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I escorted the man that had been my last appointment of the day to the office door. I made the effort and smiled when I shook his hand. "Thanks for coming in," I said. "I'll let you know if I need anything else." When I turned to go back into my office I caught a glimpse of my office manager's face. I really had to do something about her title I thought to myself. She was my secretary, office manager, receptionist, file clerk and general girl Friday. She was almost the first person I had hired twenty years ago when I decided to strike out on my own and open my own construction company. My darling wife had refused to work in the business with me and I rapidly found I needed office help because I spent so much time out with my crew. Maude was ten years older than I was but she treated me like her son much of the time. I would be lost without her.

I snorted to myself when I realized what I was thinking. All the problems I was facing and I had to spend time thinking about that little 'problem'. I knew my face was set in an angry grimace and I needed to get control of myself. I saw the worried look on Maude's face when I walked past her desk. Sure enough, she followed me into my office and I hadn't even managed to seat myself before she asked, "OK Tim. What's the matter? You have been a bear for the last three weeks and you looked like you were going to kill that man when he left."

I trusted Maude with my life, with my business. Hell, I trusted her more than I did my skank of a wife but I just couldn't tell her the problem. I sat a moment then stood and walked toward the door to my office. I said, "Maude I ... I can't talk about it right now but it's some serious shit. I'm gone for the day. Why don't you take off early and I'll see you Monday."

I almost ran from my office and got into my almost new F150 SuperCrew. I headed home. I knew my wife would not be there. She was supposedly out on one of her charity functions so I knew I would not see her until later that evening. That is if I even came back home this evening. I needed time to process the information I had received in my last meeting and to decide what I was going to do about it. When I got home I went into my detached garage. I moved to the lounge area and donned my leathers then moved my almost new GoldWing out onto the driveway. For some reason, I moved my truck into this garage instead of leaving it sit outside or putting it into the garage attached to the house as I would normally do. I closed the garage door and went into the house for a drink and some beer and other necessities to pack into my bags on the Wing. I was gone again in less than fifteen minutes.

I had no idea where I was going but I always relaxed and thought better on my Wing when I had a personal problem. Admittedly I normally did not have as serious a personal problem as I did this day. I was almost angry enough I could not ride safely. My jaws were clenched and I was grinding my teeth. I could tell I had that angry, focused tunnel vision I and a lot of other super angry people get. When you ride, this is not a good thing, as I at least, tend to miss things I should see.

As I rode I felt myself relaxing, becoming more focused on the ride and what I should be doing as I rode. I heard a Hog coming up behind me and as he pulled up beside me I saw it was one of the guys I rode with occasionally. We nodded and rode together for a while. We were nearing one of our hangouts when he pulled slightly ahead and motioned for me to pull in with him. What the hell, I thought, just as well.

We stopped and went inside with no conversation. After we got our beer and seated ourselves he asked, "Yo Timmer. Where you off to without tha Babe? Don't see you ridin' much with her lately."

"Been havin' problems. I cut out to figure out what to do 'bout em. Got no idea where tha Bitch is today."

"Crap man. Sorry 'bout that. I'm on my way to tha rally tha boys're havin out at Jakes. You got nothin' better ta do why don't you come along?"

"Hell, why not. I don't see much of those guys since I moved back home here. Be good to get back in touch. Jake still provide entertainment out there?"

Jimmy smiled and said, "Ohhh Yeah! Hear he's got a new act this weekend. It's a Mother, Daughter team. Talked to one of the guys that was there yesterday and said they were damn good too. Thought I might tap both of em if I have time. Don't know what tha admission is but it's usually pretty reasonable."

I drained my beer and stood. "Hell, let's get back on the road then. I just might check out the new talent myself tonight."

Jimmy looked at me in shock and licked his lips. "Damn Tim," he said. You aint done that since you married tha Babe. This must be some serious shit comin' down. You sure you wantta do that?"

"Oh, yeah. Bitch's been steppin' out on me with one of my best buds. I'm riding trying to decide how to handle that little prob and since she started it I got no problem taking care of my needs without her now."

"Shit Man. I never woulda thought that. Hell, I've seen her deck one of the guys for just touchin' her. Man, you need help takin' care of tha asshole that done her just let me and some of tha other guys know."

