All Hallows Eve
- 2 years ago
- 22
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It was 3 weeks before All Hallows Eve and things just feel different this year. I can't figure out why. My cats are sleeping 23 of 24 hours a day. The remaining hour they want fed. Of course that is only interrupted by a trip to the litter box and a minute or two of actually showing a little gratitude to me. That is as long as I clean the litter box and have their food ready in their dish when they want it.
The people I work with seem normal enough and our workplace sexual encounters haven't changed in years. I tell them to "Fuck Off" and they reply in same. It's your typical hallway sex.
I've worked as a bank teller for the last few years, but I don't do much of that work anymore except for most Saturday's. The past couple times a very handsome man has come to my window as soon as we opened the doors. He's maybe 10 years older than me, 6 foot tall with an athletic build and intoxicating brown eyes that draw you to him like moths to a flame. His smile and his voice makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. This guy at my window just has something about him that makes me feel so ... wanted! Even his name made me weak in the knees, Ricardo.
Always after completing his business we would speak a few words with each other about off work activities. I'd just picked up a gym membership so I could get back into shape. I mentioned the gym's name and he told me has a membership there also and hopes to see me there some time. However, with his work schedule he only goes after sunset, but is usually there most nights. With that he smiled and strode off.
I couldn't help myself but watch his gracefulness and his nice round butt as he walked away. All I could think of is that he seemed to have it all. I will most definitely be meeting him at the gym. If I'm going to get him I've got to pick up my game and get in shape.
Work for that Saturday ended at noon and I thought about him the whole way home. For me the day was spent with chores around the house and getting myself ready for the next week's work. It has been nothing but the same boring routine for months. I need more in my life than just work and cats. Maybe using the gym and getting around a few people will help relieve me of my boring life.
Hell I haven't been on a date for so long I could be considered the old cat lady of my neighborhood and I'm not even 30 years old yet!
So the next day I made no excuses and went to the gym hoping to get just a few sets on the weight machines and then walk a couple miles on the treadmill. If nothing else I would be too tired to worry about my missing sex life and get myself out of my funk. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a porker, I just needed to tone up.
I had good sets on the weight machines working my upper body making me feel the pump. I'm immediately noticed the tone in my muscles. Maybe I wasn't as bad off as I thought. I just may be ready when swimsuit season comes in a few short months.
Having just started my walk on the treadmill, setting the computer program for a combination of flat paths and hilly trails to really wanted to get my heart pumping, I was shocked to find Ricardo on the treadmill next to me. "Hello Vicky. Nice to see you outside the office."
All I could do was yell at myself, "SPEAK TO HIM YOU IDIOT!" I stumbled out a hello and I got one of his incredible smiles in return. Oh, God I hope I don't trip and make a fool of myself.
Keeping with my program hoping it would impress Ricardo, we made some small talk while it was obvious he had no trouble keeping pace with the program he set on his treadmill. His was set for hard hill running and he never missed a step or broke a sweat. He must have great stamina. I blushed on that thought. I wonder if he noticed?
We both ended our walk at the same time and took a few minutes at the juice bar. I had a green tea mango smoothie while he declined an after work out drink. Odd, he doesn't sweat or partakes an after workout protein drink. I guess you don't need it if your in as good of shape as he is.
We talked about our everyday lives, work, world events, etc. He really listened to me and was genuinely interested in my thoughts and seemed to really appreciate my views on the latest world events. Oh this guy is definitely worth a go after.
He told me he had a wonderful time talking with me and hoped we could do it again as he turned and left the gym. I was so mesmerized watching him, I couldn't help myself from staring at his butt and the rest of that good looking body.
I went home and showered. The hot water felt good after a nice workout. Soaping myself up I kept thinking about him and couldn't help myself but think about him and think I need to shaving everything extra close tonight. Don't want to look like a Sasquatch while trying to a guy.
The feeling of strange increased as Halloween approached. There were horrible stories in the nightly news of women disappearing without a trace. Three women in the past week. The police were asking for anyone with information to contact them immediately and that all women should take necessary steps to protect themselves at all times. I immediately went out and bought myself some pepper spray.
I kept my schedule at the gym. I was doing well enough to start running on the treadmill instead of walking and had been going for about 10 minutes when I noticed him on the one next to me again. He was already up to pace and was watching me. When he mentioned he has been along side me for the past few minutes I was shocked. It just wasn't possible. I was watching for him and would've seen him come in. Strange.
We were having a great conversation at the juice bar after our workout when he just looked me in the eyes and asked if I wanted to go out dancing or a movie with him this weekend. His eyes beckoned me almost begging me to say yes, and yes is what I said. We made plans for a movie and drinks after.
He asked if he could pick me up at my apartment, but I told him I would meet him at the theater. I'm not sure why I said that because part of me wanted him to pick me up at my place just so we could have more time together.
We met up in front of the movie theater and enjoyed a Halloween classic with Bela Lugosi as Dracula. I like the classics. I heard him laughing a couple times during the movie. I asked Ricardo what was so funny. He just waved it off and said nothing. After the movie we walked to a local pub to enjoy a drink and conversation. We talked about everything that came to mind. When I was just about finished with my second drink I realized he hasn't touched his first. When I asked him why, Ricardo said that he really wasn't thirsty for anything and ordered just to be polite. I thought it odd, but readily accepted his explanation.
While in the pub we heard more talk of missing girls making me shiver at the thought. Fearing that girls weren't safe in the city, I asked Ricardo to walk me home and see me to my door. He gladly agreed and we started for my apartment by way of a lovely stroll through the park. It's always beautiful this time of year with the smells of autumn.
