Paradise Found free porn video

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She woke slowly, conscious of the heat, hearing a bird chirping gaily outside. Her breakfast, two pieces of fruit and coconut milk, lay on a mat beside her. Idly, as the haze of sleep lifted, she wondered who would be first today. Her hand went down to her pussy, feeling the dried jism caked there, then around to her asshole, which was full as well. The memory of the double fuck that had ended yesterday leaped into her mind, and she smiled indolently. She was used to those big cocks now, and she concentrated to see if there was any residual pain. Lately, there wasn't much they could do that hurt her. The orgasms got better and better.

She stretched her brown body, feeling the taut muscles that had gotten in such good shape over the last months. How many? Three? Four? She couldn't even remember. She looked down at her flat stomach, the bushy brown thatch below, so different than the trimmed frill she had before this island without razors, and her full tits. They were much firmer than when she had washed ashore. Her sun streaked auburn hair fell all the way down to her navel now, it really grew fast in the heat. Better bathe before I eat, she thought, even though she hadn't had cramps since she had gotten here. She liked eating after her first swim of the day. Between fucking all the time and swimming, she was in the best shape of her life.

As Ellen Forward rose lithely and ducked her head going out the open doorway of her thatch hut, she felt the soft wind move her hair, blowing it to her back, and flinched as a couple of pubic hairs stuck to her thigh and pulled. Her hand rubbed the matted fur, freeing it from its nightime position. The movement caused a little tingle in her clit. Sometimes she wished they would come fuck her as she awoke, but they never intruded on the first hour or so of the day.

She faced the ocean, and stretched again, arching her body toward the breeze. Now she could hear the surf, a soft, rhythmic washing, beckoning her. She looked over her shoulder at the path to their little village, and saw two of the teens, and the elder, standing there watching her. The first ones always did that, just waiting patiently until she was finished her morning rituals. As she walked toward the water, swinging her hips to give them a show, she wondered again where they had come from. They had been here when she arrived.

It hadn't been that awful, once she had clamored aboard the lifeboat. It had been thrown clear when the yacht exploded, and had provisions, a light tarp with instructions for rigging either as a sail, or as a sunshade. She had been drifting aimlessly on the inflatable raft, tanning, wondering if the old man was ever going to get it up enough to fuck her, when the powerful roar threw her into the water. She had waited around for a day, thinking there might be someone coming, but once it became clear there wasn't, set the sail at sunset, and two days later washed up on this lovely beach.

Twenty thousand dollars for a week at sea with the old geezer. The money was sitting in her account in Miami, making the balance a hundred G's, what with the rest she had saved from stripping. He never even used her real name, preferring her stage name, Purge. He tried to get his money's worth from feeling her up, and she gave him one blow job before the explosion. He gave her small diamond studs for her pierced ears, which she still wore.

As she threw herself into the warm water, still cooler than the air, her body tingled and began to feel really good. She emptied her bladder into the ocean, enjoying the sexy feeling of it. She supposed she was conditioned now, anticipating her first fuck of the day once the swim was over. It filled her with excitement. That wasn't the way it had originally been, of course, when they met her boat as it bumped onto the white sand. All twenty of them. Handsome, really, polynesian she supposed, all wearing loinclothes, with little sticks and stuff in their black hair. She was from Alabama, and was inately prejudiced against them immediately.

She found out quickly that there would be no communication. As she climbed out of the boat, they gathered around her, jabbering at each other. She still couldn't understand a word. Her bikini was white, and they seemed excited by it. As she stood there, asking "Anyone speak english? Do you have any food?" they just stared at her. Then, the elder came up and examined the bra, and unhooked it. She squealed at that, which made three of them grab her, lifting her above their heads, and they carried her into the jungle about forty feet away. There was a little clearing, and they laid her down on her back there.

The elder knelt between her legs, pulled off the string bottom, and plunged a finger into her cunt. It was dry and salty, and she yelped. He put his finger in his mouth, then said some thing to the others. Five minutes later, they came back carrying a big bag of water, and the elder began rubbing her body, head to toe, with a plant that seemed soapy. Then he rinsed her off. Again, he pushed his finger inside her. She yelped again.

He stared at her, then leaned over and began to eat her pussy. He was good at it, she remembered with a smile. Her mind had been buzzing, thinking about the old adage that urged when rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it. It wasn't as though she hadn't been around. But very quickly, his mouth and tongue made her forget the idea of rape. He kept going until her hips began undulating, although she tried not to moan. But her cream started flowing, and she heard him start to gulp it. Then he looked up, smiled at her, and pulled his loincloth off. It was the biggest prick she had ever seen.

They all had those monster dongs. Uncut, thick, and they got hard at the drop of a hat. His had already been stiff, even though he was as old as the geezer. He muttered something, and she felt hands begin to caress her tits, as he leaned over and eased that huge cock into her. He went slow, an inch at a time, and when he eventually got it all inside her, she was smiling, and meeting his thrusts. She ended up feeling him shoot into her, even though she didn't cum. Then a younger one took his place, and he laid down on her, supporting himself with his elbows, and after a few humps, she groaned with a world class orgasm.

They got her off twice more that first day, but even though most of them didn't get a shot at her, the elder stopped them. She was dry and near passing out, with hunger and euphoria, which he seemed to realize. They left her some fruit, some dried meat, and coconut milk. She ate it, fell asleep, and awoke the next morning to find more fruit and milk, a couple of shells full of water, and her bikini beside her. She was a little sore, but not too bad.

She thought about getting away, back to sea, that second day. But the boat was gone, and there was a lean-to built at the edge of the beach. As she took a morning swim, then washed off the salt residue with fresh water, two of the younger ones came up. The bigger one pulled off her bikini, and started eating her pussy like the elder had. Almost as skillfully. The smaller one pulled off the bra, and began to suck on her tits. As she felt her nipples begin to stiffen, he whispered something to the other one, who seemed to nod.

