Janey's February free porn video

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Florida is all right in the spring and fall, but nobody goes there in the winter--it's too crowded! (Apologies to Yogi Berra.) Nevertheless, when Bob said we could get a free four-day trip to Sarasota to attend some medieval history conference I wasn't entirely against it. I can always get a few days off from work, and the weather in Boston was dreary, as usual, even though there wasn't any snow left on the ground. Then the Weather Channel showed a picture of Florida that looked like a volcano erupting--big orange blobs all over the state--and I got less enthusiastic. Florida in the rain is the pits. If you can't get to the beach, or at least a swimming pool, what's Florida? Strip development. Yuck! Still, when his mom, who lives in Belmont, said she'd be delighted to house sit and take care of the kids, I gave in. Bob seemed to want to go, so what the hell.

Naturally I told Beth we were going, and then things got complicated. Beth said she and Steve ought to go with us--they could be with me while Bob was at the conference, and we could explore the area. She said there are some great birding places just outside Sarasota, and it would probably be warm enough to picnic at least part of the time. I don't know if you heard, but our January was pretty weird. Beth is my best friend, but we got rather more intimate last month than I'd ever dreamed we would. I mean we were spending time with each other's husbands in different hotels. (See "Janey's January.") I don't know how much more intimate you can get than that. Well, I didn't then.

Beth is kind of a take-over type, and I tend to go with the flow, so of course she immediately decided that we could all stay at the Holiday Inn on Longboat Key--Steve had a bunch of air miles or whatever you call them that would pay for all of us. It's only half an hour from there to the college where Bob's conference was going to be, so it would work out fine. Steve travels all the time--he's in the oil bidness--so he gets all this free stuff. Bob thought it would be a great idea. He said he likes the beach, but I don't remember his being so hot for it anytime before. I had this sneaking feeling that maybe he hadn't quite finished with Beth after all. All this efficient arranging in such a short time kind of bemused me, but, after all, I was only along for the ride. Even if it rained part of the time, it would probably be a lot better than slouching around Boston all wrapped up against the cold.

Anyhow, we finally flew to Tampa, rented a car and drove down to Longboat. Beth and Steve had already been there for a day and had gone to the Pelican Man's place, where you can see all kinds of hurt birds and animals recuperating, and the Mote Marine aquarium. We got in about 10 o'clock, had a drink with them, called Mama, and then toddled off to bed so Bob could get to his conference by nine the next morning.

Well, he did, and I spent all day lying around by the pool, swimming and reading the first of my mystery hoard. I took along all six of Mollie Hardwicke's Doran Fairweather mysteries--got them at Spenser's Mystery Book Shop and saved them for a trip like this. Doran's kind of weird and unstable, but I never mind spending time in England as long as I didn't have to live there. Bob got back around two and joined us. He almost relaxed. Bob is a workaholic, and I'm used to it, but it's nice when for some reason he cuts loose. Naturally that meant he slept most of the afternoon, but what the hell, he needed it.

Beth showed off her new bathing suit, or, maybe, Beth's new bathing suit showed off Beth. She even got wet, probably to give everybody a better view of her nipples. A lot of the pool loungers enjoyed the show. Fortunately, I've long since gotten over competing for attention with the cuties. I figure my body, which is 5" 10" tall, well muscled and nicely rounded, is meant to work for me, not to advertise bathing suits. My hair is sort of dark blond, and curly so it looks like a mess all the time. My face won't launch any ships, but some people like it. Let's not talk too much about boobs. And I can outswim any of the cuties any day, if necessary. I did notice a few of the guys gazing at me when they could take their eyes off Beth, and of course I didn't mind that at all. They weren't much to look at themselves, as far as I was concerned. Several sleazies and numerous wrinklies.

We got enough dressed to go to the Gulf Drive Cafe, where you can eat on an open porch right by the beach, then came back to the hotel to watch the sunset. When I've spent December and January and half of February in Boston and I find myself someplace warm, I don't mess around--I soak up every bit of sun available. I could feel the vitamin D. We talked about our jobs and made jokes about Monica Lewinsky and had a couple of drinks and it was bedtime. Bob was tired, too, even though he'd slept half the afternoon, and he had to give a paper the next morning.

