Training a Lover
- 4 years ago
- 39
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"Hi Bill, I'm just getting off from work, I won't be home for a little while."
That was how it started, with a simple phone call, a phone call that Bill had received hundreds of times before. Katie was working as a snack bar attendant for a local theater group named Justice And Newman. The group owned several drive-ins in the area and a couple of walk-in movie theaters. Katie never knew for sure where she would be working each evening; she would report to the main office and be sent where ever she would be needed for that evening. This made it almost impossible to tell what time she would be getting off from work. Every evening she would call Bill to let him know if she would be home soon or maybe she would be going on a date with someone she had met during that evening. Katie loved being a snack bar attendant; it afforded her a wonderful opportunity to meet lots of potential lovers, oh, if some girlfriends only knew how their boyfriends flirted with the snack bar attendants.
Katie, even though she was now 31, she still had all the appearances of a woman in her very early 20's. She was just as beautiful as the day they were wed almost 14 years ago. Her boobs had grown into a full 36C, her waist was still a very slim 24 and she still had that great apple shaped ass and she knew exactly how to sway it to draw looks from all the men who happened to be around. Katie knew how to drive men crazy; she had dark brown, fuck me, eyes, when she looked directly at a man, he would be overcome with her hypnotic gaze. Her face was the face of an angel, it had that fresh soft look of a teenager and it was framed with "middle of the back" length light brown hair. The total package spelled nothing but temptation for men.
"Have a hot date lined up for the night?"
Katie and Bill had developed a very open marriage over the last six years. If Katie met someone that she wanted to have sex with, she had freedom to fulfill that need any time she wanted to and she took advantage of that freedom several times a week. Most marriages would not survive the pressure brought on by this type of life style, but it had drawn Katie and Bill closer than they had ever been. They both were in deep love with the other, that type of love that develops by weathering hard times and good times together. Bill knew that after one of her dates, she would be coming home to him and they would make love with a passion that rivaled their first night together as a newly married couple. It had taken them eight years together before this life style started, it had taken that long for them to learn that there was a difference between making love and just raw sex, what Katie was after was raw sex and lots of it.
"No, not tonight. I'm too tired. You remember me telling you about Andy, the new kid? He doesn't have a car and I'm going to give him a ride home, I should be home in about 45 minutes."
"Yes, I remember you talking about him, be very careful driving and hurry home, I've got something that I want to give you when you get here. I'll even give you a hint, it's warm and hard"
"You are rotten. I wonder what that could be? Keep it nice and hard for me, I'll be home shortly."
Andy had only been out of high school a few months, nineteen years old and a good looking boy. He had a very athletic build, although he had never played sports in school, his muscular build had came from doing hard work around the family farm. Andy had worked hard to make it through school. It had not easy for him; he had struggled with almost every subject and had to spend twice the time that others had to spend just trying make a passing grade, there was no help from his parents on homework. It wasn't their fault, neither of them had an education; they had to drop out of school to help with their families. College was out of the question, he just would never make it with the harder classes, so he had decided to find a job and work his way up through the ranks. His father had always taught him that hard work would pay off in the end.
When he saw the help wanted ad in the local paper he had made a special trip just to apply for the job. Sure enough, a couple of days after filling out the application, the secretary from JAN called and asked him to come in for an interview. Andy had worried about the interview; he was never a people person. He had always been a loner and thus had not developed good interpersonal skills. But even with that he had managed to stagger his way through the interview and evidently he made an impression on the young lady that had interviewed him. They offered him the job of gofer. It was his job to drive a company truck taking supplies around to each of the theater locations every day and if someone ran out of anything he would make a second or third trip during the evening, transferring supplies between locations. If there was nothing else to do or someone had called off, he would spend the evening at one of the drive-in locations helping out with whatever he could do. Over the short time that he had been working for JAN he had become very proficient in all of the jobs they had asked him to do.
