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Empathy is a choice, and it’s a vulnerable choice. In order to connect with you, I have to connect with something in myself that knows that feeling. Brene Brown

“Make a lap.”

“Oh, you want a lap do you?”


Brett Hogan sat his book aside and picked up his six-year-old daughter, Emily, and plopped her in his lap. He danced his fingers along her sides. “You must want tickles.”

Emily shrieked and kicked her legs with abandon. “Stop it! Stop it!”

After a few more seconds, Brett stopped. He held her as she caught her breath. “So, what does one of the prettiest girls in the world want?”

“I have a question.”


“I was talking to Sara at school. She only has a mommy. How come I have a daddy and two mommies?”

It’s not like I didn’t know this was coming. “Hmm, that’s a good question. Let me think a moment.”

Melody put her hand behind Freya’s head and deepened the kiss. Holy Shit! Brett’s jaw dropped as Freya initiated the second phase. When the kiss broke Freya fanned her face with her hand.”Whew.”

Melody beamed up at her and licked her lips. “Strawberry chapstick, nice. Stay here while I go get the camera so we can take pictures of you meeting your niece for the first time.”

Brett waited until Melody left the hallway. “Sweetie, don’t start the car unless you’re willing to drive because she will sink her teeth into you if you let her.”

“Are you talking about me?”

“Just giving Freya fair warning.”

Melody stuck her tongue out. “Spoilsport. Go get Emily while I get Freya set up in the front room.”

When Brett entered the living room, Freya was sitting in a hard-backed chair with her back to him. Melody was standing in front of her with the camera.

“Freya, this is your niece Emily Hogan.”

“Aw, She’s so small.” She gathered her into her arms and kissed her forehead. “Hi, I’m your aunt Freya.”

Brett stood with his hand on Freya’s shoulder as Melody snapped pictures.

“Would you like to feed her while I finish dinner?”


“Brett, would you get her bottle? It’s on the counter. I want to get some more pics.”

Later that night, he stepped out of the bathroom after showering and nearly collided with Freya. “Sorry, I thought you were asleep.”

“I have some jet lag. What’s this?” Freya tapped a large bear paw tattoo over his heart.

“I got it a few months after you left. Besides Melody and the tattoo guy you are the only person to ever see it.”

Freya blushed. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry.”

“Don’t be silly. I trust you. You can always ask me anything. If I weren’t willing for you to see it, I’d have a shirt on.”

“What’s it mean?”

“I had an experience. I met Bear and this,” He tapped the tattoo, “means we walk together.”

Freya arched an eyebrow.

“Remember, I told you my friend Brian was helping me after Deirdra left.”

“The one who was always giving you books?”

Brett nodded. “He taught me a better way of living. I became a warrior and for me, this is part of it.”

“Here, let me show you something.” Brett took Freya’s hand and led her to the next room. “This is my office. Feel free to use it if I’m not busy. He pointed to a table in the corner that held candles, a small cactus, a few rocks, and incense. Across the front of them lay a deerskin bag. A small white pillow sat on the floor in front of it. “This is where I meditate, feel free to use it too. I do ask that you leave the bag alone. I’m happy to show you what’s in it. But, I don’t like others touching it without my express permission.”

“No problem. I’m not sure I understand, though.”

“In short, It means I’ve learned to be responsible for myself and the effect I have on the world.” He stepped close to her. “For example, When you refused to marry me. It hurt, but, it was okay. Do you know why?”


“Because I knew it was much more important that you, my best friend, were still my best friend and that you felt cherished by me. Having that made me able to deal with my disappointment.”

Freya hugged him. “Thank you.” She broke the hug. “Now, take your hot ass to bed before we get in trouble, Mr. I’m wearing nothing but a towel.”

Brett laughed. “Ok. But, just so you know, Melody gave us permission in writing. Want to see it?”

“Aargh, go to bed!”

“Yes ma’am.”

A couple of nights later, Freya was feeding Emily as she talked with Brett and Melody.

Melody spoke. “Do you know that on our first date Brett told me and I quote: “If I get married my priorities will be my wife, my kids, and then her, in that order.” Unquote.” Melody pointed to herself, the baby, and Freya as she spoke.

Freya’s jaw dropped.”You told her that on your first date?”

Brett nodded. “It was true then and it’s true now. I told her because I don’t play games and I wasn’t going to waste time on somebody who wouldn’t accept our friendship.”

Freya dropped her eyes. “You humble me.” She whispered.

“Oh, don’t worry. I laid something on him too.” Melody blushed. “If you didn’t notice your first night here. I, uh, like girls.” She gulped and straightened her shoulders. “So, I told him that he had to accept that time to time I’m going to play.”

