My Punishment free porn video

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When I was twelve I was the absolute craziest little cock-tease you've ever heard of.

I didn't know at the time what a cock-tease was but looking back I know that's what I was. Over the past year or so I'd noticed boys and men of all ages starting to check me out, especially when I wore tight clothing or scoop neckline blouses that revealed my meager cleavage. When other women talk to me about the "awkwardness" of puberty I have to pretend I understand. For me there was never anything awkward about my developing body. In fact I found myself enjoying it more and more every day.

One thing I used to do to tease boys at school was get to the school bus before any of my friends. I'd find an open seat near the back next to the target of my teasing ways, sit down, and wait. As soon as one of my friends got on the bus I'd wave her over and offer her my seat.

"You take this seat, I can just sit on Michael's lap. You don't mind do you, Mike?"

Over the dozens of times I pulled that little stunt I never once had a boy turn me down. I'd sit on his lap, chat with the friend next to me, all the while very much aware of the erection growing in the boy's lap. While pretending not to notice I would even sort of squirm my tight little butt into his growing hard on. When the ride got bumpy I really had some fun and would intentionally exaggerate the impact of any bump in the road. I was dry humping boys before I even knew what dry humping was.

No one ever called me out on that particular game and as far as I know none of my friends ever got wise to what I was doing. The boys on the bus, though, seemed to figure it out. I only quit doing it after a fight broke out on the bus when one of my former victims violently pushed another boy out of the seat next to him. I witnessed the whole fight and knew the reason behind it and was totally flattered at the notion a boy would get into a fight over me. That idea really turned me on. The thing I realized that day, though, was that my game had become an open secret, at least among the boys. I had to stop doing it or I risked getting a bad reputation.

My efforts to flaunt my developing body were aided by my mom. She'd given birth to me right out of high school and I think she enjoyed reliving her youth through me. She'd buy me any outfit I wanted, even thongs and the skimpiest of bikinis, and often bought me outfits I didn't need or ask for just because she thought I'd look "sexy-cute" in them.

Yes, that's literally what she would say. "I bought you a new dress, just wait until you see it! You're going to look sexy-cute in it, I'm just sure of it!"

Early on during my 7th grade year in school I was sent home for wearing a dress that violated the school dress code. It was too short, I was told, and I received a one day in-school suspension for it. My mom went nuts when she found out. She ended up going down to the school and chewing out the assistant principal. When Mrs. Walker defended the school policy by saying my attire had been growing increasingly inappropriate my mom really hit the roof. She ended up raising hell with the school board and made such a fuss about the whole thing that my suspension was rescinded.

It was nice having my mom in my corner but looking back she was probably a pretty bad influence on me. She was daddy's little girl and he was well off financially so she never had to work. Instead she partied constantly and I was accustomed to her coming home with strange men all the time, often drunk.

Her version of the "birds and the bees" talk sort of sums her up. Shortly after the suspension for my inappropriately short dress she told me, "That Mrs. Walker is just a dried up old maid who's jealous that you've gotten more dicks hard in your twelve years than she has in her seventy."

I'd had sex ed at school the year before so I knew a little bit about sex. My mom's comment about Mrs. Walker, though, confused the hell out of me. I said, "What do you mean? I've never, uhm ... you know, gotten a boy's dick hard..."

She laughed. "Sweetie, believe me, you have. Half your cousins were hiding their hard-ons when you wore that blue bikini at Grandpa's pool last Memorial Day. The half who didn't were the girls!"

She laughed at that and patted my shoulder proudly. It was shortly after that little speech that I started my school bus game. Getting boys hard, I found out, was even better than just having them look at me and it was around that time I learned what masturbation was and why boys did it. My mom, once again, was the one to explain all that to me.

"Men need to cum at least once a day, usually," she said matter of factly. "Even if they don't have a woman and most of the time even when they do. It's just the way it is."

"But what do they do?" I asked, confused. "I mean, what do they do? To uhm ... you know ... ejaculate?"