The weather forecast was iffy. There was this zillion-gallon pile of crud off the coast; if it came in, we'd get wet; if not, it would only be gray. So Beth and I decided that if it wasn't raining when we got up, we'd go to St. Armand's Circle, where all the fancy stores are, and shop. Steve was going to plug in his laptop and sell oil to some Arabs or something. Bob, who was leaving early to make his conference, would pick Steve up and they would meet us around one.

No rain in the morning, so off we went. Beth being crazy, she's great to shop with. At her office she wears her accountant suit--the whole dress-for-success thing--and sensible heels and hair tastefully arranged and a little red scarf at her neck to indicate she's still aware she's a woman. Not that anybody else would miss it for a minute. But once she's out of there she might look like anything, as long as it's wild. Hippy clothes, sweatshirts and baggy shorts, saris, you name it. No matter what she wears, she's five-foot-two of sex bomb. Long black hair, a figure I'd kill for, red, red lips, that little hook in her nose, her olive skin--she gets stared at all the time. She loves it. When we're together, I'm so tall compared to her that I look like maybe the porter she brings along to carry her bags. Except we laugh all the time and either make the clerks nervous or make them think we're long lost friends of theirs.

Beth and I were delighted with our loot--I'd even bought a new bathing suit, which led to major convulsions on both our parts and weird looks from the other customers when I tried it on and put on my discus thrower act. Beth has a strange effect on me; most of the time I'm a prim, if large, suburban matron, but with Beth I get almost as nutty as she is.

So we fell into chairs at the Hungry Fox at one o'clock, lumbered with bags full of perfume and T-shirts and knickknacks. It was getting darker all the time. Steve and Bob showed up five minutes later. Bob was high because they liked his paper, and Steve was happy because he'd figured out a new way to bilk some third-world government.

Just as we started to eat our hamburgers, the rain came. There we were, on the open balcony on the second story, looking out at the bougainvillea getting its petals knocked off, palm branches floating around the circle, and shoppers running for cover. Fortunately, we weren't on the rail, so we could enjoy it without getting wet. It did, however, make the afternoon of beach bumming we'd hoped for look unappetizing. So as we ate we started talking about what we were going to do. Bob kind of wanted to hit the bookstores on Main Street in Sarasota. Steve wouldn't have minded getting back to his computer, and, of course, I had Mollie Hardwicke to entertain me. Still, Florida in the rain is basically the pits.

Finally, Beth wiped her mouth daintily with her napkin and said, "Or--we could go back to the hotel and fuck each other a lot."

I cringed and glanced at the nearby diners. Nobody looked shocked. Bob put his sandwich down and stared at her. Steve just ate.

"Well?" she said.

Nobody said anything for a minute. Sorting out my thoughts, I finally discovered that I was a little curious about what she meant.

"I don't do women," I said.

Steve stopped chewing, looked at me thoughtfully, and said, "I do."

"Me, too," Bob piped up.

Beth actually giggled and said to me, "You're not my type, honey, but we have these two guys here and I think we could probably manage to enjoy ourselves some way, don't you?"

The rest of us all masticated thoughtfully.

"You've already got some books, Bob," I said finally. I could see how the wind was blowing. and Mollie would wait.

"Let's do it," said Steve, "but first why don't we just have a nice cup of coffee and consider the possibilities?"

I was way ahead of him. By the time the coffee came (tea for me), I was thinking about a threesome I'd found positively weird, but quite satisfactory, when I went to Europe right after I graduated from college. I must tell you about that some time. Then I realized that I had already sampled the two perfectly adequate penises (dicks? dorks? cocks? no matter) that were going to be on display and found them eminently satisfactory. Also, I never had watched a really accomplished woman in action, and that might be interesting. I found that my face was getting warm and my vagina was beginning to get a funny empty feeling. This has been known to occur at other times when I was just beginning to realize that pretty soon it would be filled.

"You know," said Bob, looking at me, "I have occasionally thought about such a thing before." I was amazed. Either we had failed to communicate fully for the past ten years, or Bob's little fling with Beth last month had opened new horizons for him.

