Gayles young wet pussy
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Montreal - Fall 2003
"YOU PRICK ALISTAIR!" I heard down the phone line, immediately recognizing the caustic voice of my ex-wife, the only person in the world who called me Alistair.
"Monica," I answered, a weary resignation in my voice, "What can I help you with today?"
"So you won, you bastard," she squawked, "You finally got that little slut on your side, didn't you?"
What is this bitch mumbling about today I asked myself, fighting the desire to just drop the phone back into its cradle and go back to reading my morning paper.
"ALISTAIR, are you still there?"
"Yes Monica, I'm here. What are you talking about anyway?"
"As if you didn't know. I'm talking about your fucked up daughter; did you forget you had a daughter Alistair?"
CLICK — Enough, I thought as I stood up and walked out the front door into a beautiful, sunny, warm, early September day. I turned left at the corner and within minutes was walking through the east gate, the 'Milton Avenue Gate', and then onto the campus of McGill University.
As I walked slowly through this grassy, tree lined oasis in the heart of Montreal, with the young, eager faces of another generation of students flowing by me, I gradually felt the bitterness that Monica's call had raised fade.
An hour later, when I finally returned to my house, refreshed but still feeling uneasy about Monica's phone call, my niece Izzy was sitting waiting for me on my front steps
"Hi Unc," she yelled out, her perpetual smile lighting up her face.
"Hi to you too honey," I answered as we hugged each other in greeting. "When did you get back anyhow?" I added, as I unlocked the front door and led her in.
"Yesterday, I drove up with a friend from Burlington."
As I sat down on the sofa in the den I asked, "What have you been doing for the last month anyway? Your Mom told me on the phone you were off on a secret mission, all hush, hush."
After sitting down on my lap and then positioning herself comfortably, with her head resting softly against my shoulder she answered, a very unlike Isabel, nervous, cautious look on her face, "It's the reason I'm here today Unc, I've got something to tell you. It's sorta a surprise."
Immediately I knew somehow her visit and Monica's call were connected and asked, "Is this got something to do with Gayle?"
"Izzy!" I insisted again, as I could see my niece wavering.
Finally she blurted out, "She's in Montreal Uncle Bill, she decided to go to McGill."
"What are you talking about? She started at Dartmouth last week," I almost yelled, baffled by Izzy's words, unable to process the thought that my estranged daughter was living in the same city as I. But then seeing Izzy shake her head at my words I added, "She didn't even apply here."
"It's a complicated story Unc" Isabel started; her normal impish grin and good humor now back on her face. "I knew I had to do something to get you two back together so I... "
"So you what?"
"Do you remember I told you that last summer Gayle was applying to all those universities when she was at the farm?" Seeing my nod she went on, a proud look on her face, "Well I took a complete copy of one of her applications and sent it to McGill."
"Well of course she was accepted! Your daughter may be a jerk and a weirdo sometimes Unc, but she is smart. I even got her a full ride scholarship!"
"What? Do they know she's my daughter? And how did you know what was happening?"
"I used my address, not hers, on the application Uncle Bill," she replied, beaming proudly. "Once she got early acceptance last January, I replied, accepted for her and even reserved a place in residence for her."
"But Gayle didn't know?"
"Of course not! That's what I've been doing the last two weeks. I went down to Philadelphia to talk her out of Dartmouth and convince her that she had to come here."
"Jesus, you stayed with Monica?" I gasped, impressed by both her audacity and her willingness to suffer for the cause.
"You know I'd do anything for you Unc, even if it meant a week with 'The Monster'," she whispered in my ear as she pressed her firm young body into mine. "Mmmnn, you feel nice today," she added, snuggling even tighter.
"Izzy!" I tried to admonish the little scamp, as she rubbed her rear end seductively over me, and then asked, "How did you ever convince her? I thought she never wanted to see her cruel, unjust, evil father ever again."
"Trade secret Uncle," she replied laughing as she launched herself out of my lap and headed for the kitchen.
I chuckled to myself, thinking of poor Gayle trying to withstand the whirlwind that was her cousin, and understood just as Gayle probably did, that it was impossible to stand in the way of something Izzy really wanted. Just as I knew that one day Izzy would really decide to seduce her uncle and that when that day arrived I would joyfully acquiesce.
"I did good, huh Unc?" she asked when she reappeared with a glass of milk and a donut in her hands.
"Pretty good sweetie," I agreed, "But will she be happy to see me?"
"You just leave it me," she laughed, and as I watched her couldn't help but think back on how I had got to this place in my life...
The Past -
... I had been christened William Alistair Crowley thirty-seven years ago, the second child of a forty-seven year old farmer and his forty-two year old teacher wife, on Dad's 400 acre farm just twenty miles northeast of Burlington, Vermont.
Dad, an old, hard-bitten, long time bachelor farmer had met my Mom, a spinster teacher, at a Church meeting, and within months had fallen in love with her, and then somehow had convinced her to marry him. Neither had expected children so the appearance of first my sister Cathy and then me within two years had been not only a surprise but also a delight for the couple.
We had a great childhood — kind loving parents, Mom's insistence that we do well in school, all combined with the fun, the hard work and the healthy outdoor environment of the farm. We both did well in high school and in the fall of 1983 Cathy, the valedictorian of her senior class, left home for Yale on a full scholarship.
We were all stunned when she came home the next May, six months pregnant, with no boyfriend even mentioned, almost as if it had been an immaculate conception. Despite Mom and Dad's misgivings, Sis insisted on not only having her baby but also raising it.
On Aug 15th, 1984, Isabel Brenda Crowley, Izzy, a blond, blue eyed bundle of joy arrived and all of our doubts were immediately overcome. I loved her the first day I saw her, sucking eagerly from her Momma's tit, and had loved her ever since. Mom and Dad were of course captivated also and little Izzy became the most spoiled and loved baby in Vermont.