Freya laughed. “You guys are so bad. Oops, Em’s finished her bottle.”

Melody jumped up. “I’ll get her.” As she leaned over to take Emily from Freya, she gave the woman a quick kiss on the lips and sauntered away.

Freya sat there, her eyes wide.

Brett laughed. “I told you. She’ll sink her teeth into you if you let her.”

Melody’s voice came from the nursery. “I heard that.”

“If you’re not interested, tell her and she’ll stop.”

“Wait, You wouldn’t care?”

Brett pulled a worn piece of folded paper from his wallet and tossed it into Freya’s lap. “Read it.”

Freya opened the paper.

I, Melody Lynn Evanston give my permission to Brett Hogan to have a sexual relationship of any duration, at any time(s) of their choosing with and only with Freya Reynolds.


“I wrote it.”

Brett tapped the paper. “Look at the date.”

“It’s ... it’s the day before I moved home.”

Melody came in and knelt beside Freya. “I didn’t know you would be gone for two years. I saw how much you care for each other. How could I take that away? He accepts that I need my sweet lady kisses and I accept that he needs you. Speaking of sweet lady kisses, I know I can be tenacious. If I have offended you or made you uncomfortable. I’m sorry and I’ll stop.”

Freya stared at Melody for a long moment, then smiled. She grasped Melody’s head and pulled her into a hard kiss.

Holy Fuck! Am I dreaming? Brett sat forward.

Melody pushed herself up and onto Freya, covering her with her body. Freya shifted on the couch and pulled Melody down onto her. She moaned as Melody ground against her. “Oh, Fuck!” She whined as her body shook. Melody laughed and pushed herself up. “Somebody on a short fuse, sweetie?”

“Yes! Now, get back down here and finish what you started.”

Brett laughed.

Melody smirked. “It looks like I’ll be busy tonight.”

“I’ll leave you ladies to get better acquainted.” He kissed Melody. “Love you.”

“Love you, too.”

He kissed Freya.

She opened the kiss, slipping a hint of tongue into his mouth before retreating. He touched the tip of her nose. “I love you, too.”

She smiled. “I love you. Go away.”

He licked his lips.”You know, that strawberry chapstick does taste good.”

Melody laughed and goosed him as he turned to leave.

“I’ll take Em watch tonight.” He stopped by the towel closet. I know what I’m jacking off to.

Brett knocked on Freya’s bedroom door. “Breakfast in ten. Hurry or I’ll throw it out.”

He was putting bacon on the plates when Freya walked in.

“Good morning, did you sleep well?”

Freya smiled. “Not a fucking wink. Melody will be here in a second. She wanted to check on Emily.”

Brett chuckled. “Good, I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. Is that a bite mark?”

Freya blushed and ducked her eyes.

“You should see the ones she left on me.”

“Oh, I plan to right after breakfast. Eat wench. You’ll need the energy.”

“Is that so?”

Brett nodded evilly with a big grin on his face.

“See what I put up with. Do you want to help me with this brute? Between the two of us, he wouldn’t stand a chance.”

Freya’s eyes popped wide open. She took a bite of food.

“No worries, just know that you’re invited whenever, wherever.

Three hours later, they walked into the indoor flea market. Brett stopped. “There’s something calling me.” He waited. His head snapped to the left. “This way.” He took off. Halfway through the market, he stopped, tilted his head and sniffed the air. He spun on his heel and went down an aisle.

He stopped at a decrepit, overstocked booth and pointed. “What’s in that box?”

“Mostly, junk.”

“May I look?”

The old man placed it on the counter.

Brett pulled out stained pants and ragged shirts and set them aside. Hello

Hi, Will you take away from here?

Brett lifted the bear cub skull out of the box. “How much?”

“Son, that old thing isn’t worth anything. You can get something really nice on the next aisle over.”

“How much?”

“Ten and you take the entire box.”


Brett carefully repacked the skull and paid the man.

“What was that about?

“I’ll tell you at home, Freya. Let me run this to the car and we’ll go get some cheesy fries at the grill.”

“Get Em’s diaper bag. I forgot it.”

“Ok, Melody.”

As he walked, he talked with his new friend. My name is Brett. What’s yours?

You can’t pronounce it. What would you like to call me?

Um ... How about Chris?

Chris? I like it.

Chris, it is. I’m going to put you in the car while the ladies and I look around. When we get home I’m going to clean you up and then I have a nice place by my altar for you to stay. Ok?

Brett loaded Chris into the car.

Ok, don’t forget that bag.

Hey, thanks.

Two weeks later, Brett and Freya were cuddling on the couch. He kissed Freya and rested his forehead against hers. “I want to make love with you.” He caressed the side of her face. “I love you and I know you love me.”