They flipped her over on top of the bigger one, and she felt his cock slowly enter her, though it was easier and quicker than the day before. She felt licking around her asshole, and then the pressure of hard flesh. It wasn't her first ass fuck, but it still hurt for a moment. But like always, they were considerate, not hurrying. Finally the thrills got to be too much for her, and she leaned down and kissed the guy under her, using her tongue. He was surprised, as though he wasn't used to lips making love, but got into it quickly. She came along with both of them, and her life since had been one big orgy. Thank god for the IUD that kept her from getting pregnant.

What was amazing was how much she liked it. She had wondered about AIDS, herpes, all that, but they seemed very primitive, as though they had never seen civilization. They must have come from somewhere else, she thought, because there wasn't a trace of any culture in them. She had explored most of the island, not finding a boat or anything. In any case, she hadn't been sick a moment. Even her periods had been short and mild. They left her alone during the first couple of days of bleeding, but that was all. She introduced them to blow jobs, which they really liked. She didn't even know where the bikini was.

At first, as in the first few days she found herself fucking four or five times a day, not often with less than two of them at a time, she would be sore at the end of the day. Particularly her asshole. But gradually, as her body began to feel in constant heat, she was luxuriating in their passion for her, their avid desire. She felt more like a woman than she ever had, thinking of herself gradually as an instrument for giving them orgasmic pleasure, and wallowing in the fantastic climaxes she got better and better at embracing.

In truth, it was never rape, and finally became shared orgiastic enjoyment, of which she realized, about a week after she arrived, she had the better half. Her body, her mind, and her sexuality blossomed to a height she had never imagined. She began to revel in her nakedness, her ability to stimulate them, and took her pleasure with greedy joy.

She finished her morning swim, then rinsed off under the shower she had rigged up just outside the door to her hut. She rarely used the soapy plant, except when the gunk got particularly thick on her body. Some of them loved covering her with it, while others preferred shooting inside her. As she rubbed her body, paying attention to her bottom and her tits, as well as the hair that was tufted under her arms, she watched the two teenagers. They only came once a week, and she knew they had been virgins. Somehow, it turned her on particularly when they came.

You could never tell what they might want. Sometimes, just one would come, and take her asshole. Since they had discovered blowjobs, she often did three at once. The big one, who she thought was the elder's son, usually took her alone, in the missionary position. He always took a long time, getting her off twice, sometimes three times before filling her cunt with his juice. He always lingered, caressing her, and liked to carry her down to the surf and bathe with her. She felt very tender about him. She had no idea how they determined who would come, it seemed random to her, but there was never any conflict.

She went inside and ate the fruit. Just as she finished, she heard giggles outside. A grinning young face peeked around the corner, and she smiled at him. Then both teens came tumbling in, sitting down beside her. They couldn't have been more than fifteen and sixteen, but their cocks were no more than an inch short of the adults'. They were both hard already.

She relaxed her mind into the lazy, excited state of anticipation she had come to love, and leaned down to suck those lovely, thick organs, feeling her pussy tingling already. She went from one to the other, when suddenly the youngest humped frantically, and shot down her throat. He yelped as he did it. She looked up and smiled after a moment, letting him see the spunk in her mouth. She heard the elder say something from outside the hut, and the boy slipped out. She rolled over on her back, and pulled the slightly older boy on top of her. He instinctively grabbed his cock and located it at her twat's entrance. She held his eyes as he sunk into her.

She was careful to push her clit against his tool as he fucked her wildly. She heard the elder say something, and he slowed down, but she could tell he was near his climax. She helped him with it, lifting her hips in time to his spasmodic thrusts, until she felt her orgasm coming. "Yes, yes, yes."she murmured, and felt him freeze. She gasped with the pleasure of her vibrant completion as she felt the fluid fill her hole. She held his eyes as they both smiled.

After a few minutes, the elder came in. She smiled at him, thinking he was going to take her. But he pulled her into a sitting position, and began to make signs. First there was a wagging finger, she thought it meant "No" or something like that. Then he made a ring with one hand, and moved a finger back and forth through it. "No fucking". What the hell was this, she thought. Next he pointed at the sun's vague outline through the thatched roof, and signaled it moving to the other horizon. "Night" she thought. Then he pointed at her, then in the direction of their little village. Oh. "Come to the town tonight". She nodded. Big party, she guessed.

Ellen was edgy by the time evening came, walking down the path toward the village. She had almost masturbated for the lack of the sex she was used to, but decided they must want her horny for tonight. She had thought it might be a dinner party, but they had brought her meal as usual. As she neared their huts, she heard the rhythmic beating of a drum.

The clearing in the center of their ragtag dwellings had a big fire going, and reed mats all around it. There was a sweet, acrid smell hanging heavy in the air, coming from the leaves that were smoking in the fire. It reminded her of pot, though it was a little different. She took a deep breath, conscious of the way it sucked in her tummy and arched her boobs. Almost immediately, she felt a trifle light headed, and realized the smoke must be some sort of drug. The elder's son took her hand and led her onto a mat that was in the center of their ring, and offered her a small jug. She took a swig from it, tasting the tart liquor. They had never given her booze before, but this tasted pretty good. She stood there a moment, letting the effects of both substances begin to glow, enjoying the high. Then, feeling a nice orgy coming, she raised her arms over her head lazily, slowly rotating, wiggling sinuously, displaying herself for all of them. She was smiling, heavy lidded from anticipation. Oh boy, am I ready to fuck, she thought.

The elder's son spread his arms to the side, and began dancing to the drum beat, bumping and grinding like a stripper. Okay, she thought, let's do it. She began her own dance, holding his eyes, her hips writhing, shaking her shoulders so her tits jiggled. She still had the jug in her hand, and took another drink even as the pace of the drum quickened slightly. The big brown cock was sticking out at her, and she aimed her hips' movements at it. Uh huh, uh huh, this is fun, she thought as she tried to become sexier and sexier.

