The Au PairChapter 2
- 3 years ago
- 27
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I'd gotten caught late at the office. By the time I got home, I was exhausted. I was ready to just drop into my chair, skip dinner, pretend to watch t.v. as my eyelids fluttered closed, and wait for my wife Dana to nudge me awake a few hours later and tell me I should just go to bed.
The scenario didn't happen a lot, but often enough I could read the map for this particular evening.
When I got in the house, Dana came up and gave me a kiss, and then apologized. "I'm sorry, but the kids got hungry, so we had dinner without you." It was late enough on a school night they were both safe in their beds, long asleep.
I'd called a few hours earlier with my own apologies, and told her not to wait dinner on me. Finally back home, I waved at her, "No, no, no, it's okay. Blame corporate America. I'm too tired to be hungry anyway. I'll just make a sandwich and be fine."
Dana gave me the glare. "No, you're not doing the chair thing again tonight, mister. You need a decent meal. I've got a plate for you to warm up. You go get out of that monkey suit, give the kids a kiss goodnight, and then get your butt back in the kitchen. My job is to feed you proper."
Well, that wasn't really her job. We had a modern marriage. Dana's job involved teaching kids all day long. But if she wanted to spoil me for the evening, I wasn't about to complain.
When I sat down at the kitchen table, I was treated to a plate of her special lasagna--which only got even better through reheating--and some garlic bread, a fresh salad, and a very full glass of wine. Dana sat down and joined me, enjoying only a smile and a full glass herself.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you," I exclaimed as I ate.
"My pleasure, my dear."
Finally I used my napkin, and pushed my chair back from the table. "Hon, that was delicious. Sorry I wasn't here for the original unveiling. Did I miss anything else while I was taking it up the ass for the man?"
Dana chittered her lovely little laugh. "Not really." Then she perked up. "Well, your sister did call."
"Oh yea?" I played my best poker face. "What did she have to say?"
"Well, apparently she's booked a week or so at some investment condo your aunt down in Florida owns on Anna Marie island. She was inviting us all down to stay with her. I had to decline, of course."
"Really? How come? Not that we can afford it anyway."
"It was the same time as when we're going up to the Cape for my family thing."
"Oh well, shame about that."
I took a long draught of wine, savoring the woody redness in my mouth before swallowing in the ensuing silence.
"The thing is," Dana began, "well, I think you should go."
I cocked an eyebrow.
Dana shrugged. "I know how my family gatherings are pretty overwhelming for you."
That was an understatement. Her family was great, but there were so many of them. A sister, two brothers, and all the in-laws in between.
"Besides," she added. "Us kids have always been close. Lily is your only sibling, and the way you two were so estranged for so long, I want to encourage this reparation of your relationship that you guys started last year. I think that's important."
"But," I said.
"I can manage the kids alone," Dana answered. "I think this will be really good for you guys. I mean, these things are important. I want to foster this renewal. I want our boy and girl to have this other aunt who is in the picture."
"Okay," I shrugged, acceding to my wife's wishes. "I'll give Lily a call tomorrow, if that's what you want."
"It's definitely what I want," she nodded ferociously.
That matter settled, I stood up and gathered my dishes.
"Just leave them," Dana said.
"Oh, it'll just take a minute to wash them."
"Leave them in the sink." Her words were a command. "I'll take care of them in the morning." She stood up, came over, took them out of my hands and placed them in the sink.
That left me empty-handed. I shrugged. "Okay. Care to join me in the livingroom? Guess I'll go visit my chair for awhile."
Dana grabbed me by the wrist, shaking her head. "No," she emphasized, "no chair tonight."
She pulled me out of the kitchen, hitting the lights as we left. Dana led us on a tour of our house, stopping in each room long enough to kill the switches. She dragged me down the final hall to our bedroom, where she threw me down and proceeded to fuck my lights out!
Though Dana and I were still active in the bedroom sense, it was a fraction of what it was before kids and jobs and time and the usual bullshit clouded the picture. But that night was ferocious. By all legal definitions, my wife raped me. With the caveat that I never once said no. I was too busy gasping and groaning. Afterwards we cuddled fiercely, slipping towards sleep, and then Dana was out like a light.
That's the way she's always been. Once under, Dana was a log until the alarm. I lay there in the dark, still sort of panting, until she turned over on her side. After about twenty minutes, despite the late hour, I got up and quietly tip-toed out of the room.
I went to the far reach of the house, and dialed the phone. The number rang forever, then finally picked up.
"Scored," I said.
"What?" the sleepy voice said.
"I said, scored."
"Exactly. Reporting back."
"My god," Lily perked up wide awake. "You're kidding?"
"Nope. It worked. Perfectly."
What my wife didn't know was that the end of the estrangement a year ago between Lily and me had involved a quirk of fate whereby we'd become lovers. On a basement sofa late at night when everyone else was asleep we'd fallen together in the mutual understanding that what'd always driven us apart was that we both wanted to be together, in the precise way disallowed a brother and a sister. That ascertained, we'd broken that barrier at like light speed, having the most fantastic sex known to man and woman. Or so it still seemed to us. Since then we'd only managed a couple encounters.
"God, Wayne," Lily giggled. "One minute I'm sound asleep, the next my thighs are soaking wet!"
The next minute I started hearing slurpy sticky sounds over the receiver. "Are you doing what I think you're doing?"
"Better believe it," Lily panted.
"I'll be there so soon, darling," I whispered, "I'll take care of my baby sister."
There I was, in the livingroom, in the dark, on the phone, listening to my sister bring herself off. I was hard myself, but it'd happened so fast that then Lily was whispering, "Mmm, baby, so good, bless you for calling, but god I gotta get back to sleep."
We did that kissy-kissy thing at the piece of plastic we were each holding, and then hung up.
