Training the Ultimate Slave
- 4 years ago
- 36
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Its true, I've always had an interest in the world of domination.
The thought that it could be possible to re-train someone to live entirely
dependant on your instruction, without any capacity to use independent thought
is one that I find fascinating.
To own another human being's existence is surely an idea that has inspired some
of the world's greatest dictators, as human life is more valuable than any other
known commodity.
Of course, along with anything else I've ever done in my life, it had to be done
to the greatest extreme possible, or it just wasn't worth doing.
All this said, I didn't ever make a conscious decision become a master, it's
just something that that curiosity and lust finally led me to.
My ex-wife will vouch for my enthusiasm in this quarter. Whilst we were still
together I converted our loft into a crude dungeon, and inspired by sites on the
internet (an incredible inspiration), I built hoists, whips from old belts and
sawn off broom handles, cages from shopping trolleys and various other devices
of captivity for us to experiment with.
In those early days, it was I who was the submissive, and my other half would
enthusiastically strap me spread-eagled to the rafters, caning my bare behind
thoroughly before descending through the loft hatch to watch television in the
comfort of the lounge.
The juxtaposition of me in such deprivation and her in such comfort gave us both
an immense thrill, and although at first she would pop her head through the loft
hatch with worried frequency, after a while she would leave me chained in the
loft for hours at a time, relishing in my discomfort.
On some occasions she would go out, leaving me wondering how long I was to be
left in my uncomfortable bondage, shivering slightly from the cold.
Sometimes she would tease me by saying that she was going to fetch her friends
to see me in my humiliating position, and on more than one occasion threatened
to bring a man back to the house and force me to listen to their wild love
making in the room below.
These comments excited me immensely, although at this stage I'm not sure how the
reality of this would have affected our relationship outside of the loft.
These were all just idle threats however, and all-important parts of the
Eventually these sessions began to happen with less frequency, as we grew apart.
I began to realize that the only reason I had accepted the lifestyle we had
begun to lead was for research purposes. I wanted to know the levels of pain
produced by whips, crops and the like. I wanted to know how it felt to be left
in a completely dark, cold cell for hours perhaps days on end. I needed to know
how tight bonds or cuffs needed to be to prevent escape. And most importantly,
the effect that this treatment could potentially have on the mind of the hapless
I didn't know whether or not I would ever get to use the information I was gleaning from the experience, but I felt it was important to know anyhow. As I think I said, when I do something I take it to its highest level, and the usual practice of lashing your other half to the bedstead with a dressing gown cord and slapping them with a rolled up woman's weekly just wasn't enough to satisfying my thirst for knowledge.
Essentially, I wanted to know if I could make the slave/master lifestyle a
I mean, I know that a lot of people claim to have 'lifestyle' relationships, but
if you untie your wife at six o clock so that you can both pop over to Tesco's
to do the shopping it hardly seems fair to claim that you are living the fantasy
to its fullest potential.
In most circumstances, it would seem that the shopping trip to Tesco's is the
Reality of their existence, while the light bondage sessions in the bedroom when
the kids are asleep is the fantasy.
I wanted to see if it was possible to turn this round, and see if it was
possible to, get a female subject to accept the bondage as the reality.
I continued to use our loft space, but by now I had converted it into an office
to enable me to work from home.
In between typing invoices, I began twisting the thread of my experience into a
novel and before long I found with great surprise that I had written 70,000
I still have a hard copy of 'The Training of Lorraine', and although I never
made any attempt to publish it, it allowed me to explore the realms of my
fantasies (for that that's they were at that stage) on paper.
That was that for several years. I continued to work hard, separated from my wife, and bought my own house on the outskirts of town, a detached property that was in desperate need of maintenance. I paid a pittance for it when you take into account that in addition to the two floors visible from the road, it also had an unusually large cellar that extended beyond the walls of the house and under the main road. What it was used for originally I can only guess at, but as you can imagine, my thoughts ran riot every time I went down there.
It was during the renovation of my house that I rekindled an old friendship with
Debbie, the sister of an ex-girlfriend of mine. Before we lost touch we had a
habit of getting blind drunk together and flirting outrageously.
