Decadence Population 74
- 2 years ago
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Life is full of choices. Decisions are made every day. Some are good, well thought through, smart decisions and then There are times we make hasty, wrong decisions. Oh, at the time it may have seemed wise but in the end, it's easy to look back and see what poor judgment was used. If more thought were put into it, the decision made would have been different.
Somehow we must adjust to the choices we make in life. Good or bad, right or wrong; we choose our own path. Or perhaps, we allow ourselves to be influenced by others. However influenced, the final choice is our responsibility. We have to live with the path we've chosen, that's what life is all about, finding our way. Stumbling around in the dark trying to make out the shadows lurking around every corner before they grab hold of us. It's not always easy. Things can happen out of our control. Of course, you could always give up control; to no longer be responsible, allowing someone else to make the decisions for you. Would that be considered the easy way out? Who would willingly give up control?
I met Calvin my freshman year of college, the end of the winter quarter. My college roommate, Sandy and some of her friends invited me to tag along with them to a near by pub. Normally, I enjoy my Saturday nights having the dorm all to myself. Something I never had the opportunity to do at home, coming from a large family full of noisy sisters and brothers. I enjoy curling up reading a romantic novel. I especially love reading novels that took me far away from life's normal reality, a story where I could become kidnapped or pretended be the stranded female in need of saving and the center of attention. The opportunity to meet a prince, the man of my dreams, knight in shining armor, since I feared I'd never meet any in real life. I was a little comprehensive to go at first since I just purchased a book that I wanted to dive right into but finally agreed to go out with them. Sandy was right; it had been too long since our last girl's night out. I needed to be more social and stop being a bookworm.
We found an empty table on the other side of the dance floor, which was extremely crowded. We sat down and a waiter came over to take our orders. I was planning on just ordering a soft drink but Sandy winked at me and ordered two Blue Lagoons, knowing I'd love to lick the sweet blue sugar from the glass rim.
The music changed to a faster beat, giggling the girls rushed to the dance floor. Sandy held out her hand for me to go dance with them, but I shook my head and remained seated. I wasn't much of a dancer, especially in a public place. I was shy, lack of confidence and was a much better listener and people watcher.
I looked around the pub as I sipped my drink, wondering how much blue dye from the sugar stained my lips and teeth. I suddenly found myself meeting eyes with a guy in the back corner of the room. I stared for a few seconds then immediately turn away from him, embarrassed. His image was instantly burnt into my memory, as if I'd seen him millions of times before. As I closed my eyes, I could still see him and the darkness in his eyes. The attraction was so strong between us in just one glance; I didn't even realize I was holding my breath. I gasped for air and felt a cold shiver run through my body.
He was dressed all in black, with coal black hair and the darkest eyes I had ever seen. He scared me, and yet, he fascinated me. I couldn't overcome the temptation to glance at him again. I slowly turned my head his direction again but his chair was now empty.
Fearfully, I glanced around the room to locate him but he was nowhere to be found. My heart sank with disappointment and I sipped on my drink until it was gone, setting the empty glass on the table.
The waiter approached, I thought to retrieve the empty glass and see if I wanted another drink, but instead he slipped me a note with a smile. Waiting till the waiter was out of my sight, I opened the paper up and read it. Meet me on the patio, signed... Calvin.
I walked over to Sandy on the dance floor with the other girls.
"Where is the patio?" I asked her.
"It's through the next room in the back of the building. But Tonya, it is only open in the warm weather," she tried to finish her words, as I was walking away. I made my way through the crowd. Pushed on the glass door, it opened. As the cool night wind blew, I wrapped my coat tighter around me.
I stepped out onto the cement pad and noticed a path had been shoveled clear of the snow. I followed the path around the corner of the building and in front of me was a table with a vase of roses and several burning candles. I smiled and bent down to smell the roses. Upon straighten back up, I felt a hand on my shoulder turning me around, then a hand covered my mouth quickly. I didn't even have time to gasp. One hand was on my neck holding me firm and almost on tiptoe toes. My eyes grew wide with fear. I froze, as I once again looked deeply into the strangers' dark eyes. I wasn't afraid he would hurt me, was I? No, I assured myself I wasn't. I was afraid of how I sensed he could read my thought and learn my innermost secrets. Secrets I never thought I would ever reveal to another living person.