I enrolled at the University Of Vermont that fall, having decided to eschew the chance for an Ivy League education in favor of staying with the family, not wanting to miss any of the unfolding drama.
But I didn't do much better! I met Monica Brown during our first week at school, at an initiation dance for all the freshmen. Love or lust — who knows? We were both innocents and notwithstanding the lessons I should have learned from Sis, I fell for her and Monica was pregnant within a fortnight.
We married at Christmas despite the reservations of both sets of parents and Gayle Anne Crowley, a beautiful, black haired darling, a perfect daughter, was born September 1 1985.
It was during those first few years of their life that Gayle and Isabel developed a connection with each other that I knew would endure until they died. And although Monica and I went to Boston after graduating, I to Harvard for an MA followed by a PhD, while Monica taught elementary school and mothered, each summer we returned to the farm for two months and the girl's friendship was instantly resumed.
The fall of 1992, my Doctorate from Harvard in hand, I returned to Burlington and the University as an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics, a specialist in world trade patterns and the North American Free Trade Agreement. It was great to be back home, to be able to spend time with Sis and Isabel, to see Izzy and Gayle playing together, and to help Mom and Dad who were finally showing their age.
But it was when we went back to Burlington that Monica's and my troubles really began. We had both realized when we were living in Boston that we weren't truly in love, but like so many other couples, we had let it slide. We had a comfortable lifestyle; good friends, nice apartment, Dads farm as a retreat, enough money, we liked each other, the sex was good, but no... no 'magic' lets call it.
And while I loved going home, Monica hated it, finding it dull and uninteresting after cosmopolitan Boston. Everybody who's been through a breakup knows the story and it wasn't much different for us. From small criticisms to carping at each other to major blow ups to sleeping in separate beds — finally even great sex couldn't keep us together.
I was shocked but relieved to arrive home one afternoon in the fall of 1999 to find Monica and Gayle gone, the note of goodbye after almost fifteen years just three lines long.
The divorce was ugly — is there ever a nice one? And even though I was a University Professor, with a home and farm, and a support system in place for a young girl, the Judge refused to accept that I, a male, would be a better parent for fourteen year old Gayle and so awarded custody to Monica, now ensconced in the suburbs of Philadelphia with the man she had run off with.
I, of course, was allowed to see Gayle, I had one weekend a month, and either Christmas or Easter, and a month on the farm in the summer, but slowly the magical bond I had always had with the person I loved most in the world stretched until it had finally broken.
"She doesn't want to see you any more Uncle," Izzy reported during the summer of 2001. "But don't feel bad, she also hates her Mom, her step-dad, she doesn't have a boyfriend and she's a geek, and she wanders around in all black costumes." explained Isabel. "Just leave it to me; it's just a girl teenage thing."
I took a job in Montreal that fall, a full professorship at McGill that was too enticing to refuse, and the short commute home allowed me weekends and holidays with Cathy and Izzy.
The only thing that had allowed me to have any hope during the two years of the estrangement with Gayle was my sister and her daughter who continually put in the good word to Gayle about me during her frequent visits. "It's just a stage," cautioned Cathy. "She's young, it's a hard time for her, give her some space," her advice to her nervous, unhappy brother.
But it was Izzy really who was the angel, the one who promised me that all was well, that I just had to cool it a while, and when she came to Montreal as a premed student in the fall of 2002 she visited almost daily, reporting on every move my daughter was making. I fell in love with Izzy sometime during that long winter, a forbidden love I feared I'd never get to consummate, a love I had once shared with her Mom...
Montreal — Gayle and Izzy
... It was more than two weeks after her arrival in Montreal before I saw my daughter, who appeared suddenly one evening at my door in the company of her cousin.
"Hi Uncle Bill," Iz said smiling, "We're starving, I hope you've got something hot for us."
"Izzy," I said as I kissed her two cheeks, and then turning to Gayle smiled and said, "Hi honey, good to see you."
She turned away from my embrace but issued a soft, "Hello Daddy," as she slipped by me into the hall, her black clothes a reflection of her mood.
It was a difficult meal, Gayle's only contribution to the conversation one word answers to Isabel's and my direct questions. And yet as Izzie and I talked and laughed and generally enjoyed ourselves I couldn't help but see the flashes of interest and even smiles that would appear and then quickly disappear on her generally scowling face.
As the girls prepared to leave around nine, Isabel all of a sudden said, "You've got to take Gayle shopping for clothes Uncle Bill, she's got nothing to wear, it's embarrassing, she almost looks like a hobo... "
"I do not!" Gayle yelled at her cousin, "It's none of your business anyway."
"Well I'm certainly not going to spend my time with you if you're always going to be dressed like some stoned Goth Princess. All her clothes and makeup are black Uncle Bill."
"They are not," protested Gayle. "And Daddy doesn't have to spend a cent on me. I've got all the money I need."
"Girls, girls!" I said grinning.
"Well then, good for you Miss Black," Izzy said to her cousin, and then turning to me, slipped between my arms and cuddled up to me and added, "Well if she isn't interested, you can buy me some clothes Unc, I'll come Saturday morning." A quick kiss on my lips and she flounced out, leaving Gayle to rush after her.
The last words I heard as they walked away was Gayle's plaintive complaint, 'But he's my father Izzy, not yours, ' and then Izzy's caustic retort, 'But he loves me and I love him.'
... Gayle of course was accompanying Izzy when they both arrived at my door early on Saturday morning and I would have slept through their arrival if Isabel hadn't had a key. I woke to Izzy blowing gently in my ear, her cries of 'Wake up Uncle, its late' finally penetrating my befuddled brain.
"Who... Izzy, what are you doing here... What time is it anyway?"
"It's almost eight Unc, rise and shine."
