Summer sexing a friend
- 4 years ago
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Call me Squirt. My mom’s boyfriend does, because that’s what I do on his face.
His name is Alvin. Honest to God. Mom met him last February. He was her first boyfriend since she threw Dad out in August, and she really made up for those lost six months. She was over at his place every weekend, and a lot during the week, even though she never spent the whole night. I guess she felt guilty about leaving me alone so much, because when he suggested they go on vacation together, just the two of them, she said they had to take me along. We hadn’t had a real vacation in a couple of years, she said, and I deserved one, since I just finished middle school. Besides, it would give three of us the chance to be a family.
“What about sleeping arrangements?” Alvin asked.
“I know what you guys are doing,” I said.
“I don’t think you do,” Alvin said.
“I have an idea,” I said.
“Let’s hope that’s all it is,” Mom said.
He could see he wasn’t going to get anywhere against a united front of females, and he didn’t argue. So in the middle of July, we packed up Alvin’s car and headed down the shore.
I should tell you what I look like, so you know what the guy was up against. Mom says I have a mature figure for my age, but I don’t think so. I think she only says that because I have a slim waist that sets off my hips, but they’re not all that curvy. My boobs are still only a B cup. There’s barely enough padding to puff up in a halter, but they’re nicely shaped, with deep red rings around deep red nipples. I’m five-three and weigh like one-oh-five. So I’m slender, but I’m not skinny. You can’t see my ribs unless I’m breathing hard. I have brown eyes and soft brown hair that hangs halfway down my back. My legs are too short, I think, and my thighs are wider than I’d like, but guys have been yelling “nice ass!” at me ever since I was twelve.
In other words, I’m growing up. I didn’t mean to get Alvin hot, and he didn’t mean to get me hot, but down the shore, you’re always changing clothes and taking showers and walking around with nothing on, and you’re going to see things you shouldn’t.
He saw me first.
With the traffic, we didn’t get to Ocean City almost four o’clock. Alvin had rented the first floor of a house that overlooked the beach. We brought our stuff inside, and I was hot to get down to the water right away. Mom said she and Alvin had to go grocery shopping, but I could go by myself. So they went back out to the car and left me alone in the apartment. There were two bedrooms down on either side of a long hall, each with a sliding glass door that faced the ocean and opened on a connecting balcony. My room was on the left. I went in, stripped down, and fished my bathing suits out of my suitcase. I’d brought three, all of them new. I laid them out on the bed and thought about which one to wear first. I chose the teal two-piece. I hadn’t bothered to close the bedroom door, because I thought I was alone, and I was concentrating so much on untangling the straps and getting the tags off that I didn’t notice Alvin standing in the hallway.
I should have dived behind the bed and screamed at him to get out, but something about the way he was looking at me — quiet and impressed, with a spot of light in his eye that gleamed at me from the dim hall — froze me to the spot. The only part of me that moved was my nipples: I could feel them standing up.
“Forgot the house keys,” Alvin said.
“They’re not in here,” I said.
“No,” he said. “They’re in our bedroom.”
“Could you let me get dressed?” I said.
“Need help tying that in the back?”
And I thought, why not? He couldn’t see any more than he already had.
I said OK, and he came in and helped me with the halter. I held my hair to the side while he tied the straps. He was all business, too — he didn’t try to grab my tits or press his crotch against my ass or anything. Just mom’s helpful boyfriend, doing me a friendly favor. I only felt his fingers once, when they grazed the back of my neck, but that was enough to send a chill down to my bare ass.
“I guess there’s no need to be shy,” he said. “We’re all going to be living in close quarters. How’s that? Is that tight enough?”
He snapped the knot against my back.
“It’s fine, thanks,” I said, trying to sound mature. “I can do the bottom. Now shoo.”
“OK,” he said. He didn’t stick around to watch me finish. He left the room and closed the door behind him without looking back. When I came out, he was gone.
