My First Sexual Intercourse
- 2 years ago
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"Trey is such a BASTARD!" my daughter Amanda cried through cascading tears. Her slender shoulders were heaving, her breath catching pitifully between sobs. I did my best to comfort her with an empathetic hug. She buried her face against my shoulder, wiping tears on my cotton shirt.
"Dammit, Barb!" I thought silently to myself, "I need you NOW more than EVER!"
My wife, Barb, passed away last April. I've been trying for ten months to handle the role of mother and father, all rolled into one. And frankly, I've been failing miserably.
Amanda and I have each been through months of intensive therapy, trying to learn to cope with our loss. Amanda's even been on anti-depressants. She feels responsible for her mother's death. Barb died while texting and driving. Amanda was the recipient of Barb's last few texts before the fatal accident.
"You're right, Amanda – Trey's a prick," I agreed. I had never liked her boyfriend of the past two years, but try telling that to a starry-eyed teenager. Now Trey had finally done me the favor of being the one to end their relationship.
"It's like – it's like he NEVER loved me!" Amanda sobbed, her shoulders heaving once again.
"Sweetheart, you're a WONDERFUL young woman. You're smart, you're funny, and you're beautiful. He doesn't deserve you."
Amanda looked up into my eyes, tears still streaming down her face. "You – you really think so?" she asked. I could tell that she genuinely had doubts.
"Sweetie, it's not just my fatherly duty to tell you that. I've never lied to you, and I never will. I truly believe every word."
"Oh, DAD," she said, her voice cracking. She began crying even harder, and hugged me even closer. "But – but – there's something I haven't told you. I haven't said WHY Trey broke up with me."
"Whatever it is, he's a jerk. But – and here I'll again be truthful – I'm GLAD he broke up with you. I know it hurts you, and I'm sorry for your pain, but you're better off without him."
"But Trey's been such a good friend – especially since Mom died. I don't know how I would have made it this far without him."
She had a good point there, one I wasn't about to try to rebut. "Sweetie, I'm glad he's helped you. I just think you're ready to move on. He was there for a season, but a new season is about to begin."
Her eyes held mine, her expression veiled. Her sobs had diminished to sniffles.
"But, Dad, there's more that I haven't told you. Trey wasn't just my friend – he was my lover."
"Shit!" I thought to myself, "I NEED you, Barb!" Talking about losing her virginity was something any 18-year-old girl should be able to discuss with her mother. As a man – and more specifically as a dad – my job was to protect her, and I'd obviously failed.
"Well, honey," I asked, "how long ago did this happen?"
"Last Saturday night..."
"Oh, my god!" I gasped, unable to stifle my reaction.
Amanda burst into tears again. I hugged her closer and let her cry.
When she had settled down somewhat, I asked, "So you and Trey had never had sex in your first two years – and then, three days after you gave into him, he dumped you? On Valentine's Day, no less?"
Amanda tried to respond, but couldn't get any words to come out of her mouth. She simply nodded silently, tears flowing freely.
I was ready to go find Trey and punch his lights out. He truly was a bastard.
Her sniffles began to subside again. "Daddy, I thought he loved me. That's the only reason I gave in. We've been together so long, since the beginning of tenth grade. I never dreamed he was only after one thing. I thought he would have given up a long time ago if he only wanted to get into my panties."
I was somewhat taken aback, both by Amanda's wisdom and her bluntness. Her rationale was flawless – it showed the maturity of a thoughtful young woman, no longer a child, and that realization stunned me. Her use of somewhat crass imagery was likewise a shock to my system – visualizing a man "getting into her panties" was at odds with my long-held sense of her being my little girl.
"He's a total imbecile!" I declared truthfully. I hugged her tighter and kissed her head. "Look, sweetheart, let me fix us something quick to eat, and we can sit on the couch and talk, if that's what you want. Or we can watch a video, or play a game, or whatever you want."
"Thanks, Daddy," she replied, "that sounds great. But you should be going out. After all, it's Valentine's Day. You should be out with somebody special."
"You know better than that," I responded. I fell silent, thinking of Barb.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" Amanda inquired.