"I didn't think it was likely, or even desirable, really," he continued. "Can't you see me putting an ad in the Tab or somewhere, saying, 'Very tall couple interested in swinging?'"

"You mean," I said, "that since you don't have to spend money on an ad it will be o.k.?"

"No, I don't," he said, giving me a dirty look. "I mean, you remember when Steve said whenever he thought about the girls in Indonesia his equipment shrank up or something? Well, the same thing happens to me when I think about the wives in Needham. Horrors. We'd both catch something awful and at best my dick would turn black and drop off. But this is different. Very."

Suddenly we all talked at once and it was clear that everybody agreed with him. Secretly we were all petrified of AIDS or herpes or something.

"Actually," I said, "I really didn't think about doing this before. I am a nice girl. But I am a nice girl who is about to do something she never thought of before."

"Let's get out of here," said Beth. "Steve and I will expect you guys in our room in about an hour. We have some deli stuff we got at Whitney Beach for if anybody gets hungry. And beer and wine." So Bob put some money on the table and we headed off for our cars, hurrying through the downpour.

We got wet. I was cold, of course, so as soon as we got in the car I took a T-shirt out of one of the shopping bags and dried my face, hair and arms as best I could. Bob glanced over at me while we were squishing down Gulf Drive.

"You win my wet T-shirt contest anytime," he said. I blushed. I really did, even after that lunch conversation. Then we pulled up in the parking lot, and got wet again going to our room.

"What does one wear to a small, informal orgy?" I asked, toweling my hair once again.

"Clothes," he answered. "We should have gotten a suite." He was taking stuff out of his briefcase and shifting it to a suitcase. I think he was in denial, as all the smartasses say these days. I rummaged in my suitcase and got out my nice almost-new Victoria's Secret undies, went in the bathroom, took a shower, and put them on. Then I put on the only dress I had with me, a kind of nice cotton sun dress with a V-neck and a very full skirt that I'd brought just in case we wanted to go some place fancy to eat. I had no idea what was about to happen, but I figured I'd better start out looking my best.

When I came back into the room Bob looked at me and said, "You're lovely! If we don't get over there fast I'll ravish you right here." Sometimes he says really nice things. Not often enough, but sometimes. He stripped and went in to shower. I avoided looking at him and got out my gold hoop earrings and a shell necklace. Like me, Bob is tall for his age, about six-three, and looks like Gregory Peck in that movie with the little girl. He's 35, he just got tenure at one of our better local universities, and he works all the time. I just work part-time as a vocational counselor, but our two kids and running the house keep me from missing him too much most of the time. I wondered whether I ought to go jump in the shower and fuck him to death right here and the hell with Beth and Steve. But I'd agreed, so forget it. Thinking of Steve, I wondered what I'd do if I had him and Bob all to myself. I decided I must be getting as nutty as Beth. By the time Bob came out dressed in khakis and a clean T-shirt I was ready go, wearing my flat white slippers and my pretty dress and shaking like a leaf. Bob came over and put his arms around me.

"Sure you want to do this?" he asked.

"I think so," I said. "If you do?"

"We said we would," he said. "Oh, hell, let's be honest. Yeah, I want to." He gave me a nice, long kiss.

"I'm ready," I said. "Let's go beard the tigers."

It took only a minute to reach their door. Bob knocked. Beth answered. She was wearing toreador pants, of all things, with a ruffled gold, long-sleeved blouse, white stockings and pointy-toed little shoes. All that black hair, still half wet, was piled on top of her head. I was glad I'd put on my dress. Not that I was competing, I just looked like I'd tried.

"Ah!" she said, smiling brightly. "Come into my parlor."

Their room was just like ours--two double beds, a dresser, two comfortable chairs and quite a bit of open space. Steve, dressed just like Bob, was sitting on one of the beds. He jumped up and ran a hand through his short blond hair and he smiled, too.

"How about a drink?" he said. "It's nice of you to come visit us little people." He's not much bigger than Beth, maybe five six or seven, built like a 150-pound wrestler. I think his size makes him compete so hard in business. I'd already told him he was plenty big enough, in every way.

Beth was back in the bathroom. I sat down in one of the chairs. Bob sat on a bed and Steve brought him a Perrier and me a glass of red wine. He knows what we drink; we'd been sailing together and played monopoly and generally hung around with him and Beth for more than a year.

