged. "I know how my family gatherings are pretty overwhelming for you."

That was an understatement. Her family was great, but there were so many of them. A sister, two brothers, and all the in-laws in between.

"Besides," she added. "Us kids have always been close. Lily is your only sibling, and the way you two were so estranged for so long, I want to encourage this reparation of your relationship that you guys started last year. I think that's important."

"But," I said.

"I can manage the kids alone," Dana answered. "I think this will be really good for you guys. I mean, these things are important. I want to foster this renewal. I want our boy and girl to have this other aunt who is in the picture."

"Okay," I shrugged, acceding to my wife's wishes. "I'll give Lily a call tomorrow, if that's what you want."

"It's definitely what I want," she nodded ferociously.

That matter settled, I stood up and gathered my dishes.

"Just leave them," Dana said.

"Oh, it'll just take a minute to wash them."

"Leave them in the sink." Her words were a command. "I'll take care of them in the morning." She stood up, came over, took them out of my hands and placed them in the sink.

That left me empty-handed. I shrugged. "Okay. Care to join me in the livingroom? Guess I'll go visit my chair for awhile."

Dana grabbed me by the wrist, shaking her head. "No," she emphasized, "no chair tonight."

She pulled me out of the kitchen, hitting the lights as we left. Dana led us on a tour of our house, stopping in each room long enough to kill the switches. She dragged me down the final hall to our bedroom, where she threw me down and proceeded to fuck my lights out!

Though Dana and I were still active in the bedroom sense, it was a fraction of what it was before kids and jobs and time and the usual bullshit clouded the picture. But that night was ferocious. By all legal definitions, my wife raped me. With the caveat that I never once said no. I was too busy gasping and groaning. Afterwards we cuddled fiercely, slipping towards sleep, and then Dana was out like a light.

That's the way she's always been. Once under, Dana was a log until the alarm. I lay there in the dark, still sort of panting, until she turned over on her side. After about twenty minutes, despite the late hour, I got up and quietly tip-toed out of the room.

I went to the far reach of the house, and dialed the phone. The number rang forever, then finally picked up.

"Scored," I said.

"What?" the sleepy voice said.

"I said, scored."


"Exactly. Reporting back."

"My god," Lily perked up wide awake. "You're kidding?"

"Nope. It worked. Perfectly."

What my wife didn't know was that the end of the estrangement a year ago between Lily and me had involved a quirk of fate whereby we'd become lovers. On a basement sofa late at night when everyone else was asleep we'd fallen together in the mutual understanding that what'd always driven us apart was that we both wanted to be together, in the precise way disallowed a brother and a sister. That ascertained, we'd broken that barrier at like light speed, having the most fantastic sex known to man and woman. Or so it still seemed to us. Since then we'd only managed a couple encounters.

"God, Wayne," Lily giggled. "One minute I'm sound asleep, the next my thighs are soaking wet!"

The next minute I started hearing slurpy sticky sounds over the receiver. "Are you doing what I think you're doing?"

"Better believe it," Lily panted.

"I'll be there so soon, darling," I whispered, "I'll take care of my baby sister."

There I was, in the livingroom, in the dark, on the phone, listening to my sister bring herself off. I was hard myself, but it'd happened so fast that then Lily was whispering, "Mmm, baby, so good, bless you for calling, but god I gotta get back to sleep."

We did that kissy-kissy thing at the piece of plastic we were each holding, and then hung up.

I went back to bed with a huge hard-on I didn't feel like doing anything with. My plan was to slip back under the covers and maybe touch myself inconsequentially until I drifted off.

My plan was going as intended, until Dana turned over and sleepily whispered, "Where were you? Did you call your sister?" Her hand met my hard-on. She took a firm grip of it, then pulled me over on top of her, positioning my cock at the entrance of her still wet cunt. If I didn't say no before, I sure wasn't going to say no now! Nothing better than slow, sleepy and nearly incoherent sex.

Several weeks later I was at the airport, escorting Dana and the kids to the security point for their flight up to the Bay. I gathered the guys for a group hug and kisses. "You all going to miss your old Dad?"

The elder, our son Patrick, spat out, "Heck no! It'll be great not having you around to boss us around all the time." I gave him a pretend slap on the top of his head; he grinned back at me.

Patricia wrapped me in a gangly 12-year-old girl hug. "I'll miss you, Daddy."

When the line finally started moving, Dana grabbed me and gave me a kiss so full of tongue something in my pants started to move. "See you soon," she whispered in my ear, poking her tongue in there for good measure. She touched my swelling, then backed away. "Have a great time with Lily, on your all's honeymoon."

I rolled my eyes, and sort of sputtered out my mouth.

"I'm kidding," she said, smiling at me. "I truly think it's so great that you two have finally reconnected. You know how family is so important to me. You see the phone bills, with me always calling my brothers and sister. I want you two to have fun."

We kissed longly, until the kids started objecting, booing and going, gross! Then I waved as the three of them moved through security and away from me.

I was back at the airport the next day for my flight. Up in the air I went, and then a few hours later I was in Tampa/St. Pete. Lily had arrived a few days before, so the plan was that she'd meet my flight with her rental car. With the rest of the horde I hurried down the corridor, past security, into the common waiting area. I kept looking around, but I didn't see Lily. I did see a lot of lovely women waiting for someone. It seemed disproportionate to the general population, but maybe that was just Florida. I supposed Lily was running a little late, had run into some traffic or something. I was disappointed. But it was fun, glancing around, like being in an ice-cream shop, watching all the flavors walk off with the cone holders.