We motored up to the gate to Jake's little retreat and paid our admittance fee. Jake was an OK guy but he didn't miss a chance to make a buck. Mostly he did it legally but he was into some shady stuff. The fee we paid here at the gate was for the entire length of the rally and included access, booze and food. I thought it was sort of high but hell, if a guy stayed the entire weekend he could eat and drink his $100 fee up pretty fast.

Jimmy and I moved to the parking area and dropped our bikes. As we walked toward the center of the area and the beer and food we met and talked to several people we knew. Jake was center stage as I suspected he would be so we visited a while. When I finished my first beer and started for another Jake said, "Yo Timmer. Jimmy said you might like to see the entertainment I have this weekend. Got a mother and daughter team this time. Hundred bucks for both or fifty for one. Your choice, one tap per fee, your choice-cunt, brown eye or mouth."

"Yeah, I heard. Might just take you up on it this time. Sounds interesting and I been a little short on pussy the last few weeks."

"Great. They're both damn good and hotter than hell. I got a manager for them this time so you pay him. He's over there beside the door to the rec room when you're ready. Only six at a time allowed into the room. You wanta be tha only one with a bitch you gotta pay $25 extra for us to hold tha other two what could have been with her off until you're done."

I looked over at the line already and decided to wait for a while before I checked out the talent. I wandered around the gathering renewing old friendships and flirting with some of the babes. I didn't get too serious with any of them because I didn't know which ones were truly available and which ones weren't. In the group I ran with at home I knew this but I had been away from these guys long enough I didn't. some men would share their woman, some wouldn't and some of the women were surely there alone but I didn't want to find out the hard way I had made a bad choice. I had pretty much decided to rent some of the talent in the rec room.

I grabbed a couple of beers and got into line with Jimmy. We talked and visited until we were to the head of the line. From time to time I could hear feminine moaning and screaming as the talent inside reached what seemed to be thunderous orgasms. The young man taking the cash said, "What'll it be. $100 for one time with each of them or $50 for once with one." He raised his head to me as he said that and I saw his face turn white as a sheet.

The man taking the money was Seth, the son of my best friend and the man that was fucking my wife. He stood looking at me with a sick expression on his face then said, "Uh, Tim. Uh, where's Doreen? Uh, you sure you wantta go in there? Man, she'll flat kill you if she catches you in with tha entertainment."

"Hey Seth. She's not here and what she doesn't know won't hurt her or me now will it?" I glared at him and continued, "And she WON'T KNOW about this will she?"

Seth licked his lips and looked even more sick if that was possible and a little scared. "Uh, no Tim. She'll never know but ... I really don't think you wantta go in there man."

I stepped closer to him and looked deeply into his eyes. I was getting angry again and it showed. I was almost shaking with my anger and it shook Seth up. He knew how I lost it when I really got ticked off and I was getting close to that point. Of course he thought I was angry with him and to a degree he was right. Little bastard had no right questioning me about my choices of recreation but I was being reminded of Doreen's cheating every time he mentioned her and the fact she wouldn't like me to go into the rec room. I grabbed his shirt and snarled, "Listen you little punk. The entertainment is open to all comers if they come up with the fee. I got tha fee and you damn well better collect it now or Jake's gonna have to find a replacement for you. Got me?"

Seth licked his lips and whispered, "Yeah. Look man. I'm sorry you know. Just ... well, uh, when you get in there I don't want you to go off half-cocked you know? I mean, well ... just be cool and remember you don't want tha Babe to know what you've been doin' and there's others that feel tha same way. Now, Jerry's inside to keep things straight. Tell him what you're there for and give him the ticket. One ride, one bitch for fifty. You choose tha hole. If you choose a hole that's busy you wait for it to come free then take it. If another hole is empty before yours you can either take it or we'll let someone in that wants that hole. Got it?"

I said, "Yeah." And walked into the room. The 'entertainment' were both on their knees and were airtight. I heard moaning and groaning. The two men slamming into the ass holes were ramming the women HARD. I heard the distinctive slap, slap, slap. I felt myself becoming harder than steel if that was possible. There was one man ahead of me and the inside guard told me I would have to wait as he had requested the younger one in a one on one pussy fuck. I hadn't been there long when the men and women began cumming again. I guess the young one was tighter or they had been going at it longer because she and her men finished first.

As the men pulled from her the man waiting on her began grinning and started to walk toward her. Jerry moved up beside her as she started to rise from the man under her. He said, 'Hey Sal, you got a singleton next. He wants your cunt so you need to roll over honey."

