Halloween Treats
- 3 years ago
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Being born on October 31st has its privileges. I was born in 1995 on a Tuesday. This year the date falls on a Thursday. I turn 19 this year. Yippee!
I feel older than that most of the time. I turned 6ft tall when I was 15. I'm rather muscular, working out and on the university wrestling team. I have gone undefeated since I started high school. I weigh a steady 175 pounds.
Besides all of that, I am the youngest of three children. Our parents really spaced us out. Charlene, the oldest, is 31 and living with a painter somewhere in Paris, I believe.
Next to be born in the Handley family household, was Charlotte. She is 24, through college and living at home again. She told mom she hadn't found what she was good at.
Char, as I call her, deserves to be described: Red hair, like our mother. She is 5ft7, beautiful legs, blue eyes and an outstanding silhouette rivaled by those marvelous actresses who have all of their brains stuffed in their running bras. She might be a 36DD. Charlotte was a brilliant student in high school and was in the top five of her college graduating class.
I must mention our mother, Charlieze, having just turned 50. She could pass for thirty easily enough. Red hair and pouty lips accentuate her beautiful face and figure.
Dad, first name Chase, is the breadwinner of the family; taking in a high six-figure salary since he has been 25. He works in the Software Engineering industry. He personally helped develop the early mobile phone software. He was paid in stock and cash. We are what the middle class might call the 'uber wealthy' or the 'one percent' you hear in the news. He is 53 and gone for long stretches of time.
I am Chase, the younger ... technically Chase Allan Handley Jr. My close friends call me Allan. I hate being called Chase, or Junior.
Our home is different from most. The front door and the garage door are at the street level. Once in the front door, you turn left for our parent's bedroom, or right for the other three bedrooms. If you walk straightforward; there is a two-story four-foot wide semi-spiral staircase that leads down to the living room, kitchen and dining room. The living room can be made very large by simply moving a few pieces of furniture to the left or right. We have an exit hidden behind the kitchen that takes you up to the back of the garage, the way you get stuff to the kitchen.
There is something I've never told anyone, so I guess you are it. I love my sister Charlotte. Not the traditional brother/sister kind of love, more like the haunting and forever kind.
Of course, she doesn't have a clue. There have been times when I wanted to walk up to her and blurt out that I love her. Maybe come up from behind her, grab her breasts and say, "Guess who?"
Yeah, I would likely end up on my back with blunt force trauma as the cause of my death in either situation. I may be taller and heavier, but she always could knock me off my feet. That was meant both metaphorically as well as physically. She knew I adored her. I just never had the nerve to explain it completely to her face.
With Charlene out of the country and mom either shopping or doing something to raise her personal loftiness, the house felt empty with only Charlotte and me in it. I would often find her in the back yard 'chillaxing' as she called it.
I went out to ogle her. I spent some time in the pool and sunning myself, but my main purpose in life these days was to ogle her.
"Hey Junior," she said.
"Hey, Char," I said. I think I just swallowed my tongue.
"For being only 19, you sure are buff. If you weren't my brother, I would jump your bones in an instant."
"Consider me the pool boy. I come over once a week to skim off the top of the pool. You could tell me there was some work in your bedroom you needed taken care of?"
"How long have you been working on that line Junior?"
"Every day of my life Char. That's how long I have yearned for you."
"Yearned ... are you telling me that you care about me? Sexually?"
"Guilty as charged," I admitted.
"If I let you do what you want, what would you do for me?"
"Anything – anything you want."
"I plan on having a Halloween party. I need a bouncer. You know what a bouncer is?"
"Sure do. A guy who decides who gets in and who doesn't. All you need to do is tell me the parameters of the people not to let in, and I'm all yours."
She thought about it and apparently made up her mind on the spot. As a partial payment, she removed her top allowing me my first up-close look at her marvelous breasts.
A smile formed on my face, and I said, "Thank you. I assume that after the party is over, I get the rest of my payment?"