As I walked through the crowd, I was struck by how the truly hottest girl was the one wearing a little white dress that not only showed off her light tan, but was diaphanous enough you could see she was wearing a matched set of light charcoal-blue undies. I ... I had an appreciation for that color. I got a clear view of that expanse of her cute rear as she stayed turned from me, scanning the debarking crowd for someone else.

Little short clingy summer dresses have always stirred my imagination. Dana never wore anything but pants. No doubt, she looked luscious in pants. When she wanted to really get me going, she knew to reward me by pulling her pants down with the sight of such a colored pair of panties.

I stopped to look around, still not seeing my sister. I gave a glance back at the gal in the white dress, and then she turned around, and met my gaze. Her mouth dropped wide, and then she ran and grabbed me like a gorilla.

My sister, Lily.

Her mouth was on mine, her tongue tangling with mine, in a way no one else in public really wants to witness. At length we stepped back, gasping. "Welcome to Florida," she intoned.

"And what a wonderful welcome it is!" And then I stood there, mute, just gazing at her loveliness. The lightness of her fresh tan, the cute little sprinkle of freckles across the bridge of her nose, the hair to her shoulders already bleached a lighter blonde from the several days in the sun.

"Lily," I finally muttered, "you look like a dream come true."

She smiled and poked out her chest. "I am your dream come true."

And that she was.

I ran my hand up her arm, stopping to finger the fabric. "Lovely dress for a lovely girl," I murmured, "but did you know that it not only reveals your frillies underneath, but their exact color?"

"I know what my brother likes. I know everything that my brother likes."

"Well, yes you do. But everything you're showing me is on display for everyone else in the airport."

Lily jutted her chin out. "I wanted to show off for my brother. If everyone else can see, so be it. No one else is going to get it." Then she reached out to tug at the strap across my shoulder. "Do you have just this carry-on," her other hand dipped discreetly between my legs, hefting my scrotum, "or do we have to go wait for your big bag?"

"I'm afraid we're off to the carousel."

So there we went. The conveyor belt finally started, and then, as I remarked to my sister, it was the first time in my airport life that my luggage appeared on the first go-round. As I hefted it off, she replied, "They must have known we have better things to do."

Lily was driving me crazy. I tried to palm her cute little ass, but she swatted my hand away. "That's the law," she declared. "From now on you don't get to touch me. You don't get to touch me until after just looking at me makes you shoot off in your shorts. And I'll need to see your soggy undies for proof."

Well, I could've bumped against my big suitcase and taken care of that deed restriction in about two seconds. But I decided to play along with my sister. I followed her as she led us through the airport and out towards the parking, her sashaying ass a beacon I'd never lose sight of. Every guy we passed did a double-take of Lily. Depending on their states of mind, half shot me hateful daggers while the others gave thumbs up--variations on the you lucky bastard, you! response.

Finally we found her rental car. Lily popped the trunk and I loaded in my stuff. After slamming the lid shut, she gave a glance around, and then very coyly lifted the hem of her dress to her waist. I instantly grabbed my crotch and moaned, then moved to take her in my arms. "That did it," I announced, kissing her fiendishly.

"God, this is going to be the best vacation of my life," she whimpered.

"That's my intention," I replied.

Lily pushed me away. "Let's get the hell out of here. Let's get home."

Once we were safe from all the crazy airport traffic, Lily reached over and swatted at the tent in the front of my pants. "Can't fool me," she grinned, "I knew you were faking it. You didn't really shoot off in your shorts."

But once, at the condo, my bags moved into the bedroom, when Lily reached behind her back to unzip her dress enough so that it fell off her shoulders to pool at her feet, I very nearly did.

She stood there, my dream girl, in just her lacey bra and panties, of that matching color designed to drive me wild. "Wayne, show me how much you want me."

How else to reply? Cock came out, ready to aim.

Thus the next hour was occupied, in wild copulation, my cock thrusting into my sister's willing cunt, driving her repeatedly over the edge, and then me stopping, nearly in tears, because I didn't want to explode just yet and have it all come to an end.

But all good things do come to an end. After dozing dreamily in total satisfaction, we splashed off in the shower, touching each other with sudsy hands, exploring the wondrous landscapes of each others bodies like children. Like a brother and sister first learning the joys of sex from each other. It was like the purity of soap--we didn't dirty ourselves again; we made one another clean.

Once dressed, we went out and had a long, leisurely--and delicious--dinner at a nearby Italian restaurant. We walked back to the condo holding hands, bumping hips, until I dropped her hand to put my arm around her waist to draw her even closer. Lily's arm followed my example, and once she was holding me tightly against her, I let mine lower so my hand could gently caress her ass. In short, as we strolled down the sidewalk, we looked like new lovers on holiday. Which was exactly what we were.

After that sort of walk, and the lengthy gazings of longing over the dinner table, I had one thing in mind when we were safely back inside the condo. Lily preempted me. "Let's go for a little swim in the pool. That would be so refreshing."

I wasn't so sure about that. Our aunt had purchased an A-grade unit: the wall of the livingroom was all glass, with sliding doors opening out directly onto the pool deck. I could see how out there it was nothing but a bunch of tourists, a few gaggles of teenagers, but mostly exhausted looking parents drinking beer while their young children splashed around in the pool. But, if Lily wanted to join then ... she'd disappeared into the bathroom, so I went into the bedroom and pulled on my suit.

I've never been much of one for swimming, so for the trip I'd had to go out and buy a new suit. I couldn't quite do one of those spandex codpieces, but wanting to look cute for Lily I'd erred in that general direction instead of those gaudy patterned hang-to-the-knees variety. And an error it was, as Lily came out of the bathroom bearing a pair of big beach towels and wearing an off-white bikini. It wasn't one of those obscene string up the butt models with a couple band-aids of fabric over the nipples, but lord did it show off her beautiful body. The top barely constrained her breasts, giving a generous showing of cleavage. I wasn't sure how the triangle below managed to cover her pubis.