I felt myself start and was beginning to realize why I thought the entertainment looked so familiar. Sal was Asshole Stu's daughter and since this was billed as a mother daughter team that made the mother his wife. This was great! I began moving back toward the door as Sal rose from her stud and began to roll over. Jerry stopped me as I started out and asked, "Yo Man. You're next. If you leave you have to stand in line again."

I said as quietly as I could, "Yeah man. I got it but it must have been something I ate or something. Man I got tha shits comin' on it feels like. Gotta get outta here."

Jerry let my arm go and stepped back real fast. "Ok man. I dig it. Be cool." I was glad now they had given out tickets for the action we had paid for. At least now I didn't loose my money I had paid Seth. I knew now why he had tried so hard to talk me out of taking in the 'entertainment' too.

When Seth saw me leaving the building as fast as I did he looked worried. I walked up to him and said, "Listen Asshole. I got tha shits real bad and I gotta go a while. When I come back here if I don't find tha pussy I paid for the shits gonna hit the fan big time you got it? In case you don't, I mean there better not be anyone different in there than there is now and I damn sure don't expect to find my best friend hunting me. You got that?"

Seth looked sick again and nodded his head. "Yeah Tim. I got it. Uh ... Look man uhhh well uhhh I owed Jake for fixin' my bike and, uhhhh well I was behind and uhhh well, this's tha penalty man. I had to get them to do this or..."

I grinned and said, "Oh, that's great. You fuck up and your mother and sister have to pay for it huh? You asshole. I'm sure glad I don't have a piece of shit for a son like Stu does. I can't believe a son, a brother would set his mother and sister up for something like this. You're really a piece of work aren't you? Well, you turned them into whore's and you damn well better make sure I get my piece of them or you'll all be sorry. I've been wanting to tap that ass of your sister's for a couple of years but I held off because she was Stu's daughter. Now since she's giving it to everyone I'm gonna get mine and if I don't you don't need to worry about Jake. Get That?" Seth just nodded and looked sick again. I walked off and found my bike.

As I left the gate I made sure I got a ticket so I could get back in without paying again. The guard said, " Be cool dude. You been drinkin' I can tell and tha law's been coming around a lot. They know we're here and they've been checkin' out tha brothers man. Just show tha pass when you want back in."

I took it easy until I got away from the area then opened it up. I got to Stuart's place about eight in the evening and drove right into his back yard. He came out of the kitchen carrying a beer and said, "Hey Timmer. Sup? I figured you'd be home with tha ole lady slamming it to her. You said Wednesday you wasn't getting' enuff and planned to nail her ass all weekend."

I forced my anger down and replied, "Yeah, wanted to but she had another one of her damn affairs to go to. Decided to ride and met one of the old gang I knew when I lived in Centerton. Jake's having a do out at his place and we decided to go. I remembered Patty and the kids were going to her parent's house this week so decided to see if you wanted to go with."

"Naw, I dunno man. Not been ridin' much lately. Been keepin' pretty busy with other stuff you know?"

"Oh, hell, come on Stu," I said. "Heard he's got a great entertainment act set up this weekend. Supposed to be a Mother Daughter team and they're supposed to be damn hot. I'm so damn horny I just might tap one of em myself. Come on man. You said you're getting' tired of the same stuff with Patty. I know you tap some on tha side now and then. come with and I'll pay the entertainment fee for you. You gotta pay the entrance fee for tha event yourself though. Only a C note to get in for all you wanna eat and drink for the weekend."

"Crap, why not. Let me get my stuff." As Stu turned back into his house and I took a seat on his patio. I really liked it and wanted it to enjoy it for the last time. I was sure he would not be having me back after we did the rally this weekend.

Stu came back out pretty fast and we jumped on our bikes and took off. We made good time and got back to the rally a little after nine p.m. I moved out of line and drove into the rally after I told Stu I had purchased an advanced ticket so could just go on in. I made arrangements to meet him at the keg and took off. I showed my pass as I went through the gate and rushed to find Big Jake.

When I found Jake he was where he had been earlier. I walked up to him and said, "Hey Jake. I need to take in the entertainment but I can't get into the room with your cashier there. Can you have one of the other guys trade places with him for a while?"

Jake started looking angry and said, "What the hell ya mean he won't let you in? Did you pay the entry fee?"