They all rose and joined the dance lazily, grinning, watching her movements. They had natural rhythm, but she knew some tricks from her show biz past, and did a couple of stretches that pulled her pussy lips apart. She could feel her clitty sticking out from its fold, just the way it used to when she performed. She got more energetic, bumping toward the elder's son, working her gaping twat toward his cock. But he kept backing away from her. She realized they wanted her in the space they were creating in the middle, near the heat of the fire.

Suddenly the drum stopped, and they all froze. She stumbled a little, and noticed they were looking upwards. The little jug lay on the ground where she had dropped it, so she bent, picked it up, took a swig, and realized she had emptied it. Her head was buzzing, when she realized the buzzing was coming from a spot nearer the fire, right in front of her. A brown woman began to materialize.

She didn't look like the same race as the men, more like a light skinned, mulatto negro. Kinky black hair, in an afro. Small nose, wide mouth, huge eyes, making a lovely, model's face. Her body was slim, with modest size, very firm tits, slim waist, full hips, and legs that went on forever. As she became clear, she seemed to hop down from an invisible step, gave a signal with her hand, and the drum started again. She humped toward Ellen, who felt her presence in her mind.

It felt as though she searched for something, then began to talk without moving her lips, the words in her head rather than her ears, in the southern patois of a black girl Ellen had performed with. "Yo bitch, you sure are some fox. Ah see why da boys dig ya so. Dey don't unnerstand about dat ting in your pussy, doh. Dey afraid dey can't reproduce on dis planet. Computer say it otta work. Course, fuckin' computer forgot to load females in da ship, too. We talk about dat later. Lets us get it on, honey. Ah been in space five months. Ya kin call me Aleeya."

By now the woman was bent backwards, body arched and head back, and Ellen felt herself drawn to crouch with her hips above the dusky face. She felt the head rise to bring her cunt in contact with the lush full lips of the negress, and passion began to jangle wildly in her groin. She felt a tongue inside her, then up to her clit, then back. She began to hump at the pressure of Aleeya's mouth. Through slitted eyes, she could see the dark hips writhing, seeming to invite her to return the lovely favor building up in her groin.

She bent over and sniffed the strange odor of the coal black, wiry pubic patch that seemed to draw her mouth to it like a magnet, then licked it. It was musky, but had almost a citrus taste. Deciding she liked it, Ellen Forward fell to the ground in her first ever sixty nine with a woman, sprawled on top of this truly out of this world creature, abandoning herself to the sensual drum beat, the soft night breeze, the lovely eating mouth in her twat, and the softly resonating voice in her head that whispered "Yeah, yeah, hot fuckin' honky pussy. Mmmmmmm."

She worked her arms around the lithe thighs to the wiggling ass cheeks, pulling to increase the force of her sucking mouth in the gaping hole oozing juice onto her tongue, flicking at the rather large clit, feeling her body approach a climax. The strange voice whispered "Go ahead, baby, let it hit, you are some hot shit, me too, yeah cunt, oh wow, me toooo."

With all the practice, she was good at getting off with a partner, but their sinuous bodies writhing together in orgasm sent her into a wild, climbing euphoria. The citrus taste got stronger from the twat she was eating so slavishly, feeling its contractions around her tongue, while her own spasms overtook her completely, making her hum into the negresses' fuckhole. She never even wondered why a lesbian act so foreign to her had seemed so natural.

As they both came down, hands all over her registered, and she realized the men were gathered around them, caressing, fondling. It felt lovely, and she rolled over langorously, wondering what would be next. "Neat, huh babe. Ah likes a little cunt lickin' every now and again. Mah pussy just digs a female tongue. Lets have anudder drink, den we get down to some serious fuckin. Mah boys is horny all da time, I don' haf to tell ya. Wish ah'd a known about blowjobs on the way here, den I coulda done five at once 'stead of four." Ellen saw a picture of the brown skinned men fucking her in both holes while she gave two others handjobs. Out loud, she said "Happy to have been of help."

The two women awoke the next morning, actually early afternoon, in her lean to. Ellen felt wonderful, no hangover, her body satiated. Aleeya was curled up in a ball next to her, still asleep. There wasn't anyone waiting at the path as she ran happily into the ocean, so she stayed in longer than usual, swimming after she had cleaned herself, thinking about what she had learned. Without the woman's presence in her mind, it all seemed incredible.

Outer space? Another planet? Several, what, tribes? Samples of people? She supposed it only made sense that sexual inhibition would not exist in advanced cultures, that traveled in the universe, and that sort of explained the natives' (of where?) assumption she would fuck so casually. They were lucky she wasn't some up tight spinster. But she was now an intersteller whore, and found the idea of that made her giggle. But her body was tingling again. No sense in trying too hard to analyze this, it wasn't in her control anyway.

"Damn straight, bitch. Come on in here, ah can't go out 'dere. Most places ah bin ain't got water like dis." As Ellen stroked smoothly to the beach, her mind registered a deeper penetration, and suddenly the voice was no longer Fat Bess, but an englishwoman she had always thought was the smartest person she'd ever met. "Goodness, Ellen, you fuck like a bunny, but still harbor these strange prejudices. What a curious country this America must be." It seemed perfectly normal that Aleeya's voice would change, though the contrast with the sensual brown woman waiting for her at the water's edge made her giggle.

But as she waded to her, the dark lips pressed to hers, and a hand stole into her pussy, making her hunch into the fingers. "Mmmm, such a sensual woman, such a hot body, so willing. I have a surprise for you, my partner's coming in an hour or two. He was afraid you'd be scared if he came last night, but I don't think so. He'll like having you to himself. He loves fresh cunt. Let's eat something, my dear, then I want to enlist your aid in taking care of my charges."

They made love as the breakfast was consumed, feeding each other with one hand while diddling their hairy mounds with the other. Ellen didn't enjoy it as much as the night before, but let her first orgasm of the day wash over her gratefully. As they relaxed afterwards, Aleeya told her about the future. Ellen had no idea how she did it, but never for a moment doubted her.