During our walk we would talk only as a new sight would pique our interest and would mention it to the other while peering into the others eyes. Every time I looked into his eyes I could feel my inhibitions lessen, my heart beat increase and my loins warm. There was something so special about his eyes that drew me him. They were so intoxicating.
How did we get home so soon? The last thing I remember was walking in the park watching the city lights shining off the surface of the lake. The thought only lasted a second or two as I realized he was kissing me gently on the lips. Suddenly there were visions of long lost lovers anew again caught in the ecstasy of their passion, shining from the sweat covering each others body in my mind. The vision was so intense, so real I moaned into his mouth as his tongue met mine.
As suddenly as it began, it was gone except for the sensuality of the visions from my mind. Only the intense longing of the lovers remained. I pulled myself away from our embrace looking into his eyes. They seemed different. Where they always so dark? I apologized for acting to impulsively blushing in embarrassment. I kissed him on the cheek and thanked him for a wonderful evening, but that I had to end the night as work comes early for me.
His disappointment seemed real, but ever the gentleman Ricardo kissed me lightly again and said he to had a wonderful evening and would love to take me out again as soon as I was free. He noted he hope to see me in the gym again next week, turned and left.
I felt strange as I stepped into the tub. My last conscious thought was that of my hands seemed to have a mind of their own as they caressed my body stimulating every nerve ending and every pore as I became lost in the scenes of the lover's embrace. The touch of my lover's hands on my body, the taste of his lips and smell of his cologne seemed so real. I became one with the woman pictured in my mind, willingly accepting a new reality.
I could not see his face, but it was so familiar to me. All of my senses were overpowered as an explosion of pleasure that is felt from impassioned lovers reunited after a long separation. I awoke from my trance, angered by being torn away from a reality I did not want to leave. As I came to I was shocked to see I was still in the tub and the water was cool enough to make me shiver along with the realization I had just climaxed. Just like the woman in my vision.
It seemed so real it scared me.
Laying in bed I began wishing to experience that passion again, hoping for the love of the man in my visions. He was so handsome, strong and yet so familiar. The night ended too soon and I woke in the morning to the alarm cursing the end of hope's dream.
Throughout the workday I found myself wanting to see Ricardo again. He said we would see each other at the gym, so I made sure my workout clothes was packed so all I had to do was get myself there. Making it to the gym I hit the weight machines hard and the treadmill harder. I was driven to get more fit so I could attract a man. I wasn't an old maid, but I feared being old before I found someone to love me and care for me until death do us part. A tight body always helps get a man, but personality helps keep the man. Too many of the men I dated were after former, not the latter.
Much to my disappointment, Ricardo didn't show. He must've gotten held up by something important, but I knew he'd show up just to see me. But the next two nights Ricardo was a no show, however I did meet someone new. A nice looking man that I guessed to be a few years younger than me introduced himself. He didn't have the sophistication of Ricardo, but he was a more rugged real life cowboy type with short sandy brown hair and matching brown eyes and a cute trimmed goatee. He was muscular, but not freakishly so, and he wore two small silver crosses around his neck. In other words he was hot. He introduced himself as Henry, but his friends called him Hank. He looked like a Hank.
Telling Henry it was nice to meet him we made small talk and he asked if he could assist me in my workout. Seeing the muscles he carried I knew he could help. I readily agreed and we went over my routine. Henry watched me intently as I pressed out each set making suggestions on form and mental concentration on each rep. He enforced the mental aspect of exercise would not only increase the rate of muscle development, but also mental toughness.
We hit the treadmill together and Henry surprisingly kept pace with me. I may have needed improvement in my weight training, but I had made good strides on my aerobic endurance. Usually muscle bound guys like him have little or no stamina, but he was different. Not only did he have a hot muscled body and stamina, but he oozed a strength of kindness and willingness to help others. By the end of our exercising together I asked since his friends call him Hank, could I? He gave me a big smile held out his hand and said "Friends." I took his hand in both of mine and replied "Thank You, Hank."
We left the gym and went our separate ways, but made plans to see each other again in two nights time for our workout.
At work the next day I actually caught myself thinking how wonderful an evening I had with Hank. It was fun just saying his name..."Hank." I couldn't help but giggle when I said it.
During lunch we heard news of more girls disappearing. Authorities were prompted to ask all women to take extra precautions to protect themselves and traveling alone was ill advised. Three of us from work attended to the same gym, on different nights and usually alone, so we decided we couldn't do it that way any longer. The plan was we all go together and leave together or not go at all. Our first night will be tomorrow.
I hoped to see Hank or Ricardo. Hank was my workout buddy and friend, even after just one night while Ricardo was, come to think of it, I'm not sure what Ricardo was beyond an intriguing handsome guy I went on a date with.
The girls and I made it to the gym, got dressed and walked into the workout room. The girls all stopped in their tracks looking at the guy using one of the machines. Their tongues were practically wagging out of their mouths. Eventually one of them asked who the hunk was over on the chest press machine. I smiled and told them that was my friend Hank. My friends chastised me for withholding information.
At that moment he must have sensed I was there as he looked up at me and smiled. He looked even more handsome today than when we first met. "Girls, that one is mine, go find your own."
"Hello Hank. Miss me?"
"You bet I did." Did I tell you he also had a slight southern draw to his voice. I liked it.