"The stores don't open for hours honey," I complained, and then seeing Gayle standing in the doorway, I said, "Hi beautiful."
"Daddy," Gayle offered grudgingly.
"Do you sleep naked Uncle Bill?" Izzy suddenly exclaimed as she moved her hands towards the edge of the sheet that lay just covering my groin.
Slapping her probing hand away I scolded, "Can't you show a little decorum Izzy? Why don't you try to emulate your cousin's good manners for once?"
"Ha, ha, ha!" she responded but I could see a little smile growing at the corners of Gayle's mouth.
"Now you two shoo out of here and let me shower, and you might cook me breakfast while you're waiting."
"I could soap your back while Gayle prepares breakfast Uncle Bill," she teased, but rushed out when I jumped out of bed after her, holding the edge of the sheet in front of me.
I could hear Gayle scolding and complaining as the two descended the stairs, "You slut Isabel, what are you doing, he's your Uncle!"
It was that Saturday, with the three of us shopping together for hours in the small boutiques that lined the Main, and eating lunch on a St. Denis Street restaurants outdoor terrasse under the sun, sipping wine as we watched the world passing, that Gayle's mask dropped and I saw for the first time in over two years the happy girl I had always loved.
It wasn't that all our problems were immediately solved; it was just that this normally vivacious, friendly girl couldn't maintain the angry façade for any long period of time when having fun. At first she tried to ignore us as we shopped but found it impossible to resist when Izzy started trying on ensemble after ensemble.
She couldn't help herself when she finally blurted out to her cousin, when Isabel appeared from a dressing room wearing a sexy, red, pleated mini skirt, her tanned legs spectacularly displayed, "Oh Izzy, that's no good for you. It'd look much, much better on me, it goes with my hair."
"What are you talking about? You only wear black, you dork. Anyway, you don't need any clothes,... remember," Izzy sneered.
After that, Gayle's shopping gene kicked in, that gene that every woman has, one of the main differences in the genetic makeup of the two sexes. I just had to sit back and enjoy the show, as the two led me from store to store, competing as they modeled ever more outrageous outfits, in a frenzy that threatened to use up every dollar of available credit on both my Visa and American Express cards.
When I feebly protested, Izzy laughingly replied, "But Uncle, they're not real dollars, they're just Canadian 'Loonies', they're like Mexican pesos, don't worry. My niece's grasp of foreign currency values clearly needed some reeducation, I thought to myself, but still I couldn't begrudge the two anything given the length of time since I had seem Gayle so happy.
After a late lunch, and after I suggested that maybe it was time to head home, Isabel just shook her head at the stupidity of the male animal and said, "We haven't bought any underwear yet Uncle Bill, you know, those frilly things girls wear under their outer clothes, soft lacy... "
"No," I protested, "Not a chance in the world. Here's some money," I quickly offered, "You two can shop for yourselves."
"We need a virile male's advice Uncle Bill, you can tell us what turns you on," she said grinning as she rubbed up against me, her pointed breasts proudly pushed into my chest.
And it was worse when she dragged me into the store! "We're looking for sexy underwear," she announced loudly to the little French Canadian girl who rushed to serve us when we entered the shop. "He makes the two of us wear such naughty little outfits when he visits us," she added to the surprised vendor, who took an extra second to check me out, wondering how I had earned such beautiful playmates.
Even conservative Gayle finally joined in, laughingly adding, "He's so demanding! Can you imagine, two girls at once! But he pays well," she ended, shrugging her head coyly.
And when Izzy added, "And he's so bigggggg," I simply handed the befuddled girl my credit card, turned and fled the shop, the wide-eyed girl's eyes following me raptly.
They rejoined me in the bar next door an hour later, laden with armfuls of bags and giggling apologies. But I had relished the glint in my little girl's eyes and knew I would willingly suffer much more to see it there whenever she looked at me. Later I drove her up the hill to her residence and the light hug followed by a quick peck on my cheek she gave me was more than an ample reward for my travails.
... I was out of town for a week at a conference so missed seeing the two until ten days later, when I invited both again to dinner. Gayle was still a little reserved with me at first, as if in the time since our day together she had remembered she was supposed to be mad at me but it only took Izzy seconds to break through her last defensive barrier.
"I'm wearing the 'Chantilly lace, tiger skin boyshort' panties you bought me Uncle," she announced as we sipped our soup. "Would you like to see them?" she said leering, her fingers slowly raising the hem on her short skirt.
"Isabel!" Gayle ordered, "God, not at dinner. Oh, she's such a slut Daddy," she ended, but couldn't hold back the giggle that escaped from her lips.
"She's mad Uncle Bill, mad because she only bought dull, black, cotton underwear, you should see it, it's pitiful, while I have colorful..."
"You liar! I bought as nice panties as... Ha, ha, ha Isabel. God I can't believe you always get me like that," Gayle wailed.
"It's Izzy's main role in life to tease you and I honey. You should have seen me last year when you weren't here. At least now I only get half of her abuse."
Before leaving that night I offered Gayle a key to the house. "But Daddy, I don't need it."
"My house is your house Gayle. If you need a place between classes and don't want to slog up the hill, or if you want to sit reading quietly, or bring some friends over, go ahead, anytime. You can also have one of the upstairs bedrooms just for you. If you get tired of your roommate and want a night away just..."
"Izzy's got both a key and a room honey."
"She does?"
"Of course," Izzy interjected, "I bring my handsome beaus here for romantic, afternoon trysts between classes."
We both burst out laughing at the ludicrous image Izzy presented us and Gayle took the proffered key as we both looked at our crazy relative.
"What room should I use? Maybe Izzy and I can share?"
"Yes, or you can use the big room on my floor, no one ever uses it."
"Which room?" asked Izzy perplexed.