His eyes seemed to burn holes through me, heating me up from the cold outside elements. I found myself getting so turned on; my breasts pointed out through my shirt and unfastened coat. Just as I had these thoughts, he glanced down at them; first one breast and then the next, and back to meet my eyes once more. How my body longed for him to caress my breast. They ached to be touched and fondled by him.
When he was sure he had my full attention, he began to speak to me, almost in a whisper. "Your eyes, your body has already spoken to me. They urge me to do things you've only dreamed about. Your secret desires and your fantasies can become... reality. All you have to do is surrender them to me. Do you think you can trust me?" he asked.
Slowly I shook my head, yes unable to answer verbally with his hand still clasped over my mouth. My heart trusted him the moment our eyes met inside the pub. My body surrendered to him instantly, it was my brain fighting it.
"Listen very carefully to me. I want you to be my pet. To be pampered, loved and taken care of in more ways than you can imagine. Your every need would be provided for. You would not be hurt, but you must obey and surrender your will to me, to learn to trust and depend on me completely. It would not happen overnight, it requires a long journey, but in the end, you will be pleased with your accomplishments. I know this is something you want. Do not deny it. It excites you to turn over control," he smiled.
"First, I need to know it is your choice, your decision to make. If you chose to turn and leave, you are free to go." As he released his grasp on me, I felt my head spinning. I blamed it on the drink. I slowly shook my head up and down with my eyes never leaving his.
"Yes," I whispered softly.
Did I just answer him? Was that my voice saying yes? This guy was a stranger, I didn't even know him, my inner voice was screaming stop but I answered with my heart, not my head. My mind kept objecting, but my body was screaming, YES! Take me and do whatever you want with me. I'm yours totally.
He put his hands on both sides of my face. Holding my cheeks tightly, he kissed me deeply. I closed my eyes and felt in a dreamy state. I felt like melted butter in his hands. My knees were weak and I worried I might fall down if he removed his hands to quickly. I didn't fall however when he reached over and put the candles out. He handed me the roses from the vase.
"Go back inside now and tell your girlfriends, you ran into an old friend. He will bring you back, after your visit.
I obeyed him; my feet moving as instructed as if in a trance. I found Sandy still on the dance floor and repeated the words Calvin spoke to me mindlessly. She kissed me good-bye on the cheek and I smiled without showing my confusion, the battle going on inside me between mind and body.
Outside, Calvin stood waiting for me. We walked silently to his car. He opened the car door and after a heavy breath, I got in. He drove a short distance from the pub, we could have walked in warmer weather it was so close. I felt a little safer, knowing if something happened, I could always run back to Sandy!
It was a small apartment, nothing fancy but it was tidy and he lived alone. I don't know what I expected, a castle maybe? He took my coat and offered me a drink. I declined the drink, wanting to keep my wits about me. He fixed himself one and then walked into the living room where I was standing. He did not ask me to sit down so I remained standing, looking around.
He sat down in the leather chair in the corner.
"Strip dance for me," he said calmly.
"What?" I replied, thrown off guard, not sure I heard him correctly.
"You heard me, I didn't stutter." He knew I didn't dance with my friends at the pub. He was testing me and I flunked with flying colors.
"Just strip for me. I want to see your body naked."
I nervously bit my lip debating what to do. This certainly wasn't what I expected to hear from him. He got up from the chair and stood in front of me.
"Come now. At your age you have been naked in front of a man before?" he asked.
I shook my head up and down, unable to speak.
"Well then, what's the problem?"
Where to begin, my brain thought silently while I stood looking down at the floor? I hardly knew the guy we had just met. He walked over to the stereo and turned on some slow soothing music but I still remained standing. He walked back over to me and placing his hands gently on my shoulders began to sway me side to side. We danced in the living room together slowly, with him kissing me and grabbing my ass with his hands from time to time, like small pinches. I began to relax and move more with the beat of the music. He stroked my hair and traced the outline of my lips with his thumb between kisses. He made me feel sexy and how I ate up the attention.
I was in a dreamy state again when he asked his second question.
"Have you made love to a man before, Tonya?