Andy had to catch a ride to work every day and then call his dad to pick him up after work. He knew that it was hard on his dad, because his dad had to get up early every morning to go to work himself. Andy vowed that as soon as he could save up some money he would buy his own car. It was not easy to save money; he always gave part of his pay check to his mother to help with things at home and part to pay his dad for the gas used to pick him up. Money at home had always been tight; his dad only had a sixth grade education and could only get minimum wage jobs.
Katie had met Andy one evening when he delivered supplies to the drive-in where she was working. As they unloaded the truck they had talked and Katie told him that anytime he needed a ride just tell her and she would be more than happy to drop him off at home. She didn't see a lot of him, he was always delivering something to one of the other theaters, but when he had free time he usually worked at the drive-in that was closest to his house.
One night he was working with Katie at the snake bar, someone had called in sick and he was filling in. Katie admired his rippling muscles that were plainly visible through the tee-shirt that he was wearing. She loved the way the muscles in his arms swelled when he picked up one of the heavy cases of supplies.
They had lots of time to talk during the movie before intermission and Katie had offered again to take him home and reluctantly he had agreed. With Katie it didn't take long for her to turn any conversation to the area of sex. She found out that Andy was very inexperienced in the area of sex, about all that he had ever done was feel up a girl a couple of times and then go home and jack off.
After work that evening Katie gave Andy a ride home. Katie drove a big older model Cadillac, big as a boat and a real gas hog. She didn't care; she loved that car and wouldn't trade it for anything else on the road. When she drove the Cadie and talked to someone sitting in the front seat with her, she had the habit of placing her hand on that person's leg or knee. That night was no different; while she was driving Andy home and they were talking she had her hand on his knee the whole time. Andy really didn't know what to make of her action.
Katie really didn't mean anything by the action; it was just something that she did.
When they arrived at Andy's house he started to get out of the car, Katie bent over and kissed him on the cheek and told him good night, just like she would do with one of her own children, Andy turned red. Katie could tell that he not only was embarrassed by the kiss but also by the rather large bulge in the front of his pants.
The next night Katie and Andy again were working together when the phone at the concession stand rang, it was the office calling for Andy. They informed him that he would have to work with Katie for the next week or so until they could hire someone else to replace the other girl. She had called in and quit, no notice, just "I quit."
Andy didn't mind, he liked working with Katie, especially when she would bend low getting into the popcorn machine. The machine was placed at the back of the stand, when she would scoop out a bag of popcorn she had her back to the customers but her front would be toward the other worker. Katie made sure that she always had a couple of buttons unbuttoned on her blouse; as a matter of fact the main office encouraged the girls to do that, because it was good for business. When she bent over getting popcorn, Andy would get a great view of the top of Katie's breasts; and he just couldn't take his eyes off that view. They looked so soft yet firm; he could catch a view of her lace bra if she happened to be filling a large bag of corn and had to reach all the way to the back of the machine. Andy had never really thought much about sex, he had always been too busy trying to make it through school and working the farm, but with the sights he was seeing now, it was stirring an animal drive that was hidden deep inside him. After riding home with Katie each evening, he would go to his room and have to release the built up storm of cum that was crying to get out.
Katie knew exactly what she was doing; when she saw him watching she would even bend a little lower than normal just to fill his eyes. She made sure that if she needed to pick something up from the bottom shelf that Andy was always close by, close enough that when she was down working on the shelf that her face was always just a couple of inches from his crouch. There were times that she would "accidently" back into him or squeeze past him in the close quarters of the store room.
Each evening after work was a repeat of the first evening, talking all the way home, Katie's hand on his knee, then just before getting out of the car, the kiss on the cheek. All remained the same until that night about a week later. That night was the first step, a step that neither of them had planned, it just happened. As usual they had talked that night, then just as Andy was about to get out of the car, no one knows if it was planned or it just happened, but as Katie moved over to kiss Andy on the cheek, he turned his head when she kissed him, not on the cheek as normal but this time it was on the lips. Just a friendship kiss at first, but as they broke apart, Katie leaned back into him again, this time not a friendship kiss, but a lovers kiss.