"The other room on my floor, the big room at the back," I answered. The house had three levels; the ground floor with kitchen, large entry hall, living room, dining room and bathroom; the second floor with three bedrooms, bathroom, a den and a TV room; and finally the top floor, with my large bedroom at the front, an extensive bathroom/spa and a large empty room at the back.
"I didn't even know you had another room up here Uncle," complained Isabel as we climbed, and then gasped as I slid open a pocket door and escorted the two into a room that stretched the full back of the house. "It's almost as big as yours," she said, and then without hesitation added, "We'll take it, right cousin?"
"But the bathroom on this floor is strictly out of bounds," I insisted. "Use the one on the second floor — this one is for men only!"
"Yeah sure Uncle Bill, unless its one of your little floozies! Can't we use the steam room and the hot tub when you're not here? Pretty please?"
"There's a hot tub? A steam room? What floozies?" Gayle squawked.
"Oh, didn't your sweet Daddy mention the spa he has up here?" she asked Gayle and then led her cousin into my private sanctum.
"Ohhhhhhh Daddy, I love hot tubs. Can't I use it once in a while?"
"We'll see," I answered gruffly, but was secretly pleased that Gayle had another reason to visit. Later, I walked her up the hill to her residence, despite her protests that I needn't bother, and after she whispered 'Goodnight Daddy' and kissed me on the lips before she fled inside, I floated home, elated that my little girl was back.
... As the weeks flew by I saw the two girls often, most weeks they'd eat with me at least a couple of times and often I'd find them eating breakfast in the kitchen, having crashed upstairs after a late night on the St. Laurent strip. By mid November Gayle was spending an ever increasing time at the house and most days I'd return home to find her sitting in the second floor library, curled up on the sofa with a book in front of the fire.
"Hi honey," I told her when I returned home from class one gray November afternoon and found her studying on the sofa, "Did you have a good day?"
"Oh hi Daddy," she said as she jumped up and hugged me.
Holding her at arms length I let my eyes travel up and down her body, and than after whistling wolfishly said, "And everyone said Gayle Crowley would never be able to hack it in fashion conscious Montreal, well gentlemen, look at her now."
"Ha, ha Daddy," Gayle said blushing.
"You look beautiful sweetie, in fact gorgeous. You must have those poor McGill boys falling over themselves."
After we teased back and forth for a while, Gayle suddenly blurted out, "Can I ask you something Dad?"
"Sure honey."
"Are you by any chance sleeping with a topless dancer?"
"What! Has your blond cousin been talking to you again by any chance?"
"Well, she did say... "
"Honey, you've got to stop listening to that wicked girl," I said grinning. "She's holding a small little mistake I made last year forever against me, it was nothing... "
"That's not her story," she insisted smiling widely.
... Two days later, as we ate dinner alone for once, Isabel off somewhere else, Gayle asked, "Daddy, do you think Isabel's beautiful?"
"There's only one prettier girl in Montreal," I answered, still smart enough to pick the obvious answer.
"But do you find her sexy?"
"Well, I suppose," I said haltingly, wondering where her mysterious, teenage, female brain was trying to lead me. "Why honey?"
"Oh nothing it was just something she said. You would never sleep with her would... Oh never mind, it's crazy."
"That's your cousin," I said emphatically, and then hoping to change the subject asked, "And what about you honey? You've never told me if you have a boyfriend or God forbid," I said grimacing, "If you have a sex life."
"Daddddy!... I don't have a boyfriend," she finally added, "And no sex life to speak of."
"Well don't you and Izzy go out a lot, date? I mean you're young..."
"Yeah, we go out all the time. But its mostly a group thing, music, dancing, a little drinking. Nothing serious."
"Even Izzy?" I asked unbelieving.
"Izzy's not what she seems Dad. She's more talk than action."
Later as we sat in the library, reading quietly at opposite ends of the couch, she whispered, "I'm still a virgin Daddy."
"Good," I said, not even looking up from my book.
"GOOD! Good is all you can say when your eighteen year old, university student daughter tells you she's still a virgin," she complained as she threw her book at me.
"I didn't know what to say," I said laughing, and then pulling her to me and hugging her I added, "But I am happy."
"Why? Statistics show that a normal American girl loses her virginity at sixteen years and two months. Hell, you should be worried — I'm a freak!"
"I want you to be happy honey, but every father hates the thought of another man making love with his daughter. I just want to hold and protect you from all those wicked men that are waiting to defile you. In fact I think you should wait until you're married."
"Yeah right, like when I'm thirty-five."
"Yup, that would be perfect," I agreed.
... A week later, after I arrived home shivering on a bitterly cold day, I sped directly upstairs and after stripping, rushed into the shower, hoping to bring some life back into my frozen limbs. As the first drops were just hitting my head I heard a squeal of "Daddddddy', and turning saw my darling sitting in the hot tub, her eyes locked mesmerized on my body.
"Sorry honey," I mumbled, one hand quickly placed strategically over my cock, "I didn't know you were here. God, it was freezing outside."
"I know... That's why I came up... I didn't think you'd mind... I'll go, I'll go right now," said the embarrassed teen.
"Ah, stay where you are. I'll come back... "
"No Daddy, it's your house, don't go."
"OK, we'll share. Turn your head around while I get in."
"But Daddy!" she whispered excitedly as she half turned away.
"OK, you can look now, I'm under water."
As she sat back down across from me, our legs gently touching across the four foot diameter of the tub, she said, "I already saw it anyway, when you were in the shower," but I could see her eyes continually drift downward, searching through the water, eager to get one more glimpse.
"So, how was your day," I started, as I watched her full breasts bobbing in the water, full, ripe breasts capped by thick, hard nipples atop their mahogany colored circular bases.
"Are they OK? Do you think they're as nice as Izzy's," Gayle suddenly asked, her eyes now following mine as they raked across her chest.