I wanted to answer, YES, I have only twice, with each time being disappointed and left dissatisfied. The first time was at a party, and the first time I was drunk. Perhaps the reason I limit myself now days. What a mistake that night turned out to be. The first time they say you will always remember it as being so special, I only wish I could forget it.
The second time was with a good friend whom I'd known for many years. It destroyed our friendship forever. Experienced yes, successful... NO! How could a man live up to the imaginary prince I created in my mind, not to mention the romantic novels? How could I not be disappointed? The real world was such a big disappointment, but isn't that what fantasies are? False ideas and dreams way out in left field somewhere? Secret desires and thoughts for ones own pleasure and entertainment? Calvin stopped dancing and looked into my eyes, bring me back to face reality again and to answer his question.
"Let's sit for a spell and get better aquatinted," he suggested. Calvin went back to the leather chair in the corner and I headed toward the sofa, the only seat left but he stopped me.
"Come sit here, on the carpet at my feet," he pointed. I obeyed and sank down onto the carpeted floor; it was softer than I expected. He positioned me with my back toward him, which I thought was a strange for us to talk to each other. I wanted to look at him, to look into his eyes some more. They seemed so magical and hypnotized me. They seemed to know how to comfort me and keep me from feeling afraid.
To my surprise, he took a hairbrush out of the drawer of the end table and began brushing my hair. I love to have my hair brushed. Sandy would always brush it to cheer me up when I was feeling down or home sick. It felt so good and relaxed me.
He asked me about my childhood, growing up and about college. About my roommates, friends and favorite things I liked to do. I wanted to learn something about him, but he ignored my questions and changed the subject when I tried to ask him a question. Finally I gave up trying.
After about an hour, which seemed to fly by, he quickly reached down and hoisted me up from the floor and laid me across him lap. I was shocked by his swiftness, completely surprised. He took the hairbrush and began spanking me. Not hard enough to leave a mark, but enough to cause me to yell out loud. I hadn't been spanked since my father spanked me as a young child.
"This is for not obeying me when I told you to strip dance for me earlier this evening. It would not have hurt you to dance as much as this paddling will hurt. Your disobedience will not be tolerated, I thought you already understood that." His tone was not harsh but firm and by his wrist movements, I knew he had done this before many times. Each smack was a little harder than the last. I didn't keep count but toward the end of the punishment, I was begging, pleading and wiggling all over his lap. To my surprise, my panties were getting pretty wet. He was exciting me.
As quickly as it started, it stopped. With one push, I was off of his lap and fell back roughly onto the carpeted floor below. When I realized where I was, Calvin had followed right behind me. He rolled me over and straddled my waist with one of his legs on either side of me. He had unfastened his pants and took out his hard cock. He grabbed both my hands and placed them around the base. When he let my hands go, I immediately removed them. I didn't mean it to be offensive or anything; it just was a natural instinct for me to withdrawal. I was feeling such a mixture of emotions. I wanted to make soft passionate love to Calvin, not give oral sex our first time together.
Calvin decided for me and his decision was to take me roughly. He pulled down my pants and panties and rammed his cock inside of me, in one hard thrust. I tried to push him off of me but he held my wrist together above my head with one of his hands. His other hand traveled and caressed my body. He lifted my shirt up and rubbed my breast. It felt good, even through my bra. Even though I had the feelings of being raped at first, I began to feel pleasure. I began to relax and enjoyed his touch. I lifted my legs and crossed then behind his back and moved to match his rhythm. Calvin released my hands, and gave me several sweet passionate kisses. He looked into my eyes and rubbed my lips and cheek with his thumb. I closed my eyes... and I came, moaning loudly, grinding my hips against his. Calvin was just moments after me. It was mystical, just as I dreamed sex could be. It was better than any novel I had ever read. Had found my prince finally?
Evelyn Petrovich is a Ukrainian born woman who over the period of her early life has seen crime almost constantly. Learning how to manipulate people and to use her wiles to obtain wealth and power in a criminal underworld, she got the nickname of "Ms Decadence" because she typically is seen wearing lavish clothing, such as a shiny gray dress, opera gloves, and smoking from a cigarette holder. Late in her adolescent life, she began to discover that she had control over the smoke from her...