I went back to bed with a huge hard-on I didn't feel like doing anything with. My plan was to slip back under the covers and maybe touch myself inconsequentially until I drifted off.
My plan was going as intended, until Dana turned over and sleepily whispered, "Where were you? Did you call your sister?" Her hand met my hard-on. She took a firm grip of it, then pulled me over on top of her, positioning my cock at the entrance of her still wet cunt. If I didn't say no before, I sure wasn't going to say no now! Nothing better than slow, sleepy and nearly incoherent sex.
Several weeks later I was at the airport, escorting Dana and the kids to the security point for their flight up to the Bay. I gathered the guys for a group hug and kisses. "You all going to miss your old Dad?"
The elder, our son Patrick, spat out, "Heck no! It'll be great not having you around to boss us around all the time." I gave him a pretend slap on the top of his head; he grinned back at me.
Patricia wrapped me in a gangly 12-year-old girl hug. "I'll miss you, Daddy."
When the line finally started moving, Dana grabbed me and gave me a kiss so full of tongue something in my pants started to move. "See you soon," she whispered in my ear, poking her tongue in there for good measure. She touched my swelling, then backed away. "Have a great time with Lily, on your all's honeymoon."
I rolled my eyes, and sort of sputtered out my mouth.
"I'm kidding," she said, smiling at me. "I truly think it's so great that you two have finally reconnected. You know how family is so important to me. You see the phone bills, with me always calling my brothers and sister. I want you two to have fun."
We kissed longly, until the kids started objecting, booing and going, gross! Then I waved as the three of them moved through security and away from me.
I was back at the airport the next day for my flight. Up in the air I went, and then a few hours later I was in Tampa/St. Pete. Lily had arrived a few days before, so the plan was that she'd meet my flight with her rental car. With the rest of the horde I hurried down the corridor, past security, into the common waiting area. I kept looking around, but I didn't see Lily. I did see a lot of lovely women waiting for someone. It seemed disproportionate to the general population, but maybe that was just Florida. I supposed Lily was running a little late, had run into some traffic or something. I was disappointed. But it was fun, glancing around, like being in an ice-cream shop, watching all the flavors walk off with the cone holders.
As I walked through the crowd, I was struck by how the truly hottest girl was the one wearing a little white dress that not only showed off her light tan, but was diaphanous enough you could see she was wearing a matched set of light charcoal-blue undies. I ... I had an appreciation for that color. I got a clear view of that expanse of her cute rear as she stayed turned from me, scanning the debarking crowd for someone else.
Little short clingy summer dresses have always stirred my imagination. Dana never wore anything but pants. No doubt, she looked luscious in pants. When she wanted to really get me going, she knew to reward me by pulling her pants down with the sight of such a colored pair of panties.
I stopped to look around, still not seeing my sister. I gave a glance back at the gal in the white dress, and then she turned around, and met my gaze. Her mouth dropped wide, and then she ran and grabbed me like a gorilla.
My sister, Lily.
Her mouth was on mine, her tongue tangling with mine, in a way no one else in public really wants to witness. At length we stepped back, gasping. "Welcome to Florida," she intoned.
"And what a wonderful welcome it is!" And then I stood there, mute, just gazing at her loveliness. The lightness of her fresh tan, the cute little sprinkle of freckles across the bridge of her nose, the hair to her shoulders already bleached a lighter blonde from the several days in the sun.
"Lily," I finally muttered, "you look like a dream come true."
She smiled and poked out her chest. "I am your dream come true."
And that she was.
I ran my hand up her arm, stopping to finger the fabric. "Lovely dress for a lovely girl," I murmured, "but did you know that it not only reveals your frillies underneath, but their exact color?"
"I know what my brother likes. I know everything that my brother likes."
"Well, yes you do. But everything you're showing me is on display for everyone else in the airport."
Lily jutted her chin out. "I wanted to show off for my brother. If everyone else can see, so be it. No one else is going to get it." Then she reached out to tug at the strap across my shoulder. "Do you have just this carry-on," her other hand dipped discreetly between my legs, hefting my scrotum, "or do we have to go wait for your big bag?"
"I'm afraid we're off to the carousel."
So there we went. The conveyor belt finally started, and then, as I remarked to my sister, it was the first time in my airport life that my luggage appeared on the first go-round. As I hefted it off, she replied, "They must have known we have better things to do."
Lily was driving me crazy. I tried to palm her cute little ass, but she swatted my hand away. "That's the law," she declared. "From now on you don't get to touch me. You don't get to touch me until after just looking at me makes you shoot off in your shorts. And I'll need to see your soggy undies for proof."
Well, I could've bumped against my big suitcase and taken care of that deed restriction in about two seconds. But I decided to play along with my sister. I followed her as she led us through the airport and out towards the parking, her sashaying ass a beacon I'd never lose sight of. Every guy we passed did a double-take of Lily. Depending on their states of mind, half shot me hateful daggers while the others gave thumbs up--variations on the you lucky bastard, you! response.
Finally we found her rental car. Lily popped the trunk and I loaded in my stuff. After slamming the lid shut, she gave a glance around, and then very coyly lifted the hem of her dress to her waist. I instantly grabbed my crotch and moaned, then moved to take her in my arms. "That did it," I announced, kissing her fiendishly.
"God, this is going to be the best vacation of my life," she whimpered.
"That's my intention," I replied.
Lily pushed me away. "Let's get the hell out of here. Let's get home."
Once we were safe from all the crazy airport traffic, Lily reached over and swatted at the tent in the front of my pants. "Can't fool me," she grinned, "I knew you were faking it. You didn't really shoot off in your shorts."
