The Princess Backpack Diaries
- 4 years ago
- 53
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It had been nearly two years since I'd left, going straight into the service out of high school. It felt good to be home again, though it was still going to feel different even then.
For one, dad had died the year I had graduated. That alone had made my leaving all the harder on mom, but she at least had a sister she was very close to, who had seen her through much of that difficult time. Though she lived an hour away from where we did, mom never failed to at least travel to see her once a month, sometimes spending the entire weekend with my Aunt Susan and my cousin Jill. The fact they had named me Jack wasn't by accident, though at the time it didn't really dawn on me that my mom and dad had thought it funny to name me Jack, after my aunt and uncle had decided to name my cousin Jill. It was only later that Jill and I realized they had done so on purpose, seeing as we were born during the same year, and only a couple of month's a part.
Still, even then I looked forward to our monthly visits, which most of the time was only mom and I making the trip up to visit with them. It was something I remembered fondly doing while growing up, and had always looked forward to it whenever we went. My cousin Jill, also an only child, though I never knew the reasons why the two of us were, only that's the way it happened to turn out. Because of that perhaps, neither one of us having siblings, Jill and I had grown especially close as kids, more like brother and sister as opposed to just being cousins.
Now home from the service, I hadn't as yet begun looking for a job. I'd decided to spend a couple of weeks just getting used to civilian life again, along with helping mom out around the house, getting things back into shape again for her before looking for work. Something I was in the process of doing now. Unbelievably, mom hadn't gotten around to boxing up most of dad's things. Much of which, I would be taking down to the donation center after going through them, keeping some stuff to actually use or wear myself. Other things, going up into the attic for storage until such time as mom decided what she actually wanted to do with them.
Away at work herself, I had gotten an early start, wanting to dispose of as much as I could as quickly as I could before she returned home. I knew it would be a lot easier on her if things weren't still lying around when she got home. Hard enough how different it would appear when they were gone, harder still to see them sitting there in preparation of being given away or even stored.
I'd been at it pretty much all day long, just then taking the last few stored boxes up to the attic. Needing to make a bit of room and keep things orderly and neat, as there was no telling how long things would be up here, I decided to combine those boxes with a few others that were sitting there. Most of those I noticed were some of moms, things she'd kept for whatever reason. Mostly old photograph books and memorabilia from the years that she and dad had spent together. I had taken a small break to look through a few of them, which is when I came across a couple of old worn leather strapped books. I immediately recognized them for what they were, diaries. The little locks on them had been broken a long time ago as I picked one of three up out of the box, curious about it, but hardly expecting anything electrifying or major in reading any of the passages. Mom had been writing in diaries for years, and as mundane as her life seemed to be, I hardly expected to read anything more other than a few private thoughts perhaps, or how she had spent the day working out in her garden.
Boy was I in for a big surprise.
I noticed the one I was holding was dated 1975. I smiled thinking back how I could have only been around thirteen or fourteen years of age at the time. The first few entries in fact were indeed pretty mundane, just as I'd suspected, with little being said except for what significant occurrences mom felt, had happened that particular day.
I was just about to put the diary back when one entry caught my eye. It was dated on a Saturday, one I was particularly familiar with as it was also my Aunt's birthday, and I clearly recalled the day we had taken up the bus to visit with her on that particular weekend. I continued reading, remembering back, and then things got really interesting.
Though we had been planning on going up there for my Aunts birthday anyway, there soon was a second reason for mom's going and need to be there. I didn't know it then, and wouldn't for a time afterwards, but Aunt Susan and my Uncle Stephen were getting a divorce. She had discovered he'd been having a long-term affair with his secretary just two days before her birthday. She and mom had been on the phone together for hours, though she had locked herself inside her bedroom. I knew something was going on because she had, but beyond that, I knew very little else.
All that I remembered as mom once again briefly mentioned their conversation in her diary. But then I read:
"I knew you needed me emotionally, and physically just as much as I needed you. It had been so long since the two of us had been together, not since before our weddings anyway, and I missed that. After we had gotten the kids down to sleep, I remember coming into your room, you ... naked lying there on the bed waiting for me. You looked so vulnerable. I knew you were hurting inside, and yet, I saw the desire in your eyes as well, hopeful that by your being there like that I would come to you in the way that I most certainly did. For me, it was as though we had gone back in time, back to those days when we used to share a bed together and began to experiment. I knew then, I never wanted to stop sharing the intimacy we once had."
To put it mildly, I was shocked. I had to reread the passage twice in order to ensure I hadn't misread it. I kept thinking the intimacy she spoke of wasn't sexual, but as much as my mind tried to interpret it any other way, I just couldn't. Especially when I read on after that. Mom wrote of their encounters together, things they did after that, the time they spent. And it wasn't in general details either, but very explicit in nature, the way she described my Aunt's naked body, how she looked, felt, smelled and tasted as the two of them played together.
I sat back trying to digest all of this. Words mom had actually used, written down in her book were words I had never heard her ever utter before. "Sucking her ... your clit," words like "fuck" which again I'd never heard her use, and yet in her diary, she used them repeatedly, though the tone of their use was indeed far more erotic, needful than ever being used in a derogatory way. At first I sat there confused. Learning something about your own mother that's completely out in left field left me wondering if there was indeed a side of her that I didn't know, would never come to understand. On the other hand, it made her even more real to me, more human for some reason, and in a very big way, even more vulnerable herself.