Things got more interesting that night. Alvin cooked dinner, because Mom doesn’t do that, and we sat around the table talking about what we wanted to do that week. Alvin didn’t mention that he saw me naked. Neither did I. I mean, why would we? But I felt funny around him, now that Mom was there. Why did he look at me when he was talking to her? Was he peeking at my chest? Was his bare foot touching mine under the table on purpose?
I wanted to go to the boardwalk, but Mom said she was tired after the long drive, and the boardwalk could wait. She said we should all go to bed early, so we could get up next morning and start having fun. Alvin said he was tired, too.
They didn’t look all that tired to me, and it turned out I was right.
I was lying on my bed in the dark, with the glass door open and the ocean breeze tickling me through my nightgown, when I heard them going at it in their bedroom. I’d never heard noises like that before, but what else could it be? Mom laughed, and Alvin shushed her like he was afraid I’d hear them. I thought it would be funny to knock on the wall and yell at them to stop, but all of the sudden they got quiet. I tried to picture what was going on. For a while, they only sound was their mattress creaking. I thought they really were going to sleep when Alvin let out muffled grunt and Mom said something. I didn’t catch the words, but from the tone of her voice, it sounded like she was teasing him. Then Mom let out a short yip, and then a long sigh.
My nipples were standing up again, like they did when Alvin saw me naked, and I started stroking them lightly through my cotton nightgown. I was never a horny kid, and it embarrassed me when girls at school talked about the stuff they did with boys, but just the thought of Mom in bed with a guy right next door made me feel heavy and warm “down there,” which is what Mom and Dad called it when I was little. I pulled my nightgown up, exposing “down there” to the breeze. The cool air just made it hotter, and a clammy drop of water, or something, crawled down my butt crack. I was twisting a curl of my public hair around one finger when Alvin suddenly cried “Uhh!” in a booming voice that shook the walls.
This was too good to miss.
My stomach was churning like the North Atlantic as I got out of bed and snuck to the window. Sure, they were entitled to privacy, but they gave that up now that Alvin had woken up the seagulls a mile out at sea. Everybody up and down the beach probably heard him. I slid the big screen open an inch at a time, scared to death it would squeak, and when the space was barely wide enough, I slipped through onto the balcony. The breeze was stronger out here. It blew up my nightgown, which came down past my knees, and flared it out like a church bell. I didn’t have anything on underneath, and the air climbing my bare body, all the way to my tits, was like getting felt up everywhere at once. My heart was beating like mad, and the trembling in my legs made it hard to stand up. So I didn’t. I sank to my hands and knees and crawled to Mom’s window. Those three feet felt like a mile. I brushed my hair out of my eyes and lifted my heavy head like a dog.
Oh. My. Fucking. God.
I’d never seen a little boy’s dick, let alone a man’s, let alone a man’s big hard one, let alone a man’s big hard one getting drooled on by my Mom. Alvin was on his back, his feet pointed toward me. His head was propped on a pillow. The lamp on the nightstand was on, and his face was red in the light. Mom was curled against his hip on his shadow-side with his big cock in her fist. Her tongue swirled and fluttered around the fat purple head, and her fist slowly pumped the long stalk. The weird thing was, I look like my Mom. I have her face and her hair, though she wears hers short, and watching her was like watching myself wrap my mouth around his cock.
What really fascinated me, though, was his balls. They sat at the base of his dick like a hairy red squoosh ball that throbbed every time Mom pulled down on his shaft. The pulsing was hypnotic. Once, she left off licking his cockhead, and his scrotum disappeared behind the clipped waves of her hair. I couldn’t see her mouth, but whatever she was doing, I think he liked it more than her penis-work, because at that moment he closed his eyes and dug his head back into his pillow. But the sideshow didn’t last long. In a couple seconds she was back up top, licking and lapping and jacking. She never slowed down.
I was pretty active myself. I had my nightie hiked over my ass, and my hand between my legs, exploring that virgin territory for the first time in my life. It was a fucking swamp. I swear, I’d never had the urge to touch myself. A lot of girls my age don’t. But when you catch your Mom being a whore, it seems like the thing to do. I didn’t decide to do it. I didn’t think, “Oh it might be fun to play with my pussy.” My hand just went there, splashing around in the muddy puddle, and it felt so fucking amazing I cursed myself for a stupid cunt that I hadn’t done it before.