We picked up where we left off the other night. Hank pushed me on the machines making me concentrate on each rep not allowing me to give up. By the end of the hour I had a good pump and it felt great. I could tell Hank had fun working out with me and I felt good just being with him.
We were walking toward the juice bar and Hank stopped dead in his tracks. I asked him what was wrong, but he said nothing. He was staring toward the other side of the room, but at what I wasn't sure until I seen Ricardo. Ricardo was talking to some unnaturally enhanced blond.
"Hank, What's wrong? Hank? I shook him, but he continued to stare at Ricardo. Hank, do you know him? His name is...
"I know who he is! I know him all to well." I was taken aback at his tone and the sight of his eyes. They reflected almost pure hatred.
Gently reaching out for his arm, "Hank, what's wrong? I can tell you don't like him, but why? Ricardo and I went on a date last week and he treated me nice. He doesn't seem to be a bad guy."
He looked down at me and his eyes again shown the kindness behind them. He spoke softly, "He is not as nice as he seems. He has nothing but a black heart."
"Hank, what are you talking about?" Just about that time Ricardo came over to us.
I didn't notice it right away because I was worried about Hank, but Ricardo walked up to us like he had just seen a ghost. He looked intently at Hank, "How is it possible? How did you..."
Hank said nothing. All he did was point his right index finger to the sky. For a moment Ricardo and Hank just stared at each other, then Ricardo seemed to snap out of whatever was happening, "Hello Vicky, How are you this evening? I see we know someone in common."
He looked at Hank, "Well Henry, I can say it truly is a surprise to see you again. So tell me, was it a painful recovery?"
Hank did not speak, but his eyes stared back with such hatred it scared me. I broke the tension as best I could, "Ricardo, it seems you know Hank so I guess introductions are unnecessary."
"Oh yes, Henry and I go way back, don't we ... Hank is it?"
"Too long I'm afraid. But for not much longer I'm delighted to say ... Ricardo was it, huh? Amazing. I remember your name being plain old Richard back in a time. You remember this, don't you? It belonged to my sister." At that time Hank pulled one of his crosses out from under his t-shirt and immediately Ricardo became unsettled.
"It didn't help her then and it sure as hell won't help you now!" as Ricardo back up from Hank like he was expecting an attack. He looked at me, "Well Vicky I apologize for disturbing you and your friend here, I know I'll be seeing you again soon, so I must say goodnight," he turned and left hurriedly.
"Not if I can help it," replied Hank.
"Hank, what is going on? Why don't you like Ricardo and what did he mean when he mentioned your sister?"
"There are plenty of reasons for anyone to hate him. For me, it's because he killed my sister and I vowed justice for her."
'What?! I don't believe you! I don't think Ricardo would hurt anyone, he's not capable of such acts."
"How would you know? How well do you really know him?"
"I admit not well at all, but he doesn't seem the type to hurt another person." Hank seemed hurt by my statement, but acknowledged it.
"You don't understand it yet Vicki. You have only known me for a few days, but I swear on my sister's soul that I'm telling you the truth. It really doesn't matter if you believe me or not, but on Halloween it will all be over. Since you have your friends to get you home safely, I think it best I get going. I've caused you too much grief for the night. I'm sorry. Good night Vicky."
As Hank turned and walked away I could feel the sadness in Hank where his sister was involved. But when it came to Ricardo, the anger and hatred was impossible to miss. If what Hank said was true about Ricardo killing his sister, than I've got to stay away from him.
Ricardo was already gone from sight and I had to wonder if he left with that big boobed blond he was talking to earlier.
My friends caught up with me after I finished my half-assed workout. Plans were made to go back to the gym in two days. Heeding the warnings from the authorities to not travel alone, we watched over each other and made sure there were at least two of us at all times whether it was outside our home, office or the gym.
Two days later we made it back to the gym as planned and we were all shocked to find out everyone was talking about one of the popular girls who was a regular hasn't been seen for two days. I quickly discovered it was the blond that Ricardo was talking to the other night. "Oh my God, was Hank right about him?"
A few days later at the gym I seen Hank on one of the machines working out. He looked at me and gave a hesitant smile. I guess he worried that I was mad at him for the other night. Of course I smiled back and waved to him.
As he approached he still looked apprehensive and had difficulty looking me in the eyes. But after a few minutes of talking he finally did. He seen I held no animosity, but he apologized again asking forgiveness if he caused me to be upset the other night. He reiterated he spoke the truth about his sister and who killed her.
When I mentioned the blond girl gone missing he didn't act surprised. Instead he seemed to blow it off until he unexpectedly took his sister's cross off from around his neck and as he put around mine, "Do not refuse this and never take it off. It will help you against him."
"Hank, what really real is going on? I keep asking, but you don't tell me. What gives?"
"There's too much to tell and we shouldn't talk about such things here. But to answer your question he did get the best of me the last time we met, but it won't be that way again."
"What do you mean? Did you two fight and you got hurt.?"
"Yes, I'm afraid so, but things were different then."
I didn't want to push Hank too much right now so I told him about my date with Ricardo. "Hank, I do remember something strange when I went out on that date with Ricardo. We were saying goodnight and his eyes grew darker, almost black and I had the most sensual feeling come over me. He asked to come inside my apartment, but I said no. I'm not sure why because I really wanted to invite him in."
"It's good that you didn't because if he'd made it inside your apartment, you'd be dead."
"Hank you keep saying he is a killer, but if you have proof, why don't you go to the police and tell them your story?"
"The police are unable to do anything about this. There is no evidence that can be used against him in court and no jail cell that can hold him." "You already know he's responsible for the missing girls, don't you? How many more girls do you think will disappear before Halloween?"