A slight departure from the usual in both style and content. Also, and many of you might be thankful, is the length! I like the nameless aspect of this in that any of us can be the dancer, we can all feel how she feels if we want to, we can all sense the guilt, the desire and all of us have thought about the fear. The moral of the story, what's that I hear you cry? A Jennifer Richardson story with a moral? Not so much of a moral as a warning sign. I'd take it seriously if I was you,...
Wendy Takes a Shot of Vanilla Vic parked his beat-up yellow Volvo in the parking lot of the gated community. He’d had a bit of difficult finding the place but he was here finally. He’d gotten directions by the security guard where to go and now he was looking up at the three story Spanish Mission style home in a rather affluent section of San Diego. He looked at the flyer in his hand. He saw the number on the house. Yep… it was the place. Strange… there should have been more cars. The party...
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Wendy Takes a Shot of VanillaVic parked his beat-up yellow Volvo in the parking lot of the gated community. He'd had a bit of difficult finding the place but he was here finally. He'd gotten directions by the security guard where to go and now he was looking up at the three story Spanish Mission style home in a rather affluent section of San Diego. He looked at the flyer in his hand. He saw the number on the house. Yep... it was the place. Strange... there should have been more cars. The party...
She was five foot six, about 129 lbs. and very sophisticated looking in her short business skirt and white blouse; quite he didn't want to seem too young. Wendy Takes A Shot of Vanilla Vic parked his beat-up yellow Volvo in the parking lot of the gated community. He'd had a bit of difficult finding the place but he was here now. He'd gotten directions by the security guard where to go and now he was looking up at the three story Spanish Mission style home in a rather affluent...
InterracialThis story available only on Lush Stories.Ah, that oft-used, ill-used word “vanilla”. Vanilla essence, vanilla pods, vanilla custard… Sometimes, she supposed, a lass just wants a bit more spice in her life. Perhaps not so much that it requires the toilet roll to be left in the fridge overnight, but just enough to bring on the tingling lower regions' burn that speaks of a flavoursome dish that went down like a shot and filled the inside comfortably full. Tonight was going to be different....
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This story available only on Lush Stories. Ah, that oft-used, ill-used word “vanilla”. Vanilla essence, vanilla pods, vanilla custard… Sometimes, she supposed, a lass just wants a bit more spice in her life. Perhaps not so much that it requires the toilet roll to be left in the fridge overnight, but just enough to bring on the tingling lower regions’ burn that speaks of a flavoursome dish that went down like a shot and filled the inside comfortably full. Tonight was going to be different....
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Diane’s Decadence- A Party - Chapter ThreeSo all that activity in the previous chapter took place nearly twenty years ago. k**s have grown and flown the coop, though still nearby and one with her own k**s so now I’m a Grannie and loving it.Marriage to Dave has continued in rather pleasant circumstances since he is still my best mate and we enjoy our lives together. Sex has dropped off a bit but great when it happens. I’d like more but Dave is not the fitness fanatic that he was though still...
Diane’s Decadence - Chapter TwoA MarriageAs soon as we became husband and wife, life seemed to change imperceptibly. We almost became serious and since we both were fully qualified accountants we decided to start our own practice. We imagined we could move to the suburbs and attract enough clients to keep us both occupied and thus we did. Bought an old house in a nice suburb set up an office downstairs and lived upstairs and hung a shingle out advertising our business. - and successful we were....
Dianne’s Decadence - Chapter OneAn Open Upbringing This is another from one of those wonderful mature women for whom I search the world and who have given so much pleasure over the years. I only met Dianne once, when she handed me the USB stick with her story on at a party organised by the mutual friend (Elspeth) who convinced Dianne to write this story for me. I’ll let her tell her own story.Writing this was almost like therapy to assuage any remnants of guilt I may have had over how this...
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‘Tell me a fantasy.’ ‘What? No way. I don’t know you nearly well enough.’ ‘Come on, Rachel, we’ve worked together what – four years now?’ ‘But do we really know the people we work with? What they really think?’ ‘And which ones wear leather underwear?’ ‘Ewww…thongs would be gross enough.’ ‘So what sort of underwear do you wear?’ ‘I won’t tell you.’ ‘So will you show me?’ Rachel blushed a charming shade of pink, her cheeks matching her lipstick. Spring had finally sprung, and I had...