Then Beth came sailing in. "Enough with the booze," she said. "It's time to get naked!"

I grinned weakly. Steve and Bob looked at each other, and Steve turned a hand to show that he couldn't control her, either.

"Somebody has to take charge here," she said, "and since I'm the only executive on the premises that'll be me. So--Guys first!" She plumped into the other chair and looked at me. "If we go first, they'll probably forget to take off their shoes or something."

Steve looked at Bob, who was slack-jawed by this time, and made a face. Then he stood and slowly began pulling his T-shirt over his head. Bob stood and followed suit. Both of them self-consciously slipped off their flip-flops and tossed them into a corner.

"You ladies sure you can control yourselves?" Steve said as he undid his belt.

I was beginning to think I was going to enjoy this. "I think we'll manage, Steve," I said. "Please continue." Here Beth and I were, sitting calmly looking at two nice male chests, Steve's criss-crossed by big muscles with yuppie names like laps and traps or something, Bob's sleek and smooth. Beth laughed.

Of course Steve wore jockey shorts and my husband boxers. They got out of them without looking any sillier than usual. Eh, voila! The Full Monty!

"Nice," said Beth, "don't you think?"

"Y-e-s-sss," I said, "but they both look like the main brace needs splicing."

They did. Beth jumped up, went over to Steve, knelt down and grabbed his slightly droopy weapon. She stuck the end of it into her mouth and I could see her tongue moving for about 30 seconds. Steve reached for her head and she slapped his hand away. Then she backed off, turned to Bob, and did the same thing.

She looked up, shifting her eyes from one to the other. "What's it take to turn you guys on, anyhow?" she said. Bob reached for her and she scuttled back to her chair. "Now, now, there's plenty of time and lots more to come. So you just take it easy. It's our turn now." The appurtenances in question seemed to be growing. Having never seen anything remotely like this, I was fascinated, stuck to the chair. But getting warm, all the same.

"Now, I'll go first, since Janey seems to be mesmerized by the scenery," Beth said, standing up. She looked down and starting working on the top button of her frilly blouse. The boys watched, closely. So did I. She worked her way down slowly, a button at a time, looking up to smile as each button let go and more Beth peeped out. I could see a bright red brassiere with black lace around the top edges and cleavage that looked like a crevasse in the Alps. I glanced at the men and by now they were both standing at the ready, gawking at Beth's chest.

With a whoosh she pulled her shirttails out and shook her shoulders, letting the blouse drift to the floor. The lace extended around the bottom edges of her bra, and the cargo looked heavy. Beth then snapped her tiny belt buckle and starting loosening those ridiculous pants. More red nylon appeared. Steve and Bob were not drooling yet--I checked.

Then she kicked her little shoes off. She zipped and worked on the pants, pulling them inside out to get them down. Red garters appeared. I could not believe this. In seconds she was standing there looking like the Mona Lisa in bra, panties and long white stockings. She sat down and stuck her legs up in the air.

"Anybody want to help me lose the stockings?" she said.

The herd stampeded. My husband was at her left, fumbling with the hook and eye on the garter. At her right, Steve was looking down at her soulfully and gently stroking the inside of her thigh above the stockings.

"Hey, Steve," she said, "that's nice, but it won't get the stocking off."

This show was something to see, but it was making me nervous. Tough act to follow. But Beth is a caring woman--it turned out I didn't have to worry.

Scolded, Steve stopped fooling around, undid the garter, and rolled the stocking off. Bob finished a second or two later. They backed off and ogled the strands of black hair visible down by the mound in Beth's bikini pants. By now there were two big flagpoles flopping around. I was afraid they'd poke somebody's eye out.

Beth sat up straight and said, "OK, Janey, get up and let's see what's to see."

I pushed myself up out of the chair. Showtime. Oh, well, I didn't think the audience would actually boo.

I took off my big earrings and unhooked the necklace, then laid them on a night table. Then I shamelessly stole Beth's button act and gradually opened up the top part of the dress, smiling at the ravening monsters, whose eyes were now on--ta-da--ME. My belt was a gold rope hooked in the front. Unhooked, it dangled by my sides. Just as I was about to reach down for my skirt, Beth spoke.