"Maybe. But let's talk about you and Trey first. That's more immediate. My recovery from losing your Mom is more long-term."
"Okay, I understand, Dad," she answered. "Let me go get a shower and get ready for bed while you're fixing dinner. If we watch a show, I might fall asleep."
"You're too big for me to carry you up to your bed, young lady," I teased.
"I can sleep on the couch, just not in my street clothes," came her retort.
While she went upstairs, I got busy cooking in the kitchen. I'm no chef, and my repertoire is limited. That's another area where Barb was pulling more than her fair share of the weight before the accident.
I settled on a pre-packaged combo for taco salad, where all I had to do was brown some hamburger meat, stir in a few ingredients, and open a separate container of already-sliced greens and tomatoes.
After the food was ready, I flipped through our DVD collection as I waited for Amanda to return downstairs. I started to look for a "chick flick." Both Amanda and I enjoy a good romantic comedy. That's one way that Amanda takes after her dad rather than her mom. Barb always called such movies "predictable mindless drivel."
I decided that a romantic comedy would be too light-hearted, given the situation. Trey's breakup with Amanda was not a laughing matter. She was hurting from a lack of love. I wanted her to be comforted by a more serious depiction of lifetime love.
I nearly went for "The Notebook" – one of my all-time favorites – but decided that it would be too heavy for ME on this first Valentine's Day after losing Barb. Spouses are supposed to grow old together, as in that movie, and we hadn't been given that opportunity.
That thought caused me to choose "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button." There, the characters played by Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett didn't grow old together. He started out old and grew younger, while she started out young and grew older. Despite their difference in ages all except the middle years of their lives, they maintained a lifetime love.
"Hey, Dad, what'd you pick?" Amanda asked, breaking into my silent musings.
I turned and saw her approaching. Her hair was still wet from her shower. I was struck by the fact that she looked like she might get cold. Rather than her winter flannel pajamas, she wore a light cotton oversized T-shirt. It went halfway down her thigh. Her legs below that point were bare. Across the front, the T-shirt was inscribed with "I [HEART] INTERCOURSE PA" – the [HEART] being a red heart shape, common to various and sundry T-shirt emblems.
Despite its provocative logo, the T-shirt had been acquired in one of the most conservative and old-fashioned locations in North America: Pennsylvania Dutch country in Lancaster County – home of one of the largest Amish farming communities in the United States.
The Amish are by and large very upright, very religious, very family-oriented people who try to maintain the traditions of the late 1800's. They avoid motorized vehicles and electricity, opting for horses and buggies and manual labor. They will not allow themselves to be photographed, as that breaks one of the Ten Commandments ("thou shalt have no graven images"). They come together as a community to help one another for activities like home-building and barn-raising.
The shop where Amanda acquired her T-shirt was in Kitchen Kettle Village, in the small village of Intercourse, Pennsylvania, right in the heart of Amish country. The town was named by some naïve settlers a couple of hundred years ago, when "intercourse" referred simply to conversation.
The shop owners in Kitchen Kettle Village were neither naïve nor Amish. They recognized a way to leverage the town name and make a quick buck.
Amanda had first seen such a shirt when she was sixteen, during one of our annual October visits to the region. Barb had quickly squelched Amanda's enthusiasm. "I don't want everyone thinking you're a slut, Amanda," she had chided.
After losing Barb this past April, I had decided to keep the Pennsylvania Dutch trip tradition in October. Amanda and I drove to the area, taking a ride on the Strasburg Railroad and eating at the Plain & Fancy Farm family style restaurant. We then walked around the shops and galleries of Kitchen Kettle Village.
When Amanda saw a rack of the "I [HEART] INTERCOURSE PA" T-shirts again, she looked up at me. "PLEASE, Dad, can I get one? I promise, my friends all know I'm not a slut. They'll just get a good laugh out of it."
"I'm not sure, sweetheart," I said. "It also kinda reflects on me. I mean, if they don't know that the 'PA' stands for 'Pennsylvania' rather than 'Dad, ' they might think it's an endorsement of incest with your father."