"What?" she asked my slack-jawed gaze, as she tossed me my towel.

"Um, don't you have a suit that's a little more modest?"

"Nope. This is what I have. Is that a problem?"

"Well, it's kind of creating a problem," I replied, as the front of my suit began filling out.

Lily moved up against me, then reached down and gave my package a few friendly squeezes. "Honk honk," she said, like a rubber bulbed horn. "But that's your problem, now, isn't it."

I was just hoping nobody out on the pool deck saw that exchange through the glass.

Lily moved on, slid open the door and stepped out into the blazing light, and the way her lovely ass twitched, there was no way I wouldn't follow.

I carried my towel so it draped hiding the bulge in front of me. Then I quickly tossed the towel to a vacant chair and dove into the pool. I thought the chill of the water would help my problem. Silly me. A shallow condo pool baking all day under the Florida sun--the water felt like all the kids splashing around had been there since daybreak, never getting out, having too much fun to do anything but pee in the pool. At least I was chest deep in constantly moving water, so what was large about me was hidden under the waves, like the bulk of an iceberg.

Lily sauntered slowly to the other end, opting to enter down the steps in the shallow end. God, she looked good! It was funny to watch her runway walk. All the dads behind their sunglasses turned their heads nearly imperceptibly to track her walk past them, while all the moms behind their sunglasses watched her blatantly, then whipped their heads back around to see where their hubbies were looking. The couple of teen boys were openly gaping at my sister, while their girlfriends stood around arms furled across their breasts looking pissed-off.

As Lily walked down into the water, she looked like a goddess, a Renaissance painter's wet-dream, a self-assured woman entering a pool. Striding through the waters, parting the waters, to join her chosen lover. That feller being me!!!

It wasn't that Lily was the only attractive woman around. Several of the moms were quite cute, but they were at the state where they couldn't just drag their mates off to the sheets, because they'd already mated and the process would first involve getting the kids out of the pool, and then inside, and then settled down enough for bed. And the teenaged girls were still at that awkward stage where they were proud of their new curves, and how the boys flocked to them like moths, but understanding that their curves were all that the boys cherished, the sexy lightbulbs that drew their dicks forward.

Whereas Lily was sultry in the self-assurance of her sexuality, striding through the water towards her man.

Then we started just playing around, splashing and dunking, cavorting like kids in a pool, swimming around and lightly touching like new lovers. At one point Lily hoisted herself up out to sit on the lip of the pool. I moved between her legs, mesmerized. Maybe I was no better than the teenaged boys. The fabric of her suit didn't seem to have much lining. "You know," I stroked her thigh, "I can see everything with this suit. Your nipples, and I don't mean just the poking out part. And your cute little bush below. And if I can see it..."

"That means you're standing right here and staring at it all, you pervert!" Lily splashed me a little. "Maybe you should turn around and calm down."

I did just that, and then she leapt onto my back, wrapping her legs around my waist and holding onto my shoulders. "Give me a piggyback ride," she declared. Her cunt was pressed against my lower back while her breasts were crushed against my shoulder blades. I carried my lovely load swiftly into deeper water. After the jiggly ride, Lily brushed her calf up across my full crotch.

"Stop it, " I hissed.

Lily just giggled. "Boys pee in the pool all the time. You could shoot off in your trunks, and no one would ever notice."

I'd had enough. I rose up and tumped backward, totally ducking my mean sister. She broke away and came up sputtering, laughing, "I deserved that!"

We moved towards the side of the pool, still in the deeper part. Then Lily loosed her arms around my neck for a deep kiss. And then, with that leverage, she lifted up in the water and wrapped her legs around my waist from the opposite direction as before. Fabric was involved between, but basically her cunt lips spread to either side as she rubbed up and down against the shaft of my cock. Despite the buoyancy of the water, I did have to have both hands on Lily's ass to support her. I gave her cheeks a couple hard squeezes. Then I decided to get some payback.

I slipped a hand down the back of her bottoms and squeezed her ass directly. Then I extended my fingers, furrowing deep between the cleft of her cheeks. I touched briefly on her asshole, then slid further down into her fur, slipping between the lips of her cunt directly. Lily gasped. "What are you doing? We're out in public."

"Don't worry; no one can see what I'm doing."

Well, it didn't take but a minute for her to push away and jump off, pulling herself up onto the pool's apron. "Okay, you've proved your point. I'm done. I'm going to dry off. Care to join me?"

"I can't get out of the pool quite yet, not with such an audience."

"I'd really like to go down to the beach and watch the sunset."

"That sounds good to me."

Lily moved off and lay down on one of the lounge chairs.

"If you would be so kind as to toss me my towel, I'd be happy to join you."

She held up the towel. "It's right here. Come out and get it."

From my angle in the pool I couldn't even see her head. Her body was foreshortened like crazy. There were just the hillocks of her breasts in the background, and then the glance of the cleft between her thighs. "I'm seeing definite camel-toe from here," I hissed.

Lily just giggled, and spread her legs even more.

I turned around and started swimming laps, just to get myself right. I got into it, hoping to finally get out of the pool without a boner. After more laps than I could count, Lily was standing at the lip of the pool, dropping my towel within reach. "Hurry up. I really want to watch the sunset together. I'm going in to wash off the chlorine. You ready to come out yet?"

"Gonna need a couple more laps, babe."

Lily giggled. "Boys! Well, hurry up then."

"I'm trying, but can't hurry nature."

I did take a couple more laps, and then I decided to just hoist myself out of the pool and quickly grab the towel to wrap around my waist. I came in just as Lily was leaving the bathroom, showered and wrapped in a couple towels herself.

