Experienced The Real Pleasure Of Sex With Brother In Law
- 3 years ago
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I'm Ray. I don't drink, smoke or do drugs. When you can't afford to eat the rest really never comes over the horizon.
Being homeless is a bitch. The apartment building burned out while I was at work. The accountant job at H&R Block dried up after April. I finally got a job as a bubble dancer--that's dishwasher to you outside the service industry.
It's not a bad gig. You stay warm and salvage a decent meal from the plates coming off the floor.
I found a cheap way to stay clean. I run my clothes through the dish washer every night after changing the water.
Nobody caught me standing around in socks, skivvies and an apron while waiting for my clothes to dry--or they were too bemused to mention anything.
I'm not much to look at--four foot eight of skin and bones.
When I look in the mirror a weasel with receding brown hair and washed-out blue eyes stares back. For Christ's sake--I LOOK like an accountant. Hunh. I never expected to lose my hair at 24. I've got some skills and good habits, though.
The navy taught me to stay clean and shaved if nothing else, so I don't look too scruffy.
The guard at the repo yard gets ten bucks a night to let me sleep in an unlocked van. I do Tai Chi with the group down at the park every day at dawn to keep body and soul together. For the last few months all my spare time has been spent at the library studying for the CPA exam.
If I can pass that sucker then maybe--just maybe--I can get a job that will front me enough cash to get off the street.
I've got a bike to get around with (and a decent lock on this one!), a backpack with my life in it, a couple blankets and a wool pea coat. I found a suit without too much wear on it at the thrift store as well as a pair of dress shoes.
These last two months of dish washing has been great. I feel better about myself having a full-time job, even if it's second shift. I rented a box at a Post Offices Etc. shop so I have a legal residence.
The boss was handing out paychecks at the beginning of the shift on Friday when it hit. The floor started jumping around like a hyped-up cocker spaniel. The dishes hit the floor with a crash. The fire suppression system took out the grill and fryer. The back end of the building collapsed.
The grinding roar I hadn't noticed in the frenzy gave way to silence. What a mess. Oh well, it was a good job while it lasted.
I snatched my paycheck from my now ex-boss who was still trying to take it all in. He was sitting on the floor muttering "oh, crap!" over and over. He was really out of it.
I grabbed my stuff and headed out before any aftershocks could hit. Damned if I knew about any fault lines under Amarillo Texas, but there you go. The Super Target was still in business. I knew that they'd cash a payroll check, no questions asked. I picked up socks, shorts, jeans, a cap and poncho. I probably wasn't going to sleep where I usually did, and April gets a bit testy around here. I also grabbed a small transistor radio, canteen, small flashlight and a fist full of batteries. I wanted to find out just what the hell was happening. A few cans of beans and a can opener rounded out my purchases. I got out of there just as an aftershock hit. With all the screaming and thrashing around you'd think the world just came to an end.
I sat against a light pole in the parking lot and stuffed batteries into the flashlight and radio. Holy shit.
Yellowstone did a Mt. St. Helen's, taking out large parts of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, setting off every stressed fault line this side of the Smoky Mountains in the bargain.
Almost all of California was missing. With that I kissed goodbye to the suit and dress shoes I'd salvaged and dove back in to Target for a pair of construction boots. I figured that I was going to get called up quick, having mustered out of the Navy as a communications Warrant Officer 5, so I started to high-tail it over to the Ranger station to pitch in. I know, I know. Everyone early on in their blue water career learns that NAVY means Never Again Volunteer Yourself, but I had an ulterior motive.
Three squares a day and a dry bunk.
If the winds shifted to the North West the ash fall would be devastating. The prevailing winds meant this had a good chance of happening.
I got caught up in rescue operations over the next day and a half and never did get to the ranger station.
All available hands were formed up in teams and we went through each collapsed building we found as we combed the city.
I finally found a police sergeant taking a break outside a C&C trailer (Command and Control) drinking a cup of coffee.
"Hey, sarge."
I got the evil eye. He was tired and it showed. I must have looked like five miles of bad road myself.
"Has the call-up started for reserves yet?"
"Nope. Too busy to worry about it, I guess. You in the reserves?"