Amanda had blushed and grinned at the same time. "Come on, Dad, they know I've been dating Trey for a couple of years. I don't think they'll think the shirt really means I'm a glutton for having sex. And if they did, they'd think it was with Trey, not with you."
As with nearly everything, I caved in when it came to this request from my little girl. It had always been somewhat that way, but it had gotten worse since we lost Barb.
That was in October. Now, here on Valentine's Day, Amanda saw me staring at her T-shirt. Interrupting my thoughts, she said, "You still don't like it, do you?"
I walked to the gas fireplace and turned on the gas switch, lighting the fire. "It's not that," I answered, "I'm just worried you might get cold. Actually, I think the [HEART] is a nice touch on Valentine's Day."
"Glad you like it," she smiled. She seemed to blush and grin just as she had on the day of its purchase.
I turned and put the DVD into the DVD player on the oversized mantel above the fireplace. "Um, I was thinking about 'Benjamin Button' – what do you think, Amanda?"
"Sounds great, Dad – can we eat while we watch?"
"Sure, sweetie. And we can talk some more after the movie's done."
We both filled plates with taco salad and brought them to the family room, placing them on the coffee table. I went back to the kitchen to get our drinks. "Is Dr. Pepper okay?"
"Um, Dad, I was wondering – could we have some wine?"
I was momentarily surprised. I rarely drink, and I had never shared alcoholic beverages with my daughter.
"Why do you ask, sweetheart?" I queried.
"Dad, I think I need something to calm my nerves. It's been a very hard day, with the breakup and all – maybe the hardest since the day Mom died."
"I understand, baby. I'm sorry it's been so hard. I'll pour us some wine," I conceded, once again caving in to my little girl, "but just one glass. I don't want you getting tipsy."
"Thanks, Dad. It means a lot to me that you're starting to treat me like a grown-up."
Those words warmed my heart. I had felt like such a miserable failure in dealing with Barb's death, in being both father and mother, in protecting my little girl from a prick like Trey. "One of the hardest parts of parenting is letting go," I answered, "and allowing you to make your own mistakes, rather than living with mine."
Amanda virtually ran from her place on the couch to the kitchen. She hugged me, tears in her eyes, and said, "Thanks, Dad. I really do love you."
My eyes misted a little. "I love you, too, my precious sweetheart." After a brief embrace, I broke the tension. "Help me carry these wine glasses to the coffee table, sweetie," I requested.
We sat and ate and drank our wine and watched the movie. Amanda sat on the far end of the sofa from me. She curled up her legs on the couch, pointing them in my direction. I expected her to place an afghan over her legs and torso, but they remained uncovered.
"Warm enough?" I asked.
"Yeah, Dad – the fireplace is making it cozy in here. And the wine's warming me up, too."
She returned to watching the movie. I continued watching her for a moment. It was good to see a smile on her face. The movie was just to the part where Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett were of a similar age and able to publicly share their affection.
Amanda's hair was beginning to dry, returning to its natural dishwater blonde color from the darkness of being wet. Her T-shirt was beginning to pull further up her thighs from stretching her legs. The angle of her legs gave me a clear view of the crotch of her white cotton panties beneath the T-shirt. I felt a stirring in my groin. "Oh, my god," I thought, turning back to the TV in embarrassment.
We watched the remainder of the movie without further adieu. When it was over, I popped the DVD out and placed it back in its case.
"Let's talk," Amanda said, patting the cushion beside her as an instruction to sit beside her. She had put her feet back on the floor.
"Sure, sweetie," I replied.
When I sat in the indicated spot, Amanda leaned her head against her shoulder. "I do love you, Daddy," she said.
"You're my precious, precious girl," I told her truthfully, "I've always loved you and always will."
"I know, Daddy. I can see how you love me by the way you always put me first. That's how I know Trey didn't really love me."
"How so?" I asked, "I mean besides the obvious fact that he broke up with you on Valentine's Day?"
"He never put me first, Dad. He always wanted for things to be HIS way. When we went to movies, it was the ones HE wanted. When we went out to eat, it was at the restaurant HE chose. Lots of things. Even when we had sex..."
"I'm not sure I'm ready to hear this, sweetheart," I replied.