"You look so cute in a dress," she exclaimed. "What're you hiding under that kilt, a great big bagpipe?"

"Shut up," I slapped her terry-clothed ass.

She darted into the bedroom to get dressed, while I hit the shower for a brief soap down. Then I dried off and hit the bedroom. My big bag was open, the contents looking a little rumpled. I didn't remember doing that, but surely I did. I had an old worn white undershirt I was looking forward to wearing, but apparently I'd forgotten to pack it. I dressed elsewise.

Then I joined Lily in the livingroom. She was wearing my old undershirt. It sagged at the shoulders a bit, but she filled it to bulging in the front. I made no mention except to give a quick tweak to her nipples; "at ease" but still very visible. For bottoms she was in the pair of roomy demi-boxers I packed to sleep in. She stood up from the sofa and sweetly grabbed my hand, pulling me along to go watch the sunset from the beach. I gladly followed. Lily's ass made my pair of boxer shorts look absolutely delicious.

We went past the small scruff of dunes and stands of sea oats down to the beach proper. Right there were a pair of wooden chaise lounges. She led us between them and then sat us down on each. "Perfect," she declared, sitting up on hers with legs drawn up, her arms resting across her knees.

I could see up the wide leg of my shorts to her bush.

"You're not wearing any underwear!"

"Oh yes I am! It just happens to be your underwear." And then she pulled the crotch aside, slipping the naughty fingers down to spread her cunt open enough to make her point. "Is this all you think about?"

I was honest. "Around you, yea, like 90% of the time."

She almost seemed to pout. "Is that all? I must be slacking."

"Stop it," I slapped lightly, and then we both reclined back on our loungers. Through the gap above the sand, her hand found mine, her thumb pressing gently but insistently against my palm.

We lay like that, watching the sinking sun. The colors we watched were like the lies of painters. How could a low line of clouds suddenly burn magenta? Nevertheless, that's exactly what we watched while holding hands.

We stayed there as the sky turned into the few brightest stars. Lily made a strange noise. Once repeated, the sound was another stifled yawn.

"Getting tired, baby?" I asked.

"No. Well, yea. I woke up really early--way too early--this morning.

"How come?"

Lily flapped her connecting arm. "I'm a girl. I went to bed really excited. I was anticipating. The idea of having this right now, plus all the rest."

I gave her hand a squeeze back. "Being here with you like this right now, it's the best thing."

"Thank you," Lily whispered.

Then I summoned the energy to get off my ass and stand up. I beckoned Lily to join me. "Seems like the best thing is to call this night done early. So we can wake up even earlier."

Back in the condo, I won the race to the bathroom. I just wanted to brush my teeth. Lily took my place carrying a friggin' bag!

After she went into the bathroom, I got a funny idea. I snatched a pillow off the bed, and found a fresh sheet and a little cover in a closet. I made my bed on the couch in the livingroom. I read a bit of the local newspaper we'd picked up after dinner, and then the day weighed heavy on me. I started nodding.

I was startled awake by Lily's distant ta-dah, "So what do you think?" And then, "Wayne, where are you?"

"I'm in the livingroom."

"What are you doing out there?"

"I've," I paused, "I've made my bed out here on the couch the way you said I had to. For sleep purposes, at least."

"Who said anything about sleeping?" Lily entered the room. She moved towards me, wearing this grey teddy detailed in a dusty pink. My cock definitely paid attention to the color combination. It was the sort of outfit that came with matching panties, but Lily advanced bottomless.

"Guess I'm going to have to molest you right where you lay." Lily pulled the covers off me. "Because, right now, what I want is to sit on my brother's face."

The girl yanked the covers right off me, then came up on the couch. She straddled my body, and began knee-walking her way up to my face. Even as I succumbed to the smell of her cunt, I shouted away, "Lily, the curtains are open. Anyone out on the pool deck can see us. Even people in distant windows."

"I don't care," she replied huskily. "All I'm thinking about is my brother licking my pussy. Close the curtains if you want. Or follow me to bed. Or just shut up because with my thighs squeezing your cheeks, you won't be seeing windows for awhile."

Despite her advantage, I beat Lily into the bedroom. She came upon me, and then just shoved me down onto the bed. She approached me like an animal. Albeit one wearing very sexy negligee. I reached up to untie the front, perhaps to unveil my sister's delicious breasts. Instead Jill smacked my arms away. My sister was, if nothing else, very very very smart. She knew damn well I wanted her to still be wearing the slight skirt of the teddy

I gladly let the silky drapery fall over my face; enveloping me, really. I was in a cavern, and there was the little spring of her self, hovering right above my tongue. I wasn't stopping until my face was bathed in her cunt sauce.

That went fast enough.

From there, duh, I pushed her back and I scooted on up. I didn't wait for her hand to guide me in. I just rudely poked a time or two until I found it. And then, having her nailed down, I slowly undid the ribbons holding her bodice together. Even at this late stage, I wanted her breasts out in the open! I could do anything I wanted. Jill was that pliable, eager to guide me on. Her hips went pneumatic, thrusting up against me, coaxing my response, bodily begging me to explode deep inside of her.

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"You lost," she said. "Time for your Bad End." The lines of her body softened and started to wriggle up Jackson's exposed flesh. Skiiippp! He was back on the cloudy plane with the sad big tits angel. She opened her mouth to-- Skip. The big tits angel sent him back to the woodland path with a smile full of hope. Suraimo was waiting for him. "You skipped the H-scene again," she said. "I told you to be careful with the Skip button. Now you'll have to lose to me again if you want...