But once, at the condo, my bags moved into the bedroom, when Lily reached behind her back to unzip her dress enough so that it fell off her shoulders to pool at her feet, I very nearly did.
She stood there, my dream girl, in just her lacey bra and panties, of that matching color designed to drive me wild. "Wayne, show me how much you want me."
How else to reply? Cock came out, ready to aim.
Thus the next hour was occupied, in wild copulation, my cock thrusting into my sister's willing cunt, driving her repeatedly over the edge, and then me stopping, nearly in tears, because I didn't want to explode just yet and have it all come to an end.
But all good things do come to an end. After dozing dreamily in total satisfaction, we splashed off in the shower, touching each other with sudsy hands, exploring the wondrous landscapes of each others bodies like children. Like a brother and sister first learning the joys of sex from each other. It was like the purity of soap--we didn't dirty ourselves again; we made one another clean.
Once dressed, we went out and had a long, leisurely--and delicious--dinner at a nearby Italian restaurant. We walked back to the condo holding hands, bumping hips, until I dropped her hand to put my arm around her waist to draw her even closer. Lily's arm followed my example, and once she was holding me tightly against her, I let mine lower so my hand could gently caress her ass. In short, as we strolled down the sidewalk, we looked like new lovers on holiday. Which was exactly what we were.
After that sort of walk, and the lengthy gazings of longing over the dinner table, I had one thing in mind when we were safely back inside the condo. Lily preempted me. "Let's go for a little swim in the pool. That would be so refreshing."
I wasn't so sure about that. Our aunt had purchased an A-grade unit: the wall of the livingroom was all glass, with sliding doors opening out directly onto the pool deck. I could see how out there it was nothing but a bunch of tourists, a few gaggles of teenagers, but mostly exhausted looking parents drinking beer while their young children splashed around in the pool. But, if Lily wanted to join then ... she'd disappeared into the bathroom, so I went into the bedroom and pulled on my suit.
I've never been much of one for swimming, so for the trip I'd had to go out and buy a new suit. I couldn't quite do one of those spandex codpieces, but wanting to look cute for Lily I'd erred in that general direction instead of those gaudy patterned hang-to-the-knees variety. And an error it was, as Lily came out of the bathroom bearing a pair of big beach towels and wearing an off-white bikini. It wasn't one of those obscene string up the butt models with a couple band-aids of fabric over the nipples, but lord did it show off her beautiful body. The top barely constrained her breasts, giving a generous showing of cleavage. I wasn't sure how the triangle below managed to cover her pubis.
"What?" she asked my slack-jawed gaze, as she tossed me my towel.
"Um, don't you have a suit that's a little more modest?"
"Nope. This is what I have. Is that a problem?"
"Well, it's kind of creating a problem," I replied, as the front of my suit began filling out.
Lily moved up against me, then reached down and gave my package a few friendly squeezes. "Honk honk," she said, like a rubber bulbed horn. "But that's your problem, now, isn't it."
I was just hoping nobody out on the pool deck saw that exchange through the glass.
Lily moved on, slid open the door and stepped out into the blazing light, and the way her lovely ass twitched, there was no way I wouldn't follow.
I carried my towel so it draped hiding the bulge in front of me. Then I quickly tossed the towel to a vacant chair and dove into the pool. I thought the chill of the water would help my problem. Silly me. A shallow condo pool baking all day under the Florida sun--the water felt like all the kids splashing around had been there since daybreak, never getting out, having too much fun to do anything but pee in the pool. At least I was chest deep in constantly moving water, so what was large about me was hidden under the waves, like the bulk of an iceberg.
Lily sauntered slowly to the other end, opting to enter down the steps in the shallow end. God, she looked good! It was funny to watch her runway walk. All the dads behind their sunglasses turned their heads nearly imperceptibly to track her walk past them, while all the moms behind their sunglasses watched her blatantly, then whipped their heads back around to see where their hubbies were looking. The couple of teen boys were openly gaping at my sister, while their girlfriends stood around arms furled across their breasts looking pissed-off.
As Lily walked down into the water, she looked like a goddess, a Renaissance painter's wet-dream, a self-assured woman entering a pool. Striding through the waters, parting the waters, to join her chosen lover. That feller being me!!!
It wasn't that Lily was the only attractive woman around. Several of the moms were quite cute, but they were at the state where they couldn't just drag their mates off to the sheets, because they'd already mated and the process would first involve getting the kids out of the pool, and then inside, and then settled down enough for bed. And the teenaged girls were still at that awkward stage where they were proud of their new curves, and how the boys flocked to them like moths, but understanding that their curves were all that the boys cherished, the sexy lightbulbs that drew their dicks forward.
Whereas Lily was sultry in the self-assurance of her sexuality, striding through the water towards her man.
Then we started just playing around, splashing and dunking, cavorting like kids in a pool, swimming around and lightly touching like new lovers. At one point Lily hoisted herself up out to sit on the lip of the pool. I moved between her legs, mesmerized. Maybe I was no better than the teenaged boys. The fabric of her suit didn't seem to have much lining. "You know," I stroked her thigh, "I can see everything with this suit. Your nipples, and I don't mean just the poking out part. And your cute little bush below. And if I can see it..."
"That means you're standing right here and staring at it all, you pervert!" Lily splashed me a little. "Maybe you should turn around and calm down."
I did just that, and then she leapt onto my back, wrapping her legs around my waist and holding onto my shoulders. "Give me a piggyback ride," she declared. Her cunt was pressed against my lower back while her breasts were crushed against my shoulder blades. I carried my lovely load swiftly into deeper water. After the jiggly ride, Lily brushed her calf up across my full crotch.
"Stop it, " I hissed.
Lily just giggled. "Boys pee in the pool all the time. You could shoot off in your trunks, and no one would ever notice."