"The son of the old man you call the geezer is coming, trying to find survivors. He found the yacht, but no bodies, and still harbors hope his father is alive. He also wants to prove you are dead, because you were left five million dollars by his father's most recent will. You must have made quite an impression, dear. It will be difficult for you to seduce him, since he is prepared to hate you. I can't be sure, but knowing you I suspect you can manage. Take the "Natives" as you call them back with you, and set them up with some of your friends so they can breed heirs. I'll be back in a couple of years. Ideally, each of them should have three progeny. That's sort of critical mass. I think I'll have a new home for them by then."

It never occurred to Ellen to ask why she should do what Aleeya asked. Her mind simply accepted the necessity of it. "When will he be here?" she asked. "Three weeks, dear. Do you want me to take out the IUD? You'd make a wonderful breeder." What the hell, thought the former stripper, thinking of herself as a sort of modern Eve. "Do it." Aleeya waved her hand, and there on the mat was the little curlicque of wire.

Then there was a chuckle. "Here comes my partner, darling. You're in for a treat." Through the door of the hut came a snake, half of its six foot body standing up like a huge cock, beady eyes on hers, crawling with sinuous movement toward her. A new voice spoke in her mind, this time a Physician who had been a regular with her at the club. "God, look at that body. My dear, you are made for sex. I promise you a unique and wonderful experience." Ellen gasped, but felt her pussy begin to heat up of it's own accord.

Ellen was resting on her elbows, legs spread, as the snake wiggled up close to her snatch. The Physician's voice said "Mmm, lovely, lovely, nice soft bush, plenty of room inside. What a nice smell. Call me Monty." Ellen shook her head, raised her eyebrows and glanced at Aleeya, who was grinning widely. As Monty entered her, the rest of his body squirming around to writhe on her belly, then around a breast, she had a vision of the animal's head in her vagina and his tail in her ass. He was only a tiny bit larger than the natives dicks, so the feeling of fullness that began, and seemed to grow slowly, was tolerable. After a while, it was terrific.

Bradley Saxton stood on the flying bridge, a little uncomfortable in his white pants and linen shirt, but determined to maintain his dignity with the crew. They were a happy go lucky bunch, cheerfully insolent, the best he had been able to do on short notice in the tourist season. They were good at what they had promised to do, he had to admit, though so far the results were not what he had hoped. He was resigned to his father's death, but they had still found no bodies, even in the couple of sharks the divers had insisted on spearing. "It was too long, is the trouble." mumbled the grizzled veteran diver after they had cut open the second one.

The Captain seemed convinced they were on the right track as they followed the heading that trade winds four months ago would have blown any survivors on a raft. He was the one who had to sign the certification of search, but Brad wasn't so sure. How the fuck could they know, he wondered. But he declined to challenge him. They should get to the island the radar had picked up in an hour or so, and they all admitted that if there was no trace there, they would have to give up.

Brad had all he needed anyway. Both the insurance company and the Trustee of the estate would be satisfied with this effort, and the woman's share would go back in for his ultimate pleasure. Fucking old man. Fell in love with every one of these whores he met in strip clubs and eventually kept for a while. Changed his will once a year because of it. Well, this latest one was deader'n hell, he figured, though confirming it was the last step. Five million smackers was worth the effort. Brad remembered meeting her, Purge was her stage name, but Ellen Forward had been the new beneficiary, put in just before they set sail. He had to admit the old man had good taste, she had been great looking, sexy, yet bright. He sometimes wished he had the balls to hook up with one of those good looking strippers, instead of settling for the girls in his social set, who thought just spreading their legs was the world's biggest favor.

The island was visible now, just on the horizon, and he focused his binoculars. Son of a bitch. He thought he saw movement on the beach. Ten minutes later, his heart sank as he realized a figure was waving, jumping around, and was damn near naked. Before long, he realized it had to be the stripper, and she wore a white bikini. "See that?" whispered the Captain. Fuck you, thought Brad. So you were right. Shit, shit, shit. He bolted down to his cabin, turned on the air conditioner, lay down and tried to calm himself.

After wildly thinking he might be able to kill her, then realizing the crew would never let him get away with it, he began to accept the fact that she would get the money. Stupid to get too upset, he thought, there's plenty. And the drilling company. A million and a half gallons of reserves. If they never sank another pipe. He had calmed down as he heard the anchor chain pay out. A voice outside yelled "Hey junior, wanna go ashore and see the pussy?" He could almost feel the hatred in the voice. "Fuckin A." he yelled back.

They almost had a fight about who would go, but the Captain finally ruled just Brad, the grizzled diver, and his first mate would make the first trip. "Take your gear, Jake. Just in case." There was a fair amount of mumbling, since they had been at sea five weeks, and everyone was horny. The closer they got to the girl, the more excited Brad got. She had on a white bikini, was brown as a nigger, and her tits wobbled delightfully as she waved and pranced at the water's edge. Hair down to her hips. The mate muttered "Jesus."

She ran out to help pull the rubber dinghy in the last twenty feet, starting to babble. "Where the fuck have you guys been? Shit. I thought I was gonna be here forever." They all talked at once. "Sorry Maam, we just started looking a few weeks ago, and it's a long way to where we found the wreck." "Calm down honey, you're lucky we came." "Look, Miss, I need to know how the explosion happened, where were you, anyone else survive."

She stared at them, then finally at Brad. "You're the son, right? We met once, I dunno if you remember." The mate snickered. "You'd be hard to forget, baby." She gave him a withering look, then grabbed Brad's arm. "Did you find anyone? I stayed around for a day or so, then left. I have no idea what caused the explosion, I was sunbathing on a raft. Did you find any of my things? I had a jewelry box. Your Dad had a lot of stuff." She was dragging him toward the jungle, leaving the other two standing there.

He was panicked. His mind roiled in lewd impulses, his cock hard, while she just tugged and her tits bumped against his arm. Maybe he could make it sound like he had control of the estate, so she'd fuck him. Maybe he could keep the rest of them away from her. Maybe he could pull her down right here. Let her sue him for rape, he had never felt so horny. Suddenly, they were in a clearing in the cooler jungle, as he noticed she had stopped talking, and was just staring at him.