"You got it, are we good little brother?" she asked.
"Could I get a kiss on the lips? I've never kissed a beautiful half-naked girl before."
She got up, still bare breasted, and pushed herself up against me. We touched lips first, mouths second and chests third. I felt her arms embrace me. The kiss lasted a good thirty seconds. She pulled from me and said, "I can't wait until after the party is over. You need to wear something intimidating. No costume for you."
I walked away from her with a fully formed erection in my pants. She giggled and got on her back again.
I took my personal credit card and bought us some delivery dinner to arrive at 7pm.
I asked her to dress up for dinner. She wondered if I was cooking or not? I avoided the question and suggested she took a bath and to meet me in the dining room at 7:30. The delivery arrived while she was still upstairs. I had us a nice setting with moments to spare.
Her heel clicking got my attention. I looked up and saw her red hair pulled behind her back. A beautiful black dress that couldn't allow a bra to be worn was hanging off her gorgeous body. I went over and took her hand, helping her down the stairs.
We walked arm in arm to the dinner setup.
"Everything looks so yummy," she said.
"Even the food," I added.
That caused her to titter a bit. I went to my chair right next to hers. "You did all of this for me?" she asked with her eyes glistening.
"I've told you how I feel. You deserve to be treated like this every night," I said.
She started to eat, as did I.
We struck up a conversation, "So how many people do you expect at the party?" I asked.
"Forty to fifty. I told them they had to wear a costume. That's one of the criteria you need to know. If they don't, politely ask them to get a costume or get out."
"And if they don't want to leave nicely?"
"Give them one of your wrestling moves, but don't break any limbs if you can help it," she said. "This is very good. Where did it come from?"
"That is my secret, doesn't a couple need to have secrets?"
"Oh," she said. "Are we a couple?"
"By November first, you won't want any other man in your life. That's a promise."
We finished dinner in silence. I should have put on some music ... maybe next time.
I took our plates to the sink, and came back to help her get up. I walked her to the staircase and said, "I sure would like to take you out sometime."
"You mean on a real date?"
"Yeah," I said.
"Sure, but let's get through the party first. I have some girlfriends coming over to dress the place up tomorrow. You can be here or you could leave. I don't want any of my friends trying to jump your bones before I get the chance."
"None of them compare to you Char."
"You are so sweet. Can you unzip me please?"
'This is real, isn't it Chase?' I said to myself.
"Certainly," I said. "I had better leave before my hormones take over and ravish you."
"Love you Jun ... Chase!"
"Love you back, Charlotte."
At the end of the following day, October 30, the place looked ready for the inevitable Slutty Cheerleaders, Katy Perry's and Miley Cyrus's, plus whatever the male twenty-something's are wearing these days.
I got myself some good hard shoes and shin guards (expecting to be stepped on or kicked at) plus a black long-sleeved undershirt with a shirt over it labeled "Bouncer" in three-inch tall lettering. Charlotte liked it and gave me the other criteria. I stood guard by the front door.
She got the only booze allowed at the party, so anybody who brought their own would be asked to take it back to the car or pour it down the sink in the kitchen.
The first guy in was smaller than me, and had vodka in one hand and Cutty Sark in the other. There were people lining up behind him as I gave him his choices.
"Yeah, try to take from me, why don't you?" the little weasel dressed up as Rick Castle said.
Less than three seconds later, I had his arms behind his back. "You can stay, but your booze can't!" I said in the huskiest voice I could.
He handed them to me, and the line was moving again. It didn't stop until a guy walked in without a costume.
"Sorry," I said. "Costumes are required."
"I'm the boyfriend of the bitch whose house this is!"
"I'm the lover of the lady whose house this is. Hey Charlotte, come here?" I said.
She came up the stairs and took me by the arm. "Yes, Loverboy!"
"Show this loser who you love, why don't you?" I said.