It took me a while to wrap my mind around all this, but when I did I found myself smiling at the thought. After all, who was I to judge my own mother when I'd been harboring my own dark secrets. Curious, once again looking back, I rummaged through another box discovering even more diaries, looking for one in particular. It was the year I had gone into the service, remembering another weekend when I had actually driven mom up to see her sister, and where I of course had gone in order to say good-bye to everyone as I would be leaving the following week. I had gone with the expectations of spending some time with Jill, a continuation hopefully of something we'd almost done, but had suddenly gotten guilty feelings about prior to anything actually happening the last time we had visited. As I rummaged through the box, my mind went back to that particular date in time.
As we always did, we arrived very early that morning just in time for breakfast. By now, as we'd been so comfortable doing whenever we did come for our visits, my Aunt Susan was still wearing her night shift beneath the thin robe she had on. It wasn't at all unusual for her to do so until after breakfast was finished before she usually got dressed for the day. I took those moments to secretly look at her, as well as my cousin Jill, so alike in many ways, and yet different in their own rights. Aunt Sue as I called her was about the same height as mom at just under five and a half feet. Jill on the other hand much taller, only an inch or two shorter than I was at nearly six feet. Both Jill as well as my Aunt had long dark hair, moms a bit lighter in color, and shoulder length whereas both Jill and my aunt kept theirs in very similar pony-tails most of the time. All three of them had green eyes, though I think Jill's could turn blue dependent upon what clothes she was wearing.
But that was where the similarities basically ended. Jill had much smaller breasts than either my mother or aunt had, though I wondered if in time she might continue to grow there as well. I'd seen photos of my mother around Jill's age, and she didn't appear then to have quite as full, or as large of breasts as she did now. Jill was quite naturally a bit slimmer too, not too surprisingly as she'd been on the gymnastics team during high school. And not that either mom or my aunt were totally out of shape, because they weren't. But to describe either one of them, I'd have to include the term voluptuous, as they had a bit more meat on their bones so to speak. Though sitting there looking at the two of them as they conversed while making breakfast, I could only admire and secretly harbor a few indecent thoughts regarding the two of them.
Thoughts I might indeed entertain, but thoughts I would never openly act upon.
Jill however, was something else entirely.
Growing up together, again closer than most kids back then, we'd gone through several "curious" phases together as I called them. One of which mom and my aunt had caught us doing. What I recalled from that, was that neither of them made as big of a deal out of it as some might have. We were indeed "counseled" about it to be sure, and told that it wasn't proper for cousins to be engaged in such activities, especially at our age. But beyond that, neither one of us had received any punishments. For a time, we did indeed behave ourselves, but only for a time.
Jill was the first girl I had ever kissed. Jill was also the first girl who had ever let me feel her up, which is what we'd done now each and every time we had come for a visit after that. Each time lasting a bit longer, getting a bit more exciting every time we did. It was because of that, because we had finally done far more than we ever had before, that I wondered if she ... like me, had overcome our previous guilty feelings about all that. I was more than curious to find out, and didn't have long to wait.
Even with our expected early arrival, Jill as she always usually did, slept in. She never had been an early morning person, definitely more of a night owl, very often not even going to bed until well after midnight. Something, which during my last visit had suited our purposes perfectly. Eventually we could all hear her finally stirring as the bathroom door opened and then closed up stairs. Minutes later the sound of her coming down the stairs in order to join us all, reached our ears.
Like I said, seeing my Aunt still wearing her sleeping gown wasn't any real surprise, especially as she for the most part kept herself well hidden enough beneath the thin robe she wore over it. Jill on the other hand left very little to the imagination, which my aunt briefly commented on, though making more of a joke about it, rather than admonishing my cousin for her somewhat inappropriate attire. All she was wearing was what they call a "wife beater" for a top, which she slept in, and a pair of short, men's boxers. I thought she looked sexy as hell in them, especially as her pert small breasts could be so easily seen pressing against the tight white tee shirt.
"Good morning sleepy-head," my aunt had said. "Was just about to send Jack here up to wake you, though it's probably good I didn't," she said giving her daughter an obvious look at her appearance.
Jill had walked around the kitchen table giving mom an affectionate hug, and then a kiss on the cheek, likewise moving back around behind me, doing the same, though I think her lips lingered a bit longer than usual on the back of my neck as she kissed me there.
"Good thing you didn't send him up, I might not have gotten up, or let him come back!" She stated surprising everyone by the implication.
"Jill!" Sue said turning to admonish her, though I noticed a slight smile on her face as she did that. Jill laughed, as did my mom, though a bit nervously as I recalled. Something that now had greater implications and meaning behind it now that I thought about it. Though at the time...
"Besides, it's not like he's not seen me dressed like this before in the mornings either mother," she continued. And in fact, as you remember, I wore that blue baby-doll nightgown the last time they were here when I was getting ready for bed, and you never said a thing to me about that."
"Well, it's because you were on your way up to bed," Aunt Sue had said, and I think Jack was being enough of a gentleman not to sit there and stare at your breasts, even though they were fairly noticeable!"
They had been indeed. And I smiled remembering that, both then and now. I had been a bit surprised to see her wearing so revealing an outfit, though as my aunt had said, she'd appeared there only briefly in it before heading upstairs to bed. But I knew ... as well as Jill did, she had done that on purpose, as a further tease towards me. It had been like that all day. It had been like that almost every time we had come for a visit in fact most recently. And now, with her sitting there at the kitchen table, her nipples now even more noticeably erect, pressing against the thin material of her tight tee, I was hoping for and now anticipating more of the same.