Instantly Katie could see the tent in the front of his pants rapidly expanding. Katie drew back to see his reaction to the kiss, Andy looked like a deer caught in the headlights of a car. Not knowing if he should run or freeze where he was. One part of him wanted to run as fast as he could, he knew that Katie was married, but the other part wanted to stay and enjoy the female company that was beside him.
Katie spoke first, "You had better get inside, before your mom and dad comes looking for you. It looks like you have a job to do tonight." She looked down at the large bulge in his pants. Deciding to push it one step more, she took her small hand and placed it on his hardened member. "Get out of here."
The next night at work was kind of strained, Andy was almost afraid to look at Katie. He was afraid that she would think evil of him. Katie went through the evening as usual, giving Andy plenty of chances to see her breasts, plenty of times she backed into him and rubbed her beautiful ass against him.
Driving Andy home that night, they passed the time talking as usual, but Andy seemed far away. On the route and about half way home they always passed a scenic overlook that looked out over the river and a couple of islands, it was a place that lots of locals would come to park and watch the light reflect off the water and of course get some old fashioned loving in. The cops ignored the area; they usually made a trip through the area once or twice an evening, never bothered anyone, just wanting to make sure that there was no trouble.
As they were coming up to the turnoff for the overlook, Katie turned on her signal lights and pulled in. Andy looked shocked. Katie pulled into a spot overlooking the river and turned off the engine and the lights. She kept the radio playing in the background.
Turning toward Andy, she said, "Don't be ashamed about last night, you did nothing wrong. It was only nature coming out. Don't worry about me and my marriage, it is solid and Bill knows that I have other lovers."
"I just didn't want to cause any problems. Can we just sit awhile and talk?"
"No problem, what do you want to talk about."
"I don't know."
"Andy, you are such a sweet kid, but it's time you became a man and leave childhood things behind. You said that you really never had a girlfriend or had sex, is that right."
"No, I don't guess that I have ever really had a girlfriend, I've had a few dates, but that is all. I've always been too busy trying to get through school."
"Last night could be the beginning of you becoming a man. I don't want to do anything to hurt our friendship. How far this goes or what we do or don't do, I'll leave entirely up to you. I will not push you in any way or do anything that you don't want to do."
With that Katie unbuckled her seat beat. One of the things that she loved about the old Cadie was the large bench seat in the front. Katie put her hand down to the side of the seat, triggering the button that moved the seat as far back from the dash as it would go, and she released the steering wheel and let it swing up out of the way. She folded up the arm rest that was between them and moved her body over close to his. She reached down and released his seat belt so there would be nothing between them. Now with nothing between them she laid her head on his shoulder. Andy really didn't know what to do. She took his arm and put it around her shoulders. His shoulder muscles were so hard and she felt so warm and safe here in his arms.
No words were spoken; Katie turned her face toward Andy, took his face in her small hands and kissed him, not a light kiss but one that took over where the one from the night before left off. Slowly she moved her hands from his cheeks to the back of his head. Running her fingers through his long hair, she pulled him into herself, she inhaled the young man's scent, if filled her nostrils, and it triggered something deep inside of her.
"Andy there is a difference between love and just plain lust. I'm in love with my husband, that will never change, but I lust after other men. Don't confuse the two; I can never fall in love with another."
Again Katie kissed Andy, this time she let her left hand fall to his lap, trying to find the hard rod that she had her hand on the night before. It didn't take her long to locate the prize that she sought. Without even breaking her kiss she wrapped her fingers one at a time around his cock. She was testing the waters to see if he would pull back or not. Even through his pants she could fell his cock throb with each beat of his heart.
Andy start to say something, "I l ... mmmmm."
Katie pushed her lips against his cutting him off in mid sentence. "No, Andy, don't say that, this has nothing to do with love."