She gave the slightest shake of her head. “I won’t break up your marriage.”

Glass shattered. Melody stormed into the living room, her face red and twisted with anger. “I OUGHT TO BEAT YOU!”


“I’VE DONE EVERYTHING EXCEPT RIP YOUR CLOTHES OFF AND THROW YOU INTO HIS ARMS!” Melody took a deep breath and spoke through clenched teeth. “I’m tired of it. For two and a half weeks, you’ve done nothing but made moon eyes at him when you thought we weren’t looking. Get off your ass and take OUR man to your room and make love with him. If I don’t see two happy, satiated, people in the morning hell unimaginable will rain down.” She stomped out. A second later, a door slammed.

“I guess she told me.”

“I’ve never seen her that mad,” Brett whispered. He stood. “Freya, I’ll talk to her.”

Freya grabbed his hand. “No, she’s right. Will you come to my room?”

“To make love or have sex?”

Her eyes brimmed with tears. “Love.”

About a month later, Brett headed down the hall toward his office. The sound of quiet sobbing from Freya’s room caught his attention.

Knock, knock. “Are you okay?” He cracked open the door. Freya, curled on the bed, was sobbing into a pillow.”

He put his arms around her. “Honey, what’s wrong.”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” She kept repeating, her voice filled with hysteria.

Ice water flooded his veins. Brett screamed, “MELODY!” He pulled Freya into his arms. “I’ve got you.”

“Oh, shit.” Melody jumped across the room and molded herself to Freya. “Sweetie, what’s wrong?”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

Melody stroked her face. “It’s ok, tell me so I can help you.”

“It hurts.”

“What’s hurting you?”

“Em ... Emily.”

Oh ... I didn’t think about that.

“I don’t understand. How’s Emily hurting you?”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Freya wrapped her arms around herself and rocked as she cried.

Brett tapped Melody’s shoulder. He mouthed. “She can’t have children.”

Melody’s eyes teared, “I’ve got this. Let me take care of it.”

“You sure?”

Melody nodded.

Brett kissed Freya’s cheek. “Talk with Melody. I’ll be in the other room. Ok?”

Freya nodded.

How could I be such a dumbass? He went to his office. After lighting the altar’s candles and incense, He sat and picked up a tiny hand drum. He closed his eyes and played. Under his voice, he began to sing.

“I sing a song. A healing song. For I call to you. Bear, I call.”

“I sing a song. A healing song. For I call to you. Bear, I call.”

“I sing a song. A healing song. For I call to you. Bear, I call.”

The sound of the drum and his own voice lulled Brett into calmness. He opened his inner eyes. Tall, dew drenched trees shrouded in the morning fog surrounded him. The scent of the rich loam of the forest floor wafted around him. Brett shivered as a cool wind kissed his skin.

Bear was digging into an old log. Brett sat on it.

Bear pulled up a sliver of wood and licked under it. “Grubs. Want some?”

“Thank you.” Brett pulled off a piece of bark and sucked the grubs into his mouth. He crushed them against the roof of his mouth and swallowed. The bitter juices spread heat and well being through him.

Bear rested his massive paws on the log. “What is troubling you, cub?”

“I hurt someone.”

“Tell me.”

“Well, it’s like this.”

When Brett finished, Bear rested his head on his paws and closed his eyes.

Brett waited for an hour. A nap? Really? He braced himself to stand.

Bear laughed. “Patience, cub.” Bear stood and yawned. “Her injuries are beyond my power to heal. Talk to Bernie’s friend, he can help.” He lumbered toward a nearby tree. “She will sleep tonight. I can ease the fever of her heart but, only you and your other mate can heal her. If you are willing to pay the price.”

“What price?”

Bear kept going.

Brett met Melody as he left his office. She hugged him. “You’re amazing.”

“What’s that for?”

“Freya heard you drumming and asked what it was.”

No way, she couldn’t have heard that. Bear’s laughter filled his mind.

“I told her you were praying for her. She put her head on my shoulder. A few minutes later, she was asleep. I was coming to check on Emily and tell you I’m staying with her tonight. I don’t want her waking up alone.”

Brett bent to kiss her. “You’re a good friend. I have to go see Brian.”

“It’s after midnight.”

“He’ll see me.”

“Is Brian gay?”

“What brought that on?”

“Every time you talk about Brian you talk about a fellow named Bernie.”

Brett strangled back a laugh as tears came to his eyes.


Brett walked away flapping his hand in the air behind him. Once, he was in his car he howled and beat his steering wheel. “Oh god, Oh god.”

Two days later, they entered a small office. “Dr. Michaels, Thank you for seeing us.”