We never took it any further than that, however, in fact I knew a couple of her
ex-boyfriends quite well
I far as I knew Debbie had perfectly normal sexual desires. She had mentioned
sleeping with two men as one of her fantasies, but never anything more
extraordinary than that.
It took me by surprise then, when one day at my house, in my newly refurbished
living room, she spotted a paperback novel with female domination as its theme
and asked to borrow it.
A little surprised, I asked if she was into that sort of thing. She explained
that although she had never experienced any bondage first hand, it was something
that excited her and she wanted to know more.
She was a quick learner and an even faster reader, and before long she had
exhausted my supply of literature, consuming books at the rate of one per day.
Safe in the knowledge that she was a fellow enthusiast, I began to tell her of
my own experiences, and the hope that one-day I might find somebody willing to
let me carry out my plans, and so create the perfect slave.
As I finished explaining I could see that I had shocked her somewhat, and she
left in more of a hurry than usually, claiming that she had a headache.
I resigned myself to the fact that I had obviously said too much, and would
apologize to her the next time we met. We had both had quite a lot to drink, and
it wouldn't be a problem for me to blame the drink for my ramblings.
Several days later, she turned up at my door. Although it was quite late, I
ushered her into the living room and poured her a glass of wine before taking
seat opposite her.
I was about to apologize for my eccentric comments a few nights previous, when
it became apparent that she also was waiting to get something off her chest. I
kept quiet, waiting for her to begin.
She explained that she had indeed been shocked by the turn of our conversation
on that night, but not entirely put off. Although she had previously assumed
that the literature in my bookcase was there for light reading only, my comments
had made her realize the depth of my interest in this field.
She began to ask questions, and as I answered as honestly as I felt I could, the
atmosphere between us became easier again. The books she had borrowed had only
served to whet her appetite, she explained, and she was keen to further her
knowledge of the subject.
I switched my P.C. on, and logging on to a few of my favorite sites I pointed
out items and articles of interest. Occasionally she would stop me with a light
touch on my arm as she read a particular passage or strained over my shoulder to
see a thumbnail picture.
Asking for a pencil and paper, she wrote down a few of the site addresses, and
tucked it in her pocket to use at home.
By now we had finished an entire bottle of white wine, and it was past midnight.
Rising from our positions at the computer desk I began to show her out, pleased
that not had she not been angry with me, or thought me strange when I had
commented on my desire to train a slave. Her next question threw me completely.
As I was about to close the door, she turned and hesitantly asked if I had ever
wanted to enslave her.
Without waiting for my reply she hurried off into the night, her query hanging
in the air like a giant exclamation mark.
Slightly flummoxed I prepared my self for bed, thinking about what she had said.
I felt that the issue needed further discussion, at the very least, so the following day I arranged to meet her again, this time for a meal in our local restaurant. I knew that the tables were positioned in such a way as to allow us to talk with relative privacy.
Rushing in, slightly late and out of breath, Debbie came through the doors,
scanning the tables for my familiar face.
She was obviously quite excited about the content of our forthcoming
conversation, and she waste no time in getting to the point.
"Have you thought about it then?" she exclaimed, barely giving me time to finish
pouring her wine. I nodded, but said nothing, collecting my thoughts as I took
my first long sip.
"I'm not sure you realize what this entails", I began
She raised her eyebrows encouraging me to continue
"I'm talking about completely changing your lifestyle, sacrificing everything
you've learned since you were old enough to listen"
"I'm not completely naive", she said,
"I realize that I must make sacrifices"
"Not sacrifices" I corrected "THE sacrifice, you are to give up your whole self
to me, everything, unconditionally."
Silence fell between us as the waiter arrived to take our order.
"I realize how serious this is!" she hissed, the moment he was out of earshot.
"And I've given it a lot of thought"
She paused and took a slug of the wine.
"I live in tiny flat, I have few friends, I haven't spoken to my mother for over
two years, and the boyfriends I have had have all failed to satisfy me in every
respect." She began, speaking carefully
"I hate my boss and I hate my job, and I've handed in my notice" she raised her
hand as I tried to interrupt
"I would have left anyway, it wasn't entirely down to you. I just feel that I
want a change."