1 year ago
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Ms Rosen and I0

There was silence in the car for about 10 minutes. Then finally Ms. Rosen, Are you ok? I asked. She replied. “Yes I’m fine Miguel. Please whatever you do when you get older and you have a girlfriend don’t cheat on them. It is very hurtful. I shouldn’t be talking to you about this.” Its ok Ms. Rosen I don’t mind listening you always listen to us when we go see you, I replied. “Miguel when you grow up and become an adult you will see how things get a harder. Before I take you home how about we...

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159 A LITTLE LIGHT RELIEFWhen hubby gets home, he is surprised that I am sat in his living room at your invitation and you introduce me as EDDY just that, no explanation, nothing. He knew I was your on-line lover, and you could see his mind racing as to my presence “I`m going to have a very relaxing bath with my favourite bath fragrance then I'm going to present myself for a full body massage boys so amuse yourselves till I call you. It will be a pleasure to invite you into our bedroom later...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 304

"So Teneesha, I'm Maxine Stone. Jerry here tells me you are game for most anything?" I asked. "I ain't eatin' no pussy," she said defiantly. She said it in a harsh whisper, since we were sitting at a table in the Cop Out Club. "Tell me why you would even say that?" I asked. "Everybody knows you a stone lezbian," she said in a condescending voice. "I see, so if that bothers you, why did you come down here?" I asked. "Well, Jerry said I would love having a big TV star between...

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It all started with a sleep over at one of my friend’s house. I lay there as her boyfriend crawled in through the window. I pretended I was asleep and they started doing it right there in front of me. Although I couldn’t see anything I heard them and it made me feel wet and wild. I even wanted to go join them but knew I wasn’t ready for that. I started tickling my clit for a while and as they got louder I started penetrating myself deeper. One finger after another went inside of me...

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Sissy Punishment Chapter 2

Sissy Punishment Chapter 2 By Sarah James squirmed as he walked back to the classroom after his trip over Principal Julie's lap. Ms. Owens and Principal Julie had dressed James up in one of the girl's school uniforms after they had found him rummaging in the lost and found, and now he was going to face his classmates for the first time as Janet, the name Ms. Owens had given him. Janet's bottom still was sore, and he knew he was going to squirm for the rest of the day. But...

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Mistis Adventures Part 66

Cathy had come out of her reverie. Rick was home for good. He still had a bit of a limp, and tired easily. This was just an aftereffect from all the time he had been in bed or in a wheelchair during his hospital stay. Being able to get out and move about, with the aid of a cane, he would soon regain his old strength.He was a bit stiff from riding in a car for such a distance, but, with a strong arm to help, he was out and coming over to greet them. "Hi, Sis. How's my baby sister doin', now....

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Curse of Glory

You were one of the lucky thousand adults who were able to get their hands on the Beta testing version of the R-Rated new Fantasy VR MMORPG, "Curse of Glory", being able to receive it by mail before the official release date. The game quickly attracted a humongous amount of attention in a short time across the gaming community with it's exhilarating gameplay clips, stunning graphics and realistic experiences. You were truly excited for the mail, as you were the target of jealousy amongst your...

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BigCockBully Carmen Valentina 30956

Carmen Valentina’s son keeps getting picked on by Alex and his friends, so Carmen stops by to pay Alex’s parents a visit. Unfortunately, the only person home when she gets there is Alex himself. Carmen decides that if she can’t talk to his parents than she’ll tell Alex directly to stop bullying her son, but Alex has other plans. Alex see’s how Carmen looks at him and he thinks she’s kind of hot too, so he makes a little deal with Carmen. Alex promises to stop...

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Rising From the Ashes

The first I knew of trouble was when the mage screamed. I was his journeyman and working in the basement with his newest apprentice watching the spell I was teaching her. I hesitated before swiftly cancelling the spell and moving out of the protective ward, "stay here." Helen was sixteen with her powers just beginning to be felt. She nodded and stayed in the ward I had created for her and I ran up the stairs. I followed the sounds of many voices as I smelled smoke. I opened the front door to...

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From a Husband to a Housekeeper 2

This story is intended for adults only. It is a work of fiction from mydemented mind. Please send your comments to [email protected]. Ilove hearing from you. From A Husband to a Housekeeper II Written by 4play Jacob Jr. was 3 Months old and I had become quite comfortable being hisnanny and wet nurse. He was sleeping through the night and I was able to getmy rest at night. Jacob was a loving father and very proud of his son. Marywas a good mother when she was home, but was still heavily...

4 years ago
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Fucking My Neighbor Aunt

Hi Friends I have been reading stories from this website for past 2 years, and I was trying out my luck to write my story, only when some horny situations have really happened in my real life. My age is 24. I am a graduate pass out from a well know city in south India. My father was working in An Central Govt Industry and we were living in colony allotted for only our sector people. We were in the ground floor and there was a house next to our house. There lived an aunty, uncle and 2 kids....

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Amelias Story Rebirth into the Night

Even before I open my eyes, I can feel how fuzzy my head is. I’m not in any pain, and I can’t remember what happened to me. I went into this darkness and couldn’t climb out. More worrisome is that now I don’t know where I am. I rub my eyes and search for Charles. Then I see him sitting at the far end of the room. He is pretending to read, but I know he’s watching over me. I sit up from the softness of the bed and notice I’m dressed in just a gown. The room is dark, with no windows and no light...

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DOGGINGWe pull up in the car park by the reservoir, it's ten at night and everything seems really quiet. It's a hot night so I wind down the car windows to let in the moonlight.We'd been out drinking, but I got the driving job so I was perfectly sober, but my wife had had plenty to drink and was no doubt feeling a little horny.I put her hand on my lap as we kissed and without hesitation she had undone my flies and had my cock in her hand, starting to slowly wank it. After a few strokes I was...