She chuckled and made the universal hand gesture for jerking off. "They jack it. With a few good tugs and a nudie magazine or sometimes just a vivid imagination, they blow their load all over themselves. Trust me, Hon, you'll never learn to give a better hand job than a man can give himself. They get too much practice. When the time comes do yourself a favor and focus on getting good at blowjobs and actual fucking instead."

After that talk I started feeling horny pretty much all the time. I mean, the idea of a boy or man jerking off to me was the ultimate high for an attention whore cock-tease like me during that confusing time in my life. I started getting wet between my immature legs while thinking about it sometimes, a new development that worried me at first.

"Oh, that's just ... well, you remember how I explained how a boy's dick gets hard when they're ready to have sex?" my mom explained.

I nodded.

"Usually, not all the time but usually, a woman's vagina gets wet when she's ready to have sex," she said in her characteristically blunt manner. "It's your body's way of preparing you to be penetrated. Believe me if you can't get wet and you're about to have sex, make sure you have some lube around. I've kept a spare bottle in my purse since I was fourteen."

All of these changes to my body, all of these revelations about boys and masturbation and getting wet, all of it was enough to implode my young mind. It was around this time that I forced myself to quit my school bus lap game but I was by no means done with teasing and taunting boys with my body. If anything I was more determined than ever to do just that.

I began flirting in a very amateurish, very transparent, very inexpert way. I never limited my flirtations to just the boys I was actually interested in, either. Fat or thin, ugly or cute, man or boy, I flirted, I teased, and I led on.

One day while exiting the bus and while wearing a short dress I purposely dropped a pencil. When I bent over to pick it up I glanced over my shoulder and saw the bus driver, Mr. Daniels, staring up my dress. That little trick turned me on so much that a few days later I repeated it with one minor change: before the end of school I'd removed my panties. The look on Mr. Daniels' face after bending over that day sent shivers of delight through my body.

My mom had some sage advice for me about flirting, too. "Leading men on is always a good idea at first, especially if they have money," she said. "Eventually you have to put out. You can't lead them on forever but believe me you can get a lot out of a man if you learn how to tempt them with the promise of your body."

"How will I know when I'm ready?" I asked. "To ... you know, do it, I mean?"

I'll never forget the almost taunting little smile on her face when I asked her that. She said, "Leah, darling? One of these days, sometime soon, you'll be kissing a boy and he'll be feeling you up and he'll finally get the courage to go into your pants. If that gets you wet, you'll know you're ready."

My mom, in case you couldn't guess, was never a contender for the Mother of the Year award.

Part of me sort of rejected the outright slutty attitude my mom had about things but in the end I couldn't deny that I was my mother's daughter. Like her I was short, barely 5'5" tall, thin, and already growing what would one day turn into large C-cup breasts, just like hers. Also like her my hair was soft and blonde, my eyes large and green, and my butt was tight and round. Most importantly, though, like her I was sort of obsessed with getting the attention of men.

At thirty years of age she was an attractive, fully matured fruit. I was still a ripening one.

All the same I tried my hardest to be subtle about the little games I played. I didn't want my friends to think I was some sort of slut or something. Looking back, though, it was sort of inevitable that my behavior was going to get me into trouble. That day finally came in the midst of an unseasonably hot January heat wave in southern California where I lived.

Every January my mom went on a three week vacation with six of her closest friends to Las Vegas. During that vacation I stayed with my grandpa. He lived close to us and there was even a bus stop near his house so school wasn't affected. That particular year, the twelfth of my life, all the craziness I'd been going through hormonally finally came to a head.

My grandfather doted on my mom but he treated me more like the way he treated my aunt. He was very strict to the point of being severe. His cold, stern demeanor had led my aunt to hard core alcoholism and a string of husbands, none of whom ever treated her right. While my mom had gotten pregnant early at least she hadn't gotten pregnant often. My aunt, on the other hand, had five children and she was barely 35.

My four uncles were also treated extremely well by my grandpa. Like my aunt, though, he treated me like a felon. His rules while I stayed with him were extremely harsh to the point of being ridiculous. Outside the presence of my mom he would openly criticize the way I dressed, the way I spoke, the way I behaved. He had an uncanny ability to find fault in almost everything I did.

