Training The Ultimate Slave free porn video

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Title: Training the Ultimate Slave

Stage 1 – Preparing

I always thought that I'd like to break a nice Christian woman. The morepure a woman seemed, the more I wanted to rape and violate her.

My first few rapes were the least satisfying. I'd hide out in sight of achurch parking lot at night while there was choir practice or whatever, andI'd use binoculars to check out the women. I'd pick one, and follow her home.Then, I'd stalk her for a little while. When I got my chance, I'd come afterher with a gun, and get her into my van or rape her on the spot.

It was always quick then. I'd wear a mask, and get her clothes off as fastas possible. Then, it was one rape session, maybe half an hour on a good day,and I was gone. It was fun, but not much payoff for all that work. I wantedsomething more. I wanted to kidnap a woman and make her my slave.

I spent some extra time looking for the woman that would become my slave,and it really paid off. I found a very cute female preacher in one of the smallersuburban churches I went to. She had shoulder-length brown hair and green eyes,and a trim figure. Her tits were smaller than the ones on the women I usuallywent for, but that was a small price to pay.

After that, it was the same routine. I stalker her for a few days and learnedher schedule. Luckily, she was alone on weekdays while her husband worked.I was quick to take advantage of that.

I put a gun to her head, and told her to put her hands behind her back. Whenshe did, I handcuffed her. Then I forced her into my van, and forced a ballgag into her mouth. I locked her ankles in place with a spreader bar, and puta collar on her neck. I chained her to the floor of the van, and then I chloroformedher, just to be sure. I didn't want to leave the slightest chance of anythinggoing wrong.

I threw a blanket over her and started the long drive back home. She wokeup along the way, but I just pulled over and drugged her again. By the timeI got her home, it was late at night. I drove into my garage, then pulled herout of the back of the van and took her into the basement.

I had put a lot of thought into what I would need to have for her training,and my basement/dungeon was well stocked. I had a huge selection of sex toysand household objects that might be useful, as well as some furniture (includinga king-sized bed). I also had placed metal hooks and in various places aroundthe room, so I could chain her however I wanted. There was a nice, cozy cagesituated in one corner of the room.

Once in the basement, I stripped her, leaving her clothes in tact. I thoughtI might keep them as souvenirs, since she obviously wouldn't need them again.I found out that she had been wearing some fairly unremarkable white pantiesand bra. Not that I expected anything different from this bitch. She had nice,large areolas. I measured them. They were just over two inches across.

I sat her in a chair, and tied her down tightly. I used ropes and chains,limiting her range of movement as much as possible. Her legs were spread wide,and her ass was pushed forward slightly from the back of the chair, givingme good access to her pussy. I decided that it would be better if she was awakefor the first rape, and anyway a night of worry might help her disposition.So, I just masturbated while looking at her, and then I went to bed.

Stage 2 – Under Control

She was wide-awake when I came down early the next morning. When she sawme, her muscles strained against the ropes, and she shook her head hard, despitethe collar that was firmly attached to the back of the chair. I heard muffledwails coming from behind the gag.

"Morning," I smiled. "Welcome home, Whore. You are now my slave. Fromnow on, you will do exactly what I say, when I say it. Any hesitation orresistance will be severely punished. You will speak only when spoken to,and even then you will only give short, direct answers to questions."

I watched her reaction. She was clearly horrified by everything that washappening, but I couldn't tell if she had even managed to register what I hadsaid. It didn't really matter for now, though. She'd learn it all eventually.

I slapped her face to get her attention. She stopped struggling for a moment. "Forgeteverything about the life you've lived so far. You will never, ever go backthere. Your name is Whore. And now, I'm going to help you get used to the ideaof being fucked by me."

I pulled out my cock, and she started struggling again, even harder thanbefore. She screamed over her gag as I straddled her and lined my dick up withher entrance. I spread her pussy with one hand, and prepared to guide myselfin with the other. I noticed that she had been sweating from the night's exertion.Her screams turned shrill as I forced my cock in dry. I pushed slowly and steadily,until I was deep inside her. My cock filled her tight, hot pussy. It was themost thrilling experience I had ever had up to that point.

She cried and grunted with pain as I started slowly pumping in and out. Myhands squeezed her breasts, and played with her nipples. I licked and blewon each nipple, getting them hard, making them even more sensitive so thatI could really enjoy pinching and twisting them.

Before long, my hands moved down to her hips. I picked up the pace, and pumpedwith a little more force. Soon, I was pounding on her cunt, fast and hard.I loved the sound of her helpless, terrified cries. I came quickly. I shotmy hot cum deep into her, and she started to sob more quietly. I'd never beenso satisfied.