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Sex With My Two New Village Sluts Part 8211 1

Hi guys , my name is narendhar I am 42 years old and work in a marketing firm in Hyderabad. I recently divorced my wife and married my neighbor Ramya, ours was a love marriage I will write about that in another story. I have a dick that is 6.4inches long and also have a very good body. So any hot girls and aunties in and around Hyderabad who want to have some nice time in bed they can contact me through my mail Coming to the story, it all started when I went to the village after my second...

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kitchen heat

Kellie was my neighbor friend and she worked as a hairstylist. When I asked about her about making an appointment for a haircut with her she graciously offered to cut my hair at her place instead, and commented with a sly smile, "I'm sure I can think of a way for you to make it up to me." I brought over a bottle of wine for her in appreciation of her offer. I sat on a short stool in the middle of Kellie's kitchen as she worked her way around me, cutting my hair and sipping a glass of wine....

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Wife Journey Part 2 Wife has date

Wife’s Journey Part 2 Both wife and husbands perspectiveThe following week after my wife had her gangbang night we were lying in bed talking. I was in a playful mood as always but I usually let her call the shots if we are going to have some play time. She always keeps me guessing.She was still wearing her bodysuit that she wore to work that day. She likes to feel sexy under her work clothes and flirt with guys and sometimes girls when they come in to her store. She shared with me that she had...

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Massage To My Innocent Chachi

This story describes sex with my chachi. It happened when I was 20 years old. I, with my parents, went to my grandmother’s house which is in a village. My uncle also lives there. He is not much educated and run a shop. My chachi is illiterate and does house work. She has a son. She has got attractive figure. She has curvy waist with average size boobs and fleshy thighs. Her skin colour is whitish. She always wears saree. I was dying to have sex with her. When we reached there, we were made sit....

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I’ve been a swinger for over four years now. Most of the experiences my husband and I had were very hot. We’ve done one on one, MFM, FMF, two couples, and only had one bad encounter. All of them will not be enjoyable. When hubby was still here, we played together, never apart, even going to TSC, which is The Social Club, a sex club in Nashville , TN. Of course those of you that are my friends know I will soon to be divorced. I for one don’t intend to give up swinging. One couple, who we had a...

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An unusual but true first time glory hole in New E

Everyone has a first time story to tell but here goes mine, which I hope you like. I was just 18 yrs old and visiting my girlfriend Jen who was in college in Connecticut. This has been over ten years ago now but I remember like it was yesterday. As soon as we would see each other (see her pics I have posted), it was immediate pussy and ass pounding–she couldn’t get enough and nor could I. I remember arriving one time in the winter on a cold Friday evening. When I got there (around 7pm), she had...

2 years ago
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Ensuring the Family Tree Has BranchesChapter 42

Philip and Pam had one of the hottest afternoons in the sack together that they had experienced since they'd first become lovers. Their first sexual encounter -- the time when Philip had actually fucked Pam for the first time -- had been unbelievably hot and lusty, but even though they were both hugely aroused and hot for each other, the uncertainty and feeling each other out in what they were doing had not allowed them to be as uninhibited as they quickly became. On their most recent...

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Sex With My Sister RewrittenChapter 11 2 months later

Shortly after Heather found out she was pregnant and announced it to everyone, mom finally forced us to change rooms. Heather kept the one that the two of us shared, and I moved into the old storage room down the hall. Heather was content, but for some reason after that, didn't want to spend as much time with me, and didn't wanna fuck me either. Honestly I was beginning to think that the whole "Demon Child" rumor was getting around until she started coming in my room and hanging out...

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Confessions 4 Blond beauty hot Helena

Unlike the first three tasty cunning confessions in my series, this is one from my own privacyWith blushes at my cheeks I tell the tasty tale of me and my sexy younger sibling, still so shyWe are back then young teens - hardly know anything about love lust tease or any sexy seductionTelling my true sweet sexy story emerged from an unexpected challenge by a sexy slim fresh friendWonderful woman wonders why I get wet hot and horny by watching tasty teens at the toiletA fresh female fine friend...

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You slide out of your jeans, revealing that you didn't wear any panties. I try to pay as much attention to the road as I can but it is becoming very difficult. I adjust the rear view mirror so it is aimed at you. I watch as you rub the vibrator all over your thighs, your mound and up over your stomach. Finally you settle in rubbing the vibrator over your clit and inside your vagina. You rub the vibrator over your pussy as you massage your breasts and pinch your nipples. Knowing that...

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My Secret Life Vol02 Chapter 04 Enforced chastity

VOLUME-2 Chapter IV My clap brought on a stricture, obliging me to have a bougie passed every other day to stretch the pipe often, and causing me to piss clots of gruelly blood, about an hour afterwards. I dared not fuck, but once frigged, and it brought on the inflammatory stage again. At length I got better, but with a gleet which wetted the tail of my shirt through daily; doctors advised me to get a change of air, I went to my aunt’s place in H..tf..dshire where I took cold baths, and did...

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I was first given Fatema for my wife when I was only 10 years old. She had been my nursemaid when I was an infant and was a friend of my mother. At that time, she was 30 years old, four years older than my mother and 20 years older than me. As a child, I remember her bathing me, and fondling my penis until I had a climax, even before there was ejaculate. Later, when I had physical cum, she would suck on me, draining the juice from me. It was an exercise I learned to enjoy and looked forward to...

3 years ago
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Money Is No Object Chapter 5 Another Surprise Before Going To The Gym

'MONEY IS NO OBJECT' ... MY BRIDAL MAKEOVER! CHAPTER 5: ANOTHER SURPRISE BEFORE GOING TO THE GYM The next morning, Rachael woke me up early. "C'mon sleepyhead, the beginning of your training to be the most beautiful bride possible starts now. Now, up you get and get into the shower and I will fix you a healthy breakfast." I got up, went into the ensuite, shaved my face really closely, which hurt as it always did, when I was Penny for more than one day at a time, before turning on...