"But it's TRUE, Daddy! He hurt me when he broke my hymen, and he didn't care. He kept on thrusting and grunting and didn't pay attention when I asked him to stop..."
"Shit! I DON'T want to HEAR this!" I thought. Outwardly, though, I simply nodded in concern.
"And when he had his orgasm inside me, he just rolled off me and got dressed. He didn't even snuggle or kiss me. He certainly didn't help ME to have an orgasm. He barely SAID anything – he just LEFT!" She burst into tears.
"Oh, baby, I'm SO sorry!" I said, truly hurting for her. I wrapped my arm around her tighter.
When she had finished crying, she looked up at me. "And how about YOU, Daddy? What's YOU'RE sad love story? I mean, since after Mom died."
"That's just IT, baby. There's been nobody since Mom died. It hurt too bad for a long while. I just wasn't interested. Now, I just want to focus on getting you through your last year of high school, on to your next phase of life."
"Phases of life..." Amanda mused. "Seeing that movie really got me to thinking..."
"About what?" I asked.
"Well, you know how at the beginning of the movie, Benjamin Button was an old man and aged backward over time? And the Cate Blanchett character started off as a little girl and aged forward over time?"
"Well, the whole point of the movie was that you could love somebody who was the wrong age for you, but you love them nonetheless."
"And when he was an old man and she was a little girl – well, in today's world, he would be considered a pedophile if he acted like that..."
"So you think the movie was endorsing pedophilia?" I asked dubiously.
"Not exactly. Just that he was like a grandfather to her, but he was in love with her. He had to wait until she was old enough and he was young enough to make it okay for them to get together."
"And your point is?"
She reached out and put her hand in mine. "Just that two people of vastly different ages can love each other deeply, have a platonic relationship for years, and then when the time is right, they can – get together."
I wasn't quite sure where this was going. I leaned over, still a bit confused, and kissed her on the head. She turned her face up toward mine and kissed me – on the lips. It was a tender, feathery kiss, but on the lips.
Unlike some families, mine was one where parent and child never gave kisses on the lips. We showed lots of affection with tender pats, with emotional hugs, with kisses on the cheeks – but never with a kiss on the lips.
I was momentarily dazed. Her lips were warm, her hair smelled fresh as flowers from her shower and shampoo. My nostrils were filled with the scent of her freshly washed hair and freshly scrubbed skin.
"My god!" I thought, "What am I DOING?" I quickly broke the kiss.
But I wanted more. She looked searchingly into my eyes, gauging my reaction. Had she intended it as anything more than a chaste kiss of affection? Had she wanted something more? Was she fearful of rejection?
I think she could see the confusion on my face. "Daddy, let me be clearer with you. You are the one person on the face of the earth that I know beyond a shadow of a doubt loves me. I just had sex for the first time – with someone who DOESN'T love me – and it was the worst experience of my life, next to losing my mother. I've just been dumped – on VALENTINE'S DAY!"
"Uh-huh," I replied dazedly, the light beginning to dawn.
"And you – you haven't been with a woman for ten months," she stated in matter-of-fact fashion. "You have to be all bottled up inside, so to speak."
"I wouldn't use MY needs to take advantage of you at a vulnerable time, if that's what you're suggesting," I said honestly.
"I know, Daddy – I absolutely KNOW! You'd never use me like Trey did. I know you really, REALLY love me. So as I was watching the movie, I realized that – that you're my Brad Pitt and I'm your Cate Blanchett. And that the time is right for us to – get together."
"I don't know, sweetie," I said, being intentionally equivocal rather than bluntly refusing, so as not to damage her already fragile self-esteem. "If we were to 'get together, ' as you say, most people would think I'm a total pervert. They might even try to throw me in jail."
"I'm not 'most people' – I know you're no pervert. You're the most loving, caring person I know. And they couldn't throw you in jail – I'm not underage."
She was serious. I could read it in her big, beautiful blue eyes. I'd always thought those eyes were her best feature. Now, I could see a sense of fierce determination in them.
She leaned in for another kiss. Her lips were SO inviting – so soft, gently pressing against mine, then nibbling my lower lip.