He smiled, “Don’t thank me. Thank Brian. Normally, you’d have to wait nine months to see me, if you could afford me, most can’t.”

Melody arched an eyebrow at Brett. “Brian?”

“Let me show you something.” Dr. Michaels rolled up his right sleeve and held up his forearm. A large patch of shiny, melted skin covered it. “Seven years ago, I was trapped in a car fire.” His voice caught, “I was burning. I don’t know how he did it. He literally ripped the door off and pulled me out. Anything Brian wants Brian gets. Plus, he said he’d give me two bottles of his homemade apple wine. You can’t buy it that good.”

He unrolled his sleeve. “Shall we get started?” He gestured to the chairs by his desk and sat down. He opened the file. “Mrs. Reynolds.”

“Freya, please.”

“Freya, I have some bad news and possibly some good news, ok?”

Freya gripped Brett’s and Melody’s hands and nodded.

“You have advanced hydrosalpinx. That means your tubes are permanently blocked. It’s a result of an infection from your assault.”

Freya’s face clouded. “I ... I”

Dr. Michaels held up his hand. “Wait, I said there was some good news. But, we have to go over this part first. Ok?”


“Due to the physical injuries, you can’t carry a child. However, there’s an excellent chance your eggs are viable. So, the odds are, you CAN have children, but it will be expensive.”

“I can? I can be a mother?”

Dr. Michaels nodded.

Brett caught Freya as she pitched forward. “Oh shit, she fainted.”

“She’ll be alright in a minute. I’ll go get some water for her.”

Freya opened her eyes, “What happened?”

Brett kissed her. “You got some really good news.”

“Here you go.” Dr. Michaels handed Freya an opened water bottle.

Freya took a drink.


She nodded.

“Do you need my nurse to check you out?”

Freya shook her head.

“Ok, let’s continue. Like I was saying, You can be a mother, but we will have to use In Vitro Fertilization, a sperm donor, and a surrogate mother. Unfortunately, Like I said, it will be expensive.”

“How expensive?”

“Let me throw a calculator on it.” After a few minutes of studying her file and some furious punching on a calculator, He looked up. “I estimate one hundred and ninety-five thousand. I’m willing to waive my fee of sixty-thousand. So that brings us to one hundred and thirty-five thousand. A lot of that goes to the surrogate.”

“What if we eliminated the surrogate fee?”

“Well, Mrs. Hogan, If Freya had someone willing to do it and the proper prenatal care given. I’d say that we could bring the fee down to just a little over eighty.”

Melody looked at Brett.

“We’ll talk about it.”

“What?” Freya’s head snapped around.

“I said Melody and I will discuss whether or not she will offer to be your surrogate. No promises, but we’ll discuss it.”



Freya launched herself at Melody, crying.

Brett rubbed her back. “Doctor, not that we’re ungrateful, but why would you waive your fee?”

“Because of Brian I got to hold my first grandchild. There’s no amount of money that equals that. He wants me to help Mrs.Reynolds, so I help.” He nodded at the women. “As soon as they calm down, we’ll finish up.”

Brett sat back against the headboard. “I know she doesn’t have to work if she doesn’t want to but, I don’t think she can afford it.”

“Could we help?”

“We might be able to come up with half but, that’s about it. Right now, the most important thing to decide if we want to do this.”

“I think, I’m willing to do it. The surrogate part anyway.”

Brett sighed. “That’s the part that bothers me. Bear told me we could heal her heart if we are willing to pay the price. I’m not sure I can.”

“Why would my being a surrogate upset you?”

Brian shuddered. “The thought of another man’s seed being in my wife is sickening. I don’t know if I can stand watching you grow another man’s baby. I might have to.”

Melody hugged him. “We don’t have to do this.”

“It doesn’t work that way. If you’re not willing to die for someone, then you’re not their friend. This is a type of death. Am I her friend if I allow her to keep suffering when all I have to do is agree?”

“What if you’re the donor? Would you be ok with that?”

He looked at her. “I can’t ask that of you.”

“The thought scares me. I know you love her and I’m afraid you’d leave me and Emily to be with her if you had a child together.”

Brett’s eyes flared and he went rigid, Melody flinched. “Never say that to me or about me again. I am not that kind of man.”

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Introduction: Girlfriend Unexpectedly Encounters A Pony Our Related Stories in Succession. It is advisable to read them in order as the stories transcends to the next one: 1. Bree1 Kate- Story for Texans, the prequel to: 2. Bree 2 Girlfriends Big Surprise 3. Bree 3- A Trip To The Mountains 4. Bree 4 -Wifes Accidental Encounter With The Donkey 5. Bree 5 Bree and Suzanne Go To The Mountains 6. Bree 6 The Awakenings 7. Bree 7 Shannons Encounter with Jake The Donkey 8. Bree 8 The Reunion (a stand...