Then, I left her without a word. I went upstairs and watched some TV whileI recovered my strength. She had to learn that she was my slave and fuck toy,and that she didn't deserve any attention beyond that.

I came down later to give her lunch and to fuck her again. I brought downa dish of dog food (which I had originally intended for my black lab, Spike),and a glass of water. I pulled a table over next to her, and set the food andwater down on it. Then, I told her to be quiet as I removed the gag. She immediatelytried to speak, so I slapped her face, and forced the gag back in her mouth.

"That was a big mistake, slave." I went over to a long row of cabinets onthe other side of the room, and started looking through my toys and torturedevices. I couldn't whip her very well in her current position, and I didn'twant to let her move yet. So, I selected a cigar and a lighter.

I then came back and stood in front of her. Without saying a word, I gaveher a good look at the cigar. I'm sure she had no idea what I planned to dowith it. I lit it, and blew some smoke in her face, making her cough.

"This is what you get for disobeying, Whore."

I quickly touched the burning end of the cigar to her nipple. She screamedout in pain. It probably would have hurt my ears, if not for the gag. I heldit there for only a couple of seconds. It was undoubtedly her first experiencewith real torture, and I didn't want to start off with anything too terrible.I'd have to be able to escalate somehow.

I let her take four deep breaths, before I grabbed her other tit and heldit in place. This time I slowly brought the cigar closer, letting her watchand anticipate. It touched, and she screamed again.

I then reached down and stretched her outer labia, pulling hard with onehand. She was breathing hard now, and her eyes were wide with panic. I burnedone of the lips, then the other. More screams.

Then, I started to work on her clit, playing with it and slowly coaxing itout from its hood. She kept screaming, more from fear than pain at the moment,and she was shaking her head frantically and pulling at the restraints. I heldthe cigar right next to her pussy as I pulled and played with the clit. Withoutany warning, I touched the clit with the cigar, and got my reward: The loudest,sharpest scream I'd heard from her yet.

The cigar's touch there lasted only an instant, but I knew she'd never forgetit. I then spread her pussy lips and shoved the cigar in, burning end first.I worked it inside her briefly, and pulled it out. Then, I watched her whileI smoked the cigar.

When I was finished with the cigar, I raped her damaged pussy. I told herthat I would let her eat tomorrow, if she was better behaved. I decided toleave her alone again for a while. I raped her one more time before bed, andthen called it a night.

A week passed that way. I forced her to suck me before her meals, and I'dfuck her cunt whenever I felt like it (and I came both inside her and on her,based on my mood). Her only sustenance consisted of water, dog food, and semen.Her only exercise came when I moved her just enough to let her take a shitin a bucked once a day, and her ankles remained tied to the chair at thosetimes. She struggled a bit the first few times I did that, but a few stiffslaps reminded her of her place (and brought her to her senses enough to realizeshe couldn't escape with her legs shackled to a chair).

She never tried to speak when I took the gag off after that first time, sothere was no reason to punish her again. I made sure to call her 'whore' often,to drive home the idea that it was her name now.

It was nice to have a ready fuck toy locked up in the basement, but I wantedmore. It was time for the next step of her training.

Stage 3 – The Electric Whore

Exactly one week after her capture, I came down to the basement early inthe morning and announced that I was going to let her change positions. I toldher that she would be punished if she tried to fight me, and the punishmentwould be even worse than the previous one. I then proceeded to unfasten thelock that held her collar to the chair. I also untied the ropes, leaving onlythe spreader bar and handcuffs to restrict her movements.

Of course, she tried to get away, even though her body was weak and sore.I overpowered her easily, and forced her onto a wooden sawhorse that I hadset up for her. I laid her down on her stomach, with her tits hanging on eitherside of the cross board, and I looped some rope around her waist and chestto hold her there. I then tied her legs to the legs of the sawhorse, at bothher ankles and knees. I thought she looked incredibly sexy like that, withher hands locked together just above her ass. I then passed another loop ofrope around her, this time to hold her arms in place.

"I warned you, Whore. I told you that you'd be punished," I said. She startedto cry then. I hadn't seen her do that lately. For the last few days, she hadseemed vacant when she was around me. I was glad to see she still had someemotion left for me to take advantage of. "The splinters you'll get from beingfucked on that thing will probably be a pretty good punishment, but that isn'tenough. Every time you disobey, the punishment will be worse than the last.If you don't learn to obey, it'll eventually kill you."

I let her ponder that while I went over to get a torture device. Now shewas in a position that would allow for easy caning and whipping. I picked outa nice bullwhip, and immediately went to work.