I might have been innocent, but I wasn’t ignorant. I knew where my clit was, and what it was supposed to do for a girl. It was so swollen, anyway, I didn’t need a map to find it. It just sprang up between my fingers, solid and slimy and crying for attention. At first, I thought it would be fun match the rhythm of Mom’s hand on Alvin’s cock, but my greedy little girl wanted more. She wanted it faster, and she wanted it harder, and she promised me if I gave her what she wanted, she’d be my best friend forever. Before I knew it I was digging in and jerking her up and down. My pussy made a wet sloshing noise as I whipped at it, so loud in my ears I was afraid they’d hear me, except that Alvin started babbling, calling Mom a beautiful cocksucking bitch and praying to Jesus Fucking Christ, and just when the insane pleasure in my cunt rattled me so hard I peed, the air rushed out of his body, and he kind of sank into himself while blobs of bubbly cream rolled out of Mom’s mouth, down his cock.
Then everything got quiet, and kind of goofy. Mom kiddingly wiped her gooey hand on Alvin’s leg.
“Blech,” she said.
I felt silly, too, squatting outside half naked with my hand in my pussy, though it still felt good enough that I didn’t take it out.
Mom snuggled up next to Alvin on the bed. He didn’t seem to feel like moving, so she took his arm and put it around her. She said something in his ear, and he grinned like a dope. It was hard to see his eyes through the screen, but turned his face toward the window, and I swear I saw him wink.
We were all in a great mood the next morning. I was up early and came out of my bedroom just in time to catch Mom walking up the hall from the bathroom, naked. She’s in good shape, and I admired her tits. They’re a lot bigger than mine, and they’ve still got some bounce in them. The only signs of her age are the lines around her mouth and smiley-face crease under her belly.
“Good morning, Doll,” she said. “Sleep well?”
“Great,” I said.
“It’s the salt air.”
A rockin’ come helps, too. She ran a finger down the bridge of my nose.
“Got some freckles yesterday,” she said.
We were smiling at each other for no reason. I think she was feeling sexy and liked showing off. I decided to give her a hard time.
“How come you get to walk around naked?” I said.
“Doesn’t matter if I do, but watch yourself. Alvin!” she called out. “Close the door. My daughter’s up.”
She went into her bedroom and only closed the door halfway. Down the hall, the bathroom door was open, and the water was running in the sink. I went and peeked in, and what I saw made me go weak again — even more than watching him come in Mom’s mouth, believe it or not. And he wasn’t doing anything. He was just standing at the sink, wiping shaving cream off his face with a towel. But he was naked. I saw him side on, and his butt was yummy in profile — round as a half-moon and just as white, between his tan thighs and his tan body. I was going to stare as long as I could.
He turned off the water and glanced over without really seeing me.
“What did you say?” he asked. “I can’t hear with the water running.”
“She said close the door ‘cause her daughter’s up.”
He looked over again, totally unfazed.
“Oh, it’s you,” he said. “You look just like your mom.”
He dropped the towel on the counter and faced me, full-frontal.
“I guess I should close the door, then,” he said.
But like Mom, he wasn’t in any hurry. He wanted to show me what good shape he was in, and, God, he was. He had thin hips, sinewy legs, and a hard flat chest with a patch of graying curls between his nipples. His dick was tiny, compared to last night, and it lounged on his scrotum like a pampered little sultan.
I bit my middle finger.
“That’s a very sexy look for a girl,” Alvin said. “Be out in a minute, if you have to use the toilet.”
He shut the door in my face, and Mom chose that second to come out of the bedroom.
“You OK, Sweetie?” she said. I must have looked sick, with my finger in my mouth and my nose like an inch from the bathroom door. She put her hand on my shoulder, which made me jolt. It took me some time to remember who she was, and where I was, and what was going on.
“He said he’d be out in a minute,” was all I could think to say.