After breakfast was over, it was one of Jill's chores to then go out and feed and water the horses. They had three, which were theirs, plus they stabled and took care of four others for neighbors, making a bit of money on the side for doing so. It was a chore I always looked forward to in helping out with. Not only did we very often go out for a ride later, but also there was the infamous barn, which was situated on the far end of their property. A good walk, it also ensured us of a bit of privacy, which is where our last visit had gotten interesting.
But as I sat there thinking about that visit, and what eventually happened, I couldn't help but now wonder at what had also been going on after we'd left. As I said, my aunt always appeared dressed, refreshed for the day after her morning shower, but I now recalled that mom too had appeared to do that. We'd always be gone for at least an hour, if not two, plenty of time for my mother and aunt to spend some personal intimate time together themselves.
The puzzle pieces were beginning to slowly fall into place.
After we had walked a reasonable distance from the house towards the barn and the stables, Jill had reached down taking my hand. We walked together like that for a short distance, whereupon she suddenly dropped my hand and took off like a shot towards the barn. I stood for a moment simply watching her run. Her long legs, trim, sleek body was like poetry in motion. Moments later I took off after her watching as she soon after disappeared inside the barn. By the time I got there, she had disappeared.
"Up here!" Came her response, and though I couldn't see her, I knew then she had climbed up into the loft. Climbing the ladder, I reached the upper level of the barn, but she was still nowhere in sight. There were a lot of hay bundles stacked up there as well, and I could see that some had been recently moved, basically creating a bit of a partition or wall from prying eyes. I grinned knowing now where she was, but still not fully aware of what she was up to, until I came around the corner and looked down where she was laying.
She was totally nude. She had spread out, having prepared the place some time ago, as it seemed, a rather large thick quilted blanket over a pile of loose hay. Somewhat surprised, I could only stand there gawking at her, especially as she lay there, the evidence of another unexpected surprise awaiting me. She had trimmed her pubic patch into the shape of a heart. And I knew now, she had done so just for me.
"You like?" She asked grinning up at me. "I guess you could say ... I have a heart on for you!" she giggled excitedly. "Any chance you have a ... heart on for me?"
"I don't know about a heart on, but I certainly have a hard on," I had told her. Which I honestly did.
"Then show me," she said as she reached down between her legs, her fingers suddenly spreading herself so wickedly, and the look in her eyes wanton, lustful. I had honestly never seen her this aroused before, which she obviously was, nor had I ever expected to see her totally naked either like I was now. She was a feast for my eyes, and all I wanted to do was devour her.
Whatever guilt she had experienced the last time I'd come for a visit, seemed to have been dealt with. That she had offered her breasts to me to fondle the last time had been exciting enough. But after I'd left, with Jill acting so guilty about what we'd done during that visit, I certainly hadn't expected or even hoped for anything like this.
"You sure?" I had asked looking at her, though my cock was now pressing almost painfully against the front of my jeans.
"I've never been more sure about anything before in my entire life," she had told me. "I've been thinking about it, and almost about nothing else since the last time you were here. I finally decided... 'fuck it', it's what I want ... if you want," she finished worriedly.
I gave her the answer she was hoping for as I undid my jeans.
Even then I didn't move to join her immediately. Just looking at her as she so openly, so uninhibitedly played with herself was a fantasy of mine come true. Her breasts, though small were firm, hard-tipped and pointed. She held one within her hand, self-teasing the rosy pink nipple, almost by way of an offering. Her other hand, fingers delicately caressing her clit, just rubbing it back and forth, up and down her wet slippery groove. When she held that up towards me, I immediately knelt down in front of her, taking her middle digit into my mouth, sucking it off, tasting her for the first time.
She giggled hotly, perhaps not expecting me to do that, no more than expecting me to now do what I then did. With her legs still bent so obscenely at the knee, I prostrated myself down in front of her, kissing her womanly place, my lips immediately embarking on a first time experience as I mouthed her succulent, sweet tasting pussy.
Jill groaned deeply, tossing her head back into the pillow of straw and blankets, her hands now coming up to bury themselves in my own dark thick hair.
"Holy fuck!" She mewled as I now began lapping at her tender clit with my tongue, initially doing so lightly, softly until she all but mashed her cunt into my face humping herself against it.
Obviously I seemed to be doing it right, though this honestly was my first time ever experience actually doing so. And it wasn't to be the first only experience doing other things either.
Now ... I had made one other girl come with my fingers. So I was sort of expecting something like that. She had indeed moaned, groaning pleasurably through her climax. I'd even felt her pussy clamp down on my probing finger as she did. But that was the only way I ever had, up until now at least, so I still wasn't entirely sure of what to expect if in fact Jill even did come this way.
I don't think she was expecting it either when she did, as it was suddenly upon her before either one of us really knew it. One second she was lying there somewhat still, though still rocking, or rather rotating her hips slightly beneath me. In the next instant, she literally lurched upwards, her ass coming up off the blanket entirely. I felt her stiffen, her back arching as she sucked in her breath holding it for a moment, and then let out what I could only describe as a blood-curdling cry of release. All I could think of at the time was, "Thank god we're this far away from the house!" It was loud enough that I could hear the horses whickering down below us in the stables.