I had never had the chance to use it on a person before, but I had practicedwith it for quite some time, and I was very good at cracking it exactly whereI wanted to. I was very pleased with the results.

She screamed loudly on the first blow. I told her to quiet down, and shegrit her teeth and bore the next few strikes fairly well. Though I doubt sherealized it at the time, that was the first order she obeyed without question.Of course, she started to make more noise as the whipping went on, but I couldhardly blame her for that.

I whipped her again and again, making terrible welts and cuts in her skin.I thought she would black out a few times, and I always gave her a quick breakwhen she seemed about to feint. After all, it's hard to torture a woman whenshe's unconscious.

I'm not normally a fan of whips, but the pain this one inflicted was beautiful.She was shaking all over by the time I finished. I had lost count of the blowswell before I stopped.

After that, I finally had the pleasure of raping her ass for the first time.It was incredibly tight, just like I'd imagined. I didn't plan on using lube,but I had to in order to get my cock inside. I doubt she had ever had analsex before.

I drew her anal rape out for quite some time, pausing between strokes whenI was ready to explode. I could tell that she hated every second of it, justas much as I loved it. I felt great as I came deep in her ass.

After that, I told her that she was ready for a new collar. I showed herwhat she would be wearing from now on. It was a metal collar with just a littleleather padding along the inside edge. The collar had metal studs stickingthrough the leather. The collar had rings attached to the outside, which couldbe used to attach chains or whatever else I wanted. It had a strong lock inthe front.

I removed her old collar, and put the new one on.

"This collar is permanent. I doubt I will ever take it off of you," I said. "It'sa shock collar. Watch."

I took out a remote control. It had a dial and three buttons. I turned thedial, and pressed one of the buttons. Her body tensed, and she screamed asthe electricity coursed through her.

"That was just a warning. If you do anything wrong, you can expect worsein the future."

The control had a small, yet sturdy chain on it. I looped the chain aroundmy wrist and secured it with a lock. Then, I turned up the dial.

After I was done showing her the remote control, I removed all her restraints,except for the collar. Naturally, she tried to run away again. I shocked herimmediately. She collapsed onto the floor almost instantly, screaming and writhingin pain.

I decided that she would only need a few seconds of that to convince herof her mistake. So, after her watching her for just a moment, and adding acouple more quick jolts, I gave her a chance to catch her breath. I tappedthe button one more time, and then I let her rest.

I smiled as I looked down at her. She was lying on the floor, breathing heavily.When I felt she was ready, I ordered her to stand up. Her knees were shaking,but she complied without hesitation.

I told her to get in the cage, which she did. I ordered her to close thedoor firmly, and to make sure the lock was secure. Then, I told her to attachone of the chains from inside the cage to her collar. She followed all of theseorders perfectly.

I told her that she was finally being a good slave, and then I shut off thelights and left.

Stage 4 – Pets

The next day, I took her out of her cage. I unhooked the chain from the wall,but left it attached to her collar. I told her that it was her leash. I orderedher to crawl for me.

I led her around the room a bit. I told her she was a good pet. I fed hera couple of doggy treats, which she took without question. She was being veryobedient, and I felt it was time for a test.

I told her to sit against the wall with her legs spread, and her knees bent.She did, displaying her cunt nicely. I then made her hold onto her ankles withher hands.

I got a jar a peanut butter, and I called my dog Spike. The black lab camebounding down the stairs, wagging his tail. I patted his head for a bit. Iasked my slave if he was a handsome dog, and she nodded slowly. Her face didn'thave any expression to speak of.

I spread a little of the peanut butter on her pussy lips. Spike happily lickedand sniffed at her cunt. He had a very rough tongue, but that didn't seem tobother the slave.

After watching this for a bit, I told her to get on all fours. She did. Ihad Spike stand near her head. I ordered her to rub his cock, and she did.

I smiled. I had spent a long time making sure Spike was as well trained asshe was. I had practiced some on willing participants before, but I was eagerto finally turn him loose on a rape victim.

I gave him one simple order: "Fuck."

He immediately mounted her. I told her to guide his cock into her. Aftera little scrambling, he was inside and fucking away. If you've ever seen adog fucking a woman, you probably know that they tend to fuck hard, fast, anddeep. Spike was no exception, and he was very aggressive, even for a dog. Iwas quite pleased with the spectacle.

I considered having her suck the dog off, but I finally decided that I'dbe happier letting the dog cum in her poor, abused cunt. It didn't take longfor the dog to shoot its load into her.

She had been very quiet through the entire animal rape, and she hadn't givenany outward sign of emotion. I realized that the collar must have finally brokenher. She had been weakening for a while, but the finality of the shock collarhad put an end to her spirit.