In retrospect, I don't know what I was thinking. I opened my mouth and pressed my tongue against her lips. Immediately, she opened her mouth in response. Her tongue flicked against mine, dancing a primal love dance. Her hand moved up from mine to caress my face.
In a few moments, she broke the kiss and leaned back to smile at me. "Daddy, I love you," she said, "and I want to make love with you."
To my surprise, I sprung a massive boner on the spot. She saw me flinch and looked down at my crotch.
She smiled more broadly and said, "And I can see that the idea doesn't totally disgust you." She reached down and grasped my cock through my trousers.
After ten months without lovemaking, her touch nearly made me cum right then and there. I had to force myself to concentrate, to think things through, to not let things spin out of control.
"Amanda," I said, "I love you dearly. You know that. I'd give my life for you. But I don't know that I can live with myself if I have sex with you."
"It won't be 'having sex, ' Daddy – that's the mistake I made with Trey. It will be 'making love.' And I'm looking forward to your unselfishness with me in every OTHER way getting translated into the BEDROOM."
"Oh, brother!" I thought, "what kind of mess have I gotten myself into?" My resistance was weakening. I truly did love her. And, when I thought about it honestly, I truly did want to make love to her.
She sensed my hesitation. Her grip tightened around my cock, and she began gently stroking me through the fabric. "Careful, sweetie," I said, "you don't want to make me spurt in my pants."
She smiled. "No, I'd rather have you spurt inside ME, Daddy," she purred.
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"Not a problem," she countered, "we don't need any. I'm on the pill."
"But HOW? Don't you need a prescription? I don't remember consenting to that..."
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Twigs and dry leaves crunched underfoot as Glen wandered the trail, his thoughts turned inward. The warmth that permeated the sun-dappled wood prompted him to absently remove his jacket, and the action brought him out of his internal dialogue just long enough to notice something on the breeze.Taking a deep breath, he filled his lungs with the scent of moist earth and honeysuckle. The flowers wouldn’t bloom for months anywhere else, but here they opened their petals even before the last frost....
SupernaturalHeart of Darkness by Arcie Emm The child awoke to the silken glory of norm, in a room larger than a Duke's dining room. But the child did not arise, for it was not yet time, instead the child continued to lie under silken and satin coverings upon a mattress of swan down, a mattress upon which even the largest man would be dwarfed, little alone a child. Awake, but abed, the child could only pass time in the same way as every morning, by studying the intricate painting upon the bottom...
The blue-breasted mother stood over her warm fledglings with contentedness, and perhaps even pride. Her babies yipped, and the sun shone. The forecast called for a cloudless, eighty-seven degree atmosphere throughout the day. Inside, bathing, Denise watched through the bathroom window, the version of reality she witnessed, a polar opposite. The robin family huddled to preserve their warmth. The mother and father froze at a sacrifice for the cuddling newborns. The wind blew a branch from their...
Chris yawned and moved to the next section of shelving. A big truck had made for a long night, leaving him and the rest of the night stock crew facing up the store after opening. “Never ending, man,” his friend Alan grumbled from the other side of the aisle. “Feels like it.” “At least the scenery ain’t bad.” After turning around to see where Alan was looking, Chris followed his gaze to see Amy – one of the cashiers – working her register. She was hot, but she was also married to a trucker who...
The men grabbed Colin roughly by the arms and drug him to his feet. Pain shot through his back and legs and he subdued a cry of rage and agony, refusing to give the English brutes the privilege of knowing his state of torture. They drug him across the rough floor, jagged edges of stone biting at him, tossing him to the floor of his darkened cell. He grunted as his knees hit the hard, bloodstained, and mucky floor. He could feel them grabbing his right arm, stretching it out and putting his hand...
"Tell Mrs. Green," Wayne told his daughter the next day after lunch, "that school is back in session. She can't have Wednesday and Saturday. Why don't you two just agree on Saturdays, anyway? It's better for school. Or some Fridays?" "Well, she can get permanent second shift; but she can't get permanent choice of days." Besides, Fridays and Saturdays were date nights. But Mrs. Green had agreed to a limit of one day a week -- way back in the fall. "I don't want to seem selfish; I...