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EpigraphyChapter 16 Building a House

August started with Jenny formally pledging to New Hope. It was getting very crowded in my living room, so Alice, Jenny and I moved to Poli's house. In addition to the House members, Eliraet and Fesinaet were there to witness. Jenny was still very shaky in Nalu, so she pledged in English. Fesinaet didn't speak English, so I provided a simultaneous translation to him using a plasm line. The plasm-phone mechanism was proving very convenient, even for local communication. Fesinaet became the...

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Dulcie and DeliaChapter 6

The funeral over, it was two weeks to Christmas. Delia hadn't given the festival a thought since before Hallowe'en – too much had been happening. Dulcie and Peter had, of necessity, but the four weeks leading up to Christmas are a 'penitential season' in the church – like Lent – with purple the colour of the season. (No need to get into fine details like, some churches use 'rose' on the third in Advent). It's a time of preparation for the coming of the Saviour at Christmas. Anyway,...

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A Cold Night

It was a cold night and I was in bed, nearly asleep when I heard mum come in to my bedroom.Darling it's chilly in here can I climb into bed beside you to warm up.?""Yes of course mum."I moved over to give her room and pulled back the covers. She grabbed the hem of her nightie and held it down while she eased herself besides me. Mum was wearing a short see-through nightie. She turned on her side to face me.“ Mark put your arms around me darling I'm cold."I turned on my side to face her and put...

2 years ago
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Friends Until The EndChapter 2

My dreams were the most lewd and descriptive of my life - mother was stripping before me, but strangely, never seemed to become naked - my sister Amy was sucking my hard penis, taking her mouth off just long enough to order, "come over my face nerd" - Lisa was sitting next to me, my hand between her thin thighs, rubbing her hairless wet hot crack as she moaned and watched our mother strip. I kept hearing Gerald say, "any woman... anything you want...". I awoke in the darkness of my room,...

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I Fuck My Mother from behind

I Fuck My Mother from behind Last night was the last night my mother will be sleeping with me at my house after spending the last few days looking after me. My father was on the phone last night saying his business trip is cut short and will be back tonight. My mother is making up for the last eight years without sex with my father while my girlfriend is away and is dressing in to the last basque that she fetched which I have not seen yet. We have all morning to have some fun, as the nurse is...

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My First REAL Lesbian Experience

I am 22 and in college, I had flirted with women my whole life and had even done some stuff like kissing and tit sucking on a dare, but this was the real thing and I was sooo fucking hot. She was one of my girlfriend’s roommates. We had all gone out to a club and were having a good time getting a little bit drunk, and dancing and flirting with guys. None of them really appealed to me or Holly, so we wanted to split. My friend Jessica was picking up a guy and didn’t want to leave.

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Almost super natural

I am not a present fan of super natural, the show took a turn that disinterested me. This is not placed in the SN world but one very close to it. I have been writing it for a few years off and on. The dates are mostly for me to keep the time line straight in my head, but as I gave this the final once over I realized that they might help the reader as well. Let me know what you think- good or bad. I need the help. Hope you enjoy Almost Super Natural July 14th, 2014,...

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Dry Dock VI

Dry Dock VI I stepped out of the cramped Japanese shower a nervous 19 year old scrawny boy, Beth took one look at me and rolled her eyes. They were Pretty eyes, heavy with dark eye shadow. I hoped she could make me look that way. "My bad gabby. The razors and the Nair in the bag were for your arms and legs. Get back in there." So for the first time I shaved my body. My chest had no hair and my legs and arms had light fuzz like hair. I read the instructions on the Nair and...

3 years ago
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Office Politics 2

OFFICE POLITICS BY JOOLI Karl had a problem. Just recently, he had accepted a great new job as a graduate recruit for a big IT company. The money was good, and the company seemed to be a good place to work with a lot of benefits. The only problem was, his manager had taken exception to his appearance. Or, more specifically, to his hair. Karl was a rock fan, and had hair to well below shoulder length. He liked it that way - it looked good on him, and lots of women were interested...

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Sex With Sister In Law

Hi, everyone. This is my first story in ISS. Although I have been reading iss for 10 years I have never had any story to write till recently. I am not a good story writer nor do I want to satisfy the readers with moaning expressions and last of all please forgive me for the poor language and for the pretty long story. I am a married man with an average body and average 7-inch size penis but I do have a very sexy and dick teasing wife. I have been married for 5 years and prior to that for 7...

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I Call Him Daddy The Sequel

My Daddy is such a good daddy. He goes to work even when he's not feeling well, and he works all day, really hard, making sure he provides for his little girl. Even though he works all day, really hard, he texts me to check on my progress. I tell him which assignment I'm working on and what I still have left. He fusses over me a little bit to keep me focused. I don't mind. I know he does it because he loves me. This afternoon, he texted me to see how far along I was on my Art History paper. I...

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IncomingChapter 20

When Carol and Tomas returned, just before sunrise, Doug was shocked, and alarmed, to see that Carol was sporting a bleeding lip and had blood crusted around her nose, not to mention what looked like the beginnings of a nasty shiner. Tomas looked no worse for wear, but had a grim expression on his face. “Carol, what the hell happened?” Carol sat down on the bed and shook her head. “Should have known better...” Carol and Tomas had piled into the rental van and headed out, Carol filling...