"What? Your breasts?" And then seeing her nod said, "Honey, you know Mommy and I aren't the greatest friends these days don't you?" Looking confused with my change of subject, Gayle slowly nodded again, so after sliding over beside her and putting an arm around her shoulder, I went on, "Well Gayle, your Mother had the most beautiful breasts in the world, in fact your Mother's breasts were probably the number one factor in your conception," I said grinning. "And sweetie, yours are even better than your Moms."
"Really? But"
"Perfect," I insisted.
"Thanks Daddy," Gayle replied, blushing a deep red. "You know Daddy, before today, I had never seen one before I saw yours, not a real one anyway," she giggled. "Its weird just hanging there like that, it's much different than I thought,"
"Do you want to see him again?" I replied.
"Oh yes Daddy," she replied eagerly and then added, "Can I touch it?" as her fingers lightly moved across my thigh. "Oh, it's big Daddy, so big! They don't look so big in pictures," she murmured as her hand tightened around my now surging meat.
"He'd never fit, never," she hissed as her hand moved up and down. "Will it hurt me Daddy, when a man fucks me?" I stood, and as my penis came fully into view, his red head spilling well out from her tiny hand, she gasped in surprise, "It looks likes he's so angry with me Daddy, he looks so big and angry."
I had to force her insistent fingers off me, afraid I'd rain my thick seed on her innocent body and after we had sat back down she asked, "How long is it Daddy, how fat around?"
"There's only one way for a woman to really measure a man honey, the how-do-you-fill-me-up way" I said chuckling, "and you're going to have to wait for your husband before you get to measure someone that way."
"Don't tease Daddy, how many inches long is he, really?" she pled.
"Twenty-two point five centimeters honey," I said laughing, knowing her hatred of the metric system.
"Oh that's not fair! These bloody Canadians and their goddam meters and liters. You know it means nothing to me. We're Americans Daddy!"... "Oh, I know what to do," she announced grinning, as she jumped out of the tub and rushed towards her room.
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Robert grumbled quietly to himself, anxiously scribbling notes, readingtextbooks and tapping his feet, anything to distract him from constantlychecking the dingy clock mounted on the classroom wall. If he were alittle more dramatic, he'd complain that 8th period study hall was killinghim. Instead, he just whined to his neighboring students that it was puretorture. They all sympathized, of course, because they'd all arranged theirschedules so they could end the school day on a relaxing note,...
Lessons From My Fisting Stepdad- Chapter 1 I am in my Stepdad's room. My parents are divorced. I am living with my Stepdad. I turned 18 yrs old a few months ago, young and horny and very curious. My Stepdad is at work (or so I think). Being the horny k** that I am - I am snooping around my stepfather's bedroom hoping to find some porno. After going through his drawers, under the bed and not having any luck, I go to his closet. Above the rack of hanging clothes is a single shelf with folded...
I’ll always love you, grandpa! I was hiding in my bedroom, hugging my ragged stuffed bear, waiting for the storm to pass. I had considered crawling under the wooden frame, but I was no longer a child. My curvy ass and generous boobs were making it impossible to use my old hiding places and short of instantly becoming invisible, this was the end of the line for me. There was nowhere else that could be safer, except outside. But it wasn't safe for me to bolt out now. My mom was drunk again...
It all started when his dad came downstairs one evening wearing just his shorts and nothing else. Mom told him to go and put some clothes on. She’d caught him a few times like this, lolling about the house in just his shorts. She didn’t mind it when there was just the two of them in the house but she didn’t think it was right when their son Oliver was there to see it. Oliver was 18 but it still wasn’t right for him to be seeing his dad like this. “The boy doesn’t want to be looking at that,â€...
GayAs you know I have been having sex with my dad for a little over 20 years now. Most have always been a really fun time and so was this until. So let me start from the beginning.It was in the springtime and I had just turned 21 and I was just finishing up going to Business college where I getting an associate degree in business. While in school I had met a girl by the name of Lisa, her and I became good friends. Lisa and I ran around a lot after school going to parties or hanging out at the...
Bound For My Daddybylovecraft68©So Keri, did you and Mark ever hook up?"I looked over at Laurie, and tried to focus on her words. I was pretty sure I understood what she was saying, but couldn't quite get answer out. Instead, I shrugged and giggled at her. I'd been doing a lot of giggling tonight as had Laurie and Krissy. Giggling would be a normal occurrence anytime eighteen and nineteen year old girls had a sleep over, but tonight there was a lot more than usual. The fact that the bottle of...
I was typing away, answering the usual morning emails, trying to politely turn down unsolicited plot ideas that I "do not believe I can do justice to." You know the kind: "dear mr vargas I want u to rite me a story about me and my mama, like we r both left handed and ..." I was about to do the same with a rather nice request from the Edgewaters when I read closer. The happy couple were about to celebrate 25 years of married bliss. George wanted an erotic story to give his wife as the beginning...
My name is Cathy. I was the only daughter of my parents. I had one younger brother, Jim. We were a happy family. An accident that took my mother's life changed our lives. I had just turned 14 and Jim was 10. I had do do most of the housework. it really hard. Dad took to drinking. Otherwise Dad, at 37, was a very handsome, healthy, well-built, strong, hairy hunk of a man. My body started to develop rapidly about the time I turned 15. My breasts were already hitting 34 inches. Dad certainly...
Vegas.By jjcoleDad had decided to throw a birthday party for my twenty-first birthday. That made me nervous because since Mom left us Dad had become more gay. Apparently both of my parents were bisexual when they met. Her pregnancy had been a surprise and they married. To me they were ordinary Mom and Dad until I was f******n.By the time I was eighteen I had figured it out.I went away to college and Mom immediately left with her best friend. Dad had expected it.When I came home for Christmas...