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Janey Part 1

It was a Friday night and I was home, in my room, watching my favorite Nicky Huntsman porn clip. You know the one, where her 'father' comes to her room complaining that mom's being a bitch and would she do 'that thing' and they end up fucking. My boxers were at half staff and my sisters' panties were wrapped around my shaft, when, who should appear, but my little sister Janey."Hey Robby, wanna watch a mov...Oh shit! Sorry! " she said as she rounded the corner and stepped into my room....

2 years ago
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My workmate in the parking lot

I was 18 when I started working in the shop and got put on afternoons shortly after training. the guys on days were all older men, but many of the night shift guys were only a few years older than I. I remember one night a group of guys went out to the cars and most of them were going to bars, but since i wasn't old enough I wasn't. Sheldon was a nerdy kind of guy and said If you want a beer, I have a few in my cooler in the car. He said just don't tell anyone else.We walked to his car and I...

1 year ago
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Zodiac Coin Taurus

Zodiac Coin: Taurus By JRD 2250 YEARS AGO... He was a farmer, just a farmer, but he dared to defy the gods. He had always been a believer. He had always been a supplicant to the powers that be, keeping his head bowed even in the presence of the graven images of the gods. But all that changed that last winter. The crops had been poor last fall and at the beginning of winter they barely had enough food stored to get them through to spring. But that was before his...

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Teenager of the Year Book five

Authors note: Apologies for the wait on this chapter. I know I did say I was going to try and get chapters out more frequently, but the truth is that this story is much, much bigger than I originally planned. By comparison, Adam's Song was easy: Turn a guy into a girl, write about the wackyness that ensues. But this is a much bigger story, which now has to tie in things like the lore building up around the universe, several new characters, characters from Chefness's "Platinum Chef"...

1 year ago
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Altered Fates Missing

MISS-ING by Jennifer Adams (c) Jennifer Adams, 1999 Barry couldn't believe he actually held it in his hands, the long sought after Medallion of Zulo. He had read about it several years ago in the library where he was attending high school. As long as he could remember, he had wanted to find out what it was like to be a female. He often daydreamed about what his life would have been like if he had been born a girl instead of a boy and now he held in his hand the means to find out....

3 years ago
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How we started swinging

We have been married for over 25 years. My wife had to put up with my having a very small penis. Though she never complained she was always wishful of a big penis.I thought why not let us have some fun and started looking for a couple to have some fun with. Met someone online who lived about an hour from us and they invited us over to relax in their hot tub.When it came time to go my wife was having second thoughts wondering what would happen if it worked out. Well we got there and visited for...

2 years ago
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1 Stormy MondayChapter 23

I've sure enjoyed the rain but I'm looking forward to the sun You have to feel the pain when you lose the love you gave someone I thought by now that time would take away these lonely tears I hope you're doing fine all alone but where do I go from here 'cause Without you I'm not okay And without you I've lost my way My heart's stuck in second place Without you... (From "Without you..." -- Silver / Maines) Bobby and Sammy had slept separately that night. They both...

3 years ago
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Choices. So many choices, so many ways things could have worked out. But we make our choices, and we try to make good ones. And we take responsibility for our choices, too. Did my choices lead me inexorably to this point? Or was there an uncontrollable, unchosen outside force that got me here? Not that it really matters, because I choose, every day -- every minute of every day -- to live like this. Wasn't it Sartre who said that every day we make the choice to go on living, so we are...

4 years ago
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Lottery Winner TravelsChapter 6

In the morning, I woke up and made coffee. As I drank it, I looked over the RV and realized that some shopping would be appropriate. I put on shorts, sneakers and a tee shirt. I went to walk and run to loosen up. I would return for more coffee and make a real list. This was a different RV park from before. It was closer to the airport by comparison and looked to be more transient. I had picked it for the airport. I had finished my walk and went inside to shower off quickly. I dressed again...