The other thing I hadn't expected, and to which she admitted herself afterwards, was the sudden expulsion of pussy juice that liberally sprayed my face. This was something totally unexpected, but not at all unenjoyed. She was even embarrassed about it afterwards. Telling me a short time later that she knew she got pretty wet, even to the point of 'gushing' as she called it whenever she masturbated. But this had been the first time she had actually 'squirted' to the extent that she obviously had. Maybe it had something to do with the way I'd brought about giving her, her orgasm. Neither one of us really knew for sure, but what I did know was ... I'd enjoyed it, and wanted to do so almost immediately once again.
She of course now had other plans.
Extricating herself from beneath me, Jill now rolled me over onto my back. When I felt her lips, and her tongue suddenly began to bathe my prick with kisses and light feathery little flicks of her tongue, I had somewhat of an idea of what she'd just experienced for herself. This too was another first for me. Up until now, I'd only had one single hand job by another girl, the same one I had likewise fingered in the back seat of my car at the drive-in. Nothing since then, and certainly nothing ever like this. I thought I was going to lose my mind. Which I think was partially what suddenly shot out of the end of my dick seconds later. If I'd hoped to have some sort of control, some sort of long-lasting stamina to endure and thus enjoy the sweet sensation Jill's mouth and tongue was giving me, I was sadly mistaken.
She on the other hand seemed immensely pleased to have brought about such a quick unexpected release. And oddly, neither one of us even considered for a brief moment as to what to do ... or not to do, when I actually came. She simply swallowed my almost constant, or so it felt like anyway ... spending as I squirted copiously into her mouth. The feel of her lips sucking me, drawing the head inside her as she opened her throat in order to more easily swallow my discharge was beyond anything I had ever felt before. And that included my having on occasion, masturbated with a baggy filled with whipping cream, which up until then had provided me with the best felt pleasure.
This by in large far surpassed the feeling of that.
We lay there together for a fairly long time, just holding, touching and caressing one another until we both realized we needed to be heading back before we were missed. But it was only the beginning of what I now looked back on as the most important, most significant day of my entire life.
It was then that I finally found the diary I'd been looking for.
Once I had, I quickly skimmed through it looking for that same particular date. I had already learned through briefly reading through some of her other entries, that even in the mundane, mom was particular in writing a lot of detail. I wasn't too terribly surprised then upon finding the dates for that weekend that she indeed had. Nor that those two specific dates had far more of a longer detailed entry than most. A lot obviously had gone on that weekend, much of which I remembered of course, but a lot more that until now at least, I hadn't been aware of.
I quickly skimmed through our arrival, and even some of the things we'd said and shared during breakfast that morning. What I was interested in, was seeing what she had written after Jill and I had left to go down to care for the horses. Now knowing what I did know, I was more curious about that.
" ... As I stood looking out the window, watching Jack and Jill walking down the hill..." She paused, and then I noticed a footnote she had written there in parentheses. (Perhaps it was a mistake to have named our son Jack, I cannot help but laugh every time I write their two names down together, especially watching them as they moved off. I can only hope that neither of them will ever hold it against us for having done that ... but I digress here) She then continued on. "Sue made mention to me a bit later how she thought it was very likely that the two of us had possibly already become intimate. I wasn't as surprised to hear her tell me that as I might have expected to be. I'd been thinking along those same lines myself now, ever since our last visit here. Just seeing the two of them together, the way they very often teased one another, even flirting a little hinted at that very same possibility. When I discussed it at length with Sue, her thoughts were that it was simply bound to happen at some point. She'd been actually expecting it to, long before now. The fact that Jack and Jill are both adults now, and most capable of making their own decisions with regards to any furthering of their relationship, should that include sexual intimacy, was something they would themselves have to deal with. Sue and I both feel that it could and very possibly would have far reaching complications should they decide to do so. But to interfere, to try in any way to keep it from happening, would be a very hypoctrical move on our parts. What we did agree on, was to be there for each of them, when and if such a thing were to occur. Though seeing them as the two of them walked down the hill together, eventually taking one another's hands as they did, was only the beginning of what the rest of the day would eventually offer up.
It was then that I felt Sue come up from behind me, kissing me ever so sweetly on the back of the neck, her hands coming around to cup my breasts, caressing them as she stood there fondling and kissing me. I was already wet between the legs in anticipation of some time together, watching the kids walking off as I turned towards her. Her hands now coming up to begin undoing the buttons on my blouse. Aroused as we both were, we soon after headed upstairs to her bedroom where we once again enjoyed the intimate touch of one another's bodies in ways I now knew, I could never do without. The only concern I had was when we sat for a moment afterwards basking in one another's arms after having given one another what was yet again another explosive climax, was her comment about Jack. It's not as though we hadn't shared certain thoughts with one another about other such intimate things, even fantasies, neither of which I think at the time we'd have acted upon. And sometimes just because we might admit to having thought them, wasn't in and of itself a bad thing necessarily, or one that would tug at my conscious later on. But I got the impression that if something ever should happen, Sue wouldn't exactly be opposed to it. What bothered me the most however, I'd been wondering about that myself."
Once again I sat back, wondering at what she had meant, though now knowing without any doubt whatsoever, that the two of them had been enjoying one another intimately at the exact same time that Jill and I had. It was an ironic piece of information to now know and come to understand. But I also knew there was more. A lot more. I had barely read through a quarter of the day's events as they'd eventually unfolded.
I remember just getting back to the house when mom and Aunt Sue came down from the bedroom, now dressed. I had noticed at the time that their hair was still damp from having taken a shower, but as I also recalled, mom's face had a bit of a flush to it still. I didn't think anything of it at the time. Now I did.