That's why I always dreaded that yearly vacation my mom took. It's also why I was extremely glad, the first day of my stay with him, that my friend Marie invited me to spend the night at her house.

It was a Friday and the truth is I'd had to sort of guilt trip Marie into inviting me to spend the night. We were chatting online and I was bitching about my grandfather and his totalitarian ways and hinting that I'd like to spend the night. Eventually she relented and did just that. I was overjoyed.

"Behave yourself," my grandpa told me after dropping me off at her house. "I don't want a repeat of last year."

The year before I'd spent the night at another friend's house and ended up getting grounded because I fell while roller-blading and fractured my wrist. Yep, that's the kind of guy my grandfather was: he grounded his 11 year old grand daughter for getting injured in an accident.

Marie was a nice girl but she wasn't exactly my best friend. Truth was we had little in common. She wore very conservative clothing to cover for her thick, unattractive little body. I preferred movies, she preferred books. When it came to boys? Marie had absolutely no interest whereas I was pretty much obsessed.

The main reason I had wanted to spend the night at her house when, in fact, I could have asked any number of other friends, was that I had recently developed a hard-core crush on her older brother, Dennis. He was fifteen at the time and had a sort of "bad boy" look about him. He wore dark clothes, had stylishly messy brown hair, and a moustache that, in retrospect, was actually sort of lame.

Early on that evening at Marie's house I was sitting with her in her bedroom bored to tears. I was trying to think of an excuse, any excuse, to go see her brother. Finally I just said, "Hey, do you want to go for a swim?"

"No," she said, visibly relieved. "But go ahead. I'm almost done with this really good book, I'll just stay here and read."

Typical, I thought, somehow managing not to roll my eyes. I said, "Okay! I'll just do a few laps."

"Take your time," she said helpfully.

On my way down the hallway to change into my two piece I stumbled across Dennis. He was exiting his room and literally bumped into me. "Oops!" I said. "Sorry!"

"No problem," he said in his self confident manner. "So what's up?"

"Oh nothing," I said, intentionally sounding sheepish as I fluttered my eyelids at him. Like I said before I was a total amateur when it came to flirting. "Just going to change for a swim. What're you doing?"

He shrugged non-chalantly. "Nothing much. But hey, there's something downstairs that's pretty cool. Want to check it out?"

I was surprised. "Uhm, sure," I said. "Let me change first though." I really, really wanted to display my tight little body to him in my brand new bikini.

"Nah, let me show you first," he said, grinning to me and heading down the stairs. "Come on."

Disappointed that I hadn't been able to change into my sexy bikini but unwilling to risk annoying the boy I was so hung up on, I followed.

When we got to the main floor of the house he led me to the basement door. "It's down here," he said. "Come on."

"Okay," I said slowly, confused by now but a little curious, too.

We descended the stairs to the mostly empty unfinished basement and he led me to the far corner of the dimly lit room. "What is it?" I asked.

He smiled at me. "You like me, don't you?" he said in a soft voice.

Oh my god! I thought. Suddenly flustered and embarrassed I giggled and said, "Uhm, why do you say that?"

He moved closer to me. "Come on, admit it," the fifteen year old said. "Last week at Marie's birthday party you couldn't keep your eyes off of me. You were pretty obvious."

I blushed. He was even closer to me now and I had unconsciously backed up to the point my back was against the cold cement wall. "Uhm ... I do, I guess ... do you like me?" I said, suddenly feeling as though the huntress had become the prey.

"I do," he said softly. He placed his hand on the wall just above my right shoulder and leaned in close. "Do you want me to kiss you?"

I didn't want to, I knew it was childish, but at the end of the day I was just a child so I couldn't stop myself from giggling. "Do you want to?" I said while batting my eyes which I had to force to even look at him. I was so nervous! "Kiss me, I mean?"

"I do," he grinned.

"Okay," I said.

I couldn't believe it. I was finally going to have my first kiss! My thoughts were going a mile a minute and drifted back to what my mom had told me about kissing and being felt up and getting wet. How far was this going to go? My young heart was all a pitter-patter as I closed my eyes and waited for his lips.

"Take off your clothes."

Now my eyes snapped open. This isn't how it's supposed to go! I thought.