She and I locked lips and tongues together for about twenty seconds.
"Sorry dude, try that line again somewhere else."
The party started, in earnest, as everyone she asked had shown up. I locked and latched the door.
I took the bottles I had just confiscated and locked them away in a cabinet. I got myself a bottled water and watched my sister take charge of the party.
She was dressed as a slutty cop, revealing most, but not all of her breasts. The black skirt had a slit to insinuate, she didn't have any panties on.
There was some Catwomen, Miley Cyrus's, and a Vampira with a chest even larger than my sister's. She was har ... difficult to keep my eyes off.
I stayed by the door in case anyone decided to leave or if there was a late participant who followed the rules. The doorknob turned. I opened it to see mom looking spectacularly dressed as an angel in all white, but she was drunk.
"Junior, what arrre you doooing here?"
"Don't out me, I'm the bouncer for Charlotte's party. I didn't expect to see you here tonight. Why are you here?"
"I — I donn't really know. I left a paarty earlier, and the taxi left me here. Take meeee to my room Junior!"
"I like yourrr costume. You look alllll grown up."
"Mom, I'm 19 ... I am grown up."
"Take meeee to my room please?"
"OK Charlieze," I said.
"Say myyy name again."
"Charlieze, it's a beautiful name for a gorgeous woman."
"Ooh, you saaaid that almost like yoooou meant it."
"Here we are at your room," I said starting to leave.
"Help meeee get to my bed please?"
I opened the door, and walked her to her bed.
"Unzip meeee please," she said looking really out of it.
As her dress dropped revealing her magnificent mammaries, she asked, "Am I pretty Junior?"
"Yes, you are," I said wanting to return to my post. I think I left it unlocked after mom came in. "I need to leave you alone. Talk to you in the morning."
I walked down the hall seeing some uninvited gentlemen with many bottles of unauthorized alcohol with them.
The closest was only six feet away, so I did a move with my foot that I learned from my wrestling coach and slapped his bottle into his face. He went straight down with a thump.
I parlayed that to a flying arm to the neck of the main guy, then grabbing him by his neck and not letting go.
"Excuse me, you were not on the list. Leave before someone calls 911."
He made no effort to move, and I turned my hand into a straight-on chokehold. The third guy put down his bottle and left. The other guy came to and left as well.
I picked up this fellow by my chokehold and let him drop. I caught the bottles he was holding. He left.
"Don't worry everybody, get back to the party!" I said to everyone below.
There was a hurrah for me. Charlotte came up and gave me another hot kiss. I told her mom came home. She went back to her guests.
There was a best costume award for girls and guys. There was also a best boobs award, which my sister easily won! Right about one am, the people started leaving. Some of the guys gave me a high five. I got some kisses and some phone numbers from the ladies.
After locking the door, I went down and helped Char clean the place up. She was so happy that there wasn't a big drunken mess. We got the cups and bottles in bags. I vacuumed everything and it looked like there had never been a party there.
Charlotte took my hand and asked, "Do you want your payment now, or sometime tomorrow after mom goes back out again?"
"You know that I love you, but I think a got a buzz from the liquor other people were consuming. I would really like to not be under the influence of anything except you."
"You certainly know how to turn a phrase little brother. Whenever you are ready, I am willing to take your virginity."
"Goodnight Charlotte. See you in the morning. I love you!"
About noon the next day, mom came out of her room and knocked on my door.
I opened it.
"Did I come home drunk?" she asked.
"Who undressed me?"
"I did with one eye open and one eye closed."
"Did I come on to you last night?" she asked with a look of fear in her eyes.
"No! Eck ... No!" I said. You did ask me if I thought you were pretty or not?"
"And what did you say?"
"I told you that you were the prettiest, curviest and the most beautiful mom of all of my friend's mothers. Most of them have told me how graceful and pleasing to the eye you are. I've even admitted it to myself."
"I heard some roughhousing, is everything OK?"