"I can only do so much. I can't help those who succumb to his influence. Right now you have been the only one to refuse him. That not only makes you more intriguing, but more desirable to him as well. There has only been one other to refuse him." Hank's expression saddened suddenly, "My sister ... and he killed her because of it. But the bastard couldn't do it alone. He hired the worst scum possible to help him. There were just too many of them." There were tears puddling in the corner of his eyes, "I was too late to save her. That is when he got the best of me." Then his eyes darkened, "Since then, all but one has suffered terribly at my hands for what was done to her. The one left is your friend Ricardo and I swore on my soul that I would not rest until he pays for what he did to her and all the others."
Hank looked down to my chest and smiled, not in a lustful way, but more in a satisfied way. He gently reached in and slid his fingers in behind the cross pulling it away from my breasts, "This cross is very special. It, along with one other, were made from the finest silver from the Vatican vaults. Both were blessed by the Pope himself. One you wear," with the other hand he lifts an identical cross from under his shirt, "and I wear the other."
With that Hank leaned in and kissed me on the cheek looked me in the eyes hesitating for only a couple seconds and when I looked back at him I seen such kindness and warmth. I felt myself melt inside. I was drawn to Hank before, but suddenly looking into his eyes I found myself pulled to him like no man ever before. I don't know if it was the sadness in him that I wanted to comfort or the feel of his inner strength. Maybe it was just his big muscles and rugged good looks and the fact I haven't been laid in months, but I fell in love with him at that moment.
He gave me a small smile, said good night and walked away.
One of my friends walked up to me and asked if I was alright. She seen Hank talking to me and noticed the talk was intense. Then when she seen Hank kiss me and then quickly leave, she became worried.
I couldn't tell her anything about what Hank said about Ricardo being behind the girl from our gym disappearing. The cops would ask questions and it may put me in more danger. The story I gave her was that Ricardo and Hank have a history and a physical altercation between them ended badly with Hank being hurt. After Hank told me his story he left feeling badly about causing me so much drama.
She accepted my explanation and we all made it home safely.
This coming Saturday I had to work the teller line again and to say I was surprised when Ricardo came to my window would be an understatement. He was friendly as ever and asked me out again. I was tempted, very tempted, but declined. He seemed shocked at my refusal for a second date and became agitated. His eyes and facial expression tightened and he again pushed his invitation for dinner. I thanked him for his thoughtfulness, but declined begging other plans.
"I know your lying Vicki. I can see it in your eyes." Suddenly his eyes grew dark and I had such an emotional rush of lust as a scene of two bodies together in passionate embrace. Their physical ecstasy caused such a stirring inside me that I began to feel myself give into his request. At first the two bodies were just that. Faceless lovers lost in their own pleasure, but quickly I could see the man and woman were not strangers to me. In fact the pair were me and Ricardo together in the act of lovemaking!
A voice inside my head suddenly over powered the vision and I was brought back to the present. I swear the voice sounded like Hank's! I also realized I was holding Hank's sister's cross in my fingers.
Awake from the vision I looked at Ricardo and he was pissed. He held his temper, but I could tell it was taking a lot of control to do so. His eyes seemed to be getting lighter in color. I don't know why, but I think he heard the same voice. "Ricardo, Thank You but no, I don't want to date you."
"I'm sorry you feel that way Vicki. To say I'm disappointed just doesn't describe how I feel. But have no doubt, you and I will be seeing each other again and much sooner than you realize. I'll be in town for only a few more days and I need to see you again, but for now, have a good day."
His body language and walk was not smooth and graceful as before. It was almost juvenile the way he walked out of the lobby.
I wondered why I heard Hank's voice waking me from the vision I had of Ricardo and me. Then I thought of the other night when I looked into his eyes and the feelings I had for him. He did mention he would not allow Ricardo to harm me. But now I know it was much more than that. It was love.
The day of work ended at noon so the girls and I took in a light lunch and the gym for the usual Saturday view fest of weekend warriors who are trolling for dates. The guys who ignore their body during the week show off on Saturday thinking we woman will be in awe of their big hulking muscles and be mindlessly drawn to their beds. Yeah right.
The girls I work with are trolling themselves for prospective husbands, but since finding a good man who is husband material is hard to find, a good sex partner is doable. With girls around town disappearing they were hesitant getting involved with strange men, but if they made a connection it would have to involve double dating.
I remembered the feeling I had when I looked into Hank's eyes the other night. He's husband material and part of me is planning the wedding already, but first I guess we should go out on a date first. I caught myself letting out a small giggle as I said his name again. Like I said before, he looks like a Hank.
We all were walking into the room with the workout machines and I immediately looked for Hank. I was trolling for a Hank for a Saturday night date and I wasn't going to settle for a Tom, Dick or Harry. It was going to be a Hank or nothing at all. Looking around the room I wasn't overly surprised to see him, but my hackles immediately came up when I noticed a brunette with big tits talking and smiling at him. No way a bitch with big fake tits was taking my man!
I walked over to the two of them and put my arm around Hank's waist, "There you are, I've been looking all over for you." Boy if looks could kill that brunette would be dancing on my grave right now.
"Hello Vicki, I'm glad you made it." Turning to the brunette he introduced us, "Vicky this is Linda, Linda this is Vicki."
"Nice to meet you Vicki," it didn't sound like she meant it.
"Nice to meet you too Linda." Now I had to get Hank away from her, "Hank, I had trouble with Ricardo today and he didn't take it well when I turned him down for a date. Can I talk to you alone for a few minutes?"