I had her lie down on the bed, and ordered her to give me a blowjob. I rapedher ass after that. She was silent, obedient, and unemotional the entire time.

"You've been a very good slave all day," I said. "What is your name?"

"Whore," She said.

"Very good." I gave her another doggy treat, and sent her back to her cage.

Stage 5 – Slave at Last

I let a few days went by. Nothing much happened in that time. She was veryobedient, and didn't have to be punished at all. She sucked me, and I rapedher in every position I could think of. I came down to fuck her at all hoursof the night and day, and made sure she had no privacy at any time. This wasto help her realize that she was mine, and that everything of her, even hertime, belonged to me.

Whore was doing well, but I knew that if she ever did get that collar offsomehow, she would still try to get away. She wouldn't be a real slave untilshe gave up even that desire, and became completely subservient to me. Therewas only one way to do that: To make her realize that it wasn't about her pleasureor pain. She had to learn that what she wanted just didn't matter. Luckily,I had heard of a technique that was designed to teach a slave exactly that.

I came down to the basement one evening. As usual, Whore was sitting quietlyin her cage. Her hands were cuffed behind her back, and a chain ran from hercollar to the side of the cage.

I unlocked the chain from her collar, and took her out of the cage. Then,I had her lie on the bed. I unlocked the handcuffs from her wrists. This wasa test. Aside from the collar, she was unrestrained. I sat back and watchedher.

I ordered her to spread her arms and legs, which she did immediately. I thenslowly reached over and chained her wrists and ankles to the bedposts. Shemade no move to resist. I was quite pleased, and I knew she was truly readyfor the last stage of her training.

I selected a nice, long vibrator from among my supplies. I went over to her,and showed her the toy. Then, I licked and blew on her nipples to make themhard. I smiled, and spread her pussy lips with one hand. I then slowly slidthe vibrator inside. Her pussy was no longer very tight, and it slid in easily.I set it on low speed, and watched.

I played with her nipples gently as the vibrator worked its magic. I toldher to relax and enjoy the feelings. She relaxed, though I doubt she was enjoyingit just yet. But I was patient. I kissed her neck softly.

After a minute or two, I slid my hand downward. I ran my palm over her stomach,and down to her hips. I messaged her hips for a moment, then placed my handon her well-shaved pussy. I smiled again, because she was getting wet. I movedmy lips next to her ear, and made let out a slight moan of pleasure. She moanedback.

She started to grind her hips, and buck slightly against the restraints.I didn't stop her. She started to moan more and more, and was working her hipshard. I kept playing with her for some time. I loved her stamina.

Soon, I knew she was ready to cum. I gripped the vibrator, and pulled itout of her body in one quick stroke. She let out a disappointed moan. Her pussywas soaked, and there was glistening layer of sweat over the rest of her body.She looked incredible in that position, spread-eagled on the bed with her eyesclouded by desire.

I whispered in her ear. "Do you want me to help you cum? Do you want me tofuck you until you cum? Do you want me inside you?"

She didn't answer immediately. I doubted that she could form a coherent thoughtright then. Her hips bucked uselessly for a second. Then she moaned out heranswer. "Yes, Master. Please yes."

"Yes what?" I whispered.

"Please fuck me Master," she said, panting hard.

"You're a slave," I said. "I'm the only one who matters, and I don't feellike fucking you right now."

I quickly got off the bed, and tightened her restraints.

I left her there for the night. I came down early the next morning, and releasedher from the bed. I had her give me a blowjob. It was the best I'd ever had.When that was done, I decided to test her one more time.

"Would you like some breakfast, Whore?" I asked.

"I do if it pleases you, Master," She said.

"Then you will eat," I said. I gave her a bowl of dry dog food, as usual.She ate quietly at my feet.

Stage 6 – A New Recruit

The training of my first slave was exciting, but that was only the beginning.My real dream, and my biggest fantasy, was to use a slave to torture anotherwoman. So, when I felt Whore was finished, I immediately started looking formy next victim.

I found her at the same church where I had picked up Whore. I had hoped tofind someone there, as it added one more dimension to the torture. I felt extremelylucky.

This girl had practically everything I wanted in a slave. She was small,with somewhat slim figure (though she wasn't thin). She had nice, shapely legsand large breasts that hung low. She was still in high school, and she haddark hair and eyes.

I got her on her way home from school. Everything went well. I quickly gother into my van, shoved a penis gag in her mouth, chained her wrists and ankles,and brought her home. I was much stronger than she was, and it was easy forme to force her into the house and down to the basement, even through she wasstruggling as hard as she could.