He realized he was sweating like a pig, feeling the thin shirt plasterred under his arms. He had to say something. "Uh, Miss Forward, yes, we found your jewelry, and Dad's. If you weren't aboard, they're all dead, I'm afraid. You're going to be a very rich woman. Uhhhh..." She was grinning. And her hand was on his prick, squeezing gently. "Hmm, not bad for a rich kid. Dumb way to dress in this heat. I just wore the bikini so as not to shock you. Mostly I walk around bareass. You should too." He felt her hands unbuttoning the shirt, then peeling it off. "Pretty buffed, Brad. You need some tan though. How many of them are there on the boat? Six, seven? If I fuck you, I'll have to do them too, y'know. Don't worry, I don't mind. After all, I'm horny too."

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Paradise Part 1

“You wanted to buy that fraking recorder!” he yelled back. Edward and I were supposed be on flight 997 to Rapture at 1400 hours Colonial Time. It was 1405. If it wasn’t for the fact star cruisers were never on time then we’d have most certainly been left behind. We finally reached the entrance to the star cruiser. The ticket checking machine scanned our tickets and allowed us access to the shuttle. “Thank the stars we aren’t too late,” I sighed. ...

3 years ago
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Paradise By Deputy Duffy The hair salon that my mom went to was aptly named ?Paradise?. The place wasalways beset with sexy women looking their best. It was females only, so (beingborn with a penis) I had to be a little sneaky. I would always try and comeup with some sort of excuse to borrow her car (I had my own) on the day ofher appointment. Then I would act disappointed when she said that she had ahair appointment, before offering to drop her off and pick her back up. Sometimesit worked,...

2 years ago
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"Very simply put, we offer the finest oral, vaginal, and anal sex in the world." My mouth dropped open as I stared at her. She didn't blink. She didn't grin. She was profoundly serious. She had made what she believed was a statement of absolute fact in answer to my question. I closed my mouth and swallowed the saliva that had accumulated in it as I pondered the possibilities of the transaction that I was considering. I couldn't help glancing again at the large notebook which she had...

2 years ago
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ParadiseIt was the fourth time they had met and the undercurrent of attraction was just as strong as it had been the very first time. The look was unmistakable in his eyes as she looked up into them shyly and looked down quickly blushing, yet smiling to herself in excitement as they reached out and hugged each other laughingly. They both knew what would happen this night; there was no doubt in either of their minds that a sexual encounter was destined to happen after the conversations that...

3 years ago
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Paradise Valley 2 Homecoming

Introduction: Banished for chosing the white mans ways, they choose a life with the white men. Paradise Valley 2, Homecoming Tall Elk rode warily, with one eye on the sunset, the other on the canyon ahead. They were minutes from home now. The nearby canyon protected Paradise Valley from outsiders arriving from the south and it was a bad time to be approaching the canyon. With most raiding parties riding south, that is the direction of the greatest threat. Any pursuers would be ambushed there...

3 years ago
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Chapter 1 "Welcome to Montserrat, Sir, Madam. Your good names please?" "I am Mr. James Ghiwhite, and this is my daughter Mrs. Sarah Edward. We - actually, she and her husband were supposed to - want to stay here for a week; I believe it was previously arranged." "Oh, yes. Here it is - your reserved room is HMP 2." The desk clerk, whose nameplate pegged him as Charlie, rang a bell. Almost instantly, a young boy of not more than sixteen came out of the back room. Charlie motioned...

3 years ago
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Paradise Valley 2 Homecoming

Tall Elk rode warily, with one eye on the sunset, the other on the canyon ahead. They were minutes from home now. The nearby canyon protected Paradise Valley from outsiders arriving from the south and it was a bad time to be approaching the canyon. With most raiding parties riding south, that is the direction of the greatest threat. Any pursuers would be ambushed there at the narrow valley. He looked around the herd to make sure everyone was present. Now was the time to count,...

3 years ago
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paradise spa

I sit there channel surfing, thinking about taking a bath and drinking the last of my tequila rose, when the phone rings. I grab it on the third ring," Hi, whats up?" I answer. " Hey, baby, get ready I'll be there in twenty minutes and pack a bag for the weekend" It's my man, he remembered my birthday. " I'll be ready" I reply. I hang up and head for the bathroom , I turn on the shower and rush back to my room stripping off my clothes as I go. I pack a bag...

4 years ago
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Paradise LagoonChapter 4

When Jenna and Darcie returned with bananas, Mike and Emma were playing in the pool. "Come on in," Mike said. Jenna and Darcie dropped their stalks of bananas and splashed into the pool. Jenna was carrying one banana in each hand. "Would you like a banana?" she asked suggestively holding it close to her hips. Emma blushed but Mike laughed and said, "Absolutely." Jenna tossed one to him. Holding the second just as suggestively, Jenna said, "Emma, a banana?" Emma blushed more and...

2 years ago
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Paradise LagoonChapter 5

Mike was on the raft paddling to one of his favorite spots. He heard a funny buzzing sound. He scanned the sky and saw it, a plane. Joyously, he started waving wildly, shouting even though there was no chance they could hear him. The plane continued towards their island. Inside the cockpit, the co-pilot was scanning the island not looking for anything in particular. This island wasn't even on their charts. He saw the orange spot first, a color not usual in nature. "Hey Jock. Get closer. I...

2 years ago
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Paradise lost found

Paradise groaned as her alarm clock beeped obtrusively at her. She reached out a reluctant hand, felt around on the bedside table and smashed the button on the alarm clock perhaps a bit too heavily. Quiet again. She turned over, closed her eyes and felt herself drift back off into dream world. Her eyelids heavy, her limbs numb and the sounds of the outside world far off. Just as that warm, trance like state was upon her, the alarm clock went off again. BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP. It had been twenty...