"Yeah. Al Cook, Warrant Officer 5, Electronics communication, USN."
He smiled. Oh shit. "We need operators. We're so short staffed they're falling out of their chairs in there."
Oh, hell. Well, three squares and a bunk. A bonus was clean air. The equipment was a bit fussy.
"If you've got any proof, we'll take you immediately. You'll have to apprentice for a while to learn our protocols, but then you'll be on your own. Deal?"
"Deal." I fished out my DD-214 (mustering out papers) and handed it over.
"Are you a heavy hitter?"
"Umm, 2nd shift chief radio operator on a destroyer. Heavy enough?"
"You just made my day, Al. Jim French. Let me tell cap the good news." He polished off his coffee and headed out to show his boss my DD-214. I was in. I stood there beating clouds of dust and crap off my pants, wondering where I could shower and change. They wouldn't want me near a commo shack with all this grunge.
I got questioned, bent over, probed, pawed over, passed around, threatened, pre-judged and signed up. Then they let me loose on their equipment. Their protocols were based on channel assignments.
WHAT encryption? This was EASY. I had it licked the first day.
There were only six nets with trunked frequency hopping.
The only thing screwing me up were the damned police 10-codes.
I got a chart of 'em for the wall and I was in business.
Within a week I got passed up the line to the FEMA group. What a cluster fuck. Everybody had to get authorization from somebody else and nobody wanted to take responsibility. We were stretched tight as a piano wire--over-worked and short on bunk hours.
During one of the identical interminable meetings I finally lost it.
"Goddamned it! We're in here playing pass the turd when there's people dying out there, sleeping on the streets, without emergency medical care. What the fuck is wrong with you people?"
Well, that did it. I really expected to get booted out of there, but something else happened. It was so out-of-control that the loudest voice won. Mine. I got promoted to expediter. I asked for and got a list of resources and phone numbers. I got ahold of my old commander and explained where I was and what I was doing.
Resources were stretched pretty thin. Entire naval bases had disappeared along with most of California. However, there were still piles and piles of stuff remaindered from the Gulf actions.
Troops and equipment were being pulled back to the states from overseas. He gave me a couple of contacts to try and wished me luck.
We had gone from the 113th. largest city to the 58th.
We needed shelters. Material was salvaged from downed buildings and the junk dozered into piles outside of town. The homeless were sheltered in schools. Entire gymnasiums were converted into open wards with field hospitals set up just outside the doors.
We needed medical support and communications, food, water and shelter.
There was so much to do that I had to delegate. It was too much.
I head hunted teams of expediters and tasked them with different areas. Ground team took over the power grid and water mains.
Fire team took the natural gas system. Fires went out.
Grub team insured that everyone got fed.
We all went on the cafeteria plan, as in U.S. Military.
Shelter team took over rebuilding, and got trenches run for sewer, water and electric. We started building at the East end of town and proceeded West, where the most build-up was. We settled on blocks 1/2 mile on a side.
Supplies team worked with construction hand in hand--they got into salvage and reclamation.
We stole the whole damned city under thing eminent domain. Everyone owning property got a thousand buck check on the city. Everything was salvaged out and bulldozed. We pulled out all the materials we could, including fixtures.
We ran through that city like rats through a granary.
The houses were systematically rifled for food, clothing, bedding, emergency gear and firearms.
We were trying to keep the guns out of the hands of the looters, which were everywhere. We had to form up another group to police the area. Looters got shot.
This is Texas, after all.
That was the first month.
A construction company got dropped on us. Thank God.
The cell towers went back up with gigabit switches. Land lines were abandoned and the poles cut. We ran eight fiber lines in a ring thirty feet deep with switches every mile and a half around the city along with a power feed.
That's where we put the cell towers, and three fiber lines went to support them.
Cable was down, as the wires were shot to shit. We managed to get a decent transmitter up running off of a satellite feed so people had something to watch and get some news.
We broadcast a half megawatt AM too.
I refused to let the goddamned preachers near it. (Anyone familiar with Texas/Oklahoma radio is yelling 'Yeah!' right now.)
The big picture was looking pretty ugly.