Whore showed no reaction when I brought the new girl into the basement. Thegirl, on the other hand, looked shocked. She even stopped struggling for aninstant when she saw her former preacher sitting naked in a cage. Her strugglingstarted again with renewed vigor when I started to pull her toward the cage.I loved the way her tits bounced as she fought.

Using a pair of handcuffs, I latched the girl to the bars of the cage whileI let Whore out of her restraints. I knew my slave wouldn't even consider tryingto resist me now, and even if she did, I still had the control for her collar.

With help from Whore, I easily stripped the new girl, and chained her intothe chair. I tied her knees, wrists, and ankles down, and placed Whore's oldcollar around the girl's neck. Her legs were held apart, and the collar wasattached to the back of the chair to make her sit up straight. The girl lookedhorrified by what was happing. I bet she couldn't believe that Whore was helpingme.

"Your name is Slut," I said. "I might call you other things from time totime, but your name is now Slut, and you are my slave. You will do everythingI tell you immediately. If you disobey at all, you will be punished severely." Ipaused for a bit to let her take it all in. I doubted that she was listening,as she was putting so much energy into fighting the chains. Still, I decidedto keep going. "My other slave is named Whore. You will obey her unless I tellyou otherwise."

I slapped Slut's face hard, to get her attention. She looked at me with wideeyes.

"From now on, you will call me Master, and you will answer any question thatyou are asked. Nod if you understand."

She didn't answer. She was probably too shocked to move, but that didn'tmatter. As I had expected, this would be my first chance to show her what Imeant by punishment.

"You didn't answer me," I said. "Now, you're going to be punished. Then,once your punishment is over, I'm going to rape you."

She finally started crying then, and struggling harder then ever. Her headthrashed in the collar. I just watched for a minute, then I decided it wastime to get to work.

I looked through my torture implements, and eventually settled on a knife.Cutting probably isn't my most painful method of torture, but it is quite scary.It seemed like a good starting point. The knife had a long, serrated blade.It looked very nasty.

I handed the knife to Whore. "Make long, shallow cuts in Slut's tits."

"Yes master," She said. She walked over and began cutting the girl's breasts. Slut's muffled cries were beautiful. I watched as Whore made a long, horizontal cut across the top of Slut's breasts. Then, she made a couple of cuts down the sides of the breasts. The cuts were very shallow, just enough to draw a little blood. Naturally, Whore didn't show any emotion.

"Do you see how obedient Whore is?" I asked. "She doesn't even mindhurting you to please me. In fact, I'm going to have her rape you later,and she won't even bat an eye."

I grinned at Slut's plaintive crying.

"You'll be like her very soon," I said. "The faster you learn to obey, theless pain you'll have to feel in the mean time. You're a slave now, and themeaning of your life is to obey."

I told Whore to stop. Then, I took the knife back and put it away.

I decided that Slut was ready for her first rape. I took off my clothes,and straddled her. The position was a little awkward, both of us sitting upwith her cunt below my cock, but I could handle it. I had practiced enoughbeforehand to ensure that.

I spread her pussy lips, then thrust my cock in hard. She had a very tightcunt. It was a nice change of pace from Whore's cunt, which was quite badlystretched from the various objects I'd raped her with. I proceeded to pumpin and out of Slut's pussy viciously. I had been extremely aroused by everythingthat had gone on so far, and I was glad to take out my energy on her. I slappedher tits hard as I rode her. It didn't take me very long to cum. I explodedinto her, driving my cock inside. My load felt huge.

Slut was sobbing, of course. I bent my head down to kiss her sexy littlenose. She turned her head away from me.

"That'll earn you another punishment," I said. I grabbed her face and kissedher nose, and gave it a quick bite as well.

I pulled out, and went back over to my cabinets. I got another tool out.I handed it to Whore.

"Pierce Slut's tits, and her clit."

"Yes master," Whore said. Slut was still crying. Whore quickly placed thedevice over one nipple and pierced it, then she did the other. She reacheddown and started playing with Slut's clit, teasing it out. Slut cried evenharder. Then, Slut screamed through her gag as Whore used the device to puta hole through her clit.

I took the piercing device and put it away. Then I got three rings, a pairof gold chains, and a bottle of rubbing alcohol. I used the alcohol to disinfectthe piercing, then I put the rings in them. One chain went between the nipplerings, while the other went from the clit ring to the first chain. There wasjust enough slack in the chains to let her sit in her current position withoutputting any pressure on her piercings. I didn't want to put any strain on themwhile they were so fresh, and I could always go to shorter chains later.

"That wasn't your punishment," I said. "That'll come after Whore rapes you."

I got a nice, big strap-on for Whore, and had her put it on. I grabbed therubber cock, and wiggled it in front of Slut, to show off its size.