"Sure, if you will excuse us Linda," boy the daggers that came from her. I so wanted to turn around and stick my tongue out at her, but that would've been childish.
We walked to the juice bar and I let him have it, "OK what gives?"
He seemed shocked, "I don't understand?"
"The brunette! Who is she to you?"
"Hey. Relax! I've only met her today. She's a nice girl and we were only talking. Now is Linda really the reason you're upset?"
"No I'm not upset about her. Oh hell, yes I am! I'm upset that you were talking to that girl. I don't want you talking to skanks! You're only allowed to talk to me."
He had a slight smile o his face, "Really? And why is that?"
I realized I just put my foot in my mouth big time, "Because I like you. More than like you actually and I didn't like seeing you having fun with what's her name."
"Vicki, we were only talking and she really is a nice girl. But I'm not interested in her."
I went from shocked to pleased and smiling, "Your not?"
"No. Not even a little."
"OK then." Now that that's settled, "How did you know what Ricardo tried earlier today?"
"You mean his attempt at seduction and the visions he put in your mind?"
"Of course. That was your voice I heard in my head and you broke the trance I was in and don't try to deny it."
At first he looked away and I could tell he was uncomfortable as he looked back at me, "I told you I will not let him hurt you."
"That doesn't explain your voice in my head, how did you know that was happening."
"The crosses we wear are special, remember? If we concentrate, we can sense when the other is in trouble." He seemed uncomfortable for a second then stated speaking again, "I've tried to stay away, watching over you from a distance, but I couldn't. I found myself attracted to you. Not just your beauty, but the goodness of you as a person."
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This story is fiction. Any real people or events that this story describes are purely coincidental. This story is the sole property of the author and in its original form, with non-exclusive rights granted to Literotica to publish it on their website. Please do not share or redistribute this story in any way without the approval of the author and/or Literotica. Thank you. Note: All characters in this story are at least 18 years of age. This story contains non-consensual lesbian domination with...
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It was a dark rainy night; the full moon peeking out occasionally from the dark ominous clouds. The horse plodded along, its rider hunched over the pommel tired, hungry, and wet. Although Rob wore a rain slicker it did nothing to keep the rain from sneaking under the opening at the top and drenching his clothes under it. The wide-brimmed cowboy hat kept his hair fairly dry but the drips off the brim kept his face wet. He had been in the saddle since early morning, only stopping to rest his...
HorrorBecky, the beautiful submissive witch in hiding, had to admit that Sir Louie, the youngest son of the Mountbatten clan was quite skilled in the use of his God-given flesh-based sword in assorted positions entirely unfamiliar to her in her total innocence of recent personal past. The handsome youngest son of the estate continued to worry the flanks of the upstairs maid each morning, but Becky cared naught because the girl was insipid beyond all ken and merely grunted like a bored cow giving...
I was told when I finally woke up that I had been out for nearly five hours. Everyone wanted to be there with me when I woke up, but they knew the importance of the burning of the skulls. Lillian had stayed by me and told the others when I finally came to. I explained to them the meeting I had with Phaltina and that the curse had been released from the skulls when they broke apart. Kayla was a bit disappointed that she would not be using her mortar and pestle, but she was happier that I was...
Aphronia slowly regained consciousness and felt agony in every muscle and fiber of her body. The bastard had spent who knows how long torturing her. Not for information or her acquiescence, but for the simple and perverse joy it brought him. He had been cutting her skin, with slow and precise slices. Generating the most pain for the least amount of damage. Her abilities helped her heal quickly, but the psychological impact was hard on her. She still had not eaten, and her hunger, coupled...
Hi friends. I am Arun. I’m 23 years old and I’m here to share with you my real life sex experience with my classmate Ninu. She is a mallu girl. She is a year elder to me and is very cute, wheatish complexion, very fit body with no fat. We are very good friends. We used to spend some time a nearby park after our classes. I would then drop her at her place and go back home. As days rolled by we got closer and closer but were not convinced to have a serious relationship. As we chat everyday...
“Please. Join me, Davik, I have been waiting for some time, knowing that you would eventually find your way to Retvan. We have a lot to discuss.” I turned to find Ruben’s eyes staring at me, signs of care and weariness in them, but a cold resolve behind them. He looked a bit thinner and a bit more haggard in appearance since the last time I had seen him, though he had been falling into a chasm when I saw him last. The beard, as well as the used and torn clothing, would not let anyone except...
We woke early and decided against having a morning meal, instead hoping to get on our way sooner. I collected my goods and made my way out of the inn with the others. I took Janet’s equipment as she was going to head to the carrier bird aviary to send out a message to her contacts. She would meet us at the stablemaster’s when she was done. Lillian padded alongside me and we were warmly greeted as we approached. “Hello, my friends,” he said warmly. “You are ahead of schedule, but I was able...
I awoke slowly. A light throbbing of my head caused a bit of discomfort. I looked around to find myself alone in bed, daylight shining through the window. I could hear the faint sounds of birds through the glass. It was very auspicious, given the nature of events that had transpired last night. As memories filled my mind of everything that had happened, tears began to fall freely down my face. My friends, my love and her family all gone. Taken by that black monstrosity in a binge of carnage...
I woke up with a start, my hand darting to my chest, to look for the hole where the sword had pierced me. Content that there was nothing there, I tried to get up and only then did I realize that I was not alone in bed. Janet had laid down next to me and, I guess, fell asleep on my shoulder, though my jerking up in bed had roused her from her nap. “Davik?” she asked, a note of concern in her voice. “Are you okay? Was it another of those dreams again?” “Yes it was, Janet, but your suggestion...