A lot of big cities took a hit that you wouldn't think were vulnerable. The big Kentucky-Missouri fault tore the hell out of the Midwest. Alaska was growing new territory, but it took all but a few tiny settlements with it. Ohio got slaughtered. A hell of a lot of people died.
We went from 200,000 people to almost 110,000 in one week, just in our county. We recorded IDs as best we could and buried them in trench graves just South of town.
Power was out for days at a time. The natural gas came from in-state wells and was a solid resource. We asked for and got several big natural gas driven generators which took our load off the grid. We pulled the interrupters at the distribution field and that was that. We cut feed to the distribution field altogether to take the 500 KV transformers out of service. Their idle current was taking quite a bite.
The city was, and still is, a meat-packing center. All cut beef we could lay our hands on was deep frozen. The best beef on the hoof was spared for breeding. Fodder was a problem. We had to butcher most of the standing stock just to keep the prime stock alive and fed.
We weren't too concerned about grain. The rails were being quickly re-established and the fields were being planted.
The catch was vegetables. Nothing was coming in from California, ever again.
We had a problem with water. Open air agriculture with spray irrigation wastes a lot. We had a lot of hands, so we buried drip/seep irrigation pipes along the rows of a goddamn enormous truck garden. If we wanted vegetables, we'd have to plant 'em ourselves. I'm glad that I didn't have much to do with that end of things. I'm not a farmer.
Stupid things like swimming pools and golf course irrigation were totally out of the question. As a matter of fact, we sculpted the golf courses into a series of catchment basins to collect what rainwater we could get and piped it away to a large cistern. We covered the golf courses with visqueen.
That was the second month.
The kids were going mad with nothing to do. We put them in charge of the stock. It would be brutal when it came time to butcher them, but there it was. The chickens would be easier as they were dead stupid. Some got pulled into what we called dew patrol--kids with giant squeegees pulled dew down the basins to the reservoirs. Even on the hottest days we captured hundreds of gallons of water from the dew. They had a real job to do and ate it up.
We had concrete. We had rebar. We needed bricks. So...
We formed bricks out of compacted earth and started replacing the short term housing with real long term structures. The alkali playa that makes up the panhandle and most of Nevada compresses wonderfully at 4 tons per square inch into bricks for the ages. Nothing went up over two stories tall.
With all the madness going on around me I didn't pay much attention to the people at hand. It took a while to realize that I was being taken care of despite myself.
Breakfast and dinner always showed up whether I asked or not. My clothes got cleaned and put away. When I finally dropped at my station they took care of me.
I woke desperately tired and without the will to get up.
Funky gown. check. Hospital bed. check. Smells of disinfectant. check. What the hell? the window showed a gray curtain but the drapes were open. I pushed the little button.
A pretty little girl came in the door almost immediately.
I looked at her left hand by reflex. No ring.
"Hi to you, too! Feeling better?"
"I'm having trouble keeping my eyes open."
"There's an easy cure for that--so sleep."
"But..." I waved my hand in the direction of the window.
"What happened?"
"Oh. The ash fall started two days ago."
I found out that the ranger captain got on the TV and read the riot act to all the people sitting around on their asses eating and bitching with nothing to do. PVC A-frames and visqueen covered the truck garden seedlings with halide lights above. Teams of people were brooming off the collection basins every night before dew-fall and helping with the squeegees in the morning.
I had slept for three days. They were keeping me on my back for three more.
That was the third month.
The rails came back to life. We shipped out beef and shipped in concrete, welding equipment, hospital supplies and people.
The surrounding farms were checking in, seeing what was left.
Most had satellite TV and could pick up our radio signal, so they knew we hadn't collapsed. Amarillo was starting to look like Paris France without the fancy stuff. It seemed easier to rebuild on a circle. We hauled out all the cars and trucks we could, leaving only construction, emergency and busses. Lord, we cobbled together some ugly busses, but they worked. We ran ring routes and intersecting spoke routes. You could get from one side of town to the other in about 35 minutes. Not bad! People used bicycles, too. It's amazing what you can do with a welder and a hand full of parts. We had a couple of fabrication shops pumping out bikes like crazy. The seats were a bit odd, though.