I looked at Whore. "Now, rape my Slut."

"Yes master," She said. Without even the slightest pause, she walked overto Slut and mounted her. Whore put the end of the strap-on dildo in Slut'scunt. She started riding. Whore's movements were very rhythmic and mechanical.She was completely emotionless as she raped that poor young bitch. I told herto fuck harder and faster. She did.

It was incredible to see one woman raping another, one of them looking stonecold and the other hopelessly straining against her tight bondage. I reachedover and played with the chain on her tits. I pulled at the chins, liftingher tits up and out, then to the sides, and then down. I tugged at the clitchain a few times. Then, I took Whore's hand, and told her to tug the chainin time to her thrusts. I stayed close, and watched as Whore pulled on my youngSlut's clit over and over. I looked at Slut's face, and she was clearly inagony. I squeezed Slut's tits together, then I did the same to Whore's. I pinchedboth their nipples.

I was hard again now, and I told Whore to get off of Slut. She did so immediately.I then made her give me a quick blow job in front of Slut. Before my orgasm,I pulled out of her mouth, and climbed up on the chair. I came in Slut's face.I climbed down.

"Now for your second punishment," I said. "And you'd better start learningfast. You might think its bad now, but you can't even imagine what I'll doif you really piss me off."

I took the strap-on from Whore, and handed her a box full of needles instead.

"I want you to demonstrate something for Slut. Put a needle through one ofyour pussy lips."

Whore calmly reached down and pulled one of her lips out slightly. She didn'teven wince as she thrust one of the needles through.

I smiled at Slut. "See, easy." I looked back at Whore. "Put some needlesin Slut's body. I want them in her tits and her pussy."

"Yes master."

Whore started with Slut's nipples. Bending over a bit, she pinched the skinof the slave's areolas, and held them like that as she pushed the needles through.I counted, and she put three needles in each, alternating between the two nipples.Then, she knelt down and went to work on Slut's cunt. Slut was screaming herhead off now. Good thing she was gagged.

Whore pulled out one of the pussy lips, and thrust a needle through, thenanother. She pulled out the bitch's other pussy lip and did the same to it.Then she held the two cunt lips together and put a needle through both at thesame time. I loved that little move. She then put a needle through the girl'sclit, above the ring.

Then she got back up. She put three more needles in each areolas. Then, Itold her to stop.

Satisfied with Slut's agony, I decided to leave her like that for the night.I put Whore back in her cage, then went upstairs.

Stage 7 – Play Time's Over

Training Slut didn't go as well as I'd hoped. She was a lot more resilientthan Whore, and that was a problem. She fought me constantly, even with repeatedand increasingly severe punishments. After breaking Whore so easily, I thoughta good challenge might be fun. I was wrong. Slut was becoming a constant irritation.In fact, I hated her.

Whore was fun to play with. She'd play along with any perverse little ideathat came to me. Granted, torturing her wasn't a lot of fun anymore, as shedidn't seem bothered by anything that I did. That wasn't really a problem forme, though. I had plenty of other games to play with her. Having a very sexywoman as a personal fuck toy gave me all the pleasure I needed.

As for Slut, I still enjoyed torturing her. But that was starting to be moreout of malice than sexual pleasure. Raping her gave me very little pleasureanymore (relatively speaking), as she just stared at me hatefully. I thoughtabout selling her. Someone with more experience might relish the chance tobreak her. I didn't really want to start getting involved with outsiders, though.There was too much risk. As far as I was concerned, my life was great, andI didn't want to tempt fate. Anyway, my sadistic side had its own ideas.

One evening, I was watching Whore play with Slut (at my order, of course).Slut was chained to the bed, with her arms and legs spread wide. She had burnmarks from cigarettes all over her body. There was quite a bit of tension inthe chains that ran between her nipples and clit. Whore was on the bed nextto her, holding a heavy baseball bat. The bat was slick and shiny. I was standingnext to the bed, on the side away from Whore. I wanted easy access to Slut'sbody. Slut had a piece of cloth in her mouth that was tied at the back of herhead. It was a simple gag, but it would let her make plenty of noise whilekeeping her from saying anything intelligible.

I leaned over and spread Slut's pussy with both hands. She bore down andtook it. Whore placed the wide end of the lubed bat against Slut's cunt. Shepushed the end of the bat inside. Slut grunted, but that was all. Whore workedthe bat side-to-side, forcing it deeper. She worked very efficiently, and puta good amount of force into it. I told her to stop when it was clear that thebat wouldn't go any further. Slut never did more than grunt through it all.