Muemen opened his eyes and lay enjoying the familiar and constant roll of the sea. The hazy gray light of early dawn seeped into his dark cabin through the cracks and edges of the door and thin brown curtains of the lone, paneless window. He rolled from his hammock and stretched his stiff muscles, scrounged through his bare pantry for a quick breakfast of blue tubers and a few sardines, and sat himself at his small table before the window. He peeked outside as he ate, the sun had not yet broken...
Beneath me I could feel her. Her breath such a silk as it caressed my neck, the tender kisses falling from our lips to meet each other’s bodies, our necks. She paid close attention to there, just gently letting her kisses touch against my skin and running them up and down my neck. Then she turned her attention up to my face, the kisses, so sweet, connecting with my cheek and meeting my lips in the softest of ways felt like a bliss that shouldn’t ever end. Our lips parted and she entered me with...
It was not too far from the middle of nowhere. I stood beside the rented truck, arms folded protectively against the wind, eyes searching the landscape for any sign of life. North, south, nothing but pale, dead fields. East, west, only a slim gray road. Both views for as far as the eye could see. ‘Well, Sanvalle is about ten miles west.’ I turned quickly to face the only other soul on this desolate patch of land, and the only person I’d spoken to in over eight hours. ‘Straight down this road,’...
It's pretty gimmicky sounding, you conclude as you step into the store, immediately bomboarded by an onslaught of business talk, high tech mumbo jumbo, and an almost too good looking saleswoman with words emitting from her mouth like shots off a sling. And yeah, that's true. It is pretty sketchy--the idea, at least. (and they could go with friendlier sales associates...) But being one of a select few to have received an exclusive offer to test one of these babies out for the low low price of...
DRAGONHEARTINTRODUCTIONBY IKEMANUnlike many of my stories, this is a stand-alone, single, long chapter story. This is a fantasy story with sex but has large portions that is story-telling. I would appreciate not having it rated negatively simply because of the amount of sex having given this warning ahead of the story. I do hope you will enjoy it as a story, though.This story takes place in a mythical time and place. Mankind is the same as mankind seems to have always been. Mythology, beliefs,...
I am working on deleting all of you from my friends list with the exception of a few. If you get deleted please do not worry. Just read this and you will know what to do to become my friend and stay my friend.Friendships develop over time and they must be maintained. In order to become my friend you will need some time. At first I added anyone if they had some sort of comment. Also at first no matter what you wrote to me you always got a reply. This will also not be happening anymore. I...
Redenhart The music throbbed around them. Ray was in a daze. The heavy bass had numbed his senses and unconsciously he moved through the crowd, more a part of the aimless crowd than his own self. Was it the alcohol that had killed his senses or was it the atmosphere of the nightclub. She moved behind like an animal stalking its prey. She knew what she wanted and how to get it. She closed behind Ray weaving her magic; even so nothing about this encounter would be memorable to the...
Blackheart by captv8td [email protected] 1 – BedeviledShe leaned out over the edge of the ship and drank in the salt air as the breeze tousled her hair. Her jet black mane flowed and ebbed with the air currents and stray tendrils of her hair whipped at her face. She took in a deep breath. It had been a long day.The Bedeviled was at anchor now. She and her officers had seen to the securing of the ship for the night. Now the duty watch was doing what duty watches do and the rest...
Categories: MC, FF+, modification, reluctant.????????? ****????????? Note_1: The below story contains adult material. Do not continue reading if you are under age 18 or are offended by such material, this is a pure fantasy. All the other characters are pure fiction.Note_2: the story is based on Unseen_Unread picture story that can be found here.Note_3: Darkheart, shockwave and Lady Psy are used with the artist's permission.????????? ****????????? Chapter 1: fun and games.Michelle...
Katie was tired of sex. Almost twenty-one, she knew she had to change something about her sex life. Blessed with beauty, bust, and body, she’d started physical intimacy with the opposite sex at too early an age. Fortunately, none of the many billions of sperm had found its desired target. Some of them had been received as the result of a persuasive male, some as a byproduct of infatuation, and some just because she was horny. As she approached full adulthood, it was now time to do something...