The banana seat made a comeback. It's easy to make and carries two. Our city ordinance against privately owned gas or diesel engine vehicles seemed to fly. We even converted our busses to natural gas. We OKayed hybrids.
The rest of the state came through in pretty good order. We had to order snowplow blade forgings to cope with the ash fall. we were bankrupt and knew it. We didn't care.
We just got things done that needed doing.
Lots of national banks were based out of St. Louis (gone), California (gone), Nevada (inland sea) or Oregon (mostly inland sea). The same for several insurance companies, or they declared bankruptcy.
The panhandle was the worst hit in the state.
The state-chartered banks were opening again and people were looking around wondering what the hell to do next. Their houses were gone and livelihoods turned upside down. I do believe that the lawyers were sharpening their knives in anticipation.
It seemed strange, though. Here we were in good old Texas, read capitalist heaven and we used a communist model to recover from a severe disaster. No wonder FEMA caught so much shit and never got much done. The inefficiencies were built in to the core.
I guess you could convert from ours to a military model without too much conflict, but capitalism doesn't seem to scale to emergencies.
I asked that some of the guys from the Texas Marshals, Fema and any government legal guns I could round up come to meeting about what had happened and was going to happen. We had an opportunity to be pro-active for once.
The marshals listened, Fema gibbered and the district judge made noises about 'no precedent'. Fine. Fuck 'em. I guess I had to get dirty. Politics. I cashiered the meeting. The next day I managed to get the state governor on the horn. We talked for a while, mostly me telling him who I was, what happened and what kind of shit was about to hit the fan. I learned why he was governor. He liked to delegate. The bastard made me the provost of the whole damned panhandle. Man, it sure landed me in the shit but being a kind of deputy governor legitimized me. He said that he would look into mustering up the state's national guard to protect and repair what was going on in the rest of the panhandle and work on getting the eminent domain issue legitimatized.
I got caught with a bolt out of the blue.
"What about corporate ownership of the city proper by the city?" silence.
He replied slowly, thinking his way through it.
"It's a solution, but it has ugly ramifications. Who owns the stock?
What about taxation? Governance? Property valuation? Oversight?"
"We're part of Texas, right? Well, The city is owned by Texas."
"Property values just went to shit, so let's make everything even Steven."
"No problem. Reconstruction did that."
"Well, we can charge a flat head tax for occupation and upkeep, food, city services and improvements."
"It would have to run at a deficit until things got rebuilt, and it would have to be carefully scaled to match cost of living elsewhere."
"Yep. We could get bigger than Dallas-Fort Worth except we don't have the water."
"There are external answers to that. Since California is no longer siphoning off the Colorado river some of that could be diverted, and a larger reservoir constructed."
"Well, that's for tomorrow, along with the fruits and vegetables problem"
We talked about opportunities, problems and solutions all afternoon.
He promised that I would be legitimate by midnight and the corporation worked out within two weeks. I started to feel like we might make it through this thing.
I didn't have anyone to talk to about what had happened, so I looked up Shelley, the cute nurse that had taken care of me for a week.
We made it a dinner date then sat and talked under the stars.
We agreed to do it again next week.
That was the fourth month.
We were grinding up the construction debris and adding it to the bricks, being careful to check the end product with a hammer occasionally.
Asbestos, tar paper, glass, whatever. It won't hurt anyone when pressed into bricks. It answered a nasty question of how to dispose of the mess.
We finally cleared up the remains of the business district, skyscrapers and all. There wasn't enough to save so we scrapped it all. The banks got special treatment because of the vaults, lock boxes and records.
We were slowly digging a lake North of town and turning it into bricks.
All the streets were nice and wide. We keep dedicated bike lanes.
We used lots of asphalt and made it thick.
I got a house! A two bedroom compressed brick ranch next to a park.
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Incesthi this aey aar this is my first story please read it will post the next part only if you give good comment.I am an educated boy from a decent family looking for decent, safe, secret, open relationship……so first we will meet in a public place, if both of us are ok…. to go ahead… then we will decide accordingly lets explore life and have fun…..i m sure u would love 2 b with me and won’t regret on spending time with me……so what say…. have fun than mail me us din kuchh achchha nahi lag raha tha....