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The Last Gift

Cancer. The word sounded hollow in his ears. "Cancer? How can I have cancer? I eat right, exercise, do everything you've told me to doc. How can I have cancer?" asked John. "Cancer doesn't play fair John, but you do have stage 4 pancreatic cancer" Dr. Richards pulled x-rays out of a sleeve to point the hotspots out to John. His words fell into an empty pit that John was already at the bottom of. John's thoughts were of Lita, his wife of seven years. She was in the Wintered Under program in...

1 year ago
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Such Sweet SorrowChapter 8 The Unexplained May

DIAL TONE "Did you get that phone call?" I call out to Jenny, as she gets in from the University. Jenny stows her bag under the table in the hall. "What call? I don't think so." She picks up the envelopes from that morning's post. I went through it when I came back from work. She will find it's the usual stuff: a couple of bills, junk mail, yet another letter from the bank saying that they've adjusted their interest rates. "Someone was trying to reach you. Called here just before...

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Sandras Adventures

Sandra was a 19 years old german girl with blond hairs and blue eyes. She grew up in Hamburg as a daughter of a professor of sociology. So she was well educated and visited a good school. Her parenthood were tolerant people, politically more left wing . So Sandra was educated in this mind and this was one raison, why she started to be interested in the problems of the southern countries, especially of Africa, and was also involved as a young activist in antiracism demonstrations since her...

1 year ago
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I Have No IdeaChapter 18

I have never been grabbed by my father while I had been naked. I’m more than certain this was true despite the blackouts. As a baby, my father would’ve had held me. He would not have lunged for my shoulders and yanked me. He had done that once. I had nearly stepped into New York traffic, at age 9. I had been dressed then, even wearing my Rangers windbreaker over a sweater and another shirt. No, this was a new experience. “When? When did you take these pills?” He growled. “Who? Who would give...

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Brendas Awakening Chapters 34

Chapter 3. Morning came and as I awoke I turned to see that my man was gone, pity, I wanted to wake him up with the best blowjob I could muster. As I lay there I contemplated how my life had changed, I had just had sex with a man and it was wonderful. I sat up and I noticed a hand written note on my nightstand. To Xander, Last night was one of the most amazing nights of my life I want to see where this goes, I know you are at a crossroads in your life and I want you to know...

2 years ago
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Honey Moon

Cassie and Mark just got married and are on their last day of their honeymoon. A week long in a hotel together and they had only left the room to eat. They fucked the whole time. Cassie was not quiet at all as she liked to moan and scream especially when she came. Today was different from the others because they needed ice for their champagne. Cassie, the good wife she was, saw her husband was tired and offered to get the ice from down the hall. She looked at her husband, who had handsome dark...

Quickie Sex
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 122 Saved by the Bell

When Bjorn got back to the hotel room he knew immediately that he was in trouble again. His flowers got dumped unceremoniously into a jar of water as Jessie asked him why he hadn’t responded to any of their texts and calls. Bjorn checked his phone and realized he’d put the thing on silent mode when he was having lunch with Olivia and her two friends. As he checked he saw the messages Jessie was talking about... “Come back at once. Carrie not well. Need to go to clinic immediately!” This...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 45

“I have one question,” Victor asked. I assumed he was going to ask Mike something like “What do you want on your tombstones?” or “Who shoved that plug up my daughter’s ass?” or “Did Jessie plan on marrying her” His wife was a whore and he was obviously fine with her fucking guys for money. I assumed though he may be more protective when it came to his daughter. It turns out he was protective, but not in the way I thought. He wanted her to be happy, and I think he could tell from the...

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CHAPTER 9C: FRIDAY AFTERNOON AT THE ESTATEReturning to the three men, Mr. Rodriguez gave my bare ass a rub and pat. He then looked to Tim and said, “Thank you for coming, Tim and Michele. I think you will experience a wonderful weekend. That is certainly my hope. The grounds and house are yours to enjoy. If you wish to leave the estate, Anthony will take you anywhere you want and make recommendations. Do I need to remind you of the rules when you are on the grounds, Michele?”I responded...

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Master PC The ProtectorChapter 58 Concerns and Warnings

Erin and I stayed with the happy family for about an hour. Alexandria's girls, especially Ariel, seemed to take to me quite readily. I was somewhat surprised as Ariel crawled up onto my lap and got comfortable. Alexandria noticed and I could feel how happy she was with her girls accepting me. I was a touch nervous though, and rightfully so as Ariel looked up, "Are you going to be our Daddy?" I was struck dumb and must have looked it too. Erin giggled as did Lori. Alexandria turned a bit...