"Yes," I replied, "but this is the sort of change that you could live to regret
very quickly!"
A couple passed us, on their way to the door and she paused, staring intently at
me as she waited to resume her conversation.
Leaning over the table, oblivious to the view I was getting of her cleavage (for
I had begun to take notice of her attributes recently), she spoke again; with a
yet more eager note to her voice,
"Tell me what I have do!"
I sat back in my chair, sighing. It was obvious that she was determined to see
this through, and while the thought of finally realizing my dream was exciting
me beyond belief, I felt obliged to continue warning her.
"You realize that once I start the program I would not expect to stop under any
circumstances." I offered,
"No safe words, no leniency, no pity, no escape" I continued, sure that I must
be putting her off.
She looked at me and nodded with a half smile on her face.
"When I was a little, girl, I spent almost an hour at the top of the diving
board at our local pool. I never gathered enough courage to jump, and so never
experienced the marvelous rush of adrenalin that my friend's had achieved. If
only somebody had pushed me..."
We paused as the waiter laid out our starters.
After a few mouthfuls, she continued.
"I've read all the books, and frankly the thought of being owned by a man, kept
only for his sexual amusement and unconditionally serving him sets me tingling
all over.
I don't know why, I just know that the thought of being your, or anyone else's
slave excites me.
Just tell me what it would entail, give me some idea of what I'm letting myself
in for, and I go away and think about it." She said, reasonably.
"Well..." I began, trying to contain my mounting excitement,
"It would involve eradicating every principle and moral you have been
conditioned to accept since you were born and retraining you to accept a whole
new set of ideals, most of them, related to or about sex, and revolving around
me, your master. You would in effect be a completely different person,
re-designed as an object of sexual gratification, a being totally and utterly
committed to pleasing your master in every respect."
I took another mouthful of wine and gave her an example,
"For instance, every time somebody passes this table you stop talking"
"Of course, I don't want them to hear what we're saying" she replied, blushing
"As my re-programmed slave, " I explained, "I would expect you to obey me if I
demanded that you undress immediately and offer yourself orally to the waiter"
I scrutinized her face to judge the effect my comment had had. Her face took on
an even deeper shade of red.
"But surely that would make me a prostitute, and you a pimp" she queried
"Its not about the actual act, I could be asking you to do anything" I said
"Its about the fact that you are prepared to obey any of my requests
unconditionally, even if that means completely debasing and humiliating yourself
in public. You
Would be trained you to carry out my every wish unthinkingly."
She looked startled and I realized that she probably hadn't thought of a third
party ever being involved in my plan.
"So..." she began, looking thoughtful
"I would offer myself to the waiter purely because you wished it, with no regard
to my own feelings on the matter?"
"You are not entitled to an opinion on the matter one way or the other, your
only thought is to obey"
"And if I refuse to carry out any particular order?"
"As a fully trained slave, you would not have the capacity to refuse, but as a
trainee you would be chastised most severely for disobedience of any kind" she
raised her eyebrows
"And what form would this chastisement take?"
"That would all depend on the seriousness of the transgression. Publicly
disobeying your master would merit pretty severe retribution, probably with a
whip or crop. As with an animal, you would learn to obey by association.
The subconscious association between, disobedience and extreme pain would force
you to obey my commands without hesitating."
As I spoke I realized that I was becoming hard under the table at the thought
her becoming my slave. I fought to contain myself and continued.
"I know that the suggestion of that probably excites you, it must, or you
wouldn't have continued to read the books, but that's all it is at the moment, a
suggestion. The reality of being lashed naked to a whipping post whilst I punish
you may seem less attractive in reality! What's more, our relationship as
friends would be changed permanently, our relationship would become irrevocably
Silence fell between us once more as we concentrated on our food, although I
stole a few sneaky glances at her face, trying to judge by her expression what
she was thinking.
"What if I said I was prepared to submit myself to you for a given period of
time, say, a year? And was prepared to sign a contract to that effect?"
I nodded.
"I would need at least a year to try out my program," I said,
"If it hadn't transformed you after that, it probably never would."