Kalona could see the lust building and burning in Jerry's eyes. He decided that would come in handy. "You miss this life don't you Jerry?" Kalona said knowing what the answer would be. Jerry wouldn't dare try to lie to him. Jerry stood there for a moment bringing himself back to reality. "Yes Kalona I do miss it." "Well then perhaps you will have a life here after all." Kalona says as he reaches down and slips his finger into Kali's very wet cunt. "Feels like this little...
Hi,My name is Lara and I am a Sissy! wow that was easy, but how did I become one now that was hard, a hard road. It all started out in the summer of 87 I was 17 lost and looking for a job. My mum who knew I was going to be a soft boy, I mean I was still sucking my thumb and had been caught many times in my sisters clothes from knickers to dress's, my mum would just smile and tell me she loved me. My Father had taken to the way of just ignoring me.Then one day my mother came into my bedroom, I...
Chapter Twenty Three Week twenty six and we were back at the studio. The team were both delighted to see us and jealous of our tans. When we had been away new enquiries about work had come in and quotes been sent out. The work at the trust had been completed and signed off and was working sweetly. Because of the preparation work that we had done during the original bidding process, it had been smooth and easy. We had the excuse to go back and do our detective work around the trust. Sam...
JUSTICE FOR BOBBY By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2019 Warning: Horror. Author's Note: To the credit of its author, one story on FM disturbed me to the conclusion that, in order to sleep better at night, I needed to write a moral counterpoint to it. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely...
I am a 20 year old ‘office lady’, who works for a trading company based in Osaka, Japan. My English skills gave me this job, and my ‘personal skills’ with my boss make me enjoy it. He is in his early 60ies and very handsome. He takes good care of his body, does work-outs three times a week, and is in perfect shape. This makes him an extremely good lover. Whenever he travels abroad, he takes me with him, because he does not speak English. This time, he had his first business trip to France....
Quickie SexI was still hard of course. I proceeded to flip her over the arm of the couch and pushed my tongue straight into her anus sending another jolt through her body. I learned later nobody had ever done that to her. I spat on her anus (actually, she was so lubed up from her vaginal flow her butt was already slick) and slowly pushed my cock into her back canal. I found out later she had never allowed anyone to do that to her before.She knew immediately she’d really been missing out. Within a minute...
IncestSpa 1I recently discovered an oasis of freedom whilst staying in Brighton. If you like nudity and have a respectful and adventurous outlook I would definitely recommend it.I was exhausted mentally and physically tired on Saturday after a hard week. Around 1 in the afternoon I wandered down to the local for a quiet pint and then, feeling a little refreshed walked the short distance up to the spa. This was my third visit and what I’d seen and experienced previously ran through my mind as I got...
Emerging from the Cocoon, Chapter 5 Amanda thought about the previous days events as she sat in the waiting room at the therapist's office. Nicholas' appearance at the ballet school caught quite a few people off guard. Madame Ruth mistook him for a girl. Some of the girls in class were really surprised, but the parents were even more shocked. Most actually were more understanding. He wore girls clothes until he could get boys' dancewear. Most of the girls were very nice to...
The following day my dick was groaning for pussy and I called Dottie around ten in the morning. She was delighted to hear from me and went crazy when I asked if she wanted me to come over. "Yes! Of course! Here, I'll give you directions... " After assuring her I knew the way and that I'd be there in thirty minutes, I inquired if she'd told her sister about what wee did. "Yes and no." "Which means... ?" "Oh, I said we had a great time and that you were a perfect gentleman and...
In the chair was Betty, stripped to the waist, with a towel placed over her lap. Paul was tattooing her left breast. It looked as though he had only just started on the outline. Mary could see that the design would be flowers and leaves. Betty said. “I have always wanted a tattoo, so when I saw you getting one last week, I thought that I would take the plunge. I live on my own, so I don’t have to worry about what anybody thinks, and I will be having my pussy tattooed as well, as soon as my...
I groaned as the sound of my whining alarm clock filled the room, my usual response to the dreaded noise. I didn’t have to look at the face to know it was just past four in the morning, a time when only an insane person would choose to leave a nice warm bed. My mental checklist of all the work ahead of me was no help either, but I managed to swing my legs over the side of my bed and drag myself into the bathroom for a hot shower. My morning routine was quick and easy: get up, make myself look...