She pushed her lips against his, using her left hand only, she began to unzip his pants, just a few teeth at a time; she was looking for any negative reaction. When there was no resistance, she now used both hands to unzip his fly, unbutton his pants and loose his belt. As they kissed deeply, she ran her light finger inside his pants sought out the opening in his underwear and slipped inside. The coolness of her touch made Andy jump, not from fright but from surprise. Andy tried to say something, but Katie would not break the kiss for him to speak.
As her fingers began their search within his underwear Andy began to relax and slip down in the soft leather seat. Katie removed her hand from his pants, reached across him, pushed the button that reclined the seat. As the seat began to recline Katie shifted in the seat so that she was on top of him. After the seat was completely reclined, she released the button and renewed her search into his pants, as her fingers touched his cock for the first time there was a shiver run through his body.
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Hello friends! I am extremely sorry for keeping you waiting for such a long time. Actually I was undergoing some very vigorous training under Sunita mam (my wife) and therefore I couldn’t get any time for completing my story. First I will briefly summarize my story for the new readers. In the previous two versions, I told you that how my wife was very dominant from the very beginning of our married life. She was not only superior to me mentally & financially but also was physically much...
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Susan Wilde stood in front of her full-length mirror and looked at the reflection in awe. The woman staring back was not a respectable widowed mother. With the red markings on her most intimate places staring back at her, she realized she had crossed over a major line here, into a world in which she was way over her head. But as her fingers inspected the marks left behind by the crop, she felt her body tingle with desire.She should feel embarrassed and ashamed. Devon had been one of her...
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Wife wants a younger lover.My wife Helen passed a bit of a milestone birthday and was a bit down about it. I had been trying to encourage her to fuck a younger man for some time now to no avail so I turned up the pressure again telling her that it would cheer her up and remind her that she’s still attractive to take a young stud and fuck him rigid while I watch and wank. I could see that she was starting to like the idea by the way she frigged herself energetically while I told her a story...
A great little story of a 48yr old divorcee and her young black lover.I just got divorced this year. I'm glad though. I got his house and his money. I like to chat with guys online at night and meet them for some good sex.One night I was drinkin' some beers and chatting as usual and I started chatting with a guy named James. He was really nice. Then he showed me his pic. Damn! He's a hottie. Tall, black, and young. He was 18. I told him he was sexy and I wanted his cock. Then he asked me how...
My name is Tasnova Amir. I’ve been sexually active for a while now. I started when my boyfriend and his friends forced themselves on me. Though it was forced i enjoyed it eventually.We broke up afterwards and after that , I’ve been using my body for the best of it, getting marks from teachers and even free stuff from shops. Of course that started from stripping down and ended with a blowjob and those i did do,knew that i was at expert level when it came to blowjobs. I rarely had sex at all....
Training TripletsChapter 1 IntroductionIt was a mild Monday morning in November when Racheal and her slave/assistant Jasmine went to visit Mr. & Mrs. Schwartz at their hotel in downtown Miami to discuss the training of the triplets they had found to become proper slaves. The Schwartz’s were recommended by her lawyer, who was in the scene. They were a very private couple who had amassed a large fortune by buying companies and selling them for huge profits. They were in the lifestyle and she...
Once they were out in the main area, Higzashi got to making food. Shime sat quietly, watching him under coy lashes. She let her hand slip up along her neck, feeling at the place the Ha'trin had used to make her so wanton last night. Swallowing, she couldn't help the thought that he had done that on purpose. He already knew so much about her, he probably knew she'd never felt that before. "Do be careful." Higzashi's kind voice made her start. She quickly snapped her hand away, laying it...
AN ENDING “My life is over!” I yelled to my aunt the day she came to discharge me from the convalescent center. With my parents being claimed by a car crash almost eight years ago, I had striven to be a careful driver since then — despite my having bought a silver BMW convertible thanks to my folks’ insurance proceeds and estate. But I almost bought the farm, too. My fiancée wasn’t so lucky. It was evening on a quiet stretch the coast highway northwest of Los Angeles, next to the ocean....