They had told us they were going out to do some grocery shopping to pick up a few things for the weekend, and then something special to drink as well, as mom and I had not yet told them I'd be leaving soon. Looking back, I almost wish that we had.
They soon after left, and I knew almost immediately that we had a good two hours or more once again to ourselves. After our time together in the barn, I knew by the look in Jill's eyes, she was thinking the same thing I was. Though instead of heading upstairs to her bedroom, Jill took me by the hand leading me out towards the back patio instead. It was much cooler outside than in, in the shade for one thing. And for another, the old hide-a-bed couch was what we very often sat on outside, and had in the past on several occasions, still used it as a bed to sleep in at night out beneath the stars. Which we'd in fact do that very same evening.
As quickly as we'd gotten dressed, we'd gotten undressed once again. Though even though we had, it was at that precise moment that Jill said something that would have significant importance for me later on that same night.
"Jack? I want you to know ... I'm still a virgin," she told me. "I've been saving it ... not for marriage, but for the right guy to come along. I now know ... that person is you."
I was myself a virgin too, and though we'd never really discussed it, I think she was fairly certain that I was, and believed me when I told her that I was in fact. As we crawled onto the couch and began kissing, I wondered if she had said that by way of informing me, that this was to be that moment for each of us. In a funny sort of way, I was almost relieved when she told me it wasn't.
The Christian Female Discipline JournalE.E. Norcod, D.D., Ph.D., EditorFacilitating the Submission, Obedience and Discipline of Girls and Women Throughout the Christian WorldVolume X, Number v, May 2003Editor’s Forward to the Issue In this issue of the CFDJ we continue our series of the Christian Discipline Diaries, one of our most popular features. These are reports from our congregations who are out there spreading the Word of the Strict Observance Bible Evangelical Church of Christ...
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I was 18 in 1994, living with my Mom and two younger sisters somewhere in the English suburbs. It was a hot Sunday morning and a friend had called by earlier and we had roamed the streets aimlessly for a while before visiting the local corner shop. While my friend ordered cigarettes at the counter I skulked around the magazines secretly eyeing up the porno on the top shelf. Those sexy girls looking out from those magazines made my blood blaze in my crotch. With the shop keepers back turned for...
Things were good at our home. Mom was a very happy satisfied woman and I was happy living out any teen boys' fantasy. In addition, the large commission checks from her deals with Eduardo were about to start rolling in. Mom was trying to put away as much money as she could for my college which is why she kept us in this modest apartment these last years. By this time next year she would have my college paid for as well as the down payment on her dream home. She house she was going to retire...
Moms New Girlfriend (she had a dick) * __This mom had made a new close friend when a new neighbor lady moved in. Moms daughter knew a few things about the woman, but kept quiet. The young teen brother talked to his older sister about the woman. Sis carefully started telling him about what she knew about the woman&hellip,&hellip, —- __Im Erick. I cant ever tell this story to anyone I know,.&hellip,so&hellip, I guess Ill tell it here. My mom Mandy, just had me and my older sister Carla at home...
I know it’s been a while since I’ve written in you, but I just have to get this off my chest, and I know I can’t tell anybody or daddy might get in trouble. You see, I can only start off by saying I’ve only loved one man in my life, and that man is my daddy. I remember him treating my mother like a queen before she left us. (Bitches never know how to appreciate something good). He brought her flowers every afternoon. Lilies, he always brought her lilies, because they were her favorite,...
It was just past 6 am when the front door woke me up. As I stirred awake I figured it was Mom getting the newspaper, I pulled on some gym shorts and headed to the bathroom for my morning piss. Not always an easy thing with 17 yr old morning wood. As I stood there trying to piss I remembered I hadn't seen Mom last night. She was having dinner with a real estate client after work and she wasn't home by the time I crashed out. After my piss I was headed back to my room to get some more sleep...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My last telling of the exploits between mom and I was the story of how it all started when I was about 18. Now this story happened many years later. I’m now 40 yrs old, married, and have three pre-teen kids. mom and dad retired early and moved from Southern California to Arizona. Mom is 56 and dad a year older. My mother is only 18 years older than I am. The kids were almost hysterical with joy when they heard grandpa and grandma would be here this...
Incest100% fiction! I grew up in Indiana where I lived with my mom and dad. Since I didn't have any brothers or sisters, I grew up sort of alone. Our neighborhood didn't have anyone my age for me to hang out with either. Mom and dad were in their late fifties and since I'd hit puberty, I'd been infatuated with my older mom. She was little, with a nice figure, big tits and a plump bubble butt. Her hair was short and she got a permanent once a month. She wore glasses and had false teeth that she would...
Incest,I said well mom last night well, it kind of scared me, she giggled and said honey it’s ok I’ll show you what you will want and need to know about sex, and she laid back in the tub and since there were no more bubbles she was exposed and she unplugs the drain and now is sitting with no water and says ok see my hair here and points at her bush, and says feel it but carefully, man I was shaking in excitement sitting a foot away from moms pussy and she wants me to feel it, oh gawd, so I...
It was about 1:30am when I hear Monica bang open the front door totally drunk and laughing, Monica was pretty and always had a good time when she was always drinking and partying, she was pretty cool for an old lady too and she said help me get your mom in the house she’s plastered drunk, mom was laying on the walkway outside. So Monica and me drug mom in to the house, she was laughing the whole time, she was so drunk and very much covered in grime and dirt from falling down so many times...