"I was showing off some of my wrestling moves to a few of the guys. What are your plans for the day?"
"After my shower, I'm going to meet some friends and play tennis. Don't expect me back for dinner. One of us always talks the rest of us into going out and talking smack about our husbands. Be nice to your sister please?"
"She is almost as beautiful as you are," I said. "I usually leave so she can do some nude sunbathing without me bothering her."
"Have you ever seen her ... caught her ... watched her?"
"The word you are hunting for is 'naked' mom. I have seen her accidentally, but I leave and she covers up."
She left my doorway and said, "You are a wonderful young man. Any girl who gets you will be very lucky."
"Only if she is as gorgeous as you and Charlotte are."
"Stop it, before I stay here and let you foist upon me heaps of sweetness and delectable remarks."
I decided to let that go. I heard her shower start.
She came out dressed to kill. She twirled to show off her new outfit. It was a pink bra top, full of her delicious looking breast meat. Over that was a white linen blouse that didn't quite make it to covering her belly button. Her skirt was what I believe is called a pencil skirt. There was a slit up the right side, showing off her legs.
"Are you checking me out?" she asked.
"Sorry, you are too beautiful. If I was a bit older and saw you out with some ladies, my goal would be to separate you from the herd."
"After you did that, then what would you do?" my marvelous mommy asked.
"Can I show you instead?"
I walked the two steps it took to get really close. I took her face into my hands. I pulled her to me and said, "Let me take you somewhere quiet, Charlieze. Do you know how hard you have made me?"
She looked dazed as she looked at me and said, "N-No, why don't you show me?"
I took my hands off her and said, "Have a great night with your friends. Charlotte and I are going out, but I'm not sure where."
She moved her hand down and felt my hardness. Then, she left. She knows how to play this game.
With her gone, I walked towards my sister's room and opened the door. She was still asleep, probably sleeping off the alcohol she had consumed. Like sleeping beauty, I hoped my kiss would wake her. She was still in her costume from last night. I decided just to cover her with the blanket and wait for her to come to me.
However, I was hard as a rock with what my mother just did to me, so I stripped and started whacking off. I was near my orgasm when my sister walked into my room.
"I thought I was going to help you with that?" she said taking off her outfit leaving her in only a black pair of panties.
"I didn't want to wake you up. You were sleeping so soundly."
"Aww, that's sweet. I really want to fuck you right now. I'm so horny. Can I climb aboard you?"
"I'm likely to come the moment you climb on me," I said.
"That's OK, everybody needs practice," Charlotte said taking off her panties.
Oh. Dear. God! She was naked and she took my hand off my cock, and positioned herself so I was about to impale her. She was using the tip to play with her own pussy.
She let go and dropped easily down on me filling her up.
A few of my buddies on the wrestling team told me about sex, explaining how it changes your life when you have it. This is what they were talking about. I had been so focused on grades and athletics. This was all brand new to me!
I felt myself explode inside my sister. Her eyes were closed; she was playing with her nipples as I felt explosion after explosion. There might have been six in all. I moved my hands to her breasts, taking her nipples between my fingers.
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First TimeThis is a true story. The incident took place on Halloween in Columbus, Ohio. Nothing has been changed to embellish the story. I hope you enjoy it. Hugs, Kelly Davidson * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Here I was, parked outside a Wal-Mart on this cool, cloudy day Halloween morning trying to gather up the courage to follow a dream. It wasn't the fear of going into the store dressed that was stopping me. I had scoped out the place the night before in regular clothes (skirt...
Tom's story. The invitation arrived in the post a week before Halloween, it was a very fancy invitation hand delivered by a personal courier. I was surprised because I didn't know of any parties and trust me as an ex jock I knew pretty much every party going on. I tore open the envelope. Dear Tom, I hope you will do me the honour of coming to my Halloween party. The party will of course be fancy dress and begins at seven at the address in the header. No need...