Training Bernice By: Malissa Madison Bernie and Beth had a lot to look forward to in life. college Sweethearts they married right after graduation. Bought a nice house in a quiet Suburb. Both had nice cars, and nice clothes. And they were very much in love. Beth landed a good job with a financial company making a more than adequate salary. But Bernie had majored in Accounting, in a city where Accountants were a dime a dozen. So Beth was supporting them both. She admitted to...
Shime was learning how to eat her food slowly. It was a challenge, but when she ate her food so fast, she'd have to sit there and wait for Higzashi to finish, and he liked to take his time. She would always fidget and he'd chide her teasingly about it. After another week, she was starting to eat much more slowly. She found she felt better when she did. "I think I have an idea for today's training," he told her as they ate breakfast. Shime glanced up at him. Her eagerness was most...
Introduction: Every PokÃ,mon needs training… My dark eyes adjusted to the dim of the forest quickly. I moved through the thick brush as quietly as I could, but movement and light out of the corner of the eye caused me to stop. Fixating on the azure glow, a smile broke across my sharp, 25-year-old male features. I took in every part of it as best as I could as it was turned away from me. The tell-tale waist-long midnight hair of a female Umbreon, the ears similar to a rabbits, the curve of...
During the Christmas celebrations last year suddenly my college wanted me to go to Delhi for a one week training programme called by UGC and everyone suggested I do not go, but then there was no one else in the college free. So I went. It must have been very cold last year as I felt numb after I got down from my train at Delhi. At the station itself I received the hospitality of the UGC welcoming team who pushed me along with some other people into a big bus and drove through the city to some...
Gay MaleTraining Day by NorthernWolfAs the elevator rose to the thirtieth floor, Beth watched as the city descended outside of the glass windows. She felt foolish. After all, she was a professional, and didn't have to rely on the way she looked to impress her clients. She had argued with her husband that her skirt was to short and her heels to high. After all she was going to a training session, not a dance. He had insisted that looking good was important to her professional image and she had given...
She was running hard – her aertex shirt clinging to her wet flesh, rain and sweat mingling and pouring down her face, her chest, between her breasts and down her belly. The short gym skirt flapping as her thighs pounded against the slippery ground was leaving red marks on the vulnerable skin. Mud splashed on her calves, forming dark marks against the cold pink. She looked up as she ran down the hill and lost her rhythm as she saw him standing at the gate. Even from this distance she could make...
Training and Changing (part one): by: Jess Moreau The hearing in court had been brief. She had refused to press charges, and the district attorney had reluctantly accepted the plea agreement that his lawyer had put forth. He wouldn't go to prison, and he certainly deserved to go to prison, but he would not be getting off Scot free either. His wife would have him by the balls for the next two years. If he misbehaved, his butt was mud. He stood before the judge in prison grays and a...
She was running hard - her aertex shirt clinging to her wet flesh, rain and sweat mingling and pouring down her face, her chest, between her breasts and down her belly. The short gym skirt flapping as her thighs pounded against the slippery ground was leaving red marks on the vulnerable skin. Mud splashed on her calves, forming dark marks against the cold pink. She looked up as she ran down the hill and lost her rhythm as she saw him standing at the gate. Even from this distance she could make...
BDSMDear ISS readers…..Let me introduce myself as KK as everyone calls me. I am 29, with a average athletic built, 6 ft tall. I am from Chennai and will definitely enjoy my experience. I am a professional and was working in India and got a chance to work abroad, and I would like to narrate the same which I had with an India sexy chick there. I was sent to an island which is one of the third world nations and myself being the expatriates, was given a flat inside the office premises. It was a newly...
The next day was Saturday. Tom was up early hoping to avoid his little sister. He emptied the dishwasher. That job was now all his since it could be done when their mom wasn't around. Karen had only agreed to continue her jobs that were visible to their mother in order not to arouse her suspicions. Karen must have heard him clattering about. As he was finishing up the dishwasher she appeared, still in her nightgown. Their mom was still asleep. "You're up early," she said. "Uh...