I looked down and saw that she had taken a good portion of the bat. I lookedat her face. "You did very well. That slutty cunt of yours can take a lot.Though really, you're so loose now that it isn't much of a surprise. I can'twait to try something bigger."

Slut only glared at me.

"You know what," I said. "Fuck it. I'm sick of you being so defiant. Whenyou first got here, I warned you about pissing me off. Well, now you have."

I went to my cabinets, and got a knife and a few bandages. I also got someheavy tape and a piece of rope.

"Time for you to really learn something."

I grabbed one of her hands, and flattened out her fingers. I then told Whoreto hold Slut's hand out like that. She did.

"Say goodbye to your fucking finger, Slut," I said. With a quick cut, I rippedinto her index finger. She screamed. I sawed at it with the knife a few times,pressing in hard. The finger came off. Blood was flowing from her hand andthe severed finger.

I untied the cloth from her mouth. She was breathing hard. She said, "No,please stop. Please…"

"Shut the fuck up, bitch," I said. "There's a rule against talking, remember?But you don't really care about the rules, do you?"

She was shaking. "Please, please…"

I brought the knife up to her neck. "Shut. Up."

She didn't say a word. I threw the finger in a metal waste basket next tothe bed.

I pulled one of Slut's nipples, holding up the nice, full tit. I then tookthe knife and cut the nipple off, just below the areola. She was screamingagain. I threw the nipple away. There were spots of blood from her hand andtit all over the bed and her body. I reached over and cut off her other nipple.I decided I might be able to keep it as a souvenir. I ordered Whore to putit in a plastic bag for later.

"I'll tell you what," I said. "I'll give you one chance to redeem yourself.I want you to take this knife and cut off your own clit. If you do that, allis forgiven."

I undid the wrist restraints, and unhooked the chain from her collar. Shecould now move her upper body, but her legs were still spread by the chainsholding them. I put the knife in her bloody hand, and taped it in place, tomake sure she couldn't try to throw the knife at me. I took a few steps backand watched.

Slut looked at the knife. She was still shaking. Slowly she reached downand held her clitoris. She held it in one hand, exposing it. She held the knifeagainst the sensitive skin. She closed her eyes. She gritted her teeth andforced the knife through. The flesh was cut easily. In an instant, she washolding a knife in one hand, and her severed clit in the other. She was coveredin blood. She opened her eyes, and feinted.

I had Whore remove the tape from Slut's hand, and retrieve the knife forme. Then, I took Slut's collar off, and refastened her other restraints. Igot an amyl nitrate capsule and broke it under her nose. She woke up quickly.She looked around a bit, looking dazed. She started to cry.

"Nice try," I said. "But you were a little too slow. Slut, I hope you'reready to die, because I've had it with you. Whore, say goodbye to Slut."

"Goodbye," Whore said.

I handed the rope to Whore.

"Wrap this around the Slut's neck."

"No, please don't, please. Please," Slut said. Whore straddled her. She keptwhining and begging as Whore slipped the rope around her neck, and looped itonce.

"Pull it a little tighter," I said. "Shut that bitch up."

Whore pulled the ends of the ropes away from each other, tightening the loop.Slut gasped, and then started struggling hard. She was having a hard time breathing.


"Yes master."

Whore pulled harder on the rope. It was obvious that Slut couldn't breath.She was fighting hard. Whore kept the pressure on.

"Tighter, Whore." I said. "Be a good slave for your master. Kill her."

Whore pulled the rope tighter. Slut's skin was starting to look a littleblue. She was weakening. She wasn't really fighting anymore. She seemed tobe spasming, but Whore was holding on tightly, not letting go.

I watched. The spasms were getting smaller and smaller. Slut stopped moving.

"Hold on a little longer, just to make sure," I said.

"Yes master."

I waited a bit longer. When I was satisfied, I told Whore to take off therope. I didn't want to take any chances, so I cut Slut's throat with the knife.She bled some, but there was no other response from the body. The blood didn'tspurt out, as her heart was no longer beating.

I tossed a vibrator to Whore. "Masturbate. And keep straddling the body."

"Yes master," Whore said. She turned on the vibrator and slid it into herpussy, dry. She started working the device in and out. I told her to look downat Slut's body, and she did.

While Whore was working herself toward orgasm, I went to get a double-endeddildo. Slut was dead, but I wasn't quite done with her yet. There were justa few more games I wanted to try.

Same as Training the Ultimate Slave Videos

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The Slave

The SlaveAs it gets later into the night I realize my slave has had nothing to eat or drink, nor has he been allowed personal bathroom time. I excuse myself and head downstairs to allow him up to stretch and take care of things. I asked my roommates to fix him something light to eat and I grab a bottle of chilled water to take with me for him.I sit down on the side of the bed and he jumps, startled at my presence. I grab his balls firmly and ask him if he plans to give me problems if I let him...