Alvin made French toast for breakfast. He’d put on a short terrycloth robe that barely hid his balls. I kept thinking that if I could get a look under the table, I’d see them sitting there on the chair. But I was too nervous to move. Mom was oblivious. She didn’t notice that I was still wearing my nightgown, and you could see my tits through the thin cotton. Alvin noticed, but he was too polite to say anything. So that was the way it was going to be. All very informal, very free and uninhibited. I couldn’t get the sight of his cock out of my head. Small one minute, big the next. It would be fun to watch it grow.
I thought about all the time we were getting dressed, and Alvin packed a lunch we all went to the beach. Alvin and Mom sat on their beach chairs and read. I had to get into the water and cool off. It was great — cold and salty and not too rough. I got out beyond where the waves were breaking, away from the old people and the little kids, and squatted down with the water up to my neck. I turned my face up toward the sun with my eyes closed, picturing you-know-what. I was walking along the bottom, sideways, like a crab, when I heard Alvin say, “Hey there.”
“Oh, hi,” I said, opening my eyes. He was up to his neck in the water, too.
“Your mom thinks you might be out a little far.”
“No I’m not.”
“Wave to her. Show her you’re OK.”
I swung my arm over my head, but I couldn’t see where she was sitting.
Alvin lifted me onto his lap and started scuttling backwards. It wasn’t necessary. I mean, the water wasn’t that deep. We could have stood up and walked back. But I liked floating with him, with his arm around my waist, bobbing in the swells. I felt like a little girl, until I felt something else — Alvin’s hand on my thigh, very close to my crotch.
“Hey!” I said.
“Oh, sorry. Slipped.”
His hand went away, but then it came back, this time sliding into my bikini bottom. His other hand, the he had one around my waist, went up under my top. He cupped it over my tit. In the cold water, my nipple stuck out like a nail.
“That is definitely not a slip,” I said.
“You mind?”
I meant to say yes. I really did.
“This could be a very educational trip for you, if you let it,” he said.
“What do you mean?”
But by now we were back in far enough that we had to stand up. I straightened out my bathing suit just as a wave whacked me in the bottom.
“Stay safe,” was all he said.
He did that thing Mom did, where he ran his finger down the freckles on my nose, and left me there. I watched him go back up on the beach. For such a compact guy, he had broad shoulders and a muscular back. I felt like the whole world was staring at me, but when he sat down next to Mom, and I looked around again, the old ladies were standing knee-deep in the surf, and kids were diving headlong into the waves, and nobody had any idea I just got felt up under the water.
“Never send a boy to do a man’s job.” That’s something I heard my Dad say when I was small. It didn’t have anything to do with me, though, and I never thought about much it until that night when we went to the boardwalk and I found out how true it is.
I was so crazy horny at dinner that I hardly ate. All I wanted to do was go to my room for a play date with my New Best Friend, but Mom was all ready to go out.
“I really don’t feel like it,” I said.
“Why not, Doll?” she said. “Last night you couldn’t wait. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. I just don’t feel like it.”
“Oh, come on,” Alvin said. “You’ll have fun. Get your mind off whatever it is that’s bothering you.”
I had to hand it to him. He was so cool, like he could wait forever. I thought he’d be dying to screw Mom, and think about me while he was doing it.
So we got in the car and went. The boardwalk is up on the north side of town, and we had to drive. I wasn’t dressed for trouble. All I had on was a maroon halter tank, powder-blue gym shorts, flip-flops, and this shell choker I bought at a souvenir shop as soon as we got there. The halter was loose and came down to my waist, like a baby doll. I wasn’t showing any tummy — only my legs, which are hardly my best feature, but I did get away without a bra, and the gym shorts hugged my butt. That was enough to catch Cameron’s eye.