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Seven Year Itch 8211 Part 1

My friend and I were sitting in the Park hotel’s coffee shop on a busy street in Kolkata. We noticed a smart young man watching porn about the seven year itch while waiting for food along with his sexy female companion. He could’ve bedded the beautiful woman if he so desired, yet he’d found time for porn. “Why do we need porn?” asked my friend earnestly. “Because it’s one thing to make love and a totally different perspective, to see her in action,” I replied with conviction. “So you are...

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I held the dong he had the control

I watched him intently, he was growing into a handsome young man, it only seemed like yesterday when I held him in my arms, as a new born baby, now he was all grown-up, developing by the day, and even I, his auntie, could feel the need for him, something most middle-aged women might be horrified to admit to, but I ached for sex, it had been more than a year since my last penetrative intercourse, and even then it was a clandestine quickie, from his estranged father, my divorced sister's husband,...

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Those Uni Days

Hey! New little story for you. I apologise if I offend anyone with my writing as I am not a guy, or a bisexual for that matter, so I have little experience, and I apologise if I come across as stereotypical. But apart from that, ENJOY! I have long known that I am a bisexual. It doesn’t bother me, and with my Dad being gay, he is completely for it, so I had nothing to worry about. The only thing is, starting a new university, especially half way through a semester, can be daunting enough for a...

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Claudias Condition and the Retrospective MurdersChapter 12

“Good morning, I’m Gerard MacDonald, a news correspondent with WZAX TV. I’m here at Tampa Police Headquarters, where, in a few minutes Police Chief Michael Townsend will be giving a news briefing about last night’s dramatic events involving the rescue, from certain death, of four missing women.” A few minutes later the room fell quiet as three people stepped onto a small riser and Police Chief Townsend stepped to the podium, emblazoned with the Tampa Police Department’s crest. “Good day,...

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Chance Encounter

Chance EncounterIt felt so good to get inside, away from the heat. I knew I had to get some shopping done, which I hate, so instead of going early that Saturday morning, I'd procrastinated and put it off until mid-afternoon. The sun had been scorching, and the air conditioning had decided to pick today to stop working. Ugh. I was wearing a sundress; cornflower blue with tiny daisies adorining the bust. And of course, my flip flops. For 40+ years old, I looked damned cute. I walked through the...

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Best Friends Forever

Jay and I have been best friends for a long time. As far back as the 5th grade we have been inseparable. We have shared a ton of history with ups and downs as most adolescent friends do as they grow up together. We we also found out over time was that we share the same sexual appetite for the flesh. Over the years we have taken that appetite out for a spin many times and it has continued now into our married adult lives. As we have gotten older, our sexual preferences have become more defined...

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HandsOnHardcore Shalina Devine Sliding Between and Riding Two Shafts

Hands On Hardcore veteran hunny Shalina Devine is back in the middle of a man sandwich proving to us once again that she is a true pro at multi dick sucking and fucking. She’s got two masseurs at her house today, but Vince Karter and Josh had no idea that they would both be on dick duty, let alone at the same time. But what this horny rich Romanian bombshell wants, she gets. Watch as her sexy oiled up body slides between the two men to be pummeled in both holes in this 4K premium porn...

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The Farmer and the Traveling Salesmans DaughterChapter 7

Monday morning I drove Rhonda's car back out toward the Johnsons. On a whim, I turned into Joey's drive and stopped in the middle of the farmyard. It was about 8 so I walked toward the barn and hailed. A big old collie came loping out, wagging his tail. Some farm dog! I started toward the door he came out of and a chunky older man walked out toward me. "Are you Joey's dad?" "Yes, I'm Ivan Rentven. Who are you?" "I'm Larry Anderson. Pleased to meet you." "Oh ... you the fella...

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Friend His Mom Change My Life 8211 Part II

Dear friends, I hope all of u liked the first part of it. The experience of my friend and his mom did completely change my life. Till then incest was just a fantasy for me or instead a tool for me to have a perfect and nice masturbatory section. But now it’s all changed and the only thing I want to happen is to make love to my own mother. Yes…to fuck my own mother was my own dream now..I was a completely changed man now. Till this day I never had any intension of taking it to my real life, I...

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SSBBW Encouter Part 7 the plan executed

Part 7, the plan executedI took her hand and led her up the stairs and indicated for Tom to follow. I could sense her nervousness as we slipped into the bedroom, her eyes were cast down, and she was moving hesitantly as she kicked off her shoes. I pulled her into my body, kissing her face, then I whispered in her ear, “this is all about you, sweetie. Tonight you will have pleasure like you’ve never known,” I could feel a faint shiver run through her with my words. I kept up the steady banter...