"Come on, take them off," he said, that bad-boy smile still on his face. "Don't be shy. I want to see you naked first, before we kiss."

I was totally flabbergasted. I had absolutely no idea what to say. Suddenly the proximity of his large, gangling body to my small, barely matured one felt a little less intimate and a lot more threatening. I said, "I, uhm ... I just wanted a kiss..."

"Don't be a baby," he said. "Take off your clothes. I'll take mine off. Here."

With that he proceeded to peel off his dark Metallica tee shirt. My heart skipped a beat as he pushed down his black denim jeans. When he was clad only in his boxer shorts he leaned in close to me again, hand on the cement wall, and said, "See? No big deal. Your turn."

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Her breath came in short, sharp pants, shallow and sporadic. Her face was flushed a fiery red, tears were filling her eyes and spilling over the lower lashes onto her burning cheeks. Her breath caught involuntarily as the wide leather collar was abruptly yanked back and held…forcing her to arch her back. She knew better than to cry out, the consequence would be swift and merciless, so she had to be satisfied with the silent tears that were washing down her face. Just minutes before, she had...

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Her breath came in short, sharp pants, shallow and sporadic. Her face was flushed a fiery red, tears were filling her eyes and spilling over the lower lashes onto her burning cheeks. Her breath caught involuntarily as the wide leather collar was abruptly yanked back and held...forcing her to arch her back. She knew better than to cry out, the consequence would be swift and merciless, so she had to be satisfied with the silent tears that were washing down her face. Just minutes before, she had...

Oral Sex
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Punished You had decided that punishment was due for my misbehaviour. I had after all embarrassed you in front of your friends and though it turned out well, you remained a little red-faced from the moment. There was a glint of evil in your eye – you sought revenge but what exactly, I was unsure. We stumbled back into my room at the hotel. It was not quite late, the sort of late when you actually consider if it is worth going to bed or just start the next day. We were both a bit happy being...

4 years ago
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She walked in late as her dad stood waiting for her. He grabbed her by the hair and told her "Get into the basement. You are going to be punished. When you act like a whore you will be treated like a whore." She was scared as he d**g her down the stairs to the basement. He shut and locked the door. "Now take all your clothes off. I want you naked and do it fast. If I have to rip your clothes off you will be very sorry." She stood with tears running down her cheeks and removed her clothes. When...

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As Jim drives up driveway he notices that light for the dining room is on and the d****s are half closed. His heart begins to beat a little faster with fear of what might greet him inside. With a silly looking smirk on his face he looks into the dining room to witness a plate of food sitting at his usual dining spot and across the table laid an empty plate sitting in front of his wife Edith. Edith lifted her eyes only to glare deep into Jim’s then crossing her arms and blurted out “where fuck...

4 years ago
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Broken she lay on the floor, barely conscious after her punishment. The candles flickered and the chains swung, below them she lay, marked from numerous strikes and oozing his lust from between her thighs. He stood over her for a few minutes, catching his breath,watching the trickle of cum work its way down her thigh and onto the carpet."You'll be cleaning that up tomorrow" he said in a low tone. She barely had the strength to nod in response. "I'm going for a shower" he said, grabbing a towel...

2 years ago
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Untitled work of Fiction or PUNished (HA-HA! Get it?!) By The Anonymous Bastard Hi, my name is Steve. At least it used to be. Now it's Jake. I had it changed last fall. No, I would never get it changed to some girly name like "Cindy" or "Jenny." Why on earth would I do that? Anyway, it all started last year. I was getting ready for the big homecoming festival. Naturally, I had my eye on the girl of my dreams- Suzie Lawsonitingshiremont. Looking back, all I can think is, "What a...

2 years ago
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Punished By Margaret Jeanette Kayleigh Cameron was very happy. She had just closed on a million and a half dollar estate she had listed four weeks ago. The whole real estate office was happy to see the commission on the sale. Kayleigh told Sylvia Hopkins she would treat her to lunch. Sylvia was Kayleigh?s best friend. They went to lunch at Topper?s, a popular eatery with the business community. They were seated in a semi-private corner eating lunch when Kayleigh...