Hey group, I thought this one up on the fly after my wife and I came back from a ghost hunt at an abandoned insane asylum. Now you know why I write what I do… Wanted to give you all a flash story just for the fun of it. I hope you enjoy it. _________________________________________________ HALLOWEEN BASH There is one holiday I like more than any other. Halloween. The fun of decorating your yard, kids running around collecting candy and wearing costumes is better than the other holiday...
I have to say that I firmly believed all of the above just a few short years back as summer ended and September led into October. At the time, if you recall, I was recently divorced and living in the city. I was doing fairly well in a managerial position at a small company my boss John had founded. It probably didn't hurt that I was seeing his wife on the side while he was working long hours at the office. It also didn't hurt that I was going out with a hot looking 23-year-old named Joyce....
"I should have followed my instinct and not attend that party," I said to myself as I entered my room and removed my Halloween costume.As I undressed I had to concentrate to clear the image of the full red lips and tiny pink tongue of the Corpse Bride licking and kissing the head of my cock. Just thinking about it caused my groin to stir."How did this happen?" I asked myself.It had not been a good end of summer. First, I lost my job and struggled to find another. By the time I did, I was broke...
Incest"I should have followed my instinct and not attend that party," I said to myself as I entered my room and removed my Halloween costume.As I undressed I had to concentrate to clear the image of the full red lips and tiny pink tongue of the Corpse Bride licking and kissing the head of my cock. Just thinking about it caused my groin to stir."How did this happen?" I asked myself.It had not been a good end of summer. First, I lost my job and struggled to find another. By the time I did, I was broke...
IncestHalloween at Work This is a true story...sort of. It is also a completely original work by me, and should be remembered as such. Thank you. Laura _________________________________________________________ Almost a year ago, just after Halloween I was in search of a job. It just so happened that a former manager, and personal friend of mine was looking for another person to work for her at the store she...
Halloween Swing Night by Tanya Fly "For the hundredth time, yes, Tommy, you can pull this off," Gina said as she applied the final touches of makeup to her husband's face. "You'll look great and all the girls are going to love it! You'll be the hit of the party, and very popular." "I don't know, Gina. What woman wants to have sex with a someone dressed like a French Maid?" Tommy smiled as he realized what he had just said. He knew that lots of women liked having sex with...
Halloween Party by Suzi (Johnson) Thomas "Hi, dear," my wife said when I walked into the house, "how was work?" "Not bad," I replied, "we landed that new account, so the boss was thrilled. What's new?" "We're invited to a Halloween party, a costume party, at the Peterson's Saturday night. Do you want to go?" In truth, we hardly knew the Peterson's, having been introduced by a friend of a friend, and we usually didn't really celebrate Halloween. "I guess so, sure, why not," I...
Halloween Delight; Part one: When I was young, I was only allowed to play in the basement. The upstairs was off limits to me as a play area. I could play in my room, but that was it, other than the basement. This was fine with me, as I found a lot to play with down there, and it was all mine. When I was either 5 or 6, I found a box full of dresses. They were from the late 1800's or the early 1900's and made of silk. They had full skirts that flowed to the ground and long sleeves....
Halloween is supposedly a good time to be a TGirl, a time of year when society seems OK with a guy dressing and acting like a girl. Several times on or around Halloween I have walked through Macys or a mall and had salesladies call out "Nice Costume". Or, I as I go into a 7-11 or supermarket, and a couple walks by, the woman will smile and say to her boyfriend, "Hey, next year, let's dress you up as a girl". What's that all about? On the other hand, if my wife and I are invited to a...
Halloween Spirit By Morpheus I stood in the middle of the office floor, looking over the cubicles and office walls which had all been covered with Halloween decorations. The company of Danner, Dyson, and Dexler...or DDD as most people called it, had always supported holiday cheer, almost regardless of which holiday it was. But since Halloween was Mr. Dyson's favorite holiday, it tended to get a little extra attention. Today was Halloween but most of the employees were thinking...