I'd had enough. I rose up and tumped backward, totally ducking my mean sister. She broke away and came up sputtering, laughing, "I deserved that!"
We moved towards the side of the pool, still in the deeper part. Then Lily loosed her arms around my neck for a deep kiss. And then, with that leverage, she lifted up in the water and wrapped her legs around my waist from the opposite direction as before. Fabric was involved between, but basically her cunt lips spread to either side as she rubbed up and down against the shaft of my cock. Despite the buoyancy of the water, I did have to have both hands on Lily's ass to support her. I gave her cheeks a couple hard squeezes. Then I decided to get some payback.
I slipped a hand down the back of her bottoms and squeezed her ass directly. Then I extended my fingers, furrowing deep between the cleft of her cheeks. I touched briefly on her asshole, then slid further down into her fur, slipping between the lips of her cunt directly. Lily gasped. "What are you doing? We're out in public."
"Don't worry; no one can see what I'm doing."
Well, it didn't take but a minute for her to push away and jump off, pulling herself up onto the pool's apron. "Okay, you've proved your point. I'm done. I'm going to dry off. Care to join me?"
"I can't get out of the pool quite yet, not with such an audience."
"I'd really like to go down to the beach and watch the sunset."
"That sounds good to me."
Lily moved off and lay down on one of the lounge chairs.
"If you would be so kind as to toss me my towel, I'd be happy to join you."
She held up the towel. "It's right here. Come out and get it."
From my angle in the pool I couldn't even see her head. Her body was foreshortened like crazy. There were just the hillocks of her breasts in the background, and then the glance of the cleft between her thighs. "I'm seeing definite camel-toe from here," I hissed.
Lily just giggled, and spread her legs even more.
I turned around and started swimming laps, just to get myself right. I got into it, hoping to finally get out of the pool without a boner. After more laps than I could count, Lily was standing at the lip of the pool, dropping my towel within reach. "Hurry up. I really want to watch the sunset together. I'm going in to wash off the chlorine. You ready to come out yet?"
"Gonna need a couple more laps, babe."
Lily giggled. "Boys! Well, hurry up then."
"I'm trying, but can't hurry nature."
I did take a couple more laps, and then I decided to just hoist myself out of the pool and quickly grab the towel to wrap around my waist. I came in just as Lily was leaving the bathroom, showered and wrapped in a couple towels herself.
"You look so cute in a dress," she exclaimed. "What're you hiding under that kilt, a great big bagpipe?"
"Shut up," I slapped her terry-clothed ass.
She darted into the bedroom to get dressed, while I hit the shower for a brief soap down. Then I dried off and hit the bedroom. My big bag was open, the contents looking a little rumpled. I didn't remember doing that, but surely I did. I had an old worn white undershirt I was looking forward to wearing, but apparently I'd forgotten to pack it. I dressed elsewise.
Then I joined Lily in the livingroom. She was wearing my old undershirt. It sagged at the shoulders a bit, but she filled it to bulging in the front. I made no mention except to give a quick tweak to her nipples; "at ease" but still very visible. For bottoms she was in the pair of roomy demi-boxers I packed to sleep in. She stood up from the sofa and sweetly grabbed my hand, pulling me along to go watch the sunset from the beach. I gladly followed. Lily's ass made my pair of boxer shorts look absolutely delicious.
We went past the small scruff of dunes and stands of sea oats down to the beach proper. Right there were a pair of wooden chaise lounges. She led us between them and then sat us down on each. "Perfect," she declared, sitting up on hers with legs drawn up, her arms resting across her knees.
I could see up the wide leg of my shorts to her bush.
"You're not wearing any underwear!"
"Oh yes I am! It just happens to be your underwear." And then she pulled the crotch aside, slipping the naughty fingers down to spread her cunt open enough to make her point. "Is this all you think about?"
I was honest. "Around you, yea, like 90% of the time."
She almost seemed to pout. "Is that all? I must be slacking."
"Stop it," I slapped lightly, and then we both reclined back on our loungers. Through the gap above the sand, her hand found mine, her thumb pressing gently but insistently against my palm.
We lay like that, watching the sinking sun. The colors we watched were like the lies of painters. How could a low line of clouds suddenly burn magenta? Nevertheless, that's exactly what we watched while holding hands.
We stayed there as the sky turned into the few brightest stars. Lily made a strange noise. Once repeated, the sound was another stifled yawn.
"Getting tired, baby?" I asked.
"No. Well, yea. I woke up really early--way too early--this morning.
"How come?"
Lily flapped her connecting arm. "I'm a girl. I went to bed really excited. I was anticipating. The idea of having this right now, plus all the rest."
I gave her hand a squeeze back. "Being here with you like this right now, it's the best thing."
"Thank you," Lily whispered.
Then I summoned the energy to get off my ass and stand up. I beckoned Lily to join me. "Seems like the best thing is to call this night done early. So we can wake up even earlier."
Back in the condo, I won the race to the bathroom. I just wanted to brush my teeth. Lily took my place carrying a friggin' bag!
After she went into the bathroom, I got a funny idea. I snatched a pillow off the bed, and found a fresh sheet and a little cover in a closet. I made my bed on the couch in the livingroom. I read a bit of the local newspaper we'd picked up after dinner, and then the day weighed heavy on me. I started nodding.
I was startled awake by Lily's distant ta-dah, "So what do you think?" And then, "Wayne, where are you?"
"I'm in the livingroom."
"What are you doing out there?"
"I've," I paused, "I've made my bed out here on the couch the way you said I had to. For sleep purposes, at least."
"Who said anything about sleeping?" Lily entered the room. She moved towards me, wearing this grey teddy detailed in a dusty pink. My cock definitely paid attention to the color combination. It was the sort of outfit that came with matching panties, but Lily advanced bottomless.