1 year ago
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Jill knew that she was in trouble the moment she heard the sharp voice of Miss Norton ordering her to halt! It was way past curfew and here she was out in the hall trying to sneak back to her own room. "Hold it right there, Miss Penice!" the head of school security barked. "Do you know what time it is?" "Uh, yes ma'am," Jill replied with a sinking heart. "The why are you where not supposed to be?" Petra Norton intoned evenly. "Well uh, you see it's like this," Jill stammered. "Like what? Petra...

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Steve woke with a splitting headache, he lay in bed getting his surroundings. he did not remember getting home or going to bed, he had been out the night before celebrating his 16th birthday now he was laying in bed with a hangover and cant remember getting there, Steve got out of bed his morning wood sticking up, he got his measure and measured it, 10 inches, he knew the money he had spent on the developer was with it. Steve heard his 10 year old step sisters voice and quickly put his bathrobe...

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June 27th 2011

Im watching a movie,later evening, when my cell starts to sound. I have a text. :) Ive been waiting to hear from a potential boyfriend. Well, well.....its not 'T'... its Brian. :D Its been a while. I was quite surprised. He asks if Im bored. My usual answer: D'uh! I know, how intellectual. haha He asks if I feel like coming over for a drink... how do you say: FUCK YEAH!!! Of course my text back was simply, 'really? Of course Id love to come over.' I shower evernight, so, Im already clean....

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My Lover Knows

I’m waiting by the doorway of the hotel suite’s bedroom. I can hear the electronic key card sliding and unlocking the door. My lover enters the room after a long day of work and a two hour drive to our secret place. He gives me the shy smile I have come to adore, as he places his suit jacket on the chair. I’m dressed in lingerie he bought me a month ago and sent to my work. He can’t send it home to me, my husband, nor his wife for that matter, would appreciate it. It’s a push up lacy bra that...

2 years ago
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Makeup Tutorial Part 1

Makeup Tutorial Part 1 It all started at a party, well at the end of a party just your typical hightschool teenage party there was light beer and whatever anyone could sneek from there parents. Things were winding down most poeple had left at that point I had told my parents that I was speanding the night at my friends house so I could be out all night. I only had a couple beers I was a light wight when it came to alcohol, at that time I was playing someone named Lizzies xbox not...

2 years ago
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Sexual Restraint

I worked for the city's water authority in customer service. My job was to answer questions about billing and scheduling service calls for blue- marking waterlines for construction companies or citizens who needed the service. In short, at 25 I was board out of my mind. You know, numb with boredom, no direction, no special skills, condemned to a lifetime to tedious jobs and no fun in life. And worst of all I was still living with my parents. Then one day all that changed. I'd grown up in a...

1 year ago
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Pillbox Sex Dungeon Chapter 3 Introducing a friend

This is the third chapter in this series. There is a short paragraph setting the scene and you can certainly enjoy this story as a stand alone but to fully appreciate it please read chapter 1 and chapter 2. Enjoy Pillbox Sex Dungeon - Chapter 3 - Introducing a friend Teen, MFF, threesome, oral, anal The steamy weekend sex sessions and occasion weeknight meets continued. Our loved up and sex crazed couple have now been dating for close to three months. With each visit to the pill box Dan...

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Schoolgirl Shenanigans

Walking briskly and with clear purpose you unlock the door to your apartment and shut it behind you. Carefully traversing your way through an abundance of cardboard boxes you arrive at a mirror. Peering into the mirror, one of the very few things you’ve unpacked, you see a 35 year old male with an athletic and toned body, slight stubble and of course your favourite feature your 9 inch flaccid thick and girthy cock. Due to the fact you need to make a good first impression tomorrow you decide to...

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Young Swingers Part Two

We stood up and hugged each other. I kissed her on her cheek and she kissed my cheek also. "Phew, that is a load off my mind," I said. "I was hoping you would agree with me. I had no backup plan if your answer was a 'yes'. "My 'no' means a threesome with you. That doesn't preclude Tori and I from having sex together. Would you mind that?" "I think she has already told me that she wants you and now it appears you want her also. You two will have to figure that one out." Tori received her offers...