2 years ago
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How Jenna became a slave

How Jenna’s journey as a slave beganJenna had always been brought up as a proper girl. She was shielded by her parents in aspects of her life. Now at the age of 19 she had just gotten her first computer with internet access. She could not wait to go upstairs and use her pc with the internet. But she was stuck helping her mom with the cleaning of the house for her moms work guests that where coming over. Jenna’s mother came into the room at 6:30 and said she could do what she wanted for the rest...

2 years ago
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Blue collar Master white collar slave

Blue collar Master, white collar slave. 3by 2NN  This story depicts homosexuality and very extreme S&M. If you are aminor or this offends you, go elsewhere now.  PrologueI sit on the couch in my owner's house, dressed every bit theslave I am. My body from the tips of my toes to my eyelashes iscompletely and permanently hairless, smooth, soft and beautifullytanned. My upper body is clad in a thin, soft and pink rubber T-shirtand my ass is clad in a pair of outrageously short and...

2 years ago
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Submissive slave

Submissive slave Kara was lost. All the men she dated just seemed superficial and bland. She needed more or less, she didn’t know. Then she met Phil. He owned his own company and was into the import and export of goods from Africa and Indonesia. He was the most confidant man she had ever known but until she landed the secretary job she only knew his name and his reputation as a businessman.  On their first real date they ate a lite dinner and he invited her to his place. They had had lunch in...

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The Foot Slave

The Foot SlaveNervously my finger pressed the buzzer, within ten seconds the release mechanism clicked and opened the door, I pushed it ajar and entered a dimly lit hallway, a stair case lay in front of me, leading down to a single ominous black door, I walked down and knocked, ?You may enter? was the quick curt reply.Sheepishly I entered, and closed the door behind me.The room was spacious and painted a matt black with a cold stone floor, recess lights in the ceiling were dimmed to give a low...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

4 years ago
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Husband slave

               Eunuch Slave to My Wife The Consent            As my wife snapped the lock closed on the chastity cage that fitted over my limp penis, I didn’t think that that would be the last time it would be free, But now 2 years later I’m a slave to my wife and her sex partners, yes that’s all they are to her, After 30 years of marriage and a great sex life I was unfortunate to have a severe stroke, although I have made a full recovery, our sex life took a dive as I became impudent, hardly...

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The Ultimate Package

The Ultimate Package By Mister Double-U Bill drove up to the shopping center, hoping that no one saw him. He walked briskly into the 'Fetish Boutique' and tried to look casual. He strolled past the bondage equipment and lacy teddies and stopped in front of the 'Transformation' section. He was looking at various items, when a voice startled him. "Can I help you with something, sir?" she asked. Bill nearly jumped out of his skin. He turned to look at her. She...

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The Ultimate Bride

"The Ultimate Bride" Timmy felt the stiff white satin corset tighten and then shape himself to its feminine shape as Gladys pulled and worked the white silk laces through the stainless steel eyelets at the back of the gleaming white satin corset, the zipping of the material and the creaking of the tight stays echoing through the feminine boudoir of a bedroom. He was completely fitted in bridal white foundations, lingerie and stockings complete with the six inch heeled white oxford...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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First Slave

First Slave By captv8td [email protected] 1Angela saw the slight nod from the woman.  That was her cue.  She stepped forward as she had a dozen other times earlier this evening.  This was the last one so it would be her final chore for the evening.She stood behind the girl.  They were all so young tonight; beautiful but young.  The naked redheaded girl who was fastened to the short post with her wrists cuffed behind her trembled.  Angela wished that she could whisper something...

3 years ago
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The Virgin Slave

“I just wanted to kiss you.”  I paused, feeling uncertain and vulnerable, “But I was scared if I did, you might hit me.”Gazing at her prone beside me, she looked out in a thousand yard stare.Dismissively as a snort of air could be, her eyes narrowed to focus, “I probably would have, too.”I did not know much about her but that look I understood well.  A sultry stare full of determination, her gentle caress travelled from my torso to my stomach and onto my loins.  My reaction still had the power...

College Sex
3 years ago
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The Virgin Slave

“I just wanted to kiss you.”  I paused, feeling uncertain and vulnerable, “But I was scared if I did, you might hit me.”Gazing at her prone beside me, she looked out in a thousand yard stare.Dismissively as a snort of air could be, her eyes narrowed to focus, “I probably would have, too.”I did not know much about her but that look I understood well.  A sultry stare full of determination, her gentle caress travelled from my torso to my stomach and onto my loins.  My reaction still had the power...

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