"Guess I'm going to have to molest you right where you lay." Lily pulled the covers off me. "Because, right now, what I want is to sit on my brother's face."
The girl yanked the covers right off me, then came up on the couch. She straddled my body, and began knee-walking her way up to my face. Even as I succumbed to the smell of her cunt, I shouted away, "Lily, the curtains are open. Anyone out on the pool deck can see us. Even people in distant windows."
"I don't care," she replied huskily. "All I'm thinking about is my brother licking my pussy. Close the curtains if you want. Or follow me to bed. Or just shut up because with my thighs squeezing your cheeks, you won't be seeing windows for awhile."
Despite her advantage, I beat Lily into the bedroom. She came upon me, and then just shoved me down onto the bed. She approached me like an animal. Albeit one wearing very sexy negligee. I reached up to untie the front, perhaps to unveil my sister's delicious breasts. Instead Jill smacked my arms away. My sister was, if nothing else, very very very smart. She knew damn well I wanted her to still be wearing the slight skirt of the teddy
I gladly let the silky drapery fall over my face; enveloping me, really. I was in a cavern, and there was the little spring of her self, hovering right above my tongue. I wasn't stopping until my face was bathed in her cunt sauce.
That went fast enough.
From there, duh, I pushed her back and I scooted on up. I didn't wait for her hand to guide me in. I just rudely poked a time or two until I found it. And then, having her nailed down, I slowly undid the ribbons holding her bodice together. Even at this late stage, I wanted her breasts out in the open! I could do anything I wanted. Jill was that pliable, eager to guide me on. Her hips went pneumatic, thrusting up against me, coaxing my response, bodily begging me to explode deep inside of her.
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I held the tea mug with both hands and looked at the rain pouring down from the heavens. It started vertical but as the wind kicked in it began to tilt and become more horizontal. I was safe on the balcony, only a few drops splashed onto my bare feet. Beyond the rain,I could make out the mountains of Sierra Nevada in Southern Spain. The building I stayed in only had six apartments and I was on the top floor in a corner suite. Below were a few villas and some other two-story buildings. It was a...
BisexualHello everyone, Kavya here. Thank you for the amazing response to my story, ‘How my driver made me his slut’. I’m really happy that you all enjoyed it. I’m really sorry I couldn’t reply to everyone’s email. So, this is a continuation to my previous story, where Suresh had taken me to a secluded spot in the jungle and fucked me and then dropped me off at college. So, I was sitting in the class and the lecture was going on but my mind was still in the jungle and with Suresh, relishing the manner...
There once was a man who fell in love with the most beautiful woman in the world. And this was as infinite a fall as there can possibly be, for in his determination to reach the most unreachable places of her soul, the falling man recognized no bounds or limitations. The only thing he recognized was that the value of her soul was equal to, if not greater than, the efforts necessary to uncover it. And he was willing to put forth great effort, not because he wanted to claim such a thing for...
After washing each off other in the shower, Mel and Marcus dried each other off and took the opportunity to examine each other in detail for the first time. They were a study in contrasts. Mel was barely 5 ft 6", pale white skin. She was lean, too muscular to be considered anorexic, but no fat whatsoever at all on her body. Her face looked younger than her 18 years would suggest, except for her eyes, which had a depth of experience much older. Her tits were barely A cups, weightless, with...
This took place by accident. My boyfriend at the time, Tadd, had been teasing me about everything. He liked to make little comments that I would later sit and wonder about. He had ways of exciting me and teasing me that I liked. That also seemed to make me just want him more. He was always telling me what he would do to me sexually, and maybe even let others watch. It seemed to make me even more excited at the thought someone might see what could possibly be going on. I was starting to...
Looking back on that fateful roast dinner, Millicent was always quick to blame the Grey Goose Vodka as the primary culprit. She had been expecting wine, but in all honesty, she could not declare that she was disappointed. Dan, the dairy farmer, who was once a humble milkman, accidently let his workman’s big hand rest comfortably on Millicent’s glorious bosom as they sat on the sofa having a soothing before dinner drink. She was fully aware of her weakness in regard to hard spirits but it...
So, right. Normal. Except for the dreams. Now, Amy had always been a woman not afraid of and in charge of her own sexual drive. She was also well aware of the fact that the orgasm that the Doctor wrenched out of her in the hallway was, honestly, definitely in her top five orgasms of all time. (If she was being brutally honest, it was actually in her top two.) So, she'd had plenty of fodder to draw upon in the dark nights aboard the TARDIS after the running for their lives had ended...
One day as I was walking down the street I thought what a great day .Nice warm and the sun was so bright .As I turned the street I saw an older lady with a walker she was holding 2 grocery store bags .As I was getting closer to her I saw her drop a bag . Soon I herd her say oh no then I saw that she had broken the eggs I went up to her and I picked up the bag and said hi I am Bill may I help you with your bags .She replied oh hi Bill thank you so much .I said how far do you have to go she...
It took a while for my ass to get back to normal, but a week later it was OK again. I had kept a low profile, because I could not have done anything, & didn’t want to meet anyone. I just went to work, & watched TV till bed time. The wife said I was getting a “Couch Potato”….. Well maybe temporarily. Paul had not been in touch so I did have a “Breather” for a while. I had never been anywhere, & they all knew that the wife was about most of the time. It was Friday evening,...
This visitor was someone I was very glad to see. Fred Warren came waltzing in the door saying, "Well it's another fine mess you've gotten us into Henry. What do I have to do to get you out of this one?" "Fred, you old shyster, who rang your bell and how many ambulances did you have to chase to get here?" We shook hands, and Fred pulled up a chair. "Ok, now that the BS is out of the way, what happened and who have you contacted so I can know who the players are." I explained...