I looked as guilty as I could and said, "Uhhh, well that's the problem Jake. I bought a ticket at the office but when I started in I saw a kid that knows my wife guarding the door. Man I don't wantta go in if he's there in case he recognizes me and tells her or someone that knows her. She'd castrate me and take me for everything I have if she found out I sampled some strange. I'll slip ya another hundred if you can take care of that for me."

Jake's eyes lit up and he held out his hand. He said, "Yeah man. I understand. We can handle that. Give me a couple minutes. I'll move him to the gate for an hour or so. That long enough for you?"

"Yeah, thanks," I said. "Appreciate it."

I rushed over to the office and bought a single one-hole one-woman ticket for Stu. I already had the ticket for myself I had purchased earlier but I purchased the single option to go with mine so we would both be there alone when the shit hit the fan. I couldn't wait for us to be alone when we saw the women face-to-face. I intended to nail Stu's daughter in front of him. I was pretty sure Jerry would keep him off me while I was doing it but I rushed to the rec room on my way to the Keg to slip him another C note to make sure.

I went to the head of the line and the cashier tried to keep me out of the building. The men waiting were getting angry at me as they thought I was cutting line. I slipped the cashier a fifty and said loudly enough everyone around could hear, "Be cool. I just need to tell Jerry something then I'll be outta here. I'm not cuttin' line."

When I came through the door I motioned Jerry to me. I whispered to him, "Hey Man. I bought me and my friend a one on one with each of them. I get the young one. I know her and been wanting to tap her sweet cunt for a couple of years. The dude I'm bringing in may not want me to do it because he wants her for himself. He has a ticket for a one on one with either of them too but if he wants the young one he needs to wait. If he gets nasty I need you to be sure and keep him off me until I'm done. I got a C note for you if you have to hold him off OK?

Jerry smiled and said, "Yeah man. You give me an extra C note for just doing my job? Hell yeah it's cool."

I smiled and walked out of the rec room to meet my good buddy at the keg. We loaded up on a burger and quart of beer each then stood in line. We were just finishing our beer when our turn came to go into the rec room. As we entered I turned to Stu and said, "Yo man. We each get a one time one on one with our choice of the whores but since I paid, I get to go first. I'm gonna nail the young one. I know her and been wanting a piece of her for a couple of years. I knew her old man and held off but he just recently fucked up and pissed me off so the deal's off now. If you want her instead of her mother you will have to wait. If you want to do the old whore just climb on. If not they'll bring in the next people in line. You cool with that?"

Good ole Stu smiled and said, "Hell yeah man. Think I'll wait on the young one too. I been wanting to nail some young stuff lately."

When Jerry heard that he opened the door and made arrangements for the next customers. Before I walked up to Sally one of the new men was on his back and Patty had mounted him. She had never turned around and for some reason Stu hadn't noticed her when she rolled and moved over her new John. He was watching her with a very noticeable hard on when the other two men moved to her other holes. Patty let out a soft moan as she was filled once more.

I moved to Sally and Jerry just hollered out to her, "On your back now Sal. Next one is a one on one pussy hound."

Sally was smiling as she rolled over. Her knees drew up and splayed wide as her arms came up to pull me to her. I could see the jism draining from her deep red puffy little pussy. As I was nudging up to her sloppy cunt her eyes opened wide and she screamed out, "Oh, my GOD! Uncle Tim." She started crying and tried to roll away from me but I had expected that. I lay on her and slammed my cock into her. I began thrusting as I said to her, "Shut up Sal. I paid for this and since you're a whore you have to take it. Besides, I should get to fuck you or your mother one since your asshole dad has been fucking Doreen for the last several months." I was slamming into her as hard as I could as I said that and it came out in grunts.

I was watching Patty while Sal and I were having our discussion. She got stiff and quit moving with her men when what we had said sank in. She began trying to get away from her John's when she heard me and Sal and really began trying to get away when she heard Stu. Stu saw her as she rolled. I could just see him from the corner of my eye. His eyes got large, he turned white then his face got deep red as his anger surged when he saw his wife with three men and me slamming my cock into his daughter.

I heard my buddy Stu yell in anger and saw him start toward me. When he began moving Jerry stepped in front of him and then I heard Stu say, "You son of a bitch. Get your ass off my daughter you mother fucker." I heard a scuffle behind me and Jerry forced poor Stu out of the room. I guess poor Seth had returned to his job as cashier because the next thing I heard was the sound of a fist hitting flesh and Stu yelling once more, "You little shit. Your mother and sister are inside getting fucked and you're out here collecting money for it? I'm gonna beat your ass to death you little mother fucker."