4 years ago
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Paradise or Prison

‘Whatever you do, don’t scream,’ the flight engineer instructs in a hushed tone so not to break the concentration of the studious pilots. The P3-Charlie turns in a 45 degree angle to port as the pilot and copilot manipulate the 4 propeller naval aircraft for landing. Looking out the double-paned glass at the heavenly view, it’s difficult to imagine the irony behind the beautiful ‘fantasy island.’ The never-ending expanse of sapphire blue that is the Pacific reaches in all directions,...

3 years ago
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Paradise Valley

Silver Quail stretched her tawny body and sat up in her bed of furs. She smiled at the morning sun shining in through the colored drawings on the skin of her teepee. She was proud of those drawings. They depicted her husband, Tall Elk’s, victories, hunting success, and wealth. She was considered a very good artist and had done work for other families. Hopefully she could add to their pictures, if her husband returned today. It was good to awake to the wonderful...

4 years ago
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Paradise Island

It has been almost four years ago you made your massive fortunes when you sold your technology company to Google. At the time you were married to your college sweetheart but she decided that she no longer needed to love you if she could get half of your billions after the sale of the company. When you had gotten married you never had thought of the need for a prenuptial agreement when you were struggling with your start up company. The divorce left you bitter about women and society in general...

3 years ago
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Paradise Island

It was five years ago, John was in trouble was let go for sexual harassment and had lost everything his girlfriend, job and was about to be kicked out onto the streets. When everything seemed darkest, he got a strange phone call for interview. He went to job interview and was told to arrive at a warehouse, but what appeared to be a warehouse was something else a long series of mazes. He is told to take the first door inside the building in which there was long corridor with a single room inside...

3 years ago
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Paradise by the Parking lot light

My name is Seth Boscorelli, my friends call me "Bosco." I'm a Deputy Sheriff, at one of the largest agencies in Florida. I would like to say, I love the job, yet I really don't. The culture of the world and hatred for the police, has made a once "Proud calling" into a job. No longer are the men and women that wear the uniform, going above and beyond. Now society dedicates they do the bare minimum, so they don't step over that blurred line and be the next cop caught on some 15 second cell phone...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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I couldn?t believe it! My husband and I just hit the lottery! We hit big time -- $123 million dollars ? all to ourselves. We didn?t have to split it at all. It took a few days for the shock to set in and before claiming the prize, we saw our accountants and our attorneys. My husband and I are in our mid-forties, been married for about 16 years, have no children and a great sex life ? even to this day. One of the reasons is we keep it interesting. We are both professionals. I am an electrical...

3 years ago
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Paradise Lost

True Story WARNING!!!first attempt doing story forgive my grammar BTW its a sad story It’s a dark raining night I sleep in the room just next door to Nikki as I lay in my bed listening music I can hear a slight moan coming from Nikki’s room. I lower my music and place my head agents the wall my “Oh my god is she really?” I can’t believe my ears she’s masturbating. Nikki and I have had a long story between us or I like to believe we do. Freshmen year of high school me and Nikki sat next to each...

1 year ago
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Paradise by the Dashboard Light

Hot, late and pissed off. That pretty much described my state of mind as I barreled down Interstate 35 on the Fourth of July weekend.The sun had gone down two hours before, but the midsummer heat lingered like the smoky remnants of a dying campfire. The humidity hung thick in the air, and I had no way to escape it. This old car's air conditioner was very temperamental, and usually just as the temperature rose enough that you'd want it, it stopped working. I had the windows open, but at highway...

2 years ago
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Paradise Boarding School 8211 Part 8

Hello ISS readers. I am back with the next part of the story. Please do read the previous parts. My name is Aafi. I am from Bangalore. But I am working and living in Chennai. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. You can email me or hangout at . Let me continue from where I stopped last time. We were in Chloe’s room. Chloe: You were fun in class! Me: You too! Chloe: But we should pay more attention next time. Me: Looks that way. Chloe: Come on, sit here. Me: Ok. I like where this is going. I...

4 years ago
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Paradise Boarding School 8211 Part 1

Hello ISS readers. My name is Aafi. This is my first story as a writer on ISS. Let me tell you about myself. I am from Bangalore but I am working and living in Chennai OMR. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. I will be writing fantasy stories. Please provide your valuable feedback so that I can improve my writing in future stories. You can email me or hangout me at Let me tell you about this story. It is a fantasy. The story is about a boarding school where college students are forcefully...

2 years ago
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Paradise Island Part 1

29, Single white male seeks similar age female with good looks and vibrant personality. I’m getting tired of writing that on internet dating sites. I started this journal to release my inner thoughts on paper but so far I've only confirmed my sexual inadequacies and personal hang ups. I’m creeping ever closer to 30 and I’m yet to find ’The one’ I've had 3 relationships in the past 10 years and had sex about as many times. I’m beginning to realise life isn't like the movies. I've read plenty of...

2 years ago
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Paradise On Earth

Hello Friends, If you are fond of watching Bollywood films, you’ll be familiar with the names of certain romantic couples who continue to rule our hearts even today. They are Raj Kapoor-Nargis, Dilip Kumar-Vejaynthimala, Amitabh Bachchan-Rekha, Salman Khan-Aishwarya, John Abraham-Bipasa Basu and Shahid Kapoor-Karina Kapoor. We all have given unlimited love and affection to the above mentioned star pairs. Their larger-than-life stories have managed to capture our hearts all these years. And we...

3 years ago
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PARADISE Chapter 1 Anjee was hesitant. Her eyes roamed the audience who gazed upon her withgreat expectation. Her mouth became so dry when she was nervous like this.She couldn't believe she was going to go through with the initiation. A partof Anjee was excited, however. Her body and mind were in conflict with one another. Startled, the petite redhead felt two strong hands on her shoulders. The man behind Anjee, cloaked in black, announced, "Welcome all, denizensof Sanctuary. You are here to...