Lorianna and Alexandria had been friends forever it seemed. They met on the beach back when lying out in the sun and flirting with guys had been their only concern. As teenagers, they would dream about boys and cars, discuss the latest fashions, and complain about how out of touch with reality their parents were. Separated by time and distance, their yearly reunions became cherished events. The weeks apart made no difference once they were together again. They were kindred spirits.They could...
BDSMThe next week, I had a chance alone with dad and asked him about Kathy and Marty's behavior. "You see what happened here, because you didn't say hi in school, the two of them were afraid they would loose their happy home. Look, the trailer is worth spit, taxes and insurance are cheap, the two of them are basically a tax write off, so it doesn't cost us anything to have a couple of girlfriends ... Now, hey it would cost a shitload if you're mother was the divorcing kind, but she...
Ellen and Ben Hudson smiled benignly at Priscilla who was wolfing down her lunch. "Riding Beauty sure gave you an appetite, didn't it, Priscilla?" Mrs. Hudson said. She was tall, blonde, and blue-eyed an older version of her teenage daughter, Tammy. Priscilla glanced up sheepishly. Her cheeks were flushed pink. Her brown eyes sparkled. "Yes, it did, Mrs. Hudson." She swallowed the rest her food. "It's so beautiful around here. Much nicer than the city." Ben wrapped an arm around...
This adventure began with a job search. I had begun a career change and midlife and found myself in an unusual situation. I answered a job posting for a small company advertising for a shipping manager. The only times that were available was the final interview of the day. I arrive at 4:00pm as directed. The receptionist greeted me and said I would be called back soon. At 4:25 the phone rang , she answered and advised me to go to the end of the hall to the last door on the right. As I was...
He entered the hallway and grabbed me as I shut the door. Pushing me against the wall he probed my mouth with his tongue, hands roughly grabbing my breasts.It had been a long time since we'd met, too long.Grabbing at his trousers, I pulled him hard into my body. 'Spread your legs wide' he said 'I want to feel your soaking wet pussy' Not waiting for a reply he plunged his hand into my panties, fingers seeking the wetness.'Fuck!' I thought, I have missed this.Leaning back against the wall,...
You lie next to your naked girlfriend on the bed, staring at the ceiling and panting slightly from your exertions. Neither of you speak, preferring to reflect in silence on your recent earth-shattering lovemaking. You give yourself a mental pat on the back. Once again, you’ve treated Rose to the best fuck of her life. She’s a very lucky girl to have such a considerate lover as you. After a little while, she speaks. “Amaru?” she asks, in a voice that sounds slightly tentative. “Yeah babe?” you...
FetishIntroduction: Jennifer L Hi Reader, be welcome to my life. First i want to introduce myself to you. Im Jennifer L. a 24 years young (giggle) single, who lives in munich/germany. A bit informations (you sure want to know) about me, im 166cm (5,4 feet) and weigh 61kg have a nice firm body (94-62-96) and my beloved c-cup breast, which helps me in my daily routine, sometimes more, somtimes less. I experiment with many and diffrent things and ,… which i think very very few people do in my age....
episode 27 (This follows “Getting Nekkid With a Cheerleader”) The annual football game between the University of Georgia and the University of Florida is a very unique clash. Rather than alternating the game on each other’s campus, the two universities have met in Jacksonville, Florida since 1933. The tickets sold to the event are divided equally between the two universities, so that both teams fans show up in equal numbers. The crowd is enormous and the festive party atmosphere that surrounds...
It is easy to accept as evolutionary natural that fathers fuck their daughters and older brothers fuck their younger sisters. Before the institution of marriage was well established and moral principles ingrained in our forefathers I am dead sure such incestuous relationships between fathers and daughters , and brothers and daughter were common. But to me this cannot explain sex between mothers and sons, especially younger sons. Or for that matter, thirty-two years old women teachers...
Lisa Hamilton struggled to sit up, but her student's muscular arm held her fast to the shag rug with his palm flat against the soft white flesh of her quivering belly. Yet she had been able to see enough to know that Curtis was grinning lewdly as he kneeled naked over her defenseless body, and that in his other hand was a thick plastic shaft with which he was tickling her feet. It was cream-colored, about seven inches long and two inches around, and it gave off a buzzing hum like a nest of...
Natasha Bridgeport, neé Sorenson, was the only offspring of a couple formed by third generation Norwegian immigrants in the mountain ranges of Idaho, near Montana. In fact the nearest town to their family ranch is Clark Fork over interstate 95. Despite her parents being strict Presbyterians, she was a loved and pampered girl, not strange to the works of the ranch as any hand would, who went from a long legged and adorable teenager to a beautiful young woman. She had inherited the genes of her...
Introduction: Hey guys:) Thanks for all the encouraging comments! Still new here, so plz go easy! Mr. Derrick walked around, handing people their report cards. Jessica waited patiently for hers, hoping for something at least a little above a D. When he handed her the report card, however, Jess heart sunk. She had a D. And not even a D+, a D-. Her parents were going to kill her! She groaned as the bell rang. Jess knew she had to do something about this before it got to her parentsafter all, it...
1993 I was in a good mood when I got home. Newt and the Republican Party would have done the Contract with America whether I had recycled or not, but with me involved we had a chance of toning down the harsher aspects to it. I was already pushing to keep most of the ‘family values’ crap out of it. That was a sideshow that always sidetracked the Party and played into the hands of the Democrats. My good mood broke when I got home. Bucky was staying with us, and while I really like my...
He saw the woman struggling towards the hotel entrance with luggage, clothing and a laptop and he hurried to the door to assist."Please, let me help you," said the man, who was probably in his thirties, to the woman who was clearly older than he but, nevertheless, extremely attractive. "Oh thank you, you are a gentleman," said the woman who must have had origins in the Indian sub-continent.The man took a suitcase and a couple of other things and laughed, "Ha, well I am a gentleman...