He said he was sixteen, and I had to admit he was cute. He was big kid, round where Alvin was square, and soft and shapeless where Alvin was solid. His head reminded me of an acorn, with a pointy chin and a cap of sandy hair. He had a pug nose and dark eyes. He seemed sweet, too, or at least he didn’t come on like some self-important jock. He got in line behind me at the Polar Cub — Mom had given me twenty bucks and told me to have fun (translation: “make yourself scarce”) — and chatted me up, asking me where I was from and where I went to school and stuff. I could see his friends, all guys, hanging back in the middle of the boardwalk, trying not to look at us and failing. They’d probably sent him over on a bet. I wondered what the penalty was if he chickened out, but by the time we got up to the window, we were standing side by side.
“Can I treat you?” he said.
“Tell you what,” I said. “I’ll get this, and you can get some rides.”
I ordered a small vanilla. He asked for a large chocolate-vanilla swirl, which I kind of liked. It showed an adventurous spirit. I broke Mom’s twenty, and we crossed the boardwalk to the amusement pier, licking our soft-serve and holding hands.
One of his friends did a little fist-pump as we passed.
I was being a total slut, but I figured I was never going to see this kid again, and he couldn’t brag about me to anybody I knew.
And I really wanted some dick.
I teased him by going down on my ice cream the way Mom went down on Alvin’s cock, wrapping my lips around the swirly peak and licking down around the cone. It was stupid, but he looked interested. He tried to put his arm around me, but I teased him some more by breaking free and walking off down the pier.
He followed me around like a puppy, sneaking peeks at my braless titties. We were near the shooting gallery when we finished our cones — he was done first, even though he had more — and he offered to show me how to shoot. It was awkward at first, because the metal cord was short and kept me bent over the counter, but Cameron was patient. He adjusted the rifle in my arms and showed me how to sight along the barrel, all the time touching my shoulders and my back. I liked that better than shooting. It made my hands tremble, but I kept the gun steady enough to hit the piano player mannequin in the ass a few times.
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Panty Secrets By Gingerfred Man Chapter One - Carded Timmy. My parents named me Timmy. Timmy Garconette. They didn't hate me or anything. In fact they loved me very much. And they're good parents. They probably thought Timmy was a nice name. But it just gives you an idea of the flavor of my life. Timmy is not the name of a guy who scores the winning touchdown or scores with the winning babe. It's kind of a wimpy name. My one-year-older sister Clare got a pretty good name and some...
Secrets by r. gold It's my little secret. Sitting at the kitchen table, I'm looking over at Billy Talbot dreaming about sucking his cock. I'm half listening to the conversation between my roommates. As the sound of their voices recedes to a low buzz, I'm imagining the warm heated member pushing against my lips as I wet and lick him. Lost in the rush of heat to my face and body, thinking about kissing the swollen head, chewing and flicking the underside of his foreskin with...
“Chris, do you remember my friend Hillary?” Becky called to me from the kitchen.“The one with the nice arse,” I replied, raising my voice above its natural level, so I could be heard from across large open plan living area, where I was just packing my case for work. The comment was a throwaway one, and I didn’t need to turn around to sense the frown forming of on my wife’s face. It was one of the gifts of long-time husbands, that we can always sense our wife’s displeasure. “Not the time...
FemdomMarriage is, of course, a ceremony and institution of compromise. The best thing being, naturally, to get all the compromising out of the way well before the ceremony occurs to become the institution. The circumstances vary from couple to couple--that goes without saying. Some guys have to give up their Friday night out-with-the-buddies bowling league. Or shift it to a Tuesday. Me, I had to forswear pussy-eating for the rest of my natural born life. The first few times Ariel and I got...
"You told her yet?" "No." Troy Garcia looked at his friend. "And don't you tell her, either." Reed Delaney held his hands up. "Not like I was going to. I'm your sponsor and your friend, but I'm not your mom." Troy stared at his half-eaten slice of pizza. "I'm gonna tell her." "When?" "I don't know. Soon." Reed ran a hand over his buzz cut. "That's a little on the vague side." "Got any suggestions?" Troy glared across the table. "Oh, for fuck's sake, man. The...