Susan's Turn: I didn't get my summer vacation. I'm supposed to get a summer vacation, you know, because I'm a student. At least that was the shine I laid on some of my classmates in summer classes. To be honest, ever since I was old enough to be useful, I worked a lot with either Mom or Dad in their businesses. Mom had me doing data entry and learning the basics of bookkeeping and Dad had me filing and filling envelopes and stuff until I talked him into letting me out into the shop...
It was a late evening practice, as usual I was the last to leave the shower, I had to finish with the team and than finish my shower. I had a feeling that I was the last guy in the building and was going to lock up as usual. I was walking past the bleachers and heard a shuffle, turning expecting to see one or more of my team mates, I came face to face with Gloria M. She was a s*******n year old junior and on the cheer squad, with hazel eyes and long brunette hair. I asked 'what are you doing...
Hey dosto aapke samne me fir se hajir hu apne story ki adhuri kahani ko pura karne. Kisi karan se me ye stori jaldi submit nai kar paya isiliye I am sori.but now I m going to tell you the most amazing part that is 90% of sex and 10% of story. Isse pehli stori me mene 60% of story batai thi aur sex wala part baut kam tha. Aapke comments mile muje. Thnx to all. Meri mail id hai . Apne comments ya aapko koi b baat karni hai mujse aap kar sakte hai. I am 19 years old guy. Medium body ,fair and...
I woke up and looked for Yanni but he was not in the bedroom. I was the only one in bed and I was horny. I went to pee and to look for Yanni. The house was empty. Neither Yanni nor Mistress Gaby nor Mistress Nancy were in the house. I was all by myself. I have been in this situation before, and when I am horny I just take some of my toys and begin giving me the fuck I was craving. First I inserted the butt plug to open my pussy. The butt plug is thick and does a great job split opening my...
I met Sheryl about 10 years ago, when she married my older cousin Dan. I was impressed, because she was very attractive and seemed very together. It was surprising, because while Dan was a fine looking guy, he was pretty much a loser. This was her 2nd marriage. Sheryl was in her late 30’s, had a pretty face and long dark blonde hair. The day I met her, she was wearing a red tank top which showed off her fit arms and shoulders. She wore tight black cotton pants which showed off her nice tight...
Rizwan finished his high school and was a having his vacation. His family was not in good terms with relatives so that he had nowhere to go for vacation. He used to play with the local boys when most if the friends left for different places he became alone again. One day his neighbor Raghuveer came to his home. He ringed the doorbell. Rizwan’s mother opened the door. Rizwan was in his room his mother called him. Rizwan Mr. Raghu is here to see you. Hi Rizwan I have some problems with my Xbox...
Gay MaleNaughty Niece NancyBy: Londebaaz Chohan “Well, I have no objection and I have no plans that would be disturbed”, I told my elder brother; “but she is a senior in High School and at an age when she would resent you and I both. I will do whatever you tell me to”.This was my elder brother calling, telling me that he was taking a vacation with his new girlfriend, going to Europe and would appreciate if I could help him out. He wanted me to take care of his daughter for the next 2 weeks. He also...
Or at least Ed’s mom was. She wanted to meet her daughter’s work partner. The last one had been David, but since he was out of action, at least for a while longer, Edna chose me. Besides, David fell far behind the rest of us during his rehabilitation. Even Cait has progressed beyond him. Our former team leader wasn’t too far behind, a few weeks after his return would see him ascend to Level 2, and a month or three more after that for Level 3. Unless we powered-Leveled him. The magic and...
My mind was in chaos, my thoughts spinning in circles so fast I felt like I could barely keep a coherent idea in my head. Still, I somehow managed to stumble through the words I spoke to the man who had suddenly appeared in the corner of my bathroom. “You’re telling me that your name is Hypnos. You’re the ancient Greek god of sleep and trance. You slept with my mom 18 years ago, making me. And when I finally ‘became a man’ you decided that your birthday gift was going to be to ... what?” I...