1 year ago
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The Last of Her KindChapter 7 When Worlds Collide

Leaving the wheelchair behind in that roadside diner had felt a lot like losing a friend, leaving an empty feeling in Ana’s gut as she scurried across the roof of the restaurant. The human Ana had pretended to be was encapsulated by the battered conveyance now sitting empty in the bathroom, waiting quietly to be discovered and eventually discarded. Tears formed in her eyes as she snuck down and through the parking lot, her heart pounding in her chest. She was truly alone, and officially...

4 years ago
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A Story of A Long Time Crush

Aiyanna Tanner was two years old when she met her babysitter, Miriam Dodson. She lived two houses down from Aiyanna’s family. She was such a loving lady and treated the little girl as though she were her own. Miriam could not conceive due to a rare disease of the uterus she contracted at a young age (21), thus having it removed. it was a very difficult time for Miriam because she wanted children. Having Aiyanna around along with the other neighborhood kids made things easier. Ms. Dodson was the...

2 years ago
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Star Warped TV

Randy Alan needed to fine-tune his radio telescope to cut through the loud noise that the modern world brought it. Being an amateur, he could not afford a very large telescope or powerful computer or move to an isolated part of the world. His solution was to use his own nervous system as the way to seek out and hone in on those signals most compatible with the human mentality. Of course, that would have to mean that if there were aliens out there in outer space, they would think pretty much the...

4 years ago
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The ForcePart 13

From the tone of her voice, I knew that Susan was nervous at first - but when I didn't show any outward signs of concern, or even interest, she quickly got over it, and became much more willing to ask questions and participate. As long as it was Diane's hands on me, I was able to control myself pretty well. But when I finally felt Susan's delicate fingers touching me, it didn't take long before my fight to remain 'relaxed' began to crumble - after a few minutes of Susan's hands on my...

3 years ago
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Old City BarChapter 2

Robert hears birds signing outside his window. He rolls over right on top of his wife, Mandy. His morning erection presses against her and the grin on his face tells her what he wants. Although she is tired and barely awake after last night’s love making and multiple orgasms, she knows that there is no way she can say no. It was their wedding night, and perhaps the best night they have ever had up to that point in their sex lives. “It looks like you’re interested in a repeat of last night,”...

3 years ago
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Got Lucky In A Musical Concert

Hi again to all the wonderful and horny readers out there. I am Rocky from Bangalore, 24 years old, working in a multinational company. All readers if you love my story please do not forget to share the feedback to me. All girls, women, housewives and widows please email me at for your feedback and much more interesting stuff. The following is a true story of my first time with a sexy bombshell. We met at a concert. It was a hot, sweaty day, only compounded by the fact that there were 1000s of...

2 years ago
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My New Personal Trainer

MY NEW PERSONAL TRAINER by Zenna Swallows January 19 So, this is Day 16 of my new training regime and Joy has suggested I keep a diary to record my progress. It was so nice of Eric - my stepfather - to pay for both the program and personal sessions with Joy, as a Christmas present. So far it's been going great! I've done pretty well in sticking to the diet Joy gave me. And whatever is in the vitamins she's had me taking, they seem to be having a great effect too! I'm...

3 years ago
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I am a Slut PT3

I woke up to a ticklish feeling in my cunt. I opened my eyes to welcome the sight of Dex trying to pull the buttplug out of my pussy. I realized that it was almost evening, I had lost the track of time. In a sudden tug Dex took out the plug and asked me to stand. As I stood up the cum ran down my thighs. Jim asked me to go and clean myself up quickly but I was not to latch the washroom door. As soon as I have completed washing my body, I saw Tom coming in and he handed me a phone. It was a...

1 year ago
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Colonels daughter C Company whore

Somewhere in the South of England in the summer of 1911. She looked at me across the Officer's Mess with complete disdain, as if I was something she had trodden in, as was her right as the daughter of the Colonel of the 2nd (Home Service) Battallion the North Dorsetshires while I was a mere sergeant She wasn't an exceptional beauty, or even voluptuous., She just had that air of haughtiness that made me want to push her against a tree rip her things off and show her exactly what I...

3 years ago
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Fathers friend and wife

My name is justy . This incident happens two months back. About me working as female nurse here in bhilai ,raipur. My age is 26 and an average looking guy.`m staying with my parents here for last 5 yrs . Now let me tel abt th incident.here in ourplace buses are not so common here all used to travel by tempos , as specia vehicle. On that day i used to travel by one such tempo i got seat in th back seat of th vehicle n i sat beside a good looking lady .after some time it get more crowded n me got...