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BrownBunnies Amethyst Banks Amethyst Takes the Best BBC

Amethyst Banks used all her social engineering skills to find out the unlisted Bangbros address. She heard they have the biggest black cocks in town. She was lucky. When she knocked Prince Yashua opened the door. He led her into the living room and let her touch his crotch and pull down his pants. Yes his cock was indeed quite impressive. It was bigger than her head. She started to suck it. Obviously it did not fit into her mouth. Prince Yashua licked her pussy and then took her doggy style. He...

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Finding Her Master Pt 8

Finding Her Master Part 12 By: Ropetease ©2011 Robin felt the aftershocks slowly subsiding while Joe signed the papers. Her stomach still aching from her climax when another feeling started to emerge inside her. Tensing her stomach muscles to hold back the sudden need to relieve herself. Sucking down on her lower lip and slowly rocking her body, wishing Master would hurry. ‘Thank you,’ Joe replied giving a tug on Robin’s leash as they walked in to the main area. ‘Master, may I speak?’Robin...

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Another Dinner at Fictionmania

(I've had so many requests for a sequel I have relented and so here it is. I apologize for my fevered brain leaving friends and notables out in a part one I hope I do better this time. Anyone who wants to have a dinner at FM come to my house for a duck dinner - you bring the duck! I apologize if anyone who thinks they should be here and isn't - but the room will only hold so many people!) Another Dinner at Fictionmania By Eric There were the usual pickets outside carrying signs,...

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PortalsChapter 9

"Weep not for your loss, for the males have lost much more than you." --The Teachings of Gran Ch. 12 Line 1 Dahra waited in the wings for Lissa to finish her introduction. In Dahra's opinion, Lissa was doing a remarkable job, speaking in front of such a large audience. Dahra had originally intended for the symposium opening meeting to be held in classroom one, like all the other of her little meetings; but the response was so over-whelming, she had no choice but change its venue to the...

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My Fuck Buddy and His Wife and

I like to go to nudist camps and have always enjoyed the lifestyle ever since I was a k**. Like any teenager, during those years, I used to experiment with the girls and was able to do so very easily since we were all naked and there were plenty of woods around. As I grew older, my sexual urges only got stronger, but I knew that having an erection in public was frowned upon, and so, I always kept a towel with me just in case one popped up. Sometimes a group of us teens (boys and girls) would...

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Shanus Loving FamilyChapter 5 Thirty days to Wedding

Shahnaz was too busy looking at clock and getting anxious that her father may have had second thoughts and was not going to come. Shanaz was also aware that they were supposed to join the family guests for dinner at nine. Shahnaz absentmindedly cleaned her brush of loose hair and bend down to drop them in the bathroom bin. She nearly screamed as her naked ass brushed against her father's legs. He had entered silently. Shahnaz gave a suppressed whoop of glee filled 'DADDEEE' as her...

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ForeChapter 2

Back at work Ted had some thoughts about Joni. He googled her and learned some interesting things about her education and the law firm she worked at. In addition to that he also surfed the net and read the paper about what was happening entertainment wise in the area before he phoned Joni at her office. After refreshing her memory as to who he was he asked her if she would want to go out to dinner and catch the Broadway show South Pacific this Friday that was being put on at a dinner theater...

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Anita meets my parents

After dating my sweetheart Ana for about a couple of months, I finally decided it was time to introduce her to my parents.I talked with them both and they kindly invited us to spend the weekend and share their comfortable cottage in the woods.Ana was delighted when I told her she would my lovely parents.On Saturday morning I picked Anita up from her home and we drove to the woods. When we arrived and got out of the car, I could smell the grill. My father was there cooking for sure…My mom smiled...

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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 6

I left to find Sally and found her looking for me. “C’mon, stud, Dana’s waiting for you to plant a little one in her womb,” she said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me towards my room. “What?” she asked when I stopped. “I need to show you something first. It should only take a minute,” I said and pulled her into Don’s study. She smiled sheepishly at Don and then noticed the case I turned towards her. “What’s that?” she gasped, seeing the coins. “That’s part of what we collected from the...

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Sex ke maje loote

Hi ISS readers aap sabhi ko mera sex bhara namaste. Main Sejal Jain jodhpur ki housewife hoon aur main apne pati (jiska penis chhota aur patla sa hai) se santust nahin thi, wo kabhi bhi mujhe sex ka such nahin de paya, sadi ke char sal bad tak bhi bacha nahi hua tha. Aaj main aapko aapni ek real story batane ja rahi hun jo last week mere sath hui meri hobbies chat kerne ki hai main roj chat kerti hun. Per ek din meri mulakat se hui jo ki Jodhpur ka hi rehnewala hai. Baato baato main na jane...