I was on the subway and I saw this beautiful woman that I had to have. I stayed on the train until she got off and I followed her until a convenient time I could introduce myself. I told her that I was a movie mogul and that I saw her on the train and wanted to give her an audition. She was quite flatted, but said she was not interested. I asked her to go to lunch and discuss what I had offered. She was hesitant but finally said OK. I told her I had a place in the upper New York...
The day had come to select a Master for Susan. Devon pored over the information of several possibilities, trying to find any reason to disqualify them.Ronald was looking for a sub who would clean his house in addition to serving him sexually. While Devon was certain that Susan was an impeccable housekeeper, he hardly thought she’d appreciate having to clean someone else’s house as well.Mitchell was looking for weeknights only. He had a vanilla wife who traveled during the week and wanted...
MILFRose has become something of a living legend around Saddleworth so I persuaded her to tell me her story for a small, or actually not so small, fee. I had to edit some of it and change a couple of identities but I hope you enjoy it. Angie. Training Rose I cowered in the corner protecting my face as best I could as the blows rained down, five, six, I counted, as they inflamed my tender bare buttocks, left, right, nine,...
To my Readers: You will find that this is an extensively edited, revised, and expanded version of the three postings I submitted earlier. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did in writing it. As always, thank you so much for your critical reviews and comments. Please keep it up! It helps me a lot. If you wish, send me an email: [email protected] - Marie Training Days, Prologue From my earliest memories I wished I was born a girl. I loved the feel of the satin edging of my...
When Higzashi woke, it was to a hot, moist sensation around his groin. He opened his eyes, peering down. Under the blanket he noticed the bump that was Shime's head bobbing up and down his shaft. That long tongue of hers was wrapped tightly around him, forcing a low groan from his throat. He was almost painfully hard, responding to her experienced technique. "Shime," he groaned again, almost regretting he'd spoken when she suddenly stopped. "Why are you doing that?" His voice was very...
Marie’s Young Lover by alexcarr © Marie, that’s what I call her now – before I was appointed to redecorate her home. It never ever crossed my mind, in fact quite the opposite, that I could ever see her as an attraction. But although she was 55 and I was 30 years her junior it dawned on me, during the time I spent in her home , that there was a chemical attraction, something which you can’t explain but there, whether it be because of her openness, her kindness I cannot say -maybe simply a bit...
as I could, but movement and light out of the corner of the eye caused me to stop. Fixating on the azure glow, a smile broke across my sharp, 25-year-old male features. I took in every part of it as best as I could as it was turned away from me. The tell-tale waist-long midnight hair of a female Umbreon, the ears similar to a rabbit's, the curve of its breasts and its hips that complimented its slight features well. Its skin was pale due to all the time it must spend in the dark. It was a...
The Underground Women’s Fight League (UWFL) is a premium fight club for wealthy viewers. The use of the word “fight” is somewhat of a misnomer, as they mainly cater to what their fans like to see: one-sided brutal beatdowns. There are two stables of participants which clearly differentiate their roles - “fighters” and “jobbers”. Patrons can still bet on the matches, but never on the outcome. Instead, they make bets on how long the jobbers can last, how many blows the various parts of their...
BDSMTraining my first pumper womanI have always been a very horny guy; full of powerful sexual needs that were not being met. Every week, I needed to clean out my pipe a number of times a day and there was not always a women on the other end if you get my drift--which is sadly the case for many college students. So, I got my first pump to train my manhood to grow to thicker and meaner heights. It was the old kind made by John Holmes--with a black knob on the top and made a loud pumping/hissing...
hi friends i am Krishna from Vizag (Andhra Pradesh ) what i am saying is a true story which happened the day before yesterday my girlfriend name is Madhuri it’s her true name no name change and all and my x lover name is Anusha.i asked my x lover for sex but she refused that one time i forced to do so she left me; that time i got angry so i wanted to take revenge so i got my contacts and selected one of them and flirt her and made my girlfriend and said that before i use to have lover and now...