Anna felt bad about abandoning Jordan like that. She did think that they would be able to have a spa day together. She had no clue they would separate them like this. As she walked with her stylist she confided in her. "My sister is just a little nervous about who works on her hair, and face. We're new around here and she just doesn't want anything real drastic done," Anna explained. "Could you just pass that information along to her stylist so that she'll feel a little more...
Halloween Costome Treat Here comes another Halloween Party at the Scene, a local nightspot that is a very popular dance club for the under 30s crowd. I am 45 but my wife is 25 and loves to go to the club with her ol’ college friends. Every New Years Eve and Halloween time, the club turns up the heat and my wife Casey and I have never missed those hot nights since being married 4 years ago. It’s difficult getting a reservation but Casey seems to know the owners well enough to secure our party...
"OH! I didn't know you were in here!" She said! Acting like she was startled to see me standing there in her bedroom! But, even with a towel in her hands! She didn't try to cover her exposed, hairy, pussy, round-firm ass, and thick-shapely-hips & legs! My mouth was wide open, as were my eyes! As I stood there staring at this, sexy-as-fuck, toe-headed, middle-aged, blonde woman! Who, until just a few minutes ago, was dressed in a billowy, black-skirt! And, a light-orange top, decorated with...
My parents split when I was 11. The divorce was wickedly acrimonious and I ended up moving away with my father. Since he’d been fucking around on mama she became the victim and got the house, alimony and my sister who was 7 at the time. My sister and I were too young to understand the grounds for the split; we just know it hurt like hell not to be a family any more. Dad and I moved back to his hometown to be near his family, 300 miles from mom and Sis. For the first couple of years my sister...
I often read jokes that make me laugh. Then I think about what a good and humorous story they could make. So I decided to write about a few of them. I hope you get a chuckle out of it, or at least a smile. A big thank you goes to Mistress Lynn for taking of her time to edit this story. **** Roy and Martha Simmons had been married for over forty years. Even though they were still in love, Martha always considered Roy a cantankerous old fool. Of course, Roy always felt Martha was an airhead,...
Just a short non-erotic story for Halloween. If you’re looking for sex, it’s not here. For the rest of the readers I hope you enjoy it. A big ‘Thank You’ to Estragon for making it a much better read. * I’m what most people would call a normal, non-descript type guy. I’m 5′ 10′, weigh 160 lbs. I’m not overly smart, but not dumb either. I’ve always been on the somewhat quiet side when it came to girls. In school I was the guy you never remembered in class. You would have to look in your...
TinkerbelleMy sister , Candy, and I were fraternal twins, but looked nearlyidentical. Pretty much the same height weight and build. In high school,she was always teased about having small tits and I was always teasedbecause I was small, thin and had a big ass for a guy. Because of this wewere extremely close. Best friends really. We spent nearly all our timetogether.After college she became a consultant and I became a math teacher. Becausewe were so close, I spent lots of time at her house...
HALLOWEEN NIGHT - OCTOBER 31st 2007 It's hard to believe it's been a year since that fateful night. Almost impossible to comprehend the changes that have occurred in my life, in my outlook on life, on who I've become...on what I've become...on the horrible things I've done...I'm going to drink from her breasts tonight...those beautiful orbs that are filled with thick, delicious creamy milk that her body has manufactured for my sister. Then I'm going to make love with her...unmasked at last.I...
Spells 'R Us: Halloween Party By Bill Hart The Lambda's Halloween party was tonight. Just about everybody, who was anybody, on campus would be there. CeeJay Larson hadn't picked out a costume yet. But then, he hadn't figured on being invited at all. His fraternity was the butt of some really weird rumors, so he'd been almost shocked when he and a couple of his brothers received invitations. He was looking for something unique. What he seen so far rummaging through through...