3 years ago
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Good Boy

He was on his hands and knees, like a dog. "Swish!" Even though the miniature whip was only 15 inches long, I knew that it hurt like hell when I lashed him across his bare buttocks. "You'll do what I say, when I say it!" "Yes, Mistress." He whined a little but knew better than to argue with me. "Come over here, I want to go for a horseback ride." He dutifully crawled across the garage until he was sideways in front of me. I threw my leg across him and lowered myself on to his back...

2 years ago
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Damn CowboysChapter 4

Bull number 190 came in the arena and went ballistic he tried to climb over the bars of the arena. Brad said "He is just scared folks, he is not like this in a pasture or pen. If he was he would not be here." That Bull brought only Forty two hundred. Bull number 201 was led in with only a hay twine around his neck. Bob picked up a mike and asked "Lost your lead rope and halter Jess?" Jess said "Sure have Boss." Bob asked if he had looked in his back pocket. Jess pulled out his lead and...

1 year ago
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A Promise From A Slut

‘Unbutton another button.’ My husband’s eyes were twinkling. It was that silly promise I had made to do anything he asked for one week. He knew that when I was on the brink of an orgasm I would agree to anything and he had me right on the edge when he had suggested it. Now I was having to deliver. ‘Come on Jenn, everyone wants to see those big titties of yours.’  It was Shawna, my best friend and sometime lover. I tried to give her my best glare, as I unbuttoned the next to last button on my...

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LenaA Lusty, Funny Dick Girl Story! Flirting, Flashing, Up Skirt, Double Anal, Wet Play, Face Fucking and MorePreston asked “does it hurt”, Lena replied “what”? He grinned “you know, when y'all... I mean I can't help but hear you cry out, whimper and moan”? Lena giggled as she paced before him, the bright sunlight penetrated the floral print of her Sun Dress high lighting the shadow of her body. “Mercy Sake's Lena, it's your asshole and Tanner has a big cock”, Preston giggled. She sat down...

2 years ago
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Sucking off my Residence Assistant

The day I met him was a big day. It was the day I moved out of my parents’ house and into my college dorm. The first week at school was only freshman, so that we could adjust to college life before the upperclassmen moved in. Having always been interested in older guys, I assumed it would be a dull week in terms of meeting hot guys. That day we had to attend a mandatory ‘alcohol awareness seminar.’ The girl in the room across the hall and I walked to the campus center and found seats in the...

1 year ago
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Mrs Whitehouse Masturbates

So, one Saturday night Emily and me and a group of friends had been out in town having a few drinks. We were having a great time, as you would, and then part way through the evening Emily starts to slyly squeeze my cock under the table. "Let's go and have some fun on the way home. I need to get fucked so bad and I don't know if mum will be in when we get home". I didn't need to be asked twice and was soon slipping my coat on and making excuses. We left the pub giggling and decided to cut...

4 years ago
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AUTHOR’S NOTE: All the usual warnings apply. This is my story, so keep your hands off of it, no copying or distribution without my explicit permission. Any asking of permission, compliments, complaints, or comments should be directed to my e-mail. I will personally read and answer all e-mails. Enjoy this story, my second mc. It’s a big longer, a bit dreamier, and hopefully extremely enjoyable. * My roommate, Jill, was on the track team. Even though she already had lots of friends by the time...

1 year ago
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Carnival and Masque

Introduction: For one day, go without disguise. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth. -Oscar Wilde, The Critic as Artist *** In truth, I often wonder what people look like under their masks. As she said it Portia pushed her hand against her own mask, as if to assure herself it was still there. Her skirts brushed the naves marble floor and she kept her eyes on it as she walked. The masks of the gods stared down at her from the cathedral walls. Do you? Well, theres little enough...

4 years ago
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Sex Diaries Night with the babysitter

Cindy slid out of bed and gathered her scattered clothes off the floor. She turned around and saw that he was still sound asleep before quietly slipping out of the bedroom. She headed for the bathroom where she quickly got dressed and splashed some cold water on her face. Cindy looked in the mirror and smiled as she remembered what happened last night. The thought of it got her excited all over again. But she realized she had to get out here as soon as possible. A few minutes later Cindy left...