I kept on pounding on little Sally and felt the sperm rising in my cock. Finally I was there and slammed as deeply into her as I could. I felt my balls draw up to the base of my cock and then felt the sizzle as my little soldiers spewed out of my cock and into the still tight little pussy I had dreamed about for so long.

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This conversation and the ensuing adventure took place nearly a half century ago, when ‘a penny for your thoughts’ was a bargain worth consideration and when American made automobiles gathered at drive-ins where a tray of food was hung on the driver’s door and at drive-ins where cars faced a giant screen in case someone actually wanted to watch the movie. “She kept me waiting!” I blurted out. Then catching myself, I lowered my voice an octave and said through clenched teeth, “she kept be...

1 year ago
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MommysBoy Natasha Nice Family Getaway

Andrew Light and his stepmom Natasha Nice are excitedly trying to decide where to go for vacation. With Natasha being at work all the time and Andrew studying hard at college, they haven’t had much time to spend together for the past couple of years, so they’re looking forward to going on a trip just the two of them. The only question is: where on EARTH will they decide to go? As they chat, Andrew can’t help but sneak glances at Natasha’s gorgeous breasts, especially...

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Duty Honor Country Family Part 10

Duty, Honor, Country, Family Part Ten By Danielle J Synopsis- A clash between Hiromi and her grandfather nears even after a unexpected event shakes the Watanabe Yakuza. At the same time the Swan Song committee prepares to bring Agent Ripley in from the field, whether she complies or not. Warning- There is a one scene involving violence against a woman that while not graphic could shake up sensitive readers. Thank you to John and Puddin for their help. Author's note- Readers...

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Ladies of Star Wars

One of the most recognized franchises ever, Star Wars features some incredible characters. From Darth Vader, to Luke Skywalker, to Kylo Ren, Star Wars knows how to make them memorable. The women are no exception, from Leia Organa to Ahsoka Tano, to Padme Amidala, Star Wars is exceptional at making strong female characters. It is these people we will be focusing on today. Cover by: Mr_Hyde_06

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Daddy John and Me Part 3

John sits on the chair and he kisses me. I’m still sucking daddy’s cock and John starts to lick and share daddy’s cock with me. Sucking him like he would want to be sucked. I’m licking on daddy’s balls and John puts daddy’s cock all the way in his mouth. Mmmm wow daddy has never been sucked by a guy but it feels wonderful and doesn’t want him to stop.He remembers he bought a strap on a while ago in hopes someone could use it on him. He goes into the house to get it hoping he can get me to wear...

3 years ago
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Time of Eden and ElvesChapter 37

EDEN CITY AMBUSH TEAMS NORTH OF ROUTE 62 Lynwe ran the back of her hand gingerly over the side of cheek, wiping away the dried blood and sweat that caked her face. The patch had dulled the pain to nothing more than a throbbing now, the three inch long slice from the corner of her eye down her cheek coming from a large chunk of shrapnel that had caught her looking up over the top of the small hole she had dug in the ground. Of the four dozen Spartans scouts, elves and humans in her personal...

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Late At Night AKA Slumber Party

Story Late At Night AKA Slumber Party March 17 1979 It was around 11pm when the movie they watch ended, and Kelly and Kris were bored and horny.Kelly was hired to babysit her neighbours' 14-year-old son's slumber party all night, and she had invited Kris over to keep her company. They were having the time of their lives discovering their sexual identities. They shared everything, from the clothes they wore to the boys they fooled around with. But now, they were feeling desparate. Neither of...

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Sisters Fiery Lust 2

Mike knocked on the front door a few times, but noticed something odd through the window. It was two pair of panties, one maroon and lacy, obviously something bought at Victoria’s secret, and the other covered with flowers and hearts with Gap Kids printed on the label. Immediately his cock began to rise, and he tried the door, hoping to dear god that it was open. It was, and he wasted no time getting into the house and over to those delicious panties. He grabbed each of them and pulled them...

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Twisted BoltChapter 6 On The Run

Helen informed him that the projectile tore through some muscle had and ripped a large patch from his jumpsuit in the process. The round hadn’t hit his bone and his muscle would heal naturally after she applied the hypo-spray. He didn’t feel a lot of pain from the injury until Helen applied the first aid kit. “Viv, lock up the place. The code is 5501014562 for all the hatches and be careful if you go outside the ship,” Ethan ordered as Helen tugged on his arm, producing a wince from...