Every year my mom has a New Years eve party and every year she gets really drunk and I have to carry her to bed. But this year was different. I decided just to let her get drunk and see what happens. When the new year came she was really drunk and started to give every guy at the party a new year kiss. She was wear a tight black dress and I watched as she was walking around kissing all these men that her dress started to ride up a past her ass. Some of the men started to grab and slap her ass...
It was moms 50th birthday, and I had a big surprise ready for her, I had organised dan to come over and fuck my mom with me, mom had been at work all day and she was ready for some birthday drinks. Mom was 50, shoulder length brown hair, natural FF boobs and a cracking ass, me and my mom Tina had always had a close relationship but adding dan Into the mix will be a big treat. Dan had posted online for a threesome, I got in contact and told him I wanted him to fuck my mom with me and it had to...
It all started when I was 16, i was home alone all day and decided to venture around moms bedroom, it was then I found her sexy outfits and dildo under the bed, this was the stuff if hope to find, I've always thought mom was a very attractive lady being blonde , a size 8/10 and natural FF boobs, after I found this I couldn't helpBut fantasise about fucking my mom.Years went by and I got into watching mom and son porn, it was then I realised I needed to try and set up a plan, so I read through...
Today was the day. Mom was going to get two dicks in her pussy at once. She had always imagined what it would be like, i would lie if i said i didn't wonder as well. However today was her day to get two dicks in one hole. It just so happened that i knew two guys who were close and wouldn't mind doing it. I came home and walked through the door. Eric and Jason were sitting on the couch, watching some porn and jerking off together. Mom was in the chair across from them watching them and the...
Moms' Night Out (Part2)After that incredible morning my mother and I were like newlyweds. I couldn't keep my hands off her. I even moved into her bed to have more access to her always hot and ready pussy. I was fucking her 2-3 times a day that week and loved every minute of it. After a couple nights I asked mom to tell me more about her gangbang the Friday before. She loved telling me how many times she came and what a thrill it was to take on all those cocks. Her slutty talk always...
Introduction: Mom decides to help her college aged son get over his painful last break-up by bringing the whole family to a Halloween Costume Party. She accidentally mixes up the sizes for the costumes for father and son, leading to… other mistakes. How could you! I screamed at my phone and was so mad I wanted to throw it on the ground and smash it. Only the fact that Id worked all summer to pay for it kept me from doing just that. Im sorry Randy, but it just kinda happened. I hope we can...
Dear Diary, I finally had my first college practice today! It was so exciting. High school was fun, but college is a whole different story. It was really impressive to see my name and info on the roster: "Shannon Hale, Guard, 5-8." So cool! Walking into the locker room, the first thing I noticed was that I was one of only a few white girls on the team, which made me kind of nervous. My high school was all white, because we were from such a small traditional town. The starting point guard is a...
Introduction: A slut going wild Moms Stockings: My Sons Cum Bucket I have wanted to fuck my son for a while, ever since he graduated high school this year and really buffed up over the summer working construction. It was then, one random day, while he was in swimming trunks to go for a dip in the pool that I noticed that my son had turned into a man. In fact, my son had grown into a very handsome man, a virtual replica of his deceased father (who died serving his country two years ago). I...
100% fiction! My name is Mike and I live with my mom. She is 60, widowed, cute, sexy and as slutty as it gets. She's 5 ft. tall, weighs about 120 lbs. with old style cat eye glasses, short gray hair, decent figure with big boobs and a nice bubble butt. Dad was very religous and controlled mine and moms live's. She had to dress very conservatively and couldn't wear makeup or be to outgoing. When dad died four years ago, mom went off the deep end. She quit the church, started dressing way to...
IncestMoms dress Janet L Stickney [email protected] My mom likes to look at those web sites have a lot of pictures on them, and once in a while they show a girl wearing her moms prom dress or wedding gown or some other very nice dress. Sometimes she sees a womanless pageant or contest and she almost always points out the very best looking boys to me, and some of those boys dressed as girls looked better than their mom! I never gave it any thought, although I do however, like to dress...
Note : This story is completely fictonal! Bright Sunday morning and someone is knocking early. My wife Angie and I are sleeping in after a the previous evening. It be mom, looking as sharp and effervescent as ever in dress, designer heels and pearl earrings. Angie staggers thru the house in my long tshirt and tight nylon panties, "who is it?" It be Mom, she wants to hang curtains for us. "Shit, why isn't she home fucking with someone else today?" She obviously misses me with her and Dad now...
IncestShe pulled into the drive, and headed for the door. As she walked to the door, she looked good. I knew where I got my looks from. I smiled. I hope I look that good at 42, I thought to myself, as she walked into the house. Hi honey, she said as she hugged and kissed me. Coffee is ready, lets sit and catch up, I told her. Where is the great white hunter? she asked, while laughing. She has never really liked Tom. Where do you think, he is in the woods with his buddies, I answered her....
This is the story of my mom getting banged hard inside bus by driver and conductor Hi this is raji and am 22 years old and am from kerala.My dad works in a bank in banglore and my mom name is velamma and she is 38 years old.My mom is a house wife she is malayali women.She is so fair,long haired,pink lips,good assets.Her figures are 36-34-44 and her boobs are so huge in size and are round for her age.she wears saree chudithar and nightie at home.Dad never bothers her he is a workaholic and money...