Again she paused to think.
"Look" I said, resigned to the fact that she was determined to see this through,
"If your really that sure, Ill e-mail you the name of a BDSM site that has a
printable slave contract connected to it. Its quite detailed and lengthy, and it
would need amending slightly for our purposes but it would give you something to
think about. How much notice do you have to work for your boss?"
"Two weeks, why?"
"That gives you two weeks to think about it and make any necessary arrangements,
in the meantime Ill make some preparations at home for your 'stay'"
I smiled and she smiled back. Both of us amused by the word 'stay' as if she was
booking into a hotel for the weekend.
"If you decide to call it off just let me know" I offered, "Its not to late to
forget the whole thing and we need never bring the subject up again."
She nodded silently, hanging on my every word,
"Of course the moment that contract is in my possession, nothing you say or do
could change the course of events"
I knew from the expression on her face that she was treating this with the seriousness it deserved. I also knew, however, that in her wildest dreams she could not possibly imagine the extent of the suffering that awaited her on the path to servitude
So that was that. The matter was all but settled. As I suspected she might, she
rang me the following week to say that she had decided to accept and would I
please e-mail her the amended slave contract for her to sign ASAP.
At last, my dream was becoming reality. I immediately dispatched the contract,
and set to work converting my cellar into Debbie's new home, at least for the
next twelve months.
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Introduction: This story is written by my Mistress. She is now only exploring ideas but soon will be using me, her slave, to please her in any way she chooses Mistress is sitting outside in the garden, enjoying the coolness of the afternoon, with a glass of red wine at Her side, Her slave, kneeling humbly before Her wearing only a collar and chain, Mistress enjoys reaching out and caressing Her slave now and then. Mistress rests Her tired feet on alans knees lightly touching Her...
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Leah opens the door. "Hi Nikki, thanks for coming over this evening." "Are you kidding Leah, I wouldn't miss this for the world." Nikki kisses Leah and they walk back into the living room where Gilbert is sitting. Naked with his wrists and ankles bound together, holding a large glass ashtray in his hands. "Nikki, this is my ashtray slave. Slave, this is my friend Nikki. I've invited her over to help me torment you tonight." Gilbert looks up at them. "Pleased to meet you, Mistress...
The summer before last I bumped into a Dom at who lives in the Poconos - about an hour's drive North of where I live - who has a very private, secluded cabin in the woods and who said he 'owned' a slave and that he needed assistance in training. This slave was a good looking older guy with a great body. He was completely shaved and smooth. The Dom I think had exhausted himself trying to keep up with the desires of this slave and was looking for help in meeting the slave’s...
Persian SlaveA work of fantasy by Wolf Ferret ([email protected])Set in ancient Persia about 500BC. Darya was bored. She was 19 and had lived in a harem all her life. But her father had been a very rich man. His harem had 3 wives and 4 concubines plus all the attending slave girls and many daughters. There had always been plenty of playmates and women to share the gossip.Now she was married to Baron Firuz. He was 20 years older than Darya and she was his only wife. He also had only 3...
When I saw the man walking towards me, my dick started to twitch. Even fromhalf a block away, he was sexy. As he got closer, his dick hardened more.The man was medium height, wearing boots, jeans and t-shirt. He was theperfect looking Daddy, with barrel chest and beer belly. He was rugged,with a big bushy mustache.The man saw my gaze and stared at me intently. I started to blush, butdidn't look away. The man came up to him and put out a big hand."Hey fella, noticed you looking at me. You're a...
My Master's Suck Slavei felt butterflies in my tummy on the night of my debut as my Master’s suck slave. When my Master & i arrived at the place of festivities, i thought my knees would fold from the heady mix of excitement, nervousness and the urgent need to please my Master, and the dread of being exhibited and made to perform for this crowd of dominant strangers, friends and acquaintances of my Master. i felt a raw, hot red blush spread all over my skin?.too much excitement?.too much...