This file is a work of fiction containing sexually explicit material which may include depictions of underage, nonconsensual and unprotected sex as well as incest and adultery. It is not intended to implicate any person or action by them or me, nor advocate such practices. The material is meant for "For Adults Only" and possession by a minor is strictly forbidden. If you are not legally empowered to be in possession of this material, do not read it and delete it immediately. ONLY...
I made time to talk with my real dad the other day. He was thrilled that I called him. We decided to meet at the playground, that he used to take me to when I was just a k**. I brought along a picnic basket filled with sandwiches, iced tea, sliced peaches, nectarines, oranges and bing cherries. Along with chips and brownies. I got to the park shortly before my dad did. I had spread the blanket on the ground under a huge oak tree. I had poured me a glass of tea and waited for him to show. ...
During spring break, I went to visit my father with a few of my college friends who were on their way to Cancun for Spring Break. I hadn't seen him since the fall after going away to college. I'm about medium built long beautiful raven hair and big brown eyes. My skin is on the light side and have always been a little on the heavy side. The large posterior I got from my dad's side of the family and everyone on her mother's side is top heavy, so I was blessed with a very voluptuous body. But...
Growing up without a mother is all I remember. It was just my dad and me. I don’t remember my mother walking out on him and me because I was all of two years of age at the time. Dad tried his best at being a single parent and I tried not to rattle his cage very often because he had a temper. He never beat me, but he sure did toss a few of those fatherly stares at me, the ones only fathers can dish out. If you all know that old saying, “If Looks Could Kill” then you know what I mean. Fathers...
IncestHe crafts beauty. With light and shadow, a rainbow of color, and an eye for composition, he produces art. He is a master of photography; and he’s my father.My mother died when I was twelve. I took it really hard. My twin brother, Dusty, kept a lot in. My father grieved for a long time. My mother had been his muse, his true love. Loneliness emptied his heart. But Dusty and I felt safe with him, even when life was cruel. Dad prepared us to discover ourselves like a sculptor finds a shape in...
My playroom was full of smoke and my “boy” and I were playing in the sling when the phone rang. “Shit,” I cursed. I’d just finished glazing my left arm with grease after chewing out my “son’s” hairy ass in my sling. I had so much grease on my arm that the sleeve tattoo I’d been working on for weeks was almost invisible. His asshole was winking at me- my fucking cigar drool was leaking out of his hole.I plunked my thumb up his ass. I handed him my cigar. He reached down, and grabbed my cock in...
My playroom was full of smoke and my “boy” and I were playing in the sling when the phone rang. “Shit,” I cursed. I’d just finished glazing my left arm with grease after chewing out my “son’s” hairy ass in my sling. I had so much grease on my arm that the sleeve tattoo I’d been working on for weeks was almost invisible. His asshole was winking at me- my fucking cigar drool was leaking out of his hole.I plunked my thumb up his ass. I handed him my cigar. He reached down, and grabbed my...
Disclaimer: this story contains sexual relations between a grown father and his 5 year old sn. If this is not your thing please stop reading now. Would love hearing what you think, please send comments to [email protected] Father and Son part I One of my absolute favourite things in the world is going to the forest with my dad to pick mushrooms. We have been doing this together for as long as I can remember, its a thing that only the two of us do together without any involvement from my...
*BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* I rolled over and reached for my phone so I can shut off my alarm. "Thank god it's Friday" I thought to myself as I laid back on the bed. Unable to even open my eyes yet I rolled over on my husband's chest being cautious not to let myself fall back asleep. Just in case though, I always have 3 alarms set on my phone... Yeah... I'm not a morning person. My husband Neil wrapped his arm around me and pulled me tighter against him as he kissed my forehead. "One more day"...
Incest______________________________________________________________________________________________ Daughter and Dad His daughter Anita was all Jim had left of a 20 year marriage that ended abruptly when his wife walked out and was never returned again. She had disappeared when Anita was 12. The memories of her mother were fading from Anita’s memories. Jim had been devastated. His life had become eat, sleep, and work. Although he managed to take care of his daughter’s basic needs, he wasn’t much...
This story started about 2 years ago just a week before my birthday. I had caught Tommy and his girlfriend screwing and had got excited watching them without them knowing it. Of course I knew about sex but realy didn't know why I got wet from watching them. I also knew dad had movies he thought he had hid in the back of his closet. I started sneaking them out of his closet and watching them on my game system in my room while turning the music up so only I could hear the on screen action. This...
His daughter Anita was all Jim had left of a 20 year marriage that ended abruptly when his wife walked out and was never returned again. She had disappeared when Anita was 12. The memories of her mother were fading from Anita’s memories. Jim had been devastated. His life had become eat, sleep, and work. Although he managed to take care of his daughter’s basic needs, he wasn’t much of a father for the first 4 years, resulting in Anita almost bringing herself up. Now that she was 18 (almost 19),...
His daughter Anita was all Jim had left of a 20 year marriage that ended abruptly when his wife walked out and was never returned again. She had disappeared when Anita was 12. The memories of her mother were fading from Anita’s memories. Jim had been devastated. His life had become eat, sleep, and work. Although he managed to take care of his daughter’s basic needs, he wasn’t much of a father for the first 4 years, resulting in Anita almost bringing herself up. Now that she was 18 (almost 19),...
Zachary South lived with his father, in a nice house on an a small family farm, out a ways from town. Zack didn’t remember his mother, she’d disappeared long long ago, when he was just two or three. Stupid bitch, from what little his father had ever told him about her. They were better off without her. He got along well with his father, except for a few years when he was thirteen or so, but now that he was sixteen, everything seemed to be fine. Zack felt sorry for his father at times, the guy...
My daughter, Katie, are telling this story together. It was late June and my wife was away visiting friends for the week leading up to the 4th of July. I was home alone with my 14 year old daughter. Most of her friends were away at various camps or on family trips. Katie had been to both her summer camps for Volleyball and Cheer. She was sufficiently bored with just hanging around the house, so I started to provide activity options for her each day. She would have to pick one....