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My first Time28

When I was 12 I had my first kiss with her. It was an accident, I was laying on the couch and she tripped and fell straight on top of me, but we kept going for a few seconds because it was good. She winked at me when she got up and just kept walking, so maybe it really wasn’t an accident now was it… Back when we were 14 we would experiment a bit… That year we were all stuck there for over a week because of a storm. There were only two extra bedrooms at my grandparents. My parents and...

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Suite Life Twintest II

"Good morning, Cody," his mother, Carey said, when she noticed he was up. "Morning, mom," Cody replied, "what's for breakfast?" "I'm making you guys some pancakes," she answered, "They should be done in a few minutes." Cody liked pancakes and without complaining sat on the couch, which doubled as his mother's bed, and turned on the t.v. Once he found his favorite show, he let his thoughts drift off to what happened the night before. He had woken up with Zack's hand on...

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SheWillCheat Skylar Snow Misses the feel of hard dick inside of her

Skyler is bored in her relationship; she is happy with her girlfriend but misses getting random dick after clubbing all night. When Skyler vents to her girlfriend Texas she takes it very well and mentions to Skyler there is a guy she works with that is a total player and might be just what Skyler needs. The next day Tommy comes over to meet Skyler and she is a little disgusted, this is not the PLAYER she was expecting but he does have one thing going for him, A BIG DICK. Skyler deepthroat his...

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Winter Wonders

Winter Wonders "My lips hurt from the cold." "You could borrow my lip balm." "That's for girls!" "Fine. Have painful lips then." "Okay. Give." "Hey! What's that smell?" "Strawberries." "Whatever." ****** "So how was the day wearing lip balm?" "I smelled like strawberries all day." "Was it that bad?" "I guess not." "You're blushing! What happened?" "Well, I don't just smell like strawberries. I taste like it too." "How did you find that...

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About two years ago I went on a trip to Spain and stayed at this lovely yet very dull resort in Alicante at the Costa Blanca. I spend most my days either at the beach or at the pool but there was just no action to be found (if you catch my drift)even the times I went shopping nothing.One day I went shopping and met two lovely older ladies named Diane and Jessica who stayed at the same resort as me, we had lunch together and they told me that the buzz around the resort was that they nurse at the...

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Finally Arrived

Finally Arrived By Kimberly Rae Anderson Finally, I had escaped from my home to college. My home life was a wreck. My parents stayed together, but I was never sure why. Fighting, arguing and harassing were the daily fare. My Dad was mostly a tyrant, and my Mom would never do much about it except complain. I had spent years trying to figure it all out, then I came to realization that the best thing I could do was leave the situation and focus on my own life. I looked forward to...

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Price of Past Miracles Ch 02

New Year’s Eve 1956 in Washington, D.C. was the night Tom and Lynda Seldon made the ultimate sacrifice for their best friends, Charles and Diana Richards. They had made the most gut-wrenching decision of their lives… and they’d had second and third and fourth thoughts about what they did. But at Charles’ insistence, Tom had finally relented to that one-time attempt to help them create a miracle… ********** ‘Kiss me, Lynda. I’m going to lose it because I don’t think I can do this!’ Tom...

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GingerPatch Lacy Lennon Meat And Greet

There is nothing hotter than meeting a banging raver chick at a party, so when Lacy Lennon finally meets her favorite DJ in the flesh, its no surprise that he invites her over to his place for a meet and greet. She arrives in her rager outfit, ready to use all her sexual powers to seduce the man of her dreams. She bats her long lashes, she flips her gorgeous red hair, and to seal the deal, she shows off her perky, hot tits. When they finally make their way to the bed, she bends over, revealing...

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Falling In Love With Kyle Chapter 2

Damn it. It was just a dream, again. I’d been having dreams like this ever since the first day at the dorms, and increasingly so since he asked me out two days ago. It was the morning of my date, and when I remembered this, my stomach filled with butterflies. I laughed at myself. What is wrong with me? I was acting like a little kid, going on my first date. I could handle this. It was one date, and it’s not like I’d never done it before. It would be fine. I got out of bed and went...

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Roxannes New Neighbor

Roxanne Tate slid behind the wheel of her new, white, Cadillac Seville. That was one nice thing about living with Ted. He was not stingy. And he liked to not only fuck, but to please her as well. He didn't mind the games she liked to play. She didn't have to work now, but she enjoyed being a nurse. Besides, working for a gynecologist gave her the opportunity of meeting interesting women. She started the car and turned the air-conditioner on, full blast. She paused before driving off. She...

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