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I’m Jack, your average married 55 year old guy. I keep fit through hard work. My long suffering wife Julie, is eight years my junior and has a lovely curvy figure with a great pair of breasts. We’ve been married some 20 years and we’ve got used to vanilla sex. Don’t get me wrong, I LIKE VANILLA but sometimes I would like a curry! I’m stretched out on our bed naked, bound hand and foot. The sun streaming through the picture windows in our bungalow. 5 minutes ago Julie called me in to the...
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In the dark hours of the night, Tokyo screams with noise. Never silent, never peaceful, and never finished. ' aishite mo ii kai? yureru yoru ni aragamama de ii yo matto fukaku kurushii kurai ni nareta kuchibiru ga tokeau hodoni boku wa...kimi no...vanilla' rang through the house. The sound of Gackt: Vanilla sang it's tempting melody in the hotel room. Translation is ' Would it be ok to love, too, in this trembling night? Just like this... harder, deeper... At the grind of your lips...
I left early my office and caught the train during the rush hour. My nice car was broken down at the garage and the train was the best chance for me to meet my good girlfriend Jenna; to arrange a birthday party in a club.It was summer time and that warm day I was dressed up in a tight black fitting top, with no bra; a silk short and a pair of sexy stilettos…As I was standing and waiting for the train, I got some attention from men around, when my skirt lift up with the light breeze. I could...
Introduction:A short, vague beginning to a long seriesA word of warning: I am a very wordy writer and my stories are almost more about the stories and characters than the sex. If this isn't your cup of tea and you're looking for raunchy stories that get right into it, this story and others by me are not for you. This chapter is the prologue and is thus intentionally vague to begin with and somewhat heavy with exposition. I predict this series will go on for many, many chapters but I know it...
This is a short story, albeit real, about patience and some good plain vanilla sex. I am a 41 year old married man who has a strong appetite for sex. Much stronger than my wife, which is why I play and explore. I had met an individual that had posted on Craigslist Houston in the casual encounters or W4M back in May 2012. It was an interesting and sweet post, so I responded. We sent a number of e-mails back and forth and there was a sweet quality in each one. Her photo was just as sweet. ...
I am Sunny Thakur. I belong to a typical Indian family from Himachal. I have been staying in Delhi since my education days. I have been in a serious relationship with my girlfriend for over two years, and we have had sexual activities for a long time. She was the first girl I slept with. I have written two stories about our sex adventures, and readers can read them on my profile. However, she hesitates to try new activities, unlike me and prefers vanilla sex. She would boldly refuse any...
Die Geschichte ist einfach nur erfunden (bis auf das Klassentreffen, das fand wirklich statt). Mir ist das ganze eingefallen als ich auf der A2 zwischen Magdeburg und Berlin unterwegs war. In Stichpunkten habe ich sie in einen Kundenmeeting in Berlin aufgeschrieben. Ich hoffe die Story gef?llt euch und bin offen f?r jegliche Art von Kritik. Granberry and Vanilla Die Einladung zum Klassentreffen bekam ich per Email von meinen ehemaligen Schulfreund Ralf. Es sollte ein b...
Chapter 1 The long road to the final selection for the ballet company of the Moscow Royal Ballet was fraught with many tears and disappointments along the way. Natasha Androprovich had never really believed she would one day be going into the director's office for the final selection interview. She had just finished a long early morning exercise and was jumping with excitement to get the whole thing finished. Natasha knew she had only a 50-50 chance of getting selected for the opening...
Tuesday 5th February 2002: I am in the changing rooms of The Heights leisure centre in Sandown. I have swum a mile then spent about thirty minutes luxuriating in the sauna, Jacuzzi and steam room. I’m glowing and feel really relaxed. I have also taken the week off work to wind down. I take my mobile out of my back pack and switch it on. There is a pause before the message alert sounds. Pop round for a cuppa when you’re ready x It’s from Glacier Heart. Glacier Heart is the ex wife of one of my...
Hi my name is Amy, I’m roughly nineteen and a student at Southampton. My boyfriend Will is away for the weekend, and I’m already getting frustrated. You may know my big sister Annie, better known as Anna Dominatrix, who always loved to boss me around when we were younger.My first memory of watching her having sex, other than masturbation - which we always did together under the bedclothes, was when she brought a girlfriend home from school.They were naked in the back garden - I don’t think...