Oh dear excuse Mistress a moment, help Her up, it seems Mistress has guests, please wait here as Mistress goes to see who is at the door. What a surprise, My pet, two of Mistress lady friends, Anne and Sally, have arrived – go and get some more wine and glasses, please My pet. Mistress’s friends look on in astonishment as Her sexy slave gets up from his kneeling position and obediently goes inside to do as told. Oh My pet, the questions, the curiosity. Mistress laughingly and with great...
Lunch for my slaveI had ordered my slave to meet me for lunch at a fast food restaurant. Now I personally don’t eat that muck, but it’s certainly most suitable for my slave. It was quite a cold day so I was well wrapped up in my long fur coat, leather gloves and high, stiletto shoes. I had instructed my slave to wear only shorts and a tee shirt, and to sit at a table outside to await my arrival. Naturally, I kept the slave waiting for some time; waiting for its owner increases the slave’s...
WESTHILL, ABERDEENSHIRE OUTSKIRTS OF ABERDEEN, SCOTLAND 1 MAY 2010The city of Aberdeen was one of the largest cities in Scotland, and the large community on the coast of the North Sea had a long and rich tradition of performing arts, something that translated to make the 2010 Aberdeen Renaissance Faire one of the greatest cultural expos in Scotland for the year. Thousands of volunteers from across the United Kingdom had helped effectively build from the bottom-up a recreation of a...
I am Anabella and this is my first day as the owned slave of my Master Sir Michael.I flew over yesterday from Paris to enter into slavery.It was a difficult and scary decision, to leave my country, but now I am here,with my Master.He picked me up at the airport, and I knew immediately that I took the right decision, that I am at the right place, when I saw Him waiting for me and smiling at me.He gave me a kiss on my forehead and said: welcome my slave!Of course I felt a bit fear, but He gently...
Angel My SlavePROLOGUEI met my slave Angel on the net and we shared Master and slave fantasies for along while before we finally met in person, she is beautiful and with a very sexy body. 5 ft. 9 in., 125 lb., 36C-24-36, long blonde hair with just a hint of red and soft green eyes. When we met for the first time, I seduced her immediately turning her into my obedient sex slave over night, using her tall slender body as I wished and as often as I wanted for what ever pleased me.Angel was the...
Introduction: I am a slave who is owned in every way by Master. His pleasure is my only aim. He does to me whatever he chooses! Slave. Part one. 1. I am a slave. I am owned, and happy to be so. I exist purely to please my Master, in every aspect of his life, and whatever I am doing I am always ready to serve him in whatever way he chooses. Around my neck is what appears, to the outside world, to be just a pretty silver pendant with a diamond initial on it. But to me it is so much more than...
foreword:this is not mine i did not type it. just spreading it for the rightful owners. Introduction: I am a slave who is owned in every way by Master. His pleasure is my only aim. He does to me whatever he chooses! Slave. Part one. 1. I am a slave. I am owned, and happy to be so. I exist purely to please my Master, in every aspect of his life, and whatever I am doing I am always ready to serve him in whatever way he chooses. Around my neck is what appears, to the outside world, to be just a...
Slave1. I am a slave. I am owned, and happy to be so. I exist purely to please my Master, in every aspect of his life, and whatever I am doing I am always ready to serve him in whatever way he chooses. Around my neck is what appears, to the outside world, to be just a pretty silver pendant with a diamond initial on it. But to me it is so much more than that. It was the happiest day of my life, the day I received that pendant. I had not been serving Master for very long, just long enough for...
Chronicles ??????????????? -1-Fantoura, Monday February 3rd, 1997. 1:14 AM.Hello diary! This is pam writing to you. it likes to call itself "slave slut filthy piece of shit; pam" and it doesn't like to use the first pronoun when referring to itself. it simply uses "it" because this is how a slave should refer to itself and pam is a slave deep inside. it is writing this on its PC while sitting on a bottle in a very painful and humiliating position. it is stark naked although it is...
Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is highly...
The rain was pounding down, soaking Dan to the skin as he trudged along the side of the road The rain was pounding down, soaking Dan to the skin as he trudged along the side of the road.? It had been almost an hour since he had left his car in a twisted heap wrapped around a large oak tree.? With the weather having turned so nasty and him not being familiar with the back roads in his new community, he had barely had time to react when his car started to skid off of the road.? He was...