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Dreams of last nightshort

I have no idea why this turned me on so much. I had a dream last night. It wasnt one of my usual epic dreams where I slay dragons and rescue a naughty princess who flashed me her pussy and I flash her mine. It was a little different. I was wearing a suit. Maybe even a tux I cannot remmeber. My tits were tied and you could not see a thing. I was mingling with a few guests and I was trying to get a few girls to fuck later on.I didnt have much luck so I waited till all guests were gone. Everyone...

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Mommy Wanted a GirlChapter 5

I couldn't believe I had become friends with an obvious psycho. I mean there's nothing normal about locking someone in a room and selling them for sex. I didn't know if this was going to be my life now or if she would let me go and also would I ever get any money for what I was doing, but there was no way for me to leave so I decided to go to sleep hopefully Chloe might change her mind tomorrow. The next morning I was woke up by the sound of the door unlocking, I opened my eyes to see...

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Mary Dropped By

It was just after 7 PM, and I had just pulled my sweat pants down. I started massaging my penis and balls as I sat in my recliner. I was fantasizing about the 18 year old neighbor girl that walked by earlier as I was mowing my front lawn. She sure was a little hottie, wearing her shorts and halter top as she pranced up and down the street. I think she was teasing the two boys up the street, but I sure got my eyes full of her perk little bouncing boobs jutting out and her awesome little ass. ...

1 year ago
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Maa ka balidan 2

Hi this is lady fucker again with another story. Jaise ki aapne meri pichli kahani me padha ki pradip ki maa ne muze apne atit ke bare me bataya ki kaise dahej ki bajah se unki maa ne sasur se chudwaya aur unke pati ne chudwate hue dekh liya. Aur fir aage ki kahani pradip ki maa bharti ki jubani. Dusre din mere sasur chale gaye lekin maa udas thi, wo kuch bol nahin rahi thi. Maa pure din gumsum thi. Rat ko jab main so gayi uske bad mere bap ne maa ko pura nanga kar diya lekin maa abhi bhi udas...

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When Danny Met Judy

When Paul and Sue announced they were taking a holiday in the new year, I was as eager as they were for that week to come. We had a reciprocal arrangement, whereby the couple that remained at home would periodically look into the other's house, to water plants, remove the build-up of mail behind the front door and just generally check for anything untoward. I'd just dropped them off at the airport when on my journey home I received a text from Sue. "I think I might have left my hair...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood True BeginningsChapter 3

SCIMITAR TWENTY-TWO HOURS FROM EARTH " ... landed behind Sadi's DT and then he comes out of the smoke, Elynth next to him, their eyes like beacons on some dark night. He launches his shield and then draws one of those two swords he carries ... gods it was like watching some majestic knight come to save you. As he fought ... his Shi Viska circled the area he and Elynth were fighting in ... it was almost moving of its own accord." Teeria was speaking animatedly as they sat at the table in...

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New Orleans Jizz

The place is a room at an old New Orleans hotel in the French Quarter (they are quite luxurious). The french windows are open to the street and the breeze from the Mississippi river blows the white floor length curtains gently, bringing with it the sounds of the Quarter….people, traffic, and the soulful notes of the blues being played by a street band. The king-sized bed is covered in white crispy cotton sheets. We have been in the Quarter and Magazine Street seeing some of the sights of New...

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The Ruining of Patricia

Her name was Patricia don't call her Patty or she would rip you a new one! I knew it wasn't her real name because she had come over from Hong Kong China I'm sure it must have started out as some impossible to say Chinese name or one that she felt didn't quite fit her new life here I'm just speculating as her real reason is known only to herself and I respect her privacy and have never asked her about it...Her father was some kind of political figure over there and he seemed to be one over here...

1 year ago
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time for a change

note - this is a work of fiction....*winks-----------------------things were somewhat different after i split with my ex. yeah, sure i had a lot more space and didn´t have to tidy up crap that wasn´t mine, but not having a nice thick cock there on demand for the last 3 months had left me feeling horny.....very horny to say the least! during that time i must have raised the share price on duracell on my there i was, alone in the house. i´d just taken riker, my liver coloured labrador for...

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