Having my profile at a vanilla dating site I was curiously running through profiles of 55+ ladies.The next day a message arrived from a 56 year old lady asking if I was shy to aks her out. Out of boredom I decided to respond if she was in for dinner at friday nigth.Before I knew I was having dinner with her the next friday. She was good looking for her age, slightly overweigth and did know how to dress wearing high heel boots and a nice dress.Actually I had a wonderful evening and she asked for...
Kira was on her way to the gym for a late night swim since she had nothing better to do at home. This meant that she had to sneak into the school in order to do so but it didn't really matter to her. Kira stood at 5' 7" and weighed only 105lbs with shoulder length blond hair and light green eyes that always held a mischievous glint. Her skin was fairly tanned from all the nude sunbathing she did with a perky c-cup tits topped with strawberry nipples. She had nicely round ass that many guys...
LesbianChapter 1: Time to Decide Jack sipped at his coffee as Annie came down the stairs. Coffee had become one of his favorite drinks in college, which was not surprising given how little sleep he seemed to get with all of his classes. "Ready?" she asked. Jack felt his hand go to the pocket of his vest, where the black bracelet weighed nothing except in his mind. "I don't know, Annie..." "Oh, come on, Jack, we talked about this all night. What happened to your sense of adventure?" "It was...
Carl Joliet had been an avid film buff. It might have been one of the reasons he’d courted and married Jenny James: though she was a simple girl from a simple family she’d reminded him of Jayne Mansfield, and that, some people thought, was reason enough for him. They had been quite happy together, and in the fifth year of their marriage Jenny had given birth to a daughter. Carl had insisted she be called Jayne. Jenny never knew why, but she thought it sounded nice, so Jayne it was. When she...
CHAPTER 1 The bar clock was showing 7:00 and everyone from the office who weren’t already a couple were pairing off, with a couple of exceptions. Jane McClay remained the power of one because no one ever paired off with her. She gritted, thinking any guy who wanted to couple could plunge into her in the cloakroom and she wouldn’t even demand use of a condom. ‘Yeah?’ ‘Yeah.’ Tony Allen from accounts, pulling on his coat in the cloakroom, said, ‘I’m going your way Jane. Want a ride?’ God, he...
Plain old Bob Janet L. Stickney [email protected] My name, like the rest of my life doesn't make me stand out. Bob. Plain old Bob. I'm only 5'7" tall, average to thin build, weighing maybe 135. I have light brown hair and blue eyes. Just your average fellow. Not big enough to play on a sports team, not smart enough to hide behind a geeky face, or even try acting. My tenor voice doesn't carry well I was told. I don't even have a girlfriend. All in all, I go through the endless...
Plain Jane Or Beautiful Bethany Once upon a time a couple of months ago there were these two sisters, Jane and Bethany or as the kids in school called them…Plain Jane and Beautiful Bethany. Jane was fifteen years old and her younger sister Bethany was fourteen years old. As you can well imagine, Bethany was absolutely beautiful and every boy in school wanted to get in her panties. On the other hand Jane was just an ordinary girl that pretty much went unnoticed. Bethany had...
There was a woman at work that everyone liked but she was really plain looking. Jane was in her late 20's and dressed like a much older woman. Her dresses were baggy and her hair was an unattractive shortish curly mop. She never wore make-up and her face was unremarkable. However she was friendly and had a cute smile.One day she came with a bunch of us for an end of week drink and I offered to see her home. It was about a mile to her place and we decided to walk. The winter night air was...
That night she took me to our bedroom wearing nothing but her engagement ring. Her smooth cocoa skin and hardened dark chocolate nipples caressed my skin as we professed our love for one another. After making love for over an hour I teased her about how she didn’t even need any dick tonight after she came so many times from the foreplay. We laid there nude enjoying the cool breeze from the ceiling fan as my hand rested on her glistening body. She began to squeeze my now deflated manhood and...