4 years ago
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Paradise Chapter 2

Alex was shocked as he watched the sight, although not so much by the sexual nature of the scene before him. He had quickly learned that the women of this strange village had an insatiable luat, as evidenced by the two blowjobs he had received since stumbling out of the jungle. One of them had been by a blonde girl who would have been, judging from her appearance, in the midst of her high school career had this been America; the other blowjob had come from the girl who was now leading him...

4 years ago
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Paradise LagoonChapter 2

It had rained during the night. The roof had done fairly well, just a few places where it dripped. Unfortunately, one place was right on Darcie and she let Mike know in no uncertain terms that he wasn't up to snuff as a builder. 'Oh well, ' he thought. He patched up the roof with additional palm fronds. Breakfast was bananas. The fact that there were banana trees proved people had been here before and planted them. He wondered if there were still people, maybe on the other side. How long...

1 year ago
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Paradise Island

Themyscira, otherwise known as Paradise Island is a secluded island in the center of the Bermuda Triangle. No man has ever set foot onto the island as it was created as a land where women could live in peace and seclusion protected by the Olympians, specifically Hera and Athena. There are many women on the island and the society promotes a nudist centered world where everyone can be free with no fear of repercussions. This particular story focuses on the Amazonian female warriors but may...

4 years ago
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Paradise Found

I don’t think that I was ever so happy to go on vacation. After finishing a very long, difficult job, I needed time away. I took the job soon after my marriage fell apart and I had gone through an ugly divorce, and it was a great way to focus my energies and frustrations. By now I was feeling much better about myself, and life in general. The slow season for construction was just starting, so I decided to take a couple of weeks off and head to Jamaica, my favorite destination. When I got to...

1 year ago
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Hentai Foundry

Ah, HentaiFoundry. One of my favorites! Puberty is such a weird time. All of a sudden, you’re flooded with hormones telling you to fuck everything you see. A minute ago, you were just trying to watch cartoons, and now you can’t even see an animated pair of breasts without wanting to whack off. It’s no wonder, so many of you pervs grew up still wanting to look at drawings of superheroines while getting your porn fix. If you’re into comics and cartoons cunts,, aka hentai...

Hentai Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Paradise Found

Bright light shone through your curtains. It's morning time and you're late for your classes at the community college. Still living at home, you're surprised no one decided to wake you up. Your father leaves early for his job in the city around fifty miles so he should be around but your mother works close to home and usually has your back. She wakes both you and your sister up every day, well except today. Stumbling into your bathroom in your boxers, you look at yourself in the mirror. With a...

Mind Control
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Paradise HookUp Part 1

Venezia pushes me down onto the couch as she and Roxie continue kissing. Roxie walks Venezia backward until they fall into the chair across from me. Venezia opens her legs around Roxie while adjusting her position in the chair. Roxie slides her hands down Venezia’s body and begins rubbing her pussy. Venezia moans softly into Roxie’s mouth as they kiss to muffle the moans. Roxie rubs Venezia’s clit with one hand while plunging her two longest fingers inside Venezia’s soaking cunt. Venezia moans...

4 years ago
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Paradise Boulevard

----------------------------- It was 6 pm in the dark streets of Manila. Chadi, a young poor 10 year old boy, prepares to set out for work by picking up garbage. Ever since he was 5 years old, he lived alone wherever he can find shelter, and beg for food and money. His parents also abandoned him at an early age since they cannot afford to care for their child. Nevertheless, Chadi still continued to live his life. Chadi went to meet his friend Owie who was also the same age as him; Owie was...

2 years ago
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Paradise of Friends

My name is Todd, and the girl I woo'ed is Katie. I'm 5'10" dirty blond hair, slim. I'm a quiet teenager, usually I just sit around and watch porn, and try and have some sexual chats with girls. My dick is fairly thick and 7" big, I'm happy with my size. I am a virgin before this event. My friend Katie is small, 5'5" black hair, bra size of 34B, she's extremely cute, and a major tease. And has had sexual experiences. One morning we were talking on MSN and we got into a...

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Paradise Vacation

I don't think I'd mention the exact location because of certain circumstances but that's not the point anyway, is it? Since we started off on our journey, both of us knew even though no words were exchanged between us of the matter that the entire weekend was going to be filled with hardcore, brain-blasting sex and not much on the sand, sea and surf thing. It was just the tension in the air between us and we both sensed it with words unspoken. We arrived quite late and it was already...

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Paradise Mum

It was obvious that William was in a good mood when he picked me up from work. When I got into the car he had a big smile on his face. I took one look at him and said, "You look like you've had a good day." "I got my first paycheck today, Mom. Here it is!" He handed me his paycheck, I looked at it and said, "Wow, that's great!" His check for a week was almost what I earned in a month. I was really proud of him. When he had graduated from high school a few weeks ago he had...

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Paradise Valley 5 Fort Kearney

“Eeeiiiee eee eeet,” the beautiful tinkling call of a blackbird sang from the top of a cattail in the river. Silver Quail looked up and smiled. “I can make you a whistle like that out of a willow branch. I love blackbirds, they are so beautiful,” Silver Quail said from where they sat by the river. They had willow branches all around them. Nancy had a taller pile because she was a slower worker. They each had a four-foot-long cone of branches in their laps with...

3 years ago
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Paradise Valley 4 Roundup

Rusty and Tall Elk galloped into the mouth of the blind canyon, whooping and twirling their ropes. They hazed 12 cattle into the canyon and drove them toward the brush corral. Silver Quail appeared out of nowhere with a rifle and sprinted to the mouth of the corral. She dropped the logs and stepped back as the cattle stampeded inside. Tall Elk slid from the saddle of his blaze faced chestnut and helped her return the three logs to their place. “A good day’s...

4 years ago
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Paradise Valley 3 Mexican Tom

A warm wind blew off the grasslands and into a secluded, wooded valley. The whir of a rope broke the stillness of the afternoon, missing a tree stump by mere inches. A blue jay cried its objection at having humans so close to its nest. A killdeer called plaintively as it ran down the yellow sand of the only road in the valley. A buzzard circled lazily overhead, looking for a meal. Daisy’s littered the grass around the stump, creating a blaze of color in the otherwise green...