2 years ago
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Sharing is Caring at Home

I dare you… turn on your cam. Looking at myself one last time in the mirror before setting down my phone. Nervous. That text message now out. He had called me a slut this morning, and tonight? I wanted to show him just how much of a slut I could be. I had on a red lacy demi cup push up bra with just a low cut white tank top over it and a pair of black lacy knickers, more of a thong than French cut though…and oh so very see through. That was it. My long auburn hair lay about my face in kinks...

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Rainy Day Woman Chapter 4

Rainy Day Woman.... Chapter 4 Author: - Pollymeric Copyright: Pollymeric 18.05.2016 - 6.6.2017 This is a work of fan fiction based upon John Entwhistle's novel "A Northern Tale" A story set in the 1950's As usual, I recognise that this may be a very niche subject. Apologies to those following the story for the long delay, I have been rather ill and required surgery which rather took away my muse. Here's hoping I can recover it. Laura, Glynis and Julie entered the lift but it...

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MommysGirl Cherie Deville Scarlett Sage Ivy Wolfe Spitting Image

Ivy Wolfe is wearing a brand new dress and wants to show it off to her stepmom, Cherie DeVille. When she asks her if she likes it, Cherie doesn’t even bother turning around. Ivy is disappointed and points out the fact that she’s not even looking. Cherie glances at her and nods as she gets up to leave. She stops at the doorway and tells her stepdaughter that her friend Scarlett Sage could improve her social standing – she should definitely make it a point to hang out with her...

3 years ago
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Kettle full and bubbling, Matt sat and played the piano to her. Mia loved it when Matt played, it made her feel part of something special. The couple made their way upstairs. Mia took the lead so she could let Matt get a good look at her sexy, curvalicious body. She knew this would get his mind racing. As usual she took a long look in the mirror trying to re-do her windswept hair, although she knew there was no point as he loved her hair natural in every way. Matt crept up behind her and...

4 years ago
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Amir was sitting on the sofa with the front of his white t-shirt pulled up and hooked behind his neck.This showed off his well developed pecs and tight abs.His dark nipples, about the size of quarters, were hard and he arched his back as the feelings from his cock raced up his spine.He had kicked off his shorts before he sat down, so they were halfway across the room on the floor.Will was on his knees between Amir's spread legs with his lips wrapped around Amir's thick cock, working his mouth...

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A Mob Stepmom

I got the call from my stepmother on a Saturday morning. I had not spoken to her for near two years, knowing the only reason she had called was to ask for money. I was to meet her that evening on the parking lot of a nearby factory. She always made me smile with her conspiratorial attitude and that people were always watching her.Kay had married my father at the elderly age of 66. She was 26 at the time, making her 28, maybe 29, now, and, if my calculations were correct, a widow for just over 2...

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She was all mine for a while

She was all mine for a while. I realize that you heard this before, but this is in fact a true story. Until recently, I have not shared these events with anyone. My ther****t now knows, and so does my wife of 22 years and certain members of my family. Let me provide a little background for you; My parents had a very difficult marriage. There were many times when my father would leave for many days, sometimes weeks at a time, and leave us to fend for ourselves. He was a heavy obese, uneducated...

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A Son A Soldier And A Lover 8211 Part 3

Preview: David was in the hotel room to collect his mom’s panties from her friend. But the woman who came out of the bathroom turned out to be his mom, Samantha. David stared in disbelief at the gorgeous woman standing in front of him in a red robe. “Mom!” he exclaimed, “What…What are you doing here?” he asked, confused. Samantha was just standing and enjoying the way her son reacted to her surprise. Things had gone exactly as she had planned it to. “I came for you, baby,” she said as her hands...

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My first man Fuck buddy

I'm a divorce white male who is dating a wonder woman. When her and I first meet she would suck my cock anytime I wanted. Well that all stopped a few months back after she told me she doesn't like doing it anymore. This was more than a little disappointing since I like most men love being sucked. I started a membership on a swingers site and found that I had more men saying they wanted to suck my cock than I did women. I would always tell them thanks but no thanks I'm not gay or bi. Well...

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Me my best friend and his older brother

shane asked me to stay in his house he was my best mate so i said ya.i was so horny that day all i thaught was about sex.so when i ended up in his house we watch tv but later went up to watch a film in his room there he showed me his porn collection.he put a porn film on and he quickly got naked. to my supirze he had a massive cock he started stroking himself and ask me was i shy or something i didnt know what to do i felt my cock growing in my pants i quickly threw of my clothes and sat next...

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Morning Rimjob

His text said, "I'm on my way, be there in 20.""I'm home alone, the door's unlocked, come on in." I replied and went back to styling my hair. That's plenty of time to finish up, I thought to myself.I was wrong.When he walked in I was still using the flat iron. "I'm sorry, thought I'd be done with this by now. But I'll hurry up.""Yeah, what's up with that?" he joked as he leaned down to kiss my cheek."Almost done." I said as I ran the straightener down the last section of hair. I shut it off and...

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Substitute slave Substitute slave Another warm Sunday morning, and I was feeling particularly horny on this one. I alwyas went to a park on the other side of town to look for some young cunt to play with, when I was feeling like this. The park I frequented, always had some nice 13 and 14 year old sluts, usually riding bikes or on roller blades. I parked myself behind the same set of bushes, I always used, the bike path was very close and it was in a secluded part of the park. I hid behind...

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I Love College TownsChapter 3

I woke up to find that the three had laid down next to me, and fallen asleep. With Julia on my left, and Lisa and Stephanie on my right, I couldn't help but smile. They held me tightly, their faces snuggling into my still-exposed chest. As I lifted my head, I found that with the exception of my shirt, all four of us were completely clothed. They must have dressed me in my sleep. I laid my head back down, listening to the girls breathing softly on my chest. Carefully, I reached around Julia...

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