Naanum enathu nanbanum dress edukalam endru oru maalku sendru irunthom, appozhuthu car parkingil carai park seithu vittu kizhe irukum liftil sellalam endru angu sendru ul ponom. En nanban ulle sendru irukum pozhuthu iru kaathalargal nadanthu vanthu irunthaargal, naan athai paarthu iruvar varugiraargal endru sonnen. Appozhuthu lift operator sirithu neram liftai niruthi vaithu irunthaar, appozhuthu puthithaaga thirumanam aagi irukum iruvar vanthu irunthaargal. Athil puthiya manaivi miga sexyaaga...
This is a story of a summer holiday and after few years of me Goli and my aunt Pallo and her daughter Pari who is 18 years old now. This story goes back in 1997 when I was 18 years old. I was at my Nana’s place in Kanpur where all the relatives would gather for summer holidays. I have an aunt named Pallavi she was approx. 22 yrs old unmarried, we used to call her Pallo Mausi. Pallo mausi was most beautiful, she was fair, with a nice figure of firm boobs and ass and a slim waist. Pallo mausi and...
IncestNaangal ippozhuthu thaan kalluri muthal aandu padithu varugirom, en vagupil priya ennum kaamamaana pen irunthaal aval parka azhagaga iurkamaatal aanal parka sumaraga irupaal. Priyavirku mulai perithaaga sexyaaga irukum athu matum ilamal ivalin udambu sexyaaga irukum, pothuvaagave kaamam meethu aarvam athigamaaga irukum pengal yaaraiyaavathu naam paarthu vidalam. Priya pasangalai sight adipaal kaama paarvaiyil paarpaal, enaku veru pasangal avaludan kaamam seivathai vida naan munthi kondu kaamam...
Hi guys, my name is Anirudh, 22 years old. I’m from Vijayawada. My height is 5’10 average body. My tool dimensions are 6 inches tall and 2 inches wide when erect. I’m currently living in Jalandhar pursuing my Bachelor’s Degree. This is a real story and happened 1 year ago in summer. I went back to Vijayawada(home) for a summer vacation for 2 months. I live with my family of 4, i.e my father, mother, sister and me. So in the summer, I used to watch porn a lot in my room and masturbate 5 times a...
Sexperience with Hot Neighbour Aunty by Maid's help (1)________________________________________I got up early in the morning. It was a new area. I had just shifted 2days back. I just climbed the terrace and thought let me just have a small walk. I was just walking and was watching the whole area from terrace. Love to see the morning view. All desi ladies will be out early morning for sweeping, cleaning in front of house, putting Rangoli. The nighty they wear and bend to show their awesome ass...
Next weeks since my last adventure in village was finished, were quite tough for me. I had to catch up everything on my faculty, but luckily I had finished everything in time and started with my summer plans.After giving my final exam for this semester I decided to visit website and see if I had new message (I knew it will be tons of them). Summer was already in Croatia for some time and of course I saw lot of offers for going on Croatian, Spanish and Italian islands.Still this was not so...
He had graduated from high school earlier in the year, and he was enjoying these relaxing summer days before heading to college in the fall. He smiled to himself, threw the blankets off and got out of bed, his hand still gently pulling on his erection that stuck straight out in front of him through the opening in his boxer shorts. He walked down the hall this way, with his hand still slowly pumping his shaft and his nut sack swinging freely between his legs, and entered his mother’s bedroom....
Hi ISS Readers, I am Anubhav and I have recently got to know about this website. Since the day I came to know about this ISS site, I have been following it daily with the updates and I really feel glad to see people over here who take out time to share their experiences. Today, I am here to share about one such experience I had during this lockdown. Since it’s my first time writing over here, if there are any mistakes then do excuse me. So, let’s start. It’s the lock downtime and the last week...
Young Cross Dressers Secrets *Sandy was busting at the seams to tell someone some very exciting secrets she was keeping. She couldnt tell anyone she knows. She decided to tell them here. __After reading My Bra and Panties are Missing, my own real story kept nagging at me to be told, but I wasnt sure how. I decided to change all the names and write a story all about this secret world I stumbled into. I started getting very horny just thinking about all that had happened&hellip,. __My story...