HardcoreThe sink disposal was broke so mom called a plumper to come over to take a look. After an hour he'd would have it fixed up and roaring to go. Mom was delighted that it was working again, "how much do we owe you sir?" mom asked! "That's ninty dollars mam." said the man, "oh my, I only have fifty! Is there something we can do?" mom replied! After a minute of thinking, the plumber walked over to me and untied my shorts and pulled the down saying "lady, you could make the difference up by playing...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I'm Rekkaa and just graduated high school and haven't quite made up my mind what I want to do for a job. It was a rainy day and I was coming out of my room and as I passed room I couldn't help but notice through opened dads bedroom door mom had just emerged from her shower and was standing there nude with a towel in her hand. She hadn't noticed me and as I stood there looking at moms body. I was hard and wanted to cum soI went for a shower and jacked...
IncestAfter watching my mom being ganging on New Years I thought about getting some of my friends together for some fun with her. So last Sunday I invited my mom over to watch some football with my friends and me. Now my friends knew about what I wanted to do but my mom didn't because I wasn't sure if she would do it. S o when Sunday came my friends and I were watching tv when my mom got to the house. She came down stairs in a white tight blouse and a black spandex pants on One of my friends Jason...
As I mentioned in my previous story, Beryl and I became regular fuck partners after the first encounter and I regularly dropped in to see her and Mom, on nearly every occasion I ended up fucking her or at least squirting her with my spunk. Mom always joined in but I couldn?bring myself to fuck her. This lead to an interesting situation one night. Beryl and Mom held regular Bridge nights with 2 or 3 of their friends, Ann who was divorced, early 50?and had a nice tight ass, Barbara who was...
Moms property 2 This is another installment to understand the events you should read Cumming at the poker game and Moms property. Your comments please. Joann sat Sunday waiting for her husband to get up, he had gotten in late and she was letting him sleep. That and the fact she needed to talk to Juan about this property thing. Her son Jim had stayed in bed too so she was totally alone in the kitchen. She called Juans number, he answered on the second ring. Hi babes how are you? Well there are...
January 21, It’s cold as hell outside. I should be working the books or helping to prepare the club for tonight, but that’s what I hire a staff for, right? At this moment, I got an urge to write stuff down and until the moment passes, I’m going to follow inspiration. My name is Julian Brackens II (not junior!). I’m 28 years old and the primary co-owner of The G Spot, the hottest strip club in the Big Apple for many years running. If the terminology throws you (such as my name and my title,...
I guess the main thing I hated about prison was being away from my family. I missed my happy-go-lucky dad, my cool and psychotic kid brother, and my little diva of a sister. But hey, they wrote me letters damn near every week, and visited as often as they could, so it’s not like I’d lost contact with them. But it wasn’t the same as seeing them on a regular basis, ya know? Drinking beers and barbecuing on the grill with the family, smoking up and putting on the gloves and throwing hands with...
Chapter 1 On all fours, shorts and panties laid discarded on the floor with her tank top, her heavy, 42dd breasts hanging loose over the cups of her bra... Her ass was pushed upwards, legs spread as an eager tongue lapped at her hairless engorged cunt. She barked and whimpered encouragingly for the canine that was feasting on her. The young woman's skin was flushed with excitement and a bit of shame. Finally she shifted her balance to one hand, pinching each of her nipples roughly...
After a tiresome shoot in Kenya, I decided to take a European trip and made Prague my starting point. Not knowing what to expect and wanting to explore by myself, without resorting to official guides, I was intrigued by a fellow passenger’s information as we landed in Prague.“You might enjoy the Sex Museum if you’re that way inclined.”I could tell by the gleam in her eyes as she told me that she was that way inclined herself, and I knew for certain that I was. She gave me very clear directions...
Toys“See you Sunday night!”Joan waved at the kids and her parents as she pulled away from her childhood home. She had just dropped off Tasha and Jerome Jr. (JJ) for a weekend with “Gramma and Grampa.” She looked at her watch … 3:30... with luck and minimal traffic she could be home by 5:30. She was pretty sure Amber would still be around.It was a perfect early summer day, mid-70’s and not a cloud in the sky. She turned on Spotify and began the drive back. She wished she had her BMW convertible, but...
ThreesomesI sat in the recording studio, thinking what song I would use as inspiration. Then it struck me. The beat played in my head dozens of times. It was the theme of the video game "Pocky and Rocky." I started writing with a smile on my face:"His name is Rocky, he’s cocky. He swears there never will be a copy. Which is true, you know what I mean. Have some damn humility! He saw her in the club. He thought she was easy, cause she was a slut. Boy, you thought, that's really sleazy. Just cause she...
VoyeurSeptember is a lovely time of year. I close my eyes and think back to new school supplies, wonderful new short skirts, turtle necks and my first high heel boots! Excitement of the new boys in class and which one sat closest to you in math class. Leaves turning, a chill in the air each morning and an electricity that I still feel to this day. I just love September, it is my favorite month of the year! Lucky for me it is also the time of year that I celebrate my birthday. I always feel like the...
This is a work of complete fiction. At the age of twenty-two I had pictured myself in college or even finishing up my years in secondary education. Never would I have pictured being a nanny. Though, I loved it, I could have just never imagined being here now. Sean, the young boy I watch is about three years old and one of the most polite children I’ve ever met. At six months old his mother passed away because of reasons unknown to me. Apparently it really crushed Sean’s father. So that’s when...