MatureI work from home by telecommuting, and my wife builds web sites as sort of a side business. So, we're nearly always home together. However, my wife gets real absorbed in her projects and can sit at her computer until the sun comes up. The house could be crumbling around her and she wouldn't notice. A little explaining is in order. My wife is 6 years older than I, and had 2 daughters from her previous marriage. We also had our own daughter together. At the time, they were 16, 10,...
Together we entered the last room. We found Baron Lichvus sacrificing his bodyguard on a large altar in the center of the room. The Baron whispered a few words before turning to greet us, “Welcome, my sheep. I wondered how long my toys would delay you.” Shalyndria stepped forward and addressed him, “Baron Eldritch Lichvus, where are your servants and troops?” His response was sickening, “You killed them on your way here, Princess. Well, killed them again, I should say. They made such lovely...
I am a brat. I really identify with that role. I am not talking about the princessy brat that feels entitled and special. I am the kind of brat that pokes, that says no with a twinkle in her eye, that tries to manipulate her way out of things. I love being forced to do things things, to fight over power and control. Heck, I love wrestling to get shown that the Dom is the superior! And I love saying “Make me!”. I used to be involved with a Master that I had a very special connection with. Our...
I was only fourteen when I became a high school junior. I had all the math and science credits I needed to graduate and if I took an English course in summer school, as I intended, would finish by August and could enter the university that had already offered me a full scholarship, a college freshman at fifteen. I had everything a kid my age needed except two, a driver’s license and pussy. I was a 100% virgin and most high school girls wouldn’t even look at me. I masturbated regularly and...
Since joining the sex site Frankie just couldn't get enough sex, she was constantly turned on and her pussy was always screaming out for attention.She had put a call into her landlord earlier in the day because her back door wasn't shutting properly, he had said he would try and get someone to look at it but would ring her back to let her know.At this moment she was laid on her bed legs wide open, fucking herself with her rampant rabbit, she had made no plans for sex today but she needed an...
This is Part 2, the continuation of the story of a slut staying in a frat house with a bunch of horny young men.I rise in the morning and head to the shower. The bathroom is large with a row of sinks and beyond them three toilet stalls, across from this arrangment are six shower stalls. They are indivdual stalls each with a curtain, but each is large enough for two or even three people. There's someone in one stall. He's either not used to having a woman in the house (this summer rental thing...
My story begins last April when I took a vacation back to the country I was born in central America. It was exciting to see everyone after being away so long. I won't bother with the all the details of what I did over those two weeks as you might assume it was just your basic vacation stuff. You know visit old friends have fun go to the beach etc. I'll get straight to the point. My plan was to stay at my uncle's house for the two weeks since he doesn't use it that much. My uncle and I had a...
Cleo and I started dating, seriously dating, within days of our first hook up. Cleo lived across the hallway from my apartment, so picking her up was as simple as walking across the hall and tapping on her door.Cleo was Asian in ethnicity, tall and slender, with an olive complexion and brown oval eyes that simply perfected her charm and sex appeal. Her jet-black hair reached down to the small of her back. She had a slender frame, but she was not skinny. While at home and alone, she rarely...
Truewhen it was just me in the apartment i felt so all alone but a part of me was telling me its for the best and a bigger part of me felt numb with pain. I wanted the pain to go away so i took the bottle of jack daniels from the living room and i drank it and did somethink i never thought i would do i got my car keys and i drove to harveys moms house when i got there bella said "he doesnt want to see you leon and i dont think he wants to see you drunk!" harvey came to the door and said...
A while back I came into contact with a woman I had not seen in a while, she was older then me she was in her mid fortys and i had just turned 21. I had always lusted after her and she knew it. We had been neighbors and we flirted a lot and she would let me rub her huge feet as I have a fetish but we never fucked, untill we met again. Her husband had become a complete ass she told me and did things to piss her off. She told me his latest act had been buying an expensive bed that he knew she...
Cam Kittys! I know that anyone sensible will agree with me that nothing brings out so much thrill than; new shit especially involving nasty young bitches with not only lots of energy but new tricks up their sleeves. Well, I don’t know about you, but I own my pervasiveness 100%, and I wouldn’t let such shit pass me by, not for even for the fucking world! So you can bet on the fact that I've been to and loved it very much.Am talking about a site packed with lots of pinky lips and...
Porn ForumsTOP BOSS CHAPTER 1 Tammy Lynn has worked hard severalyears to get and she has moved up the chain in her office and now she isa top executive in a great banking lending company. She has been doing verywell and her college and experience has gotten her to the top. She is inher mid thirties and lives in San Diego, California. Tammy Lynn got a divorce from her husband when she was 27 and she found outhe cheated on her with a girl that just finished 4 years of college. She thenhated men for life...
There she sits. The girl of my dreams. I can see her from my desk in the back of the row in spanish class. The day has dragged on long enough, but it's all better when I get to see Maria. She sits there texting on her phone while the professor drones on about nothing important. Her long brow hair flows over her shoulders down to her back where her shirt has slid up to reveal a black g-string just sitting there taunting me. The bell rings and I hop out of my seat and begin to walk out the...
Cock hungry coed Nickey Huntsman shakes her ass and flashes her tits for Logan Pierce’s pleasure. Once she has tried on a bunch of outfits, she decides that naked is best and doesn’t waste another minute with clothes. Instead, she turns her attention to getting Logan nice and hard and ready for a fuck fest in her juicy bald twat. Sucking Logan off is just the start for this horny student. Long strokes of her lips and tongue whet both of their appetites, preparing both of them for...
xmoviesforyouThe next morning we called a meeting of all members of the village. Since the population of the village has almost doubled overnight new strategies had to be implemented. Introductions were firstly in order, Ine and Fraewaru were introduced as husband and wife and the others as single unattached women there was Eorman, who most knew, and Ethel, Hygd and Fritho. It was decided amongst us that we would first build a home for Ine and Fraewaru, then a house for the single women. Also we would...