Author's Note... This is my first attempt at a Cross-dressing story. So please forgive me if it seems a little disjointed. Above all I hope you enjoyed it. Comments are welcome. Promises and Secrets By Maria Ski Dedication For Samantha, thank you for the encouragement to actually finish this story. And to the usual suspects, they know who they are... And then of course there is You, the person who is reading this...
SECRETS SECRETS Chapter 1 I had always been interested in bondage but had never done anything more than look on from the safety of my lounge room, via the Internet.? I had also over the years collected a number of items that I could use for some self-bondage when the mood took me.? I can remember as a child trying to lie so still in my bed pretending I was tied down and the excitement when some TV show would have the heroine kidnapped.?? Of course, as a child I had no thoughts that it...
(Author’s note: This story is an entry into FAWC (Friendly Anonymous Writing Challenge), a collaborative competition among Lit authors. FAWC is not an official contest sponsored by Literotica, and there are no prizes given to the winner. This FAWC was based around the theme of music, with four songs given to choose from. The song that inspired this story was ‘Written in Rock,’ by Rick Springfield.) * * * * ‘You told her yet?’ ‘No.’ Troy Garcia looked at his friend. ‘And don’t you tell her,...
Naangal siru vayathile kaamathai patri therinthu kondavargal, naangal anaivarum ondraaga thaan irupom pinbu enai vida avall en veetil athiga neram irupaal. Naangal siru vayathil irunthu ondraagave irunthathaal 19 vayathu aagiyum angalai ethum ketkaamal irunthaargal. Naan aval veetirku seluven aval en veetirku varugaal ithu pondru eppozhuthum ondraagave irupom. Naangal engaluku naduvil yaaraiyum vidamal irunthom appozhuthu thaan virisal varathu endru. Veru nanbargalidamum pazhaguvom aanal...
Continuing the Summer saga, this story picks up where "Summer is Hot in Cozumel" left off. "So, John, what's the deal with you sexually propositioning Aaron?" "WHAT?!" Grinning, Summer poked him in the ribs. "Don't try to deny it, you glorious freak. I heard you on Dave's phone call, trying to talk Aaron into helping you join the Mile High Club." John leaned back and laughed, "Oh god, you heard that? Okay, fine, Summer, you're onto me! My secret is out!" Still grinning,...
The two of them walked through the double glass doors of the convenience store with a whoosh of wind following them, blowing through the center aisle way next to the service counter, magazines and pages flipping through the wind. There was no one else there but Jeff, the clerk working the register, who at the moment was using the customer restroom on the other end of the convenience store. The cameras were the only things that caught them at first.One was male, tall and skinny, seemed to hide...
Greg is a medium guy. He is under 6 feet tall, medium weight, medium looks, small hands, feet and a small dick. He is an unremarkable and uninteresting man with a unreliable medium sized 15 yr old car. He has a middle ranked job at a large sized library in a huge sized city on the west coast of the united states. His middle income helps to make the payments on a middle sized house in a middle sized city. The only thing not mediocre about his life is his wife of ten years. Charlotte...
The next morning, a Saturday, Taylor was awoken by a gentle knock on his door. He sat up to see Aunt Agnes waiting by the door. "Is something wrong?" Taylor asked, yawning. "I was about to ask you the same thing, Emily hasn't come by yet and I got worried," Aunt Agnes stepped into the room. "Worried? Why?" Taylor reached for his phone and realized that it was nearly noon. "Wow... She let me sleep in?" "Did you two have a fight?" Aunt Agnes asked. "No," Taylor replied. "I...
A Bummer Summer? It was the dream of every seventeen year old, during the summer before his senior year of high school to spend it miles away from all his friends and all his stuff. In case you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm, because for Taylor Hughes, that was the last thing that he wanted. Unfortunately, he had no control over the matter. His parents were going out of the country on business for the entire summer, and trying as he might, Taylor was unable to convince them to let him...