I panicked again when I woke up from the dream, as both my arms had gone numb. When I looked at both, I saw tuffs of red hair on either shoulder or it dawned on me what had happened. The only thing I wondered was ... why? While I had been shocked at the surprise of Lillian and Janet sleeping on me, I had not realized how much I had missed the sensation. It had been nearly a year since someone was sharing my bed to fight off the tremors and, during my time away, as well as during the trip...
Lillian I left everyone in the room and made my way to the cellar of the, opening the door to find Violet, on the floor. The chains of the shackles were looped around a metal bracket on the floor, even Davik’s unique strength would not be able to pull it up. I looked down at her, memories of her sleeping after our love making filling my head and alerting me to her ruse. I walked up and planted a hard kick to her abdomen, causing her to scream in pain, as well as curse me for hitting...
Davik I could not tell how long I had been here, but my stomach was beginning to demand that I accept the food that the young girl had been bringing. True to her word, Brenson had stopped using blunt objects and began using a whip. I had to be careful as the pain of the strikes could have made me bite my tongue off, which would have been very painful, and I doubt I would have been able to grow it back. The whole time, he was asking how I was able to do the things I could, where I got my...
When I awoke, I was sometime in the evening, the sounds of the insects out on their nighttime hunts filled the air. The gentle breeze from the open window carried their sounds into my room. Hopefully, I hadn’t slept past evening meal. As I moved to get up, I realized there was a soft arm draped across my chest and a leg resting on my thighs. I looked down to see dark locks of hair draped across my chest and felt the soft rise and fall of my companion’s chest. The scent that filled my senses...
I awoke with a start, the last residual emotions of the dream leaching out of me. I felt disgusted with my body each time the dreams happened, but I knew more, now. I knew the monster’s voice, as well as a bit of what he looked like. Still, to see him help murder his father while I watched through his own eyes was unsettling. The feelings of superiority, glee and even arousal were disgusting, and I felt tainted by them. I looked over and saw that Lillian was still resting, so I went and got...
While I had seen Lillian change more than a few times now, the change happening to Violet seemed far more violent and painful. The transformation Lillian underwent happened in a matter of moments, one minute she was a human, the next she was a wolf. I had to wonder if this was what occurred during a Voguel’s first transformation as their body shifts and morphs under the manipulation of the curse. It sounded like her bones were breaking with every shift of her body, as her body repurposed...
Lucinda was standing at the porch of her little house. It was almost midnight on October 30th. Halloween was just minutes away and staring at the moon she sighed. This year October 31st will have a Blue Moon. Blue Moons usually appeared every three or four years, and in those occasions many unexplained phenomena happened. It was not so much that the Blue Moon usually caused a stirring in the gifted communities of witches, wizards and warlocks, but it also brought out monsters, demons and ghouls...
“I have not heard that name in a very long time,” she said as the color drained from her face. “Brenson was the name of my older brother.” “Is that name common where you came from? I mean, it could have been a different Brenson that had come from your country.” “Names are a bit different back home,” she said shaking her head. “They are regional and very few are repeated outside of a family. Besides, the age fits and I will know from the books you collected, as he wrote one or more of...
I did not get back to sleep right away, my mind reeling with the idea that there could be another like Brenson out there and worry of what that person could do. Lillian kept me company for as long as she could, but after an hour, she fell back into a deep sleep, her rhythmic breathing lulling me to join her. Thankfully, there were no other dreams that plagued me, not that I could remember, so I was thankful for that. When I next woke up, sunlight was creeping through the window and the...
The trip, over the next few weeks, was strained at the beginning, as the tensions were still high after what had happened with Gwen and Ethal. The other soldiers were giving me a wide berth, but they were cordial when we were around one another. They worked with Liza and Celka to see what their skill level was, what they might have an aptitude for and where they would need to improve. Given the unique nature of the beast we might face, Janet took it upon herself to train with me, though I...
Queen of Harvest Moon Part I: RICKY'S HALLOWEEN SURPRISE By Angel This story is about change. Yes, we all go through changes don't we? But how about changes that are brought about by others for a purpose you would not have anything to do with? SURPRISE! Unknown to you the changes have begun and there is no turning back. Halloween is one of the best times of the year for children, besides Christmas and birthdays, that is! Months before Halloween is to arrive the plan...
All About Eve - 1 Eve Collins stirred in her sleep. She rolled over in the bed to find a more comfortable position. As usual, she was sleeping naked and with her wrists bound behind her. As she moved, her bound hands touched the naked hip of her sleeping bed companion. The warm smooth flesh of her lover felt good. She positioned her self with her back to her sleeping lover so her bound hands stayed in contact with her lover’s thigh. The man next to her was sleeping, sleeping in a...
Eve was the first of the two women to show up at the house. She was the Chinese girl whose father was trying to control her life. She was about as independent of a woman as Dave had ever encountered. She was also extremely attractive with long black hair, a porcelain complexion, and very fine features. She had larger breasts than Andrew had expected of an Asian woman. As had become tradition, she had moved in on a Friday afternoon while Andrew was at work. He spent the night in a hotel while...
I want to tell you about a very weird chapter of my life. Why? Well, for cathartic reasons I suppose. My Mum, before she became a hopeless alcoholic, always used to tell me that it's good to talk. I'm not sure if it was sage advice passed from generation to generation in our family, or just that she heard Bob Hoskins say it in an advert and thought it sounded nice, but it became her favourite titbit of motherly help all the same. Her second favourite was that "life is like a box of...