My owned slave My owned slave Sir I would like to apply to be the slavegirl you require for your next story to be read by everyone online. My name is Rowena and some of my stories are on this site for you to read and find out about me and the things I like. I love public humiliation, abject slavery, bondage and pain. Please tell me Sir what you demand of ne and if you would consider this slut. Personal Details I am 32 female single and bi-sexual. I am fair skinned with light blue...
Introduction: In a future society where slavery is accepted, Adam1992 is bred and born a slave. This story is about Adams first six months after being purchased for the first time. SLAVE Alan Goodman had never considered himself to be a cruel man. He never thought hed be a slave owner, didnt really like the idea, not until he saw Adam. Alans good friend Matt had dragged him along to a special slave sale. It was special because it was only the crè,me de la crè,me of slaves, those...
"Mom! That's not fair!" Robbie protested. "I told you that if you forgot to take out the garbage for pickup one more time that you'd be grounded for a week. Well, you forgot. What will we do until next week?" "But Mom, Dani was supposed to wake me," he protested. "She deliberately didn't wake me up." "Oh, right, asshole," sneered Robbie's sister, Dani. "Dani, I've told you about your language," Ellen admonished her daughter. "Robbie, you're still grounded and...
Complete Submission: How Annabelle became a sex slave This story is completely fictional. It is a fantasy, not a reality. Chapter 1: First Meeting My name is annabelle, although my Master calls me ‘slave’ or ‘slut’ most of the time. This is the story of how i came to serve my Master, and how He has trained me to be the nympho-sex slave that i am now. Master says that when referring to myself i am only allowed to use lowercase letters, or call myself by my given titles like slave, slut...
The man had shown such promise when he’d been captured during the siege of Garanelle far to the south. When she finally led her warrior maidens to her enemy’s throne room, this man had stood defiantly at the head of the old king’s bodyguards. He was tall and bare-chested, his sun-kissed skin glistening with the heat and sweat of battle. He crouched in a defensive pose, two short swords held ready before him. Ten other men stood by him, glancing nervously at each other and looking almost like...
Swashbuckler?s Slave Swashbuckler?s SlaveBy Tyjord She stood on the small deck protruding out over the bow of her ship, watching as flames engulfed the second vessel. Screams could be heard despite the distance between the two large sailing ships.? A smile of contentment appeared on her face as she saw the flames engulf the mass of the other ship, and the charred remains of their Jolly Roger float away on a gust of wind. The remainder of her crew, those unlucky enough to stay behind...
For the past month I had enjoyed a lot of success at my new job. Within a two week period I had landed two new clients, the new multi-million dollar contacts they signed gained me a promotion. The big executives in the company were singing high praises about me. The following week I had to report to a new floor and work with a new set of team members. I was teamed up with this African American female named Tracy she was in her late 20’s and had the body of a goddess. She stood around 5’7 145,...
The Dom le d the slave through the streets with a wrist lead on her. She was made to wear a strapless dress with no underwear beneath it. the Dom made her sit on a wall with her legs slightly apart, so all passers by could see her hair covered pussy. Several passers by took the time to ensure they got a very good view, both men and women. The slave found this totally humiliating, but it was only the beginning .After what felt like hours the Dom made her move and once again led her by her wrist...
Chapter One: Rakshasa's New Slave By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Princess Malakisha – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith The Arena exploded with cheers, the peasants and lowborn humans rising in the stands, screaming their bloodlust as the new fighters entered the white sands. I leaned forward in my seat in the royal box, a palpable excitement shooting through my heart as the gladiators marched towards the center. “Oh, you are going to love this match, dear cousin,” Kushini purred, her...
THE MAKING OF A SLAVE I stood in front of the Greyhound bus station and watched herwalk away. In the three years since I turned 18 I have tried fourtimes to get sexually involved with a woman I was dating. Sylvia wasthe fourth to spend a week with me making love. She was also thefourth one to tell me I was a lousy fuck. I tried to accommodate them and do what they wanted, butwhenever I tried to 'eat pussy', I just gagged and choked on thesmell. As far as fucking was concerned,...