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Kahani Pakistan Se

mera naam rehan hai aur mein pakistan ki city islamabad ka rehne wal ahun..Ye kuch 5 saal pehle ki baat hai, jab mein ek firm mein kam karta tha aur meri office mein ek bahut si slim aur sexy lady thi jinka naam farhana (name changed) tha mai unhy bhabhi bulata tha. Unki age 36 thi. Lakin wo bahut hi sunder thi. Unka pati riaz ghar shy bahar hi rahty thy.ek din hamary firm mai party thi hum sub ny jam kar drink kiya aur khub shari masti khatm hony kay baad mai rekha ko ushky ghar...

3 years ago
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My pussy was wet with anticipation, as my boyfriend, Kevin, and I rode toward my parents' house, though it could also have been the two fingers that Kevin was sliding in and out of me. I was always horny, but then so was Kevin. He would often finger me as we drove places. I loved to give him head while he was driving, and had already swallowed a full load of his cum, as we were driving down the interstate.We were on summer vacation from school, and had the whole summer before us. Today was...

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Cinema Dirty Men get My Wife

We are seriously thinking of going to Birmingham for a weekend to visit a city center porn cinema and shopping for her!We like the idea of men sat in the porn cinema watching the screen and then thinking it's Christmas when she walks in and sits down near the back?This time though she doesn't want to be fucked - just appreciated and played with by men, old young whatever. She will rub cocks until they cum and consider sucking men off as long as they are clean and you can finger her holes but...

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Little SisterChapter 13 Storming Hanover

After the meeting with the local powers of Siemens, Lars walked me to the car. I had the Mercedes, with Russell driving. Loaning me Russell was the sort of generous gesture I learned to expect from Sheila. I was also glad she sent Christine, who makes a great human comforter. It was good that I did not yet know about Lars' transfer. I would have worried all the way to the garage in Manchester. God must have been paying attention, because the clerk at the garage was the same clerk that would...

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Stella By Cal Y. Pygia Donald Pleasant had never had any doubts about Stella. To him, she was the most beautiful, sexiest woman alive. They'd been dating for three years when they'd gone to Glitz Gurlz Bar and Grille, a lesbian lounge that Stella, more out of curiosity than for any other motive, had long wanted to visit. Donald and Stella had been intimate so many times in those three years that each knew every inch of the other's body--all the hot spots, all the erogenous...

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Lost My Virginity To The Love Of My Life 8211 Part I

Hello Friends, This is my first story @ ISS. I’m an active reader @ ISS. I’ve read many stories and wanted to share my story one day. Before we move on I’m Vineeth kumar (name changed), 24, working in an IT company in Bangalore. Everyone can contact me on Well, to begin with this is not an actual story, just my own fiction with loads of romance and sex. If you guys are for real stories then I’m sorry, I’m still a virgin, but would love to lose it soon! This story revolves around Kumar and...

2 years ago
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Nina Was Her NameChapter 8

How the hell can a man come up with Western Omelets for 15 people on a small yacht after several days at sea? Cookie is a wizard! The Fates really smiled on us when he joined the crew! He did mention that he was now out of eggs and ice, so there would be no more omelets until we put into a large port. That was almost enough for us to forget the pirate we were chasing and head to port right away. Oh, well, maybe later. We were running flat out to catch the other boat, but it still took us...

4 years ago
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Thats So WrongChapter 21

Day 5 (12) – Duke and Tammie Suki's quiet murmuring on the phone woke Duke the next morning. Then Tammie's mouth descended onto his cock and he stopped caring about anything else for the next great while. He vaguely heard Suki hang up and join her daughter in their oral alarm clock on his father. He relaxed on his back, allowed the need to slowly build until it became unbearable. "Gha! Ah!" He exploded down Tammie's throat. She dutifully swallowed it all. When the pulses stopped, she...

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StepSiblingsCaught Jewelz Blu November 2021 Flavor Of The Month

Jewelz Blu wants a cat so badly, but her stepbrother, Codey Steele, isn’t into it because he’s allergic. She tries so hard to get Codey to agree with her! When a stuffed cat interrupting Codey’s video game doesn’t work, Jewelz tries another gimmick. She gets all dolled up in sexy lingerie and stalks Codey in his bedroom, just like a kitty. Codey doesn’t notice his stepsis putting n the moves until she pounces on him from the foot of the bed. He has to admit that...