It was the dream that she loved and hated; her greatest fantasy that would never come true. Yunami was stretched out on the bed, naked beneath the sheet pulled up just above her breasts. Her auburn hair was scattered around her head on the sumptuous pillows like a halo. The sheer curtains hanging around the bed allowed her to see the rest of the room but hid her from the eyes of her approaching lover. She watched as Daeghen walked towards the foot of the bed. He was naked, his body sculpted...
Jacobs is a muscular build guy, long blond hair and has a tanned complexion. Though he is an absolude playboy, yet many gals would risk anything to know him. But, though lots of gals surrounded him, he didn't quite liked anyone of them. However, there is one girl, he totally was damn mad about her. Her name was Cynthia, 4 years younger than him, red haired, and petite breast. She loved to wear sports bra just everywhere. Her tight long jeans showed her madly curved shape and the outline of her...
BisexualChen awoke first – the tent was just beginning to admit some very dim light – he listened – good, no sounds from the others yet. He then noted why he’d awakened – his bladder was insisting on some attention. Mike was curled up tight to him, with his arm across Chen’s chest. Chen whispered softly into Mike’s ear ‘lover – hate to disturb you – gotta pee, love’ – Mike mumbled something unintelligible, pulled his arm back, and Chen deftly slipped out of the sleeping bag. Chen unzipped the tent...
The next day, as dawn broke, Darla awoke in a misty cloud of morning dew, dazed and immobile. Her hips moved involuntarily and slowly made wide circles, while her back arched at the ecstasy being applied between her legs from Robert’s tongue, which explored the folds of her pussy, as he delicately separated and probed her sensitive flesh that she had involuntarily saturated with her juices. Robert drank as he lapped at her, and savored Darla’s intimate flavor, while his tongue slid along her...
This is a true account of my first medical disaster. Maybe the descriptions will help one of you. * I was up at five in the morning, cooked a little breakfast and prepared for the forty five minute drive to SR, where I was employed as an avionics engineer. I had had a fight with my wife that morning, so I didn’t even get my usual goodbye smooch before hitting the traffic. I had some heartburn when I woke up, but I ignored it because this was not an unusual occurrence. As I got into my...
My sister’s youngest son was extremely gifted and graduated from high school early. Rather than live in a dorm with older guys I volunteered for him to live with me since I live in an Ivy League town and live close enough to the school for him to easily travel to school. I am few years younger than my sister and few years older than Tom, my nephew, which I would soon share my small three-bedroom house with. Tom is a lot like my father, average height with great looks, southern manners, charm...
Jonathan grunted as he pulled himself up onto the stone ledge, his light armour rattling as he steadied himself and looked into the mouth of the cave. Here it was, he thought to himself. The dragon's cave. About six months ago, the young man had turned eighteen. Ever since he was a young boy, he wanted to be a knight. He had grown up idolising them, those armoured heroes who would fight for the king, protect the innocent, strike down villains. Everything that a knight was, everything...
Glen felt severely underdressed when he climbed out of the car and saw Melinda emerging from the house. She was wearing a knee-length skirt of basic black with a coat to match, and a white, masculine shirt. Her hair was pulled back into a bun, giving the unmistakable impression that she meant business. Only her vibrant smile contrasted with the look. “You look great,” Glen said as she approached. “Thank you,” she responded, and then put her hand behind his head to pull him down into a...
Glen felt severely underdressed when he climbed out of the car and saw Melinda emerging from the house. She was wearing a knee-length skirt of basic black with a coat to match, and a white, masculine shirt. Her hair was pulled back into a bun, giving the unmistakable impression that she meant business.Only her vibrant smile contrasted with the look.“You look great,” Glen said as she approached.“Thank you,” she responded, and then put her hand behind his head to pull him down into a passionate...
Supernatural“Say it,” he instructed.A smile twitched in the corners of her lips. And her eyes — damn, those eyes — they twinkled when she looked at him that way. She glanced up at the straps that bound her. The way the light flickered and played off the curve of her jaw stoked a wave of desire in him.This woman who’d stolen his heart could awaken his body with only a wink. She was teasing him. It was working.But he still wanted to hear her say it, and he would have his way. With a coy bat of her lashes,...