"Aha! I see you found the old tank top," Dave said, hugging Summer from behind as she stood at the kitchen counter chopping potatoes. Wrapping her arms around his, Summer smiled. "Did you think there was any chance I wouldn't? I'd already found it way before you left your phone message." "Well, I was right, you do look absolutely amazing in it." "Thank you, sweetie. I'm glad you like it on me. It's shorter than that little nightshirt you love so much, which at least sort of...
This is a Summer Lovin’ contest story. Please vote. * Stephen’s love of his life is his sister’s best friend, Summer, a woman eight years older than him. Summer, I’m in love with Summer, my sister Christine’s best friend and I don’t know what to do about it. Love at first sight, it all started the first time I saw Summer in the summer of 1968. She was in the backyard with my sister in the pool. As if my sister was swimming with an angel, a woman with a model’s face and a porn star body, I...
Author: Nick Schwartz Keywords: MF, FF, dildo, toys, masturbation, oral, cunninglingus, sex, cheating Summary: An erotic story based on the television show Rules of Engagement. These are my descriptions and my story of the characters of Rules of Engagement by CBS. I do not own the show, the characters, or anything else related to the show. This is just a parody of the show using my own words. I do however approve heavily of Megyn Pryce and what a beautiful gorgeous woman she is....
Mom was already gone to work for the day. As I went to the bathroom I realized I was again a free man. On Saturday I had become Abby's slave for the day after loosing a childish bet and a childish argument. Abby had not only made me do a school project for her, but had made me walk around naked all day except for a bowtie. She had teased dick with soft touches and kisses, and when she found me jerking myself, she made me show her porn while she masturbated. Finally, she had me give her a...
~ Chapter 1 ~ Athena giggled to herself as she ran through the Marquis’s maze. She heard the hushed ramblings of boots pounding the dirt in the far off distance. It has to be him and a few of his men searching for me. They didn't sound close enough to catch up with her yet. She ran deeper into the maze at a playful pace. The image of shock flashing over him pushed her further to the limits of just plain naughty foolishness and if she was honest with herself, she loved every second of it. Jase's...
HistoricalWhen David got home he was relieved to see the house in darkness. It was unusual for his parents to go to bed early on a weekend but he was thankful that he didn’t have to face them.Once in his bedroom he checked his clothes for any staining or residue of his cum. Satisfied that everything was ok he went for a shower before getting in to bed.He picked up his iPad with no real idea of what he wanted to look at. Automatically, his fingers found his favourite porn site. It opened on the page for...
Once in his bedroom he checked his clothes for any staining or residue of his cum. Satisfied that everything was ok he went for a shower before getting in to bed. He picked up his iPad with no real idea of what he wanted to look at. Automatically, his fingers found his favourite porn site. It opened on the page for mother and son. He tapped on the first thumbnail and immediately the screen switched to a scene with a middle aged woman sucking the cock of a boy who looked to be about David’s...
"Jake, promise me that I'll never wake from this dream..." Sighing contentedly while pulling our light blanket over us, she hugged herself against my bare chest. Once she was all settled in, I wrapped my arms around her slender shoulders and kissed her forehead before giving my happy girl a gentle squeeze. Summer and I lay together on our back porch, staring up at the brilliant starry night sky of Cozumel. She was curled in my lap, purring like a kitten. Bathed in soft, warm candlelight,...
A Summer in Sexual Hell Tim Prescott was on a plane from Atlanta to Los Angeles to spend six weeks of his summer vacation with his father. Tim was seventeen and had lived in Atlanta for nearly four years since his mother had moved there to be near her parents after she and Tim’s father, Peter Prescott, divorced. Tim spent summers and winter vacations with his father. Peter, 44, was a multimillion dollar real estate tycoon in LA with a palatial mansion in Bel Air, beach homes in San...
One of most annoying things about Emily, Taylor had decided, was her sleep schedule. So far, he'd been able to avoid her morning jogs, but she was always at the door right after, far earlier than Taylor would have liked. And unlike Logan, who unfortunately (or fortunately, given Emily's repeated hinting that Taylor had a crush on him, despite his objections) had other obligations most of the time, she was free to drag Taylor wherever she wanted to go, usually the mall. Taylor's happiness...