The funeral was over and we had scattered mom’s ashes to the four winds, per her last wishes. She had lived 89 adventurous years, the last 30 as a widow. We had retired to her house, now our house to do with as we pleased, to divide up her personal belongings. There were five of us kids, if you can call 50 to 65 year old siblings kids, and we had made short work of it. My two brothers and two sisters were gone, having taken what they could with them. I was sitting in moms kitchen with my wife,...
The path to one's soul is often bumped with her deepest and darkest secrets. The key to open the lock to the treasure is often comforting persistence and a strong desire. After all, all it takes, sometimes, is a firm, slow albeit gentle push for the lock to give way to the treasure.It was a hot summer day off coastal Vanuatu. The sun shimmered brightly in the true blue ocean, the waters foaming with a roaring intensity. The coast was adorned with small tropical restaurants, eateries and other...
LesbianThe path to one's soul is often bumped with her deepest and darkest secrets. The key to open the lock to the treasure is often comforting persistence and a strong desire. After all, all it takes, sometimes, is a firm, slow albeit gentle push for the lock to give way to the treasure.It was a hot summer day off coastal Vanuatu. The sun shimmered brightly in the true blue ocean, the waters foaming with a roaring intensity. The coast was adorned with small tropical restaurants, eateries and other...
LesbianThis collection of harrowing tales is set in an alternate reality that differs from ours in two important ways: Females are the dominant gender; males are physically weak and mentally submissive. Males do not have refractory periods i.e. they can be physiologically forced to ejaculate over and over again without stopping. The protagonists of our story are Shaun and Coco. Their names can be customized in the side-bar. What ordeals will he face from her? Let's find out... [Author’s Note: The...
Beneath the ocean which is untouched by the time and space of the surface-word, lies a vast landscape of Merfolk societies scattered across the ocean bed. Weather the surface world is struggling in mid-evil times, chock full of mythical creatures, a steampunk apocalyptic landscape, a scientific metropolitan world or a futuristic society filled with space travellers of various alien races inhabiting your planet, it doesn't matter. The ocean is a realm upon its own, only on occasionally do the...
FantasyAs a young girl my wife had a neighbor named Walt . He was a very tall Black man that had the only swimming pool in the neighborhood .All the k**s wanted to swim there and he would let them a couple times a week. Her bedroom had a direct view of the pool and his bedroom window . My wife's first experience happened one night as she was getting ready for bed . She had changed into her pj's with the curtains open . As she was closing them she had noticed Walts curtains were open as well . She...
Hello everyone, mera naam Neil hai aur meri age 22 years hai. Aaj main apna first sex encounter share karne jaa rah hu jo. Ye mere Varsha mami ke saath hua. As it’s my first story, koi galti ho toh ignore kar dena. So jaise ki maine bataya, meri mami ka naam Varsha hai. Woh ek housewife hai aur unki age 35-36 saal hogi. Woh fair complexion ki bhi hai. Bhale hi woh thodi chubby ho par unke figure ko dekh kar koi bhi bina mutth maare nahi reh sakta. Unke boobs ka size hai 36DD hai aur unki gand...
Hi all, This is Shashank after a long time, Hope you guys like my last sex story. I am here to share with you, my another experience with my office colleague. Please feel free to give your feedback at Any girls/ladies who want to have some fun also can mail me or message me. So coming back to the sex story, In case you guys don’t know, my name is Shashnak. I am from Pune, and right now I am living in Chennai. I am working in MNC as a software engineer. As a non-Tamilian, I always feel like an...
Teenage! That’s the best part of our lives. That age when we feel the adrenaline rush every now and then. That feeling about oneself that nothing is impossible in this world. I loved my teenage. I miss those days. Now, I try to live those days in perspective of the teenagers I come across. When I see them, I see myself from those days when I used to be young. I feel young again when I am in their company. It makes me feel alive again! Hello friends! It has been long since I have written...
The story your about to read is a true story, It's about ME. A young, black delivery man from Brooklyn, NYC who works in Manhattan. I live a double life. On one side I'm know on the party scene as a big promoter who only dates models and cheerleader types. But I have this obsession for Mature BBW or Thick women. I can't help it. As a delivery man, I've had my fair share of mature women. The stories I will share are true except for a few name changes. I hope you guys enjoy because I have more to...
The funeral was over and we had scattered mom’s ashes to the four winds, per her last wishes. She had lived 89 adventurous years, the last 30 as a widow. We had retired to her house, now our house to do with as we pleased, to divide up her personal belongings. There were five of us kids, if you can call 50 to 65 year old siblings kids, and we had made short work of it. My two brothers and two sisters were gone, having taken what they could with them. I was sitting in moms kitchen with my wife,...
Quickie SexThis is a work of complete fiction. At the age of twenty-two I had pictured myself in college or even finishing up my years in secondary education. Never would I have pictured being a nanny. Though, I loved it, I could have just never imagined being here now. Sean, the young boy I watch is about three years old and one of the most polite children I've ever met. At six months old his mother passed away because of reasons unknown to me. Apparently it really crushed Sean's father. So that's when...
Straight SexI open my eyes but I already know where I am from checking the feed. Shithole motel room in a shithole town on a shithole planet. Lucky me. "Hey, baby." He's old and fat and smiling. A real smile, warm and tender, that shows in his eyes and chubby cheeks. It tells me he wants more than just a fuck. I run a CumSystem check. Rydal Spillane, 68, retired terraforman, recently widowed, no known deviancies. This fat fuck wants love. I give him the melty look: Dewy eyes, softened features, slightly...