The next morning, Colonel MacKenzie woke herself with a start. Something was wetting her loins and she couldn't remember having company that night. When she looked down on herself she broke out laughing. It was Jingo, her dog. She quickly remembered what had happened the previous evening and didn't try stopping the dog as he began licking her across her pussylips. When Mac looked over to her night-table her eyes bulged. She was late for work. Her always time accurate mind had completely...
That summer my sweet Ana suggested spending some vacation days enjoying the warm weather in Florida. I said it was fine for me; but then she added she wanted Jeremy to come with us…Some good old friend rented us his house as he was going to Europe.The first afternoon Anita and I were relaxing by the pool at the back yard. She had been sunning all day topless since it was still extremely warm.I had gone inside to mix a couple of drinks and when I came back out I saw Jeremy sitting in my seat...
My wife and I met when we were 18. She was a virgin at the time but had sucked a couple guys cocks. She wouldn't let me fuck her either for the first couple months we dated, but she was so hot and so good at sucking cock, I didn't complain. Finally the fateful night came and we fucked for the first time and it was incredible. So young and so tight. I still get hard thinking about it.Fast forward 2 years- we were living together at college and fucking like rabbits. I was staying at school for...
"Mona, have you seen Ethan?" he said. She was just getting on the bus and stopped. "No. Isn't he on the bus?" Gary shook his head. "No. He's the only one missing." Mona turned around and searched through the darkness with him. "I saw him dancing with one of the girls. Where did they go?" "I don't know. They disappeared." Mona nudged him with her elbow. "Maybe they went off to neck. That Ethan's a pretty cute guy." "I wouldn't know," he said. "Well,...
Hey there. I am 46 yrs old virgin to cock (or I should say was a virgin) . I always wanted to try sucking a cock but was to afraid to try it. I got up my nerve an went to an ABS with glory holes. I walked in an went straight to a booth. I 8nserted my money in and picked a god seen of a to fucking a guy. I undone my belt an unbutton my pant and got my had cock out. My cock is cut average 6 incher an about 1 an three quarters thick. I was about to set down when I saw 2 fingers come through the...
PLEASE READ PARTS 1 & 2 FO THE WHOLE STORY.My eyes were a little out of focus, but I do know when Janice is looking at me, and there she was. Just past her, Ginger was standing in the doorway, mouth open and eyes wide. All I could think of was that I was screwed. I thought Janice would loose her mind, throw me out and take everything I have. And I knew that Ginger would be heartbroken and mad at me as well. They were my women and here I was, naked with a boner in bed with my also naked...
Submitted to literotica.com by the author. * Keme saw movement out of the corner of his eye. Without turning his head, he moved his eyes to get a look. It was that kid again, the one that couldn’t tell nightmares from visions, Vumanesco. Keme moved his eyes back to the target and released his arrow. That annoying kid had been fluttering about since early dawn. He kept approaching him only to sneak away. At one point he had come close enough to speak, had said something completely pointless,...
I warn her when I’m about to come, but she keeps on sucking. That feels good, and not just physically. She flinches a bit when it happens, but she just swallows it and keeps going all the way. I’m not going to lie, it was a good orgasm. Diana is looking at my cock and how it’s now hanging soft after having done its work. “Thanks, baby, that was really good,” I say to her, at the same time wondering if this really was what she had been expecting herself. “Okay, dad,” she just says and gets...
Introduction: A Surprising Weekend. I have changed the age of my Niece to be compliant with the rules. This also throws off all future timelines. I apologize for any confusion, however I hope you will understand. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Chapter 7 Hey, Uncle Benny? My niece Kaylee asked me after dinner. My sister Patty, Kaylee, and I were sitting around my dinning room table. It was a Thursday night, and it had been my turn to host our weekly dinner. I wasnt...
‘Strip to the waist… it is time for your flogging.’ I command her. I do not want to punish her rather would I be tender with her, protect her, but with a slut to be cruel is to be kind… it is, sadly, the only language they understand. She lowers her blue eyes submissively then, without uttering a word, lifts her self up from the sofa. She is silent because she fears the pain and loathes the humiliation but she has no one to blame but herself – she chose to disobey me. She unbuttons slowly...