3 years ago
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Tusition main sex

By: raj Hi!ISS readers i am raj,i am 24 years old this is my second story on this site,i hope u like the story. please meri gentian apne Lund aur choot par mat lena,ladkiyan usey lund ka cum samajh kar pi jaye aur ladke usey choot ka love juice samajh kar chaat jaye. yeh ghatna 8 saal pehley ki hai jab main 10 class mein tha,meri didi ki ek saheli thi jiska naam Parul tha,uski umar tab 26 saal thi,uski tab shaadi nahin hui thi.woh thodi saanwli thi,uski height 5’9′ thi,woh thodi healthy...

2 years ago
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Female security officer CH2

By Dina Petro A while had passed after my first incident with that guy, my eyes were wide open on the cameras and the shop in general, until my good luck bell rang again, I spotted one of the sales girls at her cash register, clearly ringing a couple of cheap garments on the cash gun, looked around, then placed two other ones which are different and much more expensive in the bag and gave it to a customer with a smile to him.Each cash register had a camera pointed directly to it with close-ups...

2 years ago
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Autumns Love Story 2

I quicklygrabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head. Jason stood up to reach for the door but there was a quick knock and it swung open before he got to it. I flopped down onto the bed to make it look like nothing was going on. I tall man stepped into the room. “Hey dude mom and dad are…” He trailed off as he looked over and saw me. “Uhh, Greg this is Autumn. Autumn this is….” Jason tried to get out but Greg quickly interrupted him. “Why hello there doll face.” “Um, hi.” “May I ask why such a...

Love Stories
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PetiteBallerinasFucked Lexi Dona Ballerina Beauty

Short spinner Lexi Dona practices her ballet routine when her coach Jason X. joins her in the practice room. It’s not long before they’re kissing and peeling off their clothes. Once Lexi’s panties are on the ground, Jason has the opportunity to drop to his knees and feast on her landing strip pussy. Once he has slipped a finger inside to confirm that Lexi is creamy wet, he takes things a step further. Propping Lexi’s leg up on her balance barre, Jason slips into her warm...

3 years ago
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Modern Family Mannys PillsChapter 9

“Oh my God,” Claire couldn’t believe what she saw in her Luke’s Bedroom. She had seen a lot in the last few weeks. She had been spanked every day and begged her own children to allow her to masturbate. She had the decency to do it in another room away from them. Now, she was walking in on her eldest daughter sucking her son’s cock in his bedroom. Hailey’s legs were splayed apart, revealing her juicy little pussy. Luke finger banged her and played with her tits while she dutifully sucked him...

2 years ago
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Cuckquean Slave

Introduction: Husband picks up chicks & fucks them in front of his wife. This is strangely enough a true story. Even odder still, there is very little available online about this subject, in terms of sex stories. First attempt on this site, hope you guys AND girls.. enjoy! I am Rachel & my husband Chance suggested I write this. My skirt rode up high, barely covering my ass cheeks as I bent over the pool table to make my shot. I spread my tanned legs wide enough for those behind me to catch a...

4 years ago
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Moms Gangbang

effrey had been away at college for almost a year, and was coming home for Thanksgiving. His mother, Sara was excitedly looking forward to it. His father had passed away right before Jeffrey left for college, and Sara was very lonely. She was 41 years old, and very shapely. She had large breasts, and dark blonde hair. Jeffrey couldn't understand why she didn't move on with her life. Jeffrey had just finished talking to his mother on the phone, and had asked if he could bring a couple of friends...

1 year ago
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How Not To Babysit part 12

PART TWELVE: PRESENTED "Jason, eh?" the delivery guy snickers. My legs falter and I need to grab the banister. Oh fuck me! Jenny! You little brat. Why do you just blurt out everything? I walk to the entrance and take the pizza from him. I turn to put it on the chair in the foyer. I feel his eyes on me. Checking out my legs and watching my skirt flit around. "So, are you one of those transsexuals?" he asks me. "What!?" I blurt. "No! Never! God! Just go!" I turn to face him....

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