The Night I Shared my Dad part2The three of us sat all cuddled up on the couch in our living room. As I laid against my dad his arm wrapped around me I thought of what just had happened. Especially of what Lisa had done, her and I had only kissed and played with our tittys but she had fingered my pussy tonight. It had felt so good to orgasm on her fingers and the feelings that ran thru me as we had passionately kissed like never before. At the time I wasn't for sure whether it was feelings...
It was Saturday night and I came home quite late. I dropped my handbag on the couch in the living room and by the time I entered in the kitchen I took off my heels, too. I had a glass of water and headed to my parent’s bedroom. I was horny, and in the club I couldn’t find a nice guy to fuck me in my car so that’s why I went to my parent’s room. The door of my parent’s bedroom wasn’t closed and I entered in the room. I went near the bed. My mom was lying on the left side of the bed and Dad was...
IncestA Surprise for Dad Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I didn't bother to sneak out of the house when I left, I simply walked out to my car, got in, and drove away. After so many years of practice I was really good at becoming a girl, and never really worried about being found out any more. I was wearing the wrap skirt, the plaid one with a white pullover top when I went directly to the drugstore, picked up more eye shadow and foundation, plus more nails, then drove to the mall....
Prologue I was typing away, answering the usual morning emails, trying to politely turn down unsolicited plot ideas that I "do not believe I can do justice to." You know the kind: "dear mr vargas I want u to rite me a story about me and my mama, like we r both left handed and..." I was about to do the same with a rather nice request from the Edgewaters when I read closer. The happy couple were about to celebrate 25 years of married bliss. George wanted an erotic story to give his wife...
100% fiction! Mom had lost her battle with breast cancer five years earlier. Dad was still experiencing grief and seemed to be having difficulty adjusting to life as a widower. After all, they had been happily married for 25 years, having met as teenagers. Essentially their adult life together was the only one that either of them had ever known. Watching dad struggle emotionally through the months and years following mom’s passing was heartbreaking. Dad remained in my parents’ home out in the...
IncestThat night I couldn’t sleep, as I was so worried about my test which was next day. I looked at the clock and it told me 1:00 a.m. I felt a little hungry, so I thought to grab some fruit or maybe some left overs of the dinner. I had no idea that this night was going to change my life. While going to the kitchen, I crossed by my mom and step-dad’s bedroom. I heard those noises again, I was used to hear these moans and noises most of the time when ever I got up in the middle of the night to pee or...
IncestHi indian sex stories dot net friends I am karan from delhi I am 20 years old. I am new to this site, so sorry for my mistake if any . so coming to the story ye story mere mom and dad ke hai this is 100 percent true hai mere ghar me mom and dad or mai akela un ke sath rehtea hu mere mom ka size 36 30 36 hai wow hamesa ghar per rehte hai housewife hai mere papa ke shop hai ye baat aaj se 4years purani hai mere mom salwar kameej or jeans top be pehnete hai size ka un ke bra panty dekh kar chala...
IncestHi friends, I am back with a real incident that happened between my dad and my mom’s friend. We are a family of three from South India. My dad is an active handsome person in his early 60s. He is retired and is enjoying his retired life. My mom is a freelancer giving guidance for start-up companies. My mom is 10 years younger than my dad. She used to have many clients approaching her to start up ideas. One such client was Shobana. Shobana approached my mom for a business idea and soon she...
Sara let those works hang for a bit before saying, "Fuck that and you know it. The boys that like me are all little dicked losers from this little fucked up Podunk town. And oh yeah, I don't have any colleges beating down my door because of my grades, I'm not exactly Dolly Parton and I won't win any beauty contests anytime soon. And hey, I get depressed too. And yeah, I smoke which most people hate but it helps me get through my depression sometimes. And you'd better rethink your...
My plane just landed in Rio the Janero, Brazil which marked the start of my summer vacation with my dad. My dad and mom met when my dad came to Boston, from Brazil, on an exchange program for his final year of high school, they were both in the same class and the co-ed soccer team. I was the result of that brief reunion and since then I've been shuttled back and forth. I spent every summer, a week either at Christmas or the following week, it alternated, and usually two weeks during the...
But the pain pills made up for that, after the bone was set and my arm put in a cast. Thankfully I didn't have to worry about school, but for at least a couple weeks, my activities would be limited. I know a lot of kids my age would have been happy to have an excuse to stay inside, reading comics and watching TV, or to spend all day on the computer, but that just wasn't me. I liked those things, but only sparingly. I'd rather be outside running and playing. I guess that's why I'm in...
By : Demongay I am an Indian living in Mumbai but I travel a lot. Any Indian girls or adventurous Indian aunties anywhere in India who wish to have anonymous, no strings attached relation are free to contact me on Confidentiality is expected and will be provided. Now for the story based on a true incident. Laxmi sat on her dad’s lap. Her head was on his shoulder and she was crying. At 18 and a first year BA student in Ramabai college, she’d had a series of disasters in her love life and her...
Incest'm not out to make a distinction here. I enjoyed what I did and that's enough.Of course, titillating circumstances contributed much to my sexual development. It punctuated my life with honest pride, in which later, I found myself absorbed. Yet, five fabulous years of reckless wallowing in the mud can make even a pig like me feel bloated, full.What else can a number of men offer but his cock? Whether rigid, stout, massive or long, it remains their first instrument of choice for instant...
Copyright© 2006 Sexybeast Kelli tossed her bag down on the floor just inside the door, even though her mother was always telling her not to. Kelli didn't listen to her mother much these days. It seemed anytime they tried to sit down and have a conversation it turned into an argument and Kelli wound up storming off. At sixteen, Kelli thought she knew everything and her mother's lectures just got on her nerves. She also kicked off her sneakers as she didn't want to track mud through the house...