Jennifer White is watering the bushes when Hope Harper and her boyfriend Logan Pierce arrive home. She makes a move on Logan, much to Hope’s dismay. After showering off the heat of the day and wrapping a towel around herself, Jennifer tries again. In full-on seduction mode, she drops the towel so Logan can look all he wants. Determined to get what she wants, Jennifer waits until Hope is riding Logan’s mouth to sneak up on the couple and take Logan’s cock in her mouth. When...
xmoviesforyouI was already excited. It was Friday and I had just gotten off the bus outside of my house, after fantasising the whole trip about the night ahead that I had planned with my sister. I was already fully erected and smiling as I fumbled for the keys to the front door, dragged in my schoolbag and walked to my room, all the while trying to retain my inhibitions. Once in my room I put down my bag in the corner to sort through later, I couldn't wait to slip into some of my girly things. No one...
It was one of those evenings that had been happening a lot, I had had analmighty argument with my (soon to be ex) girlfriend. Once again I found myselfwandering the streets trying to calm down. When my anger started to cool off Idecided that I may as well carry on onto town as I seemed to be already pointedthat way.Now up until this point I had a little game, almost a way of teasing myself, Iwould occasionally go into a gay bar in the hope that someone would pick me up.It never happened but it...
Usually I accompanied my mother when we dined in the hotel restaurant. All the attention of the diners would be focussed on her as we made our way to our preferred table, my mother is a very attractive woman and men's eyes follow her like hounds on a scent. However this evening mother was in a consultative meeting with an important client and I was entering the dining room alone. I admit to being slightly nervous, and I paused momentarily to steady my breathing, and to think of my mother. I...
Alexander James paced the corridor outside the headmaster’s office, waiting to be seen. It was an ashen-faced Mr. Norris, his form teacher, who’d silently passed the meeting note to him in class that said Mr. Hampton wanted to see him. St. Mary’s was unique among English all-boys sixth forms in its selection process. All young men must be, as well as hard workers, in the very best physical condition. As well as an entrance exam, there was an aptitude test – the source of much newspaper gossip –...
A short while back I wrote a story I called, She's Moving Away, that you may have read on this website, about the incredible, serendipitous, sexual adventure I had with a sweet, neighbor lady named Marilyn. Sweet Marilyn is an older woman on whom I've always had a crush. For years I would secretly gaze at her, from my house, as she worked in her yard and often fantasized various erotic scenarios that included the two of us being wonderfully naughty. I'm happy, for me anyway, that as I...
Hi Guys, First of all thank you very much for your overwhelming response to my earlier story My Sweet Milking Bhabhi. I got some very encouraging compliments from various audience including some sweet ladies praising my narration & word by word expression of happenings which I guess have aroused them to the utmost orgasmic feeling. Some of them complimented that seldom people have such qualities to express the happenings / emotions in words & we wonder that if u express emotions such...
IncestAfter a weird sort of a breakup with Samer and even wieder oral sex with Hassan immediately after my break up, I've decided to be alone for a while. I figured it would be best for me to actually decide what to do when there is no pressure to do anything. But the pressure was there, some pressure came from Hassan who was really impatient to see me again; other sorts of pressure were mostly self imposed. The only place no pressure came from was from Samer.But, let me rewind this story a little...
Hi I am Niharika this is the concluding part of my Delhi trip. The first episode is titled Fucked by Stranger on Delhi Trip which is in the couple section; please mail me your Valued response at This was my 5th day in Delhi, i returned to my room in the same hotel from the conference and was changing my clothes, I was only in my panties when I heard a knock on the door, I quickly put on my half nighty and asked “kaun hai”, there was no reply but immediately there was a knock on the door again....
Chapter Five A Pink Room Mary called out to the kitchen where Fletcher was reading the morning paper. It was early. ‘Fletcher, it’s the telephone. Pearce Vasquels is on the line.’ Fletcher reached for the telephone and answered, ‘Hello?’ From the other line Pearce responded, ‘Fletcher. Good morning. Yes, this is Pearce. How is everyone? I hope you and your house guest are doing well?’ Fletcher had a hunch as to what was coming, ‘Oh, we’re doing pretty well. I’ve got her under control....
It had started a month ago when a strange man had approached me explained that Janice was mind controlled and she would do whatever I wanted and she would enjoy it. We had meet in the back of a large van that had picked us both up and Janice gave me the best sex I had ever had. The man had promised Janice to me once a month for as long as I wanted! It was a month later and the van picked me up and drove me to meet Janice. She climbed into the back of the van and smiled at me, she seemed...
Based On a Conversation Two: A Place for Us By shalimar In many respects I am a lucky woman. In the net I have a number of virtual sisters, daughters and nieces that I love and love me. I give them my love and feel their love in return. They are in the center of my heart and I hope others will join them. In this environment I am my alter ego, The Evil Witch. But in other respects I am not that lucky. Hugging my net sister when she is fifteen hundred miles away is not the same as...
I thought I was so smart! I really thought I had all the angles figured. But as some guy once said, "the best-laid plans often go astray". In my case it should have been, "my best plans to get laid go astray". The idea was simplicity itself. I love Sam; I love him like crazy, but he is only so-so in bed and I needed more. But Sam is also jealous, and there was no way I could be jumping in and out of another man's bed without losing him, something I wasn't prepared to do. So with the...