--------------------------------------------------- So, I just read someone's sex blog, and it sucked. She's obviously a virgin. So here goes my attempt: My girlfriend and I were sexting, and things got a little heavy. Suddenly I heard a knock at my door and there she was, wearing her big overcoat and some heels. "Hey babydoll," I purred softly, pulling her into my house and shutting the door. "I couldn't take all the teasing anymore," she muttered, grabbing my hand and...
This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. The episode of Being A Romantic Stud had gone rather skewiff. Following his wife’s attempt at spicing up their lovemaking (when would he ever manage to call it a sex life?), he had made an attempt of his own. He had actually listened to her throwaway comment whilst watching a period drama, about thinking there was nothing sexier than the sight of a man rising from the water with his clothes clinging...
“You’re breaking up with me?” I asked softly, my eyes focused on the grey city skyline beyond the bedroom window. “Not… breaking up,” Ivan said uncomfortably. “I just think we should… y’know… have a break.” I literally could not believe the audacity of this man. Here we were, lying naked in his bed on a Sunday morning and he’d chosen now to end our four year relationship. I felt the tears creep into my eyes and hurriedly blinked them away. Now was not a good time to turn on the fucking...
I grab a fistful of your silky gold locks, exposing your neck. I bite into it with passion, like a vampire sucks blood. I inhale your skin and suck your bottom lip into mine. I nibble your ear and flick my tongue. I bite into your shoulder, while running my hands to and fro over your body. I am excited at your scent and the color of our skin, brown and crème gets me hard. Your body is so soft and inviting. I place my hands in yours and devour your breasts, pressing them with my tongue. I lick...
I was lucky enough to find the love of my life at an early age. Yvette and I met our junior year of college and have been inseparable ever since. I had never experienced a woman who matched me mentally and sexually.A woman who would point out a great ass and not feel as though it diminished her own amazing body. Yvette and I are both overly sexual and have enjoyed some amazing experiences over the last couple of years. Although I always suspected that Yvette was bi she did not introduce this...
I am an older 50 something white male who does not consider himself , smooth or good looking... I am carrying 20 extra pounds on a 6 foot frame. Sightly heavy, but not sloppySo, I went to a swinger club with a lady friend of mine and started talking to many people I knew and many I did not. There was this black women, in her mid thirties and I started talking to her... Telling her how much I like chocolate She was 5'11 184 pounds. Large boobsShe was there to meet some guy she was talking to on...
Introduction:The third chapter in a very long seriesThis explains so much. "So just to be clear, all of the porn you've watched is like this.""This is the only porn I watch.""What do you mean the only porn you watch?""Like, this is the only porn I watch.""What, like this genre?""No, this movie."" Just this movie." "Yes.""...How many times have you watched it?""...Twice." Holy fuck.I rested the bridge of my nose in between my thumb and forefinger. Oh my God this explains so much."So...
Introduction:The second chapter in a very long seriesI know it's been forever. Sorry.____________________________________________________________my life is over my life is over my life is over my life is over my life is over my life is over my life is overMorning. 7:45. My parents are already up. Coffee's probably on. My alarm's gonna go off in 5 minutes. My mom's gonna wake up Cody in 10 minutes. He'll actually get up in 20. I fucked my sister 7 hours ago. We're gonna have to ride in the same...
Introduction:The first chapter in a very long seriesPlease read the prologue if you haven't already. This chapter starts at the actual beginning of the story and is thus even more detailed and exposition-y than the prologue. The pace is crazy slow but I really want this story right. Sorry if it's too long winded for you. The haul is still long and I hope you enjoy.____________________________________________________________Now you're wondering how a brother and sister started out on the path to...
This is an encounter of my ‘night stand’ experience with my long distance boyfriend! We weren’t dating since very long but both of us were sex addicts and it mattered to us the most! So he decided to come down to Mumbai and we decided to take up a room with the only intention that he wanted to bang me hard! He was the kinds who liked to dominate in bed and liked to indulge in a lot of sex toys and foreplay! And he had carried a lot of stuff to ensure a kinky night! We started the night by...
This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. The episode of Being A Romantic Stud had gone rather skewiff. Following his wife’s attempt at spicing up their lovemaking (when would he ever manage to call it a sex life?), he had made an attempt of his own. He had actually listened to her throwaway comment whilst watching a period drama, about thinking there was nothing sexier than the sight of a man rising from the water with his clothes clinging...
Oral Sex