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Zeus and Io Book 3Chapter 3 17 Highway of the People Shanghai China

Colonel Sun of the People's Army looked at the printouts for the twentieth time this morning. "You are sure of this?" he asked Fa Lao-Sung Fa, the project leader on the artificial intelligence project, code named Chaing. "Oh yes, Colonel. He will be ready for release into the internet by February." Chaing was close to completion. He needed only a few minor tweaks in his error handling routines – those that would reset his 'thinking' after an unexpected development. The Chaing project...

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Two MILFs and their daughters Chapter 4 Gina and Julie have some fun

As Valerie and Tessa were in Valerie's room doing something wonderful, Gina and Julie were in Julie's bedroom talking as well."OK, no offense, but I look at you like a second mom, and you two are creeping me out a bit. You both wanted to talk to us separately and alone?" Julie asked."Yes, that's creepy?" Gina asked."Maybe a little," Julie replied.Then Gina hit Julie with something."Well, we both just wanted to talk to you young ladies about, sex," Gina said.Julie was both nervous and confused,...

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I discover the real me Part 02

by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the earlier parts before reading this. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 02 The alarm repeater went off and I realised that I had to get up and go and have a shower. I slowly got off the bed and to my feet and was pleased to realise that I felt okay, apart from my pussy. I looked in the mirror and saw that my hair was a mess. I spread my feet and pushed my hips...

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Jackie gets drugged Chapter two

The is the second part to a long story. please feel free to read the first part, or don't your choice. Chapter Two When I saw the note on the fridge that said that I was being volunteered to baby sit Jackie I was excited. The feeling of knowing that I would be alone with her in our house for about 6 hours was the only thing I could think of. I had decided that tonight was the night that I was going to try to fuck her. After thinking about it for some time I decided that I could always...

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The Seeingeye Dog and the Shy StudentChapter 7

Patricia felt a change in her eyes as soon as she woke up the next morning. Strangely, she began to notice shadows and could discern movement after years of only seeing the same boring blackness for many years. The blurry outline right next to her bed proved to be her trusty seeing eye dog with his wonderful long wet tongue and his instinctive nature that always knew when she was in need of something hard up in her private parts. She patted Sampson’s furry head with both of her hands and...

1 year ago
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How Helen became an actress

An ambitious girl, to be an actress lost many things but achieved her aim. Helen, Mercy and Angel were three close friends and college mates. They were extremely beautiful. Even then Helen was No 1. They learned almost all the erotic activities theoretically. Most of the students of their college praised the beauty of Helen. Many of them individually told her that her beauty, body structure and her colour would definitely make her to be a famous actress. She also developed the desire of...

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Flames of LifeChapter 03

One Tuesday afternoon a taxi stops in front of a set of apartments in Shortland Street, Telopea, New South Wales, right opposite the Telopea Railway Station. The passenger pays the driver and says, “Have a good day, Hadi. I’ll call you the next time I need a taxi. Keep the change!” The driver grins while replying in his an accent, “In other words, the same as always. Thanks for the tip. I’ll see you next time, Ernie.” The passenger, Ernie Wells, opens the front passenger door while he lifts...

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Genius FloridusChapter 14

It was late Saturday afternoon, and mom had just come back from Gigi’s Salon. Her hair was still short and very manageable, but the cut was layered and framed her face perfectly. Her eyelids had a smoky shadow, her lashes looked longer, and somehow the makeup emphasized her cheekbones. Her lips looked fuller in a shade of red that I had never seen before. Mom smiled, put a bag of cosmetics she had purchased on the coffee table, twirled, and asked, “What do you think?” “Oh wow, Mom. Oh wow.”...

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sister home from camp

She opened the door to her room and there i was lying on her bed. She ran over, jumped on me and gave me a big hug.I rolled onto my back, spread my legs, and now she was lying on my stomach with her body in between my legs."i missed you too little s*s, how was your summer". she was talkin a mile a minute, couldnt keep up with her. I just smiled and nodded my head.As she was rambling i was scratching her back, kind of giving her a massage. She was ticklish and would start moving to try and...