Halloween Flirt By Alice Barry I was just going to stay home and have a quiet night by myself when I received an email from my friend Debbie to come to a birthday party at her home on Halloween. I had been to her birthday bash before. She goes all out encouraging outrageous costumes for her Halloween birthday. I think I was invited because of my reputation for fantastic desserts, not for my friendship. Debbie and I had dated for a while several years ago, but it never went anywhere....
"Halloween Parties Last Call" We were in Dennis' apartment at the end of the evening of the Halloween party. Everyone had left but Dennis wasn't finished with me just yet. "Walk like a lady for me, go on Tim!" he said ordering me to strut and mince around the living room in front of him like I was some kind of a tart! I really didn't want to but did what he asked anyway. He was studying my Halloween outfit, a complete housewife/drag affair that was over the top with too much...
Note: not to be read by anyone under 18 This story is a mix of fiction and a true event that had happened on a Halloween night not too long ago Enjoy! Halloween revenge! For the last few years my girlfriend Chris I have been going to Halloween parties of friends, we have always chosen costumes with themes and went with it! Nurse, Doctor, Vampire, Witch, Zombies But this year was going to be different Chris said she would pick the theme. In September I had finally...
Halloween - All Saints' Day and Beyond Authors Note: Halloween Getting what is Deserved I had intended to be a one-off standalone story. Feedback and comments posted or emailed have encouraged me to at least consider continuing the story of Olive and Samantha. Thank you all for the constructive comments, I do appreciate all the feedback received Thanks also to Cressar for his time in editing, commenting and tweaking this story --- --- Halloween - All Saints Day and...
Halloween: After the Party- X Author's Note: Seems that there was room for a sequel by request. I was nervous as I approached the door to Starbucks. I could see my hand shaking as I reached for door handle. I don't know why I was so nervous; it was a first date, sort of. I mean we had already spent some time together. I had no problem at all spotting Terri sitting at one of the little tables. She appeared to have been here a little while already. She had a cup sitting on the...
Halloween Part Three: Chapter Four: Back to School It was only after I broke off my kiss with their sports teacher that I remembered who and where I was. Oh my god! What kind of example was I setting to my daughters as a father or was it as a mother? In fact was it as a man or a woman? It was easy to think of myself as a woman standing here amongst the other mothers dropping their kids off at school, dressed as a French Maid. I must have secured the sexiest teacher in school...
The young attractive couple, Kate and Dan, had recently purchased the huge old Victorian house. They knew it would be a huge renovation project but have plans to operate it as a bed and breakfast. Dan was an architect and Kate an Interior Designer which enabled both of them to work out of the house. It was the grandest house on the block but sorely in need of restoration. Three months before Halloween they had moved in with their two huge but loveable Rottweiler's, Amadeus and Rolf. Amadeus...
Louise had her ear leaned up against her brother's door, hearing his muffled voice through the wood. "Let me see," she called back through. "There's no way I'm going to a party like this. Just forget it." "It's not that bad. Open up and let me see." Frustrated, Louise pressed her skull into the wood, considering popping the lock briefly, and even more briefly, considering letting her brother off the hook. A few seconds later, the knob clicked. Louise stepped into his...
After a serendipitous hookup with Roxanne on Halloween night, I was quite smitten by our unplanned intimate exchange. Roxanne had babysat for Janice and me on several occasions and while she was very cute, I had never entertained any untoward thoughts about her. Now, after our Halloween hookup, my mind was full of all types of inappropriate thoughts and designs.I didn’t quite expect to fall into an illicit relationship with an eighteen-year college freshman who also happened to be our family...
Office SexMom always said I had to learn things the hard way and she was usually right. In retrospect I had it all: I was the captain of the cheerleaders, I was dating the high school quarterback and I was at the top of my class academically. To make my blessed life even more envious to most, I come from a very wealthy family and I am very, very pretty. My long black as night hair, aqua blue eyes have gotten me the attention of many boys and men; my long legs have also been a great attention...