“All this time,” I yelled at the top of my lungs. “All these years and it had been you all along. Janet considered you a friend! Her worst enemy and her ultimate target was hiding in plain sight the whole time.” He laughed, “Hiding in plain sight is the best way to do it, boy. I made sure after I killed my cousin to ensure I was in the shadows. Then I appointed that fool to act in my stead, using a link to send messages through. I would be able to relay information and orders for Feror to...
The Emergence of Eve By Janice Dreamer Copyright (c) 1999 Author's Note: I dedicate this work of fiction to my wonderful friends and mentors, PJ Wright and Anne Phorcy. If I'd never known your intelligence, wit, and sense of humor I would be a much poorer person. I treasure our friendship and look forward to it lasting long into the future. You are quite simply the best! Now on with the tale! * * * * * John Patrick Gauche sat at his keyboard, waiting impatiently as...
For my darling Eve, written for you, about you and I. I hope you enjoy it again darlingEve was feeling a little low, her boyfriend of the past two years had finished with her a week ago and she was still reeling from the call. He hadn`t even had the decency to speak to her face to face. All she got was a brief phone call. Well she wasn`t going to let him get to her, she would show him. So here she was getting ready for a night out. It had been a long time since she had gone out alone, and she...
LesbianALL ABOUT EVE TV ANCHOR STEPHANIE'S TRIP TO A WOMAN'S PRISON TAKES AN UNEXPECTED TURN WHEN SHE BRINGS ALONG HER AMBITIOUS ASSISTANT, EVE.? IT'S A STRIP SEARCH TWIST ON A CLASSIC TALE. Stephanie stood in an isolated corner of the large holding cell and discreetly took the small phone out of her pocket.? It had been Eve's idea for her to go "undercover" as a prisoner in the holding area so that she could talk to the women waiting to be processed, but her assistant was supposed to...
Stephanie stood in an isolated corner of the large holding cell and discreetly took the small phone out of her pocket.� It had been Eve's idea for her to go "undercover" as a prisoner in the holding area so that she could talk to the women waiting to be processed, but her assistant was supposed to have sprung her over an hour an ago. Stephanie impatiently listened to the phone ring: eight...nine...!� Why didn't Eve pick up? "Hello?" Eve's voice finally said. "Where the hell are you?" Stephanie...
BDSMJanet and Lillian had been listening in on my comments through our link, so when I said I was not alone, Janet came crashing through the window that investigated the atrium. Lillian would make herself known when the time was right. We needed to keep him off guard if we were going to succeed. Seeing Janet nearby brought me a sense of relief, though I was worried about leaving Ingrid up on the second floor alone. ((Do not worry, Davik, I sent the two with me up to make sure she got to us okay...
“Excuse me gentlemen, is there a problem here?” We all turned to look at the source of the question, to find Jerreth standing behind the two men, arms crossed along his chest. His gaze was cool and passive as he looked from person to person. I then looked at each of the men more closely, they were holding pieces of wood, no doubt scraps laying around they felt would work as clubs. “It is none of your business darkie,” yelled one of the men, “our business is with this murderous piece of...
We arrived at the western encampment a few minutes later. I had been surprised to find the people of the capital forced to live outside the fortified area of the city. What genuinely surprised me was the number of soldiers that were camped outside the core of the city. Based on the Dran’s vanity, I would have assumed he would keep as many soldiers he could between him and any Voguel. My gut told me that these were ones he could not confirm as totally loyal to him. So, under the guise of...
I felt odd in a way I could not place and tangled in a darkness I could not fully perceive. As I opened my eyes, I found myself once again within a dreamscape that was not my own. The one I shared with my ladies felt different than the one I currently found myself in. I stretched out with my senses, hoping that they would work here and what I found was peculiar. The environment was strange, with no form other than the dense forest and storm clouds above. It only seemed to stretch out for a...
We woke a few hours later at the same time, which was not surprising. We had slipped into our dreamscape and we had noticed that we would all come out of it at the same time. This occurred every time, and we emerged rested, despite what had occurred. While they had acquiesced to my request for resting, they decided to try and pull us all into their dreamscape. They had succeeded and we were pulled into an accurate facsimile of my bedroom back in Cartha. There were some differences, since the...
A New Semester and Eve ? by: r. gold The first day of class is always interesting for me. I'm Henry Brewster and I teach history at Stoney Brooke University in upstate New York. Our student population here is generally mid to upper class preppy kids whose parents can definitely afford to send little Billy or Mary away for four years of liberal education. The first day is always exciting. New, fresh faces; smiling, eager, excited. My classes are always full; I guess they provoke...
My life in Santa Barbara is over. I don’t know what lies ahead. All I know is that I have to go live with my estranged sister, Eve, in Michigan. My sister is much older than I am. We were never very close. She and our parents never got along, which is why she left a long time ago. I barely even know her. We’ve barely ever spoke. Our parents avoided all conversations about her and took all her photos down. I never understood why. What could she of possibly done to elicit such actions? I know...
Second story from the new colony. First Born Colonist Sideways Landing: This settlement had been here longer than the first official colony, the two original settlers crashing here in a damaged escape pod more than a year before the colonisation ship arrived. Over the years people who wanted an even simpler life than that in the new colonies had heard of it and made their way here and asked if they could set up home nearby. Dave and Lisa had just waved their arms wide and said ‘pick...