HorrorHEART OF A SLAVEA slave is an individual born with a slave spirit. No one can make an individual have this spirit; nothing can be done to create this state in an individual's being. No one trying hard or wishing for this sense of spirit can develop it within themselves and no Master can cause it to occur.A slave is an extraordinary human being who is born with this slave spirit - as much as they are born to breathe, or have gifted talents like design or music. A slave is extraordinary, rare and...
Chris yawned and moved to the next section of shelving. A big truck had made for a long night, leaving him and the rest of the night stock crew facing up the store after opening. "Never ending, man," his friend Alan grumbled from the other side of the aisle. "Feels like it." "At least the scenery ain't bad." After turning around to see where Alan was looking, Chris followed his gaze to see Amy - one of the cashiers - working her register. She was hot, but she was also married to a...
December 5, 2011 Keri Ryan's ability to prioritize was one of her best attributes. She could look at a problem or a situation and figure out quickly its importance and then tackle it or move on to something with a higher priority. This made her business a success. But sometimes as two people's careers take off as with hers' and her husband David they find less and less time for each other. It just happens. So her ability to prioritize got skewed along the way. In the past at least, her...
Friday, there was a home game. Steve and Shannon went to the game together and parked afterwards. They were dressed for the weather, and his hand was icy; so he took some time to burrow under Shannon's parka and her sweater. Finally, caressing her through her warm sweat shirt, he reached the soft mound formed by her breast. And it was remarkably soft. Before he touched the peak that the shirt made over her nipple, he knew that she hadn't worn a bra. "Oh, Shannon!" he said. She was so...
Iden watched as Isabelle went back and forth, creating a pile of fabric that she had sourced from all over her cave. It was comprised of silken curtains, canopies from lavish beds, and elaborately embroidered drapes. There were billowing dresses, extravagant tunics, and gowns made from the finest satin that must have once been part of some wealthy woman’s wardrobe. Instead of blankets, she had assembled piles of fur coats and warm capes. These fineries alone were probably worth more than the...
Iden listened to her read for what might have been hours, quickly losing track of time. The tales of this de Mercier person were amazing, even if his poetry was a little flowery for Iden’s tastes. He had lived a long and fruitful life, exploring foreign lands, and fighting for noble causes rather than for coin. He was well-to-do, the heir to a noble house, and so putting food on his table was of little concern. Iden had to admit that he envied the man. Not for his devotion to justice, or for...
Twigs and dry leaves crunched underfoot as Glen wandered the trail, his thoughts turned inward. The warmth that permeated the sun-dappled wood prompted him to absently remove his jacket, and the action brought him out of his internal dialogue just long enough to notice something on the breeze. Taking a deep breath, he filled his lungs with the scent of moist earth and honeysuckle. The flowers wouldn't bloom for months anywhere else, but here they opened their petals even before the last...
The smell of coffee brewing and bacon cooking awoke Sam. She opened her eyes and stretched. A feeling of great euphoria rushed over her and she smiled. All of her upbringing told her that what had happened last night was wrong. However, every other part told her it was so right. It was like she had an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other. They were arguing right and wrong. But, she couldn't tell which position the angel or the devil was taking. Sam got out of bed and put her robe...
It was the dog days of summer and the heat and humidity were so high it was almost impossible to stay outside in the middle of the day. My daughter had one week before she was back off to college and we hadn’t really spent any quality father daughter time. She was 19 and had a lot more important things to do than spend time with dad. I thought maybe a day at the beach might get her attention or maybe a day in the park looking at the alligators and observing the people might get her attention so...
VII The people from Leningrad were due to come for them in the morning, but their bags were already packed. The boys were on their backs now, in their crib, sated breast milk full on their lips, but Anna felt cool and restless even so, resigned to a fate of her own choosing but her heart full of regret that seemed to have taken her right to the edge of a vast, beckoning cliff. Her future was, she knew, in the abyss that lay before them all, her past was an unusable wreckage of skeletons...