2 years ago
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Paradise spa 2

He answered me by saying ," If you will follow me I'll show you to your room, unless you require something now?" Oh yeah buddy I definetly require something now, you naked on my bed or the floor, hell just naked is good, I was thinking but said" no, not yet" He smiled and walked ahead of us to our room. When Tony opened the door to our room I was literally speechless, I've lived in smaller houses. The room was really a big apartment, with two master bedrooms and bathrooms plus...

4 years ago
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Paradise remembered

“It’s been a long time since I’ve smelled the ocean.” I say slipping my hand into yours while you silently look around, taking in everything. The deafening of the dirty old yellow taxi practically drowns out my voice. We pass by many local businesses that are painted with vibrant colors, obviously a tourist trap, a good one at that. Dimples showing as you smile and reach into your bag, taking out your Cannon 5D. “Took you longer than I thought it would have for you to start shooting. I...

2 years ago
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Thoughts rushed through my mind as if they were in a race where the winner takes all. Every thought wanted to hook their long talons into my brain. I also struggled with my moaning and groaning body. My bottom cheeks were unhappy sitting on a hard rock and my back strained itself to keep my naked boobs pointed into the wind. Even my folded legs that were knotted in the Lotus position, were complaining about their situation. Only my arms were happy where they rested on my spread legs. However,...

2 years ago
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Paradise HookUp Part 2

I continue eating until there’s no more juice to drink. And even though her pussy has stopped squirting, she tastes just as good as Venezia and I can’t stop. Roxie doesn’t stop moaning and that makes Venezia have to pull my face out of Roxie herself. “Stop being such a greedy boy.” “I told you her pussy is incredible,” I answer groaning from wanting more. I continue staring down at Roxie cute, swollen pussy as Venezia kisses her again. “Get up,” Venezia commands Roxie. Roxie slides off the...

3 years ago
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Paradise of Pleasure

The mansion was enormous. I walked up to the door, and it opened before I knocked. I was invited in by an incredibly gorgeous brunette in a tight, black mini dress and heels. “Please come in. We’ve been expecting you.” “Excellent. My name is-“ “D,” She finished for me. “Of course, we’ll call you whatever you want us to call you. We have no names. They aren’t important to us unless they are names you decide to use on us.” She closed the door as I stepped into the foyer. It was marvelously...

1 year ago
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Paradise Island

My name is Finn, and my life is pointless. At 27, i have an associates degree in liberal arts, a dead end job, and live alone. I haven't had a date in 6 years, and never even kissed a girl. Three months ago, i decided it was time to see the world so i planned a trip for australia. As soon as i'm on the plane i sit in my seat and fall asleep. I am abruptly awoken by massive turbulence. Everything is shaking and alarms are going off. Suddenly the plane breaks apart and my seat falls from the sky...

Group Sex
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Paradise Pandora

Pandora is a planet that was colonized in 5273 after the Earth was destroyed by warfare that claimed most of the population. Only a third of the population survived to make it to a new world after randomly jumping into a new galaxy. Nearly a hundred escape shuttles crashed on Pandora, bringing advanced weapons and technology to a world untouched by any sentient species. Pandora is a planet that is made up of mostly oceans with only two large continents and several island chains. After the...

2 years ago
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Paradise Lost

Alandra Casetheial lived in the remote village of The'relunda. While many regions suffered from a combination of droughts, heavy storms and winds that shook the villages throughout the different seasons, The'relunda was oftentimes considered the epitome of Utopia on her planet. There were days, such as this one, when it could be hot and balmy, sure, but they were few and far between. And on such days as this, there were always a couple of different ways to cool off...

2 years ago
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Paradise HookUp Part 2

I continue eating until there’s no more juice to drink. And even though her pussy has stopped squirting, she tastes just as good as Venezia and I can’t stop. Roxie doesn’t stop moaning and that makes Venezia have to pull my face out of Roxie herself. “Stop being such a greedy boy.” “I told you her pussy is incredible,” I answer groaning from wanting more. I continue staring down at Roxie cute, swollen pussy as Venezia kisses her again. “Get up,” Venezia commands Roxie. Roxie slides off the...

Group Sex
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Paradise HookUp Part 1

Venezia pushes me down onto the couch as she and Roxie continue kissing. Roxie walks Venezia backward until they fall into the chair across from me. Venezia opens her legs around Roxie while adjusting her position in the chair. Roxie slides her hands down Venezia’s body and begins rubbing her pussy. Venezia moans softly into Roxie’s mouth as they kiss to muffle the moans. Roxie rubs Venezia’s clit with one hand while plunging her two longest fingers inside Venezia’s soaking cunt. Venezia moans...

Group Sex
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Paradise Boarding School 8211 Part 43

Hello ISS readers. I am back with the next part of the story. Please do read the previous parts to fully know the context. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. I am from Bangalore but I am working and living in Chennai. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. You can email me or hangout me at Chloe and Rose were impressed with my decoration of the master bedroom. Both my girls rewarded me by letting me fuck them. Wow! Fucking a pregnant lady was always my fantasy. I was living my dream by fucking...

1 year ago
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Paradise Boarding School 8211 Part 42

Hello ISS readers. I am back with the next part of the story. Please do read the previous parts to fully know the context. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. I am from Bangalore but I am working and living in Chennai. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. You can email me or hangout me at For the next 2 weeks, I was staying with Chloe. We had a lot of vaginal sex. She never wasted even a drop of cum. Rose and Anna were quite happy with having some lesbian action. After two weeks we got the good...

2 years ago
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Paradise Boarding School 8211 Part 41

Hello ISS readers. I am back with the next part of the story. Please do read the previous parts to fully know the context. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. I am from Bangalore but I am working and living in Chennai. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. You can email me or hangout me at After the exhausting session with Anna in the garage, I made up my mind to ready the office in the garage within 2 weeks. For the next two weeks, I worked hard and got the office ready. It has new carpet, a...

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