Introduction: A werewolf for Christmas. Man is the only animal that blushes. Or needs to. -Mark Twain, Following the Equator *** It was an old forest, with ancient trees and long shadows through which kobolds and goblins might creep, and with deep hollows and still ponds and hidden caves and secrets and hazard. Peter walked with his pack and his stick and when he came to the forest he went in. It seemed a good place to be alone. He was not a priest anymore. Excommunication, they called it....
-Mark Twain, "Following the Equator" *** The door was open when Peter came home that night. Inside, a wolf was waiting for him, although of course he didn’t know it at first. At the chapel entrance, he frowned and set his pack down. Snow was tracked all the way in, but it was too dark to see anything. He was reluctant to go inside, but with the snow still falling he couldn’t stand out here in the middle of the woods all night. He lit the lantern on the table and shone it around....
Introduction: Do you believe in angels? This is my entry to the Calling All Writers challenge located in the xnxx Sex Stories Adult Forum. For reasons of my own, and in agreement with the administration here, I no longer allow public comments nor do I make them. I hope youll join our site and comment in the forum or send me a private message. I cant become a better writer without your critique. Miguel Rivera glanced in the mirror and thought he looked pretty damned good for his age. He didnt...
Well, two out of three wasn't bad. The boss at Waterman's was only too pleased to advance my career if I put in the hard work, he almost doubled my pay in one fell swoop but, with a team of just seventeen, most of whom were guys, something told me it was time to put career above sex life. First appearances can be so deceptive! I wasn't reckoning on the one beacon of hope on the female front, in the shapely guise of Eve Palmer, fulfiling my fantasies. She was, after all, way out of my...
Hello people. Hope you are doing well out there in Fantasy Land. What, you say you are not in Fantasy Land? Oh you will be soon. Don't worry, because we are going deep into Fantasy Land. So deep, we may never return. And believe me, you will go to Fantasy Land with me. Even if I have to pick you up and sling you over my shoulder. So come with me, to Fantasy Land.It all started innocently enough one fine day back in the eighties. If you recall from a previous story, Rich and I ventured into the...
Straight SexMiguel Rivera glanced in the mirror and thought he looked pretty damned good for his age. He didn’t have the deep wrinkles of some of the seasoned officers and only had a touch of gray starting at the temples. Other than that, his wavy black hair was still full and thick. He smiled as he thought how he still wore the same size, while he buttoned his uniform shirt over his flat stomach, on his last day of walking his beat. The last day, he thought. It seemed like only yesterday when he set out...
I work in a Danish company, and i had a meeting in my company's headquarter in Copenhagen. Denmark was quite familiar to me, since i had lived there multiple times. I remember my first time moving to Denmark, and the very first time i used Tinder. My first date from my matches was with Eve. At the time, Eve, lived also in Denmark, but in a different city. We were both open to try new things and explore our kinkyness. That spring i spent in Denmark is very clear in my mind. After several years i...
Davik //Are you sure? \\ I asked Lillian, worry in my thoughts. // Maybe you need to find the inner fire that I did to trigger my abilities and I believe that Janet was able to pull from the same source.\\
It took me a while to return to the village, the blood moon had finally set, and the sun had already started cresting over the hillside. It had taken me a long time to get back because I had decided to bring the bodies of my kills with me. I did not want to start a panic with the villagers, so I had to make them look like more victims. It was hard to stomach, cutting into them like that, but it had to be done. If I brought them back with the injuries I gave them as wolves, there would be...
We made our way through the town and arrived at the bank just as the girls and Jerreth, were leaving. Lillian had a satchel on her shoulder, which I assumed had the money they were supposed to take out. Based on their happy expressions, things must have gone well, and it looked like Jerreth had taken the opportunity to start talking to Liza. I was glad that Janet’s choice was to be in my wagon, as it helped them spend some time together on the trip other than at meals. “Jerreth, you and Liza...
It was my least favorite day of the week. It was the day after payday and the day I had to stop by my ex-wife's place and hand her the child support and alimony check. I didn't begrudge the kids their child support, but it just killed me to pay Eve alimony. Especially since the divorce was caused by her and what she did, or more to the point, didn't do. I had gone through a bitter divorce and when it was final I swore off women. They were treacherous and unfaithful whores — all of them —...
I made my way from the inn to the market east of there, where Clive had said they had been ambushed. When I arrived, there was a bustle of activity, normal for a market of this size, as well as a grouping of soldiers on the far side. I suspected that was where the attack had transpired. I weaved my way through the crowd until I arrived at the other side, where three soldiers were investigating the area. “Good afternoon gentlemen, what exactly happened here? Do you have any idea who did...
Violet looked at me for a few moments, her expression never changing and said, “Davik, we need to talk.” “What would you like to talk about?” I asked, gesturing for her to come inside. “You will need to be a bit more specific.” “No, not here,” she replied with a shake of her head. “Let’s talk somewhere more private. This needs to be a talk between you and me, with no one else interfering or trying to give their own input.” I shrugged my shoulders, though I took note of her lack of reply. I...
November 4, 1995, Colerain Township, Ohio “I get the sense you’re having second thoughts,” Eve said. “And third and fourth thoughts,” I added with a smile. “But that’s normal for me and a new girl.” “May I ask why?” “You obviously know I’ve been with quite a few women. One thing I’ve learned over the years is that successful dalliances, as my wives and I call them, require my partner to have a certain frame of mind. What I don’t want is serious regret, or, perhaps more dangerous, them...