We were 13 and 14 when our parents called us into the f****y room. They were wearing only robes. We were told to strip naked and stand in front of them. When we did this they both began to rub our bodies. Mom was rubbing Tim and dad rubbed me. They started with our backs and rubbed down to our asses. At the ass, they gripped our ass cheeks and squeezed them for quite some time. It really felt good. They then spread our asses and looked at our assholes and rubbed a finger aroung the bud. This...
We were 13 and 14 when our parents called us into the family room. They were wearing only robes. We were told to strip naked and stand in front of them. When we did this they both began to rub our bodies. Mom was rubbing Tim and dad rubbed me. They started with our backs and rubbed down to our asses. At the ass, they gripped our ass cheeks and squeezed them for quite some time. It really felt good. They then spread our asses and looked at our assholes and rubbed a finger aroung the bud. This...
A month or two had passed since my chance encounter with Dad at the motel. He never mentioned the episode again and shied away from every attempt of mine to broach the subject. It had created a tension between us which badly needed breaking for both of our sakes -after all, we were the only family we had left. The opportunity came when I had to look out my graduation certificates when I was applying for a job. “They’re in the den” said Dad “Look in the desk...
I remember it everyone talking about 'Jacking off' when i was just in the7th grade in middle school. The older boys in the 8th grade would talk abouthow it 'felt so good' when 'the white stuff came out'. I had always beencurious with this sensation that they were talking about. I remember i hadtried it for days but got no luck in feeling any sort of sensation. Myfriend Pete had told me that 'all the real men did it, probably even ourdads,' I remember being disgusted when he had mentioned this....
Introduction: Saras Dad has always been protective of her, till he falls in love with her. I believe in freedom of speech that means I say or write what I want. Why I write is just for the enjoyable of it. What I write is fiction. Its not real, the characters on real, the real age started less than a few months ago. There still just characters in a story. Ill certainly Im not the most hard-core author here. But I still would not recommend any of my writings for persons under eighteen. Actions...
he day started just like any normal day in my parent's home, but by the time evening came around, it suddenly felt like being stuck in a dream.My name is Jessie, and I'm twenty-three years old. I'm 5'8" and I have an ample set of jutting breasts and a well proportioned ass. My hair is the same as my Mom's – red, though wavy. Much of my character I inherited from Dad's Irish side, while my physical qualities I got from Mom. This story that I'm about revealing to you is stuff I've had hidden...
A few years ago a man in my hometown was sentenced to several years in jail for unlawful intercourse with his underage daughter. Her name was never made public but I had sources in the police department who provided her contact info. By now she was 19 and I wanted to interview her about what happened. I contacted her and after a lot of discourse back and forth she agreed to be interviewed, mainly because she thought her dad had gotten a bum deal and wanted to set the record straight. Here is...
My hand reaches out touching her breasts her hard nipples are under my thumbs; her back is arched pressing her breasts firmly into my hands. Moans of pure bliss feel my ears. My eyes are locked into her gaze, her green eyes sparkle with love and excitement. Her red hair is blown softly about by the summer’s breeze. She is setting on my lap with my harden cock fully within her; she grinds her hips and raises and then slowly drops, it won’t be long before she is having another orgasm. I love...
It was April 11, exactly two days after I turned 18. I had only about six weeks left in high school, and was staying with Dad on a lazy, sunny Saturday. The day was unusually warm, allowing me to get a head start on my summer tan. Dad had been mowing his lawn, and I watched him while I sunned and listened to my iPod. He was wearing gym shorts and a loose tank top, and I remember vaguely thinking that my 41-year-old father was aging well. He ate sensibly, and left for work early three days a...
My name is Emily and I am twenty years old. I was home from college and I was to spend a weekend with my dad. My parents divorced a couple of years ago and I normally stay with my mother when I am home from school. This was my weekend to be with my father. My dad greeted me with a hug and he took my bags to the spare bedroom. We ate some dinner that evening and talked some before my dad turned in for the night.I normally stay up late and I went to use the bathroom before heading to bed when I...
I was 18 and lived with my Mom in a small southern city. My parents had been divorced several years so, it was just my Mom who took care of me and my siblings. She wouldn't let us see him. We talked by phone a couple of times a year and he sent us gifts at Christmas and Birthdays.But, the divorce had been brutal and they didn't want to live anywhere near each other. My dad had taken this to an extreme as he moved to the Midwest when I was ten. Dad always seemed lonely when I talked with him,...
June 17, 2000, Chicago, Illinois Mid-afternoon on Saturday, Jesse, Albert, Nicholas, and I headed for Great Lakes for the ceremony the Navy men had arranged for my dad. Patrick was flying him and Matthew to Waukegan National Airport, and the Navy would pick them up and bring them to the base. Eduardo was bringing Michael to meet us as well, and a few other non-Navy guys would be in attendance with their kids. We arrived at RTC, showed our pass, and followed the directions given us by the...
I was just 10 years old when I was introduced to sex by my uncle. He was my first lover and remains to this day an occasional sex partner. He pulled me and my brother into the bathroom one day while visiting him. My Mom and Dad had no idea this had occured, but later you will see, it played into the whole scene. My brother Paul, (not his real name,) was like me, very well developed even for young boys of 10 and 7. We both were curious, as boys were at that age, and occasionally checked each...
All characters and terms including boy and lad refer to people age 18 and overThere we were, me and Stephen both naked, sitting on the bed wanking each other’s dicks when his Dad opened the door. We were both dead embarrassed, me and my mate – my mate more than me. The second my mate’s Dad realised what he was looking at, he shut the door and went downstairs. My mate was sitting on the bed with the duvet wrapped around him. He was mortified that his Dad had just caught us wanking each other...