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The Rodeo

       It had become a common occurrence around the drought ravaged farms of the valley.  Small time farmers without any other recourse were forced to sell their daughters to whoever would be willing to pay something close to the asking price.  Margaret Stephen’s father was such a man.  His youngest daughter was his little angel; unlike her older sisters he had been unable to ever bear taking his belt to her when she misbehaved.  Not that she was exactly a brat; she was just a bit willful at...

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First Part: The Duke of Tyntigayll was dead to begin with. Well -- actually -- to begin with, the world was created, Adam sinned and his descendants likewise. The Duke was born, and I, and Igrayne. I became High King, and Igrayne wed the Duke. The Duke was inimical but came to visit me to patch things over. He and his lovely Duchess decided that I had asked them to court to court her. This was true, but not proven, and their departure was abrupt enough to pass for casus belli. The Duchess...

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Angel Carol Ben and ErinChapter 6

They came rushing in the door less than two minutes later. They washed quickly and joined the rest for supper. After supper, Ben said, "Sis, we need to talk." She got up and they went into the living room while Jack and Mike were getting chewed out my Miz Jones. Ben said, "Sis, you have to cool it. You don't' want to be sent home, do you?" "No, Ben." "Then the three of you need to be seen doing innocent things. Their parents will not tolerate our usual activities. The last thing...

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Hot Sex Ride With My Sweet Mami

Hello guys n the lovely ladies out there, my name is Sameer this is my first story for ISS…….. I have been a regular reader of ISS which gave me courage to have a relationship with my hot n sexy mami…. I live in Hyderabad with my parents i m 18 years old n this happened when only a few months ago Coming back to the story my mami is a sweet lady n kids of two her name is neetu(name changed) her husband died in a accident she lives in a village with her kids due to feeling alone she shifted...

1 year ago
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TeenPies Natalie Brooks Only Fools Wrap Their Tools

Natalie Brooks likes to let her dates know right away what is going to happen when she gets back to their houses. In this case, even though this stud was a gentleman and sheltered her from the rain with his umbrella, she wants him to know that she is not trying to do anything sexual. Our stud goes along with it, pretending that sex was never on his mind to begin with. But when you are hanging out with a gorgeous babe like Natalie, how can sex not be at the forefront. They sit down in the living...

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NuruMassage Cassidy Klein A Masseuses Revenge

Masseuse Cassidy Klein is stuck at the Spa on her day off due to her inconsiderate boyfriend. He’d rather be out with friends then home with her. Cassidy decides to make the day worth while, as she tells her friend over the phone, that she’s giving her next client Everything she’s got to get payback for his nagging attitude! Who may you ask is this lucky client, none other than, Mr. Tommy Gunn! Instead of simply undressing him, Cassidy takes the opportunity to stick his big,...

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Uncle HarryChapter 11 Monday at the Cunninghams on The Morning After

The next morning I woke up to see Kathy smiling at me. "Good morning. Oh I loved what we did last night. Are you guys staying today?" "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself – so did I ... and I suspect we'll find that the other feel the same way." And with that I reached for her and gave her a big hug. "As to your question, I think the three of us need to get back to my place as we've got to spend some time talking about what needs to happen when we get back to Euston." I paused for a long...

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My Surprise Birthday Gift

Hi friends i am ishita 22yrs from Delhi with assets of 36c 30 36,im a sexy and good looking girl,many guys had crush on me but i didnt care much,as i didnt like all that much,i have a cousin he is very close to me since my childhood as he used to come to my home regularly since childhood we used to like each other and it changed into love,and he became my bf,in this story i want to explain about the gift of life which my bf gave me on my birthday and which changed my life,friends this is my...

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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 54

As Jean-Luc Picard would say "Make it so Number 1." I was secretly pleased with myself. Soon Janice would be pregnant with my child. I know it has been a life long dream for her and I am so happy I will be able to see it fulfilled. I wanted to tell her, and yes I also wanted it to be a surprise. I corralled Shanana and told her in confidence what was going on. She suggested I take her to container 2-7 in the storage cave. There are mattresses there for the house when it is built. There are...

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Old fat mayor sucks my cock at city hall

My wife and I moved to a retirement community near a small town. It had a golf course and bar/restaurant nearby to our house. We soon joined a card group which met on Friday nights. The group included the mayor of the small town. He was a very overweight (350+) single man in his early 70’s. Everyone kind of suspected he was gay, but no one ever talked about it.Our card sessions were also a chance for everyone to get drunk. We all did, including the mayor who consumed copious amounts of gin. We...

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